diazsdimples · 18 days
Hi jamieboy! I'm missing good buddie moments. Bless us please? 😇
Hi! I'm hoping you were wanting some writing here 😅 please enjoy a little bit from my new Doctor's AU
“Come on, I’ll introduce you to Milo,” Buck says with a soft smile, and propels Eddie towards one of the incubators. Milo, as it turns out, is not a nurse like Eddie was expecting, but a small, 5-day old baby that’s happily tucked up in his incubator, snoozing happily. He’s bigger than any of the other babies Eddie’s seen in the NICU, with nothing but a feeding tube in his nose, a sats probe attached to his foot and a temperature probe stuck to his chest with a little heart-shaped sticker. He’s got a tuft of silky brown hair, and his little fists rest up by his face as he sleeps. “He’s so cute,” Eddie marvels as Buck futzes around the incubator, pulling out two sterile gowns and handing one to Eddie to put on. “What’s he in for?” “Threw a blood sugar of 1.6 so he was whisked away for some emergency dextrose gel and had an NG tube fitted to see if we could regulate his sugars a bit better here than having to get his mom to feed him every 2-3 hours and constantly bringing him back for testing,” Buck explains as he opens the side of the incubator. He strokes a finger over Milo’s cheek, eyes scrunching up in an adorable smile as Milo stretches and wriggles, making the most adorable newborn grunts. Buck gently picks the baby up, guiding him out of the incubator carefully so as to not snag any of the wires on the corners, and he motions for Eddie to sit in the rocking chair. Eddie sinks into the soft leather and holds his arms out expectantly as Buck lowers the baby into his arms. “God, he’s so tiny,” Eddie breathes as Milo settles into his arms, scrunching his face up as his NG tube pulls a little against Eddie’s arm. Eddie readjusts him, cupping the back of the baby’s head with his hand as he turns the baby and rests him against his shoulder. Milo snuggles into Eddie with a contented sigh, his tiny lips smacking next to Eddie’s ear. “He’s actually a little chunk,” Buck chuckles as he drapes a warm towel over Eddie’s front, keeping both him and the baby warm. “He was 7 and a half pounds when he was born. Pretty sure he’s the biggest baby in the NICU right now.” “Oh, he’s a gonna be a lineman, huh?” Eddie rubs his hand up and down Milo’s back. The silky-smooth feeling of the newborn’s skin immediately transports Eddie back to when Christopher was only a few days old, and Eddie was in a scarily familiar position, cuddling his son for the first time through a mess of wires and monitors. He’d felt so helpless as a parent in Christopher’s first few weeks in the NICU, completely unable to do anything but watch as his baby fussed and cried, uncomfortable from all the wires and poking and prodding that he’d had done. Eddie shakes himself and focuses on the little guy in his arms. Milo isn’t Christopher. And Christopher is fine now. Better than fine, really. He’s the light of Eddie’s life. A hand rests against Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie looks up to see Buck leaning over the back of the rocking chair, his free hand threading through Milo’s soft hair. The baby shifts in Eddie’s arms with a soft snuffle, and brings his hands up so they’re resting under his chin. There’s something so domestic about this; the way Eddie cradles the sleeping baby close, so close that Milo’s hair tickles his nose, the way Buck gazes down at them like he’s a proud parent watching his husband and child. Buck’s hand squeezes the back of Eddie’s neck, their eyes meeting, and Eddie feels something clench tight in his stomach as Buck’s thumb brushes over the short hairs near Eddie’s hairline. “D-do you want to hold him?” Eddie asks, tripping over his words. Buck merely shakes his head and moves so he’s crouching next to them, chin digging into the meat of Eddie’s deltoid, and he continues to stroke Milo’s hair. Their fingers brush with each downstroke, until Buck’s practically drawing circles on the back of Eddie’s hand. “Nah, I’m okay. You two look far too comfortable there,” he murmurs, lips brushing against Eddie’s scrub top as he speaks.
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ameliora-j · 2 years
Eddie doing that baby bump thing for pregnant!reader
Like holding the bump up and letting you relax against him cause the weights off you
i got carried away w this one my bad
eddie approaches you with a soft hum as you’re folding the laundry. “baby?” he asked softly, kissing down your shoulder. you hum softly, not deterring from your task.
he lets out a little sigh, wrapping his arms around you as he pulled you close. “gonna try somethin that your obstetrician told me about, that okay?” he whispered, gently kissing your cheek.
“mmm, i love when you use big words like ‘obstetrician’” you smiled, slightly leaning your weight back on him. “makes you sound so sexy” you teased.
eddie chuckled softly. he kissed across your shoulder as he placed his hands underneath your baby bump. he interlocked his fingers under it, his palms resting at the bottom of the bump. “ready?” he whispered. your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, ready to ask what he was doing. however, before you could, a weight was lifted up off your shoulder and you felt extreme relief on your spine.
eddie lifted up your large nine month bump, and you couldn’t help the quiet moan of relief you released. you fully laid your body weight back against him as your head fell back on his shoulder. “feel good baby?” he whispered. you merely hummed in agreement. it was a minute or two before he began to set your belly back down, but you grabbed his wrists, locking him in place. he laughed as he nodded. “okay baby, okay. i’ll stay right here” he whispered.
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i think when steddie have their first baby (not sure if they have more) it's an accidental pregnancy. eddie's been on t long enough that he didn't really think he still could get pregnant, and he hasn't had his period in a while, so it takes him a second to realise why he's been so nauseous lately. wayne picks up the test for him, and waits outside the bathroom door while he takes it. eddie'd moved in with steve like a year ago, but he's so off-kilter he needs waynes stability right now.
the test is positive. eddie walks outside the bathroom and wordlessly hands wayne the test. wayne sees it, puts a hand on eddies shoulder, and asks if this is good news. and now eddie has to think. he always kind of wanted kids, abstractly, and he knows steve does too (six of them, the mother hen), but he always thought that it would be some time nebulously in the future. he feels too young right now, still feels like a kid himself, even if he is in his mid-20s. and carrying a pregnancy to term is resigning himself to at least 9 months of definite misgendering. but also he's not sure he'll ever get a chance like this again. he hasn't had a period in years, so he kind of assumed his uterus was just like. dust and cobwebs at this point. it's probably an act of god this happened in the first place, like what are the chances?
and then he looks down at his stomach. again, it took him a while to realise anything was up, so he's about two months along now and just starting to show, even though his bump is still small enough he thought he was just getting fat. and he thinks about the little bump of life inside of him. his and steve's baby. thinks of him and steve raising it together. and he thinks it might be good news.
but first he has to tell steve. it goes well. mostly well. at first when eddie says he and steve need to talk, all serious and sitting him down at the kitchen table, steve has a minor panic attack thinking eddie's gonna break up with him. but they smooth it over, and eddie tells him he's pregnant. honestly, steve's elated. but then he thinks about eddie, who's a dude, and maybe won't want to go through such a traditionally feminine ordeal as pregnancy. steve'd carry their baby himself if he could (don't read into that, steve), but he doesn't want to accidentally guilt eddie into it if he doesn't want to. so they go back and forth for a bit like 'how do you feel about it' 'idk how do you feel about it' 'idk how do y-' but they eventually do talk it out like the adults they are. eddie can handle it, for their baby. and yeah their apartments kinda small, but it's big enough for one more (robins gonna have to give up her allocated guest room, but don't worry, she's cool with it), and money will be tight, but eddie knows how to make a pay check stretch
eddie's pregnancy is kinda rough. nothing goes seriously wrong, but no obstetricians know how to deal with a pregnant man, and the constant misgendering wears him down a little. the constant pissing and back pain and foot pain and everything pain really don't help matters. but at night he lays down next to steve, who curls around him and lays a hand on his stomach, and they feel their baby kick together. and he thinks it's probably worth it
their baby girl is born in the fall, happy and healthy. they name her alexis (lexie munson), and she grows up into the weirdest little kid ever, with two parents (and aunty nancy and aunty robin and uncle dustin and-) who love her very much. she collects bugs and plays dnd and loves metal and climbing trees. she joins the softball team (that night eddie cries himself to sleep while stevie gloats) and always gets one of her aunts to help her with her homework because her parents are helpless. stevie almost cried the first time she asked, no idea what was going on there.
they're not a normal family, and sometimes lexi gets teased for this. but she goes home to two parents who love her so much, who always support her and her passions, and who would do anything to put a smile on her face. so yeah, not a normal family, but a very, very happy one.
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Wip Wednesday
tagged by @destielbuddiepipeline 💜
mpreg!Buck 5b au wip . It`s 1st draft cause I only started it
“Hello again, Mr. Buckley. Your results are back and I can confirm that you are pregnant,” doctor who's name Buck doesn't really remember smiling a little at him, but Buck can't smile back. Too many emotions and feelings attack him right now. “Everything looks good, but you need to make an appointment with an obstetrician now. Do you have questions?”
How am I going to tell Eddie? How will Eddie react? Does Eddie want more kids? Will Eddie stay in the baby's life? Will Eddie be angry about Buck because he forgot that he is not on birth control for the last six months?
Too many questions, but no one knows answers.
“I'm a firefighter. Can you please tell me how bad it is for me to continue working at least till twelve weeks? It's only four more. And why am I not showing?”
Buck doesn't know what to do. He knows he needs to talk to Eddie. But he is so scared. Eddie only started getting better after his breakdown. And they only stopped acting too strange and awkward after that night which Buck would always cherish. But Eddie regrets it. 
And Buck doesn't know how to talk about it. He can't just say, “hey, Eddie. The weather is cool today. Also remember how you fucked me two months ago? Guess what? You knocked me up.”
Tagging (no pressure): @usercowboy @jobairdxx @rose-buddie @buddiefication @swiftiediaz @ebdaydreamer @alyxmastershipper @honestlydarkprincess @diazass
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dodger-chan · 9 months
20, 25, and 39 please!
(If you get 3 questions, so do I)
20) Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Well, my Stranger Things fics sure seem to be about homophobia, don't they?
Mostly in the sense of how the cultural norms affect the people who live under them and their self-conception. I don't always use homophobia, but between the time period and my love of steddie fics, homophobia comes up a lot.
25) What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
Hmm, well, that's hard to say. I really do think my fics reach the audience they're intended for. The response to some of my best stuff is small because they're written for a small audience: people who enjoy Steve miserable and Eddie dead.
But in the spirit of the ask, I guess In Silence Like To Death
It's completely canon compliant with season four with one exception: Steve and Eddie had been seeing each other for a bit more than a year (sort of) when season four starts. (It's the sort of that's key to the issue).
It is very specific to the situation Steve and Eddie were in, but at the same time it's about how grief affects people when they aren't allowed to acknowledge it publicly. Mourning denied because because as far as the people around are concerned you haven't lost anything important. It's very much about gay people losing their partner and having to hide their grief because the relationship itself still had to be hidden.
39) Share a snippet from a WIP
Well, how about something more cheerful than that last rec, huh? Have a short Robin ramble from the bit of A Bliss Like This I've been working on
“My Uncle Charlie, well, he’s not really my uncle. He’s sort of my god-father but not officially because his wife -and none of that is important. But he’s a doctor - medical examiner, actually - and he suggested a midwife over an obstetrician. As for you, specifically, well, Lucas-” “My son?” Mrs. Sinclair turned her head sharply over to Robin. “How do you know my son?” “He’s friends with Dustin Henderson. Dustin’s our housekeeper’s son and he’s, actually, I’m not really sure how to explain Dustin.” Robin gave an apologetic shrug. “But Dustin introduced Steve, my husband, to Lucas, and Lucas told him you were a midwife.”
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Eddie and Mika Pregnancy fluff blurbs
Warnings: 18+, pregnancy (duh), cravings, insecurities, a little angst, Sweet baby boy being an emotional sweetheart
Ship: Forged in Hellfire
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"So how are we feeling today, Mom?" The Obstetrician, Dr. Carrigan asks.
"Kind of, tired," Mika admits, settling back in her chair.
"Well, that's to be expected, you're growing a whole new person in there," she looks over her charts, glancing up at Eddie, "And what about you, dad? You look nervous. You excited to know the sex?"
"He just wants to know if he owes me twenty bucks," Mika teases and he glares at her playfully, "He keeps sayin' it's a boy, but I know it's a girl."
"I see," the doctor chuckles, "You ready to put your money where your mouth is?"
Mika pushes up her shirt and they watch doctor work around the wand. Eddie's face falls slightly when his gaze drifts to the scars littering her abdomen.
The scars slowly starting to stretch as her stomach swells. The scars she got trying to trying to protect him. The same scars marring his body even after all these years. The scars he blames himself f-
"Oh! There she is."
His eyes snap up to the screen showing the ultrasound image.
"Looks like you're gonna have to pay up, dad," Carrigan jokes, but it doesn't even register with him.
He leans closer and he can feel himself going misty eyed.
It's not an uncommon occurrence for him to get emotional during these appointments, which in turn gets Mika crying too.
"Jesus christ..." he feels Mika's wrap one of the curls that fell from his ponytail around her finger, but he can't bring himself to tear his eyes from the screen.
"You okay, bubs?"
"Yeah I just- fuck," he chuckles and a few tears roll down his cheeks, "I'm just so glad I didn't fucking die."
Carrigan is stunned silent for a moment as she watches the two.
"Oh... Bubs," Mika coos. She reaches out for him and he sniffles as he buries his face in her neck.
"Hey, Eds?"
He looks up in time for Mika to plop onto his lap.
"How're my beautiful girls doing tonight, hm?" He smiles against her cheek, holding her close.
She hums, melting at his affection.
"Can you do me a favor, bubs?" She mutters shyly.
"Of course, sweetheart. What d'you need?"
"Can you, um..."
"What's wrong, baby?"
"I know it's late but," she plays with his rings as he looks up at her on curiosity, "Could you maybe go get me those spicy chips I like? We don't have any and 'm really craving heat."
"Course I can," He says. He knows it's long past 10 pm, but he'd do anything she asked to see that smile.
She grins excitedly, cupping his cheeks before planting an extremely loving kiss on his lips.
"I love you," she whimpers, squishing their foreheads together
"Aw, Songbird," his heart melts, kissing her nose, "I love you too."
She squeaks when he dips her back, lips landing softly on her swollen stomach, "Love both my gorgeous girls."
He carefully slides her onto one of the other cushions, stands up, and wraps the throw from the back of the couch around her shoulders.
"And if my girls want snacks, snacks are what they shall get," he kisses her forehead, "I'll be back soon, you want anything else? I could get you some Swedish Fish or hazelnut ice cream? Whatever you want."
"Just drive safe, and don't take too long," She pulls him back down to kiss him again.
"Mika, Baby - heh- Sweetheart... I thought- mmm! I thought you wanted snacks."
"I dooo," she whines, still not letting him go.
"Then you gotta let me go, pretty girl," He laughs, but he let's her continue to love on him.
"Don't wanna," she pouts. She tugs him back down next to her, and he lets her, "Jus' lemme hold you."
He shudders when her nails scratch at his scalp.
"Mmmm... fuck... Sweetheart, c'mon," He pulls away and chuckles as she tries to follow, "Hey now, don't give me the sad eyes, you're the one that asked for snacks."
He sighs when she whines, "I know you want cuddles, Songbird. 'Nd I'll give you all the snuggles you can handle when I get back, I promise. But you gotta let me go get you your goodies."
"All the snuggles I can handle?" She asks.
"And then some," He assures her, "I know it's a lot since you're cuddling for two and all, but I think I can manage."
Eddie can hear grumbling from the bedroom. He turns the stove down and steps towards the noise.
"Mika?... Songbird, you okay?" He asks, pushing the door open.
"It doesn't fit," She huffs.
He watches her slump onto the bed in defeat and throw whatever is in her hand.
"What doesn't fit, sweetheart?" He asks. He kneels down between her legs and leans back to pick up the crumpled white fabric on the floor. He messes with it until he sees what shirt it is, her Hellfire shirt, "Babygirl..."
"It's my favorite," She sniffles, "I wanted to wear it."
"Oh, I know baby but we knew this was gonna happen sooner or later," He runs his hands over her thighs, but it doesn't stop a tear from falling down her cheek and breaking his heart, "Hey, wait here a second."
He gets up and starts digging through the dresser.
"Found it!" He turns around holding up his club shirt, smiling triumphantly. It has a few stains on it and a small hole in the sleeve, but looks well-loved, "Here, try this on."
He helps her pull it over her head. It's bigger than hers and doesn't stretch quite as awkwardly around her stomach.
"'M stretching it out," She mutters.
"No, you're not," He argues, wiping away another stray tear, "And you look beautiful."
"I look like a whale!"
"Hey! That's my wife you're talking about there, Missy," He says, faking sternness, "And I don't much appreciate that tone you're taking while talking about her."
"No but's," He frowns, "I won't listen to that slanderous tone. Not when you're talking about the most beautiful girl to ever exist."
His facade cracks when he sees her start to blush and he reaches up to caress her warming cheek.
"You're too sweet on me," Her face turns into his palm.
"That's not possible."
He leans his forehead against her baby bump and mutters, "Mommy's bein' silly, darlin'. Keeps thinkin' she's not the most gorgeous being on the face of the earth. But we both know she is, don't we?"
"Are you two conspiring against me down there?"
"What? Me? Conspire? Never!" He grins up at her, "But I should probably go check on dinner."
"Alright Mikaela it's time, I need you to push when I say, okay?" The doctor says.
"Eddie?" She whimpers, reaching out for him.
He takes her hand, pushing her already sweat-soaked hair from her face, "I'm here, baby."
"I-I'm scared."
She's shaking and her eyes are so wide.
"I know, Sweetheart. I know you are, but you gotta listen to the doctor, okay?" He gets as close to her as he can, arm around her shoulder as she clings to his hand, "You squeeze me as hard as you need."
"I don't wanna-"
"Don't worry about me, just breathe."
"Holy shit..."
Mika wills her eyes open to see Eddie holding a bundle of white fabric in his arms. Their daughter.
She makes a noise to get his attention.
"She... She's so fucking beautiful," He breathes, cradling her gently against his chest.
"Can I see?" She croaks, "Please? I wanna hold her."
"Of course, you can," he carefully sits on the edge of the bed and sets her in Mika's arms.
She's awake and looking around and Mika immediately starts blubbering.
"Look at you," She coos, hand cupping her tiny cheek, "Eddie, she's got your eyes! Oh my god, she's precious... We never picked a name."
"I did," Eddie says quietly, and Mika chuckles.
"Care to share with the class?"
He almost looks embarrassed, "Vivian..."
She smiles fondly at the baby in her arms, "After your mom."
"Yeah, i-if you don't like it we can-"
"I love it."
He's sure the hearts in his eyes are permanent now.
He watches them for a few minutes until Mika's eyes start drooping again.
"Hey," he says softly, reaching for the baby, but she pulls her closer.
"Don't wanna let her go yet," She whines.
"She's not going anywhere," he promises, "You'll get to hold her as much as want when you're not on the verge of passing out."
She still makes a noise of protest when he takes her from her arms.
It's the first time of many she'll be woken by crying, but not the last time she'll find Eddie cooing softly over their child.
"I know, honey," he says in a hushed tone, "I wanna snuggle with mommy too, but she needs to sleep. You thoroughly exhausted her."
He softly bounces her in his arms and presses a kiss to her forehead, "Shh... It's okay, go back to sleep, sweet girl."
"She wants Mommy time," she smiles sleepily.
"Oh, now you've done it," Eddie teases her, "You woke up the monster."
"Yep, and the monster wants her baby," she says as she makes grabby hands towards him.
It's almost instantaneous, the moment Vivian is in Mika's arms, she stops crying. Eddie stares in bewilderment for a moment before his eyes narrow, "Little traitor."
"I can't believe we made this."
"She looks just like you," he says, but she shakes her head.
"Are you kidding me? She's like a little clone of you!" She exclaims and Viv giggles, "Yes! You look just like daddy. And I bet you're gonna be a little gremlin like him too, huh?"
"Lies and slander!" He laughs before looking at Vivian, "Don't you listen to a single word she's saying! Daddy is a valiant and chivalrous knight."
She reaches over and tugs him to sit next to her and leans back against his shoulder.
"My brave knight," she sighs and he kisses the top of her head, "You're still a pain in my ass, though."
Forged in Hellfire taglist: @pointlesslygay
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midwestmade29 · 5 months
Unexpected 🩵 (Part 2)
I’m having a lot of fun with this one! Part 2 is fluff and covers the moment you tell Eddie your big news! 🥰
Word count: 1,101 Divider by: @saradika-graphics
Due to the mature themes throughout, minors do not interact. if you’re under the age of 18, please KEEP SCROLLING.
Part 2 disclaimers: Cursing, sickness, mention of pregnancy tests, pregnancy. An obstetrician is a doctor who cares for people who are pregnant and delivers babies. Read at your own discretion.
Be sure to read [Part 1] first 🙂
The GIF I used hit me right in the feels 🥺
Is Eddie’s reaction to your pregnancy announcement everything you hoped it would be?
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Today was the day that you were going to tell Eddie the big news. He’s going to be a daddy! You had kept the “little secret” quiet for over a week while you waited on 2 special packages to arrive. You had to play it cool when he grew concerned about you still not feeling well. “Maybe you should go to the doctor? See what’s up and get some answers. I hate seeing my girl feel so shitty. Come on, it’ll make both of us feel better if you give them a call.” He pleaded. “If I don’t feel better by tomorrow, I promise I’ll schedule an appointment. Deal?” When Eddie was satisfied with your answer, you changed the subject. “So, when did you say you’ll be home later?” “I don’t know for sure. Depends on what the boys are trying to get into today. You need me for something? I can bring you food if you want. There’s gotta be something in this city you can keep down.” He noticed your mind was in a different place when you didn’t answer him right away. “You good? You seem off. I can call the boys and reschedule if you need me here. They know my girl comes first!” “No, no! I’m fine, really. You go and enjoy your time with them, and I’ll see you when you get back.” It took a little more convincing, but eventually Eddie followed through with his afternoon plans. Once you were sure he was gone, you checked outside for any packages and sure enough, the ones you had been waiting on had been delivered! You shrieked with excitement when you pulled the custom onesie out of its box, marveling at how tiny and cute it was! You immediately grabbed the 2nd box and pulled out what had to be the world’s smallest New York Yankees hat that you knew Eddie would go crazy for. You held both little items against your chest as you fought back tears, complete joy overtaking you. Thoughts of Eddie and his tall frame holding a tiny baby- your tiny baby you created together tugged at your heartstrings, images of a blue-eyed toddler bouncing on his shoulders as he walked with them through an arena, and Eddie and your child staying up late watching old wrestling matches together while they talk about them and watch in awe. You could get lost in these thoughts forever! In a few short months, your thoughts would become your reality.
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Time seemed to go by fast as you found ways to keep yourself busy. Eddie’s surprises were nestled inside the gift box you neatly wrapped along with a positive pregnancy test you took earlier just for the occasion. Now you were lounging on the couch, googling everything baby related in between dozing off and fighting off waves of nausea. At the top of your list of things you needed to find was a good obstetrician! Any friends you had with kids lived states away, so they wouldn’t be able to help. After opening one too many tabs on you phone, you heard keys jingle in the front door making your heart leap into your throat. You were nervous about telling Eddie, even though you knew you really didn’t have anything to worry about. He was going to be the best daddy and the rest of the details would work themselves out. Eddie greeted you with a big hug and kiss and asked you how you were feeling. “A little better after laying down for a while. What’d you bring home? It actually smells good!” your head nodded towards the bag of food that sat on the kitchen counter. “I was near your favorite Chinese food place and thought I’d pick some up on the off chance you’d be up for it. If it smells good to you, that’s gotta be a good sign, right?” You smiled at his sweetness, and he returned the sentiment. Eddie unloaded the bag while you got napkins, drinks, and your present for him. “What’s this love? Did I forget a holiday or some shit?” he asked puzzled, causing you to laugh at his expression. “No, you didn’t forget anything silly. I got you a little something just because. Go ahead and open it!” your heart hammered against your chest when he tore into the wrapping paper. “You know you didn’t need to get me anything. I’m just happy that-“Eddie stopped in the middle of his sentence when he pulled the lid off the box and examined the contents inside. For once in his life, Eddie was speechless! You started to squirm in your seat as he sat across from you unmoving, just staring into the box with his mouth open. “Aren’t you going to take the stuff out and see what it is?” Still in his trance, he pulled the tiny Yankees hat out first and sat it on the table. Next was the pregnancy test that caused his eyes to widen when he saw the two pink lines. He sat it down next to the hat, still not saying a word or making a sound.
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When he got to the onesie, he pulled it out and held it in the air as he read what it said. His eyes immediately welled with tears when they scanned over the words “Baby Kingston is All Elite.” You interrupted the silence as you explained a small detail on the onesie, “I had them add the little crown hanging on the K in Kingston since their daddy is the Mad King. I would’ve told you sooner, but I wanted to make it special. The hat and the onesie were delivered today.” “So, this is the reason why you haven’t been feeling well lately? You…you’re…pregnant?” he mumbled. You were hesitant to respond since you couldn’t gage what he was feeling, but you nodded your head yes and spoke the words that nearly brought Eddie to his knees, “You’re going to be a daddy!” He stood abruptly, pulling you in his arms and spinning you around in the air. Laughter and cheers filled the kitchen, happy tears staining yours and Eddie’s cheeks! “So, you’re not upset? I know we didn’t plan on having a kid right now, and it changes a lot of things-“Eddie stopped you before you could ramble on, “Upset? Hell no baby! I’m far from it! Yeah, sure we weren’t expecting for this to happen right now, but we’ll figure it out together. There’s a little piece of me and a little piece of you in there now, and that’s just amazing.”
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Geoffrey Louis Owens (born March 18, 1961) is an actor known for his role as Elvin Tibideaux on The Cosby Show. He is the son of Congressman Major Owens. He attended the High School of Performing Arts for a year and graduated cum laude from Yale University. One of his earliest roles was in Arcata High School theater performance where he played the title role in a performance of Peter Pan. This initial outing was what galvanized him to become an actor later in life. He appeared as a lawyer in Elementary. He has appeared as himself on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He guest-starred as Eddie's father in That's So Raven. He appeared in the season premiere of Las Vegas. He appeared in Play The Game. He appeared on Secret Life of the American Teenager as a court-appointed mediator. He appeared on FlashForward. He portrayed the role of Casca at the Shakespeare Theatre Company in its Free-For-All production of Julius Caesar. He portrayed an obstetrician on The Slap. He portrayed an assistant dean on Lucifer. Photos of him working in a Trader Joe's were published by The Daily Mail, which many characterized as "job shaming." He agreed with the "job shaming" characterization, quitting due to the unwanted attention. The story led producer Tyler Perry to offer him a ten-episode role in The Haves and the Have Nots. He booked a guest-starring role on NCIS: New Orleans and supporting roles in the films Fatale and Hide and Seek. He starred in the film Impossible Monsters, where he played a police detective. He has gained a supporting role in Power Book II: Ghost. He is the founder and artistic director of The Brooklyn Shakespeare Company. He has taught acting and Shakespeare at Columbia University, Yale, the Adult School of Montclair, and Pace University. He has been a guest teacher at universities, theaters, studios, and high schools in the New York metropolitan area. He has served as a judge for the National Shakespeare Competition semi-finals at Lincoln Center for at least twenty-five years. He married Josette (1995-). Together they have one son. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7exVprpLQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hmslusitania · 3 years
just realized I never sent you one of these myself! I read so many of yours that I just. forgot to send my own. anyways...how about...7 & 8 for buddie? :D
7. Florist AU + 8. Hospital AU
You get the extremely dubious honour of being the last of these I write, as well as me starting this at half past midnight.
So, Eddie Diaz is a nurse. And he’s very good at his job. The patients like him because he’s straightforward with them, but he’s got that dry humour and makes some pretty good faces when occasion calls for it.
The one trouble is, the hospital where he works has a weird trend of patients without local family. No one’s really sure why, but usually, rather than visitors, most of the patients Eddie sees receive flowers.
It’s not really Eddie’s job to tend to the flowers, but sometimes a patient -- like a little wizened grandmother who’s in with her third kidney stone in the past six months and whose entire family lives back east somewhere -- will ask him to change the water or clip the dead leaves off.
But, see, Eddie may be very good at keeping human patients alive? He may as well be a walking grim reaper of plants.
Fortunately, cut flowers are a bit of a shitshow anyway so he doesn’t really have to worry about ruining someone’s bouquet. By the time the plants all shrivel and die because he looked at them wrong, the patient has usually been discharged anyway.
He figures out that the flowers typically come from the same floral shop when the deliveries change.
His patients stop receiving bouquets in vases and instead start getting live, potted plants that they’re supposed to be able to take home and plant in their own gardens like a symbol of hope and vitality or whateverthefuck and every time one of Eddie’s patients has asked him if he’d be a dear and water their tiny, wretched shrub for them, it has died.
One patient? Gets a succulent delivered from a niece in Tucson -- direct from Buck’s Garden, three blocks from the hospital -- on Monday, only hours after she’s admitted. Eddie waters it at her request on Tuesday, and when she gets discharged on Wednesday, he goes to help her pack her succulent and the second he brushes one of the lobe-leaf-whatever-things, the entire plant dissolves into green goo.
Eddie has better things to do on his day off -- sort of, it’s not like he really has a social life and Chris is at a sleepover -- but he goes to Buck’s Garden anyway. Surely, he should be able to talk whichever sales person has been recommending live plants back into sending cut flowers? He is prepared to attempt eyelash-batting if it comes to it (One of his coworkers, Maddie down in the ER, has told him repeatedly he could probably convince anyone to do anything if he batted his eyes right -- not her, though, she’s happily married to a paramedic and no, she’s not going to trade shifts with him on Saturday, she’s very pregnant and has an obstetrician appointment).
Eddie is unprepared when he steps into the humid, misty (??) garden shop for the man behind the counter. He’s taller than Eddie, he’s wearing a very battered flannel rolled up to the elbows and a backwards baseball cap, and he greets Eddie with a dimpled, thousand-watt smile and pretty blue eyes, and Eddie almost turns around and leaves.
But the are-you-kidding-me!hot guy behind the counter asks if he can help before Eddie can run for it, and Eddie finds himself spilling the whole ridiculous story. To Buck, apparently, of the shop’s name.
Buck is deeply concerned by the fate of the plants he’s been selling to long-distance customers, but especially because, as it turns out, Buck’s sister works at Eddie’s hospital and had specifically told him that the nurses in Eddie’s ward were worried about the glass vases that came with cut flowers and would prefer the plastic pots. For, y’know, safety.
It takes the boys a bit too long to put together that Maddie has been playing a longcon on them because she knows exactly how Eddie feels about plants -- he’s complained about it to her in the breakroom often enough -- and she had hedged her bets that eventually, with enough pressure, Eddie would go to the apparent source of the problem: her brother, Evan Buckley, sole proprietor of Buck’s Garden.
“Think of how many plants would still be alive today if you’d just had the common decency to set us up on a blind date like a normal person!” Buck complains, months later, over the top of a stack of boxes.
“Think of how many fewer patients I would’ve annoyed for killing their gifts,” Eddie adds, over the top of his own boxes.
“As if either of you would’ve let me set you up on a blind date,” Maddie replies, which is fair enough, Eddie decides. “Besides. It worked, didn’t it?”
And yeah, Eddie thinks while he steps around the boxes of kitchen wares and gardening implements from Buck’s old apartment that are now stacked in the middle of their living room, yeah it had.
There are Other mashups you can read!
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medkarma · 3 years
I just realised i never got around making my introduction post for my studyblr/ medblr. Better late than never ig
You can call me Karma( 25 yo/ she/her) (#karma studies #med-eddy)
I am currently prepping for postgradation in medicine. I am currently a junior resident from India.
Something about me: I have been a big nerd all my life and i am not even embarassed about it at this point😏. I love the anime arcs where hardwork beats talent (naruto, rocklee, karma akabane, nagisa, shinomiya, shirogane..) including the book characters ( Hermione granger❤️)
I aspire to be an obstetrician.
I started this studyblr as a way to keep me accountable, as my virtaul to do list and for self motivation.
What you will find: study schedules, to do lists, integrated topics for better revision and med memes:-)
My fav quotes: "Study like granger" and the whole assassination classroom series was goals <3
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diazsdimples · 21 days
Inspiration Saturday/ Several Sentence Sunday
I started a new wip. No one look at me.
The inspiration from this shamelessly comes the fact that I've been working in labour and delivery for the whole month of May and there's an obstetrician/pediatrician couple here that always see each other in the OR and I instantly thought of Buddie. So please enjoy the first (long) snippet of Doctors AU, featuring Obstetrician!Eddie and Pediatrician!Buck. The rest of the 118 will also feature in the obstetrics/pediatrics field, although roles are yet to be confirmed. I'm not 100% sure about this and a little nervous about sharing it cause sharing words has felt weird lately, so I'm sorry if it's not great!
Tagged for Inspiration Saturday by @inell @hippolotamus (eventually smh) @cal-daisies-and-briars @dangerpronebuddie and @daffi-990 (I will be getting to all your snippets so soon!) Snippet under the cut to save your dash.
Eddie pushes through the doors of the NICU, his chest heaving. He doesn’t do this; he doesn’t let patients get to him. He’s a professional. He performs a surgery, delivers a baby, stitches up the mother and moves on to the next one.
Except today, he can’t.
Eddie strides down the corridor until he’s in the nurses’ station and begins to scour the brightly lit electronic board with all the patient’s names.
He can’t shake the feeling that he’s fucked up, that he should have called it sooner and rushed the mother to surgery the second he’d been asked to see her. She’d been labouring for hours, and she was tiring when they called him in to review her. One look at the monitor by her bed had told him all he’d needed to know – that her and her baby were in distress, and something needed to be done.
But, she’d clutched his hand and begged him to let her try just a bit longer.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and takes a shaky breath as he tries to rid his mind of the memory of hearing the baby’s heart rate drop on the monitor. Even after being an obstetrician for 10 years, nothing will ever prepare him for the gut-wrenching fear that comes during an emergency. The way you hold your breath and will it to increase, counting in your head as you wonder how much longer you let it go before you dive for the emergency button. He’d done an examination when it was clear the heart rate wasn’t going to recover, to see if there was any chance she could push the baby out, and his heart had sunk into his shoes when he’d felt the umbilical cord before he was even up to his second knuckle.
Taking some deep breaths through his nose, Eddie opens his eyes and scans the board, trying to find the name. It’s possible it’ll be too early – the nurses might not have admitted the baby on the system yet, but the pit in his stomach grows with each passing second that he doesn’t find it.
There’s a noise behind him – someone clearing their throat – and Eddie spins around as a deep, calming voice speaks.
“Hey man, can I help you with something?”
Eddie is instantly taken aback by the man in front of him. He must be new, because Eddie’s certain he’d remember if he’d seen this guy in the OR, and he’s looking at Eddie with concern, his eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes piercing into Eddie’s. He’s tall and muscular – obscenely so for (Eddie assumes) a pediatrician, with dark blond hair that’s been plastered with a criminal amount of hair product. He’s in a pair of delicate pink scrubs, with a white lab coat over the front. There’s a small, rainbow watch hanging from the breast pocket of his coat, and a name badge on his chest, with two tiny feet drawn just beside his name.
Evan Buckley.
“Hey, I’m Dr. Diaz – uh – Eddie,” Eddie says, awkwardly extending a hand towards the man. His grip is firm but warm, and his hands are soft, although Eddie’s not sure exactly why he’s noticing that.
“Dr. Buckley,” the guy replies with a friendly smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Everyone calls me Buck. You looking for someone in particular?”
Eddie turns back to the board with a frown, folding his arms, and Buck sidles up next to him, mirroring his stance. Their shoulders brush, and Eddie notices how the guy is just a couple of inches taller than him. Interesting.
“Yeah I’m – uh – I’m looking for baby McKinnon? Born about an hour ago via emergency caesarean due to cord prolapse and obstructed labour, resuscitated immediately after birth and bought here.”
Buck frowns and pulls out a list from the pocket of his scrubs.
“Is everything okay with the mother?” he asks as he scans his list, “You’re an obstetrician, right?”
“Yeah, she’s fine, pulled through surgery and is in recovery now. Just wanted to check up on the baby – he looked pretty rough.”
Buck lets out a deep sigh next to him and Eddie whips his head around, doing a double take when he sees Buck’s expression.
God, no, please no, let him be okay, let him have survived, he’s just mixed up with someone else.
“I’m sorry, man,” Buck says gently, resting a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “We couldn’t stabilise him. He was so hypoxic and they couldn’t intubate him and we – I’m sorry.”
Eddie must make a noise because the hand on his shoulder tightens. His chest feels tight, like he’s not getting enough air, the world is beginning to spin. He take deep, gulping breaths of air as he tries to regulate himself, but it’s not use.
It’s too close. Too much like Christopher. His son, his perfect, 7-year-old boy, looked just like that kid when he was born. Eddie’s too close to this. He’s gotta get out.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Eddie shakes himself from Buck’s grip, blinking furiously as tears threaten to spill down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’ve gotta – I need to go,” he says hurriedly, his voice cracking, and he turns on his heel. He doesn’t run from the room, but it’s a close one. He barely even registers Dr. Buckley calling after him as he briskly walks down the corridor, practically throwing his swipe pass at the door, and then he’s in the stairwell before he knows it, drinking in the crisp, cool air as he slides down the wall and comes to a rest on a step.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @bidisasterevankinard @neverevan @babybibuck
@aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg
@jesuisici33 @wikiangela @loveyouanyway @exhuastedpigeon @houseofevanbuckley
@epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @hermscat @worriedbisexual @thekristen999
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @actuallyitsellie @idealuk @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @loserdiaz
@elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @smilingbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings
@spagheddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie
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lilywoood · 4 years
Small Bump 3/?
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So here I am with part 3, once again I want to profusely apologize for not posting the last prompts yet it’s just that this story is really occupying my mind and I feel like I need to write it before anything else, I still plan on posting the prompts but it’ll take a bit longer and for that I’m deeply sorry.
If you want to be on Small Bump tag list don’t hesitate to hit my askbox it’s easier to reach out for me this way ♥️
Tag list :
@diazbuckleysworld @felicitous-one @gxtop @cherishingstydia @translucent-bisexual @profangirl1999 @zola9612 @impossiblealice @sergeant-barnes-and-his-captain @meloingly @shipping-queen @my-name-i-we @reecedaddario @fyeahhipsterdoctor @evan-diaz-buckley @duckcollectorus @graciemma16 @snorlaxishere @fandomfullofgayness
Words count : 1306
Song : Don’t Forget about me - Cloves
He knew there were a baby in him, knew that Eddie and him created a new life, a new person, a new soul but the reality of the situation didn’t really hit him until that famous Monday, until he had to lie to Bobby and call sick to get his first ultrasound.
He never felt more alone than now, in his obstetrician waiting room surrounded by families and couples, surrounded by people having one another’s back...
They were a time where Eddie used to have his, but it was over now, since that famous night something changed in their dynamic, as if Eddie was discretely trying to distance himself from Buck, as if he regretted meeting him...
He had learned to accept it though, mend his broken heart and acknowledged the fact that he would never be it for him, Eddie would never need him like Buck had needed him, never choose him like he had choose him, never love him like he loved him...
He was coming to term with it when the secretary finally called his name, he could feel the pitying looks of people when he rose from his chair, hear the whispers, the critics, it was deepening the wound in his heart.
-Mr Buckley, the secretary called again seeing as he stopped midway, Dr Stevens is waiting for you, she smiled kindly, leading the way...
The room wasn’t dark as he pictured it, it wasn’t cold either, the walls were painted with different shades of yellow and covered with kids drawing, he couldn’t help but chuckles at some of them.
Doctor Stevens was setting the material for his ultrasound letting him time to mentally prepare himself, everything would be real after it, it won’t be suspicions, it won’t be a false alarm, today he’ll meet his miracle.
-Whenever you’re ready Evan, she smiled encouragingly
-I’m ready, he stated clearing his throat.
He unbuttoned his pants before lying, he raised his shirt, glancing quickly at the little bump.
-You’ll feel a bit cold but it’s normal, she explained, it’s just the gel ok, she asked, Buck only nodded and winced when she put cold gel on his skin.
She started moving the probe, searching for an image, it lasted two minutes before he started to see something, or more exactly hear something.
Something close to the faint echo of drum, it was a weak sound at first but the more Doctor Stevens moved the probe the more the beating got louder until they could clearly hear it.
Thump...thump... thump...thump... thump...thump.
He could feel himself tear up, he could hear the laugh bubbling out his throat, joy was coursing through his veins, happiness and an unconditional love for this teeny being burned his heart.
-Did you hear that Edd... he laughed looking at his right, before interrupting himself by remembering that Eddie wasn’t there, he would never be there.
Doctor Steven smiled sadly at him, never commenting on it, Buck was thankful for that.
-Do you want me to print you three copies, she demanded squeezing his shoulder.
-If you don’t mind, he smiled forcefully, trying to hide his sadness.
He couldn’t keep his eyes away from the picture, it was blurry, black and white and he couldn’t really see his child but he knew they were here, he knew it was his baby, his light, his hope, he knew the weird white thing was his and that was enough.
Even if he was glad everything was good for both him and his child, even though meeting them for the first time had been the happiest thing that ever happened to him he couldn’t help but feel saddened by the fact that they were alone, that he’ll never be able to give his child the family he deserved.
He’d promised Maddie he’d call her after his appointment, she was with him every step of the way after all, he knew she would be happy, thrilled even to learn that everything was alright still he couldn’t help but want to distance himself from everything and everyone right that instant, he wanted to throw himself another pity party; wanted to go home and sleep the day, wanted to numb the loneliness he felt.
Maddie didn’t gave him the choice though, as he was starting his car, his phone started to ring with Maddie’s picture flashing.
-Hey Mads, he answered softly, putting her on speaker.
-Hey yourself, she retorted cheerfully, so how was the first appointment, she quizzed never being one for beating around the bush.
-Everything is fine, he answered mechanically, I’m three months along, he counted, baby is healthy and growing normally, he added, I’ll know what it is in two months, he smiled.
-That’s good, she sighed relieved, everything is ok so why are you so sad Ev, she demanded worry clear in her voice.
Buck frowned of course Maddie would be able to read him even from afar, of course she’ll know that something was bothering him, still he wasn’t sure he wanted to tell her why he was upset.
-Ev, she called, I’m on your side you knows that, she asked, you can tell me I’ll never judge, she reassured him talking with her mom voice.
-I was alone Maddie, Buck told her sadly,
-I’m so sorry Evan I tried to have the day off to be with you, she apologized profusely passing back and forth, next time I’ll be there, she promised.
Buck shook his head laughing sadly, only Maddie would blame herself for something she wasn’t responsible for.
-No Mads, he sighed, I was alone, he insisted.
-Oh, she stated understandingly stopping her passing,
-Yeah oh, Buck chuckled passing a tired hand on his face, they were family there you know, he counted, couple holding hands and rubbing the other back and I was alone, he pursued.
-Evan, Maddie tried before being cut.
-No Mads let me finish, he sighed with a lump in his throat, I was alone and the only thing I could think of when I heard its heartbeat, he smiled drying his tears with the back of his hand, you know when I heard it, he articulated difficultly, I forgot he wasn’t there, when I heard it I turned my head thinking he and Chris were there with me, he laughed tiredly, and I realized that I was alone, his voice was shaky and tears falling freely, I was alone Mads, he whined.
-Evan no, she called, you’re not alone, she frowned passing her hand through her hair, I’m sorry I wasn’t there, she apologized again, I’m sorry He wasn’t there, she pursued before Buck cut her again
-You know it made me realize how foolish I had been all this time, he spoke
-What do you mean, Maddie asked confused,
-When we slept together that night, he counted, I wasn’t that drunk, he avowed, and I don’t think he was either, he breathed, I foolishly thought that maybe just maybe he felt for me what I feel for him, he took a deep breath, and then I woke up alone, they were no notes, he didn’t text, didn’t call and that made me realize that maybe he wasn’t into me, Buck chuckled drily, maybe it was just pity,he whispered, he was drawn to me because of loneliness, because I was there, maybe it never was about feelings, he croaked, if I hadn’t be there maybe it’ll have been someone else, he stated gripping his phone tightly, he...he’ll never love me as I love him Mads, he suffocated.
-Oh Evan, Maddie sobbed, I’m sure it’s not that, she tried, anyone can see how he deeply cares for you, she added softly,
-Then why wasn’t he there, Buck asked finally breaking down, why wasn’t he there when I woke up Maddie, he cried.
Maddie never felt so powerless in her life, after hanging up with her brother she stayed on the break room for ten more minutes, she wanted to be there for him to support him, but she knew, deep down she knew she wasn’t what Evan needed.
She sighed deeply looking at her phone screen, looking at the contact page that was open, debating with herself wether she should press call or not, it wasn’t her secret to share, yet she couldn’t help wanting her brother happiness, closing her eyes she raised her finger deciding to let destiny decide if she was going to call Eddie or not.
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raywritesthings · 6 years
Baby, Won’t You Please Come Home 10/11
My Writing Fandom: Arrow, The Flash Characters: Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance, Quentin Lance, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Moira Queen, Joanna de la Vega, Dinah Lance, Eddie Thawne Pairings: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Thea Queen/Roy Harper Summary: Oliver returns to Starling City after the Undertaking only to discover that he’s not the only one who has absented it; Laurel Lance has seemingly vanished with barely a trace for the last four months. As he struggles to piece together the mystery of what caused her to flee the city they both call home, Oliver must also ask himself if he can make things right after leaving the woman he loves a second time. If he can find her at all. AO3 link
Eddie really could have picked a better week to start at his new precinct.
Rain continued to lash against his windshield, making it near impossible to see where he was driving with half the city’s lights still out. His siren did the job of getting everybody else out of the way as best as they could.
Their manpower was stretched to the limit as calls continued to flood in of accidents and emergencies resulting from the explosion. They’d been hit themselves, and Eddie had seen Allen loaded into an ambulance before heading out in his cruiser. Nobody had told West yet, as far as he knew, but there was backup on the way to his and Chyre’s location.
“Any units in the vicinity of 6th and Crossway?” Dispatch came over on the scanner which they’d only just got back up running when he’d left.
Eddie looked around for a street sign. It was a good thing he’d taken the initiative to tour through the city and look over some maps in his preparation for the move. “I might be close,” he announced.
“Caller says a woman’s collapsed on the sidewalk. Witnesses don’t want to move her. They think she’s pregnant.”
“Ambulance on the way?” He took the next turn sharp and had to swerve this and that way around cars either abandoned or stuck on the road.
“Closest one could be half an hour.”
“Okay, I found Crossway. I’m on it.”
Eddie pulled the cruiser up as close as he could to where several people were stood around on the sidewalk. Some of them turned as his door slammed.
“She’s waking up, officer,” a woman said.
Eddie hurried past them all. “Ma’am? Can you hear me?”
She was on the ground, blonde hair falling over her face and her arms still wrapped protectively around her middle. If Eddie had to guess, she looked to be around his age. Her eyes squeezed shut as a hiss of pain left her.
Eddie helped her to sit up slowly. “Try not to make any sudden movements. You had a fall.” He began checking her over, first for a concussion, but fortunately she didn’t look to have hit her head. “I’m Detective Thawne. Can you tell me your name?”
“What happened?” She asked instead. “There was this- this wave—”
“I know, but it’s alright now. I’m gonna want to take you to a hospital so they can check for any internal damage, but you seem—”
The woman gasped. “The baby.” She looked down “Oh my God, I think my water broke.”
“Oh my God,” said Eddie without thinking. She turned panicked eyes up at him. “I mean, uh, are you- are you feeling contractions?”
“I can’t be. This- this can’t be happening.”
Eddie felt perhaps the most out of his depth he’d ever been on the job. “Okay. Let’s just get you to the hospital, and they can confirm.” He slowly got her onto her feet and ushered her past the staring crowd back to his cruiser. Eddie grabbed a blanket out of the trunk and passed it to her before climbing into the driver’s seat and switching the siren back on.
They had marginally better luck with the traffic, and he kept pushing through any gap he could safely find. Every few seconds, his eyes jumped to the rearview mirror to check on her.
“This can’t be happening,” she kept repeating. Eddie started to worry she was going into some kind of shock.
“Everything’s going to be alright, ma’am—”
“I’m twenty-eight years old, I’m a single mom, and I am going into labor two months early,” his passenger listed off through clenched teeth. “It’s. Miss.”
Eddie gulped. “Yes, ma’am — er, miss. Sorry.”
He pulled straight up to the emergency room, siren blaring, and left his cruiser parked there as he helped her inside.
“I need an obstetrician or somebody! She’s having a baby!”
Even with all the chaos, his dramatics got them into a room soon enough. He learned from a nurse’s questioning that the woman’s name was Laurel Lance and that she was only about seven months along.
“I can’t have the baby yet, can I?”
“At this stage, there’s a high chance of the baby being healthy. And since your water has broken, delaying labor has a risk of infection. The doctor will be here soon, and we can get started.”
“Oh my God,” Laurel Lance repeated. Her eyes screwed up in pain for a moment. He wavered on the balls of his feet, unsure what he should be doing.
The nurse turned to him. “Are you the father?”
“What?” Eddie rapidly shook his head, eyes wide. “No, no I am not. We just met. I’m a detective with the CCPD.”
“Well, Detective, if I can ask you to remain while I step out for a minute. Encourage her to breathe.”
“Uh, right.” Eddie watched helplessly as the nurse strode from the room, hopefully organizing equipment and personnel necessary to deliver a baby. He didn’t even know what all was necessary for delivering a baby.
He turned back to the expecting mother. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Could you call my mom?” She gestured to the pile of her clothes on a chair, which she’d had to trade for a hospital gown.
“Of course.” He fished out her phone and stepped out into the hallway.
There were only two contacts in her phone, both labeled as parents. Eddie couldn’t help frowning in a little worry, but hit the button for the mother nonetheless.
“Laurel? Is everything alright? All the streetlights went out, it’s an absolute zoo downtown.”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Lance. This is Detective Eddie Thawne. I had to take your daughter to the hospital. She’s gone into an early labor.”
“Oh, God. Is it Central City General?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can. Are she and the baby—?”
“The doctors are optimistic. I can stay with her until you get here.”
“Yes, thank you. Thank you so much, detective.” Mrs. Lance hung up and Eddie checked in briefly via radio to let the precinct know his status. Then he marched back into the room.
“How’s the breathing going?”
“It’s good,” Laurel grunted. She looked up at him then, and a breathy laugh left her.
Eddie was feeling very confused now on top of the nerves. “Is there something funny?”
“No. Not really. You just do sort of look like him. The father.”
“He should be here.” Laurel’s head fell back onto the pillow, a tear leaking from the corner of her eye and down the side of her face. “I’m so stupid.”
Eddie didn’t really know what to say to that. There was a lot about her situation that concerned him as a cop. Why the lack of contacts in her phone? Why had she been alone when the accelerator went off? And just where was the father of this baby?
He winced in sympathy as she gave another hiss of pain.
“I know it doesn’t fix anything, but I’m here. I can, I don’t know, hold your hand if that helps. Till your mom arrives?”
She blinked up at him for a moment. “What did you say your name was again?”
She smiled, though it wavered slightly. “Thanks, Eddie. I could use some help right now.”
Just as he took her hand, the nurse returned with a doctor.
“Miss Lance, we’re hoping to get started as soon as possible, but there may be a slight complication. The hospital is running low on pain relievers.”
“Oh great,” said Laurel. She may or may not have huffed out a laugh.
“We’ll do everything we can, but the volume of patients that have come in tonight is unprecedented.”
Laurel looked up at him. “I hope you don’t like your hand.”
“Your mother can tap in if you’re in danger of crushing it.”
He ended up getting very lucky, because Mrs. Lance showed up just before they were getting Laurel ready to start pushing. Eddie was ushered out into the hall with a hurried thanks, but that didn’t do much to block out the pained yells coming from the room.
She really did have a voice on her.
He slowly blinked his eyes open to spot one of the nurses in his doorway. When had he dozed off?
“Your landlady stopped by to drop off a package that came for you,” she continued despite his lack of greeting. “Looks like someone thought you could do with a little holiday spirit.”
“No one’s sending me presents this year,” he stated. Because of him Hilt was gone, Sara was still on the run from that crazy cult that wanted her back, and Laurel…he fixed his gaze determinedly on the ceiling and waited out the familiar stinging at his eyes. Maybe there was a bright side to his being hospitalized over the holidays; without his daughter there was no one else to help him home from the bar. “Probably got the address wrong.”
“Well, I’ll leave it with you. You can open it whenever you feel up to it,” the nurse struggled cheerfully on. At the least she did just that and mercifully left him alone again. Quentin sighed, then with a bit of effort pushed himself up with one hand while grabbing for the small package with another. Settling back against the pillows he looked it over. Plain brown box, no return address. Could be considered suspicious.
Quentin couldn’t find it in himself to care. He tore the box open. Inside was another, smaller box gift wrapped in Christmas colors. With growing impatience he ripped open the paper and set the lid aside.
“Oh, for crying out loud,” he grumbled upon seeing the phone sitting inside. What, had the Arrow decided he needed an upgrade for the New Year?
He powered it up, not surprised at all to find a contact pre-programmed in. It was even displaying a text already. But then he read the words.
Merry Christmas, Daddy.
The phone slipped from his fingers to land in his lap.
It couldn’t be. After all these months, all this time, and nothing. Here, now, was the proof that his daughter was alive, was still out there?
That she wanted to speak to him?
Quentin picked up the phone again and made the call. The phone rang and rang and rang. He started to wonder if there had been a mistake, or this was some kind of joke someone was pulling on him. But then the line was picked up.
His mouth fell open, and it was a struggle for him to respond. “Dinah?”
“Oh, Quentin,” she said. He thought he could hear her voice shaking. “Quentin, I’m so sorry.”
“Dinah, what is this? What’s going on?”
“I’ve wanted to tell you for some time. But you have to understand, I needed her to trust me, or she would’ve gone off on her own again and we would’ve lost her.”
“Laurel’s been staying with me.”
The air left his lungs in a great rush.
“About two months after she disappeared she showed up at my door. Quentin, I couldn’t turn her away, and I couldn’t make her come forward, not after everything I’d already done. And then things started getting so dangerous in Starling it didn’t seem a good idea at all to encourage her to go back. You have every right to be angry with me,” she added when he remained silent.
But did he? Did he have that right? If he wasn’t so exhausted he probably would have let loose with a thousand recriminations — how could Dinah think she had a right to hide Laurel from him when he was the parent that had been there with her all her life?
And yet he was hiding Sara just the same.
“Why didn’t she want to come home?” He heard himself ask instead. “Was she in trouble?  Was it something I did?”
“No, Quentin. She just didn’t want to disappoint you.” Dinah paused a moment longer, then said, “She was pregnant.”
He clutched the phone even tighter. “Was?” He asked, voice hoarse.
“She went into labor just a few hours ago.”
“She- she did?”
“It was early, Quentin. Laurel meant for you to get the phone in time to be here. If you wanted, that was.”
An early labor. Laurel herself had been just under a week early. He’d used to say that she hadn’t been able to wait to take on the world. He hadn’t said much of anything like that to her in a long while.
Then the rest of Dinah’s words caught up to him. “Of course I’d wanna be there. I’m her father.” He knew it was his own fault that hadn’t been enough to allow Laurel to feel safe telling him this. He’d told the Arrow as much. “I’m- I’m gonna be a grandfather.”
His breath had nearly failed him there. For a single moment, the pain both physical and emotional seemed to lift, and he could remember the good things about life again. Sara was alive. Laurel was safe. She was having a baby.
“Yes, Quentin.” He could hear the smile in Dinah’s voice. “Laurel’s still in labor. It’s not too late. She would want you to be here.”
“I can’t.” It was a struggle to force the words out through a throat that was determined to close up. Frustrated tears leaked from his eyes. “I’m in the hospital. There was a raid, went bad.”
“I hadn’t heard. Are you alright?”
“I’m not so bad,” he dismissed. “But they won’t let me discharge myself, even for this. Damnit.”
“Do you want me to tell her?”
“No, I don’t want her to worry. Just say I’ll be there as soon as I can. I promise. You should get back in there, she shouldn’t be alone.”
“I only stepped out to take your call. There’s a detective from the Central City Police Department in there right now.”
He wanted to ask what a detective had needed to be there for in the first place, but the longer he delayed her the longer Laurel was without any family. “Get his badge number. I’ll have to let his Captain know he’s a good cop.”
“Of course. Take care, Quentin.”
“You too.”
He hung up, and all the quiet sounds of the hospital slowly filtered back in. Stuck in a hospital while Laurel was in another hospital 600 miles away. That just figured, didn’t it?
There was no telling when they’d release him. And all the while he’d be worrying; Laurel would tell Dinah not to give any bad news over the phone. If he could just send somebody to make sure she was okay...
There was only one person he knew he could call in on this.
Quentin fished around for his actual phone on the little bedside table. From there it took a bit of scrolling to find the number he wanted.
Hopefully the Queens wouldn’t mind a surprise for Christmas.
Oliver barely spared his mother and Thea a hello once he returned to the manor. He instead continued straight onto his room and took out a bag which he started packing with clothes and other supplies. The first possible lead he’d had in weeks, and he was hoping it was wrong. But he couldn’t discount the idea that Laurel might be in Central, even if they’d just suffered a disaster the likes of which no one had ever seen before.
Thea pushed open his door without even knocking. “What’s going on? Thought we were doing Christmas.”
“Change of plans. I’ve maybe got a lead on Laurel, and I have to go out of town. Can you make something up to tell mom?”
Thea’s eyes had lit up, and she nodded several times. “Okay, yeah. Yeah, I can do that.”
He’d only just finished zipping the bag closed when his sister came running back in.
“Ollie, mom says there’s a phone call for you. From Officer Lance.”
For a moment, he stood frozen. If Lance was calling, he had to have news. Whether it was good or bad…
The next thing he knew, he was taking the steps two at a time and grabbing the phone right out of his startled mother’s hands. “Officer Lance?”
“Queen. Listen, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I heard from Laurel. Well, her mother, actually.”
Her mother. His instinct had been right. Oliver had to fight down the panic that threatened to rise up.
“Is she alright?”
“Yeah, for the most part. Thing is, she...she’s having a baby.”
Oliver felt his heart stop for a single beat. His mouth had fallen open but he made no sound.
“I guess she thought I’d be ashamed of her. Maybe I would’ve, I don’t know. With Merlyn dead, the whole thing’s a mess.”
Tommy. Oliver did the math in his head and squeezed his eyes shut. No wonder Laurel had felt she had no one to turn to. Her cryptic emails suddenly made a perfect amount of sense. I’m running out of time. Running out of time to decide what to do about the baby.
His eyes squeezed shut, and he reached out for the banister, trying to ground himself. “But they’re okay?”
“As far as I know. I talked to Dinah, but I’m stuck in this hospital till they discharge me.”
Oliver winced. Lance was only hurt because of him, and now it was keeping him from his family. From his new grandchild.
“I wanted to ask if you could go down for me.”
“Yeah, well, you’ve changed a lot this last year or so. Told Laurel that, actually, one of the last things we talked about before the whole Undertaking business. And I know you care about her.”
“Of course.”
“Just let me know how she’s doing.”
“I will.” Oliver hung up. There wasn’t anything else that needed saying, not until he knew how Laurel was.
Laurel and the baby. A baby. Of all the reasons, he’d somehow never even guessed.
“Did they find Laurel?” It was his mother who asked.
“Yeah. But Lance needs me to go in his place. He’s in the hospital.” He turned an apologetic look on his family. “I have to go.”
His mom didn’t even look surprised. “Of course. Call us as soon as you can.”
“Thank you.” He hefted his bag back onto one shoulder and walked to the door.
“Wait, Ollie!” Thea rushed down the remaining steps. “What’s going on with Laurel?”
He didn’t stop. Oliver went straight to the garage and to his bike. Within minutes, he was speeding down the drive. It would be a long night and morning, but he was determined to get there as soon as possible.
The hospital was one of many places in Central that resembled a zoo in the immediate aftermath of the city’s particle accelerator explosion. As such, Oliver did his best to navigate the building via the signs posted every few feet while dodging around harried staff members and other visitors alike. Eventually he found his way to the maternity ward. Steeling himself with a deep breath, he began to walk down the ward scanning each room for a familiar face, the same face he’d been searching for the last two months.
But halfway down the ward was the nursery, and standing in front of the glass partition was a Lance indeed.
She looked away from the rows of infants at the sound of his approach, her eyes bright and warm. “Oliver,” she greeted, stepping forward to wrap him in a hug.
“It’s Dinah, please. Thank you so much for coming. It’s such a shame Quentin couldn’t make it yet. How is he?”
“He’s supposed to make a full recovery,” he reported. “Is the- the baby…?”
“Second row, three from the left,” she told him quickly. Oliver dutifully followed her directions, getting his first look at the child of Dinah Laurel Lance. She was sleeping, her tiny balled up fists just poking out from her blanket, and a single tuft of hair, blonde in the light, was escaping from under the pink cap.
“She’s just under two months premature,” Dinah was telling him, and Oliver worked to tear his eyes away from the tiny bundle in her cradle. “The doctors think the shock from whatever happened with that explosion induced an early labor, but they’ve reassured us she should be fine.”
“That’s good. That’s- that’s really…I’m glad to hear that. She looks healthy. She looks beautiful,” he said with earnest feeling. Any child of Laurel’s would be beautiful, he’d never doubted that, but to be seeing her here, now…
He hadn’t anticipated this. The closest comparison he could draw upon was a memory nearly two decades old; his father’s hand had been laid on his shoulder as they’d walked up to his mother’s hospital bedside, and Oliver had taken a first peek at the infant nestled in her arms, the little sister he’d spent hours upon hours complaining to Tommy about prior to that very moment. Then Thea Dearden Queen had blinked her baby blue eyes up at him, and he’d fallen in love.
And somehow he was feeling that again. He didn’t understand it, it was simply happening, a warm tide of feeling threatening to bubble up and overtake him at just the sight of that little baby. It didn’t seem to matter that he was here as an envoy for Quentin Lance, a stand-in for family. Maybe it was just that through all the years and ups and downs, the Lances were family. And now this newborn life, she was part of it.
He exhaled a shaky breath and blinked to hold the moisture gathering in his eyes at bay. Dinah didn’t seem to mind the overly emotional response; perhaps she was glad to have someone here to share in her joy of becoming a grandmother. Oliver was finally able to dredge up a grin to match the kind smile playing at her lips.
“So, another Dinah, right?”
The older woman chuckled. “Yes. But her middle name this time.” She turned back towards the glass separating them from the infants. “Laurel was very sure. She named her Olivia.”
Oliver froze. The world narrowed down to this maternity ward in this hospital, him and Dinah Lance standing in front of the nursery with Laurel resting in a room down the hall, and absolutely nothing else. None of the rest of it mattered. His mind had gone completely blank save for the words she named her Olivia over and over again.
“Olivia.” His voice didn’t sound his own, hoarse and light with something like hope woven into it. The baby—Olivia—lay there in her crib, and he could not possibly take his eyes off of her—Olivia.
His math had been off by two months. Laurel’s daughter was named Olivia. She had been very sure. Sure enough to name her daughter after him.
“Why don’t I give you a moment alone? I need to check on Laurel. She’ll want to know that you’re here.” He hadn’t even registered when the older woman had placed a gentle hand on his arm, but he felt the brief squeeze before she let go and only faintly heard her shoes against the tile signaling her retreat.
It was for the best; trying to split his attention right now between Laurel’s mother and her daughter required more effort than he was willing to spare. One of his hands had come up to the glass while the other he pressed to his mouth. He needed to feel grounded. This couldn’t be real.
Laurel’s daughter…his…?
Dinah had been happy to see him, had told him everything he could possibly need to know about the baby, had told him the name Laurel had chosen for her. And Laurel would want to know he was here, would be…happy?
“Olivia,” he breathed again, just to hear it. The infant slept on with no change, but he couldn’t seem to get enough of looking at her. He couldn’t imagine not standing here watching over this small, helpless child. His child.
How could he not have realized the instant he laid eyes on her? How could he have ever thought otherwise? These last two months of searching, of worrying, of very nearly giving up hope, only to culminate in this. A daughter. A miracle.
Oliver took a large gulp of breath before pressing his lips tight together, trying in vain to hold in the swell of emotion threatening to overtake him. All those years on the island and as a vigilante, teaching himself control, suppression, stoicism, none of it had prepared him for this.
And he was so glad. All the things he’d done, all the damage he’d endured, it hadn’t tainted this. Nothing could take this moment from him.
Oliver Queen stood in front of the nursery with shoulders shaking, eyes misting over and, for the first time he could remember, let go completely uncaring of who might be watching. He’d never known he could cry for feeling so full.
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noromojustkeith · 6 years
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Keith Allen (born 2 September 1953) is a Welsh actor, musician, singer-songwriter, artist, author, television presenter, and comedian who became known to audiences for his appearances at the Comedy Store. His roles in Trainspotting and Carry On Columbus bolstered his fame. In 2016, he portrayed Terry in the film Eddie the Eagle.
He also appeared in the hospital drama, Bodies, as Mr Tony Whitman, a sarcastic but somehow likeable consultant obstetrician with an enormous ego. In 2005 he appeared in the Endemol-produced BBC Twotelevision programme Art School alongside Ulrika Jonsson, John Humphrys and Clarissa Dickson Wright where he discovered a passion for painting. From 2006 to 2009, Allen appeared in the BBC's Robin Hood drama series, as the Sheriff of Nottingham.
His documentary film about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, Unlawful Killing, which was financed by Mohamed Al-Fayed and Associated-Rediffusion, was screened at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.
In September 2011 he appeared in the BBC six-part drama series The Body Farm as DI Hale. 2013 saw the release of the Sara Sugarman comedy film Vinyl in which Keith played an ageing rock star who finds himself back in the public eye after his band member fools the music industry into giving them a record deal. In 2013 he played Darren the farmer in episode 1.5 of the comedy drama series Great Night Out.
In April 2013 Allen starred in a revival of Richard Bean's black comedy "Smack Family Robinson'" at The Rose Theatre, Kingston upon Thames.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/bridgeport-graduates-the-class-of-2020-news-sports-jobs/
Bridgeport graduates the Class of 2020 | News, Sports, Jobs
BRIDGEPORT — The Class of 2020 at Bridgeport High School graduated with individual ceremonies held to honor each class member. The top five students of the graduating class include Maura Jean Tiber, Nicholas Nolan, Kayla Marie Kuri, Addyson Rae Terek and Jaren Kathryn Tucker.
Maura Jean Tiber earned the rank of valedictorian. She has been on the Principal’s List all four years and also earned academic letters all four years. Throughout her high school career, she was involved in many activities in and out of school. She was a four-year member of the JETS Science/Engineering Team and a four-year member of the Belmont County Schools Staying Clean Club. She has been a three-year member of the Art Club, Spanish Club and Pep Club. She has been on the yearbook staff for three years, serving as the junior editor her junior year and chief editor her senior year. She has been a member of the Math Club and Interact Club, National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society for two years. She was a one-year member of the Future Medical Professionals Club and the WBHS News. She also attended the iBelieve Leadership Camp every summer of high school. Tiber was on student council her freshman and junior years and now serves as her senior class treasurer. She was the Student of the Month her freshman and junior years. Athletically, she was a four-year letter winner on the volleyball team serving as co-captain her junior and senior year. She also was a four-year member of the basketball team, lettering her senior year. She was also a two-year member of the softball team, lettering her sophomore year. Outside of school, Tiber has also served several community service hours, babysat all four years of high school, and has worked at Justice at the local mall since October 2018. Maura plans to attend Ohio State University to major in biology and minor in computer science. She is the daughter of Brent and Charlene Tiber.
Nicholas Nolan earned the rank of salutatorian. He has been on the Principal’s List for all four years and has earned an academic letter for every year except his freshman year. During his senior year, he attended Ohio University Eastern through the College Credit Plus Program. The activities Nicholas was a part of in school were a combination of clubs and sports. He participated in the Tests of Engineering, Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science competition during his freshman year. During his junior year, he was inducted into the National Honor Society. He was also a member of Tech Aide/Student Help Desk and Spanish Club for two years. For three years, he was a member of Hack Club, which taught scripting. For one year each, he was a member of the Current Events Club and the Video Game Club. Regarding sports, Nicholas lettered by both running track and cross country. One of his proudest races was the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic, which he ran for two years. During his second year of the Ogden, he placed 25th overall out of 340 runners and second out of 15 runners in his age group. Some of the other notable races he ran include the Debbie Green 5K and the Barton 5K, placing first in his age group in the latter. Nolan plans to attend Ohio University Eastern to dual major in communications and applied management. After his undergraduate program, Nicholas will further his education by attending graduate school in order to earn a master of business administration. He is the son of Jerry and Michelle Nolan.
Kayla Marie Kuri graduated third in the Class of 2020, earning an honors diploma. She has been on the Principal’s List and Honor Roll all four years and is a three-year academic letter winner. She received Student of the Month awards her freshman and sophomore years. Her junior year, she was inducted into the National Honor Society, a member of Prom Committee, and a WBHS News anchor. She was president of the Interact Club her junior year and secretary her senior year. She was on Spanish National Honors Society her senior year. Throughout high school, she has been a member of Math Club, Pep Club, Spanish Club, Staying Clean Club, and JETS Team. She was also on the yearbook staff for three years and was business manager for two. She was a varsity and competition cheerleader for three years and lettered each year. She also was on the OVAC All-Conference Academic Team her junior year. Outside of school, she was a volunteer at East Ohio Regional Hospital and Bridgeport’s Community Day. She plans on attending Ohio University Eastern and is undecided on her studies. She is the daughter of Leslie Kerns and Kenneth Kuri.
Addyson Rae Terek finishes fourth in the class with an Honors Diploma. She was on the Principal’s List and received an academic letter all four years. She was Student of the Month her freshman and junior years. Terek was very active in school clubs by being a member of the Belmont County Staying Clean Club all four years, Pep Club her sophomore, junior and senior years, and the JETS Team her sophomore and senior years. She was in the Spanish Club her junior and senior years and was a part of the Spanish National Honors Society her senior year. Terek was the secretary of the Interact Club and a part of the Math Club her junior year. Also, during Addy’s junior year, she was inducted into the National Honor Society, served on Prom Committee, and was a news anchor for the WBHS News. During both her junior and senior years, she was a member of the yearbook staff and held the role of yearbook photo editor her senior year. In addition to clubs, she also participated in the school’s musical, “Annie.” While cheering on the Bulldogs, she earned a letter as a member of Bridgettes her freshman year and in cheerleading her sophomore and junior years. During her sophomore year, she was part of the cheering squad that went to the state competition. She plans to further her education at Ohio University Eastern in the fall. She is the daughter of Marc and Erica Terek.
Jaren Kathryn Tucker graduates fifth in the class. She was active in many school clubs at Bridgeport. She was a member of the Spanish Honor Society, Staying Clean Club, Math Club, Rotary Club, Future Medical Professionals Club, and a one-year member of yearbook. She was inducted into National Honor Society during her junior year. During her senior year, she participated in the Ohio University College Credit Plus Program. As for sports, she was very active and was recognized many times for her skills. She was a four-year letter winner in basketball, received two-time First Team All-OVAC, All-Times Leader Team, The Intelligencer All-Valley Honorable Mention, Eastern District Honorable Mention, one-time All-Ohio Honorable Mention, and All Team Eastern District. Tucker is also a four-year letter winner in softball, receiving 2nd Team Eastern District her junior year and a two-year letterman in volleyball. She plans to further both her academic and athletic (basketball) careers at Ohio University Eastern by studying nursing with future hopes of becoming an obstetrician. She is the daughter of Josh and Erica Tucker.
Members of the CLass of 2020
Dakota Rose Allen, Andrew Joseph Armstrong, Cayden Rex Baker, Aaron Christopher Beaver, Emily Dawn Blake, Alex Christopher Bloom, Danielle Victoria Bradac, Preston Russell Brown, Jacob Nathaniel Childers, Devin Michael Danhart, Taylor Dale Duncan, Christian Lee Doughty, Walker Gage Dubil, Brett Miller Eberle, Spencer Alexander Echemann, Tate Robert Eddy, Adam Nelson Fahner, Roshaundra Aleah Delcia Foston, Kelsey Dawn Garrett, Noah Giovanni George, Gavan Lucas Graham, Nikalia Alizè Griffiths, William Kyle Gummere, Destiny Jasmyn Jade Harris, Skyler Eugene Hatten, Kira Marie Herman, Izaac Joseph Jozwiak, Mason Ryan Kelly, Austin William King, Dylan Alexander Kinney, Zachary Michael Kuneff, Kayla Marie Kuri, Rachel Lee Kurner, Jaida Leigh Kusic, Kiara Johanna Lodi, Sydney Ann Lough, Kiara Alexandria Loughman, Branden Ray Luckett, Terry Allan Maag III, Connor David Markus, Cameron Michael Marsh, Dakota Jacob Martin, Katelin Mae Mcconn, Madison Leigh McMahon, Madisyn Skylar Mills, Autumn Rose Myers, Nicholas Andrew Nolan, Victoria Lynn Parsons, Megan Jonette Perdok, Elizabeth Ann Phares, Kieley Marie Reed, Kayleigh Ann Roberts, Philip Justin Sauvageot, Ty Franklin Schambach, James Michael Shaheen, David Joe Shoulders III, Sierra Raynelle Simeth, Kenneth Albert Spoon Jr., Jessa Rae Stockwell, McKenzie Rose Taylor, Addyson Rae Terek, Dustin Marshall Throckmorton, Maura Jean Tiber, Jaren Kathryn Tucker, Ava Janae Watson, Kole Anthony Wilson, David Lee Worwa Jr.
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christianworldf · 5 years
New Post has been published on Christian Worldview Institute
New Post has been published on https://christianworldviewinstitute.com/bible-prophecies/end-time-events/book-of-revelation/seven-churches/christian-scientists-wikipedia-audio-article/
Christian Scientists | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Science
00:02:45 1 Overview 00:02:54 1.1 Metaphysical family 00:05:49 1.2 Christian Science theology 00:12:46 2 Birth of the religion 00:12:55 2.1 Mary Baker Eddy 00:16:26 2.2 Phineas Parkhurst Quimby 00:19:46 2.3 Eddy as Quimby’s patient 00:21:49 2.4 Fall in Lynn 00:25:26 2.5 Teaching Sally Wentworth 00:28:03 2.6 Moral Science practice in Lynn 00:32:01 2.7 Mary B. Glover’s Christian Scientists’ Home 00:34:36 2.8 iScience and Health/i 00:34:45 2.8.1 Publication 00:39:10 2.8.2 Sickness as error 00:42:41 2.9 Malicious animal magnetism 00:47:14 2.10 Witchcraft trial, conspiracy charge 00:49:03 3 Growth 00:49:12 3.1 Establishing the church, move to Boston 00:52:14 3.2 Death of Asa Gilbert Eddy 00:53:44 3.3 Tremont Temple, first church building 00:56:04 3.4 Eddy’s debt to Quimby 01:00:57 3.5 First prosecutions 01:04:51 3.6 Building the Mother Church 01:08:36 3.7 View of Mark Twain 01:10:49 3.8 iMcClure’s/i articles 01:12:13 3.9 Next Friends suit, Eddy’s death 01:14:41 4 Decline 01:19:21 5 Healing practices 01:19:31 5.1 Christian Science prayer 01:23:28 5.2 Religious exemptions 01:26:49 5.3 Child deaths, prosecutions 01:30:19 6 Church of Christ, Scientist 01:30:30 6.1 Governance 01:32:51 6.2 iManual of the Mother Church/i 01:34:10 6.3 Services 01:34:58 6.4 Notable members 01:36:28 6.5 Christian Science Publishing Society 01:38:55 6.6 Works by Mary Baker Eddy 01:39:05 7 See also
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“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” – Socrates
SUMMARY ======= Christian Science is a set of beliefs and practices belonging to the metaphysical family of new religious movements. It was developed in 19th-century New England by Mary Baker Eddy, who argued in her 1875 book Science and Health that sickness is an illusion that can be corrected by prayer alone. The book became Christian Science’s central text, along with the Bible, and by 2001 had sold over nine million copies.Eddy and 26 followers were granted a charter in 1879 to found the Church of Christ, Scientist, and in 1894 the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, was built in Boston, Massachusetts. Christian Science became the fastest growing religion in the United States, with nearly 270,000 members by 1936, a figure that had declined by 1990 to just over 100,000. The church is known for its newspaper, the Christian Science Monitor, which won seven Pulitzer Prizes between 1950 and 2002, and for its public Reading Rooms around the world.Eddy described Christian Science as a return to “primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing”. There are key differences between Christian Science theology and that of other branches of Christianity. In particular, adherents subscribe to a radical form of philosophical idealism, believing that reality is purely spiritual and the material world an illusion. This includes the view that disease is a mental error rather than physical disorder, and that the sick should be treated not by medicine, but by a form of prayer that seeks to correct the beliefs responsible for the illusion of ill health.The church does not require that Christian Scientists avoid all medical care—adherents use dentists, optometrists, obstetricians, physicians for broken bones, and vaccination when required by law—but maintains that Christian-Science prayer is most effective when not combined with medicine. Between the 1880s and 1990s, the avoidance of medical treatment led to the deaths of several adherents and their children. Parents and others were prosecuted for, and in a few cases convicted of, manslaughter or neglect. source
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