#major bracket group a
major bracket round 4 group a
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art of jonathan and martin by @snekberry!
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
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Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady, Sabrina, Roman Holiday)—Growing up, Audrey Hepburn desperately wanting to be a professional ballerina, but she was starved during WWII and couldn't pursue her dream due to the effects of malnourishment. After she was cast in Roman Holiday, she skyrocketed to fame, and appeared in classics like My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's. She's gorgeous, and mixes humor and class in all of her performances. After the majority of her acting career came to close, she became a UNICEF ambassador.
Jean Seberg (Breathless, Saint Joan)— Some of us watched À bout de souffle as a lil French undergrad and had the trajectory of our lives changed by Jean Seberg. She IS French new wave!! She is the moment!! She sadly had to work with a lot of shitty directors in her career but even so, she has this magnetic energy whenever she’s on screen. In her personal life, she was also very supportive of civil rights causes, and was even targeted/harassed by the FBI for financially supporting the Black Panther Party.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Jean Seberg:
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anyone who plays Joan of Arc is kind of hot by default tbh
she's gorgeous, she's cool, she has the original blond pixie cut
She donated a lot of her money to civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the black panther party as well as Native American school groups, as a result of this the fbi ran a smear campaign against her and a surveillance campaign which is thought to have led to her suicide tragically.
idk if this is propaganda but the COINTELPRO and the FBI are widely blamed for her death. If the FBI was after her for supporting the Black Panther Party you know she was good
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Audrey Hepburn:
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"She may be a wispy, thin little thing, but when you see that girl, you know you're really in the presence of something. In that league there's only ever been Garbo, and the other Hepburn, and maybe Bergman. It's a rare quality, but boy, do you know when you've found it." - Billy Wilder
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Raised money for the resistance in nazi occupied Hungary. Became a humanitarian after retiring. Two very sexy things to do!
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where to begin......... i wont her so bad. i literally dont know what to say.
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My dude. The big doe eyes, the cheekbones, the voice. The flawless way she carried herself. She was never in a movie where she wasn't drop dead gorgeous. Oh, also the fact she raised funds against the Nazis doing BALLET and she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her humanitarian work.
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"It’s as if she dropped out of the sky into the ’50s, half wood-nymph, half princess, and then disappeared in her golden coach, wearing her glass slippers and leaving no footprints." - Molly Haskell
"All I want for Christmas is to make another movie with Audrey Hepburn." - Cary Grant
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I know people nowadays are probably sick of seeing her with all the beauty and fashion merch around that depicts her and/or Marilyn Monroe but she is considered a classic Hollywood beauty for a reason. Ironically in her day she was more of the alternative beauty when compared to many of her contemporaries. She always came off with such elegance and grace, and she was so charming. Apparently she was a delight to work with considering how many of her co-stars had wonderful things to say about her. Outside of her beauty and acting ability she was immensely kind. She helped raise funds for the Dutch resistance during WWII by putting on underground dance performances as well as volunteering at hospitals and other small things to help the resistance. During her Hollywood career and later years she worked with UNICEF a lot. Just an all around beautiful person both inside and out.
No one could wear clothes in this era like she could. She was every major designer's favorite star and as such her films are time capsules of high fashion at the time. But beyond that, she had such an elegance in her screen presence that belied a broad range of ability. From a naive princess, to a confused widow, to a loving and mischievous daughter, she could play it all.
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Look at that woman's neck. Don't you want to bite it?
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csuitebitches · 5 months
Book Review- The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich, by Rainer Zitelmann Notes
I came across this book because I was looking for psychology books. I found the first of the book rather boring and too textbook-y. The second part is much better.
The author interviewed like 45 millionaire - billionaires. These were his findings.
48% stated that real estate was an ‘important’ source of their wealth, and one in ten described real estate as the ‘most important’ aspect of their personal wealth-building. And a total of 20% described stock market gains as an ‘important’ factor in wealth-building, although in this case only 2.4% stated that this was the ‘most important’ factor in building their wealth.
‘Creative intelligence’ is key to financial success. The following is a comparison between the percentage of entrepreneurs (and in brackets the percentage of attorneys) who agreed that the following factors played a decisive role in their financial success: seeing opportunities others do not see: 42 (19); finding a profitable niche: 35 (14).
The role of habitus
* Intimate knowledge of required codes of dress and etiquette
* Broad-based general education
* An entrepreneurial attitude, including an optimistic outlook on life
* Supreme self-assurance in appearance and manner.
He identifies a key quality that is essential for any prospective appointee to the executive board or senior management of a major company: habitual similarities to those who already occupy such positions.
Skillset of Entrepreneurs
* The ‘conqueror’. The entrepreneur has to have the ability to make plans and a strong will to carry them out.
* The ‘organizer’. The entrepreneur has to have the ability to bring large numbers of people together into a happy, successful creative force.
* The ‘trader’. What Sombart describes as a ‘trader’, we would more likely call a talented salesperson today. The entrepreneur has to “confer with another, and, by making the best of your own case and demonstrating the weakness of his, get him to adopt what you propose. Negotiation is but an intellectual sparring match.”
Entrepreneurial success personality traits
* Commitment
* Creativity
* A high degree of extroversion
* Low levels of agreeableness
Entrepreneurial success personality traits
* Orientation towards action after suffering disappointments (the entrepreneur remains able to act, even after failure)
* Internal locus of control (the conviction “I hold my destiny in my own two hands”)
* Optimism (the expectation that the future holds positive things in store)
* Self-efficacy (the expectation that tasks can be performed successfully, even in difficult circumstances).
constant power struggles with their teachers in order to ascertain who would emerge the stronger from such confrontations.
Secret of selling
* Empathy
* Didactics
* Expert knowledge
* Networking.
Conscientiousness is the dominant personality trait. Extroversion is also very common among the interviewees. Openness to Experience is very common
A high tolerance to frustration is one of the most characteristic personality traits of this group.
exceptionally high levels of mental stability.
primarily characterize entrepreneurs as being prepared to swim against the current and make their decisions irrespective of majority opinion.
“No, I never did that (lost my temper). I never get loud. But I can be resolute and say: “That is unacceptable.” And then you either have to go your separate ways or make a decision that the other party might not like. It’s the same in negotiations. I was always described by other people as a bit of a toughie.”
Having the courage to stand against majority opinion is probably a prerequisite for making successful investments, as this is what makes it possible to buy cheap and sell high.
Many of the interviewees spoke about their ability to switch off and direct their focus, even in the event of major problems. The interviewees consistently referred to their ability to focus on solutions, rather than torturing themselves with problems.
At least in the initial phases of wealth creation, most of the interviewees rated their own risk profiles as very high. This changes during the stabilization phase, when risk profiles decrease. In this phase, the hypothesis of moderate risk does apply.
Conscientiousness was the interviewees’ most dominant personality trait. It is important to remember that the Big Five theory’s definition of conscientiousness does not just include qualities such as duty, precision, and thoroughness, but also emphasizes diligence, discipline, ambition, and stamina.
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Round 2 Group C Match 2
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expand for propaganda ↓ (major wall of text warning + videos. very.)
Jonny Greenwood:
"Every art girl's (and boy's) wet dream"
"He wrote the tourist. That's all you need."
"Repeat from my Thom propaganda but he was a part of it so anyways. I had a dream once where I met him and Thom on the street and asked them to sign my Pablo Honey CD, so Thom pushed me into open traffic and I got hit by a car and died and Jonny laughed his ass off. 10/10, my last sight before death was his beautiful face laughing."
"I could probably snap him like a twig but I want to marry him and have 3 children with him before I do that"
"Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose 1/5 of Radiohead. Choose 1/5 of In Rainbows. Choose the man who wrote weird fishes, both Greenwood sisters ,the man in South Park, his telecaster and the stickers on it. Choose the bug Jacqueline Kennedy, his love for literature and poetry, and his lovely lisp. Choose his sublime score for Phantom Thread and his husband Paul Thomas Anderson. Choose the weird amount of straight men who thirst over him in the YouTube comment section. Choose his jawbone. Choose the most pretentious, unpretentious member of the band. Choose his silky hair and his (probably) Dove shampoo. Choose his great knowledge of music theory and how he often disregards it. Choose Astroboy's biggest fanboy (minus maybe Thom. Choose a very hot Alex James who eloped with a fish. Choose Jonny Greenwood. Choose your future. Choose life… Involuntary Trainspotting reference but please vote Jonny over Wario. Oh, and( even though Jonny lives in Italy at the moment), I live in Oxford and if I meet him, I'll tell him that he won."
"He keeps chickens guys, CHICKENS"
"I'm a straight guy but no joke Jonny is hot tbh maybe it's cuz he looks like a chick but like damnnnn"
"He's so gorgeous....kinda like an ant 😍😍😍😍"
Mike Patton:
"Mike didn't consistently wear BDSM masks matched with boiler suits and lick Trevor Dunn on stage just to lose this bracket. Also, if you don't think he's hot in every which way, you clearly haven't seen this: https://youtu.be/gjEbHBafvm0 or this: https://youtu.be/i9_hCjcFNO0 or this: https://youtu.be/Kfq7wHJu21c"
"Mike Patton collaborated with basically everyone who's anyone in music, and he speaks Italian too. He's great in a live show. And Mr. Bungle is unmatched and unparalleled, full stop."
"I'm a lesbian but I find him insanely attractive which I think says a lot"
"whenever mike arches his back and screams a part of my soul leaves my body and is shattered by the soundwaves."
"all you need to do to love mike is watch this: https://youtu.be/0gq_Jn41iMM&t=1375 the fact that he blurts that out and then super casually goes into the song leaves me crying with rage and hormones every time I see it"
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Round Four - Bracket Two [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time]
Zelda Donovan vs Dale Lee
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Propaganda under the cut (Contains major spoilers for Fantasy High and The Unsleeping City)
Zelda Donovan - She/her
Campaign: Fantasy High, The Seven
Who is she?
Zelda Donovan is a shy student at Aguefort Adventuring Academy, whose locker is next to Gorgug's. She is a member of the The Seven Maidens.
Who is the NPC of All Time?
A sweet goat woman. Full of rage. Loves her girl group and boyfriend. Was nearly sacrificed to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Loves a lot of metal.
World's most relatable teenage girl and the literal goat.
Dale Lee - He/him
Campaign: The Unsleeping City
Who is he?
Dale Lee is the husband of Sofia Lee. It was originally believed that Dale left Sofia for Isabella Infierno, but it is later revealed that Dale is deceased.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
He fought his way out of heaven for his wife. That's cool as fuck.
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Welcome to Best Adaptation Tournament
Adapting a work from one medium to another is hard, and fans are impossible to please, but occasionally, you get the adaptation that do the OG justice, perhaps even elevates it. We voted for what we hate at @book-was-better and @booktomoviebrawl, now we find the adaptions we love.
For the purpose of this tournament an adaptation is...
A work which transfers a piece of art from one medium to another.
Any medium counts as long as it's different from the OG
An adaptation must have the same protagonist(s) and share major plot points with the OG. There can be changes from the original but it should not be focused on whole new plot.
The following were excluded from nomination:
Harry Potter
Manga to anime adaptations with no change in content
Polls are tagged with #tournament poll.
Polls will be queued at the rate of 4 posts per day.
I don't feel like putting it in a bracket graph buuuuut the grouping will follow the order below. The 4 black lines in the middle divides the semi-finalist candidates. I tried to group by genre and target audience.
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A full list of nominations can be viewed here.
Remember: You're voting on the better* ADAPTATION of the source material, not necessarily your favorite work.
Which means if you're not familiar with both adaptation AND OG of BOTH works, vote this:
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*Better does not necessarily mean more accurate. If you feel like the adaptation has improved upon the source material or did well on translating the story/themes to its new medium in a compelling way, that's also a valid reason.
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four-of-them-showdown · 5 months
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Diya, Akarsha, Min-seo, Noelle:
"silly group of good characters, all canon asian + queer. A quiet tall girl, hothead jock, memey girl and major nerd."
"theyre all gay and neurodivergent and cringy highschoolers and my silly little guys AND the first letters of their names put together spells DAMN what more do u want"
Shigeo, Ritsu, Teruki, Shou:
No propaganda!
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*As a kind anon pointed out, the twins from Your Wings and Mine are actually named Raphael and Uriel. Sorry for the inconvenience
Walky and Sal, Damien and Sam, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and Sara and Siya are qualified for the bracket !
Raphael and Uriel have the majority of votes among the participants not qualified and join the bracket too
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Best Found Family Tournament
Submissions are closed.
Give me as much propaganda and images as possible. It gives your fams a higher chance of winning.
Every piece of propaganda and every picture or gif I get. In the submissions and in my asks will be added to the poll post every round.
Please inform me if any of the images or information are wrong. Or if you have a better image that I could use.
If there are any questions or requests of any sort. Askbox.
I try to reblog all the propaganda I get in my reblogs, but if you want to make sure I don't accidentally overlook yours, please tag me.
Inspired by other cool blogs like @bluehairandpronouns-tournament @gender-swag-bracket @bestsiblingstournament @musicalcharactertournament @dead-character-showdown @t4tswagbracket @thegreatbigdetectivepolll @trafficlighttriobracket @thebestcartoontournament @noncanongayestbitchestournament @animatedfightthrowdown @bestcharacterwithfirepowers
Links under the cut
Round 1:
Part 1:
The Runaways (Marvel's Runaways) vs The Knights of Camelot (BBC Merlin)
The Wayward Children (The Wayward Children / Every Heart a Doorway) vs Gekkagumi (A3!)
The Faraway Friends (OMORI) vs The Spring Troupe (A3!)
Bee Happy (Matilda) vs The Night at the Museum Gang (Night at the Museum)
Winter Troupe (A3!) vs Gwendolyn, The Will, Lying Cat and Sophie (Saga (Comic))
Part 2:
The SHIELD Team (Agents of SHIELD) vs Hershel Layton, Luke Triton & Flora Reinhold (Professor Layton Games)
The Band of Boobs (Not Another D&D Podcast) vs Saiki and his friends (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
The Third Mates/The Choo Choo Crew (Not Another D&D Podcast) vs The Crystal Gems (Steven Universe)
Team Dark (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Kipo & Wolf (Kipo)
Dethklok (Metalocalypse) vs The Robinsons (Meet the Robinsons)
Part 3:
Interview with the Vampire Vampires (Interview with the Vampire) vs The Forgers (Spy x Family)
The Mechanisms (The Mechanisms) vs The Scooby Gang (Scooby Doo)
Izumi & Sig Curtis & Edward & Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs The Clump (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
The Hamato Clan/Mad Dogz (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rottmnt)) vs Team Victor (Vicious)
The Black Bulls (Black Clover) vs The Leverage Crew (Leverage)
Part 4:
MASH team (M*A*S*H) vs The Behavioural Analysis Unit (Criminal Minds)
Spider Crew (So I'm A Spider So What?) vs The Joestar Group (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
RTDL Quarted (Kirby) vs The Avengers (MCU Fanfiction)
Brave Vesperia (Tales of Vesperia) vs The Animorphs (Animorphs)
The Dolls (The Sandman) vs Team Rocket (Pokémon)
Part 5:
The Love Trio (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun) vs Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Black Star, Death the Kid, Crona, Patty, Liz (Soul Eater)
The Gaang (Avatar the Last Airbender) vs Die Wilden Kerle (Die Wilden Kerle)
Alex & Jonas (Oxenfree) vs The Gluttony Crew (The Evillious Chronicles)
Watari & L Lawliet (Death Note) vs The Cat's Whiskers (Paradox Live)
The Rowdy 3 (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) vs Mae, Greg, Angus & Bea (Night in the Woods)
Part 6:
The Crew of the Serenity (Firefly & Serenity) vs The Crew of the Iris (The Strange Case of Starship Iris)
Lucifam (Lucifer) vs Team Bleck/Bleck Squad (Super Paper Mario)
The Ericson Kids (The Walking Dead Game) vs Accelerator, Last Order, Aiho Yomikawa, Kikyou Yoshikawa & Misaka Worst (A Certain Magical Index)
Squad 312 (the Aurora Cycle series) vs The Fatui Harbingers (Genshin Impact)
13 and the Gang (Doctor Who) vs Franchouchou (Zombie Land Saga)
Part 7:
Dadvid & Momgwen (Camp Camp) vs Bucci Gang/Team Bucciarati (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Akanyatsura (Paradox Live) vs 11s Fam (Doctor Who)
Team Red (Carmen Sandiego) vs The Ghosts (BBC Ghosts)
Firefam (9-1-1) vs Murder Family (Hannibal)
The Golden Deer (Fire Emblem) vs Mikazuki Villa (Magia Record)
Part 8:
NYPD Major Crimes (Prodigal Son) vs Diasomnia Fam (Twisted Wonderland)
Warden Ingo, Akari, Rei & Professor Laventon (Pokemon Legends Arceus) vs New Who Crew (Doctor Who)
Nahida & Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin Impact) vs The Circle Kids (Tamora Pierce's Emelan Universe (The Circle of Magic Quartet))
The Shazamily (Shazam!) vs The Clawthorne-Nocedas (The Owl House)
The Losers Club (It) vs The Mondstadt Crew (Genshin Impact)
Part 9:
The Entire Your Turn to Die Cast (Your Turn to Die) vs Funn Funerals & Eric (Wooden Overcoats)
Because You Made Me Smile (or Extended Tenma Household) (Project SEKAI) vs The Aurinko Crime Family (The Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel))
Silco & Jinx (Arcane) vs The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (& Associates) (GLOW)
Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn) vs MSR (The X-Files)
Ash & Pikachu (Pokémon) vs The Thief Gang/House of Orphans (The Thief Lord)
Part 10:
Powder, Vi, Vander, Mylo & Claggor (Arcane) vs Space Runaways (Saga (Comic))
The Victors of District 12 (The Hunger Games) vs The Killjoys (Killjoys)
The St Cassians Chamber Choir (Ride The Cyclone) vs Six of Crows/The Crows (Six of Crows)
The Gangsey (The Raven Cycle) vs Paper Girls (Paper Girls)
The Bad Kids (Dimension 20 - Fantasy High) vs The Drawtectives (Drawtectives (Drawfee))
Part 11:
Team Natsu (Fairy Tail) vs Yutaka, Minoru & Tane (Our Dining Table)
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn (Final Fantasy XIV) vs Neal Caffrey, Peter & Elizabeth Burke & Mozzie (White Collar)
Scoobies (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont & Alucard (Castlevania)
I.M.P. (Helluva Boss) vs The New Mutants (X-Men Comics)
The Bad Batch (The Bad Batch) vs Leorio, Kurapika, Gon & Killua (Hunter X Hunter)
Part 12:
Date-Sagan Family (AI: The Somnium Files) vs God Kids (Trials of Apollo)
Crew of the Per Aspera (Rolling with Difficulty) vs Reyna Ramirez & Nico Di Angelo (Riordanverse)
The Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death) vs The Crisis Management Team (Tomorrow)
Joel Miller & Ellie Williams (The Last of Us) vs Hotel OJ (Inanimate Insanity)
Wangxian + Junior Quartet (Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Untamed) vs Phoenix (MacGyver)
Part 13:
Nightchord25 (Project SEKAI) vs The Wayfarer's Crew (The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet)
Jessica, Aaron & Erica Slaughter (Something Is Killing the Children) vs Color Gang (Animation vs Minecraft/Animator vs Animation)
Sk8 Fam (Sk8 the Infinity) vs The Pilot Program (Misfits and Magic (Dimension 20))
Killing School Trip Survivors (Danganronpa 2) vs Sea Salt Family (Kingdom Hearts)
The Ten Companions of the Dragonmark (How To Train Your Dragon (Books)) vs Cohen-Atwood Family (The OC)
Part 14:
Arya Stark, Gendry Waters, Hot Pie (& Lommy Greenhands & Jaqen H'Gar) (A Song of Ice & Fire/Game of Thrones) vs Old World Group (Everworld)
Lightning Thief Trio (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs California Bureau of Investigation (The Mentalist)
Adora, Glimmer & Bow (She-Ra) vs Disaster Trio/The Clone Wars Trio (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008))
Kim Dokja's Company (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) vs 13 Flame Chasers (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Ren Amamiya, Futaba Sakura & Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5) vs Batfam (Batman Media (Wayne Family Adventures))
Part 15:
The Soul Squad (The Good Place) vs The Paladins of Voltron (Voltron: Legendary Defenders)
Inheritance Gang (Eragon/the Inheritance Cycle) vs Strawhat Pirates (One Piece)
10's Crew (Doctor Who) vs Clementine & Lee Everett (The Walking Dead Game)
Wendy, Soos, Stanford, Stanley, Dipper, Mabel & Waddles (Gravity Falls) vs The Local Group (Rain World)
Five Eccentrics/Five Oddballs (Ensemble Stars) vs The Luminary, Erik, Serena, Veronica, Sylvando, Jade, Rab & Hendrik (Dragon Quest XI)
Part 16:
The Meta Knights (Kirby) vs The Queens from the Musical Six (Six)
Shroud Bros (Twisted Wonderland) vs Natsume's Protection Squad (Natsume's Book of Friends)
The Long Island Vampires & Guillermo (What We Do In The Shadows) vs The Octotrio (Twisted Wonderland)
The Lupin Gang (Lupin III) vs The Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings)
The Gang (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) vs Regina Mills, Emma Swan & Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Part 17:
Torchwood Team (Torchwood) vs MANKAI Company (A3!)
Julie and the Phantoms (Julie and the Phantoms) vs Yeo Joon, Kim So-Bin & Nam Soo-Hyun (At a Distance Spring is Green)
Second Nonary Game Group (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors) vs Chosen Siblings (Pokespe/Pokemon Adventures)
The Seven Birds/IPRE/Starblaster Crew (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Boys from the Dwarf (Red Dwarf)
The Tiny Giant Duo (The BFG) vs The Greendale 7/The Study Group (Community)
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relatableblorbopoll · 6 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 5
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Melissa Chase (Milo Murphy’s Law)
"Her self worth is entirely based on her grade point average and getting straight As. She can’t remember anything, ever (specific examples include forgetting her maths book regularly, her student pass for the subway, and how many days are in February). However, she CAN remember the blood type of every president. She is terrible at throwing She gets visually upset when she realises that a plan was changed last minute, and that an academic event she expected to do well in was combined with a sporting event, giving no time to prepare for the new event She freaks OUT when she thinks she’s going to disappoint her headteacher- she doesn’t seem to expect to be given any actual punishment, just that the headteacher will be disappointed and think that she’s irresponsible She has a whole conspiracy room in her house dedicated to researching her best friend’s medical condition- Murphy’s Law being an interest that she is clearly very passionate about and interested in. she does all of that and still can’t remember her maths book. relatable queen her ambition in life is to be a “journalist, and queen of the universe” "
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
"A ball of stress and anxiety. She's always angry because nobody listens to her, cares about her feelings, or believes her about anything, which tbh is like the quintessential teenage girl experience. Secretly just wants her parents to recognise and appreciate her."
V-Flower (Vocaloid)
"they believe that people only care about them when they are in pain"
Ciaphas Cain (Warhammer 40k)
"Don't let the sharp jawline and the mutton-chops fool you: Ciaphas Cain has no idea what he's fucking doing and would very much like to not be here right now. He is a high-ranking Commissar, essentially a walking morale boost for Imperial Guard soldiers and one of the only symbols of hope in the grimdark Warhammer 40k universe. He also has no idea how he got the job or how to get the hell out. Commissar Cain spends all his time accidentally doing magnificent bastard things while trying to run away from danger and dying inside. Over the course of his books, he's named Hero of the Imperium, has a hot mommy inquisitor fall in love with him, and saves hundreds of planets per panic attack he has. His cowardice and impostor syndrome are second only to my own, and that's why he's just like me fr."
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson series)
"he's got big no thoughts head empty energy! he loves his friends and girlfriends SO much (more most YA characters, i think; he would have no qualms about sacrificing the world to save the people he loves, which goes against the typical hero). he is almost always ready to fight a bitch. he has adhd and accidentally says things he shouldnt all the time (but this has made him good at problem-solving, bc he creates a LOT of problems for himself)"
MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
"Oooooh boy where do I begin. MK the Monkie Kid is the protagonist of the story but he has *so many issues*. He wants to be a good person but has a whole lot of impostor syndrome and is convinced he will only hurt people the more he tries to save them. He is convinced that every major villain in the show is his fault, even as far as misremembering/changing up some events to put blame onto himself He also has an absent mentor figure that was supposed to help him but guess what he had to figure out all his powers on his own so abandonment issues go brrrr. He has so much anger toward his mentor Wukong but he just *bottles it all up* (common theme) Also he is so trans and adhd coded. First, MK is a nickname. We don’t know his real name, but it is v much implied he used to go by something else. He and his friends also puts a lot of emphasis on manly stuff like ‘I’m a big boy!’/‘he’s a Monkie *Man*!!!’/‘im the smartie boy, the plan man!’ He also has trouble focusing and listening to other people, is sometimes blunt and he is VERY interested in Sun Wukong and the journey to the west (Chinese classical novel that the show is based on) and just in general always needs constant reassurance and support from his friends. He is often compartmentalizing his feelings and internalizes a lot of fear and blame is also suppressing a part of himself that scares him. (Which, same) He loves his friends so much and tries so hard to keep them all safe, even hiding his own problems and worries from them as an attempt to protect them. He wants to go back to season 1, back when each episode was a villain-of-the-week kinda story, with no world-destroying threats. But nope, he saw the horrors, and he can never go back to the bubbly Monkie Kid from the beginning. Also he is terrified of spiders :>"
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major bracket round 1 group a
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jon and martin drawn by @snekberry. exandroth drawn by @exandrothexanonymous
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viral-virus-au · 4 months
Master Post :]
Master Post for this AU so you don't have to go re-read everything on my main profile
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Smg4 and 3 are suddenly put into a 4 year long deep sleep. They're unable to protect their realm from major threats, seeing as they're the Guardians of this world. A virus is implemented into the world and quickly starts to spread like wildfire. It infects almost everyone accept a few.
Those who survived retreated to a secluded, underground bunker equipped with many rooms and farms. The infected rummage the world above.
They all act like a hive mind accept a few. The few that don't are highly dangerous and have higher chances to attack their own members, so they've been isolated, some even team up with other strong infected.
Infected are extremely hostile to those unaffected. They're changed both physically and mentally, meaning whatever was there is now gone. Not permanently however. Strong infected tend to be in small groups of 2-5 and will destroy whoever steps into their territory.
4 and 3 finally reawaken after 4 years and wonder around their now decimated world, trying to figure out what happened. They get jumped by those who used to be their friends but get saved and brought back to the bunker.
-Smg4 and Smg3
-Whimpu, Saiko and Swag
-Melony and Axol Jr
-Mario and Karen
-Boopkins and JubJub
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-Mr Monitor
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-Smg1 and Smg2
-You can ask the Survivors for now only
-No NSFW asks
-My ships for this AU are SMG34, ShroomKitty, SaikoXTariXMeggy and Melony X Axol
-Kissing and Hugging are allowed but nothing extreme, yk?
-Just have fun :]
-If an ask is for me as the mod, then I will answer in brackets
-Otherwise requests and stuff like that needs to only be on my main account, they will just be deleted/ignored if you ask here
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russianperioddrama · 2 months
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Welcome to the Russian Period Dramas Bracket everyone! The order of things will look something like this:
Polls will start posting tomorrow. One group (A, B, C, D) will be posted per day, starting with Group A. Polls will run for a week. Once all polls for a round close, polls for the following round will begin posting within 24-48 hours (depending on mod availability). You may send in asks with “propaganda” if you wish.
Round 1 matches are listed out below for a full text version. Note that titles are listed in the format: English tittle (official/”official”* or translated) | transliterated title. (*There are occasionally some variations in what is the “official” English title. I tried my best here, usually prioritizing what is used by a major streaming service or wiki).
Ekaterina: The Rise of Catherin the Great | Ekaterina (2014) vs. Pushkin: the Last Duel | Pushkin: Poslednyaya duel (2006)
The Barber of Siberia | Sibirskiy tsiryulnik (1998) vs. Tchaikovsky's wife | Zhena Chaikovskogo (2022)
The Duelist | Duelyant (2016) vs. Life of a Mistress | Volnaya gramota (2018)
Catherine the Great | Velikaya (2015) vs. Poor Nastya | Bednaya Nastya (2023)
Detective Anna | Anna – detectiv (2016) vs. Gardes-marines Ahead! | Gardemariny, vperyod! (1988)
Bloody Lady | Krovavaya Barinya (2018) vs. Institute For Noble Maidens | Institut blagorodnykh devits (2010)
Union of Salvation | Soyuz spaseniya (2019) vs. Star of Captivating Happiness | Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya (1975)
Russian Ark | Russkiy kovcheg (2002) vs. Poor Poor Paul | Bednyy bednyy Pavel (2003)
The Silver Skates | Serebryanyy konki (2020) vs. Sins of Our Fathers | Grekhi ottsov (2004)
Bezsonov (2019) vs. Voskresensky (2021)
Sunstroke  | Solnechnyy Udar (2014) vs. The Fall of the Empire | Gibel imperii (2005)
Matilda (2017) vs. Gloomy River | Ugryum-reka(2021)
The Road To Calvary  | Hozhdenie po mukam (2017) vs. How the Steel Was Tempered | Kak zakalyalas stal (1973)
Admiral (2008) vs. Quiet Flows the Don | Tikhiy Don (2015)
Morphine | Morphiy (2008) vs. Battalion | Batalyon (2015)
Rasputin | Grigoriy R (2014) vs. Christmas Trees 1914 | Yolki 1914 (2014)
War and Peace | Voyna I mir (1966) vs. The Queen of Spades | Pikovaya dama (1982)
Pechorin (2011) vs. A Hero of Our Time | Geroy nashego vremeni  (2006)
Eugene Onegin | Yevgeny Onegin (1959) vs. A Cruel Romance | Zhestokiy romans (1984)
Gogol (2017) vs. The Idiot | Idiot (2003)
Anna Karenina: Vronsky’s Story | Anna Karenina. Istoriya Vronskogo (2017) vs. Anna Karenina (2009)
Crime and Punishment | Prestuplenie i nakazanie (2007) vs. Brothers Karamazov | Bratya Karamazovy (2009)
Fathers and Sons | Ottsy i deti (2008) vs. Lady Into Lassie | Baryshnya krestyanka (1995)
Two Women | Dve zhenshchiny (2014) vs. The Emperor’s Love | Lyubov imperatora (2003)
Sophia (2016) vs. The Youth of Peter the Great | Yunost Petra (1980)
Furious | Legenda o Kolovrate (2017) vs. Alexander: The Neva Battle | Aleksandr. Nevskaya bitva (2008)
Viking (2016) vs. Iron Lord | Yaroslav: Tysyachu let nazad (2010)
The Terrible | Groznyy (2020) vs. Tsar (2009)
Godunov (2018) vs. Schism | Raskol (2011)
Land of Legends | Serdtse Parmy (2022) vs. Golden Horde | Zolotaya Orda (2018)
Conquest | Tobol (2019) vs. Secrets of the Palace Revolutions | Tayny dvortsovykh perevorotov (2000)
Elizabeth | Elizaveta (2022) vs. Cathedral | Sobor (2021)
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Lup (The Adventure Zone) vs Asami Sato (The Legend Of Korra)
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Lup is an Astrophysicist and Extraplaner Researcher! (she researches inter-dimensional space travel)
Lup fanart made by @herbgerblin
Asami Sato is an Inventor, Mechanical Enginner and Architect!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"badass trans woman who is not only a highly competent astrophysicist who was chosen to be part of the first extra-planar expedition, she is also an incredibly powerful evocation (blowing shit up) wizard and uses her powers to full effect. in addition she has, along with her husband, transformed herself into an incredibly powerful lich, just all around badass and competent woman in stem we love to see it"
"Literally studied space and inter-dimensional travel and magic and necromancy for 100 years. She was part of her home planet’s first inter-dimensional expedition on a crew of 7. She’s got that transfem swag and literally became a lich for love and science and to save the universe"
"She’s incredible. She’s trans, she’s a lich, she and her husband pined for decades before getting together, she’s an elf, she’s a twin, but that’s all just spices in the cake. She’s genuinely a genius and a total badass and is so full of love. She is the first character i thought of for submitting to a women in stem bracket because she’s just so iconic. Lup Adventurezone i would die for you"
Asami Sato:
"According to her wiki page: Asami is considered a "genius technologist and inventor". A practical thinker and highly capable engineer, she is able to repair and construct vehicles with limited resources, such as when she improvised a makeshift sand-sailer using materials from a destroyed airship.Her skill in engineering extends to major projects, as she was involved in developing the Future Industries airship. Asami is also a skilled Pai Sho player, proving herself to be a good methodical strategist and can pick locks with her hair pins, able to free Tenzin through this method in the Northern Air Temple. Due to her mother's influence and her time at Future Industries, Asami is a capable architect, capable of designing large amounts of houses in a short period of time. She enjoys working as engineer, architect, and inventor.” She’s bisexual, dating the most powerful woman in their world and she fought her evil CEO dad and won"
"She is beautiful"
"I'm gonna be real i should be taking a map right now not submitting STEM girlies but trust me she's made some cool shit. also she's pretty. and canonically bisexual"
"She's pretty and bi. Her eyes i could stare into for hours."
"She fights with a glove charged with electricity. She has a fucking raw moment where she accepts a glove from her dad and then turns around and shocks him with it to free her friends because her dad is causing horrors. Also has the great line of “I know these roads better than you - I built some of them”. Also she makes a flying robot suit. Being a femme bi woman in STEM >>>>>"
"She is literally a GENIUS and has saved her friends time and time again with her intelligence! She is also the only one in her group without supernatural abilities and uses her engineering skills to make weapons to help her in fights!! She is canonically bisexual!!"
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The primary cause of the current economic state isn't inflation, though that is the excuse corporate entities use, but rather the fact that people don't have enough money to live. You see, an economy only works when money is moving. But the rich don't spend it. They hoard it. Money in the hands of the people on the other hand does get spent and moved, because people spend it to live. By refusing to put restriction on corporations, who by their nature as capitalistic entities want to move as much wealth in as few hands as possible, you make the economy worse. The truth is, the current economic state can only be blamed on the current economic philosophy. And that's capitalism.
Although I agree with your opening statement that inflation is not the primary cause of the current economic state, I disagree with the remainder of your argument.
But the rich don't spend it. They hoard it.
That is incorrect. This idea that the rich have some Scrooge McDuck style of vault where they are hoarding all this cash that is inaccessible to the rest of the economy is a blatant fallacy.
Majority of rich people fall into one of three categories:
Individuals who actively invest (i.e. spend) their capital in businesses, startups, and ventures that create jobs and drive innovation.
Individuals who let asset managers invest (i.e. spend) their capital to grow their wealth.
Individuals who save most of their capital in financial institutions and those financial institutions use those assets to invest the capital or loan out the capital to earn themselves a profit in exchange for securing the capital. This is the primary form of revenue generating activities done by banks.
Money in the hands of the people on the other hand does get spent and moved, because people spend it to live.
This is actually a very interesting point as it is very controversial and widely debated between economists for which is better for the economy to prosper: poor people's spending habits or rich people's spending habits.
Both rich and poor spending can contribute to economic growth and welfare, but they have different impacts and dynamics. While rich spending can drive economic expansion and job creation, poor spending supports local businesses and enhances the well-being of individuals within lower-income brackets. It is important to strike a balance and ensure that both groups have opportunities to participate in economic activities and benefit from a thriving economy.
[...] who by their nature as capitalistic entities want to move as much wealth in as few hands as possible, you make the economy worse.
That is incorrect. Their nature is to behave and act in pursuit of the self-interests of their private owners. If the self-interests of those individuals is to move as much wealth in as few hands as possible, then yes, but that is not a inherent characteristic or perquisite to operating in a capitalist system. Moreover, the same behavior can and does occur within socialist systems too.
The main difference though is that those self-interests are controlled by private individuals in capitalist systems and by the collective public in socialist systems.
The truth is, the current economic state can only be blamed on the current economic philosophy. And that's capitalism.
There has never been an absolute capitalist system [or absolute socialist system], but merely mixed systems. Trying to generalize any macro-economy to a singular economic philosophy is naïve and lacks critical assessment. If you wish to blame something on a capitalist philosophy, which there is plenty, then may I recommend you focusing on far more specific behaviors or policies?
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Round Two - Bracket Five [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time]
The Big Bad Wolf vs Zelda Donovan
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Propaganda under the cut (Contains major spoilers for Fantasy High)
The Big Bad Wolf - He/him
Campaign: Neverafter
Who is he?
The Big Bad Wolf is a monster that exists in the world of Neverafter. He is the one who turned Ylfa into a Werewolf.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
Heard a little girl talk about lollipopcorn for a few minutes and knew she had to live.
Zelda Donovan - She/her
Campaign: Fantasy High, The Seven
Who is she?
Zelda Donovan is a shy student at Aguefort Adventuring Academy, whose locker is next to Gorgug's. She is a member of the The Seven Maidens.
Who is the NPC of All Time?
A sweet goat woman. Full of rage. Loves her girl group and boyfriend. Was nearly sacrificed to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Loves a lot of metal.
World's most relatable teenage girl and the literal goat.
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