#papa rocket au
duckapus · 2 years
Not sure if it would be more interesting for Meowth to find Maria as a little baby Mewtwo or as a full-sized but child-minded Mewtwo in the alternate Papa Meowth AU. decisions decisions...
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churipu · 3 months
"SHUT UP, MAMA." 𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧
ִ ࣪𖤐 featuring. gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, nanami kento
ִ ࣪𖤐 warnings. fem! reader, husband! au, i made names for your children but feel free to disregard it
note. i remembered this tiktok trend, just figured i should write about how the jjk men would react to their child doing this.
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gojo had a day off. it's rare for a jujutsu sorcerer like him — being the strongest, he's an asset to the jujutsu world. so him being in a day off is like a miracle to both you and your seven year old son, who might i say, is an exact carbon copy of your husband.
"honey, you need to put your toys away. it's almost dinner time," you said from the kitchen, gojo by your side, ready to help you with anything.
"let me take that," he sings out, grabbing two plates from your grasp — you chuckled, letting him take the white colored ceramic disk, "looks good, baby."
as you and gojo walked out of the kitchen, placing the plates on top of the dining table. gojo pulled out your seat for you. habits die hard, the male has always pulled your seat out for you since the very first date.
your son. marise gojo. a boisterous little boy, absolutely loves to play with his rocket toys, and somehow believes he's a little astronaut. there he sat in front of the TV, playing with his toys, an astronaut helmet covering his small head.
"buddy," gojo calls out to the boy, "it's dinner time, clean up your toys. mama made some good food."
when gojo's call didn't work, you tried doing it next, "marise, your food's going to get cold, honey."
the young boy didn't make any visible movements, but you heard him yell out with his high pitched voice, "shut up, mama!"
gojo looks at you briefly. i mean — as a father, he couldn't believe his own son said that. to his mother. gojo wasn't one to get mad, in fact, marise is a total daddy's boy. but he felt angry, frustrated, annoyed, all at once.
he wasted no time leaping up from his seat, approaching the young boy. his smile no longer visible; gojo was unhappy. the male used one of his hands to take off marise's astronaut helmet, tossing it aside before grabbing the young boy by his small waist.
marise didn't complain, and he still has no idea of what his father is about to do. so he just sat still in gojo's embrace — until gojo puts him down beside you, "say sorry."
marise's bright blue eyes stared up at gojo in confusion, "say sorry to mama, marise."
it wasn't "baby" or "buddy" like gojo used to address him by, and marise wasn't stupid. he knew he did something wrong, but he just didn't get what or why his father is telling him to apologize to you.
"sorry mama . . ." marise's soft voice resounds.
"do you know what you did wrong?" gojo questions sternly.
marise shook his head, his eyes watering at gojo's tone of voice, "no papa . . ."
gojo sighs, he squats down and gazes into his son's eyes, "you should never say 'shut up' to mama or papa, okay? not to anyone, 'ts not polite. don't ever do that again, now say sorry to mama for saying that."
marise nods his head and turns to look at you, his eyes watering — it's not everyday that you get to see papa gojo get angry, "'m sorry mama, i will never do that again," the young boy finally cried, letting his tears fall out of his doe eyes.
you can't help but to smile at the young boy, pulling him onto your lap to cradle him, "don't do that again, baby. 'ts not polite," your fingers grazed his chubby cheeks, wiping his tears away, "and if mama or papa tells you to stop playing and eat, what do you do?"
marise sniffled, "stop playing and eat."
"good boy," you kissed his little forehead, "go give papa a kiss."
and that marise did, gojo immediately picking the boy into his arms with a big smile, "give papa two kisses, buddy."
sure, gojo is a fun parent. but he knows how to teach his children boundaries — what to do and what not to do. he's scary when he's angry.
megumi is the child that made you and toji think you both should have another child — fukuo is the child that made you and toji stop wanting more children. not saying that fukuo is a bad kid, but the boy is relentless.
with a pretty large age difference between megumi and fukuo with six years, sometimes megumi had to teach fukuo some manners, telling the younger boy what's right and wrong. when fukuo misbehaves, it's megumi and you to the rescue — while toji would usually chuckle it off since, well, he's a little minus on the manners part as well. but you're working on that.
toji said so himself, he wouldn't mind fukuo misbehaving on some things. but the male did set some boundaries up for both of his boys and how they should act well towards you (and him).
today, megumi is twelve and fukuo is six. both of your boys look alike, "mama, 'm gonna be staying late at school because we have a play coming, 'm gonna help my classmate decorate the stage," megumi tells you as he puts on his shoes.
"alright, baby. have a good day at school, i love you," you pressed a kiss on megumi's head, waving him goodbye.
as megumi disappears behind the front door, you walk back inside the house, "toji, wake fukuo up, please. 'm getting his breakfast ready," toji who had his eyes on the television curtly nodded, sluggishly walking towards the boy's room.
"hey, champ." toji approaches the boy, who was sleeping soundly, "your mother's made some good food f' you. if you're not gonna eat it, i'll steal your portion."
fukuo squirmed a bit, but his eyes were still shut tightly, "fukuo," toji gently shook the boy, poking his cheek.
like anyone, fukuo didn't like his sleep disturbed, "papa, stop . . ." he mumbled out, shifting his small body so his little back was facing toji, "five more minutes."
toji sighs, "five more minutes."
he then went out of the room, "he asked for five more minutes," he informs you — sitting back down on the couch.
"five more minutes," was not an unfamiliar statement to you, especially coming from fukuo who had always managed to, of course, butcher the concept of time right after. it was either an hour, or more.
so you waited five minutes, and when the young boy didn't emerge from his bedroom, you found yourself walking towards it, "fukuo? baby, come on, mama made you breakfast . . ." you turn on the light, which made fukuo subconsciously twitch.
"fukuo, come on, papa will eat your breakfast . . ." you shook the boy gently.
"shut up, mama."
you blinked in surprise, but only managed out an exasperated sigh at the boy's sudden outburst, until all of a sudden toji appears beside you — his hand wet, and he slides his palm across the boy's face with a serious look on his face.
"wake up, fukuo. i won't tell you this again," toji mutters out, "three."
oh, god. the countdown was every kid's nightmare, "two," including fukuo's — shown by how the young boy immediately sat up on his bed, "apologize to your mother."
fukuo furrowed his brows, "why?"
"you don't tell her to shut up. apologize." you were just there silently, a little shocked at how toji had become so serious when he's usually so laid-back with the boys, "say sorry and eat your breakfast."
fukuo swallows his saliva nervously and scoots over to you, "'m sorry for telling you to shut up mama, i promise i won't do that again . . ." he whispers, throwing his short arms around your neck — burying his face into the crook of your neck.
you pulled him close, carrying the young boy in your arms, "'ts okay baby, no more telling people to shut up, okay? 's not nice, it'll hurt people's feelings."
"okay mama . . . 'm sorry for hurting your feelings," fukuo pulls back slightly, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek before facing toji, "'m sorry for hurting mama's feelings, papa."
toji placed his palm over the boy's face, covering it entirely, a sheepish smirk plastered on his lips, "go brush y'r teeth and eat your breakfast, mama made some pancakes."
nanami is such a girl dad. ever since he found out that both of you were going to have a baby girl, he's delighted. just knowing that he'd have a mini version of the both of you made his stomach churn in happiness.
hoshi. nanami hoshi is her name. it was a very peaceful six years of raising her — but they said there will be a devil baby phase, and here she was. whining, throwing tantrums over things she didn't get. it was honestly tiring, but you knew this was a risk of raising a child.
"hoshi, baby, please stand up." you cooed down at the girl who was lying down on the ground. in the middle of a mall, "mama and papa will buy that toy for you next time, i promise."
nanami was by your side, holding onto the baby stroller. his eyes were unreadable, you don't know what he had in mind, but the look he peered at your daughter was plainly and eerily terrifying.
yes, there are moments where he spoils hoshi with what she wants. toys, food, drinks, you name it. but there are times where he declines because he didn't want her to grow up too spoiled, "i wan' that toy, mama!"
you inhaled sharply, trying to slide your hand underneath her armpits to pick her up, but hoshi refused by kicking your hands away. her little kicks barely scratched you — but the people looking at your small family as they passed by definitely got a little kick to you.
"baby, people are looking at you . . ." you whispered.
"i don't care, shut up, mama!"
that was the last straw for nanami who had been silent. he grabbed your arm and tugged you up gently, nodding at you as if telling you to leave this one to him.
you backed away slightly, taking a hold of the stroller nanami had let go a few seconds prior as he squats down. forcefully but gently slipping his hands underneath hoshi's armpits, carrying her into his arms.
"mama said we will buy that toy for you next time, okay?" he sternly said, eyeing his little girl who was now silent as she gazed into his eyes, "and you never. never tell mama to shut up, do you understand?"
hoshi nods her head slowly, lips quivering at her father's sudden lecture, nanami's eyes visibly softened and he rocked her in his arms, "papa's not angry at you, hoshi. but papa wants you to know that telling mama to shut up is not polite, okay?"
again hoshi nods her head.
"go and say that you're sorry to mama," he pecked her chubby cheeks before letting her down onto the ground.
hoshi's little legs ran towards you, hugging your leg, "'m so sorry mama," she muffles into your leg, "i don't want the toy anymore, mama. 'm sorry for being a bad girl."
you squat down, nuzzling your nose to her, "you're not a bad girl, baby . . . mama and papa will buy you that next time, okay? we promise."
"okay, mama. i love you."
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Unpopular RWBY Opinions
Some of these things are incorporated into my reimagined RWBY AU(not all of them) and my original stories
1. Arkos, BlackSun, Iceberg, and Renora should have survived and get a happy ending, I don’t give a damn about Pyrrha’s name or allusion.
2. RWBY didn’t have to be a super dark epic, it’s become pretentious. Maybe more akin to Star Wars or Justice League Unlimited
3. Adam should have just been an initial antagonist who doesn't commit super horrible things, the psycho abusive ex was melodramatic and dumb. Wether he joins the good guys or ends tragically is up to anybody.
4. Maybe we were better off without the Salem/Ozma conflict and have WTCH as individual arc villains with their own minions
5. I think Roman, Cinder, and their gang should have been just morally grey found family characters like Boba Fett, some kind of gang of thieves akin to those in Baccano or something and just help or hinder the cast like Team Rocket or something but not as silly. 
With Cinder and Roman becoming a couple and kinda like a "Gomez and Mortica" pair and Emerald and Merc hooking up, and Emerald and Neo would be like their daughters and Merc the son-in-law. I might recycle that idea for one of my original stories thats inspired by Skullgirls and Baccano who's protagonist sis something of an Anti-Cinder and an Anti-Torchwick with a ragtag gang fighting against a corrupt government run by a demonic-powered mafia.
6. Maybe RWBY could have been more like a Dragonball/Fairy Tail universe instead in terms of tone and narrative structure, and that wouldn’t have been a bad thing.
7. At the very least, Ozma and Salem could have been an explanation of the origin of the world and just something that would be rediscovered overtime and Ozpin and his circle are some keepers of ancient myth or something. Like The Jedi Order or The Time Lords or something idk.
8. Kinda feel Oscar wasn’t necessary, as much as I like him
9. Maybe the corrupt SDC and Bad Dad Jacques was also needless, maybe just one of the few good underdog companies in Atlas and Jack being initially a bit too hard on Weiss due to upholding the family’s honor and chivalry but means well and initial harsh nature involving his wife, a scientist who worked with Dr.Watts and Dr. Poldenia, being murdered at the hands of an anti-Faunus milita group and Watts having some role in it. Mostly because I'm just exhausted of the "Bad Dad" trope
10. Have Watts have a megacorporation and be the corrupt company in Atlas instead who’s responsible for their tech and uses unethical Faunus labor in his factories(even though in secret Watts just hates everybody) instead and have a bitter rivalry with Jacques and The SDC, especially due to Jack and Arthur’s personal history regarding Mrs.Schnee.
11. Hazel should have just been a Meta-Knight like character, a good guy but on nobody’s side with a grudge against Ozpin for understandable reasons, he has bear claw-like gauntlet weapons, and becomes a rival to Yang seeing his sister in her and is the “Papa Bear” to her “Goldilocks”
12. Bumbleby is a bad ship and it’s fandom are filled with bitter shrews who use it as representation despite how toxic it is.
13. Disagreeing with Monty’s vision isn’t inherently malicious.
14. I agree with @sytokun making Blake basically a Princess and have loving parents who are also influential was also dumb. Make her an Orphan with the WF/Team RWBY her found family instead. Or I would at least give her a “dead dad” with her Mom living in Menagerie but not as a “Chieftess” aka a QUEEN. They called themselves Cheiftan and Chieftess because it sounded cute.
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wolfmage553 · 1 year
Massive Spoilers for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3.
Okay, I know Tony Stark's sacrifice at the end of Endgame was tragically poignant and befitting of Tony's character arc of turning from war profiteer to hero.
But what if The Infinity Stones, more specifically The Soul Stone that had Natasha's spirit in it, tried to change Tony's fate by using The Time Stone to send Tony back in time before the backfiring of The Infinity Stones could take effect,
Specifically, back to when batch 89 was created by The High Evolutionary?
Imagine him seeing baby Rocket and thinking to himself "I have a son now."
Imagine him holding baby Rocket close and humming Country Roads, Take Me Home as a lullaby to his new adopted raccoon son.
Imagine baby Rocket's first word is some variation of dad (like papa or dada) and Tony is trying not to cry with a combination of pride and joy for his son.
Imagine him also deciding to protect the 89 batch since they are his son's friends.
But this AU has a bittersweet conclusion.
Tony, knowing he's living on borrowed time but not wanting to leave his son in the care of The High Evolutionary, sets The High Evolutionary's base to explode and evacuates every single innocent creature The High Evolutionary was experimenting on, including the batch 89 who are the last to board a ship in the docking bay.
Unfortunately, The High Evolutionary enters the docking bay just as Tony is about to board the ship batch 89 are on.
To buy time for their escape, Tony says "Go fly in the beautiful sky without me." and battles The High Evolutionary in the docking bay while Rocket starts the ship up.
Tony is mortality wounded during the fight and sets off the explosions when the ship carrying the 89 batch is far enough away to not be caught in the blast.
Tony dies from his injury before the explosions reach the docking bay but not before answering The High Evolutionary's question of "What are you doing?" with
"Preventing you from harming my son or his friends ever again."
Meanwhile, Rocket is flying the ship but puts it on autopilot after hearing the explosions and looks out the window to see what remains of the place he grew up in. At first, Rocket has a look of shock on his face but eventually tears begin to pour out from his eyes as he screams out for his dad.
Eventually, he decides to listen to some music and notices one of the folders in the MP3 section is titled "Songs for my son" and he decides to play songs from the folder.
The folder has bunch of songs from the 70s, the 80s and even the 90s with the latest song released being an acoustic cover of You'll Be In My Heart from Tarzan.
He also notices that there is a video in the MP4 files called "Farewell" with his dad in it so he decides to play it.
The video has Tony recounting multiple good memories the two shared as well as reassuring Rocket that he is worth far more than The High Evolutionary saw in him.
He also apologizes for leaving Rocket via dying saying that if he could've stayed a little longer than he would have.
Finally, he ends the video by saying "I know you'll survive whatever happens next. I will be watching over you in the endless sky."
Rocket smiles and says "Thank you, dad."
As for how the AU changes the MCU, Rocket would have his batch 89 friends alongside Groot and they'd be a mercenary group called The Endless Sky.
Rocket would be slightly less cyclical because he has his friends but still hardened by growing up having to be a mercenary in order to make ends meet because when Tony died, J.A.R.V.I.S wasn't online so he couldn't transfer any funds to a new account for Rocket.
Peter discovers that Rocket is carrying a MP3 player and headphones in his bag but Rocket refuses to answer where he got it so Peter assumes he stole them.
(He actually bought them with some money he got from his mercenary work because he didn't want the songs connecting him to the memories of his dad to be subconsciously tainted by the kleptomania he developed as a way to survive)
When Yondu dies in Vol 2, Rocket actually allows Peter to listen to one of his songs and actually talks about his own dad with Peter and says "I wonder if Yondu is talking with my dad in the endless sky."
The only members of The Endless Sky who don't die in the snapture are Rocket and Lylla.
During the five year time period between the snapture and the main plot of Endgame, Rocket notices the physical similarities between Tony Stak and his dad, not realizing that they are technically one in the same, and thinks that Tony Stark is his dad's twin brother and asks Tony if he had a twin brother.
Tony is confused but Rocket pulls up the "Farewell" video on Tony's computer that Rocket had saved on a USB drive. Tony, knowing that Rocket would never believe him if he told him that that was probably another version of him, lies and says that he had a twin brother. Rocket explains his relationship with his dad before asking if it's alright if he called Tony his uncle.
Tony, wanting Rocket to have some family after most of his found family were lost because of Thanos, allows Rocket to call him uncle.
When Tony sacrifices himself in Endgame, Rocket is upset at losing his uncle but decides to be strong for the remaining members of his family.
GOTG Vol 3 goes way differently because The High Evolutionary is no longer in the picture.
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waywardstation · 2 years
You know in the Papa Ingo au I always assumed it was like from them collectively completing the protags mission or the og protag akari/rei showing up and just instead of being a part of Jubilife be in the time travelers group and complete their mission and save the region anyway. And by that way too, just everyone ends up home and knows that everything happened because of some dude from the past that looked like Cynthia
Papa Ingo asks masterpost part 1 (most of these are for the lord of the flies variant)
I would assume that any kids who show up would just begin helping Akari with her tasks as well, though there are some who would rather help in Jubilife’s pokemon pasture, or assist Beni at the wallflower!
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In regards to Team Rocket’s involvement in this story
I do like the thought of them being kids themselves more like what the first anon says, specifically for what the second Anon says haha.
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Orre kids are certainly built for hardship, I think they’d be the most ready out of anyone when they’re thrown out of the village!
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I think people have suggested that we alter when Kamado kicks everyone out of the village and have it happen earlier on; I don’t think the kids would hate everyone, though! Some would definitely be more upset than others at the treatment, of course, but I’m sure there would be a lot of conflicting feelings.
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If kids would start getting sick when everyone is trying to take care of Ingo and get him better, then that would certainly be concerning! I could see kids forcing others who are sick to go lie down. Both to get better, and to keep the sickness from spreading to the whole group. They have work to do!!
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Oh that is an interesting thought! (Silver probably would not understand that, despite…also living through the same events too? Someone did suggest at one point silver is also here haha. He would unknowingly be seeing how problematic his dad was as a kid)
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Like above! I bet Giovanni would meet a lot of people as kids, before they all grow into the characters we know them as, and as the people they know each other as.
It is certainly a mind bender, I’m having a hard time properly comprehending that haha.
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That would be so sad!! Can you imagine finally getting the medicine you need to help take care of the person you’re trying to save, only to be thrown back to the time you originally came from right before you could give him the medicine? Ouch!!
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It would certainly be hard to explain what happened, since everyone would return to the times they were pulled from, which happened way before Ingo actually disappears! Only after he disappears would it probably become easier for people to believe them.
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Oh man I’m sorry! I could see them especially wanting to visit the subway after all of this happened at some point, especially after hearing about how “some subway boss disappeared suddenly.” As they look into it, they all desperately realize that it sounds an awful lot like what happened to them. And the subway bosses’ name…Some might come close to gear station out of morbid curiosity, and some might do it at the same time.
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rainy-circle · 1 year
the creature creeps inside
Another Spotify game drabble, this time for @itsvickytoria! uhhh I guess an AU where Demobats don't exist, but the trade off is that Vecna is hideously overpowered and can just full on possess people sometimes! HOORAY. CW: blood, heavily implied MURDER, unhappy ending
And the door below it splinters And the creature creeps inside And we fall into each other The scratching grows so loud Because that unwanted animal Wants nothing more than to get out That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil
She and Erica are in the run down old park, trading notes - Worried? Erica writes.
Just about everyone and everything, Chrissy writes back.
Don't be. Erica gives her a wide confident smile that Chrissy wishes she felt. We're pros.
The blue lights flicker behind the boards nailed over the Creel house's attic windows, and Chrissy feels like she's going to be sick. She clutches the baseball bat in her hands too tightly. Something's going to go wrong, she can just feel it, but she paces through the overgrown grass and the weeds of the old playground, restless, while Erica perches in the old rocket-shaped jungle gym.
It feels like hours later that the car comes speeding down the road. For a few heartbeats, Chrissy prays that it's just someone out for a late night drive, someone who hadn't been at the town meeting Erica had told them about, someone who didn't believe everything Jason had said.
But then her stomach drops because she knows that car, knows who's behind the wheel, knows what it all means.
And it's after that that things get blurry. She remembers seeing Jason, see him split away and running into the house, not hearing her shouts. He doesn't listen, he never listens. And then Andy is running after Erica and there's an anger inside her that burns every vein. Her fingernails scratch across the wood of the bat in her hands and-
It's time for your suffering to end, Chrissy.
Someone is screaming her name, screaming for her to stop, and no, no, she's sick and tired of it all, she won't let anyone hurt Erica, she hates them all, hates her mother, hates Billy, hates Papa-
Eddie's voice breaks through the crimson haze, shakily singing something she knows in her bones but can't recognize. Erica is sobbing and Lucas is holding her and Max is there, there and not in the attic-
She hears the bat drop to the grass, feels something hot and wet on her face. She touches her fingers to her cheek, and it comes away red.
She tries to scream but it gets stuck in her throat and when she stumbles backwards over her own feet, Eddie's there to catch her, hold her as she falls to the ground. "Andy-" the name comes tripping out of her mouth. "V-Vec-"
"Chrissy," Eddie says, arms tangling around her. "Come back. Come back to me. It wasn't you. It's okay. It'll be okay."
But how, she wants to ask, her entire heart crumbling as a strangled scream escapes her. How how how-
"Come back, Chrissy," Eddie says, holding her tighter and tighter until she has no choice but to cling to him, scrambling for purchase. "It wasn't you. This wasn't you."
But, Chrissy can't help but wonder, trying to curl tight enough into herself, into him, into nothingness, what if it was?
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greentrickster · 2 years
Was curious about the AA Pokemon AU you've got, does Trucy still call them all what she usually does? Are people in the world watching her refer to this smeargle as Daddy? Calling her raichu and yamper Uncle Larry and Uncle Gumshoe?
How are people reacting to her calling Mewtwo Uncle Miles/Papa (depending on what stage that relationship is at)?
Do they think she's got some weird nicknames for her Pokemon or do they think this small child was raised by Pokemon? And if the latter, that would be very funny considering one of these Pokemon is a Legendary.
Got it in one, she uses their usual names for the most part, meaning her team is made up of Mr. Edgeworth, Mr. Larry, Detective Gumshoe, Kay, Sebastian, and Daddy. So that's one raised eyebrow out of six, but it's a very, very high eyebrow raise, for obvious reasons! XD Trucy's only ten in this AU, meaning she's been with Phoenix two years, and he and Miles aren't together just yet in this AU, and Larry and Gumshoe aren't quite at Uncle status.
For the most part people think Trucy's just a normal kid playing around with nicknames, but Phoenix-the-Smeargle causes a few concerns. Like... is she playing around or were her parents absent enough that she sees a pokemon as an actual parental figure...?
When she sees the looks, Trucy just smiles and tells people she's adopted, and watching how Phoenix does still do his best to take care of her and be a dad to her is pretty charming. It sends the situation from "...should we be calling Officer Jenny...?" to "Aw, her pokemon thinks she's his baby, that's adorable!"
Larry thinks this is the funniest thing ever and happily teases Phoenix about it. Phoenix takes advantage of no one expecting him to act like a grown man and generally swipes blue paint from his tail on Larry's face in retaliation.
A bigger pair of questions on everyone's mind: what's that big purple pokemon following this kid around and why is it wearing a cravat? Because, you know... canon Mewtwo is the result of secret, unethical experimentation by Team Rocket, I'm pretty sure almost no one knows about him, especially in regards to the general public. So they have no idea he's a legendary, must just be a weird import from another region...?
Also, why is it reading all the legal texts in the town library?
(Honestly, it's a good thing Phoenix and Larry were way into the original series as kids and played FireRed and LeafGreen like tiny fanatics and Kay being a huge pokemon fan in general, because otherwise they'd be in a lot of trouble in regards to figuring out what Miles has turned into!)
Thanks for the ask!
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project1939 · 5 months
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(left-right, Top Row- Kay Starr, Wynonie Harris, Rosemary Clooney, Row 2- Big Mama Thornton, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Row 3- Parker and Gillespie, Anita O'Day, The Clovers, Bottom Row- Kitty Wells, T-Bone Walker.)
Overview of Music from Project 1952: 
Favorite female artist: Kay Starr. Her voice, her songs, her swingy vibe... I looove her! 
Favorite male artist: Wynonie Harris. Probably my favorite musical discovery of the project. His voice is spine-tingly good, and his songs are filled to the brim with fun, humor, risqué lyrics, and bounce. I wrote earlier that I smile just when I think of him, and that pretty much sums it up. 
Favorite group: The Clovers. These guys fall pretty much smack in the middle of R&B, with hints of doo-wop in the vocals. And speaking of the vocals, they are bloody perfect. Perfect!  
Biggest surprise: I actually found a lot of music I that I liked! Before the project, I believed that most early 1950s music was the kind of syrupy easy listening pop that I detest. But I found some great swingy jazzy pop, I liked bebop jazz more than I expected, there was some enjoyable country stuff, and best of all, the R&B was fabulous! Most R&B was spilling over the line into early rock and roll, and I couldn’t get enough of it. 
My Top 15 Favorite Songs: (in no particular order, except for numbers 1 and 2) 
“Comes-a-Long-a-Love,” Kay Starr. 
“Keep on Churnin’ (Till the Butter Comes),” Wynonie Harris. 
“Hound Dog,” Big Mama Thornton. 
“One Mint Julip,” The Clovers. 
“Blacksmith Blues,” Ella Mae Morse. 
“Till I Waltz Again with You,” Teresa Brewer. 
“Pedal Pushin’ Papa,” The Dominoes. 
“Blues in the Night,” Rosemary Clooney. 
“Noodlin’ Rag,” Perry Como and the Fontane Sisters. 
“No Soap No Hope Blues,” Anita O’Day. 
“Au bal de la chance,” Edith Piaf. 
“Street Walkin’ Woman,” T-Bone Walker. 
“Blackberry Boogie,” Tennessee Ernie Ford. 
“Rocket 69,” Todd Rhodes. 
“Bloomdido,” Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. 
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eleccy · 10 months
AA4 Pokemon AU
I wanna put together a Pokemon AU for AA4 but they were never lawyers. Just Pokemon trainers.
Here's what Pokemon I think everyone would have and their trainer classes.
Apollo - Pokemon Trainer:
Pidgey -> Pidgeotto -> Pidgeot
Kristoph - The Pokemon Professor:
Persian, Dragonair
Arcanine - Vongole
Phoenix - Weird Guy/Former Gym Leader?:
Grimer (he has a secret team that will sweep the fuck out of you. I think he should battle Kristoph at some point)
Trucy - Magician:
Fletchling (I have literally no other reason for this other than that I think the contrast of Fletchling's red would look gorgeous next to Trucy's blue outfit and I think it'd be so cute)
Olga Orly - Waitress/Dealer/Team Rocket??:
Winston Payne - Gym Leader (the first one Apollo encounters):
(Originally Winston is quite cruel, insulting Magikarp for its uselessness.
Apollo tells him to try to be nicer.
"Nice? Kid, I've been doing this for twenty years! I know what I'm doing! Kids today…"
His gym is actually a no-type gym, not a water gym.)
Shadi Enigmar - Still in hiding:
(Zak is never killed here.)
The Judge - ??? he would be so useless here because they're not lawyers lol. He's retired. He has Voltorb, it's a bald joke
Klavier - Rock Star:
Big Wins - Mafia Boss/Baker:
Little Plum - Mafia Boss/Baker:
Wocky Kitaki - Gangster:
Guy Eldoon - Restauranteur/Doctor:
Dachsbun "Spoon"
Pal Meraktis - Doctor:
Alita Tiala - Nurse:
Alita looks so much like Winona, a flying type Gym Leader. I would have to give her only Flying types like Wingull.
Ema Skye - Forensics:
She probably has Trubbish to help her dig through the trash.
Wesley Stickler - Student:
Lamiroir - Singer:
Romein Letouse - Bodyguard:
Machoke - I feel like Machokes would be used in the security business
Daryan: 2nd guitar
Toxitricity - was going to give to Klav but it seemed to fit him better
Vera - Artist:
Mareep (when young) -> Flaaffy (this is another headcanon where I have no real reason but I think it would look really cute with her character design)
Teddiursa (because of the teddy bear sketchbook) - It's funny if it evolves into Ursaring and then is very overprotective of her like a Papa Bear
Drew Misham - Artist:
I still haven't decided what Machi, Valant and Brushel might have
Edit: Machi probably has Jigglypuff, Valant has a Psyduck, and Brushel has... Zubat? idk
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duckapus · 5 months
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The most triangular sphere in Kanto
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Hi! For the ask thing, 001 for Marvel movies? Have a nice day!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
thank you for the ask, I hope you have a nice day / night as well! 🫶
gonna out this on read more because this is quite long haha
• Favorite character:
this is a tough one because I’m bad at choosing but I’ll pick Loki <3 come on do I need to say more
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• Least Favorite character:
uhm don’t hate me for this but Captain Marvel. I just find her character unappealing. I know people liked it and that’s fine! I just didn’t like her character personally. maybe a better writing would’ve helped.. I really dunno. even her in Avenger endgame feels really off.
• 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
wow this is a long one. okay just for you nonnie.
1. Wanda x Vision ❤️❤️❤️
2. Black Widow x Hulk
3. Valkyrie x Thor
4. Captain America x Bucky
5. Steve x Peggy
• Character I find most attractive:
Loki, duh!
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• Character I would marry:
I don’t really think about this but I guess Tony Stark because papa supreme hehe
• Character I would be best friends with:
Guardians Of Galaxy gang! definitely would chill with them in space. I’d hang out with Rocket and Groot the most.
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• A random thought:
I’m excited for the Guardians Of Galaxy vol 3 movie coming soon (giggling and kicking my feet rn)
• An unpopular opinion:
hmm… I feel really bad for Nebula all she ever wanted was to be equal in her dad's eyes, after years of abuse and being let down the one time Thanos freaking Thanos says something atleast nice to her and he gets his head cut off before she could respond. Thor should cut his head after that but yeah that’s just me…
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• My Canon OTP:
Wanda Vision !!!!!!!
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• My Non-canon OTP:
Namor x Shuri (i know i know it would be so messed up that she'd date the chap who lobbed a grenade at her only remaining living family member but I’m gonna stick an AU in my head where Namor changed himself to be better before he went batshit crazy on her own home)
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• Most Badass Character:
Thor, dude is a badass and cracks me up everytime. Just watch his movies chronologically, you’ll enjoy it
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• Most Epic Villain:
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• Pairing I am not a fan of:
Hm, I guess (Raimi) MJ x Peter Parker.. their relationship is so difficult… idk I just don’t like her that very much. she’s really unlikeable in three movies. this is just from my perspective and if think you their relationship is okay, then that’s good! I respect your opinion.
• Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I do not have an opinion on this but …. Captain Marvel. even with a bad writing of her character and the movie itself, it is not the fault of the actor.
• Favourite Friendship:
Mantis and Drax! I enjoy their friendship so much!
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• Character I most identify with:
idk. me i guess. lmao- okay, I had to take a character test just so I can answer this question!
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guess it’s Black Widow then.
• Character I wish I could be:
I honestly don’t know. I rather be myself but with superpowers.
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waywardstation · 2 years
To the person who suggested the TRio being in the Papa Ingo AU... Oh... OH! Do you have any idea what you have wrought!??? Because I don't know how many people know about Jessie's exceedingly tragic backstory.... We get to see James and Meowth's tragic backstories in the anime, but we only get glimpses of Jessie's... You have to look to The Birth of Mewtwo radio drama (which came out around when Pokemon the First Movie came out) to actually see (well... hear) it. Because while we've been talking about Giovanni in the Lord of the Flies variant of the Papa Ingo AU... There's actually reason to think that Giovanni and Jessie would have known one another at the ages they would be at for this AU (Giovanni being a teenager going through his biker punk phase and Jessie being somewhere maybe... 4-6 years old...? Ages are negotiable.) Obscure Giovanni trivia GO!
So for anyone who doesn't know, in the Pokemon anime's universe, Giovanni actually inherited the role of leader of Team Rocket from his mother, Madame Boss. (This is actually the backstory that I prefer to imagine Giovanni having. He didn't become Boss of Team Rocket so much because he particularly desired wealth and power for himself, but rather he was reared for it and just happens to be REALLY good at being a (criminal) leader!) And Madame Boss' right hand woman was Miyamoto- Jessie's mother. Giovanni's mom seems to have been exceedingly greedy, and there is reason to think that Jessie was growing up in abject poverty, even when her mother was around. But in spite of that, it really does seem that Miyamoto loved her daughter more than anything in the world and was trying her very best to raise Jessie with what little they had. But after finding a recording of Mew, Miyamoto was sent to South America to find and capture Mew. In spite of her best efforts, Miyamoto has yet to capture Mew and is therefore unable to return home to see her daughter. Miyamoto knows that Jessie's grown up in her absence, and yet she's still out there, searching for Mew.
In any case, during this radio drama, Madame Boss actually does mention Giovanni (she seems to really dislike him), so we know for a fact that he was around at the time. But he would have likely been a fair bit older than Jessie. But because their mothers were so close, it's not a stretch of the imagination at all to think that they may have known one another. Maybe even been friends! In fact, it's not an uncommon headcanon that one of the reasons that Giovanni bothers keeping the TRio around is because of his history with Jessie. I like to imagine that Giovanni would sometimes babysit Jessie when her mother was out on missions.
So this just makes me imagine that in the Lord of the Flies variation of the Papa Ingo AU that when things start going to shit, Giovanni just appoints Jessie as his second in command as he starts taking up a leadership position among the children.
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Yes!! Throw Jessie and James in!! I completely forgot that both Jessie and James had tough childhoods in their own ways (Jessie especially like ouch)
OP thank you for sharing all of that, that’s all new info to me! That’s really sad for Jessie and her mom, but it would be interesting to implement that into the AU and have Giovanni and Jessie be there together and previously know each other! I’d really like to see that actually. I never talk about them but I really like Jessie and James as characters, and would like to see them included ^^
And kid James going from a nice pampered rich life to ancient Hisui would be funny to see too!!!
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golden-buddle · 2 years
As someone who usually posts in dead/dying fandoms, the responses to my PLA ficlets are VERY surprising and startling.
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itadores · 2 years
math help.
note: surprise !!! it’s my comeback post
pairing: nanami kento x gn reader, itadori yuuji & gn reader, itadori yuuji & nanami kento
word count: 2k
genre/warnings: fluff, slice of life au, dad nanami, parent reader, child itadori
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“how was school today, yuuji?”
the question you pose to your son as he clamors into the car and buckles his seatbelt is innocent, but the pink-haired boy heaves a great, big sigh in response.
“‘s okay,” he mumbles. as soon as the car door closes, he props his arm up on the armrest and stares out the window, gazing at the scenery as you begin to pull out of his school’s parking lot.
you raise a brow, looking at your baby’s reflection through the rearview mirror of your car. that’s unusual. yuuji normally loves telling you about every aspect of his day, no matter how minute the detail is. you don’t mind how much he rambles. you enjoy listening to your son happily blab about the antics he, megumi, and nobara got up to during his time at school or how gojo-sensei did something silly again. you like how animated yuuji gets when he talks; it’s adorable. so, for him to be so quiet is concerning.
“what’s wrong, baby? did something bad happen at school today?” you calmly question. you try to keep your voice free of any worry, but when you see yuuji nod his head yes, your nerves sky-rocket. you instantly enter protective mode. did someone say something mean to your baby? you’ll kill them if they made him upset.
you take a deep breath and refocus your attention on the road. there’s no need to get so worked up before you know what the issue is. “what happened, yuuji?”
your son sighs again. the anticipation builds and builds until he throws his hands into the air and dramatically says “we learned math today and i don’t get any of it.” he fists his pink hair and tugs on the strands like he’s about ready to rip them out.
you let out a relieved exhale. you restrain your laughter because you don’t want yuuji to think you’re making light of his issues, but you can’t help the smile that begins to spread across your lips. it looks like you got all worked up over nothing. 
“yuuji, don’t pull on your hair like that, you’ll go bald,” you gently chide. he immediately releases his hair at the possibility that he could go bald! yuuji would rather not lose all his hair, thank you very much. “do you have math homework, baby?”
yuuji nods again. “gojo-sensei gave us a worksheet to do, but i don’t get it. how am i supposed to do the homework if i don’t get it?” yuuji becomes increasingly more agitated with each word, his voice rising in volume. 
you let your son voice all his worries before speaking. when you stop at a red light, you glance over your shoulder at your son to give him a reassuring look. 
“you can ask your papa to help with your homework tonight,” you suggest.
yuuji immediately perks up at the idea. his brown eyes go all round. “you think papa will help me?” he hopefully asks.
you chuckle. as if kento would ever turn yuuji down. “of course, yuuji. how about you ask him when we get inside?” you say as you pull into your driveway.
“papa’s home?!” yuuji squeals. with his clumsy little hands, he tries to undo his seatbelt as quick as he can, but his fingers can’t locate the button to unfasten his seatbelt in his haste. 
you quickly undo your seatbelt, hopping out of the car and opening up the car door where yuuji’s sitting. you reach around his body to press the button to unlock his seatbelt. as soon as yuuji is free from the restraints, he scrambles out of his booster seat and makes a run for the front door. 
“yuuji, slow down,” you playfully scold. you scoop up his forgotten backpack that lies in the backseat, shut the door, lock your car, and walk toward the entrance of your home. yuuji impatiently bounces up and down, jamming his pointer finger against the doorbell to make it open up faster.
before you can tell yuuji to exercise a little bit of patience or whip your house key out, the door swings open, revealing the man of the hour.
“papa!” yuuji excitedly shouts, throwing himself with reckless abandon at the blond man. kento, ever ready for anything, bends down and easily catches his little spitfire with open arms.
“hello, yuuji.” kento greets with a small, amused smile. your husband turns his attention to you. “hello, love.”
you gently usher your boys out of the doorway and further inside your home, so you can shut the front door behind you. “hi, sweetheart.”
you punctuate the end of your sentence by pressing a chaste kiss to kento’s lips. yuuji scrunches his face into disgust at the display of affection. “ew. that’s gross,” he says while wriggling his small body, still held in kento’s arms, between you.
you fondly roll your eyes, grinning. “you’re gross from being at school all day.” you bop yuuji on the nose, causing him to go cross-eyed for a moment. “go wash your hands, stink bug. also, don’t forget that you wanted to ask your papa something.”
“i am not stinky,” yuuji whines, squirming around in kento’s arms until your husband carefully lowers him down to the ground. despite his adamant protest that he does not stink, yuuji follows your directions and bounds down the hallway, making his way to the restroom to wash up.
with the two of you alone in the hallway now, kento looks at you with a raised brow. “ask me something?” he parrots.
you snake an arm around kento’s waist, pulling the man closer so you can give him a quick peck on the cheek. “nothing bad, i promise, but i’ll let yuuji ask you,” you reassure. releasing your hold on kento, you traverse down the hallway toward the kitchen to make an easy snack for yuuji. you drop yuuji’s backpack on the dining table when you pass by it.
kento trails after you, loosely wrapping his arms around you from behind as you stand near the countertop. you hum and pluck an apple from the bowl, rolling it around in your palm to feel if it’s ripe enough. you can cut up some apple slices for yuuji’s afternoon snack. knowing him, he’ll probably want to eat them with some caramel sauce.
“sweetheart, could you pass me—”
a cutting board followed by a knife magically appears in your vision. you take them and place them down on the countertop in front of you. you lean back to press a kiss to kento’s jaw. “thank you, kento.”
kento softly smiles, brushing his lips against your forehead. “you’re welcome.”
from the kitchen area, you and kento can hear the running water of the faucet in the bathroom suddenly cease. not long after, yuuji bursts through the room.
kento detaches himself from you and makes his way around the counter to get to yuuji’s side.
“yes, yuuji?”
kento bends his knees and lowers himself to the hardwood floor to make himself only slightly taller than yuuji instead of standing at his full height and towering over the boy. yuuji places his little hands on kento’s shoulders to force the man to look him straight in the eyes. yuuji does his best to paste on a serious look, but it’s much too cute with his adorably chubby cheeks. kento dons a serious look as well, but his eyes are soft as he gazes at his son.
“i need help with my math homework,” yuuji states.
“okay. why don’t we move to the table, and you can show me what you need help with?” nanami propositions.
yuuji’s eyes light up, and he responds with a determined nod before bouncing away toward the dining table. you watch from your place near the kitchen island as kento pushes himself off of the ground. his joints audibly creak, and a light wince crosses his face.
“looks like you’re getting old, old man,” you tease, pausing from your task of cutting up apple slices for yuuji. 
kento places his hands on his lower back to stretch out his muscles and tosses you a flat look your way. “we’re the same age.”
“whatever helps you sleep at night,” you airily say with a flourish of your hand. you make a shooing motion at kento. “now, go help our son with his homework.”
the corner of his lip curls upward, and kento turns and walks to go take a seat across from yuuji at the dining table.
you refocus on the task at hand and continue cutting up apple slices for yuuji. once you’re content with how many wedges you have, you set down the knife and open up the fridge to search for the caramel sauce that yuuji is so fond of. when you spot the container you’re looking for, you’re quick to grab it along with the plastic container of grapes.
turning on the faucet, you rinse the container of grapes under the running spray of water. once you think they’re clean enough, you turn off the water and begin to organize the array of fruits neatly onto a plate with a small dish of caramel sauce to the side. you dry off your hands with a hand towel, put everything away back in its place, and grab the plate to bring to yuuji.
the sight that greets you when you gently nudge the door to the dining room wide open melts your heart. yuuji is bent over his worksheet, face screwed in intense concentration, as he tightly fists a pencil in one hand. kento is sat beside him, idly watching yuuji attempt to solve one of the problems printed in black ink.
“i just don’t get it, papa!” yuuji whines. his brows furrow together and his eyes bore into the piece of paper laid out in front of him as if the answer will magically come to him.
“which part do you not understand?” kento calmly asks.
“all of it!” yuuji says, voice full of distress. he tosses his hands up into the air to further emphasize his point.
kento places a large hand on yuuji’s back to help ground him. he rubs his palm up and down in a comforting manner. “that’s okay, yuuji. we can go over it again together until you understand the concept,” kento says, ever so patient. 
you take this as an opportunity to butt into the conversation. “how about you take a quick break before you try again, yuuji?” yuuji and kento both look your way at the unexpected sound of your voice. you raise the hand that’s balancing the plate. “i brought you a little snack.”
yuuji looks at kento, waiting for the assurance that it’s okay if he takes a break. 
“we can try again after you’ve eaten.”
with his permission, yuuji happily shoves one of the apple slices you’ve cut up into his mouth as soon as you set the dish down onto the table. 
“make sure you chew with your mouth closed, baby,” you remind yuuji as you take a seat across from him and kento. you love your son to bits, but he is the messiest eater you know. with his mouth full of mashed apples, he gives you a little thumbs up. 
when yuuji’s done with his snack, you whisk the plate away. you stand up and move to the other side of the table to place a kiss on yuuji’s forehead, ruffling his unruly hair, and then press another kiss to the top of kento’s head.
“good luck on math, you two. i know you’ll get it in no time, baby! you have a great teacher, after all.” you end your sentence with an exaggerated wink directed at kento, which prompts yuuji to giggle. kento doesn’t outwardly laugh, but you can see the amusement shining in his eyes.
“thank you, love,” kento says as you exit the room. love overflows in your chest as you clean the dirty dishes in the kitchen. you know that kento would patiently explain the concept over and over again to yuuji until he understood it. he would never raise his voice at him or grow frustrated with his lack of understanding. kento’s just that type of dad- a wonderful one.
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gotgshit · 7 years
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@whoop-whoop-grocket more human au papa Rocket as requested!
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doodlebugbaby · 2 years
Modern AU Regressor gamer!Childe and CG!Zhongli for anon
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Childe often regresses to a slightly older age, around 9-12
As such he needs older entertainment and is allowed to use the computer (monitored of course)
So, he plays a lot of video games! 
First person shooters are his favorite, but Zhongli has him avoid the gory ones while regressed
TF2 is a common one, but minecraft and Roblox are also popular choices!
Zhongli will watch him play, occasionally joining
This man is terrible at video games but he tries
Childe just laughs and keeps killing him 
Voice chats are Childes worst enemy
He gets too excited and ends up swearing
Those sessions usually end with Childe pouting in the timeout corner
Therefore, many creative swear replacements are created during gameplay
He may not be able to say the f-word, but there are no rules against calling someone a bent paperclip! 
Childe is a very high energy regressor, so video games are good to keep him entertained when they can't play outside or Zhongli just needs to rest his old man bones
Childe also enjoys just talking Zhonglis ear off about the game while he plays 
"Papa, papa look! This is a rocket jump!! Isnt it cool?"
"Oh, thats very cool Childe. How do you do that?"
"Well you have to be using soldier, and-!"
Overall it's great bonding! 
Zhongli learns about the things Childe likes, and Childe gets to kick his butt 
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