#mira; please for the love of god come take the wheels
A comment you said on your last post really hit me as a good point of development/angst, please take or leave as you'd like and apologies if I've mischaracterized your Tav at all, but still hope this helps turn some wheels. "As a Cleric of Ilmater Mira is no stranger to Suffering for the sake of Faith." Has Mira considered that Astarion suffered for nothing?
Ultimately Mira's suffering gets her a cool connection with a god and awesome powers. Would that not make Astarion bitter in that respect? To me it seems like Mira is constantly pushing back against Astarion with a lot of "why is he like this" and "you have to be better because it's the right thing to do." At what point does Astarion share his story with her about that boy he tried to spare from Cazador's wrath? I feel like with this dynamic, that would be something he'd bring up as proof that she just got lucky that her god gave a shit about her in particular. Like he did the right thing, was horrendously punished for it and as far as he's concerned, Ilmater was sitting around twiddling his godly thumbs.
I feel like that would be a good point to develop some better mutual understanding between the pair of them that would make Mira maybe not forgive Astarion in the Act 2 confession, but at least understand where he's coming from, rather than just pushing her worldview.
So! You gotta keep in mind that the story you're referring to isn't told to the player character until Act 3, well after his confession.
By the time he confesses, Astarion has (depending on how many cut scenes you've managed to snag/long rests etc) Only told you that he lured victims back to Cazador, and that Cazador is a monster.
He's told you about his scars, and how he pities the other 6 of his "siblings". Plus a few small anecdotes, but *none of them* about anything he's ever done for anyone else.
He has however:
- Been extremely racist towards the Gur based on being attacked by them, likely having been hired by Cazador based on how the story was told so Mira explained that you can't hold an entire race of people accountable for the actions of the few. Astarion said he absolutely can, and fuck you
- Assaults you in your sleep then begs for blood and if you do trust him enough to let him bite "I'll be as gentle as a babe! I only need a little" but u don't pass the checks he will murder you
- Tried to abandon the Tieflings to their fate and told Mira they should move on not because of the tadpole problem, but because killing goblins "would take hours" and he's too lazy to bother
- Repeatedly and loudly stated that he desires power over all else, but has NOT yet told her its because he's scared/desires to feel safe
- Asked to be left out of the Nere quest because he didn't want to ruin his nails and would prefer to move on. Mira said Nere isn't the point, the gnomes are and he was EXTREMELY racist towards deep gnomes in general. He has NOT yet explained to the PC / Mira why he is against digging through rock (the crypt for a year thing) by the time he does this
- Tells you if you get in the way of what he wants he will go through you if necessary (denying him the tadpoles) and to stay out of his way
- Snaps at you about how to deal with Yurgir if you try to figure out what's going on instead of immediately killing him, even if you plan on killing him, and also rails against PC loudly in many other instances as well
And much much more, I won't go on. The point is that by the time he confesses, you have no back story. You have nothing to go on. There is nothing to trust. And the ONE thing Mira and Astarion had together where she thought they were making headway, their physical relationship, has now just been revealed to be a huge scam from the start.
Not ONLY that, but he doesn't regret doing it. He is proud of his simple plan and upset that it fell apart (at least that's how he presents it) and does NOT apologize for trying to use her. He instead says because he fell in love and she is so incredible he feels he can trust her enough to confess his deception without fear of being kicked out of the party.
You must remember that while Astarion has reasons, he hasn't revealed them. And if you judge a man based on his words and actions, at the point of the confession scene, he's not got a lot going for him besides puppy dog eyes and a backstory of admittedly horrific slavery that has only been lightly touched on because he wants you to know Cazador is Bad, but he's not about to spill his guts on what really all happend to him yet.
TLDR: Faith is just about all Mira has to give at this point, and Astarion has made her suffer by gaining her trust through manipulation and then only messing up because HE caught feelings.
In other versions of the game, if you don't finish his quest, he breaks up with PC very cruelly.
If you make it to Act 3 with Caz and you don't make the right dialogue choices or pass the persuasion and instead just say you won't let him ascend, he says he hopes you die screaming.
This man is my fave, don't get me wrong. But without the knowledge of his entire character, when you go in blind or you play a character that you don't give High Insight to, you have to see that he is a very difficult person to navigate. Especially a Lawful Good Cleric of Ilmater who's life purpose is to help and alleviate suffering.
She feels called to him because of his suffering and she *does* have faith she can help, but that faith is majorly BLIND right now and it hurts to know the man who proved time and time again that he isn't trustworthy just confessed his love by explaining that he has been extra untrustworthy
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confused-beany · 3 years
I was just drawing Mira telling Izuku to stop breaking his bones and the 298 leaks dropped.
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deathdesu · 3 years
Zero Escape ask meme: 1h, 2a, 3c, 5f?
1h. Favorite quote: is it too basic if I say that it’s ‘SEEK A WAY OUT’?  it’s just really memorable to me and I always sing it to the little tune that plays when it shows since the amount of syllables and the amount of notes are the same. seek~ a~ way~ out~ 
2a. Least favorite character: Quark, I guess... I just think he’s more plot device than character and he’s kind of boring. He didn’t feel very defined outside of his relationship to Tenmyouji and he was missing for half of the game he was in. I hated having to look for him over and over. And the way they tried to paint him as sinister and then he wasn’t at all, which was kind of pitiful. Vent Goblin Quark would have been worth the hype they built up around him!  3c. Rank the ZTD teams: Q-Team Best Team > C Team OT3 > Dial D for DISASTER  
but honestly, this order only exists because D-end 2 is just THAT BAD. Unlike D team who I loved for the whole game until that ending soured me on them irreparably, I disliked C-Team for most of my first run and they only grew on me later. I hated the design change for Akane and Junpei - their characterization in ZTD was a bit grating but I understood it. But physically, they were unrecognizable to me. Akane’s face used to be so jolie-laide in 2D pics like this - her long features! her world weary heavy eyelids! nowhere to be found in ZTD design, she was a purple haired doe eyed moe girl. And Junpei already looked like death in 999, obviously there were ways to show his jadedness without turning him into a goth. On both teams the third wheel character was the saving factor. Carlos is pure himbo perfection and Phi just deserved so much better than the shit she was dealt. 
Meanwhile, Q team just grew on me lightning fast with their hilariously murderous found family vibes. They were such a delight I actually felt begrudged having to do anyone else’s fragments. I had never been more endeared to zero escape than I did playing as them. Eric’s fish out of water normie schtick is so great in this cast of hyperintelligent psychic weirdos and his PTSD + losing everyone he ever loved adds depth and sympathy to his largely antagonistic role. Sean is pragmatic but a huge sweetie and just a really well rounded character, and so interesting as a character that both of the other members of his team can see a part of themselves in - he is the perfect leader for Q Team in terms of both having enough empathy to truly attempt to understand them and work with them to be better people, and  being a super-strength robot who is absolutely not taking shit from them once enough becomes enough. You kind of start the game out going ‘oh no who left this small child with the assholes, please save him’ to realizing that actually, he’s got this! AND MIRA. Look, I have wrote my big analysis on how she highlights the themes of ZTD so well, and just. she’s murder wife. I made my animal crossing island Mira-themed what do you fuckin expect from me tbh.  
So if you averaged out my experiences then in truth
 Q team >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C team = D team 
Sorry, not sorry 🔪❤ 
5f. Rant about something you disliked about the games: Again!? Well alright, let’s see... I’m just going to come out and say it. The payoff of VLR is extremely good, but playing the actual game is torture. I’m honestly convinced it is by design.  The events are so similar throughout, that all the timelines blur together in your memory and it’s hard to discern which events happen when. The bland ass sci fi shelter contrasted to 999′s gorgeous Titanic replica. And unlike in 999 where the character moments were blended masterfully into the escape rooms themselves and what you found at the end tended to differ by a lot, in VLR besides the escape rooms/your partner, you just repeat the same set phases of the AB game until at the very end one character tells you their backstory out of the blue in a monologue. There are also a million same-y bad endings where someone besides Sigma gets enough BP to ditch everyone. God. It’s just... so much. 
There is a certain degree of brilliance to it.  We experience every moment Sigma does, encountering all of these horrible situation where for the time we are powerless. And it's SO frustrating. You really feel what he would be feeling. The complete torture of enduring the nonary game over and over and over with no victory in sight. Like, I hit every plot lock in the game before I got a single ending, so I basically WAS Sigma. But you know....I don’t like being tortured! I hated it! It took me like two years to beat the game because it made me so unhappy to play and I procrastinated on it forever. If I hadn’t been on a flight where I discovered all the other games I brought besides VLR made me motion sick, I don’t think I would have ever finished it. Of course, the catharsis of reaching the end was immense. But it was a cliffhanger, so the kind of immense that also invokes berserker rage...? I really can’t imagine how fucking unhinged I would have become if I was one of those Zero Escape fans who played it ten years before ZTD came out. I finished it a comfortable six months before and I STILL would have fought an army for VLR young Sigma (but NOT OLD SIGMA.) 
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youarejesting · 4 years
Femme: 47
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang, Erik Nam, Hyuna x Dawn, Black Pink x Female oc, TXT x robot oc, Got7 x Female oc Rating: Mature themes mentioned but not really explored. Length: 2.8k Announcement: I am so thankful for @lpayne612​ for their work reading this and for everyone who has been reading this, the journey is coming to an end and I thank you for being a part of it all. Beta: @lpayne612​
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Recap: The children are all growing up happy and well. After everyone Yoongi agreeing to try for another Jimin and Seokjin rejoice in the idea of being fathers. Jimin steps back saying he will happily wait for the next time and says he will help Seokjin to make a baby. You discover Jimin’s pregnancy kink that had been developing over time that he only realized after waiting so long for you to be pregnant once more.
The TXT boys graduate. After the lengthy filming process of the tv series, documentary, and your tour everyone returns home happily. Now heavily pregnant, you try to induce labor with the help of your seven husbands. It works! In the mess of packing any last minute things for the hospital. Jimin and Taehyung are both placed in cock cages by Hoseok which will make for one hell of an experience.
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Wheeled into the ward, you had to wait until the labor progressed further to be taken up to the birthing suite where you would finally be free and in control of your own body. The excitement was blooming within you again; the idea of another baby when it had been so long - Mirae was now three. It had been three years since there was a newborn at home, three years of toilet training, and teaching a baby how to walk, talk, and eat.
Emotions washing over you like the fierce contractions you were experiencing. Namjoon and Hoseok were talking to the doctor asking questions. “Is she going to be okay, she is older now?”
“Wow, I am right here Namjoon and I am not old I’m 28 okay, I haven’t aged that quick” You scolded throwing a paper cup at Namjoon before grabbing another causing Yoongi to laugh and hand you the next cup that was a little out of reach. 
“He didn’t mean you were old like that, just you have had a few babies and in dogs, there are always more complications the more litters that a female has” You pelted a few paper cups at Hoseok shouting that you weren’t a dog while Yoongi was enabling you with a small supply of paper cups from the drinking fountain.
The doctor smiled “With her spirit, there is nothing to worry about” 
Jimin and Taehyung sat still in the corner each shifting uncomfortably, the process is slow and everyone is hesitating to say anything that can anger you. Except for Yoongi who is instigating all the arguments.
“Why is this baby so slow?” Yoongi yawned
“It’s the shoulders they probably can’t come out” Jungkook muttered
“Oh god no, the shoulders!” You cried out in frustration.
Yoongi swiped up the stack of cups from the bedside table and began handing them to you, calling scores as you pelted them across the room at Seokjin who apologized and dodged.
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You weren’t progressing and they decided you would be going in for a surgery which you weren’t too worried about. It was out of your hands and you couldn’t feel a thing but you heard the doctor call out.
“It’s a girl!” and you looked at Seokjin who held your hand sitting dutifully by your head. Seokjin pushed the little cot alongside your bed and you were placed in a private ward where the boys were waiting.
He smiled, lifting his daughter into his arms, his ears prickling pink and he looked up. “It's a g—” Seokjin’s voice cracked and the tears started falling. He was so happy to be a dad. The others crowded around and engulfed him in a hug praising him making his ears turn a bright red. 
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The boys were all so quick to dive back into baby mode. Namjoon took the time to read the older children to bed while Yoongi would play his ultimate sleep playlist that was guaranteed to get the younger children to sleep. Seokjin and Jimin were both so excited and enthusiastic at the prospect of another child being introduced that they barely let the newborn down. They were all so efficient in care and the older siblings were little helping hands. You were working out with Jungkook trying to get yourself back into your healthiest form. 
Your newest addition to the family was named Yubi, a little angel and she was a sucker for cuddles and wouldn’t fall asleep unless it was in someone's arms. And that’s how you all got to witness it again, paternal Yoongi.
It must have been another late night in the studio because when you all came down the corridor from your bedroom and saw Yoongi lying on the couch your daughter was asleep against his chest wrapped warmly in blankets. He was so against you having children but was the first to act when any of them started crying.
“Yoongi, honey I’m awake now you can go back to bed” You smiled affectionately, lifting your daughter from his arms. “Did Yubi bother you while you were working?”
“She woke through the night. I fed and changed her. I was trying to let you all get some sleep” He rubbed his eyes scuffing down the hall and disappearing into the master bedroom.
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Yubi had difficulty putting on weight and growing it was a lot more severe than Yoongi, and the doctor gave you a pack of little injections that you had to take home. She was so small, so the hormone injections would stimulate her growth. 
Her muscles were weak and as much as you hated the idea of inflicting pain on her, you knew it would benefit her in life. Hoseok took the responsibility of giving the injections. They were luckily small needles administered into Yubi’s thigh and you would quickly feed her and distract her with kisses. 
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Yubi took the weirdest traits from her father, she loved to laugh and make others laugh by pulling faces. Her eyes lit up whenever she saw one of her dads enter the room. 
She also loved food; her favorite were eggs, bananas, and clementines. Her father always praised her when she ate well. And then the two would go to the living room and Seokjin would slowly bend and straighten her legs slowly encouraging her to strengthen her legs. 
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You were sitting in the living room with seven clipboards and you finally finished with the checklists you had made for all the children. “Alright dads, come here for a family meeting”
Each father walked out from their places within the house, everyone came quickly except Jimin who peeked out from the hall with a ‘me?’ kind of notion. You nodded and beckoned him over almost forgetting that he wasn’t yet a father and his hesitance when you referred to dads and their children.
“What do you need?” Yoongi said “Grab a clipboard, any clipboard and it will have a child’s name inside and the list of things they need to pack for the annual camping trip.
“I forgot it was coming up and didn’t ask for time off ” Seokjin frowned looking at the time table.
“No worries, I already called all your employers and staff 2 weeks ago, making sure they knew you wouldn’t be available” You grinned, handing the boys clipboards. 
You gave Jimin the little blue clipboard you knew was for Mirae, the little girl adored him. He smiled, Yoongi picked up the red clipboard and groaned when he opened it to see he had gotten the rambunctious Huimang. 
The others took their clipboards and went to fetch their children and Yoongi just sat taking a few deep breaths mentally preparing himself for the ball of energy. “Hooway-way come downstairs” You called the now four-year-old downstairs “Daddy Yoongi wants to help pack your bags for camping.”
“Okay mama.”
Hoseok was walking around singing around the room, scooping up baby Yubi’s bag and going to pack it. Crouching to give his son a high five catching the smaller hand in his. “Don’t be too rough with Daddy-Yoongi, he is getting old now, son,”
Yoongi was quick to throw a glare across the room, standing between your two husbands you sighed “Daddy-bi, don’t start things you can’t finish.”
“Come on, Jae Eun let’s pack your bag” Taehyung spoke to his daughter softly.
“I want to go with daddy,” Jae Hwan frowned. The twin four-year-olds were very clingy when it came to their father. He was so loving and kind - the two were very reliant on him.
“Jae Hwan let Daddy-JooJoo help please,” Namjoon tried to coax the boy to join him in packing his bag.
“How about Daddy-JooJoo and Daddy-Tata both help you two pack together?” you smiled and Jae Hwan nodded, wrapping his arms around his father’s leg. This made his sister jealous who wrapped herself around Taehyung’s other leg and he laughed waddling down the hall to their room.
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You took your family, Eric, and Namjoon’s father on the annual camping trip to Taehyung’s farm again where you were having a celebration for Yubi’s first birthday. How had the time flown by? One moment you were bringing her home, giving her daily injections, and teaching her to walk which she still couldn’t quite do on her own due to her muscle weakness. The next moment your darling girl was finally maintaining a normal growth pattern.
There were tents all around the home and you were happy to have some time away from the cameras and work. 
Yubi was getting stronger every day and it made you smile to see her gaining strength. She would hold yours and one of her dad's hands when she walked and you knew it was such a strong bonding moment.
Hoseok had bought her pink leg braces and Jungkook decorated them with drawings of flowers and other cute animals.
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The camping trip was during the middle of summer and you were trying to keep her cool in the shade every day when the sun was high and the temperature peaked. You would lather the children in sunscreen and sit in the river. Yubi’s legs would feel practically weightless so it was a perfect exercise for her legs.
The group was so excited swimming and picking strawberries, you took out your phone and began recording a video so as not to lose your train of thought.
“Hello everyone, I am recording this video and you won’t get to see it until we’re back from our camping trip. But it has been eleven years since I met the boys, nine since I had Kyungie and I miss my family as you do every now and again.” You were laying on a long mat in the shade, Yubi asleep beside you as you recorded holding her hand. 
“I remember my life before the femme program, the future seemed so unclear, the idea that the female population was going extinct was scary. I never thought I would find the one let alone, seven amazing men that I was destined to be with.” Yubi wiggled in her sleep clutching her ‘Alala’ a floppy soft toy like what all your children had but this one was an Alpaca upon Seokjin’s request. “I have grown and learned so much and I have never regretted it in my life. I know some aren’t as lucky so I have been thinking of donating to the femme stay centre where those who are escaping bad situations can find asylum and more.”
“On another note, our little Yubi has grown so much she is getting stronger every day and we love her” You smiled signing off quickly to remove the camera once more. You were happy to nap a few days away with your family. 
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“Mum, Eric said we can stay at his house one-night” Kyungju smiled
“Wow that’s nice of him, we will have to wait and see” You pulled your son closer and inspected his face adding a little more sunscreen hoping he wouldn’t burn.
“When will we stay over?” Jeongsan smiled
“No idiot he only asked me” Everyone chuckled at this, Kyungju was getting older and was wanting his own freedom.
“I think it is a good idea. Maybe Kyungju can go first and then the next time you can go together.” You smiled pulling Jeongsan in for a hug and kissing his forehead. “My boys you are growing up too fast you are making your mother upset”
“I will slow them down” Taehyung smiled “If I pat their heads every day the won’t grow any taller”
“No, my dad’s already short, I don’t want to be short!” Kyungju tried to run away but was snatched up by Yoongi who playfully wrestled with his son.
“Who are you calling short punk?” Yoongi’s Daegu accent came through
“You old man,” Kyungju said, mimicking his father's accent trying to act tough.
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
Tell me what you think pleeeeeease
“Good morning,” Natsu mumbled, quickly slipping on his surgical mask as he turned over to face the creak of the door opening, an older woman with long white hair and a similar mask entering as she balanced a silver tray in her hands. “Pills before breakfast? That’s a new one, Mira.”
“Laxus is just running a bit behind with the breakfast cart, so make sure you––” The younger boy cut her off with a wave of his hand and a curt nod before finishing her sentence.
“Eat before I take my medication, I know, I know. You think I would’ve had it down by now. It’s not like I haven’t lived here for seven years,” 
“Mister know it all, telling me that isn’t going to stop me from reminding you. Let it be the one day I don’t remind you to eat first and your stomach doesn’t absorb these properly,”
“To receive a scolding from Mira this early in the morning, you must’ve forgotten to watch your mouth, Dragneel,” Laxus chuckled as he leaned his shoulder against the door, propping it open while he wheeled in the aforementioned breakfast cart.
“Sweet, waffles! My favorite! You always know to get me the good stuff, big guy. I appreciate it.”
“That’ll be the last time I make them too if you don’t learn how to treat my wife,” His eyes spoke with a joking glare, Natsu unable to see what ever twist of his lip was hidden under the white sheet. He felt a nervous shiver crawl up his spine at the sight, nodding rapidly in his submissive response. If not for the terrifying glare, he was afraid of what those overgrown muscles could do to him. Weight training was a frightening hobby.
“Ugh, I got it, I got it! Please don’t pretend to kiss like that in front of me,” Natsu refused to look as they Eskimo-kissed through the thin sheet dividing their noses, both supplying a stream of fake giggles as they dramatized their display of affection.
As they made their way out of his room, Natsu was left with the sound of his air purifying machine and fork scratching against the plate as he cut into his meal were all to keep him company, but he didn’t mind the silence much.
Seven years in this place...it’d been so long since he’d been home, but this was his home too. Magnolia Central Hospital, seventeenth floor, room 702. It reminded him of his street, 72017 Cat Tail Way, what an uncanny coincidence. But it made him feel like this was coming, it wasn’t like people went out of their way to catch tuberculosis afterall. It was a fluke, a total mistake that had to catch him in its ugly clutches. 
His family got caught up in a car accident, t-boned by another car speeding through a red light one night. His parents were fine for the most part, but since Natsu was in the back, he took on more force of the crash. He bled a lot, his parents cried a lot, all the way to the hospital as they all sat in the back of the ambulance. A blood transfusion saved his life but ended it all the same; tainted with HIV.
“Why him?! Natsu doesn’t deserve this kind of thing! He’s––he’s a good kid for heaven’s sake! If we had only––if only we’d seen that man!” His mother screamed on the opposite side of his bedroom door. Natsu clutched the red dragon he always slept with tighter in his young arms, clenching his eyes shut tightly as he tried his best to ignore what went on outside of his room. 
“This isn’t a bad person’s disease, Grandine, you know that! You need to calm down before we wake Natsu up, please...I know he didn’t deserve this, I know...but we’ll get through it, we always do, don’t we?”
He wasn’t a bad person, what seven-year-old was? But whether he or his parents wanted to keep things as normal as possible for him, schools didn’t want to put the other kids at risk. Home-schooling became normal for him, as well as staying indoors since none of the other parents wanted their kids near him. Kids were kids, germs always seemed to pass around quickly even if parents instructed proper hygiene rules, no one wanted to take that risk. Natsu understood well enough as well, he didn’t want anyone else to get sick. 
It became normal for the Dragneel family by the time a year had passed, Grandine now a stay at home mom that taught and took care of their son while Igneel worked and brought home the bacon. 
“I’m home!” Igneel called out one day as he made his way through the front door, expecting a call back from his wife and their small son to rush forward and greet him with a hug. The strange silence in response had him confused for a moment, the lights were on and he definitely smelled dinner cooking. 
“Alright...you two know I don’t like surprises, what’s going on?” He chuckled and shook his head, walking through the hall to enter the kitchen through the dining room on the left. The stove had been turned off but there was a pot of stew still simmering down from a boil. The mystery took him to the living room where he heard the T.V playing some cartoon or other; maybe they just hadn’t heard him over the show? 
“Gotcha!” The Dragneel father grinned as he shouted through the doorway, bouncing in it as he attempted to scare the members of his family surely sitting on the couch. A random kids show was on, but there was still no one to be found. “This...This isn’t funny...you guys know not to––”
As Igneel approached the back of the couch, his voice caught harshly in his throat, the rapid pumping of his heart now loud in his ears. There on the marble flooring was an unsightly puddle of throw-up and blood. It was second before he was out the door and speeding back into his car, why hadn’t he noticed his wife’s car missing before?!
They were found at the hospital, Grandine in hysterics as she finally gathered her senses in the arms of her husband listening to the doctor's words. Tuberculosis. Their son had tuberculosis. And there was no telling when he would be better.
So now he had this room, covered in posters of his favorite bands and random drawings, pictures with his best friend and some with the nurses, others with his parents. He could walk about certain floors freely but had to keep his mask on no matter what and live with that delightful humming of the air purifying machine. 
“Gray,” Natsu grinned as he called his friend through a video chat, angering the boy who had yet to wake up naturally. “You up yet?”
“Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have answered. What did I tell you about waking me up before nine?”
“Just because the nurses are nice and enter your room without waking you up before eight doesn’t mean I have to. So, what did Laxus make for you?”
“Not telling, wouldn’t want you to be jealous of the special treatment I get from him,” The raven-haired boy said with a tired smirk as he pulled himself up from the familiar light blue sheets. 
“Shut up, I got waffles too, you’re not the only one that gets the good stuff. But I can’t for the life of me understand why you like your breakfast cold,” Natsu squirmed at the thought of such steamy food going to waste and faltering to the soggy state his best friend liked so much. 
“We’ve been over this, it’s just a personal preference. Nothing like you putting tabasco on your eggs.”
“That’s a proven, world-wide agreed, flavor. You’re the weirdo here,”
“Yeah, yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that. Anyways, what’s on our agenda today? Another game of Uno™? Although, I don’t think you can make a comeback after my last triple skip and draw four. Fucking slayed you, my guy.”
“You wanna say that to my face? I’ll take you on, day or night, it doesn’t matter. But we’ve got plans, remember? Juvia wants to play dress-up with us today, and you’ve already canceled on her four times. We’re going.” Natsu said matter of factly as he stuffed his mouth with another forkful of Belgien fluffiness. 
“Oh, come on, it wasn’t like I did it on purpose, getting a fever is a totally legit reason to cancel plans. No way Mira would let me leave my room if I told her I got sick. Juvia catches stuff pretty easy too, I don’t need that on my mind.”
“Suuuuure. Definitely has nothing to do with the fact that she wants to marry you, right?”
The call quickly went silent and Natsu cackled with his head thrown back, careful not to choke on the orange juice he’d just taken a swig of. 
“Knew it, that liar,” He rolled his eyes and finished off the rest of his meal before taking the daily medications prescribed to him. 
It wasn’t long before he was dressed and standing in front of Gray’s room with a thicker mask held on around his ears, repeating a constant knock on the door as he beckoned his friend to come out.  Dressed in the sweats he loved more than life, the two made their way to the elevator after checking in with Mira at the front desk. 
Gray needed a heart transplant, had had at least three since his parents found out he had a congenital heart condition. The ones he got never seemed to last as long as everyone hoped, but it didn’t keep him down. He was in and out of the hospital, only lasting a span of six months before his body became too weak again and he needed the constant care provided in a hospital. 
Their ride was full of silent jabbing as Natsu looked at Gray with a sly and raised brow, nudging him with his elbow as he attempted to tease him. 
“I have an eight-year-old in love with me but it’s still not as lame as the guy who dyed his hair pink for fun,” He sneered, poking at the gelled style with dark roots growing back in.
“You’re just mad that you can’t pull off such a nice color, it’s only cool if you wear it right,” Natsu smirked and swatted at him. “Bet you that Juvia’s gonna ask if you brought her ring with you yet.”
“Oh god...please, not again…”
“Gray! Natsu! You came to my tea party!” The young girl lit up as the two walked into the playroom located in the cancer ward, there sat a table in the corner with three cups, a tray of random sliced fruit, and some cubes of bread and poundcake settled on its surface.
“We got your invitations,” Natsu’s grin showed through his eyes as he waved the pink envelope he’d settled in his back pocket ahead of time. “Thank you, it’s been a while since either of us has been anywhere as fancy as this.”
“Y-Yeah, really appreciate it,” Gray let an uneasy smile through as she beamed expectedly at the older boy, her eyes entirely infatuated with his presence. He was never great when it came to talking with kids. 
“I’m wearing the scarf you gave me, Gray, isn’t it cute?” She pointed to the blue wrap with snowflakes that hid the loss of her hair, wearing a blue dress to match. Blue, his favorite color, and now hers.
“Really cute, Juvia.” He said and pat her head, Natsu nodding as he accepted the polite behavior of his stoic friend. 
“So, what kind of tea are we having today?” The pink-haired boy asked as he took a seat, moving his head for Gray to acknowledge he needed to pull Juvia’s seat out for her. 
“U-Um, I’m not sure! I’ll go look in the drees up chest for your hats, so you pour it yourself. And I won’t look if you put something––I mean, pour my tea for me!”
“What’d I tell you! She always does that, isn’t it the cutest?” Natsu laughed as they finally made their way back up to their own floor after a very intense party where the young girl truly waited for her marriage proposal. 
“Having fun over there? How would you like it if someone tried to force you into marriage at such a young age? What kind of movies has that girl been watching, I swear…” Gray grumbled with a sigh and crossed his arms.
“Just say yes, where’s the harm? It’ll make her happy.”
“You know where it is. I’m not going to promise something like that, it brings bad luck,”
Bad luck...yeah, it was smart to be careful when it came to personal feelings for them. They were told to be optimistic, but you never really knew what could happen. There was the daunting thought of the day that you finally gave in and let yourself say the thing you were holding back, only for it all to come crashing down around you. Death was always lurking, and Natsu had a personal encounter with it.
“You sure you’re allowed to be walking around like this, Lucy? Doesn’t it break some cosmic rule, letting a mortal see you and all?” Natsu asked as he laid back in his bed, the curtains drawn open and the moonlight shining down on the two as they spoke in the middle of the night. In the chair next to his bed sat a girl with soft blonde locks and solemn brown eyes, wearing her usual black clothes and a scythe resting against the wall behind her.
“I told you, it’s fine. Not much I can do after you saw me by accident.” She sighed, eyes glued to his phone screen as she played Tertris™. 
“Don’t you have some kind of mind wipe thing? I figured that was a given. And I’m pretty sure you only wanted an excuse to play that game,” He grinned as his chin rested on his knees, happy he didn’t have to wear that stuffy mask when he was around her, the Grimm Reaper’s daughter. 
They met by chance one night after Natsu went on a pudding raid on the senior floor, catching sight of her leading a soul to safety. 
It was a pretty magnificent sight, to say the least after he found out it wasn’t some wackjob trying to off the elderly. 
“That’s what everyone thinks,” She rolled her eyes, but really, the only thing I do is guide souls to their rightful place.”
“And play on my phone. I’m going to write this in a book one day, I hope you know. ‘Grimm Reaper’s daughter ~ The Saga. The subtitle, she plays Tetris™  on her breaks.” He said, spreding his hands in the air for emphasis. 
“No one would read that, I hope you know,”
“What are you talking about? That’s just gonna be the title of my diary, I don’t need the Bigfoot chasers breaking down my door and asking me to confirm their sightings of a weird murdering ax girl who likes to play video games.”
“I’m not weird,” She spat and huffed with a pout, ignoring him as he snickered. “Nice, next level!”
“Don’t you have work to do? Not that I’m rooting for it,” Natsu asked as she finally looked up from his phone, her lips falling into a slight frown. 
“I was trying to avoid this,” She sighed, and rolled her head back, tossing his phone onto his bed. “I’ve got to take Gray,”
“Wha––wait, no, you can’t. I mean it Lucy, I know it’s your job but you really can’t.” He shot up quickly, wide eyes in a panic as he tried to plead with the immortal god. “He’s my...he’s my only friend! My best friend! I just saw him, he was fine! And Juvia...Juvia need’s him more than anyone, he’s her first love!”
“I can let you say goodbye, but really, I have to take him.”
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yungimmortals · 4 years
long drive | graves & miranda | part 1
date: friday, may 22, 2020
summary: two of the hermes siblings wake up at the crack of dawn for a road trip. final destination, myrtle beach. current location: somewhere on i-95 south.
“Hey! Monty! Let’s go!” Graves strolled into Cabin 11, making a beeline for the kitchen. “Loretta’s outside, doors are unlocked. Put your shit in the truck. Vamos, vamos! We got a long drive hermana.” He checked his watch as he dug through the fridge. 4:30. He closed the fridge, scooping up the food he’d gathered and dumping it rather unceremoniously into a bag. He snagged his water bottle from the counter and popped into his room to give it a once-over, making sure he had everything for the weekend. 
“Mira!” Graves called, after unloading more supplies into the truck. “We’re already behind schedule, andele.” He decided to forgo nicknames, his tone a little more serious than usual. “My mom’s cookin’ dinner tonight and we are not missin’ that!” Grave picked up his duffel bag and hooked the strap over his shoulder, seconds away from knocking on Miranda’s door.
Miranda opened her bedroom door, shuffling out of it with a few bags in tow.  "Okay, okay! Te escuché." She bent down to grab her magic bag, which was currently in its usual black backpack form, and threw it over her shoulder.  "Coño, don't remind me about the drive, I'm tired just thinking about it." She headed over towards the front door, pausing to slip on the flip flops she had left there before she finished packing. "Do you need me to bring anything out? Once I get to Loretta, I make zero promises that I'm coming back for you."
Graves shook his head, stepping back so she could pass. He made a shoo-ing motion with his hands in an attempt to usher her out the door. "Nah nah, she's already loaded up. I just need my-" he looked around the room, spotting the item and swiping it off the edge of the couch. "Hat, and now I have it. We're good to go. You're navigator and DJ, you know the drill." He put his hat on, turning it backwards. He gave the cabin one more cursory glance and closed the door behind them. "I hope Roz doesn't set the place on fire while we're gone." Graves hopped in the truck after loading in Miranda's bags and closed the door; he turned the key and the engine roared to life.
Miranda climbed up into the truck, dropped her backpack at her feet, and immediately started getting her phone connected to the stereo system Loretta had.  By the time Graves had finally joined her inside of the truck, she had already kicked her now bare feet up on the dash, and had her road trip playlist loaded and ready to go.  "Nah, we should be good, I didn't tell her what not to do, so it should be still standing when we get back.  I told Mace we were going to be gone, so maybe she'll swing by occasionally and check up on the place." She shrugged, ignoring the small part of her that was in fact worried about leaving her younger sister in charge of the cabin.  Once the engine started up, she turned on the radio to let her playlist start, leaning her head back into the seat as they started to drive.  The music filled the silence between them as they started getting onto the highway, and the farther they got from camp, the more excitement started to flutter inside of her. "I'm glad we're doing this, Gravy.  I didn't realize how badly I wanted to get out of that place."
He took the exit, as instructed by the GPS and looked over at Miranda. "Yeah, me too. I haven't been home since...I got here." It was weird to say out loud; now that he had, Graves' excitement doubled. "I can't wait for you to meet my mom. And Gran! And see the shop. And-" he cut himself off with a laugh. "I'm gettin' ahead of myself. This is gonna be fun as fuck."
Miranda nodded her head as he spoke, a smile appearing on her face at his very obvious excitement.  "Yeah, especially since you're such a momma's boy, and all." She teased, choosing to do that instead of thinking about the last time she had gone home herself.  She hated thinking about it, but the idea of going on an adventure to meet Graves' mom had her feeling a little on edge about the whole family topic.  Regardless, she plastered a smile on her face.  "I'm mainly in it for those fishbowls you showed me, but yeah I guess the rest of it is fine too."
"Hey, I have a great mom! Of course I'm a momma's boy. You'll love her too, wait and see." Graves bobbed his head along to the song Miranda had picked. He checked the time. 5:00. He was not awake enough for the drive ahead of them and decided that the first pit stop would be at a Starbucks. His ears perked up at 'fishbowls'. "Oh fuck yeah, Monty, you're gonna love Duffy's. Well- actually you might hate it, it's kind of a dive? But the fishbowls are fuckin' bomb and we can walk there from the house."
"Why the fuck would I hate it? I'm not an elitist or some shit. But I am very okay with being able to just walk down the street whenever I want a drink." Miranda rolled her eyes, shuffling in her seat a bit until she was comfortably situated while half facing her brother, then pulled a blanket out of her backpack and draped it over her legs.
Graves shook his head with a laugh. "We'll have to walk there every day then. It's like a ten minute walk to the main avenue and there's Duffy's and really good pizza and we can get ice cream at Sweetz and- I'm ramblin'. You have to wait and see." He looked over at Miranda as she got comfortable in the passenger seat. "You wanna nap for a bit? I'll wake you up at the next rest stop."
Miranda laughed as well, though hers was laced with exhaustion.  "You, ramble? Never, Manito.  But, as long as they have black raspberry then I am in for ice cream."  She curled up slightly in her seat, and smiled when she heard Graves' offer.  "Yeah, I didn't really sleep last night, so that would be awesome." They talked for another few minutes, Miranda's voice slowly getting quieter before her end of the conversation dropped altogether as she fell asleep.
The rest stop parking lot was packed, considering it wasn't even 9 AM. It took Graves two loops around the place before he found a parking spot. He cursed himself silently for forgetting about the holiday weekend as he turned the car off and gave Miranda's shoulder a shake. "Mont, wake up. We're in New Jersey." When she didn't stir, Graves tried another tactic. He shook her arm again, talking louder this time, "Hey, hermana, levántate! I'll buy you coffee. There's a Starbucks here." As his sister began to wake up, he hopped out of the truck and sent two quick texts: one to his mom, the other to Macey, updating them with the progress of their road trip.
Miranda let out a small groan when she felt her shoulder get shaken, adjusting herself so that she was away from the source of the movement.  When it returned, but stronger this time, she let out a louder whine, though it cut off when she heard 'coffee'.  It took her a minute to wake up enough to register where they were, then another three to stretch and climb out of the truck to join Graves in the parking lot.  "Oh gods, coffee. Yes, please."
Graves stretched his arms over his head and yawned. "Okay, cariña. Let's make this quick, we still have nine hours to go. You grab breakfast, I'll grab the coffee?" He handed her a very wrinkled twenty dollar bill from his pocket then bumped her shoulder with his. "Meet you back here in five?"
Miranda looked down at the money he handed her, then back up at him and raised an eyebrow to silently ask him why this moment was happening.  Then she saw the look on his face, and the excitement in his eyes and decided not to say anything, instead pocketing the bill and following him towards the rest stop.  "Lo tienes. See you in five."  She started to walk, put turned around when she thought of something, but continued to walk backwards.  "Iced coffee!" Miranda turned back around and over to the food court.  The line made her take a little longer than five minutes, but roughly ten minutes later, she returned to the truck with two breakfast sandwiches in hand.
Graves was sitting in the driver's seat already, door open, his feet hanging out the side. The line for coffee had been much shorter than that for food and he'd beat Miranda back to the truck, taking the opportunity to check his texts. As she walked up to the car, he grabbed her iced coffee and handed it to her, eagerly trading for a sandwich. "Thank gods you're back. I'm starving to death, Mont. You ready to get back on the road?"
Climbing back into the truck, Miranda let out a huff. “I swear to gods, people are idiots. Someone was trying to get a vegan egg sandwich. At a rest stop. Like, where the fuck do they think they are, a gourmet coffee shop?” She rolled her eyes, exchanging food for a coffee and took a long sip. “But si, vamos, get me away from this place.”
He chuckled, waving his sandwich at her, "I assume this is not a vegan egg sandwich then?" Graves unwrapped his sandwich and took a bite before putting on his seat belt and turning the key in the ignition. "'This place' as in the rest stop? Or 'this place' as in New Jersey, armpit of America?" He joked before pulling out of their spot and getting back on the road.
Miranda laughed, returning her feet to the dash as he pulled back onto the highway.  "Sorry to disappoint you, I know how much you're dying to have something in common with 'tough guy' Brent." She teased, unwrapping her own sandwich and taking a bite out of it.  "I was going to say just the rest stop, but you know what, either one is fine by me at this point."
"Oh my gods, did Macey tell you about that?" Graves asked, indignant. He took another bite of his sandwich. "Brent is cool, and scary. Y'all stop makin' fun of me for bein' intimidated or I'm not talkin' to y'all about anything anymore." His eyes flashed to the GPS and he switched lanes before focusing back on the road. He repeated his earlier statement, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time with his words, "Nine hours to go, hermana. Luckily, we'll be out of Jersey in about an hour. "
"No? I was just there after the first night of fight night.  Brent just said the same exact thing Macey and I had already said you practically fell over trying to get back to the cabin after that.  Though now I will be texting Macey." Miranda took another sip of coffee.  "Cool, I'll give you. Scary? Sorry, can't agree there, Gravy."  When he switched topics, she decided to ease up, considering he was driving and was honestly in complete control of her not getting lost while wandering around Myrtle Beach.  She started the process of connecting her phone back to the stereo to get the music playing again.  "That's not bad, Any requests for the DJ?"
“Ah, fight night,” Graves confirmed, finally understanding the moment Miranda was referring to. He took another bite of his sandwich, mumbling, “punched a god” around his mouthful of food. He was thankful Miranda didn’t press the topic; Graves wanted to get to know Brent better. He didn’t really find the older demigod that scary, but he didn’t know him well enough to see the softer side that his sisters always pointed out. And if this guy had punched a god in the face without being vaporized on the spot? Well, Cam definitely wanted to call him a friend. He blinked, registering Miranda’s question a few seconds after she asked. “Hm, somethin’ we call yell along to? Somethin’ that’ll keep me awake until we make our next stop. It’s a long drive, but it’ll be worth it, I swear.”
Miranda nodded.  "Alright, I can work with that."  She debated offering to drive for a little bit, but her brother was stubborn.  Besides, it didn't even matter if she said anything or not, they both knew that they would swap if he needed a quick power nap, so she decided to not bring it up. Tapping her phone a few times, she pulled up a new playlist of songs they could easily jam out to and pressed play, reaching out to turn the stereo up as it started blasting out.
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guardians-of-blood · 3 years
even more incorrect quotes!
Celeste: Hey, Sabrina, look at me.
Sabrina: *looks at her*
Celeste: Bitch.
Uxie: Since I'm going to be away for a while, I’ve left you all a complimentary bowl of advice.
Uxie: For instance, “Mesprit, stop doing that” just applies to everything.
Mafuyu: do you sell happy meals?
Nyx: yes we do.
Mafuyu: can I get just the happy, without the meal?
Mafuyu: please.
Vian: Tsubasa and Raymond sitting in a tree
Vian: K-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I
Noir: Um
Vian: Did you see that bird?
Mira: You know you can die from that, right?
Hibiki: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point.
Rayden: *drinking alcohol straight from the bottle* We’re trying to speed this up.
Miaki: *eating raw cookie dough, nods*
Celeste: So what time does the judgmental express arrive?
Nina: *Looks at the clock* Basil gets here at two.
Evil Clone of Celeste: Stab her, she's the clone!
Valkyrie: *stabs the Clone* The real Celeste would never pass up a chance to die!
"Go, period. Fuck, period. Yourself, EXCLAMATION POINT!"
— Basil Stormshade
Ray: What did you say about me?
Ray: *taking out a flower in his hair* Hold my flower.
Tsubasa: *catching the flower* Kick their ass babe, I got your flower!
Nyx: So what seems to be the problem, Saffron?
Saffron: It all started when I was born.
Tsubasa: It’s okay, Keeks. Everyone’s afraid of something.
Kiku: Even you, Basa?
Tsubasa: No.
Celeste: And if you think I’m playing favorites, you’re wrong. I love all my teammates equally
Celeste: I don’t care for Stormshade.
Azelf: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set?
Uxie: No, I said "Azelf, don't lick the swing set," then you said "Don't tell me what to do, Uxie," and then you licked the swing set.
Valkyrie:  *Standing on the couch* The floor is lava!!
Nina: Would you shoot your best friend in the leg for 10 million dollars?
Tsubasa: *To Ray* You shoot me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big ass house and range rovers.
Ray: You can shoot me too, we’ll have 20 million.
Tsubasa: Good thinking, fuck the system.
Mesprit: *out for a stroll* It's a beautiful day...
Mesprit: *looks straight at the camera* but not as beautiful as me.
Mars: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Pluto: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Mars: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Pluto: Is it working?
Haoran: Just a minute. I need to go take out the trash.
Kuno: Oh. We're going out?
Haoran: Wh...
Kuno: That was so hot, Haoran.
Haoran: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Kuno: I'm so in love with you.
Tsubasa: Ray! I can't do this stupid math!
Ray: What’s the math problem?
Tsubasa: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply.
Kuno, covering Luther's ears, while Ray smacks Tsubasa upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
Lian: Hey Ray, wanna third wheel on my date with Rin tomorrow?
Ray: Sure.
Lian: Tsubasa! Wanna third wheel on my date with Rin tomorrow?
Tsubasa: Sure.
Lian: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Ray & Tsubasa: ...
Rin: Lian...
Kuno: these towers are quite tilted.
Avery: yes i tilted them myself. see, we tried to make a game, battle royale. but anyway-
Mars: look at this! you ruined *everything* this is all your fault!
Jupiter: AVERY! you- listen, you got any weed on you, man? like, since we're here-
Avery: no! wh- you're the only one who smokes weed here, ray. except maybe ray.
Jupiter: ray-
Kuno: oh
*Team PSSN is dining at an expensive restaurant*
Pyrrhus: So you couldn't have ordered a lobster?
Vian: Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.
Noir: Yeah, if the Gods are five-year-olds.
Mesprit: So you remember the plan if I ever get shot, right?
Azelf: Of course.
Mesprit: Tell me.
Azelf: In the case of you ever being shot, as you fall to the ground, we are to sing MMMMM WHATCHA SAY no matter the circumstances.
Mesprit: Good.
Basil: There was something that prevented me from having friends when I was a little boy.
Sorrel: It must have been your personality.
Valkyrie: Celeste, are you okay?
Celeste: Can’t I just smile because I feel like it? 
Nina: Basil tripped and fell down the stairs.
Celeste: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know.
Valkyrie: I did. I broke it…
Celeste: No. No, you didn’t. Vian?
Vian: Don’t look at me. Look at Basil.
Basil: What?! I didn’t break it.
Vian: Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Basil: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken!
Vian: Suspicious.
Basil: No, it’s not!
Pluto: If it matters, probably not… Ray was the last one to use it.
Ray: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!
Pluto: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Ray: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Pluto!
Valkyrie: Alright let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Celeste.
Celeste: No. Who broke it?
Basil: *whispering* Celeste, Kuno’s been awfully quiet…
Kuno: Really?!
Basil: Yeah, really!
Celeste: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
Pluto: Sunshine, what are you doing?
Mars: Making chocolate pudding.
Pluto: It's four o'clock in the morning. Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Mars: Because I've lost control of my life.
Hibiki: I swear I'm not cute!
Hibiki: Don't call me that!
Hibiki: I AM EVIL.
Hibiki: FEAR ME!
Miaki, patting Hibiki on the head: Cute!
Olive Garden employee: Would you like some cheese-
Feliks: *whipping out the cheese grater holstered at his hip* No need, my man.
Arien: I hate falling in love with people in my dreams because then they’re gone forever.
Arien: Worth mentioning that last night it was Ryuk from Death Note.
Elodie: Were you born on a highway? Because that’s where most accidents happen!
Arien: Honestly, I wouldn’t doubt it if you were right
Arien: I’m gay and confused
Arien: Not about being gay, I just never know what the fuck is going on
Arien: Good morning.
Maxine: It’s 5 in the evening.
Arien: Are you serious?!
Arien: I woke up early, I’m going back to bed.
Maxine: You wake up one day with the ability to freeze time at will for as long as you want with no repercussions. What’s the first thing you do with your newfound powers?
Arien: Take a nap.
Maxine: You just woke up.
Arien: Take. A. Nap.
“I set my alarms extra early to make sure I have enough time to lay in bed and be angry about having to wake up.”
— Arien Chrysalis
Miaki: You have to pick your battles.
Hibiki: One of the battles that we picked was to stop Blade and Rune from running plastic tubes all over the school and placing hamsters inside of them.
Miaki: They were gonna call it Tube City.
Rune: I’m so mad at my brother right now!
Mafuyu: Look, Rune. I never grew up with any brothers, but I know four guys who did.
Mafuyu: They would have fights, but in the end, they always had each other’s shells.
Rune: Are you talking about the ninja turtles?
Mafuyu: Of course I’m talking about the ninja turtles.
Vian: Why are you telling me to be homo? I'm already gay.
Pyrrhus: I said “be humble”
Celeste: Roses are red, chocolate is brown,
Celeste: I expect nothing and I'm still let down.
Tsubasa: Okay, yeah, I LOVE Ray! I have loving feelings for Ray. But does that mean I am IN love with him? No-
Tsubasa: Oh my god. I’m in love with Ray
Tsubasa: *to his friends* Why didn’t you guys tell me?
Rin: We thought you knew.
Chalcedony: I know this is random but dom or sub
Vian: I guess Dominos. I don’t go to Subway that much. Don’t see why you’d put them in the same category
Pluto: When people get too chummy with me, I call them by the wrong name to let them know that I don't really care about them.
Tsubasa: That's brilliant.
Pluto: Thank you.
Tsubasa: You're welcome, Bluto.
Lumine: Wow. Vian is so scary. I wonder what he’s thinking about.
Vian: *Internally* Oh FUCK YEAH it’s nugget day.
Burnet: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Lumine: 'Prettiest Smile'
Valkyrie: 'Nicest Personality'
Vian: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Noir: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Axel: Feliks, I’m asking for your permission to marry your brother.
Feliks: What is this, the dark ages? You know what? Since you’ve asked, no you can’t. Beat me in a duel first.
*In highschool*
Vian: I was feeling ok until I realized what day tomorrow is.
Pyrrhus: *thinking about Noir* Another day without him.
Vian: I was just gonna say Monday but ok.
Kuno: *vibrating slightly because he had too much caffeine* Everything in the world is my fault.
Renata: Looks like someone needs to stop drinking coffee.
Kuno: Oh no. It’s only my fifth cup.
Vian: What's your biggest fear?
Chalcedony: Being forgotten.
Vian: Damn that's deep.
Vian: Mine is the KoolAid man but i feel kinda stupid about it now.
Blade: My brother and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other’s-
Rune: -sentences.
Blade: Don’t interrupt me
Kuno, to himself: I love Hao… so much… he's such an important part of my life… I wouldn’t be the same without him… how can I convey that to him?
Kuno: *Sends Haoran a meme out of nowhere at 2 AM*
Kuno: Perfect.
Mars: You’re on speaker. Behave.
Pluto, over the phone: Or what? You’ll spank me?
Basil: is something burning?
Sorrel: Just my burning love for u ;)
Basil: The kitchen is on fire, Sorrel
Miaki: can you guys please recommend books that made you cry?
Rune: New General Mathematics
Basil: I hate you
Celeste: Me too bitch you ain’t special
Vian: Did you know you can just start screaming anywhere? It’s not illegal or anything!
Pyrrhus: See, what we're not gonna do is that.
“I think I’ve spent too much time around Blade. I’ve also probably spent too much time sharing his genes.”
- Rune Spooks
Saffron: Who’s the evil twin?
Rune: *without hesitation* Blade.
Blade: *shrugging* Eh.
Pyrrhus: Your calls to the Nintendo hotline are no longer my concern.
Vian: I won’t stop until someone explains why the Mario raccoon can fly!
Vian: *whispering* Don't tell Pyrrhus I made bacon in the toaster.
Pyrrhus: *enters the kitchen to see the toaster on fire* What the fuck happened?
Kayda and Noir: He made bacon in the toaster.
Basil: *falls down*
Basil: I suppose I’ll have to add the force of gravity to my list of enemies.
Vian: If I was trapped inside a room filled with explosives and the only way out was to eat a whole tomato I would die.
Pyrrhus: How the hell would you even get in that situation?
Renata: Maybe we get one magical wish per lifetime and no one knows because we waste it as a baby on extra crackers or something.
Kuno: This is the most terrifying thing I've ever heard.
“I’m living in Crazytown, and Mesprit is the town council.”
— Uxie Perez
Kuno: Ray, is that a hickey?
Ray: Nope, I just got bitten by a mosquito.
Kuno: I see.
Tsubasa: *enters the room* Hey Kuno-
Kuno: Tsubasa, my friend!
Kuno: The strongest mosquito in Terasma!
Tsubasa: Whoa, whoa, whoa. "Boyfriend”? I don’t want to be Ray’s boyfriend.
Kiku: Well, what do you want, then?
Tsubasa: I don’t know. I just want to be with him. All the time. I want to hear about his day and tell him about mine. I want to hold his hand and smell his hair. But I don’t want to be his stupid boyfriend!
Mafuyu: *reading an eye chart* E, H, 4, M, potato, coffee mug, smudge, middle finger, smudge, the rest are all smudges.
Saaya: Oh my god, you drove us here.
Basil: I have spent the entire time I've been in this team being nothing but nice to you people! 
Nina: Today is the second day you've been in the team.
Mafuyu: I learnt something new while I was in the Ichor of the Wild.
Mafuyu: That I don’t wanna be there.
Mikael: I’m THIS close to smacking you.
Feliks: Your fingers are touching.
Mikael: Exactly
Feliks: *runs*
Vian: *poking Noir with a ruler*
Noir: What are you doing?
Vian: I'm measuring your patience.
Mira: What’s he talking about?
Rayden: It’s not that big of a deal.
Adette: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.
Tsubasa: What if it bites me and it dies?
Adette: Then you're poisonous. Holy shit, Tsubasa, learn to read.
Rin: What if it bites itself and I die?
Adette: It's voodoo.
Kuno: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Adette: ..That's correlation, not causation.
Ray: Well, what if we bite EACHOTHER and neither of us dies?
Tsubasa: That's kinky.
Adette: Oh my God.
Kuno: Sorry I was busy playing Minecraft what happened?
Burnet: What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?
Celeste: Sad.
Rin: Gay.
Tsubasa: Sexy.
Kuno: Minecraft.
Renata: Also Minecraft.
Ray: Sexy Minecraft.
Tsubasa: Not to worry, I have a permit.
Cop: This just says "I can do what I want".
Nina: Ah yes, the five love languages.
Nina, pointing at Kuno: “My family never told me they’re proud of me”
Nina, pointing at Tsubasa: “I’m so fucking tired please god just let me rest for five minutes”
Nina, pointing at Renata: “I love Girls”
Nina, pointing at Rin: “Please pay attention to me”
Nina, pointing at Ray: “Touch starved”
0 notes
zeiscomplex · 7 years
I dug up some of my ztd liveblogging I did on my private blog back when the game first came out, it’s great stuff
diana: look at these robots :) sigma why are you so quiet sigma: *internally screaming abt luna, his robot he made to look like diana*
me: I just want Q team to live and escape happily together,,,, eric and mira can take care of Q and everything will be okay spoilers: *whisper the sin in my precious spoiler free ears* me: n o
brain: hey remember that one scene in vlr. the one w/ sigmas arm getting crushed and the absolutely disgusting crunching noise me: 👀👀👀👀👀 *slams fists on table* ztd where’s sigmas arms getting chopped off like promised
me: sigma get ur arms cut off sigma: gets them blown off in an explosion instead me: fUCK #damn I didn't see this coming #at least I know he'll be fine? #bc he's survived this before lol
me: so phi1 died and phi2 raised phi3 and phi3 met her own parents the year before she was even born me: nice #me: when will I stop making posts in this format #me: idk lol
past me: the dream is dead, q team won’t have the domestic life :( me now: tHE DREAM IS ALIVE ERIC AND MIRA WILL RAISE THE SMALL SEAN #I'M SCREAMING #I LOVE THIS GAME
me: haha yeah let me just go through junpei’s tumblr tag it’ll be fun *starts crying over ztd and how happy i am that junpei and akane are finally happy* #oh my god i just #he was so moody and upset but he still cared about her so much #and randomly they'd start joking around with each other like the good old days of 999 #and he got her a ring im crying #'you always said you wanted a ring on your left hand' *puts it on her hand* #'oh junpei....... im so happy but that's my right hand u know' #'....... oh. whoops. it uh looked left from my pov' #im crying so much i love them #stop them please #it's been a week almost and im not ok i need more #also my paraphrasing is almost exactly what they said ok #hhhhhhhhh #im gonna fight them both #*meanwhile carlos is in the background being the 3rd wheel giving them a thumbs up* #(my ot3)
*still crying* ok im gonna finally pull up the scene *finds it on the flow chart first try* destiny,,, #i hate junpei wtf #why does he exist
i love how her crying gradually changes into laughter like damn jumpy u never change u dork #his awkwardness is my favorite part though #the whole right hand thing was golden #also 'you're right' vs 'your right' joke lol
[insert phone recording of the boy and the ring scene] I’d like to title this particular scene as “after 3 games and 20 different deaths and a shit ton of flirting we finally move past friendship straight into engaged” #ft carlos one of many that ship them #and their relationship counselor for the game
#i just love them #i don't know where all this love came from but #rn i'm super affected by their dumb relationship #and the ring #hhhhhhhh #ok i'm done #maybe (spoiler: he wasn't done)
#AND I'M CRYING AGAIN #i hate akane so much #why do she and junpei exist #i'm gonna fight them so much #SHE TOLD HIM HER LEFT HAND WAS ON RESERVE #SHE KEPT IT ON HER RIGHT HAND FOR 45 YEARS #gdi akane #i'm so happy they both got a happy ending this time
junpei: I’m done playing hero!!!! stop expecting me to be like I was last year!!!!! akane: *in danger* junpei: (ง'̀-'́)ง  don’t touch my girl
zero time dilemma fucked me up so much more than i expected tbh #it was so good
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Summer TV: The 30 Most Exciting New Shows
This summer, the chicest brand-new sunblock on the market is a Netflix subscription. Of direction, there are necessary accoutrements to the UV ray-shielding regimen: an Amazon subscription, Hulu account, YouTube premium access, a full cable carton, a DVR, and enough hours in the working day to maintain them all.
With the idea of a traditional fall-to-spring TV season so 2013, there are more Tv line than ever striving for your attention during the summer months.
In addition to returning favourites like GLOW , Queen Sugar , Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt , em> Younger , The Affair , and more, “theres” dozens of brand-new succession wooing you back inside to the aura conditioned bliss of your couch. We’ve surveyed them all: a Ryan Murphy dance musical with an historical LGBTQ cast, a Stephen King multiverse, Amy Adams’ Tv entry,’ 90 s Nickelodeon nostalgia, John Krasinski’s take over Jack Ryan, and more.
Here, we’ve culled the 30 pictures most worth your attention.
Reverie ( NBC ) strong>
May 30 at 10 p.m. ET
Summer TV begins with a fright story for engineering skeptics. Sarah Shahi plays a onetime hostage sleuth recruited to rescue people whose subconscious are captured inside a intelligent virtual reality program. Bonus: Between this series and the word’s constant be utilized in Westworld , we may actually come out of Summer 2018 knowing what “reverie” means.
C.B. Affect ( Cinemax ) strong>
June 1 at 10 p.m. ET
It was only a matter of time, but it’s finally here: television broadcasting adjustment of J.K. Rowling’s favourite records! Well , not those diaries. The supernatural whimsy of Hogwarts is swapped for the psychological thrills of Rowling’s series of detective novels, wrote for the purposes of the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. This Tv adjustment already aired in the U.K ., performing Tom Burke as a campaign ex-serviceman second-lifeing it as a private investigator break occasions that have scaped police.
Pose ( FX ) strong>
June 3 at 9 p. m. ET
There’s a Whitney Houston music cue at the end in the first episode of Pose that will have you out of your fanny, forgiving the nearly hour-and-a-half it took to got to get.( Hour-long dramas apparently now only view that first part as specific suggestions .) All of that, of course, is hallmark Ryan Murphy, who is performing record with this line about life in’ 80 s New York City set against the backdrop of ballroom culture, the transgender community, and, yes, Trumpian excess. Peculiarity the most significant LGBTQ cast ever assembled, including breakout achievements by transgender contributing performers, you’ll start voguing as “youre waiting for” the next episode.
Succession ( HBO ) strong>
June 3 at 10 p.m. ET
We’re not saying Succession , in which a global media mogul’s babes rider for superpower and control of a massive conglomerate, is modeled after the Murdochs. But we’re not saying it’s not, either. The truth is it’s not hard to projection any number of potent families onto this show–the Trumps, anyone ?– which imparts an Empire -like Shakespearean vibe into the world of the power-suit clothe. 0001 percent.
Dietland ( AMC ) strong>
June 4 at 9 p. m. ET
Plum Kettle( give full play to Joy Nash) is saving up for weight-loss surgery while soul writing words from the editor on behalf of the members of a popular women’s magazine’s HBIC, Kitty Montgomery( Julianna Margulies, doing subtleties of Miranda Priestly ). Everyone is slightly disconcerted, nonetheless, by the heap of all those who maintain disappearing and getting killed, all of whom happen to be accused sex harassers. Timely enough for you?
Condor ( AT& T/ DirecTV ) strong>
June 6
There are many grounds to be intrigued by Condor . em> It’s accommodated from the 1975 Sydney Pollack cinema Three Days of the Condor and the book it was based on, some of “the worlds largest” exciting, mind-banging political thriller source substance here i am.( A CIA employee fronts to lunch and returns to see his entire place has been killed .) But, folks, this co-stars Mira Sorvino, a lighthouse of the #MeToo movement and a stupendous actress whose profession was derailed by the Monster Weinstein, a comeback we should all be applauding for.
Impulse ( YouTube Red ) strong>
June 6
Proof that top knack is spread all over the million or so different material pulpits, this serial for YouTube’s premium service comes from Doug Liman, whose action-thriller pedigree includes propelling the Bourne dealership and leading films like Mr.& Mrs. Smith and The Edge of Tomorrow . Undertaking teleportation and sex crime, Impulse might sound like 2018 TV-development Mad Libs, but it’s based on the same work streak that provoked his 2008 movie Jumper . em> Liman has announced Jumper the film he’s least pleased with, suggesting that he’s on a mission now for a solid re-do.
American Woman ( Paramount ) strong>
June 7 at 10 p.m. ET
It was only a matter of time before one of Bravo’s Real Housewives headed to preeminence Tv. Beverly Hills Housewife Kyle Richards is co-executive farmer of this period dramedy loosely based on her childhood, growing up with a single mommy, give full play to Alicia Silverstone, in California at the rise of second-wave feminism in the’ 70 s. The style! The theme song by Kelly Clarkson! Cher Horowitz matches Real Housewives ! What would her tagline be?” You can resound the bell in my foot .” Too often?
Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger ( Freeform ) strong>
June 7 at 8 p. m. ET
The only happenings particular in life are death and taxes and, at any point in time, there is a new Marvel series debuting. This one is the firstly for Freeform, the teen-skewing structure known for shows like Pretty Little Liars and Grown-ish . That’s an plotting vibe to give the omnipresent superhero category. This one centers on two teens who discover that they have superpowers and that they’re in love. Hormones, every young hero’s kryptonite.
The Staircase ( Netflix ) strong>
June 8
The” Netflix True-Crime Docuseries That Will Simultaneously Disturb the Entire Nation for a Season” is its own lodge industry by now, get its summertime installment with The Staircase . This one is a super-mash-up, of styles. Perusing the case of crime novelist Mike Patterson, who was imprisoned of killing his wife, The Staircase firstly aired in 2004, and then was modernized with a miniseries in 2013. This version compounds everything there is and adds three extra escapades with new disclosures, a total of 13 installments for “youve got to” binge.
Strange Angel ( CBS All Access ) strong>
June 14
With The Good Fight em> and Star Trek: Discovery as its founding enterings, CBS All Access once boasts a pretty stellar track record when it comes to original digital content. Its next offering is Strange Angel , a sci-fi sequence on the basis of the novel by George Pendle and boasting perhaps the greatest tagline of any television series ever:” Sex. Magick. Rocket Science .”
Breaking Big ( PBS ) strong>
June 15 at 8: 30 p.m. ET
” How did they get notorious ?” has been done before. The 2018 cross-examine is,” How did they get influential ?” PBS’ interrogation line will map the unconventional moves some of the most conspicuous culture governors took to get where they are today, including incidents on Trevor Noah, Eddie Huang, Gretchen Carlson, San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, and SoulCycle co-founder Ruth Zukerman.
Deep State ( Epix ) strong>
June 17 at 9 p. m. ET
TV development execs have never met a government conspiracy thriller they didn’t like. This one from Epix whizs the ever-menacing Mark Strong as a former spy recruited by an ex-MI6 worker to attach his new covert uniting espionage administration, The Area. Sleuths on sleuths on spies.
The Proposal em >( ABC ) strong>
June 18 at 10 p.m. ET
In what sounds like a demented mash-up of Blind Date and The Bachelor — and therefore perhaps the crowning accomplishment in summer reality Tv guilty pleasure–each escapade of The Proposal will see rivals contesting for the attention of the members of a suitor or “suitress” whose name is obstructed. Simply when “theres” two futile dreamies abiding will the suitor be exposed and the finalists have the chance to propose marriage. And you thought Tinder was stressful.
Yellowstone ( Paramount ) strong>
June 20 at 9 p. m. ET
After winning an Emmy for his carry-on in the miniseries Hatfields& McCoys , Kevin Costner is back on a mare and in a cowboy hat for Yellowstone , his first regular TV serial persona. While movie stars heading toward TV will always be sensational, it’s the film ability behind the camera that has us intrigued. Tyler Sheridan, who wrote Hell or High Water , Wind River , and Sicario writes and targets this streak, about the unexpectedly high-stake strives fronting a modern-day rancher.
Take Two ( ABC ) strong>
June 21 at 10 p.m. ET
The new crime drama from the team behind Castle em> tones extremely Castle- y, made all the more enjoyable by the fact that effortlessly attractiveness The O.C . em> alum Rachel Bilson is standing in for aggressively charming Nathan Fillion in the lead: the former perform of a Tv polouse picture shadowing a investigator to study a character that she hopes is likely to be her big comeback.
Double Dare ( Nickelodeon ) strong>
June 25 at 8 p. m. ET
Millennial nostalgia is a strong, witchy situation, this time drawing back from the dead the madcap Nickelodeon children’ game show Double Dare, which wedded trivia, sludge, and a human hamster wheel for a stunt been demonstrated that, god help us all, recently celebrated its 30 th commemoration. While YouTube star Liza Koshy will host, O.G. emcee Marc Summers will be back to stipulate colour note, thus staving off a rampage gathering of thirtysomethings.
A Highly English Scandal em >( Amazon ) strong>
June 29
A Very English Scandal would be irresistibly titillating even if it wasn’t based on a real-life tabloid brouhaha, albeit one that American audiences are likely unfamiliar with. In Britain in the 1970 s, MP Jeremy Thorpe has a secret circumstance with a younger lesbian lover reputation Norman Scott, which he is frantic to keep secret as his working careers takes off. When Scott is found dead, Thorpe stands tribulation for his murder. As for the Very English Shed: Hugh Grant and Ben Whishaw play the doomed lovers.
Sharp Objects ( HBO ) strong>
July 8 at 9 p. m. ET
* WHEE-OO WHEE-OO*( That’s a 911 -emergency alarm bell, if you couldn’t tell .) Amy Adams is starring in a HBO prestige drama thriller! I recur, Amy Adams is starring in a HBO prestige thriller! Make your soul pills, because it merely gets better from there. The line is adapted from the slam record by Gillian Flynn, who wrote Gone Girl ( heard of it ?). Buffy , Mad Men , and UnREAL veterinary Marti Noxon, too hectic the summer months with Dietland , is architect and showrunner. Patricia Clarkson and Elizabeth Perkins round out the throw. Get thee to a ventilator.
Heathers ( Paramount ) strong>
July 10 at 10 p.m. ET
Rebooting and renewing efforts that are considered generational canon can run the range from induced to blasphemous, and the jury is still out on where this Heathers series falls on that spectrum. The senior high school dark comedy flip-flop the script by making one of the Heathers genderqueer, evoked by male actor Brendan Scannell. But the series’ aviator, which was made available earlier this year, was exploded for a lack of nuance and predisposition that territory on, as The Daily Beast’s Samantha Allen wrote, a” LGBT-bashing hallucination .”
The Outpost ( The CW ) strong>
July 10 at 8 p. m. ET
The logline for The Outpost is so CW-evocative and high-concept that it is able to tell us it describes The 100 or The Tomorrow People or The Secret Circle em> or The Messengers of The[ Fill in the Blank ] em> rebooted, and we’d believe you. That alleged, those proves are all recreation! This one is about the lone survivor of an entire scoot who detects supernatural supremacies while hearing how to stay alive. Sure!
Burden of Truth ( The CW ) strong>
July 11 at 8 p. m. ET
Some Smallville actresses grow high-ranking recruiters for a hateful copulation sect. Others graduate to topline The CW’s version of Erin Brockovich . In Burden of Truth , Kreuk dallies a big-city lawyer who returns to her hometown to take the case of a group of girls who are all suffering from a inscrutable illness. By the end of the season, we hope she gets justice, and that we stop instinctively typing Burden of Proof instead of Truth . em>
Castle Rock ( Hulu ) strong>
July 25
Castle Rock is the mysterious Maine town where many of Stephen King’s legends are given. Castle Rock is a new anthology series from J.J. Abrams that envisages a Stephen King multiverse of sorts, where characters and storylines from across the author’s works, including Cujo , The Dark Half , and The Dead Zone , will meet in an original narrative starring Sissy Spacek, Andre Holland, and It ‘ s Bill Skarsgard. This is exciting, morons!
Building It ( NBC ) strong>
July 31 at 10 p.m. ET
Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman are co-hosting a crafting line, be still my twee feeling. It’s as if The Great British Baking Show made a pit stop in Pawnee, with the Parks and Recreation stars filling oodles of felt, glue, and wry feeling for a competition sequence that has entrants fashioning handmade goods. Poehler’s self-described crafting naivete and Offerman’s mythical woodworking talents will inform their inspiration, counseling, and narration.
Disenchantment ( Netflix ) strong>
Aug. 17
In Dreamland , an alcoholic princess called Bean and her vivacious elf comrade mentioned Elfo navigate giants, sprites, harpies, gremlins, trolls, and Bean’s personal demon, Luci, on a series of accidents. The animated sequence comes from Simpsons tale Matt Groening, and, to talk of demented sovereign pedigree, boasts Broad City ‘ s Abbi Jacobson passing the voice casting. Yaaas queen. Err, princess.
The Innocents ( Netflix ) strong>
Aug. 24
” Romeo and Juliet, but they’re shapeshifters .” Who knows if that was the actual pitch for The Innocents , in which star-crossed teenage buffs Harry and June run away from their families only has found that June has the power to shapeshift.( You think you know someone .) It’s a superhuman have entered into Netflix’s exploding young adult infinite, on the ends of another watercooler season of breakout stumbled 13 Grounds Why.
Jack Ryan ( Amazon ) strong>
Aug. 31
Are you among those irate that, for all his brilliant directing and are active in A Gentle Place , John Krasinski committed the cinematic guilt of hindering his damn shirt on the whole term? He Who Was Jim Halpert, famously tan since leaving Dunder Mifflin, ascends to action protagonist status to make the baton as Jack Ryan in Amazon’s spin on the Tom Clancy series. Krasinski’s biceps have large-hearted sleeves to fill, following Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, and Ben Affleck in the role.
Lodge 49 ( AMC ) strong>
August 2018
The network that brought you the incubating ennui of Don Draper, the tortured moral nervousnes of Walter White, and all those zombies interposes its new complicated leading man: a surfer dude? Lodge 49 is a new tonal direction for the network, performing Wyatt Russell as well-meaning but rudderless former surfer–a” adorable loser ,” as the network’s president of programming describes–who moves into a frat lodge in Long Beach after the death of “his fathers”, be expected to get his life on track, but receiving it unusually derailed by his new support system.
All About the Washingtons ( Netflix ) strong>
Summer 2018
Run-DMC’s Rev. Run( aka Joey Simmons) rectifies up his own account of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air with this delicately autobiographical sitcom in which Simmons and his wife, Justine, play fictionalized versions of themselves growing their own families of four girls.
Insatiable ( Netflix ) strong>
Summer 2018
The logline for Insatiable predicts,” A dishonored, dissatisfied civil lawyer-turned-beauty pageant tutor( Dallas Roberts) makes on a vengeful, bullied teenager Patty( Debby Ryan) as his patient, and has no idea what he’s about to unleash upon the world .” We have no idea either, as Netflix hasn’t exhausted much more information than that. But it’s formed Lauren Gussis, an alum from Dexter , so consider us plotted by how that insight translates to the teen appeal pageant life.
Read more: https :// www.thedailybeast.com/ summer-tv-the-3 0-most-exciting-new-shows
0 notes
grantplant · 7 years
I can’t read that word without hearing Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof. Come to think of it, there are a number of things I can’t read without singing Fiddler on the Roof. Mira’s book If I Were a Kitty, for example. (If I were a kit-ty/ meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow/ All day long I’d meowmeowmeowmeowmeow/ If I were a kit-ty CAT/ Meow!)
Anyway, tradition. (Or traditiooooooon!)
Yesterday was Sechseläuten, the Zurich festival at which a snowman (the Böögg), packed with explosives, well, explodes, and winter is thus vanquished. Or that is the idea. The length of time it takes for the snowman’s head to combust is a predictor for the quality of summer we should expect. Quick and fiery = good summer, slow and smoldering = bad summer. Records show that yesterday, the snowman lost his head just shy of 10 minutes. As compared to 2016’s dismal 43 minutes and 34 seconds (it was raining), yesterday indicates a great summer ahead… except I’m looking at a snow forecast for the next three days. I guess using pyrotechnics—or rodents, for that matter—to predict weather is an inexact science.
This is our fifth year living in the Canton of Zurich, and the fifth time we haven’t attended Sechseläuten. How can this be, you may wonder. Someone has gone to the trouble of building a giant snowman, which they will blow to pieces, and we are too busy to go watch all of Zurich parade around in costume and on horseback while it burns? Sigh. I know. We have valid excuses for three of those five years (rain, travel, too pregnant to play) but, really, we should have witnessed this spectacle by now.
Just as we should’ve probably gone to Knabenschiessen, a shooting competition for 13 to 17 year olds.
Or Räbechilbi, the turnip festival in which everyone carves turnips in glorification of this root vegetable.
Neither have we been to an alphorn festival or heard professional yodelers which, after four and a half years, feels borderline criminal.
Though we have attended Swiss carnival, called Fasnacht (admittedly, by accident), skirted the edges of Street Parade, rode the ferris wheel and eaten Tibetan momo at Züri Fäscht,  travelled to a mountain village to see the cows descend for winter, visited a tractor festival, had a pint or three for Okoberfest, and watched fireworks countless times for Swiss National Day, only the fireworks have been a more-than-once event, and then only because they are all but unavoidable anywhere in the country. I could see them from my bed.
 So, yeah… we are…. not joiners. I am not terribly proud of this, but neither is this anything new. In almost nine years in the Bay Area, I never once went to Bay to Breakers, or Pride, or a Giants parade, or Halloween in the Castro when that was still a thing. I did other things, just not those things.
If I were to curl up on an analyst’s couch with you in an effort to diagnose this aversion to what some might call mandatory but I deem mostly missable, I’d probably recall my Freshman year at UGA. I won the football lottery—kind of a huge deal–and had a ticket to all the home games. The first time, a girl sitting next to me threw up on my feet until her boyfriend whipped off his cap and caught the rest. The last time, I had a panic attack in the bleachers from the crush of people, the noise, and the heat. I gave my remaining ticket to my best friend, so she was there for the Tennessee game when, after the Bulldogs won, fans inexplicably pulled down the goal post and paraded it through town. I wasn’t sorry to miss that.
That football season was pretty much the end of me and crowds. And me and noise, for that matter. Clapping and drums make me blinky, loud music makes my heart race, crowds make me panicky, and any combination therein makes me hyperventilate. Very, very cool. I have ever been hip.
Here in Switzerland, you might think, the circumstances are tamer. What if you’re in a crush of cows, say, and not frat boys? What if the music being amplified is, say, polka or alphorn or yodeling? Well friend, gunshots are loud, even when the shooter is a Swiss teenager. An exploding snowman is still an explosion. And Street Parade, by any country’s standards, is just foul. (That came closest of all to having a sorority sister barf down my leg. Never wear flip flops to Street Parade. Or a college football game. Or around cows. Just don’t.)
For Christmas, my mom got us this lovely book called Our Family Traditions.
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As yet, it’s empty, but even as I ruminate on what won’t go in there, I am obviously thinking a lot about what will. So many family traditions, in both Pat’s and my families, revolve around food. And it’s early days in the life of Mira and our family as three. I hardly think pureed carrots or mashed banana are going to become a holiday custom of any kind. It’ll be at least another year before we bust out The Sound of Music for a nostalgic pre-Christmas viewing.
But neither are we sitting on our duffs waiting until she’s able to order from a menu before we try and make some Grant-Bowen family memories. She may not have had a first Halloween costume (I still regret this) but by God, she wore her ugly Christmas sweater to go pick out a tree.
Over Easter, Pat got a generous four-and-a-half day weekend so we rented a car, booked a hotel room, and set out for two nights in Interlaken. We have sworn to ourselves that we won’t leave this country without having seen its major cities and landmarks. To that end, we had a lovely afternoon exploring the mountain village of Murren at the base of the Jungfrau, which has long been on our list. By midnight that night, though, we were on the road, driving back to Zurich with a sick, screamy infant. She had cried so hard every time she woke in the hotel room that she was hicupping. (Gee, I wonder who she gets the hysterics from.) So we spent Easter at home in our pjs. Mira got an animatronic bunny and chick, Pat and I ate rack of lamb for dinner. That’s tradition enough for me.
Whatever worked on our weekend jaunt to London in January, or the two weeks we spent in California last November, we didn’t have that luck or mojo over Easter weekend. In two weeks’ time, we leave for an extended US tour spanning Chicago and Des Moines, Atlanta and the Florida panhandle. I am praying for a minimum of sickness and screaming, no hyperventilating, and drumming or gun shots only when strictly necessary. I will be wearing flip flops at times, but I will also be on my guard for overserved revelers and overwatered livestock alike.
Please wish us Godspeed, clean feet, and a full, hyperventilation-free book of family memories.
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