#meta: aria.
tender1 · 5 months
aria has a panic attack the first time she sees a ski lift after ezra holds her hostage on the ski lift after the book reveal. to this day as an adult, she struggles with them and will probably never ride one again willingly. even seeing them in movies tend to make her uncomfortable
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terrifyingstories · 11 months
aria is one of those girlfriends who doesn’t like to get food by herself. if she’s craving something, she always gets her partner something too, even if they’re with her and say they aren’t hungry. it’s silly, but she doesn’t like get something just for herself - not for any kind of embarrassment or hangups around eating, she’s just a romantic weirdo who delights in doing dumb little things like that with her partner. she also doesn’t like going to sleep if her partner is still awake, and will usually gaze at them or draw circles on their back until they both get ready to sleep or sleep overtakes her.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
mickey milkovich x nude, radiohead
i don’t think that anybody can disagree that 1x07 is the episode where we learn the most about mickey milkovich. no, i don’t mean he showed any development or anything like that, but we learned something about him that made him significant for the rest of the show. something that never leaves, something that is important to him. in 1x07, we learn that mickey milkovich is gay, and we learn that he is willing to sleep with ian gallagher (even when his father and sister are in the house).
in 1x06, mickey kind of has an interaction with ian that we later see and are like, “yeah, he’s totally gay”, but back then it wasn’t stated that mickey was gay. mickey steals shit from the kash and grab, and he tells ian, “you know where i live if you have a problem” kind of instigating that ian should come over.
but in 1x07, mickey has stolen the gun from the kash and grab, and ian goes to mickey’s house equipped with a tyre iron, ready to take it back.
the “i want the gun back, mickey” scene needs no introduction or explanation. we all know what happened. we all watched in awe as mickey stood over ian and both of their breaths evened out and they made contact and… bam! they’re getting undressed, just like that.
later on, we are no stranger to gallavich and fighting then fucking. it’s something many people know them for, the fact that they’ll literally beat the shit out of each other and then immediately get on each other. but here, it was supposed to be for shock value because shameless utilizes shock value. to those who didn’t know gallavich was going to happen, watching mickey, the thug who had literally just attempted murder on ian, undress and fuck ian was surprising. later on, we can understand why it happened, but we were supposed to be shocked.
so, here’s where nude by radiohead comes in.
terry wakes up from a nap and goes to take a piss in mickey’s room (there’s a bathroom in there, he isn’t just pissing in it, lol). in there, ian and mickey are naked under mickey’s covers. around them, we see a poster of a woman and we also see a drawing mickey made that says “fuck love”.
so when terry comes out of the bathroom and looks at them both, he doesn’t do what season 3 terry does, he simply says “put some clothes on, you two look like a couple of fags!” and it’s a comical scene because, what the fuck, terry, aren’t you a homophobic murderer? you woke up to grunts and crashes coming from mickey’s room, then when you came in he and another boy are naked in his bed… what do you think they were doing?
so when mickey does put some clothes on, he puts on a radiohead shirt.
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the shirt says “you’ll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking” and those are the last lyrics of the radiohead song “nude”.
so for those who haven’t listened to the song, here’s my analysis of why this song is associated with mickey milkovich and how it ends up foreshadowing his entire character for the next four seasons.
“don’t get any big ideas
they’re not gonna happen”
literally this scene. mickey caves and gives ian the gun back because lets be honest, it was really just bait. ian leans in to kiss him, and mickey has a look in his eyes where you can tell he wants to, but he can’t. he built this wall up years ago and he’s already cursing himself for letting it come down. terry instructed him to get dressed, and he puts on this shirt. and he’s trying to put this carefully constructed mask back on but he’s struggling. and so, he pushes ian away, “kiss me and i’ll cut your fucking tounge out”. there’s no malice in his tone, it’s a threat, but it isn’t threatening.
“you paint yourself white
and fill up with noise
but there'll be something missing”
mickey hiding in the closet, marrying svetlana, being a father to yevgeny, trying to act like the perfect son of terry. he still has this mask on and he tries to hide who he is but alas, he can’t. he loves ian too much and when he gets married and pushes him away, he’s still gay and in love.
“now that you found it
it’s gone”
upon being married, he tells ian that they can still bang. maybe being married to a woman makes him feel a bit more secure because although he despises it and it’s crushing him, he can keep his whole “king of the southside” thing. now that he’s married and unhappy, terry’s satisfied, and that’s all that matters- well, at one point it was. so he tells ian that they can still fuck, but suddenly, ian isn’t as eager and easy as he once was, and he leaves. he’s gone.
“now that you feel it
you don't
you’ve gone off the rails”
he’s out, he’s with ian, he has ian. things are supposed to be fine- but they’re not. ian’s unstable and has been hospitalized, and mickey breaks. he gets shitfaced and cuts his cheek and cries into ian’s jacket. that wall he once built up? the chest he puffed up, the posters he hung, the tattoos he got, they all mean nothing. it’s all gone. the wall and mask are gone, he’s more fragile than he once was. ian’s broken and it’s simultaneously breaking him too.
“so don't get any big ideas
they're not gonna happen”
this line is so mickey in s5, s6, s7, and s10. ian calling him and mickey running to see ian. he has hope. but no, ian breaks up with him, mickey is arrested, and when ian visits he desperately wants ian back. he tattoos ian’s name on his chest, specifically over his heart, and he practically pleads for ian to stay. then, mickey and ian are fleeing to mexico, and for a second, he has hope again. he fantasizes about he and ian at the beach, ian’s freckled skin being sunburnt, them swimming in the ocean together. for once, he can imagine his dreams being true. but they aren’t. he and ian are getting their marriage license, but ian’s hand wavers over the dotted line and he gives mickey that look and mickey breaks (…ian’s leg. lol). he keeps getting his hopes up and everytime he scolds himself for it because he just ends up hopeless.
then finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for,
“you'll go to hell
for what your dirty mind
is thinking”
it’s in the 1x07 scene i’m talking about. terry instructs mickey to get dressed, he does, and he puts on a shirt that says this. and in that shirt, he seems odd. the confidence we see him have in 1x03 is no longer there. he doesn’t necessarily look vulnerable, but he isn’t the mickey he pretends to be. he caves and returns the gun, which was just bait for ian to come anyway, and he refuses to make eye contact with ian, but when he does, it’s almost coy? he’s ashamed. he’s thinking of things he know would get him killed and he hates himself for it. terry will end him if he finds out, and yes, he has the posters, the reputation, the persona, the tattoos, the guns, etc. but in the end, it’s all an act, and we can see it. the way he licks his lips, the way his eyes won’t focus, his body language says so much.
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rawliverandcigarettes · 2 months
yeah really the more time goes on and the more I'm like, Aria T'loak is genuinely one of the most evil characters in the Mass Effect universe, and it's pretty wild the games don't ever really reckon with that in any meaningful way
like when you encounter almost any batarian (except the one who thinks you're cool for very superficial reasons) it's fair game to gouge their four eyes out of their skulls and bomb them to oblivion and back, but Aria T'loak doesn't even get a light tap on the wrist for hosting and profiting from the biggest slave trade hub outside of batarian space, not to mention owning slaves herself (sorry Omega DLC: indentured workers 🙄 because that changes everything) (my conspiracy theory is that "indentured workers" line comes from a rewrite that realized just harsh it would sound if she was just ousted out as a slave owner given Shepard's general hard stance on the matter, and so it was "softened" instead to maker her more approachable and "gray" instead of straight up the actual worst)
Like. I know she's hot and cool, psychologically fascinating (if you ignore all of the non-canon material) and says very interesting things about being an asari and all of the ways power is barred from you (in spite of your species supposedly being the leaders of the galaxy even if there are basically very little proofs this is actually the case culturally and politically speaking beyond what the Codex says) and how to take it anyway, and she is all of these things, but she also easily finds herself among the worst this universe has to offer by a long mile. She takes the boundless abuse and profit that comes with preying on systematically-enforced poverty and disempowerment, and then mixes it up with the acceptability of integrating Omega in the global economy (covertly but still, it's undeniable the connexions are there) and tightening relationships with the proper little politicians of the Citadel who are supposedly against everything she represents. Everyone is to blame in this arrangement of course, but she is the one maintaining it for her own benefit. And then she goes on to say "this is just how things work, I'm just a rebel following my own path, having to maintain a tight ship in a cruel cruel world I'm the only one shrewd enough to come on top of". And we believe her for some reason!!!! And I wish the games (especially in Mass Effect 3 + Omega DLC) would see that manipulative little charade for what it is!!!!
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bungouchronicles · 7 months
Soukoku and their views on humanity
I said I'd make this post so here it is!
This post will include spoilers for the stormbringer lightnovel ‼️‼️(and also fifteen)
So the way Dazai and Chuuya view humanity is inherently different.
Dazai views it as a state of mind. If you act human you're human. To be human has to do with compassion and empathy. It's about what we call 'human nature'. And for someone like he, who (atleast as a teenager) did not feel and think in the way he deemed right he couldn't view himself as human.
Chuuyas view on what makes someone human is much more literal. "If you're a human then you're human." So in stormbringer, when he finds out he might not be an organic human to begin with it causes him to question and struggle with his own humanity.
In a way they are what the other wishes they could be.
Dazai wants to feel human, he wants to find that reason to live that comes so naturally for everyone around him, that's why he joined the mafia. Then comes chuuya, who is in whatever way you look at it so incredibly human. He wears his heart on his sleeve, he's so expressionate and most importantly, he feels deeply and at all times. Chuuya too came from that life Dazais had searched for and he had it all. They were the same type of people and still, chuuya was so different, so bright. And Chuuya might not even be human, but Dazai couldn't care less, because to him, even this made-made string of code was more human than he could ever wish to be. I think one of the reason Dazai loved to annoy Chuuyas from day one were to see that emotion on his face, as even more proof of his humanity.
This idea is even backed up by that scene in fifteen was Dazai continues to shoot that man even after he's already died. Dazai's almost like in a trance, mumbling about how "this is more than you deserve". Then Chuuya kicks the gun out of Dazais hand and says "Quit shooting dead bodies". Dazai responds with "You're right. You're absolutely right. What you say is probably correct." Because that's the correct way to think, what Chuuya had told him only further proved what Dazai had feared to be true.
I'll probably talk about their view on death as a whole some other day because Al find it really interesting and this is one of my favorite scenes when it comes to analysis.
To Chuuya, Dazai is everything but bright. Dazai is in anyway you see it entirely human. Born to a mother and raised among humankind. Still, he can't appreciate that. He doesn't understand what Chuuyas would give to have that. He's too stuck up about how he'll never be human, how the world Chuuya fought so hard to survive in is so very terrible. Dazai has "everything" and he still isn't happy with it. Weirdly enough, he seems so sure that Chuuya is infact human, without any proof of it either.
Chuuya had a reason to hate Dazai from the beginning (the whole thing with the sheep only further tainted Chuuyas view on Dazai), and I think he did, until the events if Stormbringer that is. That was when he won his unconditional trust. Dazai never fully hated Chuuya, but in a way Chuuya did question everything Dazai believed in. He was something unpredictable and exciting in his otherwise dull life. That was how he convinced Dazai to keep living after the Rimbaud fight.
That wasn't all good though. You're not usually extraordinary happy when someone comes along and changes everything.
I saw someone talk about how Chuuya always got up and continued on even after all the misfortune he has gone through while Dazai was afraid to try, knowing everything he would never want to lose is always lost the moment he obtains it. That was a brilliant way to see it. Chuuya challenged Dazai and from the beginning, and he wanted to hate him for it.
But time goes on, as it always does and suddenly Chuuya knows that he's most probably human after all. Does this make this 'analysis' all for nought? I don't think so, because I adore the themes of humanity in BSD and this is more an analysis from the perspective of teenage soukoku. Chuuya no longer struggles as much with his humanity and Dazai feels more than he ever has before, even if it's not "the correct way" to feel and think.
Dazai views humanity as a state of mind and Chuuya views it as a state of body. They both are what the other one wished they could be and that's one of the reasons they had a lot of actual conflict as teenagers.
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klausbens · 24 days
actually wait i was panicking about norman for a second but now that i think about it he's always done everything on his own without any sort of help he only took chet with him for emotional support i would assume so like i have no clue how but he will figure out how to exit vault 31 unscathed because that's what pookie does!
my money is on him letting someone out of cryo and then making them believe he is on their side somehow. i've also thought about him breaking the cryo pods altogether and forcing them all out at the same time but that would absolutely NOT guarantee his safety so idk about that one
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cali-kabi · 7 months
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~ Chapter 2: Aria, Ribbon, and Queen Ripple Welcome Reunion Party🎨☀️pages 48-51💫
~~ finally finished these final pages for chapter 2 I had them colored them for a while just haven’t felt like posting them yet xD Aria talks about the treasures the crystal stars (also called elemental star fragments :)💫) I went with the name star fragments the name from Super Kirby Clash xD the name crystal stars came from paper mario, Sword and Blade are interested to find the crystal stars :D🔥💙💫yeah you see here that in the next Chapter Sir Arthur and the rest of the GSA are coming to Dreamland :D but Meta Knight isn’t happy about that tho especially with Galacta Knight hanging around here he thinks the worst will happen if they interact ;w;
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ariapmdeol · 2 years
actually im posting this as a separate analysis bc i think im onto something here
an argument could be made that this ending counts as metafiction. cwilbur has left behind minecraft and thus, by extension, he has left behind the Narrative. he has left behind his audience and he no longer has a performance to play. he doesnt have to wink at the camera or be dramatic at us anymore,,, he can REST and do what he wants!! he can heal! 
Thats why we dont see what was in the book he gave ctommy! because that was JUST for his little brother. It wasn’t for us, the Audience, to see. It was just something for the most important person in his life.
similarly, i wonder if it means anything that the ghostbur part was animated/hand drawn...that was our first VISUAL of limbo, to the best of my knowledge. we’d heard descriptions but... we hadn’t SEEN It. I wonder if this too means that limbo as a space exists outside the realm of ‘minecraft.’
so we have the physical world (Minecraft medium, viewable to the audience), the afterlife/limbo (drawn medium), and Utah (physical medium), The different imagery are so so contrasted that they are like. almost seperate realities/planes? They aren’t MEANT to mix, which is why it was so jarring to see c!wilbur in the real world: we see him AS the little block man, and seeing him in real life felt almost disorienting.
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salmonsaur · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder if snow has a lot of significance in ToG.
About Horyang (Ilmar): during his backstory, after becoming the devil's right arm, we see he's being transported somewhere unknown. When I was reading this part, I remember it felt like Horyang was being transported to either be discarded/ destroyed, or sold to someone because the Workshop was done with him. Anyway Headon appears, the transport driver is shocked, Horyang is taken by Headon, and that's how Horyang ended up climbing the Tower. (S2 chapter 42).
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The place Horyang was being transported to was over a body of water, and it was snowing. Horyang stated that it was his first snow back then, and that he thought it was beautiful. In the distance, there seems to be a fuzzy silhouette of maybe a giant tree or multiple trees.
About Wangnan: there's a scene (S2 chapter 230) where Wangnan tells Miseng that he was born in a cold place, and the Hell Train's cold climate is easy for him to deal with.
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About Arlene: we learn in season 3 that Arlene has stayed at a place called Seolhyangwon that has eternal snow within it (S3 chapter 132).
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What if all three of these mentions of snow and the cold are connected? Maybe it's a coincidence that they all have something to do with cold weather (and the possible tree silhouette in Horyang's flashback and Seolhyangwon is a coincidence too), but I have a hard time ignoring coincidences in this story 😅 Hopefully we get to see more Arlene/ Bam/ V/ Jahad/ Wangnan lore in the upcoming arc
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hopeswriting · 1 year
Are are your opinions on LucexReborn and the theory on Aria's dad? Yuni's dad is Gamma far I am aware.
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
if we're talking canon, i do think there's room for the possibility of romantic feelings between luce and reborn, or at least from reborn to luce. i think that based on one (1) scene lol, but look at it:
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[ID: Panels from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn, showing Gamma and Reborn talking to each other.
"What is it you want to ask me?" Gamma asks. "Calling me way out here..."
"You... How do you feel about Uni?"
"What kind of random question is that?!" Gamma says, taken aback.
"You know that Uni admires you, right?" Reborn says. "I know it's none of my business, but there's no time. If we waste any more time, then they'll... slip through before we know it. I know you're aware... that the Sky Arcobaleno is blessed with deep emotion, and has a smile brighter than anyone, but they also shoulder the heaviest responsibilities and are taken away from us by destiny." The next panel here shows Gamma thinking of Aria. "There's no time to wait until she grows up," Reborn continues. "Stop treating her like a baby and look at her. Look at her soul." /End ID]
i think it's obvious how they're discussing romantic feelings here, however ambiguous amano chose to make the relationship between gamma and uni, for some reason lol. so when reborn is clearly talking from personal experience here, and not just from factual and objective knowledge; when he says "they" and "we" and "us", i think it's safe to assume he's saying to gamma the words he wished someone would have told him or that he'd have realized in time as he thinks back to his own relationship with luce. that, plus how fondly and warmly he describes the sky arco to be, and how he's the arco closest to uni (iirc he's the only one uni calls "uncle") and presumably had a close relationship with aria too, it's clear he cared a lot about luce at the very least, and still cared about her even after the curse and her death.
(interestingly enough tho, this says nothing about luce's feelings for him. like here, luce & reborn relationship is paralleled with gamma & aria's, but as much as we know aria reciprocated gamma's feelings to some extent, the way reborn says it, "wasting time" and the sky arco "slipping through before they know it", it seems he never got the chance to tell luce how he felt about her. so luce's feelings for him could have been platonic unlike him, or like with aria and gamma, she might have chosen to not act on her feelings even if they were there because of the curse.)
if we're talking about how i feel about the ship, i like it! tho now i say it, i realize i've never really taken the time to think about them before, surprisingly enough, so i have little else to say about them off the top of my head. if not that, of course, the possibility of romantic feelings between them would add yet another layer of pain and tragedy and cruelty to the arco curse when it comes to them, and i'd love to delve into and explore all that angst and hurt/(no) comfort one day!
when you say the theory about aria's dad, i assume you mean how some people headcanon reborn to be her dad, right? if so, personally i really can't see it. i mean, i can see it as you can easily make it fit within canon, but for me it makes little sense character-wise even if it works timeline-wise. by which i mean, luce's shown to be visibly pregnant the day they were cursed, if not heavily pregnant too, so she did the do a couple of months prior. i personally headcanon kawahira kept the whole chosen seven thing going for a year give or take tops, but if we're strictly talking canon, i think it's more likely it only lasted a couple of months seeing as how it was all one giant trap, and kawahira probably wouldn't have wanted to give enough time to the strongest/greatest of their generation to figure it out. and, you know, as two consenting adults, if reborn and luce decided to get it on on sight, then good for them lol, but i don't think for a second they'd have been careless enough for a baby to be born out of it.
i mean, just think about it. luce knew they were all going to get cursed, knew aria would take upon the curse after her death, knew she'd die young because of the curse, leaving aria alone likely when she was still a child, but she'd still have wanted/chosen reborn of all people (or any of the other arco for that matter) to be her dad? would have been okay with that? knowing the kind of situation they'd have had to be a father and daughter in? like, at least luce got to raise aria in an adult body for as long as she was alive, you know. and this point stands especially true if luce & reborn relationship is truly meant to parallel gamma & aria's like implied in the scene above. i.e., luce wouldn't have let herself act on her feelings even if she had them knowing all she did, let alone would have let herself have a child with reborn.
on the other hand, from reborn's side of things, if we say becoming a father is a thing he wants at some point, i just don't think he already wanted to become one at that point in time tbh. or that he's the type to trust someone so much and commit to a relationship to such an extent in only a couple of months. especially not when they got to meet and knew each other in the incredibly suspicious setting that was the whole chosen seven thing, which they were all definitely more or less aware and wary of. and more rather than less, for sure.
reborn also knows to be pragmatic/rational/logical when he needs to be, and seeing that the chosen seven business was when they were all at their prime mafia-wise (or he was at the very least anyway), meaning that's also when they had the most enemies after them who'd also have been powerful, even if he wanted a baby at that time, he'd still likely have chosen to wait for another time when his child would have been less likely to be targeted to get to him. and if not that, like i already said, from the way he advised gamma, even if he already wanted and was ready to have a child at the time, it seems he thought he had the time to take things slow with luce and acted accordingly.
so for all these reasons, i personally don't think reborn is aria's dad, or that there's anything in canon that really hints at it despite how, at the same time, there's also nothing that go against it.
about gamma being uni's dad, i also don't believe he actually is either. it's purely fanon as far as i know. this is also based on one (1) scene because that's pretty much all we got about gamma & aria relationship lol, apart from gamma being/having been in love with her, but look:
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[ID: A panel from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
It shows Gamma thinking about moments he spent with Aria. One of those moments show him sitting shirtless on the window of her room, raising his hands in surrender as Aria points a gun at him, sitting on her bed and covering herself with the blanket. /End ID]
if you look at this, there was something definitely not platonic going on between them lol, so i get why gamma is made out to be uni's dad, but at the same time aria was also clearly intent on not letting their relationship become too much not platonic, no matter how she might have really felt inside or what she might have really wanted to do instead. there's also the fact that gamma explicitly says in the future arc that his feelings were unrequited. also he had no idea of uni's existence until she showed up (didn't even know aria was ever pregnant either), and when she did gamma never reacted to her like there was the possibility she was his and aria's daughter.
but most importantly, there was definitely something romantic going on between gamma and uni. and amano somehow managed to both make it explicitly clear and also ambiguous lol, but also they literally confessed to each other, you know. uni even said "i like you just like my mother did", and reborn talks about "admiration", but just look at what else he says in that scene with gamma above. so like, it's clear amano didn't mean for gamma to be uni's dad lol.
that's all strictly canon-speaking tho! as far as fanon goes, i know it's common to make gamma her dad, and like reborn being aria's dad, it easily fits within canon too. but tbh i think either their dads are some random dudes we didn't get to know and that they ideally loved, or there's NO dude at all and just. well, you know. they're half-aliens, so like. who knows what pregnancy and having children even mean for them lol.
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
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“From the dark striations on the claw, I’d say this rancor was...male.”
Hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second-
I will never be over the opportunity for your Consular and Qyzen to bond over nerding out about Rancor hunting/a little bit about Rancor biology. This here. This is why Aria and Qyzen are besties <3 Qyzen’s one of the few of the JC companions that I feel like would have “stuck by” Aria after the big “surprise I’ve been a Sith this whole time!” reveal because honestly, aside from him not agreeing with her on the whole Yuon (or in Subterfugeverse, Qanarr) thing...I feel like Qyzen could get past it due to having seen Aria as Aria, more than “a Jedi” like Zenith and a lot of the other companions did.
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lingeringscars · 11 months
Quinn james is Trans. She knew from a young age, and despite the town she grew up in, she knew that her parents would support her. I like to think her sisters automatically did as well but obviously that is up to Haley/Taylor writers for whether they have societal stuff to work through. Quinn was always given full range to be everything that she is, and she has always been driven by her heart. She doesn't mind struggle and she can find beauty in it because she has faced struggles and persevered and come out more beautiful and sure of herself.
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terrifyingstories · 11 months
aria puts a lot of pressure on herself when it comes to her family, specifically as it pertains to maintaining harmony within her family and/or living up to the person they raised her to be. she has a lot of intense feelings that sit very close to her chest related to family that she often doesn't know how to express, particularly concerning byron following his request that she lie about his affair, and at times this manifests in extreme and/or aggressive behavior. aria holds and holds things in, and usually no one sees how much she's been holding or how heavy it is until it explodes.
conflict within her family is agonizing to aria, and causes her very intense pain that she often doesn't know how to manage. her parents' separation is devastating to her and she feels responsible for trying to ease tensions between her parents and mike, she's deeply affected by mike's struggles in s2, she blames herself for her parents' divorce, and when mike apologizes to aria for not stepping in when she's slut-shamed in season 5, you can see the distance between them cuts terribly deep. being disconnected from her family is one of the worst things in the world for aria.
likewise, the idea of falling short or disappointing her family is immensely painful. though she has spells of anger and rebelliousness, her parents' disapproval of ezra - and more importantly, of her choices concerning ezra - is something that deeply hurts her (and that hurt is also what fuels these moments where she does push back or lash out). the thought of disappointing them is incredibly painful, and this also dampens her ability to truthfully communicate with them at times.
she and byron have never truly healed the fracture that came of his affair with meredith and him asking her to keep it a secret, but this isn't something aria knows how to talk to him about. often times, she avoids mike rather than speak with him directly, because she doesn't know how to explain so many of the things that have happened, and she's terrified to push him farther away. she can't tell ella she really really needs her to stay, in large part because of A but also because ella has done so much for her and she can't ask her to postpone her happiness anymore.
it is because aria thinks the world of her parents and mike that she struggles at times. she thinks frequently about how lucky she is to have the parents and family that she has - a family that loves and accepts her for who she is, and who have always protected her. something aria is very aware of is that being trans, this could have been so very different. she sees how emily's mom responds to her being a lesbian, and she has the empathy to understand how her being trans might have been hard to come to terms with or accept. in another family, aria might not have been allowed to explore and come to terms with who she is. but aria grew up loved and accepted, and she never had to worry that it might go away.
she puts a lot of really intense pressure on herself because of that. a lot of intense pressure to appreciate her parents and not take for granted what it is to be loved and accepted by your family. it takes time for her to learn that her having a good mom and dad and brother who loved and accepted her doesn't mean that they're immune to making mistakes, even mistakes that hurt her, and that she's allowed to react to those mistakes. to see that this can even extend to her being trans - that just because they've made those attempts to educate themselves and understand out of love and support for her doesn't mean they'll always get it right, and that it's okay for her to have feelings about that, too.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 4 months
this little moment in 1x02 manages to sum up ian pretty well. ian is always independent and so nobody has to worry about him, in season 2 he is determined to get into west point by himself and when he sees monica attempt suicide, he acts like he’s fine. in season 3 he literally runs away from home and fiona, who is supposed to be responsible of him, just brushes it off as him being seventeen. he’s beat up, he’s drunk all of the time, he stays in bed for days, and he’s clearly struggling, but it’s just “he’ll tell you when he’s ready”. nobody ever really cared. and then, like in this moment where he breaks his nose, he has quick moments of vulnerability. people can actually see that something is wrong with him and they try to help, but he pushes them away. this happens later on, too, when he can’t get out of bed, when he takes yevgeny, when he flushes his pills, when he could’ve gotten that patient killed, when he becomes gay jesus, people can tell that something’s wrong because it’s obvious and then they try to help. but he’s really always been struggling, but since he loves to help people and is independent and quiet, nobody bothers trying to figure out what’s wrong. he doesn’t know how to accept help because he’s spent so much of his life being ignored and just expected to be “ok”.
and so, as a result of all of this, when people offer him help, this is his reaction:
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opera-ghosts · 10 months
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Today I will remember the German Spinto Soprano Meta Seinemeyer 1895-1929). She was a Member of the Semperoper Dresden from 1924 until her very early dead. Take a look on her biography. This beautiful photo is from my collection. Do you ever heard from this soprano?
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bungouchronicles · 3 months
I totally believe the strange Fukuchi looking man and the masked Akutagawa we saw in the end of season five were both alternative versions of them from a future timeline where the war Fukuchi was talking about does happen and that they somehow went back in time to stop it before it happens. Both in very different ways probably
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