#moth mc
shalfeiwreath · 6 months
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moth--blood · 5 months
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ponifies your Obey Me characters
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phantomsalamander · 1 month
MCYT screenshots part 8
What. How. Am I on part 8 of this madness.
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theladyofshalott1989 · 2 months
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As a little treat to myself for the first anniversary of my Sebastian Sallow x m!mc series (Like Moths to a Flame [ Wattpad link ] [ AO3 link ]), I commissioned the absolutely spectacular @rhewart for a scene of Sebastian and Damien from chapter 34 ("Happiness, Its Gates Guarded by Dragons") of the sequel, Burning Bright, and boy, did she deliver (and then some)! My jaw is still on the floor. Happy one year, Sebastian and Damien <333 It's been such a joy writing you two.
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sparrowchute · 29 days
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Here's a bunch of text post doodles!!!!
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sleepywitchlory · 7 months
A night time date with 7th year Sebby 🌹
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cathedralcomic · 1 year
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little crazy love song — mary oliver
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eunuchboy · 2 years
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A Heart of Ice and Jade
I finished SWBTS a while ago and I love general ouyang so much! I’ve been waiting to read the book since 2020 but only got my book a few days ago, ahhhh it feels so surreal! well written eunuch antags are so rare in historical fiction and I never thought I’d live to see one beautifully written like a trans mlm, this really satisfies my incredibly specific niche (I’ve been fascinated by the concept for years), sorry I don’t know how to authentically describe how much ouyangs character means to me, he’s genuinely (almost) everything I’ve wanted to see in historical fiction, like oh my goodness... he raised the eunuch antag bar way too high now I’m gonna be disappointed when I read anything else
thank you if you read my entire paragraph above I feel like its really hard to articulate just how much I love ouyang as a gay dude with a eunuch hyperfixation... hope u like the art!
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boarself · 1 year
Matching profile icons idea
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rhyzzzzzz · 14 days
Something in my personal hermitcraft daydream, is that after Mumbo consumes Grians soul in season 8, there's the thing about mumbo now having a waffle on his head.
Now,, I'm not really sure what a waffle would be in real hairstyle standards, but I think Grian has messy hair. So Mumbo, who used to have super neat and tidy hair, now just can't seem to get it to behave.
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moth--blood · 7 months
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attic club lunch outting 👍
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phantomsalamander · 2 months
MCYT Chat Screenshots (Part 5)
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5 Pictures for part 5! I have way too many of these haha
This is actually the end of the ones I have saved up, so updates to this “series” will be slower now that I’m going to have to find new ones before I post them :)
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shoechoe · 2 months
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sparrowchute · 8 days
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Happy pride month!!!! I provide nothing but doodles im sorry in advance (I use she/her for both Hofnarr and Gonne, pls be respectful of that in tags/reblogs!!)
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Was rereading the Naga!AU and pregnant Zookeeper MC, so what are the Zoo Moths reactions to pregnant MC?
Sans: Mc starts visiting Sans more and more as her pregnancy goes on. She doesn’t realise its because her body is craving his relaxing pheromones to relieve her of the constant aches and stress. When she sits with him, the pain in her back and feet slowly disappears, the nausea that accompanies her everywhere finally ebbs away, she feels like she can lean back and relax; she really shouldn’t... but when she’s having trouble sleeping through the night, a long nap in Sans’ enclosure is often too good to resist. Especially considering how soft he is.
... As for Sans... he’s euphoric. This is exactly what he’s been waiting for, he knows he’s succeeded. This is why he’s been so calculating, this is exactly why he’s spent months putting on fake gentle smiles and easy expressions, masking his possessiveness and instinctive aggression behind purring and preening. This is his patience and carefulness paying off. In (arguably) her most vulnerable state, she’s not only actively seeking him out, she’s then letting down her guard entirely. The other two can snarl and posture sulk all they like... at the end of the day, she’s coming to him for safety. For affection, for care. Because he’s her TRUE mate.
While she’s sleeping, he likes to put his hands on her stomach. He always wants to protect that part of her... and it’s nice to feel their the baby’s Soul. 
Red: Initially, Red shows no difference in behaviour. When he first realises she’s pregnant, he just reacts by being very gentle and cute with her, pinching her cheeks and purring with a dazzlingly wide grin; Mc’s relieved, she was cautious, afraid the pregnancy might trigger his crazy state and make him unsafe to be around. But he seems calm, he seems like his normal teasing self, curious about her belly but with a noticeable cautiousness that definitely eases her fears.
Then she steps out of the enclosure, and a fellow employee gets a bit too close to her for Red’s liking. He goes nuts, charging the enclosure walls with the red of his wings glowing bright enough to be visible in daylight, steaming from the mouth and snarling so loud people in the next room over can feel it in their chests. The anger is worse than anything anyone’s ever seen, even in his most intense insane states; sometimes he doesn’t look like Red anymore.
The message is loud and clear. Red doesn’t like seeing anyone get close to her. He’s puppy-gentle with Mc, but he’ll attack anyone who so much as breathes too close to her. 
Skull: The moment he realised she was pregnant was key. He was happy to see her and he put his face in her hair like he always does, but he seemed to pick up on a scent that confused him. He moved down and smelled her cheek, accidentally causing her to giggle... then he crouched all the way down, and carefully sniffed around her stomach.
... And just like that, his entire demeanour flipped. Shy, scared, clingy Skull disappeared. Whatever took his place has a steely stare, a dark expression, an eerie smile that says nothing and a touch that doesn’t give you a choice. Mc is understandably very nervous about his sudden personality switch- as soon as she can, she slips out of his enclosure and refuses to go back in.
He’s changed. When she’s nearby, he gets incredibly aggressive and territorial with other staff, even the ones he tolerated before. He’s massively agitated by even her usual routine disappearances. He starts concealing his food, glowing his wings and staring at her nonstop... but the thing that worries her the most is the fact that he’s stopped hiding. Now, rather than going back to his den, he paces back and forth in his enclosure on all six limbs, growling incessantly. If she’s outside his cage he’ll be right up against the glass watching her, and if she’s not there he’ll pace the length of it like a restless tiger.
Mc’s scared. This isn’t the gentle moth she grew to trust, this is a frightening creature whose eye tells her to come here but whose very presence causes her instincts to scream. Until he starts acting normal again, she’s not risking it.
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Finally drew (one of) the au idea(s) from this
So now i give you, big spider mc and a small spider Eclipse who keeps stealing their food
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