#orange county fairgrounds
jeffcbliss · 2 years
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Gregory Finsley (left) and Mike McManus of Queen Nation - The Hangar/Orange County Fairgrounds; Costa Mesa, CA (8-11-22). @QueenNation2013
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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thevampirelevi · 7 months
Adventureland | Part I
"Flight of Icarus." (part 1/7)
cw: vampire!eddie x fem!reader, mentions of grief, mentions of blood, introduction; no actual interaction between reader and eddie (yet)
wc: 1041 ☆
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After the events of the Upside Down, a confused- albeit somewhat the same - 'Eddie the Banished' crawls his way back to Hawkins and seeks refuge in the now abandoned theme park, where he one day finds an equally confused - albeit somewhat the same - you.
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The horizon ahead of you resembled something of an unfinished Michelangelo project with all of its ‘cadmium orange’ and ‘cobalt blue.’ The further south you drove, the more you found evidence of a burning ‘sienna’ in the mix as well, brushed onto that plaster sky still wet from the rain earlier today. You thought if you pushed the gas just a little more, you might soon start to see outlines of God extending his hand to Adam, but you were going 55 now and the only change in scenery was that the clouds were quickly taking on a darker hue.
The sun is setting and you’ve not even touched the asphalt of the fairgrounds yet. Maybe you should have admitted that you were somewhat lost one ‘Sattler Quarry’ ago, but you were too determined to turn back now. You had your mother’s Lou Reed cassette in your car stereo, playing “Perfect Day” from side A. You could sometimes listen to the whole tape without crying, and you had already had your mind set on today being one of those days.
You were also fixed on reliving some of your favorite memories with her, which is what brought you back to good ol’ Hawkins in the first place. Before the days of factory smoke pollution and L trains, you went through a good portion of your growing pains in Roane County. Then your father’s job pulled your family of three to Bloomington, before dreams of your own pulled you out of ‘Indie’ altogether.
But now you’re back, for the first time since the funeral. Has it been a year already? It felt like only yesterday to you, but so did all of your other resurfacing memories at the very moment you drove into your old hometown. Most of which plagued you the second your car neared that playground. You didn’t dare look in the direction of the schools, it took one year in Chicago and a whole other sabbatical year in New York for you to at least try to forget every classroom you’d ever entered since kindergarten. You had to practically reinvent yourself just to be free of any of the names you’d ever been called haunting every mirror you met. You prayed you wouldn’t recognize anyone, and moreover that no one would recognize you, especially those whomst had made you hate this town in the first place.
“You’re going to reap just what you sow,” sings your janky car radio as you cruise down Morehead Street, passing an abandoned house just as the Roane County Fairgrounds come into view. 
It had only just now occurred to you to consider whether or not you were dreaming as you silently sat in your car, staring past your rearview mirror and at the broken bulbs of the large and all too familiar ‘Adventureland’ sign. Last time you had caught even a glimpse of this place was in February of 1986, surely it couldn’t have been completely stranded since then?
The flecks of light snow you’d seen giving the place an almost powdered sugar finish last time, were now replaced with heavy and mangled vines, as well as wilder patches of moss. You could see that a bird had made itself a home in the ‘U’ of the buzzing sign, but there was no telling if it had belonged to the murder of crows that quickly flew away from the pavement at the creaky sound of your car door slamming once you stepped out of your station wagon.
It wasn’t the cold suddenly nipping at your nose that made you regret stepping out just as soon as you did, nor the fact that you were seemingly utterly alone. Rather, it was the slight prick of fear at the possibility that you weren’t.
Be it your intuition or not, you pushed that and all of your other worrying thoughts aside. Catching a peek of sunlight dancing on the broken glass of one of the carousel’s mirrors ahead of you, you used what little daylight there was left and the fact that there was still electricity powering the very broken sign as motivation to tread farther and approach the gates for a closer look at least.
Almost as if a sign to continue and no doubt only fueling your curiosity, you found the undone chain hanging from the rusted iron wickets of the gate to clearly have been cut with bolt cutters or something alike, as if anticipating your arrival. Determined to get at least half of what you came here for, and even more determined not to run away and cry at what might arguably be the biggest roadblock to your plans, you made your way inside the at least somewhat abandoned theme park.
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The sound of metal scraping against the gravel of the ground made Eddie’s head snap toward the direction of the park entrance hundreds of feet away. Of course, thanks to his annoyingly heightened senses, he’d heard the sound of slightly balding tires screeching to a halt before that - but that itself wasn’t a rare occurrence here.
Occasionally, someone would journey too far past Forest Hills, only to find a more and more desolate and straight up abandoned version of Hawkins. But, like clockwork, they’d all turn right back around and rejoin the rest of society. This, along with the scavenging raccoons in the trash cans and squirrels climbing up and over the fences, or even the whisperings of things lurking in the woods nearby, were all sounds that Eddie had learned to ignore. In fact, most of his time here was spent trying to ignore all signs of life.
But this rare sound, a sound so rare he’d stopped worrying about locking the gates back up long ago, meant that not only was a human nearby, but now they were coming closer. 
So close, in fact, that he could smell the iron in her blood and hear just the faintest ‘thump, thump, thump,’ of her heart synchronizing with the steps she made drawing nearer and nearer to his hiding spot; his favorite ride when both he and Adventureland were alive, ‘Flight of Icarus.’
And man, Icarus sure was flying too close to the sun.
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thedeviousdevilxx · 2 years
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Guns n Roses performing “Mr. Brownstone”, at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Middleton NY 1988
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork at “For What It’s Worth,” a Spirit Movement 1969 event in Fond du Lac, June 1969; photo courtesy of The Commonwealth Reporter.
“Peter Tork answered questions and discussed life from the point of view of a 27-year-old television star and entertainer at the Cow Palace Thursday night. About 1,200 persons attended the show, sponsored by the Spirit Movement 1969, and called For What It’s Worth.’ Tork also sang six or seven songs including the popular Giant Step and Can You Dig It?’” - The Commonwealth Reporter, June 20, 1969
“Right now I’m working with my friend Bobby Hammer on a film. I’m going to deliver a lecture on the generation gap in Aspen, Colorado, and I’m going to show a film just to keep them interested.” - Peter Tork, NME, January 25, 1969
“Television star and artist Peter Tork will be in Fond du Lac next Thursday for a program in the county pavilion (cow palace) and the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds. Gaining national popularity as one of the four zany lads in ‘The Monkees,’ Tork is noted for his unique un-Hollywood personality and his concern for other people. ‘For What It’s Worth’ will be the name of the program featuring Tork. It will be a multi-media presentation sponsored by the Spirit Movement 1969. The show will have music, slides, lights and a rap session with the star. For What It’s Worth’ will center around a theme of important to both youth and adults. The program will consist of expressions of ‘worth’ by Fond du Lac youths participating in SM69. The presentation will be the second in a series of cultural events aimed at giving young people an opportunity to express themselves through the varied medias of sound, light, music, poetry and drama. ‘For What It’s Worth’ will be given free of charge.” - Fond du Lac Commonwealth Reporter, June 13, 1969
“[Peter Tork spent] two days in Fond du Lac talking with youths in small groups [on] behalf of the Spirit Movement 1969. He culminated his stay with a performance before about 900 fans at the Cow Palace and added just a touch of philosophy to show the serious side of Peter Tork. For the gathering at what was called a ‘multi-media’ program, Tork sang some of his old favorites, ‘Bartender,’ ‘Giant Step,’ ‘Can You Dig It?’ [a Tork song and composition] and others. Also on the program were a rock band, dramatic sketches, psychedelic lights, poetry reading, a vocal duo and a sitar-tablas combination. The three-hour program was done with some restraint and in good taste. There were a number of curious adults in the audience. The youngsters, ranging down to 7-year-olds, were attentive and well-behaved. The show was free. Earlier Tork discusses his plans for a new group now in rehearsal and the reasons why he separated from ‘The Monkees.’ He said, ‘three just can’t pull one way and have one pull another.’ […] Tork will have drums, bass, guitar and keyboard (an instrument much like an organ) in his group. Two of the musicians (including the drummer) will be girls. ‘Our first step will be to make tapes and send them out to radio stations,’ he said in an interview. ‘Then we hope one of our numbers will make the top 100 recordings. If we get on that list, then a booking agent will sign us.’ He said he first had planned to name his group ‘Release’ but it now is called ‘Peter Tork and/or Release’ ‘so that I can capitalize on the drawing power of my name. ‘The release part of it means I am free of the group,’ he joked. Tork appeared at the Cow Palace in a multi-colored blouse and orange trousers and a number of trinkets hung around his neck — ‘gifts from friends in the audience,’ he said. Before his performance he signed a hundred autographs for youthful fans and well-wishers. Tork showed good musicianship on the guitar (gained through years of toil in New York coffeehouses) and a strong, interesting voice — something he rarely was given to displaying on ‘The Monkees’ TV show of a few seasons back. At one point he told his audience, ‘We are trying to get happy. There is too much unhappiness in this world.’ He also told those in his audience ‘not to worry so much.’” - The Commonwealth Reporter, June 20, 1969
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ediewentmissing · 2 years
maybe something where he finally kisses her or something? Just something where he shows affection for the first time in general? The fic was SOOOOO good… SOOOO good! 🫶🫶🫶
of course you can have a part 2!! 💕thank you sm! i hope you like it~ part 1
After the heartbreaking conversation you had with Eddie a couple days ago, you can't help but see him from a different perspective. Everything made perfect sense now as if it all fit like a jigsaw puzzle. You've recognized his shy show of appreciation towards you branching out a little. His affection has gone from bashful side glances to full-hearted smiles. It still wasn't enough, but you knew full well he was trying his best to get out of his 'shut out' habit and was slowly getting out of his shell. You just had to give him time.
The Fun Fair lights shone majestically in the dark as you and Eddie walked around the fairgrounds, sweet, pink fairy floss dissolving away in your mouths. Eddie had so generously given up his Friday night (and his well-earned Hideout money) to take you to the Roane County Fair as an apology, even though you'd insisted that he had nothing at all to be sorry for.
"This one! This one!" He yells excitedly, sprinting towards the Balloon Pop game. You quickly race after him, mimicking the smile on his face. It was a wall covered in balloons of different colours. Red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. Beside the wall were toys and plushies hung up, most of which were cartoon characters.
"Are you sure you have a good enough aim for this, Eds? I've seen you with a dart board before. Suffice it to say you didn't even hit the board once." You smirk at him and he rolls his eyes playfully.
"I was probably drunk, Y/N. I have an excellent aim thank you very much." He crosses his arms and stomps, turning his face away from you in mock irritation.
"Nope. Sober as a judge." You smirk.
"Shut up."
The kid before you had finished their go, failing miserably. You watch sympathetically as he sorrowfully makes his way back to his mum, no prize in hand.
The man running the game clears his throat, "Ehm. Two tickets." He sounded cold and stern like he was sick of his job. He reaches his hand out over the wide countertop and Eddie struggles to pull the tickets out of his leather jacket pocket. Once he does, the man offers you and Eddie one pin each.
"Alright," Eddie inhales, focussing his eyes on the yellow balloon directly in front of him and holding the pin straight at it, "I can do this." He pulls his arm back and throws it... and you immediately throw a fit of laughter. He missed it entirely, it didn't even hit the wall, it hit the ground and got stuck in the soil.
"Shut your gob, Y/N," You wipe tears away from your eyes, still giggling, "Like you could do better." You straighten up, turning to him with a testing grin. You put your hands on your hips.
"Is that a bet, Munson?" He looks at the balloons, then back at you, smirking. He hums, reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a ten.
"If I can't do it, you can't do it. If you somehow can, ten bucks are on the table," He leans into your ear, "Good luck, Sweetheart." Your stomach floods with butterflies, but you push them down so you can focus on leveling your pin to a balloon. You pull your arm backward and toss it hard.
And you must have had your arm in a flawless position, because the yellow balloon pops with a bang, and Eddie's mouth is left gaping as you swipe the money out of his hand happily.
"Cheater." He mumbles. You roll your eyes.
"Here you go, ma'am." The game operator pulls a raccoon plush down from behind him and passes it to you. You smile and nod at him and quickly rush away from the booth without warning. Eddie stands in place, confused until he spots you giving the raccoon to the little kid who didn't win anything. He chuckles to himself as you come back to where he was standing.
"Aw, but I wanted the raccoon." He pouts at you and you nudge his shoulder before grabbing his hand to lead him away from the game towards the Ferris wheel. It was beautiful. Pretty lights littered it in fun patterns as the pods went slowly around.
"Hey, wait, wait, wait!" Eddie stops walking, making you stop as well, unleashing his hand, "The Ferris wheel? Can't we go somewhere else? Like... like..." He looks around the fairgrounds, "Like the Fun House!" You stare at him blankly.
"Why not the Ferris wheel? You scared or something?" You ask him sarcastically, but when he doesn't answer, you gasp, "Eddie Munson has a fear of heights?! The big, tough Eddie Munson?! Who would've known?" He tries to take back what you've said.
"No! I-I don't have any fears. I'm fearless." You tilt your head skeptically, "Fearless." He repeats scornfully.
"Then you won't mind if we went on the Ferris wheel, will you?" Before he can make up some stupid excuse, you seize his wrist and run towards the big wheel. Eddie gulps, following along.
When you make it into one of the compartments on the ride, Eddie sits next to you apprehensively as the ride starts to move. He grasps your hand firmly, refusing to look down, squeezing his eyes tightly shut.
You place your palm on his thigh, rubbing it kindly to try to compose him. He opens his eyes cautiously, looking at you. It's like his fear melts away as he focuses on you. Your profile, your mannerisms, everything...
Especially your lips.
The tenseness of the situation lingers as you survey his lips as well, still holding his hand, but the tightness of his grip has thawed. The air is thick with attraction. As the pod you're both sitting in comes to a stop at the very top of the Ferris wheel, fireworks go off in the distance, illuminating the sky with an array of colours.
Everything was peaceful.
Eddie cups your face with both hands. In a blur of warmth, your lips meet each other. His back hunches so you're completely encompassed by him, moving your mouths together. His nose is smashes against yours and you swear you can feel euphoria.
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duckapus · 1 year
The Goomba Arc
Super Meme Bootcamp
SMGs 1 and 2 are disappointed to find out that 3 and 4 have been somewhat neglecting their Guardian Training ever since the God Box and decide to put them through a week long crash course with Mario and Lil Coding’s help. Chaos inevitably ensues, and this time it’ll have far reaching consequences
Mario Replaces His Water Heater
Exactly what it sounds like, and for once all hell breaking loose isn’t even his fault.
New Demigod on the Block
There’s a County Fair in town this week, and Mario, SMG3 and Melony all end up deciding to go together. There they meet Franky and a very quiet, seemingly human teenage boy with orange-and-black hair and bright green eyes he insists is his new brother Desmond. Melony and Desmond turn out to get along really well, so the two groups decide to join up and enjoy the fair together. All the while unaware that they’re being watched from the shadows…
As it happens, Desmond has a lot in common with Melony, specifically pre-Zero Melony. He doesn’t really say anything, is curious about and confused by all sorts of relatively mundane things, seems to have Narcolepsy, and is weirdly empathetic towards and protective of sports equipment, of all things. When she decides to address it and figure out who-or what-Desmond really is, their stalker comes out of hiding, revealing himself to be the not-so-Happy Mask Salesman, who’s come to retrieve the masks the two of them are using.
Turns out Desmond was originally Franky’s basketball, and was changed into his current form when one of the Salesman’s masks landed on it after being stolen and lost by the Wario Bros. So the reason he’s acting like Sleepy Toddler Era Melony is because he sort of is Sleepy Toddler Era Melony! The Salesman has been tracking said mask ever since its theft, and this time he’ll stop at nothing to reclaim his property, as evidenced by him actually using one of his precious masks to turn into some giant monster(doesn’t really matter which one) and attack.
That attack is countered by Mario and 3, who’ve jumped in to keep the Salesman busy so Melony and the kids can get to safety, because between Mario initially creating her in Mario’s Home Alone and 3 bringing her to life by coming up with her weirdly elaborate backstory, she’s Kinda-Sorta-Maybe their kid, and like hell they’re gonna let this nutcase take the body and power she worked so hard to be able to call her own.
So now the action’s split between Melony sprinting away from the battle through the fair while carrying Franky(because Toads have no legs) and Desmond(because he’s asleep again), and the battle itself, which is also moving through the fairgrounds and gets progressively more chaotic as time goes on, especially when 3 manages to snag some masks and turn the Salesman’s strategy against him. Interestingly, 3 has some trouble adjusting to the new forms while Mario just sees them as particularly elaborate Power-ups. There’s even one particular moment where Mario puts on the Mario Mask and becomes the godlike Double Mario, though it doesn’t last long.
Eventually they all end up in the middle of a melon growing contest, the Salesman decides “fuck it, if you’re gonna fight fire with fire then so am I!” and sticks Majora’s Mask on the first place winner, a Minecraft melon three times the normal size(grown by Steve, of course). The result doesn’t end up being Majora’s Wrath as usual, but a woman who’s basically “If Melony was a foot taller and cosplaying as a Majora Giginka,” with an out-of-place bright blue hair ribbon and much longer, more yellowish-green hair
As you might expect from someone desperately invoking a demon, the Salesman gets blasted into the middle distance before she zeroes in on her counterpart and starts attacking her with demonic claws and whips, because apparently being created with specific intent lets you skip the Sleepy Toddler phase and get straight to God Powers. So everybody’s trying not to die, except Desmond who’s somehow still asleep, and Mario decides to start to call the evil melon girl “Welony” which she sort of just goes along with for some reason, and eventually she’s got Franky by the throat and is preparing to gut him like a fish, which is when Desmond goes from “I Sleep” to “Real Shit?” and slams her across the area and away from Franky with a shield bash, because now he’s got Galacta Knight’s lance, shield, wings, horns, and eye color because apparently that’s the mask he’s been wearing. And we get to hear his first real line.
“Don’t. Touch. My Brother.”
They manage to drive her off after that, mostly because even though she skipped the Sleepy Toddler personality she still has the Sleepy Toddler low power reserves, and then they go back to enjoying…what’s left of the fair.
Marcy vs. Retail
When Marcy realizes that sticking around the Mushroom Kingdom to harass her brother is going to require funds, she applies at a local supermarket and somehow gets hired. So now Karen is stuck teaching a violent, short-tempered assassin how to be a cashier, hopefully without landing either of them in jail.
Mario Lives in a Society
Alternatively, Mario and Luigi versus the Annoying Homeowner’s Association. Finally, Mario gets to use his obnoxious personality for something productive.
Animation vs. SMG4
Through an incident involving SMG4’s PC, Tari’s arm, and a can of Diet Sprite, most of the crew ends up on Alan Becker’s computer and Crossover Shenanigans ensue.
Detective Luigi; The Case of the Missing Boopkins
Bob and Jubjub are beside themselves with worry when Boopkins doesn’t show up to pick the latter up from the playground, and go to their friends for help. The crew is more than happy to look for him, with Luigi in particular getting Really Into a Noir Detective roleplay so he’ll have the right mindset for mystery solving. But even though they practically turn the Kingdom upside-down and end up solving a few tangentially related mysteries in the process, there’s no sign of their fishy friend anywhere.
Until he shows up on TV.
On every channel.
Standing on a stage next to a Goomba.
The Goomba Who Sold the World
A Flashback episode, detailing who the Goomba was before he got his powers, what he’s been doing in the background of all the episodes, and why Fishy Boopkins is working for him. Then it catches up to the present, where he makes his speech about how he’s going to change the world and what they all need to do to help him. Including catching Mario and the SMGs. The episode ends with the three of them and Lil Coding surrounded by their clearly controlled friends.
Mario: Most Wanted
Thanks mainly to the fact that Melony was immune to The Goomba, the group just barely manages to escape the Showgrounds, only to run into the Military, obviously led by Chris and Swag(it’s deliberately unclear if Swag actually saw the broadcast or if he’s just going “hell yeah Swiggity Swooggity Comin’ for Dat Phat Italian Booty”). Thankfully, they then get picked up by Steve in his farm truck, which also has SMGs 1 and 2. And Marcy, who apparently doesn’t watch TV and only heard the broadcast on the radio, which had no effect since the User has to be seen for Manual Override to work. The group works together to flee the city, including one terrifying scene where Joe Motherfucking Boopkins is after them!
A “Perfect” World
An episode with barely any Mario, or even jokes, in it, showcasing the bleak, cookie-cutter world that The Goomba seems to think will make everyone happy, whether they want it to or not. It also shows Boopkins’ current horrible situation as The Goomba’s assistant, and his gradually deteriorating mind and body.
Mario Plays Minecraft Mods in an Undisclosed Location(ft. Steve)
This is a terrible idea, but SMG4 argues that with things as they are now the world needs Memes more than ever, and besides, it’s something to distract their two known troublemakers while the others are shoring up their defenses.
Welcome to the Resistance
Bad news; despite their best efforts, somebody managed to find the group. Good news; the people who found them are on their side. As it turns out, Professor E. Gadd’s eyesight is so bad that the Manual Override couldn’t trigger even with his glasses mostly correcting things. So he did what any sensible Mad Scientist would do under these circumstances and went out to find other people not affected. The results:
-Karen, who was making dinner, heard the kind of shit The Goomba was spewing and went out to change the channel back to something decent, and was smart enough not to look at the TV when she saw what it was doing to her kittens.
-Franky, who has similar eye problems to the Professor.
-Desmond, who just slept through the whole thing.
-Kaizo, who has never listened unquestioningly to an authority figure in his life and isn’t about to start now.(yes, he managed to beat mind control through sheer force of delinquency.)
-And Hal Monitor, who actually was affected, but went through a hard reboot when one of The Goomba’s instructions would’ve made him Break The Law.
E. Gadd then got to work on a way to block the Override for the members of the team who weren’t immune, using Hal as a willing test subject since he had a reliable un-brainwashing method built in, and through trial and error managed to invent Anti-Hypno Shades(which use the same model as the Octo Shades from Splatoon 2). Meanwhile, SMG4 has his own contribution; he’s managed to get in contact with the Stick guys from Alan’s computer, bolstering their numbers even more since the five of them have the same Outside Entity Immunity as Steve. So now that the full resistance is assembled, it’s time to make a plan.
Meanwhile, in Adminspace
Aka the reason why the Hologram Trio hasn’t been doing anything about this mess; they have, it’s just that what they’re doing involves Domain and Emulator doing a Deep Dive into the game’s Code to figure out what the hell happened, how to fix it, and how to prevent it from happening again, while Forum’s trying to keep the Higher-Ups from doing something drastic. It’s…mostly going well?
Stormin’ the Castle
The Plan is deceptively simple. The Sticks, an army of assorted Minecraft Mobs, Kaizo and Desmond will cause as much mayhem and damage as possible in the city as a distraction, while the rest of the resistance(minus E. Gadd and Franky, who are acting as mission control) sneaks into the Showgrounds Castle, which The Goomba has repurposed as his base of operations. The inside team will find The Goomba and pin him down long enough for Melony, 3 and/or Lil Coding(the three teammates best at code manipulation) to deactivate Manual Override and revoke his Command privileges, hopefully all without getting spotted. Unfortunately plans rarely survive the first phase, or rather the corn maze, which is apparently now a thing that surrounds the castle.
As you might expect, this means they have to deal with Rob in full Lord of Corn mode, as well as the rest of their friends, before they can reach the main event. And when they finally do fight their way to The Goomba, he’s ready for them, and in his arrogance challenges them to a type of War they’re more familiar with…
WOTFI 20??
The challenges are standard WOTFI fair, aside from any of them involving Boopkins who is extremely Out Of It thanks to his dehydration and more severe brainwashing. As usual, it’s the Rap Battle that’s the true main event. Turns out that Marcy and Hal can sing pretty damn well. And when it’s coming down to the wire and nearly everyone’s pinned down by The Goomba’s borrowed might, it’s Steve of all characters who turns out as the MVP, finally, after over a decade of silence, going into his settings and turning on Voice Chat. The result is lyrics so fire that they change the genre of the song, as well as giving the expected second wind that allows the hacker trio and hologram trio to finally depower The Goomba and free everyone. They’d probably have ended up stomping him right then and there, but Hal’s in the group so Due Process must be followed lest they anger him.
After that, we get the standard sendoff scenes. Recovery, reunions, rebuilding, parting of ways, Marcy insists that she’s still the group’s enemy so long as Bob isn’t in the clan and 3 kindly doesn’t call her out on the same bullshit he used to spew after every team up.
And Welony might still be out there, but The Goomba Who Sold the World is powerless once again, and he’s going to be in prison for a long, long time.
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spektrummagazine · 1 year
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Would you believe that it's been six (6!) years since the @clean_culture show in Costa Mesa? Man, oh man were those great times. This squad was amazing. Thank you to everyone that was with us then and now. @spektrummagazine #spektrum #spektrummag #spektrummagazine #cleanculture #teamspektrum #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #orangecounty #teamwork #friends #friendships #family #familia #mood #tbt #Throwback #throwbackthursday #modelo #models #modellifestyle #modelsofinstagram (at Orange County Fairgrounds) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4AKc4rZ8Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wrapboxx · 2 years
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🎠Did you know today’s National Merry-Go-Round Day? Also known as Carousel Day. In the past, merry-go-rounds featured different types of animals and carousels just had horses. But now people used the terms interchangeably. Merry-go-rounds were popular in Europe in the 1700s and 1800s. They came to America in the 1800s. The center pole is historically made from a very tall tree. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or a merry-go-round? This classic carousel music box comes to life as a recreation of old-world amusement park fun, the beautiful hand painted horses move up and down to the tune of Kinder Symphony #MerryGoRoundDay #celebrate #nationaldaycalendar #funholiday #nationalcarouselday #carousel #musicbox #woodenmusicbox #wooderfullife #keepsake #horse #carouselride #merrygoround #fairground #magical #giftshop #nursery #babyshower #kids #birthday #music #bestseller #popular #preorder (at Orange County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgc4rh6v_wi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brookston · 22 days
Holidays 5.16
Academy Awards Day
Ask for Athletic Day
Bike to Wherever Day
Biographer's Day
Border Guard Day (Poland)
Chive Day (French Republic)
Drawing Day
European Maritime Day
516 Day
HAE (Hereditary Angioedema) Day
Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
International Celiac Awareness Day
International Day of Light
International Day of Living Together in Peace
International Day of Protest Against Shock Treatment
International Day of the Boy Child
Let’s Get Creative Day
Love A Tree Day
Martyrs of Sudan Day (Episcopal Church)
Mass Graves Day (Iraq)
Middlesex Day (UK)
Moonwalk Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Biographer’s Day
National Check Your Wipers Day
National Classic Movie Day
National Day (South Sudan)
National Dengue Day (India)
National Denim Day for the CURE Foundation (Canada)
National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day
National EBT Day
National Horse Rescue Day (Australia)
National Piercing Day
National Public Transportation Career Day
National Waiters Day
Nickel Day (US)
Ohio Players Day (Dayton, Ohio)
Pencil Day
Red Hill Holiday (Russia)
Ride a Unicycle Day
Romani Resistance Day
Sea Monkey Day
Sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" in Rounds Day
Sneeze Without Embarrassment Day
SPLA Day (South Sudan)
Sun Bear Day
Sylvia Asteroid Day
Teachers’ Day (Malaysia)
Try Not To Be As Stupid Today As You Normally Are Day
200k Day (Ukraine)
Ubald (Jesus, Pennsylvania)
Wear Purple For Peace Day
World Agri-Tourism Day
World Barrett’s Day
World Bloodless Surgery Day
World Chartreuse Day
World Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) Awareness Day
World Day of Heavy Metal
World Education Support Personnel Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gluten-Free Beer Day (Portland, Oregon)
Hires Root Beer Day
International Ezerjó Day (Hungary)
International Pickle Day
Mimosa Day
National BBQ Day
National Coquilles St. Jacques Day
National Strawberry Milkshake Day
Root Beer Day
Spaghetti-O's Day
Independence & Related Days
Batavian Republic (Established in Holland; 1795)
Boshka (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
British Columbia (Admitted as a Province; Canada; 1871)
Intercontinental Republic of the Americas (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Lombardic Republic (Established; 1796)
New Somerset (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Sikkim State Day (India)
3rd Thursday in May
Brown Bag It Thursday [3rd Thursday]
Global Accessibility Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
Hummus Day [3rd Thursday]
International Vyshyvanka Day [3rd Thursday]
Mental Health Action Day [3rd Thursday]
National Apéritif Day [3rd Thursday]
National Notebook Day [3rd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 16 (2nd Full Week)
National Foul Ball Week (thru 5.21)
National Transportation Week (thru 5.33)
Festivals Beginning May 16, 2024
Asheville Beer Week (Asheville, North Carolina) [thru 5.26]
Beer Garden (Jackson, Wisconsin) [thru 5.17]
Bergkirchweih (Erlangen, Germany) [thru 5.27]
Calavaras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee (Calaveras County Fairgrounds, California) [thru 5.19]
Glyndebourne Festival Opera (Lewes, United Kingdom) [thru 8.25]
Greek Festival (Paramus, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
National Morel Mushroom Festival (Boyne City, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
Orange City Tulip Festival (Orange City, Iowa) [thru 5.18]
Pasadena Strawberry Festival (Pasadena, Texas) [thru 5.19]
Paso Wine Fest (Paso Robles, California) [thru 5.19]
Rooster Days (Broken Arrow, Oklahoma) [thru 5.19]
Rose’ Revival and Other Cool Whites (Kirkland, Washington)
Saint Petersburg International Book Fair (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 5.19]
San Diego International Fringe Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 5.26]
TETWP Beers For Boobs (Twin Falls County, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aaron (Coptic Church)
Abda and Abdjesus, and companions (Christian; Saint)
Abdas of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Advanced Tree Hugging and Arborial Sex Day (Pastafarian)
Aleksandr Laktionov (Artology)
Alfred Pellan (Artology)
Andrew Bobola (Christian; Saint)
Beige Fraggle (Muppetism)
Bismarck Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brendan the Navigator (Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Eastern Orthodox Church)
Carantoc (a.k.a. Carannog; Christian; Saint)
Caroline Chisholm (Church of England)
Domnolus (Christian; Saint)
Eir’s Blot (Pagan)
Gemma Galgani (Passionists Calendar)
Germerius (Christian; Saint)
Hadrian (Positivist; Saint)
Honoratus of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
John of Nepomuk (Christian; Martyr) [Bohemia, Czech Republic]
John Sell Cotman (Artology)
Laura Wheeler Waring (Artology)
Margaret of Cortona (Christian; Saint)
Martyrs of Sudan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Peregrine of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Possidius (Christian; Saint)
Say Goodbye to Bad Relationships Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Simon Stock (Christian; Saint)
Skinny Dipping Day (Pastafarian)
Studs Terkel (Writerism)
Tamara de Lempicka (Artology)
Ubald of Gubbio (Christian; Saint)
Woody Herman (Humanist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Wikipedia launched.)
Agent in Place, by Helen MacInnes (Novel; 1976)
Annie Get Your Gun (Broadway Musical; 1946)
Beer The Movie (Film; 2006)
Breaker Morant (Film; 1980)
But Seriously, Folks…, by Joe Walsh (Album; 1978)
The Day of the Locust, by Nathanael West (Novel; 1939) 
The Eighth Day, buy Thornton Wilder (Novel; 1967)
Fame (Film; 1980)
Godzilla (Film; 2014)
Great Lion of God, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1970)
The Great Train Robbery, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1975)
The Iceman Ducketh (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
I’d Love to Take Orders from You (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again, by Elton John and Taron Egerton (Song; 2019)
Just Dogs (Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
Le Triomphe de L’Amour (Court Opera; 1681)
Little Gravel Voice (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Live at Leeds, by The Who (Live Album; 1970)
Lucky Pigs (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
The Magic Shell (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Film; 1956)
Moonlight Becomes You, by Mary Higgins Clark (Novel; 1996)
Okey Dokey Donkey (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1958)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Album; 2000)
Pet Sounds, by The Beach Boys (Album; 1966)
Pink Aye (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1974)
Que Sera, Sera *Whatever Will Be, Will Be), by Doris Day (Song; 1956)
Shrek (Animated Film; 2001)
The Soft Machine, by William S. Burroughs (Novel; 1961)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Film; 2013)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Film; 2002)
Summer Wind, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1966)
Sweet Liberty (Film; 1986)
Swimmer Take All (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Tai-Pan, by James Clavell (Novel; 1966)
Tennessee River, by Alabama (Song; 1980)
Top Gun (Film; 1986)
Two Gun Goofy (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Johann (Austria)
Adam, Cvjetko, Ivan (Croatia)
Přemysl (Czech Republic)
Sara (Denmark)
Esta, Este, Ester, Esti (Estonia)
Essi, Ester, Esteri (Finland)
Brendan, Honoré (France)
Adolf, Johann Nepomuk (Germany)
Botond, Mózes (Hungary)
Adamo, Margherita, Oderzo, Tiziano, Ubaldo (Italy)
Edijs, Edvīns, Inese, Inesis (Latvia)
Andrius, Ubaldas, Vaidmantas (Lithuania)
Sara, Siren (Norway)
Andrzej, Honorat, Jan Nepomucen, Jędrzej, Szymon, Trzebomysł, Ubald, Wieńczysław, Wiktorian (Poland)
Natan, Paisie, Sila, Teodor (România)
Svetozár (Slovakia)
Honorato, Simón, Ubaldo (Spain)
Ronald, Ronny (Sweden)
Brand, Branden, Brandi, Brandon, Brandy, Brannon, Brant, Brenda, Brendan, Brenden, Brendon, Brenna, Brennan, Brent, Brenton (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 137 of 2024; 229 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 9 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 8 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 8 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 17 Magenta; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 3 May 2024
Moon: 61%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Caesar (5th Month) [Hadrian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 59 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 27 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 23 days
Holidays 5.16
Academy Awards Day
Ask for Athletic Day
Bike to Wherever Day
Biographer's Day
Border Guard Day (Poland)
Chive Day (French Republic)
Drawing Day
European Maritime Day
516 Day
HAE (Hereditary Angioedema) Day
Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
International Celiac Awareness Day
International Day of Light
International Day of Living Together in Peace
International Day of Protest Against Shock Treatment
International Day of the Boy Child
Let’s Get Creative Day
Love A Tree Day
Martyrs of Sudan Day (Episcopal Church)
Mass Graves Day (Iraq)
Middlesex Day (UK)
Moonwalk Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Biographer’s Day
National Check Your Wipers Day
National Classic Movie Day
National Day (South Sudan)
National Dengue Day (India)
National Denim Day for the CURE Foundation (Canada)
National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day
National EBT Day
National Horse Rescue Day (Australia)
National Piercing Day
National Public Transportation Career Day
National Waiters Day
Nickel Day (US)
Ohio Players Day (Dayton, Ohio)
Pencil Day
Red Hill Holiday (Russia)
Ride a Unicycle Day
Romani Resistance Day
Sea Monkey Day
Sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" in Rounds Day
Sneeze Without Embarrassment Day
SPLA Day (South Sudan)
Sun Bear Day
Sylvia Asteroid Day
Teachers’ Day (Malaysia)
Try Not To Be As Stupid Today As You Normally Are Day
200k Day (Ukraine)
Ubald (Jesus, Pennsylvania)
Wear Purple For Peace Day
World Agri-Tourism Day
World Barrett’s Day
World Bloodless Surgery Day
World Chartreuse Day
World Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) Awareness Day
World Day of Heavy Metal
World Education Support Personnel Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gluten-Free Beer Day (Portland, Oregon)
Hires Root Beer Day
International Ezerjó Day (Hungary)
International Pickle Day
Mimosa Day
National BBQ Day
National Coquilles St. Jacques Day
National Strawberry Milkshake Day
Root Beer Day
Spaghetti-O's Day
Independence & Related Days
Batavian Republic (Established in Holland; 1795)
Boshka (Declared; 2007) [unrecognized]
British Columbia (Admitted as a Province; Canada; 1871)
Intercontinental Republic of the Americas (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Lombardic Republic (Established; 1796)
New Somerset (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Sikkim State Day (India)
3rd Thursday in May
Brown Bag It Thursday [3rd Thursday]
Global Accessibility Awareness Day [3rd Thursday]
Hummus Day [3rd Thursday]
International Vyshyvanka Day [3rd Thursday]
Mental Health Action Day [3rd Thursday]
National Apéritif Day [3rd Thursday]
National Notebook Day [3rd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 16 (2nd Full Week)
National Foul Ball Week (thru 5.21)
National Transportation Week (thru 5.33)
Festivals Beginning May 16, 2024
Asheville Beer Week (Asheville, North Carolina) [thru 5.26]
Beer Garden (Jackson, Wisconsin) [thru 5.17]
Bergkirchweih (Erlangen, Germany) [thru 5.27]
Calavaras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee (Calaveras County Fairgrounds, California) [thru 5.19]
Glyndebourne Festival Opera (Lewes, United Kingdom) [thru 8.25]
Greek Festival (Paramus, New Jersey) [thru 5.19]
National Morel Mushroom Festival (Boyne City, Michigan) [thru 5.19]
Orange City Tulip Festival (Orange City, Iowa) [thru 5.18]
Pasadena Strawberry Festival (Pasadena, Texas) [thru 5.19]
Paso Wine Fest (Paso Robles, California) [thru 5.19]
Rooster Days (Broken Arrow, Oklahoma) [thru 5.19]
Rose’ Revival and Other Cool Whites (Kirkland, Washington)
Saint Petersburg International Book Fair (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [thru 5.19]
San Diego International Fringe Festival (San Diego, California) [thru 5.26]
TETWP Beers For Boobs (Twin Falls County, Idaho)
Feast Days
Aaron (Coptic Church)
Abda and Abdjesus, and companions (Christian; Saint)
Abdas of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Advanced Tree Hugging and Arborial Sex Day (Pastafarian)
Aleksandr Laktionov (Artology)
Alfred Pellan (Artology)
Andrew Bobola (Christian; Saint)
Beige Fraggle (Muppetism)
Bismarck Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brendan the Navigator (Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Eastern Orthodox Church)
Carantoc (a.k.a. Carannog; Christian; Saint)
Caroline Chisholm (Church of England)
Domnolus (Christian; Saint)
Eir’s Blot (Pagan)
Gemma Galgani (Passionists Calendar)
Germerius (Christian; Saint)
Hadrian (Positivist; Saint)
Honoratus of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
John of Nepomuk (Christian; Martyr) [Bohemia, Czech Republic]
John Sell Cotman (Artology)
Laura Wheeler Waring (Artology)
Margaret of Cortona (Christian; Saint)
Martyrs of Sudan (Episcopal Church (USA))
Peregrine of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Possidius (Christian; Saint)
Say Goodbye to Bad Relationships Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Simon Stock (Christian; Saint)
Skinny Dipping Day (Pastafarian)
Studs Terkel (Writerism)
Tamara de Lempicka (Artology)
Ubald of Gubbio (Christian; Saint)
Woody Herman (Humanist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Wikipedia launched.)
Agent in Place, by Helen MacInnes (Novel; 1976)
Annie Get Your Gun (Broadway Musical; 1946)
Beer The Movie (Film; 2006)
Breaker Morant (Film; 1980)
But Seriously, Folks…, by Joe Walsh (Album; 1978)
The Day of the Locust, by Nathanael West (Novel; 1939) 
The Eighth Day, buy Thornton Wilder (Novel; 1967)
Fame (Film; 1980)
Godzilla (Film; 2014)
Great Lion of God, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1970)
The Great Train Robbery, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1975)
The Iceman Ducketh (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
I’d Love to Take Orders from You (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again, by Elton John and Taron Egerton (Song; 2019)
Just Dogs (Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
Le Triomphe de L’Amour (Court Opera; 1681)
Little Gravel Voice (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Live at Leeds, by The Who (Live Album; 1970)
Lucky Pigs (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
The Magic Shell (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (Film; 1956)
Moonlight Becomes You, by Mary Higgins Clark (Novel; 1996)
Okey Dokey Donkey (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1958)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Album; 2000)
Pet Sounds, by The Beach Boys (Album; 1966)
Pink Aye (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1974)
Que Sera, Sera *Whatever Will Be, Will Be), by Doris Day (Song; 1956)
Shrek (Animated Film; 2001)
The Soft Machine, by William S. Burroughs (Novel; 1961)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Film; 2013)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Film; 2002)
Summer Wind, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1966)
Sweet Liberty (Film; 1986)
Swimmer Take All (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Tai-Pan, by James Clavell (Novel; 1966)
Tennessee River, by Alabama (Song; 1980)
Top Gun (Film; 1986)
Two Gun Goofy (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Johann (Austria)
Adam, Cvjetko, Ivan (Croatia)
Přemysl (Czech Republic)
Sara (Denmark)
Esta, Este, Ester, Esti (Estonia)
Essi, Ester, Esteri (Finland)
Brendan, Honoré (France)
Adolf, Johann Nepomuk (Germany)
Botond, Mózes (Hungary)
Adamo, Margherita, Oderzo, Tiziano, Ubaldo (Italy)
Edijs, Edvīns, Inese, Inesis (Latvia)
Andrius, Ubaldas, Vaidmantas (Lithuania)
Sara, Siren (Norway)
Andrzej, Honorat, Jan Nepomucen, Jędrzej, Szymon, Trzebomysł, Ubald, Wieńczysław, Wiktorian (Poland)
Natan, Paisie, Sila, Teodor (România)
Svetozár (Slovakia)
Honorato, Simón, Ubaldo (Spain)
Ronald, Ronny (Sweden)
Brand, Branden, Brandi, Brandon, Brandy, Brannon, Brant, Brenda, Brendan, Brenden, Brendon, Brenna, Brennan, Brent, Brenton (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 137 of 2024; 229 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 9 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 8 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 8 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 17 Magenta; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 3 May 2024
Moon: 61%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Caesar (5th Month) [Hadrian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 59 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 27 of 31)
1 note · View note
brick-wahl · 9 months
Unrecorded and unfilmed
Hot damn. At the Orange County Fairgrounds, no less. The fact that this, and similar festivals in ‘67, ‘68, and ‘69 were not filmed and recorded is I suppose because the concept of doing so was so new. The technology was new and the people with the necessary technical skills to film and record live music in an anarchic festival setting were few and far between. Financial backing was very…
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jeffcbliss · 1 year
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Gregory Finsley of Queen Nation - The Hangar/Orange County Fairgrounds; Costa Mesa, CA (8-11-22). @QueenNation2013
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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bwnewport · 11 months
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thedeviousdevilxx · 2 years
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Guns n Roses, Orange County Fairgrounds, Middleton, NY 1988
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usstatesguide · 11 months
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effectpedal · 1 year
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