indecentpause · 1 year
Find the Word
tagged by @kaiusvnoir to find the words rust, home, leave, and point! thank!
from The Black & Blues
rust old:
“What kind’s your favorite?”
“Probably ska, actually,” [Josselin] laughs. “It’s easiest on my ears while still being lots of fun. And I’m terrible at dancing but there it doesn’t matter.”
You smile. “I’m terrible at dancing, too. I won’t judge.”
“I don’t know, you looked pretty good up on stage last night.”
You flush dark red again. “Nah. I just really get into playing and kind of lose myself.”
“I could tell. You really love it, huh?”
“Yeah. Not to be dramatic, but it’s what kept me alive when I was a kid, before Danny and I were old enough to move out here.”
Josselin’s brow knits together and he frowns. “Did you live in a bad place before?”
“It’s so nice to meet you!” she exclaims. “Josselin could not stop talking about you. He’s never been starstruck like this before!”
“Frankie,” Josselin almost whines.
She takes his arm and pushes him a little closer to you. “He was too shy to say so so I wanted to bring him to meet you!”
If you didn’t know better, you’d think she was trying to set you up. But he’s her boyfriend, so that doesn’t make any sense.
He’s cute. Really cute. He’s more fem than you usually go for, but you’re not exactly masc either, and categories are stupid anyway. He has long black hair pulled back in a ponytail and the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. He’s wearing a leather jacket, with buttons and pins up and down each side of the zipper. Most of them look homemade.
“Why don’t we relocate outside so we don’t have to yell at each other?” Danny suggests. And he leads you outside.
Josselin is an angel. A beautiful, incredible, wonderful angel sent to you from heaven, because he’s helping you learn to pronounce Polish better.
You arrive at his apartment at 7:00 and to do so you have to come straight from work. When you knock on the door, you rest your forehead against it for a second and almost topple inside when he opens it.
“Sorry!” you exclaim. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Josselin says gently. “Here, give me that.” He gently takes your bag off your shoulder and brings it into the living room. He’s set up a little TV tray table for you to put your books and notes on. He leaves your bag on the futon and says, “I was just cleaning Familiar’s water fountain. I’ll just be a few minutes?”
Jaisyn’s driving is pretty good. So good, in fact, that you doze off in the back on the way.
When your chin drops to your chest, you jerk back awake, but you close your eyes again almost immediately every time. At one point you wake up with your head on Morgan’s shoulder, and you shoot back up, stammering apologies and explanations.
“I’m so sorry, I’ve just been, I’ve been working a lot and this stupid research paper is taking up all my time at night and–”
“Hey, hey,” Morgan says. He puts his hand on your knee. “Hey. Relax. It’s fine. Get some rest until we get there, okay? We don’t want you burning out.”
You relax a little and nod. “Yeah. Yeah, thank you.”
This time you rest your head on Danny’s shoulder, the more familiar comfort of your childhood best friend.
You don’t dream.
tagging @allaboardthewritingtrain @cynotype @homesteadhorner @oceanwriter @scribble-dee-vee @winterandwords to find tall, gold, heal, and hurt!
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paladin-andric · 2 years
Curse of the Warhawks Profiles: Rhodri, the Curse-Bearer
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Rhodri cried. His voice was strange and unfamiliar to himself, sounding higher-pitched and carrying a new accent he couldn’t place. Tears dripped from his eyes, hitting the pond and causing ripples across the still surface.
The mysterious artifact that was to disguise the warrior was his undoing! The vile amulet struck him with a horrific curse, shattering his bones and splitting his flesh as the changes took hold. His mind was nearly destroyed by the slow, agonizing transformation.
Rhodri is now one of the koutu, one of the creatures that exist on the surface world, where humanity used to thrive. Though he is “disguised”, this is only the start of his troubles. He can’t speak their language, he wears human clothing, they can see there’s something wrong with him, and with each passing day the tension worsens.
His infiltration to the surface his hit a considerable obstacle. He should be seeking out Kuldomaar, the evil tyrant that placed the dark curse upon his clan. Instead, Rhodri has found his mind betraying him. Dropping a human soul, with human memories into a koutu body, with a koutu brain has had drastic effects on his psyche. He feels as though he is split in two, feeling conflicting emotions with each decision he makes. He holds two loyalties, desperately trying to resist his new koutu side, a voice that whispers that he should trust the creatures he has blended in with. In addition, he hears and sees things that aren’t there, shadows that fade at a closer look, figures of nonexistent people. A voice in his head speaks to him, and his perception of reality cannot be trusted.
Rhodri is on a ticking clock. Each day that passes, the delusions get worse, the alien urges and voices become more compelling. How long can he retain his humanity? Can he reach Kuldomaar before he snaps? Will he even want to fight for humanity by the time he gets there?
Previous Profiles: Rhodri (Human), Elder Onsen
Tag list: @tinydragonadventures, @lady-redshield-writes, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time,  @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadchronicles, @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @writer-candy, @shewrites-sometimes​, @chazwrites, @thewritingcaddy​
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xoceanicgemzx · 5 years
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Sure thing hun! This is my first time writing for Katie, Tom, and Pentious tho... So I hope you enjoy!
Katie Killjoy:
She honestly lives for it! You are a small smart boy???
 She's soft for you and only you.
Still the same Katie
You trip?
“Get the fuck up. And stop tripping on thin air.” 
“Spit it out will you?”
When you start talking to her about the criminology she's honestly interested?? 
I mean, she runs a news station, she needs to know about some of this stuff
Honestly, she’d never admit it, but you telling her stuff makes her soft. 
And you are so cute and small! 
Constantly teasing you for your height
“ oh you can't reach that? Well, you should have drunk your fucking milk you midget.” 
Anyone else except for tom teases you? 
They are dead. 
No one but her teases her baby boy!!
Tom Trench:
If you haven't noticed, this boy is tiny as well. 
Um, your smart cool!
He listens but it honestly confuses him to no end, 
Like he’s like: I am confused. 
He is big gay for you. 
Every time you trip he's like OH NO MY BBY 
Rushes over and makes sure your ok, is thankful you're ok
You can't reach something? Teamwork!
Literally gets on your shoulders to get it. 
If he falls?
oof. he doesn't care. Would literally just say: OOF 
At least he got you what you needed!
Anyone picking on you other than Katie?
He's going to throw hands. He doesn't care
No one teases his boyfriend 
He cackles when you stutter. He finds it adorable and hilarious at the same time
Sir Pentious 
He loves it! If you haven't noticed, he's quite the smart boy to
And you are absolutely tiny
He loves it! Just look at you
He pampers you, and he always has a few egg bois at your side. 
You are not tripping and getting yourself hurt when he's around! You got yourself hurt?? 
Lots of yelling, egg bois are scarred
When you stutter he honestly a boys
Brags constantly about you. 
Honestly big gay
Helps you get what you need since you are tiny
No one teases you
They tease they die
He gets salty when anyone teases you 
You are tiny and he loves it?
Lots of dad jokes about your height. 
“How's the weather down there darling?”
When you stutter he just grins wider.
“Can you say that again?”
This smug bastard... He likes seeing you struggle to speak.
He usually goes quiet when his little boyfriend is talking about criminology
“You know that your dating a killer right?” 
Someone teased you.
Teased you once and they are fricken dead
broadcasted, all you hear are their screams, and then his voice: That's all for now folks!
Honestly you just make him so soft???
He honestly is a soft boy for his boyfriend
Arms linked together
Does Not give af that you’re a guy
You are going to be bombarded with flowers, and you are not opening that door. 
Soft smiled for you and only you
You don't know how??
He is teaching you.
Honestly, it's funny seeing you two dance, just a 4’9 male compared to a 7’8 male??
Alastor is literally leaning over you to dance.
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holyletters · 6 years
Dear Moon:
Use my lungs. They are useless to me. For I am drowning. I've sunken so many ships, battered so many shores, but before the moon, I fall short. Night after night. I spoke to the doctor and I was advised to apply pressure to the wound. Wrap in my arms and hold your sternum and chest in. If your heart explodes it'll take us both. It's been said that being in love is a lot like dying, so if we go a bit sooner to our little corner of the universe it'll be worth it. I hear Pluto looks amazing this time of year. I've been listening to the song you mentioned in your last correspondence on repeat, and the day sounds have been replaced with the sounds of the night. There is no gentle way for the ocean to ache, to long for the moon. Aching comes in high crests and deep troughs... Aching comes in crashing. I know you're always with me, but there's a need to see your face. To taste your skin. To kiss places only we know about. I don't know how to contain my hunger when mine is a cup overflowing in my hands. Spilling everywhere. I'm a mess without you. A complete mess, and I long for your hands to hold me. And your lips to whisper your secrets.
song rec: Hold Me by The Sweeplings art rec: https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/seascape-near-les-saintes-maries-de-la-mer/PwEMTV_jnF628A
I love you way, way beyond infinity, Ocean. MONDAY MARCH 19, 2018
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quietcrowpoetry · 2 years
Can we take a moment? One to appreciate the depth that live so deep below the moonlit tides?
Such creatures live and die underneath waves of old unbeknownst to human eye, lost secrets and stories one will never know.
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converginglives · 6 years
WIP Game: Closer
Thanks @oceanwriter for the word! 
His eyes slowly slide over the injured man as he steps inside and shuffles closer to the bed.
Send me a word and if I have it in Unexpected Meeting, I’ll share the sentence!
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cathedralreims · 6 years
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i’m working on a new thing called Singularity, a story about a hardy team of explorers undertaking the dauntless task of finding the last star in the universe 
When it was believed that no other stars existed, the people created metaphorical ones bounded by flesh. The cynics believed that black holes could and will be forever be, the prime source of energy. Polaris was an optimist, which meant he enthusiastically believed that somewhere out there, there was such a thing called light. 
And thus he, along with several other optimists, would embark on the dauntless task on finding what could be the last star in the universe; that was the second most optimistic outcome. The most would be finding a host of them, perhaps tucked away in a quiet corner, and the least would be finding nothing but an infinitely cold void.
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aschenink · 6 years
Last Line Tag :)
I was tagged by @oceanwriter @muffinswritingblog @awolfthatwrites @leapwriter, thank y’all so much, lovelies!  💖  (I also got tagged by a few other people, so I’ll do another tag in a few days^^)
From Eosophobia...
“Heartbreak is a luxury only afforded by the wealthy.  Seems life is hard enough to survive as it is that everyone else just goes by with their head down.”  Viktor grins, teeth bared in charm and hunger.  “Ain’t my fault it’s like that.  And if it’s all the better for me that lovers are wealthy, well, who am I to turn down luck in this shitstorm world?”
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @lady-redshield-writes @feathered-quill @violet-clouds-and-skies and anyone else who’d like to join in! 
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merigreenleaf · 6 years
Get to know your character ask: 18, 19, 39
Thanks! I'm going to roll a die to determine which dork to answer these for. Sorry for the delay!
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?I rolled Etri, which is perfect because he's the most homebody of the group. Etri doesn't really mind traveling with the carnival too much since he has his own wagon-house, but I know that he preferred living back with the carnival troupe in Silveridge (the capital city) that stayed in one place. He's more comfortable in familiar surroundings and isn't a huge fan of change. Home is where is family is, so he'd be happy living in the wagon he gets with Blythe and Adair, with Sol and Dray close by, but his dream is a house in Silveridge that he'd share with the other dorks. That way he's close to the carnival troupe there, as well as the Artisans' guildhall for Adair, and it means Blythe can have a full yard for her plants, and it means Sol can have that invention shop he’s always kinda wanted. Adair's a cartographer so that's going to involve traveling (and I think he eventually works as a diplomat alongside making maps) so I think they all come up with a solution that involves traveling part of the year, living in Silveridge the rest of the time. As long as the house has a roof that's flat enough for Etri to sit on, he doesn't care so much what the house itself looks like.
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?I rolled Rosalie and she's even less likely to get into a fight than Adair, which says a lot because he's a total pacifist. While Adair would try to talk the fight down and get things peaceful again, Rosalie would just kind of... cower. She gets frightened of conflict because of her past and gives in quickly when she’s scared. She's learning to stand up for herself, but it's a hard road for her.
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?I rolled Blythe. With her what you see is basically what you get. She looks the part of a competent, well trained guard because she is, that's what she's spent her life training as. She looks tough, like someone you don't want to mess with. I mean, the first time Adair met her, he got scared and scurried away. And she can be blunt and a little imposing... but that's definitely not all she is. Under that is someone with a caring heart who wants to take care of everyone and make sure that they're safe. Someone's problem automatically becomes her problem and she always tries to fix situations even if those things aren't hers to fix. She definitely has a soft side, you just have to know where to look.
(These questions are from this ask game. Please feel free to send me more numbers for my dorks!)
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smallepics · 6 years
If I frame it just right, fingers tilted just so, it sounds like a movie
I got caught smoking in a movie theater parking lot
Blood was in my cheeks and my head I think my lies were almost believable if I
Wasn’t stumbling with my feet past my tongue
But fuck if after I finished hyperventilating in the backseat of my mom’s car
I didn’t wildly laugh my way through three lanes of traffic into a drive through
It’s just so hard to feel young when resignation is the backdrop to all sorts of future dreams
I’m sixteen now and drugs seem like a good way to forget
The feeling of sitting soaking wet in a tub while the water drains from thighs to ankles
When the air around me is warm but some slice of a thought and the run of dirty water
Leaves gooseflesh on the inside of my skin
My therapist says I’ve grown too used to the flinch
I’ve always believed childhood is more insidious than people say
Who else to ruin me now who else to always pitch my mother’s voice louder than it really is
Until my calves and pinkie toe strain
There’s something about a road with all the same houses too many clean streetlamps
How many people are just sitting in their rooms waiting on the right moment to start
I think some part of my childhood is the same way
Imprinting the part of me who has seen this story go cold before
So maybe it’s not the flinch I’m used to but too many nights without it
What happens when I am stripped down and honest
Not just standing naked but looking at the leftover indents on my skin all the red lines where my nails have dragged
I think that’s less human than the man who runs his dog down the same path everyday replaying those straight society thoughts
Some reckless energy is building in my knees and I’m looking for a way to get rid of it
Before I throw all those back tracked first tastes of dumb decisions up and grow too used to the flinch
- Health We Excess (Eutrophic) ||  LAU B. © 2017
Dedicated To: @oceanwriting
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stormdrivensea · 6 years
OC questions: 8, 17, 25
This is a month late and I’m not 100% sure if this is the correct post but I hope this is !! I’ll answer these oc asks that reveal more than you think with a range of my characters then ^^
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Cast of Swan Song: Fengyu is frustrated easily by complex puzzles; Renying is easily intrigued by them but also easily loses interest. Shenyi pretends not to be intrigued, but he is. 
17. Do they like children?
Cast of Catching Hearts: Tsukino is good at taking care of children so she doesn’t mind them, but she gets tired out after a while. Otori loves children; he’s easily endeared by them.
25. Safety or possibility?
Cast of Positively Cursed: Casmir and Ronan both lean into safety, whereas Gwynn and Anya lean into possibility, and more so for Gwynn. Though to be fair, Ronan doesn’t exactly quite mind possibility, and Casmir would much prefer safety even if he says he prefers possibility, thank you very much.
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paladin-andric · 2 years
Curse of the Warhawks Profiles: Rhodri
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I have to do this. This is for humanity itself. I have to make this sacrifice. Besides, it can’t be that bad… right?
Time for a triumphant return?! Once again here to tell you I’m not dead, but going farther this time! In anticipation for my latest book Curse of the Warhawks: A Lost World, I’m here to drop art and bios for all the main cast of this strange fantasy adventure! Less of an action-packed tale of battle and heroics, and more about a man steadily losing his mind as he tries to cling to his last shreds of humanity in a hopeless quest to use his enemies and slay a dragon.
Rhodri is a quick-tempered, impulsive man. A young warrior from an ancient underground tribal society, he finds himself a “chosen one” by sheer chance and through no exploits of his own. A dragon’s vengeful curse on his people is steadily wracking the entire tribe with an illness that gets worse and worse the longer it lasts. In a matter of months, they’ll all die... except for Rhodri. As the only one apparently immune to this magical disease, the unready tribal warrior is propelled into a tale of madness, monsters and phantoms of the past. Ever brash, he can only fight his hardest, and all that his ill tribe can do is pray for his success.
He is given an artifact from his ancestors that will “disguise” him, so that he may walk about the surface world with impunity. If any of the beasts above ever discovered some humans survived the end-times ages ago, surely they would arrive to finish the job, dooming the human race for all eternity. It will make him one of them, with no way to revert the change. He shoulders this burden, ready to use the artifact and sacrifice himself for the greater good.
His strength and the enemy he’s facing are the least of his concerns, though. Instead, it’s what lurks in his heart when the pact is sealed that will truly test him...
It’s been a long time since I posted, so this list may be outdated. If you no longer want to be part of it, let me know. If you’re a newcomer that wants on, I’ll be happy to add you! Apologies for disappearing by the way, between a new job, family issues and writing this book, I just haven’t had the energy to keep visiting and posting here. I’m trying to come back to write about CotW though, so hopefully some of those old ties get reestablished. This is planned to be the first in a series, by the way! I also plan to find a publisher, and am looking for beta readers! Please let me know if you have any experience or interest in any of that!
Tag list: @tinydragonadventures​, @lady-redshield-writes​, @sheralynnramsey​, @tawnywrites​, @writer-on-time,  @oceanwriter​, @zwergis-spilledink​, @fluffpiggy​, @elliewritesfantasy​, @homesteadchronicles​, @laurenwastestimewriting​, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination​, @writer-candy, @shewrites-sometimes​, @chazwrites​, @thewritingcaddy​
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xoceanicgemzx · 5 years
Knives, Roses, and Bloody Hearts Chapter One| Human Alastor x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Not for the faint of heart, murderous tendencies, abuse mentions, death Words: 3,086
Third-person point of view: (y/n)
There was always a risk.  Always a chance something that could go wrong. And now…. The killings taking place, it was very scary. Very much so. For the girl to be walking around at this time. She didn’t have any friends, not yet anyway. She ran off from home. From France, she wanted to live the American Dream. Only to find out about the “Angel Smile Murderer”. People thought it was because of the smile that lured people in, maybe they were wrong, maybe they were right.
No one knew because there was no one left alive after he had a hold on them. 
She knew this! Yet here she was, being idiotic. It was about 10:25 pm. She was on her way home before someone grabbed the girl’s wrist. She looked at him. The streetlight was behind them. Making it hard to make out a face. All she could tell was this tall figure had brown hair. A light brown. “ a girl should never be out this late. Would you like me to walk you home dear?”  Her heart rate was increasingly beating. She took a deep breath.” no. I really can do it by myself.” She tried to wrench her hand away from the male’s grip. She cursed to herself.”I’m going to ask again nicely. Do you want me to walk you home?” She knew she could pull out that on him..but that would make it obvious and she might have been put in jail. So she decided against it. “And I’m not asking. I’m telling you, No! Leave me alone before you get yourself hurt. Now, Let. Me. Go.” She heard the male chuckle. “I don't think I will. Now come on, I’m taking you home.”She took a deep breath. Before shouting: Fire! This shocked the guy, him loosening his grip on her. She ripped her hand free and ran. Ran as far as her little legs could go. She didn’t run to the police station, oh no, She ran home. Home. She was safe here, right? 
She hoped so. I mean, if not… oh god, who knows what would happen. She only shouted Fire because she felt people would help more than. I mean it was something that could hurt them all. So surely someone would come to help. But here it was different. A lot different. I mean, look at it. She had her knife, she could stab them and get it over with... But that was no fun. It really wasn’t fun at all. Take your time with it. She always learned to take time doing things like that back at home, father taught her that when he cut pigs up. Or was it something else? She didn't remember. She couldn't for the life of her… maybe it was? Knowing her father, it probably was.
Deciding to think past that, she took a deep breath. Before walking towards the door. She locked it. Extra precautions. Of course, after that whole fiasco who wouldn't take extra precautions. She wouldn't let something happen in her own house! Oh no, that would be horrific. She tried to calm her breathing. 
Maybe it was time she made some friends. Met the neighbors, she would make a pie tomorrow morning. That was a Saturday, her day off. So it would work out! She could even invite them over for some tea sometime. She sighed happily. Friends at last, ever since she ran from home she was scared. Scared someone was hunting her down. Or trying to bring her back to France. Her father was a type A asshole. And a petty one at that, she knew if she had a few friends it would help. I mean for all she knew he shipped himself over to America to find her. She took out the knife her mother gave her for protection. It had a pretty blade, it was tinted purple, with a sharp blade. She had only used it once. Once. Trying to escape France, she had had to- it was what she had to do. 
It was time for bed, she would get up the next day and start on the pie. Hopefully, her neighbor was nice. She truly did hope. 
Waking up in the morning, she sighed. Taking off the clothes from yesterday. The dress hit the floor and she picked it up. Slipping my shoes on, the black heels tapping against the ground. She grabbed a light grey dress and slipped it over her head. She took a deep breath before speaking: “Il est temps d'aller faire cette tarte!”  she chirped. Before going to the kitchen, she got all the ingredients out. A smile graced her lips, she began preparing the pie to go into the oven. Making some tea, sweet tea and earl grey. Just in case, she'd drink which one the neighbor didn't want. A cheery smile was on her face. She was excited. Very excited. After about 20 minutes, she took the pie out. The pastry smelled absolutely delightful! She took a deep breath, before putting a tea kettle on the stove with the earl grey tea in it. She waited for about 10 minutes before it was screeching. Screeching, it was loud. But at least she knew it was done. She got out the teacups and pour one cup of tea in it. Then she dumped the rest in the sink. Before she put the jasmine tea on the stove. Her sugar sitting next to her on the tray she had set up. She took another breath. What if something went wrong? What if they weren't a nice neighbor? That was a big worry. She needed to make a good first impression regardless. She heard the tea kettle scream, it was a very loud noise and it bothered her ears. Very much so, but she didn't mind. She took the tea kettle off the stove and poured another cup. Scooping a few scoops of sugar into it. Then stirring. She fixed the tray before. Heading over to the neighbor's house. 
The neighbor’s house was different than hers, not be much. The color was tan instead of white. It was still a two-story house. It was a very pretty house in her opinion, she looked at the door. Taking a deep breath. She heard the click-clack of her heels on the ground as she straightened her back up. The tray in her hands. It was a pristine white one with gold and silver decorative trim on it. She knocked on the door. 
A smile lacing her lips, once again, a few what-ifs went through her mind, but she shook them away. It made it easier that way. Trying to stay optimistic. Then she heard the lock getting undone, and then the door opening. “Yes?” the male there said, so it was a male-she noted this. She offered a smile to the man. He had red hair that was kept neat and down.his skin a light pretty tan color. “ I'm your new neighbor... I’m (y/n), and I brought you a pie and some tea.” She saw the toothy grin he offered her. “ Why hello there (y/n), my name is Alastor. You seem to be a very nice girl. Come in. Come in!” He moved out of the way of the door, opening it for her. “Thank you, Alastor! I would have come earlier but I was getting settled and all. And getting a job and all..” She laughed nervously, seeing the kind smile he offered as she walked in. “ is there anywhere I can set this down? She asked he nodded. “Yes follow me, let's set it down in the kitchen.” She nodded. And when they got there she set it down. “ also dear, your accent is beautiful!” He told her, he loved her accent. It was a french one.” thank you..” she muttered, her face a light red. “I appreciate the compliment. “ She sat across from him, as he looked at the tea.” what type of teas are there?” 
“ jasmine tea with sugar and earl gray.” He nodded, taking the cup of earl gray, as she took the cup of jasmine tea. “ the pies a cherry pie.” She ran her fingers through her long/short/medium length hair. His eyes widened before he took a piece of the pie, he adored cherry pie. Absolutely adored it. I mean his mother made it a lot. How could he not have? His mother always made the best pie. “ it's almost as good as my mothers! Almost.” He chuckled. Seeing the female smile gently at him.”I learned this recipe from my mother..” She trailed off, a saddened look on her face
“Is your mother..?” She nodded. “Let's change the subject... What do you do for a living?” (y/n) asked. “Oh! I work at the Radio station, Bayou Magic. What about you?” She smiled. “I love listening to that station! And I work at the Cafe, Drop Pop Cafe.” 
He nodded.” well I’m about to have to go.I’m heading to my mother's house to go visit. I’ll come to your house later to talk! “ 
She nodded, standing up. “Ok, I'll see you then!” She smiled at him, before walking out. The heels click-clacking out of the house. She walked back into her house. Glad she made a friend. 
Alastor Point of View
 After the girl left, I let out a sigh. A relieved one. I mean, could you blame me? I was going to visit Mother, but it was other things to now. I mean, look at me. If you pay close enough attention, I could be thought to be the Angel Smile Killer. I mean, I am, but that’s beyond the point. A large smile laced my lips. Mother would be pleased to see me. I know she would, but first I needed to put this pie up.  Easy enough. Just put it in the fridge. And that's exactly what I did. Drinking the rest of my ta. I sighed blissfully, she knew how to cook that's for sure. Then I walked out of the house to visit my mother. I know people wouldn't think me suspicious I was there talk show person. The person who keeps them happy enough. As I walked into mother's house, calling out a simple: “mother!! I’m back!” I walked to the kitchen, seeing her offering me a smile. Like she always did. “Oh!!! Alastor! What a pleasant surprise. I'm so glad you're here now. I was just about to start making some suga’  cookies.” Her French accent was long gone, replaced with the southern New Orleans accent. I had that one too, father did too. I personally think that's where mother got he's from. I mean look at us, Dad and Me both had such a thick accent around her I think it rubbed off. 
But I don't mind, it suited her. I wonder if that neighbor girl would eventually develop one since she was living down here now. But she did have a very thick accent, and it was honestly so cute. How meek did she seemed, she seemed to be easy prey. Someone I would enjoy tormenting, and I would, eventually. Now I had other ideas in my head for who to go after, people who wouldn't go noticed too much. Put off as simple murder. Simple enough, right? They would go looking for me. But they would give up until the next murder, which always happened a week and two days after. Always females, they always did not look too deep into them. I mean, they were females. Why would they? It's why I went after them. Girls weren't important, the men always were. And men were always more likely to escape. Get out of my grasp, that's why if I do men I would use voodoo on them. 
Unlike the girls, who were tied up. And tortured throughout these two days. I always drew out their deaths. It was more fun that way! It always would be. Their screams of pain, that no one would hear. The way they tried to beg, only for their lives to be ripped away. It brings me great pleasure for that to happen. 
As sadistic as it was, I smiled at my mother. She knew my secret. I trusted her with it. She was my mom. And she supported me for what to do. She didn't care what I did.. As long as I’m happy.  She was happy. Which made her the best mother ever. I loved her.. And I was her boy. 
I mean, I was sad when dad died. He did die serving our country.. Which makes it even worse.  A sacrifice for the country, but it was a death to help us win World War One.  
Leaving me and mom alone though… that was hard on us. Oh yes! The cookies are done. “ are you going to make any Gumbo or Jambalaya?” I saw mother smile all wide. ‘“I already have some jambalaya on the stove. You know I couldn't resist making you some.” She kissed my cheeks, which caused me to smile. Hugging him. “ Aw… thank you, Mother!” I chirped, a bright smile on my lips. I snatched a cookie. Crunching away on it, delicious… I was so glad my mother allowed me to have such delights. I watched the jambalaya on the stove. Waiting. I couldn't wait for it... That tastes delicious. 
Thirty minutes later, she served me a bowl. “ there you go, Al.” I smiled. “Thank you ma’!” beginning to eat it, this was delicious, very much so. No one could ever beat her in this. Hers was the best, no doubt. She could probably win a cooking contest with it. It was that delicious. 
Five minutes it took me. Five minutes to eat, I downed it all. Standing up, I towered over my mother. I did most people. Mother was tiny though, compared to me anyway.
“ I’m going to head out now!” I told her.
Before walking out. A giant smile on my face, thinking to myself about who it was. 
Her name was Opal, Opal Irene. 
I knew where she lived, she usually went on a walk at around 9 pm. When almost no one was around. A time I could snatch her away. Which delighted me. She would scream. And it would be one of the last things she would do. I wonder what I should do, I could use a bit of what some would call magic. Some witchcraft, but I call it voodoo. It could help me draw out her death. I grinned. I would dump the body with a small smile carved into it, by a church. The Angel Smile Killer, they called me that for a reason. I mean, a small smile carved is my place. What I do to let them know I did it! Then I placed the body by a church. 
This time... She would b a lot more carved up. Then the last one, I got caught up last week so I couldn't let my frustrations out last week. So I had to wait two weeks. Oh, this girl… I feel bad for her. I really do, or well kinda! She would never get to see her family again, I just had to wait until it was 8;30. Then I needed to get everything ready. I took a deep breath, heading home. I grabbed a small pole. It was to knock her out with. Easy enough? Right? Correct! Poor Opal would never expect it coming. 
A demented chuckle escaped my lips. Now it was time to wait, wait for 8;30.
It was finally 8;30. I was on the spot, I just had to wait. Wait for her to get there. Soon. Soon. It would be soon.
Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes was what it took for me to see her approaching again. A pipe in my hands again. She was coming closer. Which made me smirk, the girl didn't even look like she was prepared. 
He was behind her, a hand wrenching across her wrist. “ you are definitely out late, with a killer on the loose?” he taunted. “ eh..? But it isn't that late-” He heard the girl begged, he could feel his heart increasing. He knew she would be a whiner. So when he whacked the girl upside her head and picked her up. Her body fits perfectly in his arm. The dark sky was pretty. 
To bad poor Opal would never see the night sky again.
(Y/N) Point of View
I could feel paranoia wrenching in my gut, I had gotten home earlier after going shopping.. But I kept hearing screams. Or I thought I did. It was coming from Alastor's house.. It was around 10. So I looked at a notebook. Before writing, screams from next door, down. 
That was kinda scary, she wouldn't go to the police. Not yet at least, she didn't have proof of anything. Plus Alastor was her friend. What he did was what he did. 
Even with screams coming from the basement, I didn't mind. 
The screaming didn't scare me. It wasn't me. That's what mattered to me. If it was me.. I had to make sure to protect myself from anything and everything. Especially after hearing those screams. So when I looked at the dresses in my closet... I took a deep breath. Before taking out a pretty dress with a pocket. I slipped my knife into the pocket. It fit... Thank god. There was no messing with me. 
This french girl wouldn't allow it. No, she wouldn't allow it. She had already been hurt before, never again. It's why she came to America. She came to America to be fixed. To be healed from the mental scarring she had imprinted in her mind. 
Third Person Point of View
As long as Alastor didn't hurt her, she would be fine. If he hurt her.. If he tried head find out quickly. She wasn't the girl she seemed to be. She was a girl that had been through hell and back. She would not be hurt. She would make it out alive. 
Taking a deep breath, she would be ready for anything. 
Anything, send anything her way and she's survival. She would make it out, she would live. 
She hasn’t come this far for anything. 
-End Chapter One-
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holyletters · 6 years
Dear Moon:
How do you bottle love and call it flame? A swarm of fireflies. Sunsets, with fiery clouds in the shapes of long forgotten gods, their faces ridden with grief. Red; anger. You know, they say no two sunsets are the same and I find myself agreeing. There is just something about them that I find magnetic. The feeling one gets standing at the edge of a high cliff. It's like being torn open and left to bleed out. We call it dying. The world ablaze. Trees, cars, roofs, the sea, your reflection in the window, everything, on fire. Consumed by the coming darkness. The end of the world. Yet, the moon is ushered in with the night. A shining beacon. A life raft floating in an ocean of a trillion stars. Our souls are tethered by the fabric that binds the universe, holding up the sun, moon, and stars. And even though we're oceans apart we're here in this place together. Always. I'm sending you my love inside this bottle. Keep it close and never let me go. I'm coming home.
I love you always and forever, Ocean. MONDAY MARCH 12, 2018
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I would love to hear about your top 3 favorite characters from your favorite WIP! (Yes, I’m cruel.) What makes them laugh the hardest? Why do they love the person they’re in love with? (If applicable)
god. you expect me to choose only my top three? that’s diabolical. 
if i had to choose my top three favorite characters from god save the messenger, they’d be luisa, lisette and elias. hans is definitely tied with elias as my third favorite, but since i had to choose only my top three, he’s a runner-up.
luisa and lisette both laugh at each other all the time. they’re the type of couple that playfully teases one another for every little thing they do. they genuinely love each other so much and their relationship is the type that i aspire to have someday. luisa loves lisette for being so caring for everyone. she finds her sarcasm and sharp-tongue adorable, and she especially loves how she’s good with children. lisette loves her messenger gf because she’s different from the other daughters of german officers. luisa cares about the fate of her country and the rest of the world, and lisette sees her as a breath of fresh air, or a light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.
elias, on the other hand, hasn’t laughed ever since the war started. he’s barely smiled ever since the last time he saw his family. he often feels as though the happiness has disappeared out of his life. he doesn’t have a specified love interest, but i will say that him and jack are shippable and i wouldn’t have a problem if my audience thought that they’d be a good couple…wink wink.
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converginglives · 6 years
Thank you for the bloop @oceanwriter!
Isaak - he loves learning how to use the equipment in the gym from his Uncle Akaal but realizes a lot of it is not effective for someone of his build, which is what leads to him asking Uncle Isha for assistance. The first time he watches his uncle do a run through the gymnastic obstacle course he can only stare in awe. He wants to be able to do that, even if he’s never as fluid. 
Send a bloop, get a fact!
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