#no spoilers i JUST started watching the new episode but here's my thought process to getting to this text post
agentemo · 1 month
I know I don't but I'd love to live in the universe where Gerard is in a season of Dimension 20
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ifwebefriends · 13 days
My thoughts during “The Sign” [SPOILERS!!!!!]
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More thoughts under the cut
So I think most of us can agree that this is the best episode of Bluey so far. It was so emotional and satisfying in ways that are kinda new for Bluey. It answered so many questions while giving us a few new ones. I’ve been waiting for this episode for months and it did not disappoint in any way.
This is just a Chekov’s firing squad of an episode. As in a lot of stuff that was set up in earlier episodes all pay off in this episode. I kinda understand why people love soap operas now lol. I will say that this episode was a tad overwhelming for me in the best way possible. As in I had to pause and rewind every 30 seconds or so so I could emotionally process what was happening before moving forward (but that’s a me thing). There was just so much going on and I’m happy about that.
Now onto individual thoughts about specific things:
The callback to Baby Race (“you took your first steps in that house!”) really got to me because Baby Race was the first episode of Bluey that I watched and it immediately made me fall in love with it so it just got to me.
When Chilli said “Frisky and I came up here as teenagers to…um…think,” my mind started racing immediately with “what the FUCK happened at the Lookout?” “Who hurt Frisky and/or Chilli?” And I’m just so curious about what made Chilli say that line like that but we’ll probably never know what happened.
So yeah that scene at the end when the music was playing and Bandit ripped the sign out of the ground and Chilli tackled him to the ground ABSOLUTELY CHANGED my brain chemistry y’all. I can’t articulate my feelings any more than that.
I know some people were upset that Brandy ended up getting pregnant but I thought it was great for her! I’m happy for her! And I think that even though she got what she wanted in the end doesn’t negate the feelings she had about her infertility earlier. But I think we’re all wondering who the father is and I don’t know if the show really needs to answer that.
The whole message of “we’ll see” in terms of if something is good or bad is such a mature message that I never really thought of like that so I will be taking that philosophy forward in life. Congratulations Bluey, you managed to teach a 22-year-old childless person something new and insightful about life that I don’t think I’ve learned from another show.
I want to know more about what Bob was going through and feeling and why he went to India, but again, we’ll probably never know.
I just love how the wedding photos were beautiful but imperfect. Like of course we’re not perfect and nothing will ever be perfect but it’s beautiful and worth remembering anyway.
So many little jokes and moments were so funny in a mature way (I.e. “are we allowed to do that?” And Nana thinking there was about to be a baby announcement) were just so funny and memorable.
I think some people would say it’s a cop-out to end up not selling the house after building it up for 2 episodes but I don’t know, I think it works. I think Bluey and Bingo learned a valuable lesson and Bandit (and Chilli kinda) learned it’s not always about making their kids lives “perfect” in their eyes. Also I’m just personally glad they didn’t end up selling the house and I also kinda like that it wasn’t entirely their choice to keep it.
On a more serious note I think this episode has some interesting commentary on like gender roles and gender relations in straight relationships. In this episode Chilli and Frisky (both women) have to deal with their male significant others pressuring them to move with them far away from what they know and love. In the end they don’t end up moving and the men didn’t seem to have like malicious or selfish intent with it, they were just kinda basing their choices off their jobs instead of what’s best emotionally for their loved ones. But I think it’s interesting to have this conflict where gender is kinda brought up in a way (“because your husband is making you”). It kinda plays into the traditional idea of like men are the breadwinners and the family has to move with them regardless of what they actually want. And this episode kinda like deconstructs that and says “no, it’s not always about the job or money, it’s also sometimes about connections and emotional attachment.” And I’m not saying that you should never move or whatever, but really weigh your options. I just thought that it was interesting that this episode kinda touched on that.
So yeah that’s kinda the main thoughts I had on this episode if you made it this far thank you for reading my rambles and have a good one!
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cassberry · 6 months
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(Looking to watch 3rd Life, Last Life or Double Life? Here you go!)
If you are looking for a guide of some Limited Life episodes to catch up on for no particular reason at all (certainly not a new season being around the corner), I've got you covered!
Now I'm not going to lie, trying to curate this list for Limited Life broke me. The mechanics of this season meant that you gained time by killing other players and in doing so it felt like 50 things were happening all at once constantly across the server. As such I haven't been able to get absolutely everything onto this list, but I did try my best to get all the important events and a wide range of perspectives!
WARNING: Incredibly long read more where I go over why I picked certain POV's and what to expect. I do so love to ramble. Spoilers ahead!
Skizz - Breaking from tradition from recommending Grian first because you need to watch Skizz's POV first out of everyone unspoiled. The way things unraveled this episode felt like a sitcom in the best and worst ways lol 
Grian - Just a good solid first episode honestly and with the start of the Bad Boys™ how can you not love it. 
Scar -  I really have no words for whatever is the dynamic of the Clockers because you really just have to see it to understand. It’s a fun episode and as Scar, Cleo and Bdubs have set up near spawn, you always get to see something interesting. 
Big B - Big B’s episodes are always a treat as he does super long ones that give you a little more insight into what's happening on the server, rather than just the big events. But if you wanted something specific to watch, his last 10 minutes of this episode were a blast. 
Joel - Bad Boys Bread Bridge was both the most amazing and ugliest build on the server and I’m so glad it was made. Also Joel gets some amazing kills this episode that are so tense to watch. 
Martyn - Look this one is here because of a little personal bias. Martyn shouts me out in the episode so I couldn’t not add it lol It’s also a very good episode in of itself in that it introduces the Mean Gills and I’ll always be a Mean Gills supporter. Also that Tilly roast? oof 
Pearl - Pearl is constantly on the move this episode and living up to her Nosy Neighbour title so watch her episode if you want some good gossip and to see the lay of the land. 
Tango - Tango always delivers a solid episode and as he was building the TIES Tower a majority of the time he receives a lot of foot traffic through the area creating some fun interactions. 
Scar - And in this episode of Limited Life, Scar rediscovers the joys of minecart TNT. 
Impulse - Impulse is such a fun boogey to watch, and the way he edited this episode around his thought process of who to kill was great. 
Grian - Kind of a different episode this session as Grian was sick so he was afk the entire time. It was very very very funny to watch, but as he wasn’t interacting with anyone you’re going to miss a lot of context if you only watch his POV. You should still give this a watch though! 
Joel - Watching poor Joel run around after Grian trying to keep him safe was incredibly entertaining lmao 
Scott - I believe Grian said it best, but this session felt like a final session with the way the yellows were chasing after the greens. It was pure chaos the entire time and Scott beautifully evading them all until his descent into yellow was perfection. 
Tango - Tango is here for the same reason as Scott but as the last green the final hunt for him was terrifying to watch. 
Cleo - I love Cleo’s episodes and this one was just a joy. She was slightly sick this week but I feel like that only lowered her inhibitions to do some out of pocket stuff. 
Jimmy - The exciting saga of Judge Judy and Executioner continues in Jimmy’s episode this week and if you didn’t know anything about it, that's ok! Neither did anyone else on the server except for Jimmy, Pearl and Big B lmao consider this the best episode to watch if you want this plotline covered. 
Etho - Considering the episode starts off with Etho having to babysit Bdubs, then an awkward family dinner and an explosive game of catch, I really couldn’t have asked for a better Etho video. 
Big B - This session was a lot more calm than the previous, so there was a lot more alliance talk happening. Big B has a great perspective on all that as he and Pearl get up to a tonne of mischief that causes some problems with some alliances they already had. 
Scott - Once again this was an alliance building week and Scott’s episode really highlights some of the more fun things that happened to make and break some relationships. 
Grian - Poor Bread Bridge o7 you will be missed. Thankfully M-Rye 5 was there at the end to rain chaos from above. (<-sentences that make no sense out of context) 
Cleo & Pearl - I couldn’t choose between either of these two this session. Both Cleo and Pearl were out sick so they handed over their accounts to two other players. I won’t spoil who they are but these episodes were amazing. 
Jimmy - The Bad Boys were going through it this week goddamn lol It never stops being funny how much of a mess everything becomes when they get together. 
Martyn - It was his birthday this session and he’s just a little guy! Surely nothing would go wrong at his birthday party? And certainly not caused by him! 
Tango - The last half of Tango’s episode is just a comical amount of deaths that only get funnier and funnier as the time between them shortens. 
Skizz - Oh Skizz. You are too good for this world. His ending for this episode was heartbreaking and Affirmation Station will live on in my heart forever.
Scott - I love watching Scott run around the map and hunt people down because he is so good at the game! I believe he had the highest kill count this session and I loved every minute of it. 
Joel - (Major Spoilers) Ah Joel it just wasn’t meant to be! But hearing the desperation in his voice grow higher and higher as the clock ticked down was nail biting. Scar - Just a good Scar episode honestly! Shows what the Clockers are up to during all the chaos and a great view of the server devolving into anarchy.
Martyn - WOOOO YESSSS LETS GOOOOOO (<- does that count as spoilers???)
I distinctly remember being on the edge of my seat this whole episode and Martyn delivers in every way possible for a fantastic final episode of the season. 
Impulse - I haven’t mentioned it yet but Impulse’s editing this season went wild and it's none more apparent than in this episode. He and his team went crazy for the finale. 
Etho - Such a fun episode!! The twist at the end with the diamond sword coming into play was everything I could have wanted and more. 
Pearl - It was really a toss up between Pearl and Scott for this last spot, but I loved her perspective for the one last minigame on the server. 
Bdubs - Do you have a spare 12 hours to dedicate to Limited Life? Then oh boy does Bdubs have a video for you! Instead of weekly videos he decided to collate all his episodes into one mammoth video which was an absolute blast to watch over a weekend! It’s a really interesting POV to watch because when LimLife was airing Bdubs would just appear all over the map and we never had any idea what he was doing so it was awesome to have some concrete evidence of his shenanigans. Definitely give this one a watch if you’re in the mood for a marathon! 
I swear if the next season is as messy as this one, I think I’m going to have to start taking notes when it's airing because I think this took years off my life haha if you think I’ve missed anything please tag it because I would love to see it! I definitely could have added more POV’s per session like I did with the Last Life and 3rd Life guides, but I think a more curated list helps keep down the overwhelming nature of trying to watch a million Limited Life episodes. 
But really, I loved watching Limited Life live so I’m glad I give myself an excuse each new season to go back and watch the season over again. There are so many little foreshadowed moments that you don’t see on the first watch and honestly it all just makes me more excited for the new season! Thanks for reading <3
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butterflydm · 7 months
wot 2x8 - what was meant to be
Wow. I loved that but I am still processing. Bear with me.
First. First of all -- that shot WAS Elayne and Rand meeting. Called it.
LOVED the way that Mat's Min viewing played out, because it illustrates that what Min sees isn't a copy of what happens but shows the vibes of what happens. So that's good. Thanks for being all over Rand after you accidentally yeeting an evil dagger at him, Mat. Thank you for that. I thank you from my heart.
Mat's storyline here was... I loved it. Not sure I can explain why without MASSIVE end of series spoilers. Transcendent was kinda how I felt watching it. Mat is a Hero of the Horn.
I wonder if Mat's memories are gonna stick with him in the new season.
I loved how we went full-on with the "together we are a shield wall" theme, because that was set up in the very start of the season. They are stronger together, stronger by each other's sides. Absolutely. Love it.
Egwene killed Renna. Don't hate it. Actually kinda love it. I am here for it. Don't hate Seta dying either.
Did Suroth die? That would be interesting in terms of what the show might be doing in the future.
I absolutely called it on Rand just murdering Turak with the One Power.
Mat wounded Rand with the dagger and Elayne healed him. Just... thinking about how the three of them are connected by that.
Aviendha recognizing Rand as the Car'a'carn, apparently because of the big honking dragon. I will take that, lol.
Has Moiraine genuinely like in her soul convinced herself that anyone who stands against Rand is a darkfriend? Because that's kinda the only way I see her being able to attack those ships like that. They were shielding Rand therefore probably working with Ishamael and thus darkfriends. It's a logical train of thought but... ruthless. I said last episode that Moiraine was all in on Rand, but she is all in on Rand.
I do wish we'd gotten some time after the battle but, otoh, what an ending, right?
And... Ishamael let out all the others. Oops! Welcome to the current Age, Moghedien.
Any other thoughts I have require massive spoilers, I think. And a rewatch.
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
What can I say. I don't really know what to say. I'm going to blather because otherwise I'm gonna start really crying in this Starbucks.
I have so much Aof on my mind right now, especially with wrapping up not just this Our Skyy 2 series, but Bad Buddy, ATOTS, and finishing off He's Coming To Me last night (which I haven't intentionally processed yet, because I want to do a little rewatching before I get any passing words down).
Another thing I wanted to consider before starting on the episode is that while I've been so hugely focused on Pat and Pran, that I was also saying goodbye to my very first Aof couple in Phupha and Tian. I watched ATOTS WELL before even ever thinking about doing a Thai BL watchlist. I literally only watched ATOTS to get to know Earth and Mix before the premiere of Moonlight Chicken, close to the time that I joined Tumblr last summer. And I was fucking HOOKED after that.
I mean, before I get into my thoughts on this episode, I think what I'm feeling is similar to how I felt when I finished Bad Buddy. I just feel really fulfilled as an Asian that an Asian director is exploring all of these monumental themes in such an in-depth, loving, empathic, and creative way, vis à vis the lens of queer Asian characters in Asia dealing with issues very familiar to my own culture, and my watching how these characters, vis à vis the writing and direction of Aof himself, navigate those worlds.
What I'm realizing about this episode are a number of themes -- again, themes, as I wrote this morning to dear @wen-kexing-apologist, that I see Aof returning to time and time again. (I'm feeling really surprisingly emotional still, so this post is going to ramble a bit, the writing is not calming things down as it usually does.)
I think what's getting me really emotional here is that this episode was about transcendence -- HUGE transcendence on the part of Phupha, but on all the other guys, too. But in regards to how the transcendence STARTED, and from whom and to whom it started: it all happened when Pat and Pran arrived in Pha Pun Dao, and experienced Tian and Phupha, and vice versa. All of them experienced each other, and all of them changed because of it. Because they had found queer community amongst each other, they were able to share their experiences with new people, compare stories and emotions, and grow the better because of it.
Something I didn't realize last week was (or maybe I did, and I can't remember writing about it, because I'm a jumble): Pat and Pran moved again, Hegel-ian style, as I wrote in my massive BBS thesis. They went from Bangkok to Pha Pun Dao, a nicely big trip. Pat and Pran move, independently and together, always searching for their synthesis, which they can't QUITE find, because their families are in the way.
But they came REAL close to a public synthesis in this episode, and we know that they were essentially on another out honeymoon in Pha Pun Dao last week and this week, knowing that they were in the company of another queer couple, as @wen-kexing-apologist so sharply noted last night.
And then -- vis à vis Phupha's permission, a new modality of finding openness and honesty -- they came as close to a public synthesis, together, in the play as they could possibly find. While still closeted to almost everyone around them. They were still able to provide cover for fucking Dissaya. But they were as out as they could be between BBS episodes 11 and 12.
And that's just Pat and Pran's transcendence journey. With each Pat and Pran having separate conversations with Tian and Phupha in Pha Pun Dao, they could TRANSCEND THEMSELVES, their biases about their relationship with each other, and reflect on what holds people back in their own relationship. Indirectly, Pat and Pran were learning about what was holding Phupha back in being open and honest with Tian, and reflecting back to Chief on how THEY related to that (as communicative and reflecting youngsters), and Phupha could see THEIR processing, and learn from that. Pat and Pran could process because THEY found queer community, as much as Phupha and Tian did.
So: back to Aof and his themes. The theme of community building. How building a community and strength in numbers can help you grow.
It was so meaningful to hear Phupha comment that no one understood Phupha and Tian better than Pat and Pran. BECAUSE YOU NEED COMMUNITY TO GROW TOGETHER, AND THAT IS WHAT AOF IS SAYING FOR EQUITY FOR THE ASIAN QUEER COMMUNITY: FIND EACH OTHER AND BE TOGETHER, STRONGER. There are so many forces working against that community in each country of the continent, in their own ways.
And what happens when that happens, when people find community? You get strength and growth. You get a story like Phupha, who UTTERLY TRANSCENDED HIMSELF IN THIS EPISODE, MY GAWD. And Phupha did a Bad Buddy, he did a Hegelian thesis transition. HE MOVED. HE CROSSED HIS BORDERS and WENT TO THE CITY. As Pat and Pran, in episode 11, had to go to the eco-village -- Phupha needed to go to the city to close this newly awakened circle in him to confirm his relationship with Tian, and to find his sturdiness and commitment in living his life to take care of his partner.
Phupha found his courage through Pat, seeing how utterly OPEN and sappy Pat was to Pran. Phupha found that HE COULD STILL BE HIMSELF through Pran, hearing and seeing Pran's own reticence, Pran's own inclination to hold himself back. Phupha saw himself and Tian in Pat and Pran, and saw how a different paradigm could play out, simply with different mindsets.
I'm feeling really, just.... I am feeling really deeply grateful that we got to close out all of this on Phupha's story. Especially discussed among the friends (@lurkingshan, @shortpplfedup, @bengiyo, @wen-kexing-apologist, @ginnymoonbeam, and @kyr-kun-chan) -- could the ATOTS story have held up WITHOUT Pat and Pran?
Maybe? But, but, but. That wasn't Aof's point -- AT ALL.
Aof's point was to hammer home the equity of community. How you can be a BETTER PERSON when OTHER PEOPLE are helping you reflect, with THEIR PERSPECTIVES, on your life and your struggles.
There's a part of me that thinks here that there's a parable regarding the importance of having the freedom TO BE OUT. Each of the four guys -- Tian, Phupha, Pat, and Pran -- have their own ways of dealing with outness, and what it means to them. Each of them has their own group of people that would be affected by their outness.
And, fucking Christ, how beautiful. What we got to see in this episode is the internal reckoning of each character -- BUT ESPECIALLY PHUPHA, BECAUSE HE'S THE ELDEST AND WAS LIKELY EXPERIENCING THE MOST DIFFICULTY IN ADAPTING BECAUSE OF HIS PAST EXPERIENCES that we know nothing about (Uncle Jim, Uncle Jim).
We see Pran's reckoning at the moment of the play -- that he's gonna fool Dissaya. We see Pat not giving a toss for Ming. We see Tian WANTING Phupha in with his parents.
Each of the guys are in a different place and a different moment with their micro-circles. They needed to talk about their own stories with each other, and to hear each other tell their own stories, to build this story together of community.
They needed to each, vis à vis all of each other, that each one of them, individually, do need to compromise -- but not to GIVE UP THEIR LIVES for each other, or for anyone else in their lives.
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None of these guys needed to give up their lives to compromise to each other's demands or characteristics. Pat and Pran do not need to use their lives to repay the fucking foibles of their parents. They're gonna play their parents until their parents are ready, which I love and think that that's very realistic and empathic from the lens of Asian filial piety. (I LOVE @grapejuicegay's analysis -- and I like it, and am going with, the read that Pran needs to get separation from Dissaya through Singapore. Boy, do I ever fucking relate to that.)
Phupha doesn't need to use his life of reticence and secrecy to repay... what -- the world's bias against the queer community? Thailand's bias against public servants being out and open?
And Tian's is helping him through that. But Phupha couldn't have done this ONLY with Tian, because Tian has his own needs and his own issues, his own stubbornness, that Phupha and Tian need to contend with as a couple.
Phupha needed the big push, he needed the push of the community that Pat and Pran provided, and the objective REFLECTION that Pat and Pran provided vis à vis the play, to TRANSCEND himself and get to a place of openness and comfort.
And he found that, in the arms of Tian, but also in the acceptance of Tian's parents and Tian's community in Tul.
I think it is really ripping my heart apart that the close of ATOTS was told with the story of Bad Buddy. I actually don't see it ending any other way. And we didn't get a close of Bad Buddy, per se. We're getting the close of Pat and Pran and OhmNanon, for sure, but we know the boys will find ways to move forward in our beloved world of fiction, wherever they go.
We do know that Phupha has committed, openly, in family and community, to love and care for Tian, Tian with the borrowed heart and the thousandth star on his finger -- and that's exactly an ending for ATOTS that I could have asked for.
I have more to process... but mom needs a break and a cocktail tonight. I could not have asked for anything more than this -- I am so fulfilled.
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muddyorbsblr · 7 months
thots & theories :: loki season 2 episode 1
This post will contain spoilers for the first episode of Loki Season 2 under the cut so please if you haven't watched yet, then press Keep Reading at your own risk.
What you will find under the cut: Whoring out and the return of a side of me that I never actually thought would ever come out again…"Theorist Ally" 🥴🫡
Please tell me I wasn't the only one at risk of heading to the ER from choking after seeing that first shot of TVA agents chasing Loki down the hallway like besties & fellow whores I did not have "Marvel mercifully decides to leave the mango untouched" in my 2023 bingo card. But we actually got that shot in HD now and it's blowing my tiny whoring mind 🥵😮‍💨
And all the hair flips we got once he lands from a time slip with the tense jaw and neck muscles like Sir we're trying to feel for you and feel the urge to wrap you in a blanket and give you cuddles, but you're making it really hard not to think about [redacted]
Lemme just give y'all some shots that had me feeling all kinds of ways throughout this episode:
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Something I really appreciated in this was that while Loki was concerned about how the time slipping looked to people witnessing it, Mobius was more concerned about how Loki felt experiencing it. Precious beb deserves to have someone that actually cares to that level and that bit just warmed my cold dead heart 🥹
In the same vein as above, Mobius' refusal to give up on Loki coming back until the last possible second and even begging OB to hold off a little longer really struck a chord with me because again, he now has someone that isn't just concerned about his well-being but also will believe in him even if everyone's going to tell them to give up 💖
The scene where OB was remembering new memories from his past in realtime during his conversation with Mobius in the present was something that I found insanely clever like let me tell you I was geeking out about it on my couch at 9am on a Friday morning
The sequences where Loki begins to realize in seconds where he's been yoinked off to in the timeline was a really good showcase of how smart our stabby boi is because he was using elements in his surroundings to form a timeline in his head to estimate where he was and he's doing all this under the pressure of not knowing when he's going to disappear again and under visibly excruciating pain 🥺💖
I'm living for the fact that B-15's part of the main group of characters and she really served that look of "are you fucking kidding me and right in front of my salad" when General Dox and X-5 were having their little moment.
Speaking of Dox and X-5…something's going on with those two and if y'all are thinking "mother/son" then lemme just nudge you in the direction of Oedipus Complex because…something about those two don't sit right with me 😖😖
The whole profound emotional moment with Sylvie finally feeling like she can breathe and not have to worry about running anymore and actually eat something that isn't something she hunted would have had the teeniest bit more impact if it didn't take place in a McDonald's but I gotta admit I too have once considered trying the entire menu 😂
Let's start off with my theories surrounding the scene where they fix the Temporal Loom because I have a feeling that we're going to be returning to that sequence and that setting quite a few times towards the end of the season. And with that sequence alone I have so many questions.
Like how did Sylvie get stuck in the elevator? Who pruned Loki that allowed him to return to his present timeline and also save Mobius in the process? Who's on the other end of the line on that ringing phone in the future? Why is General Dox sending troops upon troops of Minutemen to Sylvie's location and how is she even certain that where they're all headed off to is the location they're after?
So here's a few of my theories/predictions for what we're about to see as Season 2 plays out:
Loki prunes himself – I think we're going to revisit that scene where Loki gets pruned only from a more future Loki's point of view where we see that he's the one that prunes Episode 1 Loki so that he could be extracted and returned to his present timeline. He's the one holding the time stick.
General Dox is a tertiary antagonist – in the grand scheme of the season I think she and X-5 will probably at most be a nuisance with some firepower, but they're not the biggest threat after Kang, which leads me to…
OB is a secondary antagonist – I know I know we love him right now because he's fun and quite matter of fact, but hear me out. I think that his priority will be fixing the Temporal Loom which goes against what at least B-15 stands for because each branched timeline has countless lives living in them. He knows how the loom works and he knows how to repair it, so he puts that above all else to the extent where he could try and reconcile them all once again into a Sacred Timeline. Point is, he won't want the Loom to break.
Rennslayer and Kang are the primary antagonists…and maybe also Minutes? – that casual hard launch in the beginning scenes where Loki's in the past TVA hasn't left my mind and I think this is where we're headed
And now here's where I go tin foil hat and give my most out there theory that I hope won't happen but something tells me that it will.
So…y'all know how in Doctor Who, Clara Oswald sacrifices herself into the Doctor's timeline and splits herself into thousands (maybe even millions) of iterations of herself with the singular goal of saving the Doctor? She becomes a being that is destined to make that decision again and again because the Clara that jumped into the timeline was a life that's probably already been created as a result of that very sacrifice?
That type of circular infinite path of life is like the snake that's forever doomed to eat its own tail in a circle until the end of time. That concept and that symbol is called an Ouroboros.
And now that I've given that long winded intro here's the part where some of you are about to click off and call me delulu and you know what valid but if you're still here and you wanna see the clown show here we go:
Loki will become an Ouroboros
I don't think this episode was just titled "Ouroboros" because we're being introduced to OB. I think there was a more profound meaning to the episode title, that meaning being that this is the path that Loki's headed down. I think he sacrifices himself in the scene where he faces the Temporal Loom without a protective suit on and this will cause him to split into infinite versions of himself throughout the timelines. And one of these infinite versions will find himself in the Future TVA where he sees the Loki from Episode 1 running in search of a time stick.
Now I can already hear some of you going "But Ally why would he do that?" And I'm going to pull from Loki's words directly to explain what his motive could be to do such a thing:
"I want to save my friends"
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Now with all that being said, I'm totally open to other theories and I genuinely hope that my big theory is not correct because I really don't like that that's the route my brain went when trying to connect the pieces.
Gonna go and tag some usual suspect besties in this (and not gonna put this into the series tag because self preservation): @gigglingtiggerv2 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @coldnique @peachyjinx @gruftiela @lokisgoodgirl @loopsisloops @give-me-a-moose @lokischambermaid @tallseaweed @mischief2sarawr @maple-seed @joyful-enchantress @november-rayne @ladyofthestayingpower @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @liminalpebble @simplyholl +++
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noelwho · 8 months
Ultimate Chronological Order Imodna Playlist!!!
Hello! I feel like I have to introduce myself ‘cause I’m barely on Tumblr. I’m still learning how to use it, I posted a couple of fanarts and they went really well, so I want to try and make myself a spot in here. My name is Noel (they/them) and I’m a big fan of Critical Role. I started watching a few months ago, with Exandria Unlimited. Once I was done I went ahead and started Campaign 3. I’m currently on episode 49 (I know, I have a lot ahead yet). I also watched the first season of Candela Obscura and a couple of One-Shots.
Today I’m here to talk about the Lesbian Southern Gothic Witches. Earlier this week I started to obsess over a playlist. An Imodna playlist, to be more specific. It started with me listening to one I found on spotify (I will credit below because it’s been a huge inspiration for this project) and I got the urge to make my own. At the beginning it was something chill, something normal…until it was not. Over the course of the last 3 days I haven’t thought about or listened to anything else. I got the idea of making the playlist in chronological order and I started to take it very seriously. I divided their history in 10 different chapters and assigned each song to the correct time period. At first it was just gonna be into chapters, but then I started to put them in order inside the chapters too, and it became very personal. For real, this playlist has been the one and only thing I wanted to talk about for days. Last night I finally finished it. I’ve played it for run tests several times and I think it’s finally ready to see the light (kinda feels like the project of my life even though I only spent a few days working on it).
After all this brainrot it didn’t feel right to just tweet a link to the playlist, I wanted the world to know everything that went through my head in the process of making this. I also don’t have many people around who care about Critical Role, and I thought it was a good opportunity to connect with the fandom. So all of this took me here, to tumblr. All of a sudden it became very clear that this was the perfect place to set my baby free.
There’s some things I wanna make clear before you start reading, the first being the classic: english is not my first language. Sounds like a joke at this point but for real, it’s very likely that this thing is full of grammatical mistakes and I want to apologize in advance (specially about the in/on/at situation, I’ve been having lots of trouble with those for some reason) This is also the first time I do something like this so it may not be perfect. The second thing is that this will obviously be filled with spoilers. In fact I actually haven’t even got to The Scene, I saw it around on Tumblr and Twitter (impossible to avoid that spoiler, but I don’t really care). I’m aware that there’s a lot of Imodna moments that I haven’t seen yet, but I couldn't wait to start this playlist. I don’t know if the episodes I have left to watch will translate into new chapters or into new songs for the chapters I already have but either way, I will keep this post and the playlist updated.
With that being said, welcome to this ride through an unhinged mind. Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy!
The tether scene is one of my favorite ones. I love that metaphor with a passion. That’s why I chose this name for the playlist. With the photo I wanted to make an allusion to the red thread myth given that Laudna herself carries around a spool of red string. I even edited the picture so the hands on the right are slightly gray like Laudna’s.
There’s not just one specific vibe to this playlist, but I find it to be a very calming one, with the exception of some specific moments that we will talk about later. I tried to avoid strong and distracting beats so I could keep it a little ethereal. Lots of acoustic guitar (which I love). I’m not going to talk about every single song because some of them have pretty obvious meanings. Usually the songs aren't a 100% match, but they do have a part to it that speaks to me and to the story on a certain level.
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× Imogen and Laudna’s separate lifes ×
At the beginning of the journey that is this playlist, I wanted to introduce the characters. Intertwining their songs, we get to know Imogen and Laudna’s pasts, before they have each other to face the terrors of being witches in a world that doesn’t quite understand them.
Delilah - Florence + The Machine (Laudna)
I sometimes wonder if Marisha has ever listened to this song, because oh my fucking god. I wanted to start the playlist with Abbey, I didn’t because with the intertwining I couldn’t make it fit, but this one is a very good start as well. This song shows perfectly how it must have been being brought back by Delilah and having that power all of a sudden.
Abbey - Mitski (Imogen)
Matilda - Harry Styles (Laudna)
Imogen - Nick Mulvey (Imogen)
Laudna's lullaby - Ginny Di (Laudna)
Time comes in roses - Bess Atwell (Imogen)
The Tradition - Halsey (Laudna)
Burn it down - Daughter (Imogen)
There’s several songs from this album on this playlist. It couldn’t fit better. It reflects perfectly the moment Imogen started to develop her powers. It even refers directly to the way she parts ways with her town (which doesn’t happen for a few chapters but still I felt this one belonged here). Her fear of being a disappointment, her father becoming absent, the feeling of being cursed. It’s all here.
The hanging tree - The hunger games (Laudna)
Still I wait - Anna Leone (Both)
Even with everything they had to go through, they both still wait and cling to hope.
× Imogen and Laudna meet ×
Finally, their paths cross. They experience the feeling of warmth for the first time in a long time. They both feel the need to keep the other one close and begin to appreciate the little things in life, learning how to be taken care of. Goodbye loneliness.
Season of the Witch - Lana Del Rey
I'd like to walk around in your mind - Vashti Bunyan
How important is this song knowing what Imogen can do…
Comfortable Silence - Bella Porter
Without you without them - Boygenius
A hole in the earth - Daughter
That Moon Song - Gregory Alan Isakov
Love brought weight - Old Sea Brigade
That distant shore - Steven Universe
Sick of losing soulmates - Natalie Dawn
I Hear a Symphony - Cody Fry
Sidelines - Phoebe Bridgers
The bug collector - Haley Heyderickx
Sometimes I feel that it’s always Laudna taking care of Imogen, as if she didn't have anything on her own plate. It can't be easy to live with a voice in your head and paranoia. This song shows how Imogen is there to hold Laudna too when it becomes too much.
Look up - Joy Oladokun
If the last one was an Imogen’s POV, this one is totally a Laudna’s POV. Her and her silly little pep talks. “You’re so capable”.
Daylight - Taylor Swift
I love the idea of them learning that life can be good if you find someone to share it with. This song encapsulates that perfectly.
Spell - Dora Jar
I wanted this one to be the last one of the chapter because it introduces the idea of leaving together.
× Imogen and Laudna run away together ×
“Would you run away with me?” They learn what it’s like to have a home that’s not a place, but something entirely new. The past still follows but they’re no longer crushed by it, because they don’t have to sustain it on their own.
Departure - Daughter
Second child, restless child - The Oh Hellos
Just the two of us - Grover Washington, Jr.
I really like to imagine Imodna slice of life scenes when I listen to this song.
Dandelion Wine - Gregory Alan Isakov
Homesick - Dwara, Khotton Palm
Graceland Too - Phoebe Bridgers
When I realized how much of a Laudna's POV this song is, I almost cried.
Telepath - Manchester Orchestra
I really really like Manchester Orchestra, it's one of my favorite bands. I never let go of the chance of spreading them around, and this one is the best song they have. Laudna's POV for sure.
everything i wanted - Billie Eilish
With songs like this one and Intertwined, I wanted to introduce the idea that even though they're definitely better off now that they left the town, that doesn't instantly solve all of their problems. As I said before, the past follows, but they're no longer alone with it.
Savior Complex - Phoebe Bridgers
Intertwined - Dodie
Nothing else matters - Phoebe Bridgers
As long as they're together, nothing else matters.
× You lied ×
Even though I only have a few songs for this precise moment of the story, I thought that it was very important to include their first fight. The gem is broken and Imogen feels betrayed. Laudna is left abandoned and thinks she deserves to be punished for Delilah’s wrongs. We explore jealousy for the first time.
Witches - Daughter
The silence at the end of this instrumental song represents the loneliness that Laudna felt when Imogen left her alone after her incident with Delilah
Landfill - Daughter
There are two possible ways of reading into this one. This is in my opinion a Laudna's POV. She could either be talking to Imogen, expressing her deep rooted desire for a punishment for what she’s done; or to Delilah, alluding to the attachment she has to her own powers (that at least as far as she knows are there because of Briarwood) opposed to the hatred she feels for her and for herself for wanting those powers (this is a theme that they explore later on future chapters)
Are you okay? - Winnetka Bowling League
Afterglow - Taylor Swift
The archer - Taylor Swift
× Laudna’s death ×
Otohan Thull relentlessly kills three members of Bells Hells. A coin is flipped and Laudna is gone, again. What awaits beyond the afterlife? Perhaps a little girl, a monster and a tree.
DVD menu - Phoebe Bridgers
If death’s not exactly DVD menu by Phoebe Bridgers, then someone tell me what’s like because I can’t imagine otherwise. I freaking love how this song connects with Daffodil.
Daffodil - Florence + The Machine
Death with dignity - Sufjan Stevens
Bells in Santa Fe - Halsey
I like to imagine that Laudna didn't appear in Nightmarish Whitestone immediately. Up until this point, she's in a limbo, accepting her own death. Bells in Santa Fe marks the moment she sets foot in that Upside-down kind of world. The constant repetition of “All of this is temporary” is like a mantra for her, the only hope she has of getting through it with her sanity intact is believing that this will also end and she will finally find peace.
Willow Tree March - The paper kiss
Hard times - Ethel Cain
Tether me - Galleaux
With this song and the next one, I wanted to express desperation. We don't get to know in the series how she feels throughout all of this, but I can only imagine how terrifying it must have been. There's a point where anyone would have started begging for help.
Matilda - alt-J
× Imogen’s grief ×
“Is she your favorite?”. Imogen feels deeply guilty for what happened. The possibility of bringing Laudna back is the only thing that’s keeping her from losing it completely. All the regrets, all the words she wishes she said before, all the times she didn’t approached her when she wanted to, come afloat. Grief, disassociation and sorrow.
Words - Storefront Church, Phoebe Bridgers
This song is meant to represent the exact moment of Imogen floating and losing control, with Otohan in her head pushing her to let go.
Goner - Twenty One Pilots
No other song in existence can express better the moment Imogen realize Laudna's gone for good.
Lanterns lit - Son Lux
True Faith - Ashley Johnson
Hurt for me - SYML
Carry you - Novo Amor
My love - Florence + The Machine
Lucky for you - Novo Amor, Gia Margaret
Killer + the sound - Phoebe Bridgers, Noah Gundersen
Should have known better - Sufjan Stevens
Ya'aburnee - Halsey
Show you a body - Haley Heyderickx
Imogen (even Laura) loses hope for a moment during the ritual they do for bringing Laudna back. The end of this song summarize this repeating a lyric over and over (you can clearly see through this playlist how much I love repetition).
× Back together ×
After Bells Hells confront Delilah at the Upside-down-Whitestone of Laudna’s nightmares, Pike manages to bring her back to life. Imogen and her are back hand by hand, and nothing can ever tear them apart again. Here’s where I think something awakes inside them, but they are far from realizing it.
I am the Antichrist to you - Kishi Bashi
Like an angel “fallen from the sky with grace”, Laudna’s back on Imogen’s arms.
Darling - Halsey
This love (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Now that you're home - Manchester Orchestra
Lose you again - Manchester Orchestra
Halloween - Phoebe Bridgers
But not kiss - Fayer Webster
Like I said, something changes after this. What they’ve been through is not nothing. This song is here to show that something is born deep inside them, on their subconscious far from their reach yet
× Back to Gelvaan ×
Same as with the “You lied” chapter, I felt that this one was important even though I just have one song for it. It just matches perfectly. Imogen and Laudna visit Imogen’s hometown and the place where they met, searching for answers. Old wounds, some closure and an emotionally absent father.
My tears ricochet - Taylor Swift
× Tethered ×
In this chapter the platonic bond is peaking. It takes place right before The Unraveling, giving in to the “Can I kiss you?” phase and becoming romantic. They’ve been through hell and back just to stay together. This is my personal favorite bit of the playlist, everything is extremely intense but not yet explicit.
Tethered - Sleeping at last
I Will - Mitski
Anchor - Alli X
Don't let them see you cry - Manchester Orchestra
Crosses - José González
Quietly - Manchester Orchestra
Francesca - Hozier
Moon song - Phoebe Bridgers
Capital Karma - Manchester Orchestra
Everywhere, everything - Noah Kahan
In a week - Hozier
Monster - King Princess
j's lullaby (darlin' i'd wait for you) - Delaney Bailey
I will follow you into the dark - Miya Folick
I wouldn't ask you - Clairo
× Can I kiss you? ×
Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The beggining of something new, the next and most logical step of this journey. The platonic becomes romantic and they get to truly explore the feelings they always had, and some novel ones. This is the moment I know less about, but I’ve used my imagination and my own headcanons.
Can I - Genevieve Stokes
I debated a lot whether to put this one at the end of the last chapter or the beginning of this one because I don't know how relevant Laudna's death is up to this point, and there's a huge reference to this in this song. I know for a fact that the Delilah’s plot is not over and things will change, but I couldn't resist the urge to put it in here, given the name of the song and its obvious connection to the chapter.
We'll never have sex - Leith Ross
Wading in Waist-high Water - Fleet Foxes
This is the last time - The National
All my ghosts - Lizzy McAlpine
Prière pour la nuit - Barbara Pravi, November Ultra
Chewing Cotton Wool - The Japanese House
Bandages - Rachel Bobbitt
This is it, this is The Ultimate Chronological Order Imodna Playlist. I don't know if I'm the first one doing this, probably not, I don't know if this has any value to anyone beyond myself, but I had a hell of a lot of fun. If only one person were to read this till the end I would be more than satisfied.
I’ll link here the playlist that started all of this. Massive respect for this person whoever it is, I took lots of the songs from here
Infinite thanks to anyone who gets here or saves my playlist, feel free to respond with any song that you think adds to the story!! Something tells me this isn't the end of my Imodna brainrot so,,,, more things could be on their way (a fanfic, perhaps?).
No idea how to end this so… long live Lesbian Southern Gothic Witches!!!
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cowederevived · 3 months
HEY EVERYONE. WELCOME TO YOUR FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL : "instead of doing asks cowede talks about random subjects and advertised for shows and animes"
Now I was doing my stuff, slowly but surely progressing through bleach (some of you may now i'm watching it atm, its good (but veeeeeeeeeery slow) but it aint what were gonna talk about) and lowkey harassing plain with futa angie pictures because yes. And my brain was just waltzing around, as it usually does when I remembered out of nowhere a show that I watched during my early adolescence and the last time was a few years ago and that I really like, and since I have a small tumblr blog, may as well advertise good shows I like here! So, let me tell you a tell of red hair chinese cool mc, kepranks, knocks knocks, sick music and conspiracies. We're gonna talk about Detentionaire. (Micro spoilers)
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Detentionaire is a Canadian 4 season 53 (lmao lolz lmao funny number) episode long thriller mystery comedy cartoon that came out from 2011 to 2014. I will spoiler free resume the plot as if : As Lee ping, 10th grader and (kinda) loner starts his new year at Alexander Nigma High he finds himself framed as the perpetrator of a Massive prank that hits the whole school, and is punished by a whole year of constant detention. Searching to prove his innocence, he will daily sneak out of detention to find the true perpetrator and clear his name, in the process he will discover that this "prank" hides a deep secret that goes far, far beyond what he could have ever imagined. While the series starts off as a little silly, "its just a prank bro" it ends up going very far, and I will not talk about how much it is, but let me tell you, it goes very far, and quite well. Its a way different tone, but you could definitely compare it to other mystery thriller cartoon shows like gravity falls (another absolute gem) I trully advice you to watch the few first episodes, theres a high chance it will hook you if you like those kind of "conspiracy" theme shows. The mystery and the way it progress is VERY well handled in my opinion, each episode gives you hint, or red herrings at the bigger picture, and they definitely knew what they were doing. Upon rewatching the series you will usually pick up on lots of small differents elements that were hidden in plan sight, making it feel all very well thought out. The series also takes place in a sliiiightly different universe than ours, for example the principal of a school is a military cyborg, and the (living and savage) mascot of the school is a tazelwurm, a cryptid, this gives the shows a real ambiance of mystery i'm personnaly quite a fan of. The side characters are honestly pretty well done, while some are very stereotypical, a lot of them get side stories or devlopment throughout the show, and the main gang as a very chaotic yet compeling chemistry with each other.
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Anyway! that is all! I really kinda struggle advising shows in general, but if you like good thriller mystery cartoon with decent plot progression and likeable (imo) characters ? Go for it, its a total hidden gem, as the show got high ratings, but isnt very well known. And uh, theres (kinda slow) good romance too ? I guess theres that. it's a high school show of course it was gonna be the case. The episodes are fully disponible (for free) on youtube having been posted by Retro Rerun (just search detentionaire and you will find the full series playlist very easily) So yeah, if you have some free time and want to see something else than animes and series, remember good cartoons also exist!
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cuddlytogas · 9 months
GOOD OMENS 2 SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!! spewed out right after binging last night and then added to today. I'm mostly gonna ramble about structure rather than content, but the last few bits get quite spoilery
before that, though, one other thought: I DO hope the power of fandom now will mean that we'll get an influx of people listening to Cabin Pressure and JFSP and Double Acts and all that good stuff!!! John Finnemore is such an incredible writer and comedian, and I know the "following fandom brain into a rabbithole of someone's previous work" is a lot more common for actors than writers, but. one can dream!!!!!!! knowing Finnemore was a co-writer was what reassured me that the new season wasn't going to be an unnecessary sequel, he's so fucking good, and in conclusion ---
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okay onto the s2 thoughts
obviously I'm, like. insane now. like I'm gonna shatter into a million pieces and also be sick. I have LOST my MIND. and it WAS good!!!
but also
I thought the pacing wasn't nearly as good as s1? obvs s1 had the ticking clock element, which is hard to recreate without just having another ticking clock, but especially some of the flashbacks tended to linger a smidge too long, and you could tell some of them were written by other writers - the "minisodes" thing I think didn't HELP. obviously I don't think this was a MAJOR problem, and I'll want a rewatch when i feel less Fully Insane to judge properly, but even ending aside, I feel like it didn't have quite the same structural/pacing qualities that made s1 so watchable
I thought the extension of the preexisting 1941 flashback felt... a bit hack-y? (it also went on too long tbh.) the reason those worked so well in s1 was because they were these little snippets, extending it (again, especially to the length that they did) was a little... hm. not, like, a cardinal sin, and it might just be a taste thing, but. again, the "minisodes written by other writers" thing didn't help.
and I'm REALLY sad it was released all at once!! with all the mystery elements, I would've loved a week to week format - even two episodes a week - to really digest all the clues, to sit and speculate and process each reveal/development! I just read that Neil Gaiman wanted that too, so it's extra hurtful. it would've been such a satisfying way to consume the show, but alas, Binge Culture must prevail, I guess :\
finally... I might be genuinely disappointed by the ending? I mean, the religious trauma is Strong With This One, and it'll depend on what they do with s3 (I'm not even going to humour the idea of no s3), but just... okay, real spoilers from here
it felt like Aziraphale really backslided?? like, wasn't the whole point of s1 the learning of "heaven and hell are both a bit shit and we're on our own side"? I understand why the final choice was compelling, both to him and the audience, but even across the season - and especially taking both seasons' flashbacks into account - he really sort of pinged back and forth between learning the lesson and going right back into denial about it, in a way that started to feel less like a character flaw and more like a cheat to keep the drama going. obvs his final choice was DEVASTATING, but also I couldn't stop thinking that Aziraphale... knows better??? not just "he should know better, how heartbreaking", but haven't we SEEN that he KNOWS BETTER?? it felt... inconsistent? again, as a writing choice rather than a character thing
like, I've slept on this thought now and calmed down a little about it, obviously I'm a bit biased by how also extremely painful that whole last scene was to watch, but - thing it, it's not even the decision itself that sits so formally wrong with me! the "I could fix things if I were in power" self-delusion is a very believable and narratively compelling (READ: HEARTBREAKING) move, as is him believing "if Crowley were an angel and I fixed everything then we could be safe and together and everything would be fine"!
but specifically the "but heaven are the good guys" - that gets me! like, after everything?? you really still believe that?? I thought it was obvious you learnt your lesson?? something something, "how can someone so smart be SO stupid?" - except we already did that bit in s1!! ahhh I dunno, it just rings a bit too much of the kind of undoing character development and recycling drama that I reeaaaally don't like :\
like, just. the pure disbelief in crowley's face - "tell me you said no" - like, yeah. and not just in a character sympathy way, but - come on, Aziraphale!! we've been through this so many times now!!!
again, this will also all rest on how it's handled in s3. and I have some faith! s2 actually bringing up crowley's "I was there when you tried to destroy Aziraphale, I saw your face when you told him to shut up and die" was revelatory, I loved that they actually made reference to it. and the writers are good! this isn't going to be a wwdits situation, I think we're safe in that. but s2 definitely had a few more plotty/pacing flaws, and that's just SUCH a huge betrayal - that whole ending was so massive - I have a lot of gay fear about how it'll all be resolved.
or, I dunno. maybe I'm just still too sad to think straight.
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s1mpa1 · 1 year
I just wanna talk about Anime!
1. Naruto
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After watching Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and episodes here and there of Baruto, I just wanted to express my feelings towards this anime.
Some things to note before I start :
Opinions vary for everyone. When it comes to Anime, I feel like many are already drawing out their weapons, the moment someone says “Well I think ( insert any anime) is…” So please! Let’s be respectful! Let’s not be rude! Sharing your personal opinion and thoughts is perfectly fine, but let’s not insult others for their opinions, if they differ from ours!
I might curse a bit here and there. If you’re uncomfortable with that…uh…just imagine hearing a loud BEEEP, whenever you read it.
I finished watching all of the Naruto series! So! SPOILERS! WILL! BE! AHEAD!
What was Naruto to me before?
So, I’ve been watching anime since 2006. And even if Naruto never caught my interest at the time, I still knew about the Ninja Anime. Naruto in the Anime community, was and still is, very much considered an Anime classic. And little me at the time, was like “Eh. Sure”. I respected it, but never really bothered to look too much into it. One of the main reasons I had no interest in Naruto, was because of like…three reasons.
I was DEEP into Shojo Anime/ Manga. If it didn’t look cute and girly, I wouldn’t watch it. ( Ugh, I know! I’m sorry, and I have changed my ways! I’ve grown up! (T_T) )
“ Why watch this long anime…when I can watch over 5 others? ” To younger me, it was about watching the most anime. Quantity is what mattered! Not stay stuck with just one, for what felt like decades.
The more I was told “ OMG! You should watch Naruto! ” the more I was set on NOT watching it. ( Idk what’s wrong with me(・□・;) )
So what changed my mind?
This might sound cliche, to the point where you will roll your eyes all the way to Asia, but the answer to that is…
✨ Friendship ✨
A bestie of mine just started to one day tell me, and tell me, and tell me, and tell me, and tell me about Naruto. Until I finally texted her :
Me :
Since I have nothing better to do, on Tuesday, I…GUESS I can watch some episodes with you.
And that was the beginning of…a long…LONG journey.
So what happened? How did I go from “ I’m just gonna watch some episodes TODAY. See what the hype is all about. ” to “It’s New Years, and I’m about to finish Naruto…idk how to feel about this. I don’t want it to end…”
I’ll tell you what happened!
The world of the Ninjas
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From the cool hand signs, to the many types of clans, I found myself amazed ( and a little slow to process it all ) by all of the depth that this world has. I really found the hand signs fun, and can see why so many Naruto Fans know them by heart. ( It’s so cool!!!! ) I really like the design of Konoha, and while 99% of the population were a bunch of ASSHOLES to little Naruto, Konoha is still cool.
Once we were introduced to the other villages, I’m gonna be honest, I really like The Land Of Lightning. The village hidden in the clouds, is SO cool to me! I love it!
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Look at it! It looks like a cool blue spinning top!
But we also know why we stay for an Anime. And that’s it’s characters. Let’s get to the good stuff, okay? (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
Characters that made me stay
*coughcoughfavoritecharacterscoughcough* top 3.
- Kakashi Hatake -
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Okay, okay. Let’s just get it out of the way here, guys.
Kakashi is hot.
Yeah. Yeah, you heard me. You’re probably rolling your eyes, or saying “of course” either in your head, or out loud. But it’s true, and now that I’ve said it, let’s move on. I’ll fangirl about him another day.
He’s proof that you could have the shittiest life, been in the darkest place within yourself, and still grow to be a good person. Because that’s what he did. He was so broken, and empty. Yet he managed to find meaning to life. Showing and teaching others on how to improve themselves. He became the Sensei of some of the strongest ninjas of the Leaf Village.
Okay but seriously. The man lost his dad to suicide, and his mom is gone…idk what happened to his mom. Does anyone know? He lost his friends. Obito died in front of his eyes, causing some major trauma. Karin died by his own hands ( even though he had no fault on that ) but yet, guess what? MORE TRAUMA! He then lost his Sensei, and himself. His past was just so sad…and then he had to fight Obito after thinking he was deeeaad!?😭
He was not only a Sensei to Team 7. He was a FATHER figure, and no one can change my mind. While he could have checked up on Naruto before ( knowing that Naruto is Minato’s son, and that everyone in the village hated Naruto with a PASSION ) , he soon took it upon himself to care for Naruto. Bringing him vegetables, feeding him when he was hurt, teaching him about himself, and what it is to be a Ninja. Teaching him life lessons, and how to overcome them. He also believed in Naruto’s dream of becoming Hokage. Believed in HIM. With Sakura, while I didn’t see that much, cause Tsunade later on took Sakura under her wing, I know he cared for her too. He was there to comfort her, whenever Naruto and Sasuke had another one of their fights. He was thankful that at-least she wasn’t the one causing trouble. When it comes to Sasuke, I’ve seen some comments here and there, that Sasuke was Kakashi’s favorite student, but I honestly don’t really agree. Sasuke is clearly a student ahead of everyone else. He can’t be taught like the others! It’s just the truth. And who else would teach Sasuke about his Sharingan, if his whole clan was wiped out??? At least Kakashi had ONE! Surely he could teach him something! He was the only one!
- Rock Lee -
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Surprise? Not surprise? At first I didn’t think people liked Lee, but my friend told me that he’s actually a quite popular character. That made me very happy!💚 (*^ワ^*)
Apparently, and correct me if I’m wrong, but apparently Lee was designed to symbolize human strength. And there is so much in that. Lee is a Ninja that cannot do Ninjutsu, nor Genjutsu. The only thing he can do, is Taijutsu. And boy, does he hold on to that. I am a SUCKER, for characters like him. The whole “I may not have what everyone else has, but I can still prove myself”. It makes him feel more human, and for me (personally) more relatable. Knowing that you lack, compared to everyone else, and holding on to what you’re somewhat good at. Going above and beyond to continue to keep that special to you, and working nonstop to be the best at it, cause that’s the only thing you think you have a grasp on- ugh! I’ll stop before I start crying. I just relate to that, and find him a very inspirational character. I love him, he’s like my son.
I also like his rivalries were mainly healthy. He never really hated on his rivals. In fact, he was friends with all of them! With Naruto? They comrades. With Neji? Sure, their relationship was a bit bumpy at first, but they eventually came to respect each other, as they grew up. Shira? They became BFFLS! Had me in tears! 😭 And don’t even get me started with Gaara! Even after all…THAT ( amazing fight by the way ) the two ended up being the best of friends! Like- would you be friends with the person who not only broke your arm and leg, but had you go through a risky operation, having you question your existence, and tried to kill you when you were asleep? Naaaaah! Nah! Lee is an Angel!
Oh! I also watched the Lee Spin Off series! Pure. Perfection. Highly recommend. My favorite parts, are when we get to see Lee just create random scenarios, and drags everyone around him into them. 😂
- Obito Uchiha -
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This boy…
My god.
There was no rest for him, ever since he was born.
I like to have this thought that everyone has their Uchiha. Many choose Sasuke, Itachi, Madara, Shisui, etc. For me, it’s him. Obito Uchiha. I find it hilarious, and again- SPOILER ALERT that when we were introduced to TOBI, I loved him so much. When he said he was “Madara” I was in disbelief, but very much enjoying the supposed twist. But then- surprise! It’s Obito! I was having the time of my life. I was an Obito fan, without even knowing it. He’s my favorite Uchiha, even though…yeah…yeah he did a bit of big oopsies.
I enjoyed seeing who he was, before life decided to be a bitch to him. Helping the elderly, his rivalry with Kakashi, his wish of also being Hokage, and being a bit of a softie (which I found endearing ). He lost all of himself, and like many comments I’ve seen “He was the Naruto that gave up”. And I see that. And it saddens me every time. To see that man, if Naruto would have given up…this could have been him. When Obito was ready to die, I was actually understanding of it. Unlike prior deaths in Naruto, with Obito’s death, I…accepted it. I understood why he preferred to die. He did too much harm, that he couldn’t possibly see himself being anywhere. He was going to die, while bringing the others back to life. But…that didn’t end up happening, and he was given some more time. Just seeing the contrast of who he was before, and who he currently was, was very bitter. Him pushing his old self away, and just being blinded by so much hatred and sadness.
Man, I just really his character. I like what he represents, and how without knowing, he in some way, influenced Kakashi, and Naruto. I also really like his design with the goggles, and all. So cute! (*^ワ^*)
The Fights That Had Me SCREAMING
They’re Ninjas! Of course they’re gonna fight! Good action, good execution, good choreography- Naruto Fights are one of a kind, and I always found myself at the edge of my seat with them.
Rock Lee Versus Gaara of the Sand.
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THE LEE VERSUS GAARA FIGHT. Okay okay I won’t comment much about this fight-just go watch it. PLEASE! No amount of words can describe this fight! Not only do we see Lee UNLEASHED, but the animation, the music, the moves, EVERYTHING. It’s so iconic, and at the time, I bet it had the world in awe. My boi Leeeee!!!😭
Obito Uchiha Versus Kakashi Hatake
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This frikin fight hurt me guys. While it’s so badass, and nicely animated, the addition of the past them and present them fighting HIT. HARD. Again, that moment when Obito pushes his old self back, is so painful to watch. It has my heart shattering into pieces every time I see it. There’s this part, that I’m obsessed with.
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THIS! Idk why! I just find myself repeating that part, over and over. Is it just me!?
Madara Uchiha Versus The Shinobi Alliance
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Yeah, Yeah this isn’t surprising…BUT YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND WHY! YOU MUST! All that hype that Madara kept getting, was about to be proved with this moment! And MY GOD!!!! The tension, the raw screaming of the Ninjas running towards him, knowing of who he was. And Madara just nonchalantly killing everyone he laid his eyes on! Did you see his eyes!? The immediate read! I- The METEOR-No- THE TWO METEORS. You cannot top this. This introduction to Madara Uchiha, will be forever engraved in my brain. Loved it. Just seeing the Meteor slowly falling, and seeing the scale of it. Everyone running-OH! And how Flying Grandpa (The Tsuchikage) and Gaara stopped it- had me jumping on the couch. Amazing, simply amazing. GO WATCH IT. Cause my rambling on it, does it no justice!!! 😭😭😭
Okay listen, one thing we can all agree on, when it comes to Anime, is that Anime Intros, and Outros, are a BIG part of it all. Especially the Intros. If Intro isn’t good, would you still watch this anime? What makes a good Intro song? Is it the animation? The lyrics? The artist? All of these come in to play, to create a masterpiece. An aid for an anime.
Naruto, has a lot of intros. BUT MY GOD- does it have triple the outros.
I’ve listened to all of them, and I’d just like to share my personal favorites!
Intro’s that hit ( From Naruto to Shippuden )
Far Away -Asian Kung Fu Generation
( Second OG Intro )
So before even watching Naruto, I came upon this song on Spotify. And there was just something about this song, that hit. I am a big fan of Japanese Rock ( J-Rock ) , and Asian Kung Fu Generation brought it all out with this song.
I feel like it really catches the aesthetic, and the overall vibe of the Original Naruto Series. Hype, full of energy, and hypes you up for the new episode. I really love it, and even if I didn’t watch Naruto back in the day, hearing this, causes me major nostalgia. A mystery, I know.
Wind and Waves Satellite - Snowkel
( Seventh OG Intro )
It’s the start that does it for me. Seeing everyone get ready to leave on their next adventure, fills me with some type of emotion. I don’t know how to describe it. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s nostalgia, but it fills me with this kind of sad/good feeling in my chest? Something like that. It’s great!
Blue Bird - Ikimono Gakari
( Third Shippuden Intro )
Perhaps one of the top favorite songs out there, in the Shippuden Intro List. And I can see why. Or well- HEAR why.
It’s a bop. The vocals, the instrumental, oh-THe HARMONICA! That person goes OFF! 👏🏼
Diver - Nico Touches The Walls
( Eight Shippuden Intro )
At first, I didn’t really feel much for this song. It was alright…UNTIL IT WASN’T.
I found myself sudden listening to it, back and forth, and…I love it now? Yeah, it just happened, I don’t know how.
What I love about this one, isn’t only the song. But the animation of it. What we see, is Naruto falling, and simply sinking down deep and deeper into the water. This obviously referring to his current depressive state. He’s lost, and is beginning to give up. Then, one by one, the hands of all of the friends he’s made along the way, slowly but surely push him up. Naruto is finally out of the water, and when he looks down, he sees that Sasuke is also sinking, similar to how he was before. Seeing that he has no one, Naruto prepares himself to dive down for him. Remembering his goal again. Save Sasuke from the dark path he’s chosen, and bring him back to the village.
It’s beautiful really.
Lovers - 7!! Seven Oops
( Ninth Shippuden Intro )
I didn’t know how to feel for this song. But after a while, I started bopping my head to it- and then poof! Loved it. It’s good!
I like the part where there’s that explosion behind Killer Bee, and that glimpse of Sasuke’s smile. That unsettling smile, letting us know that he’s waaaay gone. It gave me goosebumps the first moment I saw it.
Silhouette - Kana-Boon
( 16th Shippuden opening )
I’ll admit, I knew about Kana-Boon before listening to Silhouette. I love this band, with my life.
It’s such a good song! Great! A masterpiece! That’s right! And it left its mark on Shippuden, as it SHOULD have!
It’s just so good guys. Highly recommend! ❤️
Honorable Mentions ( yes ) :
Sign - Flow
Moshimo - Daisuke
Niwaka Ame Ni Mo Makezu - Nico Touches The Walls
Blood Circulator - Asian Kung Fu Generation
Outros that punched ( From Shippuden )
I honestly don’t recall any song that stuck to me from the Naruto series…I’ll probably go back to give them a second listen.
Broken Youth - Nico Touches The Walls
( Sixth Shippuden Ending )
I quickly became a NTTW fan, and this was no exception. The guitar at the start, the vocals! *chefs kiss*
I also like the cute story of seeing both Sasuke and Naruto as both wanted people.
U can do it ! - Domino
( 15th Shippuden Ending )
I just love the story being told here, the animation guys! The animation of Naruto practicing with Team Guy and Konohamaru! It’s soooo good!
The song is a bop. I’m totally not being biased cause Lee is there. I swear-
Sayonara Memory - 7!! Seven Oops
( 24th Shippuden ending )
I honestly think this deserved to be an opening- but either way, this is a great song.
Black Night Town - Akihasa Kondo
( 27th Shippuden ending )
It took me by surprise. It’s just very different, and I think that’s what caught my attention at first.
I don’t see many talk about it, but it really is
Niji No Sora (Rainbow’s Sky) - Flow
( 34th Shippuden ending )
It’s one of the cutest stories out there, that is told. Just the beginning of little Naruto’s love for Ichiraku Ramen. Watching him grow, and just how many people go in and out…it’s so cute and made me teary eyed.
I mainly liked it because of the story telling-but it’s also a cute song!
Honorable Mentions :
YOU CAN DO IT!!! - Dev Parade
I can hear - DISH//
Never Change - SHUN
Kotoba Ni Naranai Yakusoku (A promise that doesn’t need words) - Sana
This is all I wanted to talk for the time being. I’ll probably talk about ships some day! Hope you enjoyed reading my…I don’t even know what this is. I just wanted to share my thoughts on Naruto.
Have a lovely day/afternoon/night! 🧡
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mintmentos · 2 years
Kiera’s journal
I’ve been seeing @blysse-and-blunder’s ‘in lieu of a commonplace book’ posts loads recently and it’s such a good way to keep track of what you’re doing and enjoying that I’ve decided to do one myself! I can’t settle on a name but this will do for now :)
When we moved out a few years ago, my dad let me pilfer all his and mum’s books and I took way too many, so this year is about finally whittling down my physical tbr. I’m currently reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and I’m enjoying it though it’s nothing like I expected. I thought it was going to be a fast-paced thriller and it’s kind of the complete opposite of that? But I’m still having a good time and I have the second one lined up for when I finish it.
Like literally everyone else on the planet, I watched Stranger Things Vol 2 on Friday, and it was really good, but didn’t live up to expectations. I was still on the edge of my seat and spent a good hour completely tense, but I think there were some Choices(TM) made that I would definitely have done differently.
If you follow me you would know I’ve fallen head first into Star Wars this year, and I’m nearly done with the films! Watched The Last Jedi yesterday and I really liked it, though it wasn’t one of my favourites. I’m on a strict spoiler ban from my cousin who’s conducting the Star Wars education, but I can’t wait to do a deep dive once I’ve watched everything (and uncover the reason for the sequel hate). I’m also watching Clone Wars, 2 seasons in so still along way to go, but I’m having fun with it. Don’t know what I’ll do when I run out of content!
Again, like the rest of the world, I currently have Running up that Hill on repeat 24/7. No, I’m serious - one day I worked from home and had it on repeat for like 7 hours. It was intense.
Aside from Kate Bush, I’ve been listening to a load of new podcasts! The first episode of @badlandscola was intriguing and I can’t wait to learn more about the cult and meet the radio dj; @radio-outcast isn’t new, but new to me, and I’m really enjoying the combination of cowboys and the wild west with fantasy and time travelling gods; caught back up with The Sheridan Tapes and I must say the outro this episode was super cool; and lastly, listened to the Leverage episode of Something Queer is Happening Here by @knovesstorytelling which might be the push I needed to finally watch it!
It only took me a year but I finally finished dgs & dgs2! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, best Ace Attorney games. Now that that’s out of the way, I’m back on Breath of the Wild and boy have I completely forgotten all the controls. It’s going to take a while and a lot of deaths on the map before I remember everything.
I’m in the process of crocheting a cardigan and I’m over halfway there! Nearly finished my second hexagon, then just got to do the extensions and sew it all together! Then to start it all over again for my sister ...
Working on
I’m doing my Cert CII and after completing my LM1 in February and having a month off, I wasn’t motivated and never bothered with it. This week I’ve finally got myself back in gear and have finished chapter 3 of my LM2, a truly riveting section on reinsurance, and am hoping to get through chapters 4 & 5 by the end of the month, with the aim to sit my exam by September. Wish me luck!
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thesoulofasurvivor · 1 year
The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 3
alrighty folks there's a lot to unpack here. I'll be honest, the episode wasn't bad. I enjoyed it, but it definitely left me very... unsatisfied. personally.
SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT, do not press "keep reading" if you have not watched The Last of Us Episode 3
Starts off fantastic! We get to see Joel grieving the loss of Tess, there's tension between him and Ellie and she definitely calls him out by saying that it was their choice to take the job and it wasn't her fault that Tess got bit and died. We can clearly see Joel processing that comment and I'm pretty sure he wanted to yeet her into the river right then and there 😂
I loved seeing the two of them just traveling together on the road, seeing that plane, and Joel opening up and telling Ellie about the suspicions of how the infection all started. Them going into that store place, and Ellie finding that stalker trapped under all that rubble was so cool tbh and creepy. Seeing the infected up close and personal like that is crazy.
But what this episode seemed to prioritize was the relationship between Bill and Frank, we see that Bill is left behind when FEDRA came through to do a sweep of the town. It's incredibly morbid but we see the people whom the skeletons belong to, a woman and her baby in that rainbow cloth, it was very much a punch in the heart for me tbh. Bill hides in his bunker and waits until FEDRA leaves and he makes the town his safehaven. We see him meet Frank, we watch them fall in love and we see Frank fall ill. I absolutely adored all of this.
In the game, Frank is already dead and we never meet him prior to his death. He and Bill get into a fight, Frank leaves and then later on while Bill is traversing the town with Joel and Ellie to find a car battery, we find Frank who took his own life. In the game, the Bill we know is a hardass, he takes no shit, he's a loudmouth, he pretty much says whatever shit is on his mind. He acts like and claims that caring for other people is a waste of time, it's good for nothing but getting you killed, etc and that is what he tells Joel.
In the show, we see a brand new side of Bill, we see that he once had a lover, he felt deeply and he really loved someone. We see a softer, caring, compassionate side of him. I loved seeing this soft side of Bill.
But. And this is just my own opinion, of course... I am disappointed with how this ends. The whole episode we spend in the past, in flashbacks, save for the few scenes we get with Joel and Ellie. We get this incredible backstory on Bill that really improves his character so much from what we got in the game. I LOVED that extra character development. But in the end, when Frank dies, Bill takes his own life as well and that's it. That's the end of Bill. Joel and Ellie NEVER see Bill, Ellie never meets Bill, there's no Joel gets stuck in his trap, Bill helps them, there's no epic banter between Ellie and Bill, there's no chatter between Joel and Bill, there's nothing. No the three of them traversing town in search of a car battery battling so many infected GOD I would have liked to have more infected content. And of course, one of the biggest highlights in the game is when we meet our very first bloater in the entire series. The bloater that we encounter WITH Bill in the high school. This whole entire piece between Joel, Ellie and Bill is just... taken away.
Now personally, this very much irks because I enjoyed Bill's hardass character. I absolutely loved their little arc together. He's always been such an interesting character, living in this big town on his own. It just irks me. For them to say they are going to be extremely faithful to the game, and then not only change up everything about the lore (which, yes, I am enjoying the new lore, but that's not the point), but to also completely karate chop Bill's ENTIRE segment. Everything, all of it, just gone. The entire thing. It's just... Disappointing.
Listen I loved the episode, but I thought the whole thing between Frank and Bill was just backstory to show us why Bill would be the hardass that he is *now.* It's not that I hate it or anything, I'm just disappointed because I feel like Bill's character was more important than just a bunch of flashbacks. What was the point in even including him in the TV show if he was only going to be some random dude who lived in the past in these flashbacks?? He literally adds absolutely nothing to the main story of the show now, like he did in the game. So I just feel like... What was the point? That's all. I still loved it overall for everything else that it got so amazing well. Frank and Bill's relationship was beautiful. And fuck yes, I cried.
Anyways, we end with Ellie finding that note and I thought the note was funny and beautiful and heartbreaking when Bill told Joel to use all his gear to keep Tess safe. That was a jab in the feels. We see Ellie find a gun and of course, she decides to keep it! Obviously, why wouldn't she. She's asked for a gun like 10 times now, let the girl have a damn gun 😂
And Ellie gets her signature outfit that we see her wear throughout the summer chapter in the game!! I loved that so much, and it looks amazing on Bella Ramsey, she's really killing it as Ellie.
Also CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE TOILET PAPER? Fucking tell me that wasn't a lowkey poke at people during covid literally buying up ALL the damn toilet paper?? Like literally, I dunno about you guys but where I lived it literally became difficult to get toilet paper and people were charging outrageous prices for TOILET PAPER on amazon? The shelves were constantly EMPTIED. Just, when I seen Ellie grabbing the rolls of toilet paper I just, it brought back memories 😂😂
So that's really the most of how I felt about tonight's episode. Again, I didn't hate it, I just have feelings and felt they did Bill's character a disservice.
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michyeosseo · 2 years
欢乐颂 ode to joy 3 first impressions
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the reboot makes me feel old-old but at least we still have the balloons?
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yes, we all miss the quintet that were shengmei, andy, xiaoxiao, yingying & guanguan but first, here’s a brief intro before my thoughts on the new tenants of the 22nd floor:
2201 again with the aloof mystery lady with an english name - lucy fang zhiheng
2202 has the three flatmates setup (a jiejie and two ducklings) as before - zhu zhe, nickname jiji; he minhong; and yu chuhui, nickname a'chu
2203 still houses the fuerdai of the bunch - ye zhenzhen
(watched the five fully subbed episodes on viki and as of last night, 18 out of 33 have already aired so halfway mark now)
jiji is as sensible as hotel managers go. she may not leave you with a strong sense of who she is at the start but she's been working the longest among these ladies and her breadwinner energy shows. the smol ones ought to let jiejie enjoy her drama fix before bed in peace.
naïve + nosy is how i'd describe minhong... guess that comes with her being a green writer. initially shown as someone who wants to impart her morals (chided by her supervisor right away for aspiring such) in the magazine column, she's bound to learn from conflicts she'll cause.
a'chu has the signature turbulent family woes. that said, grew up well and is striving to strike balance between escaping poverty and being true to herself – developing engineer patents even though neither her nor her peers get credit while teaching kids ballet on the side.
zhenzhen acted as the welcome wagon to the trio. yes, she's a scientist-to-be (biochemistry field if we're being exact) living one good deed a day. outside the lab's spent bonding with the other ladies of 22nd floor - treating them to expensive ice cream and just chilling around.
she and zhenzhen moved in the same time but rarely do we glimpse the two beauties mingling. by design since lucy's miss i-got-my-hands-full: keeping up her luxury appearances and keeping a semblance of normal when she should probably get therapy. she longs for their warm friendship from afar.
chemistry between the five is still wanting in organic interactions department, which is given. much has changed in the shanghai residential complex since the original series was on. years passed. 22nd floor corridor itself is laid different. our original 22nd floor jiejies may have moved on to hopefully better lives yet women in the workforce continue to struggle, maybe even more so with how reductive society has turned into. this otj reboot feels dated, though. at least, daylight entertainment's approach in these early episodes i have seen. the mansplainer of a narrator is gone, lemme just say that's a relief personally.
but y'know what bugs me? how they've opted to tackle sexual harassment.
raising the discussion via media in itself is fine. such abuse of power imbalance shouldn't be swept under the rug, considering countless women on a daily basis are coerced into silence because of the indifference. too few real-life jiji/a'chu/zhenzhen who believes immediately. but one of the guys in the main cast, lucy's suitor, is very attached to this so-called theme exploration. spoiler alert: he's the son of the company superior who assaulted lucy. gonna spare y'all the grim details but, of course, she alone knows of the connection. left to process such trauma by herself while fending off his dogged pursuits - at the office, at the mma gym and later on, even at her hls apartment. what kind of plot?! from the closing credits, he's not bound to leave anytime soon.
my main worry is the narrative will prove her reluctance wrong, that he's a Good Guy, tied neat bow and all that jazz when that does absolutely NOTHING to address the shitty lot that would have been avoided if he wasn't related to this godforsaken dog bloodedness to begin with. if it's only an afterthought to the writer, i just wanna voice that when you've penned a franchise jumpstarting the trend of female-centric modern set cdramas and then you want to continue that brand today? maybe you should update your sensibilities first.
we embrace women's wrongs in this house, not when women are wronged. 
quips won't make the cut with the audiences that easily anymore.
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panharmonium · 2 years
omg—so have you finished your teen wolf watch-through yet or is it still in progress alongside the naruto watching?
no spoilers at all in what i’m about to say, but i literally just watched teen wolf for the first time a couple months ago and i love your merlin meta, so the serendipity of you watching teen wolf right now is like ✨yes✨
anyway, i would love to hear your thoughts on s5&s6 bc basically everyone i know (who has seen the show) told me to just stop watching after s3 but i ended up finishing the whole thing anyway bc i grew too attached to many of the characters 😂 if you’re comfortable chatting in dms, i would be totally down to talk more detail there—but also i would be excited to see any teen wolf posts from you, if you feel inclined to make any, bc like i said, you always have such a wonderful way of talking through things and sharing your perspective on stuff and i always love reading your metas but also most of the people i’ve been talking to about teen wolf watched it so long ago (and only the first few seasons of the show besides) that it’s just not the same 😂
(i always sign these things as my merlin sideblog bc that’s where most people know me from, sorry if that’s weird) 🤣
*waves a big hello to you* HI!
Teen Wolf is still in progress alongside Naruto, but I'm getting closer to the end - we've got four episodes left in Season 5 (part 2), and then we're moving on to Season 6!
Everyone who told you to stop watching after Season 3 was probably right, or at least that's the impression I'm getting so far - I obviously haven't seen S6 yet, and I'm happy to be going into it not knowing anything about it, but I haven't enjoyed S4 and S5 the way I wish I could have, and that makes me doubtful about whether S6 can course-correct in a way that satisfies me. But hope springs eternal - I always go into new seasons optimistically; I was really enjoying the first couple episodes of S5 before it started to lose me, so I'll start S6 with the same open-mindedness.
My Teen Wolf watch actually started a looong time ago - I started watching back in 2015 (never as it was airing, though; I always just watched it on DVD) and got hooked partway through S1. I watched the first three seasons all in a row and was totally in love with it, but the very end of 3B (*cough*allison*cough*) made me so angry that I stopped watching for like two and a half years. Then I came back and watched S4...and it was so terrible that I stopped watching again for another three years. And now...I am finally finishing. XD
There is a LOT of Teen Wolf on my blog; it was my main fannish interest for years even when I wasn't actively watching new episodes, and it's still what I consider one of my "big" fandoms, despite the fact that I've been running around in Merlin and Naruto-land lately. My general Teen Wolf tag is (predictably) "teen wolf", and then I also use "pan watches teen wolf" for thoughts about episodes I'm in the process of watching (currently working on one of those posts right now).
There will likely be many more Teen Wolf posts here as I work my way through the end of S5 and all of S6, and I'd be totally happy to talk about it anytime! I do find it a lot easier to reply to asks or reblog conversation threads back and forth than use the tumblr messaging function - I don't have a problem with dms or anything like that, it's just that the messaging window is SO tiny and I have a much easier time with longer-form/asynchronous communication (things like Discord servers give me hives, and I have similar trouble with texting, so. I guess I am just Old. XD )
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bbyskars · 2 years
How would you rank the Clark episodes? Which one was your favorite and why?
(massive clark spoilers ahead, you have been warned!!)
this is such a great question and i really don’t know if it’s going to be a short answer so it might be a bit longer than you wanted anon ahah. it’s also hard to answer because i loved the whole series as a whole, bill was just incredible throughout and i am so fucking proud of him. it was hard to pick a favourite because i don’t think a single episode was my favourite, it was more that i had favourite moments throughout which made the show so fucking perfect. i am also in the process of rewatching so i am a bit mixed up as to where each but falls but i will try to remember! i am torn as there are parts of each episode that i love but i will try as hard as i can to rank them…
1. at number one it has the be episode one. i really like a backstory and i liked seeing how clark was when he was younger. how he came into crime and how it was petty a first. as well as this, you see how cheeky and charismatic he is. how he can get away with anything and people will still believe him. (another note is a tiny detail that i LOVED, as someone who studied film, is when they transitioned from teenage clark to adult clark, it was so quick it was hard to notice how it wasn’t the same actor, i loved that detail!)
2. at number 2, it has to be episode 4. i felt that i knew a lot about the robbery at norrmalmstorg but from watching this episode i really didn’t. the way we saw clark and kicki and how he really focused on her from the start. how he protected her and told her he would look after her, it was interesting to me to see how he did it. it was so interesting to see how he did seem to care as well. when he was in there, he really did make sure they didn’t get hurt. and he did it successfully. he did some fucked up shit to get them to love him, but i loved seeing the inside of it.
3. number 3 would have to be episode 2. this was probably the episode i laughed the most at. i really loved the character of kaj-robert, he was unintentionally funny and likeable. i think the scenes in hamburg were very telling of clark and how he will leave any man behind in order for him to get out of it. the scene showing young clark hiding under the table crying showed how he was hiding a lot of his childhood and ignoring the trauma he went through. i thought the way they drip-fed the info on his childhood was great. there was also a great moment where you saw clark’s switch flip (i think it happens a few times and it is noticeable) where he accuses kaj-robert of loosing his money and he has this look in his eye that is truly terrifying. bill absolutely nailed that flip of a switch. (also shout out to bills bush in this episode because it… changed me)
4. moving on…. at number 4 it will be episode 5. i loved this episode. kurre is a character that i LOVED in clark. he is so loyal, sometimes to a fault. but his character was so fun. the whole boat sequence was just amazing and i love the way they did it. it was so upsetting seeing clark leave kurre behind when they had arrived on the boat. how quick he was the disregard him, but that wasn’t new for him. as well as this, how he left maria behind. you see some kind of regret but he moves on quickly, like in most areas of his life.
5. it’s hard to put episode 3 at this point because i loved it! but i just only slot down here now. i loved the disco scene (billy has been hiding those moves!!) and the sauna scene, where he is butt naked, laughing. it was great. one thing that i absolutely loved in this episode (and is one of my favourite moments from the series) is when they were taking clark to norrmalmstorg, how they edited real footage of clark into the sequence. i loved that part so so much. it was amazing how they did that.
6. and finally at number 6, is episode 6. a part of me hates putting it last because i absolutely loved what they did with clark and jon and how they showed clark’s growth and his recognition of how he didn’t want to be like his father. those scenes were amazing and the scene where clark got arrested and his son in the car made me cry. it was very moving. that being said, i wasn’t a big fan of having a fictional character written in for the last episode (not when she is the only fictional character) sussi writing the book and then deciding not to publish it was obviously meant to have a large affect but i just didn’t for me. her role was to make him seem more human and to highlight the people he had hurt but it didn’t work for me. the scenes with sussi were just… lacking?? if that’s the right word. i was aware the whole time that she wasn’t real and this interaction with clark never happened. it took me out of it. that being said, the scene with jon alone would put this episode to number 1 but sussi’s character really took me out of the plot tbh. i think they make clark seem so much more real with the other scene in the episode than they did with her writing a fictional book.
all in all, i think clark is probably my favourite series ever (it jumped right to the top of my life and is deffo now a comfort show) and i am trying to control myself as much as i can to not constantly talk about it to everyone and to not constantly watch it. it was hard to rank because bill was incredible, in every single second, his performance was…. i can’t even put into words ❤️
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that-1-url · 3 months
my thoughts on the pjo tv show (spoilers for episode 8) pt 1
i want to preface this with: I have exactly zero (0) beef with the actors themselves personally i think they all did a great job with what they were given and all gave incredible, heartfelt performances so 10/10 on that front. I acknowledge that the TV series was not made to be a shot-for-shot remake of the books, and I accept that.
also, i only watched it once through and don't really want to rewatch just to make points so i won't remember everything clearly so if i get anything wrong feel free to correct me in a polite, constructive way. that being said,
i didn't like it. shocker, i know. but hear me out.
I'm not here to diss the show or just spew a bunch of hate. I'm here to make nuanced points and arguments for both sides, but the general overall conclusion will be that, in my personal opinion that is mine alone, i didn't like it. Starting with the critiques:
In the months leading up to the show's release I'm upset to say that there was a lot of racism surrounding the casting of Leah Sara Jeffries and Aryan Simhadri, something that left me extremely disappointed in the PJO fandom as a whole. Annabeth being white has absolutely NOTHING to do with the story and it shouldn't have mattered to anybody when Leah was cast. I never pictured Grover as white in the first place, but even if I did, Aryan as Grover wouldn't have fazed me. My only concern was if the writers were going to get their characters right. (I had no concern about their acting abilities or their ability to portray the characters correctly. If Rick cast them, I have complete confidence in them as well.) As far as casting went, the only person I actually had any issue with was Lin-Manuel Miranda. It was the equivalent of seeing a d*sney channel actor on a serious show I guess? I couldn't take Hermes very seriously mainly because the whole time I was like "okay Hamilton". I'm not even a musical fan I just couldn't take him seriously. Nothing against the guy, it's just what my brain did. When it comes to casting, you have to be very careful about just how big of a name you cast. And in this case Miranda's presence just kind of stood out too much and ruined the suspension of disbelief.
Pacing. I was going to put this first as this was the main issue I had with the show, but I felt that what I had to say about the casting was more important. Every time they entered a fight, there was no sense of mystery. There was no build up to when they figured it out. There was no suspense. It was just "oh hey Medusa." and then they killed her shortly after. At first I had benefit of the doubt, and then the Crusty scene happened and I just kind of sat there like "...really?" The writers felt the need to balance "We don't need to reintroduce this, book readers will be watching!" and "New viewers who are unfamiliar with the source material will be watching, we have to reintroduce this concept" which in theory could have worked, but it always seemed to tip the wrong way at the wrong time. As a book reader, I feel as though I should not have been confused with the way the story was going, instead, the suspense in seeing exactly how they were going to portray something through TV, and how they were going to add to the story via visual format would change the storytelling. But I ended up being extremely confused in most of the scenes. I didn't see how things added up and I didn't understand most of the changes. It made the plot feel very choppy and random, like they were trying to add too much and in the process took away from an actual linear story, leaving me to watch a series of scenes rather than an even-paced flow of events.
Mischaracterization. Percy and Annabeth were really good, actually. It was very true to character and Walter Scobell and Leah Jeffries' acting really brought out the reality that they were 12. The characters felt very organic and childlike, leaving us with the hard truth that the gods sent literal children to the Underworld to retrieve the most dangerous firecracker of all time. Back to critiquing however, Grover's character felt very off. Grover is an extremely anxious 28 year old satyr who has the misfortune of having to be in middle school for the past six years. He's not timid by any means, but the way that TV!Grover interrogated Ares in the diner a) led no where, at the very least the scene felt unnecessary, b) felt extremely out of character, and c) kind of took away Grover's role as the protector of the group, as he didn't get to save Percy and Annabeth from an untimely demise from the Thrill Ride of Love. Chiron was also given a much smaller role, as he doesn't give Percy Riptide and his wise words of advice before sending him off on Half-Blood Hill. Sally. I've seen a LOT of controversy on the characterization of Sally in this series, so here's my piece. Sally Jackson is by no means someone who backs down or is submissive. She is an extremely clever woman who knows when to pick her battles. While Smelly Gabe may have just been around to mask Percy's scent, he was still a very real threat to her and Percy in their ordinary lives. I know everyone says that Sally is perfect, and I love her so much as a character and person, but we also as a fandom have to accept that there is no such thing as a perfect person. That's kind of one of the big points in the series. It shines a flashlight on the darker parts of peoples characters, to show that even the so-called "perfect" immortal gods aren't all the myths made them out to be. Percy is an unreliable narrator, meaning that he has certainly exaggerated certain parts of Sally's character because she's his mom. Some people have defended the scenes in which Sally raises her voice at Percy and gets frustrated with him with this argument. It's a valid thing for her to do! She's human! She's a single mom raising a son who has multiple learning disabilities and can't stay in the same school for more than one year. She has no living relatives and is married to an asshole! But Percy also stated that Sally never raised her voice at him, and he's never pushed her because he knows that if he does, she'll cry. They are both careful with each other. Which makes the car scene and the pool scene make so little sense. Book Percy apologized to Smelly Gabe because he knew that even if it was something he really didn't want to do, it would make his mom happy. Sally, although not stating the specific reason, actually did manage to explain in a patient way why she felt the need to send him away, which is something she continually brushed off in the show. Gabe. I've seen a lot about this as well, with some arguing that he should have been "more abusive" and others pointing out that that could be dangerous and triggering to put in a show. My take walks the middle line. Don't show Gabe's active abuse, but continue to show it passively. Instead of Percy walking to the window, have him walk into his bedroom, taken over by Gabe's stuff. "Oh, but Gabe's stuff dominated the living room!" Yeah but it was super dark and I couldn't see a thing. Plus, that's a communal space. Having it in Percy's room as well would've been a brilliant but subtle way of detailing what little respect Gabe had for both Sally's and Percy's privacy. (also what was up with the complete lack of Gabe in the last episode? I'm so confused by that-)
Dialogue, but Percy's specifically. I understand that most of Percy's funny quips are said in his head, but the "jokes" he made out loud just...weren't funny? Like the original lines from the books were, I have no idea why they didn't just take some of those. It felt like an adult trying to relate to "the youth" rather than Percy actually quipping. The other main thing I can think of off the top of my head were whenever he was speaking to a god. Ares made a little more sense because of his aura making Percy angry, but when he spoke to Zeus? Hades? Book Zeus would've smited Percy there and then. Percy at the very least starts respectful, beginning with formal titles and being as polite as possible. TV!Percy just immediately started arguing with him and it was more tense than any of the actual "battle" scenes.
The fights. Oh my gosh they were so underwhelming. Whoever green-lit the show had to know how action packed these scenes needed to be, and then blatantly ignored that fact. I understand that VFX teams are overworked and underpaid, but I also understand that the sarcastic narration and quick-paced action scenes were written to keep neurodivergent readers (hi) engaged, which made it very difficult for me to take any of the so-called "fights" seriously. In my opinion, if you can't, don't. And by that, I mean if you couldn't find the time to adequately pay a good team to do cool effects for the action heavy series, then don't make the show. (1/2)
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