#moontide talks time
moontidemints · 8 months
thinking about posting the newest chapter of narotmf on my bday, but then first I got to finish the chapter lol.
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windupnamazu · 7 months
0mg cholesterol
ffxivwrite2023 #24: girls' night (free day) an informal social gathering of women.
Residents of Lunya's house. Post-Endwalker. 547wc. ⮞ Girls' night! Girls' night! Girls' night!
"Not so fast, Butter," Lunya said sternly as she put herself between the boy and the door to her room. "This is Girls' Night territory; you know you're not allowed to follow Babycorn around like a lost puppy tonight of all nights."
"But I've been to Girls' Night befo—" Butter's protests were cut short as Lunya grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him around, marching him down the hall until they reached the stairs. "I've been practicing new nail art designs!"
Lunya's determined expression remained set in stone. "You're not invited this time."
"MISS LUNYAAAAA," Linnet began to frantically yell back in Lunya's room, "BABYCORN'S TRYING TO EAT THE MUD MASKS AGAINNNNNNNN—"
"Nophica's bleating goat," Lunya muttered as she quickly turned on her bunny-slippered heel and dashed back to her room.
Down in the foyer, several of the boys and people who were invited but didn't particularly feel like participating in Girls' Night were gathered and had watched as Lunya manhandled her pseudo little brother/son thing out of her way.
"Why don't we just host a Boys' Night?" Felis wondered.
"We did a trial run once and it ended up with Coco getting carried away by a seagull," Sirius said grimly from the armchair beside his. He didn't elaborate further.
Butter sighed no less than four separate times as he made his way down the stairs to join the rest of his housemates. He wanted to ask Babycorn about the Mun-Tuy Festival arriving in Gridania in a week but completely forgot about her and Lunya's monthly tradition of holding a slumber party and doing… slumber party things?
Contrary to its name, the Moontide Manor's infamous Girls' Night wasn't a night exclusively for girls—Babycorn's little brother was always there, which Lunya explained was because he was a baby, and so was Majj, who most definitely wasn't a baby or even partially a girl but got a 'free pass' as Lunya's 'silly little rabbit,' whatever that meant, which was ridiculous because he was a Miqo'te and Butter was mixed Viera! And Butter knew how to use a curling iron! It didn't make sense that he wasn't invited!
"You probably got kicked because of your confession to Babycorn," Linnet's uncle Niols said wisely. Butter still didn't know how the entire mansion heard about that before they even got home from Moonfire Faire. "I betcha Miss Lunya wants to gossip."
"You wanna try spying on them?" Oleo asked eagerly. "I know Momoka's gonna talk about how smokin' I am."
"Absolutely not," Sirius said immediately. "And if you try, you're grounded."
"I don't even live here though?!"
"During my last attempt at an infiltration mission, I knocked over a security mammet and got us arrested by the Sharlayan Forum," G'raha said pensively, looking up apologetically at Butter from his book on Allagan gardening techniques, "so I fear I will have to pass."
Butter didn't think the Sharlayan Forum would arrest them if they got caught trying to disturb the sanctity of Girls' Night, but he did know that Lunya Kalangitan Lanya was scarier than every silly-hatted member of that council combined and if even her own husband was against it it was the worst idea imaginable.
"We could try Boys' Night again!" Felis suggested.
"I don't wanna dieeeeeeee," Coco wailed.
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hqmillioncorn · 20 days
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and go again.
hi diary it’s me! butter! today me and pancake went shopping and we ran into those adventures everyones talking about! i guess they stopped a monster! that's so cool! we didn't get to talk to them a lot because we needed to get home before mom and dad so we could bake them a cake but they seemed nice. oh, there was one who was kinda mean but maybe she was just having a bad day. or maybe it's because I tripped her and she fell :( I should apologize when I see her again. hopefully we meet again soon. (Excerpt from Butter Moontide's Diary)
Lalapril 4/9: Emotion with @windupnamazu's Butter, Pancake and Cinnamon.
even the most powerful of starsingers need a little rest after opening up a portal to another world for so long.
Good Morning Butter! 
Or afternoon, or night! Depending on when you wake up from your little nap!  
I have my suspicions I’m going to be a little busy with going out and explaining to whoever asks about what happened back there. 
I made you and Pancake some cookies and sandwiches to eat together! Feel free to use my leftover ingredients to make some more if you wish to! I also left plenty of sliced fruits! Get lots of rest and remember that we all love you. We would do anything for the two of you. And Cinnamon too of course. As long as she watches the language. 
             -Love Lunya
Butter closed his diary, he really couldn’t believe just how many people knew about its existence at this point.
He could still remember when he had first decided to write down his thoughts on it so many years ago. It started as a way for him to write down the things he wanted to do that day, then before he knew it he was writing almost all of his thoughts and memories on it. 
Thanks to it he could see what he had been doing the day that Pancake learned to skip rocks on water, the time Cinnamon got stuck on a tree and the day they all made the decision to move into the mansion with Lunya and the others.
Back then Butter had no idea it was going to be one of the most important decisions of his life.
Not only his life, but Pancake’s too. Even Cinnamon’s.
Butter looked at the note in his hand. It looked like Lunya had written it in a bit of a hurry. Despite that, she still managed to write down a message for him and Pancake. He knew that whatever his parents had done probably had important people in Gridania asking way too many questions about what really happened. 
Questions that Lunya assured them she would take care of. Butter couldn’t thank her enough, for this and for everything she and Sirius had done for them. How would he ever thank them? 
It was just one of the many things that Butter would have to deal with later. 
Right now his problem, for lack of a better word, was that he was completely stuck. 
Earlier he had decided to spend his morning with Babycorn in the room she was recovering in. He was worried about her and wanted to see how she was doing. Obviously Cherrypit was in the room already. He was sitting on Babycorn’s bed, coloring in a picture he had drawn. When he first walked in, Butter noticed that he was still talking to Babycorn like she was still awake. It didn’t look like Cherrypit had even noticed him coming in.
An armchair was already in the room so Butter decided to sit there for the time being. When he sat down Cherrypit finally noticed him, he gave Butter a wave with a red crayon in his hand then went back to drawing. 
It wasn’t long before Pancake and Cinnamon joined Butter. By now Cherrypit had fallen fast asleep. It was early in the morning so it wasn’t a surprise. Pancake decided to grab an extra blanket and cover Cherrypit up. She even grabbed one for herself since it was a little chilly. 
“When do you think Babycorns gonna wake up?” Pancake asked. She had decided to sit on the armrest of the chair. Even though Butter had offered her the seat.
“Not sure.”
“I hope it’s soon.” 
It turned out that Cherrypit wasn’t the only one in the room that was tired. It didn’t take long until Butter, Pancake and Cinnamon had all fallen fast asleep.
…And then when Butter woke up  he realized that he was in a very precarious position. 
Pancake was hugging him tightly and Cinnamon was sleeping on top of his fluffy, spiky head. 
But what was really weird was that his diary was on his lap, almost like someone had placed it there. Then when Butter read the purple note sticking out from the margins of his diary, everything fell into place. 
Not only that but he noticed that there was a basket of cookies and sandwiches placed on the small table next to him. The cookies were all in the shape of various little flowers. They were all covered in different colored frosting. 
Lunya must have known that frosted cookies were one of his and Pancake’s favorite. 
‘I think Cinnamon taught me how to make this kind of cookie…?’ At one point it was all a baby Pancake would eat. It was hard to get her to eat anything else because of that. She would cry and cry and beg Butter for more of them that he would just eventually just give in and bake her some more. ‘I wonder if she remembers any of that?’ Butter tried to look up at Pancake but her head was still resting on his own.
He didn't dare move an ilm, at the risk of waking her up. 
At some point Cinnamon had decided enough was enough and had warned Pancake that if she kept eating cookies she would turn into a cookie herself and that Butter would eat her. 
Butter assured Pancake he would never do anything like that but after Pancake had cried her eyes out she promised that she would only treat cookies as a ‘sometimes’ food, as Cinnamon called it. 
'I think Cinnamon only wanted more of the cookies to herself…’ Butter wouldn’t have put it past her. He only remembered being mad at Cinnamon back then for making Pancake cry, but in retrospect it was probably a good thing that she stopped Pancake from eating too many sweets. 
Too much of a good thing can very quickly turn into a bad thing. Like a really bad tummy ache!
…But right now Butter really wanted to reach over and grab one of those cookies. They looked really yummy. Right now though, Pancake was grabbing onto him like someone would grab onto a big stuffed animal, which meant his hands were tied, so to speak.
Alongside the cookies was a basket of sandwiches. The sandwiches looked to be different types, Butter could see exactly one peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Pancake and Cinnamon would probably play a game to see which one of them got that one. 
Butter sunk into the seat a bit in an attempt to get more comfortable. Hopefully it wasn’t too comfy, he didn’t actually want to fall asleep again.
There was nothing more he could do but wait for Pancake to wake up and then she would probably wake up Cinnamon right after. Until then Butter decided to re-read the note Lunya had left for them. There was some relief in his heart to know, really know, that he and Pancake were actually wanted by someone near and dear to them. 
He had accepted it by now. Well sorta. A part of him was probably never going to really come to terms with it.
But Butter understood that what his parents decided to do ultimately had nothing to do with them. There was nothing that he or Pancake could have done to change their parents minds, he would know, he tried.
Cremia and Scotch had made their bed, so now they had to lie in it. Whatever happened next was up to his parents. None of it would have anything to do with them.
And that was that! 
Butter sighed, he opened his diary again and flipped through the pages. He stumbled on the note that Babycorn had written for him when they left Old Sharlayan for the first time. There was something about the way she wrote to him despite not being confident about her own writing had made Butter’s heart flutter back then.
All of a sudden, Butter felt something land on his lap. “Ah?” He lifted up his diary to see what was up, only to be met with Cherrypit’s empty gaze. “Oh! G-Good morning Cherry!” When had he woken up? Butter hadn’t even noticed! It wouldn’t have even been the first time. 
Cherrypit stared up at him and then at the diary Butter was holding. He slowly began to raise his red crayon in the air. 
“Cherry. No.” 
Cherrypit nodded, a playful smile crossing his face.
“...Okay fine, just one page.” There was no way Butter was strong enough to resist. He was still a little worried that Cherrypit would somehow be able to read all of the entries in his diary that were about fantasizing his perfect fairy-tale wedding with Babycorn. But, he had to keep reminding himself that Cherrypit was a baby and couldn’t read. 
Butter watched as Cherrypit began to draw a picture in his diary. At first Butter had no idea what Cherrypit was drawing, It sort of looked like a spiky hedgehog to him at first. Then Cherrypit put his crayon down, turned the diary around and pointed right at him. He was so excited about what he made he couldn’t sit still. 
Butter looked it over. He could tell instantly that Cherrypit had drawn him, a long sword in his hand and a star over his head. “Butts saved Bebe!” He smiled wide, “Thank you! Thank you!” Cherrypit hugged Butter as much as he could without stretching his arms out.
Babycorn always told him to go easy on the hugs around their friends, so that’s what he did!
Butter felt his eyes start to water. “T-Thanks Cherrypit!” he sniffled, “Lots of other people helped so remember to thank them t-too!” 
Cherrypit gave him a thumbs-up. “You got it!” It sounded like he was imitating someone when he said that. He must have heard someone say it before and thought it sounded cool. 
One thing was for sure, Butter was happy. Happier than he had been in weeks. Once his arms were free from Pancake’s grip he was going to make sure to write down all the most wonderful things he could in it. He needed to write more good memories with the people he loved to outweigh all the bad memories he had written regarding his parents. 
Once everything had settled down he would take Pancake somewhere fun! They would bake cookies together, bake cakes, make whatever she wanted to make! Go wherever they wanted to go! All together!
Maybe he would even tell Babycorn how he felt about her…
While on a date! Maybe somewhere with tasty food! 
Butter could still remember the last thing Babycorn had said to him that night. 
‘I want to go home with you.'
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Cinnamon scratched her head in frustration. “No faaiiiir! That was rigged! Rigged!!!!!” She slowly descended onto a bouquet of fresh flowers. They were soft enough for her to lean back and lie down on them.
Cinnamon figured she might as well since there was nothing better for her to do anyway. “I don’t think it's entirely fair for me to go after the baby in this game!” How was she supposed to know what the last letter in ‘Abbanagagabaowaabaeei’ was? Unfair is what it was! 
Butter laughed, “Cinnamon I already told you! There’s no winning or losing in this game!” If there were, then Cherrypit would have been out of the game over an hour ago. He didn’t really understand that you were supposed to say a word that started with the same letter that the last word ended with. 
Cinnamon pouted, “Then what’s the point of winning if there’s no rules! Don’t you think so Babycorn?” 
Babycorn remained silent, her glowing eyes looking downward.
“...I really was hoping that would get her to say something.” 
Cinnamon looked dejected. She wasn't the first to talk to Babycorn hoping for a response from her but a part of her hoped she would be the last to. “Whose turn was it next?” Cinnamon said in an attempt to change the subject. 
Butter gave Cinnamon an understanding smile. He knew that she was just trying to help in her own way and even if it hadn’t worked, he knew it was a step in the right direction.
Maybe Babycorn had heard them.?
He hoped he did. 
Pancake waved her hand in the air. “It’s my turn next!” She sang. She bounced Cherrypit on her lap, he laughed and mimicked her every move. Cherrypit raised his hand in the air and waved it around. When Pancake noticed Cherrypit staring towards his sister she tickled his cheek, just in case he was getting sad again.
“Don’t worry! She’s gonna wake up soon! I promise!” 
Cherrypit let out a squeal. He grabbed Pancake’s hand and gently bit down on it. “Pnapapnabmapanww!” He mumbled. 
“Cherrypit!” Pancake took her hand out of Cherrypit’s mouth and wiggled her finger back and forth. “Don’t do that! You don’t know where I’ve been!” 
“Panka in here!” He moved his hands all over to show that he was talking about the room they’d been in all morning. 
“That’s true…” Pancake forgot that Cherrypit was smarter than he looked. “Right! Okay here’s my word!” She closed her eyes, thinking long and hard over Cherrypit’s last word. Until she got it! “Eureka!” Her eyes twinkled with delight, “My word is Water!” 
Cherrypit clapped and cheered, “Panka win! Yay! Panka! Wins!” 
Cinnamon’s voice instantly rang out. “Aww what?! Home come Butter gets an easy word like water?! This is rigged I'm telling you!!”
Of course Pancake had no idea what Cinnamon was saying but from how red her glow was becoming it was clear she wasn’t very happy about something. 
It was Butter’s turn now but he hadn’t been listening. Almost all of his attention was being drawn into looking to see if Babycorn was reacting to anything. Despite all the talking and laughing near her, Babycorn looked the same as she had yesterday and the day before.
Completely still.
Butter desperately hoped she would wake up soon. Babycorn would wake up and laugh just like she used to. Talk like she used to, eat every tasty snack like she used to, fill every room with light just like she used to.
Butter grabbed the edge of his coat and crumpled it up. He really just missed Babycorn. He wished with all of his heart that she would be okay. 
“Butter? It’s your turn!” 
Butter looked over to Pancake, he could tell she was a little worried. “It’s okay you don’t have to play if you don’t want to.” she assured him.
“No it’s okay! I was just thinking of a word!” He successfully lied. In his defense, Butter had been listening carefully to Pancake and Cherrypit’s conversation, so he knew exactly what word Pancake had said. Butter raised his hand to his chin in thought, “Hmm…Let’s see…” There were so many words he could choose from it was hard to just pick one. 
“How about reunion?” 
Pancake feigned a gasp, “Woah what a big word! I'm surprised you know it!” She looked down and moved Cherrypit’s arms forward and backwards. “Don’t you think so Cherry?”
“Big! Big!” He giggled. 
Butter would have laughed along with him , but something stopped him. 
The sound of a voice, repeating the same word he had just said. 
He turned his head to look, and saw something that took his breath away.
Babycorn was awake. 
Her eyes were wide open as she stood on top of the bed. Her legs were shaking as she tried to keep herself standing.
Nobody knew how to react. There was a sense of relief and happiness at seeing Babycorn move but it had happened so suddenly, No one was prepared for it.
No one, but Babycorn. A smile crossed her face, becoming wider and wider. She took in a shaky breath as tears pooled up at the corners of her eyes. 
It was getting harder for her to keep her balance but Babycorn didn’t care. She took a step forward and tripped but before anyone could ask if she was okay, Babycorn jumped off the bed with her arms held out.  
“I’m okay! I’m okay!” 
It sounded like she was shouting in disbelief. Almost as if she couldn’t believe she had made it out alive. 
Butter noticed in an instant.
Babycorn was speaking. Her voice no longer echoed inside his head. 
As Babycorn fell towards the ground Butter felt his legs start to move.
He took a step forward, then another one and another. Before he knew it, he was holding his arms out ready to catch her. There was no way he was ever going to let anything happen to Babycorn as long as he could. 
Time felt like it was slowing down to a crawl. Babycorn’s eyes met with Butter’s. Her eyes were shining with tears building up in her eyes. Her long hair was messy from her having spent so much time sleeping. 
Her heart started beating faster and faster the closer she got to him. She reached out her hands towards him. ‘Catch me! Catch me and don’t let me go!’ Who had said that? 
Butter caught her. He spun her around as he cried out in happiness. He set her down on solid ground and hugged her tightly. “Babycorn! I’m so glad…” He was desperate to tell Babycorn just how much he missed her, how happy he was to see her alive and well. But no words would come out.
All Butter could do was cry onto her shoulder. 
Babycorn hugged him right back, not wanting to let him go. 
There was something so nice about seeing Butter again. Even after everything that had happened he and Pancake still looked the same. They were here and Butter had actually missed her?
That meant that he wasn’t upset with her for what had happened to his parents. Babycorn couldn’t even imagine how much they had gone through.
There was also something about Butter that was making her entire face warm up and her eyes swirl. “H-Hi?! Butts?!” She was overjoyed to see him but why in the world was she feeling this way?! 
Babycorn felt something land on her head. “Wah?” She looked up and saw Cherrypit staring right back at her. “Bebe! Bebe!” He was smiling wide, looking happier than he had looked in days.
He snuggled his face into his sister’s hair, repeating her name over and over. “No go again! No, no going!” He berated her. That was enough worrying for his big sister for once lifetime, thank you very much.
“I'll try my best…” Babycorn showed Butter an awkward smile. 
He laughed, letting out a wet sniffle. Words were still failing him. He was overcome with emotions.
“What Butter means is that we’ll all do our best!” Pancake ran up to Babycorn and hugged her too. “That’s enough of being sad for me!! It’s tiring, I'll have you know!” Pancake was so happy, happy that everything was okay. 
No one was hurt and everything was going to be okay! Her parents hadn’t taken everything away!
Babycorn took her hand and ruffled Pancake’s hair around. Something that had been much easier to do back when Pancake was younger.
Time just flew by…
Babycorn could still remember the day she first met them all. Who would have guessed that her tripping on her face into the dirt would one day lead to all of this?
Babycorn stood as tall as she could and whispered to Butter in a hushed tone. “I’m glad you didn’t go away…” 
Butter smiled, whispering back. “Me too…” 
Cinnamon flew over them in silence. Someone should probably let the others know that Babycorn was awake but Cinnamon figured that it was nice to let everyone here have a moment of quiet for now.
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timekeepertwister · 2 months
Case 1R-1 - File 1 - Dispatch
Lead Inspector: Strawberry Shortcake Cookie
Department: Disaster Response Division
Assistants: Pomegranate Priestess Cookie, Dream Express No. 223 Food Cart Vendor
Dispatch Region: PET-OE-G/L1
Meanwhile, back at the Time Registry Division…
☕️🍬 Baguette Cookie? You might wanna look at this…
🥖 Hm? What’s this, Coffee Candy Cookie? A previous snippet of the Dark Cacao Kingdom? Is there something you would like to report?
☕️🍬 Look closely at this area right here. It’s Croissant Cookie! From our present time! Talking with someone who doesn’t look like a Cookie!
🥖 Good work. It seems that you’ve found one of the five misplaced individuals from the rogue time rift. Forward this record to the Time Investigation Division immediately. Although I do not suspect malicious intent, they will help determine which temporal region that individual came from so we can send a team from the Disaster Response Division to said region in order to determine what caused this time rift to open, and to close it on their end. This will also determine whether we can extract Croissant Cookie’s expanded group directly from the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
☕️🍬 W-wait! How does this affect me?!
🥖 You’re a fellow Supervisor for the Support Division in “Operation: Time Twister” and my subordinate in the Time Registry Division. If those two are talking because they both landed in the Dark Cacao Kingdom of the past despite coming from different temporal regions, this may be something else caused by the Blue Cheese Watch after it was broken by Dark Enchantress Cookie.
☕️🍬 And what’ll you be doing in the meantime?
🥖 I will submit this finding to the Director and attempt to contact Croissant Cookie directly. Once us two have finished our reports, we will reconvene for lunch. Dismissed.
☕️🍬 …WAIT!
🥖 Hm? What did you forget to say, Coffee Candy Cookie?
☕️🍬 How will we address them in the Subject Roster?
🥖 This is not a new matter, but it’s something we seldom address. Take the subjects’ first names and append the word “Cookie” to them unless they declare their own names. That is the general routine for such Cookies, and they could very well have turned into Cookies or something similar to any of Earthbread’s vast expanse of living beings after entering Earthbread through the time rift from their origin region. These effects should undo themselves when they leave through either the same or another time rift, so there are no immediate long-lasting consequences of them staying in that era for an extended period of time besides the mark they leave on the timeline… which is something that our division will splice into the main timeline directly as per the Director’s emergency directive upon implementing “Operation: Time Twister” as written in her schematics. It’s written that there will be no divergences in regions of interest pertaining to the operation. But for now, send these reports to String Gummy Cookie and the Time Investigation Division so they can process them properly. I will send the proper documentation of these findings to the Director so she can verify the situations at hand. Dismissed.
Perspective: Strawberry Shortcake Cookie, who just received a call from the TBD regarding a new mission
…And then, I was on the case. One phone call from String Gummy Cookie and the Time Investigation Division was all I needed. With case files in hand and a couple of associates to assist me, we departed from the TBD Disaster Response Division’s satellite office in the Moontide Republic’s northeastern Tidal Province at dawn. Bay Leaf Cookie bid me well from the northern shrine as the Timecraft took off into the time streams. But now that I think about it, these coordinates seem too familiar. I wonder why… wait.
Where are my manners? I haven’t even introduced myself proper, but I might as well since we’re still in transit. My name’s Strawberry Shortcake Cookie, member of the TBD’s Disaster Response Division and Head Priestess of the Moontide Republic with a side hobby in studying celestial and demonic beings for academia. Yes, I can see the reactions from a lot of you. Unoriginal name, I know. All it takes is one new word to make it seem unique to all the others, and I have considered some ideas, but that’s not the point here. I could go on for hours about how I got these jobs and talk about the history and culture of the Moontide Republic just south of Beast-Yeast- yet left unmarked on most official maps- but that’s also not why I’m making this report. No, instead I’m going on a mission for the TBD with Pomegranate Priestess Cookie- the high priestess of Pomegranate Village- and a snack vendor from the dream world that happened to be visiting the Republic.
For conveniences’ sake, the vendor’s unique characteristics will allow you as the Time Twister Support Division to directly communicate with us for the duration of this mission. Take a moment to see who you’ll be communicating with us through in the attached image.
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“Hi everyone! I’m gonna be your main source of communication with the two priestess Cookies and whoever else we run into during this mission. If you wanna ask some questions to me or anyone else here or to anyone we encounter, if you need me to do anything else to help them out, or if you really just need a snack in the office, just send an ask our way and interact with us on this whole thing!”
The destination for our mission this time is a place where… well… I trained a bit to be a priestess while in a three-year coma, but now in the present day years after those events. The TBD’s archives denote this region as Region [PET-OE-G/L1], but for you and me, we’ll just call it as it is in Outer Earthbread: Gensokyo, Japan. What? Did I make your heart jump from shock? Was that an unsavory reaction I just saw from some of you through the screen? Or did I just call someone out in the Support Office who just happened to know more about Touhou than the soundtracks? Hahaha…! Anyways, none of that matters now; back to the mission at hand. This might be our first crossover mission on this operation, but you can bet this isn’t gonna be our last.
Our objective is to interview some of the locals who could have witnessed the time rift opening on its own, determine whether the Blue Cheese Watch’s fragments were responsible for this incident, track down anyone who could have fallen into the rift and return them safely, and then close the rift properly. Now hold on tight, we’re approaching our stop through the opened rift and there’s incoming debris on the approach. Let’s hope we can find a map or something so we know where we’re going here. Or maybe we’ll find some people that can help us out.
Support Division Tasks
In order to complete some of these tasks, you might have to interact with the blog’s Ask Box. Think of it as a bit of a “choose your own adventure” story where you can make a few decisions to influence the outcome. Completing some of these tasks will add more features to future posts.
Cross-Examine archived TBD records as to familiarize yourself with the case at hand
Get to know your on-mission colleagues Strawberry Shortcake Cookie and Pomegranate Priestess Cookie (they are open for asks)
Fine-tune communications optics to receive more visuals through the Vendor (requires tuning the designated communicator in the TBD’s offices)
Procure a map of the area
Suggest and find a local who knows the land’s geography and landmarks (five locals have been listed in the report as temporally displaced and deemed absent from our investigations)
Re-establish communications with Croissant Cookie’s group to provide support and methods for group extraction from the past (advanced cross-dimensional signal tuning device required)
Be on the lookout for parts of the Blue Cheese Watch and White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones (just cue them in when you think they’re coming up or suspect someone’s holding them)
[End of File 1] - [Next: File 2 - “The Shrine”]
[Incident File 1: “Crash Site”] - [Incident File 2: “Incident Afoot”]
[Return to Investigation Record] - [Return to Case Record]
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"What am I if not a lifelong master of things that evolve into something greater?" motherfucker, what does that MEAN???
"Ah, there. I see what they're doing. Not much time, but I must watch their faces as they fail... they were fools when they thought they could do this alone, when they thought someone else wouldn't want to steal their thunder. But me? I just wanted to be the first there, and the one to make the choice for them." The they here is the Unseelie Court and their allies. Ira essentially took the Unseelie's machine and made it better. but "I wanted to be the first there"? there to what? Ira was looking for something else on the moon, so maybe the city wasn't the target -- maybe he was looking for holes in the lattice, those portholes that Matt once described in the Divine Gate. I don't think they built the city, I think they're trying to get to it.
The "they" is specifically the Unseelie, Otohan Thuul, and LUDINUS FUCKING DA'LETH. This motherfucker. He's still head of the Cerberus Assembly, and Orym is aware of him.
Ira finished the machine, took the crown, and ran. The Unseelie Court originally hired him to make the machine, then he got bored of them and got tired of their bureaucracy; they disagreed on how to build the machine, so when the crown was stolen, Ira took it as a sign to pursue it on his own.
The lattice around Ruidus looks almost exactly the same as the Divine Gate, so it stands to reason that it was constructed at the same time.
Hondir theorizes that Ruidus is a battery that's powering the divine gate. I doubt that this is all of what's actually happening, just on the basis that I don't think Matt would have an NPC drop that, but it sure is something that could be happening on top of/underneath everything else.
"It's a magic item, it shouldn't break!" oh no. oh no. that cannot be good. that feels like an item that Matt was counting on them having and now they don't have it anymore. hm.
I bet that this crown is a vestige made by the blessing of Sehanine's. It essentially gives the user the abilities of a moon cleric, and it focuses on illusion/enchantment magic.
Okay yeah so Morri definitely did take time in exchange for watching Fearne, but it wasn't Fearne's time. It was Birdie and Ollie's. She took time with their daughter away from them. Also, Fearne spent that long with Morri from her perspective, but I don't think she really aged at all -- since she doesn't look any older than expected (6 years), I don't think this time actually aged her.
The lens deal with Morri didn't have anything to do with the Calloways -- Ira traded something for it.
"If you wanna insinuate something, come out and say it straight, please!" thank god someone fucking said it. the bells hells are so good at talking around things, they say so many things that require people to read between the lines that they themselves can't see anything except what's between the lines. they're missing the forest for the trees.
When they cast detect thoughts on Ollie, FCG and Imogen find that there are blurred and smeared sections of gray in Ollie's memory. Pushing into one of them, they find things that indicate that Ira used the Moontide Crown to alter the Calloways' memories to remove the things that made them want to leave and stop working with him. So the Calloway parents were not, in fact, working willingly with Ira, but were being magically influenced to stay.
Ruidus' apex does indeed coincide with the apogee solstice.
"What are you gonna do, Imogen Temult? Bend to that? Or carve your own way?"
Keyleth had theories about the leylines and Orym heard about them scattered across "hundreds, hundreds of conversations." That's why he thinks the Gray Assassins targeted her.
This little halfling is hiding something -- you don't get to be privy to hundreds of private conversations had between the Voice of the Tempest and the leaders of massive political entities the likes of Whitestone if you're just a "simple guard."
Looking at the mask causes a "numb tingle" in the back of Ashton's mind.
FCG casts sending on Dancer. "Dancer, Fresh Cut Grass reporting in. Awaiting designation and assignment. What is your current status?" "How did you find me? What do you want from me?" Southern accent, so most likely Marquesian. Gravelly, textured, shaking -- scared.
Fearne takes two of the purple stones, puts one in Laudna's dollhouse, and the other one in Imogen's bag. Chaos entity.
2nd half!
"Art's never really done, you just abandon it for a while." I feel called out
Delilah's back, and she wants those goddamn rocks!
Another sending to Dancer: "Dancer? It's me, Fresh Cut Grass again. I might need you soon, and I'm worried about you. Where are you? Can you tell me?" "Please. Leave me alone. I barely got away. I don't wanna ever see you again. You know what you did." FCG takes four points.
Detect Thoughts on FCG -- "there is this burgeoning wave of tumultuous emotion and intensity, a level of stress and anger and a bottled cacophony of so many different voices and thoughts that they've taken on through years -- it's at a brimming point, a breaking point. Do you push further? [Yes.] With that, the loud noise becomes a heavy crackling static, and you have to pull back so it doesn't pierce your mind too."
"Some of your voices, other people, cries of pain, whispers, hundreds of moments of time of different voices all at once." waitwaitwait, was FCG awake for the entire time they were inactive? from when they were deactivated in the fall of Aeor to their recovery to their repair to whatever the fuck this is, has their mind been collecting all of that sound and it's only just now coming back all at once? that must be fucking maddening.
Chetney hits FCG lightly with a mallet and FCG immediately lunges for him with the buzz saw, and in this state they have advantage on their attack rolls. Their eyes turn deep red.
FCG is full on fighting Chetney. Like, spells and everything. Why don't you shut up? Why don't you shut your fucking mouth?
bitch what the fuck is happening?? you were never alive, your parents left because they didn't like you and they were fucking right -- who is in there?
Orym notices that the buzz saw is definitely a different coloration, and that the unique streak of grass on the chest could be grass -- also kinda looks like a streak of fingers.
FCG comes to consciousness in a familiar room in an unfamiliar perspective -- they see all of their friends upside down. Hanging from the ceiling. A bit woozy. It's weird to wake up like this.
They reset to 0 stress points. Cross-referencing with Ashton's memory, it's "definitely possible" that FCG was the one who killed their former party.
I... don't know what hunger of the shadow is. It's not a warlock or sorcerer class ability, not an ability of a Hollow One, not a spell -- I can't even find any spell that deals 4d8 damage and has an attack roll instead of a save. Also, Marisha says "I use" instead of "I cast," and Matt says "your ability" -- so I wonder whether this is something that Laudna got when Delilah absorbed the gnarlrock, because of the description of the warmth in her chest when she cast it.
A one-eyed monster is what killed their friends. That's what they remember. And when Ashton found them, one of their eyes was broken.
When Imogen looks into FCG's thoughts, there are none. It's like time looped on itself and rewrote over that time -- it's not obfuscated or blurred or modified, it's literally not there. She finds those voices and when they're all strung out, it's fine and chronological, but when FCG was in this state it's like it was all happening at one time to an overwhelming degree.
"Every one of us is a fucking powder keg. We are in this together. We're here, we decided to be around each other, we decided to be this fucking explosive, so why don't we try to fix each other and stop pretending that any one of us is the fucking problem?" every day Ashton says something that makes them even more interesting, and every day Talisein continues to come up with these banger lines
sooooo Orym's gonna take the Inspiring Leader feat at level 8, right? 'cause goddamn. they're all talking about how each and every one of them is a powder keg waiting to explode because of their abilities and their nature, about how Orym is the only one who isn't -- but he just was. that was a brilliant decision from Liam, to have Orym raise his voice and yell like that right after they said Orym would be the only not to explode. he's the moral center of this group, but what happens when he snaps? what happens when he falters under that weight? what happens when that gilded fulcrum rots?
this was the lore-heavy episode we needed, for sure.
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rainnby · 1 year
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Mavari Moontide.
Unknown Princess of Cyrt.
This is just her in a bikini for fun. Not her usual outfit. Although her charisma is 19 and she could definitely get away with it lmao
Anyway, enjoy some of her lore!
☆ Born from the king and his previous magic advisor having a fling
☆ Placed into the care of the noble family, the Moontides to protect her identity until she was older.
☆ Meant to be a part of an arranged marriage, Mavari ran from home because she didn't want it.
☆ Found a group of hooligans to help take tougher jobs that paid more. Even though she was rich just from her family name.
☆ Mavari struggled to want to use her family name for the longest time because she was right to worry about the guarde/mercenaries hired to find her and bring her home.
☆ Mavari had a bounty on her head to be brought back to Cyrt alive.
☆ Mavari learned that there was a plague coming. She urged her group to try and fix that issue before anything else. Luckily they listened. Not so luckily, they had to travel to the desert to do so.
☆ The group found a hag who tortured and used children in the worst of ways. It was fucked up enough that Mavari cut off most of her hair in solidarity.
☆ Eventually they find a crystal that could save the world from this plague.
☆ But at the cost of mind flayers. One of them eats Mavari's brain and she dies.
☆ Mavari is brought back to life through her warlock patron. Turns out he's evil and she is just a tool, now, her debt is double.
☆ Now Mavari must make a choice between the value of her own life vs so many others. But rather quickly comes to the conclusion, that despite this incredible power she has, she doesn't want it from him if it comes at the cost of setting him free.
☆ Mavari is now actively trying to pretend to be trying to set her patron free. But instead is looking for another patron that is far less evil so she can continue using her power to help people. Instead of damn them to a new hell on earth.
☆ Mavari has a literalist familiar named Voodoo. A sassy one at that. She often keeps him as a raven.
☆ Mavari's favourite animal is a frog.
☆ Also has a tentacle magic diamond dust tattoo that gives her force resistance.
☆ Mavari likes to mess with people by talking into their minds, she can also read every language even if she's never seen it before.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
May I request the further meta on the Yu v. BH v. Birdie confrontation? If you’re comfortable sharing further, at least. I always really enjoy/appreciate seeing your thoughts on CR stuff because you always break things down so clearly.
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Sure! I think part of it was of course that I was watching it live at what is 10 pm to 12 am my time and so my attitude was "oh my god can we get going" but even after....my problem is that Yu spends the whole time making things worse for themselves, and rather hypocritically keeps demanding transparency from Birdie when she's only lied by omission and Yu has lied for several days straight. She also just feels weirdly empty.
At the start of combat, Orym and Fearne are against Yu, Ashton is annoyed with everyone, and Chetney, Imogen, Laudna, and FCG are inclined to talk, though Chetney does prepare for combat if necessary. By the end, Orym is furious, Fearne's still against them, Ashton is similarly furious with both parties, Laudna is hurt, Imogen is frustrated, and Chetney's proposal (which he proposed fairly early and then everyone talked in circles as Yu dug a deeper and deeper hole for themselves until they finally settled for it, possibly out of sheer exhaustion) gives Birdie exactly what she wants.
The problem is, even if you set aside the veracity of any of these statements, this is what we have on "why am I doing this".
Birdie: she is terrified for Fearne, who is Ruidusborn; she believes a Ruidus-related cataclysm in the Feywild to be imminent; and so she has stolen an artifact and is working with Ira to create a device that will solve this problem. She is willing to go to extremes for her daughter. Basically, typical desperate mother stuff.
Yu: They have been sent by the Unseelie Court to get the artifact back. If they leave, worse assassins will show up. (repeat ad nauseaum).
Like...why is Yu working for Zathuda? Remember, the party didn't see that interaction. We, the audience, know that it's not a great relationship, but the party has no reason to believe that Yu isn't just doing this for money or clout or because it's fun. There's no interiority or motivation that would resonate with Bells Hells, who barely know about the Feywild Courts and do know that Birdie has dealt with the prior assassins. If Yu were to say "if I don't provide results, I'll die", the party has reason to have some sympathy; if they can explain the importance of the Moontide Crown to the Feywild or the Unseelie Court, the party has reason to look at Birdie more unfavorably (since merely stealing something really isn't going to faze this crowd). But at best the argument they give the party is "better the devil fey you know", and at worst they're just pissing people off for no good reason.
I actually found the premise of Dusk - amnesiac, taken by the fey - to be pretty interesting, and I usually roll my eyes at an amnesia plot. By the time Yu left I was just like "oh thank GOD."
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moontider · 10 months
hey there! we're the Moontide Collective.. System.. thing, though we usually say Moontide Bay because it?? sounds better?? like say it it sounds so nice
OSDD-1B system! undiagnosed as there’s no real way for us to talk to someone about it right now, but there’s been a lot of research on the topic.
pronouns are confusing,, sometimes it may be “I/me” (you know) and other times it might be “we/us” because?? what
here's a list of all known alters. please keep in mind that uh.. they’re just kinda the ones you might see? none of us really… like posting about stuff like this on social media, if that makes sense. 🤷
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moontidemints · 7 months
happy anniversary when i punched a kid in first grade!
will never stop thanking my tito and lolo from stopping my mom from going ballistic on me.
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Ida Lupino (4 February 1918 – 3 August 1995) was an English-American actress, singer, director, and producer. She is widely regarded as the most prominent female filmmaker working in the 1950s during the Hollywood studio system. With her independent production company, she co-wrote and co-produced several social-message films and became the first woman to direct a film noir with The Hitch-Hiker in 1953. Among her other directed films the best known are Not Wanted about unwed pregnancy (she took over for a sick director and refused directorial credit), Never Fear (1949) loosely based upon her own experiences battling paralyzing polio, Outrage (1950) one of the first films about rape, The Bigamist (1953) (which was named in the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die) and The Trouble with Angels (1966).
Throughout her 48-year career, she made acting appearances in 59 films and directed eight others, working primarily in the United States, where she became a citizen in 1948. As an actress her best known films are The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939) with Basil Rathbone, They Drive by Night (1940) with George Raft and Humphrey Bogart, High Sierra (1941) with Bogart, The Sea Wolf (1941) with Edward G. Robinson and John Garfield, Ladies in Retirement (1941) with Louis Hayward, Moontide (1942) with Jean Gabin, The Hard Way (1943), Deep Valley (1947) with Dane Clark, Road House (1948) with Cornel Wilde and Richard Widmark, While the City Sleeps (1956) with Dana Andrews and Vincent Price. and Junior Bonner (1972) with Steve McQueen.
She also directed more than 100 episodes of television productions in a variety of genres including westerns, supernatural tales, situation comedies, murder mysteries, and gangster stories. She was the only woman to direct an episode of the original The Twilight Zone series ("The Masks"), as well as the only director to have starred in an episode of the show ("The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine").
Lupino was born in Herne Hill, London, to actress Connie O'Shea (also known as Connie Emerald) and music hall comedian Stanley Lupino, a member of the theatrical Lupino family, which included Lupino Lane, a song-and-dance man. Her father, a top name in musical comedy in the UK and a member of a centuries-old theatrical dynasty dating back to Renaissance Italy, encouraged her to perform at an early age. He built a backyard theatre for Lupino and her sister Rita (1920–2016), who also became an actress and dancer. Lupino wrote her first play at age seven and toured with a travelling theatre company as a child. By the age of ten, Lupino had memorised the leading female roles in each of Shakespeare's plays. After her intense childhood training for stage plays, Ida's uncle Lupino Lane assisted her in moving towards film acting by getting her work as a background actress at British International Studios.
She wanted to be a writer, but in order to please her father, Lupino enrolled in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She excelled in a number of "bad girl" film roles, often playing prostitutes. Lupino did not enjoy being an actress and felt uncomfortable with many of the early roles she was given. She felt that she was pushed into the profession due to her family history.
Lupino worked as both a stage and screen actress. She first took to the stage in 1934 as the lead in The Pursuit of Happiness at the Paramount Studio Theatre.[10] Lupino made her first film appearance in The Love Race (1931) and the following year, aged 14, she worked under director Allan Dwan in Her First Affaire, in a role for which her mother had previously tested.[11] She played leading roles in five British films in 1933 at Warner Bros.' Teddington studios and for Julius Hagen at Twickenham, including The Ghost Camera with John Mills and I Lived with You with Ivor Novello.
Dubbed "the English Jean Harlow", she was discovered by Paramount in the 1933 film Money for Speed, playing a good girl/bad girl dual role. Lupino claimed the talent scouts saw her play only the sweet girl in the film and not the part of the prostitute, so she was asked to try out for the lead role in Alice in Wonderland (1933). When she arrived in Hollywood, the Paramount producers did not know what to make of their sultry potential leading lady, but she did get a five-year contract.
Lupino starred in over a dozen films in the mid-1930s, working with Columbia in a two-film deal, one of which, The Light That Failed (1939), was a role she acquired after running into the director's office unannounced, demanding an audition. After this breakthrough performance as a spiteful cockney model who torments Ronald Colman, she began to be taken seriously as a dramatic actress. As a result, her parts improved during the 1940s, and she jokingly referred to herself as "the poor man's Bette Davis", taking the roles that Davis refused.
Mark Hellinger, associate producer at Warner Bros., was impressed by Lupino's performance in The Light That Failed, and hired her for the femme-fatale role in the Raoul Walsh-directed They Drive by Night (1940), opposite stars George Raft, Ann Sheridan and Humphrey Bogart. The film did well and the critical consensus was that Lupino stole the movie, particularly in her unhinged courtroom scene. Warner Bros. offered her a contract which she negotiated to include some freelance rights. She worked with Walsh and Bogart again in High Sierra (1941), where she impressed critic Bosley Crowther in her role as an "adoring moll".
Her performance in The Hard Way (1943) won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress. She starred in Pillow to Post (1945), which was her only comedic leading role. After the drama Deep Valley (1947) finished shooting, neither Warner Bros. nor Lupino moved to renew her contract and she left the studio in 1947. Although in demand throughout the 1940s, she arguably never became a major star although she often had top billing in her pictures, above actors such as Humphrey Bogart, and was repeatedly critically lauded for her realistic, direct acting style.
She often incurred the ire of studio boss Jack Warner by objecting to her casting, refusing poorly written roles that she felt were beneath her dignity as an actress, and making script revisions deemed unacceptable by the studio. As a result, she spent a great deal of her time at Warner Bros. suspended. In 1942, she rejected an offer to star with Ronald Reagan in Kings Row, and was immediately put on suspension at the studio. Eventually, a tentative rapprochement was brokered, but her relationship with the studio remained strained. In 1947, Lupino left Warner Brothers and appeared for 20th Century Fox as a nightclub singer in the film noir Road House, performing her musical numbers in the film. She starred in On Dangerous Ground in 1951, and may have taken on some of the directing tasks of the film while director Nicholas Ray was ill.
While on suspension, Lupino had ample time to observe filming and editing processes, and she became interested in directing. She described how bored she was on set while "someone else seemed to be doing all the interesting work".
She and her husband Collier Young formed an independent company, The Filmakers, to produce, direct, and write low-budget, issue-oriented films. Her first directing job came unexpectedly in 1949 when director Elmer Clifton suffered a mild heart attack and was unable to finish Not Wanted, a film Lupino co-produced and co-wrote. Lupino stepped in to finish the film without taking directorial credit out of respect for Clifton. Although the film's subject of out-of-wedlock pregnancy was controversial, it received a vast amount of publicity, and she was invited to discuss the film with Eleanor Roosevelt on a national radio program.
Never Fear (1949), a film about polio (which she had personally experienced replete with paralysis at age 16), was her first director's credit. After producing four more films about social issues, including Outrage (1950), a film about rape (while this word is never used in the movie), Lupino directed her first hard-paced, all-male-cast film, The Hitch-Hiker (1953), making her the first woman to direct a film noir. The Filmakers went on to produce 12 feature films, six of which Lupino directed or co-directed, five of which she wrote or co-wrote, three of which she acted in, and one of which she co-produced.
Lupino once called herself a "bulldozer" to secure financing for her production company, but she referred to herself as "mother" while on set. On set, the back of her director's chair was labeled "Mother of Us All".[3] Her studio emphasized her femininity, often at the urging of Lupino herself. She credited her refusal to renew her contract with Warner Bros. under the pretenses of domesticity, claiming "I had decided that nothing lay ahead of me but the life of the neurotic star with no family and no home." She made a point to seem nonthreatening in a male-dominated environment, stating, "That's where being a man makes a great deal of difference. I don't suppose the men particularly care about leaving their wives and children. During the vacation period, the wife can always fly over and be with him. It's difficult for a wife to say to her husband, come sit on the set and watch."
Although directing became Lupino's passion, the drive for money kept her on camera, so she could acquire the funds to make her own productions. She became a wily low-budget filmmaker, reusing sets from other studio productions and talking her physician into appearing as a doctor in the delivery scene of Not Wanted. She used what is now called product placement, placing Coke, Cadillac, and other brands in her films, such as The Bigamist. She shot in public places to avoid set-rental costs and planned scenes in pre-production to avoid technical mistakes and retakes. She joked that if she had been the "poor man's Bette Davis" as an actress, she had now become the "poor man's Don Siegel" as a director.
The Filmakers production company closed shop in 1955, and Lupino turned almost immediately to television, directing episodes of more than thirty US TV series from 1956 through 1968. She also helmed a feature film in 1965 for the Catholic schoolgirl comedy The Trouble With Angels, starring Hayley Mills and Rosalind Russell; this was Lupino's last theatrical film as a director. She continued acting as well, going on to a successful television career throughout the 1960s and '70s.
Lupino's career as a director continued through 1968. Her directing efforts during these years were almost exclusively for television productions such as Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Thriller, The Twilight Zone, Have Gun – Will Travel, Honey West, The Donna Reed Show, Gilligan's Island, 77 Sunset Strip, The Rifleman, The Virginian, Sam Benedict, The Untouchables, Hong Kong, The Fugitive, and Bewitched.
After the demise of The Filmakers, Lupino continued working as an actress until the end of the 1970s, mainly in television. Lupino appeared in 19 episodes of Four Star Playhouse from 1952 to 1956, an endeavor involving partners Charles Boyer, Dick Powell and David Niven. From January 1957 to September 1958, Lupino starred with her then-husband Howard Duff in the sitcom Mr. Adams and Eve, in which the duo played husband-and-wife film stars named Howard Adams and Eve Drake, living in Beverly Hills, California.[22] Duff and Lupino also co-starred as themselves in 1959 in one of the 13 one-hour installments of The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour and an episode of The Dinah Shore Chevy Show in 1960. Lupino guest-starred in numerous television shows, including The Ford Television Theatre (1954), Bonanza (1959), Burke's Law (1963–64), The Virginian (1963–65), Batman (1968), The Mod Squad (1969), Family Affair (1969–70), The Wild, Wild West (1969), Nanny and the Professor (1971), Columbo: Short Fuse (1972), Columbo: Swan Song (1974) in which she plays Johnny Cash's character's zealous wife, Barnaby Jones (1974), The Streets of San Francisco, Ellery Queen (1975), Police Woman (1975), and Charlie's Angels (1977). Her final acting appearance was in the 1979 film My Boys Are Good Boys.
Lupino has two distinctions with The Twilight Zone series, as the only woman to have directed an episode ("The Masks") and the only person to have worked as both actor for one episode ("The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine"), and director for another.
Lupino's Filmakers movies deal with unconventional and controversial subject matter that studio producers would not touch, including out-of-wedlock pregnancy, bigamy, and rape. She described her independent work as "films that had social significance and yet were entertainment ... base on true stories, things the public could understand because they had happened or been of news value." She focused on women's issues for many of her films and she liked strong characters, "[Not] women who have masculine qualities about them, but [a role] that has intestinal fortitude, some guts to it."
In the film The Bigamist, the two women characters represent the career woman and the homemaker. The title character is married to a woman (Joan Fontaine) who, unable to have children, has devoted her energy to her career. While on one of many business trips, he meets a waitress (Lupino) with whom he has a child, and then marries her.[25] Marsha Orgeron, in her book Hollywood Ambitions, describes these characters as "struggling to figure out their place in environments that mirror the social constraints that Lupino faced".[13] However, Donati, in his biography of Lupino, said "The solutions to the character's problems within the films were often conventional, even conservative, more reinforcing the 1950s' ideology than undercutting it."
Ahead of her time within the studio system, Lupino was intent on creating films that were rooted in reality. On Never Fear, Lupino said, "People are tired of having the wool pulled over their eyes. They pay out good money for their theatre tickets and they want something in return. They want realism. And you can't be realistic with the same glamorous mugs on the screen all the time."
Lupino's films are critical of many traditional social institutions, which reflect her contempt for the patriarchal structure that existed in Hollywood. Lupino rejected the commodification of female stars and as an actress, she resisted becoming an object of desire. She said in 1949, "Hollywood careers are perishable commodities", and sought to avoid such a fate for herself.
Ida Lupino was diagnosed with polio in 1934. The New York Times reported that the outbreak of polio within the Hollywood community was due to contaminated swimming pools. The disease severely affected her ability to work, and her contract with Paramount fell apart shortly after her diagnosis. Lupino recovered and eventually directed, produced, and wrote many films, including a film loosely based upon her travails with polio titled Never Fear in 1949, the first film that she was credited for directing (she had earlier stepped in for an ill director on Not Wanted and refused directorial credit out of respect for her colleague). Her experience with the disease gave Lupino the courage to focus on her intellectual abilities over simply her physical appearance. In an interview with Hollywood, Lupino said, "I realized that my life and my courage and my hopes did not lie in my body. If that body was paralyzed, my brain could still work industriously...If I weren't able to act, I would be able to write. Even if I weren't able to use a pencil or typewriter, I could dictate."[31] Film magazines from the 1930s and 1940s, such as The Hollywood Reporter and Motion Picture Daily, frequently published updates on her condition. Lupino worked for various non-profit organizations to help raise funds for polio research.
Lupino's interests outside the entertainment industry included writing short stories and children's books, and composing music. Her composition "Aladdin's Suite" was performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in 1937. She composed this piece while on bedrest due to polio in 1935.
She became an American citizen in June 1948 and a staunch Democrat who supported the presidency of John F. Kennedy. Lupino was Catholic.
Lupino died from a stroke while undergoing treatment for colon cancer in Los Angeles on 3 August 1995, at the age of 77. Her memoirs, Ida Lupino: Beyond the Camera, were edited after her death and published by Mary Ann Anderson.
Lupino learned filmmaking from everyone she observed on set, including William Ziegler, the cameraman for Not Wanted. When in preproduction on Never Fear, she conferred with Michael Gordon on directorial technique, organization, and plotting. Cinematographer Archie Stout said of Ms. Lupino, "Ida has more knowledge of camera angles and lenses than any director I've ever worked with, with the exception of Victor Fleming. She knows how a woman looks on the screen and what light that woman should have, probably better than I do." Lupino also worked with editor Stanford Tischler, who said of her, "She wasn't the kind of director who would shoot something, then hope any flaws could be fixed in the cutting room. The acting was always there, to her credit."
Author Ally Acker compares Lupino to pioneering silent-film director Lois Weber for their focus on controversial, socially relevant topics. With their ambiguous endings, Lupino's films never offered simple solutions for her troubled characters, and Acker finds parallels to her storytelling style in the work of the modern European "New Wave" directors, such as Margarethe von Trotta.
Ronnie Scheib, who issued a Kino release of three of Lupino's films, likens Lupino's themes and directorial style to directors Nicholas Ray, Sam Fuller, and Robert Aldrich, saying, "Lupino very much belongs to that generation of modernist filmmakers." On whether Lupino should be considered a feminist filmmaker, Scheib states, "I don't think Lupino was concerned with showing strong people, men or women. She often said that she was interested in lost, bewildered people, and I think she was talking about the postwar trauma of people who couldn't go home again."
Author Richard Koszarski noted Lupino's choice to play with gender roles regarding women's film stereotypes during the studio era: "Her films display the obsessions and consistencies of a true auteur... In her films The Bigamist and The Hitch-Hiker, Lupino was able to reduce the male to the same sort of dangerous, irrational force that women represented in most male-directed examples of Hollywood film noir."
Lupino did not openly consider herself a feminist, saying, "I had to do something to fill up my time between contracts. Keeping a feminine approach is vital — men hate bossy females ... Often I pretended to a cameraman to know less than I did. That way I got more cooperation." Village Voice writer Carrie Rickey, though, holds Lupino up as a model of modern feminist filmmaking: "Not only did Lupino take control of production, direction, and screenplay, but [also] each of her movies addresses the brutal repercussions of sexuality, independence and dependence."
By 1972, Lupino said she wished more women were hired as directors and producers in Hollywood, noting that only very powerful actresses or writers had the chance to work in the field. She directed or costarred a number of times with young, fellow British actresses on a similar journey of developing their American film careers like Hayley Mills and Pamela Franklin.
Actress Bea Arthur, best remembered for her work in Maude and The Golden Girls, was motivated to escape her stifling hometown by following in Lupino's footsteps and becoming an actress, saying, "My dream was to become a very small blonde movie star like Ida Lupino and those other women I saw up there on the screen during the Depression."
Lupino has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for contributions to the fields of television and film — located at 1724 Vine Street and 6821 Hollywood Boulevard.
New York Film Critics Circle Award - Best Actress, The Hard Way, 1943
Inaugural Saturn Award - Best Supporting Actress, The Devil's Rain, 1975
A Commemorative Blue Plaque is dedicated to Lupino and her father Stanley Lupino by The Music Hall Guild of Great Britain and America and the Theatre and Film Guild of Great Britain and America at the house where she was born in Herne Hill, London, 16 February 2016
Composer Carla Bley paid tribute to Lupino with her jazz composition "Ida Lupino" in 1964.
The Hitch-Hiker was inducted into the National Film Registry in 1998 while Outrage was inducted in 2020.
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immaturegzb · 3 years
touch me (s)
dad!spence comes home from drop off (s)
the to-do list (s)
bruises (s)
jealousy (s)
hope // faith (s)
storytime (s)
the game (s)
day off (s)
quick learner, slow lover (series)
teach me something (series)
a little messy (s)
love like this (s*)
secure me (s/f/c)
soulmates (f)
rule breaker (s)
new kink (s)
bite me (s)
I dreamt about you last night (f/s)
surprise visitors (s)
behind closed doors (s)
silencio (s)
the way I hate you (s)
phone call (s)
made up notion of virginity (s)
pavlovs Spencer  (s)
alpha (s)
louder (s)
lunch meetings (f)
hands on me (s)
all you have to do is ask (a/s/series)
sweet cheeks (s)
helping hand (s)
fake you out (s)
trust and promises (a/f/s)
we need to talk (s)
welcome home (s)
Jekyll & Hyde (s)
a game of chess (s)
I love you this much (a/f)
I fucked up (a)
moontide (series)
thermal energy (s)
New Romantics (series)
heatwave (s)
she's an angel (s)
good little helper (s)
page turner (s)
payback (f)
pretty please (series) (s)
stargazing (s)
teacher’s pet (s)
one love, two mouths (s)
la petite mort (s)
rant (s)
celebrate (s)
Let’s Get Physical (s)
boyband Reid (s)
secrets and onesies (f)
loud (s)
Professional Hair Dresser (Ph.D) (f/s)
perfect timing (s)
I can help (s)
agent (s)
I’m on Fire - series
around your neck
curiosity killed the cat
wedding bells don't ring
cat and mouse
Avoidance // Reassurance
hype man  // mission accomplished
34 + 35 - 1 (s)
Make a Memory (s)
use me (s)
be mean (s)
Button Envy (s)
Impromptu (f)
Easy Riders (s)
my girl (f)
I Would Do Anything You Asked Me Too (s)
brat (s)
Creep (s)
expedition (s)
caught in the nets (s)
Carolina (s)
sounds like sweet-talk to my ears
teacher, teacher (s)
nervous (s)
study session (s)
playing with fire // 2 (s)
in new york (f,s)
interrogation (s)
virginity (s)
concussions and confessions (f)
what happens in California (s)
in some way or other (s)
work wife (f)
little red dress 
germs (s)
sweet cheeks (f/s*)
teasing jerkwad (f)
what goes up (f)
prove it (s)
Bigger Bitch Than Payback (s)
bro code be damned (s)
it’s too cliche (s,a)
little help from my friends (s)
different kind of daddy (s,f)
funhouse mirror (s)
I like it like that (s)
breathe (s)
blush (s)
Jazz & Jealousy (s)
Never Have I Ever // 2 (s)
Big Bad Wolf // 2 (s)
Red Handed (s)
Messy Lessons (s)
Sweetheart 1 // 2 (s)
talk nerdy to me (s)
hungry eyes (s)
missing you // FaceTime
trust (s,a)
relax your mind (s)
the price (s,f)
Jekyll & Hyde (s)
shut me up (s)
in case you hadn't noticed (s,a)
Reid to me? (s,f)
what gf do (f)
friendly competition (a,f)
lost time (s,a)
sinful (s)
give in to me (s)
miss the misery (s)
here to misbehave - series (s)
attention seeker (s)
successful experiments (s)
no need to rush (s,a)
who’s your daddy? 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 (s/f)
sweet scent (s)
dreams in motion (f)
big, little secrets (f)
child’s play (s)
give me hallmark (f/c)
post prison blurb (s)
secret lingerie (s)
what he don't know (s)
innocence kink // is this gonna be graded? (s)
sex tape (s)
I've been drinking coffee (s)
Spencer teaches you how to finger yourself (s)
post prison virginity (s)
wallet polaroid // like decorations, celebrated memories (s,f)
baby maker (s)
lick of paint (s,f)
show me // 2 (s)
forgotten days (a,f)
crybaby (s)
traffic (s)
under the table (s)
wet dreams (s)
answer your phone (s)
dirty talk (s)
under my shirt (s)
squirt (s)
only you (s,c)
cardigan (s)
toys (s)
better view (s)
the fraction of innocence (s)
cupid & psyche (s)
3 hours & 37 minutes (s)
Phoenix (series) (a,s)
settle down (series) (s,c,f)
to have and to hold (s,a)
maid outfit (s)
helping hand (s)
Derek thinks you two are vanilla (s)
Spencer doms for the first time (s)
practice (s)
the team thinks you’re the dom (s)
first time riding in his office (s)
teasing nudes (s)
lover boy (s,f)
old prison blues (s)
cums too fast (s)
all clear (s)
comfort boobies (s,c)
beauty and brains (s)
naughty girl (s)
ass guy, boob guy, you guy (f)
insecure spence (f/c)
the real deal (s)
cupid’s chokehold (f)
every bit, every inch (s)
through thick and thin (a,f)
give up (f)
badass secret wife (f)
me or her (a)
me and you (f,h,c)
lullaby (s)
dethroned (s)
all mine, all yours (f,a)
that's my wife! (f,a)
mine (s)
the tease (s)
your body (s)
bunny (s)
boo (s)
perfect shade (a,f,s)
jealousy, jealousy v
get ready with me (f)
sweater (f)
broken pieces (a*)
touch starved (f)
profilers profiled (f)
lipstick (a,f)
spill the beans (a/c)
betting game (f)
all stitched up (f)
sharing (s)
come on baby (s)
intern // 2 (f,s)
sunday morning (f)
all of me (f)
ashamed (a/f)
brute force (f)
blind without you (f)
testing motivation (s)
no fraternization (a,s)
forgetmenot (f/a/c)
take me home (series) (s,a,f)
riled up (s)
perils of eavesdropping (a/f/s)
don't go (a/s/f)
tease (s/f)
faking it (series) (s/f/a)
between iron and silver (series) (s)
perv!spence drawing you (s)
gf at that one baseball game (s/f)
Spencer’s hot girl gf (s)
perv!spence gf eating ice cream (s)
positions (f/s)
technically not breaking the rules (s)
panty scavenger hunt (s/f)
needy reader, perv!spence (s)
foggy glasses (s)
tight pants (s)
who's a good boy? (s)
Spencer’s jealousy plan backfires (s)
Spencer has a cold (f/s)
celebrity crush (f)
not here for that (f/s)
why are we yelling? (a/f/h/c)
fatherhood (f)
daisies mean ‘I'm an idiot’ (f/h/c)
sugary sweet apologies (a/h/f)
a compliment a day keeps the doctor okay (f)
plaid pants are the way to a girls heart (f)
you don't ever have to hide from me (c/f)
 just your average rainy Sunday (f)
 can't be your secret anymore (h/a/f)
collision course (f)
all clear (s/f) // proud parents (f) //  doctor daddy (f) // fine fury friends (f) // protective of the princess (f)
no ‘buts’ (h/f)
splish splash (f)
hera (f/a/c)
be my date (f) // be my valentine (f) // be mine again (a) // be my forever (h/a/f) 
eavesdrop (a/f)
sleepless journey (f)
young love (f/a)
lazy mornings (f)
studious shadow (f)
impromptu //  painting by numbers // fairytales
find a penny, pick it up (f)
connection // connected (s,f,a)
bets with a Vegas boy (s)
red lingerie (s)
domesticity (f/s)
sundress (s)
one lie, two truths (a/c)
an ironic position (s-ish/f)
under the covers (s/f)
new and exciting (s/f)
sense memory (f/a)
stress relief (s)
beyond the limit / the breaking point (s)
you already said yes (f)
you think I'm delicious? (f)
do you got plans tonight?  (s)
the gunshot (s)
oh.. you love me (f)
let me ease your worries (f/a/s)
do I wanna know? (s)
glasses (s)
replacement (s)
baby fever (f)
the first date and a reward (s)
pervy Spencer (s/a)
safe w you  (f/a)
don't think I don't like you (f)
 tempting the cowboy (s)
for the love of lace (s)
stay w me til morning (s)
 jealous fwb (s)
knowledge is a turn on (s)
 505 (s)
meddle about (s)
beggin’ (s)
bruise easy (s)
brilliance (a)
issues (a)
the argument (a)
modern technology (s)
comfort (f)
the first time (s/f)
whiny and spoiled (s)
touch starved (s)
its cold out here (s)
please accept my apology (s)
loosen up (s)
f*ck it I love you (s)
we might get caught (s)
slick tongue / sore (s)
all zipped up (s)
shut me up (s)
but your knee (s)
sweet girl (s)
hate it when you're in pain (c)
friendly competition (s)
dreams (s)
roped in (s)
taking calls (s)
little angel (s)
the real you (s)
all hallows eve ft Derek, Luke (s)
mine (s)
rather ardently (a/c)
insecurities (s)
sleepless nights (s)
tiny dancer (s)
say that you love me (s)
trapped in an SUV (s)
serving (f)
the ring (f)
take it off (s)
his housewife (s)
safe and sound (f/a/s)
 bombshell!reader blurbs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
just a taste (s)
more than words (s/f)
overproducing (s)
pretty when you cry (s)
predator (s)
flabbergasted (s)
flirting (f)
beg for it (s)
secret (f/a)
you knew? (h/c)
margaritas and mistakes 1 / 2
behind closed doors (s)
return the favor (s)
peaches and cream (s)
crave (s)
popsicle love (s)
double booked (s/f)
giving bj (s)
possessive (s)
new favorite game (s)
something new (s)
practice makes perfect (s)
no its not (s)
debrief (c/f)
distracted (f)
bbm baby (s)
1 / everyone looks better in a sundress 2 (s)
ecstasy (s)
jealousy (s)
rumored nights (s)
glasses!reid (s)
birthday girl (s)
home (s)
l love you more (s)
good little helper (s)
heatwave (s)
only hands (s)
sweet dreams (s)
loud (s)
darling and dandelion (s/f/a/c)
green eyed monster (s)
oral presentation (s)
morning glory (s)
be still (s)
stripped bare (s)
only yours (s)
preciously pure (s)
liquor of you (s)
my boss’ daughter (s)
phone call (s, h-ish)
polluted (s)
the other woman (s,a,h)
loud (s)
adorkable (f)
don't walk out (a,f)
mile high club (c,s)
swallow (s)
clingy (f,c)
safe (a,c,f)
necklace / anklet (s)
body on mine (s)
take it off (s-ish)
oh, but you're good to me (f)
all I need (s)
32 notes · View notes
vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
As the Dragon Falls
Hi its a rewrite of this from a while ago. Enjoy again, like last time CW for blood, violence, and death.
The valley was in chaos. No, chaos wasn’t the right word for it. Insanity was what had gripped the valley, it was what was controlling the armies. What else would drive them to act this way, to kill and maim thousands of others Ravis wondered. 
There was blood everywhere, making the ground slick and causing mud puddles to form. No matter if the soldier was alive, they were coated in mud. Everyone was, there was no way to have survived the hours of fighting without getting dirty. There was no telling people apart, there was only fighting for your life, for the chance to go home. 
The healers disappeared an hour after the battle started. They were placed in the back of the lines, to be protected until needed, but they didn’t even stay that long to help. It seemed that as soon as the battle got too rough, too dirty, the healers were called back to wherever they came from to wait this out. Maybe they would return to help, but Ravis didn’t think so. He didn’t have much hope.
Ravis stood near the edge of the battle, looking at the soldiers fighting around him. There were bodies around him, evidence that the last few minutes had not been easy for him. But no matter how many fell to his blade, more kept coming. For every 1 Thalmor they took down, 5 more of Tamriel’s soldiers fell. It didn’t make sense. It was well over half, nearly all of Tamriel against the Thalmor, but that didn’t matter. Every single orc, redguard, nord, imperial, breton, dunmer, argonian, even the bosmer and the khajiit, even if every single person fought against the Thalmor, they wouldn’t win. The Thalmor had sided with the Daedra. 
Somehow, they managed to make a pact. At what cost, Ravis wasn’t sure, but they must’ve been pretty desperate. He wasn’t even sure which Daedra, for all he knew, it was multiple. It didn’t surprise him as much as he had hoped. Years ago, he felt the moontide shift, and he decided to cure himself. It was never good when you could feel the bond to the Daedric Prince you were bound to shift. His choice was a good one too. While he and the rest of his pack that had cured themselves stayed sane, the ones who refused to cure themselves had turned against them, joining the Thalmor against the rest of Tamriel. He never thought he would be the one to put a blade through Aela, but that was before she tried to rip his throat to shreds. She had been acting strange before then, more fidgety than usual and asking if it was necessary to fight the Thalmor, and asking why they couldn’t just surrender. That was the first clue to Ravis something was wrong, Aela didn’t back down from a fight. 
Ravis shook his head, clearing his thoughts and refocusing on the battle in front of him. He didn’t need to get distracted and end up with his arm cut off. He scanned the battlefield, trying to look through the mass of bodies, searching for his commanders. After he couldn’t find them, he moves through the battle, dodging both friend and foe. He reached a more empty spot, searching for the commanders yet again. When he spotted one, he stepped forward to get to him to ask what to do, what the plan was after so many people dying. As he did, he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. No, not quite a stabbing pain, but more like someone was ripping a piece of him out. He doubled over, kneeling in the mud. It took all his willpower not to puke. He wasn’t able to focus, his eyesight blurry from the pain. Everything hurt, but it wasn’t him in pain. 
He snapped up, panic taking control. Oh gods. Kaidan where are you? he thought. He lost sight of Kaidan a while ago, when they split up to do more damage to the Thalmor. Once he found Kaidan again, he would never let him out of his sight. He started to slowly make his way through the crowd again, trying to power through the pain that was steadily growing worse and worse. He paused and looked around again, finally seeing Kaidan, maybe 200 feet away. Ravis made his way over as quickly as he could, coming to a halt as he watched an Elf drive a sword through his husbands chest.
He couldn’t describe the emotion he felt at that moment. It was just pure agony. He took off running towards him, not paying any attention to the Elf standing near him except to hit him in the head with his sword.
Ravis slid in the dirt, the tears already streaming down his face. “Oh Gods, Kai…” Ravis said, cupping Kaidans face in his hands. 
Kaidan looked up and smiled weakly. “Hey there love. I knew you would find me. Before…”
Ravis started to shake his head, the tears coming faster. “No, don’t talk like that. You’ll be okay. There has to be a spell or something that can help you.” But as soon as he said that, he knew it was a lie. A sword had gone through Kaidans chest. No spell, no potion, no prayer, nothing could heal that.
Kaidan started to cough, blood spattering Ravis’s face. “Love, you know the truth. No spell nor potion can save me. Those swor-” cough “had poison on them. On most of the swords. That’s why the healers pulled back, they were useless.”
Ravis was sobbing. “No! No, you’ll be okay. There has to be some way, some cure to save you.”
“Ravis,” Kaidan said, his voice getting quieter and quieter, almost covered by the sound of battle around them. “Don’t cry for me. I don’t want my last memory of you sobbing over my dying body.”
“Don’t talk like that! Don’t accept it so easily! You’ll be okay! I promise I-I’ll make sure you’re okay!” Ravis sobbed.
“Please don’t cry… I told you, all those years ago, I would be your sword and shield, till the end of my days, across the world. Here we are. You’re still here, still alive.” cough “I did my duty.” He lifted his hand and brought it to Ravis’s face, wiping a tear away. “All I ask for you my love, is to finish this. Do not let my death, and thousands of others deaths, be in vain. I” the coughing grew louder, and more rough, as blood started to drip out his mouth “will see you again in the afterlife, surrounded by lilies and snapdragons. I Love You, My Roaring Dragon.” Kaidan closed his eyes, let out one last breath, and let his hand fall to the mud. 
Ravis kneeled there in the mud, watching the color fade from his husbands skin. All that love, that joy.. that hope, all of it that Kaidan had.. gone. He had never quite understood what it was like to lose someone, and at that moment, he wished no one would ever go through it again.  It was if a part of him was gone, a part of him he needed to live, to survive. Ravis felt hollow. Empty. He had nothing left. It was as if he had been thrown back into that damned Thalmor cell, with his branding fresh on his back, feeling the worse he had in his whole life. Abandoned. Alone. But this time, no one was going to find him, no one was going to save him this time from being alone. Kaidan was gone, and he wasn’t ever coming back. 
His guide, his light. His love. Gone, with the single thrust of a sword. 
Ravis let go of Kaidan’s hand, it already going cold. He pushed himself up, out of the mud. He refused to fall to the Thalmor like that, to be sitting there to be taken without a fight. He was to honor Kaidan’s wish, no matter what it cost. 
He walked away from his husband, leaving him in the mud, surrounded by bodies. Ravis swore to himself that when this was all over, he would personally take Kaidan’s body home, to make sure he was buried among the tree’s of the Rift. 
Ravis could feel a sort of calm spread throughout his body, relaxing his taunt muscles. Something in his body knew where to go, guiding him to an unknown location. It guided him through the battlefield unscathed. It was as if he was invisible, a ghost drifting across the field. Part of him panicked, feeling as he lost control of his actions. He couldn’t fight against what his body was doing, couldn’t resist as he continued to walk up a hill. He couldn’t even control his breathing.
The more he walked, the less he remembered. He couldn’t remember why he was sad, where he was, who he was. It all seemed to fade away… like.. he couldn’t remember. All he could remember was a face, with red eyes and a tattoo, but it blurred. He couldn’t keep his attention on it, and watched as it faded away from his mind. He became nothing, no name, no thoughts. An empty shell. 
That empty shell made it up the hill, watching what was left of the battle. The Thalmor, whatever that was, was obviously winning, their Daedra obliterating the rest of the fighters. This is all pointless the shell thought. There is no reason to keep this going. This isn’t fun to watch.
If anyone had paid attention to the lone figure on the hill, they would’ve seen the shadow of a dragon slowly rise from behind them, engulfing the figure. The dragon let out a shattering roar. In the moments after, there was silence. There were no screams of mercy, of anger, of sadness. There was no noise at all, for everyone had vanished. The valley was empty, save for puddles of mud, and a patch of snapdragons and lilies.
When Ravis opened his eyes, he saw red and orange leaves above, swaying in the wind. He sat up, and looked around. It was similar to the forests around his house, but yet, not. It seemed more ethereal, more mystical. He stood up, walking towards a clearing in the trees, a clearing full of wildflowers. There was another figure in that clearing, one with messy long black hair. They turned around at the sound of Ravis’s footsteps.
Ravis stopped, memories hitting him as soon as he saw the figures face. “Kaidan?”
The only response he got was a bone breaking hug. “Oh Ravis,” Kaidan sobbed, “I thought I would never see you again. I- I’ve been waiting so long for you.”
“I didn’t think it was that long…”
“To you maybe. But to me, it was eternity. But, you’re here now. And I am never letting you out of my sight.” Kaidan let Ravis go, and reached out to hold his hand. “Now, lets go home, my dragon.”
“But what about Tamriel? We need to-”
“We don’t need to do anything. There is nothing for us to do. The Gods took care of them. Don’t you see what this means? We can live in peace now! We don’t have to save the world anymore! We’re Free.”
Ravis shook his head. He held up his hand, using his nail to trace where the tattoo should be. “No Kaidan, I can’t do that. My destiny is to save Tamriel, and it is far from saved. I would feel guilty if I abandoned them.”
Something passed over Kaidans face. “Why won’t you listen to me? I said, Your Job Is Done. Why do you care about that world? It was never nice to you. It scarred you, beat you, it killed your friends, your family. It killed your sibling in front of you! It gave you no mercy, why do you still care?”
Ravis froze. He never told Kaidan what happened with his siblings. In fact, he told him he was an only child, that his parents didn’t want any more. “How do you know that.” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“How. Do. You. Know. About. My. Siblings.”
“You-You told me. During the-”
“I never told you. I told you I was an only child. You shouldn’t know about them. Unless,” Ravis tilted his head, “You aren’t Kaidan.”
Kaidan, or whatever it was, dropped Ravis’s hand like it burned him. “Be that way.” it snarled. “Go back to your world, the one that spits at you and throws you up. I try to save you, and you say no. You won’t get a second chance.” The figure turned around and started to walk away. 
“Wait! Where’s Kaidan? Is he here!” The figure didn’t stop walking. “Come back here! Tell me where he is!” There was no answer, only something hitting Ravis in the back of his head.
The first thing Ravis noticed is that he was wet. And smelled of dirt. He could hear footsteps around him, and soft whispers. He cracked open his eyes, squinting from the light. He tried to sit up, which got the attention of whoever was around him. He waved them away, looking for Kaidan. 
He didn’t expect to turn to his side and see his sword, in a pile of snapdragons and lilies. 
25 notes · View notes
warmmilk27 · 4 years
shark fins
I let you wear me thin
in the same exact breath I have to acknowledge that I let you wear me thin
transformed into frayed thread in the night
tearing at the seams while you slept
I never wanted to fix you
I just wanted to make sure you didn't get an infection
I spent all of my time saving you
waiting for you to save me
I’m noticing a pattern here
nothing changes
and we sure as hell fucking won’t
and we sure as hell never fucking did
but now the glare is fading from my eyes
and I see you for what you are
a paperthin figure of someone I raised up to the sun
to see if you could shine brighter
I spent so much time trying to be what I wanted to be for you
and not what you wanted me to be for you
I am sorry
but for that I am grateful
because now I have something that is my own
because i had something to walk away with that didn't taste like you after a while
I’m still carrying the weight of that same girl
but I carry her through this world as a memento of a life you were too scared to live
you don't haunt me like you used to
it's a lot less pictures and a lot more subliminal
a lot more excerpts in thought and not excerpts in conversation
I don't remember what your voice sounded like but my brain drags me back to you
in the millisecond I feel a pause in conversation
I feel like a baby rattle
like a cold sick dog
or maybe like the front door shaking in the wind
seeing hostility and you don’t love me’s in the change of tone
because I sure as hell see you in everyone else now
my house is more afraid of you than I am
and I’m not sure who to turn my back on
I’m less sure who is lying and who is cutting up the room
it's not the same without you here
and most of the time I am grateful for that
but sometimes I miss the cigarette burns
the sting of something that dulled the pain for a little
I was so obsessed with you loving me
I forgot to make sure you actually did
so I will spend my time armed with glass cleaner
wiping your fingerprints off the mirrors
returning parts of you that you left here in packages
with no return address
because you can only live here while you’re here
it’s what’s best
and it is what’s right
I can't miss you like i used to
I feel more like I’m playing a character in every desperate reach i make into a dark room
nervously flickering the lights
I am still playing our game
I am still playing the part of a girl who can't get over you
the truth is:
I’m over you but you never packed up your things
you never shut the door behind you
and now the breeze is drifting in from the ocean
and sometimes it calls to me
and sometimes I follow it
other times I shut the curtains
but leave the door cracked
turning away from the call of things we should have done but never did
asking about you through distant mutual friends
never bothering to ask you myself
not that you answer
or that you would
you’re busy
I get it
I realized I could never make you into what I wanted you to be for me
that I had to love every single freckle and that's all I got
I couldn't ask you to change
I couldn't ask you to do the same
my old house: sold
my new house: under renovation
your house: always for rent
I was always borrowing a part in your life
and I always knew deep down at any moment you would ask me to leave
that if I stopped serving my purpose
if for a second I got more comfortable and paused my routine
if I stopped throwing in newspaper and dry sticks
the fire would go out
but you called me ice queen
far from the truth
when I leave this world
I am leaving it burning hotter than the sun
or not at all
I built this house
and now I am angry
and now I am resentful
and I am not renovating again
I am going to learn to live in this house
or I’m never going to live again
this house that twists and turns
and warps when you turn your back
this house full of ghosts
full of rooms we don't go in anymore
full of rooms locked for so long no one knows what’s in them
full of rooms full of something we don't talk about anymore
full of rooms of things i forgot
but sometimes see standing behind me when I pass a mirror
full of rooms that are full of rooms
broken switches
leaking pipes
doors that let drafts in
this home is full of ghosts
and I'm the loudest one of them
but I haunt these halls with the best intentions
and that's something you could never say to me
so love that got away
continue getting away
I am going to fix up your room and rent it out
someone new is going to take up the space you once barely occupied
because you weren't special
not like I thought
our hearts just beat the same rhythm for a few moments
and now i'm left with heart palpitations
and now I am tired of talking about this
but you never let me move in
only staying the night
always sleeping on the couch
you never let me get to know you in a way you didn’t have control of
and maybe that was deceitful
but after so much time trying to be the best I could
it's a little hard to be angry
so this is an essay
on why I lost you
and how 4 years later you’re still losing me
I am seeing you in me now
and if i'm going to be honest
it’s making my blood clot in places it shouldn’t
and it's going to go straight to the heart
and then I don't know what to say to the wind when it swings the front door open
the door’s shaking in the wind right now
always calling for me to come up to it and make a decision
to slam it shut or let the swing of it carry me out
into a world where i have to look at these things openly
and not just when I step outside for a walk
and it is always that
it is always exactly that
now it is always the glimmer of you
and not the image of you
it is always in the way you spoke now
it is always in the bands you liked
or the people you met
or the way your hips curved perfectly like they were made to be forced against mine
I do not think of the utter specificity of us
my brain just pulls you in with the moontide
leaves you beached there while I smoke a cigarette on the patio
stare out into the shore and you stare back
“I’m not here but I’m here”
it is always in the mistrust of strangers
and the mistrust of men
and the doubt that I can be loved
the doubt that men aren't animals
or that maybe some are but they're wounded animals
I left you with puncture wounds
you left me with a shutting down of organs
with a shutting down of mind and soul
with a room i don't go in anymore
with things i can't talk about
you didn't change me
I saw what I thought you needed and ripped the floor up and replaced the roof
so i'll carry this broken body home
you can’t follow me
you won't follow me
we were entertaining the idea of entertaining doing this all over again
so go home and have another
I can't be there for you anymore like I was
 I am doing open-houses now
letting people see this home
flirt with the idea of occupying some of its space
but now I sign the leases
I am letting the world back in
cracking windows and pulling the blinds all the way up
letting the sunlight peer in at my broken little home
I am going to miss the boy
with the cool jacket
and the cracked phone screen
I know he is going to cut up the room in the same way
going to bring in funhouse mirrors
and leave some scratches in the hardwood
if not a fucking hole in the wall open to the breeze that drifts in and still calls to me
and however this ends —
because i know exactly how badly this could end —
I’d like to say it will leave me a better person
or at least a different person
because I am growing tired of this girl
but we all know exactly how wrong i've been before
and I am not going to stop letting people into my home
you will not make me lock any doors
I will not be deadbolting the front door
I will not be sitting against it to make sure no one gets in
I won't be screening calls
I will open this door and welcome him to step inside
offer him a cup of tea and a warm blanket
and I think maybe his heart beats so close to yours
that I think we can't just be friends who do this together
that we have to share a blanket
that we can’t just lie here together and grow too comfortable with the unchanging
but other times I am completely content with riding this wave
other times I am completely content with washing the comforter and vacuuming and throwing trash out
because goddamn — James Dean HIMSELF is visiting
and my hand is on his shirt
not initiating
just a casual offer
take the leap with me or walk far from the ledge
don't leave me in wanting
with my legs spread like a centerfold in a dirty magazine
fully prepared for open heart surgery
all of me is yours
just take it and it's yours
and this boy can hurt me
and this boy will hurt me
but I’m hoping to be left with the aftertaste of honey in my mouth
and not the staleness of something that rot that I kept eating anyway
not food poisoning for years
I think I will taste you forever
and I should be over this
but my brain keeps bringing me back to you
the tide keeps sweeping me in
throwing my body against the rocks on the shore
getting tangled in the reef
left choking up saltwater in the sand
with letters in bottles breaking against my body
and leaving shards of glass in me that sting in the saltwater
staring at shark fins while I lie here a few feet from the water crashing into the sand the way you crashed into me
watching blood leave my body in red streaks that draw the shark fins in closer
you’re never going to look for me
but like this
I am worried there won't be much left for you to find
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alwaysfine · 6 years
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i honestly can’t believe it’s been a year already. it has actually flown by. originally on my multi muse, moving amanda and jesse to their own blogs was the best decision and i’ve been so thankful i did ever since. if i’m being honest, the only reason why i made jesse a sideblog at all was because i was so in love with the url ( badbagelll ) that i couldn’t not. but it turned out better than i could’ve ever anticipated. i’m so grateful for all the wonderful writing partners i’ve been blessed to not only write with, but get to know out of character. all of you are such kind, strong, inspiring, and golden hearted human beings with such creative minds and exceptional talent. i often ask myself what on earth i did, and how i got so lucky to meet you all.
 i am so incredibly honored to have the opportunity to bring the independent, strong, unfairly gorgeous, quick witted, badass, and beautifully flawed amanda rollins to life. and not only do i get the pleasure of writing amanda, but our precious bad bagel, jesse. 
all in all, amanda @ sonny in that gif is me @ every single person who i write with, who has ever messaged me ooc, and anyone who simply follows this blog. i can honestly say that writing these two characters has been the highlight of my writing journey. i adore each and every one of you, and i look forward to another year. xoxo.
******* under the cut i’m going to be gushing over those of you who still have your blogs and have truly helped to make this past year 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 !
@amaroed​ / dany ! writing nick and amanda with you has brought so much absolute joy into my life??? i’ve loved every single one of our threads and memes from them switching the sugar to salt at the precinct kitchenette to amanda becoming nick for halloween to nick trying to keep amanda awake after she caught a bullet to the side.  you capture nick so well, and your love for him and danny himself exudes every time you write him. it’s honestly so beautiful to see. after writing with you, i can honestly say that my love for nick amaro increased even more. you are such a talented writer, and i’m forever honored to write with you!
@battleincarnate / maddie ! maddie maddie maddie, my iconic, legendary cher stan.  i actually adore you so much i can’t even fully explain. from the first time i talked to you ooc, you just exuded genuine kindness, and were so chill and easy to talk to. i feel like that’s unfortunately super rare, so i just wanna thank you for that??? you’re such a rad friend, and i’m so lucky to have you!! ok as for muses go, i don’t even know where to start?? firstly, your writing is gorgeous and your ability to switch between muses like elliot stabler and ali dilaurentis is remarkable. secondly, what we’ve developed between elliot and amanda is truly one of my favorite relationships i’ve had the pleasure of establishing on this blog, even though we’ve never even gotten to see them together onscreen. i have loved every single thread we’ve ever done.  from the first thread we did where they first meet and they literally want to kill each other, to them arguing over who gets to drive on their first day as partners, to all the million and ten things we’ve discussed on discord like their hardcore car karaoke parties and the fact that amanda will ask elliot to walk her down the isle in any verse where she’s married. amanda may be one of the biggest pains in his ass, and elliot may be one of the biggest pains in hers, but they love each other sm it’s so precious. amanda is also so much like elliot it kills me, and the dynamic we’ve created is literal gold. the phrase like father, like daughter has never applied more. he’s the king and she’s the lionheart without a doubt!
@cabotiisms​ / claire ! like i told you over discord, your portrayal of alex made me love her even more which, i didn’t even think was possible. your grasp on alex’s character, her motives, the way her mind works, is so on point. your love and passion for doing right by alex is so obvious when you write her. now, the big and little sister dynamic we’ve created for alex and amanda makes me smile so much i can’t even explain. i live for alex trying to get amanda out of the messes she gets herself into aka saving her little sister from being ripped to shreds by mom, and in general just being the sister she deserves. the threads we have going right now are quite literally perfect, and i adore them.  and out of character? i love yelling at you about how dirty the svu writers did alex, and how dirty they’re currently doing amanda by bringing in cardio douche. but even more importantly, you are one of the most genuinely sweet people i’ve ever met. i adore you, and am so thankful we’re friends!
@drftwood / catie ! i don’t even know where to start. ok firstly, your ability to bring to life so many beautiful oc’s and occasional canon characters absolutely astounds me. you are so creative, all the ideas you come up with are so intriguing, and you have the ability to turn one small detail into an entire beautiful character so effortlessly. it’s so incredible. and this creativity so obviously carries into your writing. your writing is so fucking gorgeous i can’t even believe. every single character that we’ve ever written together has turned into such a beautiful relationship for amanda. chris, alex, and now jr? i mean, jr is such an important person in amanda’s canon now, and i can’t imagine altering her canon storyline in any other way, nor can i imagine anyone else taking on his role except for you. next, i can’t end this without saying how much i love talking to you ooc. like, from the minute we started talking when we started plotting amanda and alex, i knew we were gonna be friends. AND I WAS SO RIGHT. you have such a kind soul and such a big heart, you deserve all the happiness in the world. i am so lucky and proud to be able to call you a friend and ily!! 
@etlegis / shep ! ok we literally started talking like 24 hours ago but i already adore you and your peter stone. it’s so obvious that you have his character down in your writing. it’s like i read your starter, and it felt like i was in an episode of svu. not only is your characterization of stone on point, but you are the GREATEST ooc. it was so easy to start talking to you, instafriends some may call it, and we just fell down a rollins/stone hole and i’m not even mad about it. you are such a gem in this community already and i’m so glad you’re here!!
@hellhaths / lara !  lara, i fucking adore you. like for real. i could tell from the second we started talking ooc that we were going to be friends. and i’m proud to say i was very right. you are such an exceptional writer, i can’t properly explain. you put so much into every character you write, and it truly amazes me. now, i think we both know i have to talk about your olivia ‘ squad mom ’ benson because …. wow. from the first introduction to your writing, the first thought i had was ‘ she’s literally olivia benson.’ and that first thread we did with amanda asking olivia about elliot while she was trying to figure out the situation with nick, and not only did it wreck my heart, but it was the beginning of the most legendary olivia / amanda dynamic i could’ve ever asked for. SHE’S LITERALLY HER MOTHER. liv arguing with amanda to stop playing angry birds because it kills her phone battery, confining amanda to desk duty when she does something dumb, taking away amanda’s keys …. the list is literally endless. despite how bratty liv’s dorter gets, we all know she still loves her.  listen, you understand the complexities of liv so well, it absolutely astounds me. with twenty seasons of evolution to work with, you incorporate all of it so beautifully. you have her voice and mannerisms down to a tee, and i am so honored to write with you and call you a friend. i’m sending you all the love and light in the world right now, and just know i’m here for you always.
@moontide​ / angie ! girl, your amanda is so important to my jesse idk if i can even properly put it into words. when i first started writing jesse, i had no idea what type of interactions i would get. truthfully, i thought nobody would show any interest whatsoever and she would just be another blog that faded away. WHAT I NEVER IMAGINED IS WHAT I’VE WRITTEN WITH YOU. the amanda/jesse dynamic we’ve created is so complex and beautiful, and i love it so much. every single heart breaking thread and verse we’ve started or discussed, i love. jesse is so her mama’s daughter, and being able to have those interactions means so much to me, i just have to say thank you. and your amanda? so fantastic. i absolutely love the life you bring to her, and i’m so so so honored to write with you. and remember, even when she’s being a brat, jesse loves her mama more than anything.
@o188 / sunny ! holy shit!!! ok so, i need to start by telling you how big of a part you played in me giving amanda her own blog in the first place. when i found your blog and read your writing, i was, for the lack of a better word, s h o o k. to this day, i am still astounded anytime i read one of your replies, because when you write sonny, you become sonny carisi. from writing his dialogue, to his mannerisms, it’s perfection. and you yourself as a human being???? you’re actually golden and ily. you welcomed me into this community with so much warmth and love and i can never thank you enough!! ok, so now for muses. let me just start with the jesse/sonny dynamic. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SOMETHING SO PURE???? sonny carisi is the Best Dad, and jesse loves him endlessly, ok? alright, now for sonny and amanda.  listen, i can’t even accurately explain how much my amanda loves your sonny. she would quite literally try and catch a falling star for him if he asked. writing amanda so open and trusting whenever she’s with him is so freakin’ beautiful, okay?? i’ve adored every single thread and meme we’ve ever started with them, from amanda telling him she’s pregnant with g, to the morning after, to post book of esther. their dynamic is so freakin’ important and what we’ve created with them is truly one of my favorite relationships i’ve ever written. oh, and writing them as parents of their precious baby girls?? quite literally makes my heart grow ten sizes. they are so soft, so beautiful, and i am both honored and grateful to have the opportunity to write that with you!!
@painbled / peaches ! cracks knuckles alright here goes!! HI I FREAKING LOVE YOU. you are one of the most genuine human beings i’ve met on here, and i am forever grateful that i chose to write topanga way back when. there was a chunk of time where we fell out of contact, but the second we started talking again, it was like NO TIME AT ALL HAD PASSED. that’s a true testament to our friendship, and i’m forever grateful for that! then, you went and decided to write noah porter benson aka amanda’s lil baby that’s not actually her baby, but she loves him like he is. she would throw down so hard for him, i’m forever emotional about it. the thread we have where liv’s in the hospital has me wrecked, but i also love it because there are so many mama!amanda vibes aimed at noah happening that it makes my heart warmer than the sun. then there’s jess and noah, and good freakin’ lord. THEY’RE SO CUTE I CAN BARELY STAND IT. they are freakin’ in love with each other and icb they’re gonna get married and have a family and liv and amanda are gonna be grandparents to the same kids. listen, both me, amanda, and jesse’s lives wouldn’t be the same without you and your muses in them. you are such a talented writer, and i will forever tell you that whenever you need reminding. thunder, lightning. peaches and honey always!!
@southbronxabogado / adrien ! wow wow wow wow wow. first of all, you are actually rafael barba. i’m convinced. every single thread is so accurate and it brings me so much joy to watch you bring him to life and give him the treatment he deserves. now, the relationship we’ve developed between amanda and rafael is truly one of my favorites. i went from oh yeah they’d be cute, to holy fucking shit they’re perfect in 0.000001 seconds after we first started plotting them. the dynamic they have is so genuine, and the way he treats her just makes my heart so happy. i’ve adored every thread we’ve ever started, from amanda thinking she freakin’ broke the toaster to the throwback thread of him taking her to that fancy benefit. now last but definitely not least, can i just say how wonderful you are ooc? like, i know i can jump into your im’s and start screaming at you enthusiastically in all caps about our idiots without worry. plotting and writing with you has been such a pleasure, and i absolutely adore you. truly. i can’t wait for all the million other things i’m sure we’ll do.
@thingsmissed / jennifer ! ok, so i haven’t really gotten much of a chance to write amanda or jesse with any of your muses, but i absolutely love having you on my dash and talking to you ooc! you put so much effort into all your muses, and it’s absolutely inspiring. you are without a doubt one of the sweetest people with one of the most genuinely kind, caring, and giving hearts that i’ve had the pleasure of meeting on here. you are always so much fun to talk to ooc, and i can always feel your kindness exuding through the screen. you are a very talented writer and i hope you never doubt that!!
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honeysproutvalley · 7 years
i've been thinking about my farmers and what their biggest exports would be based on how i play the game differently with each of them jazz, who has the fishing farm map and approximately 400 coffee plants, sells mainly seafood and coffee beans. the logo on her products (moontide farm's logo) is the crest of a wave touching the moon. honey, who has the basic farm map and spends most of her time cultivating crops, taking care of animals, and crafting, exports a lot of fresh produce and animal products. sprout farm's logo is a tiny beansprout poking up from the soil. ginger, who resides in a hilltop cottage and barely ever talks to the townspeople aside from maru, ships a lot of precious ores and minerals, as well as running a successful fruit winery out of her shed. strawberry wine in the spring, blueberry wine in the summer, and cranberry wine in the fall. she also sells preserves and specialty honey. wildwood farm's logo is two lavender clippings tied together with twine.
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2oyjb2p1-blog · 6 years
Unholy War Download Free Talking Books
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Unholy War Download Free Talking Books
Unholy War, the penultimate volume of David Hair's Moontide Quartet, sets the stage for the series' impending conclusion. Fanboy Comics compares it to 'great fantasy epics such as A Song of Ice and Fire and The Wheel of Time, and it easily earns its place amongst them.'Tensions are mounting after a devastating battle before the walls of Shaliyah, birthplace of the Prophet. The East is rising, bringing equal measures of hope and despair to the magical world of Urte.For some Salim's victory is a call to arms, for others it is evidence of a world gone mad. While the armies of East and West clash in brutal conflict, emperors, inquisitors, Souldrinkers, and assassins all have their attention turned elsewhere as they hunt the Scytale of Corineus. The immensely powerful artifact is the key to ultimate power, and it's in the hands of unlikely guardians: failed mage Alaron Mercer and market-girl Ramita Ankesharan, who carries the child of the world's greatest mage. The fate of the world hinges on destruction should the artifact fall into the wrong hands. Unholy War Download Free Talking Books
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