#now III feel a bit sick
masckarlach · 7 months
all this karlach analysis and sams response to it making me. Tiny bit emotional
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hunnieknight · 1 year
"The Rooster's Little Chick" (+Art)
You are Pulcinella's precious grandchild. The Rooster brings you-the little chick- out of the coop to his field, and of course, he regrets it. A continue from this
GN! Reader, all Harbinger except Signora and Scaramouche, timeline after signora's funeral and before Sumeru event, mention of Signora's death and Scara's betrayal, reader is called using 'Master' by Pulcinella's underlings, age-gap , bit of comedic/crack, hints of yandere, borderline possessive, implied stalking and obsessive behaviour.
Note : Pulcinella able to control cryo in this hc. I DO NOT SPEAK RUSSIAN
Series II Series III
Pulcinella thought you both can bond together as grandpa-grandchild after this meeting. So he just asked you to pick him up while making sure you got his fatui emblem and his feather so you can get past the soldiers.
Pulcinella thought since you are so normal and regular, he can let the other Harbingers see you eye-to-eye.
Boy, for years working with them...he should've known.
You caught their eyes at first glance, but not because they are smitten, their dirty side of sick curiosity and pure dominance is what drove them to you.
What? you think because you are Pulcinella's precious grandchild they gonna treat you better? No no no, you are merely a blood child from their co-worker. They are going to treat you nicely only in front of your grandpa. Behind him? You are a little plaything, little baby chicken away from its protective rooster.
But Pulcinella knows. He knows his co-workers are psychos.
So as a good grandpa, he didn't hesitate to THREATEN the others if they hurt you in any way possible. Showed off his cryo power, he will make sure being frozen to death is the kindest mercy they will ever get if you got hurt.
First Chirp
It "tamed" the others, but not enough to make them back off. They are all curious and truth-seeker at heart.
Pulcinella never gave them your name, Keeping his mouth shut and only calling you "child" or "kid" whenever the others were with him. He makes sure the only information they know about you is you are his grandchild.
Once they eavesdrop and heard how you are "an adult and can take care of yourselves around his co-workers". You can bet those who eavesdrop just giggle and smirk hearing your statement.
But one day a mistake happened, after a meeting, when Childe is the first one to leave the room, his eyes widened in excitement to see you waiting outside the meeting room.
Gloved hands fidgeting with the bag with a Pyro Agent sharing his warmth with you using his pyro delusion. Your head is tucked under the cover of a fluffy hat with Pulcinella's feather, your mouth is hidden behind a scarf, and your red nose and cheek caused by the harsh cold of Snezhaya make you more eye-catching and interesting to him.
The Agent has spilt your name accidentally whilst Childe approaches you. "Master {Name}, would you like me to bring you a spare coat instead?". Both of you didn't realise Childe coming closer, Childe's heart jumped out of his chest after learning your name.
"So your name is {Name}!!!" Childe's loud voice booms around the hall into the meeting room where everyone's still packing their stuff. He smirked towards the meeting room door aaaanddd- "Childe..." there you go. He can't see it but he felt the disappointment in Pulcinella's eyes, hidden by his glasses.
Pulcinella who still standing by the door frame can feel the excitement from the meeting room. His sharp eyes stared at Childe who still smirking and slowly approaching you who froze at the loud call of your name. Now they know your name.
First Flap
Their behaviours are like a paradox. Whatever their doing is always the opposite of their reason. Are you... supposed to feel afraid because they are your grandpa's co-workers...or you supposed to feel frightened because they are THE HARBINGERS.
Huh? What do you mean they are invading your personal time? They just want to make sure there is no betrayal -like one from their own- from Pulcinella's side you know? Just to be safe.
They are not being pushy, they just want their co-worker's sweet grandchild to be safe. They just recently lost someone too not that they care ofc.
Hiding you away is unnecessary and telling you to not pick him up again has shown to be a futile attempt. When your grandpa told you to not go to the Palace, he found you being pampered in the palace hall by Childe who casually just said he invited you to the Palace. He didn't invite you, he stole you. Pulcinella tried to put one or three agents to cover you, but knowing his co-worker, they will not hesitate to deck Pulcinella's soldier just to get to you.
Sometimes you are just a toy. Finding where you are hiding is now a favourite game of theirs, where are you after meeting? Will you be outside the door waiting for your grandpa? Will you be in his office instead all tucked up warming yourself? Will you be in the garden hidden by the white bushes? Or you are in the library busy with books?.
A little chicken hid away in this harsh cold field. The Rooster? Of course, wouldn't hesitate to claw the "eagles" who trying to scoop you up.
Childe felt like he is the most worthy of you. You are not far off from his age and he feels like he has the responsibility of taking care of you as a payment to Pulcinella for taking care of his family. He is the only Harbingers who can interact with you outside the Palace but not for long. Considering he is a debt collector which forces him to travel, of course, he made sure to bring you a souvenir from any nation he visited.
Dottore is one of Harbingers who actively seeking you out. But not directly, he will order his underlings to check if you are in the Palace by yourself. If yes, he will tell them to whisk you away to his lab keeping you to himself. Often ended with Pulcinella having to directly pick you up from Dottore and checked your body for any injuries. Considering he is more hands-on in his experiment.
Pantalone and Sandrone have different approaches. You often found presents sent to your home. From a very fancy scarf and pieces of jewellery to some toys and plushies to really high-quality gadgets. Your grandpa often told you to just throw it away in fear they put some kind of tracking or camera to spy on you.
Columbina is also one of the hands-on when it comes to you. She often whisks you away after meeting, knowing you will be waiting for your grandpa. Of course, she has to race with Childe, seeing Childe just shot up from his seat whenever Pierro ended the meeting. Funny how instead of your own grandpa, it's his co-workers who are more excited to play with you.
Huh, Arlecchino just passed by you, completely ignoring you besides a simple glance. Is she not interested in you? Well, that is good, you heard from Childe she dislikes the businessmen Pulcinella and Pantalone. Either way, you can relax around- Huh...is it you or it seem like you see Fatuis agents a lot in your area now?
Speaking of Pierro and Capitano, they both are so conflicted with themselves. They know that compared to you, they are ANCIENT. The age gap and the generation gap are vast. They will have a crisis because it is their workmate's grandchild. Aren't they supposed to be your second grandpa instead? No no no, that won't do at all. They need to make sure they will be the second in command to take care of you if Pulcinella is away.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Tears III
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: A slow morning
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The day that Mami and Jenni break up starts with rain.
They'd sat you down on the sofa and explained that they weren't together any more. They loved each other but they weren't in love with each other.
You didn't understand that, not really, but you pretended that you did because that would make Mami and Jenni happy.
Jenni left the house. She left the house but she also ended up leaving Barcelona too for Mexico but she explained that even though she wasn't in love with your Mami anymore, didn't mean that she didn't love you with all her heart.
You think that you love Jenni too even though she left the country and the house.
You don't love any of the Barcelona girls nearly as much as you love Jenni so training was now difficult. You didn't understand them well. You were painfully shy and with Jenni gone, you stuck close to Mami. You branch out to Teeny's mummies sometimes because they have Teeny and Teeny's your favourite but that's about it.
You were getting better though, of that Alexia was sure. With the World Cup callup and everything going on, there was no choice but to take you with her.
Any progress you seemed to have made, immediately disappeared. You clung to Alexia like you thought something was wrong. When it wasn't her, it was Jenni.
It was like you didn't even know who the other Barcelona girls were. You clung so firmly to Alexia and Jenni that neither quite knew how to cope.
You had always been like this, skittish and scared and maybe Alexia enabled it a bit too much but she could never get the image of you in your incubator out of her mind.
You were so, so tiny and so, so sick and she was so scared to lose you that she caused this behaviour in you now.
"Mami," You say softly one morning.
You're tucked under Alexia's arm as the early morning Australian sun filters in through the curtains.
This is probably one of the other bad habits that Alexia had enabled. There was something in her that just couldn't sleep properly if you weren't tucked up next to her.
You didn't get any proper skin-to-skin contact until seven weeks after you were born and even then, you were still sickly so it was never for long.
Alexia had started cosleeping with you the moment it was safe. It grounded her. It soothed her to know that you were safe and protected in her arms.
"Hola, pequeñita," Alexia coos, sliding open her eyes," Do you want to get breakfast?"
"Please, Mami."
It's a rest day today and Alexia is more than happy to do whatever you want. This whole World Cup has been stressful on you and she's trying her best to make sure the rest of it runs smoothly.
A few of the other girls are already at breakfast and, like clockwork, you hide behind Alexia's legs as she loads up your plate.
"Pequeñita? Do you want to go and choose a table for us?"
You glance around the room and the way your Mami's teammates have already spread themselves out. You shake your head and move closer.
"Are you sure?" Jenni's voice from behind shocks you and you turn around to look at her. "Why don't we choose a seat so your Mami can fill her plate?"
You let go of Alexia's hand to take Jenni's as the adults swap plates.
It's more so Jenni choosing the table you sit at, partially filled with some of the Barcelona girls but it's the least filled in the room and at least you semi-know them.
You give them all a little wave because that's polite before you hide yourself in Jenni's neck. Her arms wrap around you easily. She used to hold you a little like this when you were littler and it makes you feel incredibly safe.
She feeds you bites of your breakfast as she speaks to the other Barca girls and she doesn't coax you out of your hiding spot and force you to interact with them.
Mami arrives soon after and takes the seat next to you and Jenni. She doesn't have to do much but eat her own food, though she keeps glancing at you.
Alexia can tell that you're still a bit sleepy, the type of sleepy that can only be fixed by a nap rather than waiting longer for you to wake up properly.
You're practically dead of the world on Jenni's chest but still awake enough to whine when Alexia takes you into her arms.
"No," You whine," Jenni." Your hand reaches out for her, finding purchase on the fabric of her t-shirt.
"It's okay," Jenni says," Go with your Mami. I'll be there to see you later."
"Of course I promise. When have I ever broken a promise to you, pequeñita?"
"That's right, never. I'll see you later."
You rest your head on Alexia's shoulder as she walks you back up to your room and get settled in bed again. She cards her fingers through your hair.
"Did you miss Jenni?" She asks.
You nod pathetically. "Miss Jenni."
"I'm sorry, pequeñita, but at least she's here now, huh?"
"We see Jenni later?"
"Well, she promised. You know she won't break a promise to her favourite girl."
"We can see Teeny too?"
"I'll have to call Ingrid but maybe, yes. Would that make you feel better, seeing Teeny?"
"Teeny and Jenni."
"Teeny and Jenni, that's right."
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ghostfacd · 1 year
WE DON’T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT. — king george iii
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pairing; king george iii x fem!queen!reader
summary; you and the king weren’t inlove. it was as simple as it sounds, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
genre; angst, crying, reader deserves better, mentions of sex but no smut, based on “cool about it” by boygenius
author’s note: this song makes me cry so of course i had to write an angst fic to cope 😭
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When you and King George III got married, you knew the marriage was destined to fail.
It was a sensitive topic—you and the King’s marriage. You were still young; he was still young. You wanted to live your life and he wanted to live his. But both of your parents had other plans.
The two of you didn’t even know each other before the label was sealed and you two were pronounced husband and wife. During the first few months in the castle, you and George have grew not only distant, but greatly depressed.
It started off small, with you missing your castle, your bed, and your siblings. You were feeling homesick, and your own husband could not be there to comfort you. He had problems of his own.
He was quiet and calculating. The King rarely showed emotion, much less sleep in the same bed as you unless it was for the conceiving of the next heir.
The only time George had shown any care towards you was the birth of your first son, Prince William. You were in labor, and pain struck through your entire body. With shaking hands, your husband placed your hand in his, letting you squeeze it tightly for support.
When the cry of the new heir rang through the hospital walls, George cried. The King of Great Britain and Ireland had cried. He cradled the baby close to his chest, admiring his nose, small hands, and eyes.
For the first time, you and George had felt a connection. It wasn’t love, but rather, a mutual understanding that it was both your duties to serve this country, and by that, it meant that you had to keep your composures for your son.
“Oh Will,” you say as you hold your baby close to your chest one night. “My beautiful prince.”
George walks in a bit later when William is sound asleep. His eyes look tired, however, there’s a soft glow in them that seems to be reserved only for William. When you gently place your son down on his crib, George leans in to give the baby a kiss on the forehead, smoothing out his tiny tufts of hair.
Though the two of you don’t talk, George looks at you with a certain look on his face, one that you both silently understand. All of this is for William, the future King of Britain.
So when William had gone sick in the middle of a very cold January, the two of you were losing your minds. The boy was now four, very intelligent and well spoken for his age. He had gotten a terrible fever and was on his bed for the entire month.
Maids and servants would come in, changing the young prince’s sheets to keep him cool, put cold towels on his forehead, and feed him soup to make sure he got all his nutrients. He still wasn’t getting better.
“Will?” You say, opening up the door to his bedroom quietly. It made a small creak, alerting the now awake Prince.
“Yes mum?” His voice was hoarse, and it broke your heart.
“I came in with water, please drink it my darling,” you give your son the warm glass, helping him sit up to drink it.
You run your hands through his hair, rubbing his back softly. You prayed to God everyday that your boy would recover soon.
“Mum.” He says, looking up to meet your eyes. He had your eyes, but his face resembled that of his father, your husband, the King.
“Yes darling?”
“How come you and father never show love towards one another?”
The question caught you off guard, your eyes forming into a sense of panic. But you quickly cover it up, not wanting to worry your son.
“What do you mean Will?” You ask, running your fingers through his hair gently.
“I mean, sometimes when I look out the window, I see visitors outside Buckingham with their parents. They look so happy Mum, their parents look so happy with one another. But I never see you and Father smile at each other, or sit in the same table for dinner. Why Mum?”
You didn’t know how to explain to your son that his parents didn’t love each other and that the whole marriage and his own birth was simply for the next generation of royals.
“Your father and I are simply busy,” you say, making sure to be careful with your words, “he’s the king, he has a lot on his plate my dearest. But we both love you very much.”
“But you don’t love each other.” William whispers underneath his breath. You don’t catch it, which he is silently thankful for.
“Well, Mum has to go,” you say, standing up to adjust your gown. “Feel better my darling.”
You place a kiss on his forehead, and he closes his eyes, ready for another nap.
That night, you sit in the middle of your large bed, tears filling your eyes. The doctor had told you that you were with child, about 3 to 4 weeks. You of course didn’t tell anyone, not even George. Your emotions were all over the place, from your firstborn being extremely sick to this news of you being pregnant.
Your head looks up at the tall ceiling, which was covered in gold and decorated beautifully. Even though you were inside a glorious palace with servants left and right, you have never felt more alone.
A sob leaves your mouth as your breathing gets heavier. You knew it was stupid of you. A queen must always stay composed, but the news of you having another child absolutely wrecked your soul. Of course you loved your child, but it was going to grow up in a loveless home being only being known as the spare, important only if your firstborn were to pass away.
“YN?” A knock comes at your door, the voice of George coming from the other side.
George? You think. Why was he here?
You quickly wipe away your tears, walking up to open the large doors. George’s eyes meet your bloodshot ones, and for a moment, they softened.
“What is wrong my queen?”
That was the only thing it took for you to lose it completely, falling into his arms with sobs wrecking every part of your body.
“Hey hey hey,” George coaxes as he carries the two of you onto your bed, placing you down gently.
You crawl into his arms, wrapping yourself in his embrace. He doesn’t stop you or tense up, instead, letting you place your face into his neck.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” George says softly as he pats your back. Your breathing was uneven, and you were sure you were staining his clothes with your tears.
You guess this was a good way to practice method acting. Pretending that George cared deeply about you, pretending that the two of you were inlove, and pretending that you were one happy family.
Maybe then, William and your new child would grow up happy, fooled by the thought that their parents were happy with one another.
Maybe, it would possibly fool you too.
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cutecinnamon · 2 months
Concurrence II
{ Concurrence II: "The Captain's Incubator" • Levi x Reader }
CW: ⊹₊ MDNI ⊹₊ Mention of Insults ⊹₊ Pregnancy ⊹₊ Morning Sickness ⊹₊
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:gif by pinterest
• 2.1k word count •
Note: Please read "Concurrence I" first since this is a series to avoid confusion for the story, here is the link ♡ Concurrence I
EDITED: Concurrence III is already up! ♡
:divider by @cafekitsune
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The following weeks after (y/n)'s pregnancy was confirmed she started to experience morning sickness. Rumors also started to circulate inside the regiment, majority of the scouts started to give (y/n) disgusted glances and words of insult. Until one of them namely Floch decided to insult her at the mess hall, catching Captain Levi's attention.
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
The next few weeks were a bit more bearable.
Despite Levi still keeping the same cold and stern demanor towards you and to honestly everyone at the regiment, atleast you knew he was looking after you and that he cares.
Although it was subtle, it was hard to gone by unnoticed as Levi rarely shows this side of him.
He made sure that you ate properly for you and your baby, that you had time to rest despite still being active in your squad, he also secured the fact that you can only participate in light missions to not further exhaust your now fragile body, and most importantly he always makes sure you were alive and safe.
Although you're relationship was not the very best due to the dent left by your betrayal, it was enough for you that at the very least, he did care about your well-being and your baby.
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Your new routine of retching and heaving every morning was not the best, but then again it was part of the pregnancy to feel morning sickness, your appetite was also a bit affected as you became a bit more picky in terms of your prefference in taste.
Levi was woken up by your muffled sounds of throwing up at the sink inside your shared quarters as you tried your best to be quiet in order not to wake him,
You knew that Levi had insomnia and it was a rare event for him to get a good deep sleep.
"(y/n), are you alright?" Levi asked, his voice still sleepish and low due to the circumstance of just waking up from bed.
You wipe your mouth and opened the faucet, cleaning the remains of the quantity you just discarded.
"Yes captain, just the usual." You responded to Levi, not wanting to worry him.
"Make sure to clean the sink properly brat, I don't want to see any pieces of leftover bile in there." Levi reminded with his usual monotone way of speaking as he ran his fingers through his hair fixing a few strands falling at his face.
"I promise to clean it Captain, it is my duty to keep our quarters clean afterall..." you then gave him a small smile.
"Make sure to maintain that attitude kid." Levi said as he made his way towards the small kitchen counter to prepare his tea.
"Its either kid or brat huh?" Ask him and chuckle lightly.
You find it heartwarming when Levi calls you brat or kid, even if it is his way of sometimes annoying you and your squadmates in a very subtle manner.
"Do you want some (y/n)? It might help with your nausea." Levi plainly asked.
"Yes Captain, I appreciate it." you responded as you made your way towards the small kitchen to help him.
Levi professionaly prepared the tea for the both of you, he was very fond of drinking and preparing tea as it was his way of also relieving stress,
It also became a routine for him to drink early in the morning and randomly when he feels like he is up for it.
"Captain, I'm sorry for accidentaly waking you up while I wa-" before you can continue, he cuts you off.
"Don't sweat it, its not your fault that the baby inside you is making your body act up like this." He casually said, his tone proving he is unbothered by the sudden disturbance to his sleep.
Levi then went to the wooden cabinet and grabbed two pearl finished small teacups, one of it in pastel blue, which was your personal cup and the other one in pastel green which is his, he then fills it up with fresh warm tea up to its rim.
He then gestures for you to take a cup and you politely nodded thanking him once again.
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You were now on your way to the mess hall, walking beside your Captain.
Both of you are now wearing your scout uniform as you both walked side by side at the hallway occupied by many scouts also walking towards your direction.
Although you were still not showing since you were just a couple of weeks along, the rumors did spread pretty fast despite it not having proper confirmation.
After entering the mess hall, you were then greeted by either scouts gossiping while looking at you in a disgusted way or them avoiding even the slightest glance of you like you were a walking plague.
You just silently followed Levi through the crowd as you both went towards an empty table beside the table of your squadmates.
"Make sure to eat properly." Levi reminded with his usual stern and firm tone of voice, it sounded more like a command.
You nod and sat down at the chair while Levi takes both of your plates to get some food.
While sitting down, your squadmates greeted you, despite the bad treatment and rude glances they were the contrast.
They greeted you as usual, with their warm smiles and welcoming warm glance,
They care about you, and they don't see you differently.
"Hey, (y/n) how are you?" Armin asked while Jean, Connie and Sasha were arguing in front of him if potatoes taste good if grilled.
"Hi Armin, I'm doing alright." You politely answered and gave him a small smile.
"You should avoid them (y/n), those douchebags don't know anything." Mikasa stated, looking at you, it was obvious she was annoyed with how the others were treating you, throwing glances like that without even knowing the full story behind what happened.
Although the survey corps was a rather busy regiment with the sole purpose of protecting humanity, cutting titan napes, and now investigating any bit of information from Marley, the people in it do have the time to gossip and spread rumors.
Especially about you.
Eversince the news spread about your situation and so called "betrayal", majority of your comrades treated you differently, some of them even regarded to you namely as,
"The Captain's incubator"
"The Captain's stress relief"
"Marleyan whore"
And other insults that you started to just stomach knowing that proving a point was worthless at this rate.
Levi cameback with a good amount of food at your plate, it was evident that he was looking after your health more, making sure you ate enough for yourself and the baby.
You accepted the plate and politely said a "thank you." To him, he then responded with a simple nod as he sat down the chair beside you.
Your sqaudmates beside you also started to eat their meal,
While eating, you felt your nausea attack you again and the overwhelming feeling to discard the contents in your stomach, you then excused yourself from Levi who was silently eating beside you.
You stood up and made your way towards the bathroom connected to the mess hall.
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After the not so surprising routine of another retching and heaving session, you decided to exit the bathroom door to head back towards your table.
Thankfully all the scouts are busy eating their food or rather occupied with their new found gossips or existing once about you, making throwing up easier knowing they are too busy minding their own bussiness to even hear you.
As you made your way towards your table someone called you and insulted you making the other scouts look towards your direction.
"Well... well... if it isn't the Captain's Incubator."
Floch called out to you, insulting you in the process, although you were feeling the strong urge to punch his asshole looking face, you decided to keep a calm and professional demanor.
"Its nice to see you too Floch." You casually replied despite him calling you the "Captain's Incubator."
"Are you in a hurry? I'm just here to ask how the rumored Marleyan Incubator is doing." Floch said in a somewhat teasing tone despite keeping his voice in monotone.
"I honestly am in a hurry, the Captain is waiting for me and I still need to finish my food." You responded trying your best to be civil and ignoring the fact that he called you a "Marleyan Incubator".
"Come on (y/n), I'm sure someone like you isn't all that good to follow the Captain's every order like a little dog." Floch said clearly insulting you in front of everyone at the mess hall.
You decided to stay silent and just walk away to head back towards your table.
"Come back here you walking baby making machine."
Before you could talk back to him, you saw Levi walking towards Floch, there was a different glint of rage expressed in his orbs.
He stands between you and Floch, facing him.
"Captai-" before Floch even finished addressing him with his military title, Levi cuts him off.
"Shut up if you don't want me to cut off your filthy tongue, do you understand?" Levi stated calmly yet firmly, it honestly sounded more of a threat just hiding in the coldness of his professional tone and way of speaking.
"But Captain its true though, the Queen really did order her to just carry your child like an Incubator, and not to mention, she betrayed the whole regiment, especially you since she was under your special operations squad."
Floch rebuked, clearly annoyed that Levi was even trying to protect you.
Levi noticed now, even earlier how the other scouts kept gossiping and looking like they were enjoying the show,
Of Floch insulting you.
Aside from your squad who he stopped earlier from standing up, planning to speak up for you,
because he wanted to do it himself.
"I would appreciate it if you stop talking to the mother of my child like that." Levi firmly stated.
"Rather than spreading shitty rumors and insulting her in front of me, I think that seeing you become Titan's feed is even more amusing than the show you're currently pulling off right now." Levi continued his gaze not faltering, making him more intimidating in front of everyone, especially to Floch that he called a titan feed.
Floch fell silent, he felt embarassed and at the same time his fuel of rage started to ignite towards (y/n) as the scouts were now looking at his direction.
He did not expect the Captain to speak up for you but he did.
After a few seconds of silence Floch speaks as he made eye contact with Levi's piercing gaze, he knew that behind that professional and nonchalant demanor, Levi really was pissed and annoyed.
"My apologies Captain, I won't speak ill of her again." Floch said as he lowered his head a bit to show respect for Levi.
"Just get out of my sight." Levi stated still with his firm and stern approach.
After Floch walked away, Levi grabbed your arm gently as he leads you back to your table near your squadmates.
Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Jean, Connie and Sasha were all looking at Levi with their jaws slightly hanging and their eyes flickering with a bit of surprise not expecting the Captain to stand up for you during earlier.
Levi then gave them a glare making them focus back on their food like nothing happened.
"You should eat now, your food is getting cold." Levi stated while he took a bite from his own meal.
You nod and took a spoonful of rice and grilled meat with gravy.
"Don't let it get to you brat, and don't let them speak to you like that again." Levi said firmly, once again it very much sounded like a command.
"Yes Captain, and thank you for earlier..."
You genuinely did thank him for that,
regardless of your current status he still decided to defend you in front of everyone.
"Don't mention it, its nothing." Levi responded in his usual monotone voice.
You gave him a quick small genuine smile, Levi saw it. and for a second you saw a bit of light in his eyes, something warm.
Levi then proceeded to look away, bringing his attention back to his food.
Another small smile made its way to your lips as you took another bite from the food in your plate.
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"(y/n) betrayed Marley, I told you she can't be trusted to bring Intel here, she may have the skill but she is certainly not the type to become a puppet." Porco stated.
"We can't blame her, everyone has the freedom to one's own belief, but regardless she is a Marleyan, she should be at Marley's side and not those people, This is a war." Pieck calmly responded.
"I heard that the traitor is expecting a devil's child inside her womb." Zeke spoke, cutting of the conversation between Pieck and Porco, his tone was his usual, but they can tell that he has plans for her.
"I don't think it is fitted for an Ex-Marleyan Warrior to carry an Ackerman child, a child of a Paradis devil." Zeke added, it was clear as day that he was already planning something.
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Taglist: @levislegislation @dontfollowab @3llawrit3s
( Edited: I tried to proof read it one more time and I decided to change a few words and I tried to correct as much error as I can ♡ )
I really enjoyed writing Levi's lines for this one, but I was really contemplating about a lot of scenes here and I am very thankful for the opinions of those I asked ♡ ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
If you also want to be a part of the taglist, please do tell me,
I'll be starting the drafts for Concurrence III soon, I hope you all enjoy this one, ♡
- Cinna
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undercoverpena · 11 months
iii - just say that you need me
javier peña x f!reader | chapter three of late night texts
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summary: It's the year 2000. Javi is minding his own business on the porch of his pop's ranch when a text from an unknown number vibrates his phone. The only problem is, no one knows he has a phone and no one has his number.
chapter warnings: fluff. flirting. continuous romcom vibes. an: the amount of people who look forward to tuesday's makes me grin. for those who are new, i don't have a tag list. wordcount: 2.6k.
text key: bold is you/reader | italics is javi
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You should say yes more. 
to you or to my pop 
To your pop. I know you wouldn’t say no to me. 
you sure about that 
I’d bet my next paycheck on it. 
for you I’ll say yes to him once
Good. Now we have that out the way answer what the worst date you’ve ever been on was
shit. going with the hard hitting questions today
Just getting you to share, open up
probably when I first came back from colombia someone from my town where I live
They a bad host, bad dinner guest? Gimme more Javi cmon. You said you’d entertain me.
baby, im trying to entertain you but you told me to stop
I said stop flirting while I’m eating and answer the question
she wouldn’t stop asking me for details on escobar
Ah. Yeah I can see how discussing that would be a mood killer.
yeah didn’t wanna go in the first place either
So if we ever meet, do not ask about your Colombian experience. Got it. 
you can ask, doesn’t mean I’d tell you 
Ha! Good to know. I wouldn’t though. If you wanna tell me, I think you will. 
thanks, what’s yours?
Well I was stood up when we first began texting. Think that’s pretty bad, enough.  
he’s an idiot because only an idiot would stand you up 
You haven’t seen me, remember 
statement still stands 
Stop being so charming.
you still eating
then I can flirt
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Most of the time, he ignores the mail. 
Lets it pile up on the entryway dresser until his pop makes another reference to it. Unlike his pop, he is never in a rush to open them, knowing no good comes from the contents inside.
The same people contact him. The bureau being one. Sipping his coffee as he glares at the usual federal sign on the envelope, wondering how many more times they’ll try asking him to come in for a chat.
This afternoon, though, the envelope isn’t brilliant white, but rather off-cream. 
Peeling a bit, thumb digging in as he drags it across, the ripping sound filling the small space. It’s only as he opens it does he realise who it’s from. 
His eyes stare at the letter, taking in the number—the one in triple digits with his phone provider logo in the top corner. The number which is making him feel sick, the more he stares at it over and over again. 
Folding it, he swallows. 
He stuffs it away, tucks it under magazines and other leaflets, as though by keeping it out of sight, it’ll go away.
But it's there.
The edge of it sticking out. He even blinks, and the number is there, tattooed on the back of his eyes. Taunting him—the price of speaking to you. 
It's not that Javi can't afford it. He’s had a chunk of money sitting, gaining dust, in his account since he came home. Only able to force portions on his pop as and when he felt he could get away with it. 
But this was a lot. More than he’d bargained on, more than he even knew he could spend simply by replying to someone. 
There's a chance your day won't be done just yet—his day beginning far earlier than yours even began—but he pulls his phone out, fingers pressing into the keys.
so apparently talking to you is costly  Oh, you've had your bill. I feel I should ask whether I'm worth it? 
It’s instant—the way you make the nauseous feeling vanish. How you force it to slide back to where it came from, and in its place, warmth spreads. All accompanied by a smile on his lips. 
He doesn’t want to show his hand too much. Better at concealing, playing the long game when standing face to face.
This requires a skill he hasn't yet gained. Simply focusing on not sounding ridiculous, or over the top. Unnecessary. Like some of the desperate men, he's happened to arrest over the years.
Even if his chest flutters and his mind screams, of course. Wants to ask, isn't it obvious? But he chooses something easier, uncomplicated.  
yes just didn’t expect it  I had my phone bill the other day. I get it.  did your heart fall out your ass No. But I will be eating ramen for the next month.  We can stop texting so much though, if it’s costing too much.  would rather my bill be double than stop talking to you  You’re such a flirt. 
He drains the rest of his mug, leaning back in the chair—hearing the sound of approaching boots from his Pop’s side of the house. Fingers typing, all hurried and determined 
Don’t forget I’m out for drinks and a movie.  I remember don’t worry 
He remembers as soon as you remind him.
Realising it's the reason you're able to reply right now. You’d been telling him almost every night for the past week. All worried, as though hating the idea of breaking the nightly tradition the two of you have concocted. 
In a way, Javi should have assumed the bill would be high with the number of texts the two of you have been sending. How frequent it’s been—how nice it’s been. 
Nice things do usually come with a tag. 
you decided on sweet or salty  Verdict is still out. You sure about waiting to do the crossword?  if we don’t do it tonight, we’ll do two the next day  You sure? more than sure have a great time 
“Y’sure you don’t fancy coming with me, Jav?”
He thinks of it, tapping his phone against his palm as he thinks of your text the other night. The one about him trying to say yes—something curling in his chest as he realises he’ll be alone, alone if he doesn’t. 
A sentiment he didn’t mind on paper, but now confronted with, rather despised. 
 “Alright, yeah. Can—can I get changed?” 
Mid-grabbing his own jacket, his Pop turns, surprise knitted into his wiry brows. “Y-yeah, sure, I’ll….”
“I’ll meet you at the truck?” 
And he does. All without complaint. Plaid shirt on, a smile being forced as soon as the truck pulls off the drive. He doesn't even complain about the radio choice or the fact his Pop always takes the main roads when he could cut down the dusty roads. 
When he arrives, he doesn’t mind how many hands he shakes, one after the next. He tries not to grit his teeth as each person says the usual things, they’re proud, he’s grown, when is he settling down? Each time he laughs it off. Spanish rolling from his tongue as he smiles and winks. 
It’s performative. 
The old version of him coming out from a hidden place. 
Always there, ready, as his hand shakes another person's hand—one he’s already forgotten the name of. Someone he’s sure he’s met before, too. 
It always happens. The small-town boy who took down drug cartels has become somewhat of a celebrity tale. A thing to gawk at when he visits the store. Chucho's boy who ran away to Colombia and now hides away on the ranch.
For the amount of time it's been, he'd foolishly expected it to die down—but it hasn't. Not enough, anyway. 
After enough time, he excuses himself, sneaking down the corridor near the bathroom. Leaning against the wall, fingers trying to rub out a knot that hasn’t yet appeared in his skull. The one pulsing, threatening to build behind his eye.
He’s unsure what he wants to do, what he needs. Retrieving his phone, just clicking around, before finding himself on your texts—feeling better for it.
Reading them back, smirking at some, smiling wide at others. A shape forming in his head, little details he’d amassed to make up you. A person he was pretty sure meant more to him than evening company, but it seemed tricky to delve too far into it. 
That is until his phone vibrated. 
Just wanted to tell you I miss you. Even if that’s weird. 
His fingers hover over the keys, a retort quick—there in his touch.
Slowly he presses it out, hearing the click even over the bar’s music as he double and triple taps each button he wants, until it forms what it is he thought:
not weird, you drunk I’m tipsy, not drunk. Still mean it. good cause i miss you too
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you never said how the movie was
As someone who flies a lot, I shouldn’t have watched it.
that bad
Will probably have to hold the hand of my seat mate the next time work makes me fly. 
I’m sure they won’t mind 
Depends on the length of my nails I guess. 
some people don’t mind nails clawing in certain situations
You trying to tell me you like nails down your back, Javi? 
if the situation is right, yes 
What about in your hair?
now who’s being a tease 
I’m learning so much tonight. 
and your putting images in my head 
I’d love to know what I look like in it, since you haven’t seen me.
beautiful, you look beautiful 
My face is burning. 
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your day been ok
Yeah, was fine. Work has been rough. 
you want to talk about it
Not really, it’s stupid anyway. Plus, would rather do the crosswords and hang with you.
you do have two to make up to me
Best get giving me the clues then, Javi. 
four letters, begins with f 
Is this a Javi crossword or a real crossword 
baby, cmon 
someone’s in a dirty mood
You’re such a dick. Give me a real clue. 
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There's not a point in time where he can track how his thoughts went from nothing to you. But, he thinks about you all the time.
Has been doing so constantly for the last two days, at least—the occasional vibrations from his phone making his lips twitch and his mind wander. Javi’s brain exploding with wonder at what your reply could say. 
Sometimes, he tries not to check immediately. Test—see—how long he can go before he does. It’s not been going well.
An excitement dashing through his veins that fills his chest, warms his neck and makes a ridiculous grin appear (one he’s caught accidentally in the mirror).
The back and forth has been quicker—for as costly as it was—outside of routines and work. His fingers have even improved in the speed of tapping the same key to get one single letter.
Each text makes him feel like he learns a new nugget about you, gathering a new piece of the puzzle—an idea of you forming in front of his eyes. One he likes—craves more of—wishing for other tidbits similar to how you like coffee after breakfast, not before. 
That you don’t care for birthday cake, but love cookies. 
morning hermosa hope you managed to grab the coffee
He doesn’t expect to hear from you.
Remembering that your time management in the morning isn’t to be admired. You are someone who is either awake too early or too late—never in the middle.
But, when he finishes. Sweat clinging to every muscle, he’s surprised to find nothing.
Even a little disappointed.
finished up for the day, unsure whether to lounge around on the porch or push the boat out and lounge in the barn
You’ve become such a part of his day, his shoulders sink when he steps out of the shower to see nothing.
His heart slips down inside his chest, resting unsteadily on his ribs as he checks and checks. His fingers fluff his hair as he runs his fingers through it before finding a strand, twisting, and twisting.
I’m probably worrying about nothing but just let me know you’re ok
A part of him had worried this would happen.
That he would allow the attachment to grow—ropes and threads wrapping around him—and it would be taken from under his feet.
He has a history of becoming hooked—usually combining itself with his need to help, to make someone’s day better, easier.
And on paper, he knew it was odd. To care for someone he hadn’t ever even met. But he cares all the same.
Copious amounts, in fact.
Far past an, ‘I miss you’—something else entirely, not that he’d admit as much.
hermosa I’m really getting worried now
He doesn’t want to call.
Doesn’t want to invade your privacy, your space. But it’s knotting inside of him. The things he’s seen, rushing to the surface, pecking away, making him overthink.
His mind conjures ideas that you’re hurt, wounded. That you’re crying, alone. Each flash of his past has the curated blob-of-a-face he’s created for you, written over it.
His fingers twitch, hand moving to his pocket before remembering there are no cigarettes to be found there. He quit. Ages ago. Felt better for it—for the most part—until now.
Now when all he wants is to focus on the taste, the way smoke swirls with the warm Texas air—
Hey, I'm so sorry, I had a bad day. Just didn’t check my phone.  shit hermosa, you scared me.  almost called you.  Really? yeah  Would you? what call you Yeah?
[Dialing number…]
you declined  I did
His heart sinks, crashes, and plummets. 
Then a new vibration, one that travels down his fingers to his wrist, suddenly staring at an instruction: Give me your landline number, be cheaper. For both of us. 
Glancing into the living room, he taps the number in for you. Hating each precious second he wastes by having to delete a letter that should be a number.
Pushing the chair back, hearing it screech as he hovers. Nervousness thumps through him, making him shake, vibrate. 
Staring, willing the phone to ring.
Even as he tries to collect himself, his mind has already begun running away from him. Hearing his pulse thump in his ear, thump, thump—
And then it’s ringing—you’re ringing. 
His voice shouts out he’ll get it as he picks up the phone from the hook. 
“Javi… that you?”
Grinning, he laughs, light and airy. “Hi. Yeah, it’s me.” 
Silence blankets his ears and the air, thumb circling a knot in his forehead. 
Smiling, he changes the phone to his other ear. “Knew you’d sound pretty. You have a nice voice.” 
“Shut up, Javi. I’ve said three words.”
“And a few more.”
He hears you suck in a breath as heat rushes to his ears, feeling the edges of his lips curl into a smile.
“You wanna talk about it or talk about something else?” 
He hears you take a breath another breath. Different this time, all accompanied by a shuffling sound from your end.
“Something else. If that… that’s okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Alright, lemme… lemme think for a second—“
You clear your throat, “You have a nice voice, too, by the way.”
Pausing, he bites the inside of his cheek. “Like you imagined?”
“Better, honestly.”
“I could have called you. I have this additional thing on our plan—so my Pop could call. When I was away.” 
“From when you were in Colombia?”
Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he nodded. “Yeah…” 
“Well, if this conversation goes well, you may get a new number to add to your phone book.” 
“That so? Who’s flirting now.”
You laugh, sweet—fluttering its gorgeous wings down the phone to his ear as he readjusts the phone.
Dropping his voice, he turns more to the walls. “So, what you wearing, baby?”
“Oh my god, Javi.”
He doesn’t even mute his laughter, just lets it flow from him—rushing through the house. Not even caring if his Pop can hear him in the next room.
"I'm wearing nothing."
"Hermosa, you tease."
You laugh, and it's different. It's rich, and makes the room glow around him, without you even being here.
"I'm not really, I'm in a baggy t-shirt."
"Not as sexy, but I'm sure I can work with it."
You snort, "Javi, stop."
He wonders if your cheeks are warm. He hopes they are.
Leaning against the wall, he smirks, if only to himself. "I like how you say my name, Hermosa."
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an: thank you so much for all being wonderful, i heart you
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yourfuckingmomdotcom · 10 months
Yandere Butler x Autistic Reader
The autistic girlies, guys, or otherwise deserve yandere content tailored to ourselves, and I’m sick of pretending otherwise /hj.
The general idea is that this takes place in a time before an autism diagnosis even existed, like the Victorian Era, but arguably the DSM III added autism in 1980, so you could be in any of those times and still technically be timewise correct. But also you can just imagine him as a modern dude who doesn’t get what’s up.
Oh also, this is inspired a lot by @kiame-sama​ ​. Do I know what a Chrollo is? Nope. Did I love the fic she made? Fuck yea. (Accidentally tagged someone else at first, sorry you didn’t see this!) CW: Non-consentual cuddling, mild drugging, yandere, autistic reader, sensory overload mentions, general violence and murder stuff
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🂡 Yandere Butler was brought on by your uncle after your parents unfortunate passing. You had been passed the helm of owning their small but thriving gunsmith operations, as well as the family house and assets. Being unwed and rather young, the butler was sent to manage the things that seriously stressed you out. He, as well as your other associates, assume you are just someone of a delicate constitution, and therefore he’s always fretting over you. Initially he didn’t get it, he did his very emotionally separated duties, but he noticed how much you struggled with specific things, and how you absolutely lit up at the things you love. He found it charming and enthralling, and he could no longer separate his duties and himself. 🂡 Yandere Butler will listen to you ramble for hours over your special interest. Now, how much he understands depends entirely on the content, but he will sit there regardless. As you excitedly go over every detail as best as you can trying to get him to understand what makes you so enthusiastic, he’ll ask leading questions and generally try and find ways to engage deeper in the things you enjoy. It’s the least he could do, since it seems to make you so happy.
🂡 Yandere Butler will overstep professional boundaries as long as you’re unaware of them. He appreciates what he sees as feign innocence and gullibleness that allows him to do things that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. With the low oversight of his position in the house, as well as the authority he holds, he uses this to sneak touches under the guise of fixing something with your garments or your posture. He’ll take what feels like decades to get you dresses in the morning as he slowly glides stockings or woolen socks over your legs, placing the garter so gently atop your thigh. The small ways you allow him to touch you are to him the highlight of his day, especially if you’re really touch adverse.
🂡 Though, Yandere Butler, does understand that your comfort comes first. He finds it somewhat enjoyable to find a middle ground between sensory-safe clothing, as well as clothes deemed acceptable by wider society. He makes sure that your tailor uses the specific fiber and weave to make sure you have an exceptionally predictable texture to fall back on with any garment. He also will find ways to get you the right silhouette while avoiding a lot of structure if that bothers you. If all else fails, he might resort to more homey garments.
🂡 Yandere Butler pays close attention to your nutrition as well, always making sure to get sensory safe foods as well as some you’ve never tried before to widen your horizons just a bit. If the maids and chefs cook something wrong, or in a way you find unpalatable, there will absolutely be hell to pay. Well, moreso just a very loud scolding after you’ve retired to bed for the night, but it still hurts their feelings... He keeps his more unpleasant reprimands for when you’ve fallen asleep because he understands that you feel bad for the workers in your home when he gets like this, so he just does it out of sight. If ever invited to a required formal event, god forbid, he’ll always bring a snack and a handkerchief in case you really didn’t like what was available.
🂡 Yandere Butler also manages your medications, vitamins, and any other substances you take throughout the day. Don’t even consider doing something elicit or uncouth such as smoking or drinking more than a flute of champagne, and if you do something more elicit you’ll probably give him a heart attack. But this unadulterated access to these things lets him do things that are very ungenteel. He requires you take a sleep aid, practically knocks you out, and he takes this time to cuddle you while in your sleep. He knows you’re usually not one for unprompted blunt  affection, so he only does so when you’re sleeping. He finds your resting face adorable, and he prefers to hold you in the honeymoon hug position.
🂡 Yandere Butler, who due to your “delicate constitution” is usually helping you through sensory overloads. If you would grant him the honor, he’ll hold you tenderly in his arms as you ease back into comfort, slowly rocking both of you back and forth. Or, if you’re not ok with touching, he’ll prepare your chambers with dim lights, comforting sounds, and your bed all made and smelling of fragrances you find soothing. Despite not knowing the actual root of this behavior, he’s surprisingly accommodating and has gotten your sensory needs down to a science… which is sort of the problem.
🂡 The Yandere Butler figured out that going outside into town caused you mild to a great distress. So he made your life more simple, no more going out frivolously!... You were confused, and when you asked for more information he basically put a ban on any outside activity that wasn’t business or a disaster within the house. You got really sad about that, as you needed to go out and get things frequently for your hobbies. He ignored your short pleas to go out, initially only responding with something along the lines of, “Then go out to the gardens.”, but he knew he couldn’t keep you inside forever.
🂡 So, Yandere Butler scheduled every “unnecessary” outdoor event to be a sensory nightmare. He hates to see you so distressed, but it’s the only way you’ll learn apparently. This is only made worse by the fact he’s essentially made a sensory heaven inside of your manor, so when you go out it’s a lot worse since you’re so used to being catered to that the sensory discomfort becomes full of sensory pain. And you and him both know you can’t make a scene, lest you be ousted from high society and made a mockery of, so you’re hastily rushed back home to be coddled by him once again. It’s a very negative cycle you’ve got yourself caught up in, and it’s extremely difficult to get out of that cycle. Eventually, he hopes you’ll send a maid out to collect whatever you need instead of trying to leave him again, but until that time comes he’ll do this as much as you need until you get the memo.
🂡 Yandere Butler also manages many of your social and business connections. He’ll whisper in your ear how to deal with boring things like business decisions, stocks, and all the choices he doesn’t want you fretting about. But, he also will make sure to restrict any suitors or and non-business social events. He’ll throw out letters for frivolous parties, as he doesn’t want you tainted by others. He also will throw out suitor letters, which can make some interactions at formal business dinners a bit awkward for you when many suitors come up to you to ask about if anything got through, but the butler will whisk you away and explain that the mail must just be slow. 🂡 But one day, while a maid was cleaning the butler's room in the servants quarters, a maid finds the letters thrown out in his personal rubbish bin. She reads through them all rather confused, wondering why these wouldn’t be given directly to the master of the house. She wasn’t one to interfere with others' business, but something ticked her off. But as she’s about to walk off with an engagement letter, the butler walks in with 3 more in hand. There was a panic and a struggle from both of them, as the butler made sure she’d never be able to tell her tale.
🂡 That night, the Yandere Butler burnt the butchered maid, as well as all of the letters he’d previously thrown out to ash in the manors incinerator. He’d make sure not to make such a mistake again…
🂡 The next day, Yandere Butler makes you a special breakfast and brings it to your room. He coos, explaining that a particular maid stole from the wine cellar, and as she dropped and cracked the bottle, the red wine spilt across the floor. After that he let her go from her position, and he needed time to clean the mess himself, apologizing that your schedule was messed with and that you’re confined to the room for the day to protect your garments. Everytime you walk past the servant quarters door, you see a small red stain and remember the taste of red wine.
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willownwisp · 4 months
cold woes
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iii. in sickness and in health. (re4r!leon x gn!reader)
author's note: sorry for the late post lovely ppl, i was out the whole day to shop for clothes and buy gifts bc it's my niece's birthday tomorrow and then tumblr decided to become a bitch and won't let me post grr i'll also be posting the fourth one later as an early treat because i'll most likely be busy partying. anyw! i hope you all are doing well! hehe, a little spoiler. the fourth post is actually the one i wanna post the most bc i tried switching up my writing style for the ehem the nsfw. thank you to @valkyrurr the sweetest ever, had followed her advuce on how to post and FINALLY.
cw: cliche sick leon and reader babying him, sfw, fluffy fluff, food
part 3 of ree's leon valentine's day advent
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The rain fell in a light drizzle, a soft pitter-patter tapping outside her window. The sky was gray, hazy in the early morning with a thin mist rolling in, dispersing slowly in the cool air.
You reach your arms out and drag your fingers along the glass, the trickle of raindrops slide down the window and you shiver at the sight of rain. You retract your hand to grab the ladle, and hum as you stir the pot that was already bubbling, and you smile.
Unbeknownst to you, there is a rustle in your bed sheets with Leon in a mood because of the fact that he didn't wake up next to you. Leon, juts out his bottom lip slightly in a pout, as he looks at the droplets falling on his window.
Leon groans and sniffs, his footsteps heavy as he exits your shared bedroom only to be greeted by the homey scent of aromatics. He smiles knowing that you must be in the kitchen, he is led on by the scent alone and before you could register Leon's presence a pair of strong arms is wrapped around your waist, dragging you backwards.
"Thought you'd take responsibility and nurse me?"
Leon asks, his voice thick with sleep, and you smile.
"Babe, I am."
You grin as you turn to face him just to watch his expression, but he denies that as Leon dives his face on the crook of your neck. Breathing you in.
"What's that?"
A gentle smile graces your lips as Leon nuzzles you.
"It's chicken congee. Good for colds."
You chuckle a bit as you feel a smile ghosting on Leon's lips.
"Feed me."
He mumbled, his words muffled against your skin as his hands snake underneath your t-shirt—his t-shirt, his calloused hands gripping on your waist.
"I feel cold."
He adds on before wrapping his arms around your bare waist again before he presses a kiss on your neck, on your cheek. This intimacy, the lingering kisses, the tight embrace. Leon had always been clingy, despite his nonchalant act on it, but he couldn't deny how touchy he was.
For Leon, you are his peace. His solace, and for a moment it was just the gentle sound of rain, both of your syncopated breaths, and the soft thrumming of heartbeats. The only music ringing in both your ears.
You smile as you both gaze at each other's loving eyes.
"I'll warm you up."
Leon smiles at your reply, these same words were what he uttered t you during that camping trip when you had clumsily forgotten to bring something warmer, and him being the loving boyfriend that he is, had given you his jacket. Leading to a cold, he couldn't fathom how he, Leon S. Kennedy, top graduate in the Police Academy,  decimated hordes of zombies in his first day as a rookie cop, endured military training in the middle of nowhere.
Not only that, but he saved Ashley Graham, the President's daughter, in the middle of fucking nowhere Spain. He doesn't get a cold that easily, and yet here he is. He doesn't regret it, he likes taking care of you, but there's something adorable about the way you had said the exact same words as him now. Matching his love for you, and to say he's over the moon is an understatement.
Here you are, dragging him back to bed with a bowl of homecooked congee, water and meds as you tuck him in like a baby.
You join him in bed, spoon in hand as you attempt to feed him.
"I'm not a baby. Can feed myself, you know."
Leon scoffs but you narrow his eyes at him and he chuckles.
"Don't give me that look, I thought you were gonna make it up to me."
You frown and he relents, letting you feed him, fuss over him like he would break. The feeling was foreign to the agent, being taken care of.
"I am, so let me."
You reply earnestly and he smiles.
Major Krauser had instilled in him, a man eat man mindset, but there you are devoted in your care for him and he ponders the last time he had ever felt this secure, this peaceful.
With every reluctant bite turning into more willing actions, you smile. Pressing a kiss to Leon's lips and he smiles slyly.
"You're gonna catch it, you know."
You shrug and giggle.
"I do, but I love you and I want to kiss you. Nothing wrong kissing my boyfriend."
You bat your eyelashes playfully at him and he scoffs, but his blue eyes are gentle and only reflect fondness. He gives you another sweet kiss, this time, sweeping his tongue on your upper lip before pulling away.
"Of course there's nothing wrong, I love you too."
In that moment, Leon thinks, in the future he's gonna need to change that boyfriend into husband.
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 4 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
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Pairing | Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 2,438
Warnings | +18, kiss and touches noncon, Jungkook is always obsessed and gets a bit angry
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This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | If she had paid attention earlier to the sin that dwelt behind those obsidian irises, she would never have trusted it.
If she had noticed earlier the devouring love that dwelled in his corrupt heart, she probably would have fled.
She had done none of that, and now she had to come to terms with her new reality.
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! Ready for you the fourth chapter of Happy Ending! ❤
If you have any questions, please write to me! 🥰
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @douknowbts
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII / The End
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When Y/N opened her eyes that day, she felt strangely physically satisfied, stretched her arms with a smile on her face, thinking that she must have finally had a good night's sleep.
Too bad the environment around her was quite different from what she had become accustomed to for two and a half years now.
The sunlit walls that gently filtered through the window were cream-colored, not gray and gloomy like those in her apartment, plus the mattress she was lying on was too soft to be the uncomfortable second-hand one she had bought to fit in her monthly expenses.
Even the blankets were different, and soon an alarm bell went off in her head.
She stood up abruptly, seized with terror.
"Where the fuck am I?" she muttered to herself, cradling her head in her hands in a vain attempt to think clearly.
Could it be that they had kidnapped her? But who, then-and for what purpose?
Her parents were not rich and wealthy people, she was a normal, average girl, she knew her neighborhood was dangerous, but to go this far?
Maybe... maybe they wanted to sell her.
She had heard of girls disappearing in the middle of the night and never to be found again.
She blanched, seized by a sick feeling, and although she wanted to refuse to believe her own consideration, the well-appointed and elegant room suggested only that one option-why else kidnap her if not to make her work in some illegal brothel frequented by bigwigs?
She shrugged those soft and foreign blankets away from herself and stood up with trembling legs, noticing that she no longer had only her camisole and panties on, a long nightgown that reached her calf covered her body, but she still felt naked given the absence of panties concealing her intimacy. In a flurry of shame she realized that whoever had been abducting her had also seen a lot of her as she blissfully slept.
The girl took a deep breath, walking to the door, which, to her surprise, she found open.
Had they forgotten to lock it? ... Or, was it a trap to test her?
She opened it wide slowly, her heart caged in a powerful grip of anxiety, the first thing she saw was a long dark hallway with artistic paintings hanging on the walls, to Y/N that style seemed similar to something she had seen before, but she could not give herself an answer.
She went into the corridor hugging herself with her own body, she did not know what she would find during her exploration, perhaps a group of kidnappers with sullen faces and brutal manners?
She noticed a bright glimmer at the end of the corridor and reached it at a slow pace, her bare feet stepped on soft carpeting that kept her from feeling cold, and even that made her say that the house must belong to someone wealthy. She could only dream of such an abode, so the idea that she had been abducted for her body grew stronger as the seconds ticked by in her mind.
When she opened the door from which the light reflected in the hallway came, a choked breath caught in her throat at the sight.
The boy with his back turned, busy among the stove, seemed all too familiar, she prayed it was not him, her beloved professor, but the sight of the tattoos on his arm, visible thanks to the short sleeves of his dark shirt, spoke volumes.
It was him, her captor was Jeon Jungkook, the same boy who had promised to protect her only the day before.
"Professor?" she asked anxiously, the young man at the stove froze.
There were a few seconds of stalemate that weighed in the air like boulders, then the boy turned around, revealing the handsome, jovial face of her teacher.
It was really him.
The bewildered girl took a step back, a gesture that did not escape Jungkook's notice.
The latter narrowed his gaze, "Y/N, you've woken up!" he exclaimed coming toward her.
Y/N shook her head, made to put further distance between them, but Jungkook grabbed her by the arm and this reminded the girl of Yoozu's attack the previous day, she found herself shaking and this alerted Jungkook.
"Sweetheart, are you sick?" he gently placed a palm on the girl's forehead, fortunately she was not burning hot, but something in her pallidness told him that something was wrong, "No...you're not hot, maybe.... It's because you're here, isn't it?" he smiled gently in her direction, Y/N would have liked to answer, but her voice wouldn't come out of her throat.
"I know it might feel strange at first, but I'm sure you'll soon get used to it, after all, I did it for your sake, baby."
Trying to ignore the all too affectionate nickname, Y/N opened her mouth, forcing herself to answer, "You said you would protect me, that I just had to trust you," she croaked, shocked.
Jungkook frowned, "That's right, here I will protect you from all those people who have always treated you badly or never believed in you! I believe in you, and I love you, honey!" he brought his perfect face closer to the girl's, trying to steal a kiss from her, but Y/N managed to break free from his grip, not that it had been a feat, Jungkook had softened his grip for fear of hurting her, he had already seen the bruises Yoozu had given her without regard, to say Jungkook was pissed off was little, at the next opportunity he would eviscerate that useless blowhard.
Y/N, for her part, recorded his words confusedly, had he really said "I love you" to her?
She denied with her head, it couldn't be true, the professor she had so admired and had a crush on...was a psychopath.
"You can't be serious, tell me this is just a joke," begged the boy, who frowned.
"I'm not joking, Y/N, I'm sure that past this moment of confusion you'll realize that you love me too, and you'll accept me," he concluded confidently, "Now, which breakfast do you prefer? Sweet or savory?" he continued cheerfully, approaching the stove, Y/N saw toast already crispy and ready to be topped with chocolate or scrambled eggs, she took the opportunity to run out of the kitchen.
Jungkook sprinted toward her, missing her by a whisker, "Y/N!" he exclaimed shocked, not understanding the young woman's hostile attitude. He only wanted to protect her, give her the gift of a fairy tale happy ending, why didn't she understand?
Y/N returned to the previous hallway, ignoring the bedroom she had come out of, and spotting that and the kitchen, the front door must have been further down on the opposite side.
Too bad that was not a normal house, it was in fact structured differently and what she found as she pushed open yet another door was just a storage room.
She imprecated mentally, trying to turn back, but her race to safety ended with Jungkook managing to tackle her from a corner.
Y/N shrieked, terrified.
"Let go of me! Let go of me! I don't know what you want from me!" she burst into tears, she wanted to go home, her parents had done so much for her, she could not waste the opportunity they had given her to study and make a name for herself in this way, especially after they had shown themselves to be so displeased. She just wanted to make them proud.
How mocking the world was, just yesterday she had shouted those exact words, and had been saved by the very person who was now showing herself as the real danger.
Jungkook clutched her to his body, causing her to turn abruptly as the back of the small figure in his arms went crashing against the wall.
The boy inhaled in irritation and to shut her up he attached his lips to those of the woman, who widened her eyes trying to push him away.
The boy pressed even more against her, biting angrily on her lower lip, Y/N had to open her mouth wide because of the tremendous twinge she received and the man's tongue invaded her completely, demanding absolute dominance.
Y/N felt violated as the boy expertly entwined their tongues, unaware that the night before Jungkook had dared to do much more with that same tongue.
Jungkook moaned in that violent kiss, enjoying in the taste in which he was willingly drowning himself.
He reached down with one hand between their bodies, lifting one of the young woman's legs and bringing it around his hips, pushing his already hard cock against her pussy covered only by her nightgown, Jungkook could only feel the softness of that area so delicate and delicious, Y/N's eyes widened, between the lack of air and that vulgar gesture that shocked her, she began to moan shakily without any more resistance, in a pitiful surrender that made Jungkook pull away from her lips with a loud pop.
The breathing of both of them was labored and Jungkook's wild eyes met Y/N's tear-filled ones and begged him to stop.
Jungkook did not want to get that far so quickly, but the girl's actions had not pleased him, not at all.
"If you'll be good, I promise I'll stop," he hissed, "We'll go to the kitchen, where you'll eat your breakfast and we'll talk about how it's going to be between us from now on, understand?"
The girl nodded, obediently, and followed him into the kitchen, and when Jungkook let go of her wrist she sat clutching her legs, unable to banish the heavy sensation of a cock against her folds.
She had never had a boyfriend, consequently had never received such attention; it had been shocking and strange.
Why did someone like him want to be with someone like her?
Jungkook put some toast in front of her with a variety of toppings next to it, there was jam and butter, chocolate and even eggs with bacon and cheese, he filled a glass with juice for her.
The boy wanted her to eat and feel good, he really wanted the best for Y/N and was very sorry to see her so uncooperative.
He took a seat in front of her and began to eat, giving her a look that intimated her to do the same, the girl tremblingly took the butter, beginning to spread it on her toast, she did not want to anger him again, she had yet to find the entrance and realized that in order to get the go-ahead, she had to first keep the landlord happy.
"Y/N" she lifted her eyes to his, a twinge of guilt hit the boy in the stomach in front of those red, shiny eyes, "I only wish you to be happy" he began, but Y/N interrupted him.
"But you kidnapped me" she said in a huff, Jungkook for a moment did not know what to say.
"No, I didn't kidnap you, we belong together since we first met," he said confidently, "Do you remember that? You were completely wet with rain, I saw you and you bound me to you with one look, my job is to protect you and make you feel loved."
Y/N remembered that day, which took place seven months earlier, but she did not think she had left such an indelible mark on her teacher, in short, he had never shown any interest and she had never given herself false hope.
"Why didn't you say anything before, because-"
"Jungkook." the boy blocked her, "Call me Jungkook, I'm not your professor outside of school," he pointed out, disturbed by the continuous distance Y/N seemed to want to put in the dialogue.
The girl sucked it up and agreed with him.
"Why didn't you ever come forward, Jungkook?"
In a normal way, she would have liked to add, but did not want to dare too much.
The young man took a moment to absorb as best he could the girl's voice as she spoke his name with what seemed to him to be familiarity; he found the sound of those syllables coming from his woman's lips enchanting.
Y/N did not understand, why had he suddenly approached her and in such a crazy way then?
"Because I'm your professor and it wasn't ethically correct, plus you had never given me a reason to step forward...until yesterday, I couldn't allow them to go on with their torture," he said harshly, "You'll be safe with me forever."
The girl took a deep breath before she began to speak.
"You can't keep me here forever, I have a family and studies to complete, take me back to my home, Jungkook," she begged him again, the boy shook his head.
"You are home, and don't worry about your studies, I will help you and you will get your degree one hundred percent, the principal is a good friend of mine...as for your family, they were the first to hurt you."
The girl's blood drained from her face, she began to finally understand where Jungkook was going with this. He wanted to isolate her from the world, because the world had been evil to her.
Jungkook in those months had been researching the young girl's parents, neighbors told him about how they were always rude and irritated with Y/N, went around saying that the girl was squandering all their savings on that absurd belief that she wanted to continue her studies, not understanding the sacrifices they had made to raise her.
Those statements were enough for the boy to realize that they did not deserve a daughter like her, too good and sweet for such people.
"It's not the same thing!" blurted out Y/N then, ready for another fit of hysterical crying, "I want my freedom!"
"Freedom? For you to live like that is to be free? Living with the constant fear of being attacked at school or in that neighborhood you call home, without a shred of a friend?" he asked, strangled.
Those words struck Y/N, because they were so fucking true they hurt.
But still, those were not good reasons to kidnap a person, and he had done exactly that.
She shut up for a few moments not knowing how to retort, Jungkook looked at her with disappointment.
Y/N felt a pang in her heart, because in spite of everything, that was still the guy who until the night before had given her butterflies in her stomach, seeing such a look in him too made her want to vomit.
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die-pink-maus · 4 months
A Weekend In Vienna 🇦🇹: Part III
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❤︎ Drawing Credits: @lettaniko ❤︎
This is part three to A Weekend in Vienna. The love I’ve gotten on the first two parts has been so so so SO awesome! Thank you guys, y’all are making me feel a lot less anxious about sharing my writing, haha 🤗
TW: 18+, MDNI, heavy smut, mild sexting, mild asphyxiation, MDom, age gap relationship, dirty talk, female pronouns used, fingering, p in v, hair pulling 🤭, eye contact during seggs, size kink, quite a bit of German in this chapter
Word Count: 5129 // It is a HEFTY one guys 😅
Likes/Reblogs greatly appreciated 🥰
Enjoy! 💋
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I woke up the following morning with a raging headache and thoughts that most certainly warrant a cold shower. My mind is clouded yet again with provocative thoughts of the large Austrian military man I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday, and how badly I wished to feel his lips against mine again. I could kiss that man all day and night, which appears to be part of what he seems to have in mind for me, amongst other things, as he so boldly pointed out last night. I hate that I have to spend my entire day anticipating our date later this evening, and I know Adrian is gonna have a billion and one questions about last night and what may have possibly happened between König and I. Sigh. I pulled the covers from my body and walked over to the window to open the curtains when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the bedroom door to find Adrian grinning from ear to ear with an extremely large bouquet of vibrant crimson coloured roses and an envelope in her hands. “What the hell?” I laughed. “Awww, did you get me flowers?” I teased.
“Haha, very funny.” She laughed. “I didn’t, but I have a feeling I may know who they’re from!” she shrieked excitedly as she handed me the flowers and the envelope, before skipping into my room and closing the door. “Chantelle” written quite beautifully in cursive painted across the front of the envelope. I set the flowers down on my bed and took a seat beside them as I opened the envelope. “Guten Morgen Schönheit,” it read.
“I just realized we never exchanged numbers, would love to hear from you before I see you tonight. I know roses are a bit typical, but they’re beautiful…not as beautiful as you, but close! Here is my number. Looking forward to seeing you again.
- König.”
Aw! I don’t think I can remember the last time a man bought me flowers, especially when it wasn’t necessary. He could have easily messaged Adrian for my number or have had her give me his, but I like that he put some thought and effort into it! I think I must’ve re-read the note at least 30 times, a goofy smile smeared across my face as I drowned out Adrian’s numerous questions. “Are you even listening to me?!” She asked as she shook my shoulder.
“Sorry,” I laughed. “What did you say?”
“What the hell happened last night?” She asked. See, I knew she wasn’t paying attention. “Soo…we kissed. Well, he kissed me.” I said as I felt my cheeks heating up, undoubtedly turning a bright shade of red as my mind replayed the moment we kissed by the bar rail. “How did I miss that?” She asked.
“You were sloshed.” I cackled as I watched her brows furrow. “You were glued to one of König’s friends pretty much the entire night, and telling the whole table these suuuuper elaborate stories, theatrical hand movements and all.” I continued, laughing harder as I recalled what she looked like while she spoke. “Fuck…yeah I don’t even remember getting home to be honest. I’m surprised I’m not sick right now, but I suspect it’s because I’m still kinda drunk.” She giggled. “So how was it?!? I need all the deets.”
“Incredible would be an understatement, that’s all I will say…I’m supposed to have dinner with him later tonight.”
“That’s my girl! I told you that man was into you.”
I rolled my eyes and sighed, “I know, Adri. He’s just…kinda intimidating. I’ve also never dated a man this much older than me.” The whole age gap thing doesn’t really bother me, it’s just different! Not even gonna lie, its a bit exciting…he’s probably very experienced, but considering I haven’t slept with very many people, I am a little worried about not meeting his expectations. I also feel like I’m reciprocating his interest in more than just sex, and that’s making me a little nervous as well. The last thing I would want is to develop strong feelings for someone who lives so many miles away. Even though we only hung out for a couple of hours at a crowded bar, in between all of the sexual tension was great conversation and a medley of common interests. In all honesty, he’s really just one big, giant, sexy dork. He’s funny, he’s intelligent and well spoken, and it seems he can also be a little shy at times too, but a part of me is hoping it’s just me that brings that out of him. “I mean, I get it, but don’t let any of that psych you out. Don’t overthink it, Chantelle.” Adrian said. “Text him! Or call him, he may be on the base right now actually. Tell him to tell Horangi I said Hi!” She laughed as she walked towards my room door. “Think I’m gonna grab a couple more hours of sleep.”
“No problem girl, you definitely need it.” I giggled.
I stared at my phone, the number from the note in the envelope typed into my contacts and saved under ‘König🙈💕’. My thumb loomed over the “Send Message” button. Why is this so hard? Maybe because I don’t know what I want to say to him. Obviously I would like to thank him for these gorgeous roses, because it was just so…cute! And even though I literally know he wants to hear from me, my heart is beating so fast it feels like it could literally burst right out of my chest. I began to type, “Good morning König, it completely slipped my mind that we didn’t have each other’s numbers, I appreciate you reaching out to give me yours. Thank you so much for the flowers, they are stunning 🙈 How is your day going so far?” I took a deep breath and hit send, damn near throwing my phone to the other side of the bed. I stared up at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity before I heard my phone ding. I didn’t wanna look at first, for fear of it not being him and getting disappointed, but I sucked it up and reached across the bed for my phone. iMessage König🙈💕. I typed in my passcode and opened the message. “I’m glad you liked them, they reminded me of you 🙂🌹 I’m actually on the base at the moment, finished up a bit of training with a few recruits, now I’m just in my office taking care of some paperwork. How are you?” He texted. Below the text was a photo of him in what I assumed was his office, decked out in FULL tactical gear. I’ve seen military men in uniform many times before, but I’d never seen anything quite like this. This must be what Adrian was talking about before. His sniper hood — the black cloth that draped over his face underneath a helmet, eye black smudged around his blue orbs, the only part of his face that remained visible. I don’t quite know how to describe how I feel seeing this version of him for the first time, though it’s very reminiscent of how I felt the first time I saw him at the train station. It sure is a shocking sight. Definitely adds to the overall intimidation factor that comes with him as whole. I bet it does an amazing job at scaring off the opposing side. Hm. I never really thought I’d be into the whole ‘masked man’ thing, but seeing him like this is making me think otherwise. I can’t help but fantasize about being in that office with him right now. I can’t stop picturing myself underneath his desk with my fingers gently wrapped around his long, hard, throbbing cock, my tongue gliding over his leaking tip as he looks down at me. His mask and eye paint drawing emphasis to the look of absolute gratification in his stormy eyes, while his large fingers twist themselves up in my hair, pushing my lips further down around his shaft. My thighs clench together at the thought, desire seeping through my folds as I continue to look at the picture, relishing in the various naughty scenarios being conjured up in my mind. Oh, God why do I like this? “I hope my hood hasn’t scared you off 😅” he texted, immediately shaking me out of my trance. I figured I may as well send him a selfie back, but I began wondering if I should change out of my pyjamas — a large black Nirvana Tee and a pair of panties. Maybe I can have a little fun with this. I tapped on my camera app and posed, my shirt strategically pulled up a bit to give him a little sneak peak at the red thong currently nestled between my ass cheeks. “My day is just getting started! Your mask didn’t scare me at all…is it weird that I kinda like it? 😜🙈” I texted, sending the message along with the photo I’d just taken. “Maybe just a little hahaha, but I’m glad you like it. I’ll have to wear it for you in person sometime 😉” He texted back shortly after. “Do you sleep that way or did you put that on just for me?🤔😏” I giggled as I read the text, biting my lip as I thought of how to respond. It’s obvious that his military attire has lit a fire in my core, and I want him to know, but a little teasing never hurt anyone. “Don’t flatter yourself, I don’t usually wear anything at all to bed.” I responded.
“Oh is that so? ”
“You’re very distracting, how am I supposed to get any of this work done now?”
“Me? Distracting? What ever do you mean? 🤨🤭”
“Oh, you know exactly what you’re doing, Maus, and it’s working.”
“What am I doing?”
“Making me want to drop everything to come keep you company in that bed, and give you a taste of what’s to come…I’d make sure you woke up with a smile on that gorgeous face jeden morgen.” Fuck.
“Yeah? And how would you do that?”
“Well first of all, I’m a hell of a cook, I’d make you whatever you’d like.”
“French toast?”
“With a nice side of the best bacon you’ve ever had, along with some fresh fruit 😋”
“Mmm…that sounds absolutely delightful!”
“After I’ve satisfied your tastebuds, I’ll make sure to satisfy you in every other way possible.”
“What else do you think would satisfy me?”
“A number of things, starting with slow passionate kisses…I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of your lips, but I bet the ones between your legs are much sweeter. I’m dying to taste you.” My breath began to labour as I read his texts, warm slick seeping from my folds and through my panties as my fingers gently caress over my swollen clit. “How badly do you want me?”
“So bad I might rip through my cargo pants…” He sent another photo, only this one didn’t have his face — or rather eyes — in it. It wasn’t your typical ‘dick pic’, there was no nudity, but I certainly saw a lot. I stared, dumbfounded at the size of the print outlined beneath his cargo pants. I kinda figured it would be big, but I didn’t think it would be that big. I’ve never had anything that size but I got hot just thinking of taking it. Feeling him fill me up, pushing that boundary between pleasure and pain, fuck. I pulled my fingers from my panties, my juices coating them as I positioned my phone above them, capturing the strings of wetness connecting my index and middle fingers. “Komm und koste mich 💋” I sent along with the photo. “Schiße…maybe you might be the one who ends up being bad for my health 😂”
“Maybe neither of us is bad for the other…” A couple minutes of silence passed before I received another text. I figured he’d gotten caught up with work, or some…other kind of interference, but it appears he may have had something a little more serious on his mind. “I do think it is important to stress that as badly as I want you this way, it isn’t the only thing I want. I just want to make sure you know that I don’t just want your body, I want more than that.” He texted.
“What else do you want?” I replied.
“What I mentioned last night at the bar…to be able to come home to a woman as beautiful as you. I want you to be mine.”
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7pm came a lot quicker than I’d expected it to. I guess it helps that König and I have been texting back and forth for pretty much the entire day. By the time he arrived to pick me up, I was ready to go. I decided to go with a black, mid length, form fitting off the shoulder dress, and a pair of strappy black heels. I styled my hair with my curling iron and parted it down the middle, before accessorizing with a pair of Diamond earrings, and my black faux snakeskin clutch. Makeup was perfect, not overbearing but not too light either, and then for the finishing touch, a few spritzes of Chanel’s Mademoiselle perfume. I damn near raced down the stairs, waving goodbye to Adrian and her aunt and uncle before walking out the door. Butterflies began to swarm about my stomach as he and I locked eyes, he was leaning against the front end of his car, fidgeting with his keys as he waited for me. He looks even better than usual — wearing a pair of medium wash denim jeans, a white crew neck shirt and a nice leather jacket. His hand outstretched to me as I approached him. I placed my hand in his as he gently pulled me in closer, placing his finger beneath my chin and tilting upward. “Hallo meine schatz,” he smiled as he leaned downward, placing his lips softly against my forehead. “Du siehst heute Abend sehr schön aus.” He whispered as he held my gaze.
“Dankeschön.” I said, biting my lip as he leaned forward to close the gap between our lips, his kiss dripping with longing and fervour. “Let’s get going, ja?” He breathed as his thumb gently grazed against my bottom lip. He quickly leaned back in for one more kiss before we got into the car. Ugh, I can’t get enough — and apparently, neither can he.
We arrived shortly thereafter at a very nice Italian restaurant. He pulled my chair out for me before taking his seat. It’s so sad that this is the first time I’m actually experiencing genuine chivalry, but men in North America do not behave this way. If anything, majority of the time it’s the complete opposite, but I won’t even get started on all that. The waiter placed menus in front of us both and filled our glasses with water, before departing as we looked over the menus. “Do you see anything that catches your eye yet?” He asked, a slight smirk appearing on his lips as his eyes peered up from behind his menu. “Maybe,” I began, fighting back a smile as I took a sip of my water. “How would you feel about a bottle of wine? Do you prefer red or white?” He asked.
“I do prefer white, but kinda in the mood for red wine tonight.
“Everything on this menu sounds incredible, but I think I’m gonna go with the Chicken Parmigiana with Linguine Pomodoro.”
“I think I’m going to go with the streak and veggies, been a long time since I’ve had a good steak.”
“Mmm that sounds yummy too, it’s definitely going to taste great with the red wine as well.”
“Oh definitely.” He smiled as he set his menu aside, his hand reaching for mine across the table, gently holding it in his as his thumb grazed against my fingers. I absolutely adore how affectionate he is. He is so different from the man I imagined he would be. While I’m sure there’s a side of him that is ruthless and aggressive, given his profession, he’s so sweet with me, and I have a feeling this is a side not very many get to see. He brought my hand up to his lips, planting soft little kisses along my fingers. “I can’t get over how beautiful you are.” He said “Ich könnte dich den ganzen Tag ansehen” he smiled, his cheeks adorning a faint shade of pink. Is he blushing? “Danke,” I blushed. “You look great tonight as well, the leather suits you.” I smirked.
“Oh what, this old thing?!?!” He said knowingly.
“Mhm, you know you look good, stop pretending you don’t.” I giggled.
“Hey, I admit to nothing.” He laughed as he raised both hands in defence. I laugh as the waiter returned to take our orders. “Are we ready to order?” He asked. “Ja,” König said. “Meine dame will have the chicken parmigiana and the linguine pasta, I will have the steak, medium, with a side of vegetables and mashed potatoes. May we also have a bottle of red wine please?” Something about him asserting dominance and placing my order for me had me clenching around nothing. I find it so incredibly sexy that he manages to remain refined and polite, all while also being stern. That tinge of aggression I see in him when he addresses others, and the attention he commands is exhilarating. As much as I can’t wait to eat, I’m yearning to be satiated in other ways that don’t involve food.
We remained at the restaurant for another 2 hours post dinner talking about everything and anything under the sun. I learned that he will soon be retiring from the army, enjoys fishing and hunting in his spare time, and collects vintage comic books. He’s a huge fan of all things classic rock and metal, but he also enjoys smooth jazz. He’s got a soft spot for cats and animals in general. He has a 5 year old black cat named Moritz, and adopted two German Shepherds for his base as pets. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and I believe we both learned quite a bit about each other, and we both seemed to like what we learned. My nerves returned as we got into his car. What happens now? I’m really trying to decide what I’d like my next move to be. Should I go home, or should I go home with him? “Two days left before you go back, right?” He asked as he turned to me, a slight hint of disappointment in his eyes. “Yes, unfortunately.” I sighed. “I wish I could stay longer, especially considering we’ve only just begun to get to know each other.”
“I also wish you could stay longer, but I assume you have a whole other life to get back to in Kanada” he sighed. “How do you feel about continuing to see each other, despite the distance?” I tried to contain my surprise as I pondered his question. I guess I never really thought he’d be interested in that, but it seems like every assumption I’ve made about König has proven to be incorrect thus far. Long distance relationships always make me uncomfortable, even though I’ve never been in one. Though I know it isn’t a relationship, at least not just yet, I do have my reservations about an arrangement such as this one. However, I do think I lucked out here. It’s not very often that you run into your dream guy on an impromptu weekend trip to Vienna. I think I’d be doing myself a disservice if I ended things on the basis of distance. “I still want to see you…I like where things are going.” I blushed, smiling as I saw excitement gleaming in his eyes. “I’m very happy to hear that.” He smiled as he leaned over to kiss me. “Sie werden es nicht bereuen, Maus.” He said lowly against my lips. I looked up at him, my heart beat picking up pace as we searched each other’s eyes. You could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife, and I think at this point the only logical option here is…I’m going home with him. “König,” I whispered.
“Yes?” He asked, gently resting his large hand over my thigh, causing a myriad of goosebumps to appear all over my body. “I’m not ready for the night to be over.” I said, a devious grin dancing on his lips as he started the car. “Would you like to come back home with me, Maus?” He asked, his hand gently gliding along my thigh, sliding upwards toward my core. “Yes.” I breathed as I reached over, pulling him down against my lips. It wasn’t long before what was meant to be a small peck turned into a full blown make out sesh, our tongues massaging against one another’s as his hand gently slipped beneath my dress. He pulled away, earnestly searching my expression for confirmation to go further. I nodded and pulled him back into me, moaning into the kiss as his calloused fingers approached my soaking wet folds. “Schiße…” he breathed as his fingers explored me through my panties, an array of tiny moans escaping my lips as his thumb rubbed against my swollen nub. His lips moved to my neck, softy sucking and biting along my sweet spots as he pulled my panties to the side. “Oh Maus,” he whispered, as he slowly inserted two of his fingers into my pussy. “You’re so tight…” he said as he began thrusting his fingers. “So fucking wet and I’ve barely even touched you yet.” He breathed against my lips, gently nipping at the bottom one as he pulled away and cupped my cheek. His expression riddled with satisfaction as he watched me squirm beneath his fingers. “Is this all for me?”
“Yes.” I moaned, as he pulled his fingers from my sopping wet cunt. “Good girl.” He praised, as he slowly pushed his fingers between my lips. I leaned forward, sucking my juices off of his fingers, my gaze never leaving his. “Mmm, that’s it liebe.” He said, indulging in the sight of me delighting in the nectar he’d procured from my folds. He grabbed hold of my chin and pulled me in for yet another kiss, but this one was different, it’s was needy and aggressive. His hand reached back down between my legs, his thumb resuming its slow and gentle dance over my swollen clit. “Such a beautiful little thing,” he whispered into my ear, his fingers reentering me, my head reflexively falling back as he massaged my g spot. “I can’t wait to pin your legs back and watch your toes curl as you take every inch of this cock.” He said, guiding my hand towards the large bulge in his jeans.
“Please König,” I begged. “I wanna feel you so bad.” My palm gently stroking against his hardness through his pants.
He smirked as his fingers slipped out of me, bringing them up to his lips and licking them clean. “You taste even sweeter than I imagined.” He said.
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I slowly slipped the shoulders of my dress down my arms as König laid back on his bed, watching intently as my dress fell to the floor, my bra and panties following closely behind. He wandered about my curves through hooded eyes, drinking in every inch of me, his gaze growing dark as his bulge practically begged for release. I climbed on top of the bed and knelt beside him, unbuttoning his jeans as he reached for the hem, helping me slide them off and kicking them to the side. More than half of his hardened length lay erect against his stomach, peeking out from the waistband of his boxer briefs. Precum oozed from his blushing tip, droplets decorating the lower half of his stomach over his happy trail. I pulled down his boxers, jaw slack as I stared down at the entirety of his impressive length. “Fuck…” I said under my breath.
“Don’t worry, Maus. We’ll take it slow.” He reassured, clearly noticing the slight fear in my eyes. I nodded as I climbed a top his waist, straddling his hips as his hands began to squeeze and grope at my ass cheeks. We began to kiss, our bodies growing hot with anticipation, my hips gently grinding down, rubbing my engorged clit against his throbbing cock, covering him in the wetness spilling from my core. He wrapped his arm around my waist and flipped me onto my back, hovering over me as he planted rough, wet kisses along my neck and over my chest. His lips engulfing one of my nipples, as his hand clasped around the other, rolling my nipple between his finger tips. “Oh God…”I breathed heavily, my nipples growing hard and sensitive as he licked and sucked, gently biting and tugging on my nipple before switching sides. He began making his way down my stomach, kissing along my inner thighs before stopping to admire my needy cunt. “Such a beautiful pussy,” he muttered before hooking his arms beneath my legs, lifting me slightly off the bed as he pulled me into his face. “Fuck…” I moaned, quite loudly as his tongue engaged my nub, ferociously lapping and flicking against it as my hands grabbed hold of his bedsheets. “Mmmm,” he moaned. “You taste incredible…so fucking wet for me, meine Maus” he breathed, his breath hot against my folds as he darted his tongue inside me. “Fuck, König !” I exclaimed, the build of my impending climax growing more and more intense with each passing moment. “Let go for me, I want you to cum all over my tongue.” He growled. “Cum for me, Maus” adrenaline washed over me as I released, my orgasm pulsating through my body as he continued to suck on my hardened clit. His arms departed my legs as he lay flat and I attempted to catch my breath, three of his fingers entering my pussy, thrusting uncontrollably. My pussy squelched and clenched around his fingers as he began to curl upward, torturing my g spot as he continued to suck on my clit. “Oh König, you’re so good…I can’t,” I gasped. “I’m gonna cum again, oh my god”
“That’s it, Maus.” He praised as a second orgasm washed over me, this one much more intense than the one prior. “Mmm, mein Got you taste so fucking good. Look at the mess that desperate little cunt of yours made.” He panted. “But I’m not finished with you yet.”
“König, please.” I cried out, eyes hazy from the back to back euphoria my body just experienced. “Please fuck me.” I begged.
“You look so beautiful all dripping and spent.” he smirked as he leaned back onto his heels, grabbing his thick dick and sliding it up against my overstimulated clit. “I wanna hear you beg for it, Maus.” He smirked as he continued to tease my entrance with the head of his cock. “Auf Deutsch.” He said as he leaned over me, positioning himself by my entrance before leaning down to kiss me. “Bitte…” I stuttered. “Bitte fick mich, König.” I moaned as he slowly began pressing inward. “That’s what I like to hear.” He whispered, his eyes locked on mine, watching as my eyes widened at the sensation of his girthy cock sliding into me little by little. “Mmmm.” We moaned in unison, his hand clasping around my neck as he gently thrusted deeper and deeper into me. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it, Maus?” He asked as he bottomed out in me, his tip kissing my cervix. “For me to stretch out this pretty little tight cunt…destroy your cute little hole, Ja?”
“Yes.” I moaned, growing lightheaded as his grip on my neck tightened while he began to pick up the pace. “Yeah?” He moaned mockingly. “So tight, meine liebe…fuck you feel amazing.” He moaned against my lips. “You’re taking me so fucking well.” He growled, eyes piercing into me as he thrusted harder and faster.
“God König…you’re so fucking big.” I moaned. “Love the way you fill me up.”
“Mmmm, that’s my girl. You take it so well too, Maus.” He praised as he pulled my legs onto his shoulders, my moans growing louder and louder as he fucks me senseless. Obscene noises filling the air as my pussy gushes around his cock.“You’re such a good fucking girl for me.” He panted, swiftly pulling out of me and flipping me onto my stomach. He stood at the foot of the bed, grabbing me by my hips and pulling me towards him. I arched down, pushing my pussy down onto his cock as I looked back at him. His hand grabbed my hair, twisting it’s strands around his wrist as his other hand grabbed hold of my waist. He began to slam into me from behind, pulling me back against his chest by my hair. “God look at you,” he whispered. “So fucking cock drunk.” He breathed as his hand moved up from my waist to grab hold of one of my tits. My body begins to shake beneath his grip. “It’s so fucking good.” I moaned, tears stinging the corners of my eyes as he fucked my overstimulated cunt, shockwaves rumbling within my core as his cock twitched inside me, repeatedly caressing my cervix. My legs began to shake. “König I — I’m gonna cum” I cried out.
“Good.” He whispered as he spanked my ass. “I’m gonna cum with you…where do you want it?” He asked.
“My ass.” I moaned, my orgasm paralyzing me shortly after. He followed closely behind, whimpering as he quickly pulled out of me, his juices splattering all over my ass. He pulled my face towards his, placing a long tender kiss on my lips. “Du warst so gut.” He panted as he pressed his forehead against mine, cupping my cheek in his palm as we both tried to catch our breaths. I leaned forward and kissed him once more before he jogged over to his bathroom, bringing back a fresh towel and wiping his cum off of my ass. “Can I get you a glass of water, Maus?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind before kissing my cheek. “Sure.” I said as I smiled up at him.
That was incredible.
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inthedoghousern · 5 months
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just this once
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!driver!reader
summary: you and oscar are what people would describe as rivals. but a night in monaco, a club, an elevator, and confessions can change everything.
contains: 18+, suggestive content, swearing probably idk, drinking + alcohol, events leading up to sex (?) but nothing too graphic, kinda fluff and angst
5.5k words
a/n: this is too long and there's very little characterization but enjoy i suppose... part II: okay part III: 11:45
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You were smiling as you chatted with a guy at the party. The music was blasting around you and the lights were colorful. You were in Monaco, celebrating your first Grand Prix here. Despite being a rookie, you had placed second in the race, an impressive and historic performance, especially since you were the first woman to do it. 
It felt like the whole weekend had been revolving around you. At the track, there was a sea of fans, journalists, and even employees from other teams coming up to congratulate and talk to you. Now here at the club, it was the same, with stranger after stranger wanting a slice of your attention. 
"So how long are you in Monaco?" He asked leaning against the high-top table, with a sly smile on his lips. “We should see each other again.” Before you could answer, you heard a voice behind you. 
"She's cant, we've got more racing to do. It's the job." You rolled your eyes, the familiar voice belonged to no other than Oscar Piastri. 
You and Oscar’s friendship, if you could even call it that, was complicated. What started as kinship during karting years turned into resentment as you made your way up the motorsport ranks together. F4 British Championship, the Renault Eurocup, F3, F2, the two of you were always close competitors, but Oscar always had an edge. You’d be runner-up to his championships, watched as he got a seat in Formula One while all you could do was keep racing in lower divisions and hope you could prove to any team that you would be a valuable driver. 
But now you’ve made it, it’s your rookie season and you’ve finally started to beat Oscar, and it helps when you’re in a Red Bull. Podium after podium after podium, you’ve already blown Oscar’s impressive rookie stats out of the water. As a result, the rivalry between you has only grown bigger. 
“Oh Oscar you actually weren’t involved in this conversation,” you say giving him a fake sweet smile. He claims he can’t stand you, but here he is going out of his way to make your night difficult. Typical. 
You turn back to the guy in front of you. His name was Alex… William…? You honestly didn’t remember and had no interest in finding out, but it was amusing to see him throw himself at you. Amusing that Oscar came over and has to witness it. "I'm actually here for a few more days," you tell him. You pull your phone out of your bag and slide it towards the unnamed guy. “Put your number in. We can set something up later.” The guy smiles, and you fight back a laugh as Oscar still stands at the table with you two. You had no intention of ever texting or speaking to this man again. 
The night goes by in a blur. You’ve lost the guy you were talking to earlier and make your way to the bar to order another drink. Your life feels like some sick joke when Oscar slides up next to you and orders himself another round too. “That guy looked like a prick,” he says. 
You chuckle and nod your head in agreement. “Yeah, he did look like a prick."
The media and fans had characterized Oscar as this nice, young, shy guy. But the Oscar you knew was deathly competitive with a bit of a mean streak. 
“Why do you care though?” I ask turning to him, cocking my head to the side. “Care what guys I talk to at parties? I mean, if that dude was Zak Brown, sure, I’d see why you’d stop me from stealing your seat, but….” I taunt. 
"Alright watch it," he said while shaking his head. You roll your eyes, you know that he can’t do anything in retaliation to your teasing. You were the star now, you were his rival [who’s winning] and you were untouchable.
You finish your drink and turn to the dance floor, “see ya Oscar,” you say flashing him a smile. You can feel his eyes burning your back as you walk away.  
This club felt like a time warp. As you danced and talked and drank, you saw gridmates and girlfriends walk past, at one point Lando was up at the DJ booth. Your head is fuzzy and you don’t know what time it is. You push through sweaty bodies to the tables surrounding the room, shuffling around to find your things. Finally, you’re able to find your bag, and luckily your phone is still inside, so you make your way out of the club. You need some quiet and fresh air as you sort out transportation back to the hotel. You were throwing in the towel for the night. 
Outside the music was still spilling from the doors, filling your ears with the sounds from the club. You checked your phone, trying to get it to work. Your vision was slightly blurred from all the alcohol, you were probably drunk.
“Hey,” you hear, it’s him, again. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard Oscar's voice coming from behind you. You couldn't help but feel some nerves running through your body. You had just spent the night ignoring him and now he was here. You didn't turn around to look at him, you weren't sure what would happen if you did.
With your phone finally unlocked, you call an Uber. With that task finished, you turn, feeling wobbly, and when you look at Oscar he looks just as drunk as you. “Hey.”
“I’m leaving,” you tell him. 
"I'll leave with you," Oscar responds immediately, sounding annoyed. "Why do you have to leave so soon?" He asked. 
“Leave so soon? We've been here for hours,” you reply. You don’t address his first statement, but your mind is circling the fact he just decided he was coming with you. He didn’t even ask if he could, if you wanted him to, he just announced it. 
"Doesn't mean it's time to go," Oscar said as he stepped closer. He put his hands on your shoulders, his breath smelling like alcohol. "Why don't we go back inside?" He asked. What was he thinking? You didn't pull away, it was the alcohol. You couldn't stop your mind from being hazy, you couldn't help the sensations of his hand on your shoulder. You put your hands on his biceps in response and look at him in the eyes. “No Oscar, I’m leaving.” 
For a moment, everything felt as if it was going in slow motion. Oscar stood there, his hands on your shoulders, as you looked directly at the most beautiful most infuriating guy you had ever known. You spoke firmly, but it was clear that you were struggling. Oscar was drunk and stubborn as always, he wasn't letting this go easily.
“Hmmm?” I muse. My brain is so fuzzy I almost don’t notice his grip on my shoulders tightening. “I’m leaving Oscar. You can share my Uber back to the hotel, go back inside, or do something else. But I’m going.” Oscar said nothing. He was breathing heavily against you, his grip tightening even more. For some reason, his grip felt good.
"I'll go with you," he said, finally, his voice was low. “Alright,” you respond. You stand, he's still holding your shoulders, your hands still on his biceps. You don't know how long passes, but the Uber pulls up to the curb and you both let go of each other. You climb into the back seat and Oscar sits next to you, his body barely a foot away from yours.
The journey to the hotel is mostly silent, but you catch Oscar stealing glances at you.
“Looks like you partied a little hard for P9, no?” You tease. "Shut up," Oscar grumbled, you were pushing him right to his limits. You knew that he was angry, but you couldn't help but poke fun at him. You felt good when you could get one over on him for once. For the rest of the ride to the hotel, Oscar is silent. Every time you look at him, he quickly looks away. It was a side of him that you had rarely seen, the way he looked so unsure and uncomfortable.
You both step out of the Uber and walk into the hotel. It's late at night and the lobby is almost empty. Oscar follows you into the elevator, you can feel the heat from his body radiating against you. The elevator doors close and you are in your own little world. He presses the button to his floor: 6, and you press the button to yours: 9. You both stand side by side as the elevator slowly moves up. 
The elevator rises, and just like the car journey, Oscar is quiet. A quiet that feels so much more intimate in this small space with the two of you pressed up against each other. Neither of you speaks, you are lost in the moment. It's almost as if the elevator is going too slow, or too fast? You don't want this moment to end.
The bright lights of the elevator and the presence of Oscar sober you up a little bit, just a little bit. You’re hyperaware of the floor numbers changing, getting closer to floor 6, where you and Oscar will have to separate. Oscar's body felt warm against you. You wanted to grab him and hold him close to you, but it would be wrong. You knew that he would most likely pull away from you. 
This has to be goodbye.
“Why didn’t you want me to leave the party?” you ask. Oscar didn't expect that question. You could see it in the way his eyes widened before they narrowed back to the previous stoic state. "I didn't want you to leave because..." He said before pausing. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I wanted you to stay, with me." He said, his voice quiet. You don’t respond. What Oscar says makes your heart jump into your throat. You weren’t supposed to be having these conversations, you certainly weren’t supposed to be having them with Oscar, someone who you can’t stand. Someone who can’t stand you. It’s the alcohol you tell yourself. 
You’re on floor 6. 
The elevator doors open, and Oscar doesn't move, instead, he looks at you.
You look back, your mind is racing a mile a minute. He is just staring at you, waiting for you to speak. You felt the heat of his body, the smell of his breath, and the beat of his heart. The air felt so heavy between you both. “You’re supposed to hate me,” you say quietly. Seconds are passing and Oscar is still in the elevator with you. If he doesn’t get out soon the doors are going to shut and you’re both going to keep going up to your floor. Oscar still wasn't getting off, he seemed lost in a trance. It felt like the world had stopped as you looked at him. He didn't respond to your words, his breath was so close to your face.
“Do you hate me?” you say just above a whisper. You are staring at each other now. The elevator doors close and continue up to your floor, and Oscar’s still in here with you. 
"I used to hate you," Oscar said, his voice was soft, and you could hear no anger in his tone. "But..." he paused, and the elevator continued to rise. The both of you were standing inches apart. "But not anymore." He finished. 
You wanted to grab him. Hold his face. Kiss him. Let him do whatever he wanted. No stop. This has to be the alcohol. It has to be. What would everyone say if they found out you were thinking these things about one of your gridmates? Your competition. Your rival. 
What would happen if you just went for it? Just one kiss. You know you’d both regret it, but just one kiss couldn't hurt...could it?
Ding. The doors open. You quickly step back from Oscar, regaining your senses. You exit the elevator and don’t care to check if he’s following you. You hope he’s not. 
You walk to your room, still not looking back at the elevator. You get to the door and fumble for the hotel keycard in your purse. You can feel the heat rising on the back of your neck as you think about what just happened between you and Oscar. Your hands were slightly shaking, your heart was beating wildly and you felt lightheaded. You finally get the door open and quickly shut it behind you. You stand in the entryway for a beat before throwing your purse down, taking your shoes off, and lying down on the bed staring at the ceiling.
Was he going to say anything to you in the morning? Would he act like it never happened? What if we both act like this never happened? Was he going to knock on your door?
You lay there in bed, your mind racing. The alcohol was slowly fading away from your system, but the memories were still clear in your mind. You were still feeling the heat of his body against yours and the smell of his cologne. You were so conflicted, you should be upset and mad. You shouldn't be enjoying the thought of him coming to your door and saying more. That was Oscar, you hated Oscar, you weren't supposed to want him.
You sit up. You need to go to sleep and just clear your head of this. You wash your face and change, all the while thoughts of Oscar run through your mind. You look at yourself in the mirror, is that what Oscar saw when he looked at you?
You crawl into bed, you are still on a high after the party and the adrenaline from Oscar. You close your eyes, trying to distract yourself. But as soon as you closed your eyes, you could only picture him. You could picture his lips when he spoke, his jawline. You could picture the look in his eyes when he looked at you. Your mind was so focused on his body, what it would feel like, what it would taste like to kiss him. Fuck.
Your heart stops when you hear a knock at your door. You don't know what time it is or how long you've been lying in bed fighting sleep. 
The knock came again; louder this time. You get out of bed, your heart beating quicker with every step you take. Was it even Oscar out there? You reached the hotel door. Your breath was shaky, it felt like your entire body was trembling. This was it. Now you were truly in this. You put your hand on the handle, the knocking continued again, more persistent this time.
As you threw the door open, you came face to face with Oscar. He was standing there, in the same outfit as he had been at the party. He was staring directly at you, his breath was warm as he exhaled. You could swear he didn't even blink at this moment, his eyes were just glued to yours.
“Yes?” I ask. "Can I come in?" Oscar says, sounding a little bit nervous, and more sober than earlier. You’re at a loss for words. A few hours (?) ago the only words you exchanged were about hating each other [or rather, not hating each other], and now he was asking to come into your room.
Oscar was still holding his gaze, eyes locked straight on yours. You could see it on his face, there was something he wanted from you, something that he hadn't been able to communicate until now. "Please?" Oscar said, his voice was low. You had never in the 8 years you had known Oscar seen him like this. 
“Okay.” You move to the side, motioning him inside your hotel room. Oscar walks in and for a moment, neither of you spoke. There was a certain level of nervousness in the way he was moving. He didn't make any attempt to get close to you initially, it was like he was waiting for your permission. “What do you want Oscar?” I ask folding my arms across my chest. “Please tell me what you’re thinking, I can’t do this guessing game thing anymore.”
Oscar didn't respond right away, he was trying to decide what he should say. You could see as he processed through every thought, looking at you as if he was holding something back. After a few seconds, the words came spewing out, he didn't want to waste any more time.
"I want you to kiss me. I want to kiss you. I want you. That’s what I want." Oscar finally admitted.
Your arms fall to your sides and your heart skips a beat. Oh my god. Oscar stands in front of you and your body is heating up, your brain is getting fuzzy, this time it isn’t the alcohol. “Oscar I-“ you don’t know what to say. 
It was like time had stopped for the both of you. Your breaths were shaky, the silence was deafening. You wanted to wrap yourself around him. It was all just adrenaline now, just one kiss, that's what you wanted. 
You stand looking at each other. You don’t know how long passes. You want him too. You really want him. You need him. But the rational part of your brain is screaming for you to stop. You can’t be with him, as a female F1 driver what would the world say if you got with another driver? What would your reputation be? They would call you a slut. But as Oscar stands in front of you, those thoughts, those warnings are fading away…
He takes a step closer. You don’t move away. He’s close now, too close, but you don’t care. You could feel the heat radiating from his body to yours. There were just inches between you two now. You didn't care about anything else, everything in your body was telling you yes. It was either now or never, your reputation would be the last thing on your mind in this moment.
He brings one of his hands to the side of your face and leans to kiss you. But your lips don’t meet and he hovers just above. Waiting. He wanted something from you, some signal that it was okay to go for it. You could taste his breath as he hovered above you, how many times had you wanted to taste him? You hadn't realized until now how strong this pull between the both of you was. Even if it was just alcohol, it didn't matter, your heart felt as if it would explode with this excitement.
“Oscar” you whisper. You’re looking at his lips, then his eyelashes, his eyes. 
“Just this once.”
The words left your mouth in a hoarse whisper like it felt too surreal to speak out loud. One kiss wouldn't hurt, you could tell him that was the only kiss you were going to let him have. He let out a small breath, and then the gap between your lips disappeared. He brought his face down, his lips touching yours. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close as your lips met his. As Oscar's hands tangled in your hair, pulling you closer, it was just you and him. Nothing else mattered. Just the heat, the desire and the love that had been building deep inside of both of you.
He breaks the kiss and kisses your collarbone, then up your neck, and then he’s right next to your ear. “Yeah, just this once” he whispers. You let out a shaky breath, his voice sent shivers down your spine. What was happening? Every minute seemed to take so long in the moment. The way Oscar's voice whispered in your ear, it felt like a sweet melody. If this was wrong, you would never know. The only thing you knew for sure right now was how much Oscar wanted you, how much you wanted him.
His mouth was warm, you could feel the moisture of his lips press against yours. You grab the hem of his shirt and he puts his arms up as you pull it off of him. When you drop the shirt aside you can’t help but stare at his body. His chest, his abs, his arms. You had seen him shirtless before, it was inevitable with the years of training you two had done together. But seeing him tonight like this, just the two of you, it was different. 
As you stared at him, he was just staring back, his hair was messy from the way you had pulled his shirt off. It felt like this was the only moment in the world.
His kisses were gentle like he was still trying to get a feel for the moment. You were in each other's grip as if you were locked together. The heat was building up, and you could feel your body burning up. Oscar's hand moved to your top now, pulling it over your head slowly, letting you feel every sensation as it fell to the floor. The way he looked at you as it fell to the ground...it was as if his eyes were going to burn a hole into you.
You’re usually quick with comebacks. Confident. But as you stand in front of him, you’re not insecure, but you have nothing to say. No words to taunt him with, it felt like your usual self was far removed from what was happening right now. 
You had never stood in front of Oscar so vulnerable before, his hands running up your body, his mouth kissing your neck. He was treating you like you were the only thing in the world that mattered, the way he looked at you it was like he was seeing you for the first time. Oscar lies you down on the hotel bed. Hovering over you, one of his hands on your hip, the other pressed beside your head, holding him up. One of your hands is resting on your stomach, and you reach the other up and run it through his hair. “I’m sorry,” you say. “I’m sorry for being so horrible to you. I’ve acted…” you trail off. Why are you saying this? Why right now? It was the alcohol, it had to be. 
As he leaned over you, his breath was warm on your skin as he listened to everything you were saying. Your heart was beating so rapidly, you couldn't stop the words coming out of your mouth, but for once, you felt vulnerable in the right way.
"Don't-" Oscar said, pulling away from you slightly. "You don't need to apologize. We’ve both been… I don’t know…Everything has just been building for years, it got out of control, us. Whatever us was- is. I think I’ve always wanted ‘us’ to be this though."
His words make your head spin. "Us". "Out of control". "Always".
Always makes you laugh though, as you think back to when you first met Oscar.
“You wanted this during our Arden days? At 14?” You know shouldn’t joke right now, but everything is happening so fast, and you grasp for some sort of control over what you're feeling. 
He smiled back at you, he couldn't help smiling. One thing about the way you and Oscar's relationship worked, was it was always full of constant bantering and jabs at each other. It felt right to joke now. 
"I didn't say that," Oscar said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But sure, you were attractive back then, even if you were a brat. Yeah, I did look at you during those days." 
A grin spreads across your face. What would 14-year-old you say if she knew you had Oscar Piastri on top of you in a hotel room after you podium in Monaco? She would be horrified. The realization was almost enough to pull you out of the moment. It truly was insane. The way Oscar was looking down at you, touching your body, it definitely did feel surreal, as if this was a dream.
"You remember those days?" Oscar asked, his voice soft and low as he shifted down to rest on his elbow, bringing his face down closer to yours. “Of course.” You say, looking at his face. He’s so beautiful. “You wouldn’t let me win a goddamn race.”
He let out a laugh, he couldn't help it, the humor of the situation had gotten to him.
"Damn right I didn't... are you still bitter about it?" He said mockingly, he was back to his usual self. “Nope,” you say with a smile, “because who just got second in Monaco? My first time driving that track in Formula One by the way.” Even in this uniquely intimate moment between the two of you, you are bickering. But it’s perfect. 
"Yeah yeah..." Oscar rolled his eyes. "You got lucky that's for sure, this race was a mess." He was back to being himself, the cocky, arrogant version that you were always arguing with. But you felt a different type of chemistry with him right now compared to the racetrack, this time it felt deeper than your usual bickering. You laugh and your hands are on his face again. Now that you have him like this, above you, relaxed, yours; you never want it to end. 
You smile and start tracing the freckles and moles on his face with your finger. Just this once. That was the deal. You want to savor every minute of this moment. A moment that after tonight, can never happen again. 
Oscar's eyes drifted down and he watched as you traced his face. It felt a little too perfect, the way you traced around everything...the way his breath felt on your skin...the way he was looking down at you with intent, his attention was just on you.
"I like this," Oscar finally said and his voice was hushed.
So do I. Is what you want to say. But if those words come out of your mouth everything becomes too real, and you’re not sure if you could ever stop what was already snowballing between the two of you. You simply hum in acknowledgment and continue to trace his freckles down to his arms, down to his wrists. You even traced your fingers along the top of his fingers. 
It was like nothing else existed at this moment, it was just the two of you, your bodies, and the heat. The heat was all that mattered. You wanted to see all of him. Commit. Go all the way. But even now you were mesmerized: his bare chest, back, stomach. You want to run your fingers through him. 
Oscar could feel your breath trailing on his neck, the feeling of your fingers trailing down his body, along his chest, and down his stomach. He felt as if any more of him was exposed to your touch, he would fall apart. He was like a hot glass ready to shatter, a moment away from cracking. He was at a loss, he couldn't even think of the next thing to say. All he knew was that he needed more.
Oscar looked at you, his eyes seemed to be filled with pure desire. He was leaning closer to you now, he was only inches away, his breath was touching your lips. His hand brushed past the clip of your bra, teasing every little part of you. Your back, your arms...he was taking his time with this. “It’s okay, you can…” you trail off. Yet again, you’re too embarrassed to say it. You can take the bra off. You hope he gets the hint. 
The smile on his face was almost cruel as he looked down at you. Was he really going to take this all so slowly and deliberately? He paused for a moment and then he slowly undid one of the clips. He did it so slowly and so precise, he was taking this at such a methodical pace, he wanted you to feel every. single. moment. A part of you wants to complain. How slow he was being. Both of your lives were filled with speed, in the cars, outside the cars. But most of you doesn't really care that he's taking his time. Tonight was the only night you’re allowing yourself to be with Oscar like this, might as well drag it out. 
He did the same thing with the next clip, and then slowly pulled down one of the straps. You did wonder how long he was going to take, it felt like your bra was not supposed to be an obstacle, but Oscar was making it one, on purpose. He had turned even such a simple task into something that felt so intimate.
The moment your bra finally came off a whole new feeling of powerlessness washed over you. You felt even more exposed than before. Your skin felt more sensitive, and everything felt more real. Each movement from him felt like it had double its usual meaning. Your breath caught as he pulled your body closer to him. The pressure of his body against yours was making your head spin. You felt so close to him, the warmth between the two of you was palpable. With each of his kisses, you could feel yourself growing even more desperate for him.
You could feel his finger tracing the outline of your shorts, slowly moving towards the waistband, finger hooking around the elastic. It was happening gradually, so it hit harder when he finally pulled down your shorts. Your underwear was the last barrier, and if it came off, this would officially be something that could never happen again. You were lying under just a layer of clothing. He was staring down at you with his intent gaze. You could feel every move of his, every muscle shifting, his breath hot on your body.
“You too, yeah?” You say with a nervous, breathy laugh. Your hands travel to his pants. And he sits up and leans back a bit, you sit up as well, and start unbuttoning them. It was almost comical, how slow you were both going in this moment. But it was also incredibly intimate. The two of you were both teasing each other in a game of cat and mouse. He was taking it in steps, he wanted to tease, to play, to show you how much he wanted you.
Your hands began unbuttoning his pants, inch by inch, you were both working in unison in the slow teasing. When you finish and start to pull the zipper down, Oscar quickly stands up to take the pants completely off. He wastes no time in getting back on top of you. You smile and hold back a laugh. 
His hands are on either side of your head and he’s looking down at you again, you two start laughing. If it was like this one night, how would it have been with you two together all the time? Would you have always been like this? A playful, teasing relationship, where you both were always just messing around, playing jokes on each other.
The two of you are so close, his boxers and your underwear are the only barrier between you now. You are one step away from the edge, one step away from doing something you can never take back. But you also wanted to take that step. It felt so close to happening. It was like your bodies were talking to one another, they craved to touch, to be pressed against each other. Each breath, each movement it felt as though you wanted to become one with each other.
The way the two of you were looking into each other's eyes, you could tell it was just a moment away. Oscar leaned in close to you, close enough to breathe on your neck, “Are you sure?” He asks. You nod and don’t say anything.
He chuckles as you nod. "You're so sure?" You smile and roll your eyes. He’s such an asshole. “Yes, I’m so sure.” Even with your response dripping in sarcasm, it’s set your feelings in stone. You want Oscar Piastri. 
Was it the alcohol in your system, was it the buildup of years of tension between the two of you, a mixture of both? It didn't matter, the only thing that mattered now was this very moment, this very moment with you and Oscar on this hotel bed. It was like the rest of the world would cease to exist, all that was important at this moment was the heat between the two of you, it filled you with such a warm, almost calming feeling. You both knew that this was it, there was no going back. But just this once you could let it happen. 
part II- okay part III- 11:45
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harkonnen-darkness · 14 days
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 - Prologue: Rotten Flesh
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen X f! Reader
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Words: ca. 3.500
◈ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ◈ Feyd being completley sick -> obsessed with you, blood and slightly gore, mentions of smut (sexually passion) and rape, touching himself, biting (wounds), mention of Reader being dead, he slaughters people, he hears (your) voice
Since the majority was in favor of publishing the prologue, here it is. The two previous chapters are now private, but will reappear almost 1:1, with minor changes, maybe as Chapters III and IV. (I mention this to avoid confusion later.) I'm using this as an opportunity to give myself another jolt with the story. Unfortunately, I am generally a person who is often not satisfied with my work and I'm generally feeling a bit down at the moment. Thank you for your kind comments and private messages. 🖤
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It felt like he had seen you die. In such a strange way. He had never seen that look in your eyes before. Such pain, deep in your soul, reflected in your tear-filled and reddened eyes. You had screamed, he had heard you, but he hadn't been able to do anything. His body hadn't reacted, it had been such a disgusting and uncomfortable feeling. Never before had his body disobeyed the commands of his brain. His limbs had become weaker and weaker until he could no longer feel them, even though he had fought so hard against it. But no chance. His vision blurred, but his ears heard your cries for him a few more seconds. Until your voice, to which he had become so accustomed, slowly fell silent.
In his eyes, he had been treated like dirt! He couldn't believe it when he woke up from his deep and painful unconsciousness. He groaned and briefly touched his forehead, the pressure almost unbearable. As if his skull would explode at any moment and blood would spill from his eyes. When the memory caught up with him, he immediately jumped up and hurried to get to your chambers, late at night - only to find it without you. He thought hastily and went to the training halls. But you weren't there either. ❝No...❞ , escaped rough from his throat. His voice still maltreated from unconsciousness. How could that be? How could it be that you were gone? His inner helplessness turned into pure wrath when he realized that his uncle, Vladimir Harkonnen, had torn you away from him. He remembered his nightmares, which had been rare but felt so real. The endless darkness he had seen and felt when you disappeared. He felt that same darkness now. It hugged him unpleasant, made him feel pain again and he felt like it was taking his breath away. Even in the dark and cold jails, he didn't hear you when he called your name. You were gone. And he didn't know what to do.
That night, he had settled down in your chambers. The bed linen and the soft blanket still smelled like you. A mixture of your own scent, your perfumes and bath salts. This alone made his body, his lower region, react. Although his mind didn't even feel much desire. Nevertheless, he touched himself and forced his genital to stay hard, even after his numerous, (now) unsatisfying orgasms. Just as he had been trained. To bring your body to climax again and again. To drive you crazy. To give you something you deserved, after your horror. Feyd's blue eyes were half open and his thoughts circled around in his head. Some nights he stayed awake, unable to rest. Because even sleep was often not a release for him. Just then he saw you, standing on the balcony, the light breeze making your hair move a little. The moonlight bathed Giedi Prime in a soft, cool light. He could see the silhouette of your body under your nightdress. Your soft, feminine curves. Oh, how they flattered him. ❝Come here, now!❞ , he spoke quietly. You heard him and crawled onto the bed, playfully falling onto him. To him, you were as light as a feather as he reached for you and pulled you into his arms to warm you. He knew that you loved it. His dreams played merciless tricks on him. Until he no longer knew whether you had died or not, his dreams confused him. He often no longer knew what was reality and what was not. Once he saw your dead body right next to him on his bed. So sallow and pale. Sometimes he saw your blushing cheeks and your beautiful smile. So honest and full of feelings.
He hadn't pulled the blanket over you one night, he wanted to enjoy the sight you offered him. Your almost colorless skin glowed and as still and wonderfully naked as you lay there in front of him, he remembered many nights when you had secretly made love. Oh, it was so dangerous... But what a delight it had been for both of you. Feyd smiled and let his fingertips caress your ribcage, grasping your firm, cold breasts. How he had loved biting your nipples...! He leaned over you, supporting himself with his arms. How quiet you were, how peacefully you slept...! Surely you wouldn't mind another lovemaking session. He gently kissed your sunken eyes, your eyelids shimmered bluish, but your eyelashes were still silky. He greedily licked your lips, pushing the tip of his tongue between them. He had always loved kissing you, the wild passion of both your bites. He forced your jaw apart, invaded your mouth with his tongue, sought yours and entwined it. Fierce excitement tingled through his body and roughly he spread your legs, pressing his stiff, hot cock against your cold, clammy skin. ❝May I penetrate again, dearest? Or does it hurt too much?❞ You offered no resistance as he thrust inside you and he didn't feel the coldness of your embrace. His moans were rough and desperate as he thrust into you again and again with a slow rythm, holding your limp thighs tightly wrapped around him. He could hardly bear the lust for your body, even though you didn't move and were completley silent.
You both had often been intimate together. And every single time had been forbidden. Because intimacy would only have been allowed after the wedding. You had pushed him so far, wrapped him around your fingers, completely unintentionally. He had sunk to his knees in front of you, had willingly spoiled you with his tongue. He remembered how you had lain in his arms and the two of you had begun (further) lovemaking, sometimes hours later. Deep in the darkness of the night. Feyd would never forget the taste of your skin, your blood and your nectar. Your skin as soft as silk when he had caressed it with his fingertips. Full of scars from your training, from fights and previous physical pain in your life, from which Feyd had freed you. For him, the lines had been like jewelry on you. He had loved kissing you and, above all, biting you. Knowing that you were his! And through his love bites, everyone else here also knew that you belonged to him. He too had a few scattered scars from your teeth, but you had much more on your body. He longed to put his lips on yours, to press your body tightly against him and never let you go. To mark your neck, your inner thighs and your back red and blue. He also remembered how he had once bitten your neck from behind, like an animal. Only once, because this had been your last time. And today he regretted punishing you by not giving you some climaxes. Even though you'd been one second away from it. Pure intent. Now he would give so much to hear your shy sweet, sometimes hoarse (as if you were choking), moans and your pounding heart again. So much...
He had loved to purr soothing words into your ears. How much he desired you, or how much blood you would spill together once all the other worthless creatures were kneeling in front of you both, trembling in fear, begging for mercy. Often this was a kind of foreplay for you, as it had excited you and him so much to hear these words from the Na-Baron. Or simply when you were lying in his arms, so that you would dream something beautiful.
When he walked past your chambers at night, after his training or meetings, he thought he heard your painfull screams again. Even though he knew you weren't there. And you would probably never be there again. He would never enter the familiar premises and find you. As you read books about Giedi Prime on your bed or in a baroque armchair, hungrily acquiring knowledge. He would never again smell the scent of lavender, lemon or other bath salts, as you relaxed in the warm water. He would never again find you asleep in bed and lie down to you, to feel your warm body against his and fall asleep comfortably next to you. Holding you tightly on him. Sometimes, only rarely, you woke up from it. But too gladly, so that you knew he was there.
Since your absence, he has been killing even more indiscriminately than usual. Again. He ended lives, but there was no fun, no inner relaxation, no balance. It was only satisfying until the knife left the skin of the bleeding victim. As if in a trance, he had disemboweled or dismembered some bodies, stained the floor completely red. And still, it wasn't enough for him. He had bitten the flesh from the victims' bodies until their screams were silenced. He didn't even give some of them the chance to make a sound, as he had severed their vocal cords directly. He killed men as well as women. Feyd didn't care at all. The main thing was that blood flowed and numbed his senses for a few seconds. The longing for you.
The dagger you had given him was always at his side. As you had said, it was not well suited for fighting. The steel was so delicate that it could break. But it slipped through skin and flesh as easily as butter. Blood flowed instantly from the clean-cut wounds, overflowing the skin and soaking the dying one's clothes. Feyd found it particularly beautiful to look at the female Harkonnens who wore light-colored clothes. How some eyes filled with tears before the light and life in them went out.
But he started to hear a voice in his head. More and more often. Very similar to yours. Or was it even yours? How gentle it could be, soft as a cat's fur, it stroked his senses and calmed his overwrought nerves. They had been talking for a long time, your voice and the Na-Baron. He smiled. Was it progress? No, of course not
No one was allowed to enter your chambers, which were still there. No one was allowed to enter it, or they would pay with their lives immediately. He had forbidden the rest of your belongings to be taken. Until his new Na-Baroness and fiancée would arrive. He had snatched a few of your valuables. Among other things, a few of your knives and your jewelry, such as your harness-chains, a bracelet and two rings. He would never forget how you had once waited for him naked on his bed, wearing only the jewelry on your body. The Harkonnen had touched you lovely right away.
He remembered your beautiful clothes on you, which had flattered your body so much. Be it your dresses, which didn't hide your back and so everyone could see his marks on your skin. Be it your nightclothes, although he preferred you naked next to him anyway, so he could keep you warm. The heavy sounds of your high combat boots, with which you made bones break when had you kicked someone. Smeared fresh blood on your hands and face when you had killed. Oh, you had had his own blood on your lips a few times, but it hadn't bothered him. On the contrary, he had loved it when you bit him with passion. But he had bitten you much more often, almost every time. If he had bitten as hard as you did, his teeth deep in your flesh, you would have bled to death from the wounds. He preferred not to bite you as brutally as you bit him, but therefore much more often. How ironic... you had usually been shy in bed, but as soon as you tasted his blood, you hadn't let go of the wound. Your teeth deep inside him until he had to tear you away from him, so he could continue kissing you.
He missed the brutal way you fought in battle and let worthless blood flow here on Giedi Prime. Just like that. But he also missed your sweet grin and giggle, when he whispered beautiful evil things to you. Or the shocked look on your face when he'd caught you gazing at him in adoring and dreaming. He had loved to push you over the edge, teasing you with actions and words. He had grinned at you knowingly, and you had tried hopelessly to avoid his gaze. Your flushed face had given him too much pleasure and boosted his ego. He knew that you loved him. But the Harkonnen had also enjoyed things that he would never have thought possible before your time. You had been the first to give him loving little kisses. You had been the first to send a shiver down his spine with your beautiful hands, as you stroked his chest and admired his rock-hard muscles. Yes, his pets had been a hundred times better at satisfying him in a purely sexual way. But he had known this long before. He couldn't expect much from someone who, in your case, had only had traumatizing experiences. But what Feyd appreciated was, that you had given yourself to him at all. That you had been willing to be intimate with him, even though it was strictly forbidden before the marriage. The satisfaction you gave him was something else than purely sexual. They were feelings and a desire that he had never felt before. He needed and craved you. 
He missed your grip on his body, when your arms were wrapped around him, as he had to get up very early in the morning. And you had also, coincidentally, been awake. How you clung to him like a spider monkey so that he wouldn't leave. At first, he had found the situation fucking stupid. But then he understood that you did this because you liked him, loved him. It was such a strange feeling for him... sometimes he would lie down again and in most cases you would fall asleep again after just a few minutes. His comfortably warm body and his slow hand stroking up and down your back were like a pleasant narcosis for you. And he kept realizing that he would never do that again. He hated the pain he felt. But that was exactly what told him that you had really been there. That his nightmares were not mere and insignificant images and events. That your sparkling eyes had really been there, when you could finally see and feel him again. Sometimes only after several hours, but sometimes not for a few nights, because the Baron had forbidden it. He had known about your intimacy.
When Feyd had seen you again after many years, he didn't think much of you for a while. But when he realized that what others said about you was true - that you were an excellent warrior, full of will, he had had plans with you. Perhaps not so different from what it had been in the end - because he found you interesting. He would have made you his trusted partner, right hand, assistant. He would have touched you just as much (as he already had) if you hadn't had to leave then, back to your homeplanet. Nobody would have thought that at that time, it was already clear, that you would become his wife, his Baroness.
His dark soul hated himself for ignoring you on the first week on Giedi Prime. However, he had ordered you to spend the nights with him. He hadn't touched you, he just wanted you to lie next to you. So that he could, somehow, get used to being near you. Your presence. You had tried several times to touch him gently, to stroke his arm. But Feyd had shrugged and avoided your touches. Such tenderness had been completely unknown to him. Not to give it (as he had already touched you before), but to receive it. His uncle had brainwashed him for years that a (Na-)Baroness was worth nothing! That intelligence was a waste on females. But Feyd had felt differently about you, but knew it was wrong. His feelings had made him seem confused and weak at first. Until he could overcome himself to give in and approach you. And to this day, he would say it was one of the best things he did in his life.
To touch, to kiss you and receive similar actions back from you. He silently thanked you for your trust in him. He silently thanked you that someone could love him the way you did. Even though he had never wished or searched for it. With you, it just happened. When you had woken up, some minutes before him, a few times, you cuddled up against his chest or his back. It had woken him up, but he hadn't said anything. He loved it, that you adored him.
Feyd had shed blood for you, just as you did for him. And even now he shed blood mercilessly. Killed anyone who got on his nerves in the slightest. A single backtalk or a single hesitant look when someone questioned his opinion - dead. Be it through your birthday gift to him, a pocket knife or his bare hands. He also remembered when you were worried about him, when he almost died in the arena on his birthday. When his own knife had been so close to his face. The Atreides could have slit his throat or rammed it into his skull...! Somewhere he had seen your concern as pathetic. But even this had shown him that you loved him.
Feyd just looked at the rest of your knives and daggers. The handles were slightly narrower, better suited to smaller hands. Still usable for him without any problems. The blades as sharp as his dark soul. In the morning, he chose which weapon would accompany him that day. Hidden under his clothes, but always ready to hand.
That night, Feyd tossed and turned a few times. His eyeballs twitched under his eyelids and his breathing was heavy. When he opened them, looked into the dim darkness and heard light rain in the background, he saw you. Known jewelry on your hands, them tenderly stroking his strong shoulders. He didn't recognize your darkened fingers. He only felt your warming hands. ❝Hello, my beloved.❞ , he heard your voice. Very quietly, the rain almost drowned it out. One hand moved from his shoulder to his chest. His heart was beating so hard and fast, as if it was about to burst. Your bad teeth flashed as you grinned at him. It wasn't sweet or shy like usual. It was evil and seemed like a pure lie. ❝Your heart... is it still mine, Feyd?❞ Your skin, your hair... everything about you was colorless. It looked like a rotten gray. Your bony hands rested on his cheeks, stroking them gently. Your completely white eyes sparkled at him with delight. ❝Oh, my Feyd. My Baron.❞ , he heard you whisper. The words came from your lips, but they sounded somehow different. So unpleasantly oppressive. It was the voice in his head that had been with him for days, or perhaps even weeks. Which had never left him alone since your absence. Your skin was ice-cold, but your touch suddenly burned like fire and it flowed like poison through his veins. Still, he welcomed you as you pressed your cold, dark lips on his. The kiss was tender and soft at first, full of emotion. But your fingernails dug through the skin of his neck when you wrapped your hands around it. The red liquid flowed down his naked back. Against your skin, it seemed scalding hot. As if it was eating into his flesh, sinew and bone like acid. And though the pain increased as you readied yourself on his lap to be closer to your beloved Harkonnen, he didn't let go of you. ❝Are you going to stay... with me?❞ , the warrior moaned between the kisses. His hands tightened around your waist, trembling in pain from the cold surface of your skin. His body suddenly ached like never before. Like he was being torn apart from the inside out. His mouth filled with thick blood, he pushed you aside to spit it out. But there was no end to it, the liquid soaked your bedding. His blue eyes flashed up at you. ❝Devil!❞ , he growled as the blood loss diminished. You smiled again as he pulled you back to him anyway to continue kissing you. Feyd moaned hoarse. Not only with lust, but also with pure pain, which coursed through his entire body like jolts of electricity. ❝[Y/n]...❞ , he barely uttered audibly. Your name took all his breath away. ❝I will not come to you. But you to me, you already know it, Feyd!❞
Disturbing experiences can make anyone sick, violent dreams and visions, ...get under your skin. Until you no longer know what reality is.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Hurt III
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your return to Kingsmeadow
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The game you make your return in is against Tottenham at Kingsmeadow.
There's a bit of a scare in the morning when you're jumping on the stairs and you slip, letting out a little squeak from the shock of it all.
It sends Momma and Morsa crazy though, both of them rushing to you. Momma grabs your crumpled form quickly, checking over your head for any injuries and Morsa runs through a quick concussion check.
"Fine!" You insist as you try to pull away but Momma keeps your head still as Morsa checks your eyes with the little penlight she has on her keychain. "Just a little fall!"
"No, no," Morsa says," Stay still. We're just checking."
"Should we call Emma?" Momma asks," Do we tell her we can't make it?"
"Can make it!" You say," Not hurt!" You push away Morsa's touchy hands and glare, your little crinkle appearing between your eyebrows as you stare at them both.
"I want you to tell us if you start feeling sick," Momma says," Or if you feel a bit wobbly? Okay?"
"Not hurt!" You say again.
"Doesn't matter," Momma says," You have to promise me you'll say something."
You huff and agree reluctantly.
Morsa keeps a tight grip on your hand as she escorts you into the car and then into the locker room. By this point, you've got the tiniest of bruises near your hairline from your little tumble. It's very small but Sam notices immediately.
"What happened?" She asks, lightly rubbing her finger over it.
You shrug as you munch on your goldfish crackers. You had tried to get Momma to let you have the skildpadder you know she's got in the cupboards but she said that either you admitted that you were hurt or little girls who are just 'fine' don't need skildpadder to feel better.
You're a bit like Morsa, prideful, so you stuck with being fine so now have crackers as your snack for today.
"I fell," You reply," Down stairs. Bumped head. I'm fine."
Sam looks over at Morsa. "Is she? Fine?"
"No concussion," Morsa confirms as she helps you into your Assistant Coach jersey. "Just a little tumble. We're okay, aren't we, Princesse?"
You sigh. "I said that before!"
Morsa rolls her eyes a little at your insistence as Momma comes over to take your hand.
You're going to walk out with her today because it's your first time back with the team since you got hurt and she wants to keep an eye on you until the very last second.
You can hear the announcer as you step out onto the pitch with Momma.
"And a big welcome back for Chelsea's Assistant Coach y/n who returns from injuries!"
You bashfully look down at your feet as the crowd cheers and Momma holds your hand all the way to the bench when kick-off is about to begin.
She waits until Niamh has your hand to let go and kisses you on the head.
Immediately, you try to pull away but Niamh's got a tight grip on you and she gives you a sympathetic look.
"Sorry, kiddo," She says," But you're not allowed out of our sight. You've just gotta sit tight this game."
You don't want to sit tight and you huff loudly so everyone knows that you're annoyed.
"Sorry," Jessie says as her finger ghosts over your new bruise," But it's Captain's orders."
You frown for a moment, sulking in your seat in defiance before a thought crosses your mind. "But I'm the Big Boss," You tell Jessie and Niamh, giving them an unimpressed look that Morsa sometimes gives them," You have to do what I say."
Jessie and Niamh both laugh and shake their heads.
"We really can't," Niamh says," Sorry, kid, but we're more scared of Magda than you right now."
Your crinkle returns. "I can be scary!" You bare your teeth at them.
"About as scary as a kitten," Jessie confesses, pulling you into her lap and curling the sides of her coat around you.
"I'll be scary one day," You say to both of them," I will!"
"I'm sure you will."
When halftime comes around, you try to slip into the tunnel without anyone else. You're goldfish crackers are still in the locker room and you're getting kind of hungry again.
You don't make it very fair though because suddenly you're up in the air and on Millie's hip.
"Where do you think you're going all alone?" She teases," Trying to escape?"
"Hungry," You whine.
"You need to wait for an adult for these things," She tells you as she refuses to put you down during the walk to the locker room.
"Didn't used to," You reply stubbornly.
"Things change, kiddo." She places you on the ground. "Your snacks are where you left them."
The team don't leave you alone for a single moment even though a bunch of people get subbed on and off. You're always within arms reach of someone or cuddled up in their coat with someone. You're not allowed to stand on your seat like you used to be able to, always hurriedly brought down and placed in someone's lap.
"Not hurt," You whine after Momma and Morsa squish you between them when the match is over," Don't need to be watched."
"I think with your tumble this morning," Momma says," That you absolutely need to be watched."
You huff and wrinkle up your nose in annoyance. "Didn't tumble. Just slipped. Didn't get hurt."
"Oh, man," Morsa says in the weird voice she does sometimes when she's not being properly serious," That sucks. Because hurt little girls get to sleep in the Big Bed until they get better."
You freeze suddenly, stopping your walk.
You think for a moment.
You look up at Morsa. "Maybe...Maybe a little bit hurt."
"A little bit?" Momma asks, swinging your joined hands.
You nod. "Uh-huh." You pat at your bruise. "Ow. See, I'm hurt."
"Well then, I guess we better warm up a spot in the middle of the Big Bed for you."
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fritz-federleicht · 11 months
His robe/ Vessel x reader
Summary: your hands are cold during the video shoot to Alkaline, Vessel makes sure you're warm
Words: 840
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Fortunately, the shoot takes place late in the evening. That means you could sleep in comfortably and prepare. Not like Vessel. He had to be on set two hours ago, giving instructions and getting ready.
When you arrived on set you were greeted by him, he was under pressure and could only talk to you briefly. Still, he had enough time to steal a kiss from you. After that, he quickly moves on, into a large dark room.
You look around. III and IV didn't show up for the shoot, they aren't in the video after all. They probably prefer to sit at home and play video games together.
Only II apparently couldn't miss it. He wanted to make sure that Vessel is doing well, he tells you as he stands next to you and greets you with a friendly hug.
His eyes are constantly checking the situation, keeping everything under control. A silent observer.
First shots are taken. Vessel sits on a chair, only dim light from the fireplace behind him fills the room. He wears his robe and his closed mask. In each shot his hands move, contort.
Next to you, II nods. "He's doing really well." He whispers so as not to disturb the recording. You agree with him, murmuring.
"Okay Vessel. We'll take a short break." Says the director. Immediately II leaves the place next to you and goes to a person. Probably to discuss some small details.
You look at Vessel who is coming towards you.
"It's going pretty well so far, isn't it?" You ask.
Vessel wraps his arms around you. "It's going perfectly love." You touch his chest, he shivers slightly under your fingertips.
"Wait." His hands settle on yours.
You look up at him. "What?"
"Why are your hands so cold? Are you not feeling well?" He asks you worriedly. He ignores the fact that you are standing at night in an old abandoned house that happens to have no radiators.
He loosens one hand and touches your forehead. "You don't have a fever." He says thoughtfully to himself.
"Stop it. I'm fine." You laugh and push his hand off your forehead. It slides to your cheek. "It's just really cold in here." You look around the old room. Plaster is crumbling off the wall, piling up on the floor. Knocked-over cabinets stand in the corners.
"Why aren't you freezing, anyway? You're wearing a lot less than I am." You push your free hand against his chest.
He doesn't move a bit, ignoring your question and continuing to speak. "Are you sure you're okay?" He cups your face. "I need to know that you're okay?" His mask touches your forehead. His hands roam over your shoulders and clasp your hands. You notice he's trying to warm you with his body heat, through his chest and his hands tightly enclosing yours.
"Honey I'm fine." You assure him.
You nod against his mask. "Yes."
"All right. But go to II. Tell him to give you my other robe, I always carry a second one. Won't need it today anyway." He pushes his mask up slightly so that only his mouth is visible. "It's so big you can probably wrap it around your little body twice. Snuggle into it okay?"
You barely catch what he's saying, instead staring at his exposed lips. The lips that show you every time how deep love can go. The lips that have tasted you in so many places, places where no one has ever kissed you so lovingly. Exactly these lips are now forming into a light smile.
"Baby, please respond." He squeezes your hand, bringing you out of your trance and back into the real world.
"I'll go to him in a minute."
"Good. I don't want you to get sick. And if you do, we'll do it together." He says softly and leans in. He releases your hands and caresses your cheeks. His kiss is short, demanding and affectionate at the same time. He pulls back.
You look at him, flushed. "Ves, I'm not sure that's how it works."
"It does." He asserts, pulling down his mask. "Now go to II. Break's about to end." He turns you around.
You smile and walk toward II, focusing on him so as not to lose him in the throng of people.
You reach him and ask him for the robe. He gives it to you, you put it on. Immediately you feel warm.
During the next break, Vessel comes to you. Before he even speaks to you, he grabs your hands. When he feels that they are warm, he exhales with relief. "That's good... even if I would have liked to spend the whole day in bed with you." He says cheekily.
"We can do that anyway." You grin at him.
"I'll gladly accept that offer, my love." He answers, brings your hand to his mouth and kisses it through the mask.
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hauntedhokage · 7 months
Priest!Nanami Kento/F!Reader
word count: 2k
summary: you’ve been avoiding the church, the weight of your unabsolved sins sits heavy on your shoulders, and you know that he knows. he could always see right through you.
warnings: MDNI, priest kink, blasphemy up the ass, references to sexual content (sex in a church and unprotected sex), unintended use of a rosary & prayer, manipulation, Nanami refers to reader as “lamb” and “little one”, this is not their first meeting, established…something, reader is some kind of devout to Nanami and not necessarily to the religion itself at this point,
note: this is heavily inspired by my experience in church (read: very catholic), but I was also trying to lean more into my own vision of  “cult-religion” while not explicitly naming any particular religion that reader and Nanami are failing at practicing. Technically this is act iii but idk if I’ll write the acts i & ii that are in mind. 
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You’d been avoiding the church. 
Always conveniently scheduled to work during the different scheduled mass times, and the one time you hadn’t been working you’d faked sick. Faking sick again wasn’t an option, as you were still working through the various meals that were brought your way to help you feel better and didn’t need any additional tupperware to wash and return to your neighbors. Your boss hadn’t scheduled you during Mass in a while, stating that he knew how much going meant to you and now that business was a bit slower he could afford to give you that time back. Everyone wanted you back in that church, sharing the house of worship and the teachings being preached because they all felt you needed it. 
What it provided, you didn’t know. It used to feel natural to be there, enlightening even. Confessional once lifted the weight of your transgressions and had you feeling lighter with the knowledge that your path had been redirected. The reassurance that the gates of heaven had not yet been shut to you, the feeling of light that came when you were told that you were still part of His flock, safe from the fiery darkness of hell - nothing topped that feeling. 
But it wasn’t that you were avoiding the church. 
You were hiding from Father Kento. 
He knew you better than anybody else did at this point, and you hadn’t known him long. It had been maybe six months since he’d come to replace the older priest who had passed away, and how quickly he’d drawn you in - like a moth to his flame and you were trying to avoid getting burnt. He was a priest, after all, even if everything you knew about him went against your understanding of what priests actually did. But maybe that was what you liked about him? Father Kento to you was a completely different man than he was to anybody else, you knew him better because you’d been blessed with the opportunity to see more of him. He’d taken “priestly liberties” to see to your salvation, took special care of you as his most precious lamb, and this was how you repaid him and his kindness? Avoiding he who had given so much to you?
“You look troubled, little lamb.”
And there he was. Always there when you seemed to be thinking about him the most, only in the last few weeks you’d turned away when you saw him at the market or on your way to or from work. Today, though, there is no avoiding him for he’s standing right in front of you. A gentle hand on your elbow (to steady you, would be his cover for a touch so intimate), eyes looking right through you it seemed. 
“Good evening, Father,” you greet, smile soft yet still uncertain as you meet that piercing gaze. “How are you?”
“I’ve been worried about you, but I’m well.” There it was, so quickly to the point yet still managing to be indirect given the public setting that was the middle of the sidewalk. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been alright. Busy, then-”
“Then you weren’t well, yes?”
“That’s where I need to confess.” Your admission earns a quirked brow, the ghost of a smile gracing his features under the streetlight as he gives your arm a squeeze. 
“Would you like to come with me to the church? Somewhere private where we can talk and hopefully provide some solace to that troubled mind.” 
Another act of familiarity, this time his thumb gently running up from the bridge of your nose and between your eyes to smooth out your furrowed brow. A gentle pat to the top of your head follows when you nod, and that has him smiling as he gives a nod of his own before turning to lead you back towards the church. During the walk you tell him about your day, how work was and sharing a fun fact you’d learned that day. In turn he tells you what he can about his, out of interest to respect the private lives of others in the parish. It’s natural, nobody would assume any less than holy intentions to see you being guided down the sidewalk by Father Kento. 
But as soon as you’re inside the walls of the church, the loud click ringing through your ears signaling that you were alone with him and would see no intrusion, you feel almost like a lamb being presented for sacrifice. 
He follows you to where you usually sat shen it was just the two of you in the large building, on the steps in front of the pews, beneath the stained glass but out of its reach when the light shone through at most hours of the day. He does what he always did, dimming the lights before lighting the candles that would provide more intimate lighting for the conversations yet to come.
Father Kento always made you feel special. 
“Where’ve you been, little one? I miss seeing you front and center at mass.”
That was where you were nervous. To tell him what was on your mind, as well as the things that you’d been doing in lieu of attending church and confession, wasn’t going to be easy. He’d be disappointed, and you think for a moment that maybe that’s what you were hiding from. Not Father Kento himself, but the disappointed look in his eyes when you confessed to him that you failed to resist temptation - failed to come to him for protection from that temptation. 
But you tell him anyway, sparing no detail as you know the only way to be absolved of your sins was to confess them. He does an excellent job of keeping his face neutral, hands idly turning his rosary as he listens, and that helps you to ensure that you maintain that honesty. You knew it would hurt him to hear that you’d let another man touch you, that you were hiding from his disappointment, that you were afraid of being a distraction from his work. By the time you’re done your own hands are in his, wrapped in his rosary which eased their shakiness and brought a great deal of comfort.
“I’m sorry that you felt that you couldn’t find sanctuary here,” he murmurs, carefully pressing his forehead to yours. “You should know that I would never judge, and am always here to help you cleanse your sins.”
“I know, I know,” you whisper, looking down at your joined hands. The crystal beads don’t feel as heavy on your skin as they had when he’d started to bring them around your skin, which helps considerably but doesn’t completely relieve you. “I’m sorry, Father, sorry that my faith in you became so weak.”
“God forgave you as soon as you entered his House.”
“But have you forgiven me, Father?” The question brings him pause, and you know why it would. In his eyes, God’s forgiveness should be most important to you, and if God can forgive why would you need to hear anything else? He liked to tease that you were constantly testing him, but this wasn’t a test. This was how you truly felt, and you feared his reaction but you still finish your thought to improve his understanding of your situation. “God’s love means nothing if I don’t have yours.”
“My love for you has not waned in your absence. You are forgiven for your transgressions, my lamb, and I would like to reassure you in that forgiveness.”
You’re kissing him before you can properly process the implication of his words, knowing that what you needed was the specific brand of salvation that only came from Father Kento’s touch. His hands pull from yours, leaving the rosary to hang from your hands as his come to hold your cheeks. Father Kento’s kiss was as he was; calculated and warm, knowing exactly what he needed to do or how he needed to move to maximize your experience in his arms. 
“Please do not drop my rosary, sweet lamb,” he mumbles, lips moving to your neck while his hands work to position you on his lap. “It’s key to your salvation this evening.”
Your attempt at assurance that you’d never drop his rosary - or anything of his, really - is cut off by a whine when sharp teeth dig into your shoulder. A signal to God, he’d said once, to let him know that you’d bled for your faith and did so willingly. You have to separate your hands so he can pull your shirt over your head, and he pulls the cross that now dangles against your forearm into his mouth as he looks up at you through his lashes. Perhaps it's a reminder to be careful, a reminder of where your faith should lie, but you take it as an invitation and press your mouth to his in an open kiss around the quickly warming metal.
“I have to properly present you to God, little lamb. Ensure that he can properly see you embrace your salvation.” And you know exactly what he means as you finally pull yourself from him, letting the spit slick rosary fall against your arm once more before you stand on shaky legs. You needed to bare yourself before God and the Father, present yourself at the altar to accept your salvation. Akin to taking the sacrament, but this brand of salvation was reserved specifically for you - for Father Kento’s favorite little lamb. 
There's a symbolism here that you can’t miss as he lifts you onto the altar - the focal point of the church beneath the intricate stained glass windows depicting images of peace and holiness.
The lamb presented for sacrifice as she’s laid atop the altar, but there’s no knife in his hand. Even if there was, you would only feel reverence for the man standing before you - the man you trusted with your life. You were his little lamb, his favorite within the flock to be used as an example but never to be harmed. If you were ever sacrificed; you’d be reincarnated to once again be his favorite, he’d said it himself that in every instance of your shared existence that he knew he would always find you. The shepherd tends to the flock, always, and a lost lamb would find her way home to the shepherd who loved her so dearly.  
“Are you ready to embrace salvation?”
“Please, Father.” Your hand searches for him, something that you can hold onto when you feel his tip slide through your folds. His hand catches yours, the tight grip pressing the rosary beads into the tender flesh of your palm to the point where you know you’ll see indentations from the intricate bead and metalwork decorating your skin. Another reminder of your repentance to join the soft bruises on your hips, markings on your shoulder, and the remnants of Father Kento’s holy essence that would be left inside you once he’d finished. 
You were far from pure, but so was he. Figuring out where he lost any hope of the salvation he preached would take months of carefully placed questions, but you knew when you’d lost your own. He was unassuming, a kind priest who followed the path lit by God’s light, but at the same time all consuming as he ravaged you from the inside out. Your road to hell had not been paved with good intentions, as he’d intended on dragging you down with him on his own road to damnation. 
But Hell didn’t seem so bad to you if it would be his, too.  
Despite it all, you’d follow him anywhere, if he asked you to go. It wasn’t any god that you prayed to when referring to a Father in your prayers, for Kento was the only Father you prayed to. Your heavenly father, and you know that you will not stray far from his side again. 
You knew better than to hurt yourself like that again. 
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teyamsatan · 1 year
Illicit Affairs | Chapter X: Invisible String
Pairing: Neteyam x Human/Avatar!Reader
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX
Synopsis: Back from the dead, you have to heal in order to be able to move on and be forever part of the people. You and Neteyam finally find each other, giving in to desires you've both had for years.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ minors DNI!!!), some angst, fluff, all the feels, so many feels, the end
Word Count: 14,7k words (i need to be stopped)
A/N: The last chapter of Ilicit Affairs is finally here!! It took me a lot longer than I thought to finish this, but that's because this chapter is longer than my first like 5 chapters combined. I don't know what happened hahahah. I'm so excited to share this with you, the conclusion and culmination of this whole story. I hope you find it a satisfying pay-off, and I'd love to hear allll of your thoughts. Honestly, replies and asks make my life and I cry a little bit every time someone interacts with my content. I hope you have enjoyed this journey, and make sure you read til the end for a (hopefully pleasant) surprise ;)
As always, thank you to everyone who asked to be tagged, I love you all sm!! Ok enjoy byeee x
“Isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me? A string that pulled me out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold tied me to you”
Neteyam stood in the room that he knew so well now, he had memorised its cracks in the white walls, and he was holding your hand, slowly tracing the now-fading yellow bruises along your arm. He looked at the tube that was going into the nook of your elbow and followed his eyes along it, until it reached a little clear pouch with a liquid that was dripping slowly all the way into your body. You were talking animatedly with Kiri, Norm and Max, looking over a bunch of plants displayed on a table in front you. It was incredible to see you, you looked like a completely different person than you were a few days ago. As soon as you woke up, you asked for the treatment you worked on and got working, and your symptoms improved massively. You were still sick, and the virus was still there, not to mention the damage it had already done couldn’t be reversed, it had to be treated on day at a time. Norm said your lungs were getting better and your heart was too, but your kidneys, he thought they were called, still not cleared your blood properly, so you were still stuck in bed with a big tube coming out of your neck where it removed your blood and another tube where it returned it back to your body. Neteyam did not understand how any of this worked, but whatever science it took, he was grateful for. He did not leave your sight in this time, refusing to be parted with you for even more than a few minutes at a time. Jake helped Max and Norm bring in an extra large bed, like the ones made for Avatars and add it to the room next to your own bed, and he slept there, reaching over to hold you hand at all times. 
There was so much between you that was still unsolved, still eating at his insides, but he did not want to overwhelm you or pain you in any way while in this state, so he was satisfied to just be near you and listen to your heavy breathing while you slept, and be comforted by the sound of the ECG machine letting him know you were still there, that your heart was still beating and it wasn’t stopping anytime soon. 
“Ok, I think we need to start with how will we extract the proteins from these plants. I’ve not done protein extraction on plants, but I assume we can do some sort of chloroform or methanol precipitation? You and Grace used to work with plants a lot more than Max or I, so I think you would be the best at figuring it this out, no?” Neteyam looked at you with wide eyes, so perpetually impressed with your intelligence and drive, with how good you seemed to be at tackling any challenge. You were barely breathing properly, but here you were, trying to find a cure for this illness that almost took your life. The first full sentence you said after coming back to life was to Kiri, and he was a little jealous, but overall incredibly proud of you and your strength that felt like it could move mountains if you put all your might into it. Knowing you, he was sure this virus will be dead meat soon.
“Right, I can take care of the protein extraction, you can then run mass spectrometry on it and see what we’re working with. It’s going to be a lot of work, are you sure you don’t want us to take care of it? Until we figure out exactly which active ingredient in which one of these plants gets results, it’s nonstop. I don’t think you’re ready to be back to work yet.” 
“I can’t sit back and do nothing. We’ll see how I feel, worst case scenario I do all the analysis from the comfort of this bed, deal?” 
Norm was happy to hear that you weren’t being stubborn for once. Whatever happened to you when you died, you definitely seemed changed. As if death brought forth epiphanies that made you want to live, to heal. Neteyam was definitely not complaining. 
After a while, everyone cleared, and you and Neteyam were left by yourselves. You turned around to watch him, giving him a little grin. 
“You know you don’t have to stay here every minute of the day, right?”
“I disagree.” 
You laughed heartily, your breath getting caught in your throat when the action made your lungs hurt, and the laughter turned to wincing, much to Neteyam’s dismay. Eventually, the wincing turned to sighing, and you didn’t look at him as you spoke again.
“Shouldn’t you be with your mate?”
It was his turn to wince, and he realised you probably couldn’t avoid talking about your issues forever. 
“Do you really want to talk about this right now?”
“Neteyam… I won’t be the other woman. And I’m also not going to be the woman who steals a man from another, or who endorses whatever the hell this is. I need to make sure you are serious about this, about us. I might still not make the consciousness transfer. I need you to think about this, and if you do and you decide that it is me after all, then you need to talk to her. She deserves that, she deserves better than what she’s been getting. And I don’t want to be part of this until I know she is not being deceived or led on.”
“You are right. I will talk to her today, alright? But I’m not leaving you right now.” 
“Do you want to watch a movie?”
You could feel yourself getting stronger by the day. It was a struggle still, your lungs feeling like they were going to explode any time you took a deep breath in and your heart oscillating between going a million miles a minute to barely functioning in the span of a day, but you were getting there. The combination treatment was definitely doing its job, and your body was no longer on the brink of collapse. Some colour returned to your cheeks in time, and since you have been eating about 15 meals a day because of how worried everyone was, you were gaining weight back, which was further increasing your day-to-day quality of life. You got a lot of sleep in the last few days, probably more combined than in the past few months, and you felt rested, for the first time in a really long time. 
The first two days were the hardest, your body reeling from withdrawal on top of everything else you were experiencing. But you were feeling good today, and were trying to remain optimistic so as to not fall into old patterns. Having Neteyam next to you helped, your light in all the darkness, he refused to leave your sight, even in the face of more pressing matters.
The humans were closing in, you were told. The ships will be landing any day now, which only contributed to your slow recovery, as the anxiety was manifesting itself physically and hurting your progress. You felt stressed at the situation and more so at the thought that Neteyam wasn’t there, in the meetings and in practice, missing it all so he could stay with you. You hated it, worrying constantly and he wouldn’t hear it. 
“It’s only a couple of days, Atan. Stop worrying.” 
Today was the day they were going to remove the dialysis machine, which you were extremely excited about. You felt the need to walk, to stretch out your legs, to be back in the lab. You had a lot to do, a lot you had riding on this. You were trying not to think too hard on how you were doing everything in your power to further procrastinate healing, knowing that at some point you were going to have to deal with the trauma head on and open that damned drawer, that held all of your darkest memories, all of the things you spent your whole life pushing away. If you were going to be ready to heal, ready to move on, you had to do so with a clear conscience and a clean slate. You were adamant that you were going to find the cure for the virus and use it on yourself before you made a decision about the consciousness transfer. You had to be 100% sure of your choice, of your decision to leave this life behind forever, and you couldn’t do that if you viewed it as an escape from your current weak and disease-ridden body.
It took a while to be disconnected to the machine and get the tube out of your neck. From now on til you decide whether to go through with the transfer, you will have to do this for a few hours a day, which was a pain, but better than being bed ridden all day. 
You put your feet on the ground for the first time in days, and you forced yourself to stand slowly, and quickly realised it was a bad idea, and your knees immediately buckled under you. Neteyam caught you with both his hands under your arms, and effortlessly raised you until your feet were a few inches above ground. 
“Put me down! This is so embarrassing.” You groaned at your own impairment, and refused to give up, slowly starting to walk with shaky feeble steps. You felt both Norm and Neteyam hover over you, and although you were grateful for them, you wanted to scream at how upsetting it was making you having to be looked after like you were a baby taking her first steps. You guess, in some ways, you were. 
You eventually got to your room, which looked untouched, if a little dusty. You were happy to see it again, happy to take it all in. It was a bit surreal, the whole experience. You didn’t realise how much it was all going to matter, all the little things, until you were dead on a hospital bed, begging Eywa for another chance. Every wall, every creak on the floor, every book, it all hit you suddenly, and you had to sit down on the ground, your back against the bed frame, so as to not collapse under the weight of this whole endeavour. 
“Atan, are you alright?” Neteyam’s voice was laced with concern, and you tried to stop panting long enough to answer him.
“I’m fine, it’s just a lot.” 
He slowly sat down next to you, struggling to squeeze in the tight space between the bed and the desk. His knee was brushing up against the side of the thigh, and you felt heat spread from the touch through your entire body. He gently raised one hand to the side of your face, removing strands of hair that were falling on it and tucking them behind your ear. 
“Talk to me, Atan. I want to know, I want to help.”
You felt tears pool in your eyes, and you couldn’t look at him, couldn’t look anywhere but the ground as the words got lodged in your throat. This was going to be much harder than you thought. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Neteyam. I’m sorry that I almost died, that I did die, and that you had to witness it. I’m sorry for not telling you, I am sorry for not fighting harder, I am sorry for so many things.” Hot tears were falling on your arm laying in your lap and you struggled to find the words to speak. “I am still so mad at you, so mad that you left, so mad that you lied, so mad that you never told me how you felt about me, so mad about so many things,  but I shouldn’t have kept this from you. We’ve been inseparable since birth, and no matter what happened, you deserved to know, you all deserved to know. You deserved to say goodbye. I am sorry I took that from you.” 
You were both crying now, and he picked you up and placed in his lap with little visible effort, it was probably easier for him than carrying Tuk. You wrapped your arms around his neck and slid your legs around him to wrap around his back and you stood there, crying in the crook of his neck while he held you tightly, trying not to hurt you.
“I am sorry for leaving. Sorry for not talking to you about how I felt, sorry about giving up on you. I should have stayed and helped you heal, I should have been there for you to rely on instead of being yet another thing you had to deal with in this life. I am sorry about lying about Tiongli, I am sorry for not telling them all no from the beginning. Even without the Avatar, there was only one woman in this whole world I would ever belong to, and I would have been happy spending my whole life in this lab, if it meant doing it with you. I was scared, and I am sorry.” 
He removed your head slowly from the crook of his neck, and grasped the side of you face with one of his hands, thumb trailing over your lips, tracing them from your cupid’s bow to your lower lips, and you shuddered at the touch, deep desire pooling within you. 
“I love you so much. I have loved you my whole life, from the moment I was born, and I will love you until the moment I die. I am so sorry it took me so long to grow, but I am ready now. Whatever it is, I will brave it with you, and for you. You will never have to do this alone again.” 
You were sobbing now, unmoored at his confession that you have waited for your entire life. You were so overwhelmed by the love and affection you felt for this man, for the appreciation of knowing he was willing to hear the deepest, darkest parts of your soul and share in that pain willingly.
“I love you too. I missed you so much.”  
After crying it out on the crook of his neck, letting your human hands caress the soft blue skin of his back and chest while he held you, fingers running up and down your spine in a comforting motion, you eventually got up from his lap slowly, and crawled on all your fours to your messy old desk. You took a key that was taped to the underside of your chair, and, with a deep sigh and tired eyes, unlocked the bottom drawer of the desk. You took out just one thing. A bracelet. You smiled at the sight, and tightened it around your arm multiple times so it fit on your human form. You looked at Neteyam coyly, giving him a soft smile, and you saw his hand reaching for his own bracelet, with a gummy smile and tears in his eyes. 
Maybe you could do this after all. 
You eventually started working in the lab again, being a lot more careful about striking a balance between work and everything else in your life. You were still struggling to sleep, especially now that Norm and Max flushed every pill you had down the toilet, but you were trying your best. The best was when Neteyam slept over, and you just fell asleep flush against his bare body, whose warmth melted away all your nightmares and replaced them with much better, much lewder ones. You weren’t getting anywhere with your research, as Kiri found a lot of plants in the forest, and to do mass spectrometry and proteomics on so many proteins, and analysing them all was an impossible task in the time you had left. So in an afternoon, as you were hanging out with her, Lo’ak, Spider and Neteyam in the hub, guitar strumming in your hands, you had a lightbulb moment.
“Kiri, if you had to save one plant, just one on this whole planet, which one would it be?” Kiri was special. Whenever the rest of the kids argued over her heritage, making crude jokes about Grace and Norm, trying to figure out who her dad is, you always had a different hypothesis, that you never said out loud. Kiri was Eywa’s child, as much as Grace’s. She was the key to everything. Eywa was flowing through her, guiding her, and you believed she had a lot more up her sleeve than any of you knew, than even she knew. 
“Hmmm, that is a hard question.” She looked deep in thought for a long time, and eventually it’s like a huge epiphany was released from her mind. “Pamtseowll!!”
“The Cat Ear plant? Are you sure?” 
“I think so! I don’t know why that one, but that’s the only thing that came to mind, and when I thought about it, I just knew it was the right one! Why do you ask?”
You raised from the ground, placed the guitar on a bench next to you, and ran (more like walked at slightly increased velocity than normal) to her, kissing her forehead in a loud smooch. 
“I’ll let you know!! Wait here!!” 
You talked to Norm, telling him your hunch and asking him to treat a vial of the infected blood with the liquid extracted from the plant in question, that you already had in stock thanks to Kiri. It would take a while, but you were buzzing in excitement, feeling extremely positively about your idea and your new odds. You made it back to the hub where they were all waiting for you, and sat back on the ground, mischievously ignoring their curious glares. 
“Are you going to tell us what this was all about?” Spider said, rolling your eyes at your antics. 
They eventually dropped it, and you sat together, talking about everything and nothing, trying to ignore the looming doom of the ships slowly making their way to Pandora’s atmosphere, and the deadly consequences that would follow them.
You picked up the guitar again, deep in thought. Before you could help yourself, you found yourself speaking.
“I saw my mum.”
Everybody stopped and stared at you in shock. None of them said anything, and you swore you could hear a hairpin drop for sure in this big hall, or your heart pounding in your ears. 
“When I died…” you started cautiously, not even knowing why you started talking in the first place, but knowing it was too late to back off now. “…I woke up in this new place I have never seen before. Eventually, I realised I was on Earth, in my mum’s childhood home. There were pictures of her on the wall, with her parents, she looked young, and happy… and alive.” 
“Her house overlooked the ocean, and I went and sat on the beach and she came. Like it was nothing, she just came to me, and sat me down, and watched me cry on her shoulder until I thought I was running out of tears.”
This bit was easy enough to speak about, now came the real problem. You swallowed the big lump in your throat and continued. “She told me she did the same things I did. That she had been sad, so very sad, ever since my father died, the kind of sad that never goes away, the kind of sad I am.” You couldn’t look at them, preferring the look of your guitar that you were holding on to dear life as you spoke, and saw small tears crashing into the strings, splattering everywhere. “She said she didn’t try… to stay alive, to heal. Just like I didn’t. She said she had a choice, and she chose to die, because the hurt was too much for her to bear. She left me, orphaned me, put me through so much pain I’m still dealing with a decade later.”
You heard small gasps and sharp breath intakes and the new information, but couldn’t stop to acknowledge it, needing it out of your soul as soon as possible. “I was so hurt, so mad at her. That she left, that she didn’t fight harder to be in my life, that she left me with so many scars because of her selfishness. And then it dawned on me… that was me. I did that to you. To all of you. And I am sorry. I am so sorry.” 
They all slowly sat up from where they sat and gathered around you in a circle, and hugged you. 
“We forgive you. We’re just happy you’re still here. We love you, we want you to know that you’ll always be able to talk to us. You’ll always have us. We’re a family. Sullys stick together.” 
You felt each of these words deep within you, the forgiveness something you craved like air, and you realised how much it must have meant to your mum. You were happy you could do that for her. You were happy something good came out of all the misery. 
Later that day, all the Sully kids left, and you went to your room, carrying your guitar in your hands, and found yourself again, sitting on the ground, reaching for the bottom drawer key and unlocking it with shaky hands and muffled cries. It was time. You reached inside it for a photo album, with old school printed photos on it, and opened it. Your heart was hurting so badly you needed to place your hand on your hand to try to settle it, settle the pain and agony you felt. The first photo was a photo of you and your mum in the medical ward, holding you tightly against her chest, looking really tired with the caption “you had just been born a couple hours ago, how crazy is that?”. The second one -  a photo of you, as a tiny baby, only a few days old by the scribbling on it. Countless photos of you, in various stages of growth, in various positions, all captioned by your mother, who loved you more than anything else in this world and whose love was loud and clear in every one of these images. The tears kept falling off the laminated pages and onto your legs, and your anguished cries took over the music playing in the background. An image of you and Neteyam, in a crib, his body much larger than yours even as tiny infants, but you were holding hands, sleeping peacefully next to each other. An image of your mum with Neytiri and Jake, smiling widely for the camera. A photo of your mum in her Avatar body with all the Sully kids, her holding Tuk in her arms when she was just born. An image of her in the lab, mid laugh with a pipette gun in her hand - no one would ever have been able to tell how much hurt she was hiding underneath, how close she was to death. Finally, an image of her and your dad, taken by your dad, of them looking into each other’s eyes lovingly. The caption, blurred and blotched from dried tear stains, read “the love of my life, the light in all the darkness”. You closed the album panting, and brought it close to your heart, just holding on to it while you cried. 
You were spent by the end, but wanted to push through, needing to get this done all in one go. You removed another thing from the drawer, a camera, the gift Jake have you for your birthday. You eventually sat on your desk chair, and plugged it into your laptop. You clicked on the only file on it, and gasped at your mum’s face appearing on the screen, smiling while adjusting the camera to centre her face. She started speaking, and you clung to every word, making sure her voice and words will forever be imprinted on your mind.
“My child,
I know it’s been a while since you have since my face.” she says with a small laugh. 
“I’m making this tape for your 18th birthday, as this should be around the time when your Avatar is ready for you to use. I gave Norm and the rest of them notes and doodles and research and I think they can do it, my love. I think they can build you the ramps new life, one amongst the Na’vi. I am so excited for you, you have no idea. 
Happy birthday, bunny. You will forever be the best and brightest thing I will have ever achieved. I am more sorry than you will ever know that I don’t get to see you grow up, see the beautiful, intelligent, caring and loving person you already are blossom into so much more, but I want you to know, more than anything, that I have no regrets. 
I have lived my life exactly the way I wanted to. I have explored new worlds, I have contributed something good to the world, I have lived and I have loved deeply and unconditionally. I just hope you do, too. I hope this world doesn’t break you, my love. I hope it doesn’t snuff out your light, because in that case, I will have failed you, and I am so sorry. 
I know you are sad, and I know you have probably been sad for a while, and I know this life is emotionally abusive, and it takes and takes and takes until there’s nothing left. But it’s also worth living. Because you can learn to take from it, too. You can learn to heal, and love and live, and replace whatever it took in time with even better fitted pieces. But in order to do that, you have to live, my love. 
Even at 10, you have a tendency to keep sadness in, and don’t let it out. That’s something you got from me, and I’m sorry for that. I love that you got my eyes, and my addiction to music and my love for science and literature, but baby, I don’t want you to be like me in every way. You also have a tendency to isolate, and that, you also got from me. I’m hoping that will change in time, I’m hoping Neteyam, and Spider, and Lo’ak and Kiri, and eventually Tuk will be able to break through and allow their light to shine on the dark walls of this lab. But if not, I’m hoping this Avatar will. 
I want you to know that it’s alright to hurt, and it’s alright to be scared and wonder if the path you’ve taken is the correct one. We all wonder through this life scared and confused and a little alone. But it’s up to us to want to make a change and it’s worth it, baby. I know opening yourself up to hurt is scary and hard, but it will also allow to love, to love fully and deeply, to give yourself to others and have them give themselves to you. There’s beauty in this world and this life, but you need to be brave to experience it. 
Your dad and I love you very much. Enjoy this Avatar, and enjoy all that it can bring to your life. You are the brightest light of my life, and now it’s time for you to become another’s.”
You replayed the video until you were so spent, your eyes were closing painfully from the tiredness and hurt and tears. After that, you went to your bed, still clinging to the photo album, and fell asleep, to a song you hoped one day you’ll be strong enough to play yourself, but for now had to settle for the original. 
I should've asked you questions, I should've asked you how to be Asked you to write it down for me, should've kept every grocery store receipt Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me Watched as you signed your name Marjorie All your closets of backlogged dreams, and how you left them all to me...
Norm came bursting through the door of your bedroom, waking you up in a panic. “What the fuck, Norm??”
“We did it.” He came to your bedroom and took you by the shoulders, shaking you. He screamed and jumped in the air.
You jumped from the bed onto your knees, so you were almost face to face.
You jumped on him and he caught you, and you just spun around in your tiny room, laughing and screaming at the beginning of your new life. 
Thank you, mum. For looking after me even after you’ve gone. Thank you.
You had to toil a bit with details, but by midday, you were ready to get the substance, now purified and diluted in appropriate medium for being inserted in a human body. You watched as Norm prepared, and held your breath as he injected it into your now healed veins. You didn’t know whether it would work, or how many doses you would need, this was all so new, it was kind of crazy you were willing to inject it in your body with so little information, but you trusted your mum, and you trusted Kiri, and you trusted Eywa. 
You felt good. So good, in fact, you knew exactly what you wanted to do. 
Neteyam was in the village, in a deep strategy meeting about how they were going to approach the upcoming threat looming over everybody. His mind was only half listening, the other half too busy with musings of you. What were you doing? Have you eaten? Did you take your treatment? He was worried about you after yesterday, and felt guilty he didn’t stick around for the night in case you needed him. He is pulled out of his train of thought when he hears a loud banshee scream, and everyone’s attention turns to the entrance of the tent, to which everyone rushes. When Neteyam makes his way outside, his mouth drops at the sight of you, beautiful and wild, free on top of your golden white ikran.
You were radiant, smiling widely at him while you removed your queue and your visors and brought your hand to your forehead and greeted everyone at the meeting. 
“Hey, kid.” The Sully patriarch came over and gave you a big hug, a conflicted look on his face. “Are you sure it’s ok for you to use your Avatar?” 
“We did it, Jake. We found the cure.”
His mother and father both gasped loudly at the news and hugged you tightly, and you held on to them with all your might, pouring all of your love and apologies into it. Neteyam was too stunned to say anything, pure bliss escaping his body in the form of silent tears, that he wiped immediately from his face - he was in a meeting with all the warriors, there couldn’t be tears. 
“I’m actually here to steal the future Olo’eyktan, if that’s ok with everyone. I will bring him back in one piece, I promise.”
“Fine, but don’t be too late. I don’t want to have to use the radio, am I making myself clear?”
“Yes, sir.” 
Neteyam saw you click your tongue towards where you were standing, and felt a ping of arousal at your sight, at your confident demeanour. You used to be such a wild girl before life got too much for you to bear. He hoped he’d get to see that in you again, just like he was now. His hands made their way to his mouth and formed a circle around it, and he screamed loudly for his ikran, which appeared quickly and landed next to yours. He connected the queue and both of you took flight at the same time. 
You flew like that for a while, and he was mystified at the experience. He has spent so much of his time riding with other people, flying as much a chore as a delight, but nothing that will ever be able to top this. You were screaming, fiercely and ferociously, doing barrel rolls in midair on your beautiful banshee, laughing loudly and urging her to almost bump into him, to which he gasped in mock annoyance and returned the favour. He followed you to the Hallelujah mountains, all the way to a cave on one of the floating rocks. It was beautiful, and he thought it would probably be breathtaking at night. You both landed, panting from the adventure, and made your ways to each other after petting your ikrans affectionately. 
His hands immediately found your face, holding you tightly to look deep into your eyes. Your eyes softened looking at him, and he could see himself in them, looking intense and troubled. 
“Did you really do it?” 
You raised you own hand and brushed an unwieldy braid from his face, gently tugging it behind his ear. He saw your tail swish enthusiastically. 
“We really did it.” 
Neteyam’s mouth immediately found yours, desperate for your touch, the feeling of relief washing over him and it was so intense this is the only way it could be manifested. He needed you, craved your touch, craved the closeness, craved to make up for all the time you two lost. You moaned into the kiss and deepened it, opening your mouth, inviting his tongue to meet yours and dance in the way that made you both weak in the knees. You put your hand on his chest and pushed him and it caught him off guard, because he tipped backwards and hit the ground with a painful thud. You smirked and raised an eyebrow, and he moaned at the sight. You immediately got on top of him, straddling his lap and pulling him by his chest piece until your lips met his again. Your hands went into his hair and his did the same, and you let out a wail when he pulled on it, making your head tilt backwards, giving him access to your neck that he attacked mercilessly, leaving trails of his presence all over you. You felt him, hard against your core that was dripping in arousal, and you thoughtlessly starting grinding against him, feeling your mind flooded with sensations you never wanted to let go of. 
“Neteyam, we can’t.” It hurt you saying these words, it was taking every ounce of self discipline you had, which at the moment was almost none. 
“Yes, we can. In fact, I think it would be irresponsible of us not to.” 
You laughed, smacking his chest playfully at his words. You brought your hand to his face and caressed it softly, and he closed his eyes in bliss. 
“I want to do this properly. I will be one of you soon, for the rest of my life. I want to do this your way. I want to be mated to you the Na’vi way. Then we can do whatever you want, however you want. Deal?” You raised an eyebrow at him, smiling mischievously.
“Only if you stop raising your eyebrow at me, otherwise I make no promises.” 
You laughed again, and laid next to him with your head on his chest, hoping this moment could last forever. 
“Hey, I have to do something, and it won’t be pleasant. I was going to go alone, but I’ve made a promise to not go about everything alone. So if your offer still stands, would you like to come with me?” 
You felt Neteyam’s hand stop caressing your hair like it had been for a while. He starts getting up, pushing your head off his chest slowly in the process. He looked serious, concerned, but he had a calming smile on, and when he took your hands in his and held them tightly, you knew you were gonna be ok. 
“Let’s go.” 
You got on your ikrans and flew back to the forest, feeling comforted by the knowledge he was there, next to you. You didn’t have to do this alone. You landed in the clearing next to the exo suit that belonged to you dad. Your heart was picking up pace from the sight, but it was time. It was time to work through it. 
You slid off Neyn’s back and made your way to the suit, running your hands over it to remove some of the vines and eventually reaching for the dash cam. It was probably long dead, but you had to try, especially after what your mum said. You fiddled with the screen for a while, and eventually, it turned on, making you jump out of your skin. 
In the view of the camera stood a man, tall and bald, wearing military clothing and reloading the guns that came with the suit. You’ve seen him before, in a photo in one of the jackets you found rummaging for clothes to wear. His name was Lyle Weinfleet. 
“Captain, I think if we go through this clearing, we should be closing in on the tree of souls in about 3 clicks.” 
“You’re right. But I don’t think we should do it.”
Lyle looked stunned, and he stopped whatever he was doing to turn around and look and your dad. “Barlowe, what are you talking about?” 
“This is wrong, Lyle. You know it, I know it, everyone here fucking knows it. And if you don’t, you’re even a bigger psychopath than I thought you were. We have to go back.”
“I’m not fucking going anywhere, Captain. These freaks are going to kill all of us if they get their way. Someone has to stop them.”
Your dad picked up his gun and pointed it at him. “Are you disobeying direct orders, lieutenant?” 
“You’re not my squad leader, Captain. And I have orders from above.” 
A fight ensued which eventually resulted in the destruction of both the exo suits. Your dad got out of the suit, and the last time the camera picked up was Weinfleet running at him with a knife. 
You lowered the screen and sat in silence for a long time. Neteyam’s hands were rubbing up and down your arms, and you felt his chest radiating heat on your back. You were happy to have him here, as the new influx of information was overwhelming enough to make you dizzy. Your dad didn’t attack on that fateful night 19 years ago. Everything you believed your entire life was false. 
“My dad was not a horrible person.” Neteyam said nothing and just stood by your side, allowing you to process everything at your own pace. 
“I hated him my whole life. I felt so much guilt at his actions, the murders I thought he committed plagued my mind for years and years. I was too scared to come to the village because I thought he was responsible for the decimation of your people.” 
“You came from him, you share his blood. There was no way he could have been that bad. Not with you as his daughter.” 
You scoffed lightly at his comment, but were so happy he was here. You took him by the hand and walked him to the body that was now only a pile of bones. You looked further in the clearing, and realised another set of bones was settled in the ground a few meters from your dad’s. Good, you thought. 
“I’d like to bury him, if that’s alright with you?” 
You gathered all the bones and walked to a tree whose roots were hanging partially above the ground, creating a little cove. Rays of light were hitting it, and you knew then it would be the perfect place. You placed his remains there, and gathered flowers and ornate twigs that had fallen on the ground, and decorated the little space as well as you could. 
“Thank you, dad.” You were comforted at the thought that, although he died on this foreign planet alone, he was loved, and now, he will be mourned. 
You made it back to the village together, walking and holding hands, trying to get your mind off all the epiphanies you have had to undergo in the past few days. Healing was hard work, you snickered to yourself. You made it to the tent you knew Jake and the rest of the warriors would be. 
“There you are. Was starting to get worried.”
“Ah, there’s nothing to be worried about, pops.” You laughed at Jake’s shocked expression and the way his eyes softened immediately as a response to your new nickname. 
He had to wipe that expression off his face. He was Olo’eyktan. He was Toruk Makto, this was not inspiring leadership. 
“Right. The humans will be here any day now. I think we will have to move our base of operations in the Hallelujah mountains, somewhere they can’t find us, where the flux is too strong for their equipment. It’s going to be a big ask, and a big adjustment, but it is necessary. You know the first place they will look is at the hub. And it won’t take long for them to find the village either.” 
What he was saying made sense, but it filled you with a sense of grief. This forest, that hub, those labs, this village, is all you’ve ever known. To have to leave it for an undetermined amount of time, maybe forever, was hurting your heart. You knew Neteyam felt the same, you knew they all felt the same. Jake was a marine, strong and adaptable, he was an incredible person to have around in a crisis. But he didn’t quite understand what it means to belong to only one place, to only know one reality that was going to be uprooted and taken from you. That takes time, time you didn’t have. 
“I think we should do the ceremony tonight. You have completed the Iknimaya, you are to be one of us now. It’s time, if you want it.” 
You peered up at him, in shock, but the beating of your heart was so loud because it was excited, it was happy. It’s time. You knew it in your heart it was right, this time. You belonged here. Your mum worked so hard for you to get to do this, she foresaw this 18 years ago. Your dad gave his life for yours, even without knowing it. You owed them this, owed them your life and this new one you were about to get.
“And tomorrow, we can do the transfer, if you are ready.”
By nightfall, you were ready. Your hair was freshly braided, in a pattern different to what the Na’vi wear, but you wanted it to be a mix of Na’vi and human braiding. You had all new clothes, and Kiri was in your tent, painting your body in white lines, as was the tradition. She looked radiant, happy and beautiful, like she always was.
“How are you feeling?
“There’s nothing to be nervous about. You belong here, you always have, even when you were human. This is just formality at this point.”
“Kiri… I want to thank you. You saved my life. Your plants, your mind saved my life. I wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t for you.”
“You saved your life. You asked me, you did the work, you found the cure. The Na’vi will be forever grateful to you, and Max and Norm, I hope you know that.”
“How about we say it was a team effort?” You laughed together and you kissed her forehead. You loved her so much, your sister for life.
Neteyam saw your body, adorning all new garbs, a golden frilly loincloth and green, violet and gold beaded top that hung from your neck to reveal a bare back that made Neteyam’s body beam with desire. Your left arm was decorated with a bracelet, the same bracelet he was wearing, the one that he gave to you when he was ten, that was now proudly shining on your person rather than hiding in a drawer, masking pain. You had bracelets around your ankles as well, that were softly clinking every time you took a step. Your hair was soft and braided in a pattern that was unlike the Na’vi ways, and it was fitting, Neteyam thought. You would never be only Na’vi - you were more, not quite human, not quite one of them, you were the most beautiful aspects of both and Neteyam felt his heart skip a beat at the sight, one which will never cease to take his breath away. You were his, forever. How did he get so lucky?
Almost as if you could hear him, you slowly turned around and he saw your eyes searching the crowd until they found him, and your face immediately broke out into a beaming smile, that slowly changed into a gaze filled with yearning and love….and lust. Neteyam gulped audibly at your expression, so intense it was making him crazed enough to almost consider taking you away right now, ceremony be damned, and coax screams out of you he would be sure anyone else would cower in shame at. But not you. You were his match, his twin flame, and he knew whatever he wanted to take from you, the screams, the pleasured pains, the moans and panted breaths, you would give willingly, and would take his in return, until you were both so spent you collapsed in aching bliss. 
He waited though, despite his progressively harder to ignore twitch, knowing he wouldn’t, couldn’t rob you of this moment, knowing the waiting and anticipation would be worth it in the end.
The ceremony was ethereal, magical, and he couldn’t help reminisce about his own, years and years ago. The people all stood around you, waiting for the Olo’eyktan to say the words that will make it official. Neteyam saw his father approach you, wearing all the garbs worthy of a chief of the Omatikaya, and placed both his arms on your shoulders, smiling proudly. You were a Sully now, for all intents and purposes, and his father looked at you the same way he looked at all his children. Neteyam’s heart swelled at the sight, taking in the familial interaction.
“Ngenga 'ite Omatikayaä luyu set. Na'viyä luyu hapxì. (You are now a daughter of the Omaticaya. You are part of The People.)”
Neteyam made his way by your side, and he watched as the rest of his family did the same. He placed both of his hands on your body, one over your heart, and the other on your back. His family did the same, and he noticed tears in everyone’s eyes, including yours and his own. This was a moment none of them thought they’d get to see, that you never expected to experience, and Neteyam said a silent prayer to Eywa, thanking her for bringing the love of his life back to him, and into the clan. 
After the celebration, you excused yourself from everyone, tired and dazed, as well as too impatient to wait for what you have wanted, needed for days, months, years. You found Neteyam casually talking to some friends, and you touched his back lightly, so lightly it was barely there. He shuddered minutely, and turned his body to face you. He took your breath away, always, but particularly today, in this light, under these circumstances, wearing his ornate clothes and that bracelet, the one that you would both wear for the rest of your lives. That one that meant forever. 
“Come.” He said, and he looked at you like you were a meal that he’s been starved from, that he was going to devour. You bit your lip in excitement and followed him.
You went for a swim in a tiny lake not too far from the village. You swam together like that for hours, kissing and touching each other under the water, just feeling him. The anticipation was building strongly, and as the last of the paint on your body dissipated, you left, with hurried steps, quickly making your way towards the Tree of Souls. 
Your entire body stalled at the sight. You have seen images of it, areal videos taken from drones and helicopters, you saw it all, and yet nothing could have prepared you for the beauty of this place, for its magnitude and significance. The air felt thick, charged with energy, and you could hear whispers all around you, soft, almost imperceptible, but they were there. Eywa was here, just like she was all around you, but here, you felt her stronger, almost palpably so. You made your way through the willow-like branches, seeing the purple hue illuminate your skin, and you just walked, taking it all in, touching it, experiencing it fully. You were so happy, it made you anxious. You’ve never felt happiness like this, and you were scared it wasn’t going to last, scared of knowing that the fall from such a high would break all of your bones, crush you forever. You felt Neteyam’s gaze on you, electrifying every inch of your body its gaze was touching. You could feel him, in your bones, you knew what he was feeling, what he was thinking. You shared a soul, you always have. “He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” 
You looked at him and your breath hitched in your throat at the sight; he was the most gorgeous human you have ever seen. He was beautiful and angelic and looking at you like you were prey that he wanted to exert complete control over - and you didn’t mind. You wanted him so badly and you have waited for this for what feels like lifetimes. You knew looking at this man in front of you that you would allow him to ruin you, you would beg him to kill you softly, slowly drive out any ounce of sanity from your body orgasm by orgasm until there was nothing left of you but the echoes of moans you couldn’t help exhale. It was almost desperate, your need for him, and you heard your breath become laboured, panting with craving and ache. You saw him make his way towards you slowly, and stopped only when he was towering over you, and you had to bring your chin up to be able to look into his eyes. His hands immediately found your jaw, that he gripped tightly, making sure you weren’t going to look away from him, from that gaze that drove you mad and made you throb in pain, begging to be filled, craving sweet release. 
“You’re mine. I can’t believe you’re mine. I have waited for so long, I have dreamt about this for years. The one thing I have wanted more than life itself and you are here. You’re mine. Forever.” 
You were fully panting now, not even an ounce of shame on your features. You wanted him, you wanted him to know what he was doing to you. Wanted him to control you, to possess you, to take what was his, what has been his and will be his forever. 
“Say it. I need to hear you say it, Atan.” 
His grip on your jaw tightened, and you moaned, unable to stop yourself, not wanting to stop yourself. 
“I am yours, Neteyam. I have always been yours. I will always be yours. It’s you and me, forever.” 
It was his turn to moan, gaze turning animalistic now, in a way that you felt within you, deep within you, and you knew you were dripping wet now, knew he was going to love it, was going to revel in it, and you smirked at the thought. 
You saw him stop and reach back for his queue. You gasped silently at the sight, but smiled at the thought he wanted this, that after this, you would be his for life. You reached back for yours, and you both held them close to each other, just out of reach, looking deeply in each other’s eyes. 
“Do you trust me?” 
“You know I do. I trust you, Neteyam, do whatever you want to me. I’m yours to take, I’m yours.” 
“Forever.” You joined the queues and nothing in the world could have ever prepared you for the overwhelming sensations and feelings, for the intense intimacy of feeling Neteyam’s deepest desires and emotions, for how deep his love and care for you actually ran, for how desperate he was to own you, to make you his. You felt his breathing and his heartbeat, and he felt yours and the desire you both felt exploded all around you. 
He aggressively smashed his lips into yours, both of you moaning at the contact, at the need that enveloped both your beings like the rushing water of the river you loved swimming in together. Your fingers immediately made their way into his hair, his beautiful hair that seemed to sometimes have a life of its own, and thinking of how hot you found it made you only more enthusiastic, gripping at it tightly and pulling on it. He smirked in the kiss, parting your lips enough to look at you with a mischievous grin that you loved more than you could put into words. You loved this man - you loved his kindness and compassion and sacrificial streak and patience, but you loved this side of him more, the side only you ever got to experience, that no one else knew about. How passionate and adventurous he was, how masculine and possessive of what was his he was, how wild and untamed a streak he hid under the well-behaved and poised demeanour. How well he matched you. Your twin flame. He placed both of his hands on you thighs, just underneath your ass, and lifted you effortlessly, and you instantly wrapped both your legs around him, never breaking the kiss, that was now just a mess of panted moans, lips and intertwined tongues. You felt your back hit a tree bark and you gasped, breaking the kiss and watching as the action left a trail of spit in between you. His mouth moved to your neck, that he sucked and licked until it was hurting, and he pushed you into the tree, trying to remove whatever space there still was in between you two. As he did so, you felt his chest and pelvis push aggressively into you, and you whined when you felt his dick brush up against you core, hard as a rock and hitting a spot that was making you lose your ability to see around you. He started moving his hips into yours, drawing circles into your pelvis and you matched him, desperate for release, desperate to want to give him your first of many orgasms of the night. You weren’t going to be satisfied until he made you cry in pain, in pleasure, until the line between them was blurred.
Neteyam saw your breathing quickened and he smirked in a way that only made further pleasure pool in your depths. “Coming already, my love? You wanted me that badly, huh?” 
“You’ll get that later, too.” 
You wanted to laugh, but couldn’t do anything but mewl in agonising ecstasy as he hit a spot that immediately made you see stars and you rode out your first orgasm, crying into the crook of his neck. 
“Good girl.” He didn’t let you come down from you high, as he removed your body from the tree and placed you on the mossy, comfortable ground, and both his hands went on your knees, making sure you were keeping them apart, as soon as he could feel you wanting to close them to accommodate for your post-orgasm sensitivity. 
“No, Atan. You wanted this, remember? You have to keep your pretty legs spread for me.”
The entire world was spinning around you, a mess of purple, pink and white, as he traced his hands slowly, too slowly, painfully slowly up your thighs, until he reached your hips, where you loincloth was tightened, and you felt him make quick work of the knot, inhaling deeply as he took it off from you and saw you for the first time. 
“Fuck, Atan. I feel like I could come just from looking at you. Look at you, a fucking writhing mess and I haven’t done anything yet. Look at this,” he said as he place a hand in between your folds, removing the slick that was so abundant it was now dripping down your ass, “Look at how wet you are for me, and I haven’t even touched you yet. The shit I want to do to you, Atan, will make Eywa regret ever making this tree part of the mating ritual.” 
You saw him slowly lowering his head towards you legs, kissing and biting roughly up your thigh until you were screaming in pain. “Shh, Atan.” He drew circles in your thighs as he continued his onslaught to comfort you to some extent, except it was only lighting your skin on fire, only strengthening your need for that second release. 
“Fuck, Neteyam, please.” 
“Begging so soon, my love? What do you need?” 
“You. Your tongue, your fingers, anything. Fuck, please!” 
“Well, since you said please.” 
He smirked again, the asshole, and you felt him licking your pussy from your entrance to your clit, and at the moan he released as he did so, you convulsed so violently you needed a while to settle, still trying desperately to close your thighs to make the sensation more bearable. 
“Stop that, or I’ll stop. Do you want me to stop, my love?” He looked at you through hooded eyes and giving you a wild look that made you clench around nothing, and your hands found his head and you pushed him back into you, annoyed that he stopped, already upset at the thought that he wasn’t going to be doing this every minute for the rest of your life. If you had your way, he would. That’s all you would do. He laughed, but obliged, and continued his attack on your lips, messily kissing and licking, pushing his tongue deep within you, like your pussy held the potion for eternal life and he wanted to live in you forever.
“Fuck, Atan, you taste so good. So good, how am I ever supposed to stop, huh?” You started grinding your hips around him, moaning loudly and you saw him dry humping the ground, trying to get some of his own release. The primal animalistic action was enough to push you over the edge again, coming all over his tongue, that was still lapping at your insides, without any intention to stop. 
You tried to push him away, the feeling so overwhelming it was bordering painful, your clit so red and sensitive now it was glaring and obvious, but he didn’t relent. 
“Fuck, you are intoxicating. Come on, baby, I’m not nearly done. We’re not nearly done.” He pushed two fingers in you, which was incredibly easy with the amount of slick and cum you were continuously releasing. Although so sensitive, you immediately clenched around him, taking him in, and felt the familiar ache slowly building in you again. He pushed his fingers deeper, until his knuckles made contact with your folds, and you felt his thumb slowly, gently rubbing your throbbing clit as his fingers were hitting your g spot mercilessly. The stimulation was too much, and you felt yourself seeking yet another orgasm, bucking your hips wildly against his fingers. 
“That’s right, Atan. Let me see you come all over my fingers.” That’s all you needed to hear, and almost on command, you felt yourself coating his long digits with your cum. He removed his fingers from inside you and you cried out at the loss, but he didn’t care, too busy staring at his fingers, covered in the clear viscous liquid enveloping them. He brought both fingers to his mouth and he took them both in and sucked on them, and immediately kissed you, messily and forcefully, and you moaned at the vulgarity of it, and the taste of your own orgasms on his tongue, which was exploring your mouth like he had your folds earlier. You loved it, loved all of it, drunk on the feeling, on the connection you felt to this man that knew you, so well, so deeply, knew your body instinctually, like he touched you and had you all his life, and you squirmed when you realised that now you had a whole life to do this, every day, you would never have to live without this feeling again. 
“Do you feel how good you taste, Atan? Fuck. I will never get enough of this.”
With one swift motion, he removed your top from around your neck and took its place, squeezing your throat until you couldn’t breathe anymore, slowly choking you. You threw your head back and arched your back, eyes fluttering shut, just taking in this feeling, of being completely owned, completely in someone else’s control. It was exhilarating. 
“Look at you. Look at how you give in to me, it makes me fucking crazy.” He squeezed harder. “You drive me fucking crazy. I have dreamt about fucking you for so long. So many nights, having to stroke my cock imagining it was your mouth instead, you have no idea how badly I need you. How entirely and completely yours I am. You own me. My soul and my mind. It’s only fair I own your body.”
The hand that wasn’t around your throat went to his loincloth, that he removed skilfully, letting it drop to the ground around him. Your eyes fluttered open to take him in, his glorious body and that magnificent cock, that was even bigger that you ever dreamt, and you struggled to gulp in the position you were currently in. Your pussy clenched fully at the sight, and you were drooling now, saliva pooling around your mouth that you licked off like a kitty looking at her favourite meal. His fist wrapped around the girth of his cock and he started pumping himself, and you were close to being done again just at the sight, never in your life seeing anything more sensual, more erotic. You needed him inside of you now. 
“Fuck, please, Neteyam. I need you in me.”
“I know, Atan. I need to be in you. I need to feel you milking me, like the good girl I know you are.”
With a couple more strokes, he lined himself at your entrance and slowly, deliberately, agonisingly pushing in, one inch at a time, stretching you deliciously, fully until he bottommed out, and you could feel him hitting your cervix, you could see his bulge in your lower abdomen. It drove you to the point of madness. 
Your hand went to his ass, trying to push him even further in, despite not thinking it was actually possible for him to go anywhere else, but it was still not enough, never enough. 
He removed your hand and gathered both of them and pushed them above your head, pining them to the ground with enough force that you couldn’t move them anymore. 
“No, Atan. You don’t get to dictate this. We go at my speed.” And with those words, he started rutting into you brutally, giving you no time to adjust to him or to the pace. It was rough and wild and out of control, everything you have ever desired in your darkest, best fantasies. It was so dirty, so wrong it made your insides squirm in pleasure, in uninhibited bliss. 
He maintained his pace for so long it was enough to steal two more orgasms from you. You were on the verge of tears, now, so overstimulated you didn’t know if you were feeling pleasure or pain anymore, but you didn’t care, you wanted more, always more of this, more of him. 
“Fuck, Atan, I can feel you squeezing me again. You think you can give me one more?” You nodded weekly, trying to match his ruthless pace.
“I want to come in this pretty pussy. You want me to fill you up, Atan?” You could only moan at the words, unable to formulate any coherent thoughts or sentences, anymore. You were way past that. Your breath quickened rapidly and you knew you were really close, and he could feel you too.
“Yeah, that’s right baby, come all over my cock. I want to feel you come undone.” Those words were enough to rip another explosive orgasm out of you, and your clenching milked his cock dry, feeling thick spurts of cum fill you up, painting your pink walls white. 
He collapsed on top of you with a thud, still buried deep in you, and you couldn’t help laugh exhilaratingly at his reaction, at what just happened, at the fact his was all real, not just an out-of-reach fantasy. 
Eventually, he rolled from on top of you and stretched out an arm for you to cuddle up to him, which you did, feeling grateful for every moment, grateful for the intimacy. 
You were both still panting, still recuperating and you lay in his arms in peaceful bliss, trying to catch your breath. 
“Thank you.” You said playfully, drawing circles on his chest. 
“What for?”
“For being an even better lay than I always imagined you to be in my dreams. Although I’ll find it hard ever being a productive member of this clan again going forward.” 
He threw his head back and laughed, and the sound filled the forest and your heart, so relieved to be able to hear it again, so immensely grateful to get to experience these feelings in your life, that didn’t end prematurely no matter how many bad decisions you have made.
“You’re very welcome, Atan.” 
You peered up at him bashfully, and you knew then you did at least one thing right in this life. 
You fell asleep in his arms, and woke up in the link room, wide smile on your face. Max was waiting for you, and he returned your smile when he saw how happy you were.
“You look happy.” 
“It’s just been a good day.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet.” He looked at you playfully. “Do me and Norm have to give you the talk?”
“Shut up, Max. In a completely unrelated subject, though, can I have some birth control from the medical ward, please?” 
Your body was weak, and you needed a while to adjust to being back here after a whole day in your other body, soon to be your only body. You felt weightless, despite the pain, so happy and so in love. Your knees were weak from the memories, and you felt a bit empty at the lack of touch, craving him again, even though he’s taken so many orgasms from you, you knew you were going to be sore walking back to the village. 
You went looking for Norm, who was already waiting for you in the medical ward, ready to give you a new dose of the injection and take some blood to see how everything is looking. 
“It was a beautiful ceremony last night. Did you enjoy yourself?”
“Yeah, definitely did. It was incredible, I have never felt anything like it before.”
“Are you ready for tonight?”
“I think I am. I opened the drawer, little by little, Norm. I think it’s time. I am ready to take my place amongst the people, I am ready for my body to belong, I am ready to not have to worry that this virus will turn around and kill me at any point. My mum and dad both sacrificed so much for me to have a chance at a better life. You guys sacrificed so much. You’re like my guardian angels. I owe you so much, and I am so sorry about how I acted. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Will you still come by and hang out once in a while when you’re not busy riding your ikrans and being an overall badass?”
“Always, Norm. I am still me, I am still a scientist at heart, and I am still human. Maybe my body won’t be, but I will also have my mum and dad, you and Max, a whole history and heritage that I don’t want to rid myself of.” 
“Good. Then all’s forgiven, Ace. I am sorry too, for not telling you about Neteyam. It just didn’t feel like my secret to share.” 
“I understand.” You got up after he injected you with the treatment and hugged him tightly, grateful for this man who is your family just as much as your mum and the Sullys are. 
After resting, eating and taking a nap, you did your dialysis session for the day, and although loopy, you hopped in your Avatar body, still a couple of things you wanted to take care of before the transfer. 
To your surprise, you woke up in your tent, a small blanket covering you. You smiled, realising Neteyam must have carried you back in the morning. He even put your clothes back on. You blushed at the need that immediately overwhelmed your body, and tried to calm yourself as there were more pressing matters at hand. 
You made your way to the Sully tent, and heard Neytiri and Mo’at talking. Good, two of the people you were looking for. 
“Mai’te! How are you feeling?”
“I feel great, sa’nok (mother). Thank you for last night, it was beautiful.” Neytiri brought her hand to her mouth in slight shock at your new name for her. She was so happy, it all felt complete now, after all this time. 
You took her free hand in yours as well as one of Mo’at’s, and looked at them seriously, intently. 
“I want to ask for your permission for the transfer. I realise a lot of talk has happened, done when I was a human, when I was sick. But I am not sick anymore. I don’t want you to do it because you are worried I will die. I want to be sure, I want you to be sure, that you want me as a Na’vi forever. That you are comfortable with me becoming my Avatar for life. I will not do it, if you aren’t. This means so much for me, and I know I have been a coward, for so long, but I am ready now. I am standing here in front of you, and I am finally ready, to be one of the people, to be in this body, to be your daughter. I just hope I’m not too late.” 
They both looked at each other, and smiled, and looked back at you lovingly.
“Mai’te, we have waited for you all of our lives. You are the missing piece in this world, in our world. You brought forth a cure for an illness that has plagued the Na’vi for years and years. There is nothing we would love more than for you to be Na’vi. And there will be no better future Tsa’hik.” 
Your eyes widened at Mo’at’s words, at the consent not only to join the clan, this family, but to do so as Neteyam’s mate, as the future spiritual leader of the Omaticaya. 
“I won’t let you down.” You hugged both of them, tears in your eyes. 
You eventually made your way out of the tent and looked for the only other person you had to talk to before this was all done. Neytiri told you where he could be, so you looked there first. Sure enough, you found Lo’ak deep in thought up a tree, above everyone else, and you climbed easily and joined him. He was startled by you, but he composed himself quickly and gave you a look that you couldn’t quite place. You could tell he had conflicting feelings, happy on one hand to not have lost you in one way, sad that he did lose you in others. 
“Hey.” He was curt, and didn’t look at you, and a twinge of hurt settled in your chest. You had to make this right. 
“Hey, you. Scooch.” He moved slightly so you could fit with him on the branch, which was more than wide enough to accommodate both of you. 
“Lo’ak… please talk to me? I can’t stand the thought that you hate me. You’re my best friend. Please?” 
“Is it true?”
“Is what true?” 
“I saw you leaving with Neteyam last night, after the ceremony.”
You cringed a little, the thought of having this particular conversation with him close to unbearable.
“Yes, it’s true.” 
Pain flashed across his face and you saw a tear, just one small tear, fall down his face. You reached to wipe it off, but he beat you to it, so you awkwardly let your hand drop. 
“I’m sorry, Lo’ak. I’m so so sorry. But I have loved your brother my whole life. My whole life, ever since I was born, he was there. And I love you too, I love you so so much, but we wouldn’t be right together. You are the best guy in the world, and I am not even close to being worthy of you. Neteyam gets me. He gets the darkest side of me, he knows my darkest, worst secrets, he has been with me through some of my most traumatic moments. It’s never been that it’s not you. It’s just that it can’t be anyone else. My whole life, it was always going to be just him.”
“You are my best friend, and I will always be here for you. You will never lose me. You will never get rid of me. I found a season of Friends on my mum’s directory that I’m pretty sure we’ve never seen. I can’t do that with anyone else.”
“I know you are scared, and I think that’s why you asked me. Not because you think I’m the woman you want to grow old with, but because you’re scared that no one else will see you the way I do. And you’re wrong, Lo’ak. Everyone will see in time that you are the best person in the world. You are incredible. And so many girls will be falling at your feet soon, you will be angry at yourself for ever pining over someone like me. I know you are scared, but I am not going anywhere. Can you please forgive me?” 
He turned and looked at you for a long time, intensely searching your face, maybe for a sign that you were lying, or exaggerating, but he couldn’t find any, as he eventually dropped his gaze and smirked playfully. 
“Do you really think girls will be falling at my feet?” 
“Yes, I really really do. You are a catch, mister.” 
He rolled his eyes dramatically and let out an exasperated sigh.
“Well then, I have to forgive you.” You both laughed and your back pressed against the bark of the tree and you stretched your legs to sit in his lap. 
“Now, about that season of Friends…” 
You returned to your human form in the afternoon, and slowly started packing your life away, ready to relinquish this room, once your mothers, with deep sadness in your heart. You will all have to relocate from tomorrow, so you will probably not be back here except to help everyone else evacuate and move all the equipment. You’ll never be back here, you realised with a deep sigh. So many memories, so many bad ones, but so many good ones too, this place was your safe place, your little piece of heaven, despite all the hell you went through in it. As you packed all of your books and trinkets you collected in time, you found yourself tracing your fingers over every surface, trying to commit it to memory. The coffee stain on your desk that was made when Neteyam spilled your mug with his tail without meaning to. The scratches on one of the drawers from all the times you pulled on it with your finger, since the latch was a little broken and hard to open. The wear and tear from your ass print on the chair that you spent inordinate amounts of hours in, be it analysing data or watching shows, or reading with your feet carelessly stretched on the desk. You moved on to your bed, that you sat on, and you sighed at the thought of never being able to sleep on a bed again. You will miss the comfort of the mattress and the sheets, and the space to really spread out however much you wanted, looking like a little starfish every time Norm woke you up in the mornings and his subsequent laughter at your ridiculous poses. 
It took a while, but you were done about an hour before eclipse. Neteyam knocked on your door, with eyes slightly widened at the state of the now empty room. 
“I’ve never seen this place like this. It looks so barren without your touch.” 
You sighed and tugged at the insides of your mouth with your teeth. “Yeah, it does.”
“Any regrets?” You turned around to face him, giving him a small reassuring smile and taking his hand in yours, the size difference always a stark contrast compared to your Avatar body. 
“Never.” You eyed the bed playfully and raised an eyebrow, feigning timidity. “We still have some time… what could we possibly do to fill it, huh?” 
He looked at you, and you could tell he was turned on out of his mind, but also gave you a reserved look. “We can’t… not like this, I will hurt you.”
“I don’t think you realise you’re not making the point you think you are.”
He closed the door behind him with his tail and stalked towards you. “Fuck, you will be the death of me, Atan.” 
You made your way to the village a little after eclipse, and everyone was following you. All the humans, Norm and the other Avatars and Neteyam, who was carrying you on his back like you were his little backpack. You were flushed and a little disheveled from earlier, purple marks all over your body, but it didn’t matter. Your hours in this body were limited. In your back pocket of your shorts you had a box of birth control pills that Norm gave to you as you and Neteyam made it out of the room. You laughed at his reaction and yours, both of you awkward and embarrassed to have to address it whatsoever. You placed your head on Neteyam’s shoulder, peering up at the sky, like you used to do when you were little. The village was busy and roaring, everyone packing their lives up for the move tomorrow. People looked at you as you passed by, unfamiliar with your human form clinging to the future Olo’eyktan’s back. Jake and the rest of the family met you at the big bonfire. 
“Heads up, everyone. It’s time!” You smiled, and looked next to him on the ground, where your Avatar body lay motionless and you had to take a second to take this all thing in, the weight of what you were about to do hitting you full force. You started breathing in deep, shallow breaths, and you felt Neteyam’s hands running up and down your thigh in a calming motion. 
“You’ve got this. We’re all here for you.” You reached over and pecked his neck, in gratitude. 
Everybody in the village, all the Na’vi were making their ways through the forest towards Vitraya Ramunong - they would all partake in the ritual. Neteyam was nervous, out of his mind with worry and fear, although he didn’t want to impart that to you, so he carried you gently, trying to be strong, as he was sure your mind was also laced with concerns. What if you didn’t come back? Neteyam quickly pushed the thought out of his mind and cursed it for making him think about such things, making his heart constrict in his chest in pain at the mere thought. Of course you would make it. A part of him was also excited about the ritual. It would be the first time anyone under 19 would get to see it, to experience it, it was only the third time it would have ever been performed. It was a powerful ritual, hence why they needed everyone. 
The tree was as breathtaking as it always has been, and Neteyam had to inhale deeper to accommodate for the deep charge of the atmosphere, for the thickness of the air. He heard the ancestor’s voices, buzzing quietly all around him. As soon as you reached the natural platform on which the tree resided, Neteyam put you down next to his family and tried to not think of all the images flashing across his mind’s eye of all the unholy things you two did last night right in this spot. His grandma was giving out orders about where to place your Avatar. 
“Are you ready?” Said Mo’at, in her usual no-nonsense fashion.You gulped loudly, and Neteyam couldn’t help wince. Everybody was on the edge. 
“Yes, I think I am.” He saw you turn around to face him and the rest of the family, as well as Spider, Norm and Max. 
“This is it, I guess.” You grabbed his mother and youngest sister’s hands in yours, and squeezed, a small tear falling down your face. 
“I love you, guys. Thank you for everything all of you have done for me. I am so excited to join this clan and your family, forever.”
Neteyam watched as you lay on the ground, naked except for some leaves covering you. He was going to miss you, he realises. This body is the only one he’s known you as for 18 years. He’s spent so may days and nights with you, with this small person who had so much in her, so much beauty and intelligence, so much hurt and pain, so much personality, so much fierceness and grit and so much care and empathy, he didn’t know where it could all fit in such a tiny body. You’ve grown up together, a human and a Na’vi, learning so much from each other, adapting together to the world around you and to each other’s mind and soul. He was going to miss this body, the body he fell in love with, the toothy grin and wild eyes so unlike anything he’s ever seen, your beauty marks that he used to trace with his finger and eyes.. and mouth, as of a few hours ago. You were everything, and have always been regardless of your difference in species, and colour, and height. He mourned a little, he realised, for the you you’re leaving behind, but was also incredibly thrilled to have you as one of the people, as his mate, mother of his children, Tsa’hik, for the rest of his life. 
He hovered over you the whole ritual, unnerved at the way the tendrils were emerging from the ground and slowly enveloping you, until there was almost no bare skin left to see. His skin was covered in goosebumps at the experience, as the chorus of people asking Eywa to grant you life in a new body, undulating their bodies in unison, and his grandma’s words. It was unlike anything he’s every experienced. 
Tìng mikyun ayoheru rutxe, ma Nawma Sa'nok. (Hear us please, Great Mother)
Pori tireati, munge mì nga (Take this spirit into you)
Srung si poeru, ma Eywa (Eywa, help her)
Ulte tìng ayoer nì'eyng hu ngeyä ya (And breathe her back to us)
Srung si poeru, ma Eywa (Eywa, help her)
Tivìran po ayoekip (Let her walk among us)
Na Na'viyä hapxì! (As one of The People!)
Srung si poeru, ma Eywa (Eywa, help her)
Eventually, the ritual came to an end when Mo’at screamed for everybody to stop. Neteyam reached over to your face, and removed your mask, kissing your cheeks and your hands, and saying a quiet “I love you” before he moved on, anxiously waiting to see if you would open your eyes. He let out a panted breath as you did, smiling tiredly at the family who was now jumping on you, making you choke slightly. 
You laughed and his eyes found yours in the manic scene unfolding in front of him. You smiled lovingly and reached out a hand for him to grab. 
“Hi, Atan. It’s good to see you.”
You were sad as you were carrying your body, you tiny human body in your arms, and lowering it in the ground next to the Home Tree. You saw your family place a flower each in the little cove where you now lay, and you carefully redirected an Atokirina towards it, and watched as it landed on you, making its home in the little gap made by your foetal position. 
You will miss this body, and all the memories you made in it. You will miss looking in the mirror and seeing your mother’s eyes and hair, you will miss being able to play her guitar. This body, however tiny and weak, was your home for 18 years, and it has stood by you no matter how many times you treated it badly or betrayed it. It kept you alive in a world that could kill you in an instant, and you were sorry to have to leave it behind. 
“Thank you. Thank you, mum and dad, for giving me life and gifting me this body. Thank you for taking care of me, I know it wasn’t easy to keep up with this messy mind. Thank you.” 
You turned around and fixed your gaze on your mate, the love of your life, the one that made it all bearable, and when met with his dazzling warm smile and his touch that set your soul ablaze, you couldn’t help be excited at the adventures that lay ahead of you, that you will always brave together. 
-the end-
The man felt weak and dizzy, the entire room spinning and making him well nauseous. He didn’t know what was happening, what any of this was. He saw a bright light flashing across his eyes and he groaned in pain and annoyance at the way it was making his vision spotty. He grasped the hand of whoever it was that was doing this to him, and he was relieved when it stopped. It took him a long time to adjust to his surroundings, and was met with shock when realising he was in some sort of medical ward, surrounded by people in white coats. His gaze fixated on his hand, that was still wrapped around someone’s wrist, and couldn’t understand what he was seeing in front of him. Blue. A blue striped hand, that supposedly belonged to him. 
“Captain, Captain Barlowe, can you hear me? You’re ok, you’re just disorientated. It’s gonna take a while to settle your mind, so take you time.” 
He raised assertively from the bed he was laying on and made his way to the reflective windows all around him. He stood there, still, just taking it all in, finding it hard to understand, to process what was clearly displayed in front of the mirror. His body, in an Avatar. 
“Captain Barlowe, due to your outstanding military record and previous acquiescence with this project, you have been chosen as one of the select few to carry out a special op on Pandora. You will be briefed shortly, but right now we have to make sure everything is in order.” 
“I’ll be damned.” 
For everyone who’s made it this far, I am so excited to announce the sequel series, The Archer, that will tackle all of the events of the Way of Water x coming to you soon 💕💕
Tag list (thank you thank you thank you x): @nuhteyam @eywas-heir @fanboyluvr @mashiromochi @puffb4ll @sassy-persona @simp4ff @mommyneytiri @inomoikawa @jackiehollanderr @jaysarchiv3 @meivap @dakotali @hlhl99 @eskamybeloved @erenjaegerwifee @winchestertitties @mommyneytiri @ultimatebluff @elizarikaallen @yeosxxx @ssc7514 @lolcaca @jackiehollanderr @bunnyrose01 @therealbloom @neteyams-queue @r1dd1kulus @whore4neteyam
@kikookii @iliyoo @velvetskies @rebeccao03 @im-in-a-pansexual-panik
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