#oily skin pimples cream
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iconhub2023 · 1 year
Revamin Acne Cream -Acne
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Revamin Acne Cream is a topical skincare product that is marketed as an advanced solution for various skin imperfections, including acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and oily skin. According to its manufacturer, Revamin Acne Cream is formulated with natural ingredients that work together to combat these skin concerns and improve overall skin health.
The ingredients in Revamin Acne Cream include salicylic acid, tea tree oil, aloe vera, allantoin, and niacinamide. Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that exfoliates the skin and helps to unclog pores, while tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of acne-causing bacteria. A sensational cream for acne-prone skin!
Aloe vera is a soothing and hydrating ingredient that can help to calm irritated skin, while allantoin is a natural compound that can help to improve skin texture and promote healing. Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that has been shown to have a range of benefits for the skin, including reducing inflammation, improving skin barrier function, and reducing the production of sebum, which can contribute to acne.
To use Revamin Acne Cream, you should apply a small amount to clean, dry skin once or twice a day, depending on the severity of your acne or other skin imperfections. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and to avoid using the cream on broken or irritated skin.
While Revamin Acne Cream may be a helpful addition to your skincare routine if you are dealing with acne or other skin imperfections, it is important to remember that individual results may vary. It is always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or other skincare professional before starting a new skincare product or treatment. See how Revamin Acne Cream affects the condition of your skin. Take up the challenge and get rid of acne!
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sscplherbals-blog · 3 months
Kayakalpa Moisturizing Cream: Your Solution for Oily & Dry Skin by SSCPL Herbals
Discover the magic of Kayakalpa Moisturizing Cream by SSCPL Herbals. It's your ticket to flawless skin, specially crafted for Oily & Dry Skin. Whether you're dealing with blemishes or simply seeking a radiant complexion, this Ayurvedic marvel can make it happen. Don't wait, Visit www.sscplherbals.com for more details and grab your Kayakalpa Moisturizing Cream today!
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moonstruckme · 5 months
ok so i have acne like not too bad but to the point where i’m like insecure about it but today my sister pointed it out and it made me embarrassed😭 but to the point could you maybe do smth with remus or james and a reader like that? if not that ok 🫶
Thanks for requesting!
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 727 words
James tugs at your bottom lip gently with his teeth, and a mortifyingly needy sound tears from the back of your throat. He follows it with a series of soft, sweet kisses. You like knowing that he’s tender with you when he doesn’t need to be, his hands big and capable and impossibly kind as they skate over your curves. You hold nothing back, fingernails biting into his bare shoulders and letting your full weight rest on his hips where you both lie on the bed. 
His hand climbs up your back, keeping you close, and migrates upward to cup the back of your neck. You deepen the kiss. Your mouth is harsh and wanting against his, every inch of you buzzing, but when his hand moves to hold the side of your face, you freeze.
James feels the change instantly. He breaks the kiss and lets his head fall to the mattress, putting a couple of inches between you. He’s giving you a concerned, quizzical look.  
“Sorry,” you say, laughing at yourself. 
“S’alright.” The hand not on your face makes a pass up and down your hip, an attempt to soothe the nervousness he can sense but not place. “You okay?” 
“Yeah.” You cover his hand with yours and give him a small smile. “Sorry, just, it’s bumpy there.” 
James hums. Not in denial, but in confusion. “What about it?”
You recoil a bit at the acknowledgement, your skin heating. “Jamie,” you say, and your voice is soft, almost chiding. “It’s embarrassing.” 
His brows bunch. “Is it?” 
“Yeah.” A nervous laugh trips off your tongue. You can’t stop yourself from imagining what he’s feeling, the odd, oily bumps beneath his fingertips. “It is.” 
He finally takes the hint to move his hand from your face, stroking at the skin just under your ear instead. “Sorry, angel, I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” he says, eyes warm and earnest. “I hope you know that I don’t care about your acne, though.” 
Your acne. It’s stupid, but just the label sends a wave of shame through you. You hate that James has noticed it. That it’s not as imperceptible and unobtrusive as you like to pretend. You feel like such an idiot, thinking that if he didn’t touch it he’d never know. 
“You don’t?” Your tone is leaden with disbelief. 
“Honey.” James looks almost hurt, though for which one of you you’re not sure. His palm strokes your hip lovingly. “Of course not. It’s just your skin, you know? It’s not a big deal.” 
“I mean, I try to get rid of it,” you say, feeling as though you need to make your case. “I use a bunch of skincare products, pimple cream and all that. It just won’t ever all go away, I don’t know.” 
“That’s okay, that’s fine.” His hand moves to rub your back, and he shakes his head at you. “I mean, you can do whatever you want. You’ll always be beautiful.” 
Oh. Okay. Sure. You roll your eyes. “You have to say that.” 
He makes a funny face, appearing caught between laughter and bafflement. “No, I don’t.” He takes your face in his hand again, ignoring you when you protest. “The first thing you need to understand is that I’m not a prisoner in this relationship, angel. I am bewitched. You’re bewitching, understand?” You laugh, face growing warm beneath his hand. James smiles with you. “To be clear, I love you for more than your looks, but they do sweeten the deal. Nothing as silly as acne is going to make you less lovely. I signed on for the whole package, sweetheart. I wouldn’t want you any different.” 
“James.” You let your forehead rest on his, doing your very best not to think about the pimples you have there, too. You’re burning alive in your skin. “You’re too sweet to me.” 
“Just telling the truth, m’love.” He holds you steady to kiss the tip of your nose, and when his thumb soothes over the bumps on your cheek, the touch is so adoring your heart very nearly breaks. 
You kiss the stubble on his jaw. “I love you.” 
“I love you.” James grins as he dips back down to your mouth. When he pulls away, a playful light glints in his eyes. “Now, can I get back to showing you how much, please?”
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
simple skincare tips!
🌼eat the foods that love you back. your skin is a direct mirror of your internal situation. if your digestive system is being bombarded often by foods that create a lot of wastes and residues, that does more harm than good. and so, the struggle to eliminate them will be reflected in your skin. your diet constitutes the vast majority of your skin health. change your meals to be whole food plant based (still delicious, satisfying, and exciting) & watch your skin glow and your skincare routine simplify.
🌼be conscious of what's going on your skin. the skin layers can be over-cleansed, imbalanced, and aggravated when the skin microbiome and pH are disrupted. if you wipe out the beneficial bacterial populations with harshly formulated products, you may find that you break out (i.e. harmful bacterial populations begin to thrive). use gentle, simple skin formulas such as castile soaps, natural oils & butters (i recommend jojoba oil for mostly everyone), natural soap bars, and clays. most commercial skin care products disturb the skin cells (introduce too much foreign material to the body, unsuitable pH ranges, imbalance the microbiome, etc). they sell because it's convention to buy them, the brands are well-known, and their sales pitches are enticing. but really, no cream or serum will ever be the magic potion your skin was asking for. it will only be a band-aid, at best. truly healthy skin comes from diet, and the products are just for any other necessary maintenance. if you get a pimple, you should look first to why the pimple emerged, not what treatment will remove it.
🌼keep your lymph flowing. simple ways to do this are through good lifestyle habits. things like doing exercise & sports you find fun, breathwork, dry brushing, eating lots of fruit, avoiding wearing bras & other tight clothing items, lymphatic massage/gua sha can all be helpful.
🌼focus on hydration via fresh fruits and veggies. the water within plant foods is more useable to your cells, and your skin will cease being overly oily or dry overtime (especially if you reduce/eliminate your salt & oil intake). it will also help to encourage lymphatic flow, so you can see problems like blemishes, cellulite, old scars diminish after great consistency.
🌼allow your skin to breathe. this is especially good if you spend time in stuffy (poorly ventilated) indoor environments, like offices, hospitals, planes, etc. one great way is via herbal facial steaming (i recommend it 3x a week or so). make a hot infusion of an aromatic tea, cover it and allow it to cool a few minutes, and, with closed eyes, allow the pores to open and receive the herbal medicine (this is a great time to meditate, manifest, and just feel pampered). getting more fresh air, working up a sweat, and going to a sauna are also ways to allow your skin to breathe.
🌼avoid steroid prescriptions creams at all costs. they are very deleterious to health in the long term, and they can be very painful to come off of. it's not a real fix. it's not worth hurting your kidneys & adrenals for. evaluate your diet instead. do you eat dairy? choose plant-based dairy options instead (they're simple to make yourself too). do you eat a lot of fats? try oil-free cooking methods instead (opt for sautéing with a bit of water, baking, steaming, air frying, etc). avoiding eating out as much.
🌼be aware of what you're putting in your hair as well. your shampoos, conditioner, leave-ins, gels, moisturizers, oils, serums, etc all tend to touch your face too, when your hair touches your face. if they wouldn't be good enough to put on your face, don't put them in your hair. a lot of the best skin cleansers are also suitable as shampoos. a lot of oils and butters can be used for both. plant-based gels like aloe vera or flax seed are simple to DIY, and are dual-use once again. basically, this will simplify your life.
🌼understand the water that runs through your pipes. if your shower and tap water are like most people's around the world, they aren't optimal for our skin. for example, they contain added chemicals to sanitize the water but that can prevent the proper microbiomes from developing on your skin. a weak skin microbiome is prone to skin issues. so, try to use distilled water on your face (if you're not able to get a water filter, a gallon jug at a store is affordable. they're about $1.30 USD in my area).
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mashriqiyyah · 7 months
If we want to promote the boycott of is-not-reali products, we need to give substitutes and options for it.
Now, I also remember sisters asking me for my skincare/haircare routines, and I wanted to give a detailed article on that, but now it ain't about the time.
So, here, I'll try to compile these two topics.
Skincare that's effective without using any israeli/american product.
First of all, I don't have a skincare routine. I don't follow any step by step process. But, I do use products that help me keep my skin clean and hydrated.
And the most important advice I'll give to sisters is not to go for "skincare brands" that give pea sized products in bag size money. These industries are mostly scam. Always go for drugstore products. Those that are created for medicinal purposes oriented towards genuinely healing the skin problems. And if you don't have any active skin problems, don't expose your face to various products for achieving "perfect skin". There's nothing like that. Normal skins have occasional pimples, pigmentations, dark spots and uneven texture.
If you're going for drugstore products...
Go for phrama companies like Cipla and Reddy's Laboratories.
I personally use Reddy's Venusia Max moisturizer as my skin gets extremely dry often. If you have dry n normal (combination) skin you can use it. And if you have oily skin, go for squalane based moisturizers from Derma Co.
Next in line, if you want to use any serums, vit C is best for skins and there's a product by Cipla "Rivella Vit C and HA Serum" it's soothing, and effective. Alhamdulillah.
As a face cleanser or what you call as face wash, there are very brilliant new company products from DeConstruct that I love love love because they are so gentle on face and keep your pH balance and moisture intact (great substitute for Dove soap)
Then there's one more important aspect on skincare that's protection from UV...so you'll need a sunscreen. Go for Regaliz Truederma SPF 50. It's efficient. Alhamdulillah. Or Minimalist Suncreen spf 60 + Niacinamide incase you wanna go economically minimalistic. Derma Co Zinc Sunscreen is good too (one that comes in orange coloured pack)
Now, these four things are more than enough to keep your skin good.
Cleanser, Serum, Moisturizer, Sunblock.
Apart from that if you still wanna have some extra products...not from drugstore but excellent Indian brands...then Go for Pilgrim or Minimalist. They have best the ranges in every product.
And then comes Haircare...
Boycott Garnier. Boycott Loreal Paris. Boycott Head n Shoulders.
Go for St. Botanica. The Shampoos are sooooo great. Allahummaabaarik. SLS, Paraben Free, Actually formulated for cleaning dirt from hairs and reduce hair problems. Conditioners too are effective and they actually work as they advertise. If not St. Botanica, mamaearth would be good...but I didn't see it's results as best as St. Botanica.
For lipbalms though, you can go for Mamaearth. The shades are subtle and help keep your lips hydrated and avoid pigmentations. Stop using Ponds, Vaseline, Nivea. .PLEASE!!!! Their lipbalms do nothing but make your lips darker and greasy.
Makeup, I don't use tbh. But few years back, I had gotten a lipstick from MyGlamm and a Foundation of Biotique. They were good. You can go for it.
Bodywashes, Feet scrubs - Bodywise
Hair removal gels/creams - Sirona
Perfumes - Ajmal / Maison De Fouzdar are best. No doubt.
I'm sharing this post not to promote any sort of "self care" in this situation....but as an essential need of substitutes. Infact these substitutes are way better and effective than the Israeli American products we've been wasting our money on.
I have tried to mention most of the things used by women because that's the biggest market for Israeli products.
If you are an Indian, promote Indian brands 'cause we gotta "make in India" ;)
For that we need to use only that which is "made in India"
Go ahead...you can add anything else I might've missed. And yes...If any Mother's seeing this, let us know baby products that are made in India.
- Umm Taimiyyah 🕊️
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exeggcute · 10 months
hello! you seem to know a lot about skincare stuff, so i'm curious what products you use for general daily use? i also have adult acne and it's very annoying. i would also appreciate any lip moisturizing ideas if you have any. thank you, and hope your day's going well!
oh yes! although fair warning that I am not a skincare expert at all (I don't even understand half the lingo that people use when they talk about products lol) so take any of my recommendations with a grain of salt...
other than sunscreen, literally all of the stuff I use is either from paula's choice, the ordinary, or good old cerave. I don't even bother trying other brands at this point because I assume they'll just be overpriced junk—plus, you can get almost all cerave products and a good chunk of the ordinary's products at, like, target. I'd also note that you don't need to (and really should not) go out and buy a million things at once; I have a pretty good arsenal at this point but it took me a couple years to build it up by trying one or two new products at a time and seeing what I like.
both paula's choice and the ordinary have "shop by concern" sections on their websites, so if you want actual targeted advice about what to try then I would definitely defer to them lol. but for some specific examples of what I like:
diehard fan of cerave face soaps. they have a foaming pump and a non-foaming pump, depending on whether your skin is more oily or more dry. I mostly use the latter, but since noelle uses the former I'll occasionally steal a pump of the foamy one if I'm having an oily streak lol.
likewise with cerave moisturizer, specifically for your body, but also works great on your face as a final skincare step. will not make you break out. however (important info incoming!!!) the pump lotion is far inferior to the giant tub of lotion—the pump stuff is just kind of watery and sad in comparison. get the tub. you deserve it.
the ordinary hyaluronic acid 2% serum is another "help I have dry skin but also acne" lifesaver. you can apply it directly to (damp!!!) skin or (wet!!!) hair or put a couple drops in your lotion for extra-moisturizing lotion. but it works by drawing outside moisture into your skin/hair, so make sure you're not applying it to dry skin/hair or it can backfire and actually dry you out.
paula's choice enriched calming toner = dry skin savior.
for acne specifically, paula's choice pore-reducing toner fucking rules. it's not harsh at all so you can use it as much as you want. pairs well with paula's 5% AHA exfoliant (which only use when I'm really flaky, since it is a little harsh, but you can temper it by applying lotion right after).
the ordinary azelaic acid 10% suspension is a little tingly, so I only use it when I'm actively breaking out (which tbf is often lol), but it's a great at starving out pimples.
from the paula's choice CLEAR line, I looooove the purifying clay mask. I use this one a couple times a week as needed, usually right after I get out of the shower, and then I'll wash it off and do the rest of my face potions as usual. even if my skin is pretty clear I just like how tight and clean everything feels after. I also recently tried the CLEAR 5% benzoyl peroxide daily skin clearing treatment (only because I got it as a free gift... otherwise I would Not have tried a benzoyl peroxide product lmao. bad memories of childhood acne treatment snake oil shit.) and was surprised how much I liked it, although I've been applying it verrry sparingly. the bottle recommends applying it (1) to your entire face and (2) EVERY DAY, but I've had luck using it as a sporadic spot treatment. pairs well with the enriched calming toner.
I've also been using this prescription tretinoin cream off and on for the past year (from the dubious skincare-as-a-service online pharmacy "forhers" lol) and it's Good but not a miracle. my skin is already pretty sensitive so I try not to use it that often, but it would probably work a lot better if it did. also makes you photosensitive as hell so watch out (sunscreen is a must).
specifically for lip moisturizer, nothing beats plain old burt's bees lip balm imo but if you need something heavy-duty I do like the paula's choice lip and body treatment balm. it's a little greasy but has great staying power and the tub lasts forever!
also important to note. you should always do stuff in this order: wash your face (duh) > toner > other stuff > lotion/moisturizer. I know you're supposed to do the "other stuff" in a specific order if you're stacking multiple products but tbh I just kind of wing it lol.
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thegreatflyinggrayson · 7 months
please tell us about your 15 step skincare routine
I'm so glad someone asked! (Pimple mentions incoming!!!)
Here are my steps, in order, with time and materials (also this is just my morning routine, not my nightime one):
Before I do anything (this is kind of gross, I know) I go through and check for acne and blackheads and all that fun stuff, because I'll have to treat them later in the process.
Every morning I hop in the shower and wash up. This is important because the steam is great for my face, and it saves time so I don't need to use a steamer. I don't wash my face in the shower, though.
While I'm in the shower I use an exfoliating body scrub to remove any dead skin and such.
I shave once I'm out of the shower, because I don't really go for the scruffy/grizzled look. I use this amazing buttery soft shaving cream that moisturizes my skin, it smells like honeysuckle.
I wash my face using a gentle unscented cleanser. I have really soft washcloths specifically for this purpose.
I use some eye cream- look, I am aging, and I would like to say it's with grace. I started doing this to prove to Bruce it would be useful, and so far it's been good. He hasn't tried it out yet.
I use a toner because ugh my pores- I know I don't technically have to, but I like it, okay? Besides, like I said, aging.
Then I use a serum that I got as a gift one year and I cannot stop buying it. I use an antioxidant serum in the mornings, and a vitamin C serum at night.
Once that's in place, I use a nice moisturizer because my skin does what it wants and what it wants in rainy weather is to dry up like the Sahara.
Back to the acne, like- ugh. Acne appears so quickly and I am so mad nobody told me it lasts after your teen years. I use a more intense acne treatment at night, usually, but Tim bought me some of those cute star stickers that get rid of pimples and I am obsessed, so if I feel confident enough I'll slap some stars on my face. Especially if I don't have work. Anyways, back to the process.
So, like, I know a lot of people like to put on face oil but I am constantly fighting my skin so I have to apply it super carefully and lightly. Because my skin is dry and oily and annoying.
I do a lip scrub here, because obviously.
Chapstick. Look, I consider this a step because it is slept on, it is so important and people keep skipping it for themselves. I use a beeswax chapstick that has SPF 15 in it.
Once all of that is done I generally move on to my "second" skincare routine where I apply body lotion and all that. Yes I consider this part of my skincare routine. Your skin is your skin, even if it's not your face.
Okay so once that's out of the way I have to put on sun screen because I need it. Yes, even in the fall/winter! Your skin still absorbs UV rays when it's cold, and I am not taking any chances.
My nighttime routine is really fun and includes a mud mask, but is pretty similar to everything above except with a bigger focus on adding nutrients to my face/skin overnight, as well as treating acne a little more aggressively.
Honestly I don't know why Bruce doesn't try to do it every day, it's really not that complex.
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tradflowr · 7 months
I studied cosmetic chemistry, so these are some skincare tips I'd recommend!
For acne- Acne can be either inflammatory (looks red and irritated) or noninflammatory (bumps, blackheads, comedonal). Sometimes facial hair (yes, even on us girlies) can cause pimples to form, so you may want to seek hair removal treatments if you notice acne forming around where your face is hairiest. If you're experiencing the former, it could be caused from horomones, stress, + outdoor pollution. Try finding topical products with benzoyl peroxide. If the latter, it could be a reaction from skincare products that you're currently using, + having a diet high in sugars (high GI)/oily foods. These guys are tough to get rid of (may take a few weeks). I'd recommend finding a topical product with salicyilic acid. Do note that since these products aim to dry up sebum, your face might feel dryer. Make sure you're not overdoing skincare routines; be sure to change pillow cases, and not doing anything to cause too much friction on your face, since this can cause acne! I also love pimple patches (Hero cosmetics). They create a good environment for the skin to recover from acne while also absorbing extra sebum. I'd avoid oral medicine for acne since they can be very abrasive on your gut. For acne scars, products with retinol may help.
For dark circles- I personally don't have dark circles, but what may help you are topical products that contain Vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, or caffeine. These ingredients are humectants, so they help hydrate your under eye area! Water retention seems to be the key in combating this effect, along with good rest. I wouldn't break the bank with an eyecream. Their formulation is very similar to facial cream, so you're just buying a glorified face cream. Interestingly, it also seems that low levels of B12 can cause dark circles, due to poor blood circulation. You can take B12 as a supplement if you don't eat animal products, or you can eat animal products that you like with higher B12 content.
For redness- If inflammation is the problem, you may find moisturizers with aloe vera or oatmeal to help! As we approach the colder seasons, be sure to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized! Maybe taking a cold, damp face towel and laying it on your face may help. Antioxidants are also great with reducing inflammation. You may find that green tea and turmeric/ginger tea to be very helpful (do note that green tea contains caffeine, if you're sensitive/try to avoid it).
Lastly, when buying skincare products, try not to buy multiple products that have the same active ingredients (ex. buying a facial cleanser, moisturizer, and serum that all have salicylic acid. This may irritate your skin).
I hope this helps! <3
God bless you!!
Honestly, this and the comments on my post have given me so much amazing advice and I cannot thank everyone enough! I’m taking so much on board and can’t wait to give you all some updates🤍
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iconhub2023 · 1 year
Nonacne is a product supporting acne skin.
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Nonacne is a product supporting acne skin. Product ingredients help eliminate acne and prevent its reappearance. Taking this supplement regularly leads to beautiful and smooth skin. HELP FOR SKIN ACNE!
The product is very popular with teenagers and adults who also have to face the problem of acne. 
If you run a website dedicated to acne or targeted at teenagers, Nonacne can be the perfect way to monetize this traffic. Do not hesitate and publish Nonacne promotional materials on your website today Order Now!
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sscplherbals-blog · 8 months
Kayakalpa Moisturizing Cream: Your Solution for Oily & Dry Skin by SSCPL Herbals
Discover the magic of Kayakalpa Moisturizing Cream by SSCPL Herbals. It's your ticket to flawless skin, specially crafted for Oily & Dry Skin. Whether you're dealing with blemishes or simply seeking a radiant complexion, this Ayurvedic marvel can make it happen. Don't wait, Visit www.sscplherbals.com for more details and grab your Kayakalpa Moisturizing Cream today!
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
I can tell you what I use tho! I have acne prone and sensitive skin so i think it should be safe for most skin types? It's unscented and no pore clogging ingredients.
I use -haruharu wonder unscented cleansing gel
- I'm trying out a new oil cleanser so I'm not sure yet
Also I tried haruharu oil cleanser and it broke me out ;( I think it's the olive oil and vitamin e from it
-haruharu wonder unscented toner
-isntree hyaluronic acid aqua gel cream
-isntree hyaluronic acid watery sun gel
-innisfree volcanic calming pore clay mask
-purito all care recovery cica aid patches / cosrx pimple patches. For me they work if I already popped the pimple. Idk if they do anything if the pimple is unpopped, maybe protect it
Not korean but I also use the ordinary hyaluronic acid, ascorbic acid 8% and aha bha peeling solution ( be careful, don't use it often)
I'm also trying out soonjung 10 free moist emulsion, it's okay, not sure about it tho
Hope that helps 🫶
stinky haruharu oil cleanser :(( boo!! protects u from it !!
also thank you for the recs baby!! ive never used korean skincare before n i have acne prone/oily combo skin so !! this is very helpful 🥺‼️
OH BUT I LOVE THE PIMPLE PATCHES FROM COSRX they work on unpopped pimples/whiteheads !! and yef bha mask is so slay <3 thank u again i kiss u
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sidobelei · 10 months
CeraVe Cleansers (cetearyl alcohol)
I have an oily forehead and when i used CeraVe's Hydrating Cream-to-Foam Cleanser, i started to break out there.
I was previously the Foaming Facial Cleanser from the same brand and didn't have any problems with it. I watched a video about the different CeraVe cleansers and didn't make any further research on my own (lesson now learnt).
Since my skin didn't react with the Foaming Facial Cleanser, maybe it was an old formula because the bottle was sitting in a cabinet for a while at home before i used it. I'm too scared to test if the new formula is still harmless because my forehead is healed now.
Now onto the main villain of this story. I hadn't made the link between my breakouts and the CeraVe Cream-to-Foam Cleanser until i saw an Instagram Reel about an ingredient that appears often in CeraVe products that basically helps fungal acne grow.
[Def. Fungal acne looks like small little red or white bumps of 1-2 mm often in clusters together. They look like fungi and often don't have whiteheads. (If they do, it's usually tiny - in my experience.) It usually appears in oily areas of your skin where yeast can grow like your forehead, temples, and hairline. Yeast can also grow in sweaty areas like your shoulders, back, and neck.]
[Def. I'm referring to whiteheads as the white dots that often appear in the middle of a pimple that contains pus. I am not referring to the small hard bumps that are usually the color of your skin (milia).]
Cetearyl alcohol | Cetyl alcohol | Stearyl alcohol
These assholes are the culprit. They act like food to fungal acne and the fungal acne becomes worse with it. Please check if any of your products contain these ingredients if you're struggling with fungal acne. After learning about this, i switched to a cleanser without any of these ingredients and the fungal acne was going away. At least try and stop using that product for a while and see how your skin reacts.
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naturalreceipts · 2 years
Skin Care Tips for Teenagers
Skin care education begins in childhood. As soon as a child gets his or her first pimples or blackheads, it is important to explain to him or her that they cannot be removed mechanically, otherwise they will leave visible scars. It will be much more difficult to get rid of them than acne, and some traces of the fight against skin problems will remain for life.
It is important to keep in mind that before starting any skin care routine, existing problems must be eliminated. If the child or teenager has acne, contact a dermatologist or, in the case of less serious complications, a cosmetologist. He will clean, find out what products a girl or young man uses for skin, and give any necessary recommendations.
Skin care for teens usually consists of three main steps: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. You should choose cosmetic products according to the characteristics and needs of each particular case.
Cleaning should be done with a special product after the age of 13 years. Ordinary soap will not work: an aggressive alkaline environment destroys the protective lipid film, which can lead to increased sensitivity, dryness, and dehydration of the skin. Special cosmetics usually have a neutral or near-neutral pH and therefore have a much less irritating effect.
It is sufficient to wash the face twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
The type of products used depends mainly on the type of skin and its characteristics.
For oily skin, gels and foams containing salicylic acid (salicylic acid), zinc (zinc) or willow bark extract (willow bark extract) will really clean pores and remove excess oil.
For dry skin, choose cream-based gels or gentle detergent-based foams. Aggressive facial cleansers should be avoided because they will be too drying and uncomfortable when combined with tap water. You should look for moisturizing ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid.
To cleanse combination skin (mixed), you can choose a remedy for the problem that worries the teenager the most. If the main concern is shine or blackheads, oily products are suitable for washing. If dryness in some areas is more of a concern than oiliness in others, cleansing should be more gentle, moisturizing with cosmetics for the dry type. Anti-inflammatory agents with mild detergents will also become a universal option. They clean deeply while avoiding over-drying the skin.
Boys and girls with normal skin can be envied, as they do not encounter any problems. They are not bothered by excess oil or the discomfort of dryness. However, even perfect skin needs to be cleansed twice a day. Gentle foams and creams are suitable for this purpose.
Toning is the final step in the cleansing process and the preliminary step in basic skin care. The physiological pH of the skin becomes alkaline when washing with foam, and the toner helps to normalize it. Depending on the type of skin, there are certain rules and tips to consider for proper skin toning.
For oily skin, opt for toners and lotions that usually contain alcohol and anti-inflammatory components like witch hazel extract (witch hazel bark or leaf extract), tea tree oil (tea tree), and salicylic acid (salicylic acid). All of this is designed to clean and shrink pores as well as neutralize acne-causing bacteria.
For dry and normal skin, alcohol-free toners and toners are more suitable. Their task is to balance the pH, restore the hydrolipidic film, and, ideally, moisturize as well.
The presence of soothing components in the composition will have a positive effect in the case of hypersensitivity to tap water or sulfated cleansers.
In the case of combination skin (mixed), you can use several toners at once, depending on the needs of each area of the face. For cleansing and mattifying oily areas, more aggressive lotions with a drying effect are suitable. For dry areas, gentle alcohol-free toners are suitable.
Regardless of the problems and characteristics of each skin type, moisturizing is a mandatory step in the daily beauty routine. Lack of water leads to dehydration. The role of a moisturizer is to prevent moisture loss due to evaporation. For teenagers, there is no need to choose different products for day and night care; just find a good moisturizer that can be used in the morning and after washing at night.
However, there are some specific rules for skin types that need to be emphasized for effective moisturizing.
For oily and combination skin, light-textured products are suitable for moisturizing, such as emulsions, gel creams, and fluids. They are quickly absorbed, don't clog pores, and don't smell on the face, which is especially appealing to teenagers. In addition to moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, aloe, and hyaluronic acid, these products may also contain components that help fight acne, such as zinc (zinc), clay (clay), and salicylic acid (salicylic acid).
For dry and normal skin, intensive moisturizing and nutrition are usually not necessary. The exception is if you have atopic dermatitis or other skin conditions. In most cases, a universal moisturizer will suffice for comfort.
Finally, it is equally important for parents not to ignore the changes in the teen's body due to hormonal changes. With more experience and knowledge, parents are sometimes better able to choose cosmetics for young skin than teens themselves, based on advertising and marketing advice. And that's very important, because appropriate skin care for teens is an investment in the health and beauty of tomorrow.
You can learn more about this topic by clicking on this link.
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satyalaserclinic · 2 years
Looking For Acne Treatments For A Specific Skin Type?
1. Introduction to Acne
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Photo by ShotPot on Pexels
Many people get acne, but few understand the disease. A lot of times, people assume that acne is just something that needs to be treated like any other health condition.
Click here if you’re looking for Best Acne Treatment in Delhi
But acne is not simply “sticking a tube in your face” or “taking pills every day.” There are many underlying causes why you can develop acne, and it takes an experienced doctor to diagnose and treat it.
There are two main types of acne: cystic and non-cystic. Non-cystic acne is classified by how large the clogged pores are which contain the bacteria responsible for the acne.
Cystic acne is classified as either deep or superficial. In most cases, surface blemishes are milder than deep ones. Deep pustules (white spots) may require treatment with antibiotics.
In some case, both cystic and non-cystic acne may occur together. They may also coexist with dermatitis (skin inflammation).
Other symptoms may include redness, dry skin, lumps or bulges, pain/itchiness, and loss of color. Symptoms are usually less when you go outside. If you feel much worse after being out in the sun, you are probably experiencing another inflammatory disorder such as eczema or psoriasis.
2. Acne Treatment by Skin Type
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Photo by cottonbro on Pexels
There are several ways to treat acne, depending on your skin type. You may need both treatments.
Book an appointment with one of the Best Skin Specialist in Delhi
For normal skin, use oil-free skincare products. Make sure you choose these that are suitable for your skin type.
These can be found in the Best Skin clinic in Delhi or online. They include things like face masks and lotions made specifically for normal skin.
It is also important to know which medications you are taking. If you are already taking medication for another condition, then tell your doctor about it so they can keep you within the guidelines of using sunscreen and other protective measures.
3. Best Acne Treatment for Oily Skin
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If you have oily skin, don’t worry! You can still achieve clear skin with the right acne treatment. There are several treatments that will work well for your type of skin.
You can find products at your local pharmacy that help to treat oiliness. Alternatively, there are other medications that may reduce excess oil production.
Beta hydroxy acids are some of the most popular ingredients in anti-acne treatments. These compounds remove dead skin cells from the skin surface.
They also unclog existing blackheads and prevent new ones from forming. As your body doesn’t want clogged pores, it produces smaller amounts of oil to fill them.
Thus, by removing dry, dead skin and preventing new patches from developing, beta hydroxy acids can significantly decrease the amount of oil in your skin.
4. Best Acne Treatment for Dry Skin
For people with dry skin, use oil-free cosmetics. These can be expensive but there are ways to save money.
For starters, it is important to identify your skin type. Then you can choose the best acne treatment in Delhi for yourself.
You can also try one of these easy fixes before going to the store and buying a new face wash or cream.
Drinking more water will help your skin look better and feel better. Follow this advice from your doctor if you need to.
Also, remember that the healthier your diet is, the healthier your skin will be. Keep track of any allergies you have so you know what products to avoid.
Finally, exercise is an amazing thing that can improve your health and your appearance. If you don’t already, make exercising a part of your daily life.
5. Best Acne Treatment for Combination Skin
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For combination skin, try using salicylic acid. It’s a milder formula than many other acne treatments, which can be better for more sensitive skin types.
Salicylic acid works by drying out any pimples or blackheads and shrinking the pores that are associated with them.
You will need to apply it twice per week at least until you see some results. After that, you can reduce the application to once per week to maintain your result.
It is not safe to use this medication if you are pregnant or nursing.
5. Best Acne Treatment for Combination Skin
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For combination skin, try applying clinique’s newist mask. This hydrating face mask is made of five layers of peptides that work together to improve the health of your skin.- these include collagen boosting amino acids such as glycerin and arginine.
The first layer acts like a protective film over your pores, blocking harmful substances in your skin’s environment.
The second layer contains antimicrobial agents such as prolic acid or zinc oxide. These help kill bacteria and prevent infections.
The third layer serves as a temporary sealant. It helps make your skin more resistant to outside irritations and protect your skin cells from environmental factors such as chemicals, allergens, and other things.
The fourth layer works by absorbing excess oil and grease. Plus it improves the function of your sebaceous glands- which are responsible for producing oils that keep your skin moistened and protected.
Finally, the fifth layer promotes healing by helping increase blood flow to your skin. This helps repair damaged tissue and get fresh nutrients back into your skin.
6. Best Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin
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If you have sensitive skin, your acne treatment options are limited. You can’t use things like alcohol, which is drying; salicylates, such as aspirin; or certain over-the-counter drugs.
However, there are many home remedies that can help reduce your symptoms. In most cases, using something natural will not interfere with traditional treatments.
In fact, some studies show that combining conventional medicine with natural alternatives may be more effective than trying to treat your acne at either level separately.
Here are all of the best ways to deal with acne when it comes up.
Best Acne Treatment for Sensitive Skin in Delhi
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