#peep literally all my wips and prompts for them in this
homosociallyyours · 1 year
Hii! Hope the writing is going well?
These are the questions i want to ask if you're still answering: 5, 20 (related to 20, whichever answer you choose i would love details on this WIP)
Hiiiii it went well, I finished my draft!! WHEEEEE
my reward? answering this ask! so thank you :)
5) Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Ummm not necessarily a superstition, but I do write in comic sans bc I read that it tricks your brain into thinking you're doing something very silly/not actually serious. And I believe it works for me!! So it must be true, right?
20) If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it-- which would you choose?
I know this is supposed to be a hard choice, but. Love. For sure, no hesitation, I'll pick someone supportive sitting next to me on the couch and encouraging me to work on a new fic or an old WIP.
It doesn't hurt that I don't really have a WIP that's a darling to me at the moment. I have a couple that I really wanna finish, though. The next one I'm gonna tackle (hopefully for the end of next month, fingers crossed) is something that was supposed to be written for the reverse bang before last. It's got art by @becomeawendybird and UGH it's gonna be great once I actually write the last 2000 words or so. Details below the cut :)
So the prompt/art is girl direction and basically tax preparer Marcel/stripper Louis-- Marcel works for a big tax company that tweets about being able to help strippers with their taxes (in a cheeky, cute way) and Louis works at the Lusty Lady, a worker owned, unionized peep show in SF. Marcel helps Louis, and the two of them later go on a date and fall for each other. There's some good awkward moments in there and some sexy-ish ones too, imo.
I honestly think I could've finished it in time, but some outside pressures really got into my head and made me scared to finish. Basically I have a lot of sex workers in my life who I love and care about, including people who worked at the Lusty Lady, and someone on here heard that I was writing a stripper fic and got very upset with me, telling me I shouldn't write it bc it's disrespectful and harmful to sex workers.
My beta at the time was literally a sex worker? She is open about this, just to be clear, and I'm not going into this thoughtlessly. While I know I'm not gonna write something that perfectly portrays the experience of All Strippers with a story about someone working at this (pretty unique) spot in a very liberal city like SF, I was hoping to write something cute and fun but also respectful and informative.
ANYWAYYYY i valiantly pretended that i wasn't listening to this one person and did keep working on the fic, but it really got in my head and once I missed the deadline I had to limp over to something else. In case it's not obvious, I'm *still* not over it, and my only hope is that this person (with whom I'm in a mutual block, though I do know they're still active) doesn't know when i publish it and won't go after me for it.
so. uh. late April! hopefully! maybe finishing the WIP is all it will take for my one true love to find me??
** usually i like gossiping a bit, but i won't reveal the name of the person who came after me, so please don't ask. i didn't tell anyone at the time and i'm not starting now **
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love-fireflysong · 2 years
You don't need to answer this, but i just wanted to let you know, that i am looking forward to those stories that you have in your head as ideas like you said. Body Swap, Celebrity AU, All of them, I WANNA READ IT SO BAD, i don't know what to tell you hahaha. Don't feel pressured by this, PLEASE, i just want you to know i would love to read them, IF you post them one day, and I'm saying any or all of them, i would read it. (Doesn't really matter if some of them are Climbing Crash)
(Honestly, I am gonna answer this because the timing of this ask is killing me right now. I was literally just tagged a few hours earlier by @eurazba to share and open up my wip fic folder, so if you want to know everything and anything about any of those ideas than there is quite literally no better time to ask about them than now asjdasjdhkj)
WIP Folder
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Tagged by: @eurazba
(I'm too lazy to split them up by fandom, but as a warning while like 99.9% of these are all Until Dawn related, a couple of them are Tales of Phantasia based with a single one being an actual Quarry fic so choose wisely... or however many you want I'm not gonna throw a fit lol)
ud/outlast xover -side outlast-
ud/outlast xover -side until dawn-
chrashley kiss prompt the third
Can I Roll for Marriage?
prison talk
(un)happy ending
body swap au
celebrity au
coming out
fake dating
found family
free space
mystery solving
rare pair
road trip
slice of life
snowed in
supernatural/paranormal au
there was only one bed
And that's all of them! Some of them I admittedly have MUCH clearer ideas for than others, and while only a couple of them have actual writing in the file itself, I will gladly and happily share whatever if anyone asks about it!
As for tagging other people, jesus christ there is no way on earth i have enough people to tag oh my god ajkhsdjkahsd. So for now I'll just tag the usual peeps me thinks: @queenofbaws @nick-furcillo @icequeen-07 @fudgeroach @jacob-custos
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captainsjack · 4 years
here’s something no one asked for: hcs for shawn & gus based on this post:
who hogs the duvet: shawn. somehow, without fail, he gets himself wrapped up in the blankets like a burrito. he doesn’t mean to, maybe he’s unknowingly always cold at night, but he always somehow manages to get tangled. normally, gus would be annoyed, because, well, who wants to sleep without blankets, that’s no fun. but shawn also always sleeps practically on top of gus, one hand clutching gus’s shirt. (that was something that had been constant since they were kids - whenever they had sleepovers, squished in either of their beds, shawn would always latch onto gus in his sleep). so, even though gus has less than 5% of the blankets, he’s never actually cold, because he has shawn wrapped around him.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both. and neither. shawn and gus see each other for more than 90% of the day (canonically too), so there’s really no reason to text and call each other that much. but if they’ve split up for a case, they’ll check in, or if gus is at work, shawn will text him memes or cute dogs he’s seen throughout the day. these idiots can’t go 3 seconds without talking to each other (as we’ve seen in the psych 1 movie trailer, helLO), so it’s a guarantee that they’re either always together in person, or having some sort of conversation/meme sharing exchange over text, or are on the phone when gus has a break from work.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: honestly, both. i don’t know what constitutes as ‘creative,’ but they’re both over the top thoughtful with their gifts. shawn knows everything there is to know about gus, and he remembers every small, insignificant, off handed, comment he’s made about things he likes. so shawn will track down that specific, first edition, one of a kind, comic book from the 50′s or something, that gus mentioned half-heartedly five years ago. (gus is, always, without fail, speechless that shawn managed to buy something so rare, and the fact that he remembered in the first place). gus is a romantic. he’ll plan a surprise vacation for them, or a super nice dinner, or he’ll get concert tickets to a band he knows shawn loves even though he can’t stand them. for gus, it’s always about the experience, since he knows shawn will at some point lose almost everything he’s given. (although he always gives a pineapple with his gift too).
who gets up first in the morning: gus (of course). he goes to work early, and meets shawn at psych later. but, when he has the day off, shawn won’t let him get out of bed until at least 11. gus doesn’t complain.
who suggests new things in bed: shawn. well, he’s the one that brings it up at least. he’s gotten really good at being able to tell when something excites gus - the way his vision darkens, shoulders tense, he unconsciously sucks in his lower lip just a bit. usually, it’s from a scene in a movie (princess leia in the gold bikini anyone?) or maybe it’s one of the costumes shawn has to wear for a case (american duos, cowboy!shawn, etc). either way, shawn can tell when gus is turned on by something new, and he’ll either surprise gus later, or he’ll pause the movie right then, hands already working on gus’s fly. (gus doesn’t get how shawn always just knows, but he’s definitely, definitely not complaining).
who cries at movies: gus. he’s a sympathetic crier, ok? he can’t help it. shawn finds it amusing every time, but then gus will just say “princess bride” and shawn shuts up. (for some reason, that’s the one movie shawn cries during, and he’s always thought he hid it well, but apparently gus has know this whole time).
who gives unprompted massages: both. when shawn gets particularly bad headaches (sensory overload), he’ll lay on gus’s lap and gus will massage his temples. when gus is stressed about a presentation or test or something, shawn will forget about whatever he’s in the middle of doing and automatically massage his shoulders.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: again, both. it started when gus got a bad cold one winter. shawn fussed over him in typical shawn fashion, but he also couldn’t stay away, no matter how much gus told him to go so he wouldn’t get sick himself. when gus is sick, shawn curls up next to him, kisses his face, his lips, his shoulders, and eventually gets sick himself (it’s not his fault, ok? he really, really does try to stay away. but.. it’s gus. he can’t. you can’t blame him). then eventually gus recovers, and it’s his turn to take care of shawn. it’s happened so often, that whenever one of them gets sick, it’s easier for them to both just take the week off and be sick together.
who gets jealous the easiest: canonically, both. before they got together, they each had an unhealthy jealousy of the person the other one was dating. i definitely don’t need to go into detail here, just watch the show. however, this subsides once they do actually start dating. they’re both the most important person in each others’ lives, and have been for four decades. there’s a level of trust there that can’t really be compared to anything. so once the threat of a significant other (one that’s not either shawn or gus) is out of the way, there’s no reason for jealousy. they have each other and that’s all they’ve ever wanted.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: shawn. he likes to think he’s cool, but when it comes to music, he listens to the most embarrassing things.
who collects something unusual: gus. we’re told in 2x03 that he collects coins (although coins aren’t really that unusual). something cute i noticed though, is that in 2x09, after it’s established gus collects coins, shawn and gus are playing hangman during a case, and shawn draws the stick figure as gus. when he shows the drawing to gus, the stick figure has a high top fade, and has a little speech bubble (or it could be a thought bubble, idk) that says “i love coins!”. anyway, i just thought that was absolutely adorable. for shawn, it’s not technically a collection, but he’s saved everything gus has ever given him for the past 40 years. for some reason, he’s super careful with gus’s stuff, but will have to go out and buy new socks multiple times a month because he keeps losing them.
who takes the longest to get ready: gus. he has a process, ok? the only thing shawn really does to get ready is his hair, and that doesn’t even take long. somehow, every morning without fail, shawn will be waiting in the living room for an extra 20 minutes waiting for gus to get ready. he doesn’t get it. (also when they first get together, it’s almost impossible for either of them to actually get ready because they keep getting distracted by each other and every 5 minutes they just end up making out).
who is the most tidy and organized: gus (duh). he has systems, and routines, and rules, and everything has to be done a Certain Way. shawn, of course, is the complete opposite. it’s not that he doesn’t care, really, it’s just that, well, either he forgets, or there’s something else that he’d rather be doing. this becomes a problem when they finally move in together. gus (rightfully so) gets annoyed at shawn’s utter lack of respect for the house and their belongings (like jackets strewn across chairs, shoes not on the shoe rack, dishes left on the table). eventually, gus makes a chore chart. shawn makes fun of him for it at first, but then gus gives him his don’t-even-play-with-me-shawn-you’re-never-going-to-win-this-argument look, and shawn shuts up. it takes a while for shawn to get used to the schedule and to actually remember to do things, but eventually they create a rhythm that works, and gus relaxes.
who gets most excited about the holidays: both. every holiday. they’ve always done over the top things together their whole lives - whether it was christmas, thanksgiving, halloween, or new years. the psych office and their apartment are always decorated with the tackiest and most extravagant decorations. since they were kids, they’ve always spent hours on end decorating each others’ houses together. now they get to decorate their own house.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: it depends. when they’re watching a movie, either they’ll lay on the couch together and gus will be the little spoon, or they’ll be sitting up, and shawn will curl into gus’s side, head on his shoulder (gus’s head resting atop his), shawn’s arm hugging gus’s waist. if they’re in bed, they both kind of spoon each other. they lay facing each other, legs intertwined, gus’s arm wrapped around shawn’s waist. shawn will have his head buried in the crook of gus’s neck, while the both of them share his pillow. shawn’s hand either rests on gus’s upper-arm squished between the two of them, or he’ll be holding onto gus’s shirt. gus’s lips and nose will be squished against shawn’s forehead and shawn will smile into gus’s skin. however, sometimes shawn gets into bed later than gus, and when he does, he wraps an arm over gus side, and gus’s hand finds shawn’s in his sleep, and he interlaces their fingers and pulls shawn’s hand to his chest. shawn presses a soft kiss against gus’s shoulder and gus leans back into him. they both move around a lot during the night, but when they wake up, either gus will be on top of shawn, clinging to him like a koala, or vice versa. their cuddling takes many forms, but no matter what, shawn and gus are always wrapped up in each other.
who gets the most competitive when playing games and/or sports: gus. it’s not fair - shawn’s memory and observational skills give him an advantage. whether they’re playing those road trip dog/license plate/letter spotting games, or cards, or whatever, shawn, without fail, always wins. they’ve had to take a few hiatuses along the years after gus got particularly frustrated. however, when shawn cheats, gus always knows and then that game is banned too. they also play trivia games, and those are the ones that only gus wins. shawn gets just as upset as gus does when he loses, and that adds to their collection of Games We’re Not Playing For An Undisclosed Amount Of Time. also, shawn and gus have game nights with juliet and her girlfriend. it’s the only time they at least try to be civil, and most nights go off without a hitch (until they get home and either shawn or gus starts pouting). one of their favorite games to play is catch phrase. shawn and gus always win because they share one (1) collective brain cell and therefore only need to so much as look at each other before the other guesses the word. juliet and her girlfriend have banned that game many times as well.
who starts the most arguments: trivial, light-hearted bickering? both, always, all the time. they love it. actual, real arguments? almost never. the only arguments they’ve had are canon. shawn sleeping with joy, obsessive jealousy, destruction of relationships, whatever else has been mentioned. i honestly can’t think of anything they’d argue over. but if they do, they’re mature about it. 40 years of trust and communication allows for mature dialogue when either of them is upset. if they need to, one of them (mostly gus) will leave to cool down before they talk. but they always communicate when they're leaving (if they do) because of shawn’s fear of abandonment. the arguments never last long, and they’re honest about their feelings. the make up sex is particularly great (because like i said, these idiots can’t go 3 seconds without each other).
who suggests that they buy a pet: neither. they don’t mean to. they’re on one of their monthly bunny petting dates, and somehow - neither of them know - they walk out with a pet bunny and about a dozen toys. they name him mr. floppingtons the 3rd.
what tv shows they watch together: saturday morning cartoons. since they were five, they’ve always gotten up early together and watched them, cuddled on the couch, eating pancakes.
what other couple they hang out with: jules and her girlfriend. lassie and marlowe. sometimes the chief and her husband, or mcnab and his wife. ya know, all canon things.
how they spend their time together as a couple: the same way they’ve been spending time together for the past four decades (it takes everyone at the station about a month to even realize they’re dating now). except now they get to make out and cuddle, which makes everything 1000x better. when they first get together though, it’s hard to actually get anything done around the office. they set out with good intentions - really, they do - but it’s just so hard to work with your boyfriend without getting distracted. especially when you’ve spent the last 20 years pining over him. you can’t blame them, really.
who made the first move: don’t even ask me this, i have way too many ideas. it could’ve been 2x11 (after the whole mira thing), 3x02 (shawn’s fucking “are you kidding me, he was voted most likely to succeed. you think he’s going to date me?” you’re telling me gus didn’t ask him about that? bc boy was obviously shook). or 3x08 (gus canonically tells shawn he loves him when he’s taken hostage. shawn tries to bolt into the bank when he learns gus is in there. so much heartbreak and tension in this ep oh my god). or 3x09 (shawn let’s it slip that he only slept with joy because gus wasn’t there, so what was he supposed to do? “wait, you’re telling me this had something to do with me?” “...no”). or 4x09 (this is self explanatory, i mean shawn literally is kidnapped and shot. also how cute/heartbreaking would it have been if he called gus instead of jules). 4x11 (the whole ruby thing, i mean, come on). 4x13 (the last 7 mins of this is just gus heartbroken that shawn is confessing to jules. i mean, this guy tries to prevent shawn from telling her he loves her...). or oh my god 5x02 (goddamned gay cinema here when shawn sees gus tap dance. “that’s my partner!” uh,, shawn, buddy, literally no one in the audience knows you work together, now they all think you’re dating. you’re telling me, shawn wouldn’t have just grabbed gus and kissed him on the way to the blueberry because his love was just exploding out of him? ok.). and all the fake dating for a case to love confessions tropes??? buddy i could write novels for these two. also any time any one of them has a girlfriend, i bet the other is so obvious with their jealousy it just leads to accidental love confessions. or a “kiss me before we die?” “you can get the kiss when we survive - so move!” thing?? HOW DID I LEAVE OUT 5x16 !!!! gus’s “i don’t blame you” confession turns into a “i’ve been in love with you for 20 years and i’m not dying without telling you” confession!!!! or we can even go so far back as to shawn and gus dated in high school and then shawn left abruptly and there’s angst. and then he comes back to sb and they talk and they’re friends again and then oh, wait, i’ve never actually stopped loving you these past 7 years, fuck, what now? and then we get a married since before s1 au. or au where gus doesn’t follow shawn to san fran and they’re both miserable and shawn breaks up with jules and goes back to him and gus has a hard time forgiving him because shawn fucking left again. OH WAIT HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT THE RACHEL THING!!! i haven’t seen that ep in forever but remember when henry tells gus that gus is the most important person in shawn’s life and shawn doesn’t want to share him and that’s why he sabotaged gus’s relationship?? cue gus putting everything together and marching right over to shawn and kissing the crap out of him. ALSO gus stops shawn’s wedding when the preacher says “speak now or forever hold your peace.” OR au where gus is getting married and shawn stops his wedding. or literally any possibility of them almost dying and them confessing to each other. someone stop me i’m just spilling all my wips right now. see there’s too many possibilities for these fucking idiots i-
who brings home flowers: shawn. he’ll be walking somewhere and just pick up flowers that remind him of gus or that he thinks gus will like. by the end of the day, he’ll have collected a little bouquet (half wilted) and he’ll give them gus to in passing, with a soft kiss on the cheek. it’s something he does without thinking, and something that brings tears to gus’s eyes everytime.
who is the best cook: gus. if they’re not ordering out (which is rare), gus does the cooking. once, shawn tried to surprise gus with breakfast in bed and almost burned down the house. now he’s only allowed to watch.
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lycorogue · 2 years
Master List of WIPs and Plot Bunnies (as of Jan 2022)
(roughly a 40min read)
As a means to try to get myself re-inspired to write, I've spent some time trying to collect all of my plot bunnies and WIPs in one place. Thus, I created a master-list.
Turns out, if you include things like my "365 anthology of daily writing prompts" that I’ve never completed, I have 22 WIPs (stories I have at least started, but haven't finished), and another 16 Miraculous Ladybug fanfic ideas (plot bunnies) that I haven't started yet. 
Not to mention any Encanto plot bunnies that have been playing along the edges of my mind, but haven't quite formed enough yet for me to list them on the Plot Bunnies tally.
Speaking of, the current tally looks like this:
- 4 ML fanfics started - 1 Hey Arnold fanfic I never meant to abandon - 5 X-Future (X-Men with OCs) stories - 1 D&D character study - 1 recounting of a World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade) character (probably forever abandoned) - an attempt to novelize the Cirque du Soleil show Varekai - an on-going attempt to convert X-Future into an original series called Glitches - 5 stories within my original fantasy world of Gyateara - 3 writing anthologies built from writing prompts (at least one is probably permanently abandoned)
Plot Bunnies (in order of how far I’ve gotten with the plot build)
- The PV of ML (Felix as Chat Noir and Bridgette as Ladybug) co-exists with canon - Adrien is in need of a fake girlfriend, and decides on Marinette -  Rewrite of canon so that Gabriel is actually a decent father who loves his son - Non-magic game streamer AU - 3 different continuations of my story Ladybug’s Simp Squad - Adrien tries out the concept that “if you want the truth, ask the same question 3x” on both LB and Marinette, to surprising results. - Another retelling of the 12th chapter of Remember That Time When.. by @mostlovedgirl-writes This time focusing more on Adrien’s isolation after Marinette literally locked herself away from him. - 2 stories involving the New York Special - Plagg’s POV of the episode “Puppeteer 2″ (a companion piece to my story Painfully Close) - Alya (as either herself or her superhero persona) pinning Adrien against the wall as she accuses him of hurting Marinette - Master Fu backstory filling in the time between the fall of the monastery and when we meet him in Origins. Mostly focusing on the 1940s and WWII. - Adrien discovers that Ladybug is Marinette, and tries to figure out who this boy is that she’s in love with - Adrien finds out HE’S the boy that Ladybug keeps turning Chat Noir down for. (may or may not end up part of the above plot bunny) 
Now to get motivation to actually WRITE some of this stuff.... Maybe if people bully me???
Honestly, the following detailed list of all my WIPs and plot bunnies is mostly for my benefit. That way I have a reference online for times I don’t have my computer on-hand. But if you want to join me down the rabbit hole (and get more of a feel of what I have in the fire), I’ll gladly see you under the cut.
WIPs - Fanfics
Miraculous Ladybug:
One and the Same - The sequel to my story Peeping Tomcat. I’ve been struggling to get this story done since 2018. I have some great moments here and there, but the overall story just isn’t coming together. This time, instead of the story being exclusively Adrien’s 1st person POV, I am tag-teaming Adrien and Marinette as 1st person POV narrators. In this sequel, Adrien is trying desperately to get Marinette to fall in love with him, and she’s not sure how to handle this....
I Don't Care - I already have 2 chapters of this story posted because I wasn’t planning on it being a multi-chapter story, and yet, here I am. It’s my interpretation of Gabriel and Emilie’s romance: how they met, them dating, their marriage, and their years with Adrien before Emilie fell into her coma. The title is a nod to the inspiration of the second chapter: “I Don’t Care” by Ed Sheeran. Mostly because I see that as Gabriel’s attitude towards Emilie.
Seduce With Caution - A smut story I started writing the summer of 2020 that has become a slow-burn MariChat story.  Chat Noir tries to show off his new flirting/seduction techniques on Marinette to prove that he can get Ladybug to fall for HIM. He accidentally hits the mark perfectly without realizing. Marinette fights against her newfound attraction for Chat Noir while Adrien tries to figure out why he keeps picturing an unmasked Ladybug as Marinette in his fantasies. Some extra awkward Adrienette moments as Adrien wonders if he can also get Marinette riled up as himself, and Marinette tries not to combust as Adrien flirts with her!
Love Square Fluff Week - Back before the pandemic truly hit, I was working on the 7-day Love Square Fluff Week writing prompts. I have the first 5 chapters up before I fell into my pandemic-induced writing funk. I just need to figure out those last 2!
“Hey, Arnold!”
What is Truly Meant to Be - Using the premise of the never-produced spin-off series “The Patakis” as a guide, Arnold had broken up with Helga when his parents moved away from Hillwood. He had assumed it was selfish of him to ask her to keep up a long-distance relationship. Now that they have both graduated high school, and nothing is keeping them apart, Arnold rushes back to Hillwood so he can tell Helga he’s still in love with her and ask her to be his girlfriend again. Unfortunately, Brainy has already helped Helga mend her broken heart, and she’s been dating him for the past two years (? it’s been a while since I went back to this story. I think it was 2 years). Now Helga has to decide between the sweet and supportive boyfriend she currently has and the boy she’s been in love with since she was 3. I got 8 chapters (and over 60k words) into this story before I unintentionally abandoned it in 2013. 😅 Each chapter was based on a song - which became that chapter’s title - which is why I subtitled it “A Hey Arnold Musical”. 
X-Future (an X-Men RPG created by my husband)
Please, Let Me Explain - Originally a short story that my friend Ronoxym wrote, and I sort of unintentionally hijacked it. It’s SUPPOSED to be a collab between the two of us, but neither of us have touched it since 2016. In the roleplay, my character Willow thought Rono’s character Devon had betrayed the X-Men to an attack from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, which resulted in the Xavier mansion blowing up and killing at least 3 students. PLME has Devon trying to explain the situation to Willow, and how he had no clue what happened with the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. If he had, he would have come home. Willow isn’t sure she can trust him, though. After a LOT of work, Devon finally convinces Willow to use her psychic abilities to delve into his mind to prove he’s telling the truth. That’s about where the story derailed and we haven’t been able to get it back on track yet. Still, I did post the first two chapters back in 2015. I do want to go back to this story eventually, and it does tend to invade my thoughts on occasion.
Some Like it Flame-Broiled - Another story that was originally written by Ronoxym. This was probably the first bit of smut I have ever written. Not sure if it will ever see the light of day, but I am still periodically tweaking it. I had written a solo scene on X-Future (a play-by-post RPG) where my tertiary character Trish masturbated to a gas tanker explosion (she’s a pyrophile). Now, the players were all over 20yo, and even so, the scene I wrote was more a simple T-rated “she masturbated”, as opposed to NC-17 explicit descriptions. Anyway, since Trish was originally created as a potential love interest for Devon when he joined the Brotherhood (she ended up being a rival bent on killing him.... whoops....), Rono wrote a smut AU where Devon truly did turn evil (instead of playing a double-agent) and Evil!Devon had a weird sexual relationship with Trish. I took Rono’s story and RAN with it. But, like I said, I still have some tweaks to do.
Untitled battle between Devon and Trish - A battle to the death between the canon versions of Trish and Devon. Trish and the Brotherhood were holding Devon’s girlfriend’s parents hostage. Devon went to save them, and ended up in a knife fight with Trish. This battle is canon to explain what happened to Devon during a time jump in-game, but the only bits that were canonically posted were the fact that there was a fight, and the result. I went ahead and wrote out the full battle, but I’m still learning fight choreography, so I want to go back and tweak it. Haven’t touched this story since 2017 or so, though. I also want Ronoxym’s input, since it does involve his character, even if we aren’t playing that RPG anymore.
X-Future: The Second Generation Begins - My attempt to adapt the roleplay into a more traditional narrative. Our method of tracking time - and what scenes happen when - was poor at best, however. So the conversion ended up a more intense undertaking than I originally thought. The RP went on for about 2 or 3 years, and I only covered the first 2 months or so (which was still over 67k words) before this project got shelved. Still want to finish it, though.
X-Future Snippets - As my way of doing character studies and sorting out what to do next with my characters in the official RP, I wrote a series of one-shots using my X-Future characters Lia, Willow, and Trish. I last updated this 15-chapter/35k+ word anthology of one-shots in 2016. I hope to get re-acquainted with my characters, and hopefully add more shorts to this collection.
Too Many Names, Even For A Gnome - A character study for my gnome Elymoxa. A way to learn who she is by figuring out what all of her names are, and how she earned them. As of right now, I only have three chapters up. I also haven’t played this D&D character since 2018, so I’m not sure when I’ll be going back to learning about this character.
World of Darkness
Lottie's story - This was my NaNoWriMo attempt back in 2014. I was playing the World of Darkness game Vampire: The Masquerade. Lottie was my Brujah vampire that was turned in the 1940s. I wanted to capture our gameplay. I failed to do so, as I only wrote 3000 words. I will probably never get back to this story, sadly. It was fun, though, to re-read that opening chapter. I instantly remembered who played which character based on how the characters interacted. Good times.
Adaptation of the Cirque du Soleil show into a novel - Since the early 2000s, when I first saw the Cirque show Varekai, I fell in love with the story of Icarus falling into a mythical and magical forest instead of plummeting into the sea. For my birthday in 2017, I got a DVD of the show, and wanted to write a novelization of the story Cirque du Soleil told. I even watched it live that summer to help inspire me. It was also the year I fell in love with Miraculous Ladybug, though, and I ended up working on Peeping Tomcat that NaNoWriMo instead. So I have yet to write more than the opening chapter of this Varekai story.
WIPs - Original Works
A rework of the X-Future world and original characters (the player characters) as an original story with no ties to X-Men or Marvel. I’ve done a lot of world-build thus far, and character reworks to turn Marvel-owned characters that are significant for the X-Future story into original versions. I’ve also written a couple of scenes. I’m still debating between trying to write this as a comic (which requires an illustrator) or a series of novels (but it feels like such a visual story). I just miss my X-Future characters and the other player characters they interacted with. I want to go back to writing them again in some shape or form.
Case and point - maybe rework the above X-Future stories so they are more original stories within the Glitches universe?
Lost Loves and Paramours - My 2016 NaNoWriMo story where I explored the backstory I gave my D&D character Jolene Crisslebalm. While I stuck to the backstory I gave her for the campaign, I also reworked a lot of it so it could be original. There’s still a few bits that were original world-builds of my DM that I have to edit out, and I might also rework some of the canon backstory. Either way, I did hit 50k+ words, making this my FIRST NaNo win! I’m not even half-way done with her backstory, though. So it definitely needs a lot of reworking, and I need to actually finish writing out her story. I do poke at this WIP periodically. Aug 2021 I created a Spotify playlist that tells Jolene’s story. Maybe someday I’ll post something publicly. 
The Race for Destiny - My first-ever attempt at NaNoWriMo, way back in 2012. The story itself was first formed shortly after I played the Xbox game Fable back in 2004. This story (with its terrible working-title that desperately needs to be redone) originated as a Frankensteined cross-over fanfic between Fable, Inuyasha, Vision of Escaflowne, Legend of Zelda, and Fushigi Yuugi. The story was a classic isekai where Natalie is from a sleepy New England town, and stumbles upon a stone platform with strange runes etched into it. As she inspected the runes, she got teleported to Gyateara. There she was saved from monsters by hero-in-training Connor. The duo find out a Big-Bad is attempting to unlock a fabled artifact to rule the world, and only Natalie (who is assumed to be a messenger of a lost goddess) can stop the baddie with the aid of Connor. During their trials, Natalie and Connor fall in love, and Natalie becomes torn between staying with him and going home when Gyateara is saved. The story was so horribly cliche, but I had pumped so much into the world-build, I hope to one day find a way to salvage anything from this story and complete it.
The People of Gyateara - An anthology of the various cultures that makes up the world of Gyateara. As of this posting, though, I haven’t updated since 2016, and I only had 2 chapters written. Whoops. I should probably get back into this....
The Divine Legends - the various myths and legends that the people of Gyateara tell. I haven’t touched this poor anthology since 2014. I really should get back to this. I should also go back and edit the 3 legends I already have up, now that I have a better understanding of myth structures.
Amara's backstory (untitled) - My first-ever D&D character. Unfortunately, I only managed to play her for 2 sessions, despite her living rent-free in my brain since 2003/2004. Her backstory does keep changing as I grow and learn how problematic different bits truly are (I originally had her as a fantasy version of a g*psy). Amara is still evolving, and as she does, my need to work on this backstory continues.
Writing Prompts
365 Stories: 2017 - Back in 2017, I received a book that provided a new writing prompt every day for a full year. I tried to stick with the practice of doing a writing prompt a day, and create an anthology of these one-shots. Unfortunately, I ended up tapping out at only 26 prompts (27k+ words). It was a good start, but I want to give this challenge another try at some point.
Ronoxym's Flash-Fiction Challenge - Also back in 2017, I lamented to Ronoxym that I can’t seem to write short and succinct stories *side-eyes this whole post* Seems I still can’t.  He challenged me to write stories that are under 1000 words. I only managed about 6 of them - which I collected in this anthology -  before I waved my white flag. I feel like I should try to start up this challenge again, though.
Writing Prompts: An Anthology - Another anthology of one-shot short stories. This time, the collection comes from various writing prompts. Most of the prompts were given out at my local writing group, but some were from random friends, my husband, or interesting prompts I found online. I again only got 11 prompts in before abandoning the challenge. I really should get back into finding prompts....
ML Fanfic Plot Bunnies
1. Concept: The PV (where Felix is Chat Noir and Bridgette is Ladybug) co-exists with canon
This story is FAR from ready for ANY writing to be done as I still try to world-build, but my world-building does already fill 4 pages in OpenOffice Writer.
The main idea was based off of the Smile Fruit in One Piece. Namely, that the Miraculous that Felix and Bridgette get are artificial, which is why the jewelry itself looks different (especially the cat ring), why the “kwamis” are roughly triple the size of canon Tikki and Plagg, why the power sets are different, and why Felix is cursed (as well as the antagonistic dynamic Felix has with his “kwami”). 
I talked about the idea in full detail in this blog post, but here’s a “quick” recap:
A prominent wealthy humanitarian and philanthropist in London is secretly a criminal mastermind a la Marvel’s Wilson Fisk, DC’s Lex Luthor, or Disney’s Gargoyles’ David Xanatos. This man is the PV version of Hawkmoth. Somehow, someway, there are artificial “Miraculous” made, but deemed failed experiments. By some weird circumstance, Felix - now aged about 15 or 16 - ends up with the cat ring and puts it on before discovering it’s cursed. He is now tormented by a magical black cat creature that can go invisible so Felix is the only one who sees it (maybe only those wearing that specific “Miraculous” can see the corresponding “kwami”???). The creature loves to cause bad luck around Felix, but Felix can’t remove the ring without first getting a kiss from the faux-Ladybug. 
Coincidentally, Felix’s classmate Bridgette, who has been obsessively in love with him, ends up with the artificial Ladybug earrings. Her “kwami” is much kinder, and they become fast friends. London’s HM sends out his first minion (I might have to nix Mr. Pigeon and Mime since their gimmicks are such classic Parisian tropes, and are both reused in canon anyway). Bridgette is taught how to become Ladybug, and runs into the fray (she’s the impulsive fighter in this duo).
Discovering what his ring is, the curse, and how to remove the curse, Felix also learns how to become Chat Noir, and joins Ladybug in battle. His priority, however, is to get the kiss and end the curse. After being reamed out by Ladybug, Chat Noir focuses on the battle (he’s the calm and calculating one of this duo, but Ladybug is still the crucial one needed to execute Felix’s plans to save the day). Basically, I wanted to balance out their partnership a bit more: Felix’s Chat Noir can’t defeat the villain by himself, he needs faux-Ladybug’s powers (be it her own version of purifying the akuma or whatever). Meanwhile, while Bridgette has the powers needed to defeat the villain, she needs Felix’s tactical strategy to get even close to winning.
The story continues with the normal affair: Bridgette is in love with Felix, who is annoyed by her constant romantic advances. Meanwhile, Chat Noir is quickly falling for Ladybug, and his requests for kisses become less about ending the curse and more about genuine desire. Ladybug is as put off by his advances as Felix is of Bridgette’s; she accuses him of caring more about spending time with her than saving London... she’s not exactly wrong. Eventually, Felix and Bridgette start to become friends, and Ladybug starts to fall for Chat Noir. Problem now has become that if Chat Noir ever accepts a kiss from Ladybug, it will end his curse, but he can no longer be her superhero partner. Does he accept his lady’s love, and end his curse? Or does he suffer through the curse and reject his partner’s feelings so he can remain by her side as they battle London Hawk Moth? Also, does he (can he?) tell Ladybug about the curse???
This is clearly a MASSIVE undertaking, so who knows when I will have the time to start this project....
2. Concept: Adrien is in need of a fake girlfriend, and decides to ask Marinette
Another one where I have a lot of building to do before I’m ready to actually write the darn thing.
I go over the whole concept in this post, but, again, here’s a quick recap:
For ReasonsTM, Kagame suggests that Adrien gets a fake girlfriend. After going though a few options, Adrien realizes that Marinette would be perfect. It takes some convincing, but Marinette eventually agrees. The two go through a lot of the classic “fake dating” tropes, and Adrien is starting to realize his true feelings for Marinette. 
HOWEVER, before fully realizing he’s fallen for her, he first discovers that Marinette has been in love with him more-or-less since they first met. He hates the idea that he’s been playing with her heart (even if it was unintentional), and instantly breaks things off.
Problem is that he breaks up with her by telling her he’s already in love with someone else.... using almost the exact same speech Ladybug gave Chat Noir at the end of “Glaciator”. Of COURSE Marinette recognizes her own speech, and now has to deal with the knowledge that Adrien is Chat Noir.
Honestly, I don’t know where to go from there... would Marinette battling with her half-reveal knowledge be its own sequel story? Or do I have that be part of the overall tale? What is the reason behind Adrien needing a fake girlfriend in the first place? What “fake dating” tropes should I indulge in? How does Adrien find out that Marinette isn’t faking, and has been in love with him all along? Just so many questions I still need to answer before I can start writing.
3. Concept: Rewriting of canon where only one thing is changed: Gabriel Agreste is actually a loving and attentive father. Potential Title: When Love Matters
The trickiest bits of this one includes figuring out what continuity order I should put the episodes in - production? air order? streaming-service order? Piece them together into my own order based on in-episode clues? - as well as how to rework episodes like “Chat Blanc” and “Ephemeral” without completely negating them (since most of the plot of those episodes revolve around Gabriel being a complete asshole of a human being).
I talk more about the project as an answer to this ask from good lord 2018
4. Concept: Non-Magic Game-Streamer AU.
This was another one that I need to iron out the world-build, but I’m already 2 pages deep into building it.
I posted the original concept back in May 2021, but here’s the “quick” recap:
Adrien is afraid his real-world celebrity will taint his success as a streamer (he wants to claw his way to the top like everyone else so he knows people like him for his streaming, not his celebrity). So he only ever goes by his handle “Chat Noir”, adjusts his voice via his mic somehow, and only ever streams off-camera with a catboy icon, or he’s a vtuber using a catboy avatar.
Marinette knows how much female gamers get harassed, and she’s afraid of getting doxxed. So she also hides behind a handle - “Ladybug” - adjusts her mic to hide her true voice, and streams off-camera. Despite getting a fairly large following as a gaming streamer, she purposefully keeps that life separate from her fashion designing.
Chat Noir and Ladybug meet in a game, and become fast-friends. Adrien actually gets quite enamored with Ladybug, and becomes one of her biggest fans. He tries to meet up with her IRL, or do a private face-reveal via DMs, but she refuses, too afraid to let anyone know who she truly is. Eventually, she also admits that, even if they did meet IRL, they could only be friends since she’s already in love with someone.
Of course, that someone is her good friend Adrien, who is oblivious to her feelings. He does suggest that she should start streaming since she’s such a great gamer, and she kind of awkwardly laughs and shrugs him off.
Hawk Moth is also a streamer, but one of those toxic ones who riles up his chat, isn’t much of a team player in MMORPG or MOBA parties/teams, and kill-steals or takes cheap shots whenever possible. Ladybug and Chat Noir are constantly butting heads with him to help protect the other gamers from his toxicity.
I haven’t decided yet if I need to change up everyone’s handles, since “chat noir”, “ladybug”, and “hawk moth” feel too generic to be available as-is. I’ll have to think more about their gaming handles. I also need to decide if I’m keeping Gabriel as Hawk Moth, or if I should hand the reins over to Felix instead.
Lots and lots of other questions need answers, but it’s a fun AU to tip my toes into now and again until I’m ready to write the dang thing.
5. Concept: Continuation of Ladybug's Simp Squad, but a bit angsty as it centers around Adrien and Plagg.
This plot bunny is courtesy of @BFG_blueapple303 on AO3. In the comments of my story Ladybug’s Simp Squad, they asked me why Adrien didn’t include his swan-dive off the Montparnasse Tower while battling for Simp Supremacy with Alya.  (real answer: I forgot about that somehow)
This story would follow that train of thought: why didn’t Adrien mention that when he literally mentioned battling Gorizilla? 
Plagg would ask Adrien about that omission, mostly because, after knowing everything Adrien actually does for Ladybug, Plagg is a bit offended that Adrien walked away with the #2 Simp spot.
Adrien reflects, but I think he’ll eventually land on 3 things: 1) he didn’t want to stress out his friends by letting them know/reminding them that he leapt off one of the tallest buildings in Paris simply at Ladybug’s say-so. 2) he knows in his heart who he is, so it doesn’t bother him that everyone thinks he’s #2. In fact, it may be better to cover his identity as Chat Noir. Finally, 3) Alya probably won’t be able to be Rena Rouge anymore (the story takes place between seasons 3 and 4), and Adrien felt she needed a win to prove that she’s still able to assist Ladybug, even if she isn’t a superhero anymore.
BFG_blueapple303‘s original idea had this conversation between Adrien and Nino instead of Adrien and Plagg. I think I prefer it with Plagg because Adrien could be more open about more things only Chat Noir would know, but I do also love the original idea with Nino. Plus, we don’t get enough Adrien and Nino just being buddies content. So I might go back to that convo instead.
Either way, I have most of the components all sorted out for this story. I just need the motivation to write it. (and figure out who Adrien is having this conversation with)
6. Concept: Continuation of Ladybug's Simp Squad where Marinette makes Nino a “#1 Rena Rouge Simp” sweatshirt.
This plot bunny is courtesy of @livrever over on AO3 when she mentioned Nino needing a sweatshirt as well.
Again, the story I originally wrote - Ladybug’s Simp Squad - is supposed to take place between seasons 3 and 4. So, as far as Marinette and Adrien are concerned, Alya’s and Nino’s identities as Rena Rouge and Carapace have been compromised, but those two were mind-controlled at the time, and probably don’t realize it.
So Nino asks for a #1 Rena Rouge Simp sweatshirt. He thinks he’s being clever, not realizing Marinette knows EXACTLY why he’d want that shirt. He also thinks it would be a great surprise for his girlfriend.
Poor Marinette is torn, because it almost feels cruel to make Nino a “#1 Rena Rouge Simp” sweatshirt when Alya may never again get to BE Rena Rouge.
Eventually, she caves, and it does make DJWIFI super happy. 
I just need to figure out all the middle bits of this story.
7. Concept: Cuddly Ladrien fluff continuation of Ladybug's Simp Squad.
This one is just straight out of the story Ladybug’s Simp Squad when Marinette cuddles with the sweatshirt she made Adrien. However, I did have a couple of comments on the story of people wanting to see Ladybug actually snuggling Adrien in his Simp shirt. And how can I deny the people? (especially when I’m one of them)
Ladybug, now knowing how large of a "fan" Adrien is, visits him. They start pseudo-dating and ALLLLLL the fluff.
Alternatively, I could go with ALLLLL THE ANGST (MWAHAHAHAHAHA!). 
A little while back, I read Comfort from Each-Other by ScarletRedFox. The basic concept is that Ladybug was concerned for Adrien’s safety if they were to date, so she breaks things off. Soooooo, what if Ladybug at FIRST goes to have sweet Ladrien cuddles with her #2 Simp, but then realizes how much danger she could be putting Adrien in, so she breaks things off????
I’m still pondering the potential of Super Fluff Story vs Super Angst Story....
8. Concept: Adrien tries out the concept that “if you want the truth, ask the same question 3x” on both LB and Marinette, to surprising results. Potential Title: “The Rule of Three”
Adrien found out about a conversational tactic called “the Rule of 3”: whenever asking someone an important question, the first response is the knee-jerk, socialized response they have on standby; the second response is the calculated, defensive response; the third is the fully honest answer.
He tries the tactic on Ladybug to figure out if there is ANY hope of her loving him back. She admits she's torn, and that - maybe - if there was no chance with this other boy, then she could consider it. Chat Noir can't use the Rule of 3 to convince Ladybug to admit who she's pining for, but he does find out that she's never officially told him her feelings because she believes he's in love with someone else anyway. (She’s just hoping he moves on as much as Chat Noir is hoping the same thing of her)
Unsure where that leaves him with Ladybug, he turns to Marinette. She's always felt like more than a friend to him. She always seems so unsure around him though, sending mixed signals like avoiding him but also fighting for him to join them in New York. He decides to use the Rule of 3 to figure out where he stands with her.
Chaos ensues when he does get the truth from her, especially when she acknowledges that she knows he’s in love with someone else and that she has no chance of them being together, despite her hoping he’d pick her instead.
I’m.... not quite sure where to go with this story, but it does feel fun to explore....
9. Concept: Another retelling of the 12th chapter of Remember That Time When.. by @mostlovedgirl-writes
This time, I want to go back to Adrien's POV. While that’s the POV MLG originally wrote the chapter in, she also kind of breezed past that awkward night that Adrien and Marinette packed for the NYC trip: They packed, Marinette hid in the bathroom while Adrien watched anime, Marinette changed for bed and promptly locked herself in her studio, and cut to the next morning. 
I want to delve in again and focus on how Adrien tried to handle the isolation of Marinette literally locking herself away from him. What was it like to be in that big bed and empty bedroom by himself after waking up with Marinette in his arms?
Darn. Guess I’ll just have to reread RTTW again so I can get back into that mindset.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. Concept: A companion story for the New York special. Potential Title: See Through My Eyes
I’m a bit less compelled to write this one anymore now that it’s been over a year since the NY special aired, and the salt has died off. However, this was largely inspired by the fact that there was a lot of unspoken subtext that I felt a lot of the fandom was missing.
I wanted to show the "missing" scenes of the special (scenes that would help with character growth, but wouldn't necessarily help with plot progression, which is probably why they weren't written into the special), as well as scenes from other character POVs to better showcase what I interpreted as that unspoken subtext in the special. 
A way to kind of explain it better to those who were a bit salty about how some characters/scenes were written.
Knowing that Adrien going to NYC would leave Paris without Ladybug OR Chat Noir, why didn’t Tikki try to talk Marinette out of confronting Gabriel? Why did Plagg suggest not telling Ladybug about Adrien being forced to go to NYC with his class? Why did Adrien agree? How did Adrien react to Marinette switching seats with Ms. Mendeleiev on the plane? Why did Alya keep pushing for Marinette and Adrien to get together despite Marinette claiming she was getting over Adrien? Why was Adrien so excited to hear that slow song, and want to dance with Marinette again? Why was Ladybug so mad with Chat Noir, and how did that anger seem to ease with a quick cry? Where were Marinette and Adrien as they wandered NYC in the rain? How did Adrien react after Marinette refused to ask him to stay in NYC? Why wasn’t Nino’s plea enough? Why did Alya send Marinette after Adrien alone while the city was in a lock-down? Did Alya feel guilty afterwards? Why did Alya’s attitude towards Marinette confessing change? (I feel like there were more questions I wanted to answer, but those were the ones I can recall off the top of my head almost exactly 16 months later)
11. Concept: AU ending to the NY Special
Uncanny Valley actually couldn't figure out who Ladybug or Chat Noir were under their masks, and so she couldn't return Chat Noir's ring to him.
I used this concept for my last “Plagg Appreciation Story” I Need Him Back. Basically, the premise is that the magic actually blocks Uncanny’s scans, as opposed to her being able to see through them. So she still sees the mask and suit, she just doesn’t have the extra glamour to prevent her from piecing 2 and 2 together. Given a bit more time, I’m sure it would be easy to figure out that the French superheroes that just so happened to be in NYC were one of the French students that were visiting (or chaperones), but for the purposes of this story, she couldn’t figure it out before the end of the battle.
ANYWAY, the story more-or-less picks up the same way I Need Him Back does, where Marinette is lamenting that she lost HER Chat Noir. Due to the magic, neither Plagg nor Tikki - the only ones left who knew who Chat Noir was - can tell Marinette who her Chat Noir was. So they devise a plan to convince Marinette to give Adrien the ring as a “replacement” Chat Noir.
She’s hesitant after the problems Adrien had as Aspik, but Tikki offers that perhaps that was because Luka was meant to be the snake wielder, and Adrien DID try nearly 26k times to save her as Aspik. He’s determined. Plagg adds in how brave Adrien was to be bait for Gorizilla until Chat Noir showed up.
Since Plagg has to pretend he doesn’t know Adrien, he only chimes in for times that “Chat Noir” and “Adrien” could have met up, and Tikki largely leads the charge for making Adrien the “replacement” Chat Noir.
Lots of angst as Plagg misses his boy, but can’t say anything to anyone but Tikki. And Marinette mourning the loss of “Her” Chat Noir as she struggles to either a) find a way to circumvent the magic preventing the kwamis from telling her or b) cave in and just choose someone new.
In the end, she decides to give Adrien the Miraculous, and he tearfully transforms back into Chat Noir. Upon realizing Adrien was HER kitty all along, Ladybug drops her transformation, completing the reveals.
There is SO MUCH to sort out with this story before it’s ready for me to officially work on, but it’s a fun one to think about.
**UPDATE: Soooooo not even 2 hrs after I published this list “Kuro Neko” airs.... >3> Nooooot sure what to do with this story now....
12. Concept: Plagg's view of “Puppeteer 2”
Oddly enough, this dreaded “cringe episode” is my guilty pleasure. Feed me that sweet, sweet second-hand embarrassment.
I’ve already written a companion story for this episode, where Tikki narrates the events of “Puppeteer 2″. I am curious about Plagg’s take, though. Especially that painful drive home when Adrien tells Marinette “the girl I’m in love with doesn’t like [jokes] either.”
13. Concept: Alya (as either herself or her superhero persona) pinning Adrien against the wall as she accuses him of hurting Marinette
I posted the original seed of inspiration - the scene where Alya (in some form) rage-pins Adrien in defense of Marinette - here on Tumblr back in Oct 2021. 
Honestly, nothing new has come to me since, so who knows when I’ll actually do anything with this scene?
14. Concept: Potential collab with Taurus Pixie telling the love story of Fu and Marianne leading up to their departure during WWII.
This was a project that @thetauruspixie and I tossed around briefly after the episode “Backwarder” hit Netflix. That was back in summer of 2019, and we haven’t really come back to this idea yet. But it is still brewing all the way in the back of my mind. Maybe one day....
What did Fu do after fleeing the monastery? When did he stop aging normally? When did he decide to become the official turtle Miraculous bearer? How often did he protect people as Jade Turtle? How public was he? How did he meet Marianne? How did their romance go? How long were they together before we saw them part ways? How does Marianne know so much about the Miraculous? Was she a wielder? Which one did she use? Were there other bearers while Fu had possession of the Miracle Box? How did the Nazis find out about Fu, the Miraculous, and the Miracle Box? Where did Fu go to hide from them? When did he return to Paris? Why didn’t he reach out to Marianne? Why didn’t he feel safe after WWII ended? Was he ever planning on returning to Marianne, and if so, when would he have felt safe to do so? So many more questions to ask and answer. This would definitely be a major project. 
15. Concept: Adrien discovers that Ladybug is Marinette, and tries to figure out who this boy is that she’s in love with
Adrien finds out that Marinette is Ladybug, but doesn't confess his love (as he did in Chat Blanc) because he still believes Ladybug/Marinette is in love with someone else (Luka????). So he tires to figure out who this other boy is, in part to make sure this other boy is good enough for his lady, but also in part to see if Adrien has a chance of wooing her away from him.
At some point in the story, he finds a way to reveal himself to her as well (maybe he feels guilty about the half-reveal, or it’s a situation like in “Chat Blanc” where the reveal happens while he tries to save her). 
Marinette then laments how often she turned him down for... him! She confesses this, and Adrien is blown away that the man she was in love with was himself! Likewise, Marinette is baffled that the woman he was in love with the whole time was Ladybug!
Yeah... I have no clue where I’m going with this. Parts of this concept come up in various parts of One and the Same, so this just kind of grew out of the scraps from that WIP. Maybe I’ll do something with it eventually....
16. Concept: Adrien's shock that the boy Ladybug has been rejecting him for is.... himself! (may or may not end up part of the above plot bunny)
As mentioned, this plot bunny may or may not get rolled into the above one. It could also easily work as a jumping point for a Ladrien story as Ladybug finally confesses to Chat Noir that she loves Adrien. Not sure where I want to go with it, but it’s still hopping around up there in my brain, waiting to mature.
Aaaaaaaand there you have it! All 38 works of fiction currently battling for attention... and here I am with no energy to really work on any of them (although, I have been periodically poking at Seduce With Caution lately).
Feel free to ask me questions about any of the above. Poke me. Bully me. Get me talking about these projects. Maybe that will finally get me re-motivated to write. Because I miss it so much, but my brain just blue screens whenever I attempt to write any sort of fiction.
Also, if you are reading this, thank you for taking this trip into Wonderland with me.
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demomonic-murmurs · 4 years
messy// kiyoko x reader [Haikyuu Server Collab]
Hello peeps! I am back on my Kiyoko bullshit this time being my first time participating in the haikyuu server collab! Its really awesome you should check it out!
It can be found here !
Prompt: "You woke me up at three in the morning for this?"
Warnings: None
Content: You convince Kiyoko to go to a run down McDonald's diner because you're craving nuggets. You also realize something
"You woke me up at 3 in the morning for this?"
"Listen I dunno how long the spicy chicken nuggets will be available. I have to take up every opportunity I can get. And that means going to McDonald's at 3 in the morning", you explained while gobbling away on your prized obsession (and for once you did not mean Kiyoko).
Kiyoko rolled her eyes and grabbed a napkin to wip away the sweet and sour sauce that was persistently hanging on the corner of your lips.
"Thanks mom", you said sarcastically.
"Certainly my dearest light in the darkest time", she replied and despite the obvious irony in her voice, your heart couldn't help it but flutter at the nickname.
"Come on can you imagine anything more romantic than sitting in a McDonald's at three in the morning wiping sauce off your girlfriends mouth? I can't think of a better way to spend your time."
"I can't either."
The lack of bite made you choke. Your eyes met hers briefly as you tried to blindly reach out for your drink and the shy expression she was wearing threw you into another coughing fit.
"You don't have to lie to protect my feelings dear, I know this isn't what we usually do." The words came out weak. Vulnerable.
"I do look like a mess", she hummed, "but", she continued, a lot more quiet than before, "...if its you... I... do not think I mind."
Pink was your favourite colour. You didn't like it too much when you were a child, deeming it as far too girly but seeing the way Kiyoko's cheeks were flushed in a brilliant shade of it sure did it put it above every other contemplation you had had when thinking about your favourite colour.
Black and gray were other contestants. The black tresses reminded you of every word you had written in black ink dedicated to her, affirmations of love on thin letter paper you had felt too vulnerable to ever give her, too scared of her meaning so much more to you than you did to her, the nagging voice in your head protesting and dismissing every syllable she returned. Her gray orbs were like a cold stormy winter morning, harsh but comforting, twinkling prettier than any snow in the sunlight could. Steady, reliable, calm, calculated. And so filled with affection she could've almost convinced you.
"What mess?", you asked breathlessly, lacking the playfulness you had wanted to included in that question.
"You pulled me out of bed, I was hardly able to get ready", she giggled quietly.
Quiet. Her hair was dishevled and there was still sleep in her eyes. The colours of her clothes clashed, something she put a lot of effort in to avoid (and you by extent). Despite her drinking a vanilla milkshake you had brought her for compensation, her breath still smelled a little.
"Shimizu Kiyoko I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life." It was more a statement than anything else, devoid of anything that could make her question the weight of your words.
The realization made you awestruck. It had been so clear the whole time but maybe you didn't allow it to be true for yourself, for her. You loved her. As much as you wished for it to not be the truth; how could someone like you love her.
You loved the way she brought you apple slices while you were working on a project. You loved the way she hummed whenever you told her something, a sign that even if she didn't understand your obsessions (she herself being your biggest one), she was listening, you had her undivided attention. You loved the way she drowned her fries in ketchup making them all soggy, always eating all of them first before moving onto the burger. The way she always first divided the laundry into different piles depending on the articles of clothing and then folded them or how she first put everything on the table and then set it because she complained she got dizzy when she constantly turned in your tiny kitchen. The way her body language gave you the knowledge whether she was listening to music or to a podcast indicated by either the swaying of her hips or the thoughtful pauses in between dishes. The way she put toothpaste on her toothbrush, always ensuring that it was exactly as long as the toothbrush itself, not to mention that for all the maturity Kiyoko radiated she only liked toothpaste that had a taste so you usually ended buying a berry flavor for her. You loved how her hand fit perfectly in yours, always soft and smooth from her constant usage of hand cream, you loved how her ring fingers curved ever so slightly and it was that thought that made you realize just how much prettier it would look like with a ring on it.
"Are you... proposing to me?", Kiyoko squeaked, her face gaining colour once more.
"Give me a moment I'm just processing this myself", you said slowly, staring at your greasy fingers covered in sauce.
You wanted to marry Shimizu Kiyoko. The realization hit you like a truck, your cheeks warming as well.
"Holy shit yeah I do. Like really really bad."
You looked up to meet Kiyoko's eyes. They were wide, her mouth agape but above all they held so much emotion that you weren't sure you could describe with any other word than love that made you choke. No one had ever stared at you like that. It had always only been Kiyoko.
"God I am so lame I'm sorry I am literally asking you to marry me at three in the morning in a shitty run down McDonald's with my fingers and mouth covered in crumbs and sauce this is so unromantic-", you rambled, panic settling into your stomach, she wouldn't say yes she couldn't, she shouldn't she should just-
"My answer is yes regardless", she said, her voice almost soundless but determined, "I love you."
Kiyoko had never been the vocal type, mostly keeping to herself. Words of affection were few, mostly preferring actions over words, but when she uttered the syllables they were true and meant honestly.
"I... wow holy shit this was the worst proposal ever. Please let me redo this. Something more romantic please I swear I can do better babe-", you whisper yelled and Kiyoko laughed, snorting cutely.
"How do you even get the realization right now? When I am like this?"
"Like what?"
"A mess."
"Considering I myself am a mess and find myself very much sexy and irresistible, the same is the case for you", you joked, a light feeling settling in your chest as her laughter amplified.
"But for real it's... the time were you are the most unabashedly yourself. Where you are just you without thinking you have to fulfill a role. You're just Shimizu Kiyoko and I think that's the most beautiful thing you could ever be."
Her laughter died down and she looked at you again with those eyes. A quiet appreciation for your words and you finally understand what else they told you; that she harbored the same feelings towards you.
Otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to your unromantic and ugly proposal at three in the morning in a run down McDonald's diner.
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Fic writer interview
thank you @captain-aralias for tagging me! 
name: my real name is Nina hehe
fandoms: I only write and read in the Carry On fandom, because I feel like my brain can only get fully submerged into one thing writing wise and I don’t want to abandon my Carry On WIPs for other fandoms. I used to write Sherlock a lot, though, and back when I was 13/14, I wrote Divergent and Hunger Games and House MD (which is like... how do you even write a House MD fanfiction? What was I doing?) 
where you post: On AO3 and occasionally on Tumblr if it’s short or unfinished
most popular one-shot: Ah yes, my vine spell crackfic titled I have the power of magic and Vine compilations on my side. I had so much fun writing this one so I’m really glad people like it
most popular multi-chapter: Arrival of the birds is holding out strong (it’s also the only proper multi-chapter I have, the rest are more like longer one-shots that I split up for readability)
fic you were nervous to post: Literally all of them. I am not a very confident person and probably the only two fics I was confident to post are my crackfics. 
how do you choose your titles: I honestly don’t know. I suck at titles and if I could, I’d leave half of my works untitled.  
do you outline: only in my head. Sometimes, if I have an idea or a dialogue I don’t want to forget, I’ll write it in my phone’s notes, but then sometimes I forget that I wrote it in my notes and end up not including it. For On thin ice, I have a document with a competition timeline, scores and planned program content for all the characters though. 
complete: 9 fics on AO3
do you take prompts: I’ve never tried (spare exchanges and COC) but I’d love to give it a shot sometime! 
in progress: Oof, for the sake of keeping it brief, I’m only going to list the WIPs I’m actively working on and those are my royalty au, my figure skating au, today’s COC prompt and then I have two exchange fics that I should probably start working on
coming soon: the exchange fics and also probably the royalty au? Once I’m done with the 3rd or 4th chapter, I’ll probably post the 1st one. I’ve also been thinking about starting to publish On thin ice after new year’s but I really want this fic to be finished before I start posting it. 
Tagging some peeps to do it, sorry if you’ve done this already
@otherworldsivelivedin @aristocratic-otter @snowybank @gampyre @ninemagicks @phoxphyre @im-gettingby @nightimedreamersworld and anyone else who wants to do this
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First lines
@klaineharmony tagged me to post the first lines of my last 20 works. I have no clue if I’m doing this right, so there’s some WIPs and some published here, so here goes!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag our favorite authors!
the ones with links are the ones posted, some are active WIPs, and some are still sitting on my word docs. I did cheat and skipped like. two stories because one was a chat fic and the other is one I’m seriously considering deleting, I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. anyways! Enjoy these first lines, or as I like to call it: “How many times can I use Katherine’s name in the Newsies’ fics?”
1. Bring on the Monsters (DuckTales)
Louie huffs, resisting the urge to pull his phone out from under his pillow and check the time again.
2. in a string of days, a year is gone (Darkwing Duck)
It’s two weeks after the Fearsome Four before Drake thinks to ask Gosalyn where she’d been living since her Grandpa’s disappearance.
3. Stay in the Car! (Darkwing Duck)
They’re driving across the Audubon Bay Bridge when the structure rocks with an explosion, causing Drake to swerve to avoid hitting the car in front of him.
4. Not Some Little Christmas Show I’m Reviewing (Newsies)
Katherine stared up at the theater, shoulders hunched against the cold.
5. The One on Halloween (Newsies)
Katherine smirked a little to herself as she adjusted the scarf she'd picked for her Halloween costume.
6. Groovy Kind of Love (Newsies)
"Hey Kath?" Jack leaned his head over the back of the couch to call down the hallway.
7. drabbles and prompt fills and asks, oh my! (technically all Newsies, right now)
Chapter Four: Ducks for Chicks. 
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in,” Crutchie said, grinning.
8. In Case of Medda-ling, Always Keep Your Phone On... (Newsies)
"Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joooleeennee—"
9. ain’t no sunshine (Newsies)
Katherine squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face in her pillow until spots of light danced behind her eyelids.
10. summer heat, boy and girl meet (Newsies)
Honestly, Katherine hadn’t been crazy about the ‘beach house getaway’ idea.
11. ignis fatuus (Darkwing Duck)
Gosalyn narrows her eyes at the goat--Mr. Hannigan, Mrs. Cavanaugh had said--who looks completely out of place in his pinstripe suit against the fancy decorative plates they weren’t allowed to touch in Mrs. Cavanaugh’s kitchen.
12. Custom Fit in an Off-the-Rack World (Newsies) (Chapter 1)
“Do you, John Francis Kelly, take Katherine Ethel Pulitzer as your lawfully wedded wife?”
13. Play Me a Memory (Newsies) (Chapter Four)
"Hey." A soft hand in his hair slowly brought Race out of his doze on the bar, his face smushed into the wood.
14. Unnamed Duck Boys’ Sleepover Part 2 (Ducktales)
“Why’s Unca’ Donal’ so quiet?” Dewey asks around his toothbrush.
15. Bring on the Real World (DuckTales)
Dewey dips his foot in the pool, kicking and watching the water ripple.
16. literally all my doc has for a title here is “Gosalyn sick” (titles come last, sue me XD)
Drake holds Gosalyn’s hair back with one hand, rubbing her back with the other.
17. (working title) The Adventures of Gosmoduck and D-E-W!
“Okay, say something,” Gosalyn says, taking off her helmet as they park their bikes side-by-side in the garage.
18. Evolution of a Nightmare (Darkwing Duck/DuckTales)
Gosalyn’s no stranger to nightmares.
19. Blue and Pink (original work ft. the Kelly kids)
Corey shifted in their seat on the ferry, duffel bag between their scuffed, paint-splattered Converse.
20. Girls’ Best Friend (original work) (currently chapter nine-ish)
“Hello, I.T. Have you tried turning it off and on again?” Sammi said in a bored voice, cradling the phone between her ear and shoulder.
wow, i can’t believe I actually had 20 stories?? and that I repeat names so much?? that’s a weird pattern to find tbh I wasn’t expecting that... 
tagging! most of my peeps were tagged already but imma tag you again. @elozable @thelittleredheadedmusician @jemsjadependant and literally any other mutuals who thinks this looks fun and wants to give it a shot! happy writing!
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aparticularbandit · 4 years
Fic Writer meme!
Tagged By: @fictionpenned
Primarily focusing on fic-related fandoms - so fics I have or currently feel comfortable potentially writing fic for. ^^
...also focusing on my AO3 account and not my ff.net account because, although it has some other stuff (like the Matilda fic), it's not...being intentionally included.
Fandoms: Jane the Virgin, Deputy, Timeless, Frozen (it's been a while), OUAT (also been a while, other than Regina in LatF), Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Hannibal, Inside Out, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Harry Potter, The Tick, ODAAT, X-Files; Agent Carter (someday I might post Dottie stuff. SOMEDAY), Haunting of Hill House (primarily Theo, who was also in LatF), Proven Innocent (I've been debating a PI/Deputy crossover since before Deputy started), Off The Map (by which I mean I want to steal Ryan and use her in the massive ODAAT/JTV verse), Fairyland (debating writing Mallow fic but the fandom's tiny), uh.... There's a lot. ><
Number of Fics: 75.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On: Uh. Probably Luisa and the Fox unless you're counting series, in which case it's the soulmate timer au. (It'll probably be the HP au once it gets posted.)
Fic I Spent The Least Time On: Probably the individual chapters of either the pick up lines or kiss/fall prompts fics. Some of those I literally write a few hours before posting. But don't ask me which chapters had less time than others because for the most part I probably won't remember.
Longest Fic: A Christmas at Longbourne (but it'll probably be the HP au when it gets posted, unless finishing If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now is longer than those individual fics) - 73,689 words.
Shortest Fic: The Diary of Cornelia Mills (which is horrible and unfinished and please no one go read that it's bad) - 203 words.
Most Hits: Lost Causes - 1836.
Most Kudos: Lost Causes - 149.
Most Comment Threads: Kiss/Fall Prompts - 28.
Most Bookmarks: Back to Lost Causes - 29.
Total Word Count: 502,299 (and that's only posted stuff. It's...not including anything of Epic Superhero Crossover or the HP au or a good chunk of soulmate timer au).
Favorite Fic I Wrote: Luisa and the Fox. Hands down. (HP au might get close, but it's not posted yet.)
Fic You Want to Rewrite/Expand On: ...uh. There's a lot in terms of expansion, so if I just stick to rewriting...probably Geronimo - restart it, anyway, because I started it before canon addressed some things that, ah, make that no longer canon compliant. ><
Share a Bit of a WIP or Story Idea You're Planning On:
...it's been long enough, time y'all get an excerpt from HP au. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to read more on mobile, so I'll put it at the end after I tag some peeps.
Tagging: @only-freakin-sunflowers, @butimnotasexyrussian, @pulitzerpanther (BECAUSE YOU'RE FINALLY WRITING AND UPDATING AGAIN)
Clara returned to the Slytherin dormitory under the cover of the fabric, still excited by how it seemed to make her completely invisible. She saw Draco returning and followed him through the entrance, almost running into him when she noticed that he had stopped just inside the door. Since she wasn’t much taller than him, she had to walk around him to see what he was seeing.
“What are you doing up?” Draco whined, even though he sounded like he was trying to be more macho.
Across from Draco was none other than Janet, standing just in front of one of the huge, leather chairs, her arms crossed across her chest. “I could ask you the same thing.” She stepped forward, her thick black boots making a clunking sound on the cobblestone floor. It was something she must have chosen last minute; she was wearing her long, grey nightgown – the one that didn’t fit quite right, with sleeves too long for her arms that she’d pushed back to show hands that seemed tiny in comparison to the huge gown itself – instead of her normal black school clothes or her robes. “It’s past curfew. How many points did you cost us?”
“I didn’t cost us anything.” Draco started forward, pushing past Janet, his hands clenched into fists.
But Janet touched his shoulder with one hand, and he froze. She didn’t smile; she didn’t even have to look at him. Her wand flicked once as she said something under her breath.
All of a sudden, Draco was on his back on the floor in front of her, a bright red mark marring his now bare left shoulder. There was a new rip across and through his black robes, and it ripped further as he bent up on his elbows and scooted away from her. His grey eyes widened. He flinched as Janet took another step forward. “I got detention!” he said under her withering stare.
“How many points, egghead?” Janet twisted her wand, and the red mark spread beneath his robes.
Draco squirmed. “Fifty!” He gritted his teeth together, probably trying not to scream. “Fifty points, I cost us fifty points, let me go!”
Janet flicked her wand again and lowered it to her side. All at once, Draco jumped up and sped away to the boys’ rooms, holding his hand against his shoulder. She didn’t watch him go, instead letting out a deep breath and collapsing back into the chair behind her. Her other hand reached out as though to touch something next to her, but when there was nothing, she looked back up, her dark eyes wild. “Cat?”
It was then that Clara felt something butt against her right leg, and she jumped. There was a soft meow below her. She looked down to see Cat the cat staring up at her with his one, great golden green eye. He leaned back on his back legs and tapped his one front paw on her leg. He didn’t meow at her again.
Clara looked up to see Janet staring at what must, to her, look like empty space in front of him. She bent down, lifted the fabric from her head (it had a hood like a cloak), and reached her hand out from behind the fabric to scratch just between his ears. “Hey, Cat,” she said, but she was afraid. If that was how Janet treated Draco, how was she going to react to her? Good thing Cat was between them. Janet wouldn’t hurt Cat.
But immediately, Janet was there, wrapping her hands around where Clara guessed she thought the rest of her body was and leaning forward against her. As soon as she found Clara’s shoulders, though, she shoved her backwards and glared at her. “Where were you?” She might have been speaking quietly, but there was a fierce intensity to her voice that, along with the memory of what had just happened to Draco, scared Clara.
“I didn’t lose us any points, and I didn’t get detention,” Clara said quickly, taking a deep breath, her eyes searching Janet’s. “So you don’t have to hex me. I didn’t—”
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coinelot · 6 years
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Unfortunately we didn’t have time to actually collect fic recs from all guests during the convention, but a bunch of them sent in fic recs to us via email afterwards, and we’d like to share the results with everyone. All in one post, that’s going to be long, but you’ll have them all in one place :).
Angst & Hurt/Comfort
Home Like Here
by @pendragoff, 3,594 words, Teen+
Sometimes at night Arthur pretends Merlin's laying in the bed beside him, fast asleep.
Such Fractured Shadows
by i_claudia, 24,625 words, Explicit
Lionel is the first, approaching Merlin one late summer afternoon as the sun slants through the dust in the stables and turns the air into heavy fire.
Guard and Keep You
by youfeelallthat, 7,426 words, Explicit
A nasty storm rolls in and Merlin takes Arthur, his company's sweet, simple custodian, home with him. They end up finding much more than shelter.
Forming the Lines
by alcove-words, Teen+
Merlin takes ill and is conflicted over Arthur, Arthur is conflicted over Merlin and hates considerate replacement servants, and the knights are helpful, thoughtful fellows.
With podfic by alcove-words.
Saving Merlin
by @arthur-the-cute​, 22,794 words, Explicit
A prompt given to me via my ask box on Tumblr: Season one, The Poisoned Chalice. Arthur is in the room when he thinks Merlin has died and instead of Gwen kissing Merlin, Arthur does.
Challenge accepted.
To Dance With the One You Love
by emrys_mk, 1,042 words, Teen+
Arthur asks his father why he made Merlin his manservant.
of blowjobs and candy rings
by coffeeandparchment, 6,221 words, Teen+
"What? I didn't even say anything yet."
"You didn't have to. It's all in your beady little eyes. You want me to give you a piggyback to the club." Arthur said.
"My feet hurt," Merlin said, as if that was a good enough reason for a piggy back. At Arthur's silence, Merlin pouted. Gods, maybe he was a little more than tipsy.
Arthur slowed down as Merlin walked past. "What are you doing now? For someone who is all about doing these quickly you sure ar—” Merlin cut off as he turned to see Arthur stopped and crouching down. "What are you doing?"
Arthur huffed in annoyance. "What does it look like, Merlin? Are you going to get on or just leave me crouching here like an idiot all night?"
Concert Air
by Saturning, 9,303 words
Arthur and Morgana were having the times of their lifes at this rock festival. Then a drunk Merlin almost ran Arthur over and his excuse took Arthur's breath away, quite literally.
Mint Editions (84 Charing Cross Road)
by @wanderlust48​, 10,049 words, Teen+
A London bookseller and an aspiring New York writer strike up an easy friendship over correspondences about books, and food parcels. Arthur and Merlin finally meet in person in London.
Screen control your mother(board)
by furloughday, 10,890 words, Gen
Arthur is Merlin's tech support at work.
With podfic by @momotastic27
Canon, Canon AU & Reincarnation
The Curse and the Coffee Shop
by merlinsivan, 21,860 words, Teen+, WIP
OUAT/ Coffee Shop AU. When Morgana casts a curse that will bring the gang back to our world with no recollection of who they are, will true love’s kiss be able to break the curse? Featuring dragons turned baristas, clueless warlocks and kings that may realise magic isn't such a bad thing after all.
Writers Block
by Kalee60sAlterEgo, 45,808 words, Mature
Merlin, a travel writer for a well-known paper went to his local bar to forget the worst day in history – he didn't expect to sit down at a table and free-write a story starring the god-like barman, Arthur. And he 'really' didn't expect to be drawn back there again and again to write – each story more outlandish than the next.
King for a Day
by @guessimaclotpole​, 26,592 words
King Uther has had a rough week, and so he drunkenly decides to take a 2 day holiday. Arthur is thrilled at his opportunity to temporarily become King. That is until Uther announces that Merlin will have to act as King too.
In which two idiots are in love, and learn about what it takes to be a noble and honest leader.
The Long Lost Prince of Camelot
by Phoenixfire513, 31,036 words, Teen+
What if Uther had not banned magic? What if Ygraine had given birth to twins and one had magic? What will the king and his twin brother Balinor do when the Prince who had magic is threatened?
Now I Will Unsettle the Ground Beneath You
by nu_breed, 42,323 words, Explicit
Merlin's dreams have always fuelled his art, but they've always been abstract and removed from reality. Soon after he meets Gwaine, he starts to see vivid images of a past full of death and magic and love for a King who was ripped from him. Things only escalate further when he spends a weekend in the country with Gwaine and meets his group of friends, which includes aristocrat and It Boy, Arthur Pendragon. Merlin soon realises that no matter how hard you try, one thing is certain, you can't fuck with destiny.
With podfic by fluffyllama
Three Castles
by @rageprufrock​, 4,538 words, Teen+
It’s a perfectly wretched day in Camelot when Uther Pendragon announces Arthur’s betrothal.
With podfic by EosRose
With podfic by paraka
With podfic by dodificus
The Knights Have a Thousand Eyes
by Stakeaclaim, 74,232 words, Teen
In which Arthur is teaching his knights and Merlin is about to get roped into a lesson.
With podfic by Beccaleelee
Route to Advancement
by magog_83, 30,350 words, Gen
New Knight hopeful, Percy, has been at Court four months, but it might be another four years before Prince Arthur stops calling him Perrin. That's where Merlin comes in.
With podfic by kalakirya
by @schweetheart, 70,249 words, Explicit
Arthur and Gwen have been married for a little under a year when Arthur discovers Merlin's magic, and suddenly everything changes. In a desperate attempt to regain the King's trust, Merlin offers to do the only thing he can think of: to voluntarily bind his power, and with it sacrifice all hope for a united Albion. But as with all things magical, such a concession comes with a price, and with an assassin in their midst and a vital political alliance hanging in the balance, Merlin is not the only one who will find his loyalty tested.
by Cori_Lannam, with art by @phoenix-acid​, 50,711 words, Explicit
King Arthur sleeps in Avalon, waiting to return at the hour of Albion's greatest need. But once a year he awakes and spends a single day with Merlin, who will never, ever leave him.
Crossovers & Fusions
In Front of the Whole World
by Trillsabells, 1,492 words, Gen
She was meant to be showering away the sweat, changing into her Team GB sweatsuit and sorting out her hair to look presentable at the presentation. Instead she was sat on the bench, staring at the wall and wondering what she was thinking and what the hell she was going to do now.
All because of one kiss.
Fast Girls crossover
by Clea2011, 2,697 words, Teen+
“I’m not Leo Elster,” Merlin snarled. “I don’t even know who he is.”
The synth, or whatever they had all become now, just shook his head sadly. “You don’t remember.”
Merlin remembered. Merlin remembered more than he ever wanted to.
Humans crossover
Note to Idiot
by @tinylilemrys​, 9,762 words, Teen+
Arthur and Merlin are members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad who work different shifts and share the same office. Arthur, who works the day shift, can't stand the rain. Merlin, who works the night shift, can't concentrate without it.
When they both get tired of changing the weather in the magical window in their underground office, is there a more British way to settle their differences than with a few passive-aggressive memos?
Harry Potter crossover
Two Weeks Notice
by ras_elased, 39,884 words, Explicit
Arthur is a prattish Executive VP of the Pendragon Corporation with a disturbingly non-ironic love of Demotivational posters. Merlin is a tree-hugging barista with a "magic" tongue. Morgana's a peeping Tom and her breasts have superpowers. Gwen and Lancelot get married. Owain is the company bicycle. Arthur attempts to steal Merlin's affections from Will through epic DDR combat. Merlin gets drunk a lot. There is a pillow fight, and a helicopter ride, and rooftop confessions, and Arthur decides Merlin really is his destiny, whether he likes it or not.
Two Weeks Notice fusion
With podfic by jennacorinth
The King of Mars
by @ivaleelovesmerlin​, 34,304 words, Teen+
As children, the Pendragon siblings were obsessed with the space program. They dreamt of becoming astronauts and one day walking on another planet. Their dream leads them to NASA where the revelation of magic suddenly brings Mars within our reach. The Camelot 1 crew, including both Pendragons and powerful sorcerer, Merlin Emrys, land on Mars, and the world celebrates -- until a Martian storm cuts the mission short and tragedy strikes. Arthur is killed, and Morgana makes the difficult decision to leave her brother's body behind on Mars. His crewmates and the world mourn his loss, until Gwen Smith, a clever engineer at NASA, makes a shocking discovery: Arthur is alive.
His ingenuity and determination will get him far, but will Arthur be able to survive alone on Mars until help arrives?
The Martian fusion
Arthur Pendragon and the Quest With a Capital Q
by rubberglue, based on art by @akikotree​, 8,164 words, Gen
There's a Holy Grail out there and Arthur Pendragon wants to find it, if only to prove to his father that he is a hero. He gathers his reluctant, suffering manservant and best knights (sort of - some of them are unavailable) and sets off on a quest for the Holy Grail. Gwen never wanted to go on any quest but her mistress, Morgana, thinks the young prince is in danger and requires their aid. And so, the two motley groups make their way through the wilds of Camelot in search of their trophy, encountering overly-stubborn knights, knights with bad dress sense and guards with an unusual interest in ornithology (to name a few) before their final encounter with the big bad - a very fluffy big bad.
As it turns out, the quest is less epic than this summary.
Monty Python fusion
With podfic by @akikotree​.
Winter & Christmas
Christmas Memories
by @ivaleelovesmerlin​, 4,337 words, Teen+
Merlin and Arthur spend a cozy Christmas Eve snuggled before the fire, reminiscing about past Christmases.
What Nonsense!
by @momotastic27, 8,735 words, Gen
In which Uther Pendragon is Ebenezer Scrooge.
It’s That Time of the Year
by @rotrude, 20,819 words, Explicit
Merlin is a personal shopper at a high-end department store. He's tasked with helping Arthur, who's helpless when it comes to gift ideas for his demanding friends and family. Arthur soon finds that going shopping isn't that tremendous an ordeal.
The Good Times Are Killing Me
by minor_hue, Explicit
In which the boys pretend to still be together for Christmas (and there is more than one kind of charade).
With podfic by @misssnowfoxx​
Merlin’s Yule Gift
by rotrude, 15,465 words, Explicit
It's the first Yule after Uther's death and in spite of some initial doubts as to the propriety of holding revels, Arthur decides to celebrate the festival all the same. The populace deserves a time for merry-making and so do his friends and loved ones. Now present exchanges are a Camelot Yuletide tradition, a long established convention. And that's where Arthur's plans falter just a little. While he knows what to give his friends and followers, he has no idea how to reward Merlin. Right, Merlin...
High School & University AU
Best You Ever Had
by neuroticnick (now orphaned), 36,305 words, Explicit
Arthur has been with just about every girl in the sixth form. Merlin pines from afar, knowing he doesn't have a chance. Then Merlin gets an invitation, and realises he has a chance after all. Apparently Arthur is bored and wants to try something new. Merlin knows it's meaningless sex, but he might just be okay with that. Even if the butterflies in his stomach say otherwise.
With podfic by @merlins-earmuffs​
The Pope, A Singing Nun, and Arthur Walk Into a Library
by @gigi-gigi, 4,210 words, Teen+
Merlin is a librarian, Arthur is in search of a book. Of course this entire transaction results in true love. There might also be a professor asleep in the Ancient Egypt section.
With podfic by striped_bowties
Best Friends & Flatmates
Little Hours
by orphan_account, 3,640 words, Teen+
Arthur is sleep deprived and Merlin just bought so many snacks.
Time Forward
by @kianspo, 23,180 words, Teen+
While still at uni, Arthur Pendragon meets two people who become his best friends. He falls in love with one of them... but marries the other. This isn't his story to tell; it's Merlin's. And Merlin will always remember that he met Arthur first.
With podfic by @sugaredwhimsey
Something Unpredictable
by alby_mangroves, with art by @softershadows, 38,957 words, Explicit
Arthur’s treehouse was the same as Merlin remembered it, all of it was. Maybe a little smaller, but then everything was, now.
And then there was Arthur himself; and it wasn't so much that a lot had changed about him, not really, it was only that everything had lengthened and broadened and become more.
Enemies to Lovers & Friends to Lovers
When You're Busy Making Other Plans
by helloearthlings, 3,339 words, Teen+
Merlin and The Plan were two irreconcilable parts of Arthur's life.
He wasn't ready to let go of either of them.
Rule Number Four
by orphan_account, 47,732 words, Explicit
Pendragon Enterprise is the world's leading computer security company and ruthless when it comes to taking down malicious programmers. It's the perfect place for a skilled hacker like Merlin Ambrosius (codename: Emrys) to work undercover and gain a tactical advantage. But being the personal assistant for vice-CEO Arthur Pendragon is more complicated than Merlin expects. The female Pendragon threatens castration, Arthur apparently sleeps with all his PAs, and it only gets more complicated when the Kilgharrah virus causes a panic. Merlin might just have a solution though, because Anonymous...Anonymous is legion.
In Spite of Everything, the Stars
by @thepolomonkey​ with art by @mushroomtale-fanart​, 82,243 words, Explicit
London. 2015. The government is set to vote on ending the microchipping of magic users, and Arthur Pendragon has been tasked with kidnapping prominent Magical activist Merlin Emrys to influence the outcome.
Locked away in a house on the North York Moors, tensions rise and confrontation ensues as Arthur is forced to re-evaluate everything he’s been taught about magic, and Merlin finds himself in a struggle for his life. And the fact that they’re falling for each other doesn’t help…
With Podfic by @momotastic27
Love, Toast, and Post-It Notes
by themadlurker, 6,704 words, Teen+
It was love at first sight, and Merlin knew it — when it came to the flat, that was. Merlin wasn't anything like as clear about the man he was going to have to live with.
With podfic by @tipsyxkitty
But It’s a Good Refrain
by @theladyragnell​, 23,090 words, Teen
Arthur doesn't care much about the popular radio program Dragon's Lonely Hearts until his ex-girlfriend calls in to slag him off and get advice. When he calls in and has an on-air argument with the host, it starts off more than he expected, including meddling friends, overinvolved fans, and maybe love.
With podfic by striped_bowties
At Our Best When It’s From the Hips
by @derryere​, 12,781 words, Explicit
Merlin goes to a brothel to get rid of that virginity thing and runs into Arthur. From there on, it's all madness.
Fake Dating & Fake Marriage
A Date for Dinner
by the5leggedcricket, 10,002 words, Mature
This time Uther has gone too far. With the help of Morgana and a ridiculous advertisement, Arthur finds the perfect revenge: a pretend boyfriend.
by sweetiejelly, 5,335 words, Mature
Being with Arthur has never been a chore. Being with Arthur is a breeze, a real breeze, especially in the convertible with the top down.
(Or, Arthur pretends to be Merlin's boyfriend for a wedding weekend. Kilgharrah 'Killy' possibly ships Merlin with Arthur or possibly just wants some chicken.)
An Exchange of Favours (aka The One Where Arthur Gets his Dick Stuck in a Door)
by SPowell, 9,030 words, Explicit
When Merlin gets a stranger out of a jam, he asks him to pretend to be his boyfriend for the night in order to make his ex jealous.
Maybe We Were Coming All Along
by @sassafrasx​, 22,181 words, Explicit
In retrospect, the "Prince on the Lam in Wales" Christmas headline was not what Arthur had intended.
Of Coffee Shops and Terrifying Sisters
by Ellenoel117, 4,626 words, Gen
In a sleepy haze Arthur stumbles into a random coffee shop, not expecting much, just coffee. Enter Merlin, shy, dorky and impossibly cute. Add in a rushed explanation, Morgana being Morgana and you've got something cooking.
The Practice Boyfriend
by giselleslash, 24,495 words, Mature
Merlin’s been in love with Lance for years, but he hasn’t had much experience dating and he wants to figure out the ins and outs of dating before Lance comes back into his life. Cue Arthur and his manwhoring ways, ready and willing to show Merlin the ropes.
A Prophecy of Dragons
by Skitz_phenom, 65,185 words, Explicit
Named the Last Dragonlord as his birthright, Merlin knows he must be responsible to his fellow druids and honor the tenets of the prophecy. That doesn't mean he's entirely happy about it and of course, trudging through yet another year of ritual with yet another potential consort, Merlin's perhaps grown a bit too blasé about the whole thing. So when Arthur Pendragon shows up in the Valley of the Fallen Kings, and they're both swept up in the auspices of said prophecy, he's not entirely sure how to feel about it all (or about the handsome, arrogant prince).
Domesticity (in est. relationship) & Parent AU
Oh Baby!
by ReneeLaRoux, 7,862 words, Gen
A witch's hex turns Arthur and Merlin into infants. The Knights of the Round Table are tasked with babysitting the miniature King and his Warlock.
The mysterious creature that struck at the heart of Camelot in the wake of the Festival of Ostara
by @prue84, 5,341 words, Gen
As the Festival of Ostara approaches, a mysterious creature threatens Camelot’s crown. Will King Arthur survive the attack or will the creature succeed in deposing the head of the Pendragon’s nest?
Pole Dancing AU
by Bevinkathryn, 47,916 words, Explicit
Arthur's secretary is hell bent on getting him a life. He never expected that life to involve her pole dancing friend, Merlin.
With podfic by @momotastic27
One Day at a Time
by @sara-bocchan​
Arthur had returned a couple of weeks ago and Merlin and him are slowly but surely settling into their new routine of adjusting Arthur to the modern world, preparing for the impending threat to Albion, and making the best out of this second chance. This is a story about one of these normal, calm days in their new lives.
by @rageprufrock​, 6,511 words, Teen+
Obviously, it was not just any sort of egg.
With podfic by dodificus
Keep the Magic Secret
by orphan_account, 73,580 words, Explicit
For the prompt: Someone tells Arthur about the legends of Emrys, an all-powerful warlock whose destiny is to protect Arthur and his kingdom and help bring about an age of peace. He is told that Emrys is someone close to him, and has hidden his identity and trials over the years to protect himself and make sure he can continue on at Arthur's side. When Arthur asks who it is, the person turns to Arthur and shrewdly asks: "Arthur, who do you want it to be?" ... Arthur's mind automatically goes to Merlin.
Cis Swap, Genderbending & Sexuality and Gender Minorities 
Dude Looks Like a Lady
by Uniquely_Queer67, 4,941 words, Teen+
In this au, Arthur returned from Avalon a few weeks before he reunites with Merlin in this fic, and had to figure out the world by himself during that time (once he found Google he was pretty much set). But apparently he doesn't know enough when he falls for a gorgeous young woman performing in a club; or so he thinks...
Here and Nowhere Else
by @pendragoff, with art by @eviko, 41,882 words, Explicit
"We've grown into what our fathers had planned for us to be and that makes it even more impossible."
Forced into friendship for publicity at a young age, Merlin finds herself drawn to Arthur despite the fear of dishonoring her own father's memory. Arthur, the daughter of an unkind ruler, has her own issues to work through; seeing as the object of her affections has magic, the one thing her father hates above all else.
Remember, Remember, the Fift of November
by @angelqueen04, 3,351 words, Mature
Secrets destroy, one way or another.
With podfic by Hebecious
Someone Special
by teprometo, 3,882 words, Explicit
Merlin’s best mate’s older brother is really hot. It’s sort of a problem.
With podfic by sophinisba
Moments Like This
by dreamdustmama, 3,078 words, Explicit
In which Arthur is definitely not drunk, Merlin's secret is no longer a secret (at least from Arthur) and so-not-the-first-time sex happens.
 Favourite Epic Length (100k+)
Evil Overlord, Inc.
by @insanewordcount​, with art by @mushroomtale-fanart​, 137,922 words, Mature
Merlin is a recent graduate with a double doctorate in metaphysics and physics. Arthur is a low-level paper pusher with a desk in the sub-basement of MI5. They live in a world with ridiculous laws and restrictions against anyone who might be supernatural in any way, shape, or design.
Merlin has huge debts looming over this head, a few quid left in his bank account, and no job prospects. Arthur is pushing thirty, in a dead-end job with no chances of promotion to fieldwork agent, and is thoroughly bored with his life.
One ill-advised Craigslist advert, five pushy mates, one nosy all-knowing sister, and a hacked email account later, Merlin and Arthur take the world by storm.
(Or, more precisely, they take over the world.)
Favourite Short Story (under 5k)
Play Me Something
by Caledonia, 2,100 words
Merlin is a classical pianist who habitually gets notes of complaint from his neighbours, and habitually gets evicted by landlords unwilling to keep the peace. Until one note turns out quite differently than the others.
The Tulip Thief
by @thepolomonkey​, 3,182 words, Gen
'Sometimes I steal flowers from your garden on my way to the cemetery, but today you’ve caught me and have demanded to come with me to make sure the “girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft” and I’m trying to figure out how to break it to you that we’re on our way to a graveyard'
Damsel in a Phone Booth
by @blackwidina​ 3,053 words, Teen+
I was on Tumbler and found this AU prompt:
“it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
And this was born. Enjoy!
Stranger Things Than Strangers
@fractionallyfoxtrot​, 995 words, Gen
Arthur calls Leon to complain about a horrible meeting with his father. At least, he thought he called Leon.
One Day
by @thepolomonkey​, 2,018 words, Teen+
Arthur meets Merlin outside a support group.
how not to propose
by @merlinwyllt​, 100 words, Gen
“What would you do if I put a crown on your head?”
Favourite Fic
Ace of Hearts
by beccadearie, 32,285 words, Mature
One night when out with friends, Merlin meets Arthur and quickly realizes that they have something in common: they are both asexual and trying to make their way through life and love in a sexual world without going crazy. What starts as hanging out between friends evolves into something more, and Merlin and Arthur decide to plunge headfirst into this tenuous relationship of give and take between the two of them.
Missed Connections (Glory, Glory Holelelujah)
by tourdefierce, 51,218 words, Explicit
Glory-Hole Romantic Comedy. 'NUFF SAID PEOPLE.
You bring the music to my silent world
by Balthamos, 49,818 words, Mature
Arthur and Merlin are thrown together as children when Merlin’s mother moves into the Pendragon Manor as the new housekeeper, bringing her deaf son Merlin with her. Arthur is a loud and obnoxious child, whereas Merlin is quiet but not as shy as everyone thinks. The two children become fast friends, but as they grow up together things begin to change, due to the pressure of wanting to be normal, and the growing lack of communication between the pair. Growing up is never easy and the graceful friendship they had as children gets lost as they reach their teenage years, but through their difficulties they develop a deeper, stronger relationship, one far more permanent.
by orphan_account, 32,476 words, Teen+
In which Mordred is Morgana’s 7 year-old son, Merlin is her (terribly cute) housekeeper/babysitter, and Arthur is over all the time because he’s hopelessly in love with him.
by Magnolia822, 28,859 words, Explicit
Prince Arthur has spent his eighteenth year in a drunken haze of public debauchery, and after the latest round of incriminating photographs, King Uther is fed up. Though magic is outlawed and Magic Users are generally distrusted, Uther secretly hires a young sorcerer to keep Arthur in line, much to Arthur's chagrin. But what starts out as an antagonistic relationship becomes much more as Arthur, increasingly drawn to his secretive young warden, begins to suspect there is something rotten in the state of Great Britain.
And like the cycle of the year, we begin again
by katherynfromphilly, 209,983 words, Mature
For many long years Merlin waited.
For the other part of his soul, for the other half of his life. He was born to serve Arthur. So that meant he was also born to wait. Even if it took a thousand years. Even if the wait seemed never to end.
Until one day, suddenly, it did.
Set after the Merlin Series 5 Finale "Diamond of the Day". Canon Compliant. In Character. Arthur Pendragon Returns
When Arthur stumbles from the Lake of Avalon 1,500 years after his death, he finds a world unlike the one he knew. Faced with the loss of everyone he loved, and the threat of impending prophecy, Arthur must quickly learn what it means to be not just a king, but the Once and Future King. Merlin does all he can to guide him in this journey, even as he struggles to hide his love for his king, and to conquer his fear of losing him again.
Story includes sass, banter, horseplay, and True Love.
Creators of COiNELOT
Distant Echoes
by @sara-bocchan​, with art by @lao-pendragon​, 33,678 words, Teen+
Arthur grows up in a small town and into an overall great and normal life. Except, he keeps having these strange, recurring dreams. Once a year he dreams of a man, watches whatever he is up to at the moment, and sees places he could have never imagined. Arthur was sure he had never met him, so why did he seem so familiar?
Getting older, Arthur becomes determined to find out more about his dreams and the mysterious man. He starts to travel to places he had seen in his dreams and does all the research he can possibly do – but to no avail. Over the years he almost gives up, when suddenly he starts to remember a lifetime many centuries ago – the man from his dreams always at his side...
You Swiped Right
by @momotastic27​, 22,038 words, Explicit
Pendragon Books is to London's bookselling industry what Sauron is to Middle-Earth: Bad fucking news.
Merlin could also compare them to Voldemort and the magical world in Britain, or maybe the White Witch and Narnia, but no matter what analogy he picks, the point remains the same: Wherever Pendragon Books pops up with a new shop, existing businesses die a painful death, robbing their city of more and more personality and character. Therefore it comes as a bit of a shock when they're settling in right across the street from Merlin's bookshop, and Merlin finds out that Arthur Pendragon himself is gorgeous and unreasonably easy to talk to, and - worst of all - a bit of a nerd.
However, not only is Merlin most definitely not fraternising with the enemy, he's also already sort of dating someone. So what if it started on Grindr, and is only through text messages?
Bad Behaviour (gets you the Pendragon Treatment)
by @tayathestrange, 24,258 words, Explicit, WIP
After his attack on the Pendragon Inc. servers backfired Merlin finds himself in some unpleasent situation. Maybe he shouldn't have taken the job after all...
My Once and Future Love
by @tracionn, manip, Mature
Naked cuddling :)
Choices and Tourneys
by @elveatas, 13,879 words, Explicit
Every year, right before mating season, Camelot holds a great tournament in which the alphas will compete with each other in order to show their strength to the omegas who’ll be looking to choose the perfect mate. After all, it’s not the alpha who chooses the omega, but the omega who chooses the alpha, and Arthur really, really wants Merlin to choose him.
Perfectly Imperfect
by @little-dhampir-1508, 4,867 words, Teen+
Arthur takes care of Merlin after some bullies got to him.
Times Change
by @elirwen, 7,427 words, Explicit
After witnessing Uther's breakdown and finding out some of the horrible things he did during the Purge, Arthur's general stance on magic shifts radically much to Morgana and Merlin's surprise.
What’s a Soulmate?
by @misssnowfoxx, 2:26 min, fanvid
I've been wanting to vid this quote for way too long! And I'm sure you'll all agree no couple in the history of the world has every deserved this quote more than these two stupid assholes in love. I had a very emotional time making this video and I hope I got across what I wanted to.
Creswell Crags
by @gwylliondream, 5,747 words, Teen+
When Arthur takes ill, he finds himself in a strange environment that echoes his past and gives him hope for the future.
What were you the god of again?
by @brolinskeep, manips, on tumblr
a reluctant heir to the throne who's rather out on quests to keep his people and others save than sitting at home in his palace, an army of the dead, a very special sword, golden eyes of magic and a dragon, a prophecy that needs to be defied and 'oh yeah by the way, you have an older sister i never told you about who's pretty powerful and wants your throne. you got this son. dad out.'
sound familiar?
Diplomatic Immunity
by @archaeologistd, 86,952 words, Explicit
Merlin has come to Camelot to act as an envoy between the magic users and the new High King, Arthur Pendragon. Four years ago, Nimueh had twisted the truth, making Arthur think Merlin was in league with her. That Arthur is unhappy to see him again is an understatement.
My Magical Manservant
by @lao-pendragon, art, Gen
The »My magical Manservant Series« is a collection of many little stories about Arthur Pendragon who is deeply in love with his very magical manservant Merlin. While several secrets, whether magic or love, are no secrets anymore, they have to deal with disobedient dragons, cheeky knights, a whole kingdom and their own feelings for each other. Keep their magic secret!
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