brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Autumn 2023 Rumor Round-Up
Rumors and theories resolved October - December 2023
Sussexes want an invite to Royal Christmas 2023. (tons of PR from Meghan and Harry about it)
Charles to make a decision about the Sussex children's titles after Spare is published. (He took no action, which is a kind of decision...)
Harry's book finishes him with UK aristocracy and the BRF. (No invite to Charles's 75th birthday party, no invite to the Grosvenor wedding, excluded from the Sandhurst book, etc.)
Sussexes to get the Edward/Wallis treatment following Spare - e.g., only Harry is invited back, weddings and funerals only, no private or personal relationships. (Only Harry appears to be invited back and talks are happening through staff.)
Harry's book to be a financial disaster and incur very little, if any, profit. (Year-end publications from the industry revealed that Harry hadn't made back his advance and sales really struggled.)
Meghan wasn't invited to the coronation. (Markus papwalk)
Kate had two gowns for the coronation. (While it hasn't been officially confirmed by sources, the embroidery on her dress in the portraits is different from the embroidery on her dress worn to the service.)
Meghan crashed the US special forces ribbon-cutting event; only Harry had been invited to attend. ("behind the scenes" story from one of the organizers)
The Sussexes were not invited to Charles's birthday party. (didn't attend)
The Sussexes aren't invited to the Grosvenor wedding. (They told on themselves, clapping back with several "we're invited but we declined" stories.)
Spare's audiobook to be nominated for a Grammy 2023. (didn't happen)
Waleses Christmas 2023 photo is taken by Millie Wilkington. (didn't happen - she did a photoshoot in the spring of the family)
Fourth Wales baby to be announced via the 2023 Christmas card. (didn't happen)
William and Kate to have a fourth child, a girl, in 2023. (didn't happen)
Harry and Meghan separated, will divorce in 2023. (didn't happen)
Kate pregnant with twins, due in October 2023. (didn't happen)
Prominent UK families, such as the Churchills, will sue Harry over stories in his book. (didn't happen)
Meghan will hit rock bottom in 2023. (didn't happen; she's fallen down a few rungs - back to merching and pap walks - but she hasn't hit rock bottom yet.)
Sussex divorce after Harry's book tour obligations end in February 2023. (didn't happen)
Sussexes to divorce in November 2023. (didn't happen)
Meghan to leave Harry if he goes to the coronation without her and the children. (didn't happen)
Meghan is beginning her divorce PR with the Markus papwalk on coronation weekend. (didn't happen)
Sussex divorce announcement timed for Earthshot 2023. (didn't happen)
Sussexes to divorce in 2023 and at the same time, the press superembargo on the children's births will be lifted. (didn't happen)
Harry to return to the royal fold for Christmas 2023 and he'll bring the children with him on the Christmas Walk to insulate from boos and cricitism. (didn't happen)
Sussexes to make a public statement in the summer or early autumn about their children. (didn't happen)
Waleses to face a press tsunami in autumn 2023. (They did get some criticism in the autumn, but nothing I would consider a "press tsunami." For reference, a "press tsunami" is an overwhelming critical coverage like the kind the Sussexes faced when they were in Australia. The Waleses haven't seen anything like that.)
Sussexes to attend Charles's 75th birthday party or other events. (didn't happen)
Meghan to re-launch The Tig in November along with Endgame. (didn't happen)
Sussexes to attend Royal Christmas 2023. (didn't happen)
Only Harry is invited to/will attend Charles's 75th birthday. (didn't happen)
The Sussexes will appear in the documentary made for Charles's birthday. (didn't happen; this rumor came from when we knew Charles was having cameras follow him, but before we knew it was about the coronation prep.)
Charles's family order to be debuted in the 2023 Christmas Speech. (didn't happen)
Sussex Christmas Card to be released at a time it takes attention away from Kate and/or the Waleses. (didn't happen - the Sussexes' card was released on Dec 15th.)
The 2023 Sussex Christmas Card to feature a previously-unreleased photograph of the children with Her Late Majesty. (didn't happen)
Charles or William to be named in the Epstein papers. (didn't happen)
Meghan to attend the Golden Globes 2023 as part of the Suits reunion. (didn't happen)
The Netflix docuseries was meant to include the Sussexes' charity work but the idea was scrapped after backlash in real-time. (The Archewell "impact video" published in December 2023 of work they claimed was done in 2023 includes footage from appearances made in 2022 that were confirmed to have Netflix cameras present.)
The Sussexes have been banned from the Carlyle Hotel for their past behavior. (They haven't stayed at The Carlyle since September 2021 - the Mandela Day/UN appearance - despite having gone back to NYC at least 3 times since.)
The Sussexes plan to use Endgame's criticism of the BRF to bury the "Harry's Nazi uniform" storyline on The Crown. (There was an awful lot of Endgame stories published that weekend, but it could be a coincidence.)
Partially Confirmed
William to attend the December 2023 Sandhurst passing out ceremony. (He did attend a passing out ceremony in December, but it was for the naval academy, not Sandhurst.)
Kate excluded from Charles's documentary to avoid upsetting Meghan and Harry, the same way she was excluded from The Queen's documentaries. (Kate didn't give a "talking head" to the documentary, but then again, most of the royals didn't - only Anne gave an interview.)
Scobie's "Endgame" will pick up where Spare left off, and the Sussexes will have an overt influence on the material so they can have new material with which to attack the BRF. ("Endgame" didn't pick up where Spare left off, but we can tell the content was influenced by the Sussexes and the Sussexes did intend to attack the BRF with the new information.)
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lockandkeyhyena · 4 months
Snowball and Wendy. Is this anything
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they try to kiss and wendy pokes snowball in the eye
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sunnyvaiprion · 9 months
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"Tell me about your homeland, Old timer."
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jellyfishgold · 1 year
Dont say with conditional clause 2 and 3 roughly
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dradelcra · 2 years
Your HJ7 post is fascinating! I hope part 4 comes out! I have a question though: do you think chromium could be a component? It’s a transition metal that can form salts that’s known for easily changing colour! Specifically red, purple and green like the potion! I heard it’s even one of the reasons alexandrite changes from green to red under incandescent light!
Anon oh Anon, as much as it joys me to hear that you found my attempt to create something from a simple text into a real world (theoretical) equation interesting, unfortunately, I wrote those back in 2019 during a metaphorical stupor of obssessive discovery (like frankenstein) when I was still scientifically inclined, yet had the basic idea of how chemicals were to likely work with one another. Now instead of writing scientific analysis', I write literature ones. ♪(^ー^)ノ
Although, your recommendation did make me consider going back down that rabbit hole once again, I don't have as much time as I did back then and I honestly don't want to get your hopes up for a dormat volcano.
I do have the part 4 in which I had kept in my drafts for the duration so I will share that but it is far from being anywhere near to completion and is also very short. Sorry about that.
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Chromium though...
Thinking on it, I might look into that during my free time, but once again, don't get your hopes of me actually completing the research up despite it being a good suggestion.
Have a good one!
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hersheymallow · 2 years
francis has a bad personality...????????
ok, bertha... let's get you back to bed
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alatus-k · 1 year
it’s snowing, and that’s all my mother needs to justify her texting me sad about gramps again. lol a) stop watching the weather reports for a state you no longer live in and lol b) bitch get THERAPY oh wait you moved to alabama hoping they didn’t have things like gender or therapy or gun control.
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chronivore · 3 days
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Disclaimer: I didn’t watch it. I don’t intend to watch it any time soon. These are based on clips I’ve seen and articles I’ve read about the show.
1. Harry used Soho House for sex - Markus was his pimp, Meghan one of the girls ‘on the menu.’ (Harry said in the documentary that he saw a picture of Meghan, with the dog filter, on Instagram and slid into her DMs. Internet sleuths determined that the picture was likely posted on Markus’s feed, where Harry saw it, since Soho was their only mutual connection.)
2. Meghan used Markus/Soho House to meet men. (See above)
3. Meghan photoshops the children for appearances to make them look better than they actually are. (Netflix footage shows both children with Meghan’s dark  eyes and hair; however, all publicly released photographs in color show the children with Harry’s red hair. This is probably why Meghan favors black and white photographs - easier to hide the evidence.)
4. Harry to attack William and Kate in his new memoirs, reveal classism against Meghan. (In the Netflix series, Meghan says Will and Kate are as formal behind closed doors as they are in public. They wouldn’t hug her when they were first introduced.)
5. Meghan was unhappy with her portrayal in the docuseries and will attempt to discredit it and/or threaten to sue over it. (Meghan said in one of her summer 2022 interviews that “it wasn’t how we would have done it.”)
6. Harry and Meghan to co-opt Kate’s story (of press harassment and paparazzi stalking) as Meghan’s to justify why they left or are so controlling of their privacy.
7. Netflix series to target Jason Knauf and blame him for everything, including Megxit criticism. (Knauf was specifically mentioned and discussed in the second half of the series with a villain edit.)
8. Netflix series to flop or otherwise end disastrously. (Universally panned by critics, viewers, and social media.)
9. Eugenie to appear in the Netflix docuseries. (In private photographs of her visits to California and Toronto, but same thing.)
10. Secret/private footage of the Sussex relationship, including behind-the-scenes wedding and engagement details, will be included in the docuseries.
11. “Recreated” scenes from their wedding and relationship for Netflix. (Used private never-before-seen photographs. Some theories that they redid Harry’s proposal to film for Netflix given various inconsistencies.)
12. Meghan kept children’s faces/existences “obscured” to sell their pictures for profit. (Children, or at least Archie was, prominently featured in docuseries.)
Partially Confirmed
1. Meghan took pictures in unrestricted areas of Kensington Palace. (Private photographs of not-accessible-by-the-public areas of Kensington Palace and other royal homes shared in the Netflix docuseries.)
2. Docuseries to include footage of Diana’s Panorama interview, which will have to be recut and delayed after the BBC announced in July 2022 that they would never show or lease footage from the interview again. (The docuseries included footage but the series was not recut or delayed, that we know of. After the series debuted, BBC announced that they were unsure how Netflix obtained the Panorama footage as they did not request permission from the BBC.)
3. The Netflix docuseries will be more satire than truthful storytelling, like Tiger King. It will be successful for Netflix but failure for the Sussexes. (The series wasn’t satire but it was poorly received and lacked critical praise. It was successful for Netflix in terms of its viewer statistics compared to other docuseries.)
4. Meghan to pop off after an unsuccessful run of “reuniting with the royals” PR. (Some consider her statements and actions in some of the commentary on the docuseries to be a response to the BRF failing to reciprocate or fall for her PR schemes.)
5. Netflix series to be edited. Charity visits were too controversial and portray Meghan terribly following Queen’s death and global tributes to service. (We know that there were Netflix cameras at Uvalde and the United Nations. We suspect that there were also Netflix cameras at other charity visits like the Harlem Bench reading and Meghan’s Baby2Baby volunteering. None of these visits were included in the docuseries.)
1. Meghan used IVF to conceive Archie before the wedding. (Events and photographs in the Netflix series confirms that Harry and Meghan likely used a surrogate or some kind of ‘outside’ help.)
1. Archie is actually the biological son of Meghan’s friend, doesn’t live with Meghan and Harry. (Tons of footage and private pictures of Archie with Meghan and Harry in the documentary.)
2. The “real” Lili is an Australian baby model. (Netflix docuseries has pictures of Lili from birth and show a closeness between Archie and Lili that wouldn’t otherwise exist if they were never around each other.)
3. Royal christening for Lili after Charles ascends, before coronation. (According to the Netflix series, Tyler Perry is Lili’s godfather but he accepted the honor only if they didn’t have the ceremony in London with the royals.)
4. Royal christening for Lili with The Queen attending. (see above)
5. Sussexes wanted to significantly re-edit the Netflix series and delay it to 2023 to remove comments about Chares, Camilla, William, and Catherine following The Queen’s death. (Series premiered December 2022. Inflammatory comments remained included.)
6. The Netflix series will be called “Chapters.” (”Harry and Meghan”)
7. Netflix docuseries to be mainly archival footage from their time as royals with new commentary. (Current footage and photography as recent as 2021 with Lili’s birth, private videos made by Harry and Meghan throughout their whole relationship.)
8. Netflix series to be re-edited after use of stock footage/photography in the trailers received universal criticism. (Doesn’t appear to have happened.)
9. Netflix series delayed due to copyright issues over use of uncredited or unpurchased stock footage. (Premiered on time on December 8, 2022.)
10. Series to be re-edited after The Queen’s death because of insults to the BRF that, if left in, would ruin Meghan’s reputation. (Series wasn’t re-edited, if the curtsy gag stayed in.)
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oh-dear-so-queer · 5 days
At church, homosexuality was spoken of as a theological or social issue, not as the plausible experience of some of the people in that very room. I don't remember anyone asking questions about being gay in the first person. How could I hope for real answers to honest questions when showing too much interest in the subject would make me guilty by association of being gay?
"In/Out: A Scandalous Story of Falling Into Love and Out of the Church" - Steph Lentz
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tenth-sentence · 18 days
Western rule by 2000 was less locked in in 1650 than it would be by 1800, but it was still the most plausible outcome – perhaps 80 percent likely?
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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jedi-starbird · 26 days
Palpatine: My boy, I'm afraid to report that Master Kenobi is very likely sleeping with your wife.
Anakin, who knows for a fact that Obi-Wan is sleeping with his Commander, a good chunk of Ghost company, the Organas and Quinlan Vos: ...where is he finding the fucking time???
Palpatine, oblivious: Oh I've heard from some very reliable sources that-
Anakin: *pulls out a spexcel spreadsheet, the 3rd System Army's shared spoogle calender and a calculator*
Anakin: Your Excellency. That's just. not logistically possible.
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christinered · 2 months
Road House Official Trailer #1 - Patrick Swayze Movie HD
Do you think some girl ever told him after he dropped his drawers...."I thought you'd be bigger."?
Yeah. I think about these things sometimes.
I have that kind of mind.
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man-twitter · 5 months
I would only date a trans dude if he gave me snacks, and treated me nicely in public
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so important for every character to be an idiot, but each in their own unique beautiful way
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shortnasties · 8 months
2764. From Who?
This is "From Who?" No clown in this town, sadly.
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The old woman has been carrying around the letter for years. She received it as a young girl. She doesn't know from who. It told her the date of her death. It is very special to her.
The letter was written in beautiful calligraphy and scented like roses. Once or twice a day when she was younger, she'd take out the letter and smell it. It made her feel good, it took her to another place, one she had visited but never truly belonged to.
"What does it say?" many suitors would ask. (She never married.) But she never said a word. All the suitors eventually died. Their gravestones can be found in the old Dutch cemetery on the hill. One of them is even misspelled! But that's not the saddest thing that ever happened in that one's life...
The old woman lives on. It's been years and years and years. She still carries her letter. It still says the same thing. Which is maybe the very thing that makes one defy what is plausible...
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