#acne removal cream for oily skin
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honeytonedhottie · 11 days
lets talk skincare⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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disclaimer i am NOT a dermatologist so to create this post i did LOTS of research and i'll link all of my sources at the end of the post. i just wanted to kind of put everything that i found in here so i hope its helpful 💕🗒️
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wash ur face with a gentle cleanser, pat dry and wait for about 30 minutes. if ur skin appears shiny throughout then u have oily skin, if ur skin appears tight/flaky then u have dry skin.
if u notice a slight shine on your nose and forehead then you have normal skin. if you have a combination skin type, then the skin will get oily around the t-zone.
for skin with acne -> salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and mandelic acid.
for dry skin -> lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, ceramides and glycerin.
for pigmented skin -> mandelic acid, niacinamide, vitamin C, and arbutin.
mixing retinol and vitamin C causes irritation, mixing vitamin C and glycolic acid results in over-exfoliation, mixing AHA and retinol causes extreme dryness.
hyaluronic acid + ceramides = repairing skin barrier. niacinimide + salicylic acid = healing acne. retinol + niacinimide = collagen production.
use a cleansing balm to cleanse ur face to remove all the impurities from ur skin
use serums to hydrate ur skin
lather on moisturizer, dont put too much to the point where ur skin cannot produce its own oils, but you MUST moisturize
apply sunscreen everyday, not only on ur face but also on ur neck and hands
face masks 1-2x a week
get enough sleep, drink enough water, and steer clear of overly processed foods
its important to take care of the skin on ur neck for SO many reasons because skincare doesnt stop at ur chin. ur neck reflects the first signs of aging, and its most susceptible to sun damage so show it some love!
use the same products that u use on ur face on ur neck also, moisturize ur neck and always apply sunscreen, lastly, use some retinol to build collagen.
when applying retinol, use a pea sized amount. avoid application around ur eyes and the openings in ur nose, and use retinol in ur night skincare routine only.
retinol should be used nightly (1-2x a week for beginners). hyaluronic acid should be used (2x a day). salicylic acid should be used (1-2x a week). sunscreen should be applied daily, no need to apply it at night and if u can, you should reapply it every 2-3 hours. vitamin C (1x a day in the morning).
for oily skin use -> salicylic acid, niacinimide and mandelic acid.
for dry skin use -> hyaluronic acid, ceramides and lactic acid.
for normal skin use -> vitamin C, glycolic acid, and retinol.
for aging skin use -> peptides, retinol and vitamin C.
for acne prone skin use -> salicylic acid, retinol, and niacinimde.
for combination skin use -> mandelic acid, niacinimide, and glycolic acid.
cream masks are good for all skin-types and it soothes and moisturizes. clay masks are good for oily or acne prone skin and it absorbs oil and controls shine. charcoal masks are good for oily or acne prone skin, and it deep cleanses and unclogs.
sheet masks are good for all skin-types, it nourishes and hydrates. enzyme masks are good for all skin-types and it gently exfoliates and brightens the skin. bubble masks are good for all skin-types and it hydrates and soothes.
gel masks are good for all skin-types and it provides a cooling effect. exfoliating masks are good for all skin-types BUT if u have sensitive skin then exfoliating masks are not for you. exfoliating masks remove dead skin cells and debris.
in the morning (cleanser + toner + hydrating serum + vitamin c + moisturizer + sunscreen) in the evening (double cleanse + toner + hydrating serum + retinol + moisturizer)
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bia-badoobadee · 5 months
s k i n c a r e 1 0 1
this post will go over basic information like skin type and how to determine it as well as more in depth info about types of cleansers, moisturisers and sunscreen, how to choose and apply them. Whether you should incorporate toners, essences, serums, masks, or exfoliants into your skincare routine and what to look for in them. As well as some more general lifestyle tips and what kinds of products you should be using at your current age or consider getting in the future.
To determine skin type
Wash your face and let it air dry .
If it feels tight and itchy you have dry skin . You may also see fine lines or flakes on your skin .
If your skin is oily you’ll have more visible pores and your skin will be shiny . This skin type is usually prone to acne , black heads , and white heads .
If it feels tight in certain places or has large pores in some areas but not others. If you notice aspects of both skin types on different parts of your face. Congratulations you have combination skin .
If none of these apply to you and your face doesn’t feel oily or dry then you've got normal skin .
Some people view sensitive as a skin type , I personally don't. Sensitivity can be developed or be sensitive in combination with another skin type .
As you age your skin tends to become thinner and dryer.
The types of cleansers
Micellar water - tiny oil molecules suspended in soft water which attract oil and dirt . Especially recommended for those with sensitive skin .
Foam - start out as gel or cream and lather to foam and removes all excess oil from the skin . Which is good for combination skin
Gel - similar to foam cleanser. Good for acne prone or oily skin
Lotion - because of their consistency they’re less stripping thus suitable for sensitive dry skin
Balm - if you wear a lot of makeup, especially if your makeup is waterproof this is for your . Rub the balm over your face . They also have hydrating benefits which makes them perfect for dry skin .
Oil Based - contrary to popular belief oily skin types can use oil cleansers without fear of side effects. They remove dirt without disturbing your skin barrier or drying out your skin .
Clay - draw out all excess oils and toxins from your skin . Not suitable for dry skin as it may be overly stripping but are perfect for sensitive oily or combination .
Wipes - requires no real explanation . You just wipe your skin with the little disposable cloth .
How to use them
wash your hands so you don’t transfer more germs onto your face , that would defeat the purpose of cleansing
Wet your face
Now rub the cleanser of choice between your hands . You only need a pea to a blueberry amount . Some will foam , others will cream , and then there are those that won’t really do anything.
Rub the cleanser gently in circular motions all over your face . Emphasis on the gentle part . Use your pointer and middle finger and imagine you’re washing someone else’s face .
You should do this for no more than a minute , any longer could be stripping to your skin
If your skin is super dry you can use a cleanser once a day so you don’t over strip your skin . cleanse with product at night to get rid of all the impurities picked up during the day and in the morning all you did was sleep in a clean room in a clean bed . That doesn’t mean don’t wash your face in the morning . You should still be using water to wash your face . Not just rinsing , actually wash your face .
If you don’t have this issue you can try double cleansing . This is when you cleanse first with an oil based cleanser then with a water based cleanser . We double cleanse because not all impurities are water soluble . Double cleansing helps to thoroughly cleanse your skin . This method works well if you wear a lot of thick , heavy makeup . Bear in mind that it would be too stripping to double cleanse every day , twice a day. if you really want to double cleanse every night and you’re hydrating your skin well afterwards there should be no problem .
After cleansing you need to protect your skin . During the day you protect it with sunscreen and during the night you use a moisturiser . I have really dry skin so I use a moisturiser in the morning as well .
A rule of thumb don’t mix your sunscreen and moisturiser ( or any of your skincare products ) layer them .
There are two number values on the bottle PA and SPF.
SPF stands for sun protection factor, refers to how long protection lasts and protects you from uv rays that cause sunburn. Generally SPF 15 blocks 93% of UV rays and SPF 30 blocks about 97%. Spf that is too high isn’t good for your skin but ideally you want to use spf50 when going outdoors.
PA protects you from uv rays that accelerates aging. Here you want to focus on the number of plus signs on the bottle as they indicate the effectiveness of the product.
Even with sunscreen it’s still advised you stay out of direct sunlight for long periods of time. So wear a hat if you can’t avoid it .
Types of Sunscreen
Chemical - are absorbed into your skin and turn uv rays into energy before they can hurt your skin . Sensitive skin may want to stay away from this type as it could cause a bad reaction . Don’t rule chemical sunscreen out completely though. It may have been one bad brand or ingredient . Note this sunscreen needs to be applied first as it has to penetrate your skin .
Physical - sits on top of your skin and act like a shield from uv rays which means it needs to be applied last . Because they sit on your skin they’re thicker and tend to leave a cast so people with darker skin may prefer chemical sunscreen .
Powder and spray - is more of a reapplication than a primary sunscreen . The idea is you use your physical or chemical sunscreen and every two hours you reapply a powder or spray sunscreen .
How to use sunscreen
Dot a teaspoon amount of sunscreen all over your face (and body)
Gently massage it into your skin . I’ll say that again : Gently , gently massage
Reapply every two hours
If you wear makeup it’s best to apply physical sunscreen over makeup as you’ll have to do so anyway when you reapply .
Types of moisturisers
Humectants - attract water and slow down evaporation usually comes in gel formulas . They absorb into the skin quickly making them best for oily skin types .
Emollients - fills the gaps between skin with hydrating oils and lipids . These have a light cream or lotion consistency . This type best for dry or combination skin .
Occlusives - seals in moisture and stops it from evaporating . They come in thick creams and balms . Perfect for dehydrated , dry , mature skin .
How to apply moisturiser
Cleanse face and apply chemical sunscreen if using
Then apply moisturiser , a pea to blueberry sized amount
Dab it all over your face
Soothe each up and across your face in circular motions
Again be very gentle using your middle and forefingers
These are the foundations of skincare. Consider the next sections only after you have these first three covered.
Between cleansing and protecting comes a treatment step. this can be with a toner , essence , serum , exfoliation, and masks . All of the above if your skin can handle it. Layer them from lightest to thickest consistency and exfoliate after cleansing.
Masks, toners, essences, and serums are infused with nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins chosen to treat specific skin concern . I have a section on ingredients to treat skin concerns at the end. When comparing products look at the similarities and differences between their ingredient lists. The order or products is usually from highest to lowest concentration.
Remember an ingredient or product that someone else swears by may not work well for your skin . this step requires trail and error, time and money . Consistent cleansing, moisturiser and sunscreen should fade most concerns so don’t fret over a treatment if you can’t afford to.
If any product you have doesn’t work for you , don’t waste the product and throw it away . You could give it to a friend with a similar skin concern to see if it works better for them .
Watery consistency , the lightweight helping it absorb into the skin quickly . Applied with cotton pad after double cleansing to hydrate and restore the PH of skin .
If the toner is exfoliating put a couple drops on a cotton pad, don’t drown it, and pass the pad once across your face.
If the toner is hydrating put a couple dots on your palm and gently pat the toner into your skin. If you need more than one layer feel free to repeat this process no more than 7 times
As hydrating and fast absorbing but thicker than toners. However they're less concentrated than serums.
Application is the same as a hydrating toner but 7 layers would be excessive, 2 to 3 should be enough.
Usually comes in a dropper . Even if you’ve double cleansed it’s imperative that the dropper doesn’t touch your face to ensure bacteria won’t contaminate the dropper and by extension the serum . Once you’ve applied the serum gently massage the liquid into your skin .
Types of masks
Using a mask once or twice a week is beneficial but remember it’s not necessary . As long as you cleanse and protect you'll be fine
Works for all skin types . There are two variations of sheet masks . The first type is a cotton mask drenched in serum or essence . The second is a jelly-like sheet infused with ingredients . Sheet masks are extremely hydrating but the ingredients infused will determine the benefits .
If you have oily skin this one is for you . It’s a combination of water , clay , and minerals that determine the properties and absorb all excess oils from your skin . For this reason it’s best to stay away from this mask if your skin is already dry .
These masks are best used as spot treatments for breakouts as they help soothe inflammation . Charcoal helps remove excess oils as well .
This category is for wash off masks that don’t fit into the above categories . As previously stated the ingredients determine the benefits of a mask .
As the name suggests you put it on before bed and it works while you’re asleep . What makes an overnight mask different from a night cream are the active ingredients .
Peel off
People with sensitive skin proceed with caution . This mask will literally peel the dead skin from your face . So sensitive skin types be careful . These have no active ingredients because they’re used for exfoliating than treating .
This is when you remove dead skin cells. However it is not recommended if you have any kind of skin condition like acne, eczema, etc . The most important thing is that you cleanse and protect but exfoliation can remove dry dull skin and improve circulation
Types of exfoliation
Physical : sugar scrubs , clay masks , gommage peeling , dry brushing , sponges , and cloths rubbed onto the skin in circular motions
Chemicals: like AHAs ( alpha hydroxy acids ) that’ll break the bonds holding the dead skin onto your face or BHAs ( beta hydroxy acids ) . PHAs have larger particles and work best on thinner skin. LHA is a milder BHA perfect for acne prone skin .
Oily and dry skin types would benefit from physical exfoliation but if your skin is sensitive avoid rubbing into it harshly . To avoid irritation stick to a mild chemical exfoliant . AHAs followed by cleanser and moisturiser would be perfect for dry skin . if your skin is normal or combination you'll have to experiment with both chemical and physical exfoliants. A general rule is that chemical exfoliation is gentler and therefore better . You should never be too rough with your skin .
Common skin concerns and ingredients
Benzoyl peroxide, 5% for face and 10% for body
Salicylic acid
Clindamycin (with BP)
Azeliac acid
Azelaic acid
Vitamin C
Kojic acid
Retinoid creams
Caffeine creams
Steroid creams
Superficial chemical peels
Laser resurfacing
High strength retinoid creams
Deep chemical peels
Laser resurfacing
If thick scars, steroid injections
Subcision/ filler for depressed scars
Aloe vera
Sodium sulfacetamide
Sulfur products
Azeliac acid
flaky dry skin
Mineral oil
Hyaluronic acid
Vitamin E
Selenium sulfide
Zinc pyrithione
Steroid creams/solutions
ideal skincare routine at based on age
- 15
mild cleanser
spf50 sunscreen
15 - 18
At this stage there’s no need to worry about premature ageing
but you might consider incorporating an acne treatment
Or a hydrating sheet mask twice a week
19 - 24
You may notice dark circles or eye bags that require an eye cream
And consider an exfoliant or vitamin c to brighten dull skin or prevent fine lines
25 - 30
You want to focus on hydrating your skin to keep it soft and supple
And incorporating anti aging into your skincare through antioxidants and damage preventing treatments
31 +
You may notice your skin begin to notice sagging, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation
Thus choose lifting and firming products, anti wrinkle treatments, and ingredients that fade dark spots
Sun protection and hydration are absolutely crucial at this stage
lifestyle habits to incorporate
Correct any vitamin deficiencies and hormonal imbalances
Make sure you do not overeat especially on processed carbs and sugars or under eat to the point of lacking essential nutrients
Be sure to drink enough water throughout the day, the golden rule is 8 glasses a day
You may need to adjust your skincare routine depending on the season eg. Cold dry winter air may leave your skin needing more hydrating products while sweating more in the summer may lead to acne
Keep a regular sleep schedule of 7-9 hours a night on a silk pillowcase as the reduced friction can help prevent fine lines and change your pillowcases once a week to prevent bacteria build up
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crownsandbishops · 4 months
hey kallamar, whats your skincare routine like? i need your wisdom
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"This will of course depend on your skin type [oily, acne-prone, dry or sensitive] Mine requires hydrating and foaming elements." "You'll start by mixing the cleanser with water."
"Step 2, massage it into your skin."
"Step 3, Rinse well and pat your skin dry."
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"Place the toner on a cotton pad or other applicator and spread gently over your face," "Step 5, use serums that reintroduce things like antioxidants and vitamin C to the skin."
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"For eyes as luxurious as mine, eye cream is a must to deter unsightly wrinkles and dark circles."
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"Cucumbers are a pretty big import in Anchordeep, and before you say it NO sea cucumbers are not something equivalent we could cultivate!" <o|>8(
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"Next, use a moisturizer, it keeps things hydrated and soft and strengthens your skin,"
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"The final step in your morning routine. Admittedly we don't get much sun here in the lands, especially in Silk Cradle and Anchordeep for obvious reasons, but it's especially necessary when I visit Narinder."
"For your nighttime routine steps 10 through 13 (1-4) are the same as your morning routine, so we'll skip going over that again."
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"Putting on a serum before bed helps to remove dead cells and encourage new cell growth, as well as helping reduce pores and wrinkles."
“Step 15: Eye Cream, like earlier this is very helpful to keep the skin underneath in order."
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"Now obviously I don't have acne, but it's best to be preventative of these sorts of things."
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"The final step in your perfect skin routine is to apply night cream in order to keep your skin well moisturized as you sleep."
"Follow all these steps and you will have a chance to have skin close to as healthy as mine!"
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studdyadict · 2 months
Fresh Start: A Teenage Girl’s Clean Hygiene Routine
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Maintaining good hygiene is essential for teenage girls and young women to feel confident, healthy, and empowered. Here's a comprehensive clean hygiene routine tailored specifically for us:
1. Daily Shower or Bath:
- Use a mild, pH-balanced body wash or soap to cleanse the entire body, paying extra attention to areas prone to sweat and odor, such as underarms and feet.
- Gently exfoliate the skin 2-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores.
- Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water to avoid stripping the skin of its natural oils.
2. Hair Care:
- Wash hair 2-3 times a week with a sulfate-free shampoo suitable for your hair type (dry, oily, curly, etc.).
- Use a conditioner after shampooing to moisturize and detangle hair, focusing on the ends.
- Limit the use of heat styling tools and protect hair from damage by using a heat protectant spray before styling.
- Trim split ends regularly to maintain healthy hair growth.
3. Facial Cleansing:
- Wash your face twice daily, morning and night, with a gentle facial cleanser suitable for your skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive, acne-prone, etc.).
- Use lukewarm water and avoid harsh scrubbing, which can irritate the skin.
- Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer after cleansing to hydrate the skin and prevent dryness.
4. Dental Care:
- Brush teeth at least twice a day, morning and night, using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth and along the gum line.
- Rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash for added freshness and to kill bacteria.
- Visit the dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleanings every six months.
5. Feminine Hygiene:
- Change sanitary pads or tampons every 4-6 hours during menstruation to maintain freshness and prevent odor.
- Wash the genital area with a mild, fragrance-free soap and water daily, paying attention to hygiene during menstruation.
- Use breathable cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting clothing to promote air circulation and prevent moisture buildup.
6. Nail Care:
- Keep nails trimmed and filed to prevent breakage and maintain a neat appearance.
- Clean under the nails regularly to remove dirt and bacteria.
- Apply a moisturizing hand cream to keep hands soft and hydrated.
- Avoid biting or picking at nails and cuticles to prevent infection and damage.
7. Deodorant and Antiperspirant:
- Apply a deodorant or antiperspirant daily to underarms to control sweat and odor.
- Choose a product that suits your body's needs and preferences, whether it's a roll-on, stick, or spray.
8. Sun Protection:
- Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to exposed skin daily, even on cloudy days.
- Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, especially if swimming or sweating heavily.
- Wear protective clothing, such as hats and sunglasses, and seek shade during peak sun hours to minimize sun exposure.
Remember, good hygiene goes beyond physical cleanliness—it also involves taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. Practice self-care, prioritize sleep, eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you'll not only look and feel your best but also cultivate a healthy lifestyle for years to come.
Here's a list of products for a hygiene routine that are healthy , affordable ,cruelty free, vegan ,non comedogenic , no alcohol , no fragrance and that doesn’t support genocide:
1. Daily Shower or Bath:
- Cleanser: CeraVe Hydrating Body Wash
- Moisturizer: Vanicream Moisturizing Cream
- Sunscreen: EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46
2. Hair Care:
- Shampoo: Acure Simply Smoothing Coconut & Marula Shampoo
- Conditioner: Desert Essence Fragrance-Free Conditioner
3. Facial Cleansing:
- Cleanser: CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser
- Moisturizer: Vanicream Moisturizing Cream
4. Dental Care:
- Toothpaste: Hello Oral Care Fluoride-Free Whitening Toothpaste
- Mouthwash: Desert Essence Natural Refreshing Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash
5. Feminine Hygiene:
- Menstrual Cups: DivaCup Model 1 or Model 2
- Menstrual Pads: Natracare Ultra Pads with Wings
- Tampons: Cora Organic Cotton Tampons
6. Nail Care:
- Nail Clippers: Tweezerman Stainless Steel Nail Clipper
- Nail File: OPI Crystal Nail File
7. Deodorant and Antiperspirant:
- Deodorant: Schmidt's Fragrance-Free Sensitive Skin Deodorant
8. Sun Protection:
- Sunscreen: EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46
9. Oral Care:
- Toothpaste: Hello Oral Care Fluoride-Free Whitening Toothpaste
- Dental Floss: Radius Vegan Xylitol Dental Floss
10. Body Care:
- Body Wash: Alaffia Everyday Shea Body Wash
- Body Lotion: Everyone Unscented 3-in-1 Lotion
Remember to always check the ingredient lists and certifications to ensure they align with your values and preferences. Additionally, prices and availability may vary depending on location and retailer.
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lingpaopao · 25 days
⋆౨ৎ˚ 𝘚𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 ⟡˖ ࣪
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Types of Skincare Products Makeup remover/oil cleanser - 卸妆油 (xiè zhuāng yóu) Cleanser - 洁面 (jié miàn) Toner - 爽肤水 (shuǎng fù) / 化妆水 (huà zhuāng) Serum - 精华 (jīng huá) Eye cream - 眼霜 (yǎn shuāng) Face cream - 面霜 (miàn shuāng) Lotion - 乳液 (rǔ yè) Sunscreen - 防晒 (fáng shài) Concentrate - 肌底液 (jī dǐ yè) Facial spray - 保湿喷雾 (bǎo shī pēn wù) Lip balm - 唇膏 (chún gāo) Night cream - 晚霜 (wǎn shuāng) Face mask - 面膜 (miàn mó) Eye mask - 眼膜 (yǎn mó) Facial scrub - 脸部磨砂膏 (liǎn bù mó shā gāo)
Skincare Actives Retinol - A醇 (Chún) literally: 'A' alcohol AHA - 果酸 (guǒ suān) note: a type of AHA is citric acid, found in citrus fruits, hence the name Salicylic Acid - 水杨酸 (Shuǐyáng suān) literally: poplar tree acid, salicylic acid is found in poplar trees Hyaluronic acid - 玻尿酸 (Bō niào suān) Niacinamide - 烟酰胺 (yān xiān'àn) Ceramide - 神经酰胺 (shén jīng xiān'àn) Vitamin C - 维C or VC (wéi C)
Descriptives for Skincare Alcohol-free - 无酒精 (wú jiǔ jīng) Whitening - 美白 (měi bái) Moisturizing - 保湿 (bǎo shī) Hydrating - 补水 (bǔ shuǐ) Nourishing - 滋润 (Zī rùn) Purifying - 清洁净化 (qīng jié jìng huà) Detoxing - 排毒 (pái dú) Brightening - 美白提亮 (měi bái tí liàng) Reduce redness - 祛红 (qū hóng) Antioxidant - 抗氧 (kàng yǎng) Anti-aging - 抗衰 (kàng shuāi) Lifting - 提拉 (tí lā) Tightening - 紧致 (jǐn zhì) Soothing - 镇静舒缓 (zhèn jìng shū huǎn) Acne treatment - 祛痘 (qū dòu) Pores minimizing - 收缩毛孔 (shōu suō máo kǒng) Eczema soothing - 缓解湿疹 (huǎn jiě shī zhěn) Repairing - 修护 (xiū hù) Revitalizing - 活化 (huó huà) Foam - 泡沫 (pào mò) Gentle - 温和的 (wēn hé de)
Skin Types Combination skin - 混合性皮肤 (hùn hé xìng pí fū) Dry skin - 干性皮肤 (gān xìng pí fū) Normal skin - 中性皮肤 (zhōng xìng pí fū) Oily skin - 油性皮肤 (yóu xìng pí fū) Sensitive skin - 敏感性皮肤 (mǐn gǎn xìng pí fū) Rosacea - 玫瑰痤疮 (méi guī cuó chuāng) literally: rose acne
Slang terms Using brightening products (ex. VC) during AM skincare and anti-aging products (A醇) during the PM - 早C晚A (zǎo C wǎn A) A skincare routine for sensitive skin consisting of using protective products during AM skincare and repairing products during the PM - 早P晚R (zǎo P wǎn R) Flooding the skin with hydrating oil products - 以油养肤 (yǐ yóu yǎng fū) A simplified skincare routine - 精简护肤 (jīng jiǎn hù fū) Skin fasting (slowly reducing the products you use each day to reset the skin and allow it to calm down before returning to the regular skincare routine) - 肌断食 (jī duàn shí) Using lots of technology in your skincare routine - 科技护肤 (kē jì hù fū)
Example Text
干性皮肤 要注意补水、补油、防晒、防止损伤、补充胶原蛋白. Dry skin Pay attention to moisturizing, supplementing oil, SPF, preventing loss, supplementing collagen. 中性皮肤 算是比较完美的肤质,要注意防止损伤,保持现有状态
Normal skin Considered a rather perfect skin type, you need to pay attention to preventing loss, maintain your current skin status.
油性皮肤 注意清洁、控油、补充水分和保湿
Oily skin Pay attention to cleansing, oil control, moisturizing and hydrating. 混合性皮肤 根据不同肤质区域分开护理,T区注意控油,V区注意补水保湿和防止损伤. Combination skin Treat combination skin according to different skin areas separately, pay attention to oil control within your T-zone, pay attention to hydrating and moisturizing and preventing loss in your V-zone. 敏感性皮肤(不是过敏性皮肤) 由于这种肤质保水力差,皮肤屏障受损,所以在护肤时要注重修复、抗炎,防止各种刺激和损伤,防止日晒。建议用一些温和无刺激的产品,以及含有镇静修复成分(维生素E、神经酰胺等)
Sensitive skin (not irritated/allergic reaction skin) Since this skin type doesn't hold water well, the skin barrier is damaged, thus you should pay attention to repairing, anti-inflammation, preventing various irritants and losses, as well as sun damage during skincare. It is recommended that you use gentle and non-irritating products that have soothing ingredients (vitamin E, ceramide etc.)
不化妆也要每天卸妆 -> even if you don't put on make-up, you still need to use make-up remover/oil cleanser everyday
千万不要用任何含有酒精的护肤品 -> under no circumstances use any skincare products containing alcohol
爽肤水主要作用是对皮肤二次清洁 -> the main function of toner is to double-cleanse your skin
敷面膜刺痛是因为皮肤缺水 -> the pain/tingling from applying face masks is due to your skin lacking moisture
洗澡时毛孔扩张,污垢更容易深入毛孔将其撑大 -> when you bathe, your pore enlarge, pollutants and more can easily penetrate through your pores which can stretch your pores
收敛水可以收毛孔 -> astringent can reduce pores
衰老是从25岁才开始 -> aging starts at age 25
涂眼霜长脂肪粒是因为太油 -> developing milia from applying eye cream is due to excessive amounts of oil
护肤品分男女 -> skincare products are gender-separate
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selfcarewithkay · 7 months
Chapter One
Hi guys! Welcome! I feel like it's only appropriate to start this blog off with some skin care. However today we aren't going to just talk about products because before we can decide what's best for your skin we need to know your skin type. There are three major skin types, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin. Some might say that acne prone skin is another type but that's up to debate. Oily skin can be described as skin that secretes an excessive amount of the body’s natural oils. Dry skin is the complete opposite of that because it secretes little to no natural oils leaving the skin very dry. Combination skin is a combination of the two skin types meaning some parts of the skin are oily (usually the t-zone) and some parts are dry (usually the side of your cheeks). 
My oily|combination skin tips;
Any product with high amounts of niacinamide and salicylic acid works wonders for your oily skin.
Make sure to wash your face both day and night.
Stick to a proper skincare routine.
Use fragrance free products.
Drink lots of water.
Try your best to avoid oily foods in your diet.
My dry skin tips;
Wash your face once a day preferably at night only.
Try to stay away from stripping cleansers and bar soap cleansers.
Incorporate products with hyaluronic acid , ceramides and glycerin into your skin care.
 Use a moisturizing cream and not moisturizing lotion.
Drink lots of water
Try to keep a fresh diet
Stick to your skincare routine
How to apply your skincare in order.
Cleanser- You should always start your routine with a clean base. So picking a cleanser that's suitable for your skin type is important because that's the first line of action in your routine. For the dry skin girlies as I recommended, only wash your face at night so in the morning to achieve that clean base you can cleanse with micellar water and a cotton pad.
Toner- Toner removes any last traces of dirt, grime and impurities stuck in your pores after you wash your face. When added to your daily skincare routine and used regularly, it can have a major positive impact on the appearance and tightness of your pores. Be keen to look at the ingredients before picking a toner that's suitable for your skin. Remember to pick ingredients that will help your skin and achieve your desired goal of clean skin.
Serums- Your next step should consist of serums. Now it is important to note which serums are to be used at which time. For example a serum containing high amounts of retinol should be used at night only. In your serums is where you can really incorporate the elements needed to help your skin. I will do another post talking about the best brands and products containing the best ingredients for your skin type but for now we can look and use what we can.
Eye-cream- Eye-cream is a very controversial step. A lot of people argue that it's unnecessary or that it doesn't work. Personally, I love it and think it works wonders for the puffiness under my eyes. As a university student this has become very helpful in trying to hide my lack of sleep. 
Moisturizer- This is supposedly the last step. Well at night that is. Again the selection of this product should vary on the type of skin you have.
Sunscreen- Sunscreen should be the last thing you apply in your routine. It should be applied 15 minutes before contact with sunlight. I don't think I have to stress on how important sunscreen is. Picking a sunscreen however can be tricky. Some people tend to need higher levels of spf in order to be protected while others can use lower levels and still be fine. I say use the highest available to you if you don't know what level you need. There's no harm in it and you are sure you are protected.
Bonus face masks- Face masks aren't a part of your everyday skincare routine but it should be a part of your overall routine. A face mask to exfoliate should be added to your routine and it should be done at least once and week. Exfoliation should not be done everyday as it can be very harmful to the skin's barrier. A mask for hydration should also be added to your routine to be done at least once a week.
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I hope you learnt a lot in today's post. That's all for this week. Be sure to join me next Friday for a lesson on haircare. Have a wonderful week and be sure to stay hydrated. Thank you for reading!
Here is a song to help set the mood for your routine.
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I have very greasy/oily sensive skin and an acne problem.
I have tried so many things from salicylic acid face wash to having a brain cyst removed that was causing a hormone imbalance.
Right now I am still using the face wash, dove unscented/sensitive skin bar soap, adapaline gel and tretenoin cream. With hydrocolloid bandaids for spot treatments for really painful ones.
If anyone has any suggestions or advice I am very open to trying things (that aren't lavender, I am allergic to that)
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afropearl · 2 years
my current skincare routine 🫧🧴
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concerns ♡ oily skin, hormonal acne, scars, pores, sensitive skin? idk
cleansing ♡
cleansing my skin is one of my favorite steps! i love removing all the impurities on skin and prepping my skin for the next steps. i always double cleanse {even though i don’t wear makeup} and massage the cleanser in for 60 secs and rinse with warm water.
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exfoliation ♡
i have sensitive skin, so i’m careful not to over exfoliate or use harsh techniques/ingredients, but i still like having smooth skin :3 . i do this step 2-3 times a week using either the exfoliating cloth i got from fenty beauty or an exfoliating cleanser. with either a physical or chemical exfoliant, i’m really gentle and just lightly buff away the dead skin to reveal the beautiful soft supple skin underneath. <3
toner ♡
just recently i started exploring toners with active ingredients! i used to always use witch hazel and call it a day but i became curious abt korean or japanese beauty and what their skincare is like. i have a ‘special’ liquid toner {the strawberry milk pure cure from the creme shop} and toner pads {one step moisture from cosrx} both are super hydrating which i love and the strawberry milk one smells super good. <333
tmi but in high school i used to use straight alcohol as a toner 🫣 and i remembered i burned my skin from being to rough with it pFFT!
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mask ♡
i’m absolutely obsessed with sheet masks. they’ve become quite the addictive purchase and frequently used in my routine and i’m not upset abt that. they’re also very relaxing and my skin feels so rejuvenated after. i always follow the directions on the pack for time limit and then pat the leftover essence into my skin. {bonus points bc i use the extra essence on my body :3} i a l s o have an overnight sleeping mask from laniege which applies like a moisturizer rather than a sheet mask.
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moisturizer ♡
my moisturizer really does depend on a few factors: my skin condition, time of day, and season/weather. i rotate between a gel cream, heavy cream, or light lotion/cream. gel creams are for my breakout/oiliest days; light creams are for normal skin condition, daytime and warmer days; and heavy creams are for drier skin, colder weather, and nights. {i hope that made sense}
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treatment ♡
treatments are the extra steps i take when my skin needs it. recently i just weathered a serious breakout and my skin is scarred to the high heavens </3 so when i get the chance i use a spot treatment to help fade scars and help my skin heal {what acne? spot treatment by the creme shop} i also have a few of their acne patches in cute heart, star, and cloud shapes which i use to speed healing and protect the area from further irritation.
tips ♡
always start with clean hands and tools
pat, don’t rub
let your products set for a minute or two in between steps for maximum absorption
after finishing your routine, allow your face to absorb everything for 5-10 mins before wearing a mask, applying makeup or going to bed etc
change pillow cases often
introduce a only few new products a months to avoid extreme irritation
most importantly: do what works for you 🫶🏽
as always,
thanks for reading 🛁
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thegreatflyinggrayson · 7 months
please tell us about your 15 step skincare routine
I'm so glad someone asked! (Pimple mentions incoming!!!)
Here are my steps, in order, with time and materials (also this is just my morning routine, not my nightime one):
Before I do anything (this is kind of gross, I know) I go through and check for acne and blackheads and all that fun stuff, because I'll have to treat them later in the process.
Every morning I hop in the shower and wash up. This is important because the steam is great for my face, and it saves time so I don't need to use a steamer. I don't wash my face in the shower, though.
While I'm in the shower I use an exfoliating body scrub to remove any dead skin and such.
I shave once I'm out of the shower, because I don't really go for the scruffy/grizzled look. I use this amazing buttery soft shaving cream that moisturizes my skin, it smells like honeysuckle.
I wash my face using a gentle unscented cleanser. I have really soft washcloths specifically for this purpose.
I use some eye cream- look, I am aging, and I would like to say it's with grace. I started doing this to prove to Bruce it would be useful, and so far it's been good. He hasn't tried it out yet.
I use a toner because ugh my pores- I know I don't technically have to, but I like it, okay? Besides, like I said, aging.
Then I use a serum that I got as a gift one year and I cannot stop buying it. I use an antioxidant serum in the mornings, and a vitamin C serum at night.
Once that's in place, I use a nice moisturizer because my skin does what it wants and what it wants in rainy weather is to dry up like the Sahara.
Back to the acne, like- ugh. Acne appears so quickly and I am so mad nobody told me it lasts after your teen years. I use a more intense acne treatment at night, usually, but Tim bought me some of those cute star stickers that get rid of pimples and I am obsessed, so if I feel confident enough I'll slap some stars on my face. Especially if I don't have work. Anyways, back to the process.
So, like, I know a lot of people like to put on face oil but I am constantly fighting my skin so I have to apply it super carefully and lightly. Because my skin is dry and oily and annoying.
I do a lip scrub here, because obviously.
Chapstick. Look, I consider this a step because it is slept on, it is so important and people keep skipping it for themselves. I use a beeswax chapstick that has SPF 15 in it.
Once all of that is done I generally move on to my "second" skincare routine where I apply body lotion and all that. Yes I consider this part of my skincare routine. Your skin is your skin, even if it's not your face.
Okay so once that's out of the way I have to put on sun screen because I need it. Yes, even in the fall/winter! Your skin still absorbs UV rays when it's cold, and I am not taking any chances.
My nighttime routine is really fun and includes a mud mask, but is pretty similar to everything above except with a bigger focus on adding nutrients to my face/skin overnight, as well as treating acne a little more aggressively.
Honestly I don't know why Bruce doesn't try to do it every day, it's really not that complex.
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tradflowr · 7 months
I studied cosmetic chemistry, so these are some skincare tips I'd recommend!
For acne- Acne can be either inflammatory (looks red and irritated) or noninflammatory (bumps, blackheads, comedonal). Sometimes facial hair (yes, even on us girlies) can cause pimples to form, so you may want to seek hair removal treatments if you notice acne forming around where your face is hairiest. If you're experiencing the former, it could be caused from horomones, stress, + outdoor pollution. Try finding topical products with benzoyl peroxide. If the latter, it could be a reaction from skincare products that you're currently using, + having a diet high in sugars (high GI)/oily foods. These guys are tough to get rid of (may take a few weeks). I'd recommend finding a topical product with salicyilic acid. Do note that since these products aim to dry up sebum, your face might feel dryer. Make sure you're not overdoing skincare routines; be sure to change pillow cases, and not doing anything to cause too much friction on your face, since this can cause acne! I also love pimple patches (Hero cosmetics). They create a good environment for the skin to recover from acne while also absorbing extra sebum. I'd avoid oral medicine for acne since they can be very abrasive on your gut. For acne scars, products with retinol may help.
For dark circles- I personally don't have dark circles, but what may help you are topical products that contain Vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, or caffeine. These ingredients are humectants, so they help hydrate your under eye area! Water retention seems to be the key in combating this effect, along with good rest. I wouldn't break the bank with an eyecream. Their formulation is very similar to facial cream, so you're just buying a glorified face cream. Interestingly, it also seems that low levels of B12 can cause dark circles, due to poor blood circulation. You can take B12 as a supplement if you don't eat animal products, or you can eat animal products that you like with higher B12 content.
For redness- If inflammation is the problem, you may find moisturizers with aloe vera or oatmeal to help! As we approach the colder seasons, be sure to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized! Maybe taking a cold, damp face towel and laying it on your face may help. Antioxidants are also great with reducing inflammation. You may find that green tea and turmeric/ginger tea to be very helpful (do note that green tea contains caffeine, if you're sensitive/try to avoid it).
Lastly, when buying skincare products, try not to buy multiple products that have the same active ingredients (ex. buying a facial cleanser, moisturizer, and serum that all have salicylic acid. This may irritate your skin).
I hope this helps! <3
God bless you!!
Honestly, this and the comments on my post have given me so much amazing advice and I cannot thank everyone enough! I’m taking so much on board and can’t wait to give you all some updates🤍
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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My Personal Goal Progress and Steps to Achieving Them: Part 3, Skin Care
Hello there. For today’s article, I decided to talk about what my personal goals are and how I plan to go about reaching them.
I’ve realised that I’ve made a lot of content on creating goals, but I haven’t shown how it works for me with real life examples. Maybe showing this little insight in my life will help you manage your own goals better.
My Goals for 2022-end
* Read 6 books
* Lose 5 inches off my lower waist
* Get rid of acne scars
* 20 Medium articles by the end of the year
* Go back to playing tennis
* Be able to read the language I’m studying fluently
Getting rid of my acne scars. Phew!
I struggled with acne because of PCOS for many years. Let me get straight to the point- Accutane, in my experience and my friends, is the only drug that 100% works.
I tried everything. I tried the herbal methods, I tried cutting dairy out, I went as far as having collagen injected into my face- nothing worked. Until I completed one round of Accutane, which I began in April.
I did experience a slight purge but the way my active acne went away… miraculous. Why didn’t my doctor give this to me before?!
The reality is that to treat acne scars you have to be treating the acne as well. So here’s what I use for my skin in addition to the meds:
- Cerave face wash
- Toner
- Vitamin C from Sephora
- Sunscreen
- Moisturiser
- Make up
- Cerave face wash
- Toner
- High Frequency: Neon (bought it from Amazon, I try to do this everyday for 1.5 minutes on my face)
- Sacara goji berry moisturiser
- MeDerma intensive repair scar cream (the overnight one)
- High Frequency: Argon (bought it from Amazon, I try to do this everyday for 1.5 minutes on my face)
Once a week
- The ordinary’s AHA+BHA red serum
- Clay mask for my oily skin
- Steam face + remove blackheads
- Remove facial hair
You can see my progress below.
(row one, L-R) Pic 1: April 2022, Pic 2: May 2022
(row two, L-R) Pic 3: April 2022, Pic 4: August 2022
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wakeishasunshine · 2 years
For those who need to start a skin care routine but not sure where to begin:
Here's your cheat sheet.
Disclaimer: I am not listing products nor am I a professional. Please if you're able to please consult with a licensed professional on your specific skin care needs. Everybody's skin is different. Thanks.
Figure out if you have dry skin, oily skin or combination skin. Then go accordingly.
Basic skincare routine:
Serum (Antioxidant)
Eye Cream/Balm
Acne Treatment
Makeup Remover (Micellar water)
Cleanser (if you double cleanse, then this would be twice: Oil based then water based)
Serum/Treatments {Retinol: twice a week, Glycolic: once a week, Hydrolonic Acid}
Acne Spot Treatment
Eye Cream
Moisturizer/Night Cream
Lip Mask
Remember don't just take my word, I am not a licensed professional. So please do your own diligence to figure out what works for you. This is just a basic rundown for skincare routines.
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luvdivy · 6 months
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2024: a year of transformation pt. 1
As 2024 approaches, im sure most of you are thinking about transforming your life. But I personally believe that transforming your life starts in December, not January. So here is the first part to transforming your life. Introducing: health is wealth.
health is wealth
Health is crucial for well-being, but most forget to take care of all aspects of it.
1.) Figure out your skin type:
There are numerous skincare quizzes online and youtube videos. Knowing your skin type is so important so that you can truly take care of your skin barrier.
2.) Products:
You don't *always* need crazy expensive skin care products to heal and clear your skin. I love CeraVe because they are affordable and available in most stores. If you are unsure, consulting a dermatologist is a great idea.
Regardless of your skin type, here are three basic and crucial steps of your skincare routine
Find a cleanser special to your skin type and use in the morning and night. I like to double cleanse with a cleansing balm and my regular cleanser in the night using the CeraVe hydrating cleansing balm and the CeraVe hydrating cream-to-foam cleanser (I have dry skin) to remove any dirt on my face. Make sure when using a cleanser you take your time to cover all parts of your face and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS before washing and touching your face.
Regardless of whether or not you have oily, combo, dry, etc skin, hydration is important for soft and nourished skin (especially if you live in a dry or cold climate). I use the CeraVe moisturizing cream which really hydrates my dry skin. Do some research on what moisturizer will hydrate your skin without adding oils and buildup.
Sunscreen is incredibly important to protect your skin against UV rays and blue light. Suprisingly, blue light from devices can affect your skin. To avoid skin cancer, use a sunscreen. I use the Black Girl sunscreen and the Beauty of Joseon sunscreen which don't have whitecasts and give a really glowy look. They are great for more melanated skin and last throughout the day. When researching sunscreens, look for those which don't give off whitecasts and for ones that are SPF 50
3.) Its bigger than your skincare:
Diet, stress, sleep, mindset, water, the vibration you are at (all of which I will cover later) play major roles in the appearance of your skin. When you fuel your body with nutritious food and ample water, you glow more. You look healthier, and skin will clear up more. Give it time and trust the results. Get atleast 7+ hours of sleep and manage your stress levels. Improving your mindset and operating at a higher vibration improve everything, and you will glow more.
Additionally, your hormones, allergies, etc may affect acne and skin. Consulting a dermatologist is amazing for this.
Also, don't feel pressured to buy the newest skincare products. Invest in affordable and quality skincare products.
4.) Natural:
I love using natural resources and ancient ayurvedic techniques to improve my skin. I use aloe vera gel in the night on my face because of its numerous nutrients and benefits for the skin. Get 99-100% natural aloe vera gel for this.
Qasil powder is a natural somali soap which is incredible for your skin. Its known as the purest cleanser for the skin and body. Make sure before you buy it, that it is 100% true Qasil powder.
Look to make face masks with natural resources. From my culture, turmeric is amazing for the face, but don't leave it on for too long. Search online for homemade face masks with turmeric. Honey is also amazing for skin as well.
Research on different natural resources (especially ayurvedic skincare) because they are age old practices which are great for skin.
Body Care and Hygiene:
Hygiene is so so important for health (also so you don't stank)
1.) Shower:
When showering, cleanse from top to bottom. From behind your ears, to neck, all the way down to feet. Use soap or a body wash to remove all dirt from the day and make sure you wash your underarms, feet, privates, and butt. DON'T wash your down-there with soap because it'll mess up your pH balance, no matter how tempting it might be. Water is enough. I like the method body wash because its super affordable and smells amazing (especially the nourishing wash and pink peony). I would also recommend African Black Soap because its amazing for your skin on body. There are so many benefits to using it, you can never get enough!
For odor, I love using the panoxyl benzoyl peroxide wash to remove bacteria from my underarms. I leave it on for 2-3 minutes and wash it off. It does a great job of removing the onion-y odor from your armpits. I would highly recommend (get the 4% one) because its also really cheap.
For softness, I like to exfoliate my arms, stomach and chest area, legs, feet and back. It removes all of the dead skin cells and excess dirt that may be on your skin. I do this once a week and my skin feels AMAZING after.
2.) Shaving:
Shaving is COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY your choice. Never let anybody tell you you have to shave. I love shaving because I love the way my skin feels, but thats my personal liking. I wax my arms and shave my legs. When shaving, use a shaving cream. I like the Athena Club cloud shaving cream and its affordable. I recommend 5 blade razors and make sure you exfoliate before shaving. Lastly, just be gentle when shaving.
3.) After shower:
I love to lotion-ize my entire body (especially in the winter) after showering in the night. It hydrates your skin overall and avoids cracking of the skin. I LOVE the vaseline body lotion (its cheap) and smells amazing. For dyer areas, I recommend shea butter. Don't forget about the heels of your feet, your knees, elbows, and hands because they can get the driest in the winter. If you want to go the extra mile, using a body oil makes your skin feel great after the shower and adds extra glow
4.) Deodorant
Deodorant should be worn every day on your armpits to avoid odor. I've heard the salt and stone deodorant is great (its $20) but I just use Dove.
5.) Down-there:
Please please do not put random products down there, otherwise your pH balance will be messed up.
Oral Health:
1.) Brushing your teeth:
Brush your teeth atleast twice a day. Brush your tongue as well, and use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue. It really does improve mouth odor. I also recommend using a mouth wash. The TheraBreath anti cavity mouth wash is great (I haven't tried it but I've heard great things about it). Floss everyday in the night to remove things caught between teeth
2.) For white teeth:
I recommend oil pulling with coconut oil for white teeth. It removes that yellow stain from your teeth. To do this, swish a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and spit it out into the trash can.
I also recommend avoiding coffee and chocolate (excessive) because it makes your teeth yellower.
Stretching is so important for your muscles and body movement. Its amazing in the morning to wake up your body and help it move/function better. It removes tension in the muscles and body and can help reduce the likelihood for injuries and cramps. Movement and mobility is so so important for the body.
Yoga is also great for this. There are so many yoga excersises and stretches that work amazing alongside mobility exercises. If you want to feel healthy in the body when you're 80, stretch!
As an athlete, a basketball player, exercise is so important. Being active has numerous benefits, so many that I can't name all of them. Here are some ways to be active:
1.) Go to the gym:
Get a gym membership. Lift weights, yoga, cardio, etc. If you have a dream body, this is the start. However, don't go to the gym solely for the body. Remember this: Health is Wealth. If you are optimally working out in the gym, your body will reflect that. Train so that you can move freely when your old, train to play with your kids and grandkids, do it to enjoy life more. There are hundreds of videos and resources for gym workouts, ill also make another post on this!
2.) Sign up for workout classes:
These can be so much fun! Pilates, spin class, cycling classes, etc signing up for a workout class can make you gain motivation and enjoyment for working out.
3.) Go on walks and runs:
Fresh air has so many benefits for your health. Going on walks and runs especially in the early morning can be not only a great way to wake yourself up, but it can also improve your muscle functions. Plus, you may even discover a new part of town!
4.) Sports and dance:
My favorite! I love sports in general and dancing. Sports and dancing can be so much fun, especially with friends. You can gain so many friends from it.
Aside from this, don't be afraid to try new sports! Its one of the best forms of exercise because you use everything in your body, especially your mind. Here are some sports:
Soccer (football)
American Football
Pickle ball
Field hockey + hockey
Track and Field
Ice skating
Softball and Baseball
I will be doing an in depth guide to exercise and being an athlete in the future!
1.) Nutritious food:
You need nutritious food to fuel your body and reap the benefits. Eating more vegetables and fruits will have your entire body thanking you.
Incorporating fruit and veg into your diet can be hard, especially if you're used to processed food. Start by substituting a craving for something sweet with fruits. Eat vegetables with your meals, and better yet make them into your meals. Curries, salads, pastas, burgers, the list goes on. I will do an in depth guide to this later!
Vegetables don't need to be bland. There are so many ways to make them tasty.
2.) Protein:
Protein fuels your body. I'm vegetarian, so I generally get my protein from eggs, nuts, dairy, and lentils. Try working in protein into your meals in a non-fried way.
3.) Dairy + Milk:
Dairy has so many nutritional benefits, and if you're lactose intolerant, dairy alternatives still have numerous benefits. Calcium increases bone strength. Yogurts and cheeses also provide calcium alongside other vitamins such as E, D, B12, etc. When you have breakfast next time, try having a glass of milk (whole milk or soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, etc) or incorporating greek yogurt.
4.) Water:
Drinking water will improve all parts of your body, even your brain health. Drink atleast 64 ounces of water a day (or 8 cups). I would recommend getting one of those timed waterbottles so you don't forget to drink water.
5.) Overall:
Like I said, I will do a thorough in-depth guide to diet later but if you focus on putting healthy, non-processed and homemade foods into your diet, you will reap the benefits. Make sure you eat so that you are nourished. Diet also doesn't have to be restrictive. You can still have the dessert and enjoy the comforts food can bring. More than anything its about being mindful for the nutrition of the food you eat, and knowing the healthiness of it. I guarantee you, if you control your cravings and focus on putting in nourishing and homemade food into your body, you will feel better. What you put into your body will reflect on the outside
A Final Note:
If you really want to transform your life, I think one of the best ways to start is with health and exercise. Use that discipline to channel self-love and care into your life. In 2 weeks you'll feel it. In a month you'll see it. In 2 months people will notice. In 6 months you'll feel like a new person. Start now and you won't regret it. When you feel good on the inside, when you're healthy, you feel accomplished and amazing. More posts will come in the future about spirituality, mindset, the soul, purpose in life, and more. Have a blessed day and lead with love!
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jakexneytiri · 10 months
i'm so boredddd
time for random questions
what's your🫵 skincare routine? 🧖‍♀️
what products do you🫵 use?🧼🧴
(might go around asking these questions at random avatar writers hehe)
hiiii my 🫵 anon hehe. how are you love?
ooohhh i love sharing products! i’m gonna preface this by saying i have very oily, acne prone skin so 😀 and i’m gonna say my skincare n makeup routine bc why not!
1. to cleanse in the am, i use garnier micellar water on a cotton round (i’m always running late/never have time to do a full face wash lol)
2. then, i like to use panoxyl’s oil control moisturizer (has spf 30 which is great, i kill two birds with one stone using a combined moisturizer/spf). if i know i’m going to be in the sun for longer than 30 min, i also apply the skinscience sunscreen (it’s very glowy tho so i’m not positive it’s great for my oily skin lol)
3. i recently purchased the elf power grip primer (the new pink one with niacinamide) and it’s nice! so i’ll use some of that and press it in, don’t rub since it has that tackiness feel to it and you don’t want the product to pill
4. then i’ll either spot conceal if i’m in a big rush w/ the dior forever skin correct, or if i have time, apply charlotte tilbury’s beautiful skin foundation (it’s pretty lightweight which is nice, especially in the summer)
5. for brows, i love the nyx eyebrow pencil. it’s a staple for me, i’ve been using it for years now. for contour, i also recently picked up the elf halo glow contour beauty wand, and it’s a very good dupe for the charlotte tilbury contour wand. dare i say better?
6. for mascara, honestly any drugstore mascara is good. i also like the little mini “travel” sized ones from sephora, since you’re supposed to replace mascara every month anyway. might as well spend $13 on the mini instead of $28 for the full size one since it’s getting tossed at the end of the month regardless!
7. for powder, maybelline fit me (the loose one) is great, and givenchy makes a good loose powder too but it’s $$. setting spray i like urban decay’s all nighter, but i don’t use setting spray every day.
8. at night, i always double cleanse. it is essential. i use an oil cleanser from the dermatology group i belong to, it’s pretty nice. it removes all the mineral spf that’s sitting on top of the skin, as well as makeup. then for cleanser, i like cerave’s foaming facial cleanser, or their acne control cleanser. both are nice.
9. then i use the advanced snail 96 mucin power essence after cleansing, slimy yes but it makes your skin look dewy and glowy. and after that i apply a moisturizer & retinol from the derm group i belong to :) and then eye cream & lash serum!
wowee that’s a lot hahaha sorry for info dumping i just love talking abt products, this was such a fun ask <3
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