#not like those hellboy animated movies
ganondoodle · 1 month
Hello 👋
Swallowing my nerves at last to send you an ask! I was just wondering, what inspires your designs? Are their inspirations in stuff like movies or games? Or just things you come up with yourself?
i .. honestly its kinda hard to tell, sometimes i just randomly think of something, like some detail, or color combination and try to incorporate that into a design somehow; it can come from anywhere, like the color scheme of a pithaya/dragonfruit is something i have been wanting to make a design with for ages but havent come up with anything good in all those years ;O;
im a very easily fascinated by color, espeically in nature, like sometimes i just stop and stare at something like i froze in time bc i just woooooooooooooah color! i probably look like a weirdo doing that though
its really hard to pinpoint anything specifically, the most is probably .. other artists? i guess? which always makes me nervous bc my memory is shit in most areas of life and i worry myself to pieces whether i unintentionally "stole" an idea and just dont remember and think it was my own, it goes further that sometimes i see something that makes me want to draw a similar concept but dont bc i dont want to 'steal' even if that couldnt be further from my intention (have been accused of that before ..)
that said for my ocs specifically .. most are rather old and have just kinda evolved out of their awkward first iterations (shargons first iteration was a hauro-howl- copy that was really just some human covered in feathers .. another oc was once a hellboy copy but in green- havent drawn nor redeisgn them in ages lol), the biggest inspirations for them is a mix of animals, bonus if you dont see them often- im a big shark, whale and sea creatures in general nerd so i tend to take from them as a priority but always trying to be less directly animal and mostly just .. features that work together
Eadrya is one of the newer OCs- i started to write but then looked at my folders and oh they are from 2017 .., i even made a design timeline for them how much they, and my art, have changed back in 2020, so thats also way outdated now lol (they apparently started as a whale .. thing? its like a pokemon evolution lol)
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this is them now (i like this sketch still, though shargons design is now also outdated lmao)
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this ones from early 2023 so also outdated now but you get the point
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for demons i try to be a bit more wild on shapes and colors while still adhering to the rules of how they work (humanoid form, demon form, animalistic, one element each and more or less made to fit that, 4 arms is very common, look to be bost scary and wild but also something that would make you stop in tracks and stare in awe and fear if you crossed paths)
often times designs just kinda .. happen, i have maybe the idea ok i wanna make something with a white and red pattern also moose or those big horned cows are cool and kinda scary so maybe sth akin to that (though this one is technically a redesign too- its also pretty much entirely different)
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for non demons but still non human i go for a much more restrained design, mainly inspired directly by an animal and giving the color scheme a good spin, plus adding unconventional body shapes, like ki'ita is also a good example, her old idea was just orca anthro pirate and just by making the white green instead in her most recent redesign already adds that little spin to it
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that can have its pitfalls though, as i often fall into the big arm small head small legs scheme over and over xD
alot of it is trial and error, deciding on the colors can take me hours bc im always searching for my little rule of having one contrast color that shows up in very few places to draw attention to it (like with Eadrya its those bright yellow eyes and thingy at their tail)
and that is all about myy own ocs, when its fandom stuff it works kinda similar though, either in the connections i wanna draw or just thinking it further- like how deities in destiny work also just kinda .. happened like an ever derailing train
like for demise i was at first really just im gonna give him horns bc horns are cool and he got those on the starting mural in the game- so how his hair work? well maybe it isnt hair actually and just unbound energy, im making him a deity too and fit hylias design to his so, yeah, then so how does it work, ok he gotta have a skeleton still, but what if his entire actual body is made up of pure magical energy with its core in the ribcage? with the core in the ribcage >:3c and the scales you see are just like cooled down lava as an armor bc his thing is fire and earth !! the normal blood? is a thin layer of skin imiated from mortals to keep the scales together and flexible so if he ACTUALLY gets hurt hed bleed magic that looks more like lava and any normal blood you see is just the armor- so why does he have a skeleton still instead of being just energy? maybe its gotta be bound to something OH and what if all of the deities started as mortals like a mirror to the trio later on and the gods cannot have direct influence to the worlds so they needed a right hand that is neither god nor mortal but both by killing a mortal by whatever their element will be (demise burned, hylia drowned etc) and their skeleton and spirit is kept but put into a body of magic- OH what if their spirit core is like almost piloting their bodies like a mech in a way bc if youd look close youd see that every strand of magic is actual a hand of their spirit so it makes it more weird and other bc hed be able to reach out with thousands of burning claws of all shapes and sizes like the beheaded forest god at the end of mononoke- SO if hed lose and arm or something all those strands would untangle and rearrange his bones back together-OH MY GOD the whole armor idea works so well for ghirahims dark armor so what if demise had two swords once and lost one and since has forged an armor similar to his own for ghirahim out fo fear of losing him t---
and that all is a process that happens over several weeks and months not rarely while i am drawing something mindlessly and suddendly *have a thought* and omg that makes so much sense-
so "what" inspires my designs? an ever derailing train of thought about making cool thick monsters that arent the evil thing to get rid of for once? cool color schemes? idk it just kinda happens??
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catbountry · 24 days
It's been a year since the premiere of Trigun: Stampede. The series, despite the fears of the fans of the '98 anime, actually turned out really good; Yasuhiro Nightow is a big superhero comics nerd, and wanted to have this new anime adaption be an adaption similar to the adaptions of the MCU, back when those movies were consistently enjoyable, and I daresay a bunch of the people watched Trigun probably were either already anime fans, or they were nomad fans who may have been really into the MCU at one point.
I have a lot of thoughts on an American perspective on Vash the Stampede as a character, with a lot of comparisons to American comic book superheroes. And while Trigun wasn't my first anime, I was hooked on it, as someone who grew up around Batman and Spawn's 90's popularity. During my first Otakon in 2001, I must have seen a dozen Vash's and Wolfwoods. I remember the year there was a Wolfwood cosplayer whose Punisher gun was shaped like the Star of David instead of a cross, making him a rabbi. That shit was amazing. The larger point is that I've loved this character for more than half of my entire time being alive, and I haven't seen a lot of discussion of Trigun viewed from a more political lens, and why it resonates so much with Americans (or at least me, who is an American) in particular
Buckle up, kids, this is gonna be long and rambly.
There was a period of time where I watched nearly every single new MCU movie in the theater. It was exciting seeing adaptions of comic books that would have probably never gotten a movie before the success of The Avengers. And I don't think it's a mistake that the most comic book-y of the movies are usually the best; Guardians of the Galaxy and its sequel remain as probably my favorite MCU movies. Nightow was working directly with the studio making a new Trigun anime and reportedly got the crew to watch a bunch of Marvel movies to set the tone for the anime as an adaption; it's why Vash got a completely new redesign that freaked all us old fans the fuck out. Though it appears that once again, Trigun tried and failed to get that massive Japanese audience that most successful anime have. But boy, oh boy, do us westerners fucking love Trigun, especially us Americans. Nightow's love of superhero comics bled into Trigun, and it just so happened that he was incredibly influenced by Spawn, Hellboy and Batman as much as he was influenced by Akira Toriyama and mechanical art. McFarlane Toys released a Vash figure that is McFarlane'd the fuck up. Nightow loves all superhero comics but especially the Blade trilogy.
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Just look at this and imagine being 13 years old and seeing this on a screen for the first time with the instrumental hard rock opening.
Also, I wouldn't actually get around to reading Spawn until I was an adult, but you know what? It's pretty good. The writing is definitely weaker than the art, but holy shit, that art goes hard and I still think that shit's cool as fuck.
As stated before, around the early 2000's Trigun was considered peak anime, though it's been more overlooked in recent years in favor of Cowboy Bebop, an anime that has aged gracefully by comparison. But while Bebop has that sort of timeless cool and level of quality that drew the attention of filmmakers like the Wachoski sisters, Trigun has that very specific kind of adolescent sense of coolness that comic book fans get, especially back in the 90's before this sort of thing would be smothered to death by MCU's Joss Whedoning of superheroes. Spawn, Hellboy and Batman are still cool. And Trigun also has a shitton of guns, obviously, given that Vash being an incredibly OP gunslinger in a world where everybody has guns.
And America loves guns.
I think the contrast of Vash's pacifism while still wielding a gun is extremely interesting because it's not something you see very much (I bet if I watched more westerns, I'd have a better idea if this is a trope in them at all). Batman does not use guns and doesn't kill people, which is why there's still discourse around Tim Burton's Batman films to this day still; I don't think Kevin Smith has budged on this. Other more morally grey superheroes will use guns (by this definition I'm counting The Punisher even if he doesn't have any superpowers, unless you count severe PTSD as a superpower). And a lot of them had huge surges in popularity in the 90's around the time Nightow was making Trigun. Vash posed like Batman or Spider-Man looking brooding (like the gif above) happens a lot in the earlier issues even though that's not really his character.
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Several years ago, there was an attempt by a conservative thinktank to discredit a bunch of Hollywood actors saying that gun violence in America is a serious issue and contrasted their statements scenes of them shooting guns in movies, but if we're being real here, gunplay in movies can be really fucking cool. Again I invoke The Matrix, or movies by Robert Rodriguez and John Woo. Look at video games, and compare the decline in violent crime that's been happening here since the 70's and 80's, as culture warriors bemoan movies and video games for becoming more violent. Remember when Wayne LaPierre, vice president of the NRA, brought up fucking Splatterhouse as a reason why Sandy Hook happened? Do you know what Splatterhouse looks like?
It looks like this.
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You know how these guys constantly say the only way to counter a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun? Usually, the inference is that if the "good guy" with a gun shoots, he's shooting to kill. Deadpool and the Punisher would shoot to kill. But Vash is constantly trying to avoid it. And I remember as a teenager finding that really cool? And the manga and anime don't shy away from how impractical Vash's pacifism is. It's a bit more realistic than Steven Universe's ending, but also Steven Universe was made for children.
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I know Avatar: The Last Airbender is often invoked when criticizing Steven Universe's philosophy, but I haven't really seen Vash's similar philosophy criticized in the same way, and I think a lot of that has to do with the presence of Wolfwood, who is the "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy" guy. I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen art of this yet. I may have to get on that. I already drew Vash horrified at the Trolley Problem.
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Vash is a character designed with maximum coolness in mind, but also an overpowered being who is capable of killing millions, and in the anime, he somehow destroys July City without killing anyone directly, but the destruction of the city led to a bunch of people dying. He's so deeply committed to not wanting to kill anyone that he's probably killed more people than he would have if he just shot Knives. The best Batman stories acknowledge that Batman's refusal to kill Joker has similarly results in the deaths of people Batman could have prevented if he killed one guy, and this could also apply to Vash's relationship with his brother Knives, who was kind of destined to be a mass murderer with a name like that, let's be real.
Online, we tend to joke about bringing out the guillotines, or justify not feeling an sympathy for billionaires who die in a sub trying to view the Titanic. But if you were given a gun and a real human person begging for their life, what would you actually do? Do you honestly think that you would be the ethical Death Note user?
Vash has guns but he chooses not to kill people; he prefers to not even use them unless he has to, instead opting to run away and look cool doing it somehow.
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He really, really doesn't want to kill people. He doesn't become numb to people dying. It hurts him every single time he watches someone get killed. In reality, most of us that aren't sociopaths would be distressed at the thought of killing someone. The only reason armies in real life work is that they become inoculated to the idea of violence and dehumanize the enemy. Vash is no soldier. He is idealistic, he is empathetic, and he sees every human being as a person worthy of life. Batman refuses to use guns, as that's how his parents were killed in front of him. Vash has to use guns in order to protect people from getting killed. He has the ethics of Superman but the tools of a comic book antihero. He's the logical conclusion of an shonen anime protagonist in a world that chews up anyone with that kind of optimism and hope and spits them out. And yet... he still keeps going. He remains committed. He's still cheery, goofy, lovable Vash.
Batman used to kill people, in the earliest comics. With the Comics Code Authority, no superheroes could kill people. In the 80's, comics were getting darker and edgier, taken more seriously. While Alan Moore's Watchmen delved into the moral complexities in a world with superheroes that was similar to ours, Frank Miller was keeping Batman consistent, even as Gotham got darker and uglier.
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Batman is a vigilante. The police can be helpful or they can fuck up everything, depending on what's needed for the story. In Batman Year One, there's a scene where Batman crashes a party attended by the elites of Gotham, politicians and mobsters mingling.
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Seeing this during the Bush presidency blew my mind. I don't want to get into just how perfectly the members of his administration seemed to resemble a rogue's gallery of sorts with the shared goals of making a lot of money and bombing the shit out of Iraq and Afghanistan. I was extremely anti-war even before the 2000 election as a very opinionated 14 year-old watching, Jon Stewart on The Daily Show and feeling relieved that a grown-up was able to see through all the bullshit; it helps when the guy who's against the war and killing people is funny. I remember writing in my diary at 12 years old after Columbine happened that I wanted to take all of the guns and melt them down in a pot, similarly to that scene in Superman IV where he throws the entire world's nuclear arsenal into the sun. But also that same year I would fall in love with The Matrix... and not long after that, Trigun.
Again, we come back to the idea of someone using a gun, a weapon designed to kill people, and using it in pursuit of the exact opposite. That resonated with me. I myself was very idealistic, and the political climate of my teenage years seemed to do almost everything to stamp that out of me. Things feel just as fraught two decades later, but in slightly different ways. Pacifism is looked down upon, as indicated by the backlash to the ending of Steven Universe, and how one crazy lady called Rebecca Sugar, a Jewish person, a Nazi for writing it that way. But for Steven, things worked out. For Vash? Well, he still has hope somehow, despite everything. I think the fact that he strives to protect human life, even when someone is a complete monster, is admirable in that it cuts to the very basic desire to not see people hurt. But we're also selfish, and scared, and sometimes it's hard to conceive of a solution to a problem that doesn't involve violence. Seeing dead bodies on TV or the internet upsets us, but we're often paralyzed by feeling like we can't do anything, and even if we tried, we'd likely perish in the attempt. We desire revenge, punishment for those who transgress by inflicting violence, and we can rationalize using it against the right targets. Vash the Stampede would have a fucking breakdown dealing with the state-backed violence that's been a part of geopolitics pretty much as long as there have been states and geopolitics. Vash would try and solve the bombings of Gaza with an impassioned plea for both sides to stop fighting before he would somehow wind up making things worse and it would eat away at him inside, no matter how brave a face he puts on as he tries to find some kind of hope in a hopeless situation. And... you know what? I kind of wish more people would be like that. Maybe if there were enough people like that, these sorts of things wouldn't happen in the first place. I wish more people could look at human suffering and feel compelled to try and stop it, not discriminating against one side or the other, trying to understand why people are doing what they do. Seeing anti-war protestors in Tel Aviv brings back memories of protests against the start of the War on Terror, and how hated America was internationally during those years, even when most Americans approved of the war. Michael Moore was booed at the Oscars for condemning George W. Bush and the War on Terror. It's terrifying that those in power want us killing each other and have conditioned us to support it. I want so badly for human beings to come together to just stop the violence, but it feels impossible, like we're destined for failure, like we might somehow make things worse or become worse versions of ourselves full of hatred and ugliness. But we should want to try, even if it's hard or unprofitable or we have no idea how to even do it. Somebody actually dedicating themselves to trying to fight our violent impulses out of love is appealing, and if they're more powerful than use, and can do more... well, I want the biblically accurate angel with every mental illness willing to martyr himself over and over again. But it is more fun when he's Bugs Bunny about it.
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invisible-vampire13 · 6 months
A follow up post to that I made about if the league of extraordinary gentlemen had a cartoon series, did anyone ever watch the Hellboy Animated movies?
Because with the hard Pg/Pg13 rating those movies has, I feel like it could work for the comic. Taking out the more adults parts of the comics and giving us chance to see the League animated in a more comic book accurate way.
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talesfromthecrypts · 6 months
Top 10 Comfort Movies
tagged: @thequeerestdad (sorry this took so long I wanted time to think about it then forgot then it was a week later)
Labyrinth: its fantasy, its a musical, its got puppets, it has a man wearing pants so tight you can see his bulge. My dad has always shared movies with me and its not the earliest one I remember but its up there. Also I can't totally claim its responsible for my fiction romance tendencies but its not NOT responsible you know.
Near Dark: Between the moments of bloody murder and elaborate blood drinking displays its actually a pretty quiet chill film. Also I really like to watch Bill Paxton go sicko mode.
The Company of Wolves: Aesthetics, special effects, ill advised romantic trysts, soft music. The movie to drift off to sleep to after a hard week. High fantasy horror hitting just the right notes for me.
Aliens: being so familiar with a movie you know every bit of it from start to finish. That's comfort baby.
Paterson: Actually radiates comfort. Whenever you just need to watch something that is really a weighted blanket, a warm hug, a reminder its not all bad. For me this is it.
Fellowship of the Ring: All three of them really but seeing this in the theaters really blew my mind at the tender age of 8. Watching it does take me back to that exact moment in time. Which is a comfort in some ways by itself.
The Phantom of the Paradise: I really can't explain this one. Just the weirdo sicko vibes coming off it I guess. Feels homey.
Fantastic Mr. Fox: The feeling of fall in the air. The way you can see the fur move where the animator touched the figure to move it. The fancy little star apple. Stop motion animation is one of those creative outputs humans do that warms my heart. Sure its easier to do another way, but the human touch is what makes it special.
The Birdcage: Every father's day back when all the kids were home my dad would get to pick a movie and that was the only movie all year we had to watch. Cause that was all he asked for father's day. This was one of them. I tend to watch it when I can't go see him for his birthday. And like lots of other days too.
The Witch: I really like watching the woods tear apart that family every couple of months. The attention to detail is incredible, the acting (from children no less) spectacular. If they didn't want it to comfort me then they shouldn't have fascinated me so good.
tagging: @hellboys, @finalbabe, @aethelreds, @anthonysperkins
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telivanistoolateparty · 7 months
I got tagged by a coool muffaloglugga named @eugenoid so I’m gonna try and do one of these here tag game things:
The rule is to name your favorite movie, character, animal, drink, song, season, book, color and hobby.
But since superlatives are a nightmare I’m just gonna name some of the ones that consistently float about my noggin.
Prince of Egypt, How to train your dragon 2, cars 2 (for ironic reasons) Casablanca, Brazil, the big sleep, asterix and obelix in Egypt (animated and dubbed in Danish) the two good marvel movies.
Well right recently I’ve been rotating T’lynn from lower decks around in my head a lot, also Ransom from the same show. Hellboy is also a big personal fave, and Asterios Polyp, Cuno, Kaiji and Akagi from their respective fukumotos mangas, Yossarian and Major Major were also phenomenal characters. Rufus from deponia.
My dog, sloths, koalas, wildebeests look pretty wild, rhinos,
Good coffee, cola, water from Tisvildeleje, orange juice, rum and coke, bad coffee, tubing classic.
Crime of the century (full album)
Artificial heart (full album)
Efter endnu en dag (full album)
Alt hvad hun ville var at danse
Police bells and church sirens
Last train to London
Il fiume inondo
The platform + and the stone said: if I could speak
Big fan of autumn actually, the rains a bit inconvenient but it’s almost cold enough to not be too warm and warm enough to not be too cold.
Also like spring for similar reasons, buts it’s usually a lot more stressful.
Books: I wish I read more but I can say I throughly have enjoyed catch-22, the shame series, gurneys works on art theory, I recently started reading the clan of the cave bear and it’s proving pretty fun.
Now I’m just also gonna list some comics cuz those are something I actually have read a few of: Hellboy, especially Hellboy in hell. Asterios polyp, the Lanfeust series but especially “of the stars”, Mangecour or hjærtedræber as it was called in danish, Order of the stick (if you like DnD and homestuck (especially How worst homestuck is) you oughta check This), stand still stay silent (rereading the prologue during lockdown was a real headfuck) also Scott’s works on comic book theory (understanding comics, making comics, reinventing comics) especially the first one it’s basically a necessity to really get what makes comics great.
I’m quite keen of the various shades of green and blue, pinks and magentas are also cool.
I fucking love mini painting and miniatures in general, when I finally get around to doing it, aside from that there’s also being a kinky dingus and playing music with other people.
Now I’m supposed to tag some other folks so
@someone-you-do-not-know @iridikron @2allthedancersoftheworld
Do it if you’re on a train to work and don’t have nothing better to do, or if you wanna.
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tropicalscream · 7 months
you all should get into "high" art it's wonderful. like read those ergodic weird books,
movies that are layered in meaning in visuals and sound, video games that twist your head around about the love of nature,
comcis about philosophy and the nature of what it means to be human and dying
anime about the brutality of life in capitalism and how child abuse is normalized in it
"High" art isnt the stereotype you all think it is and dont take the form you are predisposed to imagine
i just talked about Raw Shark Texts, The Good the Bad & the Ugly, Okami, Hellboy comics, Chainsaw Man
But please do become analytical about it, reach for the metaphor youll gaine so much more out of it
and the best part is youll start seeing that kinda stuff in other works you may not even be familiar with but can still connect to emotionally bc you see it
painting, photography, music, comics, dance
its all there please dont.let urself rot in a.box
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Looooong post incoming...
THE INCREDIBLES and INCREDIBLES 2 have been on my mind, lately.
Writer-director Brad Bird’s 2004 superhero movie, done up at Pixar in the days they weren’t owned by The Walt Disney Company, was like a formative film for me. Like STAR WARS was for many kids growing up in the ‘70s and ‘80s, THE INCREDIBLES was probably that for 12-year-old me, among a couple other movies. (That same year, I was also blown away by SPIDER-MAN 2 and… Umm… I, ROBOT?)
And I’m one of the few weirdos that really, really dug the contested sequel. Well, contested by people online. It did get good critical reception and got an Oscar nom, made a truck ton at the box office, but it’s one of those weird “big” movies that came out, made tons and tons of money, but I hear few talk about it to this day. I feel some other recent Pixar sequels fit that bill as well, like FINDING DORY and TOY STORY 4. These absolutely massive movies that people raced to see, because they love the originals and the characters in them so much, but then seemingly… Forgot about? I think it has a lot to do with just how much stuff comes out now, that it kinda all gets lost in the shuffle. They don’t stick the way TOY STORY 3 did back in 2010, before we got so inundated with lots and lots of stuff oozing out of every pore: TV, streaming, other movies, podcasts, more streaming, etc. etc. Plus, there's that special sauce with the originals that tends to make them hit different than the sequels, no matter how good the sequels may be...
But no matter, I loved INCREDIBLES 2 and still do, even if I think it falls a little bit short of the original. That was a hard act to follow, after all. I did go over some of the few things about the sequel that I thought could’ve been expanded a bit, a few months back… And I’m thinking about them again.
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I think the main point of contention with INCREDIBLES 2 was the Screenslaver, and the whole twist being that he was a fictional character, a face that was created by a disgruntled telecommunications company exec who wanted to keep superheroes illegal.
I get it, in a way. Screenslaver looks cool, and that one action sequence with him in the strobe light cage with Elastigirl? I fuckin’ LOVE it. Such a dynamic, well-done action sequence. I guess it made people wish that both Bob and Helen, and the kids and Frozone and maybe those weirdo superheroes like Screech and Reflux, took this guy on. A slender, creepy mask-wearing mind control villain… It's what you expect in a superhero movie, the heroes fighting a rather weird bad guy!
And yet, in a way, I feel like Screenslaver being a mere face. A distraction. Makes INCREDIBLES 2 every bit as subversive as the original. Especially since INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2018, which was literally a superhero/comic book movie-heavy year. Maybe the heaviest? You had AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, DEADPOOL 2, ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, TEEN TITANS GO! TO THE MOVIES, VENOM, SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (!), am I missing anything? That year was S-T-A-C-K-E-D.
By contrast, in 2004, THE INCREDIBLES debuted opposite of SPIDER-MAN 2 and HELLBOY… And also BLADE: TRINITY, THE PUNISHER, and CATWOMAN… Much different times. Especially when it was greenlit by Pixar in the year 2000… What was happening in superhero movies that year? X-MEN had come out, and that was after a fairly successful BLADE movie… And years after BATMAN & ROBIN was lambasted and put the Batman movie format to rest for a good while. (Now it’s inescapable. Every few years, a new actor portrays Batman in live-action.)
THE INCREDIBLES stood out in 2004, I feel, not just because of the freedom animation allowed for the superhero concept (which put it above many of the live-action spectacles being made at the time), but also because it rung closer to a ‘60s spy movie than a typical beat-em-up extravaganza. It’s clearly set in a midcentury modern world, a stylized retro futuristic early ‘60s that is informed by the presence of superpowered beings. Or “Supers”, as this franchise has always called them. While there isn’t a wealth of material explaining how world events played out, it’s all implied and hinted at in both films.
By the mid-1960s, American animation had kinda been pigeonholed as an outlet for cheap, reliable kids’ entertainment on Saturday mornings. The closest thing to an American “spy” movie in the animated medium back then was, of all things, a FLINTSTONES movie: 1966’s THE MAN CALLED FLINTSTONE. THE INCREDIBLES almost feels like a lost animated movie made for a slightly older audience circa 1965, but dusted off decades later and done in CGI. That’s a Brad Bird staple. Born in 1957, he loves midcentury modern retrofutures, and just that setting in general. THE IRON GIANT is set in the late 1950s, he had a cancelled take on Will Eisner’s THE SPIRIT that was set around the time it was introduced, his long-gestating RAY GUNN has been described as a 1930s sci-fi noir retrofuture, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE is of course a ‘60s spy show and a series of feature films (Brad’s feels the most ‘60s out of the movies), TOMORROWLAND… Need I say more? Even RATATOUILLE, which doesn’t involve super heroics or gadgets or futuristic technology… It’s literally a movie about cooking! Even that movie has a retro vibe to it. It’s set in the then-present, but it’s timeless in its look and feel.
Anyways, THE INCREDIBLES plays as much James Bond as it does, say, Batman. You have the whole Nomanisan Island lair, close-quarters fights with armed men, Michael Giacchino’s score, it’s a just-right mix. The first INCREDIBLES has a rather conventional bad guy in Syndrome. An evil guy in an eye-catching suit, with all these various man-made powers, as opposed to other Supers’ natural-born powers. INCREDIBLES 2’s villain is merely an average woman, roughly in her 30s? 40s? She has no powers, she’s just a master manipulator, almost a filmmaker in that regard. I mean she’s an artist and a designer, that’s made perfectly clear the minute you see her, so it makes sense that she could pull off this elaborate show. Mysterio in SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - which was released a year after INCREDIBLES 2 - needed drones and such to do that. That the Screenslaver is merely a brainwashed pizza delivery guy is part of her brilliance.
So, that’s what makes INCREDIBLES 2 stick out from the other superhero movies circa 2018. A year where the majority of the villains were clear-cut, like a big purple alien guy who wipes out half the universe… and here’s INCREDIBLES 2 with a very crafty woman who essentially puts on a big show. And that in the second half, it’s her and her use of mind control technology that are the big obstacle for the Supers. Not a creature or a conventional superhero bad guy. I think it works, honestly. Like, what’s a different kind of challenge? What if all the good guys got brainwashed, leaving a few… Namely the KIDS, to fend for themselves? That’s a very cool idea, honestly. But again, I get why detractors wanted the shadowy mind control guy instead. Part of me would love to see that version of INCREDIBLES 2, too, if it ever existed. According to interviews w/ the filmmakers, Screenslaver was a late addition to the plot. INCREDIBLES 2 was supposed to come out in summer 2019, but Disney had pushed it up a year, which apparently affected a lot of the decision-making. For some, it shows.
Maybe if INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2008 instead of 2018, and had the same exact villain twist… In a world where other Disney Animation and Pixar movies with twist villains didn’t yet exist (i.e. Hans, Callaghan, Bellwether, Ernesto), it’d be received differently? I do not know. But that’s why it all works for me. I can tune out the succession of “twist villain” movies, and take INCREDIBLES 2 on its own merits.
In my previous piece on INCREDIBLES 2, I did kind of find fault with its rather rushed third act and how the film doesn’t really bite into the meatier political aspect it kind of teases. The whole idea of a society being dependent on superheroes, rather than getting up and helping pitch in to make the world a better place. (Not dissimilar to TOMORROWLAND’s message.) It’s really all just there to serve Evelyn’s character, which I’m totally fine with… It works in that context. But on the other hand, I feel like this could’ve gone further and explored the whole idea of superheroes being - to quote Jenny Nicholson in her review of JOKER - a “band-aid solution” to crime. And it being a PG-rated mass-market Disney release is no reason to keep me from speculating about this version of INCREDIBLES 2.
I get that Brad Bird probably just wanted to keep it simple and streamlined, and that the “who needs Supers anyways” idea is just a device for Evelyn, not there to make a larger statement. I do believe all art is political, even these movies, but how far the creators want to go with the politics is another story. Ultimately, Evelyn’s methods of getting her way are wrong, but she has points… What if a better society could be created that didn’t depend on superpowered beings having to clobber criminals or threats to save the day?
Clearly the world of THE INCREDIBLES needs superheroes, though, because you have things like mole men with massive drill-mobiles cutting through cities like they’re nothing. But I feel that in a world where we are hyperaware of the system’s flaws and how it’s mostly a failure by design and pretty much creates crime (I’m getting political here, heads up), INCREDIBLES 2 could’ve possibly said something about that. Instead of having superheroes, a stand in for the police when the police themselves or the military can’t handle the threat, what’s causing all the crime in New Urbem and Municiberg in the first place? What systemic inequalities are happening? How progressive is this world because of the presence of superheroes/cool tech? Why are there are robberies? What’s the poverty rate? Etc. etc.
And you may be thinking, this is just an animated family movie, it doesn’t have to be that deep… But I disagree. Plenty of family films, and good stories in general, don’t shy away from this kind of stuff. Art is not made in a vacuum. A lot of actual real-life kids LIVE these sorts of things, too.
But even PG-13 Marvel movies, probably because they’re released by Disney - and Disney tries to play moderate when it comes to political stuff (though they are still too far left for dinguses who yell “WOKE” at everything), don’t really go that far either.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR chips at whether there should be government regulation of superheroes or not, until it settles for being a story about two friends turning against each other over a family death… and then a few MCU movies later, none of that matters - the superheroes are ultimately needed to stop the big purple guy in space… THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER asks why, in a post-Blip world, a universe where half of all the living beings just ceased to be… Why are there still such inequalities on Earth, after Thanos’ snap and subsequent revival of everyone who was unalived? It’s all the catalyst for the Flagsmashers, and leader Karli herself. She was so nuanced as an antagonist, and you also had this ersatz Captain America guy who straight up murdered a person in cold blood. I was loving where it was all going, until a few episodes in, they just made Karli a straight-up murderer. All that nuance is flattened, and the final episode is just another big fight scene. Outside of Sam Wilson’s speech at the end, what really changed on MCU’s Earth? What did this Disney+ series have to say, really? Other than bringing up those very real problems we face in the U.S. and around the world?
I think INCREDIBLES 2 is just more interested in being about its characters first, which, again. Is fine. I don’t think less of the movie because of that. The first INCREDIBLES was about the family dynamic first and foremost, too, and not the spectacle. I don’t require Brad Bird to share all of his political views with me. I appreciate that the movie even posits the question to begin with, it’s ultimately why I’ve been thinking about it! Maybe Bird sees that world as simpler because it’s one where superheroes have been around since at least the turn of the 20th century, and things are different because of that.
This is probably why some people get a very Ayn Randian reading out of THE INCREDIBLES, when I think Bird’s conceit was merely “the villain is someone who uses technology to be a pretend-superhero”. It’s all there to inform Syndrome’s character, not necessarily to declare to the audience that people without powers CAN’T be superheroes. Syndrome kills several Supers so he can enact his plan and make everyone into Supers, because he’s big mad at Mr. Incredible, and that’s why he fails. He could’ve just grown up to make super technology to make other people super, not kill a bunch of them. Heck, if he had turned out better, he could’ve singlehandedly ended the outlawing of Supers… And not natural-born Supers… Imagine THAT movie…
The original movie, I feel, just doesn’t necessarily make a case for whether people born without superpowers can be Super. This dichotomy is just there to make the villain what he is, and hint at what he could’ve been instead of a villain. Sure, the Parr family and Frozone saving the day at the end upholds this apparent status quo, but I don’t think Bird was thinking about it like that. He had denied the Ayn Rand comparisons as far back as the release of the first movie.
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The likelier reading of this film, and some of Bird’s other films such as RATATOUILLE and TOMORROWLAND, is informed by Bird’s career trajectory. He was mentored by Milt Kahl, of all people! One of the greatest animators, one of Walt’s Nine Old Men… He was mentored by him as a teenager! But most of Bird’s career, as noted by Mark Mayerson, was a long series of denied opportunities. His aforementioned SPIRIT movie didn’t take off in the ‘80s because who during that period - a time when SECRET OF NIMH came and went, and when features like TWICE UPON A TIME couldn’t get an audience - wanted to sink money into an animated action movie of that caliber? RAY GUNN didn’t go through in the 1990s at Turner Animation, and Warner Bros. dumped THE IRON GIANT in the late summer of 1999 with an ineffective marketing campaign that caused it to flop at the box office.
Because IRON GIANT did so badly, Bird took his toys and left Warner Bros. He headed to Pixar with his superhero movie concept, and he got in despite those who didn’t quite want him around. John Lasseter was not fond of an outsider coming in with this very different pitch for a movie. Up until that point, Pixar was literally what I like to call “Team TOY STORY”. John Lasseter, TOY STORY’s director, also directed A BUG’S LIFE and TOY STORY 2. Pete Docter and Andrew Stanton, where instrumental in TOY STORY 1 & 2, directed MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO respectively. Lee Unkrich, an editor on TOY STORY, co-directed on TOY STORY 2, MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO. Lasseter fired Jorgen Klubien off of his CARS, which was in the works at the time, and took it over. Tight-knit building. Bird was an outsider, and Lasseter wasn’t thrilled about that. But luckily, Steve Jobs staved him off and also kept Michael Eisner’s doubts about THE INCREDIBLES at bay. Bird got to make his rather outre superhero movie at Pixar in spite of Lasseter, Eisner, etc…. And it was a big hit and an Oscar winner. Lasseter was singing a different tune after that.
Future directors didn’t have Jobs’ protection, though, which meant that Lasseter could fire them more easily… And he did… Brenda Chapman, Bob Peterson, etc.
So then after THE INCREDIBLES, Brad Bird really wanted to get a live-action adaptation of the novel 1906 off the ground, but that didn’t go anywhere. He took over RATATOUILLE at Pixar, made a big hit out of that, and then tried to pursue other endeavors. His MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE movie (GHOST PROTOCOL in 2011) did very well, but then after that, he made TOMORROWLAND and it bombed… And then took on an INCREDIBLES sequel. He is just now starting to get his cooler ideas off the ground, as his RAY GUNN is finally in production at Lasseter’s Skydance Animation. Funny how that works, right? The guy is over 60 years old and is just getting started.
If anything, his movies are more about that. He’s a guy with really cool, game-changing ideas for animated movies in an industry that isn’t interested in that… So… The INCREDIBLES movies being about superheroes who want to help people but not being allowed to by the system, RATATOUILLE being about an animal that doesn’t belong in a kitchen wanting to cook for people, GHOST PROTOCOL being about spies still trying to do the right thing and save the world after their unit has been shut down by the system, TOMORROWLAND being about people not subverting the system by pitching in to make the world a better place and also being barred from the utopia - by, again, the system - where they can make that happen… Yeah, it’s very clear that Bird’s movies are just him venting about his own hangups via fantastical concepts, not trying to espouse some sort of Ayn Randian ideology. How the hell do you get “if you’re naturally talented, you should hoard those gifts from the rest of society” out of THAT?
I think that’s what it is, and that’s what informs the world of THE INCREDIBLES. It’s simply an Earth where superheroes exist, and the system makes them illegal instead of finding other ways to correct accidents that have happened whenever they are around. Just outright ban them from doing what they do, instead. I mean, governments in real life ban all kinds of people for various reasons, strip away their rights, dehumanize them, criminalize them, etc… Sometimes mere circumstances, such as poverty, are viewed as personal failure and inherently criminal. There’s a level of relatability with superheroes for some people because of that. The late Kevin Conroy, for example, used his role as Batman in the 1992 animated series an outlet for his struggles as a gay man. X-Men stories, and the early 2000s X-MEN movies, are either interpreted as that or ARE largely about that.
But even then, Bird’s world still posits some interesting questions that it doesn’t fully answer. It’s busier focusing on the characters. This is more an observation, as I’m not trying to dock the original or the second movie any points… I just wonder why, in the sequel, the world the movies are set in was so quick to legalize Supers after everything that has happened. All it took was saving a boat and that was it? Not the defeat of Syndrome’s final Omnidroid? Not the other good deeds before that? I feel like that portion in the final third of the movie was strangely very rushed.
The thing is, before I wrap this up (phew), we only have two canonical movies in this series, and a handful of comedic/gag-based shorts. The world of the INCREDIBLES is wide and ripe for exploring, I’d argue, but Brad Bird’s not getting any younger and he should pursue the projects he really wants to make. Again, RAY GUNN, his Western, his horror movie, his musical, etc. Pixar honored him by not having someone else throw together a second INCREDIBLES sometime in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Like, Disney could’ve forced Pixar to make one without him anyways, but no. They waited. And if there’s a third one to be made, or a prequel set during the “Golden Age”, they’ll likely wait for him to be available and willing to do it. Or if he gives it his blessing and leaves it to another director… Like Pixar did with TOY STORY 4 and INSIDE OUT 2, and almost did with FINDING DORY. I wonder if he was gonna do the same with INCREDIBLES 2, had TOMORROWLAND done great and he went straight for a sequel to that.
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I’d like to see more of that universe, but it needn’t be forced out of the filmmakers at Pixar. Maybe the little we know of it is what kind of stokes our imaginations when it comes to this series? Look at something like STAR WARS now… There’s a ton of movies and shows and expanded universe stuff, which arguably dilutes the magic of its universe... THE INCREDIBLES isn’t that big wide despite the original movie almost being 20 years old. THE INCREDIBLES doesn’t need to be that huge, but I would like to see a little bit more of that world. Maybe another movie - be it INCREDIBLES 3 or a prequel called SUPERS or something - or a Disney+ series, but not the behemoth something like STAR WARS or the MCU have become.
I feel it’s worth playing around in a little bit more. I’m also biased, because I love the movies, particularly the first one.
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gojixyz69 · 3 months
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I'm a fan Death Battle, I enjoy the fights, analasys, tje music, etc. And to day I'm going to talk about my dream season of Death Battle, what would I do if I was aloud to have my own Death Battle season. Well let's talk about it.
Episode 1: Captain America vs Kamen Rider Ichigo (Marvel vs Kamen Rider) 2D
I chosed this as my first episode since it was in the Champion Poll and I feel like it would work as the first episode and of course it has a lot of potential to be a pretty fun episode.
Roots: Captain America
Bets: IDK
Episode 2: Vilgax vs Megatron (Ben 10 Reboot vs Transformers Animated) 2D
If you don't know I made this matchup myself and I talked about it in a post, to put it simply it has a bit more connections than the OG versions, the fight potential is better with both being warriors and strategists with Vilgax having the antitrix, the banter is pretty good along with the music. Overall it has the potential to be a great episode and basically be OGS Vilgax vs G1 Megatron but better.
Roots: Both
Bets: Vilgax
Episode 3: Hellboy vs Nero (Dark Horse vs Devil May Cry) 3D
This is a matchup that I really like, even though I don't know to much about Nero and even DMC in general I do think it's pretty cool and I love Hellboy I saw the og movies and I love them, in general Hellboy is pretty fun and I would love to see him in Death Battle and the best part is the potential in the analasys, fight, music and of course banter. It's a fun matchup that I can't wait to see whitch is why it's the third episode.
Roots: Hellboy
Bets: Hellboy
Episode 4: Boros vs Battle Beast (One Punch Man vs Invincible) 2D
I love this matchup, I really like both characters and even some say they don't enough material that's not true, Boros litereally has material for DB and Battle Beast more than enough comics to use. And the fight OH BOY, this would be amazing if I could desgribe it, I would probably say it would be a weird mix between Goku vs Superman 3, Omni Man vs Homelnader and Guts vs Dimitri. That's how amazing it could be and that's not counting the visuals and it's debate than can go eather way.
Roots: Battle Beast
Bets: Boros
Episode 5: Palpatine vs Xehanort (Star Wars vs Kingdom Hearts) 3D
It was in the Tournament of Champions and it's great matchup with the banter, fight, analasys and of course the music, This Heartless Empire by Brandon Yates is amazing both series have great soundtracks and a mix between them would be great I mean have you watched Yoda vs King Mikey, it would be basically that but cooler.
Roots: Xehanort
Bets: Xehanort
Episode 6: Zero vs Meta Knight (Kirby vs Mega Man) 2D
Zero vs Metal Sonic is a bad episode with a pretty bad fight and both analasys were kinda boring, with Zero being one of the characters I want see back and Meta Knight is one of those characters that I would like to see in Death Battle, and this gives me exactly that both are the beat opponents for both and the would be pretty good with both sword users and they also have a lot of abilities that would make this a pretty fun and great fight and the banter would be intersting and the analasys could talk about there stories and where they are now, overall it's a matchup that would be happy to see with a fun fight to booth, whitch why it's in my dream season.
Roots: Zero
Bets: Meta Knight
Episode 7: Joker vs Giorno (Persona vs Jojo's Bizzare Adventure) 3D
It's a matchup form what I've heared some people don't want, but for me I would be interested to see it, the debate is really interesting, the fight and music could go of the wall, the analasys could talk about there stories pretty well and there powers and abilities, it's a fun and interesting matchup that could go eather way and a fight that can be interesting and fun.
Roots: Giorno
Bets: IDK
Episode 8: Infinity Ultron vs Heaven Ascention Dio (Marvel vs Jojo's Bizzare Adventure) 2D
I know it's weird that the next would be another character form the same series and how's also related but I honestly really wanted to be 8th aka finale of the first half since it's a marchup that's interesting with there stories and fight, with being villains who won and gained stronger with new powers, there's so much to talk about where they differ, there powers and story, as for the fight it can great cosmic battle like Galactus vs Unicron and Thans vs Darkseid but good, as for why have this as the finale episode of the first half, it's because I feel like it fited better than the other matchups of the first half, so that's why.
Roots: Infinity Ultron
Bets: Infinity Ultron
Episode 9: Kratos vs Aura (God of War vs Asura's wrath) 3D
Here we have a matchups that was in the champion poll and tournament and it's also the one that I wanted to happen whitch even though I'm happy what we got I still want to see this, it's pretty great with analasys talking about there stories and motivations and what happened to them ay well as talking abouth there powers, the fight would something like Goku vs Superman 3, Guts vs Dimitri, a fun fight that fan be bloody and insanely cool and the music would be amazing, there's a recent comission track by Brandon and Therewolf and it's good, now as for why I have this matchup as the returning premiere it's because it's perfect for it.
Roots: Kratos
Bets: Kratos
Episode 10: Ego vs Mogo (Marvel vs DC) 2D
Here's the first and only Marvel vs DC matchup in my dream season, it's a interesting fight since there both planets and it could be fun to see how they do it, banter would be great along with the music.
Roots: Mogo
Bets: Ego
Episode 11: Ghost Rider vs Spawn (Marvel vs Image) 3D
I love Ghost Rider and Spawn, both did appeared in DB with Spawn fighting Kratos and Ghost Rider fighting Lobo, now with the analasys they could talk about something new with both talking about there stories in a new way, as for the fight it would insane with using there demonic powers against each othere and also there chains in unicue ways to try one up the other, it can be a cosmic battle with Spawn becoming God Spawn and Ghost Rider becoming Zerathos, the music would be amazing to hear. And the reason why it's episode 11 is because to prepear for the next episode whitch is also the halloween special.
Roots: Both
Bets: Ghost Rider
Speaking of whitch...
Episode 12: Sonic.EXE vs RED (Creepypasta) [Halloween special) 2D
Now I know, I know, it's creepypasta matchup but I don't think that it can't happen because of that, both Sonic.EXE and RED are poblic domain and there both popular so I could it happeing, as for why this?
It's because both Sonic.EXE and RED are one of my facorite creepypasta characters, and more importantly the matchup it's self you see both Sonic.EXE and RED are tow iconic creepypasta demons who were created in 2011 and they both a impact and a legacy, Sonic.EXE story and game spawned the EXE games and Sonic.EXE himself is popular even having his own fandom, as for RED his story is what made the NES popular and spawned other Godzilla creepypstas. So yeah that's why I'm having marchup be part of my dream season and the halloween special.
As for the fight it can go insane both are demon who can reality warp and the dincamic would be interesting, Sonic.EXE would be getting most hits in due to being smaller and faster, but RED would be doing the fatal damage and you can pretty cool moments like Sonic.EXE laughing thining he won until notices somethings is of and then behind him is RED in his final form getting his shot at him, now the analasys would be talking about there powers and there goals, but it would talk about there impacts what made them special. Overall Sonic.EXE vs RED can be fun and scary whitch is why it's the halloween special of my dream season.
Roots: Sonic.EXE
Bets: Sonic.EXE
Episode 13: Luigi vs Pac-Man (Nintendo vs Namco) 2D
Luigi vs Tails is mostly a bad episode it disrespected Luigi by having doing damage to him self while Tails does nothing, so yeah Luigi should return and what better way than to fight Pac-Man, I know some want Luigi to fight Shaggy, I just think Pac-Man works better since it's a battle between gaming's most iconic ghost busters, Luigi's analasis would talk about new stuff like goo Luigi and could give him power ups while Pac-Man's would also talk about jis powers and feats, the fight would be simple but affective with bott countering each other unitl one of them gets the upper hand. Also Luigi vs Pac-Man is one of the matchups along Spawn Rider where it's concidered for halloween, and had this matchup be after my halloween special since it's a goofier one with Spawn Rider being before.
Roots: Luigi
Bets: Luigi
Episode 14: Hulk vs Godzilla (Marvel vs Godzilla) 3D
Hulk's two episode are (in my opinion) good with Godzilla's episode being ok, and how DB's animations are now this would be beautiful and can go to a cosmic scale since there likely using Devil Hulk and giving Godzilla in hell feats along with other stuff, the music would be amazing and powerful, the debate is interesting that can go eatjer way.
Roots: Godzilla
Bets: Hulk
Episode 15: Composite Ryu vs Composite Goku (Dragon Ball vs Street Fighter) 3D
If Goku does return for the final time this is they way to do it, I know there some that Goku vs Sonic/Jin Mori, while I do like thos matchups I think this should be how they Goku run on Death Battle, compositing him along with Ryu, the fight would be incredible with both fighting up close and using long range attacks, the music would be epic. As for why it's the episode before the finale it's because it feels like it.
Roots: Goku
Bets: Goku
Episode 16: Bowser vs Eggman (Nintendo vs Sega) Season finale 2D
Here we are the finale of my dream season and what better to finish it with my most wanted matchup, I don't think I have to explain it's a legacy matchup that go either as a army battle or with each other, eather way it works, the fight would be a spectacle woth both using the arsenals to one up each other and the finale would using there most powerful forms, this can go in multiple ways, the music would amazing I recommend listening to Hard Boiled Fury by Brandon it's great, and finaly the analasys can talk about new stuff and fixing some mistakes. Overall Bowser vs Eggman has the potential to be one of the best episodes of all time, with the fight that can go in multiple ways and music that you would love to listen twice with two of my favorite vidoe game villains of all time whitch is why it's my most wanted and the finale of my Death Battle season.
Roots: Bowser
Bets: Bowser
Hope you enjoy it
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Hi! My name is Tertain, but you can call me Terry or Ter. I’m a 21 year old autistic illustrator/animator! I use she/her pronouns, and I’m also one of those COOL Ace Lesbians. If y’all see a Basementdregon101 follow you, that’s me! I’m tertain on Letterboxd and Instagram (I really like movies).
Current Hyperfixation:
Birds and Helluva Boss (help)
Dormant Hyperfixations:
Cats the Musical, Ever After High, Beetlejuice, Portal 2, Psychonauts, Batman, MLP, Moomin, Hellboy, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, Warriors Cats, Jerma
SPINS (special interests):
Birds (for reference I carved linographs for a bird themed tarot card deck, major and minor arcana. I’ll sell prints eventually), movies (sorry for being a movie fan), mythology (Norse, Greek, Celtic for now), dragons.
Favorite Movies: Mad Max Fury Road, Legally Blonde, The Thing, Happy Feet, HTTYD, The Tintin movie, Goncharov, Babe
Favorite Music: TMBG, Oingo Boingo, GRRLZ ROCK punk, Dolly Parton, 90s Hip Hop, Ska
Favorite Mammal: any animal from the Giraffidae family!
Favorite Fish: Coelacanth
Favorite bird: I CANT CHOOSE 🔪 but the Kea bird is really cool :)
Favorite Dinosaur: Pachycephalasaurus
Favorite Pokemon: Flygon and Giraffarig
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og-danny-dorito · 5 months
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≽ I had to remake my previous one since tumblr wouldn't let me edit the original for some reason. This is really just a comprehensive list of all the things I write for if you're not sure what to request, it doesn't have any links. Anyways, please go to my terms and conditions before requesting anything!
{ CURRENT HYPERFIXATIONS: be warned, these change like every week!}
≽ Mortal Kombat, but more specifically Mortal Kombat 1
≽ Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse
≽ Creepypasta AGAIN
✧ The Punisher
✧ Daredevil
✧ Spiderman
✧ Deadpool
✧ Venom
✧ X-Men
≽ etc. (some others, but those are my specialties)
✧ Batman
✧ Nightwing
✧ Red Hood
✧ Arsenal
≽ etc.
✧ Mortal Kombat (all games)
✧ Resident Evil (all games)
✧ Castlevania (all games)
✧ Final Fantasy (all games)
✧ Legends of Zelda
✧ Fallout 4
✧ Death Stranding
✧ Hiveswap
✧ The Arcana
✧ The Witcher (all games)
✧ Devil May Cry (all games)
✧ Jujutsu Kaisen
✧ Attack On Titan
✧ Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (all parts)
✧ Demon Slayer
✧ One Punch Man
✧ Saiki K
✧ Devilman (and all associated media)
✧ Naruto
✧ Black Butler
✧ Cowboy BeBop
✧ Baki The Grappler
✧ Bleach
✧ Hunter X Hunter
✧ The Boy
✧ Halloween
✧ Friday The 13th
✧ Scream
✧ Texas Chainsaw Massacre
✧ Hannibal
✧ Silence Of The Lambs
✧ Black Christmas
✧ My Bloody Valentine
✧ Laid To Rest
✧ House Of Wax
✧ every Spiderman movie you could think of (yes that includes the 1978 Japanese spiderman)
✧ Star Trek (all movies)
✧ Hellboy
✧ Interview With A Vampire
✧ V For Vendetta
✧ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
✧ Peaky Blinders
✧ The Witcher (Netflix)
✧ The Punisher
✧ Castlevania, Castlevania Nocturne
✧ Star Trek
✧ What We Do In The Shadows
✧ Stranger Things
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pixie-skull · 6 months
Ten Characters * Ten Fandoms * Ten Tags
Before I list the most impactful fandoms in my list, a huge shoutout and thank you too @confettipetticoats for tagging me. =D Please go watch her (Non)-Disney crossovers on Youtube as she both so talented and such an awesome pal of mine. :D So I am ranking from 10 to 0 as why not my list, so why not include zero. >:D I tried to choose fandoms I can say I am still a part of, yet not just like, but either been a fan for a long time or the given product means a lot to me.
10. Universal Studios Monsters: Now this a confusing entry as I am not someone who seen all the monster movies, but the impact and the handful of films I have seen from original to remakes, I am a huge fan of. I mean if it was not for my special interest in Mythology as is, this fandom adds to it. Does not hurt most of the bigger or well known monsters have roots in Victorian gothic literature. Favorite monster is hard, as all of them are fun their own way, but I guess my inner psychologist would choose Wolfman/Werewolf.
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9. The Simpsons: Yes I agree it dragging on but still one of few shows that my full family and I bonded over, next to select shows that some family members all liked (Bones was very close to being on this list, but I never finished it). It along with other animated shows plus movies made me really want to consider voice acting for a future job. As well, I am not sure why Lisa not featured in the gif below. XD Favorite character though is Apu, plus in the video games, The Simpsons: Hit& Run and The Simpsons: Road Rage.
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8. The Addams Family: I only watch the 90's movies and plan watch the original show and animated movies too, but from what I can tell of this fandom, very creepy, spooky, and kooky . XD Sorry too obvious to reference. Favorite characters are tied for the love birds (or bats would that be more in character) Morticia and Gomez. I try to avoid looking up to other people's relationships as everyone is so different, but I can deny these two are what I hope for in a relationship. If not that at least, I adore the just what the two stand for in a couple that is rarely depicted, friends and lovers, who do not settle and hate each other. Sorry but so many relationships especially parents seem to hate each other but stay nice for wanting a family. At a young age this trope I hated.
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7. Avatar: The Last Airbender: Such a great show, from world building, character arches, animation, voice acting, and much more. I rarely find myself wishing if I could voice act in something, but this a show that and overall franchise I would be so happy to be a part of. Plus Aang such a well done character and often I do not relate to a character's personality as much I had with him. If from his trying to best to see in others but grows to be selective of who to open up to, being seen as both so young but an old Soul, awkward but willing to laugh at himself, and wants to hear a different point of view or at least learn more of life are few of other traits I can relate to in him. That being said I also can relate to Iroh for similar but in his own way, traits prior. He the supportive, fun, but heartfelt uncle I hope I can be. Yes I am tied between Aang and Iroh. XD
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6. Owl House: Yes, a newer product on my list, but can anyone blame me? XD I am still so sad it was short as was, but hopefully come back. It had so much to offer, my newest comfort character is Eda and I am so picky of my comfort characters*, but dang this show you can tell had so much thought and carefully planned, and more. Eda the character I like most from the show too. Yes my biggest ship if Eda x Raine :P .
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5. Hellboy: I need to read more these comics, as the movies ugh such a great twist of fantasy, a hero who really wants to do the right thing, but you do not blame him for feeling outcasted by those he protects, and more. Bonus introduced me to my current favorite director, Guillermo del Toro. As well one of my favorite hero quotes of all time. However favorite character goes, Red/H-e-l-lboy.
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4. X-Men: I know the movies' timeline is all over the place, the X-Men Evolution Wolverine seems so hated (even though a guilty pleasure of mine), the first two are the best in the full series along a few standouts, but dang it this movie series was and still holds so much meaning to me. I mean the not so subtle message of being yourself and use what makes you different as a power felt even more powerful as when younger I was diagnosed with ASD in elementary school and only found by high school from being told, but prior I felt like a mutant, like I felt so pity (yes I had former friends who only became pals because pity), teased for things like special interests, and more, but these movies made me felt there was at least somewhat others like me. Lastly, for a kid, I respect the beliefs of the leader of the "good" and "bad" were so complex, as simple narratives on morality felt so demeaning as a kid. I mean as I get older (@little-bloodied-angel and I talked about this recently) I really consider Magneto one of the best 'villains' I have watched and read (I need read more comics in general). Bonus this franchise seems so awesome the earlier films had so many people who are in the LGBTQ Community: Anna Paquin (bi woman), Ian McKellen (gay man), Elliot Page (trans man), Alan Cumming (bi man). To be fair the Mutants being a metaphor for those wanting more civil rights or equal rights is well known. Favorite character goes, of late again Magento again just the appeal he more complex and even though violence if can be avoided please do that.
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3. 90's Sailor Moon: I am aware such a case of nostalgia goggles on tightly, as I have heard the recent new version more closer to the manga. However the 90's one felt so more fleshed out and bonus the titular character herself one of FEW characters I have ever related to as a kid that was not just comedic relief or a side character. XD Yes I related the awkwardness of Thief from The Thief and the Cobbler, Flower from Bambi (if anything as a trans guy it feels so telling I wanted to liked a guy character who just happens to be comfortable being mistaken as a girl XD). Bonus one of my friends who sees me as found family, we bonded over adoring the 90's version. Favorite character the "protector of love and justice" herself.
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2. Disney, mostly the villains fandom: I do adore the heroes/heroines, yet the campy nature of the former hand-drawn villains so great. As well, yes I am not sorry I have a shirt with this design below. >:D In regards which one is my favorite, Maleficent.
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1. The Last Unicorn: The animated feature and the book (to be fair I have the graphic novel) both hold such introduction to Mythology for me and the writing (Peter S. Begeal I hope read more of his work) so similar to J.R.R.Tolkien in ways, that it also helped me love the fantasy genre too. Plus the sequel Two Hearts is not required reading but it does add more too. Favorite character is maybe a surprise Schmendrick. I just appreciate his confidence and overall character arch most of the main cast.
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0. The Lord of the Rings: Besides the 2001-2003 live action movies, the extended cut too, the books, and the animated movies, this franchise I can not explain enough the impact it has had on me since as far I can remember. As well yes, The Hobbit book, films (including animated movie too) are worth their thanks too. Now in regards of The Rings of Power show on Amazon, I am unsure to watch, yet that is if The Hobbit is a C at best, I worry what that show is at best. Favorite character is so hard to say, but if I had to really choose Pippin (fun fact met the actor Billy Boyd at a comicon once) as he most audience surrogate I had related to growing up.
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*= My other comfort characters: Eda and King
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I am curious of what: @little-bloodied-angel @impossiblepeggy @airasora @geebs96 @0chaotic-queer0 @thenamelessdoll @jujubee-edits @theevilsquirrelqueen @animagix101and @wardisahi would say are themes in my choices. Plus, your ten fandoms and ten characters you peeps like. Also was unsure mythology counted as a fandom, as if it does that definitely my biggest favorite fandom.
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elysiuminfra · 1 year
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hi anon i love you. thank you for thisi question (i just woke up) you have no idea how excited i am to talk about this. had to make a post since it didnt wanna publish ur ask :( in the ideal world AMPHIMAL (all capitals for silly) is a 14 episode 2D animated tv show (heavily inspired by gennedy tartakovsky's work - particularly with samurai jack and primal, as well as mike mignola's work on hellboy) (AND SERGIO PABLOS!!) (wait edit: AND the old animated batman movies) HOWEVER. i have had many many thoughts about its ACTUAL format as a webcomic. i think it works best in this format cause the internal dialogue is important and you'd lose that in a show (i have many many thoughts about how media format influences tone/overall storytelling) particularly i'd like to execute it as a webcomic set with unconventional format - im very inspired by indie comics such as quinn - a horror webcomic made by moby, tumblr linked here, an artist who's work ive followed for a while and who's work first piqued my interest in breaking "traditional" webcomic format. yugo limbo and mike mignola (there he is again!) are also huge inspirations. (and another webcomic im too embarrassed to say) im in love with the  idea of using the website itself as a backdrop for your visuals - it would be a mix of script, prose, intermingling with cinema-like stills as visuals - this is because traditional comics are difficult for me, i THINK in camera angles and shot layouts, not necessarily comic panels. i also plan on having annotations throughout the story, for secrets and descriptions of certain era-specific objects as fun optional facts - although when i actually put it all together on a website, this feature could be toggled. ideally it would be non-intrusive - think the note system from pentiment. the biggest inspirations i draw for AMPHIMAL though is Hellboy full stop in terms of palettes, visuals, and style. i plan on further solidifying and developing the "look" of amphimal as i do more research on victorian cultural and architecture motifs (they don't even know about the henry jekyll architecture associations) and also because i am the world's most unnecessarily detail-oriented person. my current work reflects moreso how i plan on amphimal looking when its published, with stark shadows, black shapes taking forefront, limited and striking palettes with heavy emphasis on color, shape, and object motifs. i am putting an unnecessary and frankly embarrassing amount of thought into literally every single detail (AND striving for semi-historical accuracy) (which is extremely difficult due to the lack of primary sources / bias in papers and the lack of accounts of certain aspects of victorian life, such as lgbt history and london’s underbelly of the era. particularly because many primary accounts are rife with racism, bigotry and inaccuracies - and they don’t paint a complete picture, so much of what i show WILL be speculation and not historically accurate) as for SCRIPT? behind the scenes its pretty rough - i have my charts and notes, but they're all pretty disorganized and i don't think i could share them without 1. spoiling a LOT of stuff (it doesnt differ from the original plot in any way, it just has far, far more depth into the characters - and some stuff i want to keep a secret!) 2. exposing just how deranged my note-taking skills are. amphimal currently exists only in pages and charts and key visuals i've made for myself that i MUST compile in a clean format for personal use (and sharing among those who can take peeks behind the scenes) as for key points oh boy. my favorite chapter and the one i'm most excited to write is utterson's search and first meeting with hyde. second favorite is utterson's scenes involving lanyon's death (he does die in amphimal, that i'm not changing - i thought about it at first but scrapped it) these moments show off utterson's character at key points OUTSIDE of jekyll (an absolute necessity!) - and he is, by far, my favorite protagonist out of all my projects. and i love him your honor ANYWAY ummm i dont really have much else to write other than thank u for sending this question!!! artistic format / experimentation is one of my favorite things to talk about. as for WHEN amphimal is gonna be a thing, it'll be in the future when i'm in a better living situation (and when the full amphimal theory bible is compiled - i'm obsessed with consistency between scenes and background motifs, so this will work as a reference for me once the project gets started however this will and is currently taking a LOT of research) ETA? later. possibly next year if i'm not too busy adjusting to the city im moving to. dont know yet but it'll happen. i'll make amphimal before i die promise because if i dont my spirit will never sleep peacefully
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halfblackwolfdemon · 2 years
Hello, dearie's! How is everyone? I guess introductions are in order! My name is halfblackwolfdemon, but you can call me HB Wulfie, or HB, or Wolfie!
She/Her/They/Them/Wolf Girl.
I live in the US, I'm 30+ and I've been in many different Fandom's since I was around 10, I think? My first official anime is InuYasha, and it all went down hill from there. I don't wanna list all of my fandoms I rotate between cause it's a fuckload, but my usual "haunts" are crossovers with InuYasha (Manga!Kagome is best Kagome and we do not stand for Kagome slander on this page), Yu Yu Hakusho (Hiei is King and Kuwabara is Best Boy™️, fight me), Marvel (comics/animated movie/live action movie/live action TV show), DC Comics (mostly comics and animated movies, their Live Action shit usually sets my teeth on edge), Hellboy (I love that red bastard), most early 2000's Nickelodeon/Disney cartoons and so on.
I'm very much a millennial and have that millennial humor, haha.
And, I guess I'm getting back into writing! Which means, time to be self-indulgent and tag my AO3 and my FF.Net (I know it's going down in flames, and might post my stories from there to my AO3, but just in case, imma link both)
I don't write anywhere else besides here and those 2 sites, tho ff.net hasn't seen much action, in, like, years, haha.
I do draw some, though that's mostly kept to myself, unless I'm really proud of it, haha.
Holy shit, I gotta update a whole lot of shit. Haha! So, hope you enjoy me indulging myself and being a brat for brats sake.
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shadow-prime · 1 year
Trying to decide the content I want to put on Tumblr and the content I want to put on AO3. I have a bunch of oc centric stuff that I'm nervous to show off. Posting makes me nervous as it is. Tumblr itself makes me nervous. But I want to create content for others to read and to enjoy just as I enjoy writing them. I might start taking a few requests.... but please don't feel bad if I don't get to all of them. But to those who do follow me I would like to know what ya'll feel about me actually posting content on Tumblr again.
Fandoms I write for (Or currently have content of)...
-TMNT (2003-2009 series, 2007 movie, Bayverse movies)
-The hobbit (Maybe requested LOTR)
-Transformers (G1, Earthspark, Prime, Animated, Movies)
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worrywrite · 11 months
Apparently my vampire media journey was normal? I mean... I *am* a product of very controlled mass media marketing and for-profit media/storytelling.
Let's see... Sesame Street's The Count, I feel like that's everyone first vampire character. Then there was that Disney channel movie... What was it. All I remember is vampire cows. And that one villain from the Buzz Lightyear animated series (okay, so weird stuff does stick to my brain and I have a weird range of media I absorbed as a child... And I absorbed a significant amount of media). I don't think there was a vampire in Halloween Town, but around the time that became a thing I started getting really into Halloween (I was probably six or seven) and I do recall there being vampire characters in the Scary Godmother animated movies and that reinforced it. Around the same time I happened across Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which I acknowledge I was far too young for) and I was... Entranced with vampires. Parents didn't like that, didn't really catch much Buffy because of it. But my interest in the occult in general got *piqued* and from there on out, it was witches and vampires and werewolves and demons and djinni (burned through the original Bartimaeus books before 6th grade). So when I hit puberty proper... Okay, yeah, I was into monsters which explains why I was functionally asexual until I was 17; because monsters aren't real and are therefore inaccessible characters of desire.
By the time I was 11, my mother had started reading the Twilight books. And because she is incapable of not talking about everything she's obsessed with to literally everyone she talks to, she talked about the books to me a lot. Because I liked books. And this backfired for her. A lot. Because she liked the intensity of it and lack of general swearing (this woman is a hyper-conservative Christian, which also explains the oversharing interests things because proselytizing). It backfired because I went "oh, my parents are okay with this now" and I went deep into vampire/werewolf lore on the internet (not exactly fiction or media proper, but I became part of my early social media interactions with message boards and forums and RPGs and such).
I also saw Underworld, Van Helsing, and Hellboy around that time (13-14). Those movies are all over the place, but yeah. You know what, I'll throw The Matrix in there too. I'm gonna call this my leather and spandex phase of vampire experiences. Good times. This led to the writing of my first vampire and werewolf novels (two different novels, both hot garbage). And then I saw the twilight movie (which I liked because of the soundtrack and general attractiveness of all the actors portraying vampires) and read the books and got really into Supernatural which I regret because it didn't have enough vampires and werewolves to be honest. And then the Vampire Diaries on CW happened. And then Teen Wolf.
And then I kind of burned out on most media, went to college, learned and played d&d, and now I'm back on my vampire bs. I run a 5e campaign where my players have a vampire frienemy who they accidentally unleashed on the setting; she is one of my favorite NPCs to portray. And now I am getting into Discworld and the vampires there are refreshingly silly.
Anyway, I feel like this is pretty normal? Maybe not. I went all in on pretty much everything occult (partially because of my own experiences which I haven't really talked about) when I was young. It never scared me; probably because I was taught from a young age that the only things I had to be afraid of were the devil and minorities--because, again, hyper-conservative household. I find this very funny now because now I know that that is basically what spurred the creation of these mythical sexy creatures that I love so much.
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inprogresswriter · 11 months
Warning: Rambling and shitty grammar ahead
When you're a writer and have no idea what to write for your story but you know you want
Like I want a monster romance like I am craving it and wish to write it but the big question is which fricking monster
We got:
Fae (General idea nothing solid)
Divine beings
Animal hybrids
Eldritch Abomination
Don't wanna do vampires cause they feel overdone but also vampires are amazing when done right like Alucard in Castlevania I'm crying tears of joy although he's a Dhampire. But you get the idea less Twilight more Castlevania like but I also like the ideas of Vampires just being absolute little shits like they are immortal bored and need to stir shit up ironically its the non immortal who has their shit together
We love a chaotic King/Queen/Royal
Werewolves are amazing, like I love them and their potential, but I feel they aren't presented well, or maybe I haven't found a good one yet I like. Like they are more than buff jocks like come on, just like how vampires are not just emo rich dudes who sip wine in their castle. Like why can't I have a smart werewolf rat king who could bring the end of the world. Or a werewolf who just wants to find their soulmate but has horrible luck or a werewolf who's trying to get accustomed to a life away from their huge family.
Potential here like I would read this or maybe write this but will I really or will this fall down the abyss known as stuff I'll do later(never). Less Jacob imprinting on a child (baby?) and more Bigby from Wolf Amoung Us (Anyone excited for Wolf Amoung us 2) gotta love the rough but caring detective.
Gorgons oh how I love you. I love gorgons Ok like sexy snake lady who could snap me in half sign me up. She's more snake then human even better I'm not picky. This is spawned from my love for snakes and the story of Medusa just kills me everytime I'm also a slut for greek mythology.
A matriarchal society of snake ladies who turn people to stone but make it a royal who's possibly trans Male and is trying to find themselves in a race which is 90% female but they are still proud of their culture and race and is ofc a Feminist. The gorgons are kinda confused but try their best they have the spirit like they are hissy with everyone else but with their own kind they are open and relaxed.
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(First time making a meme)
Also you can be a race of badass women and still not hate men like I don't really get it like you can be all for womens being strong without shitting on other genders.
Now Fae is an interesting on since its a huge category. We got like fairies, pixies, elves etc they are amazing BUT not really my jam like don't get me wrong love elves like Fenris my sweet love but elves are done to death and are kinda bland Dragon Age actually doesn't do too bad with Fenris story being really interesting but also making me want to headbutt a wall (Fuck you Denarius). Love me fairies and pixies and no disrespect to those who adore them but they are just not me cup of iced tea (too hot for tea).
Now Demons/Cambions on the other hand are something I find cool I swear I'm not a cultist. Like for example Hellboy is my jam (although he is a Cambion), Damien and Dhalia from Monster Prom etc. Like Demon characters with a soft side. I'm just not sure how to fit them but I want them in just not sure how. Demon literally fist fight and burn to their goals if only I could too.
Now Revenants are a special place in my heart (I swear I have not done anything illegal). Since one of my favourite movies is The Crow with Brandon Lee and I just love the idea of someone coming back to life getting revenge on those who wronged them like yesss. Like forgiving people and kissing and making up sometimes isn't enough and murder is indeed the answer. On a similair note its one of the reason's I adore Jason Todd although he isn't a revenant he was still ressurected and mentally fucked consumed with anger and revenge.
Seriously though Joker really needs to die like Batman doesn't need to do it but like doesn't America still have the death penalty so like why hasn't he been executed yet for fucks sake.
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But seriously if we can't agree on whether Joker should be killed can we at least agree Jason deserves better (all of them deserve better) although I am on the fence with Batman sometimes he can be an ass.
Moving on while I am all for stories of chasing revenge I want a story where they find a way to exist despite this like try get revenge and it consumes them so their found family helps then gain revenge but doesn't let it consume them if that makes sense. I'm a sucker for found family the Bulls Chargers with The Iron Bull and Krem destroys me.
Divine beings I'm talking Gods/Goddesses, Spirits and basically anything which is immortal but not dead in someway or spawned in Hell. Now I have mentioned before I love Greek mythology so you bet your perfect ass I am a fan of stories of Gods with mortals (cosentually being the key)so Apollo and Hyacinthus 100%, Euridice and Orpheus, Rauru and Sonia defo and by some people's opinions Icarus and the Sun God/Titan (Apollo or Helios). But I do like romances amoung immortals themselves Hades and Persphone Hell yess any romance with Zeus and Poseidon get in the bin.
Now when I say Animal hybrid I do not mean Furries I mean creatures who look human with animalistic features for example Satyrs, Fauns, Tengu, Kitsune, Centaurs but also characters like Catra who are more human looking with some animal like features and behaviour I mean idk why but I love these type of creatures maybe because it forces us to create new things for them for example Avian creatures need different clothing depending on the shaping of their wings or more hairy animal hybrids need help with shedding and personal grooming. It gives a lot of opportunities for creativity.
Merfolk which maybe a bit of an unpopular opinion idk it's kinda bland wait let me explain. Merfolk much like elves are pretty standard and often are a copy past of eachother you know the beautiful mermaid who probably sings and looks like she belongs on a L'Oréal advert. Which is OK but like something different like gimme some variation also while I know sirens originally where supposed to be these bird like ladies I do like the more fish like version personally I am considering it but only if I cam figure how to make it interesting.
Leaving the best for last we have an eldritch abomination. (Seriously I swear I don't have a cult). Which to be fair I have no idea how to even explain this which is pretty on brand tbf if tentacles, lots of eyes and random gaping maws plus selling your sanity for love is your jam then here you are. A lover who you will go crazy for literally. While I love the idea again much like demons I have no idea where to begin cause let's be honest Chaos from Hades is Gender but they are also hot. Ik technically they are a god sort off but they give me big eldritch vibes and I'm here for it also their chaos so it makes.
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Although what better way to understand Eldritch horrors then with reading Lovecraftian novels I kid you not they scare me but also hot hmmm I mean life already makes me feel insane minds well be benefiting from it amiright
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But also
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Anywho I'm gonna keep digging although tumblr is giving me appreciation for monsters I had not yet considered
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