#more power to people that can keep up with that but i am not one of them
too-much-tma-stuff · 10 hours
Healing is Slow, but Inevitable (part 7)
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“So, what are you?” Jason asked about a week after the meeting with Batman, a few days after Dick left again after his unscheduled weekend visit, and they hadn’t really talked about it. Danny had been flighty and tense for days afterwards so Jason hadn’t wanted to bring it up. Now that Danny seemed calm again, curled up in bed with him after a decent day and some great sex, it seemed like the best time he was going to get. 
Danny sighed and turned his head to hide his face against Jason’s shoulder for a moment, but he stayed relaxed and he wasn’t running, which were good signs. “I was kept prisoner for almost two years by the Ghost Investigation Ward, what do you think I am,” Danny muttered a little bitterly. 
“But you’re not a ghost, right? I mean you eat, and sleep and I can feel your heartbeat right now,” Jason said, pressing his hand Danny’s chest, where his heart was indeed beating, slower than most people’s but that was normal for Danny. Then, right under Jason’s hand, Danny’s heart stopped beating. 
Jason panicked and pulled back only for Danny to catch his wrist and keep his hand there, Danny pushed himself up a little and stared down at Jason. He seemed fully alive, and fine, even though his heart still wasn’t beating under Jason’s hand. Danny sighed and lay back down, the feeling of a heartbeat returning under Jason’s hand, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“I’m what’s called a Halfa. It’s a stupid name but I’m not going to come up with a new one. It’s not entirely accurate either, since I’m both 100% alive, and 100% dead.” He saw the lost look on Jason’s face and backed up quickly to explain more. “There’s a place called the Ghost Zone, or the Infinite Realms, it’s a world between worlds that links to every living world and contains every afterlife.” He was tracing little patterns on Jason’s chest as he talked. “Portals open to it in other worlds sometimes, natural things that form and collapse again quickly. 
“Halfas are made when one of those portals happen to open, directly on top of and into, a living person. It kills them, then because of the power of the realms their soul forms a ghost immediately, resurrects them and slams that fully formed ghost back into the living body, bonding them back together and creating a living-ish, ghost. I’m the only true halfa in existence right now, and I’m… unique, even for my kind. Because the portal that made me was the first man-made one, it was far more stable and more powerful than the natural ones, meaning that I got a double dose of energy.
“Halfas are already a powerful species, the perfect balance between life and death, a bridge between worlds partially immune to the weaknesses of both. But I’m strong even compared to other halfas, at least that’s what I’m told by the Ancients. Like I said, I’m the first one in about five thousand years, and the only one in existence right now, so I’ve never exactly met someone else like me.” 
“Holy shiit,” Jason whispered before falling silent. He started to comb his fingers through Danny’s hair so he would know Jason wasn’t upset or mad as he took a while to process all Danny had told him. “You don’t have to talk about it but if you’re that powerful then… how did the GIW manage to capture you?”
“My parents were the ones who captured me,” Danny murmured, hiding his face against Jason’s neck. Jason’t breath caught in his throat. “They were ghost hunters all my life, they built the portal but I didn’t want to hurt them. I was still trying to talk to them, to convince them I really was still their son. Then the GIW found out they had me and demanded my parents hand me over. When my parents refused and tried to defend ‘their discovery’ The GIW just… blew up the house. Because of my powers I survived, no one else did. While I was still in shock they took me.
“It broke my heart, in a literal sense. I want to show you something,” He said and sat up again, legs crossed. Jason sat up as well, mirroring Danny’s position and watching him curiously. “Humans have organs and brains and all those squishy, meaty bits. Ghosts have a core, it contains everything we are, everything else will just reform around it as long as the core is undamaged.” He pressed his hands against his own chest and after a moment, he drew something out. 
It was an orb of what looked like blue stone, but it was cracked, pretty extensively, in a similar pattern of cracking to Danny’s lightning scar. “What they did, it cracked my core,” Danny said looking down at it baleful. “Literally broke me. If I was a full ghost it would have destabilized and ended me, my humanity kept me together. Which just meant more for them to experiment on,” He said with a bitter little laugh. 
“Danny,” Jason murmured, a heartbroken little sound as he sat forward and reached towards Danny. Danny tensed, and looked fearful for just a moment, but he didn’t pull away. Instead he opened his hands and held his core, his heart, out towards Jason. With permission Jason traced the branching pattern gently with a finger, it felt cool and smooth under his fingers, energy tingling in his fingertips and the cracks rasping slightly against Jason’s calluses. Danny shuddered and gasped as all the tension bled out of him under Jason’s gentle touch, his eyes fell closed, and his expression was peaceful now.
“It’s been getting better,” Danny said, opening his eyes again after a moment and looking up at Jason adoringly. “Since I met you, you gave me purpose again and I can feel the cracks healing, it’s slow, but it was always going to be.” 
Jason pulled his hand back and Danny pressed his core back to his chest. “I’m glad you’re healing. You’ve been helping me a lot too, healing is always slow, but we’ll do it together. And you’ll tell me if I ever make it worse, or if there’s anything I can do to help won't you?” 
“Ya we will, but I think I’m well enough to face the GIW soon. I’ll start looking for them along with your people. If they’re still around I don’t think it will take me that long to find them,” Danny told Jason softly. “As for helping, just don’t leave me, and don’t die. I don’t want to think about what I could become without you to ground me.”
“I’m not going anywhere, and I’ll be right there with you when we take down the GIW. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I love you,” Jason promised, pulling Danny back against his chest.
“I love you too,” Danny sighed, snuggling against Jason tiredly.
Danny hadn’t been kidding when he said he would be able to find the GIW quickly when he started to look. It turned out that the GIW were sort of using ghosts in their firewall? It made it next to impossible for regular people to find, or hack it, but made it all the easier for Danny to track down. He found five bases besides the one that he had destroyed during his escape. Which was more than Jason had expected, though none of them seemed to be that big. According to the files two had ‘specimens’, so they were going to hit those two first and free whatever free whatever poor souls were still trapped there.
Jason had yet to leave Crime Alley since his takeover of the turf, but it would have to happen eventually. They would only be gone for one, maybe two days so it was a good first test. 
They had a basic plan; break in and rely on stealth till they had located the prisoners, release them, then cause as much damage and havoc as they could on the way out. Danny would be the power house, taking the chance to really let loose in a way he hadn’t in a long time. Jason would follow and plant explosives so once they got out they would leave nothing to salvage. 
They had a bit of a discussion about when to go. During the night there would be fewer people there making it safer to break in, but the disadvantage of that was they would take out fewer GIW agents. The fewer of those assholes still walking the earth the less likely it was anyone would come for Danny. There would be no one to continue the cycle of violence if everyone else was dead. In the end they still decided to go at night. If only because they would be less likely to walk in on someone actively being tortured, which would be too much for Danny. They needed to avoid Danny having a panic attack in enemy territory if at all possible.
So Jason wrangled his people into readiness to be left alone and keep things ticking over, and told a few selected people where they were headed in the unlikely case they needed rescue. Jason had started planning a ride too, since unlike the Bats they didn’t have their own private jet. But Danny told him there was no need, just get them out of Gotham and Danny could handle the rest. Jason was curious about what he meant by that, but when he asked Danny gave him the cheeky smile that promised it was a surprise Jason would like. Jason decided to wait and see.
Once they were ready they left Gotham at Sunset, Danny on the back of Jason’s bike with his arms tight around his waist and pressed against his back. Normally when they rode like this Jason could feel Danny’s vibrating purr against his back but today Danny was still and silent, probably too tense to purr. Jason understood, no matter what they found or how well this went it was bound to be triggering as hell. Danny was walking right back into one of the facilities where he had been experimented on and tortured. Jason didn’t think there was anything he could say to make Danny feel better, so he mostly stayed quiet and let Danny think his thoughts. 
“Okay, we’re far enough away I think. Pull over please, far enough that we won’t be easily seen from the road. I haven’t done this in… more than a year, I’m not totally sure how it’s going to go,” Danny said suddenly and Jason nodded, looking for a place to pull off the road and into the woods. Finding a good place to hide his bike, and themselves for whatever Danny was planning on doing.
Jason found a place to park his bike and let Danny get off before him, once they were off he laid the bike down where it wouldn’t be easily found, and turned on his personal tracker so he would be able to find it later. “Alright, ready when you are. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve been so mysterious about,” Jason encouraged his boyfriend, taking off his motorcycle helmet to switch it for his Red Hood one.
Danny nodded and took a few steps back and took a deep breath, “I really haven’t done this in years. Not since I escaped for the first time. It made it easier for them to track me,” Danny explained before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
As Jason watched Danny started to change, not all at once, but the appearance Jason knew started to flicker and fade in patches. It looked like he was molting, and like a computer glitching, leaving him looking… different. The shape of the costume was a lot like his Hyena get-up, but it was entirely monochrome, and this Hyena had been dead for a long time. The suit was black with start-white protruding ribs wrapped around his chest like armor, white knee and elbow pads, and a white stripe down the front of his boots added to the skeletal effect. Danny’s mask had turned from a muzzle to a Hyena skull with a tuft of white hair showing above it. When Danny opened his eyes they were pits of toxic green glowing from behind the Hyena’s empty eye sockets. 
Jason would have frozen up completely, if he hadn’t noticed Danny was swaying slightly. Jason jumped forward just in time to steady Danny before he could fall. Danny leaned against him, he felt cooler than usual and… insubstantial in an odd way. 
“That felt different then it used to,” Danny murmured, putting a hand to his forehead. He felt the mask and blinked before glancing down at himself. “Huh, I knew this form was connected to emotions and shit, but I didn’t expect it to change this much,” He murmured, running his hands over the mask and then back through his hair, pushing his hood back to show his hair was all white now, and moving like it was underwater. 
“What… is this?” Jason asked, combing his fingers through Danny’s hair which felt like the softest, unmelting, fresh fallen snow between his fingers.
“My ‘ghost form’. I told you I was as dead as I was alive, this is my dead form,” Danny said gesturing down as himself before fully gaining his footing and standing up on his own. He took off the mask (Jason was far more relieved then he’d admit that Hyena skull was a mask, he hadn’t been sure) and smiled at him. Danny still looked very much like himself, though his mouth was wider, his teeth were sharper and his skin had the very distinct deathly pallor of a frozen corpse. 
Jason gave a considering hum and cupped Danny’s face, leaning down to kiss him. His lips felt cool and there was no pulse against Jason’s lips, but they were soft and Danny kissed back with the same sweetness as always. “You look badass as hel,l Moonlight,” Jason told Danny who blushed a soft blue and smiled at him, pulling him back in for another quick kiss.
“Alright, like this I can get us to the base,” Danny said, pulling the mask back on before his feet lifted off the ground and he hovered a few feet up. “Carrying you should be no problem, we’ll be silent, and if needed I can cloak us. We just have to land a ways out because I’m sure they have ghost detectors and shields. I’ll have to change back to get through. Sounds good?”
“Sounds great,” Jason agreed easily. He’d been around the Supers for years as a kid, he was used to being carried like that.
“Great,” Danny cheered, swooping over Jason and grabbing him under the arms and lifting him up with no apparent effort. He held Jason as they took off towards base, Danny flew fast but Jason’s helmet protected his eyes from the wind so it was fine.for Danny to change back into his human form. It looked like reversed timelapse footage of a flower losing its petals. Jason watched in awe as the man he knew and loved reformed around this odd, pale being. 
When it was done Danny shook out his limbs and rolled his head on his neck like he was having to resettle himself in his body before he nodded firmly once. “Alright, let’s go,” Danny said, checking his mask one more time.
Jason nodded and made a hand sign to advance, reminding Danny from here on they wouldn’t be using words. Danny nodded and fell in just behind Jason as they approached the facility. They had found a weak point in the plans for ventilation and used that to get in. This place was clearly designed to keep things in more than out, and not with humans in mind, it was almost embarrassingly easy to sneak in. They hid as a couple of agents walked by, assholes in white coats and dark glasses, edgy as hell and obviously overly full of themselves. Jason was looking forward to ripping through them on the way back out.
As they moved through the building Jason planted bombs at strategic locations ready to be detonated once they had cleared the facility of anyone who actually deserved to live. They didn’t want to leave anything standing. The less of the information and weapons that survived to potentially fall into the wrong hands, the better.
In the labs on the lower floors they found a few ‘blob ghosts’ as Danny called them, and a bunch of equipment, a couple of which Danny helped himself to. Jason didn’t bother because he didn’t know what any of this stuff was, they’d probably do more harm than good in his hands. 
Deeper in the labs they found a few proper ghosts too, locked in cells Jason managed to hack and get open. Danny darted in and started murmuring softly to a woman he called Ember, and who called him Babypop with shock and grief before he used one of the tools he’d stolen to open some sort of portal and sent her on. He found a thing he called Shadow, but that one didn’t talk, and Jason didn’t see it though he believed Danny that it was there. Danny used the portal gun to send them on too.
They were reaching the end of the facility and Jason was glad they’d only found two sentient beings, he would have much preferred None but it could have been a lot worse. This was the largest facility so if they only had two actual ‘ghosts’ the others would probably have one at most. 
They moved through the rest of the labs quickly, staying just long enough to clear them of anyone who might be held there, but not lingering over metal tables, scalpels, lasers, and saws. Jason was trying not to think about Danny strapped down to one of those, cut open and either begging them to stop or dissociating and staring, he wasn’t sure which would be worse. 
Finally they reached the deepest room in the facility, Jason was expecting another lab, until he saw the security pad at the door. The previous labs had been in a complex, no codes or cards needed to get into each individual one once you were on the floor. What was special about this lab? The security was decent too, nowhere near as easy to get through as previous doors. 
“Keep watch Hyena, this is going to take a minute,” Jason murmured into their mic and Danny nodded, flitting to the end of the hall to keep watch while Jason worked on the security. 
It took him about fifteen minutes and thankfully no one came around, they must have hourly patrols or something. Danny glanced over at the sound of the door unlocking and Jason nodded, gesturing for him to come. He stepped inside, getting the full view of a room full of wires, monitoring equipment, and what looked like a cloning tube or stasis pod. Holy shit was the GIW somehow in league with CADMUS?
There was a girl floating in the tube, maybe fourteen or fifteen, small for her age. Her hair was black but he couldn’t see much else. He heard Danny come into the room behind him and let out a soft gasp.
“Oh god,” Danny breathed softly. Jason looked over at Danny expecting to see his own surprise reflected in Danny’s face. No, he was shocked, yes, but he looked heartbroken and horrified. There was absolutely recognition there. “Ellie.”
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sasch1sch · 10 hours
europe is voting full on fascist.
almost a third (27%) of my country, austria, has voted for the far right party FPÖ (a party which was literally founded by an SS-Brigadeführer) and 23 for the ÖVP, the conservatives. These two are the very same parties involved in the infamous “Ibizagate” in which our former vice-chancellor was recorded in a sting operation while making a deal for scewed, positive media coverage with the supposed daughter of a russian oligarch which caused the dissolution of the austrian government and triggered an election. this is now happening in france, where emmanuel macron just dissolved the government and called for a new election, essentially gifting it to known fascist marine le pen, the clear winner of the eu election. we are voting in autumn in austria and i am already terrified of whats about to hit us. the results for italy have not been confirmed yet but i can smell meloni and salvini from a mile away.
tomorrow, we will be waking up in a dystopian europe. one which will continue to put profits over peace, equality and dignity; one which will continue to fund war crimes; one which enriches greedy politicians while the people can barely make ends meet, now all barely challenged. they would leave ukraine to its demise, all just to take blood money from russia, keep funding the systemic genocide of the palestinians, turn europe into a haven for lobbyists and corruption, deny climate change and remove regulations to leave our planet to die for profit, undo progress in women’s and queer rights. a racist “fortress europe” as the right calls it, one that will completely shut down its borders, causing mass deportations and more children to drown in the mediterranean. they are absolutely undemocratic and could literally lead us to the next world war. a europe for the rich and powerful.
its a horriying and disturbing nightmare, but unfortunately not unexpected. i am not fearmongering or overly paranoid and pessimistic. this is what all of them stand for. and a lot of us central and western europeans are privileged and have never lived through war or suffered the direct consequences of one so we think we’re invincible. but we have learned about our history and its time to learn from it. we need to fight now more than ever and use our democratic rights to the fullest. get active. join political groups. keep protesting. keep boycotting.
today, we can only let 4 stages of grief happen, because we should NEVER accept this result.
so lets take it to the streets.
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I am completely normal about the hale family.
I’m totally not obsessing over any of the characters
Like Laura hale who haunts the narrative. Hell she’s was the creation of the narrative, her death is the reason that Scott and stiles were in the woods that night. She was a means to an end. She was an older sister. The girl who stays with her brother even after her death. We know nothing about her, and everything we do know is forever tainted by the biases of the characters that remained. The Aphla Heir, the first victim of the show. A body in the woods, a girl in a grave
Or Peter hale, who is a walking contradiction and Manipulator. He cares for his family but he sacrificed Laura and Derek (Paige) for power. He kills his niece, then later on he wants to save her (Cora). Peter who died in the house fire, all Derek was doing was putting down a corpse. Peter who died engulfed in flames in the house haunted by death and fire. Peter who knew how to bring himself back, who knew about necromancy and banshees. How young was he when he created a plan to bring himself back to life?
How about Cora?? A girl who lived in the shadow of her families death for years. Believing that she was the only one who lived. A girl who only knows how to run, who keeps her bags packed always ready to leave. It’s how she grew up. Cora who returned to her burnt out shell of a home at the mere mention of a hale alpha. Who leaves beacon hills once again but this time with her brother at her back. (Laura and Derek leaving after the fire parallel)
And last but not least, Derek fucking Hale. The man who blamed himself for the death of his entire family. Who lost everything, and despite that, got up every single day. Who never got to bury his family members, but never wanted to bury Laura. Who killed his uncle and buried him in the grave of their house, so he could rest among the rest of forgotten Hales. What’s one more grave to dig, One more family member to bury. Who helped people even when they didn’t want him to. Derek who was used and abused over and over again. Who was nothing more than a body. Someone with one foot in the grave and one on a train. He just wanted a pack again and had that taken from him as well. He leaves beacon hills, and comes back to once again help those in need. Who dies and comes back. Who drags himself with bloody fingers to a happy ending, with a son. Who takes care of a car for fifteen years as an act of repentance and love. And who still dies in a fire like the Hales that came before him.
What about Eli, whose legacy is pain, fire and death.
The hales who are tied so fucking tightly to beacon hills and to each other. They can never leave this place but they can’t stay. Nothing will ever be the same again. The fire is gone but the wood is still charred. There’s still an open grave
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ickbite · 5 hours
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WEEPING ANGEL! — Megumi one-shot!
megumi fushiguro x weeping angel!reader
she/her pronouns used, misunderstood reader
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Megumi knew he was screwed, his time was coming to an end and he didn’t know what he did to deserve it. His life has only been misfortune after misfortune; his dad was never involved in his life, and then tried to sell him to the Zen’in clan, then he got adopted (which was a plus!), but his adopted dad got sealed despite the fact that he was the strongest.
Even though everything was going fine with Megumi’s life in terms of family and friends (his sister came out of her coma, his dad was freed, his friends force him to play Mario Party every night), by himself was a different story.
He always heard you. You were always there. He never knew what exactly you were, or what exactly you looked like, he just grew aware of the angel statue that he found everywhere he went. You were beautiful; your color was gray, your wings were magnificent, but that’s all you were, a statue… or so he thought.
It started when he was fifteen with the introduction of his friend, Yuji. They were off walking to meet up with the second-years and in the distance Megumi spotted you, a statue whose hands covered her face, with curly hair covering the parts that aren’t visible. After that moment, you followed him everywhere and he was started to grow bothered. You were more than what you led on, he searched the internet for statues like you and they were never found, you’re unique. It grew to a point where he had to ask his Father-Mentor, Gojo.
Gojo sat him down and explained the story of the L/N clan, a family created of statue-like curses, “the L/N clan takes the role of a regular statue, but in actuality, they’re planning something, Megumi.”
“What if it’s just a statue? She’s covering her face every time I see her.”
“The L/N clan, have a powerful asset, they can transport you to a different time, you can be in the 1950s when you were just here two minutes before. As a defense so they can catch their prey off-guard, they turn into stone when they’re looked at, they cover their eyes to avoid looking at each other.”
After that talk, Megumi made sure to stare as long as he could, but you never grew closer until he least expected it. Gojo was just sealed and megumi was alone in Shibuya, trying to figure out how he could possibly unseal him.
His eyes widened as your sweet voice rung in his ears.
“What will you do Fushi?~~~”
He hurriedly turned towards you, you had a big smile on your now stone-face with your eyes closed, hair sprawled around you as you were not face-to-face with Megumi.
“Why now? Out of all days?” He sighed, he raised his hand to your face, cupping it slightly. “You’re cold… what are you exactly?”
After a moment of silence he remembered, turning his back but keeping a distance between them.
“You know what I am, pretty, and I know what you are,” your back touched megumis as you interlocked your hands with his.
He pulled his hands away, “It’s been three years and you still show up, why?”
Your hands found comfort in his hair, “because you’re soooo cute~~~ I couldn’t help myself, I had to follow you,” you pouted.
“Stop putting your hands on me, I don’t know you.”
“But you could! My name is Y/N,” your arms snaked around his neck, rubbing his chest ever so slightly. “You know what I am,” you whispered in his ear, giving it a slight bite.
“You’re in the L/N clan—“
“Puh-lease, we’re angels,” a devilish smirk spread on your face, “my people are sad, we weep and weep, we were excluded from the sorcerer world because of our… unique abilities.”
“You weep? Your people are killers, you send them back in time and feast on their energy.” Megumi’s messy hair fell in front of his eyes.
“We don’t do that to everyone, we do it to enemies who attack us first, the sorcerers hate us because we’re curses, they attack us and kill us. I bet you didn’t see anything about me besides the stone, my eyes are E/C.”
“E/C?” Megumi turned his body to face the girl, her eyes were open and now we really took the chance to look at her, she wasn’t bad looking, beautiful even.
“Megumi! We found a way to free Gojo! C’mon!” Nobara yelled from down the street, “we need you!”
Megumi turned his head towards Nobara to tell her he’s on his way, but when he turned back, you were gone. A sigh escaped him as he started his plan to see you un-stoned.
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gettinontopic · 2 days
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Image ID: Image that has been dunked in an under water filter. Paragraph one says: Anti-transition is not a fundamental terf position, it does not define it, many terfs are in fact pro-transition. What you're pointing out is a generic anti-trans stance, not what terfism fundamentally is.
Paragraph two says: Transmasc TERFism (and other terfisms) for example, does not oppose transition at all and does not seek to force trans people to identify with their assigned sex. You're either dishonest or very ignorant about this subject, which isn't surprising from a tme.
Paragraph three says: Terfism involves creating/maintaining or reinforcing a power imbalance between cis women, transmascs, tme enbies (TMEs) and TMAs, where TMAs are the subordinate class and TMEs the dominant group, something in which TMEs are highly invested, even within trans spaces. Its is tagged with #transandrodork. Image ID End]
Anti-transition is a very common defining things t-rfs believe um what?
I was attacked before I was trans for being a gnc women who wanted top sugary. They wanted me to be a tit keeping cis person with she/her pronouns so fucking bad.
T-rfs who are pro surgery get more backlash than most other terfs from what I can tell bc T-rfs "believe in biology" and transitioning even as a cis person is against that shit
T-rfs are obsessed with the ideology of forcing somone to identify with their birth sex. It's seeped into nearly every argument they make. They're constantly telling us what parts they assume we have and how we are baed on those parts. That's forcing aomeone to identify with their birth sex!
T-rfs want me detraisitoned and if I don't they've told me to I'll myself enough time to know they want dead as an alternative. Those are my options: Gender traiter (even when I was cis!) or dead.
The term is
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
I am trans
Therfore they exclude me and anyone who come across as me.
Not to mention t-rfs ideology first and formost is to uphold the genders and roles of white supremacy above all else and that's why a majory of them are white
Edit: I saw this persons blog after. She has only rbs starting at Feb18 and has a very high chance of being a t-rfs herself attempting to sow seeds between us and transfems.
I unfortunately am seeing people unironically agree so this post stays up to fight misinformation.
But if you find the user attached to this post block and move away, she will not engage in good faith, only using peoples need to be reactionary to coax in fighting.
Stay away and stay safe, and know that t-rfs will never win!
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Genshin Impact Kami Scaramouche Alternate Universe
Or GIKSAU for short A short world building post of what it would look like if The Balladeer won
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Right so let's talk about Scaramouche. As much as we adore him being Wanderer I feel as though we brush past his godhood far too quickly, I am here to correct that error with an AU.
What if he won? What would he do?
This blog will basically be my interpretation on what could happen, however there are plenty of other timelines that I may briefly mention.
He wouldn't enjoy endless power for long, the Tsaritsa still wants the Archon's Gnosis for whatever reason, and I highly doubt she'd just let him have it. His grace period lasts for a few days at most. He will be in a constant state of anxiety when the Fatui inevitably make their move to take his Gnosis back. On the surface, the Fatui have total control over Sumeru, but underneath that mist of deception is a tense stand-off between Scaramouche and an army. Both sides awaiting for the other's first move.
A fight between Harbingers will come eventually.
Scaramouche needs to plan carefully. Dottore made him, and he can take him apart just as easily.
As much as Scaramouche would adore waging war against the Electro Archon, he must focus on the war currently knocking down his door.
Dwelling on that could take years off of my lifespan so let's move onto something ever so slightly less tense.
As intense as the Fatui can be, it's expected that the people are affected too. Sumeru, known for its colourful culture has taken a bleak turn. The colours are darker, the air crackles with something suffocating, and it's already beginning to become dystopian. Even the forests have gotten darker.
The only "safe" place is the desert. Plenty of people have fled to Aaru Village to escape the wrath of the Fatui. Rations are slimmer, entitlement is at an all time high, and the village is overpopulating.
So many still held out hope for Lesser Lord Kusanali, but that hope was swiftly stomped out during her public execution.
The Sages cannot even celebrate their victory. After discovering their plans to manipulate Scaramouche, the god decided to make an example out of Azar. Not one of the Sages will step a foot out of line now.
The culture would not change overnight, but Inazuman inspired themes would begin popping up in everyday fashion, architecture and cuisine. The mixture of two separate cultures aren't always smooth, but Scaramouche's underlings find a way to make it work.
The city would expand, aristocrats from Snezhnaya finding their new vacation home, or some moving permanently. The higher class would take over the city in no time, and the remaining Sumeru residents must adapt if they wish to stay. Dori has certainly been having a lovely time engaging with more people with her acquired tastes.
The arts have not completely died, but it is more or less preserved for the higher class. Scaramouche could care less, this is more of the doing of the people, it's considered a great honour if he shows up for a performance. Zubayr Theatre has been completely renovated, it's one of the only places without an Inazuman touch to it. Nilou fought tooth and nail to keep it that way.
Nilou is still praised for her stunning performances, but it's always spoken in a condescending manner. Very similar to how obnoxious tourists speak to the residents. The theatre seats are always full, the only reason being so that the aristocrats can claim to be cultured. Poor Nilou being used as an object for someone to brag about. Her passion for dancing has nearly been drained from her, the only time she's happy is when she's dancing with the children of Aaru village.
Don't think I've forgotten about Haypasia. In honour of her being Scaramouche's first follower, she has been appointed as the High Priestess of Sumeru. Her sermons are passionately insane, speaking of sacrificing their mind to their god, purging their own human emotions. Only the extremists seem to appear to the temple regularly.
Soon a new face will arrive some time after, when Scaramouche has asserted his dominance over the nation. You will witness first hand of the unspoken truths of the city.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Peeped the horrors
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egophiliac · 1 year
you don't play on the en server?
nope, I play JP! been there since day one, babyyyy ✌️
I do sometimes try to check in on where EN is, but it's not always super clear (I think they might've finished episode 6? except in only two parts...?) so I try to spoiler-tag over-judiciously just in case. :') though I did see it's getting Kelkkarotu soon, which is -- well okay the first part kind of drags but once it picks up it's one of my favorites, I'm excited for EN to get it! REVEL IN THE COMFY WINTER OUTFITS
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Thinkings thinkings of Fatui!Kaeya have been reawakened in reviewing Arle's teasers/animations
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Whether it's Dad!Pierro or not; I do love the idea of him being left in the care of the Fatui/House of Hearth#//Tho timelines considered; he prolly would be in Pierro's personal care while Arle goes through her Traumatic Matricide Experience#//Doubt the man would want to leave him out of his sight; Khaenri'ahn/Alberich ties considered#//Or maybe he was raised/trained to fight under Signora. Or even for Columbina (her namesake's ties to Pierro's; considered)#//Tho also do LOVE the idea of Kae and Taru growin up together in the Fatui ranks and being the disastrous + shy boi duo#//Tho Kae'd prolly have less to hide/fear with them when it comes to his heritage. The strictness he'd be raised with though...#//Eh; Taru could bring him out of his shell even still jdbgfkf. If anyone can; he deffo could. His little wintry sunshine#//So maybe he'd grow into his peacock self a little more naturally; even if perhaps still out of necessity/for ease of his missions#//Less of a facade to hide his grief/missing pieces tho; more like the way Taru is charming & goofy to lower people's guards#//Still has his little habit of testing people deffo is Much worse and much more sadistic when it comes down to it#//Particularly towards fellow Fatui who disrespect him or their comrades; or just someone he ends up disliking in general#//Does 'test' new comrades; but is more willing to step in & help them if need be. Wants UTMOST trust; determination & loyalty in his men#//So will only ever take those who push to complete the mission at all costs; even themselves/willingly ask him for help when they need it#//Dislikes those who run; & LOATHES cowards who abandon comrades to save themselves; he WILL deliberately make sure they don't make it back#//Still employs his intel gathering methods as normal verse; but has preying mantis tendencies when it comes down to it nbcfjgf#//ESP if they try to take advantage of/blackmail him in some way. Or worse; those who betray him. He is meticulous & VERY ruthless abt it#//His signature is decapitation & an unmelting (Abyssal energy-laced) ice shard through the heart; around which he'd carve a stylized one#//If those informants keep being useful to him; they are safe; and treated so lovingly by him; spoiled rotten with gifts & favors aplenty#//Once they lose their usefulness...well; regrettably he cannot leave any loose ends. These become frozen as statues for him to keep#//'Precious mementos of lovers & conspirators'; he'd call them. He'd keep them in his private home in Snezhnaya#v; glacialis pavonis (fatui!kaeya)#//If he had to have a Harbinger title/name (maybe bumped up for when Scara erases himself); he'd prolly be l'Innamorato#//Fitting of his methods (is also the remaining role of Commedia dell'arte lololol). He is saccharine sweet; pretty & deadly as a belladonn#//Deffo would have tango-based motifs rather than waltz; would favor frost-laced roses. Might even leave those with his victims too#//Can you tell I listened to Rondo Across Countless Kalpas as I wrote this up jhbfjgkfhf#hc; kaeya#//I mean yeah lol. I have so many more thinkings abt this verse aaAAAA#//Am torn if I want his to use a Cryo Delusion; or have him with Cryo Vision and an Anemo Delusion. Do like that for Cryo Swirls#//Then his rage/scorn could be likened to a Blizzard. Do like that image. Deffo favors his Abyssal powers more tho; maybe THAT'd be better
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
ur grading people and if they get an f theyre blocked? my main you aint a kindergarten teacher this is a microblogging platform
yeah, that's why there's that function called blocking! :) cuz this is a microblogging site! that's what microblogging platforms have! :) so you don't have to put up with people's shit! :) interesting that kindergarten teachers where you live are capable of blocking people in real life, hope you had fun with that
#spot says stuff#this is the INTERNET You are the one who curates your own fucking experience and if i dont like someones vibes or what theyre saying to me-#-they are going to get blocked! ''grading'' people??? its called judging people and having set boundaries and self respect#im not here to conform to strangers tastes n the need to Watch Me i dont care about that more than i care about myself#i am not a ''content creator'' i am not someone with some power like a ''kindergarten teacher'' i am a stranger to All of you and-#-just another tumblr user and i dont owe you fucking anything just like nobody Here owes me anything besides base respect#n base respect includes watching what you say to people. i dont have to put up with strangers faults. im holding everyone here accountable-#-for their actions and words because i believe that you are capable of being a good considerate human person n acting sensibly#what would happen if i blocked a person on Tumblr Dot Com. the goddamn apocalypse? please. blocking isnt controlling people around you-#-its Boundaries. you can get over some random bitch blocking you on the internet. its not my responsibility if someone decides that their-#-entire emotional wellbeing depends on a *Stranger*#i have P@NSEAR blocked cuz i just Dont like their content. if someone ''gets an F'' from me for behaviour then MAYBE theres a REASON?#''ur grading people'' goddammit man who Isnt judging the people around them and the interaction they have with them#HOW many times ive said ''feel free to block me!'' in a positive way cuz of smth as small as a too gorey design. what do u think-#-blocking is ysee??? ''you are acting entitled'' because i AM! i AM entitled to having a good comfortable experience on the INTERNET#just like ANY OF YOU. please anon! you dont like my way of treating myself on the Internet do just that! block me! i wont throw a fuss??#if Anyone here doesnt like the smallest aspect of me judge me. i invite you to. judge me and if that aspect is too loud for you Block me#to get along with this anons absolutely correct n in place anecdote: Grade Me. give me an F. boot me from the school whatever That means#keep yourself safe and make your experience on the internet comfortable#i cant tell if youre one of those dumb anon askers who r just lookin for attention or fight Or a reasonable person but heres my look at it#entertain it before you disregard it. got me pissed off from the moment i wake up u dont even know bout my whole blockin system dear god
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you ever just think about clark kal-el superman kent and just.
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#HE'S AN IMMIGRANT HES LONELY HES ISOLATED BUT HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE IN HIM#HE FACES THE WORST OF HUMANITY ALL THE TIME AS SUPERMAN#EVEN AS A JOURNALIST HE SEES AND INVESTIGATES AND FINDS OUT THE WORST BUT IN THE END HE STILL KEEPS FIGHTING#BECAUSE HE LOVES HUMANITY AND HE BELIEVES AND HOPES THAT PEOPLE CAN BE BETTER AND THAT THEY ARE BETTER#AND HE FIGHTS FOR EVERYONE HE FIGHTS FOR EVERYONE WHO'S EVER FELT ALONE AND ISOLATED AND LIKE NO ONE GETS THEM#he's just a farm boy from kansas but he's an alien but he's a superhero and he's all three at the same time but also not#he's clark kent and kal el and superman#he's a good writer#he is a GOOD MAN!#I LOVE HIM‼️‼️‼️#bluebird.txt#he <33333333333333#i just love that scene in the very first episode of lois & clark#clark met lex luthor and knew from the beginning that this guy was a greedy bad of shit who kills innocent people without even caring#if he thought it could make him more money and give him more power#and he hears lex say 'i like that everyone has to look up to see me' because his building is so tall#'i love that everyone else has to look up to see me i like people feeling like im above them because i genuinely think i am'#'i see every single person as expendable and only as a means to my ends and i don't care about them because i am the only one who matters'#and at the very end after superman has made his debut by saving the very rocket that lex tried to destroy in so many ways#so that HE singularly could profit from it#at the end of the episode and the beginning of superman he confronts luthor and he's like no. if you're making people look up to you#it should not be to make them feel scared and inferior. it should be to give them hope.#and clark (as luthor) says 'if you ever need to find me all you have to do is Look Up.'#DOES HE KNOOWWW!!!!! HOW MUCH I LOVE HIIMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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daz4i · 11 months
bro i hate my country's politicians so much it's unreal
#i truly and sincerely hope they all die in a fire i am not even slightly joking#they promote violence and encourage an even deeper split between the people. bc it helps them#and it's disgusting. they don't care who they hurt as long as they get more power#actually they DO care who they hurt. they WANT to hurt people!! that's how they get more right wing voters!!!!!#they openly and proudly announce they want palestinians dead and out of their homes and it's sickening#(the fact this is WHY people vote them is even more sickening. they fact they were allowed to get this far is awful)#in addition to that they ofc want the lgbt community dead and they actively hurt women's rights bc how can they not :^)#i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here#sorry for talking politics. i try to avoid it but everyone on social media is talking about it. i'm so tired i hope we all explode fr#actually i'm not done i really need to vent lol#it really feels like there's no hope. the fact it keeps happening. and it gets worse every election cycle#and it's all bc fucking netanyahu is trying to avoid going to jail :^) i hope he dies today right now actually#for years everyone on the left jokes abt moving to another country but now it's becoming literally real#many people already HAVE left the country!!!!! like how fucked up is that!!!!!! that's how bad things are here!!!!!!#there's been rallies and protests for months now. i think nearly half a year at this point bc i remember it started in the winter#but obviously it doesn't do jack shit. bc why would it. if none of the right wing politicians literally get murdered -#- there is no real threat to them and so they have no actual reason to care. i sincerely think someone should take one for the team -#- and kill one of them lol i truly think this is the only solution at this point.#not to mention many of them are literally just. gross people. you hear them talk and can tell they have no experience in politics#they're all violent and constantly yell and this is how they appeal to the other violent people here#which is also why i think violence is the only way they'll understand. but alas if the left becomes violent we will be hated even more#ignoring the fact they have been violent this whole time yeah? they literally try to RUN OVER PROTESTERS#do you see why i have no hope here. do you see why i hate this so much. how can one be optimistic about this. everything sucks
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camptw1nk · 1 year
I wish tumblr was. Easier
#it just feels very. hard to kinda get things going sometimes#mostly its pretty easy on kurt but i can not emphasize enough that my other blogs are not inactive bc i dont want to do things#i log on to every blog i have every day and i try to reach out to people but. really only a small handful interact#and that handful follows me everywhere and is always trying and thats very nice!! i appreciate it a LOT!!!#but when a blog is at over 100 followers and u struggle to get more than 5 people to talk to you its. discouraging#esp bc so many people will also just. not read a single thing ab ur muse#there are people who have approached me who didn't know jason had powers. when that is. plastered everywhere#and that also happened when he had the url expheiriment and his graphics were entirely fire themed#like idk i have so many muses that i love and i try so hard with but no ones as excited as i am#and thats fine i dont expect them to get excited ab every muse its just. idk it feels like so much work to go on my other blogs#bc i show up and try to get interactions and a couple people send memes in but those memes wont always lead to more#i keep going to multimuse blogs so that i dont. have so many blogs that are ignored and i can tell myself im active and people care but#its usually only the same handful of muses that people care about#so ill make a solo blog for a passion muse but they're not one of the ones people were there for so it goes nowhere#idk im just. im very tired of tumblr but i dont want to leave you know#i just. idk i want to feel more like this is a fun little hobby and i can enjoy it but i dont. know how to do that#negative cw
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pocketramblr · 11 months
This is said with an academic lack of judgment but I think pavb¡e shippers and m¡gb shippers are divergent evolution of the same ancestor: no¡rham shippers
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mrfoox · 2 years
Actually I love accents. Like no matter how good you become at languages you still have some sounds/letters you pronounce in a specific way, that's actually very cute
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frogspawned · 2 years
i hate it when a story can’t commit to the bit. nothing makes me drop a book faster than a writer reneging on their own rules. like, you made it up! you can change the rules, no matter how outlandish, to serve the plot you want. and then you just do... that. it’s weak
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