#not in a mean way I’m rly just like. curious knowing why someone may have enjoyed them
spiritofjustice · 1 year
I gotta say it’s flooring seeing multiple people in the Cl0ne H1gh tag say episode 5 and 6 of the reboot are the best ones so far. Bro they were so terrible it made me actively dislike the show, I couldn’t be having a more polar opposite experience with this KDNS
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN S02E10+E11 Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
Sorry for posting this so late (it was finished in my drafts for like a month why did I NOT POST???). since i dont have a lot to say for either, I’ll combine ep10 and ep11 into one post.
Season Thoughts overall
Overall: not a lot of hype or feelings. I don’t really want to say I don’t care but I was more invested in singular elements than actually seeing it unravel in front of me. I personally like that better than hating it (which I’m glad I don’t particularly feel betrayed or anything), though I guess based on the angle you could argue that anger often comes from a place of caring in those situations so-- maybe it’s a bad sign, but either way, I prefer it this way. the time when it was just stressful hurt.
Though it also hurts to know it’s truly over now (well, there’s the manga, but knowing that I waited for... little payoff haha) -- especially when they kind of teased how it could continue. I respect wanting to wrap it up but tbh just cutting it when they stay behind would have done it too pff-
maybe this will change upon rewatch but for now, here’s my “hype”/investment chart for tpn over the weeks:
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I don’t want to call it “quality” because I’m not sure I’m being fair to that at all. I can tell its faults and at this point, I don’t care that much, but that is how I felt each week. active discontent is worse than being neutral for me.
I do think a 12th episode would have help not rush the Ratri exposition as much and maybe have some more of a through line to their quest. Even if it's more slideshow i would have liked a bit more context personally.
that was truly a doctor stone moment where they just built something super impressive (the balloons) out of.... somewhat nowhere haha.
I'm so glad Vincent stuff was just a classic CW cliffhanger-force pfff- I mean why it exists is questionable but I’m glad they didn’t force a conflict into it so late.
Mujika and Sonju went brrr on converting all those civillians haha
Will Emma ever get an epic action shot again, probably not.
Week 4 of wondering if the hideout Cislo or Vincent referenced will come back. at this point probably not but I guess if everyone is basically on their side already, they have the time to go collect every human in the world. [future tori: sadly the show did not] - or Mujika may help collect other humans and bring them to safety! I think I would have preferred a grey ending a la "we go over but who knows what happens" there but I'm still curious how it'll pan out specifically.
When Emma spoke to everyone over the farm speakers I was big emotional--
Somehow all the moms are instantly on their side despite being brainwashed all their lives? I guess maybe Isabella planted the seeds all this time and that’s the implication. It fell a little flat though
Also it implies that the sister/mom that urged Phil to get ready actually knew of the plan right? WHY IS EVERYONE SO OMINOUS pfff-
MICHELLE THOUGH!!! Its herrrrr. that’s a nice nod.
i liked how the tunnels of Sonju and Mujika came back around plot-wise :)
they didnt forget the kids from the mass production farms hazahhh (?) :D
it is kind of hard to unthink that none of the GF kids have reacted to Norman being alive lmao
i would have accepted a cut after the gate closed too tbh, but on the other hand it was rly nice to see the kids in the human world and see some of the frames of the demon world quest
in particular the one on water because it's also in the ratri exposition so I like that it's not completely random.
it is however very random and while I love to put some pieces together myself, I feel like there’s WAY TOO LESS to go off of in this case.
If you're gonna do a charlotte at least give them the 12th episode to work with but oh well
I feel like they could have done the slideshow over the ending but I guess saving effort wherever possible is a goal here sadly.
it's just.... the minimal runtime really hurts it - like a lot of it isn’t downright bad but it’s just so short-lived that it falls flat
as someone who's written very time-jumpy stuff too, I also sympathize because it's kind of hard to do a quick time "overview" right without just throwing in random moments.
I don't mind the slideshow for the exposition, it had a nice astethic and I don't have anything against it inherently bc you can't really quickly show moments after each other if it's not still images. like if its animated its kinda jarring bc stuff moves and its also just on screen for a short moment so i personally dont have anything against the slideshow itself
I do like the general ideas and concepts but it just felt like "okay that happened"
Because it feels like they are building on something with like that standing on water creature in the Ratri exposition and then in the time skip frames, but stuff around a lot of it and other things are just missing and that's why it falls kind of flat. Idk if that made sense. I'm not really angry or upset anymore, which I'm glad about. The elements i like i like and that's that. Though of course. I'll miss the anime. Even the mess of s2 haha because it still had those elements and I could see how it could have worked. Episode 9 however was insulting pff.
I would have also liked some info about how and where they live now tbh 
like that weird on water dragon and the demon in front of it appearing during the ratri expostion and then with Emma - maybe he's like..... the promise manager? "hello we would like to apply for a promise slot. thank you"
it's funny they were fine in the human world immediately when it was set up as "maybe unwelcome". and where did they even get out?? is there just a big ass gate at the ocean haha
I guess the gate just stays open and they can visit Mujika and Sonju from time to time or something? :D Or did they close it? NOBODY KNOWS bc everything is vague
The last episode (ep10) left me wanting nothing.
This episode at least left me wanting more. More of their quest getting all the children. More of the trio in the human world. Just more... And I think that’s better than not caring at all.
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euijin · 3 years
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“gif coloring challenge: color a gif in a way that’s opposite of your current coloring style or with a process that you haven’t tried before. show the before and after, and include your current coloring so we can see the difference!”
tagged by @youngke tysm!! was lowkey hoping someone would tag me in this it looked fun and it WAS
generally my coloring focuses on making things more saturated since original videos can be super washed out, i also try to fix the skintone first and foremost and everything else kinda comes after that. i’ve said before that i just have like 20 different psds i combine and cycle through for my gifs and that i rarely make new ones, but i made new colorings for all of my “new” gifs! which is why they’re questionable i don’t think i remember how to make new psds anymore
the coloring i usually end up using is always vibrant but with colors on the warmer side unless there are bright blue accents. it also kind of has a green hue to it for some reason, i never remember what layer makes it do that. i also tend to turn down the brightness on whatever i’m giffing and make blacks darker. so! for the new gifs i made, i tried to do...not that. 
i’ll put the process for each new gif under the cut if anyone is curious, it got kinda long so asdfasdg
i’m not sure who has done this already/was already tagged bc i’m really on and off tumblr so, sorry if i tag you and you’ve already done it! as always feel free to ignore this, but i’m tagging: @yenyuls @ddonghyun @minhos @wonstal @redvelvetcult @dwons @hyunsung @seungs @byonggon and anyone that sees this and wants to do it. pls say i tagged you even if i didn’t i wanna see!!
the top row is for a set i may or may not actually finish and post BUT i actually started with a curves layer which i rarely do for some reason. i color balance’d more blues in, then used channel mixer, which i don’t think i’ve ever used in my life, to get rid of some greens. i actually increased exposure for once instead of decreasing it, added a butt ton of offset compared to what i usually use (which is like, Negative offset sometimes sdfgdsfg) and what’s MOST FUN is that i have a cyan gradient map in there! it’s set on color burn 20% opacity, u can probably tell it’s there now that i mentioned it. i don’t rly like it but i don’t think it’s bad for something i would never usually do!
my challenge for myself for the second one was to barely touch selective color to fix skintone. i think ultimately i learned i do not know how to fix skintone without selective color! but i relied heavily on curves for this one, especially in just. tanking the blue curves, which effectively got a lot of that weird blue ghost lighting off her face. i also did something fun for this one where i turned down saturation on every color EXCEPT reds, which i’ve never done before. is that the same as just turning saturation on reds higher...? maybe...but i turn the saturation of reds higher all the time and wanted to do something different 😤 i wanted to use this one because as you can see i just completely tanked the magentas in the set i actually posted. i wanted to see if i could color around them effectively and i suppose i did!
for the third one, i specifically wanted to find one of my Trademark Blue gifs and make it Not! i don’t think i actually colored this one too differently than usual, because i definitely have used the “selective color to nerf a certain color into the ground” approach before, i just rarely do that with blues. aside from that, i also did more offset, relying more on curves, etc that i mentioned before but i cheated and used selective color to fix the skintone at the end which is why it actually looks better than the coloring i actually used for that set asdfsdgad i mean. arguably. i’m sure i could remake that set to be a lot better today using my regular approach.
what i learned: selective color is my crutch and use curves more they’re fun!! i also have no fucking idea how i get my usual coloring to look like that but i have a deeper appreciation for past carly’s psds now thank u queen
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bbelphie · 4 years
astra, i feel like we don’t know you at all!! say, can you tell us who is your most favorite character in obey me, and who is the least? love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
ok so THIS was difficult snxjms and as you asked afterwards, i also added why i feel this way way about them! love u 💖 sorry this turned out long tho
my list:
BELPHEGOR — i mean, it’s kinda obvious, right? (cough bbelphie is the name of the blog) ever since the start of the game, i wandered about who the fuck that resting bitch face boy was. like, honestly curious. when we met him at the attic, the first thing i thought about belphie was how manipulative he was, and although i’d have hated him, his situation and the game’s universe in general made me reconsider my choice. i found out that he was so much more complex than what i first thought of him. and i LOVE characters like that. belphegor had his reasons, his own past and way of seeing things and i just wanted to know him better, not just because i was curious, but because i’ve grown to like him, in a way. it wasn’t instantaneous, but i kinda saw that coming, you know? i’m not sure if i can explain well how i feel about him (i can’t express my feelings well in any way cof) but belphegor was the character that i was most eager to know about. (ouch i have so many other things to say about him) also he’s a sassy little shit and i love him for that.
MAMMON — the fact mammon was with us since the beginning is a big part of this place (but not the only one). and yeaaah, i know he was a little bitch about looking after mc and i was also blinded by my prejudice against personality based characters like him (narcissist, arrogant, show off) but then we get to know him better. mammon has so much more sides of his personality than that. (besides being a tsun tsun) so by that scene when we were competing against levi and lucifer saved us because mammon couldn’t make it in time, mammon was like “next time I will be the one saving you!!” i was already “YES YOU IDIOT I LOVE YOU TOO” and it was just downhill from there.
SATAN — honestly? he’s my type. the intellectual one, cat lover, fan of mystery and detective books and all that shit made me fall for him, hard. and then i saw his backstory and i fell for him EVEN HARDER. he has sooo much i want to know about! behind the facade he wears constantly in front of everyone there was so much more than the sin he’s avatar of. his arc was one of the lessons i loved the most, without doubt. though i wished the devs had gone deeper into his character, like uhhh i don’t know how to elaborate on this, but i feel we scratched only the surface of who satan really is. (besides that, satan def would be a beast in bed and my hcs about that does’t end)
LEVIATHAN — ahh it was too difficult to choose between him and beel. but i relate to levi quite a lot — animes, self depreciation, manga and all that stuff. he striked me as someone i wouldn’t like so much at the beginning but i’ve grown to love him. that was because of... well, i know envy is the deadly sin he’s avatar of, but man it’s annoying sometimes dnbfxk however! i love him either way. i just think that he should appreciate more things in life instead instead of putting himself down but who i am to talk? i used to be like that and i still am, just not as much. that must be most of the reasons of why i want to be by his side and reassure him that not everything in life is unfair, but can also be a way to make ourselves stronger. taking that emotional shit aside, i love his fanboy side!! i rant a lot about the things i like, especially animes and mangas, and seeing him so enthusiastic about things like that makes me feel like with him, i would act like myself the most.
BEELZEBUB — i love himbo!!! the giant, strong one that looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll? yes, sign me the fuck in. he’s the sOFTEST i swear to god almost all the scenes that made my heart explode with love was with him. when he asked to hold your hand while sleeping because he’s afraid of having any more nightmares about lilith and belphie and their fall from the celestial realm made my heart go BOOM. i would do ANYTHING for this boy 😭😭 beel was first i warmed up to in the game! i was gonna put him in the fourth place with levi but it would be too long.
LUCIFER — hhh this guys right here. ngl i was intimidated as fuck at first. but then i saw how he was family driven, always putting their safety and well being first and overall just being a loving brother, tho very discretely. and bruh characters like that are my DEATH??? he is so soft for the ones he loves and would do anything in his power to make them be safe and sound, even if it takes some sacrifices. i was touched by his past, how he had to hide so much from his brothers because he felt he should carry his burden alone. i especially love when lucifer tears off that prideful and powerful facade and shows that he’s capable of loving and being vulnerable and just idk man it just hits home im gonna cry
ASMODEUS — baby boy. lusty boy. ntt solmare did him dirty. he deserves SO MUCH MORE!! asmo has so much potential to be a favorite if only they had developed him better. that arc of his when we make a pact with him was lacking, in my opinion. the devs could have gone deeper into his character, showing that his not just a personification of lust, only its avatar. i’m sure there are different sides to his personality, you know? we’ve been seeing hints throughout the story and devilgrams (most of the time they’re very subtle!!) that asmo needs or/and constantly wants to feel loved, wanted, desired and/or admired. that could be a trauma or something of the sort that was created after his fall from the celestial realm. however this theory of mine is not full developed yet so i can’t really tell you guys about it in more detail. i still love him nevertheless!!
others characters:
SOLOMON — he is shady. and powerful. i love that. besides that, i think i may have a thing for white haired characters. but really, i love this guy, don’t know how but i do. there’s a lot i wanna know about him, and i feel he’s hiding or planning something big. and maybe evil. but ngl his interactions with asmo are the best!!
SIMEON — ara ara baby. i’m 100% in love with him. simeon is someone really good to have as a favorite honestly. even if he doesn’t get much screentime, anyone would realize that ever since the beginning he’s a very truthful person, with calming and chill vibes. i don’t know how to explain it well but with all the shit the brothers make mc go through, it wouldn’t be a surprise if you find yourself overwhelmed, and simeon is exactly the kind of person that makes you feel heard and seen; his atmosphere has this effect of making people feel at ease.... cough cough anyways a little bit nsfw but to me he’s either really kinky (without noticing or even knowing anything about kinks) or super innocent. that’s pretty much why i’ve seen this 50/50 aspect appearing constantly with his stans. p.s: not to be lewd but i wanna hold his hand 😳
LUKE — he’s my baby brother. i adopted him.
DIAVOLO — there’s so much of this guy we haven’t seen yet!! i know he’s like a cool dad and all but bruh, he’s the next demon king!! he must be a excelent strategist and is more powerful and intelligent than he lets on. i saw so many theories about diavolo, but my favorite so far is the one where diavolo kinda caused the celestial war indirectly. he’s another character that i feel we’ve only scratched the surface.
BARBATOS — everything about him screams “SUSPICIOUS”, he just hides it better than solomon. ngl i was rly curious about him and his powers and then i discovered he has control over TIME?? that’s too overpower!! but damn, i do love characters with time control powers...(victor from mlqc im looking at you) sometimes he looks like a dead fish. sometimes he looks hot. i don’t know bruh i’m half scared and half aroused by this guy.
that’s pretty much it i think? lmao there’s so much more i wanna say about them but this is all that comes to my mind right now!
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toycarousel · 4 years
Is it wrong of me, to be a trans male(though I dont use that terminology, im just male) who doesnt want to date other trans people?
Hey there, Anon! I’m not transgender, so I’m definitely not an authority on this sort of topic (I’m intersex, however, and the categories of intersex I fall under are complex enough that I do meet a lot of trans folks, and do understand some of their personal experiences, for sure!)
Also though, I rly don’t think any one person, trans or not, can give you a solid “yes or no” answer to this... it’s going to be different depending on the person, of course!
From what I’ve learned from a variety of different trans ppl, it’s... complicated.  Like, basically you are NEVER obligated to date anyone who you don’t feel comfortable dating, and/or who you simply aren’t attracted to.  I think forcing yourself to date trans ppl (regardless of your own gender assignment) is probably nooooot the way to go, and could definitely end up hurting both of you!
But I’d also just rly, rly study why it is that you feel this way, you know? Not in a self-judgmental “am I a bad person or a good person/am I right/wrong?” sorta black-and-white way, but in a genuinely curious way -- be open and curious about yourself and why you feel the way you do about these things! 
Like, I’d ask questions along the lines of “what aspects of trans people do I find to be a turn-off/unattractive,” “what do I feel like dating a trans person would be like? What do I like/dislike about the idea?” And, especially important questions like, “would I feel differently if someone I didn’t know was trans (but was attracted to) turned out to be trans? Would that change things? Why/why not?”
And like I said, try not to judge your own answers to these questions -- these are only things to ask yourself, they’re not a quiz to see if you’re a good or bad person for feeling the way you do! Even if the answers to them end up being rooted in some form of transphobia, I mean.  That's rly just how it is sometimes.  And, of course, it’d be something to work on, but there’d be no point in beating yourself up over it, or forcing yourself into relationships that you’re not happy with, you know?
So, I guess the short answer is that it’s complicated! I’m a gay man, and I’ve dated a few trans men, personally, and I find that whether I’m attracted to them or not depends more or less on how they naturally feel about themselves but also how they present -- like, I could possibly be into a trans man who presented entirely as society’s idea of a woman, wore makeup, etc., and had no intention of going on hormones/having surgery, but... I’ll admit it’d be a lot harder.  Whereas, trans men who just give off that same masculine vibe that cis men do, and are on hormones and such, like -- for me, there’s virtually no difference between dating a cis or trans man at that point.  But that’s just my personal experience with the variety of men I’ve dated, ahahaha!
Also (and this is just a little bonus link if you’re interested), a youtuber called ContraPoints, who is a trans woman, came out as a lesbian in her most recent video titled “Shame”.  (If you know who Contra is and you don’t like her, that’s fine, just ignore this link).  But about 3/4 of the way through the vid, near the end, she talks about another trans woman she came out to, who turned her down.  And the reason that trans woman gave (for turning her down) was partially because she felt more validated in dating cis people; that dating another transgender woman didn’t give her that same validation, and that she’d be ashamed to do so.
I feel like that’s (whether secretly or openly) the case for a lot of people in the LGBT+ acronym, tbh.  It totally is unhealthy, but it’s still understandable, and is, again, more something to work through over time than to beat yourself up over!
In any case, best of wishes, Anon, and I hope things go well for you and the people in your life, no matter what ends up being your truth/what your journey may or may not be!
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misterbitches · 4 years
I cant decide if I think what happened this episode makes me mad at tae joo. 
me @ me...and ppl who may read what i write...lmao: hear me out. i am a black anarchist cis woman so like...not everyone is going to care or think about  stuff like this. i realize it may not be the total norm  yet (but hey black radicals burned down a fucking police station yesterday which is some real cool history so who is to say that i’m not.) with or without the norms, i share to get a grip of my own thoughts that ADHD absolutely won’t let me keep. and see what people have to say! maybe they’ll engage. otherwise,,,,,,,it doesnt matter i jsut love thinking it through. cos i am CONFUSED!!! 
(btw, i insult rich ppl through this whole thing and i dont give  a fuck. i repeat a lot of things too o well.)
the start of the ep has these words from tae joo:
i have a young friend. a shadow like being who doesn’t go away even at one o clock. that shadow grew a self. i have to do him the favor...
part of his like and attraction to guk  is because of that existing power imbalance. i, personally, think that is impossible to deny given  that we see it. a girl coming over to their house and he kisses her. he had to know that guk would see, or would be looking, whatever.
you have tae joo being surprised at interest in guk. not because guk isn’t attractive or whatever, but because he’s used to the one being noticed. he may not be as broad and tall (there’s not a huge difference but guk obviously stands out more visually, while tae joo stands out cos he’s him i guess lol.)
i think there may be an element of this cat and mouse game that he likes, but  guk takes it a lot more seriously. as he should because...it’s his job. we don’t know at what point they are so anything that happened previously but they very clearly like each other. 
i was gonna say it didn’t even have to be romantic—yet. just that feeling of i don’t need anyone else to take you. i’m curious about why tae joo likes pil hyun but maybe it has something to do with wanting a friend that isn’t necessarily one borne out of necessity. but pil hyun’s dad does work at tae joo’s father’s dumb company or whatever. he’s on the board? idk i forgot
but maybe neither of them really care and pil hyun is just a friend instead of someone you have deep admiration and romantic or strange love for. 
but then there’s a lot of cruelly selfish stuff that shows why this imbalance and their two different backgrounds hinders them. tae joo doesn’t want to lose this shadow anyway but guk is always there. where he’s supposed to be.
when tae joo said, “isn’t it boring just the two of us?” it’s just such a dumb fucking question to ask. he was either just being verbally careless or did it on purpose. it can be both, but i don’t think it was supposed to be. for every one side of a you need to see him as a person not a workerr also encourage him to fuckng quit and live your lives together outside of your stupid rich father coin there’s a he obviously wants and needs him as much if not more. 
the if not more part comes to mean (to me) dependency formed UPON guk’s job. were they not to be in this circumstance, how would their paths cross? 
honestly the show poses a lot of class dilemma for something so short. now is the time to do and write interesting things and question capitalism anyways. tae joo can’t have everything handed  to him. well he can have a lot, because he’s privileged to be where he is, but love isn’t one of those things. guk is not obligated to love him fiercely if tae joo can’t truly relinquish his hold.
the last scene pissed me off a lot at first and thinking about it  it still does. like you used the master-servant relationship comment and exploited it because you didn’t like it but it’s the truth. what is the point of guk sitting through your bullshit but when you intentionally go seek him out you can insert yourself.
hye mi saying, “hey we’re talking can u wait yr turn” like YEA. they’re talking, you came in and had a fit, and only someone who has a life like you do would do something like that. was guk making noise while you were being tutored? 
i also honestly would just quit if i were guk. not every1 is gonna be an annoying anarchist like me or whatever but that’s pretty much the only way this could sustain itself. that and tae joo respecting guk as a person not just a person he loves in his orbit. the world revolves around us as individuals. meaning we think about ourselves in relation to everyone else because we live in this body. so guk is allowed to center himself in his own life.
this could all be avoided if it crossed tae joo’s mind that guk is allowed space to feel whatever his emotions without being dictated. where it isn’t just sparring that he can say whatever the fuck. 
so remember the opening. well, here’s the last lines of thought tae joo had in the car: i have a bodyguard a shadow like being that shouldn’t go away even at one o clock. the shadow isn’t supposed to have a self. 
he called the shadow his friend. a shadow has no self so when it finds autonomy — as he is finding himself (guk),  guk walks ahead of taejoo, faceless with the camera focused on the shadow itself—we finally start to see him as the shadow shows its human form. it’s never been a shadow, guk has always been a person, his own person, it’s just that and this  is literally....he is owned by his job. imagine realizing you have the same tendency as your own dad to feel that way (btw this is also with him (guk) getting slapped by his dad and no......nothing)
in the car we see that selfishness that wasn’t buried but he never thought about. guk shouldn’t leave, he should always be behind him, a shadow, he isn’t supposed to dictate his own life, his life must revolve around me. because he’s transient, again. workers are disposable, a dime a dozen, you happen to love this dime but it doesn’t mean you have  been able to fight for it or understand it.
tae joo is rich (i don’t know if it’s new or old money and the distinction would matter a little but i’m pretty sure theyve been together for a long while? bitch idk) the boy he loves is employed by his father. his father is a CEO, a boss and truly the worst kind (FIRE! YOUR! BOSS!) tae joo has been told his whole life that he deserves. why fight capitalism and not understand his own richness? it’s beneficial to him and it gave him guk, right? 
and you see how allllllllllll of that, the messaging, the receiving, how you get stuck under the influence as a younger person to be stuck under the influence as a complicit adult to the messages of the ruling class. the ruling class you are a part of whether you like it or not, the one that calls labor your own, the one that rips power from other people. you didn’t choose who you were born from and to, but you get to choose what you do now. 
guk was never a shadow, you just didn’t see him because, well, he’s your best friend, and your bodyguard, working and being a literal punching bag for your mistakes (AND THAT’S CAPITALISM BABY, THEY RLY TOLD US THAT THERE—”for your mistakes, i’ll beat him and then send you off to england” like gorl...)
(i also want to mention i whole heartedly believe that the rich resent the poor, the ruling class punish the working class, etc but that’s like irrelevant to here mostly...by irrelevant i mean i shouldnt go any fucking deeper than i have with goddamn dumb analysis. but it’s fun kinda) 
anyway basically tae joo like made so many mistakes that show just how fucking clueless you can be when you have immense privilege. coupled with guk working for him, he doesn’t realize that guk doesn’t live to work. has his own thoughts and he has feelings man. when guk said “stop” in e3 i was rly happy tbh. yea, they may like each other but doing shit like that isn’t fair to him if you’re gonna go around and be really flighty about everything while he depends on (well maybe not depend must cater to) you almost completely by DEFAULT of u being rich lmao
this is just a look and critique into one side of tae joo. i don’t dislike him but i question why people both in the show and people discussing feeling bad for tae joo’s circumstance instead of asking why guk  has to do any of this.....? how does guk fucking feel about this? where are guk’s feelings factored in. like we’re all saying “we pay you so that should be enough.” fuck no. guk do what you want.
if the show was about like....people in love not meeting at the right time in their lives i wouldnt be too upset either. as long as we know their love was deep and romantic it’s okay to see a parting. of course i would prefer not to see that and just want tae joo and guk to grow up to become nice anarchist citizens. guk is an artist and tae joo writes books about his daddy issues or sth like that
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QOTS 4x13 Reaction Post
It’s the finale AKA  my very own reenactment of that taste-testing kombucha reaction meme!  
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Yup, that’s the one lol. 
I feel like this ep will require a few rewatches to process BUT the good news is: Marcel lives! Oksana lives!  King George lives! Chicho lives!  (er...the Judge lives?) and the unexpected guest we’ve all been waiting for...LIVES.  James ends the season alive and in Teresa’s company and fully available for S5.  It’s a miracle.
About that--well damn guess we know now why the crew was piiiiiissed the network released those promo pics.  They kept James out of the previouslies and Peter out of the opening credits because he was supposed to be a literal last second surprise.  They even shoved an Eddie red herring in there last minute to throw us off (bless Bailey b/c THAT is a thankless role omg.  I can count on one hand the number of people who needed an Eddie update and they’re all related to the actor).
But gotta love the writers knowing they finally had PG for the finale and then packing the ep with as many James parallels/references as possible.  Oh did Javier lie to protect the woman he loved? Fancy that. Interesting choice of goodbye between Javier and Pote, can’t put a finger on where we’ve heard “Take care of her”/”Always” exchange before.  And O RLY to “If you had trusted me I could have protected you” and on and on.  Who knows if the specific parallels mean anything or the writers were kids in the James-is-finally-available-to-reference-in-the-script-again candy store but I’m looking forward to finding out in S5.
What’s weird is going out of a finale we don’t really have a clear view of S5.  With the Judge surviving the season, I’d think Teresa would stick around in NOLA for unfinished business.  But with Oksana’s scaryass cousin beckoning Teresa further down the Queenpin path, NYC sounds like an option as well.  Can’t wait to see who they cast as Kostya.
And as thrilled as I am that James showed up to tell Teresa the title of the episode (very considerate of him lol), who is this “they he speaks of? It’s a cliffhanger but a wide-open one.  We have no idea really what is next.
One hopefully good omen for Season 5 is Teresa had FIVE scenes with three different women characters this episode and I hope in my heart that  those dark Bechdel Test failing times of midseason are gone forever more.
As for the rest of the episode--
Damn, I knew Javier’s death was pretty much inevitable but what a way to go. And in true Javier fashion, he managed to double down on the deception consequences til the bitter end, backing Teresa well and truly into a corner before confessing.
And wow, the confession scene was amazing for Alice and Alfonso.  I loved both of their acting choices.
Good thing James is back though because apparently he is the only person on this entire show who can successfully shoot someone?
All that Randall/Javier chase scene needed was some Benny Hill music. What in the world lol. 
Okay I might be using humor to heal the sadness of seeing Alfonso go because Javier levitating amidst the flames to take down Randall made me scream and not in the way they intended.  To be fair, I guess Javier’s athletic ability of jumping out of trunks was foreshadowed last week.
SEE YOU IN ANOTHER LIFE, BROTHER. There has to be a take Ryan used the Desmond accent on that line, right?!  Give us the deleted scenes, QOTS! Oops he said other side. I still want deleted scenes tho.
Hellloooo S2 Queenpin outfit.  So it’s gonna be like THAT, huh.  And did anyone else think Eddie was wearing a wire at first in that scene??
But at the same time, the Queenpin transformation wasn’t as literal as I feared going into S4.  She’s still OUR Teresa too.
Curious to where her journey goes next
And curious to see how they fill in the James blanks.  What’s he been doing the last 9 months?  Is he a free man now or on the run?  And the really important questions such as: does he have like 10 extras of that exact same leather jacket stashed in safe houses across the country?
SO glad it got early renewal so we can find out.
And just like that we’re in hiatus again.  While this Season may not have been what I wanted it to be, or what I believed it could have been, at the end of it I’m still so thrilled I get to spend at least one more season with these crazy fools and you wonderful people.  THANK YOU to everyone who messaged me, commented, reblogged, tagged and to everyone who posted content--you made this season more fun than it had any right to be lol and I’m so grateful for you!  
Here’s to a fic-filled hiatus and an amazing Season 5! 
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wordsablaze · 5 years
Mugs, Nicknames, And Sparks
(thw pt.3) In which Yaz is an aspiring detective and Thirteen is an eccentric forensic scientist, but neither of them are smart enough to get together like normal people... Written for prompt ‘au’ in thasmin week 2019, enjoy!
A/N: Not a wild AU but it sort of wrote itself, oops, and that’s three complete now, yay :) Didn’t really have time to proof-read, pls be kind about mistakes <3
Yasmin Khan was having one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong and those things seemed to stack on top of each other until the whole day was just one awfully tall tower of wrong.
“Khan, get over here!” her superior yells, obviously expecting her to figure out where he's shouting from and make her way there in the next second.
Yaz sighs and places the file she was reading to one side before hazarding a guess and walking to the only office with a functional heater.
Within seconds, she's being handed a file. “Take this and finish it up for Monday.”
One glance at the front page tells her this is basically a set-up. “You can't be serious, we don't even have any forensics for this yet and it won’t be accurate if I only use our theories.”
Her superior shrugs. “I can give it to someone else if you'd rather stick with coffee runs,” he says, his tone casual and irritatingly smug.
“No, I just-”
“It's only Thursday, just go over to the labs or whatever,” he says unhelpfully, waving a hand.
Yaz clenches her jaw, ignoring the fact that his tone is almost condescending enough to act as a spark for her terrible day’s tower to be set ablaze, and nods. “Consider it done.”
It doesn't take her long to quickly wrap things up with the other file, making a note of key points before stashing everything in a drawer, after which a brief glance at the clock tells her she has plenty of time to walk over to the forensics section tonight.
Which she does. After slipping on her trusty leather jacket, of course, because contracting pneumonia really won’t help her climb the career ladder at this point. Not that she disrespects anyone who’d be satisfied with the job she has, it’s just not the position she really wants to be associated with; personally, she’d rather be in charge.
One fairly short, brisk walk later, Yaz buzzes the intercom on the front door, rubbing her arms to try and stay warm as she stares at the speaker.
She tries again. And again, twice this time, just in case someone’s mistaking it for a phone chiming again. Just as she’s lifting her hand to press it again - she’s nothing if not stubborn - a familiar static sound arrives and the machine buzzes.
“Sorry, bit of a technical issue, and my hands were covered in oil, but it’s all good now! Do you want to come in?”
Before Yaz can mess up her reply because of how brilliant that voice is, full of enthusiasm and authenticity and mystery, the unknown person continues: “Of course you do, why else would you be buzzing the… thingy? Sorry, I hope you’re not too cold! I’ll get some hot chocolate going while you get in!”
And, with that promise of a warm beverage and the ability to charm it’s way into Yaz’s heart already, the voice is replaced by a cool, mechanical click, signalling that the door’s now unlocked.
“Get it together,” Yaz mutters to herself, shaking her head before walking in and making her way to the only lab that’s allowed to be open this late, all the while wondering how on earth hot chocolate can be made so quickly.
She only manages a knock and a half on the door before a wild flash of gold causes her to pause, after which the door is pulled open and she’s met with what might just be the most welcoming smile in all of possible history.
“Hi!” The owner of said smile chirps, holding out a lovely, dark blue mug. “One warm cup of hot chocolate, as promised! Sorry again about the wait!”
Still recovering, Yaz nods, her cold hands warming up as soon as they wrap around the mug. It takes her a second to realise she must look rather rude, just standing there and staring at the perfect head of blonde hair that somehow seems like it’s straight out of a magazine.
“I’m Yasmin Khan but just Yaz to my friends,” she blurts, then bites her lip as she receives an unusually cheery smile in response.
“Well, come on in, Yaz! I’m Thirteen, and I’m calling you Yaz because we’re friends now!”
If nothing else, it’s the easiest friendship Yaz had ever established.
Thirteen flashes her a grin as something beeps before all but sprinting to the left, opening the window a little before taking something unrecognisable out of a microwave that seems to have way too many buttons. Briefly, Yaz wonders if those extra buttons have anything to do with how fast a mug of hot chocolate seems to have been made for her.
“Um, I just wanted-” Yaz cuts herself off as the microwave sparks and Thirteen jerks backwards, one arm pulling Yaz behind her as she uses the other hand to rapidly press a series of buttons.
Her heart’s racing and she has no idea why, Yaz realises, but she can hazard a good guess.
Thirteen's skin is cool but warm, just the right balance to seem pleasant. Which is just as well, because she’d rather not make a terrible impression on someone that seems to be the only help around. It takes almost an entire two minutes - which Yaz definitely does not count out to distract her from the faint smell of petrichor, metal, and petrol radiating from Thirteen - for the microwave that’s probably not really a microwave to stop giving out smoke and finally quieten down.
“Right, sorry about that, I must have miscalculated its capacity for beverage production,” Thirteen says brightly, then glances at Yaz’s mug of hot chocolate, her face falling considerably. “Was it not very good?”
Finally able to focus a little better, Yaz offers her a smile. “No, no, it’s brilliant! It’s just- well, it’s not every day a microwave almost explodes.”
Thirteen nods thoughtfully for a second. “You don't work in here every day so I totally understand that. Do you need to sit down or anything?”
“I’m good, thanks,” Yaz replies, “but I do need to collect some evidence.”
“Evidence? What for?” Thirteen asks, her nose scrunching up in confusion. “Have I done something wrong already? It usually takes a bit longer than this…”
Yaz shakes her head, both amused and bemused. “You haven’t done anything, don’t worry, I just need the evidence for the case I've been given, I’m meant to finish it for Monday and I can’t really start without the evidence.”
“Oh!” Thirteen looks slightly sheepish. “Forensics and all that, yeah, I can do that. I've been doing that ever since I figured out what the word meant… Which case is it again?”
Yaz quickly runs through the case, knowing that she’s not meant to reveal too much but also somehow sensing that Thirteen isn’t the kind of person to leak details to the media and cause chaos. Slightly too much information sharing or not, Thirteen nods along and disappears as soon as Yaz stops talking, walking through a door Yaz hadn’t noticed. Not that that was saying much, Yaz hadn’t noticed much else aside from perfect hair and a strangely alluring smile.
“Right, well, we may have a slight problem,” Thirteen calls from the side room, then appearing with a pencil behind her ear but nothing in her hands. “There doesn’t seem to be anything relevant for your case.”
Yaz sighs, letting her eyes shut for a second in frustration.
When she opens them again, wide, curious brown eyes are far too close for her to properly process.
“Woah!” Yaz exclaims, stumbling backwards and regretting it immediately when her foot knocks something solid and unmoving.
Thirteen's hands are instantly steadying her arms, one of her hands then speedily moving to settle around Yaz’s wrist to stabilise the mug and prevent either of them getting burned. “Careful there, Yaz.”
After steadying herself and using most of her self-control to try and appear unaffected by the warmth on her arms and the sparks flying along her skin, Yaz nods. “What were you doing?”
Thirteen shrugs, stepping back and letting go of Yaz before walking to the back of the room, taking the pencil from her ear and scribbling something into a notebook lying on the counter before tucking the pencil into her pocket.
“Now what are you doing?” Yaz asks, feeling slightly awkward.
“Research!” Thirteen replies eventually. “But don't yourself about it. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
Case forgotten in favour of personal confusion, Yaz asks: “Is your name really Thirteen?”
A knowing look in her eyes, Thirteen grins slyly. “Not quite. It's Doctor J. Thirteen but I've been the cause of enough accidents for unluckily thirteen to become a running joke that turned into a nickname which ended up as my unofficial name!”
Yaz takes a second to process that. It’s still a better nickname than some of the ones she’s been given, but something else had also caught her attention: “Doctor?”
Thirteen winks. “I did my homework.”
After a second, she ruins the slightly ominous atmosphere she’d built up with that by saying: “A lot of homework. Like, seriously, there is a lot of work involved when studying for a PhD.”
Chuckling, Yaz takes a small sip of the hot chocolate, her eyes widening at how rich it is. “How did you make this? It’s utterly magical!”
“So is your hair and yet I’m not questioning that!” Thirteen fires back immediately, although it’s too soft and kind to have been fired, it’s more like it’s been gently traded.
Either way, Yaz finds herself blushing, glancing down at the hot chocolate with a small smile on her face. Thirteen doesn’t say anything and when Yaz looks up again, she’s scribbling away in that notebook again, this time with a different pencil that seems to have appeared from nowhere in particular.
“I guess I should get going, then?” Yaz means to use that statement as a goodbye but it ends up as a hesitant question.
Thirteen’s eyes widen in what may or may not be blatant disappointment. “Oh. Well. Yes, of course, don’t let me keep you or anything.”
Honestly, Yaz would like nothing more than for Thirteen to keep her. That’s probably why she ends up blurting: “What if I’ve forgotten where the entrance is?”
“Sorry?” Thirteen frowns, glancing at her hot chocolate as if accusing it of giving her amnesia or another problem along those lines.
Yaz clears her throat, smiling. “I mean, uh, can you walk me out? I think there was a buzzer on one of the doors and I can’t remember if it needs a keycard or not so…”
It’s almost stupid how the sparks of hope in Thirteen’s eyes give her so much happiness. There’s just something so purely genuine about them; they’re not there to impress anyone or manipulate people, they just explode into existence naturally, and Yaz is rarely so easily impressed.
“It would be a crime to refuse such a simple request from someone as lovely as you, Yaz!”
Thirteen practically bounces towards her, opening the lab doors and gesturing for Yaz to step through. For once, Yaz just accepts it and does so, waiting for Thirteen to fall into step beside her before continuing to walk because of course she knows where the doors are and which of them need identification to unlock but it’s way too late to admit that now. Well, that and the fact that she’s kind of hoping Thirteen will say her name again; it’s never sounded better than when it does coming from her.
They don’t say anything until they get back to the main doors, mostly just smiling when they catch one another’s eyes, a warmth spreading through Yaz’s heart each time they do so. When they do get back to the main doors, though, Thirteen pauses and turns back to her, glancing at the half-full mug with a mischievous look in her eyes.
“You’ll have to come back and return my mug, of course. That’s one of my favourites,” Thirteen says simply.
Yaz nods without thinking and then thinks about it and nods again. “Yeah, of course. There’s no way I can condone stealing things!”
“Not even if it involves me stealing you away for an evening?” Thirteen asks, so quietly and so quickly that Yaz barely catches it.
As soon as she figures out what Thirteen is asking, her breath hitches. Before she can give the wrong impression, she raises an eyebrow and smirks. “It wouldn’t be stealing if I was to go willingly, now, would it?”
An odd noise escapes Thirteen as she beams, that beautiful spark back in her eyes as she seems to silently thank the mug in Yaz’s hand - or maybe that just Yaz - before opening the door with her foot.
“I’ll see you tomorrow evening then?” she asks, shivering slightly when the breeze hits her shoulders.
Still a little shocked that that had happened so quickly, Yaz nods rapidly, almost giving herself a headache. “I can’t wait!”
“You might have to; time travel seems to still be in the works,” Thirteen says, probably not even thinking about it judging by the way she’s grinning so happily.
Yaz laughs, the weight of the day easing itself off of her shoulders like smoke. “Take care, Doctor.”
She’s not even sure why she uses her title as a nickname, it just seems to fit. And Thirteen’s not complaining, she just winks and salutes before stepping back a bit so Yaz can get past, murmuring a passionate but soft: “Sweet dreams, Yaz!”
As she heads off and starts her journey back home, intermittently taking sips of what is now definitely the best hot chocolate in the universe, she can’t help but think that she might actually have sweet dreams for once because, as if living up to the alternate meanings of her title, Thirteen really has healed something in her and the promise of a date tomorrow is the best medicine Yaz could ever have imagined.
like/reblog but don’t repost, thanks!
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ofphcenixes · 5 years
BLUE & LIBBY - text thread 001
texts from 3:55pm to 7:01pm
hey lib. (: havent talked today. just wanted to drop in and see if u were doin alright i have memes if u need them
i mean, technically we did talk. i reminded you of the moment the world stood still: when valentine and you made contact (1) time. are you okay though? you seem a little, weird
i maintain that valentine was an alien in a spider suit that wanted to destroy me but u know what I mean djdjdjd just chats between us. the gc has been a june holden fest lately lmao hope it works out for them tho anyways i am always weird in ur eyes djdjhd. but im fine. shit was crazy that night and we never really got to talk about what happenedand if u wanted to talk i just want u to kno im here ABOUT NADIA bc yeah kdjdjjd
don't talk to me or my son ever again yeah, wow, okay so holden stayed over the night. i only know that because i saw his stuff in her room? i think she mentioned that like, it was a one time thing but i feel like... he might be coming over again which.. is Interesting oh. yeah, no i think i'm okay. i guess just in shock. june is very broken up over it, so i'm doing my best to be a good pal, and bring loads of ice cream and kisses. /: do you wanna talk? about nadia? i know that she like, meant something to you
ok good luck getting me to stop talkin to u but as for valentine? bye Felecia! is that right. hmm well he doesn’t seem like much is goin on so maybe they were just,, hanging out. bringing a bag over is pretty damning tho. and if he does come over and u see him tell that bih he owes me $ bc he ate my fucking chorizo salad ): r u proud lib?? I ate a salad by choice well I would have if Holden wasn’t a lil birch bitch DONT CENSOR ME fuck. im sorry. ): i actually wanted to see june today tbh. but if u need anyone pls let me know alright? id skip practice if u needed me, lib WELL. i mean ok i was sorta close with her in middle school and she’s always been a friend and I just. I’m just fucking numb tbh. I really can’t believe it
i'll have you know that valentine died shortly after my 18th birthday so ): idk idk, why would they hang out in her room if they were "hanging out"? like they have history. i feel like thats, a little too ... suspicious given the context. in a good way though. like i hope it works out theyre both so miserable without each other. oh my god!! look at you go! so proud of you, dude! ( even if you never got to it lmao ) no, no, it's okay. june needs all the support she can get, and i don't wanna impede. i'm really fine, i just sort of need to accept it and i guess reflect on how terrible it is. she was a really sweet person and fuck i really cant believe any of it i guess
fuck what kdjdjdnd I thought valentine just yeeted shit that’s not a good way to put it fuck but. im sorry lib ): ok I take it back Valentine was alright. still scared the fuck out of me tho all i know is that if i loved someone as much as holden loves june, i wouldn’t let you go **THEM fuck Damn phone Typos Djdjhdi can’t believe u make me eat green stuff its truly CRUEL whomst? I only know nadia just didn’t fucking deserve any of this. shit even daisey didn’t. i just want to protect everyone and i don’t know HOW it goes without saying that im happy to be ur uber driver for the indefinite future
no omg, i took good care of my boy. idk what happened, they can live up to like 15 years so i was pretty bummed tbh. i was a bad mom he appreciates your support from the grave though i mean, i guess. but not everyone you love is going to love you back, i think that's where holden's at. not everyone wants to be clung to, and june seems reluctant besides, you know all about that. holden, the love of your life, loves june. how sad it's good for you!!! i'm helping i ... feel so badly for both of them. i can't imagine how their families must be feeling, fuck. i hate this. i'm moving to spain ah, dude you don't have to do all that. you probably are busy with practice, and holden, and work. thank you tho
im sure ur a great mother. ): but still valentine was lucky to have u. and im sure he misses u in his weird spider heaven web of flies and whatever it is spiders like idk ill dm peter parker and find out i mean... guess that’s true. I suppose I dont get to see how june feels most of the time. i just wish they’d talk about it and sort it out at least. they both deserve to be happy holden is the loml that is true aksjjsjd. holden has enough room for both me and june in his heart. so i mean technically i can love someone else too?? but enough about that lmfao you definitely are helping. even coach has noticed dkdjd. making me better without even trying u can’t move without me who’s gonna get me free popcorn ): you’re just as important as practise and holden to me, lib.
god, i miss him. you think the girls would be mad if i bought another one? like, to keep in my room.  i know! they're both obviously still in love, you can tell. i can't wait for them to overcome this and get to be together. also, im grateful for the amount of sleep i'm able to get now that... the room next to mine is less loud welp, i hope you find someone who is willing to share you with holden lol oMG, REALLY? IDK WHY THAT MADE ME IRRATIONALLY HAPPY LOL. WE CAN GET SALAD LATER let's go, we'll go to spain and take on a new identity. we can live along the coast and work in a bakery or something. get a puppy don't show holden that text he might cry. but dsjflk thank you, you're very important to me too. kinda my best pal
u would have to ask. but if you did get another what would u call it? thanksgiving? funnily enough valentine is only a few weeks away. a sign?? i mean fuck ive known holden for years and can confirm he is happiest when he’s with june. when she’s not roasting him at least lmfao. and if my MasterPlan works im afraid things will get bad again djdjdj. I can take one for the team and try to get them to come over here tho - u don’t need to deal with that shit i hope i do too tbh. and who would I want it to be u ask? that’s right. danny devito. LETS NOT GET TOO CRAZY IVE ALREADY HAD THREE VEGETABLES THIS WERK AND ITS ONLY TUESDAY. I think it’s popcorn time 8) bold of u to assume i know where Spain is dkdjdjdjdj well he’s gonna catch on soon enough we spend every day together at this point lol
i was gonna name this one patrick, after st patricks day actually lol. yes you know what's also approaching that is more important? your birthday! i know, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out. he's v much a relationship kinda dude, actually bc he's also kinda slutty lol. but even june is sad and its just, SO HARD. i hate when people are clearly, happiest together are like, nO IM GOING TO PROLONG THE MISERY. i feel like we're in a rom-com. how do we get them back together? i'll let him know. my v-day gift from me to you oooo, should i get the skittles ready too then? popcorn is kinda of a veggie if you think abt it omg, okay well now you can't come with me. offer rescinded. im going with the hot cop lslsfkjdjkldfs i mean its not like we're doing anything weird, so its okay, right?
ur so cute wtf. although if u did do this i hope u know im calling him patrick star. also how the fuck do u tell if its a female or a male spider theyre so small and gross. fuck it is too lol. i dont have any money so im gonna let ppl down on the party front lmao. ud still come tho, right? how can he be both slutty and relationshippy. like not to be weird bc i know hes ur cousin and all dkfjgg but he doesnt.. have people over anymore. unless hes someone learned not to stomp around the house WHICH I DONT BELIEVE. and ha hA im already on plan 384 to get them back together get on my level lmao.  we just gotta force them to spend time together tbh. does that mean i have to give u the hot cop for valentines bc i mean. i would if that's what u wanted but im sure u can do much better than him OH FUCK UR RIGHT OUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN A LIE TO CONVERT ME TO VEGGIES HASNT IT r u breaking up with me? well fine, ill take the dog ): it's... it's not weird unless we make it weird. and we haven't. have we?
fdsjfjdsl shhhhh, back at you. Patrick Star will be his full name, i promise you this much. as for gender idfk, i am honestly assuming its pronouns lol. i'd be sued by the LGBT community if they knew. also dude, of course. i'll make you cupcakes. plus i know what i wanna buy you! i  can't wait dude what? really?? i thought he was seeing people this whole time, holy shit. dude he's really messed up over this huh? wow, okay, we need to kick this into high gear and have them get back together. tell me your plans. omg, no you clown. i don't even like him that much, he's just pretty. i do like... some personality and he has 0 GOD MY PLAN HAS BEEN FOILED. I CANT BELIEVE IT like i'd ever let you take the dog. she's mine sdfjlkdsfjlk iDK DUDE. I MAY HAVE MADE IT WEIRD BUT WE'RE BAD AT TALKING ABT STUFF, SO WE DONT HAVE TO LOL.
do spiders even have gender i thought they were just the minions of evil lmfao lib u rly dont have to get me anything, really. altho now im curious tbh. but get ready for me to get a lit gift in june >:) ill even wrap it myself which says a lot bc i cant wrap for shit but i want it to be personal lmao not many that im aware of atm. will give u info is this changes. huh we r spies lib. >:) but i dont have any current plans except trying to force them to go in a photo booth together or something when we eventually go to the arcade djsjdh omg how did u know. but idk everyone speaks about him like hes gOD he’s just a dude. eyebrows on fleek tho I will say that IM SO HURT UD USE ME LIKE THIS LIB. ALL THIS TIME WE WERE GETTING CLOSE AND U WERE ONLY HERE FOR THE VEGGIES so u get Spain AND the dog. what do I get, sadness ???? you haven’t made it weird lib, i promise. not to me, anyway. maybe we both wanted the same thing. maybe. oR MAYBE NOT LMFAO but yeah we can talk about whatever lol
don't talk about nate like that omg! i want to, plus its a surprise so no asking what it is. also wow i cant believe you remember my birthday, lol. you dont have to get me anything. you can buy me an ice cream though oh my gOD THAT'S BRILLIANT! aw, what if they take one of those cute kiss pictures in the photobooth like in the movies? i can't wait for them to love each other again, they're so cute. are you jealous that no one is talking about your eyebrows? you have nice eyebrows and nothing to be jealous abt GOD, IM SO SORRY. ROY HIRED ME. HE WAS WORRIED ABT YOUR HEALTH. IM SORRY YOU HAD TO FIND OUT THIS WAY. I THOUGHT YOU NEVER WOULD /: you get the memory of what we were to keep you warm right, cool. noted
why do u talk about the string bean all the time i know u grew up with him but seriously he's like a pale pipe cleaner that i dont need in my life ofc i remeber ur birthday lib. dont u remember ur 10th?? probably the best day of my life lmao. and if u get me something i get u something thats how this works as long as june doesnt say anything mean and holden say anything stupid, its a pretty solid plan tbh. im not jealous HOW DARE ROY PLAY ME LIKE THIS. cant believe u betrayed me lib, after all we've been through ;-; but what if i want something to sell off now that u took the house oh fuck lib i didn't mean it like that. just... pretend i said nothing ok and. yeah talk about something else
hey sorry, i gotta go. talk tomorrow.
oh is everything ok? but alright talk tomorrow then i guess bye lib
its 6pm lib but okay night
lib if i did something u dont have to tell me but pls know i didnt mean it, whatever it was. i hope youre okay. but i wont bother u again i promise. just. yeah
it's okay, dude. i'm fine. it's honestly my own fault, it's not you. you're always great. i'm sorry. it's fine
i dont understand what ur talking about but i can tell u dont want to so ill just... leave this. but you're always great too lib. the greatest, in fact. just let me know if ur still coming to the arcade later or not yeah
i guess i'll go. i like pacman.
if u... if u change ur mind i understand. but i really hope u can make it.
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localmagicalboi · 6 years
🎯🎯 BAM! GOTCHA! 🎯🎯 send 5 curious anons to your favorite blogs!! : i've been curious about this forever, but it just might be more commentary than anything. how do you come up with such a rad aesthetic for your blog? visually it's awesome and then also clever and witty, is that more your doing or a mix of vi's influence as well?
THE FACT U CONSIDER ME A FAVORITE BLOG. thank u.... luv u. ♥♥ here’s a good vibe from me 2 u, stranger......... use it well......
wheeeewww, i wish i had vi's kind of swag lol it's a unique brand. i think i'm a bit more dark and closed up than he is ( so writing him is a little hard gfjkdgdkl. his softness looks crazy next to my hardened nature!! ) vi's little flashes of people i've encountered in my life. people i've known for years, months, even just a few days. a big influence is my boyfriend, who's also kind of a soft-hearted weirdo that enjoys a good pastel color or two. vi’s this big bundle of soft experiences i’ve picked up from soft people in my life and i like to represent that in the color choices i make. and the sparkles and all that.
let’s get to the cleverness. that’s a word, right? cleverness. Looks Kinda Fake 2 Me.
there's pop culture. it’s amazing to me. i love the trash of it all. not current because none of it feels organic or even fun, but i mean older, 70s to mid2000s pop culture. you may see him make a reference like like some old mariah carey joint or quote some wacky, tacky ass 80s song with a completely straight face in the middle of a semi-serious conversation because hidden details like that are fun to me!
especially when i have someone come to me like "DID YOU JUST REFERENCE _______ LIKE THAT" and im like YEAH B) love pop culture. love obscure references and shit that makes literally no sense.
most importantly i think vi's just your every day every man that's experiencing the existential angst that an open minded mid 20-something is probably experiencing in this world where right-wing politics are starting to rule in a brazen fashion and coping with humor is the only way to do it lest u end up reliant on wild irish rose wine from the gas station while scrolling through /r/politics on reddit and not even THINKING about going to a therapist. so the wit comes from a pretty dark place.
also, i like to read authors that run in the same vein as i do. you should read douglas coupland’s book WORST. PERSON. EVER. i mean it starts off with such a bang:  
Dear Reader . . . Like you, I consider myself a reasonable enough citizen. You know: live life in moderation, enjoy the occasional YouTube  clip  of  frolicking  otters  and  kittens,  perhaps  overtip a waitress who makes the effort to tart herself up a bit, or maybe just make the effort to try to be nice to the poor—yay, poor people!
and it only gets better from there. also FUN FACT TIME! back on the actual visual aesthetics. a main reason why my blogs have the aesthetics that they do is because i have sensory issues. sensory processing disorder, hurray!!! most colors make me sick. for example: i looked at youtube’s icon for about 3 seconds too long, vomited, and had go get bed rest for the remainder of the day. i can’t handle severe, super bright colors because they run me crazy. i can handle those colors in v small doses but gljdfgkldgjdl. rly does make my love for colorful clothing a silver bullet.
which sucks.
but hey!!! my themes be lookin cool af because of it!!
not to sound pretentious..... but i think the entire approach to this blog is this brand of half-assed surrealism i can only call an amalgamation of pop culture quirks, real life worries, and magic. because that’s what vi is! a pop culture savvy, troubled magical boy.
thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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btsxyou · 7 years
Car Seat Treat [M]
Request: could you write a jimin smut in which he teases you at dinner with the rest of bts and then you do it in his car! very rough and dom! jimin please with a lot of dirty talk! I’ll love you forever
A/N: this is? rLY… I’m sry Jimin my smol bean baby
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It wasn’t Jimin this time that would be sitting at dinner burning out of some accusation, but instead you, at fire underneath his fingertips as they graced across your thigh, dangerously close to the edge of your skirt. You were hoping he was just touching you to calm any nerves he may have about dinner but that wasn’t the case it seemed, because his hand kept moving higher. You glanced at the faces of the boys around the dinner table to see if anyone was catching notice, but they were all shoving food in their mouths and joking with each other. That was another thing you liked about them– they were always in their own worlds.
What even brought this on? You hadn’t neglected to be close to him lately, maybe with just the wake of being so busy and stressed about a new album he was just craving you pretty intensely. It was a good thing, in retrospect, that the boys were used to yours and Jimin’s cutesy ways with each other. If you got a little close, or only paid attention to each other they didn’t care, in fact they enjoyed seeing Jimin so tangled up in someone who completely adored him as much as they did.
But your sex life was probably something they chose to not think about, whether they spoke about it or not you didn’t really want to know. But for someone who’s relatively private, the thought of it was embarrassing.  And nothing would embarrass you more if they found out Jimin was becoming dangerously close to the edge of your panties.
It was only to that point in the dinner when everyone had gotten food and began to eat, stopping every now and then for conversation. So his hand wandering in your direction wasn’t something that had begun the minute you sat down, but only something that occurred as dinner progressed.
It wasn’t that you wanted him to stop because God once he started you only wanted more– but for the sake of your pride and humility you needed to carry on at least until the end of dinner normally.  Which given your current situation it was kind of hard, one of Jimin’s fingers finally hooked itself in the leg of your panties, and you were aching for him to just touch you, but it seemed that all he wanted to do right now was tease.
The room was warmly lit so your burning cheeks could be well hidden in this type of light, and if your eyes happened to widen just a little too much, well, hopefully it would be at the right time in one of the boys’ stories to be a little surprised. If only you weren’t a terrible actor…  Now was the best time to try and ignore him for as long as possible, and either bury yourself in your food or into the conversation that was circling around the dinner table.
If you decided to tease Jimin yourself you knew you’d only end up causing a commotion, or drawing a little too much attention your way because if there was anybody who embarrassed more easily than you, it was Jimin.  However tonight he remained as stoic as possible, pretending easily that he wasn’t tapping a finger at your clit underneath the table where nobody could see.  You almost choked when he started, knowing that he was only moving closer and closer but not exactly ready for that move to happen just yet.
A small cough escaped your throat as you sat down your fork and gave him a look, only for him to counter it with a small apology, and a devilish grin on that angel face of his. Maybe a drink of water would help diminish the burning that had begun at your core and was slowly rising up your body to your face, something that you knew before long would consequently appear in your expression, whether you liked it or not.
You propped both your elbows on the table and allowed for your chin to rest against your hands as you tried to focus on Taehyung’s story about… goats? Maybe? You wanted to pay attention, but there was a finger slyly and slowly moving from your clit straight towards your entrance, gently gliding over your silken panties with ease.
Thankfully his story reached a point where you could let out a breathy laugh because the ache in between your legs was almost getting painful, and Jimin better have a plan to finish all of this at some point tonight, or who knows what you’ll do.
When someone mentioned staying a little while for drinks, Jimin took his hands off you completely and mentioned how he was tired, and that you guys might just head home so he could get some rest before the schedules got extremely busy again.  They all nodded in agreement, probably realizing they should do the same, but wanted to have a little fun tonight despite that. You thanked everyone for the dinner as you stood, and Jimin did the same.
You didn’t really doubt that Jimin was tired, they had been so busy lately that he had to be, he must always be tired.  Going home wouldn’t be a bad idea at all for either of you.
Jimin held onto your waist as you walked out of the restaurant, his lips pressing into your hair next to your ear, but you broke away before he was able to say anything.
“What has gotten into you? If you’re tired we really should just go home…”
“Tired? Oh, right.  By that I just mean I’m really tired of not being inside of you. So if you want to be a really good girl you’d open up the car door and get inside.” He was close, a smirk playing across his plump lips.
You were along the sidewalk now, next to his car parked on the side. As he stepped closer to you, you backed against the cold sleek metal, his lips dangerously close to yours, and his hips even closer.
It wasn’t particularly like him to be so demanding, if anything he was usually the one to beg, and maybe you were a little demanding from time to time, so when it really comes down to this, you weren’t sure how to act.  But his hardened bulge pressing into your thigh was making you weak, you almost didn’t care how he was acting.
“What if I don’t want to be good?” You asked quietly, and his smirk disappeared. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him, but you were standing at his car along a fairly busy city street…
“I don’t really think that would be the correct way to behave.  I know I teased you at dinner, I saw you squirm there in your seat… You’re probably getting even wetter right now as I speak. Am I right?”
He was. All you could even do was whisper his name under your breath before you were laid out in the backseat of his car.
“Jimin?” He climbed in and closed the door quickly behind him, facing your questioning face.  You scanned over his face and body with your eyes looking for any reason as to why he just had to have you right here, right now, but he only gave you a few seconds to do so before he was hovering above you, those lips back into that sinister smirk, his eyes already undressing you before his hands even bothered to rid you of your clothes.
He began to unbutton his shirt, his toned chest and stomach coming into sight as he did so. He gave you a look which suggested maybe you should do the same, so you did.  Throwing your shirt and skirt into the carpet of the car floor, you eyed the growing bulge in his jeans, quietly aching for him to just… take it out.
You laid back in the seat as he followed to kiss you, trailing kisses from your lips all the way down to your panty clad core. You let out a moan as his plump lips pressed right over, as you could feel how wet you were once he let out a warm breath, feeling the air cool over you.
He raised up to unbuckle his belt, pulling his jeans down far enough that his dick was pushing against the restraint of his underwear, resting on the top of his jeans. You bit your lip as you looked at him, he wasn’t joking when he said he wanted you right now.
“I think you’ll have to go first…” he said as he hooked two fingers under the waistband of your panties and pulled them down.  Sliding them down your legs and dropping them on the floor, he looked at your glistening core as if he hadn’t eaten in days.  Pushing his underwear down and taking along the rest of his jeans in the process with one hand, he ran a finger along your slit with the other hand.
“Thought so.  You’re so wet for me, so, so wet for this cock aren’t you?” He pushed your leg to the side so you were more open for him.
“Jimin…” you exhaled his name as he ran his hand over his length, lining himself up with your entrance, and pushing in fully without giving you time to adjust.
“I’m sorry, but I meant it.  I was dying to be inside you.” He whimpered as he thrusted into you again. “God, you feel so good. You’re so tight for me, and so good.  Just because you had to keep quiet while I touched you at dinner doesn’t mean you have to now.”
You let out a whine as he began to pound into you, your head knocking into the car door behind you. One of his hands moved up to block it from happening anymore, while also tangling his fingers in your hair and pulling slightly. He didn’t want to wait anymore.
You had to admit even though it was different, you liked it. Being teased in public, then being fucked in public… it was exhilarating. If you weren’t in a state of complete ecstasy right now you might even be a little embarrassed or curious if anyone noticed a sleek black car rocking back and forth.  And if anyone stopped outside it from a minute or two they might hear Jimin’s or your whimpering escaping the car quietly into the night air.
But you didn’t think of any of that, you didn’t even consider the possibility that any of the boys themselves have made their way out of the restaurant, finally deciding that they too, were tired and should head home.
Jimin’s hand untangled itself from your hair and trailed down to your bra, a finger picking at the edge of one of the cups, mentally questioning himself as to why or how he hadn’t managed to take it off you yet.  But before doing just that, he leaned down to place his lips on your left breast, his hand cupping and squeezing it up into his mouth.
You moaned at the sensation, his lips were soft but unforgiving as they moved across your sensitive skin, kissing and sucking along it.  You managed to reach behind you and unhook your bra quickly, allowing him to gain more access to both and treat them as he pleased.
Every thrust he gave you somehow wasn’t enough, and you pushed your body into his as hard as you could, you wanted him hard and deep but it wasn’t that easy in the position you were currently in.
“A little impatient are we, baby?” He asked as he slowed his hips, leaving you to whine for more.  You felt your core ache and pulse around him at the lack of movement, your face explaining exactly how you felt as he looked at you with darkened gaze.
“You’ve been so good, would you like to ride me, sweetheart?”
You nodded eagerly, knowing that was exactly what you needed to get him to hit all the spots you wanted. His hand was back in your hair, grabbing a fistful of it as he lowered his lips onto yours forcefully.
He sat up and positioned himself in the middle seat, as you moved to straddle him, both of your legs resting themselves on either side of his strong thighs. Dick in hand, he rubbed the head over your clit a few times before sliding right into you.  As you lowered yourself onto him and took him in fully, he grabbed your hips with both hands to push you down on him as far as possible, your wetness taking him whole.
“Baby, you always take me so well.  You know that? It’s like this pussy was made for me.  Always wet for me, always so tight…ah.” His eyes were still dark, completely serious and so filled with lust that you were almost surprised when he allowed a slight whimper to leave his swollen lips as you rolled your hips down onto him.  You repeated the action several times, knowing it drove him crazy. His fingertips were digging into your skin, and you almost thought this dark, lustful facade of his was almost being broken.
You swirled your hips, bouncing quickly on his length. Your eyes were closed, head facing the ceiling as the immense pleasure was building up inside you… then you felt lips on your overexposed neck. Nipping at the skin, tongue drawing tiny circles that sprinkled goosebumps along your skin because it all was just so… amazing.
“God, I wish you had my view right now.” His lips left your neck, leaning back against the seat and looking at you through hooded eyes. “You’re so beautiful, are you feeling good?” You nodded in complete ecstasy, gasping for some type of release but knowing it wasn’t coming soon.  
“Babygirl, let me help you.” You half sighed, half moaned out of relief, as he thrusted up into you as you slammed down onto him.
Since he took thrusting into you upon himself, you stuck solely to swirling your hips around him, leaning back so that your were laying against the console between the two front seats. You stretch your arms out above you, placing your fingertips against the dash the best you could, while he gripped onto hips to keep you from sliding away.  Muttering things about how beautiful you were, or how good you felt under his breath you could tell that he was struggling to hold on any longer, especially with the way you were moving on him.
With you laying back you were on perfect display for him, your boobs bouncing with each thrust. He began to rub over your clit with his thumb, in order to bring you closer to your release since he was getting so close to his own.
You grasped at the feeling, trying to push yourself towards him as much as possible so that the feeling could become closer and closer and closer.  You clenched around him too, knowing that it not only helped you, but helped him.  He was whining, letting out small whimpers which you loved to hear, knowing that he was so close and that it was all thanks to you…
Was the breaking point. Your release rolled over you in waves, clamping over him as you tried to hold onto the feeling for as long as possible. His whiny gasps were becoming louder and louder as he gripped your hips tighter and tighter, slamming you into him as hard and quickly as he possibly could.
“Jimin,” you began as your voice was still trapped in complete ecstasy but verging on overstimulation. But that seemed to be what he needed also, because with a loud painful moan, you could feel him cum inside you, his nails dragging along your hips as he slowed his thrusts, stuttering as he tried to finish.
You both took a minute to breathe, letting your bodies recover just a little bit.  You reached towards him with one hand, and he pulled you towards him so that you were sitting upwards.  
He giggled as he moved into the kiss you, and you did the same.  Jimin being so assertive and demanding… was kinda fun.  Definitely unexpected, but fun. you reached back behind you, picking up both your shirts and your skirt. You watched him, his face so round from way he was smiling, his cheeks so red from the recent activity mixed with the way he acted.  He seemed a little embarrassed being so needy and demanding.
You pulled your clothes on, not particularly caring about your bra or underwear at all.  Then, being faced with the reality that people may have noticed that someone was… having a little too much fun in your car, you made the rash decision to just crawl into the front seat without opening the door.  On the other hand… Jimin pulled up his pants and fastened them, leaving his button-up untucked and partly unbuttoned. He must not have been on the same thought track as you because he opened the car door, to a very startled but impressed group of boys.
Hearing their exclamation from the front seat you looked out your window in complete shock. Great, you thought as you groaned to yourself.  Now they know, and no one even had to tell them.
They only really caught the end of everything, maybe a few noises and probably just the movement caused by getting dressed and you moving into the front seat without even leaving the car.
Jimin tried to shake it all off outside, the back door still open as you listened to whatever excuse he was trying to make up while the rest of them were laughing and slapping him on the back as if he accomplished something extremely great. Jungkook, however, appeared confused, until his eyes widened as he looked in the open door at the backseat, where you conveniently left your bra and underwear after ditching their coverage. You hid your face in both your hands, your cheeks burning against the skin.
What an unforgettable night… for everyone. You were bound to have to listen to the quieted laughs and Jimin was bound to listen to relentless teasing until someone else did something worth the jokes.
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ask-jungshook · 7 years
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// HEYO! :D Here’s my version of the Meet the Artist meme that’s been going around! I got several admin asks as well, so might as well knock out two birds with one stone! 
Fun Facts & Q&As under the cut!
Sup! I go by Dissu! It’s my art/gaming nickname that was given to me by friends and pretty much just stuck with me to the extent that I respond to it as much as my real name haha
FUN FACTS! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
My corgi’s full name is Lucas GNAR (the latter being League of Legends inspired-- his nickname is Lulu tho ;o) I’m a total nerd and gamer if you haven’t guessed by now HAHA
I carry backpacks over small purses because I easily lose/misplace small things. (Bags with shoulder straps always slide off my shoulders too) My other two bags are a winged backpack and a small crossbody.
I carry a pillow in my backpack so I can sleep on the bus on my commute to work (I have no more shame LOL) Lucas ate an eye off it when he was a puppy, so that’s why it has one eye LOL
I doodle on post-its because they’re easier to get rid of/scrap if it comes out looking bad. I don’t have any sketchbooks because for some reason I’m really bad at drawing in books??
I have a slight case of RBF, so I will most likely look :| even though I’m :D on the inside
I dye my hair because my hair is usually extremely oily and dyeing is usually the only way to counteract it. (But mad respect to kpop groups because holy shit bleaching your hair pretty much fries it 2/10 would recommend -- also grey hair is rly hard to maintain zzz) 
My average sleep time on weekdays is 5 hrs, but on weekends it’s 12+ hrs. 
I am a self proclaimed sparkling rock (because I’m really bad at expressing my emotions irl lol)
ASKS! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
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BTS: JIMIN by a narrow margin, JK and NAMJOON are tied for a close second (Yoongi is forever my spirit animal though)
For other KPOP groups I follow currently:
Big Bang: TOP
Sechskies: Eun Jiwon
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I mainly use SAI! (and PS for animation)
And it’s ironic because I’m like 99% sure I messed up my brush settings yesterday lol but here’s what I have right now. I pretty much use the default brush for all my sketches, lineart and coloring. (The only difference is just brush size) 
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I’ve been playing around with my settings more and more just for fun/ trying out new things since I already messed up my settings /weeps (I should have had a screenshot of my original settings in hindsight . . . rip me)
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Q__Q omgsjakhgsdlkg thank you guys so much (●♡∀♡) <333 You all give me motivation to keep on drawinggg! <3 (I’m also rly bad at expressing thanks but tytytytyty x100000, it means a lot)
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Disclaimer: Just wanna add really quickly, take what I say with a grain of salt bc what worked for me might not work for everyone.
Don’t give up & practice A LOT!
I’ve never had any ‘legit’ art classes in the sense that the only art I got from school was one elective class in high school. The program I was in during HS and the field I’m in now are both devoid of creativity lol (Which is why people at my workplace are usually surprised to see that I draw) That being said, most of my art is mainly trial and error! But it’s a hobby that I enjoy a lot, so I don’t mind the trial and error aspect of it. I also really like the fact that you can like graduallllly see improvement the more you draw! :D Only recently, I’ve been actively trying to get better and improve since I have more time to do things now. (Legit school was probably the main reason why I couldn’t draw a lot -- exams man)
To elaborate a bit, overall I think I’m an average artist at best because there’s simply so much that I still need to learn. I feel like for me, I never fully grasped the foundation for drawing (mainly anatomy), so I’m trying to relearn that now that I have free time. (I think previously, all I drew was still-life, so I . .  . can draw fruit???? LOL) Like if you look at most of my older pieces, you can see that I have no clue how to draw clothing, body structure, or color theory. (The good thing is, that I know my weaknesses, so it’s a good starting block! haha)
But for art in general, it’s all about your foundation and how you build on it. If you don’t know how to break the body down by body parts, then there’s no way that you can free draw a person that looks perfect. So at this point, for me, it’s just a quest for learning & self improvement! :D
Another important thing is to step outside of your comfort zone! I strongly believe that you learn from failure especially for art. Like I think this year was the first time I drew a full body picture because I forced myself to step away from just drawing faces only. (LOL LEGIT I’VE ONLY DRAWN HEADSHOTS OF PEOPLE FACING LEFT FOR LIKE 99.9% OF THE TIME) While it wasn’t perfect, I definitely learned from it.
I also highly suggest iterative drawing! Which is basically drawing the same thing over and over, but changing small things with every repetition. That way, you can compare and see what worked and what didn’t and carry that forward!
Also, don’t expect like change overnight! That’s one of the things I think people have a misconceptions of-- especially something that new artists can get a bit down on, because they don’t ‘see’ improvement. But JUST KEEP ON DRAWING! Because improvement will always be gradual. (It’s very similar to working out -- like you’ll gain muscle tone over time & not overnight)
Like this is probably one of the first CG pieces I drew like YEARRRRS back (maybe 2009????) when I first tried digital art vs a WIP of what I’m currently working on right now (yes, dat’s a jimin) :
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So clearly, getting from point A to point B for me happened over a lot of years and not right away, but just know that it IS possible if you’re willing to be patient -- and that improvement is there even if you don’t see it! 
Also I just wanna throw out there that improvement isn’t always going to be a upwards curve, it might stagnate/plateau occasionally and that’s OK! I think when I was still in school, I took A LOT of art hiatuses that spanned months so when I would get back into drawing, my art probably looked worse LOL 
But for me personally, what it comes down to in the end, is that:
1) You’re making art because YOU enjoy it. If you go into drawing with the intention of getting famous or having a lot of notes, then there really isn’t that much personal sense of joy if you’re basing your accomplishments by how many notes you receive. Draw for the sake of yourself instead of for the sake of others -- it’s a lot more liberating.
2) You’re basing your improvement against yourself, not against other people. Everyone is different and everyone learns things at different rates, so don’t feel discouraged if someone else is improving at a different rate than you are. I know a lot of people get discouraged when they see how fast others may be improvement-- I mean there was a point where I was like that, but ultimately, improvement will always be a battle against yourself only. (This applies to like self improvement lol not just art improvement)
3) Have a positive outlook & be patient. Basically going back to point 1, art should be something that you enjoy doing/something that makes you happy! Personally for me, I don’t see a point of calling something a hobby if you find no joy in doing it. I feel like in the past my main struggles were that I was unhappy about my art because I kept on comparing it to like REALLY good people HAHAHA & because I had like no improvement in the beginning, but then I realized that there’s not point of being sad over something I can’t control. Because all artists have their own story and all artists have to start out somewhere. (tbh sometimes, all you have to do is just change your mindset a bit) 
TLDR; Lots of practice, seek improvement, try new things, have a positive outlook (BE HAPPY!!!) & don’t give up! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و HWAITING!
 >___> I just realized that I wrote a lot in no particular order, so I’m sorry that it turned into one very messy essay LOL but hopefully that was kinda helpful? igotlazierastimewentonthololsosorryifthelastsectionmadenosense 
BUT I THINK I’M FINALLY DONE LMFAO! (Also bless, this cleared out several asks from my inbox) :D If anyone’s curious about anything else, feel free to message me (or ask me stuff once my askbox re-opens) -- I’m always free to chat! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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peppermintwrasseler · 7 years
my thougths on thelostspecial.com please, feel free to add, correct, etc. to any of my ramblings...
List of relevant pages i’ve found thus far:
1. /solveme -Dancing man cipher (Henry V, act 3 scene 1) -V=5. There are 5 acts in the play. -600 x 136
2. /Murderousmary -5-ton Asian elephant -FIVE ton. FIVE. FIVE YALL. -625 x 420
3./teatime -1200 x 737
4./coffee -WRONG WAY! -1920 x 1080
5./Mary -492 x 318
6./elephant -WHICH ONE? -623 x 358
7. /tljc -404 ERROR -578 x 432
8. /johnlock -404 ERROR -578 x 432
9. /ireneadler -??????? -425 x 321
10. /marymorstan -Mary, 2 thumbs up -that bull skull that's in 221B? The one with the headphones? Mary is standing in front of it...the horns line up with her head...didn't notice that from the episode...great foreshadowing...but why THIS screenshot for THIS puzzle? -i left this and then i came back after writing the end of this ramble...so like...mary and moriarty were workin together...the horns are pretty symbolic here if thats the heckin case. which i would love for it to be. -572 x 379
11. /marymoran -WHO? -who is mary moran? ah, yes...well...who do we know that's named mary, and is a great shot? oh yeah...mary watson aka mary morstan... -1000 x 643
12. /sherlock -hat-man and Robin: the Web detectives newspaper article screenshot -paragraph gives Johns blog: johnwatsonblog.co.uk -1280 x 720
13. /johnwatson -*see /sherlock*
14./sherlockholmes -*see sherlock*
15. /Mycroftholmes -fat mycroft from the abominable bride...which was a special, yes? -838 x 613
16. /mycroft - *see /mycroftholmes*
17./mollyhooper -814 x 476
18./molly -*see /mollyhooper*
19./lestrade -842 x 561
20./greglestrade -*see /lestrade*
21./moriarty -809 x 606
22./thefinalproblem -how many problems were there/are there in total yall? -if it was 3..."people always stop after 3"...so is he comin back orrrrrr?? -*see /moriarty*
23./hislastvow -696 x 582
24./thegreatgame -600 x 300
25. /eurus -902 x 667
26./eurosholmes -*see /euros*
27. /thereichenbachfall -john's on the phone, looking up at sherlock on the ledge... -s2e3 -1280 x 720
28. /tiehell -500 x 278
29. /Januscars -896 x 504
30. /norbury -mrs. norbury killed mary... -792 x 525
31./new -*?*  bath tub? Hotel? Wat? -someone let me know if this is from an episode or nah? i dont remember, and i'm going to post this before rewatching all of the episodes... -589 x 438
32. /old -is this a shot of the mantle from before or after euros's bomb blew up the apartment? .-. does this have something/anything to do with the /new page and the /new page's picture??? -868 x 638
33./dymm -moriarty, pink cab... -i saw the pink cab in the episode, its pretty noticeable, wasn't sure if it was like, foreshadowing or a nod to the first epiosde or what...lemme kno if yall have some theories... -852 x 478
34. /cluedo -CLEVER BUT NO! -1000 x 676
35./ineedaclue -Stumped by 40? Go back to the source. The real source. -852 x 478
36./ineedahint -*see /ineedaclue*
37./ineedhelp -*see /ineedaclue*
38. /XXX -You'll be hearing from me -moriarty pool -700 x 396 -last image...is this a screenshot from one specific episode? i'll be posting this before going back to rewatch all of the episodes, so if yall know, plz let me know? -also, the mary's ring/coloring book thing that's later on this rambling...THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS HOLY WOW YALL. HOLY WOW. -so...moriarty's in the other pool picture...but he's not in this one, why? well...we never found out who the sniper was for that episode...so perhaps this is alluding to finding out who that was? also, the ring thing again y'all...connect them dots...
I'll leave this here a well: I believe this is a masterpost for all of the images/pages...i was lazy, and this post is long AF, so i didn't include pictures...but here's the link for a running post that has them all... http://infinitelyromantic.tumblr.com/post/156831246164/infinitelyromantic-infinitelyromantic?is_related_post=1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *HERE COMES THE RAMBLING *puts on tinfoil hat**
The dancing men cipher from 1./solveme: According to wikipedia, "This is one of only two Sherlock Holmes short stories where Holmes' client dies after seeking his help. The other is "The Five Orange Pips", part of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The themes of this story are love, trust and pride." Now, i seriously encourage you to go to this link and read the synopsis... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventure_of_the_Dancing_Men
curious thing: /black is the page that has the comment box...but now when i visit that page, it says the page cannot be found, and instead shows me a search box? i wonder why?
40: i got nothin...haven't delved into it too much tho...i'll let yall know if i find something...
the picture sizes: -the picture sizes are listed, but i am not sure why...this IS a wordpress website, so perhaps its part of the formatting??? maybe it’s another code? maybe its literally nothing? but i'm not sure so...if anyone has anything on this, please let me know???
the view-source pages: -if you right-click and then hit "view-source" on any of the pages from thelostspecial.com then scroll down, you'll see this message: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You see but you do not observe. 13.9.16 /solveme/ XXX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-this is how you’re originally supposed to find the rest of the pages, because if you go to “thelostspecial.com” it’s just the header image that’s on all of the other pages...
-the /solveme/ page is the page with the dancing man cipher...
-the dancing man cipher is also the only page with a different date, as mentioned above...but why is september 13th 2016 meaningful???
the XXX thing: is tripping me up... -in the show, everyone signs their texts with their initials...but maybe i've missed something...again, i'll be rewatchinga all of the episodes. -if y'all know something about "XXX" that i don't...plz let me know <3 -also, why 3 x's? if the signature "xxx" is not significant (idk if its a signature yet), is the number 3 significant? i mean... the message from the cipher IS from the 3rd act tho...perhaps that is significant...
the dates: -all the dates on all the pictures (except one) are 05/02/2017 -the dancing man cipher is 04/02/2017...but it's the start, the beginning...series 4 just ended...maybe they're hinting at series 5 here? Or the lost specials air date??? -also, being in america, we write our dates mm/dd/yyyy but because people in other countries write dates dd/mm/yy and we don’t know if this is fan-made or sherlock-made, we know that 05/02 and 04/02 could mean either feb. 5/feb. 4 OR april 2/may 2... HOWEVER we can *deduce* that these dates are written mm/dd/yyyy because of that date in the view-source message, which is "13.9.16". this date is written dd/mm/yyyy (because we all know there are only 12 months) so the dates 05/02/2017 and 04/02/2017 are for feb. 4th and 5th. which is this weekend?!? -also there's a theory about the scheduling for a new series called Apple Tree Yard (see reddi theoryt: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sherlock/comments/5orufn/clues_about_a_fourth_hidden_sherlock_episode/ ) and the third episode airs on bbc tomorrow (feb. 5) at 9pm supposedly...
13.9.16: -at first i thought that perhaps this date IS significant, but i can’t think of anything off the top of my head, i’ll update if i find something about the air dates of any of the series/episodes or anything pertaining to this dates in the series/episodes later on.. -my second thought was that this website was created on sep 13 2016, and so the creator just used that date since that was the day the website was created, HOWEVER, according to this source: http://whois.domaintools.com/thelostspecial.com the website was created on 1/31/2017...so that theory is a nope, but also, in the episode “the sign of three” this quote:   Mycroft: What do we say about coincidence? Sherlock:The universe is rarely so lazy. sidenote: i just realized that its from the sign of THREE and that episode aired on january FIFTH 2014...it’s also the episode the watsons got married in, and it’s also where we found out there were THREE watsons...also, sherlock found FIVE women in his mindpalace while searching for the mayfly man...just another thought...maybe i’m digging too far into this number stuff??? well...i am wearing my tinfoil hat so...its whatevs i guess lol the website’s title: -the only title we can see on the tab in our web browser for thelostspecial.com is “xxx”...but according to http://whois.domaintools.com/thelostspecial.com the website title is “By the pricking of my thumbs...” -THIS SEEMS EXTRA SIGNIFICANT... -me: *does a google: “by the pricking of my thumbs”* google: *does a reply* “By the pricking of my thumbs,Something wicked this way comes.Open, locks,Whoever knocks.” -Macbeth Act 4, scene 1 -the picture of mary with her thumbs up on the /marymorstan page has the bull skull horns behind her head...and what do we say about coincidences? -also agatha christie has book entited “by the pricking of my thumbs” and if this is the significance rather than the macbeth reference directly (the book’s title is taken from macbeth), then perhaps this whole thing is that s4 was the last series? refering to the wiki page:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/By_the_Pricking_of_My_Thumbs we read that there were FOUR books, and if you read the synopsis of each book on the wiki page (they’re rly short), then there are probably some parallels between that and the sherlock series/episodes. -also this: “the novel is dedicated "to the many readers in this and other countries who write to me asking: 'What has happened to Tommy and Tuppence? What are they doing now?'". in this case, tommy and tuppence perhaps parallel sherlock and john, and seeing as how s4 scene ended in the middle of sherlock and john rushing off and in the middle of the case, it could seem applicable...so perhaps this is hinting that we won’t be getting a s5 since s4 wrapped things up, but that we will probably get to see The Lost Special as an update on john and sherlock (and rosie) and as an encore of sorts... -also there’s this ‘marple’ thing and i’m not entirely sure what it has to do with sherlock? someone explain?
seasons/moriarty train of thought/ramblings: s1e3: moriarty introduced s2e1: more moriarty s2e3: moriarty dead... s4: DID YOU MISS ME? IN THE MAIN PICTURE IT SPELLS OUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF SHERLOCK'S MOUTH IN BLACK TEXT "DID YOU MISS ME?" also, that red smiley on the chair is from the original image (i think?) let me know if that's also added... there's also a page called /dymm...
s5 or the lost special: moriarty back? -they always stop after 3...he was playing with sherlock in 3 episodes...there were only 3 episodes in each season... -perhaps season 5 or the lost special will be about moriarty?? -but what about mrs. norbury and the whole shooting mary thing... -and then there's the murderous mary the elephant (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_(elephant) ) -then there's /marymoran and /marymorstan and /mary but NOT /marywatson. why is that when there’s a /johnwatson??? -plus, there's the dancing man cipher from the sir arthur conan doyle story... and if y'all read the wiki for the dancing man cipher then there's some parallels to mary watson, who has a husband. But if mary watson = mary morstan = mary moran, then that means ties with moriarty, and moriarty died, then there's a parallel there too?? there's probably more parallels, lemme know what yall find pls...i'd love to hear more theories...
-also "You see but you do not observe." is in the coloring book but also in the view-source page comment: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You see but you do not observe. 13.9.16 /solveme/ XXX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -also the main picture on all the pages...is from the reichenbach fall (s2e3)
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kiddshopp · 7 years
Why do you make packs of things that aren't kid friendly? Like oruan high school host club or assians creed? That should probably not he on a kid friendly blog? Not tying to be mean I really don't understand
Two reasons (kind of more like three):
1. (the shorter reason to explain) The age-regressor community contains a lot of people who, in additions to being age-regressors, are also fictionkin or fictives (someone who identifies as a fictional character or an alter in a system who originated as a fictional character, respectively), with their source material not being child-friendly things. Being that they may well be associated with media that is Not Child Friendly (e.g. Assassin’s Creed or Dragon Age, two games whose characters I can remember making posts for), the goal in those posts is to take something that would be associated with those characters that is child-friendly (IIRC the Assassin’s Creed character also cited that they liked pirate/nautical things because that fit in with the character’s theme in the game, and there’s plenty of kid-friendly stuff around those themes. For the Dragon Age one, I also believe I included a bunch of things that I thought would have appealed to the character when they were a child - like, things they would have used in their context in their childhood. The vast most of characters that exist and that someone can thus be kin/fictive with/of were once children, after all.) If you’re not familiar with the concept of fictionkin then I can attempt to explain that or link to explanatory posts or something, but I wanted to keep this portion of the answer fairly brief. And of course not everyone who asks for things relating to media like that is doing so because they’re one of the characters for it, but there are requesters who make requests that explicitly state they are, or they phrase the message in ways that, because of my personal way of running this blog, get translated to things FOR that character as opposed to necessarily OF them.
2a. Lots of people associate different things with their regression. Given that age-regressors are not physically children, they can be (safely) exposed to things that are Not Child Friendly and be aware of those things when they regress. That means that technically they can have things associated with their regression that an Actual Child wouldn’t be able to associate with their current state of childhood. (I’m of course making the assumption that said child wasn’t significantly exposed to anything Not Child Friendly during their childhood; I’ve known strangely large numbers of people who associate movies like Eraserhead and Pink Floyd: The Wall with their childhood and nostalgia because they were shown them as children. For those people, those Not Child Friendly things would be legitimately associated with childhood, even if they aren’t suitable for kids.) But anyway, some people associate Not Child Friendly things with their experience of child regression, either because the thing makes them happy and happiness makes them regress, the world a fantasy story takes place in is more appealing than the setting the person lives/lived in so they have childlike fantasies about it, there might be a child or child-friendly character in the thing in question so they associate that child character with childhood, the medium reminds them of child-y things (e.g. cartoons or anime that aren’t child-friendly being associated with age-regression bc of their medium, OHSHC is an example due to its medium), etc. 
(Weird personal example that you can completely skip but that I wrote because it gives an actual example of something Not Child Friendly that hits most of the above points and because I can analyze it in depth due to it being my thing: I more-than-a-little-bit associate the Hellraiser movies with age-regression despite them not being remotely suitable for children. In my case, it’s because I like that series a lot so it makes me feel extremely happy, which tends to make me age-regress; a lot of people report age-regression brought on by specific emotions, such as happiness. I don’t feel happiness a lot which is why more things don’t make me regress like that. I also have some really extensive headcanons/semi-confirmed-by-canon things about the movie that basically state that even though the demon-like characters who used to be humans now literally live in a Hell Dimension, that dimension is preferable to the lives they’d previously been living so even though it’s a pretty messed-up thing, there’s something really child-ly satisfying about thinking of a fantasy where people can run away to another world that, while also being bad, doesn’t have the specific bad things that made their own world miserable. Yeah, I consume very little media that has actual desirable settings. Also, one of the characters - the one called Chatterer, if you were curious and knew about the movies and wanted to know who from the movies I’m talking about - is a child, or at least can be argued to be one, because spoiler warning they went to the Hell world when they were a child and in one of the movies where the demon-like characters are turned back into humans, Chatterer turns into a human child despite having been played by an adult until then, so I see them and go “yay fellow child”. Again, kinda messed-up but that’s what my brain does. I turned this tangent into its own paragraph because I realized that’s how long it had gotten and it’s completely skippable.)
2b. There’s a surprisingly large number of child-friendly items and merch available for some Not Child Friendly media. With some things, you can get official action figures or plushes or other toys of the characters, even if those toys weren’t made for children (it’s still a type of thing that Actual Children use). Mainstream example: a lot of people think Star Wars isn’t suitable for children (or younger children anyway), but loads of Star Wars merchandise aimed at Actual Children exists. Some of the things that exist for Not Child Friendly media, while not aimed for kids directly, are still cute and therefore something a child might like (example: any time someone requests something relating to an anime, I usually find cute keychains and stuff depicting the characters, because those are a thing apparently. You can get cute anime characters on practically anything, it seems, even if the anime is Not Child Friendly but the type of item is.) And a lot of people (on Etsy or Redbubble or stuff, two sites I use a lot) create things relating to Not Child Friendly media that are still appealing to children (e.g. cute or cool posters/stickers/plushes/clay models/etc. of characters from things that aren’t considered child-friendly media). So that’s basically how it’s possible to make posts about media that isn’t suitable for kids but that contains items that would be suitable for Actual Kids.
I didn’t read your message as at all mean, it was honestly a good question that I imagine at least some other people were wondering as well. It’s less that this blog is 100% child-friendly for Actual Children PER SE but more that it’s geared towards those who are physically teenagers or adults but experience childhood nonetheless in some way, whatever that looks like for them.
Also I rly hope you ddn’t take the length of the responses to mean that I was upset and lecturing you or aything, because I wasn’t. I just get Really Really Really Wordy whenever I try to explain something that has more than a few sentences’ worth of a short answer and that I can give some examples to explain. Hope this explains it all!
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