#michaelangelo davis
fancypantsrecords · 3 years
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T.I.C. feat. Michaelangelo - The Better One Wins | MCA Music Entertainment | 1992 | Black
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profs-floating-head · 5 years
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Design I made for my Denver Pop Culture Con shirt.
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transhumanitynet · 3 years
A Unifying Meta-Theory of UFOs & The Weird with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (150)
A Unifying Meta-Theory of UFOs & The Weird with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (150)
For Episode 150 we welcome back Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, one of the most formidable and daring intellects I know, and the author of a new paper integrating over 650 books on UFOs and the paranormal, from over 150 disciplines, to trace the outline of a unifying meta-theory of the weird. In this episode, we discuss how Sean reconciles ten different hypotheses for the UFO phenomenon with his “mutual…
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thedarkplume · 3 years
throws you a very sleepy skinny steve with some cookies
AN: You had to do it to me, didn't you @autumnrose40 ? 🥴
After you sent me this ask, I came across a really beautiful piece of art from @hopelessartgeek as a birthday gift to @heyboyblogs and since that time, it's stayed with me. I knew it would be the perfect inspiration for your ask. I hope you like it!
Poem Used: When I Too Long Have Looked Upon Your Face by Edith St. Vincent Millay
Disclaimer: The characters within this story are the property of Marvel Comics and Disney. I only own my OC and Bette Davis the Beagle.
Special shoutout to @firefly-graphics for that cute little heart divider and I want to thank @nellblazer for inspiring me. You know how much I love Check Out Anytime You Like, and I was completely obsessed with your depiction of Loki, so I hope you enjoy them in this as well!
Warnings: 18+ for some language, mentions of past cheating and pregnancy, one genderbent Marvel character, pansexual reader, slightly skeevy Bucky, and insecure Steve.
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The first time you saw Steve Rogers was in the dog park down the street from your apartment. He was sitting under a tree with a sketchpad in his lap. You saw him there a lot. Sometimes, he was with a handsome brunette. Sometimes, he was with a beautiful redhead, but most of the time Steve was alone.
Oddly enough, Steve never had a dog with him, but he was so gracious and wonderful to the dogs who did come sniffing up to him wanting to play.
You were not stalking Steve, per se. You just liked looking at him. You've never seen a man like Steve Rogers before. While he was smaller than the average man, he was so handsome. A head of gold spun hair, a patrician nose, and chiseled jaw with full pink lips. He could easily be your generation's Michaelangelo's David.
"No use in daydreaming," you sigh wistfully. "Let's head back, girl." You look down at your two-year-old Beagle, Bette Davis, whose sage eyes seemed to ask, are you really going to let another day pass without talking to him? "Now, don't give me that look. I will talk to him. Soon. One day. Eventually."
With one last glance at Steve Rogers, you turned on your heels and trekked back to your apartment.
When I too long have looked upon your face,
Wherein for me a brightness unobscured
Save by the mists of brightness has its place,
And terrible beauty not to be endured,
I turn away reluctant from your light,
And stand irresolute, a mind undone,
A silly, dazzled thing deprived of sight
From having looked too long upon the sun.
Then is my daily life a narrow room
In which a little while, uncertainly,
Surrounded by impenetrable gloom,
Among familiar things grown strange to me
Making my way, I pause, and feel, and hark,
Till I become accustomed to the dark.
The opened tab on your computer of Edna St. Vincent Millay's When I Too Long Have Looked Upon Your Face seemed to speak to your soul about your infatuation with Steve Rogers. As much as you loved your ex, even she didn't have you all twisted up inside like this.
"What's it going to take for you to talk to him?" your roommate and annoying best friend perched himself on the corner of your desk, knocking over your pens.
"Scott, I've told you dozens of times, I will talk to Steve Rogers the next chance I get."
"Look, I'm all for being patient and waiting for that epic Hallmark moment, but whenever you see this guy, you look sadder than Bette Davis when you refuse to give her extra treats!"
You glare mockingly. "Are you saying I should follow in your footsteps, get down on one knee and propose to Steve as soon as he says hello?"
Scott huffed. "Loki thought it was romantic!"
"Yeah, later on. We were standing in line at Five Guys! I thought Loki was going to pepper spray you if Thor didn't kick your ass first."
Scott's mischievous eyes narrowed on yours. "Okay!" he agreed just a little too easily. "I forgot to mention it to you, but Loki's throwing a small get-together at their place. They made me promise to invite you, otherwise, they are not above dragging you out of your little burrow, hoisting you over their shoulders, and bringing you there themselves. Loki's words, not mine."
"It's not a costume party, is it? You know how much I hate dressing up." Ever since junior high when a group of these older girls invited you to a costume party that turned out to be a trap to humiliate you by dumping a bucket of rotten eggs and sour milk all over you because the head mean girl's boyfriend dared to acknowledge your existence. On your bad days, you could still hear the laughter and taunts that followed you until graduation.
Scott's eyes softened, knowing what you were thinking about. Early on when you first became roommates, you both got drunk and told each other your worst memories. "It's not a costume party. Loki's friends don't really care for those types of parties either. You can wear that dress you bought online three months ago."
You wince remembering the night you and Scott smoked a bowl after your client first asked you to scrap her story idea.
It was a pretty dress. Black, knee-length, v-neck, princess spaghetti straps, embroidered silver stars with a tulle skirt. It would be the perfect semi-formal dress.
You bite your lip, thinking it over. It had been a long time since you were able to do anything fun. This latest contract was turning into a fucking headache. Not only did your client, Antonia 'Call me Toni' Stark change the plot of the book three times, she asked you to abandon the subject altogether in favor of a new idea she had. You didn't complain because Toni Stark paid you an extra five thousand dollars each time she asked you to change the plot. Now you were reaching the halfway point and had to email her what you had so far. You kept your fingers crossed she was satisfied this time.
"Fine," you relented. "A night out does sound like a good time. When is it?"
Scott checked his watch. "Three hours from now."
"Scott!" You jump up, running back and forth anxiously to Scott's deep amusement. "Why didn't you say something sooner? What am I going to bring? Am I expected to bring something?"
"Loki loves you, but if you show up empty-handed, they're going to be passive-aggressive bitchy towards you for the next couple of months. Facts."
You swore under your breath, running to the kitchen. You breathe a sigh of relief when you realize Scott had taken the initiative to gather all of the ingredients to make homemade cookies. The cold ingredients were already room temperature.
You rolled up your sleeves to wash your hands as Scott put on David Bowie's Modern Love. You laugh as he danced around with Bette Davis in his arms and sung loudly and offkey. You knew the recipe like the back of your hand so you had no problems making both m&m cookies and regular chocolate chip.
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You demanded Scott stay put to watch the cookies, not steal two or three, while you showered and changed.
After your shower, you felt refreshed and excited. You loved getting together with Loki. They were such an amazing person. The world needed more Lokis in your humble opinion.
You pulled your riotous curls upwards in a mowhawk and kept your jewelry minimal with circle pearl earrings and a pearl choker necklace. Once you slipped on your kitten heels, you hurried to the kitchen to box up the cookies.
You found Scott clenching his jaw. It was rare to see your happy go lucky, high most of the time, best friend so angry.
"What's wrong?"
"The Wicked Bitch of the East just tried to FaceTime me."
That was literally the last thing you needed right now. "Did you answer?"
"Yes, and I told her in a very gracious way to fuck off. Then I blocked her. Again."
"I'm sorry, Scott. I don't know why she won't let me go."
"Because she's still in love with you."
You scoff. "She couldn't have been too much in love with me. She let her ex get her pregnant as soon as my back was turned." You try not to think of that time and how long you spent blaming yourself, second-guessing what you could have done better to stop her from cheating on you.
"I said she was in love with you, not that she was very smart." Scott helped you box the last of the cookies, helping himself to those two or three despite your half-hearted glares.
Scott hurriedly dressed in black slacks and a green sweater with a pair of dress shoes you've never seen. "You look so dashing, Scottie!"
"Don't I though?" he preened. "Come on. We'll take my car."
With a kiss on the head to Bette Davis, you locked the door behind you and dashed behind Scott. He was carrying your cookies and if he had to keep them during the drive there would be nothing left but crumbs.
Loki greeted you and Scott at the door, wearing a dress in the loveliest shade of green you've ever seen. You look away with a grin when Scott dips Loki for the sweetest, yet dirtiest kiss you've ever seen them share.
Loki's cheeks are a brilliant shade of pink when it's over. "We've only been apart a few hours, love." They're not really complaining. Scott says Loki likes to be chased. Loki turns to you, eyes bright with happiness. "I've missed you. You should come around more often."
You hug them feeling at ease smelling their perfume. "I'm sorry, Loki. I don't mean to stay away. It's just work has been so crazy and--"
"--and being around me means being around Thor." Deep down, you knew that was the real reason you stopped being around their friend group. "You have no reason to feel guilty. My brother while not intending to be malicious, played a leading role in the destruction of your relationship." Loki hooks their arm in yours leading you further inside. "He is here tonight so be forewarned."
You see him, unfortunately, holding court with a few of the other partygoers you don't know very well. You recognize the woman at his side as Jane, the new girlfriend, her best friend Darcy, Carol Danvers, and Sam Wilson.
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Thor notices you and waves, albeit awkwardly. You force a smile and wave back.
"It's fine, Loki, really. I'm not mad at Thor anymore. I just have to get used to being his...friend again..." your voice trails off at the sight before you.
Steve Rogers.
Steve Rogers at Lok's party.
Steve Rogers at Loki's party laughing.
Steve Rogers at Loki's party laughing and wearing a burgundy long-sleeved shirt with the top three buttons undone, fitted jeans that made his ass look amazing and black boots.
Steve Rogers who as your eyes trailed back up from the side profile of his ass was already looking at you.
"Loki!" you squeaked. "I think I left the cookies in the car."
"You're holding the cookies, my dear," Loki said, the smirk evident in their voice. "I'm not one to mince words. Scott has informed me of your infatuation of our dear Steven Grant, and I took it upon myself to play Cupid in October."
You were so stunned to see Steve that you didn't realize Loki was taking you directly to Steve. "What am I supposed to say?"
"How about, 'hi, I'm the girl who spends her free time stalking you from the dog park! Would you care for a cookie?'" Scott appeared on the other side of you. Usually, Scott's unwavering humor was a bright spot in your day, now, not so much. "I know that look. I know you're planning a painful death for me, but once you get through what's sure to be an incredibly awkward and hysterical first meeting--"
"Scott," Loki said, sternly.
"--I will happily recount this moment when I give the person of honor speech at your wedding."
Somehow, that visual made you both more embarrassed and more relaxed. But you could not respond because you were now standing in front of Steve Rogers.
"Steven, I would like for you to meet..." Loki's voice faded to background noise. You had never been so close to him before. His eyes. His eyes were so blue with little flecks of green. He...was holding his hand out to you. Shit!
"Hi!" you say, just a little too loudly. His hand is so warm. You clear your throat and force your nerves away. "It's so nice to meet you, Steve."
The soft and slightly shy smile Steve gives you makes your heart stutter. "You, too. Loki's told me so much about you." You look around expecting to still see Loki and Scott standing by, but they both managed to sneak off while you were daydreaming. "Would you like to sit down? I don't mean to be rude, I'm just really exhausted."
"Of course, Steve." You sit side by side on the couch. "Why are you so tired?" you blurt out.
"I worked a double shift last night. I'm an orderly. Plus, I'm in school so that one day I can be a real doctor." Steve's rushed explanation made you frown. Was he implying that the work he did at the hospital was not as important as the doctors?
"You have a little while to go before I can officially call you Dr. Rogers, so what? That doesn't make your job now any less important."
Steve looks at you. Really looks at you. He smiles still a little shy, but more awake now. "Loki went all out to have this thing catered. Would you like me to get you something?"
You smile back, feeling more relaxed. "I would, thank you. Whatever you're having is fine."
When Steve leaves, you catch Scott's eye from across the room who is making pulsating heart motions towards you. You roll your eyes and look around the room. Loki outdid themselves with the Halloween decorations. Pumpkins and fog and spider webs. Aside from the catering, there were candied and caramel apples, as well as an array of Halloween-themed desserts. There was even a make-your-own taco bar for Scott. But all of these things that you would normally geek out over, failed to distract you from reminding yourself that this was not a dream and that you had finally met and spoke with the man who had consumed your thoughts like you were thrust back into high school, silently drowning in your feelings.
You shook your head, hoping that unlike in the past, you would work up the courage by the end of the night to at least ask Steve for his number. You glance in the direction where Steve wandered off to.
You find his friend in front of you. Given the way he was looking at you, you wondered if he was drunk.
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"Hi?" you say uncertainly. You know him as the handsome brunette who sometimes accompanies Steve to the park, but you had no idea why he was looking at you that way.
"You must be the amazing roommate Scott keeps telling us about. James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky."
You shake his hand, introducing yourself. "It's nice to meet you, Bucky." You try not to be painfully awkward, but Bucky makes it hard with the way he's so blatant in eye-fucking you. "So how do you know Loki?"
"Are you sure you don't mean to ask me how do I know Steve?" His knowing smirk makes you a little uncomfortable. Bucky seems to take pity on you in that moment and answers, "I know Loki through Steve who knows Loki through Thor."
You are so proud of yourself. Your eye no longer does that little twitch whenever you hear Thor's name. You've even stopped calling him Adulterer Number One in your head. "Oh. Small world," you say lamely, wishing for a break from this crushingly awkward conversation. "Are you an orderly, too?"
That may have been the wrong thing to ask because Bucky takes the question as an invitation to sit just a little too close to you on the couch, casually throwing his arm around the back of it. "I'm an EMT actually."
"Oh, you all work together, that's nice. I wish my friends and I all worked together." Not that you really had any close friends beyond Scott and Loki.
"And what is it that you do?" the unfamiliar voice jolts you in your seat.
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It was an unnerving feeling when everyone in the room seemed to know who you were and you had no idea who half of them are. You were sure the gorgeous redhead had no idea you existed, but maybe you were the one being oblivious to everyone who was not named Steve Rogers.
"I'm a writer. A ghostwriter."
"And a damn fine one, Natasha," to your relief, Loki and Scott both arrive. Neither of them look at you, however. Loki's expression is perfectly blank while they stare down the redhead--Natasha--and Scott's attention is centered squarely on Bucky. Okay, what is happening here? And damn, Steve, how long does it take to fix a plate?
"Oh?" Natasha asks, flinging her hair over her bare shoulder, crossing her legs as she perches on the arm of the couch at Bucky's side. Her fingers danced along the back of his hand absently. "Anything I know?"
"Nothing I can legally say."
"Stop being modest," Scott huffed. "She's the author of Utopia. That's why she's the most sought-after ghostwriter in all of New York."
All eyes turned to you, and it was only Steve's voice that kept you from sinking low in your seat. "You wrote Utopia?" he passed you a plate with a small cheeseburger and fries. "I knew you looked familiar!"
You spied Scott opening his mouth from the corner of your eye, probably about to tell Steve he recognized you from your dog park stalking, not the book photo, when Loki stuffed a mini brownie in his mouth. Bless them.
Utopia was your baby. It was your first full-length written novel, remixing the tale of Salem Witch, Tituba, who while in the early stages of giving birth, fled the town of Salem to create a magical door through the same tree she watched her lover hang and burn to death. That door would only be accessible to those seeking refuge from any who wished them harm. In the ultimate sacrifice, Tituba gave birth to her child and bid her younger sister raise her in that door to the other world. She returned to the town of Salem and used her magic to publicly slaughter two of the crueler slavemasters who served on the council of the trials. She was swiftly hanged and burned. Her crimes were deemed so horrific that no one questioned the absence of her child or the disappearance of her sister. Fast forward some four odd centuries later and Utopia grew to be a land where both humans and the monsters thought to exist only in myths and legends lived side by side. Interspecies relationships blossomed, children thrived, and the land prospered. The only threat came from the power-hungry Coven of Three who wished to enslave the residents of Utopia to use as an army in their quest to conquer the human race.
It was an ambitious first novel and two years later, your fans still flooded your social media pages with pleas to write a follow-up.
"You read Utopia?"
Steve's pretty blue eyes brightened. "I've read it three times. I've only read Harry Potter that much. And some R.L. Stine's."
"Oh, don't get me started on R.L. Stine! I went through all 62 of the original Goosebumps, and then I found his Fear Street and Point Horror books." You smile remembering how two weekends out of every month you would ride along with your auntie and grandmother two towns over to visit Books-A-Million in the mall. Every trip you came back with at least three books, and one of them was always an R.L. Stine and as you grew older, Stephen King.
You barely notice Scott pulling Bucky away because he wanted his medical opinion about a questionable boil on his ass or Loki needing Natasha's advice about the next party they wanted to throw in November.
You and Steve became lost in your own world talking about the books you loved and he even managed to slyly add a few questions about the main characters in Utopia.
"I can't help it. I HATE love triangles," Steve shook his head with a stubborn set to his jaw. "Ever since my mother dragged me into the unrelenting madness and trauma of Brooke, Ridge, and Taylor."
Your eyes bug out and your jaw drops. "Oh shit, you watched the Bold & the Beautiful." You laugh behind your hands. "So Merydia catching Stefan getting that 'blowjob that started the war' really pissed you off?"
"So much. So, so much. I was mad for her and ready to see Aleksander win her heart. But you, you evil little thing," Steve's playful glare made you giggle. "You tortured a nation by letting Aleks pick up the pieces and have her still cling to the hope that Stefan still loved her."
You sipped your drink before you answered. This was an issue that you and Scott went back and forth on forever before you finally made the decision to leave it open for both Stefan and Aleksander, Satyr and Orc, boyhood best friends, to be Merydia's endgame...should you write that follow-up.
"I guess I did it because when you're cheated on, sometimes you cope by thinking of the times when you were really happy together, but after a while, even those memories become tainted by the betrayal."
And of course, your luck was so exceptional that the next time you looked up, you saw her, staring at you sitting beside Steve, fury etched in her beautiful face like you had your hand down his pants in front of the party.
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But you refused to give her the attention and validation she still demanded of you.
"Whatever Stefan's reasons were for crossing that line with her stepmother, Merydia will never look at him the same way. Now I'm not saying that she will just jump into a relationship with Aleksander either. It's going to take some time to undo the damage Stefan and her stepmother caused."
"But, Aleks cares enough to wait. He went against his father's wishes for him to marry that Orc princess. He pledged Merydia his sword when they face the Coven of Three. And we can't forget that epic fight between Stefan and Aleks in the Tree of Hope Tavern. She's everything he's ever wanted. Even when he stood in Stefan's shadow, Aleks never gave up hope that one day she would look at him the way he looked at her."
"You got all that from Aleksander? Compared to Stefan, he barely gets any time for the reader to get inside his head."
"Your cues may have been subtle, but they were there all the same." Steve checks his watch. "I should be heading back home. I have a double shift tomorrow."
"Steve," you didn't have much time to mourn the end of your short time with Steve when Scott suddenly appeared. "I'm crashing here tonight, would you do me a huge favor and take her home?"
You narrow your eyes at Scott when Steve readily accepts. You excused yourself to the restroom to get a handle on your nerves. You appreciate your friends efforts, but did they have to be so obvious about it?
"My god," Brunnhilde's voice behind your back made you grit your teeth. "Steve Rogers? I could see if it was Bucky you were trying to fuck, but Steve Rogers? Are you that desperate for it, baby?"
You turn around, reluctantly, to face your ex-girlfriend who was, unsurprisingly, drunk. She was as beautiful as ever, pretty brown skin, soft hair that always felt like silk around your fingers, but like you told Steve, when you're cheated on, even the good memories become tainted.
"If you're here hassling me, and Thor is partying with Jane, who's watching your baby, B?"
Brunnhilde waved away your concerns. "Valkyrie is with her grandmother," she answered dismissively. She moved closer to you, stumbling. "You didn't answer my question." There was a obvious slur in her voice and you could smell the vodka on her. "Why Steve? Out of every man here you could throw yourself at, you pick the--"
"Don't finish that sentence. What I do or don't do, stopped being your concern the minute you decided to have sex with Thor, without any consideration for my feelings, much less my health since you obviously did it without a condom, when you went back home, leaving me alone with your parents for hours who never approved of me and resented me for their darling daughter being a bisexual." You go to step around Brunnhilde, but she blocks you, grabbing your arms to keep you pinned against the sink. "Let go of me."
"Please, please, just stop being mad at me." Brunnhilde starts tearing up. She has three distinct moods when she's drunk, aggressive anger, tearful repentance, or relentless lust. "I miss you so much. You won't answer my calls, you won't message me back. I have to stalk Scott just to have him cuss me out so that I can know even if you hate me, you're still around."
"I don't want you in my life anymore, Brunnhilde." You push her hands off you. "Maybe one day that will change, but right now I want you to leave me alone."
"I do so hate it when others feel the need to crash a party." Loki grabs Brunnhilde by the scruff of her neck, lifting her off the floor like an unruly kitten. "Steve is waiting for you, dear," Loki says to you as if they are simply about to take some trash outside and not holding a grown woman up with one hand.
You ignore Brunnhilde's cursing, threats, and flailing around. "Um, thank you, Loki."
"Don't mention it."
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"Can I ask you something?" Steve seemed so unsure. In that moment, he was completely removed from the man who excitedly recounted his favorite books and told you off for not letting his favorite character get the girl in the end. "You like me, right?"
Your face warms and your heart pounds madly against your chest. "Yes, I like you, Steve."
"No, I mean...you like me, but not because I'm friends with Bucky or even Nat, right?"
You were beginning to see what Steve was getting at and you didn't like it at all. "Steve--"
"I'm not blaming you or anything if you like them more. I still really want to be your friend, but if they're who you really want to get to know, I would rather you say so now than later."
"How many girls used you to get to Bucky or Natasha, Steve?"
Steve's eyes glimmered painfully. "All of them. They would approach me and ask about getting together. Then before the one-on-one could happen, it would become a group thing, and before the night was over they would be going home with Buck. I lost count of how many times it happened, but I got so fed up, I just asked Bucky to intercept any girl who acted like they were interested in me."
"Did you do that tonight?" you couldn't help but be a little bit hurt. Bucky approaching you and talking to you the way he did made more sense now.
"No, I couldn't do that with you. I didn't want to. I, I saw you those times in the dog park. At first, I really thought you were looking at Bucky, because why would someone as beautiful as you even give a guy like me a second glance? I'm no Thor and I know that I will never be Bucky. That's my cross to bear, you know? But then Loki tells me that there was this really nice girl that they wanted to set me up with. I told myself I was not going to get my hopes up like that again, but when you walked in tonight, I knew you were worth the risk."
"Steve, there is a lot that I have to say about Bucky and Natasha for screwing those girls instead of putting them in their place for using you like that, but I know you love them so I'll just have to settle for making them the bad guys in my next book and offing them." That got him to laugh. "But tonight, in spite of our friends butting in and my crazy ass ex being a drunken little shit, it was us. It was me and you making our own moment the same as I've been wanting since the first time I saw you." You take a step closer to Steve, your hands pressing against his chest. Steve answers your touch by bringing his hands to your waist, a light, questioning grip that grows firmer when you curl your fingers into his shirt. "You don't look like other guys. You're not Thor and you're not Bucky, and I love that. You want to know why? Because you're Steve Rogers, and that means everything. You're a good man who treats every dog that he meets like they're his best friend. You spend your days doing everything you can to help save someone's life. I spent an embarrassing amount of time seeing you in the park and being too much of a coward to even say hi to you, and if it weren't for Loki, I would probably still be watching you wistfully until one of those girls finally wised up and sees you the way that I do. But I'm not going to waste this chance. I know I'm rambling. If I had a sheet of paper in front of me I could write you poems and sonnets telling you how much I want to be with you--"
Steve's warm lips are suddenly kissing yours and your mind goes blissfully blank. It took a long time to get to this moment, but as Steve Rogers kisses you silly on your doorstep, that wistful longing for the man sitting under the tree eases and you know that Steve Rogers is yours and you are his.
tagging: @georgiapeach30513 @autumnrose40 @stargazingfangirl18 @navybrat817 @nellblazer @maroonsunrise83 @specialk-18 @jobean12-blog @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @sweetlyscared @gotnofucks @caffiend-queen @luxeavenger @foxgloveprincess @avintagekiss24 @xxindiglow @river-soul @the-iceni-bitch @slothspaghettiwrites @boxofbonesfic @geminixevans @afriendlyblackhottie @indyluckycharlie @donutloverxo @lotusss-flowerbomb
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Case of the Hot Kimono”
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Season 3, Episode 33  
First US Airdate: December 4, 1989   First BBC UK broadcast: February 3, 1992
The Turtles and April’s master detective aunt investigate a string of kimono robberies.
Our long journey through season three of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues with "Case of the Hot Kimono". This episode is brought to us by the duo of David Carren and J. Larry Carroll, who were also the writers of the excellent "Super Bebop & Mighty Rocksteady".
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At Channel 6, April has some sort of late-night chat show setup going, where she’s sitting behind a desk and interviewing guests. Today she’s talking to her own Aunt Aggie (Agatha Marbles). After Burne slips on a banana skin during the broadcast, Aggie uses her master sleuth skills to determine Vernon had been littering. It’s revealed here that Vernon is five foot nine inches tall, which might be useful if you ever find yourself wondering about the relative size of different TMNT characters.
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After the broadcast, Aunt Aggie reveals in conversation that she’s aware of April’s connection to the Turtles. April is astonished but with her cover now well and truly blown, she takes it well. The two head off to see what our heroes are up to.
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Leonardo and Michaelangelo have just picked up their pizza order. They’re about to get to their next task and get Splinter’s kimono from the nearby dry cleaner when they see the establishment being robbed by two gangsters: Rodney (the taller one who seems to be modelled on Sammy Davis Jr.), and stubby, moustachioed Bruce. Leo and Mikey intervene by hurling what looks to be about two dozen pizzas at the crooks until they retreat. They pull off in their car, having only managed to steal a single kimono - Splinter’s.
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In the lair, April introduces Aunt Aggie to Splinter, who’s reduced to wearing a bath robe due to the absence of his kimono. The two have an amusing but revealing exchange where Agatha calls him Mister Splinter, only for him to correct her: “Not Mister, please. Just call me... Master”.
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Leo and Mikey barge in and explain how they witnessed the theft of Splinter’s kimono, which he reveals was “his most prized possession”. I guess we can add that to our collection of TMNT lore factoids right next to Vernon’s height. The team – now accompanied by Aggie – vow to get the kimono back.
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In a fancy high-rise building we get the kind-of sort-of (re)debut of mob boss Don Turtelli, who chews out Bruce and Rodney for only managing to get a single kimono, ordering them to rob the same establishment a second time. You may recall that another mob boss character with the same name but a very different appearance popped up briefly earlier this season in “Burne’s Blues”. It’s all quite odd; what I suspect happened was that someone liked the idea of v1 Turtelli but he wasn’t considered to be up to the task of being a worthy recurring villain for the Turtles, hence they had another go at the concept.
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The Turtles, Aggie, and a horrifically-drawn April hit the streets looking for clues, and just happen to be in front of the same dry cleaners as Bruce and Rodney rob it for a second time. The crooks take off in their limo, with the Turtles meekly chasing after them on foot until a trick oil slick puddle is deployed to send the green team tumbling. Aunt Aggie suggests the oil they used might provide a clue, and she returns with the Turtles to the lair for analysis while April films a report on the robbery.
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Don Turtelli watches April’s report and orders his men to capture her. Meanwhile, Donatello works in the lab to determine the source of the oil without success. Aggie steps in, determining that it’s a rare olive oil from the island of Turtelli. Donatello discovers the only place in town where this oil is shipped to is a warehouse on Elm Street – the same one April and Vernon are about to investigate, having just received a tip-off from an informant. Leonardo calls April, attempting to warn her of the danger, but both she and Vernon have just been spotted by Turtelli’s men as we head into the first commercial break.
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The Turtles and Aggie drive to the warehouse only to find no-one there. Aggie is on the case looking for clues, and it’s becoming clear by this point that the Turtles are quietly resentful of someone else stealing their crime-fighting thunder.
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Across town, Rodney and Bruce have delivered April and Vernon to Turtelli, who deploys his trademark weapon to make them talk: a feather, which he tickles them on the feet with. April refuses to crack but Vernon instantly gives in, revealing everything that’s ever happened in his life from the time he cheated on an English test in school to income tax fraud. Turtelli only ceases his torture of Vernon when his men alert him to events on TV: a fake commercial set up by the Turtles that I can only describe as fuckin’ LEGENDARY.
Donatello is wearing a flimsy cowboy disguise and announces himself as “Kimono Kal”, owner of the new store “Kal’s Klassy Kimonos”, which is an unfortunate acronym to be sure. Upon hearing this, Don Turtelli orders his men to raid this new store.
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Kal’s Klassy Kimonos is in reality an elaborate sting operation set up by the Turtles and Aunt Aggie. Bruce and Rodney take the bait, spotting “Kal” outside his store hocking his wares. Leo, Raph and Mikey stow away in a crate of Kal’s goods that he hands over to the gangsters. After Bruce and Rodney head off in their limo, Donatello and Aggie track them on the Turtlecycle, a new toy making its debut here.
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While Turtelli takes receipt of his crate of supposed kimonos, a blindfolded and restrained April and Vernon use the distraction to try and escape. A showdown between the Turtles and the mobsters is cut short when our heroes discover April and Vernon have unwittingly ended up on the outside ledge of the building. After the Turtles alert them to their situation, a terrified Vernon knocks both himself and April off the ledge, sending them plummeting.
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Act three begins with an awning breaking the fall of both April and Vernon. During all of this, the villains have been able to escape. The team head back up to Turtelli’s penthouse, where they find some scrap paper containing the message “shipping high at 77”. Aggie explains this is a nautical term, meaning they’ll set sail at high tide. The team head off in the Turtle van to the harbour to stop the crooks.
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At pier 77, the group split into three teams: Raph & Donnie (in the Sewer Party and Army Tubes), Leo & Mikey (manning the Retrocatapult) and finally April & Aggie, who discover Splinter’s kimono atop a pile of robes right before they’re spotted by the bad guys. The Turtles descend upon the boat and capture Turtelli’s men, but the mob boss is able to escape in a stowed-away speedboat. The Turtles give chase in the sewer tube, eventually forcing the speedboat into a collision with a nearby trash barge.
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With all three gangsters tied up, Leonardo presses Turtelli to explain why he was after kimonos. He reveals one of the kimonos has a map sewn into it that leads “to a fabulous buried treasure”, and he needed to obtain all of them to make sure he could secure it. Perhaps inevitably it just so happens that Splinter’s one had the map inside it; even more improbably, Aunt Aggie was aware of it because she helped to help dig up The Lost Treasure of Emperor Nakamura the previous year.
Wait, hold up. Does this mean Aggie got her share of the “fabulous” treasure? Also, sucks to be Splinter because he definitely had that kimono for some time prior to that, he was wearing it when he was penniless and living in the sewers prior to being mutated. If he’d put two and two together, he’d have been way better off.
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I also enjoy the shade deployed by Aggie here in that she’s still calling him “Mister Splinter” rather than “Master”. Presumably she can afford to, she’s got “Fuck You” money.
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Later, in the lair, Aggie bakes a pizza for the Turtles with a topping of “yak cheese, spinach root and soy bean substitute”. This entire bit seems to be a means of giving the Turtles a way to get back at Aggie after having been upstaged throughout the episode; they tell her when it comes to pizzas, she doesn’t have a clue and laugh in her face as the show ends.
"Case of the Hot Kimono" is that rarest of things during this era, a non-Shredder/Krang Turtles outing. These episodes always felt like the kiss of death back in the day, but watching them back now for Turtlethon I appreciate a little bit of variety; it’s also a nice change to see the team actually be able to successfully capture a villain, even if they can’t take all the credit. Far less enticing is the animation here, which I suspect was handled by the same team behind “Corporate Raiders from Dimension X” as many of the same issues are present: barely drawn characters, mismatched voices and repeating animation being used to paste over visual cracks are all on display again here.
Aunt Aggie completely overshadowing the Turtles is also something I’m a lot more on-board with than I was in 1990, perhaps just because I’m closer in age to her now than I am to the green teens. I would absolutely watch a spin-off series set in the TMNT universe that's just Aggie solving mysteries, perhaps with only occasional appearances by the regular Turtles cast. We’ll see her again in a few years, as she’ll in season six’s “Sleuth on the Loose”.
The undisputed highlight of this episode is the “Kimono Kal” commercial. It was completely lost on me at the time as a UK viewer that "Kimono Kal" was a nod to Cal Worthington, whose ads were a regular fixture on local TV throughout the west coast of the US for decades. It’s a familiar trope as every time a shady used car dealer in a cowboy hat appears in a movie or TV show this is who they're referencing (see also the RV dealer in "Call of the Simpsons").
NEXT TIME: Shredder and Krang return as normal service resumes with “Usagi Come Home”!
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inky-duchess · 4 years
21 History Ancedotes for my 21st Birthday
So today I celebrate my 21st birthday and I have decided to gift you all with 21 of my favourite historical Ancedotes. Some are funny, some are sad and some are plain bizarre but I hope the make your day 💜
Mary Maloney, an Irish-born suffragette in England followed Winston Churchill around while he was campaigning for a seat in Parliament, drowning out everything he said with a very large bell and calls for him to apologise for his comments on women's rights and suffrage movements.
Clodius Pulcher was a well born Roman noble during the last day's of the Republic. He gave up his Patrician status to become Tribune of the Plebs (an office in which one had to be a Pleb) by being adopted by a much younger Plebian man who became his "father". Clodius was a bit of a riot, sneaking into religious festivals dressed like a woman to sleep with Caesar's wife, building a shrine to Liberty in the ruins of the Conservative Cicero, vetoed the last speech of one of the Consuls (who basically did nothing all year and was apparently going to roast Caesar) and burned down the Senate House with his funeral pyre (the Plebs who loved him literally tearing up the furniture to build his pyre). He was honestly the best fun.
When laying on her deathbed, Queen Caroline of Ansbach turned to her husband George II of England and told him he should marry again. George refused to ever wed again... But added he would have mistresses. Caroline said , likely with a roll of her eyes, "oh my god that doesn't matter."
Florence was a pretty cool city in the Renaissance until Savanorola came to town. He disliked the loose living artists that crowded the city, with their naked pagan gods and rampant homosexuality. He expelled them all with help of the French hoping to make Florence Holy Again. When the Borgia Pope excommunicated him and sentenced him to death, one man in the crowd was reported to have said. "thank God, niw we can return to sodomy." One Floretine man in the 1490s said Gay Rights.
So this list couldn't be complete without an entry of the only American politician I love, Alexander Hamilton who was just a walking entity of sass. I could go on about his sharp sarcasm or his disaster bi vibes with John Lauren's but my all time favourite Alexander Hamilton ancedote has to be this exchange with Thomas Jefferson "There are approximately 1010300 words in the English language, but I could never string enough words together to properly explain how much I want to hit you with a chair."
Caterina Sforza was an Italian noble woman during the Renaissance. She was apart of the powerful Sforza family, which drew many enemies to her. One fateful day at Forli, Caterina's children were snatched as hostages. The besiegers threatened to kill her children if she did not cede the castle. Caterina refused, lifting her skirts and shouted to the besiegers that she had the means to make more children.
Hannibal Lecter's creator Thomas Harris was happy to end his great character's story with the original trilogy. However his publishers forced him to write an unneeded prequel explaining why Hannibal became Hannibal. Thomas Harris agreed lest he lose the rights to his character so he wrote Hannibal Rising, where Hannibal as a young man hunts down the Nazis who ate his sister with a katana.
Nell Gwyn is my favourite mistress of Charles II, mainly because of her sass. Once while trapped in the middle of a riot where Londoners swamped her carriage thinking she was Charles's Catholic mistress. She popped her head out the carriage and told the people "Pray good people be civil. I am the Protestant whore." She also dosed her rival Moll Davis with laxatives in order to free up some of Charles's time and she once flashed her underwear at the French ambassador after asking him why the Franch King did not pay her to spy on Charles because she was with him every night. A true Queen.
Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty of China once rose from his bed to go do some ruling when he realised his lover, Dong Xian was sleeping on his sleeve. Rather than disturb his lover, the Emperor cut his sleeve off at the wrist to leave Dong Xian nap. Nothing has ever been more romantic than that. Y'all could never.
Princess Margaret the sister of current Queen Elizabeth II was a socialable Princess and often tasked to visit the up and coming music stars of the day on behalf of the Crown. When meeting the Beatles one evening, she noticed George Harrison was acting a little odd. When she asked what was the matter, he replied "We arent allowed eat until you go." Princess Margaret laughed and promptly left so the Beatles could get some dinner.
During the Siege of Jadotsville, Irish soldiers under the flag of the UN were attacked and besieged by local insurgents allied with the Katanga Regime. The insurgents numbered thousands while the Irish only had 158 soldiers, all who were lightly armed. They radioed to their allies assuring them that "we will hold out until our last bullet is spent. Could use some whiskey though".
Napoleon was famous for writing raunchy letters to his wife, the Empress Josephine while he was away. She used to reply with really mundane letters or not at all. She really just could not be bothered with him.
Josip Broz Tito was so fed up with Joseph Stalin sending assassins to kill him, he wrote to Stalin personally to say "If you don't stop sending assassins to kill me. I will send one to Moscow and I won't have to send another." It didn't work but Big Dick Energy.
Successful Roman soldiers returning from war often got to march along in parades known as Triumphs. During this, it was customary for them to sing bawdy songs about their commander. One surviving one about Caesar goes like this "Romans, lock up your wives. Here comes the bald adulterous whore. We pissed away your gold in Gaul and come to borrow more."
Matilda, Lady of the English was a woman so badass that history cannot handle her. She was the daughter of Henry I who left his throne to her after the death of her brother. She was away in France when her father died and her throne was snatched by her cousin Stephen. They battled back and forth for years with neither side ceding any ground. Matilda was once besieged in a castle during a snow storm, with Stephen's men all around her. Instead of fighting her way out. She simply donned a white cloak and walked out of the castle. Just walked out without any of Stephen's men seeing her.
Pedro of Portugal once fell in love with a beautiful lady in waiting called Inez de Castro. For years, they lived as man and mistress, popping out a few kinds. Pedro's dad really did not like Inez and wanted Pedro to find a legitimate wife so he had her killed. Pedro returned home to find the mother of his children dead. Pedro went a little crazy. He had all his father's assassins killed, ripping out their hearts as they had done to him. When Pedro ascended the throne, he demanded the Pope legitimize his children by Inez. The Pope not wanting to upset the King, said he couldn't because Inez was never crowned Queen. Pedro dug Inez up and crowned her as Queen, having all the nobility swear loyalty to her corpse. The Pope had no choice but to agree to his request.
A famously clever general once saved an entire city with an ingenious stragety to sit outside the city waiting for the attacking army to come. The attack had come to fast for the city to ready themselves for a Siege so, the general had to move quickly. He evacuated the city and took his place waiting for the army to come. The enemy forces stopped and took one look at him and bolted, thinking he meant to lure them in one of his famous traps.
Michaelangelo was really badly treated by the Vatican when he was painting the Sistine Chapel. He constantly fought with the Popes over the design and his work, which he was paid peanuts for. Michaelangelo got his revenge in his work, painting the gates of Hell behind the Papal Throne and an angel flipping the ol' fig (the Renaissance version of the bird) toward the Pope's chair.
Peter the Great was not a perfect guy. He kept serfdom as a practise in his kingdom, he had his son tortured to death and he could be an unpleasant guy. But Peter was a dreamer. He wanted nothing more to build a fleet for Russia and bring Russia beyond its borders. Peter took a gap year from ruling Russia to wander around Europe. When he stopped in England, he was granted Leicester House to chill in while he did his shipwright studies. It was here that Peter found a new passion. The wheelbarrow. Cue Peter and his new found English buddies drinking in Leicester House, punching the artwork and rolling each other around in barrels across the house's Great gardens.
Diogenes is hands down a walking shit post. He was a great thinker in Greece during the reign of Alexander but a rather dry, sarcastic wit. He lived in a pithos/a jar because he shunned all vanities and values of society. He trolled other philosophers, attending their debates to heckle them and eat loud foods through them. When Alexander the Great came to fan boy over him, saying that if he were not Alexander he would like to be Diogenes to which Diogenes just said "yeah me too, now get out of my sunlight."
Cosimo de Medici was the son of a Floretine banker with a great knowledge and love of art. Cosimo wished for Florence to release its potentially and join the Renaissance. He hired Filippo Brunelleschi to finsh the Great Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore which had láin unfinished for over a century, a symbol of a failure of ambition. The builders had lost the knowledge of creating a dome so large so it remained unfinished. Despite much opposition from the other nobility and denouncers of the Renaissance, Cosimo's dream of the completion of the dome was completed, making it the largest brick dome in creation at that time. There is nothing like achieving your dreams and certainly nothing like leaving a lasting reminder that screams 'I was right and you were wrong' to stand for centuries.
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impulsetravels · 4 years
playlist. 19 august 2020.
big bang - to the full every minute // uk elements of life + josh milan - berimbau // nyc a bossa eléctrica - veja o sol // sweden + brasil broki + héctor calderón - comparsa // ldn + pr butta - o'kwawa se' (first nibble) // nyc mongo santamaría - mi guacango // cuba the ogyatanaa show band - disco africa // ghana nirobi + barakas - bungee jump against racism // uk sault - don't shoot guns down (dB edit) // uk + oakland freedom soundz - do it right // lausanne + uk down to the bone - wildfire woman (afro elements jazzin' bossa remix) // uk khalil el'zabar + the kemit sources - our time is now (ig culture remix) // chi + west ldn femi kuti - truth don die (yoruba soul remix) // nigeria dj mOma - giving up (the nightlife) [instrumental] // nyc luther davis group - you can be a star (personify edit) // ??? + new orleans + el lay pete philly and perquisite - amazed (seiji's bugaloo rub) // nederland + aruba + ldn doc daneeka + gatto viola + angie stone - backstabbin' angie (for a ten bag) // france + atl + south carolina morsy + michaelangelo matos - love inside // nyc jody watley - the essence // chi + el lay butcher brown - cabbage // richmond » LISTEN «
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anysquared · 4 years
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AnySquared’s LIP 20/20 Exhibit & Arts Festival Exhibition Extended Through July 1st, 2020 Hairpin Arts Center | 2810 N Milwaukee | Chicago In June, we are hosting Community Art Days during LIP 20/20 Exhibit hours where people can make signs/posters/stickers at the Hairpin Arts Center centering on #BlackLivesMatter. UPDATED Exhibit Hours & Community Art Days
Wednesday June 24, from 3pm–8pm**
Friday June 26, from 2pm–7pm (Sudden Impact Concert 7pm-9pm Streaming from Hairpin)
Sunday June 28, from 4pm–7pm
Monday June 29, from 6pm-8:30pm
Wednesday July 1, from 3pm–8pm** (Last exhibit day!)
**Note: we will stay later on Wednesdays if people are present. The gallery is also available by appointment this month. A special thank you to Hairpin Arts Center for extending our exhibition through June 30th and allowing us to have Community Art Days in the space. LIP = Life in Progress  |  AnySquared Projects’ LIP20/20 Exhibit & Arts Festival showcases work that expresses definitions and/or critiques of progress that provokes, challenges, or illustrates. Through all media, artists represent, examine, analyze, or dissect what is actual progress, what some consider progress, and what is not. LIP 20/20 seeks to answer and explore this concept with our work, our art, in our communities, and as human beings, both in the city and the world.  #LIP2020 ARTISTS  |  ADR • Adriana Poterash • Akira • Alejandro Ontiveros Robles • Alexandra Galvan • Alex Wells Shapiro • Alexis Lovely • Alfonso Piloto Nieves Ruiz • Alice Roberson • Alma Dominguez • Amie Sell • Andrew Garcia • Andy Meholick • Angela Davis Fegan • Anna Reed • Anthony Bartley • Applepop • ATYL (Alex Lee) • B'Rael Ali Thunder • Brian Herrera • Cameron Feeley • Carlos Anegas Vazquez • Christian Navas • David Castrejon • dial8r • EAZEL • Ellen Holtzblatt • Emilio Nadales • Emily Holmes • Fire Falco • Flash ABC • Frankie Peace • Frederick Nitsch • Gabriel Patti • The Gray Fox 11 & Korkox • Gretchen Hasse • Haley Achler • Helen Sanchez-Cortes • Holiday Gerry • Iz Mozer • Jae Green • Jameil Al-Oboudi • Jane Michalski • Jerkbeard • Jesus R. Hernandez • Jill Sutton • Juan A. Cano • Julie Sulzen • Kassandra Spence • Katherine Nemanich • Kathryn Eli • Kao Ra Zen • Kelly Mathews • Larry Green • lewis lain • Linda Platt • Liz Olney • Lucien Caillouet • Lucky Gnome • Makeba Kedem-Dubose • Marco Morelli • Marianna Buchwald • Maria Galvan • Mars Caulton • Marvin Tate • Melecio Castillo • Meredith Mays Epsino • Mia Le • Michaelangelo Quintello • Michael Miller • mr.pintamuro • Natalia Virafuentes • Neha Chawla & Elisabeth James • Nguyen Tran • Olga Guse • Orlando Martinez • Penelope Thrasher • Rebecca Kautz • Sara Peak Convery • Sarawut Chutiwongpeti • Squeak Starzula • Stasa Wade • Tattianna Howard • Teshika Silver • Tracy Kostenbader • Victoria Elizabeth • Zack Goulet Light Creatures interactive performance during March 7th opening event was by International Art Group Mask Ensemble featured Tiona Robinson, Althea Teamer, Sherree Blakemore, Cande, Lissa, Marianna Buchward, and Barbara Wilson. Streetview Artists in the large windows facing Diversey and Milwaukee : Bee Figueroa, mr.pintamuro, The Gray Fox 11, Andrew Rose Vickers, Tracy Kostenbader, Tattianna Howard, The Gray Fox 11, Andrew Garcia, and Alice Roberson 
Additional LIP 20/20 Arts Festival Programming postponed. Look for details in the next year. ____ Pandemic Safety Measures at the Hairpin Arts Center Will need to keep it safe for each other and the community. The safety measures we will follow: Wearing masks; Physically distance 6ft apart; Limit capacity; Hand sanitizer available; Limited masks available; Before and after each day: sanitize entry, space, surfaces and restrooms; We have sanitizing wipes and spray; We will access the space through the stairs and use elevator only when necessary; Doors propped open to minimize need to touch handles. We will be ready to adjust for the safety of all of us. 
____ AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. AnySquared.com [email protected] ig | ne2_gallerysquared facebook | AnySquared twitter | AnySquared
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hcamac · 5 years
Talal: Bronze - Part C: Arts Inspiration
My Arts Inspiration is:
Why they inspire me:
His passion for drawing inspires me. He drew a masterpiece in a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, the official residence of the Pope.
He painted the fresco (mural) in the Sistine Chapel. Frescos are pieces of painted art that decorate the interior. This work below is called The Last Judgment .
It inspires me because of how impressive the painting is. He spent seven years drawing and painting this (1536–1541). The whole of the inside of the chapel was painted. It is also a very detailed and beautiful piece of art, and you can clearly see all of the features of each individual person. This is the most wonderful piece of art I have ever seen. 
He painted the Sistine Chapel lying down on his back. Because of this, his eyes were affected by the paint dripping on them. Michelangelo's dedication has inspired me to work hard and dedicate myself to something. If one man can paint the entire chapel, this makes me think of the things that I am capable of doing and inspires me to work hard to create something beautiful.  
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This is The Last Judgment (1541)
What they make and do and how:
Michaelangelo worked in different art-forms such as sculpture, painting and architecture. 
He was particularly inspired by the human form, and religion. With his sculpture he first made sketches to prepare his works, then he made small scale wax models - which he dipped into hot water to sculpt. After this he drew onto the marble and roughly cut it to size, then he made fine adjustments with his chisel. Finally, he polished his status to make them look superb.
He also made ‘Frescos’ which are murals he painted on walls and cellings.
What I like about their work:
i like his imagination and his way of sculpture. His work makes me think about how patient and talented he must have been to draw every single person’s features so perfectly. 
What I have found out about their career / technique:
Michelangelo was born 6 March 1475 and died on 18 February 1564.
As he didn’t like going to school, between 1488–1492 he did apprenticeships with other artists such as Ghirlandaio to develop his career and learn the skills to become an artist.
Michelangelo worked for a time with the sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni to gain skills.
From that point onwards, he was commissioned to do projects in Rome, Bologna, and Florence.
Before the age of thirty, he created two famous sculptures, the Pietà and David.  
He did the following paintings /drawings at these dates: 
-The Conversion of Saul (1545)
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-The Dream of Human Life - (1533)
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Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:
A number of Michelangelo's works of painting, sculpture and architecture rank among the most famous in existence.[1] His output in these fields was prodigious; given the sheer volume of surviving correspondence, sketches and reminiscences, he is the best-documented artist of the 16th century. He sculpted two of his best-known works, the Pietà and David, before the age of thirty. Despite holding a low opinion of painting, he also created two of the most influential frescoes in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and The Last Judgment on its altar wall. His design of the Laurentian Library pioneered Mannerist architecture.[2]At the age of 74, he succeeded Antonio da Sangallo the Younger as the architect of St. Peter's Basilica. He transformed the plan so that the western end was finished to his design, as was the dome, with some modification, after his death.
What do other people think about their work:
Michaelangelo is known to be one of the best artists ever and he inspired many of artists.
However people didn’t like his paintings because it showed muscular bodies which was considered appropriate. This style of painting un-natural figures  called ‘Mannerism’.
His contemporaries called him ‘Il Divino’ ("the divine one"), and admired his ability to create with fear and wonder.
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collectorscorner · 4 years
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 6/17/20
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 6/17/20 Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : IN STORE SHOPPING Resumed on Friday May 22nd with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Baltimore County Guidelines. 1-410-668-3353. CC Parkville - NEW 2020 STORE HOURS as of JUNE Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8 Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : IN STORE SHOPPING Resumed on Friday May 15th with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777. CC Bel Air -NEW 2020 STORE HOURS as of JUNE Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! 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airickaphoenix · 6 years
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Michaelangelo's Davi http://ift.tt/2CIBD2O
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transhumanitynet · 3 years
A Unifying Meta-Theory of UFOs & The Weird with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (150)
For Episode 150 we welcome back Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, one of the most formidable and daring intellects I know, and the author of a new paper integrating over 650 books on UFOs and the paranormal, from over 150 disciplines, to trace the outline of a unifying meta-theory of the weird. In this episode, we discuss how Sean reconciles ten different hypotheses for the UFO phenomenon with his “mutual enactment hypothesis,” an updated ontology based on reconstructive post-modernism and Indigenous ways of knowing. I tell the story of the most powerful and transformative experiences of my life, as a case study in high weirdness. We talk about the distinctions between the real, the Real, the hypo-real, and the hyper-real, and offer examples from film, literature, and comparative religion.
Do you have incredulous friends? Show them the extraordinary website Sean made with Tom Curren, WhatsUpWithUFOs.com
Read Sean’s paper, “Our Wild Kosmos!: An Exo Studies Exploration of the Ontological Status of Non-Human Intelligences”
Read its precursor, “An Ontology of Climate Change: Integral Pluralism and the Enactment of Multiple Objects”
Read Sean’s latest newsletter on recent UFO disclosures
Learn more about and enroll in Sean’s course on Exo Studies
If you believe in the value of this show and want to see it thrive, support Future Fossils on Patreon. Patrons gain access to over twenty secret episodes, unreleased music, our book club, and whatever else spills out of my overactive imagination.
Dig deeper with the Future Fossils episodes we reference in this conversation, including:
37 – Michaelangelo aka Void Denizen (Excavating the Future with “Paisley-ontology”)
60 – Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Goes Meta on Everything: Integral Ecology & Impact
71 – JF Martel (On Sequels & Simulacra, Blade Runner 2049 & Stranger Things 2)
91 – An Oral History of The End of “Reality”
99 – Erik Davis on How to Navigate High Weirdness
113 – Sean Esbjörn-Hargens on Exostudies: Philosophical Explorations of the UFO Phenomenon
117 – Eric Wargo on Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious
126 – Phil Ford & JF Martel on Weird Studies & Plural Realities
132 – Erik Davis on Perturbations in the Reality Field
149 – Cultural Somatics & Ritual as Justice with Tada Hozumi, Dare Sohei, and Naomi Most
And stay tuned for my three-part conversation with Stuart Davis about (most of) my UFO experiences on his awesome Aliens & Artists Podcast!
Music in this episode:
“Delta Pavonis” by Michael Garfield
“Olympus Mons” by Michael Garfield
“Your Heart Comes Back Online” by Michael Garfield
“Out There” by Skytree
A Unifying Meta-Theory of UFOs & The Weird with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (150) was originally published on transhumanity.net
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thedarkplume · 3 years
In honor of @kellyn1604 Spirit Week ~ Spooky Edition, here is an excerpt for Seance Sunday's Sneak Peek...
for @autumnrose40
The first time you saw Steve Rogers was in the dog park down the street from your apartment. He was sitting under a tree with a sketchpad in his lap. You saw him there a lot. Sometimes, he was with a handsome brunette. Sometimes, he was with a beautiful redhead, but most of the time Steve was alone.
Oddly enough, Steve never had a dog with him, but he was so gracious and wonderful to the dogs who did come sniffing up to him wanting to play.
You were not stalking Steve, per se. You just liked looking at him. You've never seen a man like Steve Rogers before. While he was smaller than the average man, he was so handsome. A head of gold spun hair, a patrician nose, and chiseled jaw with full pink lips. He could easily be your generation's Michaelangelo's David.
"No use in daydreaming," you sigh wistfully. "Let's head back, girl." You look down at your two-year-old Beagle, Bette Davis, whose sage eyes seemed to ask, are you really going to let another day pass without talking to him? "Now, don't give me that look. I will talk to him. Soon. One day. Eventually."
With one last glance at Steve Rogers, you turned on your heels and trekked back to your apartment.
tagging: @autumnrose40 @georgiapeach30513 @specialk-18 @kellyn1604
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turtlethon · 2 years
"The Gang's All Here"
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Season 3, Episode 40
First US Airdate: December 13, 1989   First BBC UK broadcast: March 23, 1992
An anti-mutagen cookie turns Michaelangelo into a human.
"The Gang's All Here" is episode 40 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season three. This is the one and only episode of the series credited to James A. Davis.
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The Turtles are on patrol in their van when they spot an old lady being mugged by a masked attacker. Mere seconds into the episode, and already it’s time for a...
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BEBOP & ROCKSTEADY WARDROBE UPDATE: Today Bebop is dressed in a long pink dress with a white trim, a white wig and gold-rimmed glasses, while still sporting his trademark sneakers, with his snout and tusks plainly visible. Rocksteady is in his usual attire with the addition of a tan bomber jacket, blue hat, sunglasses and a red bandana wrapped around his mouth. All of this is lost on the Turtles, who assume Bebop really is a little old lady being mugged and deal with the crook accordingly. They might be "the world's most fearsome fighting team", but they’re not always the smartest.
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Still in character, Bebop repays the Turtles by offering them a bag of cookies. Michaelangelo is ready to chow down, figuring that they may not be pizzas but at least they’re round. Leonardo scolds him, insisting they need to stay in “fighting trim”; I think this may be the first time we really see the bossy, uptight tendencies of his character that will become more prominent later on begin to bubble to the surface.
Donatello also thinks they should hold off on eating the cookies, as something about the whole incident feels off to him. He suggests they take the bag back to the lair for testing.
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Bebop & Rocksteady re-join Shredder in a nearby alley. He actually compliments them for pulling the mission off – sort of – and insists this will mark the end of the Turtles.
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Later, Donatello discovers that the cookies were made with an anti-mutagen. He dramatically explains to the others that one bite of the cookies might have caused them to “degenerate into lower forms of life”. The team all take turns suggesting he must mean slugs or amoebas, before he explains that it would be worse: “human beings!”
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Michaelangelo doesn’t see the problem with this, and begins listing off all the things they could do as humans: “Surfing! Going to parties! Meeting... chicks!” Leonardo admits that he often dreamed of riding in a western rodeo, and it kind of feels like at a minimum Raph should chip in here and suggest what he would do as a human, but for whatever reason we don’t get that, and instead the story rolls on.
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Splinter steps in, agreeing with Donatello that eating the cookies would be a bad idea. “As humans,” he explains, “you would lose your ninja skills and powers”.
Okay, time out. If the Turtles became human, they wouldn’t cease to know all the things Splinter has taught them about being ninjas. The loss of their “powers” is a bit more debatable, although any specific superhuman abilities they’ve had by way of being mutants has always been very vague. Once in a while we’ll see them perform some kind of feat of strength – for example, when they lifted up a van to scare off some crooks in “New York’s Shiniest” - but Splinter’s argument would be a lot more convincing here if these things had been more explicit at any point over the last two years.
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Donatello makes big song and dance about “tossing these cookies... in the garbage!” I love that he’s such a giant ham about everything.
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In the Technodrome, Shredder insists to Rocksteady and Bebop that the plan will work, as “what teenager can resist chocolate chip cookies?” Krang saunters in and quips that he didn’t know baking was one of Shredder’s “things”. Shreds explains that “a ninja warrior is trained in many skills”. This is turning out to be a really fun episode.
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Krang goes on to outline what I guess is Scheme of the Day Number 2. A cargo ship contains equipment needed to repair the Technodrome – understandably, given the damage done in the previous episode. Bebop and Rocksteady are ordered by Krang to go there and steal the items they need, but Shredder steps in and points out a rhino and warthog will only attract unwanted attention. Krang suggests the mutants find their old gang and have them do the job. Rocksteady immediately becomes sentimental and teary-eyed at the prospect of reuniting with his old friends.
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At Channel 6, Burne is complaining that ratings are in the toilet. Vernon’s suggestion of a show about matchbook collecting(?!) is swiftly shot down. April proposes an expose on gangs in the big city, and the prospect of sensationalised violence appeals to Burne, who gives it his approval.
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In a real “I don’t know if this is intentional humour or not” moment, April spikes up her hair and dons a leather bomber jacket to go undercover as a gang member. In the next shot, it’s revealed that she’s wearing this over her usual banana yellow jumpsuit.
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Behind the backs of the other Turtles, Michaelangelo returns later and fishes the cookies out of the bin. After some brief hesitation, he goes ahead and eats one. Initially he feels nothing, but after a few seconds his skin begins flashing a neon pink colour, his hands and feet throbbing. This could potentially become body horror stuff but his transformation is largely left to our imagination as we head into commercials.
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When we return, Michaelangelo stumbles to his feet, now a chubby-faced human teen with ginger hair. Elated, he heads off, declaring himself to now be “Michael J. Angelo”. He visits a skate park, where he’s quick to show off to two boys, but winds up flying into a tree.
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Mikey is already feeling discouraged about being human when a car drives by and sprays some mud on him. For some reason, this one incident is enough to finally break him. He’s about to return to the lair when he happens to encounter April in her flimsy disguise – who he fails to identify – being pursued by a gang of punks.
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April is cornered by Lugnut, the leader of the gang, who demands to know why she was spying on them. She tries to weasel out of this by insisting she was actually checking out the gang to find out if they were tough enough to have her as a member, which elicits some laughter. Lugnut goes on to explain that for her initiation she will have to beat Jersey Red in a fight, and someone at BBC Standards & Practices feels faint.
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Michaelangelo watches all this from afar, having figured out that it was in fact April who was being chased. He begins turning back into a Turtle, which somehow causes the sneakers he was wearing to fade out of existence and his trademark orange wristbands to appear, but the shirt and shorts he has on remain unaffected? It’s not just stupid, it’s ten types of inconsistent all at once.
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In the tunnel where she’s been left to “initiate” April, Jersey Red performs a Jim Duggan style three-point-stance before launching herself several feet into the air in a very impressive feat of agility for a woman of her size. Michaelangelo intervenes, using a giant swing to hurl her into a nearby dumpster. April is dumbfounded when Lugnut later informs her that whatever she did, it was enough to pass the test.
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April is not in the gang yet though; for her next test, she’s instructed to rob a location and bring the goods back for the other members. Michaelangelo continues to track her, now back in his human form (and yes, his shoes have magically regenerated).
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In the Lair, the other Turtles wonder where Michaelangelo is when they hear an explosion in the next room. They rush in and discover the bin containing the cookies has detonated, its contents revealed to be highly unstable. Everyone is glad they didn’t fall for Shredder’s trap until Splinter arrives with a note that Donatello reads: “Dear dudes, if these cookies aren’t bogus, by the time you scope this note, I’ll be human! Cowabunga.” Not quite as good as his goodbye letter from a few episodes ago, but Donnie’s deadpan reading of “cowabunga” made me laugh.
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Now realising that Michaelangelo himself is a ticking timebomb, the team have to find him quickly, but Splinter points out doing so won’t be of any help without an antidote. Donatello immediately gets to work.
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Mikey sneaks into April’s apartment at the same time she returns to fake a robbery, intent on bringing her own items out to impress the gang. Thinking he’s a real intruder (and not recognising him in his human form), April grabs Michaelangelo by the arm and hurls him across the room.
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Without revealing his true identity, Michaelangelo pleads his innocence, telling April that he was the one who threw Jersey Red in the dumpster. He watches as April gathers her own items to hand over to the gang but the truth becomes apparent when he again reverts to his Turtle form – this time minus his shirt and shorts.
The other Turtles begin looking for Michaelangelo, now in possession of the antidote required to return him to normal. What follows is a truly relatable scene: you're walking down the street, minding your own business when three anthropomorphic turtles dressed in brightly coloured ninja costumes get out of their van and start spraying some kind of aerosol in your face. We’ve all been there.
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April – secretly accompanied by now-human-again Michaelangelo – meets up with Lugnut and hands over her haul, securing her place in the gang. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of a transport module, from which Bebop & Rocksteady emerge. They introduce themselves as members of the gang, who initially fail to recognise them. (Jersey Red suggests they’re actually better looking than the human Bebop & Rocksteady she remembers.) Rocksteady confirms his identity by charging through a wall, which is proof enough for Lugnut; no-one else, he declares, would do something so dumb.
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While the Turtles use a hi-tech beam to trace Michaelangelo’s footsteps through the park, Bebop and Rocksteady head to the cargo ship with their old gang. April secretly tries to radio for help while the two mutants bumble their way through using a crane to get to the goods they need. Rocksteady and April end up face-to-face, at which point her cover is blown. Michaelangelo then steps in again, using a rope to swing to her rescue. He tackles Rocksteady but is unable to do much of anything, losing his strength once more as he reverts to human form (but regaining his shoes).
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Rocksteady gloats that “somebody’s been nibblin’ mother Shredder’s cookies” before hooking Michaelangelo up to a crane. Leonardo emerges to cut the line, followed by the other Turtles. The team use items dotted around the ship to handily defeat the gang.
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Rocksteady scales a mast with a captive April, who’s rescued by a still-human Michaelangelo (although due to his lack of strength, April actually does most of the work). The Turtles send both mutants plummeting into the lower depths of the ship, and although I fail to see how this stops them stealing anything, I guess for today they’re considered “dealt with”.
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Donatello uses his antidote spray on Michaelangelo, who retains his shirt this time for a few seconds before being seen in just his normal attire. April gives him a kiss on the cheek for his help.
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Back at Channel 6, Burne compliments April on a job well done before mocking the “bunk about teenage turtles mopping up the deck with human gangsters”. This is the fifty-eighth episode of the show and by this point the Turtles are fairly well known in New York. They've saved the city or the world from outlandish scenarios nearly sixty times now, or thereabouts. Burne himself came face to face with the Turtles when they were stopping Rocksteady and Bebop from hypnotising his own crew just a few episodes ago. And now suddenly he’s like "nah, THAT could never happen".
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In the Lair, the other Turtles present Michaelangelo with something to commemorate his time as a human: a chocolate-chip cookie pizza, the sight of which sends a wailing Michaelangelo running out of the room. A whole lot of irrational behaviour on display today, clearly.
"The Gang's All Here" is a very fun episode, and a welcome change of pace after two episodes in a row focused on Zach and his cohorts. There’s a lot of what we’d now consider fan service here, as we get to see what one of the Turtles would look like in their “human-sona”. April is in her element infiltrating the gang; similarly, watching Rocksteady & Bebop reunite with their old associates gives us a small window into their lives prior to their initial encounter with Shredder.
How mutation works in TMNT has always been... dubious, but never more so than here, as Michelangelo jumps between being turtle & human and back again, and each time his clothes change with him. Makes absolutely zero sense. And then sometimes he has both sets of clothes? That whole aspect of the episode is poorly handled, but otherwise this one is a real good time. A true highlight after a run of middling-to-mediocre episodes in the later stages of this season.
NEXT TIME: Remember that episode that was effectively just “The Turtles Meet Robocop”? And the one that was to all intents and purposes “The Turtles Meet Johnny 5?” And the one that posed the question “What if Irma was The Terminator”?
Well for the next episode of TMNT we’re doing Gremlins. It’s called “The Grybyx” and it’s just... Gremlins.
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detroitlib · 8 years
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Celebrate National Dance Week! (April 22 - May 1, 2016)
View of Michaelangelo Davis dancing in front of mirror.
Courtesy of the E. Azalia Hackley Collection of African Americans in the Performing Arts, Detroit Public Library
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transhumanitynet · 5 years
120 - Ramin Nazer on Cave Paintings for Future People
This week we surf the fun-gularity with the brilliant artist, standup comic, and podcaster Ramin Nazer! This episode is significantly less a heady philosophy-of-science discussion than usual and significantly more a wank-fest of two people who love each other’s shows going on about all the mind-blowing visionary notions contained therein. Kick back, light some incense, and prepare for a juicy conversation about where we stand in the Cosmic Order and what to do with all of our creative possibility…covering everything from universal basic income to celebrity schadenfruede, visionary art and science fiction to to the psychological impact of trying to stay original in the midst of a tech singularity. If you’re anything like I am, Ramin is going to inspire the hell out of you. Enjoy…
120 – Ramin Nazer on Cave Paintings for Future People.mp3
Ramin’s Website:
Michael on Ramin’s podcast, Rainbow Brainskull:
Archan Nair, The Teafaerie, Nikola Tesla, Onyx Ashanti, King Raam, The Rock, Andrew Yang, Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, Star Trek Discovery, Charles Stross’ Accelerando & Glasshouse, Black Mirror, Esperanza Spalding, Duncan Trussell, Richard Florida, Jeff Bezos, William Irwin Thompson, Terence McKenna, John C. Wright’s Eschaton Sequence, Peter Watts’ Blindsight, Eric Wargo’s Time Loops, Colin Frangicetto, Who Built The Moon?, No Man’s Sky, An Oral History of the End of Reality, Ariana Grande, Jimi Hendrix, Amazon Alexa, Life in the Glass Age at Burning Man 2013, Dadara (Daniel Rozenberg), The Mirage Men, Jason Silva, Randal Roberts, Morgan Manley, Alex Grey, Allyson Grey, Michaelangelo, Slavoj Zizek, Marshall McLuhan, Chuck Palahniuk, Jordan Peterson, Aziz Ansari, Louis CK, Julia Cameron, Alan Shelton, Buckminster Fuller, Frank Zappa, Mortal Kombat, Roko’s Basilisk, Norman “Dr. Blue” Katz, Joe Biden, Awake Aware Alive Podcast, Expanding Mind with Erik Davis, Rak Razam, Adam Dipert, Giant Leap Dance Company, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Greg Parkins, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Weird Studies, Brave Browser
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120 – Ramin Nazer on Cave Paintings for Future People was originally published on transhumanity.net
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