#oh there ARE dinosaurs nice
oh my fUCKING god we fucking knew it didnt we HARD swing the other way hey i just met you and this is crazy heres my entire life story come fly away in my phone box with me
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couch-house · 6 months
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knuckles and his dinosaur friends :)
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kobadit · 7 months
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Been playing a lot of Path of Titans lately
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viviraptor-art · 1 year
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well well well, guess which two little guys managed to crawl their way back into my head. old habits die hard. 🦖🪲
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nmzuka · 6 months
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some more Primal Rage concept work... Diablo V.3 after some input from the wife (bless her for letting me info dump on her and taking even the smallest amount of interest in the series hhhh) Sinjin will probably get some work as well cause I'm not happy with his outfit... need to make it make sense and also really want to rework his mask
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Having a pet that gets fed up with your shit and is very open about it is so funny
Our cat gets annoyed by us even just talking in the same room she's napping in and she'll get up, sigh HEAVILY, and leave the room for a few minutes. If we're still talking when she comes back, she gets back to her spot, sighs AGAIN, and just stares at you until you leave or she repeats the process
She was just now mad that I was standing within a few feet of (but not in any way blocking) her water bowl, talking to mom. Mind you she has another bowl on the other side of the room, but instead of going to that one or drinking from this one, she sighed heavily, went up on the bed, and glared at me until I left sgdgdggdgdgd shithead
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Hey! Its been ages! Wild/Light/Ezrim here! How have you been? (I'm currently stuck with having to get work, being an adult and tafe) Anyway, I wanted to ask ya how the Links would go with meeting the Main Six girls in Friendship is Magic (And spike) and how Pinkie and Lore would get along? Would Wind get fashion tips or ask to help out with Rarity? Would Fluttershy's stare work on Dusk and Lore (Especially in their animal forms?).
It took me until the name 'Pinkie' to realize that you're talking about My Little Pony, so I think this bodes well!
I'm going to assume for the sake of simplicity that the ponies either magically speak Hylian, or that there's some translation gimmick going on because otherwise we have a very significant language barrier in that one group only speaks Horse and the other group definitely cannot speak Horse. Equestrian. Something like that.
It goes pretty well, all things considered. Once it's established that it is very rude to ask for a ride and that being petted is considered a bit demeaning unless you were directly asked for help with a brush, the culture clash is mostly taken care of and it's smoother sailing from there. Lore and Pinkie Pie, of course, get on like a house on fire. There's confetti cannons involved. There's an obscene amount of glitter. At one point the laws of physics were definitely invoked and then promptly ignored and everyone watching got a headache trying to make sense of it.
Rarity doesn't exactly think Wind will know much about pony fashion, but is then proved wrong when he makes a quiet comment about the color of that fabric being just a bit too pink to bring out the full complimentary effect of her mane. Nobody sees the two of them for the next few hours, but both Wind and Rarity look incredibly satisfied when they turn up again. Something about the best dress Canterlot will ever lay eyes on, which, Rarity seems excited? So it's probably a good thing, even though none of the Links have any idea what it means.
Fluttershy's Stare, as I understand it, works on everybody, but only if the person in question has done something to deserve it? Or at least, that seems to be the only time she ever uses it. So while I'm not sure Dusk would ever do anything to earn the Stare, Lore definitely will at some point. And it will be terrifyingly effective.
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sunaluvs · 2 years
my irl is gushing to me ab his relationship w this girl he wants to ask out and ive never been more jealous of anyone in my entire life
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I hate everything about hot weather but I especially hate having to wash and spray my chickens' bottoms so they don't get flystrike.
Worst job.
Nobody has a good time.
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movie-plush-baby · 1 day
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this character pisses me off so bad i fucking hate her SO MUCH
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lazerswordweilder · 3 months
Haha, you don’t get it. The music when I’m falling alseep isn’t because I like it or it’s nice to have someone singing to me, it’s not because ‘I’m not liek other girls’ no it’s because I need something.
I live not far away, but in a quite enough place that there aren’t enough sounds, there aren’t constantly cars driving or street trafic, the city sleeps, I can’t hear bird or forest noises, we’re to urban for that. And it hurts, my thoughts are so fast and there’s nothing to focus on, in just keeps on going, never ends, I joke about starting thinking about jam and end up thinking about dinosaurs, but it’s not funny all the time, it’s always there, constantly as I try to relax, it never leaves and this audiobook I’ve listened to a thousand times is just the right mix of interesting and boring, I can pay attention to it but it doesn’t keep me awake.
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rad-batson · 4 months
I’m like 99% sure the Gotham Elite’s social customs are fucked up because Autism-in-Human-Form Bruce Wayne was just so fucking tired of high society’s weird and incomprehensible (and frankly ableist) social etiquette that he went full Virgin Mary About-to-Invent-a-Major-World-Religion, said “oh haven’t you heard?” and just started making his own random social rules. Like who’s going to stop him? The other elites? The dinosaur CEO’s? He’s richer. He hosts the better parties. He could tank your business in a weekend. So when he says “Weird passive aggressive fork language is out. Having a different utensil for every different food texture is in,” you use a different utensil for every food texture. Now when foreign elites visit Gotham, they have to learn a completely new set of social customs to fit in. It’s like a cult, but the cult is run by the most influential man in the world and Gotham’s personal Jesus. The followers are more likely than not mafia bosses named after a bird. You will be judged. There’s a test. Yes, you do get brownie points for being nice to the servers. For the love of god, stop making so much eye contact. The cloth napkins are folded into little ducks. Welcome to Gotham.
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ddejavvu · 5 months
Hi Mei!! ♡ How about Reid dating a sunshine!reader who tells obviously wrong facts when he is in earsight, just to mess with him? Bc I think it would be so funny 😭😭 Anyway, have a nice day, and thank you so much for all your quality content, you're saving lives <333
"Oh my god Emily, you're never gonna believe this," You lean in towards the brunette grinning at you, but your voice stays loud enough for Spencer to hear across the desk, "I just found out that bowling is more dangerous than dinosaurs are."
Her brow dips but her lips quirk up, "Alright, you've hooked me. What's the punchline?"
"No punchline," You shake your head, feeling Reid's curious stare on the back of it, "In 2019 someone died at a bowling alley after slipping on the floor and splitting his head open. But in that same year, there wasn't a single death by dinosaur. Isn't that insane?"
Spencer is already piping up before Emily can properly laugh, but you can still hear her beneath his frantic, "Uh, honey, that's not- that's not exactly right. I mean, dinosaurs would be incredibly dangerous, if any of them were still alive. Which, in 2019- uh, they were not."
"Statistically speaking, Spence," You use his favorite phrase against him, but you're not sure he picks up on the teasing grin set on your face beyond the concern he's stewing in, "You can't argue with the numbers."
"Well- you can't, but in 2019, the number of dinosaurs alive was zero, so that's- that's the only number that really matters, baby, but if you wanted to read more about the risks associated with communal sports venues, I'd be happy to share some articles I've looked into on-"
"Ah, leave it to Reid to turn a sick-ass discussion about dinosaurs about the dangers of fun," Morgan scoffs. He wasn't in on your plan from the beginning, but he's happy to jump on the bandwagon, "Besides, the last Jurassic Park movie was made in 2022, so there were dinosaurs alive, duh."
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bruciemilf · 3 months
I’m on the second episode of My Adventures With Superman and I KNOW I know, this deserves to be Clark’s show, BUT HEAR ME OUT A SECOND.
Imagine the Waynes didn’t die and Thomas is trying DESPERATELY to buy the Daily Planet from White, but to absolutely no avail.
“For the last time, Wayne, you can have this company when the Gotham Knights win a Stanley Cup.”
“Y’all cheated last year and you KNOW it, White! Come on! We knew each other for 20 years—“
“Not true.”
“You gotta have ONE nice thing to say about me! You saw my charity records? My trip to the Amazon? I found a goddam dinosaur, for Pete’s sake!”
“And you sent it to the Gotham museum.”
“…Well yeah, it looked real pretty.”
“Look, Wayne. I can either give your ego the stroke of the century, or keep Lane and those two idiot interns in check, but I can’t do both. Now get out of here, or—“
Clark clearing his throat, holding two cups of coffee in his comically large hands, “Uh, the coffee machine broke, so I had to run to the store. Is this a bad time?”
Thomas whistling, because what the FUCK. “Christ, boy, how tall are you? How tall is he, White? You a security guard? You WANNA be a security guard?”
“Uh, Clark Kent. Idiot intern,” Clark introduced himself politely despite Perry’s grumbling.
Needless to say, Thomas Wayne is…Intimidating.
“I’ve heard about your research on metahuman physics, Mr. Wayne. It’s brilliant.”
“Oh, that? That was all my boy, really. He’s got all these ideas about reinventing the healthcare system for everybody or something like that. Hell, he wants to invent some bandaids for that Superman fella. “
“That,” Clark blinked, “Actually sounds amazing.”
“Right?. The other day he came to me like, ‘Can I have 30,000 for a research expedition?’ You should’ve seen him in his little lab coat, — cutest thing. Hold on, I have pictures.”
Clark expected a particularly eccentric 10 year not, not a — gorgeous— adult man in what looked to be a great amount of eyeliner and one hell of a scowl. “He’s…” gorgeous, “He seems interesting.”
“Ain’t he? You should meet him sometime. Hates talking to the press, but, I’m sure we can arrange something. “
“Good luck with that. I tried interviewing the kid alone for 10 minutes and Mr. Wayne here kept getting in the way. Probably because he has something to hide.”
“Bruce ain’t really made for the camera, so I had to step in, ya know how it is. He ain’t really the independent kind.” Thomas shrugs. “I know, I know, — you gotta leave em to fly sometimes, and while I bet he’d look cute tryin’,”
Thomas chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amusing. At all. “No bird leaves MY nest.”
Clark finds out why Perry can’t prove Thomas Wayne is Batman. It’s because he’s wrong. He’s listened to Batman’s heartbeat before. And Thomas doesn’t stutter.
Bruce Wayne does, thought.
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fuck you [learns the waffle stitch]
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Oh dear, I haven't posted a dinosaur in two weeks!
You never realize how important furniture height is until you've got incompatible furnitures. I got a nice big desk for very cheap on marketplace, but the only chairs I have are 15 cm too short for it, so I cannot use it until I get a taller office chair. I meant to go look at chairs after work yesterday, but forgot to bring the measurements I wrote down.
(Don't worry, I didn't draw this on the desk! This post is coming to you from a board across two stacks of boxes, which is not ideal, but is a good height to not cause painfuls.)
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