#nothing matters really but i still wanna put this on my blog
espytalks · 26 days
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spectrearia · 22 days
this is kinda random but it crossed my mind again today and I figured I'd bring it up, but if you're a friend/mutual of mine and you post art or something that I don't reblog, please don't take it personally. i have a lot of fandoms blocked for my own reasons and quite a bit of the content that y'all post falls into some of that and I just straight up Don't See It kfjdng
anyway. felt like clearing that up just in case it bothered anyone ><;;
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luckykiwiii101 · 7 months
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(For when you feel like you just can’t do it).
HEY YOU THERE!!!! Are you still in a continuing loop of not seeing ur desires? Of feeling lack? Feeling like there is so much weight on your shoulders and that your desires are out of reach?
Well believe it or not…we’ve all been in that position. We’ve all been in positions where we put our desires above us, too high to reach. That’s just called having a terrible self concept. And if you are familiar with the law of assumption, you know that self concept is REALLY IMPORTANT!!!
If you really believed that you can’t achieve what you want, then you wouldn’t be here in the first place. Reading this post. Surfing tumblr to read success stories and tips&advice. That tiny amount of faith you have says a lot. We’ve all been at that point, having little to no faith. I’ve been there, at one point i start doubting the law. But i knew i didn’t deserve to live a sad life, so i changed my inner self.
You know how the law works blah blah blah. One thing to familiarise yourself with is how “illogical” it is. This was a concept i didn’t grasp before. I thought it was ridiculous for people to wake up in their dream house, with their dream EVERYTHING. It felt so…unnatural and odd. I felt like things like that couldn’t happen. I thought maybe they tricked themselves into seeing that. But when i started to realise that we are just pure consciousness, everything changed.
First of all, people who manifested their dream life didn’t “teleport” to a different realm or anything. They just changed their awareness to their liking. You are aware of not living your dream life, so that is what you see. Everything in your life is based on your awareness. What you’re aware of. Are you aware of being a master manifestor? If so, then you are a master manifestor. Everything you accept to be real is REAL. YOU gave into the 3D and accepted it as real. That’s why every time something bad happens to you, you say “why is this happening to me!!! I’m so unlucky” etc. You accepting your undesired 3D circumstances as real is literally self sabotage. The only time where you can accept your 3D as real is when it is in your favour. The 4D (imagination) is the REAL and ONLY reality because the 3D cannot exist without it. Still don’t believe me? Remember the time when you really believed that something would happen and it did, for example believing that you would fail an exam. Anyway, i’m not going to try and convince you to believe in the law of assumption if you don’t already. Because no matter what, in a week or less your state will manifest. Belief or not. Wanna know why? You’ve manifested constantly your whole entire life before even knowing about the existence of the law. You did all that without believing in it. LMAO you literally manifested to find it difficult, without believing in it. The law is based on faith, not proof. Proof (which for most of you reading this is the 3D). Never see the 3D as “proof” of your manifestation. Why would you do that? Looking in the mirror after listening to a subliminal to check for results is accepting the 3D as proof. Being surprised when your manifestation “didn’t come” in the desired amount of time is accepting the 3D as proof. BUT HELLO?!?! The 4D IS THE REAL REALITY!!! THAT IS A FACT NO MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE!!! NOTHING CAN CHANGE THE FACT THAT THE 4D IS THE REAL REALITY!!!
The 4D is all you need when you desire something. Fulfill yourself in the 4D. The purpose of “feeling it real” is not to convince yourself that you have it. It’s to remind yourself that you do. Embody the state of having your desires. If you don’t know about states i really recommend reading a blog about them. It’s literally the foundation of the law!!! Your state manifests!!! Never come from a state of lack. Never affirm from a state of lack. Never visualise from a state of lack!!! When i knew about the law for some time, i thought i was trying to “convince” myself that i had my desires by “pretending” to have them and “acting as if” i had them. That is literally coming from a state of lack. That is literally accepting that you don’t have your desires. But the 4D is the real reality. So stop accepting your 3D circumstances as real, because they aren’t. They are so fake. Faker than my old friends. The 3D is literally just a product of your past assumptions. It is not real!!! It does not exist the moment you accept that it doesn’t. Why do you think people manifest instantly in the void? Waking up in their dream house/apartment with everything they’ve always wanted? Because the 3D isn’t real. It’s like an illusion. Focus your awareness on having your desires and that HAS TO reflect! Failure does not exist!! Failure does NOT exist!!! Got it? Lemme tell u something. One night i was reading a success story about the void state and waking up in a fricking CAR when they went to sleep in their bed. I was low key shocked to be honest but my mindset has improved since then and i’m not baffled anymore (this was about 2 days ago). I had an epiphany from there. I literally started to realise that the 3D is literally not real. You are just pure consciousness. Whatever you are conscious of, you will see. It’s not “teleporting”. It’s not “magical”. You’re not in a parallel universe far far farrrr away from your loved ones, being surrounded by clones (because that was what i thought before and i was TERRIFIED!!!) Look around right now. Look!!! Look at your surroundings. They aren’t real. That’s just the 3D. The real reality is the 4D. You aren’t “creating” anything. You are just focusing your awareness on the REAL reality (the 4D).
You do realise that you have manifested countless things during your life, unconsciously (without knowing). What makes you think that you can’t do it consciously? Why? Do you believe that you are unlucky? Have you brainwashed yourself that badly that you lost complete faith in the law? You literally manifested for things to be difficult for you…isn’t that disappointing? Luckily, you will use your power to your advantage this time, and not for self sabotaging.
I REALLY RECOMMEND READING @piercedblunt posts because she made me understand the law of assumption so well!!!!
You are going to follow this routine for a week!!! I promise it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to not materialise your dream life. Whether it’s:
- Revising people’s deaths, waking up in a mansion, waking up in a different country, waking up with your desired body and face, becoming an alien, being able to fly, growing wings, being able to talk to animals, being able to manifest in under 2 seconds.
- Embody the state of HAVING, not desiring. States are the easiest things ever. So ridiculously easy to embody.
You should acknowledge that those limiting beliefs were just created by your fears CAUSED by the 3D.
LMAOOOO HOW IRONIC! The ONE thing holding you back was the 3D…and it turns out that IT ISN’T REAL!!! Isn’t that so relieving? Literally most and if not all problems people have had with the law of assumption was based on the 3D. Now that you’ve accepted that the 4D as the real reality, this will be so much easier!!! Ofcourse there are things like “intrusive thoughts” that scared you but you aren’t embodying the state of those instrusive thoughts are you? No, exactly, so they will not manifest. Thoughts do not manifest. States manifest.
Remember, when manifesting, the goal is not to “get”. Because you already have it.
IT IS LITERALLY TIME FOR YOU TO ACCEPT THAT YOU HAVE YOUR DREAM LIFE!!!! STOP PROCRASTINATING!!! I promise you, your desired life with materialise in a week or less. Never give up.
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angelbaby-fics · 9 months
No Matter What
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Pairing: CG!Steve Rogers x Little!Reader (fem nicknames used)
Word Count: 1k
A/N: omg this idea has literally been in my docs since i started this blog and i only finally wrote it all out!! y'all know i loooove thinking about pre serum steve, and i love exploring that concept through the eyes of his little 💕 also i just wanna add, i dont think worms are icky or slimy! little was just being cheeky!
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“Daddy? Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
 The question took Steve by surprise; why would you even ask something like that? You were splayed out across the couch, torso propped up by pillows and one leg limply strewn over Steve’s thigh, exhausted from an hours-long playdate at Peter's house. The two of you had been sitting in silence as he read a book and you watched a cartoon on your tablet, when suddenly you popped the question.
“Why, babydoll? Are you planning on turning into a worm any time soon?” He said with a chuckle, which was apparently the wrong answer. Your face fell.
“You was s’posed to say yes, daddy,” you said with a frown. 
“Absolutely I would, my baby, I’ll always love you no matter what.” Steve reassured you, giving a light pat to your socked foot. But you weren’t entirely convinced.
“You sure daddy? You’d still love me even if I was a icky slimy worm?” You raised your eyebrows at him. 
“You’d still be my babygirl, right?”
You thought for a moment, pondering the logistics of worm transfiguration, before nodding. 
“And you’d still have the same loving heart? And the same brilliant mind?”
You nodded again. “Then of course I would still love my beautiful baby, even if you were an adorable, tiny little worm.”
You giggled at this, and repositioned yourself to be nearer to your daddy, abandoning your tablet on the ground. Setting his book down as well, Steve wrapped his arms around you with a smile. As you buried yourself into his body, he softly ran his thumbs in circles on your back. Snuggling into his biceps, you mumbled into his muscles. “You’d have to be careful if I was a worm, cos daddy’s so big and strong!” 
Steve kept stroking your back, but his hands slowed down as he began to get lost in thought. It didn’t take long for you to notice the change in his mood, so you pulled your head out from his embrace to check on him. 
Your daddy had a look on his face you’d never seen before… not sad, but distant. Like his body was here with you, but his mind was back in the past. As soon as he felt your curious gaze on him, it was as if he snapped back into reality. Not wanting you to worry, he put on a soft smile and kissed you on the head, but you couldn’t let that moment go. “What’s wrong, daddy?” You asked, your eyes serious and pleading with him to be honest with you. He thought to himself for a moment and took a heavy breath.
“You know, babydoll, daddy didn’t used to be so big and strong. He was small once upon a time” Your eyes widened in disbelief.
“You mean you were small like a baby? Small like me?”
Steve nodded, cracking a smile at your shocked reaction.
“That’s right, only I wasn’t a baby. I was a grown up, but my body stayed tiny.”
“How come?”
“That’s just how I was born, sweetpea.”
“And then you work out lots and lots and eat your veggies and turned into big daddy like now?”
Steve sighed again. 
“Not quite, angel. You see, I tried really hard to get big and strong like I am now, eating my veggies just like you said, but nothing helped. Then one day, a scientist gave me a special medicine, and it made me grow. All this happened before you were born, babydoll, so you didn’t know me back then.”
You furrowed your brows in contemplation. Although Steve had omitted any details unfit for a youngster like yourself, he hoped it still made sense in your tiny mind. You just couldn’t believe it though, daddy was always known for being strong and brave, it was even in his theme song! The thought of him being anything other than the man you’ve always known and loved just wouldn’t compute in your little head. Steve could tell you were still confused when he had an idea. Carefully, he stood up with you still entangled in his arms, and brought you over to the big bookshelf in the living room. 
Steve went straight to the top shelf, the one you couldn’t reach, and pulled down the old photo album you’d always been curious about. The worn leather of the cover reminded you of an ancient spellbook, and no matter how many times you asked, Steve had never brought it down for you to look at until now. He brought it with him as he sat you back onto the couch, and took a seat next to you, opening the book across both of your laps.
Inside the book, you didn’t find spells at all, just pictures of people you couldn’t recognize. Black and white photos of a boy, who kind of reminded you of your friend Peter. He wore clothes that were just slightly too big on him, almost like he was pretending to be a grown up instead of actually being one. And his face looked familiar.
Suddenly, your jaw dropped. You looked up at Steve, back down to the photograph, back up at Steve, over and over, processing the puzzle you had just put together. “That’s you, daddy!” You cried out.
“I know!” Steve laughed. “Can you believe it?”
You shook your head, and resumed staring at the photo, your daddy’s familiar features becoming more and more obvious to you the longer you looked at it. Your attention was only torn from the image after a few minutes when Steve spoke up from beside you.
“Would you still love me if I were small?”
You looked up at him, his hopeful smile and his love-filled eyes. The same ones in the photo you’d been studying for the past five minutes. Softly, you reached up to cup his face in your tiny hands, feeling his cheeks fill with warmth as you did so.
“Same smile… same eyes… same daddy?” You asked.
“Yeah baby, same daddy.”
“Then yes. I always love daddy, no matter what.”
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the mindset journey
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So hi.
My mindset has been evolving a lot ever since I started this journey, and I thought I'd lay it all out in one post. Subliminals, mindless affirming, scripting, visualization, states. I've tried so many things out, and I think I've finally figured out what works for me.
Stop “trying” to manifest or checking the 3d, you already have full results, creation was over like since forever.
Sure you know that you’re God, as the posts and everything you’ve seen tells you, but have you really embraced that internally?
It doesn’t matter how many posts you read, it’s up to you to actually change your mindset.
Logic is literally useless, be delusional (don’t you just wanna go ape-shit :), go get your fucking desires)
Time is not linear, and means nothing when manifesting.
Revision is so powerful, use it.
It’s just so easy guys, please just make sure you’re actually applying the information you see instead of just passively scrolling through.
And the rest is under the cut, happy reading <33
I started off in the subliminal community in Oct 2020 and just had so many limiting beliefs, it was sad. Not to shit on the community or anything, some of them are wonderful people and most of them have changed their mindset as well, but my initial knowledge prevented me from getting to this point until now. But, now I’m here, and a day after I wrote this in my drafts, I literally manifested my ideal life. I originally started this blog to collect advice from loa blogs, but honestly, I don’t need any of it anymore. Though I do like helping people, so if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
The Initial Mindset:
I always read through countless posts that say “You’re God” and “You literally can get what you want without even trying.” While I understood the text and adopted the mindset, I still did little subconscious things that contradicted it. While I affirmed my self-concept was perfect, I would also cram-study for exams and worry I would fail. I would say I look perfect, but then also worry about the way my body looked. Also, the way that I literally became obsessed with loa media? I spent hours watching Sammy Ingram videos, looping subliminals, and reading tumblr posts on “how to manifest faster and better”. During this phase of my life, my mind was plagued with intrusive thoughts and my self-concept was slowly getting better, but still absolute shit. I would manifest things here and there, but nothing life-changing.
The main problem however, was the fact that I would treat manifesting like a task I HAD to do. Now that school was back in session, I literally would zone out during specific classes on purpose and just affirm to myself. I would feel bad if I hadn’t listened to my subliminal playlist for the day because I “wasted time in getting my desires”. There’s nothing wrong with vainly affirming or listening to subs if you believe it works, but for me, treating manifesting like a task meant that I was looking for an outcome. Clearly, now I know better, that everything is always done and that there’s nothing to complete, but back then, this was probably the main reason why I struggled to see full results easily. I was acting out of desperation and didn't believe manifestation already was done.
When Everything Changed:
I know that it’s different for everyone, but my “aha!” moment was probably when I read this post. Seriously, go read it, it made me realize that I was going about it all wrong. Now, it wasn’t learning how to perfect my manifesting, it was learning to pull out the tiny limiting beliefs that had burrowed its way into my subconscious.
For example,
“I need to do xyz so that I can get my manifestations.”
Why would I would need to do anything if I already have all of my manifestations hmm? It’s literally already done. Like there’s no need to put in that effort into something that’s already perfect right? So why do I need to even need to try? I literally get whatever tf I want without even trying. This doesn’t mean that every method out there is useless, but in the end, you are the one doing the manifesting, not the method.
“But... this makes absolutely no logical sense! How would this even work?”
I know that STEM me loves finding the logic behind everything, so that’s why I struggled a lot with the logic and time aspect. But darling, it doesn’t need to make sense. There are literally so many things in the world that scientists to this day can’t explain, including just how powerful and complex your brain is. Not to mention the fact that concepts such as logic and science are literally man-made too? What’s the point in trying to deal with logic? Just let go and have fun.
“I affirmed so hard, and I believed it. But then it never showed up when the time came.”
First off, your time spent affirming means nothing, sorry to break it to you. It’s about the mindset(your state if you will) you currently exist in that truly makes a difference. And just because it didn’t show up today doesn’t mean that you missed your window of opportunity. Revision is still manifesting, because time is not a linear concept. Anything at any time can just change with a snap of your fingers. You want to change all of your test scores? Bam, it’s done. you wish WW2 never happened? Bam, it’s done. You want to relive the past 5 years of your life? Bam, it’s done. It doesn’t matter what the event is, what time it is, or that you “didn’t do it before the deadline”. Whenever you do get it(which is instant/soon if you're persisting properly), it will be there, seamlessly blended in with your 3d. You don’t need to worry about a damn thing, your subconscious will take care of everything for you.
“Oh no! I just had intrusive thoughts, did I just mess up my manifestations?”
Why are you giving intrusive thoughts the power to do anything? Sure, you may get them, but that doesn’t mean that they have any effect on you. It’s the doubt they make you feel in your mindset that truly messes it up. Don’t give in. Acknowledge the thought, accept that it literally means nothing, and continue to persist. Your thoughts only have the power you give them.
“Nah, everyone has to be lying, this doesn’t seem real.” / ”Manifesting must just be a coincidence, there’s no way this is real.”
Oh? So you’re saying, the amount of posts you’ve seen, all of the success stories, all of the followers and comments, are you saying every single one of them is lying? No. I’m not saying that every single one of them is truthful, but there’s no way that every single one of them would lie and put this much work into something that’s not real. If you find yourself struggling to believe in the law, I’d suggest you try to manifest something small, and then build up your belief from there. I sure as hell didn’t believe in any of this from the beginning, but then, I manifested consciously for the first time. Again, and again. It became easier, and my life got better. It soon becomes apparent that literally everything you think happens. I always used to wonder how things I randomly thought in the back of my head always happened even though I literally didn’t do anything about it in the 3d. This proved to me that your mental state is more powerful than it seems.
“Can I manifest-”
Yes. Just yes. You’re GOD. GOD. Why tf is God asking some random loa account if they can manifest something or not? Ofc God would know that they can manifest whatever the fuck they want instantly. Do you think when God said “Let there be light”, he first asked people around him if he could? No. He took that shit and just fucking ran with it.
“But-but, what if-”
Uh-uh. I don’t want to fucking hear it. Like I said in the previous section, stop overthinking everything you do. Just go. Run with what you already know and manifest the life of your dreams. You don’t need to keep looking for new information, some specific post that changes everything for you. All they can do for you is steer you in the right direction. You’re the one who’s going to have to figure out our mindset and pull yourself together, no one else can do it. Take back your power, embrace it. I don’t care if you unfollow every single loa account or delete tumblr, just stop looking for the next post. Why would you need more information when you already have everything you need?
I wrote down everything I struggled with, forgot about it, and continued to persist in my new mindset. I ignored any negative 3d circumstances, and just vibed in the feeling that my desires were already here, that feeling of contentment someone has when everything in their life is just amazing. The main question I asked myself was, what would a person who had ____ think, and I went from there. Soon the things I wanted just started popping up in my life, just as I knew it would. I feel like the things I’ve said in this post are pretty much the same concepts you see all over loa tumblr, which is why it’s so important that you actively take in the information that’s being given to you and actually apply it. I was obsessed with tumblr and kept on scrolling through countless blogs and posts, and I was only able to fully manifest after I stepped away from all of that. There is no big secret. There’s no miraculous method that will fix everything for you. There’s just... you. And your subconscious. Whatever you tell your subconscious, goes. As simple as that.
How about, instead of scrolling to whatever next loa post you were about to see on this app, you close tumblr and just go live your best life? Don’t overcomplicate it and just do whatever feels natural to you. I hope this post helped, happy manifesting!
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surfinminho · 8 months
Kinktober day 2- caught masturbating w/ Lee know
⤷ warnings: Gn!reader x Sub!Minho masterbation, watching (?)
⤷ word count: 950
⤷Taglist : @greysweaters-blog @hannie-bees @ashydoinwhat @chansbabygirlsstuff @hiddlestandom @stanskzsstuff @mal-lunar-28 @leeracha @linos-kitten @bonateukna
*please dm me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.*
It was pathetic, really. You were just in the other room, watching some random show while Minho was lying flat on your bed with your underwear wrapped around his cock.
The pleasure was overwhelming. Stomach sinking in everytime he stroked himself.
As soon as he got home from work, he made a b-line straight to your shared  room. You found it strange yes, but maybe practice didn't go well that day. You get it, it can be stressful.So you opted into leaving him be for a while.
It was getting late and you decided to order food, not knowing if minho was awake. You decided to go to him. You knocked once, twice, before opening the door.
The sight had you shocked, not to say the least. You thought he was sleeping or maybe silently scrolling on his phone.
Minho instead, had his hand down on his cock with your underwear rubbing his tip accordingly.
You saw him pocket your underwear a couple of times, once after he found them on his bed while cleaning another after a while quickie. You also noticed a couple pairs going missing every once in a while.
Did you suspect him? Of course not. Garments like that are easy to loose, like socks. So you never questioned him.
When he notices you walked in, he looks at you and smiles. He turns his head back and starts stroking his cock even faster.
You start slowly walking towards him, closing the door behind you. The food long forgotten.
As you make it to the bed, you decided to situate yourself right besides him. Your hand rests lightly on his right thigh.
"Isn't this something?" You ask while rubbing your hand over the article wrapped around his tip. You see his back arch up a little before going back down.
"You like this don't you." he argues back, knowing you also put up a fight.
You guys never had rules about "not cumming". You thought it didn't matter, but maybe it did.
"Touch yourself again." He didn't realize his hand stopped moving until you told him to start stroking himself again.
He looks directly into your eyes while giving himself languid strokes.
Up and down, up and down. It was mesmerizing. You wanted him to wither away on your bed. Choking out sobs, begging you to let him cum.
"You were the ones stealing this, hm?" you broke the silence, asking the question while slapping the underwear on him.
He gasps before returning to his original demeanor.
"You didn't notice, baby" the nickname was tantalizing. Showing you he still had the upper hand. Though that wasn't apart of your 'plan' you wouldn't mind changing it up for your minho.
"Stop" you grab his wrist halting his movements.
"Let me go." No other emotions laced in his voice except desperation.
"You could easily remove my hand, you have been going to the gym more, no? Or are you just a little kitten? Can't do anything without his owner instructing him too." You don't know where that came from, the shock on his face was mimicking the one you felt internally.
He's the one who always called you kitten or referred to himself as your owner. He was the one who told you to stop, edging yourself for hours on end.
He fell silent, any sign of fight gone. He goes limp in your hold. Breath rigid. Cock head leaking pre-cum.
You rub your thumb over his slit causing him to moan. Moving the cum all around his cock, acting a lubricant.
"You liked that? Liked when you're dumbed down to nothing but a little whore? An insatiable little whore who always needs to cum?" He whines. Grabbing your wrist and moving it around on his cock.
"Please, s-shit. I needa cum." His voice was breaking, slight pants leaving his soft lips. Sweat was starting to bead against his forehead and neck.
"You wanna come?"
"yesyesyes, please I'm begging you."
You thought about it for a while, pondering some thoughts in your head.
"Okay then, you have to come in 10 seconds." You smile at his look on his face. The looked saying that he's fucked.
He tried continuing with his original method after you came in, using your hand but it wasn't working.
He started using his hand only, rubbing up and down at a fast pace. Moans slipping out of his mouth.
When that wasn't working either, he tried two hands.
As you were counting down, you were rubbing his thighs and stomach. Taunting him as a punishment.
When you reached four, he spit on his hands, running his thumb only over his tip.
He tried everything he could think of, but nothing was working.
He tried using both hands, desperate to cum within the time limit.
But when you say one and you tell him to stop once again, he starts to tear up. Tears of frustration.
"Aww, too bad you didn't get to cum." You give him a kiss before lying on the bed next to him.
He sits up, shaking your thigh. "Baby please, I didn't get to cum" his voice weakening with every word.
"How sad. Go take a cold shower." You shut him up, wrapping your hands around his while closing your eyes.
"I fucking hate you"
"Love you too, pretty boy.
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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purrsongs · 7 months
Hey I know reblogs are worth more than likes, and I fully support liking and reblogging, but the phrasing on your mapleshade post is very abusive and guilt trippy!! /nm
hey first of all i wanna start this off saying i'm not trying to start a fight or drama or anything, i have conflict anxiety i don't want to start shit in the reblogs
also, i understand that posts that say things like "if you don't reblog this i can't trust you / signal boost / everyone reblog this i don't care" can be very harmful, i myself tend to avoid reblogs that say that.
however i really don't think that "don't like if you're not going to reblog" is abusive or guilt tripping, ESPECIALLY abusive? that is a very strong accusation to make and i don't appreciate the sentiment that the language i used is abusive or a guilt-tripping. my caption was not meant to be a guilt trip either. it was meant literally, and it was meant to be a little firm - i don't want likes. reblog art.
i've gotten several asks in the past about this caption that i put on my art and i will repeat myself: likes. are. worthless. on tumblr likes have no function. only reblogs matter when it comes to art and artist exposure. to me, getting a like on my art is like getting a notification that says "this person didn't care or like your art enough to reblog."
reblogs share art with others, give the artist exposure and allow for comments and thoughts in the tags, maybe gain new followers. it's so much more rewarding and motivational to receive a reblog whereas a like does nothing.
reblog art or you will stop seeing art.
if you have a replacement suggestion that isn't "reblogs > likes" which people tend to ignore, i'd be happy to hear it, but first, take a look at this.
this is a piece of my art, posted on my main blog, without my "don't like if you're not going to reblog" caption.
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this is a piece of my art, posted on my main blog, with my "don't like if you're not going to reblog" caption. (and even still the likes are higher than the reblogs with about 200 more likes)
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my caption is firm because it has to be, because tumblr has a MASSIVE problem with artists and me and all my artist friends are pretty much at the end of our patience.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hii!! :3
First of all, LOVE YOUR BLOG!!Your writing is so good!! May I request Rodolfo Parra x reader who is touchy? Like, they won’t if he doesn’t like it, but it’s a safety thing, like him being taller than me (even not by much) makes me secure, feeling his arm muscles to know he can protect me, holding his hand until he pulls away.
thank you!! :3
I don't think you understand the extent to which my Rodolfo is touch starved, he really wants a hug, and the ones that Alejandro give him don't really cut it, at all! Mans wants to be hugged and cuddled, so this is sort of just ideal to him!
Rodolfo with a Touchy!Reader
In all honesty, he’s hit the jackpot with you if you’re a touchy person. While he may not initiate too much physical touch himself in fear of coming off as clingy and annoying, he’s actually so touch starved, it’s unreal. If there weren’t some mental barriers there, then he’d absolutely love to touch and cuddle you whenever he could. Would love to kiss you, would love to hold you. He’s one of the biggest cuddlebugs on the planet in theory, but in practice he’s holding himself back due to the aforementioned reasons. However, he has no qualms whatsoever if you’re the one touching him, in fact, he’ll revel in it for as long as he can, or until you pull away. He gets a bit sad when you do, but he knows you’ve got better things to do as well from time to time.
Please do hold onto his arm when you’re walking somewhere, it makes him feel like the stronger guy out of the two of you. He just wants to make sure you feel safe and sound with him, and if he can accomplish just that? Heaven on earth, literally. Hold his hand, he’ll squeeze it every once in a while to make sure you know he’s still with you. You can even give him a hug in public where everyone can see you, he’ll shield you with his entire body and make sure to catch every single bullet that could come flying at you. While he’s not too big of a fan of kissing in public, thinking such a thing should be reserved for when the two of you are alone, he loves feeling your lips on him just about anywhere. Wanna kiss his cheek? His forehead? His lips? He’ll give you twice as many kisses back.
From time to time he might get a bit overwhelmed with all the affection, that’s when you might want to tone it down a bit. When he’s just downright pissed at someone or something, he’s less prone to being cuddly, but he’ll calm down eventually. Distract him, help him, give him some loving words, and he’ll be back to his usual self. Once he’s calmed down he might be a bit tired from all those emotions, so he might want some cuddles. Likely won’t ask for them, but he knows you’re always eager to cuddle him anyway.
While he does love holding something, or someone, when relaxing, nothing, to him, feels better than being held. That’s his guilty pleasure, being the little spoon, but you won’t catch him dead admitting that. In fact, he won’t even hint at wanting to be such, but he would absolutely never turn you down when you offer. Feeling your warmth against his back is nice, doesn’t matter if you can wrap yourself around him entirely or if you’re a backpack, he just wants to feel protected for once too. However, if something ever were to happen, then he’s the first to jump into action and beat the living daylights out of anyone who dares to intrude on such a sacred moment.
Hell, you can even put your head in his lap. He’ll lovingly stroke your back or your head, looking completely lovestruck at you. It’s a major sign of trust for him, especially when you’re slowly dozing off. Won’t move an inch if you do and will just continue to pat your hair, staring at you instead of the tv monitor. If you want, you can also adjust him so his head is in your lap instead, he would never say no to that either. In fact, if he’s comfortable enough, he might nuzzle into your hand, realize what he’s doing and get a bit embarrassed. He usually feels the need to be the big, strong man in your relationship, that he really shouldn’t be showing so much weakness, but how could he resist your tender, gentle touch when it’s right there? Showing you a glimpse of how touch starved he is is just about one of the most mortifying things out there, but he can’t help it. It simply feels so good.
He absolutely adores the fact he can make you feel safe. Again, he won’t really initiate much physical contact himself, but he will stand fairly close to you so you may, if you feel like it, just grab his hand and swing it around a bit as you’re walking around. You can lean into him, there’s a chance he might wrap an arm around you to make sure you won’t fall over. He loves that he can be your support system in a way that makes him happy as well. You get to touch him, he gets to be touched, it’s the most perfect symbiotic relationship out there.
At the end of the day, you both get to feel safe and sound with one another, because of your presence and because of your love. You protect each other and make sure the other is thriving, what thing in this world could possibly be more pure than that?
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twilightmalachite · 9 months
Raison d'être - Prologue
Author: Akira
Characters: Shu, Mika
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Congratulations, Pinnochio! It’s great to be human, isn’t it!?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Apartment in France
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During ES’ first year of establishment. Mid-March, at the house in Paris Shu is boarding at…
Shu: So, how do I put it? I still feel I am being derided for using a string phone, you see!
Mika: What does “derided” mean again? What a pretty-soundin’ word~. ♪
Shu: So I feel I am being ridiculed, you see! How am I supposed to tell vulgar snobs that way back when I was a student, I had not yet become accustomed to civilization?
Mika: Nnah~, ain’t that a bit different from bein’ looked down on? Doesn’t he just find it amusin’?
Shu: Oh-ho, do you find a difference between the two? You consider the former to be slander and the latter to be well-intentioned?
Mika: I-I don’t really think into it that much…
What's got ya so upset, Oshi-san? Weren’t we just havin’ a fun talk over the rules we have in my room at Starmony Dorms? Just small talk?
Y’know~, how I’d put a put a string telephone out from my room, and my roommate would be thoughtful and say, “Ah, so Kagehira’s talking to his Oshi-san today, huh?”
Shouldn’t ya feel grateful or happy hearin’ somethin’ like that?
Shu: And I resent the fact that a string phone is automatically being associated with me.
I know for a fact that in the minds of those spiteful people back in Japan, I am still nothing but a picky, old-fashioned senior citizen requiring special care.
Hah! The fact they can’t update their personal judgment of me is proof that they are the ones aging!
Mika: That has nothin’ to do with me~? I don’t know what ya want me to say, Oshi-san!
What’s the matter? Did ya have a bad day at university?
Shu: Hmph. Nothing went wrong, it was uneventful and peaceful. Who do you think I am?
Mika: I’m worried ‘cause you’re you, Oshi-san!
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Shu: Are you in a position to worry about others? Have you become someone so distinguished?
That’s right!! You are your own person now! You can walk around on your own without me always taking care of you, can’t you?
Congratulations, Pinnochio! It’s great to be human, isn’t it!?
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Mika: (Nnah~… Oshi-san really is always irritated~… Whenever I get excited or get in a good mood, Oshi-san seems to get angry in turn.)
(But, what is it he’s really angry at, then? Well, it’s possible it might actually be my fault…)
(I don’t got any clue…)
(I even came all the way to Paris ‘cause Oshi-san told me “I want to take an occasion to talk about the future”, despite bein’ so busy at the end of the school year.)
(Not only did I not get praised, but he started gettin’ all irritated the moment I told him I wanted to continue livin’ at Starmony Dorms fer the next year.)
(I wonder why. I guess it’s not what Oshi-san had in mind fer me?)
(But y’know, Valkyrie basically only has work in Japan, so it’s more efficient to stay in the area.)
(I’m not like Oshi-san, I don’t have anythin’ in particular I wanna study abroad. And I wouldn’t be able t’get into the same university as Oshi-san with a brain like mine.)
(But if I go and say I wanna live with Oshi-san, it’d just be selfish, wouldn’t it?
(I’d end up bein’ a nuisance to those at the house Oshi-san’s boardin’ at, and I wouldn’t have anythin’ to do even if I live here, y’know?)
(It is lonely, but… It’s a pain t’have someone nestle up with ya just ‘cause they’re lonely, right, Oshi-san?)
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Shu: Non! How come your hands have stopped moving, Kagehira-kuuun? Have I forgotten to wind up the mainspring?
Mika: Nnaaah, why’re ya callin’ me by “kun”? It makes it feel like we’ve grown apart, it makes me sad!
Shu: It’s about right, isn’t it? Aren’t you always being overly-familiar? Thanks to that, I’ve even misjudged the distance between you and I!
I had been so deluded from that, I even had been preparing a new life for you and everything, in earnest! I’d even bowed my head to the landlady, secured you a room, and even furnished it! Everything was in order, kakaka!
Well, it all was done for naught! I’ve jumped to conclusions and rashly did something so excessive, laugh at my foolishness!
Mika: Nnah~…? I-If it’s what ya want, Oshi-san, I’ll get started on the moving procedures, then?
Shu: No, not necessary! I don’t know what I was doing, take the furniture and everything else I’ve prepared for you back to Japan, sell it, and use that money to fund Valkyrie’s activities!
While you’re at it, take back the work I’ve made in the past year and sell those off too! I’m confident that they’ll be sold for a reasonable price!
Our performance at SS, the war between worlds, was not very satisfactory, after all…
To think I was made to engage in a slapstick we were not accustomed to, if anything our reputations have been tarnished.
In order to wipe away these defects, we shall use the funds from selling everything off to develop a new artistic venture!
Practically, this is no time to get carried away with a new life!
Mika: My bad… I had no idea ya were lookin’ forward to livin’ with me so much, Oshi-san…
Shu: Me!? To what?! What was I looking forward to!?
Don’t go acting too cocky! You know, it’s because of you always leading me on that I’ve misunderstood—
Mika: W-What is it? Oshi-san…?
Shu: Stop acting so jittery like you’re some small animal! It’s irritating!
—My phone is going off. Usually the landlady is very considerate to not call me while guests are over… Is it something urgent, perhaps?
Mika: The phone? Ahh, well I’ll be quiet, then~. ♪
(I-If anythin’, this might’ve saved me… This’ll help break up the strange atmosphere.)
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Shu: Hello? Why it’s Nii-sama, isn’t that rare. What is it you need?
Yeah, yeah, aren’t you a bother? I’m doing just fine! Hadn’t I asked you to leave me alone? Why is it that you’re—
… … …Understood.
Yes… I’ll return home soon.
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Mika: W-What is it? That call was from yer big brother, wasn’t it—How come?
Shu: It’s my Grandfather…
Mika: Hm?
Shu: …It appears early this morning, my grandfather passed away.
[ ☆ ]
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This is for everyone who seems to be "struggling" with states + what I can suggest + My success story.
-Have you ever been one of those people to reach "that moment" in manifestation where you wanted to be, even if you have never either it doesn't matter. You know how much of an outsider and annoyed/obsessive over loa when seeing other people succeed and couldnt really find what would work for me. Sounds like you, huh? You are not the only one, I'll tell you exactly how to get out of there + master your manifesting skills and a bit of self-concept.
The. answer. is. staring. right. at your face.............................................Yes.
"But anon, wdym by that??" What I mean is that notice how all of these people who post their success stories are in the state of easy/effortless manifestation. Like they mention how easy it is and how effective it is. Thats because of their state, they chose to occupy the state of someone who does the bare minimum in loa and still gets wtf they want. It doesnt matter how many times you repeat your affs, persist, mental diet, you wanna know why you waste energy doing that? Is because your occupying the state of "difficult manifesting", meaning you obsess over it, you try so hard but "nothing" comes, you feel you need to do the most to get it. Notice how all of these points I made fall under the state of "difficult manifestation"?? if you were in that state, those things I just mentioned would've been what you experience. Why?? BECAUSE YOU OCCUPIED THE STATE OF SOMEONE WHO ISNT SUCCESSFUL IN MANFESTING!!!
A thing I def reccomend when using states to manifest is to understand the 4D IS THE TRUE REALITY AND NOT THE 3D. Yes I know you're tired of hearing the same thing but now that you have a shifted paradigm on states, it should be easier. What I did was know that the 4d is the blueprint, kind of put it on the pedestal but not in the negative way. It was a way where I didn't ignore the 3d and affirm against it, but focused on my 4d and stuck with it. Because "ignoring the 3d and affirming agains it" simply implies that your 3d is filled with undesirable things and you affirm against it.
Cause trust me I've been there when I say living in my 4d was making me crazy, but you know why it did? Was because I looked at the 3d for validation/ didnt trust what my 4d is saying. It's kind of like y'know when you like a guy/girl and your friend warns you to stay away from that person but you get annoyed at them because you think what they're saying is bullshit?? Same thing applies. If you dont trust your 4d and realise it creates the 3d and is so much more powerful than what you experience, when will living in the end ever be a fullfilling thing to do? Get it? "Fullfilled" LMFAOO I'm so hilarious, but enough of my corny jokes. Heres a summary
-Be in the state of someone who is a master at manifesting/self concept etc.
-Know that your 4d creates everything, when its done in your 4d, its done in 3d, a simple way to put this is just live in your mind because when you realise that, you change your imagination, you change your reality and there is so much power in knowing that.
-ANNDDD THENNN you can apply everything else like persisting, repeating affs etc.
I got perfect self-concept doing this, like I got compliments today and I felt so confident, I love the way I'm so pretty, like why am I so perfect and gorgeous?
I manifested many straight niggas to like me at my school (im black and gay) let me tell you!!! a nigga stopped and walked back and stared at me to see "Damn who is that??" I was laughing so hard.
Overall my life has improved, I get things to go my way and yeah. thats about my successes. I might start a blog but because of how disrespectful anons are Idk if I should.
-tysm lovies, stay hot nd mysterious, and know how powerful you are!!!! stop wavering!!!!!
omg, thank you so much for sharing this ! i hope this helps some people ! ♡
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imwithstupid7 · 4 months
Hii i love your blog <3 can i request a fic with johnny cade x soc fem reader where shes always happy around him and loves physical touch?
The last song I was listening to while writing this:
thank u sm, and of course ♡
౨ৎJohnny Cade x soc fem reader౨ৎ
Johnny a pretty quite person, but he’s still a tough greaser. You forget that he’s a greaser sometimes.
You also forget that socs and greasers being friends is heavily looked down upon. But y/n y/l/n doesn’t care because your head over heels for a greaser.
You were walking off the bus to school and immediately started looking for johnny. You found him along with the rest of his gang siting together on some tables. Right when you locked eyes with him a swirl of anxiety,happiness,and love rushed through your body, feeling nauseous. As you walked up, a smile appeared on Johnny’s face as fast as it disappeared. Wondering why, you quickly find out when you get over to johnny.
Y/n: hi !!!
Johnny: how’s it goin?
You said with a genuine smile then hugged him tightly, he hugged you back with equal embrace.
Gang of socs: hey greaserssss, oh! whys a pretty soc like you hanging around trash like that y/n?
You looked to johnny and saw his face start to turn read, you grabbed his hand and walked away. At the same time the other greasers started to get in a fight with the socs.
Y/n: don’t listen to them Johnny, they’re just rich snobs who are gonna peak in high school.
You looked at Johnny still holding his hand, and squeezed it a little tighter.
Johnny didn’t say anything.
The school day went on somewhat usual, but Johnny still was acting out of it. No matter anything the gang did he was still being weird, the only person he would at least talk to was you.
The bell rings and now school’s officially over for today
All day you felt guilty for Johnnys behavior and spent most of your time thinking about making him feel better, but eventually came up with an idea.
On your way out of the school building you met up with Johnny and gave him a tight hug as he put his arms around your waits holding you close. He always waits for you after school to walk you home.
Y/n: Johnny?
Johnny: huh?
Y/n: you wanna hangout at my house?
Johnny had a bit of a shock in his face because you two have only ever hung out around town, or at other people’s houses. Besides he’s just thought your parents would hate him for being a hood.
Johnny: sure,but right now?
Y/n: duh!
You said with a smile grabbing onto his hand and skipping along pulling him along.
You two got to your house,and for the first time ever he got to see what your house looked like on the inside
Johnny: wow this is a real nice house you got y/n.
Y/n: thanks! Wanna go to my room?
Johnny: sure.
You two ran up the stairs to your room, after the little tour of your room you gave him, you both laid onto your bed.
After what felt like forever of staring up at your ceiling, as your record player played the Beatles Johnny opened up and told you what’s been going on today.
Johnny: You know you don’t gotta hang around me and the gang right?I know you’re a soc and all and it’s bad for your reputation and I don’t wanna mess that up and embarrass you.
You look over to him with a confused look
Y/n: are you serious? I choose to hangout with you guys, I don’t care who judges me for being friends with greasers. Johnny Is this about when thoes socs came over and started being assholes?
Johnny was silent for a moment trying to muster up something to correctly explain his emotions.
Johnny: I really love you y/n. I’m just worried I’m ruining your life.
You both had nothing else to say. Instead you could only think of actions as a response.
You inch closer to Johnny and hold eye contact then kiss him, pulling back gently he just stares at you. After seconds he kisses you back.
Y/n: I love you to Johnny.
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iciatheguardess · 4 months
Hiiii it’s meeee elsie
conflicted Elsie
Look, you know as well as I do that I love TAOCC to freaking death
but like
I may have to partially step away from it after the current arcs are over.
these goofy goobers took over my life for the last three-ish months, and while I’ve had an amazing time, it’s…caused me to neglect other parts of my life, and restrict myself more than I should when it comes to how I am on this site. I’ve stated my intention to try and branch out multiple times but I never go through with it because I just…I have things to write here! I can’t! And yeah it’s fun but sometimes I get hurt even if people don’t mean to, like, I’ve gotten legitimately ill from this once or twice.
But I feel like even trying to step away a bit is somehow abandoning all of you or betraying your trusts. I want to stay friends with you guys, but my actual life and Irlsie has to come first most of the time, because I am not JUST Elsie, if that makes any sense. Elsewhere is and was always meant to be a sona for some interaction, maybe some friendos, but nothing this…involved, because I can’t put all of my social effort onto the internet because no matter what I do, the internet is not a completely genuine place, and I’ve accepted that. There are some parts of my personality I just don’t use. You don’t really ever see calm Elsie or mental illness Elsie or sappy Elsie, maybe once or twice, and that’s intentional. This is Writing Elsie’s blog, lol, but there’s other Elsie that needs to be allowed to exist outside of the internet, and I can’t neglect her or my actual life for the sake of this.
I honestly don’t know what to do here. I love these characters on a very personal level, and have poured my heart into them, and I don’t want to straight up leave them. Even only partially separating myself seems kinda pointless because I know what happens when someone gets really behind on the lore and has to be caught up on even just a day’s events to explain why Character A looks like this now or Character B is referencing this event, etc. etc.
But there’s a point where it’s not healthy anymore. Where things reach a place where I have to admit that this can’t be my entire life anymore. And I’m not entirely sure what on earth I should do about it…
If I do somewhat step back, it’ll probably be right after the vacation arc ends. i’m gonna pour my fluff loving heart and soul into that thing, don’t you worry. But you shouldn’t expect another dungeon or something like that from me unless I have a VERY good reason and a well formulated plan. Yes, I’ll probably still engage in shippery and fluff, as well as analysis, but mostly within the bounds of characters and dynamics we’ve already established, and not much farther than that. My one exception to the “after the vacation arc” rule would probably be Yelena’s arc, because of how long things in that section tend to take, for various reasons. Yelena’s arc is barely started, and stuff takes possibly days to move even a few hours in-universe. Sooooo….yeah, I wanna finish that, I’ve put too much work into it already to just stop it.
…dang this was only supposed to be a paragraph…
…pls halp, I have no idea what to do lol.
Ok. I've read over this a couple times.
First off, I'm talking to you as L here, and not Star. I am very, very proud of you for acknowledging this and understanding that this is getting unhealthy. I think it's very smart that you dont want to neglect your yourself irl and the fact you're saying this, and saying exactly what you'll be doing, I'm really proud of it.
To give you a clear answer, if it's going to help you irl then I think stepping back is smart. Especially from the trauma and angst, because that stuff hurts a LOT and it can be really, really detrimental and negatively affect irl things. What I DONT think is that it's betraying anyone. You need to be able to put yourself and your needs first in order to be your best self, and everyone understands that you can't be on tumblr 24/7 because, well, that's really really really really unhealthy and not good. I'm really glad you're telling me about this though so I, and everyone else who sees this, knows.
TAOCC is really great but there's a LOT of heavy things on here and with everything going on, it can be super weighing and really affect people irl. I can speak from experience because honestly, I'm in a similar situation. I won't speak much about that though. It's definitely addictive and can get really really unhealthy if you let it, and honestly it's not hard to let it.
I want you to do whatever you feel is best for you, no matter what that entails. Fei and Tails and Xeya and Kumo and so many others and I love you so much and do NOT want you neglecting yourself and your life irl for this- it's meant to be entertainment, not a lifestyle.
I think it's smart to finish Yelena's Arc before partially stepping back. And I think it's even smarter to not want to do another dungeon, because that whole thing was a massive angst-fest and I think it negatively affected people more than they care to admit. Shippery and fluff and minor things is a good boundary.
I'll wrap this up now, but again, I'm in full support of this decision because I want you to be at your best. You're right, you're not just Elsie. And it's not fair for you to only be Elsie when you're so much more than that. If stepping away from tumblr will help you take care of the other parts of your life that we aren't involved in or aware of, then please do so because no part of you and your life should be sacrificed for the sake of entertainment.
Again, I'm really, really proud of you for admitting this.
Please know we'll always support you and you're super important to all of us, so don't ever feel bad for putting your needs first. Irl things should always come first.
But no matter what always remember:
Everything I said is applicable for everyone else reading this too. Taocc is fantastic and we love it but it shouldn't completely take over your life. It's okay to take a break or step back fully if it means the best for your health and irl life. Please remember to take care of yourselves- and everything that Elsie talked about here is FANTASTIC self care. It may be hard, but it's also the best decision she can make for herself and may be the best decision for others too.
Alright- I think I covered everything. Don't ever feel like you're betraying us Elsie- it's not betrayal, it's self care. We'll still be here for you, always. Never forget that ❤️❤️❤️
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Hello there!
I just stumbled across your blog and I love your posts! And when I saw that you also write for Creepypasta, I just had to send in a request, especially considering that there's barely anything there!
So may I ask for some general and romantic headcanons for Toby? I really love this guy!
I hope you have a wonderful day and remember to stay hydrated!
(Also, apologies if there are any mistakes, English isn't my native language ^^)
See ya! :D
Hi! Thank you, Vero, you stay hydrated and have a wonderful day as well! I'm so glad you love my stuff <3 I was just thinking about doing something for Toby, so you're in luck hehe
(Also, your English is amazing my friend. No worries <3)
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Content: Toby general and romantic headcanons with gender neutral reader
Warnings: Mentions of trauma, implied murder, implied violent bipolar episodes, obsessive behavior, toxic jealousy, toxic relationship, and implied familial trauma.
Notes: I come from the era of creepypasta where everybody believed Toby was very obsessed with waffles, and was horribly misinterpreted in fanfiction. That was about eight years ago now though, and from what I've seen the fandom has been getting better with representation of Toby.
I've put a lot of thought into this. Might use this as inspo to revamp my Jeff headcanon list.
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(art by Lynnarty on Deviantart)
I want to start by saying: I know almost nothing about Tourette's syndrome and don't know anybody who has it. If I get anything wrong, please please please correct me. I wanna get this right for you lovelies. Thank you <3
Now, what I do know about Tourette's, is that there are two types of tics: motor and phonic. I believe Toby has more motor tics than phonic. I know he's portrayed as stuttering and twitching/moving rapidly at the same time, but I don't think he has as many phonic tics as we think
I do however, think he has a natural stutter. He was bullied in grade school, and as a fellow bullied child, I can confidently say that he developed the stutter then. I will die on this hill.
His personality is also not at all that of a child, who spends all his time screaming and laughing just for the hell of it. He's unhinged, yeah, but not in the oblivious child way. More of the sadistic way for very obvious reasons.
He's more so reserved, just kinda comes and goes. There will be points in time where he decides to be super obnoxious and fuck with other pastas in the mansion, but that's moreso purposely picking fights and intentionally being annoying than whatever the hell fanfic writers wrote in the early 2010's.
He does have bipolar disorder, so he'll lose his shit when he decides to fuck with people and they fuck with him back. It turns ugly really fast.
With his CIPA (Cognitive Insensitivity to Pain), obviously he cannot feel when he gets injured on missions, or if his motor tics cause him any pain. He won't really give a shit if he finds an injury, and won't really take any steps to go to Eyeless Jack either to get patched up. Either someone else will have to bring him, or Jack will have to hunt him down himself.
Speaking of Jack, he was able to fix up the left side of Toby's mouth when he came to the mansion. Fixing Toby's injury and Jeff's face were the first two things he did.
Toby still chews on his hands and the insides of his mouth, just out of habit or if he's stressed/upset about something.
He doesn't have a reaction to fire, really. He doesn't like dwelling on the past + he's ready to just keel over and die at any moment, so it doesn't really matter to him.
Being called "Ticci Toby" angers him to no end. You will die if you call him that, no exceptions.
• ───────────────── •
Toby didn't really look for love after joining the mansion
Like I mentioned above, he's ready to die at any point, so he finds it kinda pointless to get a partner if he's just gonna die soon
He noticed when you joined the mansion, but he didn't actually say anything to you until you'd been there for some months. He doesn't particularly associate himself with people in the first place, let alone people he newly "meets."
He's not very friendly at first, but being nice to him even through his obnoxious moments and horrendous mood swings and even going so far as to try to help him (he won't let you in the moment but he'll reflect on it later), it'll get you in his good graces
Being blindingly nice won't just get you in romantic territory. If he sees you being an actual person around others while just being super nice with him, it's going to make him think you're not genuine.
Just be yourself around him. When he sees you treat him the same as the others (with genuine kindness and respect) and not like he's some freak, it'll get you brownie points.
Toby doesn't realize he's insecure and thinks it's normal to get super jealous super easily. His parents didn't have the best relationship and most internet media of relationships is toxic in itself, so you'll have to be the one to sit down with him and lay out your boundaries. Even then, he'll frequently cross them.
It's not because he doesn't respect you or love you. He does. Just sometimes he wants to move the relationship a little faster, or he's impatient and wants kisses when you're with the others, or he's just plain forgetful.
Again on the jealous point though, he's going to get very upset if you don't notice he's jealous. In his mind, it's very obvious. Eventually he'll get so upset that he yanks you away from the people, cusses them out, then storms off with you and slams every door he goes through for extra measure. He's then going to cry as he holds you, apologizing and saying he didn't mean it and he was just scared you were going to leave him.
He doesn't let you be with your other pasta friends without lurking in the background, watching yours and their every move. He loves you and just wants to make sure you're okay. Happily accepts you back into his arms when you're done.
The only time you'll be able to hang out with friends outside the mansion (without him watching you) is when Toby is away on missions. If you befriend the right pastas, they'll cover for you. If he's not away though, he's very likely going to be stalking you and your friends in the background.
Toby doesn't care if you give him PDA or not, he just wants to be near you and do what he wants in the moment. Once he realizes he has feelings for you, he's going to be clinging to your side.
Loves when you show him physical affection and attention without him asking.
He also loves when you involve him in things you like. He might not participate in it, but the fact that you thought of him makes him happy. His favorite thing is eating some snacks while cuddling on his bed and watching some show you love.
Toby by himself just kinda exists. Toby in a relationship with you just kinda exists, but he wants people to know that you only exist with him.
For obvious reasons, Toby is a fucked up individual, and a relationship with him will always be toxic in some aspect. Everyone in the pasta mansion is fucked up, and very few will have healthy relationships. Yes, we love the pastas anyway, but we cannot fix them, so just keep that in mind lovelies <3
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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foolshoujo · 2 months
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
haha more like what made me pick up this muse again kjhfsa. which is what always happens, a replay of p3p. i originally made minako's blog in 2014 after needing a change of pace from the rpc i was in at the time & then as always after time i got distracted n picked up new muses in other fandoms. i was on a heavy hiatus borderline retirement from tunglr rp in like 2022 but when atlus announced the remaster port to modern consoles for p3p i just idk everything flooded back & in high gear. persona 3 is a extremely precious game for me & i tend to replay it when im really low mentally, which i was at the time anyways. so i think that plus my very hard personal boundary with myself that i will not venture into new rpcs or very far from minako's blog( ie no new blogs, no new blogs. ) really pushed me to stay. i do have my pokemon oc still & i do have akira now but like these three blogs, sideblogs here are attached to this btw, are like it for me. so i'm super here to stay LOL outside of rp tho p3/p has been huge in my life, after all i have XXII which is minako's barrette & arcana number tattoo'd on my wrist. so she's always been with me so to speak regardless if i'm writing her or not kjhfsda
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
outside of obvious general dni criteria, not much. i do have like a limit about jokes tho at a point if all i'm writing is like shitposts or if i'm only being subjected to it & don't feel as if i'm being taken seriously i get incredibly irritated. i rather be ignored on dash than only seen as a joke or what i write is only for comedic gain if that makes sense ? it just feels disrespectful. but i do love a good meme ! don't mistake me, i'm a big meme myself but i just have hard time & a place settings i guess kjfsh
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
mmm i love writing in general i think i shine best when it's somethin' a lil more plotted out tho. when you match energy with someone & dig deeper into something plotted out it really kicks the motivation in high gear for me. i do love action threads, tho the rpc no matter how many 9328742 years it's been tend to just not write them which i get it can be daunting, but i also love like putting characters into situations & then watching them work through it or against it to get out of it. i feel like i said nothing here HAHHA
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
oh god. oh god my brain is just a picture of this. at all times. i'm always running through stuff in my head, it's the character that tends to shuffle about. however when it comes time to like sit down & write one it all depends on what has popped into my head or become relevant in my eyes. after that i just open my mouth, unhinge my jaw, & then bLEAUghHH words until yall worry about me have u seen me talk in meta posts i cant shut up im sorry but im not kjsfhda
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
i have to have a background noise to function as a person, so yeah i have something on while i write. usually music but sometimes my computers second screen has a video up. usually that's how i watch a lot of tv or youtube. for music it's just whatever i want to listen to at the moment i don't tend to like require or use character playlists to write, it's all up to what my brainworms wanna hear at the moment.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
situational. for the most part when i get to a reply i read through it, reread my reply, reread the reply to it & then go ok what's next & write from there. thinking about what my muse may do too much tends to like dull the line of thinking so i try not to plan out beyond when i'm working on them at the moment so i guess that is more winging it ? i do sometimes when i read a reply before i draft it know what my muse will do & plan it out a wee bit before i can get to the reply, but its not common.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
yeeessssss & nooooo haHAH i'm a bit difficult when it comes to shipping. i've been uhhh lets say burned heavily in the past added with the fact that i'm grey-aromantic i tend to favor other forms of love vs romantic first & foremost. usually i have to have a good relationship with the mun before i'm open to shipping w/ them, which is why for years & years i would more often ship w/ my best friends here rather than like just off the cuff. not that ppl who do casually ship are bad, it's just not for me. i have to have chemistry between myself & the other writer to be able to create something just like any other plot & my muse well she may not be sentient but damn she gotta have some sort of want or lean to it too u kno LOL minako herself has proven to me to be extremely fickle about romance. that comes from being a shoujo-manga-esc protag based on love for humanity. she doesn't have a canonical love interest because she's player controlled & sure, at this point she's my oc which i'm totally writing her with that as the focus bc i feel like all protag ocs for games like this are basically ocs with a general preset provided by the games canon my personal world building is only really a guide & not hard coded for rp. there are characters she finds attractive that she interacts w/ quite often, but attraction does not equate to romantic feelings. she's dense when it comes to romance to her so she'd have to be confessed to completely outright because even when she catches feelings she bottles them up in some idiotic ' this is fine as it is ' mentality which means the other person tends to have to confess before she lets herself bridge that gap to start a romance or dabble it in. i do have my own ships for her, some crossfandom as well. they aren't like rpc related tho. i would explode like a sun a thousand times for these ships i love them.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
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modorelin farllee. farllee is the short hand. the creature u see in this icon is also the farllee in question. they are from my favorite comic, muzz by fsc. i also have permission from fsc to use this moniker for myself.
i'm in my mid 30s but i prefer to keep the exact age private.
I'M A MARCH BABY BITCH ! ARIES PALS RISE ! my bday passed recently on the 22nd btw :)
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
purple, purple, & purple. as well as black, wine, teal, blue, all the deep jewel tone peacock colors are my favorite. && purple.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
ok here are some of my favorite songs of all time in no order. i have a semi set list of like ten, but here are a few. these songs are like vital to my brain & it's smoothness.
The Sun Always Shines on TV / a-ha
View / SHINee
America's Cup / POND
Space Age Love Song / A Flock of Seagulls
Automatic Man / Michael Sembello
Cookie feat MEIKO / gozenP
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
late night with the devil
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
i've been rewatchin ohshc but also keepin' up with frie/ren & dungeon m/eshi, which i'm happy to finally have an anime for. as for tv shows uhghhhghhh my demon ? idk haha
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Traps / Bloc Party mv linked has some flashes btw
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
all of it >:) fjksah idk my comfort food rotates out but i struggle with arfid so i tend to push myself to try & eat new foods & more or less consistently eat which i tend to forget to bc autistic disconnect often gets in the way so i dont remember im hungry until its too late hAHAHA WHOOPS
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
visually i like the idea of winter, but realistically i like fall because everything i'm allergic to is dying but the temps are like spring in reverse & also hehehe halloween yay
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
i hAVE MANYYY granted all of my moots r my besties<3 but a hearty shout out to pals ive known for 389472 years that still put up with me like caro ilu @vilestblood :) <- threat(kidding)
tagged: @primordyalsoul oUGH THANK U SUMINNN tagging: @yukcri @ardenssolis @kkriitters @moonflowe @drakeheir @investigationshoujo & IDK STEAL IT N TAG ME
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
OKAY I’m back on my theory bullshit. Spoilers for all the things below.
I was thinking about this post I wrote forever ago about how I thought we were dealing with past!Solomon rather than present!Solomon.
I also had a theory that there were two Solomons since he seemed to be inexplicably changing his outfits for no reason. (I didn't put that one in the masterlist and I admit that I didn't go looking for it lol. It's on my blog somewhere, possibly in one of my lesson related rants.)
And THEN I was thinking nah it has to be that these are all the same characters from the present & they’ve just had their memories erased.
Barbatos knows what’s going on. That seems plain enough to me.
Isn’t it possible that being eighth on the list was just an excuse? Because he can’t tell MC the true reason for his anger. So he's doing it for MC's sake and to keep up appearances? It doesn't really matter, though, 'cause this post ain't about him lol.
I still think my original theory about Solomon might be right, but there are a couple other things I think might be happening.
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: I love Solomon. I always have, I always will. I don't mind if other people don't like him, I totally get it. We all have characters we don't like. But I just wanted to be clear, it's all good either way and I think everyone's opinion is valid. <3
Scenario One: We really did go back in time and this really is a past version of all the characters. Events are now being changed due to MC's presence.
Scenario Two: We're in a simulation of the past, these are all the same present characters, but with their memories wiped. This is why events are happening differently than how they did before.
Scenario Three: None of the characters are real and the whole thing is a simulation and MC has been in a coma all along.
I don't really think it's that last one, but man if that turns out to be it, I will be so angry.
Anyway, I think we're either dealing with past!Solomon who knows stuff because he knows Nightbringer and/or because he used Barb's powers to look into the future to learn about MC (see my original post for more about that) OR we're dealing with someone disguising themselves as Solomon part of the time (thus the changing outfits).
There has to be a reason why they showed us that hard lesson where Michael took on Raphael's entire appearance to travel to the Devildom himself. (Though I admit the reason could just have been about Michael and nothing to do with trying to showcase how identities can be misleading.)
If characters can do that, who's to say that isn't what Nightbringer's been doing all along?
And I can't imagine who Nightbringer would pretend to be other than Solomon, the one who knows the most about what's happening, the one who's currently closest to MC, the one who could actually influence how things go at this point.
This nonsense has been stewing in my brain since April. I'm so annoyed, I just wanna know what happens so I don't have to think about it anymore, even if it's a terrible resolution that I hate lol.
Anyway, that's it. I just needed to rant about it for a minute. I'm gonna go back to fic writing now. It's much healthier for my mental state.
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