#otp: the definition of cool
lover-of-mine · 1 year
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Inspired by The Definition of Love and All Things Ineffable by @elvensorceress on ao3
Everything is still. Quiet. He stares like he’s never seen. He probably hasn’t. But it sings through every cell in his body. Eddie… the things Eddie sees as love…
Eddie breathes slowly and wets his lips. “All I know about the kind of love you’re asking about? Is you. Love, to me, is you.”
Buck knows it’s true because he feels it. He’s always felt it. He’s never really doubted the strength and depth of their bond, just how to qualify it.
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oneirataxia-girl · 5 months
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okay people I need everyone to drop everything now and LOOK AT MY DARLING MARI OMG, Hadley @supermarine-silvally was kind enough to make me art of Mari and I Have Not Stopped fangirling over it since they sent it to me. this is my new roman empire now (as if I need another reason to go feral over Mari)
check under the cut for a surprise 🤭 minor spoilers for Wano, but it’s just one line tbh
"Bepo, don't touch that! It's not done yet!"
The polar bear hung his head as he drew his paw back from the half-finished cannon, "Sorry."
"Don't apologize!" Penguin chastised, the penguin charm on his cap shaking in tandem with his head.
"Yeah!" Added Shachi, tossing a dirty look at Kenji, who raised his arms in surrender, "We're all on the same level here, so don't order us around like you're higher than us, Strawhat!"
"Aren’t you bossing us around right now?"
As the Strawhats -- mostly Franky and Chopper -- and the Hearts started to argue, a huff of laughter diverted the two crewmates’ attention to the last crew’s second-in-command. Killer had his arms crossed in front of his chest, mask covering his face as always; Kenji didn't make a complaint as the blond-haired man shoved through the throng of people and wrapped a muscular arm around his shoulder.
"Pretty sure Kenji knows his stuff better than you, Heart. So listen to him on this."
"Stop ordering us around!"
Chaos descended back on the Sunny as the crews, now three rather than two, shot insults and jabs at each other. Under the deck, the captains exchanged glances at the ruckus.
"Your crew’s done something again, Strawhat."
"Why me? It’s probably Jaggy's fault!"
The redhead threw a spoon at Luffy while spewing a stream of insults. Sighing, Law raised a hand to tug on his hat, only to remember that the top of his head was empty. Kid’s head was similarly void of his usual headgear, something Luffy didn’t hesitate to point out as soon as he stepped into the room.
"Jaggy! Your hair looks good without your goggles!"
Kid snapped his head in Luffy's direction. The blue hairband holding his hair back was distinctly not a part of the captain's wardrobe. Indeed, the accessory stood out among the reds and blacks that Kid favored like how Law's lack of his cap also drew Luffy's attention as soon as he saw the doctor.
"Did I miss something? Why are you not wearing your hat, Tra-guy?"
Behind him, Kid made a sound that was a mixture of a scoff and a snicker, "Yeah Doctor, where's your hat?"
With a glance at the hair accessory perched on the redhead, Law’s mouth twitched slightly, "You know perfectly well where it is."
Up on the deck, the Heart, Strawhat, and Kid pirates had each taken up a corner of the ship. Arguing about everything from whose captain was the strongest, to which crew had the greatest feats; Zoro looked ready to draw his swords and dice up the next human (or mink) who said Law was the best out of the three captains, and Kenji just seemed flattered that he managed to start such a debate.
That was, until Mari slid down from the crow's nest.
"Brook," she started, striding across the wooden floor with soundless steps, "It's your turn to keep watch, my shift's done."
The skeleton opened his mouth, but only the clack of his jawbone falling to the floor came out. Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi had identical looks of shock on their faces; even Killer seemed surprised behind his mask.
Mari's forehead furrowed as she took in their expressions, "What?"
"Mari," Kenji said from his place next to the Kid Pirates’ second-in-command, "What's that on your head?"
Reaching up, Mari repeated her crewmate's question with a confused look, her eyes widened for a fraction of a second as she registered exactly what sat on her head, then her face returned to her usual expression of boredom.
"A cap."
"Just a cap?" asked Kenji, smile too wide for it to be normal. Mari’s eyes narrowed at him, but he didn't seem to be fazed by her as she answered simply:
"And some goggles."
Kenji nodded sagely, turning around to tap Killer on the shoulder, "Kill, don't you think my crewmate's new goggles look familiar?"
The blond man nodded back just as gravely, the gravity of his stance offset by a few gasps of laughter escaping him as he observed, "I've certainly seen it somewhere."
"Captain's cap?!"
"Are those Kid’s googles?!"
"Has anyone seen my jaw?!"
Numerous pairs of eyes turned around to look at Brook.
"Ah, here it is! Thank you, Robin."
Robin’s arm replied with a thumbs up.
"Ah-ah," said Kenji, bringing the attention back to the woman about to leave the deck, "where do you think you’re going, young lady?"
"I’m two years older than you."
"Barely two years older than me."
"Still counts."
"On paper maybe, but --"
"Why do you have Captain’s hat?!" Demanded Bepo, flanked by Penguin and Shachi, who were both glaring at Mari under the shades of their own hats, "You stole it, didn’t you!"
Removing her hand from the doorknob, Mari sighed softly and tugged at the spotted brim of the hat, "Your captain gave it to me."
"Did Kid also give you his goggles?" Came the question from Wire.
"He shoved them in my face and stomped off."
"Sounds like him," Heat muttered, getting a chorus of agreements from his crew.
The Heart Pirates, on the contrary, weren’t so easily convinced, "Why would our captain give anything to a Strawhat?"
Mari shrugged in response, tucking a hand behind her back as the other one started to open the door leading down into the interior of the Sunny, "He doesn’t explain things to me. And if that’s all, I’m going to finish my chores."
"I’ll come with," Sanji piped up, pushing his way through the throng to follow his crewmate, "it’s time to get started on dinner anyways."
The door swung shut behind the two.
Kenji held his hand out to Killer, who sighed and rummaged in his pockets for a wad of Berry, which he placed in the other man’s waiting palm. Brook, now with his jawbone, coughed awkwardly and moved to the crow’s nest to keep watch. Bepo, Penguin, and Shachi were still muttering and casting furtive glances at where Mari had left the deck. And for a moment, there was only the sound of waves lapping against the sides on the ship.
In the kitchen, Mari was silent as she chopped up the vegetables into small cubes; Sanji was the same while he grinded herbs and spices into a paste -- until he put down his pestle and asked:
"Is Kid wearing your hairband?"
Her knife suspended in midair, Mari glanced over at the blond, a small smirk growing on her face as she nodded.
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the enabler's call: @arrthurpendragon @starcrossedjedis @auxiliarydetective @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe @supermarine-silvally @fakedatings -- want to be added? shoot me an ask!!
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aceghosts · 1 year
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"I know your soul is not tainted/Even though you've been told so/Can you hear the rumble?/Can you hear the rumble that's calling?/I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart/I can see through the scars inside you"-Cirice by Ghost
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ei-mugi · 1 year
i enjoyed getting heated over something silly for fun but im just now seeing some past distress ppl had over the poll on the blog & i feel a little bad haha i dont actually have any problem with ii or its fans like ive said i was one myself in the past
#being familiar with both ships though i still do prefer wataei#my 'complaints' were in the context of knowing about both of them and the shock of these 2 interests ever intersecting#i dooooooooo have a lot of opinions on ii as a show but none of them are like. 'you shouldnt like object shows cuz theyre dumb'#i got enough of that said 2 me by other people at the time#fan still sucks tho. worst character. microphone best character she deserved the win#when they go back to finishing season 2 in a decade's time they BETTER make the pickle/taco reunion happen in the next episode#the poll prompted me to watch like an episode of season 3 just to see what was up w it#and it was like fine. i watched episode 9. but i cant say it still holds my interest like it used to#especially not since s3 is an au and none of the plotlines are continued there#lol i remember when s2e12 p2 came out there was so much controversy#cuz paintbrush was eliminated that episode but it was also when they came out as nonbinary#i hope they make transgirl lightbulb canon still. that would be cool#paintbulb may not be my otp but they are t4t#all in all the thing about the osc (object show community) is that honestly its just a really sweet place over all#like its really lovely for so many kids to have a community where theyre encouraged to be creative and stuff#duh a lot of the shows arent gonna be good theyre being made by kids. but thats whats great about it#i like laughing over some stuff but i always feel the need to like say stuff like this cuz i think it sucks that people make fun of#stuff kids like to do so much esp as an autistic kid who was always made fun of for everything i liked#cringe culture definitely seeped into my bones a bit but i try to combat it
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When I’m pregnant with Juliet, Giles gets way too used to waking up in the middle of the night to me downstairs in the kitchen baking
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I love romantic adeuceyuu as much as the next person (seriously they are my OTP/OT3) but platonic adeuceyuu is everything. Even when I ship Yuu with others, those two will always be two of the most important and significant people in her life.
Ace and Deuce are definitely the type of people who take their status as Fem!Yuu’s/reader’s best friends so seriously. Even if she/you aren’t romantically dating them, they’ve/you’ve been through enough together for everyone else to understand that those two idiots are her/your ride-or-die platonic soulmates. Sure, the three of them would decrease the PDA if it makes Yuu’s/your boyfriend uncomfortable and they can tell that whoever she/you chose is making her/you happy (and she/you deserve every bit of happiness the world has to offer) so they’ll ease off on them but they need to understand that those three have a bond unlike any other, even though there are absolutely no romantic feelings involved.
Ace and Deuce: *To the boyfriend, five minutes after the relationship is revealed* You may be the boyfriend but we’re the best friends. You know what that means?
Yuu’s/Reader’s Boyfriend: What?
Ace and Deuce: We will always be invited to her wedding but we can’t guarantee that you will.
Forget about Papa Crewel, Grandpa Trein, Uncle Vargas and Cool Older Shadow Cousin Sam - these two card soldiers that share half a braincell between them would give her/your suitor the worst shovel talk of all. They would make even Malleus quiver with fear. Unlike the adults, they’ve seen you at your lowest and they’ve seen you get hurt on numerous occasions. And they’ll do whatever they can to make sure that their best friend, who considers them as part of the only family she has, never sheds a tear again.
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mothercetrion · 9 months
I got bored and decided to do this OTP ask meme with Johnshi. enjoy!
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Johnny. he is a bit immature and childish sometimes, and being on a Ferris wheel just brings it out. Kenshi is likely irritated at first, but it grows on him quickly.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place? Johnny. he has a big house, and he loves to experiment. Kenshi is open to trying, but he loves having sex in Johnny's bed the most.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? before they get together, Kenshi typically showers, and Johnny mostly showers with the occasional bath (self-care!). after they get together, Johnny is the one to suggest a bath together, and Kenshi agrees after some consideration. it's honestly kind of nice! they're more likely to shower together though; it takes less time to prepare and they can be physically closer together. regardless, they like doing either together, though Johnny likes it more.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? Johnny loves not wearing clothes, and he's more likely to have a shirt off than to a shirt on. we've seen him shirtless in damn near every game, after all. Kenshi doesn't mind it, however.
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Kenshi. he is more likely to storm out in a fight, so he'll just go to the couch. sometimes, Johnny will go after him immediately, but other times, he knows that Kenshi needs some space and leaves him there for the night.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Johnny. he is convinced that Kenshi is the sexiest man on the planet, plus he needs pictures to prove to social media that his boyfriend is super hot! Kenshi doesn't like making too many social media appearances, but he's on there a few times. regardless, photos of Kenshi sleeping are in abundance on Johnny's phone.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Johnny has said "I love you" first in every relationship he's been in…except his relationship with Kenshi. after a difficult night for Kenshi (nightmares are not fun), he and Johnny are lying together in bed, and Kenshi suddenly gets the courage to tell him how he truly feels. Johnny is stunned, but he reciprocates immediately and admits that he's known for a while. Kenshi will also end arguments with "because I love you" when his protectiveness or his worries over Johnny's safety kick in. the argument will start loud, as arguments tend to do, but Kenshi's voice gets softer and quieter when he tells Johnny that he wants him to be safe because he wants him to come home and he loves him. Johnny is touched.
8) Who likes to wear the other's sweatshirts? Kenshi loves wearing Johnny's clothes, mostly his T-shirts. Johhny goes absolutely nuts seeing Kenshi wear anything that he owns.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? neither wakes the other, but if Johnny has a cool dream, he'll tell Kenshi about it in the morning. Kenshi definitely has more nightmares than Johnny. dreams of his Yakuza days or his blinding can appear out of nowhere, and they always leave him terribly shaken (or in pain, depending on the extent of the dream). Johnny will hold him close and tell him stories from throughout his career until he calms down and/or falls asleep. the sound of Johnny's voice is shockingly comforting.
10) Who is more likely to cheat at games? Johnny. he likes winning, and he will pull all the punches to make it happen. Kenshi doesn't catch him at first, but when he does, he's pissed. Johnny always swears that he'll stop, but it's only temporary.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Johnny is a teasing bastard, but Kenshi secretly loves it. Johnny will catch Kenshi looking just a little too happy around him, and he'll ask if he has a crush on him. Kenshi counters that they're dating, but he loves the conversations when they happen.
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Johnny. again, he's immature and childish. however, he does more of the cooking between them, so any fights are pretty rare. if he makes a mess, he'll make it worse if he's in a teasing mood.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? most of the time, Johnny will initiate a duet if they're in a car together. Kenshi is less likely to sing along unless they're at home, singing quietly to one another in Johnny's bedroom or their kitchen late at night. they both can sing, but Kenshi is a shockingly good singer, though he denies it.
14) Who starts the hand-holding? Who grabs the other's butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? Johnny initially started the hand-holding, but Kenshi gets a lot more confident in initiating it later in their relationship. they only grab butts in absolute privacy, but Johnny is more likely. both of them will wrap an arm around the other's waist and put their fingers in the belt loops of their pants. it's usually to pull them closer when they're hugging and/or kissing.
15) Who likes to write the other's name on their wrist? neither. they keep mementos/reminders of one another in different ways when they're not together.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Kenshi is much more seductive after he's gotten drunk. Johnny is too, but Kenshi's seductiveness increases a lot more than Johnny's, so it's more noticeable. Johnny is so damn loud when he's in bed, and he cannot help it. however, Kenshi loves that and can't get enough, and he will do anything to keep Johnny happy, even at the cost of another one of his senses.
17) Who is more protective? Kenshi. he will do whatever he needs to do to keep Johnny safe from the Yakuza, even if it means tapping back into his gangster/criminal side. Johnny thinks that Kenshi's protectiveness is incredibly sexy, but he assures him that he will be safe.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Johnny (and secretly Kenshi). if Johnny's awake and he's bored, he'll talk to Kenshi until he gets tired. sometimes though, he'll tell Kenshi how proud of him he is and how grateful he is to have him as a boyfriend. Kenshi will whisper how much he loves Johnny when he knows the actor can't hear him.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? (ignoring how obvious this one is for the sake of the game LMAO) Kenshi had a license before he was blinded, and every now and then, Johnny can convince him to drive with Sento strapped to his back and sunglasses on his face. most of the time, though, Johnny drives. he likes it a lot, and Kenshi likes being in the passenger seat.
20) Who falls asleep in the other's lap and who carries them to bed? both of them! they're both super busy, and they're both tired after a long day. Johnny is more likely to fall asleep on Kenshi's lap, in the middle of telling Kenshi about his day, but Kenshi is thankfully very strong. if Kenshi falls asleep, he usually wakes up in the middle of Johnny carrying him, and he will stumble up the stairs and fall asleep within seconds of hitting the bed.
21) Who cuts the other's hair? neither. Johnny does not trust anyone but his hairdresser with his hair, and Kenshi feels the same way. however, they'll brush the other's hair (or run their fingers through it) all day.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? both? Kenshi is bad at sexting because it's unfamiliar, and Johnny is bad at sexting because some of the things he will send Kenshi are not things you send over text. Johnny is more likely to send an encouraging text, especially if he knows Kenshi will be busy and/or stressed. they always help cheer Kenshi up.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the other's love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Johnny is a recently divorced, faltering celebrity. he's not getting the gigs he needs to keep up the image that he wants to. sometimes he feels like Kenshi deserves a lot better than that. Kenshi assures him that being with Johnny is what he wants, regardless of if he's super famous. Kenshi is terrified of the Yakuza somehow getting a hold of Johnny to get back at him for leaving, hence his protective side. Johnny always assures him that he can protect himself and will let him know if something is going on that could be because of the Yakuza. I feel like Johnny would be a little more concerned about messing up considering his track record, but "messing up" in a relationship comes with the territory. both of them can be pretty different, and neither of them has had a partner quite like the other before. but they're willing to learn!
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Johnny. he loves dancing, but he loves dancing with Kenshi more. they'll hold one another close and sway as long as they can, listening to soft music from one of their phones. they're so close to the same height that lifting one another just off the ground is difficult, but they both love kissing when they're alone like this.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Johnny. he's much more pun-savvy than Kenshi. many puns will land and make Kenshi laugh, but others, like sex jokes, will not make him laugh…until they're in the bedroom, and then Johnny's jokes hit much differently (in the best way) and leave him flustered as hell.
26) Who kissed first? Johnny. he's more likely to make a physical move than Kenshi is, and he's the one to initiate that first kiss after a romantic evening at Johnny's house. Kenshi was surprised, but he was quick to reciprocate.
27) Who orders takeout at two in the morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Johnny gets bored if he can't sleep. the smell and/or sound of Johnny eating at his desk or in the damn bed will wake Kenshi, but Johnny always gets a serving for him (just in case he wakes up). neither will wake the other to go downstairs for water, but if they're both awake, they'll go together.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs they write for them? Johnny is the more creative type, and he can be poetic if he really wants to be. he's not likely to share it with Kenshi unless it's perfect in his eyes, and that's rare since it's a less familiar medium to him.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? they're both pretty reckless, but Johnny has gotten hurt more since their relationship began. Kenshi isn't impressed when he pulls off something, but he will help him if he gets hurt, all while chastising him for his stupidity. however, Kenshi is a lot more worried if Johnny gets hurt on set, which has happened before since he does his own stunts. it usually doesn't require a hospital visit by the time Kenshi sees him, but he'll dote on him and force him to rest all the same.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Kenshi obviously doesn't need glasses, and Johnny doesn't either, buuuuut Johnny does wear sunglasses! and sometimes when they're in public, Johnny will lend Kenshi a pair so he can blend in. Johnny thinks he looks great.
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AITA for arguing with someone over ships?
🧀⛵ so i can find this later
Yes, this is ship discourse AITA #294729472 you can scroll away, english isn't my first language, my apologies.
So I (16M (But 13-14 at the time)) am in a very niche fandom. As in, we didn't have any new content for the past 5 years and media is old af (2013), very few fans, most of us know each other already.
I used to have these mutuals Cheese (Not their real name) (around my age i think?? I can't remember) and Breadstick (Not his real name) (18M).
We all had our little ships, ok? I like the little (dumbass golden retriever boy) x (badass traumatized man) ship, Cheese liked the little (badass traumatized man) x (literally the same thing but evil and abusive) and Breadstick liked both ships.
I met Breadstick before meeting Cheese so we were already friends before i met Cheese. I thought "Cool, another person likes this little niche thing i'm hyperfixated on!" So we became mutuals.
I didn't anticipate that we would argue about ships, but oh well. So, i'm a very chill person regarding ships, literally any, although i do have NOTPs, i'm not really toxic about my hatred, i just go "Ah, not my thing" and scroll away not without blocking the person, but really nothing personal and no hard feelings, i can perfectly be friends with someone who loves my notp.
In fact, that was the case with Cheese. They shipped my NOTP, like A LOT. But I was okay with it, i mean these are just characters and all we're doing is being silly. I didn't take this THAT seriously. However, when I seemed to talk about my ship, Cheese seemed uncomfortable in some way.
When I was talking about my fankid (call me cringe idc) of my OTP, Cheese got very confused and asked who was i talking about. Breadstick came in and introduced my fankid to them, since he knew about it before. Cheese just started being rude, literally saying swear words (Not against them but, the context didn't really call for it? No one was being mean or mad), saying, and i quote as best as i can, "I don't know what the fuck made you think i knew who the hell [Fankid] was".
I got very mad about it, so i privately dm'ed Breadstick about Cheese's attitude. We began trash talking about them, which, i admit was a very trashy thing to do and definitely asshole material™.
Reason why may i be the asshole: over time, Breadstick just started complaining a lot about Cheese, and I could honestly agree, it came to the point of us disliking them to some degree but not telling them and not breaking the mutual, that could be considered two faced behavior.
This was partly influenced because of another incident. So Cheese and Breadstick where rambling about an OT3 (3 person ship) they had in common, basically sharing ideas and stuff. I thought it would be fun and went "Hey, I have an OT3 too, maybe i should post about it too". So I went and posted about it, but Cheese felt very uncomfortable with that, since basically my OT3 was exactly like Cheese's OT3 but one character is different, "basically".
They said "You have your thing, let US have ours". Felt bad and honestly, maybe i shouldn't have intruded their ot3 rambling. I didn't expect such negative reaction out of them.
In other occasions they complained about me posting a little too much about my ship, even though they did the same thing with theirs. And they also had a mutual that said "If you ship [this character] you suck and i fucking hate you. [character] is too abusive to be shipped with anyone and you can't just make an AU, that would just change him as a character completely" which, dear god, that language wasn't needed, right?. And despite that crazy person saying that, Cheese agreed with their take, despite literally shipping the character in question with another one. And abusively too, which like you do you, lord knows i do that too, but agreeing with a take like that while doing exactly what it is complaining about is weird. On the other side, that person wasn't my mutual, so it's unrealistic of me to expect Cheese to control their mutuals over me, Cheese can mutual whoever they want, but i can still be weirded out right?
That is without including them telling other people to kill themselves over shipping, so it was clear that Cheese took this shipping thing seriously while me and Breadstick to some degree didn't. Honestly another reason why i might be an asshole, clearly they felt their otp was personal and me not liking it + ignoring it caused a bad environment, mala mía, but what else could i have done?
So, clearly Cheese is kind of an asshole to some degree. But i think what makes ME an asshole too is when I trash talked behind their back and cut them off way later than i should've. And also, i guess i shoved my ship down their throat taking by how mad they were about it? I didn't do it intentionally though and i could definitely say they did the same thing too when 80% of the fandom and character tags was them posting about their ship. Again, small niche fandom for old unpopular media, we are keeping it alive ourselves.
What are these acronyms?
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thechaosbrewery · 2 months
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Ship: UzuRen [Uzui Tengen x Rengoku Kyojuro]
Part 1: Friends to Lovers
This is my ultimate OTP, I live and die for this ship, I love both characters to death. They both live rent free in my head and I will never regret to be on this shipwreck.
If you are more into [you x character] please make sure to check my other blog -> @guerrerajaguar .
In my honest opinion there is no one else better for my little sunshine than the flamboyant god of festivals and let me tell you why:
We all know how they first meet at the Hashira summit when Kyojuro is summoned by Oyakata.
I firmly believe that Tengen fell in love at first sight with Kyojuro, right there in Oyakata’s Zen Garden. At first I think he was star-struck by Kyojuro’s looks and aura, but we lost him when the flame boy confronted Sanemi with not an ounce of fear.
Tengen definitely tried to act to look cool around him, unconsciously flirting with Kyojuro, showing off his muscles and flashy breathing technique, and Kyojuro was genuinely fascinated by this, fueling Tengen’s ego even more.
“Amazing!” “As expected from the Sound Pillar!” “I have never seeing a breathing technique as beautiful as yours!”, Tengen’s chest will fill with pride every time Kyojuro praised him.
Tengen LOVES to be praised, specially by his handsome colleague. He would constantly find himself going over the edge when Kyojuro was around.
The rest of the Pillars hated when this happened, Tengen would be even more insufferable around them, cocky and presumptuous, but Kyojuro never found this annoying at all.
Kyojuro always felt admiration and respect for Tengen as he considered him his valuable superior and never realized that his “comments” about Tengen were easily interpreted as flirting.
All the Pillars knew that Tengen was down bad for Kyojuro even before Tengen realized this himself.
Tengen did not realized his feelings only after he and Kyojuro became closer acquaintances, and I like to believe that it happened when they had their first mission together.
After that, Tengen started to be really TOUCHY with Kyojuro. At first, these were subtle, accidental touches, but as Kyojuro did not seem to care, the nature of these touches intensified as to Tengen trying to pin Kyojuro against the wall, grabbing Kyojuro’s hands, breathing into the back of his neck, hugging him from behind, you name it; complete and entire invasion of the flame pillar personal space.
Tengen ADORES Kyojuro’s hair, so somehow his hands always found a way into Kyojuro’s flaming strands. Softer than what it looked like.
It was after his first mission together than Kyojuro found out about Tengen having 3 wives. He did not approved at all, as for him, a man should be completely devoted to only one persona for the rest of their life, just like his parents were.
Kyojuro tried to fool himself with the argument that Tengen already had 3 wives, so it was very unlikely that his friend had feelings for him.
It gets harder for Tengen to conceal what he really feels, he wants to get more intimate with Kyojuro and I think he is completely fine with the fact that he has fallen for a man.
Tengen confesses first because he really can’t stand to be in the “bromance zone” anymore.
Kyojuro is a bit shocked but not completely surprised at all, he is not as dense as a lot of people thinks. And also, Kyojuro is unbothered by the fact that Tengen is a man.
Kyojuro has a hard time to accept Tengen’s feeling, because in his mind, he will be committing adultery and that is something he will never approve of.
But against of all odds and his own morale, I think Kyojuro would officially start his romance with Tengen and OH BOY, ARE THEY PHYSICAL.
If Tengen was touchy before, after his confession, he is all hands over HIS MAN.
Tengen its jealous AS HELL.
He was a bit jealous when they were friends but now it’s a lot worse.
He hates when women they rescue try to get too intimate with Kyojuro, this never turns into a fight thanks to Kyojuro’s character and personality but Kyojuro is very firm to not let this to get in the way of their duty.
I also think that Tengen gets more openly jealous from some of the other Pillars and I will elaborate from whom on another post :P.
On the other hand, Kyojuro’s jealousy is shown more as bitterness for Tengen’s wives. He believes that the ladies are able to give Tengen what he will never be capable of [kids]. But he is not resentful at the girls at all, all the opposite, Kyojuro contradicts himself all the time by telling Tengen that he should be more respectful of his ladies.
As opposed to Tengen, Kyojuro never voices these insecurities to Tengen because he does not feel he has the right to do so :(
Kids are really important to Kyojuro, one of his main goals in life is to be extend the Rengoku legacy, Tengen takes a lot of importance to this as he wants to make Kyojuro happy and motivates Tengen to make important decisions. I will explain this in another post.
Tengen teaches Kyojuro the arts of love, Tengen is gentle and chivalrous, caring and compassionate, I will explain in more detail the love language of each.
Kyojuro is extremely romantic when they are alone, I think that as Kyojuro is super passionate, Tengen gets the best out of him in this aspect as Kyojuro have never loved someone before.
Tengen is Kyojuro’s first love <3.
Tengen makes Kyojuro flush in public but Kyojuro takes Tengen’s breath away in private.
Tengen IS CRAZY about this, he loves when Kyojuro gets intimate and touchy with him. Tengen wants Kyojuro to need and want him as much as he does.
I believe Kyojuro’s is the first to say: I love you.
Tengen is very vocal about needing Kyojuro, Tengen is a demanding lover, he wants all the attention and pampering that Kyojuro has to offer and at the worst time possible lol.
In the middle of a fight? Maybe. In front of other Pillars? Absolutely. In front of Shinjuro? DON’T even dare not to kiss him back.
It takes Kyojuro a bit more time to feel like he is entitled of receiving love and attention from Tengen, because he feels like a home-wrecker mistress lol. So he rarely demands any attention from Tengen.
Tengen confuses this as Kyojuro not loving him enough, or not being sure about them two being together.
Kyojuro’s guilt drives him a bit away from Tengen, again, not feeling like he is entitled to anything and it takes him a bit of time to settle this down.
Tengen certainly panics whenever Kyojuro acts distant or seems to want space in between them, this mainly due to Tengen’s insecurities and feeling like he is not good enough.
They eventually work this stuff out, and have a very healthy, sexy and loving relationship. I will elaborate this in another post.
I will also elaborate my thoughts about the Rengoku family reaction to Kyojuro’s and Tengen’s relationship.
That is it for now, I hope to write the other parts soon. I am a multishipper, so expect to see other pairing with the unbelievably perfect Flame Hashira and other KnY characters.
If you love this ship as much as I do, please don’t hesitate to hit my DM’s and send your requests as well <3. Wishing you all the best, read you all later!
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karahalloway · 14 days
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 21 - You Give Me Reason
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Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series Summary: The social season may be over, but Harper Gale’s problems are just beginning. With everyone at court a potential suspect, can she and Drake survive the engagement tour and get to the bottom of the plot against her and clear her name? An AU take of TRR2 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
Masterlist: (Less Than) Noble Intentions
Chapter Summary: Harper and Drake have lunch... and a heart-to-heart...
Word Count: 5,800
Rating/Warnings: M (swearing, PDA, references to sex)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: Apologies for taking so long to get this out! This chapter ended up being quite a bit lengthier (and emotionally heavier) than planned, so it took longer than expected to wrangle into shape. Hope it's worth the wait!
A/N2: Translations for the Italian at the end.
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Chapter 21 - You Give Me Reason
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Grabbing my hand, Drake pulls me beneath a nondescript archway that I would've walked right past had I been on my own.
Passing through the relative coolness of the shadowy recess, we pop out into a small, eclectic-looking courtyard.
"Wow," I breathe, taking in the ivy-covered walls and the little Gorgon-headed fountain that is burbling merrily away in the far corner. "You never would've guessed that something like this is hidden in here!"
"Never judge a book by its cover, Gale..." he reminds me wryly, leading me across the well-worn cobblestones to a sunken doorway. "Watch your head."
Ducking down to avoid the low-hanging lintel, I follow Drake into the restaurant.
"Buongirono," greets a man wearing a black shirt and slacks, who I presume is the maître-d'. "Tavolo per due?"
"Sì," affirms Drake.
"Avete una prenotazione?"
"No," replies Drake. "Ma spero che non sia un problema. Zio Bruno mi ha assicurato che avresti avuto un tavolo per noi nel retro."
The maître-d' eyes up Drake for a long moment. "Certo," the man nods, grabbing a pair of menus and spreading his arm towards the back. "Da questa parte."
"Everything okay?" I ask as unobtrusively as I can.
"Just making sure they have a table for us," he assures me, laying a hand on my back. "Ladies first."
I quirk a brow at him as I move past. But Drake has an impeccable poker face, and doesn't offer up anything further by way of an explanation for the critical up-and-down the maître-d' subjected him to just now.
Maybe because we don't exactly look like a pair of politicians...?
The man leads us across the more-or-less empty dining room, which, in real terms, is little more than a cellar, with a low, curved ceiling and exposed brick for its walls. But the darkly varnished sheen of the square tables and the tea lights glowing in their glass lanterns give the place a cozy, intimate feel.
In short, it's exactly what I would've imagined a hole-in-the wall Italian place to look like in the heart of Rome. And it's definitely a welcome reprieve from the almost choking heat outside.
The maître-d' stops by a secluded table in the corner, and pulls one of the chairs out for me.
"Grazie," I acknowledge with a smile, settling down.
"Piacere," he replies, slotting a menu into my hands. "Gradite qualcosa da bare per comincare?"
Drake quickly saves me from my lack of Italian. "Vorremmo due bicchieri di aqua con ghoaccio e limone."
"Ottimo," nods the maître-d' before retreating.
"What did he want to know?" I ask once he's out of earshot.
"Our drinks order," Drake replies, opening up his menu. "Given the heat, I told him to grab some water."
"Good call," I approve, following suit. I haven't had a sip of anything since we landed, so I'm definitely overdue for some rehydration.
"But there's a whole drinks menu as well," he adds, handing over a separate booklet that is noticeably thicker than the first one. "Most of it's gonna be wine, but there'll be options for beer and soft drinks at the back."
"Thanks," I acknowledge, taking the menu from him.
Flipping to the back, I am confronted with a sea of Italian, but with a bit of perseverance, I am able to pick out some familiar words like Pepsi, café and aqua.
"I'm guessing limonata is 'lemonade'?" I query.
"Yeah, but it's different from what you'd get in the States," Drake replies, flicking through his menu. "It'll be carbonated and not as sweet."
"I'm willing to be adventurous," I reply with a coy shrug, passing the drinks booklet back to him.
Drake's gaze meets mine across the candlelight, and I feel my heart skip a familiar beat at the sudden intensity of his gaze.
I open my mouth...
...but at that moment, a maître-d' reappears with our water, and the spell is broken.
"Ecco le bavande," the man declares, setting down a jug together with a pair of glasses. "Siete pronti per le ordinazione?"
"Sì," affirms Drake, flipping his menu shut. "Noi vorremmo..."
What follows is a rapid-fire back and forth that sounds more akin to an argument — complete with bombastic gesticulations on the part of the maître-d' — rather than any kind of civilised conversation.
Luckily, Drake seems to take the apparent interrogation in his stride, and responds every so often with a question, or a counterpoint, referencing the pages of the menu like a sergeant would a tactical ordnance survey.
After about five minutes, the maître-d' snaps the menus back into his possession and disappears towards the kitchen.
"What the heck was that about?" I ask in bewilderment once we're alone again.
"Making sure he got our order down."
"Sounded like he was on the verge of throwing us out..."
Drake scoffs as he reaches for his glass. "Italians are opinionated. Especially when it comes to food and wine pairings."
My jaw drops. "You ordered wine? I thought you hated that stuff."
He slants me a look over the rim of his glass. "We're in Italy. Had I not ordered wine, they damn sure would've kicked us to the curb. Plus, this isn't the kind of place that stocks whiskey."
"Fair point," I concede, taking a sip of my own water... and draining half the glass in the process. Reaching for a refill, I ask, "So, what did the intrepid Capitano Walker order?"
Drake rolls his eyes at me. "A standard four-course lunch."
I nearly drop the decanter. "Four courses!"
"When in Rome..." he says with a shrug, leaning back in his chair. "Plus, you said you were hungry."
"Not that hungry..."
Drake shakes his head with a wry smirk. "Again. We're not in the States, Gale. They're not trying to feed a whole family from one plate. Portions are smaller, so I mixed and matched a few different options."
"Such as...?"
He shrugs an impassive shoulder. "You'll see."
I let out an exasperated breath. "You're impossible..."
"Hey," he counters, meeting my eye again. "D'you trust me or not?"
Once again, the reappearance of the maître-d' — this time with a decanter of wine — scuttles our conversation.
"Chianti Rùfina Riserva, 2020."
Placing the wine glasses on the table, he pours out a finger's worth and steps back, waiting for Drake's assessment.
With a finesse that would've made Bertrand swoon, Drake lifts the glass to give it an expert swirl, before closing his eyes to take in the aroma, and only then tasting it.
I eye him curiously, wondering if he had any other high-society life hacks hidden up his sleeve as a result of his years spent growing up at court.
After a second or two of contemplation, Drake gives the maître-d' a nod.
The man steps back up to the table to pour me half a glass as well, before placing the decanter between us and withdrawing again, only to be replaced by a pair of waiters, bearing a basket of bread, olive oil, a plate of razor-thin slices of prosciutto, grilled artichoke hearts, and my lemonade.
My mouth starts to water in anticipation. "Wow. This already looks like a feast!"
"Ain't gonna get fed looking at it," Drake prompts, sliding the starters towards me. "Dig in."
"What about you?" I ask, reaching for my fork to spear up servings of both dishes.
"If you want it all, have it," he assures me, picking up his wine again. "There's three more courses coming."
"Yeah, but—"
"Harper, I'm fine," he insists, locking me down with his mocha gaze. "Just eat already."
My mouth parts in protest, but he shuts me down with an uncompromising look.
Heaving a resigned sigh, I return my attention to my plate. Drake is right — I am hungry — and the sight and smell of the food before me very much reinforces that fact...
...especially since everything tastes like pure ambrosia.
The ham melts in my mouth, the lemony aioli coating the artichokes elevates the somewhat humble greens to a whole new level, and the bread manages to be both fluffy and flaky all at the same time.
In short, it's one of the best meals I've ever had, and I haven't even set sight on the main course yet. So, before I know it, I've cleared both plates.
"Hit the spot?"
Glancing up sheepishly, I see Drake looking at me from across the table with a knowing smirk.
"Sorry..." I mutter, laying my cutlery back down. "I—"
"Gale, like I said, it's fine. You—"
"Yeah, but—"
"If anyone needs to apologise, it's me."
His words catch me off-guard. "What for?"
"For being an ass," he gripes, looking away.
I drop my hands in my lap in consternation. "Drake, I didn't mean—"
"You did. But that's not the point." He rakes his hand through his hair. "The point is you were right. I shouldn't have jumped down your throat like that earlier... I just..."
He heaves a low breath, not quite meeting my eye. "I was honestly expecting the worst."
I stiffen. "What do you mean?"
"Nobody knew where you were," he grits, expression tight. "Chris and Max said you left with Maddy to go the bridal shop... Livy swore on her parents' graves that she left you there with Hana... Only for Hana to turn around and say that you went back to the embassy because you weren't feeling well... Except you weren't there either. And when you didn't answer your phone, I—"
"But I had my phone with me the whole time," I protest, reaching into my bag. "And I didn't—"
Pulling the device out, my eyes land on the still-open camera app, which I must have forgotten to close after taking the photos at the fountain... and which I had apparently opened right from my bag without stopping to look at my lock screen.
"The volume up button is on the left," Drake advises dryly.
"Point taken," I tell him sheepishly as I swipe out of the camera app and come face to face with the multitude of missed calls and text alerts that had accumulated in the background.
"At least you kept your phone on you..."
"Is that how you found me?" I ask, swiping across the screen to clear the notifications.
"No," he corrects. "I called Allard. Who knew better than to lie to me."
"Sorry..." I say again, slotting my phone away again. "I didn't mean to freak you — or anyone else — out. I honestly thought I could get to the fountain and back before anyone noticed."
"And any other time, any other place, it'd've been fine," he accedes, reaching across the table by way of a tacit truce. "Hell, I'd've taken you myself! But we're not in Cordonia anymore, and this isn't the social season. You can't just—"
"I know..." I sigh, meeting his hand halfway. "But Madeleine was being such a bitchy bridezilla, and after the run-in with the Applewood photographer, I—"
"Wait," Drake interjects, leaning forward. "You found the photographer?"
"Yeah," I confirm distractedly. "He was at the boutique."
"And you talked to him?"
"Olivia did... mostly," I admit. "Though 'interrogated' might be a better word..."
Drake takes a moment to digest this. "And he had nothing useful to say."
"Not really," I say with a sigh. "But worse than that, he didn't care. Not about what Tariq did to me, not about the fact that I had obviously been set up, nor about how the photos he took turned my life upside down. And I just—"
"—had to get away from it all."
I nod tightly. "Yeah..."
"Hey. I get it," he says, tightening his hold on my hand. "This freak show? It's enough to drive anyone insane. But I—"
"Tutto bene?" asks the waiter, swooping in from out of the blue at the worst possible moment.
"Sì," grunts Drake, dropping my hand like a burning match. "Grazie."
Probably catching onto the slightly tense atmosphere 'round our table, the waiter beats a hasty retreat with the empty plates.
"But what?" I prompt, once we're alone again.
Drake lifts his gaze to mine. "I can't have you get hurt again."
My shoulders slump. "Drake, I told you, that wasn't your—"
"It was," he insists. "Every time you've gotten hurt, it's been because of me. Either I wasn't there when I should've been, or I lost my cool and I—"
I shake my head insistently. "That's not—"
"I gave you fucking bruises, Harper!" he snaps. "On your neck! How the hell can you sit there and—?"
Plates of steaming pasta suddenly appear between us. "Ecco il primo piatto."
Drake flops back into his chair. "Oh, for fuck's s—!"
"Grazie," I say quickly, hoping the simple acknowledgment is enough to send the waiter on his way again, so Drake doesn't explode in front of me.
But I have no such luck.
"Vuoi del pepe o del parmigiano grattugiato?"
"No," replies Drake somewhat testily, as irked by the constant interruptions as I am. "Stiamo bene."
The waiter bobs his head before retreating. "Buon appetito."
A heavy silence descends on the table, interrupted only by the occasional fizz of wax dripping off the candle between us.
I extend my hand again. "Drake, I'm not angry with you for—"
His darkened gaze meets mine. "Don't make excuses for me, Harper. I don't deserve it."
"Dammit, girl!" he snaps, slamming a fist onto the table, and making me jump. "I can't fucking think straight when it comes to you... Let alone act in any way even that's even close to being rational! I'm nothing but a goddamn liability..."
"Wh-what are you saying?" I whisper, feeling the food I've just eaten turn to lead in the pit of my stomach.
He's not... is he?
"I'm saying..." He rakes his hand agitatedly through his hair. "I... I had a lot of time to think on the plane. And I realised this whole thing... It isn't working. And I—"
"Are..." I gulp past the burn of the acid that's suddenly choking my throat. "Are you breaking up with me?"
Drake jerks back as if I'd stabbed him. "What! No! That's the last thing that I—!"
"Then why the hell are you trying to scare the bejesus out of me!"
"I—" He swallows thickly. "Shit. I'm sorry, Harper. I've fucked this beyond recognition..."
"Fucked what?" I demand, loud enough for the patrons of the occupied tables to turn their heads.
"That I'm thinking of quitting the Guard."
I nearly fall off my chair. "What!"
"It's past overdue," he huffs ruefully, folding his arms over the top of the table. "And I should've handed in my resignation months ago."
My head is still reeling from his unexpected announcement. "You... You don't want to look out for me anymore?"
"I'll always look out for you, Harper," he corrects, reaching for my hand again. "But in hindsight, I was an idiot to agree to head up your Guard detail."
"Why?" I whisper.
His fingers wrap around mine. "Because I love you."
"And I love you," I affirm confusedly. "But why is that—?"
"It's a conflict of interest," he expounds. "A fucking big one. And it's compromising my judgment."
"Because of Christian..." I murmur with sudden clarity as my mind falls back to the flashpoint of Valtoria... and its aftermath.
Drake nods. "I may be assigned to you, but because of the oath I took, my ultimate loyalty is to him. At least... it's supposed to be. But I can't pretend that's true anymore."
"But you said at the gun range—"
"And I stand by that. But if it came down to choosing between him and you...?" His grip on my hand tightens. "I ain't choosing him."
My throat constricts. "You don't know that..."
"Actually, I do," he insists, mocha gaze meeting mine solemnly across the candlelight. "Because I've been making the same choice every day for the past three months."
"But he's your best friend..."
"Like I said... Things change..."
I glance away uncomfortably. All because of me...
Drake heaves a low breath. "I'm not gonna lie to you, Harper. I never expected to find myself in this position, because I never expected to meet anyone like you. But if I'm being brutally honest with myself, I'd throw Chris to the wolves if it meant keeping you safe."
I swallow tightly. "Let's hope it never comes to that..."
"Agreed," he concedes. "But the fact remains that I'm stuck in a Catch-22. I can't abide by my oath to Chris and still put you first. At least not in any way that's fair on either of you. Which means something's gotta give."
"And that something is you?"
"It's the cleanest solution," he admits. "If I resign, I'm no longer being pulled in two directions. Just one."
"And you think that will make a difference?"
"Yes," he affirms, running his thumb over the back of my hand. "Because what I'll gain is space... and agency. Not to mention time. With you. I won't be yanked away on other tasks, I won't have to deal with the bureaucratic bullshit and paperwork. And I won't have to answer to anyone else but you."
A flush creeps up my cheeks. "You saying that I'd be your boss?"
"I already do things for you against my better judgement, mon coeur..." he replies with a sardonic smirk."So, in real terms, it wouldn't really be that big a shake-up. Except for the fact that Chris won't be able to court martial me for insubordination the next time I flip him the proverbial bird."
"But you'll lose your diplomatic immunity," I remind him. "And your access to the Guard's systems."
"True," he concedes. "But we got Tariq now. Which makes both those things a moot point."
"Not necessarily," I counter. "We still don't know who he's working with... or whether he'll even give up that information."
"He will," comes the stone-faced assurance. "Grade-A assholes like him — they're all about self-preservation. He'll crack under the right pressure."
I gulp uncomfortably. "Wh-where is he now?"
"Nursing a broken jaw in the Palace dungeons."
My eyes widen. "You broke his jaw, too!"
"He's lucky I didn't castrate him for what he tried to do to you..."
A shiver runs down my spine at the memory of that horrible day...
...but also a welcome sense of relief.
"Thank you," I say sincerely. "For finding him. And bringing him back."
"No need to thank me, girl," he murmurs. "I made you a promise. I'm just keepin' it."
"I still appreciate it," I reply. "Not many things have been going right lately..."
"I know," he huffs ruefully. "But hopefully we're past the worst of it now. And I know it's past overdue, but I meant what I said. I'm sorry I was such a dick before. I just—"
"—got caught off guard by the bruises and the signet ring," I finish wryly. "I know. And then everything else happened so fast that we didn't get a chance to talk about it, and—"
"It's not just that," he grumbles. "I... I know I was the one who talked you into coming back — to fight your corner... But if we're being honest, I've done a piss-poor job of backing you up. If anything, I've only been adding my own insecure shit to the rest of the steaming pile that you've got to deal with, and—"
Leaning across the table, I press my fingers to his lips. "No. You're the only one keeping me going, Drake."
His shoulders drop. "Harp—"
"I mean it," I insist, brushing my hand away from his mouth to coast down his jaw. "Everyone at court — Christian, Madeleine... even the Beaumonts — only care about themselves and the furtherance of their own schemes. You are the only person — in addition to Hana — who has been completely honest with me from day one, and who has consistently been there for me without expecting anything in return. So, I'm not going to let you brow-beat yourself when it gets all too much for you... when you get overwhelmed by it all. Because like me, you're only human, Drake. And there's only so much we can cope with on the best of days, let alone when we're constantly having to swim against the tide. But what keeps me going... what gives me the strength to get out of bed each day and face whatever it is that the press and the aristos decide to throw at me, is the knowledge that somewhere — at the end of it all — lies a little haven of normalcy. Where we don't have to sneak around, where I no longer have to pretend to be the Royal Consort, and where I can hold your hand without it becoming front-page news. Because that's what I want — those real, everyday moments with you that keep being denied by this stupid scandal hanging over my head."
His mocha gaze searches mine for a long moment. "We got a lot to make up for..."
"You can say that again," I agree with a roll of my eyes. "But you're worth the wait, Drake. You always have been."
The last of his resistance crumbles. "Christ, Harper..."
Before I have a chance to blink, he's surged out of his seat to clasp my face between his palms, tugging me across the table so that he can meet my lips with barely restrained passion.
The front of my dress dips over the top of the steaming plates of pasta, but in that moment, as his lips part mine and I catch the faint aftertaste of black coffee on his tongue, I honestly can't care less.
God, I missed him...!
Grabbing onto his shoulders in a bid to keep myself upright in the face of his demands, I kiss him feverishly back, glad that he's back, glad that we're rowing in sync once more, despite the choppiness of the waves surrounding us.
He groans against my mouth. "Have I mentioned you drive me to the edge of reason, girl?"
"Once... or twice..." I gasp, feeling the heat pool between my legs in response to the scrape of his stubble across my skin.
"Good," he smirks. "Can't have you forgettin' it."
"No danger of that, cowboy," I assure him with a nip of his lips. "You're all I think about."
A low sound rattles his throat as he presses me to him once more. "Sweet Jesus, you have no idea..."
I melt against him, savouring this sweet moment of calm before we're forced to head back out into the inevitable storm.
Which reminds me...
"I have... something for... you," I manage to squeeze out between our compressed lips.
His eyes snap open. "Whaddaya mean?"
"It's nothing big," I admit with a final peck as I sink back into my seat and reach for my bag. "But since you got me the bracelet, I thought—"
His hands fall down to clasp either side of the table in consternation. "Gale, I told you—"
"—you don't expect anything in return," I finish, locating the jewellery box and pulling it out. "I know. And I wasn't really planning on getting you anything, because I know how you feel about presents and surprises. But I saw this, so I'm hoping you'll make an exception."
He stares back at me unconvincedly as he too takes his seat again. "That's kind of a tall order, girl..."
I punt him under the table. "Shut up! You secretly loved the surprise party I threw you for your birthday!"
"I said it wasn't terrible," he corrects, managing to dodge out of the way. "Which is a far cry from saying that I loved it."
"Tell yourself what you want, Walker," I grin back, holding the box out to him. "Because I've got you down pat."
His eyes drop down to my hand as of it were cradling a stick of dynamite. "You sound mighty sure of yourself..."
"If it helps, you can think of it as a late birthday present," I prompt. "Or a retirement gift."
He flicks his gaze back up to mine. "So, you're good with me pulling the trigger on that?"
I shrug back at him. "It's your job. You don't need my permission to—"
"But I want it anyway."
The naked sincerity behind his words catches me off guard. "Why?"
"Because you asked me to let you in more," he reminds me. "And this is what that looks like."
I feel a flush creep up my cheeks again. "Oh."
"But also because this impacts you as well," he continues, reaching out to pluck the box out of my hand so he could entwine our fingers together once more. "And I don't want to make a one-sided decision without your buy-in. Especially not when it comes to your safety."
"What about Christian?" I ask, searching his gaze.
Drake heaves a low breath. "Honestly? This isn't up to him. This is between me and you. Because you're the one who asked me to head your Guard detail. So, if I'm going to do this, I need you to be okay with the fact that Allard and Schweitzer — not the mention the six other guys you have in your detail — will no longer report to me."
"Thought you were going to fire the two of them anyway..."
He slants me a side-long look. "You ain't letting this go, are you?"
"Nope," I confirm. "Because neither of them did anything wrong. They stayed with me the whole time I was out, helped me buy a change of clothes and shoes so I wouldn't stand out so much, took me through the side-streets and—"
"Christ, you're like a dog with a goddamn bone..." he huffs. "Fine. I won't fire them. But one more screw up, and they'll be spending the next year in the Palace basement, backing up CCTV footage."
"That... does not sound fun..."
"Wouldn't be much of a demotion if it was..."
I shake my head wryly. "You really are a hardass boss, aren't you?"
"Kind have to be," he admits. "Got a pain-in-the-ass principal to deal with."
I kick out at him again. "You're the one to talk!"
He somehow manages to trap my foot between his shins. "Hey. I'm just sayin'... Looking after you is a helluva lot of work."
I roll my eyes at him. "Who will they report to instead?"
"Depends on what Chris decides to do," he shrugs. "He could assign a new CO to the team, or he could pick up the reigns himself."
"And you would be okay with that?" I query skeptically.
"What Chris chooses to do — or not do — with his own men is up to him," he replies flatly. "My priority is you. It always has been. And the less that gets in the way of that, the better. At least in my mind. But the final decision is yours, mon coeur."
"I can't say I'm completely at ease with it," I admit. "Not because I don't trust you. I do. And I know this whole thing has been hard on you. So, if you think that quitting the Guard is the best solution — for everyone — then I'm going to support you in what you decide to do. I just feel guilty that it has had to come to this at all — you having to choose between me and your best friend."
"Honestly?" he murmurs with a heavy exhale. "It's not a choice. At least not for me. I've given up the past five years of my life for Chris. And I don't say that to be shitty or bitter. It's just a fact. But it's time to move on. Because being a Guard? It ain't just a job. It's your entire goddamn life. And there's no room for anything else next to it. Hell, I learnt that the hard way."
"Because of what happened with your Dad?" I ask quietly.
He nods, jaw clenching with emotion. "I've always looked up to him, y'know? Thought he had the most kick-ass job in the world, getting to wear a suit, to carry a gun... like a real-life James Bond. But I wasn't stupid. I saw first-hand the toll the obligations of the job took on both him and Mom. Because apart from the occasional holiday, or the odd camping trip, we barely got to spend any time together as a family. Mom practically raised me and Savs by herself — all while holding down an equally demanding job of her own. And I was okay with that. Because I knew what Dad did was important. But I never planned to follow in his footsteps."
"Is that why you decided to go to college in Texas?"
"In part, yeah," he admits. "Also to be closer to Mom and Aunt Lee. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. But I knew that whatever it was, I wasn't gonna find it at court."
"But you came back anyway..."
"In hindsight, the best damn decision I never wanted to be forced to make," he says, raising our clasped hands up to his lips. "But that's exactly why I don't want to screw this up... And make the same mistakes Dad made. I'd rather go back to shovelling shit in the stables for less than minimum wage than shoot what we have in the foot because I'm not able to be there when you need me to be."
"What will you do instead?"
"No clue," he admits. "But I owe you a holiday, so I figure we start there. Everything else? We can hammer out later."
"Are you sure?" I ask, searching his gaze.
"More sure than I've ever been about anything else in my life," he affirms. "Because ultimately, a job's a job. I can always get another one. But a girl like you? That's as rare as rocking horse shit. So, I know which one I'd prefer to keep..."
I can't help but snort at his unconventional metaphor... even as my heart swells with emotion. Because I feel exactly the same way about him.
"You got yourself a deal, cowboy," I tell him with a smile. "Now open your present."
"Dammit," he cusses under his breath. "Thought I managed to throw you off that."
"No chance of that, bud," I reply, pushing the box firmly towards him. "I'm not so easily distracted."
"That's not the way I remember it..." he counters, dropping his free hand under the table to circle my bare ankle — which I still have raised — and slide my foot into his lap.
My skin erupts into goosebumps at his touch.
"...'cause if memory serves," he murmurs, coasting the warmth of his palm up the back of my calf, "it's just a matter of finding the right distraction..."
A needy moan slips past my lips as his fingers reach the sensitive skin of my knee. "Kind of like this?" I ask breathlessly, twisting my ankle slightly.
His mocha gaze darkens as the bridge of my foot brushes across the growing protrusion in the front of his jeans. "Don't make me throw you across the table, girl."
"Better hurry up and open your present, then," I prompt, sliding my foot down across the inside of his thigh meaningfully.
He exhales sharply. "Christ, you're impossible..."
"I learnt from the best."
He drops his hand with a snort. "Touché, baby. Fine. I'll make an exception. But you owe me."
"Always a catch..." I mutter with a roll of my eyes as I pick up the box and toss it at him.
His hand shoots out to intercept it with a smirk. "Hey. I learnt from the best."
A genuine laugh bursts out of me. "Guess we're just as bad as each other, huh, Walker?"
"Guess so," he agrees, peeling the paper back. "On which note... This isn't a set of handcuffs, is it?"
"No," I tell him. "But I can get some for you for Christmas, if you want."
He cocks a brow at me as he drops the last of the wrapping. "So much for not getting off on all that BDSM crap..."
"Maybe I'm slowly coming 'round to the idea..." I return with a coy smile, trailing the arch of my foot up the inside of his leg.
The liquid fire of his espresso gaze burns into me. "You're definitely kinkier than you let on, girl..."
"Gotta keep you on your toes somehow, cowboy."
A low scoff escapes him. "My heels haven't touched solid ground since you walked up to our table in that New York dive, mon coeur."
An inadvertent flush rises up my cheeks. "You've been a bundle of surprises, too, Drake."
"Yeah. Well," he shrugs, flipping the lid up. "Gotta keep some sus—" He trails off as his eyes fall on the contents of the box.
"Do... you like it?" I ask hesitantly, trying to gauge his reaction, admittedly without much success.
He stares at the necklace nestled on its black velvet cushioning, barely even breathing. "I— I don't fucking know what to say..."
I feel the heat rise up my throat. "I can take it back if—"
His eyes jerk up to mine. "Why the hell would you—?"
"You obviously don't like it, so—"
"Like it?" he scoffs, carefully lifting the harp-shaped pendant out of its box. "Harper. You couldn't top this even if you tried."
I still. "Really?"
"It's hands-down the best thing I've ever been given. By anyone. And that includes the limited edition, 18-year-old bottle of Willett single-barrel Kentucky bourbon Chris got me for my 18th birthday."
I look up at him in genuine surprise. "Didn't think anything could beat out whiskey in your book."
"Trust me," he assures me, slipping the length of silver rope chain over his head. "You do."
My blush creeps higher. "Hopefully it's long enough. But if it isn't, I can always—"
"It's perfect," he interjects, scooping the pendant up to press it against his lips. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," I reply with a smile as he tucks the chain behind the security of his shirt.
"I kinda hate to admit this," he drawls sardonically, "but you really do have me down pat..."
"Don't worry, Walker," I assure him with a wink. "Your secret's safe with me."
The warmth of his mocha gaze meets mine across the now very melted-down candle sitting between us. "I love you."
"I love you, too," I breathe, settling my foot between his under the table as I allow myself to drift off on the lazy currents of the moment.
The story continues in Chapter 22 - Coming soon!
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A/N: Translations for the Italian below:
Buongirono. Tavolo per due? - Good day. Table for two?
Sì - Yes.
Avete una prenotazione? - Do you have a reservation?
No. Ma spero che non sia un problema. Zio Bruno mi ha assicurato che avresti avuto un tavolo per noi nel retro. - No. But I hope that's not a problem. Uncle Bruno advised that he would always have a table for us at the back.
Certo. Da questa parte. - Of course. This way, please.
Grazie - Thanks.
Piacere. Gradite qualcosa da bare per comincare? - My pleasure. Would you like to start with something to drink?
Vorremmo due bicchieri di aqua con ghoaccio e limone. - We'll have two glasses of water with ice and lemon.
Ottimo - Perfect.
Ecco le bavande. Siete pronti per le ordinazione? - Here are the drinks. Are you ready to order?
Sì. Noi vorremmo... - Yes. We'll have...
Tutto bene? - Is everything okay?
Vuoi del pepe o del parmigiano grattugiato? - Would you like some pepper, or grated parmigiano?
No. Stiamo bene. - No. We're good.
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @mywildheartremains
(Less Than) Noble Intentions only (let me know if you want to be added!)
@thetruthisthatiloveyou @anakjaybon-blog
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nellimeow · 11 days
I’m bored so uhhh
also ignoring canon relationships because that would make explaining these a lot harder 😭
warnjng: hot takes ahead
also mostly based on headcanons because I have a lot of those and there’s not a whole lot confirmed about the characters in the show (not counting posts made by vivzie n stuff because I’ll be honest I don’t read those)
vaggie x lute - 6/10
it’s like the rival dynamic, yk? They definitely wouldn’t work while vaggie was in hell, but I like to think there was at least a little tension when vaggie was still an exterminator. To me they kinda give off “they may or may not have been dating but they’re definitely exes now” vibes
Adam x lute - 9/10
villain x henchman goes hard, but I feel like in this ship lute would kinda just be a little 2d, yk? Just like.. “yes sir I will do that sir yes sir sir I will do anything for you sir” and kind of not have any other motivation to do anything
Charlie x vaggie - 1/10
I’m sorry chaggie lovers I just can’t handle this ship </3. It’s the same reason as why I don’t wholly like guitarspear, except now they don’t even have the villain x henchman thing going for them. It also just might be because I don’t like vaggie as a character much anyways.
Charlie x Alastor - 5/10
I only like this ship if Alastor turns out to be manipulating her. I don’t personally think of Alastor as aromantic, but I just don’t feel like he would like Charlie.
Vox x Alastor - 7/10
I think it would work as like a thing in the past, but not in the current time when the show takes place. I do want it to have happened in the past and for vox to come running back to Alastor at some point, trying to apologise, only for Alastor to actually beat him this time. And he has to slink away into the shadows to lick his wounds, upset because technically it was his fault. In other words, yes but only if it was in the past. And I only like in current time if it’s onewaybroadcast
Alastor x Angel dust - 2/10
This used to be my OTP but then the show came out and it just stopped doing it for me, ykwim? Like I want to see them as friends, but I feel like it wouldn’t really work as a couple. Cause I headcanon Alastor to be slightly if not fully sex repulsed, and Angel is a porn star, so…. but I also get why people ship it too.
Alastor x lucifer - 5/10
Kinda the same thing as with charlastor, I want Alastor to be playing off of lucifer’s loneliness. (considering his wife left him and he has been locked up in his room for the last like… I forgot how many years). Although I would also like it if Alastor was the one being manipulated. Just because lucifer felt like manipulating him. And also to keep Charlie safe.
Angel dust x husk - 9/10
I feel like it can’t be 10/10 until there’s more angst (I love angst) between them. Like what if Angel somehow gets out of his contract and wants husk to do the same so that they can finally be together and husk is like really hesitant about it because he’s scared. Or vice versa.
Charlie x lucifer - 0/10
Lute x Emily - 2/10
I want them to be reluctant friends, but I don’t think it would work as a couple
Adam x Emily - 2/10
Ok so like technically Emily is older (I think?) but Adam gives off the older vibes and idk it just feels creepy to me??
Sera x Lilith - 6/10
probably will drastically change when Lilith is actually introduced, but I like the dynamic of person in power x person manipulating them because of their power but then maybe accidentally falling in actual love (this is based mostly off of my headcanons about Lilith and where she is and why she’s there)
Vox x Valentino - 9/10
I like the idea that Valentino was so lovestruck by Vox when he (Val) was a new sinner, so he (Val) manipulated Vox into loving him with his saliva. Cool dynamic and definitely angst potential >:) (based mostly off headcanons about pre-show Vox and Val, most of which formulated from a fic I read by dancingdog (I think?) called ‘addict’ (I think?))
Valentino x Alastor 1/10
Ehhhh idk how to explain it I just don’t like it
Valentino x Charlie - 0/10
erm. again. idk how to explain. I just.. it’s giving me icky vibes ngl
Vox x Velvette - 5/10
I feel like they go on ‘romantic’ dates but it’s actually just movie nights and they put out candles and rose petals when Val’s not around because they just like that, yk? I think they work more as friends but might be cute as a couple, too
Val x Velvette - 3/10
Velvette gives off ‘I hate Valentino’ vibes and I feel like it just wouldn’t work? And Val gives off ‘don’t leave me alone in a room with Velvette please’ vibes
Val x Vel x Vox - 4/10
They work better as friends than I feel they’d work as a couple (is couple the right word? since it’s 3 people instead of 2?). Idk how to explain it tbh.
Adam x Lucifer - 3/10
It’s kind of cute but it’s just not really my type of ship, ykwim?
Lucifer x Lilith - 7/10
This ship is nice but I kind of want lucifer to kill Lilith because she was being a bitch. And I also want lucifer to end up alone.
Lilith x Charlie - 0/10
…!!??????? let’s not actually
Saint Peter x Adam - 5/10
I want them to be friends. Like Adam is like “hey big P we should go out get some drinks” and Peter is like “uhhh… sure? but I have to be back home by 7:30 or sera’ll get mad”. And then saint peter gets like a tiny crush on Adam/starts looking up to him. (Mostly based on headcanons that are hard to explain)
Vox x Saint Peter - 1/10
the only reason I feel compelled to put this on here is because their ship name would be “peTVer” and I think that’s neat
Adam x Eve - 9/10
I want them to be like a stereotypical 50’s couple (idk if 50’s is the right era but I mean where Eve is like a stay at home mom and Adam goes out to work) but without the wife and child abuse
Adam x Lilith - 6/10
It wouldn’t work in current time but I feel like they would’ve been really cute together in Eden for at least a while (before Lilith got pissy)
Adam x Ribs - 10/10
my OTP ngl
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lillazyboithings · 7 months
thoughts on different rtc ships?
I'll start listing off all the RTC ships I can recall, by that, I mean EVERYTHING
Nischa (Noel x Mischa): OTP, my beloveds, you can literally see how much I love them just by scrolling through the nischa tag on my blog
Spacedolls (Ricky x Jane/Penny): they're okay, they vibe together, I like it, they're like little skrunklies that I put in a cage and feed cookies to
BlackRose (Constance x Ocean): I'm sorry but no, just no, no thank you, not even my cup of tea but I will respect if you ship it anon, whoever you are
Perfectdolls (Jane/Penny x Ocean): also okay with it, pretty cool! They're like character foils of eachother
Mischalia (Mischa x Talia): also cool, there's also an understandable canonical basis for it the same way nischa has, also literally has a song so fbsnvdnsvenw
Sugardolls/sugarsheep (Constance x Jane/Penny): love it, they're my beloveds, pry it off my cold dead hands you cretins /j
Sugarspace (Ricky x Constance): absolute cuteness overload, they're like a domestic couple, I love it
Spacerap (Ricky x Mischa): not my cup of tea but I can see the appeal, they're cute actually, they're homies, they definitely hang out together
Starrypoet/HornyBoys (Ricky x Noel): also not my cup of tea, but I really like the dynamic that they have, like they both use their imaginations to be someone else, there's potential, also hella gay /pos ( laughing my ass off because horny boys is a funny ship name, congrats on the bonus points for this)
Topcomment (Mischa x Ocean): pretty cool ship despite not me seeing much content for it, it's like good girl x bad boy, I'm sure there's people out there who really love it but for me? No, I don't like it. It's cool but just no.
SoundCloud/Candyrapper (Constance x Mischa): also pretty cute but I see them more as siblings than a couple
Rosenpotts/gingerspace/perfectspace (Ocean x Ricky)(idfk what you guys are called AUGH): also kinda no on this one, but I will respect your opinion if you want to ship it. They're more friendly that coupley in my eyes
Perfect angel (Ocean x Tammy): I do not see potential for it, ocean and Tammy definitely have a frenemies dynamic because of their belief systems
Perfect bride (Ocean x Talia): how??? Ocean is literally the one to say that Talia is fake, I mean, I will respect your opinion but just know I will stare at you like I will be studying you as part of my research project next year.
Perfect love (ocean x hank): no, hank is already dating her cousin in some canonical iterations
Perfect rap (ocean x corey): pretty hilarious, same comments as topcomment but more to the left, also to whoever wrote that one fanfic I saw for them on ao3, shout out to you
Perfect bugs (ocean x trishna): I don't see potential, sorry. They're just not the right people the other would date
Frenchrap/Norey (noel x corey): I love them, they're the kind of couple to be MESSY. THE DRAMA. Comedic fr fr (helps that this is technically a predecessor to nischa)
Tragic Love (noel x hank): I don't think these two would go well together tbh since there's not much in common (lack of hank content)
Rap Dolls (Mischa x Jane/Penny): I kinda also don't see potential with this, they're more like chaotic siblings in my eyes tbh but if you ship them, good on you
Rap Angel/Angel Accent (Mischa x Tammy): guys, what??? To the 0.01% who ship this, I need to know who you are, scratch that, come here I need to study you under a microscope
Love Rap (Hank x Mischa): I'm praying for you and your one way trip to rarepair hell because oh boy, I'm so sorry for you and its lack of content (for everything hank is involved in, in general)
Rap Battle (Mischa x corey): the ride or die duo, these dudes will literally get each other arrested, and would release shitty rap together
Rap Bite (Mischa x Astrid): What??? Huh??? I am questioning your life choices to whoever ships this (not in a judgemental way, more like I'm genuinely curious what's going on inside that head of yours) anyways rarepair hell to you
Rap Bug (Mischa x trishna): same thing as LoveRap, there's also kinda no dynamics to base these two off so I can't really see anything for it
Angel Cats (Tammy x Ricky): okay, cute, I will respect that but there's also kinda something conflicting between Tammy's Religious beliefs and Ricky being SABM
Space Bride (Ricky x Talia): ???????? Huh ??????? Okay, questionable, maybe online relationship? Rarepair hell either way, I'm sorry
Space Love (Ricky x hank): okay, understandable, nothing much to say about them tbh
Space Battle (Corey x Ricky): really? Horny boys part 2? /J. Okay but in all honesty, I feel like it wouldn't mingle well together unless you want it to have the same dynamic as SpaceRap
Cat Bite (Ricky x Astrid): maybe?? No??? I can't see potential, down to the rarepair hell for you
CD player (penny x Tammy): you guys really went ham on these two when y'all read the Legoland script, I like it lmfao
Love Dolls (Hank x Jane/Penny): rarepair hell to you
Battle Dolls (Corey x Jane/Penny): and you
Doll Bite (Astrid x Jane/penny): and also you
Bug Dolls (trishna x Jane/penny): okay I can see potential, girlies are just curious of the nature around them, just one is curious about bugs while the other is curious about life itself and why she's there-
Bride Dolls (Talia x Jane/penny): rarepair hell to you as well
Sugar Angel (Constance x Tammy): Sweet (pun intended), also very domestic in my opinion
Sugar Battle (Constance x corey): rarepair hell to you, also I don't think constance would love being in a long term relationship with this sleazebag rapper
Sugar Love (Constance x hank): Cute, but also rarepair hell to you
Sugar Bite (Astrid x Constance): rarepair hell, also if we're basing off fanon + canon depictions, I don't think they'd be a good match with each other
Sugar Bugs (Constance x trishna): domestic, fluff potential, adorable, no judgement on my part
Digital Cafe (Constance x Talia): shout out to zolarianstarman for unintentionally making me see how cute this ship is
Love Angel (Hank x Tammy): I think I can see potential with the boy next door x religious girl type, not the best pairing though but oh well
Love Battle (Hank x corey): it kinda like a vague predecessor to spacerap if you think of the timeline as to how the characters got to where they are. But I feel like they'd be more on homies than dating
Love Bite (Hank x Astrid): canonically engaged, beautiful (cut) song, I love them
Love Bride (Hank x Talia): rarepair hell. No exceptions
Angel Battle (Corey x Tammy): dayum, the "I can fix him" couple but it's a shitty YouTube rapper and the very religious Catholic girl
Battle Bite (Astrid x corey): the only way Astrid is gonna even touch Corey is kicking his balls and punching him, I rest my case, they're siblings, your honor
Battle bugs (Corey x Trishna): I can't see the potential, I'm sorry, rarepair hell to you
Battle Bride (Corey x Talia): also rarepair hell, I literally cannot see anything for this
Angel Bite (Tammy x Astrid): so the pink soft girlie x "I bit my cousin with no regrets" girl, got it
Bug Bite (Astrid x trishna): cute, I can see potential, a girlie interested in bugs and her vaguely European girlfriend who would love to listen to her talking about bugs
Bride Bite (Talia x Astrid): rarepair hell button has been pressed, no more other comments
Bug Angel (trishna x Tammy): I feel like this would work out I think? This is kinda normal tbh
Bug Bride (trishna x Talia): rarepair hell to you, I'm sorry but it's true
Angel Bride (Tammy x Talia): ah yes, we're shipping the two girlies who have not made any canonical appearances in their respective musicals besides mentions from the established characters there
Electricity (Karnak x Virgil): guys, why are we shipping the rat and the fortune teller? Funny, but I question us as a fandom sometimes LMFAO
Polychoir (basically all 6 of the main characters): cute, but noel stays platonic with the girlies, okay?
PerfectSugarDolls (ocean x Constance x Jane/penny): girlies squad assemble be like
SpaceRapDolls (Ricky x Mischa x Jane/penny): chaos trio, no more comments, your honor
SugarSpaceRap (Constance x Ricky x Mischa): I mean...sure??? Okay? You do you pooks
Nischalia (noel x Mischa x Talia): I like it, Noel and Talia would definitely be best friends, and do rock paper scissors on who keeps Mischa for the weekend (loser keeps him/j), also Mischa has two hands, of course this is possible
PerfectEggDolls (ocean x Mischa x Jane/penny): I'm sorry but are we seriously gonna let Ocean practically date(babysit) two of the most chaotic beings in that choir?
TragicSpaceRap/Escapism trio (Ricky x Noel x Mischa): they need to get out of uranium together tbh, I don't make the rules, get them outta there
PerfectSugarSpace (ocean x Constance x Ricky): okay, understandable? Maybe? I respect your opinion tho
PerfectSugarAccent (ocean x Constance x Mischa): respectfully, I can't see potential, I'm sorry *presses rarepair hell button*
Stargirls (Ricky x Jane/penny x Constance x Tammy): the ship name sounds like they're all in a band together omg, but yeah, it's cute in my eyes, whoever ships this, you guys are chill
PassionFrenchRap (Corey x Noel x Mischa): LMFAO noel and his two rapper boyfriends, bro literally got duplicates of the same boyfriend
FrenchPassionSlutCats (Corey x Noel x Mischa x Ricky): hectic. That's all I'm gonna say, they're all hectic and gay together, good on them
LuckySugarStars (Jane/penny x Constance x Ricky): aweee they're so adorable together guys, I can't, help me, dhsnshsnhwje
LoveBugBite (Astrid x trishna x hank): yes, cute, adorable fr fr (Winona if you're reading this, you have definitely influenced me)
Special mention:
Mookie (Mischa x Cookie): perfection, 10/10, I refuse criticism, the highschool version of the script definitely influenced this.
Noel x Any girl: fuck you (in a negative way), he's canonically gay and if I see you ship him like that outside of platonic ones, I'm sending you GAY to hell.
Tags: @joeseventies (credits to them for the master list doc of all the ship names), and @witchstormm because you asked me to, have fun reading
I'm so sorry anon if this took so long to answer but here you go
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silviakundera · 7 months
I'm gonna need kunning palace to give me a lot of the main otp in the last episodes, we have 8 left (this is why I don't f*ck with this 40 ep rule because now that we're getting the main relationship the show is over and everything that came before was also necessary). I'm gonna need to see how deep JXN's love for him becomes, I know people are obsessed with dedicated ML but I enjoy otps where it's more equal and I love seeing a female lead protect and support her otp the way he does her, even if it takes a while like in ming lan she had completely reasonable issues and took a while to warm up to him but when she did she was 1000% in and showed just how much she loved him, I personally don't appreciate unbalanced relationships where it's just one party sacrificing and being a lot more dedicated no matter the genders.
Hard to say, depends on how close they stay to the book. They've been quite faithful to the novel so far but at the point we are now is where I feel fairly confident that we're gonna diverge. Because in the novel the otp gets VERY dark before they get better. There's a reason why Xie Wei has been holding himself back & restraining his emotions. He's a whole mess of anxiety & PTSD and he has to work through his traumas. Both these characters have been a burningdog.gif meme and saying everything is just fiiiiiiiine but in the novel when they finally get alone on center stage together things get REAL because it's masks off. And underneath they are a whole mess.
imo the key to this pairing, and why we don't get a love confession from her until the very end, is what she thinks when she finally publically claims him (fittingly, she doesn't claim the lauded scholar but the unhinged figure that the public now finds monstrous):
Shen Zhiyi asked: "Ning Ning, do you know what kind of person he is?”
Jiang Xuening said, "I know."
This person forced her to kill in his previous life; even in this life, he still thought about taking her to die with him. He is definitely not a good person. How could she not know?
It can even be said that she knows better than anyone else. Because she has seen his truest and craziest side.
Shen Zhiyi asked again: "Do you like him?"
Jiang Xuening thought for a while and said, "I like him."
At this moment, Xie Wei's palm trembled slightly, but there seemed to be thousands of lights and shadows passing by in his mind, and finally there was nothing left, just staring at her blankly.
Yan Lin stood too far away, no one could see his blurred expression clearly.
Shen Zhiyi also didn't speak for a long time.
She didn't fully agree, she was afraid that her Ning Ning would be sad because of the wrong choice, but she couldn't stop her, and all her worries finally turned into one sentence: "Then you really know what you are doing now?"
Jiang Xuening smiled at her: "I understand."
And not only know what to do now, but also what to do in the future.
So calmly: "I want to marry him."
That night, he asked her once, but she didn't answer, so he never dared to ask again.
But now she says she wants to marry him. Xie Wei suddenly couldn't tell whether this was real or a dream: didn't she want to leave him and go find Zhang Zhe?
Jiang Xuening also saw that he didn't comprehend. "You are really, extremely smart, but you just don't like people."
Talking about love, this person is stupid to death.
I am too afraid of losing what I have, and I seem to think that what I have will eventually be lost, so I am paranoid, extreme, and I refuse to show weakness to others and say all those words.
Jiang Xuening felt that this person was too similar to her previous self.
There are some things that I don't understand, so I bash my head against it.
She blinked, with tears in her eyes, but took his hand, tiptoed to kiss his cool thin lips."
Part of the reason she feels so deeply for him is their deep down similarity, but the novel is Jiang Xuening's journey to love & accept herself, letting go of the pain & shame from the past. She doesn't reach this point until the end, where she recognizes and accepts her own darkness and thus his, and also believes it doesn't need to define their future. Everyone now thinks she is the saint and he's the sinner but she knows they are both.
The novel epilogue shows they are finding a peaceful life together, the urge to fight and claw at life and each other has finally passed. But though in the last 30% of the novel we get tons of couple-time, all the gestures of devotion are coming from him. She's not ready. I frankly have no idea how much the drama will change the last 30%, and it won't land the same cause I'm sure they have to tone down how scary the ML gets...but regardless I do think we won't get a confession until the last act.
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meepleech · 1 month
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my goofy ahh stickmen polycule cuz they're all so silly to me?!?!?!
More hcs under the cut cuz uhhhhhhhhh i'm normal [gunna be editing it whenever i think of more cuz i am not normal]
Red: AroAce he/they, just got into the polycule cuz he felt left out. Will never ever prioritize their animals over their qprs, they would feel too bad. They usually help Blue around the kitchen, may or may not instigate most of the food fights.. [Not most, all of them.] SC: Unlabeled he/him, started the polycule because he felt jealous that the two would only be lovey-dovey to each other. You can always find him hanging out with everyone else, holding ear muffs [him being eepy doesn't stop the hang outs.] Yellow: Pan they/she/he, started dating Blue and agreed to the polycule, cuz idk she thinks it's neat they get to have a connection like that. Always leaning their head on someone's chest, he likes the sound of a heartbeat. [Doesn't like doing that with SC though, cuz he doesn't have one.] Green: Gay they/he, second to join the polycule. Actually had crushes on both SC and Blue and thought it was cool the three were dating now. His rivalry with Yellow never left, he still thinks its funny to mess with her via being better at redstone. Usually wears their headphones, mostly on no sound so he can hear everyone better. Blue: Unlabeled any, started dating Yellow and asked SC to join [if he wanted to]. They usually tend the garden whenever the others leave her alone. [Definitely sneaks a munch or two of netherwart] Everyone HATES how obsessed she is over netherwart and just wants them to stop pls..... He loves all his partners and thinks they're all just the cutest like ever.
Red x SC: Usually messes with him, with loud and other noises to wake him up. Likes hanging out with him, just sitting around and drawing.
Red x Yellow: Just likes listening to her ramble about nerd stuff even though they retain nothing from it.
Red x Green: Always wants to try and prank him more after "The Prank". Always fails though...
Red x Blue: They bond over farms and farm animals, they're probably the only one who mildly tolerates Blue's netherwart problem. They fish together a lot :3 I also think Red thinks of Blue closer than everyone else cuz of their shared interests.
SC x Red: Cuddles with them a lot, likes how their tail is really soft, despite never seeing them take care of it, not even once.
SC x Yellow: He kinda hates how they usually just use him for their science experiments. [Yellow probably did some surgery and research on his body]
SC x Green: Besties and dating?!?!?! Real?!?!?!
SC x Blue: [this was one of my first avm ships cuz uhhhhhhhhhhhh goofy]
Yellow x Red: Goes to him whenever they wanna rant about a new finding [URETHRA!!!!!] and maybe kinda uses their spawn eggs as test subjects when the others.. aren't exactly there.
Yellow x SC: Main labrat- I mean... subject, totally. Usually interrogates him and tests his body for certain things that he can do, but the others can't.
Yellow x Green: Likes being a big ol' nerd around them, they usually go on adventures, trying to learn more things about the world they live in. [Usually gets jealous of Green whenever Blue shows him affection so she just sneaks into Blue's lap whenever they feel like that]
Yellow x Blue: [my...... otp....] Got attached to her even when they were stuck in that website they came in, and they just like how he talks anyway.
Green x Red: Likes ruining every single plan they have and also likes to make fun of him for the shits and giggles.
Green x SC: they care each other
Green x Yellow: Really really likes messing with her because it's the cause of Yellow's cool ass inventions.
Green x Blue: kissable [hearteyes]
Blue x Red: Often just watches Red tend to their animals and watch how he takes care of em.. She finds it really adorable
Blue x SC: His power just really captivated her and she felt attached to it for some reason!!!
Blue x Yellow: [MY OTP GRAHHHHH] She always was close w Yellow, then one day, he realized that.. they really love her.
Blue x Green: They think that he's really cool and awesome............. plus being all musical w him is always fun ^_^
i'll fill everything else in the next blue moon, my brain is fried
if u want more, tell me muahahhaha i would gladly spill my everything for the friends on tumblr
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Can you do Alastor please 🥺
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: The radio filter on his voice! I'm a sucker for characters with artificial voice filters like that. And his disdain for "frivolous television technology" is amusing.
I recently rewatched the first episode of Hazbin Hotel with my dad, and he liked Alastor's radio filter too. (Yes, my dad watched some of Hazbin Hotel. And he decided it was "a bit too out there" for him.)
Least favourite thing about them: His design, I think. Yes, the creepy smile that never leaves his face is a nice touch, but that bob? It does nothing for me.
Favourite line: It's a close tie between, "Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell!" and, "Well, my dear, I haven't been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show! The proper medium to express oneself! But you insisted on this ... noisy picture box advertisement. So I had a little fun with it."
brOTP: I like his friendships with Mimzy and Rosie. The fact that he and Mimzy knew each other when they were alive is really interesting. And I can see how he and Rosie would bond over their shared fondness for cannibalism.
Plus, I just think it's funny that Alastor has been building this platonic girl gang around him. He's asexual, but also a chick magnet.
OTP: I don't really have one for Alastor. He's definitely ace, and he might be aro too, and I have yet to see a character that's made me go, "Ooh, I'd love to see what would happen if they were in a romantic relationship with Alastor."
But if I had to pick an OTP ... maybe RadioRose? Two cannibalistic Overlords causing chaos together? That would be pretty neat.
Actually, what about RadioStatic? The fact that the normally cool and collected Vox can be made to completely malfunction because of Alastor has piqued my interest. Maybe they were dating years ago, and then something went wrong. Or maybe they had a business partnership, and Vox wanted it to become something more, and Alastor just wasn't feeling it. Yes, Vox has Valentino now, but maybe there's a part of him that still pines for Alastor - which would be ironic, considering that Alastor has little to no interest in him.
nOTP: Charlastor. I prefer them having a "twisted mentor and innocent mentee" relationship, rather than a romantic one. Given that Alastor has positioned himself as a father figure to Charlie (albeit just to annoy Lucifer), it would be weird to think of them dating.
Random headcanon: Alastor has zero artistic ability. He once tried to paint portraits of the Hazbin Hotel staff and residents as part of an art therapy exercise, but they all look cursed. Or like cats. Or like cursed cats.
Unpopular opinion: Sorry, Alastor stans, I can't get on the hype train with this guy. Not yet, anyway.
I like characters that have a mixture of the known and the mysterious - that is, you know enough about them from the canon material that there are traits you can identify and latch onto, but there are also some things left up to interpretation for you to muse over.
Right now, Alastor's just a bit too mysterious for me. Is he going to be an ally? Is he going to be an enemy? I can't decide whether I like him because I don't know enough about him.
By contrast, I already know lots about Angel Dust, and I like what I've seen so far. And there are still things I don't know about him, such as how he met Valentino, that I can speculate on, which I find fun. That's why Angel is my blorbo and Alastor isn't.
Song I associate with them: "Love ka?" (a.k.a. "Rabuka") by Hiiragi Kirai and Ado. Particularly this Yokune Ruko cover. I see it as a RadioStatic song, because the lyrics are about sharks (Vox likes sharks, doesn't he?) and about bugs (which would fit with Vox glitching out).
The ending lyrics translate as, "These putrid 'love you,' 'love you,' 'love yous' have already fallen to the ground and died out. If you don't like what you found within your reach, maybe you should stop looking." That sounds like something Alastor would say to Vox.
Favourite picture of them:
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okmcintyre · 3 months
send me a character and I'll list:
favourite thing about them: Clarke's tenacity! Her first scene? She fights off two armed guards and LOCKS THEM IN HER CELL BEHIND HER. Then how she handles herself at the dropship ("You think we care who's in charge!?"). Her commitment to getting her people out of MW (despite every other leader before her failing to do so). Praimfaya. AFTER Praimfaya... When Clarke sets her mind on something, she's a force! 💥
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least favourite thing about them: I hated seeing how much crap she put up with in S6 (and even some of the earlier seasons!) I wish she'd value herself enough to apply that tenacity to her own well-being 😅
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favourite line: my answer always changes, but today it's this one from 512. It was refreshing to see Clarke own that 'Wanheda' part of herself after so many years. Loved that energy for her ⤵️
"What if I never see you again? No, not possible. How can you be sure? It's simple. You may be the Commander, but I'm the Commander of Death..."
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brOTP: MURPHY! Their dynamic is sm fun!!
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OTP: Bellarke. For sure 100% I'm always rooting for those two wonderful fools.
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nOTP: I still think the Clarke x Gaia vibes felt really... off? I wasn't a fan. And Cillian definitely wasn't my fave either, but I guess he's actually not meant to be 😅
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random headcanon: Eventually, earthkru has settled peacefully and trained a team of medics: so Clarke decides, after some convincing, to take up life as an artist.
(Though sometimes, when she can't sleep, Bellamy and Madi still find her helping patients in the med tent...)
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unpopular opinion: she wasn't completely wrong with all her S5 decisions. Some of them, like shock-collaring her daughter? YES! But feeling obligated to get a 12 year old girl tf away from Wonkru and Blodrenia? Maybe not a bad call 🤷‍♀️ Her method was lousy, but her intentions not completely un-understandable.
...and her red hair was COOL! 🤣
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song i associate with them: I'm gonna be predictable again bc ofc it's this one!
favourite picture of them: so many to choose from, but here's an adorable gif! ✨
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