#momma hale au
outtoshatter · 10 months
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Inspired (and enabled) by @raisesomehale and her awesome masterlist!
Completed Fics:
Be a Witness [104k, M] Witch!Stiles, Shifter!Derek, magical college, murder mystery No Mercy [64k, M] Royalty AU, King Stiles, Prince Derek, berserker Stiles Fractured Starlight [64k, M] witch!Stiles, amnesia fic, magical town Shifted [48k, M] werewolf Stiles, Hale pack, werewolf violence
Strange Young World [4 fics, complete, 350k total] magi-nuclear apocalypse au These Ain't Your Momma's Paperbacks [5 unrelated fics, incomplete, 319k total] romance novel based fics, the relationship is the main focus despite other plots within Whereabouts Unknown [2 fics, incomplete, 6k] monster of the week style fics where Derek and Stiles travel around hunting monsters after leaving Beacon Hills
Sea || 100 words, witch Stiles Pyre || 100 words, werewolf Derek Breath || 100 words, raising the dead Troubled Waters || 100 words, monster of the week Casual [triple drabble] || 300 words, fluff
Event Fics:
Are You Ready? [135k, E] werewolf Derek, vampire hunter!Stiles, vampires are known au Well Traveled [62k, T] faerie shenanigans The Next Chapter [105k, M] bookstore AU, human, alive Hale family The Bright Side of Disaster [5k, T] witch Stiles, magic & werewolves are known, magical farmers market Pulling Strings [53k, M to be safe] horror comedy, BAMF Stiles
One Shots:
A Light for the Dark [3k, T] fairy tale theme Moon Trance [2k, T] monster of the week, pre relationship The Pumpkin King [4k, T] autumn theme, fluff, humor, pumpkin carving Love Don't Lie [2k, T] fake dating, established relationship Keep Moving [10k, T] post Hale fire, Derek & Sheriff friendship
Now with Podfic!:
Cold as Ice [10k, T] witch!Stiles, alive Hale family podfic here! On my Way [17k, T] fluff, snowed in podfic here! Art here! Brave Enough [6k, G] fluff, 5+1 Things, Derek deserves nice things podfic here! Forward Motion [9k, T] witches are known, magic shop, meet cute podfic here! Figure it Out [5k, T] cursed Derek, humor podfic here!
A World on its Knees [1k, T] soft and quiet, apocalypse, witches, fantasy Alone They Fought the Devil [3k, T] demonic entities, fantasy world, magic, witches!
all of these are also on my ao3 page, plus the ones I couldn't fit on the list!
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Master Jacob's headcanon voices
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This page was created so that it would be easier for you to imagine the voices of my AU characters and observe their possible changes (as you can see, some characters temporarily either do not have a specific voice or a voice in principle), so in order not to get confused, this page was created for you.
Jacob – Aleksis Dorsey (H. Michael Croner) from Deathloop
Danny – JFK (Christopher Miller) from Clone High
Terra – KC (Dyana Liu) from the short animation Space Mission: Danger
Rolly – Blue (Zack Keller) from Dick Figures
Lalo – Laser (H. Michael Croner) from Pickle and Peanut
Mark – Kaito Momota (Kyle Hebert) from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Adult Unikitty – Twilight Sparkle (Kira Buckland) from MLP's fandom stuff
Adult Puppycorn – Red (Ed Skudder) from Dick Figures
Oldstyle – Tinker Bell (Mae Whitman) from Disney Fairies franchise
Croissant (only her "Oh La La") – Bayonetta (Jennifer Hale) from Bayonetta 3;
Adult XQ-22 – Shawn (H. Michael Croner) from Craig Of The Creek
Adult kid of Flower Father and Mother – Foop (Eric Bauza) from Fairly Odd Parents
Dr. Bunny – Major Ghastley (Grey Griffin) from Con Corne Garne
Bonnibel – Mrs. Chalice (Grey Griffin) from The Cuphead Show
Arthur – JFK (Christopher Miller) from Clone High (two versions – original clone and his "smart" version from Spring Broken episode)
Gwen – Shego (Nicole Sullivan) from Kim Possible
Leroy – Lightning McQueen (Keith Ferguson) from Cars franchise (when Owen Wilson is unavailable)
Fleur – Princess Azula (Grey Griffin) from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rexflex – Jack Spicer (Danny Cooksey) from Xiaoling Showdown
The President (current) – Roy Fox (Eric Bauza) from Kiff
The President's Ex-Wife (current) – Moon Butterfly (Grey Griffin) – Star vs the Forces of Evil; (young) – young Moon Butterfly (Katie Driver) – Star vs the Forces of Evil.
Mrs. Landlord – Giganta (Grey Griffin) – From DC Super Hero Girls
MF's Momma [Ellen Frown] – Parvati Holcomb (Ashly Burch) from The Outer Worlds
Adult Lil Bean – Po (Mick Wingert) from Kung Fu Panda series
Adult Robot Kid [Jenny] – Jenny Wakeman "XJ–9" (Janice Kawaye) from My Life as a Teenage Robot
Felicia (Uniflip!Master Jacob) – Princess Flame (Jessica DiCicco) – from Adventure Time
The Voice List (Unfinished Choice):
Dallas –???
B.B. – ??? (Analesa Fisher) from ???
Elijah –???
Mama Brock –???
Danny's Mom – ???
Danny's Step-Mom –??? (Christina Hendricks?) from ???
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vintagepresley · 5 months
Momma! *he gently pushes your face* I ain't tired from all that! Aus is the tired one. Not me. Plus you can't say much, when I was a kid I'd catch y'all having a tickle party.
Walter Hale
*she giggles.* Mhm sure! We all heard what was going on up there. Not surprised you need a nap. *she rolls her eyes playfully.* Oh please.. That was one time you caught daddy and I. We always make sure to lock the door after that.
0 notes
1987vampire · 6 years
Momma Hale AU pt.4
Fandom: Teen Wolf Relationship: Derek Hale x Female!Reader, momma hale au Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: I don’t think there’s anything to warn about. Request: @hannahbabyy13 asked: Sooooo like um can you do another Momma Hale..? Lmao I need more, haha I’m retarded ly A/N: what’s up. Someone give me money so I can celebrate valentines day by myself lol (you don’t have to) Extra: Buy me a Coffee!
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
Ages! Liam-9 Stiles-10 Isaac-11 Lydia-11 Jackson-13 Erica-13 Allison-14 Scott-15 Boyd-15
Scott sat on the chair, his face in his hands as he thought. y/n was watching from the corner, trying to decipher what was wrong with him. His grades were perfectly fine, he hadn’t gotten into any fights recently, and there was nothing going on that would disturb him, but still, he sat, looking far more distressed than she had ever seen him.
Stiles clung to her side. He was the one who had brought Scott to her attention after he tried to get him to play one of his detective games to no avail. The boy wouldn’t budge and simply shooed the younger away. Isaac was watching from his seat on the other chair, eating chips while he studied the older boy.
y/n was the first to get his attention. “Scotty,” y/n began, walking forward to place her hand on his shoulder, “what’s wrong?”
Scott reached his hand back and patted her hand lightly, a signal they had that meant he was okay though this time, she didn’t believe it too much. “I’m fine, mom.”
“I don’t believe that.” y/n moved forward and sat on the floor in front of Scott, smiling lightly. “Scott, I’ve been your mom for ten years. I know who you are, and I know that something is wrong. Please just talk to us.”
Scott sighed and nodded, moving his head further down as to not make eye contact with her. “There’s just this girl,” he began, only to get cut off by Stiles screaming out an ‘ew’ before running out of the room. y/n raised an eyebrow and shook her head, motioning for him to continue. “There’s this girl in my grade who I really like, but she has a boyfriend – a boyfriend that’s a lot better than me.”
y/n smiled and shook her head. “Honeybee, you just have to wait it out. If she takes interest in you, she’ll come around. Don’t worry about it.”
“It just that all my friends have girlfriends, and it’s like they’re pushing it on me to get one. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the girl, but it seems so fake nowadays because they keep pushing and pushing.” Scott looked down and shook his head. “I don’t even have time to worry about a girl right now. I have to focus on my grades.”
I shook my head. He had always been a stickler for good grades, wanting to get the best job he could in his profession. “Scott, you don’t need to have a girlfriend. I’m sure you’ll be completely fine without one, no matter what your friends say. You don’t need a partner to be happy, and you’re not going to be happy if you don’t even want to be in the relationship.” I grabbed Scott’s hand and held it tightly between my two. “Stop worrying so much. You’re growing up too fast. I understand you want that future, but you still need to enjoy being a teenager because it’s going to be gone before you know it.”
Scott nodded and smiled tightly. “Thanks, mom.” I nodded in response and called Stiles into the room.
He came bumbling in with his favorite board game in his hands, Clue. He grinned wide and placed it on the coffee table. “I know that whenever I’m sad, this game makes me happy, so I thought it might make you happy!”
Scott grinned and nodded, opening the worn-out game up. “Let’s play.”
“I call the blue one,” Isaac yelled from the couch before all three sets of eyes turned towards me. “You gonna play, mom?”
“If you guys want.”
“Well, yea,” they all screamed in sync, giggling afterward.
Boyd wrapped his hand around the steering wheel tightly. I rolled my eyes and turned down the radio slightly. “Calm down. You’re doing perfectly fine. Stop being so tense.”
Boyd had recently got his driving permit, and he was absolutely terrified on the road. He was scared of any little thing that seemed mildly dangerous to him or the car.
“I’m just trying to keep us safe,” Boyd stated, turning on his blinker.
“And yet you’re going twenty under the speed limit. That itself is, one, against the law, and, two, a hazard itself.” I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat. “Honey, I’m twice the age of you, and I still drive faster than you.”
Boyd rolled his eyes and sped up a little bit, looking in his rear-view mirror to see Erica and Allison talking away, Allison describing what high school was like. Erica was slightly bored and wasn’t paying much attention to anything. That was until Boyd slammed on the brakes as a squirrely jumped across the road.
Boyd sat with wide eyes, claws out and eyes a beta yellow from how scared he was. y/n fell back into her seat and looked over to Boyd. “Okay, well, you still have to pay attention.” Erica and Allison snickered in the backseat and y/n shook her head in amusement. “It was just a squirrel.”
“I could have killed it,” Boyd shrieked. The whole car burst into giggles and fits of laughter.
Lydia pursed her lips and pulled y/n through the many different clothes racks in the store. She had recently grown out of her kid’s small size and needed new clothes. This, of course, led to an all-day shopping trip of her dragging the woman all through the stores. She had acquired a good amount of clothing ranging from dresses to jeans and anything in-between. Shopping was her favorite activity.
y/n laughed loudly as Lydia scoffed at the overly frilly and pink clothes laid about. Though she did love pink, she hated anything overly in your face. She liked to say, “you should go for simple because it makes you look cooler.” She definitely had a better sense of fashion than anyone else in her grade.
She grabbed a dark blue dress from a rack. Light pink stripes ran across it, and her face seemed to light up at the look of it. She held it up her, and her frown quickly dropped as she noticed how they didn’t have any in her size.
Y/n raised an eyebrow and looked around for any more before asking the sales clerk if they had any more.
“I believe those are the last ones we have, ma’am. I’m sorry.” Lydia’s face dropped at that, and y/n thanked her quietly before paying for what they had gotten and walking out, y/n’s mind on the little girl’s sadness. She hadn’t seen her that excited about a dress in a long time.
y/n knocked on Lydia’s door quietly, holding on tightly to the fabric in her hands. Lydia opened the door quietly, Allison poking out from behind her. “Hey, mom,” she smiled. y/n raised an eye at the makeup covering Allison’s face. It was bright, to say the least.
“I didn’t teach you how to use makeup so you could cover each other in it,” she scolded lightly, a smile on her face. “How do you like your clothes, Lydia.”
Lydia smiled and twirled lightly in her new skirt. “I love them!”
“Well,” y/n drawled out, teasing her lightly as she showed her the fabric, “I guess you won’t be wanting this, then.” She let the fabric fall, dangling from her fingertips to show her the dress Lydia was looking at the other day.
Lydia’s eyes widened, and she squealed excitedly, grabbing the dress. “Thank you, momma,” she squealed, wrapped her arms around y/n. “How did you get this?”
“I might have gone out with Lily after so I could find it.” Lydia grinned and pulled back, holding y/n tightly.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”
“Anything for you, Lyd.”
Liam wrapped himself around Derek’s leg tightly, a full body cling. Derek stared down at him, annoyance yet amusement plastered across his face. y/n stood in the corner, watching the two interact. She giggled lightly as Derek shook his leg, making Liam cling tighter.
“What are you doing,” Derek questioned, trying not to laugh as well.
“I don’t want you to go! Stay home!” Derek raised an eyebrow and turned to y/n. She shrugged in response.
“Why don’t you want me to go to work?” Liam pressed his face to Derek’s leg.
y/n look as shocked as Derek at the answer. “Because you’re never home when I’m home. I never get to see you, dad.” Derek bent down and picked up the young boy.
“What are you talking about?”
Liam grumbled and wrapped his arms around Derek. “Whenever you get home, I’m always in bed. I miss you.” Derek’s face dropped, and he hugged Liam tightly.
“How about we stay home today and watch some movies or something.” Liam nodded happily and hugged Derek again before dropping out of his arms.
y/n moved forward as Liam crashed into her. “Are you going to join us, momma?”
y/n looked up to Derek to see him nod happily. “Sure, baby. Go pick out a movie.”
Liam grinned and ran off, laughing loudly as Jackson walked by and tackled him only to run off as Liam tickled him in response.
Those children were your life, and you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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pure sterek fluff
have some super sterek fluff, some sweet sugary love. 
check out the fluff tag too
When we're the best of friends by Emela (1/1 | 1,698 | G)
“Momma," Stiles squeals, splashing a little. "Derek said my tail was pretty and I said he was pretty. Are we married now, momma? Do I have to live here all the time now?”
Or the one where kid!Derek meets kid!Stiles and proposals happen.
In One Kiss You'll Know All I Haven't Said by aussiebee (1/1 | 1,726 | PG13)
Derek accidentally kisses Stiles goodbye. They aren't dating.
It becomes... a thing.
Baking is Whisky Business by Leslie_Knope (1/1 | 7,882 | R)
But Stiles’ most distinguishing feature, besides the pretty eyes and the mussed hair? He makes a fucking mess every time he bakes, and Derek is the unlucky soul who’s stuck cleaning up after him. Seriously, if he didn’t know any better, he’d think Stiles was doing it just to screw with him.
(Or, the one in which Stiles is a Great British Bake Off contestant, and Derek is the long-suffering production assistant.)
The Sign of Love (and coffee) - Barista by graces101 (1/1 | 1,014 | G)
Stiles is a barista, Derek is an adorable customer with beautiful green eyes. Did I mention Stiles loves his beautiful green eyes?
your starfish was apricot by Sa_kun (1/1 | 5,239 | PG13)
It’s always gratifying to see that early mornings has Derek stumbling, that he won’t quite open his eyes all the way. Sleepy Derek is usually an overly cuddly one, but you won’t ever see Stiles complaining over that (cuddling is awesome and trumps everything on all the levels, seriously). The thing is, she’s kind of stupidly in love with Derek exactly the way he is, so she thinks that’s okay.
-- Or: the one that's mostly about love but also a little bit about love.
Derek Needs Somebody With a Human Touch by nerdfightingwhovian (1/1 | 1,145 | PG13)
Stiles is cooking and humming. Then Derek makes fun of him, so Stiles starts singing the song. Little does he know, Derek knows exactly what he is singing.
Sharing Food by aussiebee (2/2 | 9,564 | NC17)
"Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly." ― M.F.K. Fisher
Derek is pretty much absorbed into the Stilinski family, one meal at a time.
The Boy Who Drew Wolves by dr_girlfriend (1/1 | 5,863 | PG13)
"Once upon a time,” Stiles began, and Thomas sighed happily, resting his cheek in the hollow of Stiles’ shoulder. “There was a gangly, clumsy, freckle-faced young boy, and a beautiful, majestic wolf —”
“You mean, there was a beautiful, brilliant, amber-eyed boy, and a half-starved, mangy-looking wolf,” a voice interrupted. “It looks like I made it just in time, huh?” Derek said with a conspiratorial smirk at Thomas. “Gotta make sure you tell it right.”
“Yeah, Daddy!” Thomas parroted. “Tell it right!”
“Okay, okay,” Stiles sighed, settling his arm across Thomas with his hand resting on his husband’s waist, thumb drawing an absent-minded little circle. “Once upon a time, there was a probably-going-to-grow-into-his-looks-just-fine young boy, and a very lonely wolf…”
The Wonderful World of Woo by p1013 (1/1 | 3,410 | PG13)
Sometime during Stiles’ sophomore year of college, Derek starts dating.
To say it’s an abject failure would be putting it mildly.
Shop Talk by aussiebee (1/1 | 12,648 | NC17)
Deputy Derek meets Shopkeeper Stiles. Derek likes Stiles and Stiles likes Derek. There are puppies and flowers and an awesome Sheriff and an awesome Hale grandmother.
Catching Lightning by distortedreality (1/1 | 5,378 | R)
“Mommy?” “Yes, baby?” “I think I know who I’m going to marry.” The little indented frown had disappeared from between Stiles’ brows, instead a wide smile lit up his face. “Well then, you’d better introduce us to this girl with the pretty hair,” Claudia said, ruffling Stiles' short hair. “Don’t be silly, Mommy. I’m not going to marry her,” Stiles replied.
The 5 times Stiles asked Derek to marry him, and the 1 time Derek asked Stiles.
Written in Foam by Bellakitse (1/1 | 2,492 | PG13)
Stiles Stilinski is hopelessly in love with his professor. Coffee Shop/College AU.
Happy Derek Day by Emela (1/1 | 1,573 | PG13)
Stiles decides to dedicate a day to Derek.
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bonniebird · 4 years
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I do not give my permission to be posted to any third party sites!!!
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Lydia Martin 
Allison Argent 
 Theo Raeken 
 Scott McCall 
 Stiles Stilinski 
 Isaac Lahey 
 Ethan and Aiden 
 Derek Hale 
 Peter Hale 
 Jackson Whittemore 
 Liam Dunbar 
 Danny Mahealani 
 Malia Tate 
 Kira Yukimura 
 Jordan Parrish 
 Brett Talbot 
 Erica Reyes 
Cora Hale
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Momma Hale - Derek x Fem!Reader
The War Of Beacon Hills - Sterek
The Training Program - Teen Wolf Au
Our Cousin Stiles - Teen wolf / My babysitters A Vampire
Don’t Forget Me - Stydia
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Tv show Masterlist
Film Masterlist
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Jay’s Series Masterlist
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Je ne te mérite pas (I don’t deserve you)
Dean x reader (Complete)
Warnings : Smut, Angst, swearing, Fluff, mention of violence.
8 parts
Love me once, shame on me
Dean x reader (Complete)
Warnings : Violence, mention of attempt suicide, swearing,Smut, unprotected sex (you are smarter than this), Fluff.
8 parts
Dean x reader (Complete)
Warnings : Violence and captivity, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Smut.
7 parts
Greater Good
Dean x reader ? Sam x reader ?
Warnings : Swearing, Smut, Fluff, Angst, (Secrets and cheating ?)
3 parts for now
Rescue You
Dean x reader (Complete)
Serie Warnings : Swearing. Injuries. Smut. Fluff. Angst
14 parts
I don’t need you
Dean x reader
Warnings : Swearing (duh). Mention of death. Smut, probably all kind from rough to fluffy. Fluff. Angst of course.
(Mini serie)
Dean x reader (Complete)
Summary : Reader wears lipstick. That’s it.
3 parts
Same (with @roonyxx​)
AU Dean x reader, Dean x reader (Complete)
Serie Warnings : Smut (unprotected sex, you’re smarter than this), Angst, hurt (and jealous) Dean, hurt AU Dean, hurt reader… hurt everyone. Swearing, Alcohol. (15.13 kinda spoilers ?)
Firefly (with @roonyxx​)
Note : We haven’t done the Masterlist yet but all the links are in this chapter.
Dean x Reader ? (Ongoing)
Serie Warnings :  Hurt!Dean, Hell (torture, even if we tried to not give it graphic descriptions, creepy demons, blood, violence), swearing, angst, future fluff and smut.
Don’t Look Down, Baby
Dean x reader, Dean x Abraham Hale (OC)
Warnings : Angst: jealous Dean, jealous Abraham, cheating, kinda self harm, swearing, smoking, drinking, some panic attack, threats, talk of murder. Smut: unprotected sex -you’re smarter than this !-, oral, also kinda lame sex if it’s a warning, angry smut. Fluff.
Stolen Crown (with @roonyxx​)
Pairings : Dean x reader ? Kight!Dean x reader ?
Serie Warnings : Smut (please be 18+), Fluff, Angst, Swearing. Mention of physical pain. Each Chapter will have detailled warnings.
Knocked Up
Dean x Reader ?
Warnings : There will be angst and fluff and smut of course, there also will be swearing but if you know me, you fucking know that. There will be pregnancy related themes and other stuffs that I will detail in the chapters to not spoil my story. Please be 18+
The Witch’s Price
Dean x Reader
Serie Warning : Smut (some primal, some sweet), Supernatural violence and blood, talk about violence and death, fluff, love-struck Deanie Bean, swearing of fucking course. Be +18
(Tags under the cut)
Forever Tags : @parinarain​​​ @animegirlgeeky​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @masterof-agony​​​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​ @roonyxx​​​ @thefaithfulwriter​​​ @vicariouslythruspn​​​ @emeow1496​​​ @daryldixonandfrogs​​​ @holylulusworld​​​  @cocklesbelli​​​ @sandlee44​​​@screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx​​​ @stormchasingchick32​​ @akshi8278​​​ @magssteenkamp​​​ @sister-winchesters99​​​​ @neii3n​​​  @lyss-dw79​​​​ @im-a-shrub​​​ @sadwaywardkid​​​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​​​​ @i-love-superhero​​​​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​​​​ @fangirlxwritesx67​​​​ @mrspeacem1nusone​​​​ @stylesismyhubs​​​​ @deanwanddamons​​​​ @jawritter​​​​ @peridottea91​​​​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​​​​ @vicmc624​​
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honeyglaze-archived · 4 years
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𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖.     in my interpretation of the twi.light saga, the cullen family is a single-parent household, in which i headcanon that ESME CUELLAR parted ways from carlisle and edward, and later changes rosalie and emmett, and welcomes alice and her wife, jasper, into her home. 
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐈 : 𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐄 & 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐄.     esmerelda (esme) had originally met carlisle at age 16 when carlisle participated in an attempt to bring medical attention to small and underdeveloped pueblos in mexico. after falling out of a tree and breaking her leg, esmerelda was carried off to the medical tent of the visiting doctor. she was immediately fascinated by his pale complexion and golden locks (often a rarity in pueblitos), but even more enthralled by his kindness. growing up, esme often dreamed of the doctor who had once treated her leg, crowning him within her girlish dreams, the perfect husband. but despite her wish for greatness and love, esmerelda was expected to abide by traditions, and so she she married a fellow farmer, carlos evarista. but carlos quickly proved himself far from the kind husband she had envisioned, and esme found herself bound to a home of verbal and physical abuse. despite her wish to leave, esmerelda feels obligated by both her vows and her family, to stay (this is a very common thing in hispanic culture, as women are raised under machismo culture and are raised to believe they serve the man of the house. it is also extremely important to acknowledge the heavy influence catholicism has in hispanic families / marriage). months into her marriage, esme discovers her pregnancy, and after much prayer and fearing for the life of both herself and her unborn child, she flees. now in america, esmerelda thrives in her FREEDOM, more than excited to raise her child upon american soil, only to lose her child two days after her birth. DEVASTATED by the loss of her child and the inability to return to her family, esmerelda sinks into a great depression and throws herself off a cliff in a suicide attempt. barely alive, she’s carted to the local doctor, dr. carlisle cullen, who recognized her battered body to be the happy and carefree teenager he had met once before in mexico. driven by compassion, but without her agreement, he changes her -- and esmerelda awakes to a new life...
unlike the canon written in the books, ESME WAS UPSET by this fact. her life and her death were her own; and without her child and her familly, esmerelda truly saw no point in living. angered and hurt by carlisle’s actions, esmerelda flees once again, eager to reconnect to god and to discover her new meaning in this life... 
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐈𝐈: 𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐄, 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄, & 𝐄𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐓.     esmerelda had only been visiting rochester, when she is drawn to the beaten and battered body of rosalie hale -- assaulted, abused, and left for dead. her heart aches at the sight and esme quickly sits herself at the young woman’s side. with rosalie’s head cradled in her lap, esme attempts to soothe her pain with hushed whispers and prayer, when it hits her -- that esme could offer more. life... this, was what she meant to do. to love, to care, to give life to those who deserved more... it is then esme makes her suggestion, and with barely a breath, rosalie agrees. (note: before, i headcanoned that the main reason behind rosalie and carlisle’s rocky relationship was due to the fact that there was no consent in regards to her change, after a nonconsenual assault by a different white man... when you replace both facts with CONSENT and a woman, particullary a woman of color, rosalie is then given the chance to TRUST, and i’m all about giving rose a happy and healing environment, thank you).
with rosalie beneath her wing, esme ensures a safe and loving environment for her prodigy to thrive in. it is during this time that rosalie first encounters emmett. while on the prowl for a meal, rosalie at first thinks of emmett as a potential source, only to find him unbefitting to her criteria (another reminder that my rose does feed on humans, particularly men who abuse or speak ill of women). his kindness, humor, and respect for her is what made emmett memorable when she encountered his mangled body in the woods. not wanting a true DECENT man to die, she carries the body to her mother and maker, esme. truly moved by prodigy’s plea, esmerelda agrees -- but only with emmett’s consent. with his agreement, emmett is changed and offered to be a part of their new found family should he wish it... 
𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑰𝑰𝑰: 𝑬𝑺𝑴𝑬, 𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑪𝑬, & 𝑱𝑨𝑺𝑷𝑬𝑹.    alice was drawn to the cuellar family after a vision of her future with them. with her wife, jasper, in hand (another reminder that i am exclusive, even if they aren’t active, with @ionclouds​‘ jasper) alice leads them to their future family, eager to meet the woman she called mother in her dreams. esme was elated to find alice and jasper upon her door, and was eager to welcome them in. but unlike the canon written within the series, it was not alice who introduced the vegetarian lifestyle, esme was already a “vegetarian”, as was alice at the time before she and jasper joined rosalie in her hunts for criminal men. although esme does not exactly agree, she understands and allows her “children” to act as they please, as long as there is a respect for human life. 
𝐓𝐋;𝐃𝐑 /  𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒.    esme was NOT unphased by her new and sudden life, and esmerelda would not willingly walk into a new relationship and marriage with a man she did not know especially after leaving her abusive husband and losing her child. esme being the sole “parent” of the cullen household makes way more sense to me and also offers a better enviroment for rosalie, who yes -- DESERVED MUCH BETTER and i’m determiend to give it to her. this does not mean that i won’t ship / interact with carlisle blogs / or participate in the book canon -- that will be an AU. but when it comes to carlisle, i can definitely see them meeting again in the future, and potentially starting a romance there. but in my main verse and in my canon: the cullen house is run by the one and only momma esmerelda cuellar. 
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common traits of every one of my TW fix ideas/headcanons/AUs
Erica and Boyd are alive
Danny doesn't just... Disappear
Sterek :) (but Derek is actually only like 4 yrs older in compliance with the pilot👍)
Derek saves Stiles from the wild hunt as planned, not Peter
Sheriff ends up with Melissa (and his name is John not Noah ew)
Scott's just always a dick idk why
Stiles and Danny actually hooked up following the Jennifer-induced sacrifice fiasco, became pals
Danny and Lydia and Stiles are besties 🤙🤙
Kira returns and is hella badass
Derek becomes an alpha again
Parrish and Derek are Bros
Braeden teaches them all to wield various weapons
Stiles ->->-> Emissary
Derek can fully shift🐺
Danny goes to MIT, becomes super sick tech genius, hacks things
Things are v weird between Stiles and Sheriff after wild hunt for obvious reasons
Remodelling (I'm an HGTV whore leave me be)
Isaac and Cora 5ever <3
Jackson goes into politics
Derek gets everything for free everywhere he goes bc he fixes things for people and only asks for favors in return
Derek is also very aware of what he looks like and how to use it to his advantage when needed
They fix the Jeep
Momma Hale and Momma Stilinski were BFFs
there's prolly more but those are the main ones
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ao3feed-sterek · 4 years
Home for Summer
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3b0waVP
by Gia279
The house was mostly empty. The Hales had a big wedding for the day, as they did almost every day in June, and it was all hands on deck. Talia had given him his key and suggested he have a look around while everyone was out.
Words: 3540, Chapters: 2/32, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of These Ain't Your Momma's Paperbacks
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Talia Hale, Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, OC Child Character - Character, Lydia Martin
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Human AU, Domestic, Hale family business, Ghosts, baker!peter, florist!Cora, photographer!laura, Stiles has a kid, Getting Together, Single Parent Stiles Stilinski, Weddings, Derek is as usual kind of a jerk at the beginning, Fluff, kinda enemies to lovers, puppies!, centuries old murder, ghost au
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3b0waVP
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vintagepresley · 5 months
*he raises his eyebrow at her* sure? momma, you can ask me whatever the hell you want.
Walter Hale
(Lmao this is going to be awkward as he’ll go ask my son 😭)
Uh.. do you and Aus have something going on with that Joe guy? Are you… you know… like your uncle Jodie is with Toby and Angel..
0 notes
1987vampire · 6 years
Momma Hale AU: Makeup Mishaps
Ages: Liam- 6 | Stiles- 7 | Lydia- 7 | Isaac- 8 | Erica- 9 | Allison- 10 | Scott- 10 | Malia- 11 | Jackson- 12 |
You had just about gotten home from work, seeing Jackson, Scott, Isaac, Stiles, and Liam playing a board game with Derek on the floor.“Hey babe” Derek smiled up at you as you leaned down to kiss him. “Hey were are the girls?” You asked setting your purse in the arm chair. “I think they’re in our room” Derek said.
“Hi Mommy!” Stiles cheered. “Hey baby” You smiled scooping him and Isaac onto your lap and peppering their faces with kisses making them giggle loudly. “How were my babies days?” You asked running your fingers through Liam’s dirty blonde hair. “My day was so good! I can finally see the board now Mommy!” Scott giggled pushing his new glasses up his nose. “That’s Good Baby” You smiled at him. “I think I’m going to try out for the lacrosse team” Jackson said. “Really? That’s fantastic honey” You smiled at your oldest.
The boys continued to tell your about their day when suddenly you heard loud giggling coming from you and Derek’s room. “I’ll be right back” You said standing up and walking into your room. “Girls?” You asked poking your head into the bathroom. “Hi mommy” The four girls smiled, turning around to look at you, their faces covered in messy makeup, your makeup scattered all over the place. “What on earth have y’all been doing” You laughed loudly. “You look so pretty with makeup Mommy, we wanted to be pretty to” Lydia smiled. “Aww babies you are very pretty, how about we take that off and mommy can teach you how to use makeup” You smiled. “Yay” They all cheered laughing.
You quickly pulled out your phone, snapping a picture of your 4 girls laughing you out your phone away. You grabbed your makeup wipes taking off the messy makeup on the girls. “You’re so pretty Mommy” Erica smiled as you applied Mascara to Allison eyelashes. “Thank you sweetie, you are too” You smiled, kissing her cheek before putting sparkly lip gloss to Malias lips. “Mommy can you do our hair too?” Allison asked cheerfully. “Yeah! Please mommy?” Malia asked. “Sure baby” You smiled giggling as you finished up Lydia’s makeup. You plugged in your curling iron, once it was heated you began curling Malia’s hair in tiny spirals. “It looks so pretty! Thank you mommy!” Malia cheered when you finished. “You’re welcome honey” You smiled starting to fishtail braid Lydia’s hair, leaving two strands of hair out in the front of her face, curling them when you finished the braid. You put a bun in Allison’s hair, curling the front pieces that fell out, curling Erica’s hair in large curls. “Okay, look at Mommy and say, Makeup!” You cheered. “Makeup” Your four girls cheered as you snapped a picture.
“What are my favorite girls doing in here?” Derek asked smiling. “Mommy did our hair!” Malia cheered. “And Our Makeup!” Allison giggled. “Did she now?” Derek asked coming up and wrapping his arms around you. “You look very pretty” Derek said smiling. “Thank you daddy!” The four girls cheered running out of you and Derek’s room going to show their brothers. “So does their mommy” Derek smirked pulling you closer by the waist. “Nice try babe” You smirked patting Derek on the chest before leaving the room. “Aw c’mon” Derek shouted after you, laughing.
I’m currently SCREAMING. THANK YOU FOR THIS @hannahbabyy13
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ravenwritesstuff · 5 years
Shelter (1/?)
Fandom: Frozen (modern AU, no magic) Pairings: Kristanna (Kristoff/Anna),previous Hanna (Hans/Anna) Rating: T for now, M for sure later. A/N: Just going to drop this chapter here. I have the second one written and the whole damn thing plotted but probably will never finish it (kind of my MO), so if you at least want the second chapter lemme know. I’ll post it, too.
Her hands shake as she sets her phone back on the counter. The pen in the other hand trembles above the pad of paper next to it as she looks at the date and time she had scribbled during the call.
We got in.
The thought loops in her brain and as the initial shock of it fades a smile rips across her face.
“Who was that, mom?” A sticky-faced first grader asks from the folding table across the kitchen, feet dangling as she does her homework.
Anna presses a hand against the butterflies in her stomach - feeling the words that will change their lives bubble up.
“It was the house people.” Now she has two identical pairs of eyes on her and she sees the mirror spark of excitement ignite in them at her words. “We got in, babies! We’re going to get a house!”
She lets her daughter knock her to the floor into a pile of giggles and tries to not let the fact that her son does not join dampen her joy.
“We’ve got all your papers in order now.” Gerda, her coordinator slips the last signed page into Anna’s folder with smile. “So now we have to discuss how you’re going to cover your sweat equity hours.”
“Oh. I am ready to get started right away.”
Gerda, a woman old enough to have heard this same sentiment a few thousand times, smiles.
“Now this is hard work.” Her tone is gentle. “And you have two young ones.”
“They’re in school during the day - and there are after-school programs I can enroll them in if I need to.”
She hears her own voice - so eager it hurts.
“We require four hundred hours.”
“I know and I am ready to do whatever it takes -”
“I know you are, dear. That’s why you were selected.” Gerda clasps her plump hands on top of the desk across from Anna. A well worn crease forms between her brows. “I’ve seen a lot of people come through here wanting to conquer the world in a week, but this is the long haul. We’re talking at least a six-month commitment, probably closer to a year, and on top of working towards your certification and raising children on your own -”
“I can do it.” She has been rebuilding her life from the ground up for the last four years - building a house cannot be that much different. “I can do it.”
Gerda’s lips purse. “It is just very important that you understand the length and seriousness of this commitment before we begin. If you back out at any point there will be no recuperation for any of the hours you put in.”
“I won’t back out.”
“Ms. Arendal - “
“I won’t.”
Two breaths then: “Fine enough. Then if you feel you understand what is required of you all I need is a signature here.”
Gerda pushes one last page to Anna’s side of the table. Anna signs.
“All right then.” Gerda takes the page before the ink even dries and passes a thick packet to Anna. “Here is your work assignment as well as rules and regulations. I am available for questions during normal office hours - but your best bet will be to direct your questions towards your site supervisor.”
Anna flips open the first page and finds a name.
Kristoff Bjorgman
“Got it.” She closes the packet and smiles. “I can’t wait to start.”
“And remember today you are going home with Miss Ariel and Melody.”
It’s a brisk Tuesday morning, spring not quite ready to stick, as Anna waits for the crosswalk signal to change. Her palms are clasped tightly around small mismatched-mittens as the red hand flashes to a white stick figure.
“We know, mom.” It’s her son, Aiden, and she doesn’t even have to look down to know he is rolling his eyes. Six-years-old going on sixteen - she winces but lets his sass slide this time. They’re running late as it is.
“Miss Ariel will help you with homework and feed you dinner and I’ll be over to pick you up as soon as I can.”
“It’s going to be so fun!” Brantley says from the other side of her, red braid swinging. “Can we have dessert?”
“It’s a school night. Miss Ariel has the same rules we do about desserts on school nights.” Anna squeezes her daughter’s hand, palm warm through the worn wool.
“It’d probably be something dumb like fruit anyway.” Aiden pulls his hand away as they step onto the opposite sidewalk.
“Nuhuh! Mom tell him to stop being such a grouch.”
Anna’s head swims. It is not even half past seven in the morning and she is already exhausted. Gerda’s warning about taking on too much pops into her mind, but she shoves it aside. She has to do this - not just for her children but for herself, too. She needs to prove to herself that she can do this.
“Aiden - honey - this is just how it’s going to be for a little while ” She has already explained ad nauseum to the twins that she cannot take them to the job site. As expected - one took it better than the other.
“Yeah? Well it sucks.”
Anna bites her lip. Aiden knows better than to use that word and she knows he is just trying to get a reaction out of her, so she tries to not let it show that it does. Instead she looks at him - his auburn hair poking out at all angles. How he has both the best and worst qualities of his father will always amaze her.
“It will get better. Things will just be a little harder for awhile.”
Aiden mumbles something under his breath, but she does not catch it. She does not even try. When they get to school - only Brantley kisses her goodbye.
She parks two blocks down the street from the site and runs.
“Are you Anna?” She hears a voice ask when she finally stumbles onto the site.
She turns towards the sound and is nearly blinded by the low afternoon sun. She squints and shields her eyes (from the sun and something else) but she still cannot make out more than a large shadow. The air is brisk but she is sweating, nerves working against her. It takes all of her courage to not step back.
“Yes. I am. I’m Anna.” She swallows panic.
“You’re late.”
She deduces that this must be the site manager - Christopher? She cannot quite remember from the papers, learned panic erasing her train of thought, and she can’t quite get everything in focus when her head and heart are spinning.
“I know. I’m sorry. My last client likes to talk and - “ She makes excuses all while digging her heels in against retreat.
He isn’t that kind of guy.
At least she doesn’t think so.
At least she won’t let him be. She takes a deep breath.
“You can pick up trash today.” He cuts her off before she even has a chance and it catches her off guard. Her tongue ties. “The dumpster is over there.” He points. “Ask someone to make sure before you throw any scrap in there. It may be useable, and don’t forget to check in to get your hours.”
Just as quickly as he appeared, he is gone and she is left slightly dumbfounded. She was uncertain just what she had expected as a welcome but that certainly was not it. She squares her shoulders anyway and looks around. The site is not exactly messy but she can tell there is clean-up to be done. She checks the time on her watch, makes note, and sets to work.
She’s lugging a discarded pallet towards the dumpster, muscles straining, hands burning.
She hears the call but does not respond. No one here knows her well enough to hale her.
“Hey you!”
It is closer now, close enough that she looks up from her task to find someone striding towards her. The setting sun lights sets the fringe of blonde hair poking out from under his hard hat on fire. Frost edges his breath, pours from his mouth and she had forgotten how cold it is getting with the sun’s retirement. She’s only been on site an hour but she knows that this is the man who greeted her (site supervisor and from what she can tell total jerk) and the look on his face is none-too-happy.
“What are you doing with that?” He asks as he approaches her, adjusting the worn tool belt at his hip
“Taking it to the dumpster?” it comes out far more as a question than she wanted.
“Don’t. It doesn’t go there.”
“Where does it go?”
He is close enough now that he grabs the pallet from her hands as if it was a butterfly’s wing and she meets hard brown eyes. She tries not to flinch but her inside are quaking.
“I can take it if you’d just tell me -”
“If you wanna know you can follow me.”
He turns on a heel and she is left shaking in her thrift store work boots for one moment at his abruptness before she finds the strength to follow.
The next few hours go without incident. Everyone else on site seems to at least be pleasant and she hopes that whatever Christopher’s problem is that it will be resolved by the next time she sees him, but she isn’t holding her breath. She has experience with men and the depth of their moods, catered to them for longer than she should have, but she is done with that now.
By the time she goes to pick up the twins from Ariel’s she has all but put the gruff site manager out of her mind.
The next morning she is introduced to a new level of soreness. Even her fingers ache which is not good considering she had to give two facials and three Swedish massages today. She pops four Aspirin with her coffee and stretches at the kitchen counter.
“What’s the matter, momma?” Brantley swings her feet as she spills more cereal than she eats.
Anna smiles through a wince. “Nothing, baby. Just sore from yesterday.”
“From building our new house?”
“No. Not our house,” Anna looks at the clock. They are running late. “I have to help build another house before I can build ours.”
Aiden snorts. Anna pretends not to notice.
“When do you get to build our house?” Brantley asks and Anna wishes she had an exact date, but she doesn’t.
“I’m not sure baby, but I am working really hard to make it as soon as possible.”
“That’s so dumb.” Aiden swings his leg too hard and kicks Brantley under the table (whether on purpose or on accident Anna will never know) and Brantley yelps.
“Mom! Aiden kicked me!” Brantley’s eyes already well with tears and Anna wishes she could climb back into bed and start over.
“He didn’t mean to. Did you Aiden?”
Aiden shrugs and stares into his cereal. Brantley’s bottom lip trembles. Anna wants to set herself on fire, but instead she goes and ruffles her daughter’s hair.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. The table is small and he didn’t mean it. Did you, Aiden?” Anna pulls out her mom voice and it brings just enough attention from her firstborn for him to shake his head the negative.
Brantley sniffles. Her cereal bowl is almost empty.
“How about two more bites and then brush teeth, okay? We have to leave soon.”
Brantley shovels two spoonfuls of mostly sugary milk into her mouth and skips down the hallway of their apartment to the bathroom. Aiden stirs his spoon.
“You too, kiddo.” She takes the one step to the table (small kitchens had their benefits) and reaches to ruffle auburn hair, but he dodges her touch. He shoves back from the table.  
He starts down the hall, but not before she hears him mutter: “If you’d just made it work with dad you wouldn’t have to build a dumb house.”
A secret part of her heart crumbles.
If only she had….
She shakes her head. No. That wasn’t an option then and it isn’t an option now. She grabs their cereal bowls and takes them to the sink to scrub them. She may not have much control over her world, but she can control if her sink is clean or not.
She focuses on that.
She has never wished to die. She never will, but today - oh - today - she pops six Aspirin.
Aiden will not get dressed. Brantley forgot to finish a page of her homework and is certain now she will mess up her marks and is sobbing. Anna wants to cry, too, but there are things to do and clocks to punch and she has to try to pretend she care when all she wants to do is quit. She wants to curl up and sleep for decades, but she won’t.
She can’t.
She doesn’t.
It is a miracle they all get out the door with pants on.
It’s her fifth consecutive day on site and she has managed to avoid Christopher until now. She’s kept a careful distance since her first day, deferring instead to the assistant supervisors, not wanting to incur his wrath or be perpetually stuck on trash duty. He approaches her as she sands a windowsill.
“You should wear gloves.” He nods at the bandages on her hands where blisters had popped up from the rough work. “It helps.”
She is dumbstruck at first, surprised, then: “I don’t have any.”
He is doesn’t ask why. That level of sensitivity she can only attribute to him being used to that on this job.
“There are extra pairs in the bed of my truck. It’s the blue chevy right there.” He gestures with his head. “Help yourself, just make sure you return them.” He points at the tool in her hand.“While you’re at it go switch out your sanding block. You’re using the wrong grain. You should be using medium.”
And with that he is off and she is left with her head spinning. She watches him go join some other workers as they put finishing touches on the framework and sits there with mind whirring. She only allows herself a moment though before she shakes herself out of it and moves. She won’t over think it, this random kindness, even though she wants to. No. She will do what she is told. She will get a house for her children.
But when she finds his truck and the leather gloves just as he said there would be (women’s sizes included) she can’t help but wonder if she had judged him a little too quickly.
She forgets what time off means. She thought she had known busy as a single parent before she started with Habitat. Gerda’s warning resonates now, one week in.
I’ve seen a lot of people come through here wanting to conquer the world in a week, but this is the long haul.
It is a Saturday morning. Every inch of her body throbs. Her friends Belle and Adam had agreed to take Aiden and Brantley so she could be on site today and log some real hours.
She rolls to her side and plants her feet on the ground with head swimming.
Tears well in her eyes unbidden. She pushes them back.
This is just the first chapter of this new part of her life.
She has had many new chapters, new parts.
Each has brought their own pain.
This is no different.
She stumbles to the bathroom, sun still sleeping, and flips on the light. She grabs the Aspirin and dry swallows four tablets.
Today is going to be a very long day.
It is lunch on site (her first yet) and she forgot to pack one. Between trying to get the twins ready for the day and her exhaustion she had forgotten to pack food (not that the selection in her cupboard was great but it was better than nothing). She is four hours into an eight hour shift and all she has to eat are the fruit snacks she had stashed at the bottom of her purse for the twins.
She eats them quietly on the outskirts during break, trying to not draw attention, trying to not worry about her aching stomach. Then:
“Hey. Why are you eating all by yourself?” It is the lovely young woman she had noticed from one of her first days on site but had not yet met.
Anna just shrugs. She’d kept to herself since arriving, not mixing with the others, not sure if she was allowed to or if she was okay with allowing herself to.
“Get your behind over here!” The other woman waves and Anna hates to deny but also hates to let them know her failure, to let them know she has no lunch to eat.
Still she goes, uncertain how to deny, and sits as far aways as she can without being rude.
She has seen all of these workers at different times during the week, but they are all here now. She does not know if they are staff laborers or placement seekers like herself. Still, she smiles and tries to act like she belongs.
“Hi,” she waves low from her lap and everyone smiles.
“I’m Tiana,” the invitation giver offers introduction, dark curls falling into hazel eyes.
“I’m Anna.”
“You getting yourself a house?”
Anna blinks, the abruptness of her new acquaintance startling, but she nods her head.
“Good. I am too. Fact is all of us are. You are either going to see me or Naveen - that’s my husband - on this site till one of us drops dead or catches on fire.”
She looks at the ragtag group for the first time in earnest. She’d been so focused on the work that she had failed to notice how many of them  have the same second hand clothes and dime store boots she does For the first time she breathes a little easier. She’d known that others would be working on the site but she had somehow missed the connection that they might be just like her.
“I’ve only just started but it feels like I’ve been at it for years.” Anna laughs a bit, but it falls flat.
Tiana’s face is serious.
“Days like that come often, but you have to remember why you started. Write it down. Stick it to your bathroom mirror and don’t let anything stop you.”
This woman’s determination sends shocks through her and she sees the mark of struggle on her face the same as she feels inside. Anna thinks of her children. She thinks of the life they had before she’d left their father. She remembers that final night when -
She clenches her fists and forces a smile. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget.”
Tiana smiles knowingly and shares her hard boiled eggs with her.
The spa smells like lavender and money. She knows she is lucky to have landed this job out of school but still she cannot help but feel the weight of it. The clientele, the volume, the pressure to bring in more clients.... It alls adds up.
Ariel comes in between appointments, a lunch break she wishes she could just push through and work but has to take.
“How are you?” Her lilting accent is unnoticed by Anna, by everyone else at the spa who used to work with her. They are used to it.
“Fine.” She takes the salad Ariel offers her. It isn’t quite warm outside yet, but where they sit on the bench a few doors down from the spa the sun makes up for the difference.  
“Yes?” The way she phrases it as a question makes Anna feels defensive,
“I’m. Fine.” She stuffs salad into her mouth as if to prove a point.
They eat in silence for several strained bites, then:
“Aiden isn’t doing well.”
Anna has to hold back the REALLY?! that is brewing beneath her skin because she knows. She knows more than Ariel wants to imagine, and even the silent admission from someone else make it more real somehow. Ten million doubts and questions assaulted her at once. She is not enough, she cannot be enough, she is failing her children, if she had just made it work with -
She shuts that train of thought down.
Ariel shut that down with her preternatural understanding: “I know.”
They eat more salad before she continues with:
“He asks about Ha - uh - his father.” Ariel stumbles a bit, her native tongue different than Anna’s and there are moments of translation - transition - where her polite nature wars with her curiosity.
Even with her friend’s tacit strategy - it is salt in the wound.
All she has done in the last three years is try to get past that - try to get past him - but she has made her choices and he is one of them. She has come to accept that. She chews and swallows a hefty bite of romaine.
“He’s mad at me. He doesn’t remember anything. He doesn’t understand.”
Ariel is silent then. They haven’t covered much of her marriage, but enough that Ariel understands what she means. She reached out and grips Anna’s forearm, stills her eating, and looks her dead in the eye.
“You did the right thing.”
Anna wants to melt into the reassurance, to snuggle down tight and swallow it so that all she feels inside and out is safe and warm and right, but all she feels is cold. All she feels is worn. All she feels is sore.
She looks back at the salad Ariel brought her, suddenly uninterested.
“I know.”
“Have you ever - you know - thought about talking to him about it now that he is older? Telling him why his father isn’t around and where he is now?”
Anna shakes her head. Those who know her best, who know the truth, occasionally ask her this, but she is not ready. It is just easier to take the blame than it is to tell her children the truth, to let tell them their mother is a coward and their father a criminal.
“He wouldn’t understand.”
Ariel is quiet for a moment, taking a few bites, then: “He is your kid so you have to do what you think is right, but I think if you ever tried to explain you would be surprised.”
Anna stabs at her salad, suddenly very not hungry.
“Yeah?” She mumbles. “Too bad I hate surprises.”
She is massaging one of her (very few) regulars when there is a gentle rap at the door. The spa typically never interrupts a session unless something is urgent. She murmurs a quick reassurance to her octogenarian client (whom she is fairly certain is asleep) before slipping into the dim corridor where the salon coordinator relays the news.
Aiden is in the principal’s office.
She takes the call and arranges a meeting - head pounding.
She returns to the small, dark room she works on and to the massage she had been giving but she can hardly focus. Her mind is a dizzy whirl of schedules and conflicts and she is just not sure how she can make this all work.
But she can.
She will.
She has to.
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amylillian22 · 6 years
Momma Hale AU: Makeup Mishaps
Ages: Liam- 6 | Stiles- 7 | Lydia- 7 | Isaac- 8 | Erica- 9 | Allison- 10 | Scott- 10 | Malia- 11 | Jackson- 12 |
You had just about gotten home from work, seeing Jackson, Scott, Isaac, Stiles, and Liam playing a board game with Derek on the floor.“Hey babe” Derek smiled up at you as you leaned down to kiss him. “Hey were are the girls?” You asked setting your purse in the arm chair. “I think they’re in our room” Derek said.
“Hi Mommy!” Stiles cheered. “Hey baby” You smiled scooping him and Isaac onto your lap and peppering their faces with kisses making them giggle loudly. “How were my babies days?” You asked running your fingers through Liam’s dirty blonde hair. “My day was so good! I can finally see the board now Mommy!” Scott giggled pushing his new glasses up his nose. “That’s Good Baby” You smiled at him. “I think I’m going to try out for the lacrosse team” Jackson said. “Really? That’s fantastic honey” You smiled at your oldest.
The boys continued to tell your about their day when suddenly you heard loud giggling coming from you and Derek’s room. “I’ll be right back” You said standing up and walking into your room. “Girls?” You asked poking your head into the bathroom. “Hi mommy” The four girls smiled, turning around to look at you, their faces covered in messy makeup, your makeup scattered all over the place. “What on earth have y’all been doing” You laughed loudly. “You look so pretty with makeup Mommy, we wanted to be pretty to” Lydia smiled. “Aww babies you are very pretty, how about we take that off and mommy can teach you how to use makeup” You smiled. “Yay” They all cheered laughing.
You quickly pulled out your phone, snapping a picture of your 4 girls laughing you out your phone away. You grabbed your makeup wipes taking off the messy makeup on the girls. “You’re so pretty Mommy” Erica smiled as you applied Mascara to Allison eyelashes. “Thank you sweetie, you are too” You smiled, kissing her cheek before putting sparkly lip gloss to Malias lips. “Mommy can you do our hair too?” Allison asked cheerfully. “Yeah! Please mommy?” Malia asked. “Sure baby” You smiled giggling as you finished up Lydia’s makeup. You plugged in your curling iron, once it was heated you began curling Malia’s hair in tiny spirals. “It looks so pretty! Thank you mommy!” Malia cheered when you finished. “You’re welcome honey” You smiled starting to fishtail braid Lydia’s hair, leaving two strands of hair out in the front of her face, curling them when you finished the braid. You put a bun in Allison’s hair, curling the front pieces that fell out, curling Erica’s hair in large curls. “Okay, look at Mommy and say, Makeup!” You cheered. “Makeup” Your four girls cheered as you snapped a picture.
“What are my favorite girls doing in here?” Derek asked smiling. “Mommy did our hair!” Malia cheered. “And Our Makeup!” Allison giggled. “Did she now?” Derek asked coming up and wrapping his arms around you. “You look very pretty” Derek said smiling. “Thank you daddy!” The four girls cheered running out of you and Derek’s room going to show their brothers. “So does their mommy” Derek smirked pulling you closer by the waist. “Nice try babe” You smirked patting Derek on the chest before leaving the room. “Aw c’mon” Derek shouted after you, laughing.
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ao3-sterek · 4 years
Home for Summer
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3b0waVP
by Gia279
The house was mostly empty. The Hales had a big wedding for the day, as they did almost every day in June, and it was all hands on deck. Talia had given him his key and suggested he have a look around while everyone was out.
Words: 3540, Chapters: 2/32, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of These Ain't Your Momma's Paperbacks
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Talia Hale, Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Peter Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, OC Child Character - Character, Lydia Martin
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Human AU, Domestic, Hale family business, Ghosts, baker!peter, florist!Cora, photographer!laura, Stiles has a kid, Getting Together, Single Parent Stiles Stilinski, Weddings, Derek is as usual kind of a jerk at the beginning, Fluff, kinda enemies to lovers, puppies!, centuries old murder, ghost au
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3b0waVP
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teenwolfficrec · 7 years
Hey! How's your day going? Can you rec some fics with like a bunch of fluff? Like excessively fluffy. Like excessively excessively. Thanks! Also, I'm sorry about the excessive use of excessively.
Fluffy fluffy fluff for youuu 😁😁I’m good. How are you?
When we’re the best of friends
Summary: “Momma,“ Stiles squeals, splashing a little. "Derek said my tail was pretty and I said he was pretty. Are we married now, momma? Do I have to live here all the time now?”
Or the one where kid!Derek meets kid!Stiles and proposals happen.
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Young Affection
Summary: Stiles and Derek grow up together (first as friends then as something more) under the watchful eyes of their family members.
Oh! And they’re soulmates. Did I forget to mention that?
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The Wonderful World of Woo
Summary: Sometime during Stiles’ sophomore year of college, Derek starts dating.
To say it’s an abject failure would be putting it mildly.
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Matchmaker, Please
Summary: When the Sheriff said that he wanted to set Stiles up with one of his deputies, Stiles thought he’d be meeting some chubby, doughnut-loving desk sergeant. He definitely wasn’t expecting Officer Hale.
After significant efforts on the Sheriff’s part, Stiles takes Officer Hale on their first date.
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Nothing Like Home
Summary: Derek knew Stiles was his mate when they shared their first kiss the second time they got off together.
"Oh, fuck, Stiles,” Derek had groaned and mouthed under the gasping human’s ear, where the smell was thick. “Of course you are, of course you are,” he panted as he rutted in the hollow of Stiles’ hip.
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AU, Therapy Dog
Summary: Alright stop and imagine for a moment Derek Hale becoming a therapy dog (possibly by complete accident) for the children’s cancer ward at the hospital. Going in and cuddling with all the kids and taking their pain away while entertaining them.
Just picture it.
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