#nanowrimo preview
shamera · 5 months
Fandom: Mysterious Lotus Casebook Character/Pairing(s): pre-Fang Duobing/Li Lianhua, He Xiaofeng, He Xiaohui Rating: PG-13 Warning: blood, injuries, minor character death Summary:
Fifteen years ago, portals called 'gates' appeared all over the world leading to pocket dimensions people coined 'dungeons'. Ten years ago, two of the world's greatest Hunters disappeared after the collapse of a dungeon at the eastern sea. Three years ago, Fang Duobing Awakened as a Hunter, determined to follow in the footsteps of his idol. Today, a gate suddenly appeared within Tianji Hall, pulling its inhabitants into a dungeon.
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stardust2003 · 6 months
Content Preview - Madferit: The Novel Chapter 154
I've been himming and hawing about posting a content preview of Chapter 154 of “Madferit: The Novel” so here it is!
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51375682?view_adult=true
I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading! :)
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crystal-writer · 2 years
NaNoWriMo updates!
If you're interested, check out my project page here, and add me as a writing buddy!
Day 7 Update:
I definitely got a late start, but the first day went pretty well! My goal was 2085 words, and I was able to write 2911 total! I'm pretty happy with how it's looking so far, too!
My goal for Day 8 is to write double the goal for my stats, so that will be around 4,094 new words by the end of today, and 7,005 total. It might be a little lofty of a goal, but I'm making an effort to catch up with the days I missed.
Don't know if I'll show snippets every time, but here are some of my favorite passages from day 7!
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shayhwrites · 1 year
Weekly Update 6
First Week Done!  My Camp NaNoWriMo goal has been on track up until Friday. I needed a break from writing, so I did not meet my goal that day. However, I have completed around 5,000 words so far! I skip around in my draft and write whatever scene I feel like writing, but that is becoming a not-so-good idea: my draft is becoming confusing.Here is the opening image for Ivo’s side of the…
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catwebling · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022 Project Overview: Meet THE RAVEN KING!
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The Raven King is a dread figure in the land of Ravenek, its domineering tyrant who, no matter how many times he is slain, is destined to rise again. Every so often, a new hero is chosen to bring the current king's reign to an end. This time, the hero will learn a dark secret that threatens to destroy his worldview...and his world.
This year for NaNoWriMo, I'm writing a dark fantasy novel that will, hopefully, be the first in a trilogy. It was heavily inspired by my current D&D campaigns as well as some other modern works of fantasy.
You can follow my progress here: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/catwebling/projects/the-raven-king-b40b18ce-bf03-4025-a181-d0c551e240a8
Chapter 1 preview under the cut!
It is dark, but red light surrounds him. His wings are jagged and long, longer than they needed to be, and yet to sparse to carry him aloft. He laughs, the sound cutting the darkness and the ringing – what is the ringing. I am carrying a sword, one that feels right in my hands and seems to weigh more than it should. I raise it high as his laughs become sobs of anguish…
“There you are!”
The paper goes crashing down to the pebbled shore below as I leap to my feet, a hand already reaching for the dirk at my hip. “Gods above! How you managed to sneak on loose rock I will never know.”
“I’ve managed it every day of my life and only now you question it?” Yara’s smile was just as wide as it should have been, but not half as warm.
I shook myself and, remembering my purpose, picked the paper up to inspect for damage. Nothing, thank whatever listened, save for smearing on the word “wings.” Perhaps it hadn’t dried enough yet.
“They asked me to come look for you.” Yara’s voice is measured.
“I know.”
“They’ll expect you to come back with me.”
“I know.”
“Kade, you know you can’t run.”
“And why not?” My eyes are glued to the now-damp parchment, hands gripping it so tight I fear to rip it. “Why couldn’t I hop on the Master’s ship and just go? I know well enough how to sail off. I could make it all the way to Unseera if I really wanted to. I could catch enough fish to live, still enough water…”
Yara’s eyes bored into me. I could feel them on the crown of my head, burning holes into my mind in that way she’d always known how to.
“You could,” she said, and I heard the shifting of rock beside me. When had I sat down? “You are more than capable as a sailor. And you won’t, because you know that they need you. That we do.”
“I don’t want to be needed,” I croaked, “not like this.”
Her arm around me was warm. I realized the thin tunic I wore wasn’t nearly enough for this late winter morning. Maybe I could play off the shaking as the cold.
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tragedynoir · 7 months
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— introducing 011: COTTAGE TALES + [ link ]
a nanowrimo / novel planning google doc template with a cute, doodle-like aesthetic that is warm and inviting to cheer you on during your writing journey! this template contains a lot of functional elements, and is also made to accommodate any long and large amounts of writing and planning. all illustrations in this document and the sticker pack were hand drawn by me! the template and a full page-by-page preview can be found in the link above or in the source code.
10 unique 7.25" x 10.5" pages with 9 unique illustrations hand-drawn especially for this template
a dashboard page with story overview and general milestones
a calendar page with word count milestones as well as a daily to-do-list to help you manage your story planning all in one document
plot points, locations, research and brain dump sections that can easily accommodate any amount of texts, including long prose that may be necessary for all your planning!
individual character sheets that can be easily duplicated and copied for more
a hand-drawn sticker pack featuring 30 PNGs that you can use to replace the placeholder images with to personalize the template — see last image for all stickers inside
terms of use:
you may edit to your heart’s desire. Change the colours, replace, add or remove elements and images etc.
you may remix pages with pages from my other templates.
you may not remove the credit from the templates.
you may not copy, sell or redistribute my templates whether wholesale, in part (i.e. taking out certain pages) or remixed (i.e. modified).
you will also receive an additional guide with images on how to use and edit google doc templates! if you have any problems or issues, feel free to leave an ask or join our discord server, where you can additionally find server-exclusive google doc templates that you may also find useful for your writing!
I hope you enjoy this template and have fun writing with it, and likes + reblogs are always appreciated. if you ever want to talk about you wips, please reach out to me; I'd love to listen! ♡
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For All I Care: Preview
It is taking my way to long to write a pre-relationship, Astarion x Ace!Reader sick fic from his POV, but by God I'm going to do it. It's not like I have my own original novel I should be working on for NaNoWriMo. Anyway, take a snippet for the road so I feel productive.
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He stopped at the threshold of your tent, whatever breath he had in his lungs rushing out in an instant. 
The first thing that hit him was the smell. The air around you was thick with sweat. It clung the inside of his nose, reeking of sick. Even with the flap open, he swore he could feel the heat of your skin burning with the effort. It shined on your forehead, bits of your hair plastered on in soaked strands. Your breath came ragged and short as if someone had wrapped an invisible hand around your throat and was slowly choking the life out of you. He could see how your body twitched and jerked. It was taking both Shadowheart and Wyll to keep your limbs in check as Gale mumbled some enchantment over your body. 
His hand gripped hard on the fabric of the tent. He needed to take a step back. He had little experience with disease, but it was plain enough whatever this was didn’t play by any rules he was familiar with. The survivor in him screamed to use this perfect distraction to grab whatever he could carry and run. Still, he didn’t move. 
“What’s wrong with them?”
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misslazarus · 6 months
Solo TTRPG posting again for my fellow solo game enjoyers/the solo game curious!
I’ve posted before about Tangled Blessings by @cassimothwin , a project I was so thrilled to back and play (and find in the wild a couple of times 👀). It’s a really engaging solo/duet rpg about being a student at a spooky magical school, and facing off against your rival. Also very cool to know, Tangled Blessings is a hack of the iconic game Anamnesis by @goblinmixtape (a game I mean to post about here one day if I feel I actually have anything interesting to add other than “I love it” lol).
In extremely cool news for amateur/fledgling game writers and those who never find time to participate in NaNoWriMo [meeee], Cassi Mothwin opened up a Tangled Blessings game jam on itch.io !! The game jam is for expansions to /projects inspired by Tangled Blessings. The jam is running until February 29th (leap day swag btw). I think this is such a cool idea to explore a really fun game, and I’m planning on submitting something! If you want to participate and don’t already own it, Cassi has a free preview to get you started!
DISCLAIMER: I am not posting this in any capacity other than as a big fan of Cassi’s work— and to alert my buddies on here who are into this kind of thing and to whom I’ve spoken about Tangled Blessings and solo rpgs in general.
I’ve linked the jam below for the rules and info. I also linked Tangled Blessings and Anamnesis itch.io pages so I hope all the links don’t nerf this post in the tags.
Happy writing y’all!
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grapenehifics · 7 months
Trick or treat! 😈
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Reese's Pieces are a classic but I like the colors M&Ms come in better...
Treat #2! I'm trying to be good and not start my NaNoWriMo project until November, but I figure a moodboard doesn't count, right? A sneak preview of The Last Waltz:
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This year's poll front-runner was a Princess Diaries II AU. Anakin is unexpectedly about to inherit the crown of Serenno, or at least he would be, if not for the meddling and too-handsome-for-his-own-good Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi...
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parkerlyn · 1 year
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Hi all!
This update covers:
Story Progress
February Patreon Schedule
Donation Screenshots
Story Progress
Writing is progressing and I wish I had more to say than that ;_; Almost done with my bonus/commission todo list, and I'm slowly working through Oisein's and the Healer's routes still. Have also dabbled more into end-of-chapter scenes with certain High Sheevra. 👀
I'm going to try to do a mini NaNoWriMo this month where I try to write/work on The Nameless every day - it's mainly some organizing and choices/smaller scenes that are holding my progress back now.
...I was thinking of maybe live tracking that in the Discord for accountability asdfaklj but TBD on that >.<
February Patreon Schedule
Reminder for High Sheevra and Sanctin to submit to the prompt survey for the Valentine's Specials by Feb 4! 👀
Feb 1 - Public Progress Update | Monthly Preview Screenshot
Feb 14 - Bonus Writing : Valentine's Day Specials (SFW/18+ versions)
Feb 15 - Biweekly Update
Feb 22 - Bonus Art : Oisein's "Family"
January Donation Screenshots
Lastly, accountability screenshots for my donations are below. Differing amounts are to cover their individual processing fees.
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Thank you again for all your support and patience <3 Stay safe!
xoxo Parker 🧡
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piecesofeden11 · 6 months
Thank you so much! <3 Question from this ask game! Join the fun! <3 💖: What is your favorite moment in this WIP? - Since I picked Half-Pass for this question before, I'll now take my current NaNoWriMo project, the Dancing with the Stars AU. My favorite moment so far, has been the moment Obi-Wan saw Anakin for the first time because that's always a special moment. Have a very exclusive (and very much unedited, unbeta-ed) preview!
And then, Obi-Wan's gaze shifted from Quinlan to the man standing beside him and for second, the room was absolutely silent. He was tall, taller even than Quinlan, dressed all in black, which should have made him nearly invisible in the darkened room, but instead made him stand out even more, with his tan skin and a stylishly messy crown of curls that framed sharp cheekbones and an angular face that should have looked almost too severe. A rather prominent scar ran by his right eye, intersecting his eyebrow. And he was looking right at Obi-Wan with an intensity, that knocked the air from his lungs for a second. He shivered, unable to tear his gaze away, hyper-aware of the fact that he was staring.
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recurringwriter · 1 month
curry, as my designated ML friend, do you happen to know anything about the recent nanowrimo controversy? the MLs in my region have basically disbanded the group because of the new contract but i guess i’m out of the loop cause i haven’t heard about it before. i’m curious as to how other regions are handling it!
askjdkfjgh okay so i started on a long-winded and disorganized rant about stuff then remembered i had been much more concise when i explained the agreement to my region. here is an edited version of the message i shared with them, please forgive the proper capitalization and formal tone
NaNoWriMo HQ has decided to revamp the ML program, and at the start of the month sent us the updated ML agreement. All three of us have agreed that we are not comfortable signing the new contract, and will be stepping down as official ML's. We would like it if it were temporary, but HQ has indicated that they aren't interested in member feedback and that they want us to take it or leave it. As it was given to us, the agreement:
Provides contradictory and unclear terms of what our responsibilities will be, and nothing about what we can expect from HQ to support us.
Expects that we complete 'training' before we can learn more of what our responsibilities will even be, and gives no explanation of what this will ask of us.
Requires that we give personal data to ID.me, a third-party identity verification site that would store our information for at minimum 3 years and is considered by tech experts to be a poor choice for ID verification.
Demands increased presence on the forums as unpaid moderators, including during off-season.
Mentions confusing rules about people under 18 participating in the event. We are supposed to report them so that they can be banned, and the wording of the agreement implies that they cannot be permitted in any community events.
Asks that we send more e-mails per week during November, and doesn't account for regions with multiple MLs.
Forbids us from discussing anything sent to us from HQ with anyone, including our regions, other regions, or even fellow MLs.
Forbids us from fundraising directly for our regions, and offers no indication that HQ has plans to fund venues, goodie bags, or any other materials that MLs provide for their regions.
Some concerns have been addressed in a FAQ from the interim Executive Director, but it is uncomfortable that they were not worded clearly in the agreement from the start, and as of now we have not been given information on how much the agreement might change. They claim that there are no legal liabilities for MLs who sign, but the wording of the agreement suggests otherwise. We are being asked to trust HQ, but at this point HQ is giving us no reason to believe them.
...... What would change? We would not get stickers and posters from HQ for Kick-Off and TGIO, but we could still host them so long as we didn't use the official logo or name. The regional page on the official site might cease to exist, but our Discord would continue as it has been and we would still be able to organize 'unofficial' in-person and virtual write-ins. It will be harder to reach out to new members, who might not realize that they could find community nearby. It's unfortunate, but at the moment, this feels like the only option.
After sending that ^ they gave us the 'updated agreement preview' which we were expected to sign on the 1st (fitting it being on april fool's). i actually have No Idea if i was supposed to e-mail them if i was coming back so that they'd give me the Actual Agreement or if i just failed to get the actual agreement in an e-mail because by that point they'd already wiped all ML's of their status on the site so probably their already-fucked e-mail list was finally laid to rest. in any case there's no way i'd sign because the changes amounted to them saying 'trust us!!! it'll be covered in training!!!' and then didn't even say like. 'training will be done via [method].' they probably think we all live near HQ and can go in person idk.
so TLDR they want us to act as full-time moderators but are certainly not going to be paying us. they've replied to people's well-thought-out concerns and suggestions the way that my manipulative bog witch aunt would. and they got rid of All Of Us right before april camp, before last year's agreement expired. I guess they will blame us all for being toxic when the ML's who they promised would 'soon repopulate your regions' simply do not appear.
and like yeah a lot of people are really bitter about it, but the obfuscating and condescending replies really make me apprehensive about how volunteers willing to sign on are going to be treated. even if they had changed the aspects of the agreement that i found most alarming, i wouldn't want to be micromanaged and thrown under the bus knowing how they put this whole change forward in the first place. and then not be paid! that's what keeps getting me! like i'm not getting paid for this!
most people in my region seem to be in agreement that they'll use the site for goal-tracking, but won't be donating ever again. i've been trying to come up with fun activities to help bring everyone together through the year and keep spirits up, but really...after the forums/site switch a couple years ago people just stopped using our regional forum. it used to be really active but once the site changed, posting dropped right off. hq kept pushing us to try and make their dumb forums worth the money but it was so hard to use that nothing i did worked and i had better things to do with my time anyway. like writing askdjgh.
anyway i hope that writing is going well for you despite all the weirdness happening and that you can stay in touch with your region! and if there's anything i was unclear on or you'd want me to elaborate about let me know, there was A Lot last month and it's hard to keep it all straight in my mind.
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idrellegames · 2 years
Wayfarer Dev Log 2022.11.04.
Hi friends,
I hope you all had a great October! November’s going to be a very hectic month. Wayfarer is still very far behind schedule (catching up is not going to happen at this point), but I am working my way towards an Episode 3 update. While I’m not participating in NaNoWriMo this year, I am aiming to write 50k this month (or more) to get the next section of the game finished. Good luck to everyone who’s participating!
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Patch 2.5. was released on October 12. This was a minor patch to fix some very small issues. You can read the patch notes here.
The next public update is TBD. As I want to finish both Episodes 3 and Episodes 4 on the alpha build before updating the public one, the next public update won’t happen until we’re well into 2023.
Episode 3 Scene 1 is still in development. The current material is around 158k words.
This new content has not been coded and added to the alpha build yet.
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The Wayfarer 2023 Pin-Up calendar is well on its way! The event organizers and I are in the process of vetting different charities. We’ve narrowed down our selection and we’re hoping to make an announcement about which one the calendar will donate to later this month.
Location Sketches released on Oct 14. This bonus content is a behind-the-scenes look at my planning process when I’m working with big environment set pieces, like Rona’s town square or the Count’s villa.   
Hearth & Home, Part 2, released on October 21. This side story is the conclusion to a two-parter. Set at the Spire a year or so before the player character’s arrival, it features Cenric and Varyn. [Wayfarer tier and up]
Bi-weekly progress reports about Episode 3’s development. [all tiers]
Weekly Sneak peeks of new Episode 3 material. [all tiers]
Because I am focusing on finishing content and getting an update out, there will be no new side stories published in November.
Additionally, Wayfarer patrons now have a new, shiny Discord server! This server is separate from the public one and exclusive to my Patreon. The old patron-only channels in the public server are closed. If you are a patron and cannot find or access the new server, please message me on Patreon.
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If you’ve enjoyed Wayfarer, used my tutorials, or would like to support my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Patrons receive access to the alpha build, a private Discord server, exclusive previews, bonus content, side stories, and other benefits.
Wayfarer is a passion project and creating it is a full-time commitment. Any little bit goes a long way to help me bring it to fruition.
If you aren’t in a position to support financially, reblogs, shares, ratings and comments, and spreading the word about the game are much appreciated and do a lot to help me out! 💕
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 6 months
Try to look for stuff to reblog on the ghostflower tag, since I am busy IRL and trying to get stuff done for nanowrimo (I am still working on that one-shot I posted a preview, don't you guys worry!) And find people saying that ghostflower is supporting pedophilia.
I guess I will see if I come up with some hcs or something, I swear this is why I like to stay on my own corner.
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childlikegoblinqueen · 6 months
SCOM Side Story: Preview
So you all mentioned you wanted some more stories set earlier in the SCOM universe ... early Huntlow fluff (maybe Gus discovering elevator music ... which I have thoughts about!)
Sibling Antics and maybe some Hopkins harassment? Perhaps.
In honor of motivating my sister through NaNoWriMo I thought I would write something short and silly centered around Vee and Hunter's first Thanksgiving both as Nocedas. Probably 3-7 Chapters at most.
Working title is: "Thank You Consequence" which is from Alanis Morrisettes' song "Thank U."
Here's a preview.
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“Hmmmmmm.” Hunter hummed along with the alarm on his scroll.
🎶Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy 🎶
Warm, in his bed, in the basement of his home, he stretched like a wolf cub in a winter den. “Sleeping in” was a term that he hadn’t been familiar with in the Emperor’s Coven. He had been was dismayed at how easily Gus had ribbed him about this when they’d all arrived in the Human Realm the nearly a year and a half ago.
That was a time for nightmares, and uncertainty. That was a time where every day involved desperation and constant movement. 
And anyway, the concept of “sleeping in” would have certainly been seen as sacrilege in the Emperor’s Coven. 
Sleep was a luxury! Sleep only existed to give your body a basic need. Like rations did not need to taste good, they simply needed to keep hunger at bay, sleep should not feel good. The moment it did that was when you knew you were giving into luxuries not afforded to those tasked with the will of the Titan.
Sleep was soooooooo nice.
Hunter knew he should get up, as prompted by his alarm. He had to get to Hexside early to help Dell set up for Carving Club, but the sweet harmonies of The Beatles cast some sort of spell on him. 
🎶 Runnin' everywhere at such a speed
'Til they find there's no need (there's no need)🎶
It was not a type of magic that offered stimulation– but more compelled him to beg his alarm for something sinful.
“Maybe I should have picked a more motivational song to wake up to?” 
“Ten more minutes.” He begged the soothing voices of Lennon and McCartney.
Hunter rolled over in his bed and reached over towards his nightstand, past the bird shaped night light (he would need to recharge that later) and hit the snooze button on his scroll.
John and Paul stopped their warbling tune abruptly.
Satisfied, Hunter gathered his blankets up in his arms, and held Willow tighter against his chest.
Gathering his blankets. He held  Willow tighter against his chest. 
Willow. Against his chest. Because she fell asleep in his bed. Instead of going to her home. 
Where her dads had expected her to be.
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tblsomedoodles · 6 months
That was a couple typos I meant the wip for your fics
Ah! That makes more sense! lol. I was sitting here trying to figure out what was the last fish-based au that i had and was like "no way they're here from my merstuck days"
Anyways! It's going good! Nanowrimo is this month so i'm getting a lot of writing done. My main goal is to finish "Proud Family Traditions" so that's the one getting the most work at the moment.
Here's a little wip preview : ) (it was really hard to choose. I love so many lines in this part lol)
“You've seen how Uncle Mike eats. That's going to be a lot of pancakes,” Raph said, though the sounds of the cupboards opening hinted said he probably already started prepping for said breakfast. “If i'm going to have to make that many pancakes, then you are going to have to help me. It's only fair.” “Is that child labor?”
I worked a lot on family web last month as well. I had to take a break b/c i was getting frustrated with the incomplete scenes i had been writing, but the next chapters a little over halfway done.
Here's a little thing from that b/c why not lol.
“Congratulations on your promotion to teddy bear for the time being. It’s a temporary position, only until Raph stops panicking and I know exactly what’s going on.” “Are you sure that’s a promotion?” Mikey asked. “of course. What’s better than being a teddy bear?” “Says the turtle allowed to walk down the hallway on his own,” Mikey muttered. “Enjoy your teddy bear status, damn it,” Leo shot back.
other fics, oh Silver LInings i've got some work done on recently. I need to finish the chapter i'm working on before i can update it, but here's a little bit from that too.
“Yah, hear this? He has a microscope in his emergency bag,” Raph said, turning towards the other two. “I’m more worried about the pigeon puppet,” Casey answered. “Says the guy that keeps fruit roll ups in his weapons bag,” Donnie shot back.
And i think that's it for active fics. There has been a bit of work done on the Donnie vs fic but i only have about 2 chapters done properly. Everything else has to be rewritten so i don't really feel like sharing anything from that right now.
Thank you!!
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