#my daddy issues are completely unrelated
rookesbane · 3 months
if i had a nickel for every time i became obsessed with a show that has a fucked up middle aged man who does something uncharacteristically reckless to save the equally fucked up younger woman he’s unhealthily obsessed with, i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice
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nicksbestie · 2 months
hi! i’m not sure if you’re requests are open, but if they are could you write one where chris’s gf is a little and she’s scared to tell him? thank you so much 💜💜💜
We Should Talk - C. Sturniolo
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Summary : Chris discovers something that you weren't ready to tell him yet, and a tough conversation ensues.
Warnings : 1634
Word Count : Crying, mentions of anxiety
Pairing : Chris Sturniolo/Reader (romantic)
A/N : This is an age regression fic, which is purely safe for work and innocent. Any hate/disrespect towards me, my work, or readers, will not be tolerated.
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Chris had a lot of social media. Of course he did, his entire job was on the Internet.
He had to have a social media presence to continue to keep that career afloat, but there were some apps that he just didn’t see a purpose in keeping. Every now and again he would redownload some of them just to see what all was going on in their fanbase on those specific apps, but he never really stuck around for long. One of those apps was Twitter, and it was arguably one of the most toxic platforms he had ever seen. Their fanbase wasn’t terribly chaotic, but the app just had so much discourse going on in it at any given point in time that Chris had never felt like it was worth it.
 However, he was intrigued, so he had decided to download it and make a burner account so he could be private about his existence on the app, not wanting his notifications to be filled and his direct messages to be completely clogged. That did wonders for his ego every now and again, but he also never checked them and eventually it got overwhelming. But as he finished setting up the app, he saw something unrelated to his fanbase that he wasn’t expecting, at all.
When you finish setting up your account, the app asks you if you would like to sync your contacts. Chris had no issues doing this, as it would make it easier to view some of his friend’s profiles without having to search for them. To put it shortly, he wouldn’t have to go stalking. But one of the accounts that popped up after his contacts finished syncing caught his attention. It was an account covered in pastels, and the biography under it was very… interesting. 
“nxsl agere <3 big age __, little age __. obsessed with my daddy who doesn’t know he’s my daddy… yet? nsfw dni!!!”
The thing that really threw him for a loop was that when he looked to see which contact was linked to this account, he read the words “in your contacts as : my girl .” He was confused when he saw this, and curious as well, having not known about this account. He thought he had known about all of your social media, as he followed you on everything except Twitter, but he had still seen your personal Twitter account, but he had no idea you had another one. He wasn’t angry or anything, not being a controlling boyfriend, just more intrigued than anything else. He had never seen an account like this, so he began to scroll through it. 
He simply became more and more confused as he looked through the account. He saw a ton of posts about childlike things, coloring, shows, even pacifiers and bottles, and he found so many tweets in what seemed like baby talk, nearly all of them referencing your “daddy”. He really just didn’t understand what that meant until he scrolled through some replies on a post about an ask game, where your mutuals could ask you any questions, and one of them had asked you if you were single. You had of course replied with no, and the same person had asked if Chris was your carer. He didn’t really understand what that meant, but as he saw your reply, it seemed to fall into place.
“i think of him that way, but he doesn’t know. i hope he’ll be my daddy eventually!”
Daddy? The thought of it threw him for a loop. Chris was completely uncomfortable with any sort of daddy or parental kink, but there was something about this that really made him think it had nothing to do with sex. He hadn’t seen anything inappropriate at all, and he had been scrolling for a while now. So he wasn’t grossed out, because even in the biography of the account it says that it wasn’t sexual at all, but he didn’t know what to make of it. Finally, he turned to Google for help.
With the help of an Internet browser, he was able to decipher that the word “agere” was an abbreviation, for a thing called age regression. He continued to go down the rabbit hole of research and articles, and the more he read about it, the more the account made sense. He wasn’t confused or weirded out, if anything he felt sad that you hadn’t been able to come to him about this. He didn’t know how long you had been hiding this from him, and his heart hurt at the fact that you felt like he couldn’t know about it. He only felt worse for you when he saw some sad tweets, deciphering through the baby talk, seeing you upset that you were alone. 
When he found out that it was normally caused by a lot of trauma or mental health issues, he realized that it really did fit his girlfriend. You had been through a lot in a short amount of time, and he couldn’t blame you for feeling so desperate to find something that helps you. He was happy for you, more than anything, because clearly this was helping you for the majority of the time. You of course had your sad moments, but he felt like there were a lot of good moments to outweigh them. From your account presence, you seemed like you were genuinely a lot happier, filled with pure and childish joy. The more he understood, the more he wanted to be there for you, to fill that role that you clearly also wanted him to do.
 So, then came the problem of how is he going to bring this up to you? He didn’t know how he was going to move forward with this information without scaring you off or causing you to panic. You weren’t home right now, you had gone off to hang out with a friend after work, and he was expecting you back quite soon, so that only gave him a little bit of time for him to figure out how he was going to approach the situation. By the time he heard your car pull into the driveway, he was thinking that the best idea was probably to just sit down and talk to you about it, so that was exactly what he was planning on doing. 
He greeted you the same way he normally did, hugging you and telling you he missed you, and he waited until after you’d eaten and were curled up in bed together, enjoying the time you got to spend relaxing with each other to bring it up.
“Can we talk about something? It’s not bad at all, though.” 
You were definitely on edge a little bit, despite his reassurances. 
“Sure, what’s up?” 
Chris didn’t move any part of him from the way he was, not wanting you to sense a change in body language and freak out.
“So I downloaded Twitter today and decided to set up an account, and you know how it asks you if you want to sync your contacts?” 
“Yeah.. what about it?” 
You were thinking that your personal account had been linked to your number, not your secret one, so you were on edge, but hadn’t figured out why he was bringing this up yet.
“Yeah. So, an account linked to your number came up, one that I didn’t know existed.” 
Your cheeks immediately flushed red and you broke eye contact, knowing exactly what he meant now. You could feel the tears coating your waterline, anxiety building in your chest, feeling like a bomb ready to explode. You waited for the ball to drop, for something terrible to come out of Chris’ mouth, but he simply just held you closer.
“I think we should talk about it, okay?” 
Nothing but a short “I’m sorry” slipped through your lips, and Chris looked confused at your response.
“For what, baby? You did nothing wrong, I’m not angry at you.”
The realization that he had probably, if not definitely, seen everything, caused a couple of the tears to fall from your eyes, as you desperately tried to stop them from becoming full on waterworks. Chris let out a soft hum, pulling you impossibly closer, wiping tears off of your face.
“It’s okay. I promise, it’s okay. You don’t have to talk much, I can. I did research on my own, I think I understand what’s going on, I just want you to tell me what you want from me, okay? I want to be here for you, I want to help wherever I can.”
The lack of judgment, the pure acceptance, the increasing love, made you unable to hold in any emotion any longer. You cried, and Chris simply held you, letting you cry all of your feelings out.
“You’re safe with me, okay? I’m not going to judge you. I know you’ve been alone in this for a while, and that can change if you want it to. Do you want that?” 
He didn’t get a verbal reply, but he could feel the nod against his chest. 
“Okay. Do you want me to be your daddy?” 
Another nod, and you pulled your face away from his shirt, feeling bad when you saw the giant wet patch, and he immediately reassured you.
“Don’t worry, babe, it’s just a shirt. I can change. It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
“Thank you.” 
His smile was bright, as to soothe your fear, but his eyes showed sympathy.
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m more than happy to be here for you. I love you, and you’re going to be okay.” 
As you whispered your own confession of love back to him, you knew it was true. 
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taglist : @blahbel668 @mattsgirlfrieeend @69isabella69 @mayhem-72 @iculdstealurgf @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @sturnioloslife @heartsforkarina @nervousrebelglitter @sturniclo @elliegrace-7 @mattsturnioloisbae @strnilo
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guacamoleroll · 4 months
bestieeee whe'res the fyodor death analysis
i'm sorry anon !! i've become very caught up in incredibly important business (totally not watching the season finale of hazbin hotel).
on a completely unrelated note, may i introduce you to the man who miraculously cured all my daddy issues:
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(bsd content will resume shorty! i've just been very distracted.)
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bonefall · 6 months
Just curious, is Russetfur still Raggedstar’s half sister in this universe or are they completely unrelated now? Also do you have anything on Boulder? He was always one of my favorite background cats
If they are half-sibs, it's not relevant! They won't know or care.
Chelford cats are matriarchal. Sires don't inherently play a role in the lives of their children, and seeking that sort of company is something a parent keeps discreet. Uncles and brothers fill the role of "father" in raising the kittens, with cats tracking their lineages through mothers
So Russet has no idea who her father is and doesn't care. Ngl, I also just... don't care about Hal lmaooo
(Imagine writing a super edition about one of your most popular characters, with a story that people have been begging to hear in detail for years, and then dedicating the entire opening to her shitty husband's daddy issues. Couldn't be me.)
Instead, Russetfur is related to the leader of BloodClan at that time. Brick is her sister. I might make Hal her uncle or older brother.
The conflict that occurs between BloodClan and ShadowClan at this time will cause the leader to be killed suddenly, triggering the Frenzy, the period of time during which a new leader is chosen. Pinestar is already having issues over in ThunderClan, and starts seriously thinking about leaving to go help out.
(Though it's certainly not his last straw.)
In any case... if Russetfur and her buddy Boulder had been having second thoughts about Clan life, getting the BloodClan Leader killed and burned the hell out of THAT bridge.
Russetfur and Boulder are in danger during TigerClan. Serious danger. They were loyal to Brokenstar and were safe as long as they were good warriors, but Tigerstar had his eye on them.
So, I feel they may have supported Deerfoot's Rebels, but deniably. I want Blackstar picking Russetfur to be heavily based on her participation, but I also need her to stay safe.
(Might end up having her escape and take refuge with Mistyfoot...)
Boulder is a lot more passive. I like him a LOT and want to expand his role a bit, just because... I Like Him. Literally just blorbo lmao. It's funny how the fandom consensus is just, "this guy's cool!"
I go back and forth on when Boulder's kids are born, and who they are. But he WILL be having kids
I'm set on Whitethroat being one of them, and leaning towards Wetfoot being another.
If Wetfoot is one of Boulder's kids, Firestar knows Boulder as a concerned dad. Wetfoot is going to get a bigger role as a friend in ShadowClan and Deerfoot Rebel.
In my head, Boulder likes the community of Clan life more than the violence, but because he's huge and served under tyrannical leaders he gets forced into battles he doesn't enjoy.
He massively regrets following Russetfur, honestly. He doesn't want to leave and go rebuild his reputation in BloodClan... but he also wishes he never came here.
In my heart, TPB is like the WORST period in this poor guy's life. Background character going through an absolute WRINGER
He's anxious for himself, anxious for his friends, anxious for his kids. Loses Whitethroat. Might lose Wetfoot to the Plague. Serves under TigerClan, terrified that if he isn't a perfect warrior he will get killed.
(And he's right. His fear is warranted. If Russetfur does something, like if I go with her being a refugee in ThunderClan, HE is going to get punished.)
And, of course, he is eventually used by Tigerstar to open up talks with BloodClan.
Even though he has Sasha, Nightwhisper, and Jaggedtooth to serve the same purpose... Tigerstar chooses Boulder.
He doesn't trust Jaggedtooth after he "fails" to contain the prisoners that escape to ThunderClan. He "proved" his loyalty by following his order to execute Deerfoot, but Jaggedtooth is now at the bottom of the pecking order.
Sasha is being reduced to a mate Tigerstar can control, even though she served as one of his mercenaries. He doesn't give her ANY agency.
Nightwhisper is a stupid tool, in Tigerstar's eyes. He does not respect his intelligence, just his eagerness.
So Boulder is chosen. He's smart enough to translate properly, fearful enough to do what Tigerstar says, has lived long enough as a Clan cat... and if he HAS any remaining kids, there is the implicit threat that if Boulder tries something funny, his child is who will pay for it.
After TigerClan ends, I feel like Boulder is desperate to retire early, but also feels like he can't ask for it. He's only survived this long because of his usefulness. It would be hard to trust that he can just... not serve, anymore.
If I can scrounge up more kits for ShadowClan (IT'S SO SMALL), I also would like him to end up having another litter mid-Po3.
Hopefully one of the kids of his first survived, so I can play around with the harrowing dynamic of, "Our dad is so much happier while raising you... I envy my younger sibling's childhood."
And on a final note, Boulder is probably going to get a Warrior Name during TPB. It doesn't really make sense that he just keeps his old one, unfortunately, when Clan Culture is at its most xenophobic and he's in active danger. He'll get Boulder back as a request between TPB and TNP.
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Educational Experiences part 2
(Part 1)
Jon: What’s phase two again?
Damian: And what exactly was phase one? And what is it phase one OF?
Jason: Facilitating romantic bonding experiences. That’s your plan, right?
Damian: Well I wouldn’t say MY plan, per se…
Jason: Look, do you want Tim and Conner to stop awkwardly flirting or not?
Damian & Jon: Yes.
Jason: Then have no fear, my young padawans. This will yield guaranteed results.
Damian, whispering: You couldn’t have called Grayson, Kent?
Jon, whispering back: I told you, I panicked!
Damian, louder: And your first thought when in panic was to call TODD?!?
Jason, smirking: Oh ye of little faith.
Damian, sighing loudly: Fine. Care to explain how getting Luthor investigated is going to result in Drake and other Kent no longer causing us suffering through their pitiful attempts at romance?
Jason: Other Kent?
Damian: *raises an eyebrow*
Jason: Wow, you look just like mom when you do that.
Jason, clapping hands together: Anyway! Phase one, environmental preparation, is complete.
Jon: And phase two?
Jason: Phase two, introduction of test subjects into said environment is a go.
Damian: I have yet to hear how this plan is supposed to work.
Jon: Well, they both detest Luthor, right?
Damian: Right…
Jon: So they’ll be excited about him, uh, what was it again?
Jason: Experiencing unrelenting karmic retribution.
Jon: Right. That. So then they’ll fight him together and then kiss or something, I don’t know.
Damian: I need more details than that.
Jason: Playful banter as they fight villains and daddy issues, adrenaline fueled emotions, a moment of shared joy, a sudden lack of awareness of anything else happening around them, a brief interruption to punch out a bad guy, a resumption of previous emotion filed gazes, a mutual effort to come closer in slow motion, a passionate-
Damian: Less. I need less details.
Jon: So what do you think?
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johanna-swann · 4 days
They really wasted that dinner date scene, too, in my opinion. Like, you go through all the trouble of actually squeezing a cute Bucktommy scene that's completely unrelated to any of the major plots into an already more than full episode and what do you do with it? Daddy issue jokes. When there's already a bunch of Tommy haters "on the loose".
They could've had Tommy be impressed by Buck's cooking. They could've talked about Buck's role in the Diaz drama (Tommy is Eddie's friend too). It could've been an opportunity to compare Bobby snd Gerrard more. They could've given us more on Tommy's background in a way that sparks curiosity and empathy instead of "Wtf was that a daddy kink joke?". But no.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
Father Dearest
Characters: Will Halstead x Reader, Maggie, April
Warnings: Mentions of shitty parents/daddy issues, swearing
Summary: More than two decades later, your 'dad' has the audacity to show his face again.
A/N: I feel like I haven't written for my man Will in ages so sorry for the wait or anything bad your about to read. I'd also like to let you know in advance that this is a decently lengthy one.
Part two
"Where were you this morning?" Will asked you, suddenly appearing in front of you. He woke up this morning to your side of the bed completely empty and after not finding you in the rest of the apartment, there was only one other place you could be.
You looked up from your patients chart, pressing your lips together, trying to hide a smile. "Well, good morning to you too dear husband of mine."
Will rose a brow, shocked that you were calling him your husband in such a public space. When the two of you went on holiday, it was a spur of the moment idea to get hitched and ever since you came back two months ago, you hid it from everyone you knew besides Jay because he was way too nosy when it came to his older brothers love life.
"You haven't said anything, have you?" Will whispered back. You successfully diverted the conversation topic which you were very proud of, once again, you suppressed your smile by pretending to be immersed in work.
You shook your head, glancing up from your tablet to your husband who was staring at you in adoration. He couldn't put it into words just how much he loved you but anyone with common sense could see the love he had for you in just his loving gazes.
"Where were you this morning?" Will asked again, unrelenting and proving you wrong. You didn't successfully change the topic and you were back to where you were in the first place.
Biting the inside of your lip, you set down the tablet and put all your focus on your redheaded man. Struggling to not smile, you let yourself slip, your lips uncurling and eventually becoming a smirk.
Will easily folded under your smile.
"Your gorgeous." You beamed, complimenting him. Once again, your diverted the attention from being on you and shoved it all onto Will who was malfunctioning after hearing what you called him.
Will opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, only stutters which was interrupted by your favourite charge nurse coming towards you two.
"Times up lovers." She said snarkily, her eyes not leaving her brick as she handed Will a new tablet. "Man in six needs attention."
"Thanks Mags." You smiled at the woman, watching her walk away while she looked between the two of you, sending you a smile of her own before she was gone.
"Come on." You patted Will's arm, already moving away from the nurses desk. "I'll help you."
Mindlessly, Will followed after you, not even bothering to look at the information on the tablet but keeping his eyes on your back. It was more than clear who he was smitten for.
You gave a quick nod towards April who was also walking towards treatment six, assisting you and Will with your next patient.
"Hi." Will started, giving his complimentary smile as he slid open the curtains. "I'm Dr Halstead, this is Doctor Y/L/N and nurse Sexton. What seems to be the problem?"
Standing besides your husband, you saw the patient at the same time as he did. It didn't matter if you only saw his side profile or if you hadn't seen him since you were sixteen because you would recognise that face anywhere in the world at anytime.
You were caught off guard, freezing on the spot, refusing to step into the treatment room as you found yourself in a sudden onslaught of memories which you would be more accurately classified as trauma.
Will and April looked at you in confusion. Never had they seen you so frozen and in shock. They didn't share the same feelings you had and following your line of sight, they were one hundred percent sure they didn't know nor did they recognise the man that was their patient.
"Ah." The man said in satisfaction, smirking at you. Somehow he recognised you despite how different you looked. Despite having grown around an inch, dyeing your hair and cutting it, moving out of state and changing your entire look, he found you and he knew exactly who you were.
Will hesitated to say anything, preferring to ask you in private but April did it for him.
"Do you two know each other?" April asked, looking back and forth from you and the man. She'd known you for a very long time and could proudly call you her friend but for you all to do your jobs, she needed to ask.
"You never told them?" He questioned, looking at you and you only, acting as if April and Will weren't in the room. "I'm hurt daughter, truly hurt."
Now Will understood. Very few times you let him know of your life when you were still living with your dad and the few things you said only increased Will's hatred for your dad.
"It's fine April." You mumbled, weakly musturing up a smile before turning to exit the treatment room. It against hospital policy to treat family and even though you didn't consider the man in front of you to be your relative, you did still share DNA. Will and April could handle this, if not, you could grab Ethan or Natalie on your way out.
"Oh, your not going to help out your old man?" Your dad asked, his smile still there as he watched you stop in your tracks. "You really haven't changed since you were sixteen."
You scoffed, shaking your head incredulously with a bitter smile. Turning around, you started to laugh. "Your real funny but you've never been my dad and contrary to your belief, I helped you out tonnes."
Just as you were going to turn around and leave for proper this time, you were unaware that he got up and made his way to you but before he could reach you, Will stood in his way, using his body to shield you entirely from the man he knew caused you too much pain.
"Sir, I suggest you take a step back and sit down." Will gritted his teeth, raising his voice just a little so people outside the room could hear and were now aware of what was happening just in case.
In the corner of your eye, you saw everything stand to attention, all turning around and looking in your direction. You managed to look Maggie in the eye who just so happened to be standing with Dr Charles and Ethan. Subtly, you shook your head but she was simply going to pretend she didn't see you refuse any help.
"You have no right. I'm her father and she's my daughter." You rolled your eyes at his statement. Not once in his life did he even call you his daughter but the time that he needed your help, only then did he call you his daughter and it was only so he could benefit from it.
"Don't bend too far back, you're going to hurt yourself." You said in fake concern, snapping snarkily. Looking at him idely, you really wanted to give him a piece of your mind but you didn't want to create a bigger scene than what this already was.
"Let them check you out, give you a full clean bill of health and you can be gone, out of everyone's hair." You said with a tight lipped smile. "You'll be doing all of us a favour."
And with that, you left the treatment room, walking towards the small group of doctors and the nurse that had been keenly watching from a distance. You softly smiled at their concerned faces, automatically waving them off and saying it was nothing you couldn't handle.
"He seems like a dream." Maggie said sarcastically, watching behind you as your dad was dragged back onto the bed by Will and April. Both of them kept their faces straight but were internally boiling, wanting nothing else than to be anywhere besides with you 'dad'.
"He's a dick." You huffed, crossing your arms as you caught the surprised face Dr Charles causing you to frantically apologise for your swearing, forgetting you were a fully grown adult that could say anything she wanted to.
"I haven't seen him since I left home at sixteen." You said, reminding yourself that it'd been more than a decade since you ran from that poor excuse of a father. "The faster he's gone, the ED will feel lighter and less toxic."
You tried brushing off the very obvious elephant in the room, actively refusing to address your childhood trauma in front of a literal psychiatrist who was also your friend.
No one needed you crying in the middle of the ED when you reminisced a second of your first sixteen years of your life.
After what felt like days of being on shift but it was only really five hours, you were finally on your break. You were in the cafeteria, sipping on the coffee you just bought while nibbling at a pastry which you were forcing yourself to eat despite your non-existent appetite.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you failed to hear the footsteps coming in your direction, not noticing the feet stopped by the table you were sitting at alone.
"Y/N." The voice was coarse and had power to it, showing everyone they were not to be messed with. There was only one person you knew had that voice because it just so happened to be the same voice that tortured you in your sleepless nights.
Dragging your eyes up and away from your food, you looked at your dad with nothing but dullness in your eyes. He wasn't wearing a white hospital wristband and he was in his normal clothes instead of a gown which only meant one thing.
He'd been discharged from the hospitals care within less than an hour of being here. Obviously, there was nothing wrong with him from the beginning leading you to think he found out were you worked and came looking for you.
"You all better now?" You said sharply, trying not to show that you were struggling to maintain eye contact with him because if you did, you were showing weakness and that would make him feel like he was on top of the world.
He completely ignored you question, his eyes burning holes into yours as he looked you up and down. You felt like hurling when he smirked, his eyes meeting yours again.
"What do you want?" You asked straight up, no longer wanting to beat around the bush. The quicker he was gone, the better for everyone whether or not they were involved.
"Just wanted to come and see my daughter." He smiled innocently but you could clearly see his malicious intent. "Is that such a crime? A father checking on his only child's wellbeing?"
This time, you actually felt the bile making its way up but you forced it down but taking a gulp of your coffee, wincing when you tasted that it was decaf, mentally cursing yourself and your husband who you wished was with you by now.
Why did you go on break by yourself when you literally never do? You always went on break with someone from the ED but today of all days, you decided not to.
"Sir, I suggest you back up before I'm forced to call security." Will appeared out of literal thin air. He was at your side, blocking your dad from coming any closer to you.
He held his hands up, trying to show his complacency and he wasn't going to cause any more harm than what he's already done but he made no indication that he was going to walk away.
"I want my money." He finally said, ripping off the bandaid that you wished stayed on. It burned more than you remembered, feeling as though it pulled your skin and you were now bleeding.
"Mark." Will said, clenching his jaw as he remained patient. He wasn't going to lose his job over a scumbag like him but clocking him the jaw felt oh so tempting. "Back off."
"She's mine, not yours. Don't be such a fool boy." Mark stepped forward, coming chest to chest with Will but didn't feel as intimidating when he couldn't look your husband in his eye since he was a few inches shorter.
And without another word, the second your dad raised his hand to get a hold of Will, security made their way and was dragging the old man out of the hospital, paying no mind to his shouts saying he desperately needing to talk to his doctor daughter.
The silence echoed throughout the ground floor, everyone taking in what had happened before all going back to what they were doing, only some looking back to you every now and them.
"Hey, I've been looking for you." Will finally said to you, turning around as he sighed in relief when he found you all in one piece. He softly smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your temple, standing besides your chair with an arm around your waist.
You hummed, tilting your head to the side when Will simply stared at you smiling without saying anything. The silence between you two was everything you needed. He didn't hound you with any questions, nor did he ask if you were okay after your dad's sudden appearance.
Trying not to talk about a very certain man, Will looked down at your snack, deciding to steal a sip of your coffee, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion, pulling it away to ask. "Your having decaf? What have you done to my wife?"
You scoffed, your lips curling up into a smile. You playfully hit him, shoving his shoulder away from you but his arm stayed gripped onto your waist. You took the paper cup away from him, putting it back on the table.
"I thought we weren't using official titles in public?" You poked his chest with a cheeky smile, referencing the conversation you had this morning.
"You didn't answer the question." Will jokingly poked you back, reciprocating your smile as he caught onto what you were doing. He too could play this game.
"Well, daddy dearest and his presence made me realise that literally anyone could be a better parent than he ever was. I think it's because of him that I'm going to be a decently good mum." You said with pursed lips, trying to keep your smile hidden so you didn't spoil the secret before Will even understood what was happening.
Will looked at you through squinted eyes, nodding his head slowly as he agreed with what you said but then he faltered, looking as though he was malfunctioning before his eyes widened in realisation.
"Your pregnant?" He whispered, not believing what you said. You didn't say the word but he was pretty smart, he knew what you were trying to say.
You blame the hormones for your inability to speak and the water building up around your eyes but as soon as you nodded, doing so several times, you squealed when Will wrapped his arms around you, lifting you off the ground.
On instinct, your legs wrapped around his waist, your face settling into the crook of his neck while pressed multiple kisses around the side of your face. You could feel the biggest smile on his lips as he kissed you, your giggles muffled against his skin.
Oh, you were going to do so much better than your non-existent dad.
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nickthetoony · 3 months
I've been in a prolonged Star Wars mood recently which has coincided with me getting deep into Gundam so I've been comparing and contrasting their different approaches to similar ideas a lot, and I thought I might as well lay it all out in writing to get it out of my head.
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I'm specifically comparing Star Wars to UC Gundam, starting with the original Gundam which for context began airing in 1978, after A New Hope but before Empire Strikes Back. You can see a bit of A New Hope's visual influence in some aspects of Gundam.
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Both series prominently feature a laser sword of some description. "Lightsabers" in SW and "Beam Sabers" in Gundam. Other than the obvious difference of Beam Sabers being in scale with 18 meter tall mechs, there's also the difference in that the lightsaber is made out to be an elegant weapon, harkening back to a nostalgic imagining of knights and samurai, before the invention of less honorable firearms with future stories ascribing a deep cultural significance of the lightsaber to the people that made them.
The Gundam Beam Saber is in comparison a very utilitarian tool in a Mobile Suit's arsenal, usually carried right alongside rifles and bazookas. It still invokes a little bit of that knightly image, but the fact that it's usually used as a last resort weapon of desperation hampers the idea of it being a weapon of elegance or honorable combat. In a way they're more like real swords in that they're sidearms you only pull out in a battlefield when all your other options are unavailable.
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Another superficial similarity they share is their masked villains, I don't think it's a stretch to assume that Char Aznable was inspired a little bit by Darth Vader. Of course, since Gundam was pre-Empire, when so much of Vader hadn't been established yet and his most notable trait was having a cool costume, the two ended up diverging into wildly different characters.
Char is a pretty young man who uses a mask to cover his identity and Vader is old and scarred and needs the mask to breathe. Vader is the main character's father and Char is completely unrelated to his main character until they meet face to face late in the show. In a way Char is kind of more similar to Kylo Ren being masked pretty boys with daddy issues though again their arcs end up wildly diverging. Kylo and Vader both end up "redeemed" but Char isn't really the kind of character who can or should be redeemed.
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Somewhat related to the above, both Gundam and Star Wars have enemy factions who are meant to invoke Nazi Germany. Star Wars' invocation of German fascism (at least in the movies) is a lot more nebulous than Gundam's, communicating this analogy through visual reference to Nazi iconography while leaving the actions of the Empire more broadly as just general cartoon bad guy stuff.
The way Gundam compares the Principality of Zeon and the Nazis is a lot more specific and a lot more direct. The way the Zeon arms race plays out in the original is a direct parallel to the real-life Nazi wunderwaffen projects, where the Third Reich's internal friction and investments in ludicrous super weapons ended up costing them more than they gained, contributing to their eventual defeat. Gundam also takes place in our future (or atleast a future envisioned in 1978) so the real Nazis existed in this world and Hitler is brought up as a direct comparison to the original show's big bad.
(Writing this out, I had the thought that you could draw the same comparison between the Death Star and the wunderwaffen program, but idk if Star Wars itself has ever drawn that comparison.)
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Another point of comparison is that both series heavily feature mystical, psychic powers inspired by the spiritualist movements of the day. The Force for Star Wars and Newtypes for Gundam. The Force is cribbing a lot aesthetically from eastern spiritualism while Gundam takes a lot more from the visual ideas of psychedelia.
The Force is far more concrete and straightforward than Newtype-ism. A magic energy field that can be used to perform great feats of power, and which has birthed two established sects of thought that are both treated as ancient. Force users are also clearly demarcated into Good and Evil camps, with specific powers and abilities locked behind a character's individual morality.
Newtypes in Gundam are very different from Sith or Jedi though. Rather than representing an ancient struggle of good vs evil, Newtypes represent a supposed evolution of the human soul, when humanity can communicate to each other psychically in an era where miscommunication is impossible. Supposedly.
Because whereas in Star Wars, the conflict of the Force is one of primordial good and evil, the conflict of the Newtype is one of heightened spiritualist ideas butting up against the mundane reality of different people operating under different and conflicting motivations. There aren't dark or light side Newtypes in the way that Force users are categorized, all of them share the core ability to bridge physical limitations to understand each other on a deep intimate level, but does that matter when their material conditions are inherently at odds? What happens when two people understand each other perfectly and they still have to fight and kill each other?
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My last point of comparison is between the two "heroes" of both series. Luke Skywalker and Amuro Ray.
In a way, they're very similar characters. Both start out as young boys living relatively comfortable-if boring lives who are Called To Adventure and eventually awaken to their special powers to become great soldiers of their respective wars. Both are defined by the legacy of their fathers. Both are coming of age stories.
Where I find the comparison between them very interesting is the comparison of Luke at the end of his character arc (in The Last Jedi) and Amuro at the end of his (in Char's Counterattack). Luke in TLJ is a sad disillusioned old man who has failed in his attempt to rebuild the order that had been entrusted to him and who has stagnated into a miserable grandpa. For many longtime fans of the character this was a shock, and apparently for a lot of people felt like a disappointing betrayal. Because Luke was the Hero of The Rebellion, the Return of The Jedi. He was brave, and true, and more than just a normal man. So to see him so impotent felt wrong for many people.
I find it interesting that Amuro (subtler than Luke) also ends up in a similar spot, but in a way that feels far more appropriate to his character and to the tone of the narrative.
Because Amuro was not a hero. He was a child forced to become a soldier far younger than he should've been. Pressured by the dire, apocalyptic world surrounding him and the societal pressures of masculinity that hound him. Luke's inheritance from his father was a Lightsaber. A weapon of a great shining order which eventually was mutated by the Disney movies into a sort of Excalibur wielded only by the worthy virtuous heroes. Amuro's inheritance was the Gundam, the Devil's Machine, the first in a long line of military weapons, the image of which would haunt him for the rest of his tragically short life.
Amuro had at one point been a war hero, then a rebel fighting against the corrupt and self-interested Federation that had eagerly turned him into a human weapon. But his childhood of violence eventually left him no choice but to be subsumed into the military hierarchy he had at one point attempted to break free of. In terms of combat skill, Amuro was the best of the best by the end of his arc, but he had failed in every other regard. His Newtype abilities, once seen as a gateway to a future without misunderstandings, were now honed for violence. His final words ones of dumb confusion as he failed to understand the feelings of his enemy.
Luke gets the benefit of a Rey. The ability to once again become heroic and good and brave, to inhabit the comforting role of a gallant knight. And this step in his characterization is still met with confused hostility by most viewers. Amuro does not receive a similar luxury. He dies young and suddenly, with only the suggestion that his actions will eventually make things better, but it feels right with his character even for how unsatisfying it is.
Again, I don't know if I really have a coherent point with this post. Apologies if you've read this far and felt like I have wasted your time. For now, I think my main conclusion is that it's interesting to see how two different kinds of science fiction (heroic science-fantasy VS military sci-fi) approach similar ideas. I think the reason Luke's arc in TLJ fails for many is that the story of the original trilogy was fundamentally unfit to handle it. It's tacking on an unsatisfying tragedy onto a conventional, simple Hero's Journey rather than building on the foundation of societal critique the way Gundam does with Amuro.
Anyway. Bye.
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varenykmeson · 6 months
The ages in Gungrave games and Gungrave anime do not match up: an unhinged rant
Hello and welcome to "Varenykmeson goes on a long tirade about discrepancies in ages of fictional characters".
Apologies for any mistakes (English is not my native language) and strap in because this post gets pretty long:
The games tell us little to nothing so I had to refer to the Gungrave Archives, copy of which I do not possess, and therefore had to scrape off all the following information from this video on YT and especially this page (approx. 7:00 time mark):
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Even though the quality of the screenshot is pretty ... bad, with some desperate squinting you can dig up this information:
Beyond the Grave - Age: 29 (at time of death) Mika Asagi - Age: 14 Dr. T (Tokioka) - Age: Late 50's Bob Poundmax - Age: Around 33 Balladbird Lee - Age: Around 35 (unfortunately, the paragraph for Bear Walken is an accidental copy of Bunji's. Shame.) Bunji Kugashira - Age: Around 36 Harry McDowell - Age: 42 Big Daddy - Age: Mid 50's (at the beginning of the story) Maria Asagi - Age: 29 (at the beginning of the story)
Now, is that consistent with the information in the anime?
When it comes to Brandon himself, according to his tombstone in episode 15 he died at age 27, which is slightly off.
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(also on an unrelated note, damn, the anime is taking place really far in the future and also guess we now have an official date for the infamous elevator incident :( )
Mika is mostly likely 13 years old (or 12 and approaching 13) in the anime as in episode 18 Bear and Lee say that Brandon has been dead for 13 years. Also, in episode 17 Maria says that "it's been our 13th winter here".
If we try to figure out Harry's age then things get slightly messy because from episode 26 we know that he is the same age as Brandon (he pulls out a 43 year old bottle of bourbon and says it was made the same year he and Brandon were born). However that contradicts the fact that Brandon died aged 27 and then is "dead" for the next 13 years, therefore Harry should be 40. To make things even "worse", when Harry pulled the same bourbon trick on Big Daddy in episode 15, which takes place shortly after Brandon's death, he claims that the bottle is 28 years old. Help.
Now this section might get somewhat unhinged.
In episode 7 Bob compiles a file on Bunji, which is also shown on screen.
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The whole thing is full of grammatical mistakes and general nonsense, but the first line says "This man appears to be in his 15 years old and has the characteristic skin." (????), which,
if that information is true then this is the roughest anime teenager I've seen in my whole life (and i've seen the Stardust Crusaders OVA).
Now, in episode 15 Widge tells Maria that Brandon was 17/18 when he worked for him and Gary, which means that in episode 7 (which as the name implies takes place "5 years later") Brandon must've been 22 or 23. If you pair that with the fact that he dies at 27 and returns 13 years later, then approximately 18 years have passed between Bunji's introduction in episode 7 and episode 17 (5 years of working with Brandon + 13 years during which Brandon is presumed "completely dead") in which the anime timeline arrives to the plot of the first game, and Bunji would be somewhere in his mid 30's.
On the other hand the ages for Bob and Lee do not add up at all.
They are both introduced in episode 5 and the issue is pretty much evident right away as if we went by the ages in the book, they both would be younger than Bunji (33 and 35 respectively). Since Bunji is approx. 15 in the episode 7, here he would be a measly 10 year old and these two definitely aren't children.
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Also, in the english dub Lee introduces himself as "Balladbird Lee, Esquire", which means this bastard is already a full fledged lawyer (however, in English subtitles for the Japanese dub there was no mention of this and he introduces himself just by his name).
As for Maria, we know that in episode 6 she is atleast 15 or 16 because Jester adopts her as an infant (shown in episode 3) and Big Daddy tells Brandon that it happened 15 years ago. However, in episode 25 Harry says that she seems to be same age or older than him and in episode 7 she tells Brandon that she used to view him as her "little brother".
I don't think there's been any mention of Dr. T's or Big Daddy's age.
TL;DR: help.
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heathersproship · 7 months
Throwback to the time the IJ fandom was losing their shit over Ron being Reagan's love interest because *checks notes* he looks similar to her (they have the same nose, complexion, hair color), which means they could possibly be related, and if they’re related, and also lovers, that’d be ickyncest.
First of all, did everyone collectively forget what an art style is??
And second of all, GOD I wish it played out that way! There were other theories too (Ron being Reagan from an alternate timeline/future and Ron being an alternate Rand are the ones I remember, or think I do for the second one) but Ron being Reagan’s brother would’ve been fucking hilarious.
I wish it played out that they found out they were related and kept dating anyway because Reagan wouldn’t get pregnant (either because it’d take away from her work or she doesn’t want to chance being a shitty parent to her kid thanks to her own shitty parents) so they can fuck all they want and not worry.
I wish it played out that they found out they were related, backed off for a bit, but then got back together again publicly because no one would think they’d be so STUPID as to knowingly date their own sibling.
I wish it played out that Ron was an alternate Rand to really drive home Reagan’s daddy issues. Also, who doesn’t want to fuck Rand over and under and everywhere?
I wish it played out that Ron was an alternate Reagan to get in on that selfcest action. Or the whole “would you fuck a clone of yourself?” bit because yes, they both would.
What we got was still good though. But damn.
Happy 2nd birthday, Inside Job. And thank you for giving me, with your very existence, my favorite conspiracy theory completely unrelated to the show itself:
that Janis Ian (Mean Girls) is the biological daughter of Jason “J.D.” Dean (Heathers), and she’s as beautifully fucked up as he is.
Also HOW DARE this show have a whole episode dedicated to the 80s but no Heathers references? IIRC Rand wasn’t even in the ep all that much. An outrage.
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ourladyofmaplemurder · 11 months
ooh!! Cheryl of course for your unhinged character bingo please 🙏!
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Explanation under the cut, as is custom. <3
Cheryl Blossom really checks all the boxes for me. Every single one.
Daddy issues. Mommy issues. Same, bro. I want her to be happy forever, but I will also torture her in fanfic because I love her and hate myself. (It's more love than self-loathing though, I promise. I just need her to fight my demons so we can both fucking heal.)
I'm putting her in a snowglobe and SHAKING IT. I am casting her in bronze and admiring her in my garden. I'm chewing on her leg.
She is the saddest, wettest cat in a cardboard box and I'M TAKING HER HOME to cherish her forever. I'm putting her in a blender and bloody is splattering everywhere.
I would take a COMET to the face for her.
When people talk shit about her (beyond reasonable criticism or outside of a funny joke) I genuinely see red. Ba dum tsssss. But also, Cheryl-haters should steer clear. I have violence in my heart about this woman.
You already KNOW I'm working on a dissertation about her to be completed later this year. It could easily be 10 hours, but I'm editing it down because I am applying for sainthood and it's my first miracle. <3
All joking aside (not really), Cheryl Blossom is one of a kind to me. She captures everything I love and hate about myself. I see so much of myself in her that I can't help but love her and I can't help but roll my eyes and laugh at her.
She's the clown in me. The woman-fucker. The firestarter. The bitch. The broken bird. The ice dancer with a plan. The witch no one believes. The madwoman and the saint. We're the mothers we never had and the fathers we flinch away from. We're unrelenting and utterly doomed. We're obsessed with ourselves in way that's deeply exhausting but utterly inevitable considering "she's just like that" and "no one listens to her". We're processing through art. We also both mellowed out over the years after a period of self-imposed isolation. We're both so tender with those we love. Neither of us know how to show it very well sometimes. We're both WAY too much.
The biggest difference is that she's high femme and I am the dyke version of Skrillex (Not intentional, but it's been said several times now). She uses fashion as her shield. I use piercings. I am both envious of her femme aesthetic and hopelessly attracted to it.
The other big difference is that she is moneyed and I grew up with nothing. Amazing how similar we are considering that. Childhood trauma really IS that powerful.
When I was in my early 20's, I suffered a drug-induced psychotic break where I genuinely believed I was a prophet sent from God to save the world. (I recovered and have since learned that maybe my proclivity for madness, drama, and drugs should no longer mix.) But god damn it, I understood exactly when she suggested that even though she probably wasn't a living saint, wouldn't that be miraculous?
When I was a kid, my "proverbial" twin died suddenly and I have carried the weight of his death ever since. We live two lives. Our own and the expected one of the dead other. Twice the pressure and, shockingly, twice the disappointment, but never twice the love. (Not a literal twin, but one of a pair.)
If she were real, we would fuck each other to death and leave nothing but a pile of ash.
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If you were to take your OC/CC couples and shuffle them around, who would be the crack pair? Who would be the obvious enemies to lovers pairing? And who would be the surprisingly lovey dovey pair?
TK!! Welcome welcome!!
Let me offer you some breakfast!!
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This is truly an interesting question, that actually gave me pause to think! 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Let me give you my insight!
Crack Pairing
I actually have two! One is Jacob/Antoine and the other is Arno/Dorothea. Like, in Jacob and Antoine's case, I just imagine that he would get SO MUCH on her nerves with his shenanigans, she would just push him in the Seine and not even turn back, if she didn't try to strangle him first. Like, his charm would be completely wasted on her because she is definitely not that impressionable, and I think he would not like the cold, unrelenting, scheming side of her personality and character She would be too stiff, too unforgiving for him to actually like her. So I see them mostly being at each other's throats. As for Arno and Dorothea, I just do not see them as a couple at all, like 0 attraction to one another (also, tbh, I am a fervent believer that Arno prefers brunettes over blondes). At most they could be the type of friends that swap wardrobe and be there for each other, platonical in all the way, but a couple?? NAH. NEVER. Like, I just cannot see them together at all. No chemistry at all.
Enemies to Lovers
mmmm this one was tricky, to be honest. Like the only one that are canonically enemies to lover are Jacob and Dottie, in virtue of the sides they both are on. But if I were to shuffle all my pairings and find another Enemies to Lovers couple, that would probably be Shay and Antoine: like, fiercest couple could never grace the Earth, because dear gods, those two are truly two bastards that have found one another and that UNDERSTAND one another but are on the opposite side of a war that neither can hope to win, and both are too stubborn to relent.Basically it's "Enemy Mine" type of situation, and omg the fact that they would hunt each other down and make that their life's purpose (plus Antoine, apparently, truly fancies men that are older than her and this speaks volumes about the crapton of daddy issues she has) (also, wtf, TK, what have you done, you have managed to instigate my crickets and now they are all going crazy over this idea, oh dear Gods, I need to explore it around.).
Lovey Dovey Pair
Omg this one actually gave me pause, but one lovey-dovey pair would be Colette and Ezio. Like, those two together strike me as a couple that would go full-on "lovey-dovey", with their passion, lust for life (and not only life), so intensely in love with one another that they would be the desperation of Federico, Mathias, and Antoine (like, seriously. Antoine would drag Mathias with her on Florence's rooftops and give a run to the guards that are also looking for Ezio. Like, if Antoine had a problem with Arno and kept him "in check", never to ever destroy her sister's heart, with Ezio it would be 10 times worse.
thank you for bringing this question to me, it was DEFINITELY intriguing and lots of fun to think about.
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 11 months
I haven’t thought about Zoey 101 in YEARS but then I saw it mentioned in a post for a completely unrelated tag that I follow. And then the memories came flooding back and hit me like a fucking brick, and I remembered how much I absolutely fucking ADORED Quinn/Logan in that show when I was a 10 year old. Like they were sudden and unexpected but I was OBSESSED.
And tbh that should not surprise me, because I now realize that they fall into the same mold as so many other ships I enjoy (as detailed here). Broken unhappy snarky boy with daddy issues and absolutely unhinged girl who can kick his ass describes them perfectly. Like bitch this is the exact same as all your other favorites, of course I liked it as a kid.
And then I discover there's a reboot movie coming out incredibly soon and they are getting MARRIED????? Dude this feels like my childhood wish fulfillment wtf. It's like I won the lottery. So not only do I re-discover an old ship, but I will be getting NEW content of them imminently which is centered around their wedding and I will potentially be getting endgame and happy ever after. Guys I can't believe this is happening and that I stumbled across this, I am actually stoked, and I am GOING to be hype about it until that movie comes out on July 27
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teeto-peteto · 7 months
Outside of the Ruined King crew and Nautilus because they're essentially co workers, are there any characters you think Pyke could strike up a friendship with?
Ooooh good question, some of then are part of the Sentinels of Light sooo:
Akshan: I think they could be a funny friendship, you know, death and life. They probably tease the shit out of each other. Mostly Akshan, but he's kind of a comforting person, if you get what im saying? Akshan is like, bright, and funny, and he's a tease. I think he could poke a chuckle out of Pyke if they got to know/interact a bit more.
Amumu: Dont know, he's little, he cries, strikes up with Pyke's childhood. Option 1. Pyke doesnt like physical touch, so he would just sit by Amumu trying to listen to his struggles as a little mummy. Option 2. Pyke wont mind physical touch and would actually hug Amumu, striked up with his childhood feeling enough. Amumu would be about to stuck a turret with his fucking head and he is like 'Woah woah wait there mate, not like that...' Dont know, i feel like Pyke could be, somewhat, a good caretaker.
Unrelated but im sad that Fiddlesticks didnt get an interaction with Pyke, as if im not fucking rooting to know his deepest fear.
Gweeeeeennnnn: Besties, swear to god. They are so different yet there's a lot of chemstry there. She's outgoing, and silly, and cute, he's the complete opposite, but he feels somewhat comfortable with it. Kinda like big brother/little sister type of friendship. Type of relationship where Pyke helps Gwen sharpen her scissors, she can just do it on her own but asks him just to keep him around for chit chat.
With K'Sante... i dont know, maybe? I imagine them sitting and asking questions about each other. As someone who ''accidentally'' pushed people away and keeps family close by to someone who purposefully pushes everyone away that has left family behind and viceversa. I think they'd have a nice chat...?
Kalista, obvious reasons, but also afraid they might just start stabbing each other in self defense. Could talk things out.
Kassadin, not a friendship but daddy issues. If he spends too much time around would probably accidentally call him 'dad' too.
Luciaaaaan: As seen in Sentinels of Light, Lucian is kinda more pleased for Pyke being there, way much more than Senna. They could talk, you know, 'I died' 'Same with my wife'. I just feel like they are the type of people that once they engage in small talk they click into deeper conversation. It'll just have to take a while for Senna to accept him and some Gwen pleading.
Malzahar: Dunno, voices *thumbs up*
Rek'Sai :) cant explain he's a shark man and she's a sand shark. If they're not friends then what are they? They're equally deadly.
Maybe Yone, you know? Tea party at the spirit realm? Yone, Senna, Pyke and Gwen? Could the Kindred join? Just for funsies? With cookies?
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leofrith · 11 months
41, 54, 65, & 72 for the fic writer asks 💕
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
A bit of both? I feel like I don't re-read things suuuper often, but occasionally I'll come across a work that hits me in exactly the right way at the exact right time and alters my brain chemistry. I'm also way more likely to re-read a fic that's like, the only one that exists about a specific character/dynamic/etc. that I want to read about.
54. What’s your favourite part about the fanfiction writing process?
I feel like it's a bit of a cop out for me to say it's the "coming up with a new idea" phase because of course new ideas are exciting. But I do love it, especially when I have someone to bounce ideas off of and figure out the details with. Also, new ideas usually start with a specific scene that I have in mind or dialogue that's just spilling out onto the page, which means it's usually the easiest part for me to write. And the thing you need to know about me is that I'm lazy by nature 😅
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
There's soooo much in my "Leofrith joins the Hidden Ones" longfic that I'm looking forward to, if only I could just work on it. 😭 I really don't want to spoil the details but I very much realize that Leofrith is a character who appears for ten minutes maximum in an 80 hour game and who most people have forgotten exists, so if I can convince people to give a shit about him via this fic, I will feel very fulfilled. And also if I can get people to buy him and Eivor falling in love. I'm telling you it makes sense and it's believable just trust me on this trust me bro--
Anyway. I'm really looking forward to writing more of the build-up to that relationship, which is great because this is a slow burn so there's... a lot of that. I also never expected Leofrith and Hytham to be besties but they kind of twisted my arm about it. And I love them dearly. <3
Also completely unrelated, but the version of the scene in which Eivor meets "Odin" for the first time in the Star Wars AU lives in my brain rent fucking free. I can fit so many fucked up Force visions related to childhood trauma and daddy issues in this bad boy I swear.
72. What order do you write in? Front of book to back? chronological? Favourite scenes first? Something else?
I write in whatever order comes to me first which. Kind of sucks sometimes to be honest, especially in longer works where I'll be writing various scenes that have like 15k words worth of missing connective tissue in between them. And I used to fight the impulse and try to force myself into writing chronologically but I've kind of accepted that it doesn't work and that's my process and it's not going to change any time soon.
send me a number!
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first of all he’s a short bby 💃 i love him so FREAKING much oh and he has daddy issues because his father and him are no contact because of a big incident but… 🤭
also elliot is literally so good with kids. need your baby to sleep? BOOM elliot gets it done. need your kid to stop crying? BOOM elliot dunnit. also i’m contemplating making him and ayuna un-canonically dead, or maybe just killing one, or killing one of their kids. but it would be so tasty savoury delectable if elliot kept pestering ayuna “we need to settle down so we can build a life together” and have kids and whatnot but then NO the kid DIES i’m sorry for causing my ocs so much suffering.
him and ayuna are the cutest dynamic they’re catgirl and dogboy sunshine and grumpy everything.
i’m so sorry for the bad grammar by the way.
fun facts about elliot:
he loves haribo + jolly ranchers
he had a sister named sora but she died 🫶 maybe not idk tho
he’s good at singing (he can’t sing in english tho)
oh!! and i originally created elliot as a part of seven (7) ocs or something that were meant to be like guardian angels/guardian demons but they were neither of those, just a spirit attached to a person that helped the person when they needed it. ayuna was one of the spirits too, along with a girl called ven, OMG I JUST REMEMBERED ARACHNA!!, and a guy called dearyl who everyone hates btw dearyl slander 🫶
dearyl and ayuna have such a good dynamic too but dearyl is such a crappy person it’s kind of hot
i have some drawings of all these peeps but i aint home rn so i can’t attach them :(
here’s how it went originally: ven = snake motif, elliot (smiley) = clown motif, arachna = arachnid/spider motif, ayuna = marionette motif, and dearyl was like.. the puppetmaster. bc they’re like a sideshow of goofy spirits right.
also i cant decide if arachna is aroace or dating ven or both. also i made three completely unrelated ocs based off the bunny bunny game.
thanks for listening.
omg i love him. also i’m curious about the kumcha OCs. and sorry this took a while lmao
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