#pls god i just know it would be SO good
imgnnafurgf · 3 months
All I want is a fanfic about male deputy/Sharky/John am I asking too much
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mayxo-hxh · 2 months
Im about to get controversial.
Out of chrollo, illumi and hisoka, hisoka is canonically the least likely to flirt to get anything he wants, if at all.
A lot of people think he's a natural flirt but I fear I couldn't have disagreed more. He only "flirted" a single time and that was solely to piss off machi, knowing she'd never agree. Hot take? He would've never asked if he knew she'd agree.
Also, bro's the biggest humanphobe in the anime. He keeps his distance from everyone. The only human physical contact he ever made was through fighting people. (If you're a person thats interested in seeing more evidence, I have an entire long thread about it on twitter that I do plan on posting here soon)
so u cannot give me 1 reason for hisoka to flirt with someone at a random bar but chrollo and illumi? i can think of a few.
chrollo, he already canonically flirts to get what he wants. straight up goes on dates gets a suit and shit. he has no reputation among the general public that hes concerned of that isnt the spider. Illumi? He's a manipulator. I HIGHLY doubt he never flirted to get something in his life from people who are too easy to win over. He's someone that wouldn't care what people think of him. He's also anonymous. People have no idea who tf he is anyways. If it affected the zoldyck reputation? Thats a different story.
Hisoka? he would fucking NEVER. Him specifically? HE HAS A REPUTATION. And whats that reputation? That hes an absolute disgusting freak that no one should dare to approach. He kills people. He fights live and makes sure the audience is always disgusted and weirded out by his actions and performances. You look at him and you should immediately look away and pray he hasn't seen you.
So riddle me this. If his entire shtick is making sure everyones afraid of him and avoids him, then why the hell would he get himself a reputation that makes him approachable????
Why would he get himself a reputation that makes you, as a person who only ever heard of him picking people up, want to approach him.
On top of that, I just.. don't see him picking random people up..??? random weaklings that dont even know nen????? he literally treats them like trash that inconveniences his time. You're saying he'd EVER give them the privilege of sleeping with him???
And then you'd say, oh so he'd sleep with strong people! HERES THE THING. Why would he sleep with them..... when he can fight them. Him getting off from fighting comes NOWHERE to actual sex. What people don't understand is that he gets off to killing people and seeing them crumble in front of him when they realize theyre going to die. Torturing people to death. What's... that got to do with like. yknow. actual sex bro 😭😭😭😭😭😭
this turned into a huge rant probably but do you know how genuinely depressing it is seeing a unique character like hisoka that gains lust through FIGHTING and KILLING reduced to. sex addict in fics. Like. be so fucking serious right now. He called himself a FIGHT ADDICT in the manga. Can I see more of him actually spending his time killing and fighting people instead of whatever the hell bros doing with a random npc.
Anyways this is also why I hc him as asexual/demisexual NEXTTTT
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polaraffect · 27 days
oh god they made chaos in hades ii so fucking hot oh my god oh my g
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I love mythology so much and it’s taking everything in me to not write a full fledge fic about a Cupid and Psyche au omfg
justttttt Cupid Bakugou who is just so, so fucking beautiful. he’s always been recorded by other mortals for being akin to sunlight himself—all golden hues and sharp angles and high cheekbones and massive wings. wings that span as wide as an entire village, that sparkle when the light hits them, loud when they beat to send him soaring into the skies above. but his mouth? his attitude?
everyone always wonders why he was never the god of war, instead. but he’s damn good at his job, with his arrows propped up on his back, swift with discharging them into another stupid mortal who’s fallen for the local towns idiot. but hey, they’re in love, and it’s his job to enforce that love go over well.
and then he sees you—the most beautiful mortal, that you’re even compared to the gods, to his mother. he wants you so bad, if not to treasure and keep you against his side as he travels over the oceans cold waters, than to keep you safe from the vile men who want you as their partner and the disgusting women who envy you for having it all.
omg and the part where he takes you to stay in his palace and asks you not to ever look at his face???? it’s killing him, to wear that mask to your nightly dinners, to be able to look at the soft curve of your mouth when you frown and ask him to reveal himself. to be able to look at how you stare back at him, eyes pretty and furious, frustrated and mad, wanting to go back on the conditions you agreed upon because having to sit across from him without seeing him is absolute torture. I am. vibrating.
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urboymutual · 2 years
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To be anything was enough. To be anyone was enough. 
the growing-up itch by k.c cramm + evan “buck” buckley (9-1-1)
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pixlatedvampire · 2 years
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I love this disaster bard sm you don’t even know 💕
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mazojo · 1 year
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Bam stopping in the middle of a life or death battle to tell this dude he looks good is oddly on character
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scp-69 · 10 months
i am once again on my knees begging for a 2d animated narnia adaptation
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beldaroot · 2 years
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taichi and chihaya are always meant to be by each other’s side :’) 
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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Me, after several years of feeling haunted by the fact that I know I used to be able to draw better. And I used to have fun and feel satisfied w what I created. Believing that my art skills and enjoyment deteriorated because of like. Age! Like my brain just rotted over time or something: messes around w settings after re downloading fire alpaca and turns off the toggle for “adjust brush size to pen pressure”. And fUCKING. REALIZING THATS WHAT ITS BEEN THIS WHOLE TIME!?!?!?!? I never ever ever correlated my getting a tablet to my decline in art cuz I was also in a huge depression then and that just seemed more likely to blame! Also cuz the tablet was cool! It made things easier! BUT FUCKING. TURNING OFF THE LIL PEN PRESSURE THING IS LIKE. GAH- IM DRAWING LIKE IM FUCKING 16 AGAIN!!!! LOOK AT THOSE LINES…!! ON THE 2ND & 3RD PICTURE.!!! THE STYLE. IM SHITTING MYSELF..! Like legit gonna cry actual tears of fucking joy about this… I had basically almost given up ever really being satisfied w my art again??? But I fucking….! I finally figured it out!!!!! Holy shit!!!!! * falls down on the floor and dies of relief *
But yeah….. anyway. Aside from the massive art revelation/return to form… This photo set is featuring more of me and Ghastjio’s ocs! Non-homestuck ones this time! They’re scientists doing research and experiments on dreams and the subconscious and such! They’re also def all slightly varying levels of evil/moral dubious… cuz. I cannot resist an evil doctor…. And they’re also. Definitely a polycule gGHG. Cuz. I also can’t resist that shit lol
Yellow = Dr. In
Pink = Dr. Somn
Blue = Dr. Nia
Add them all together! And It equals insomnia! And it took me!!! A ridiculously long time to realize that ghghg- Like several days after ghast first showed them to me lol, but! I got it eventually! That’s all that matters
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favouritedave · 10 months
rewatching good omens season 1 and I've remembered the one thing I was a bit annoyed about - the bentley. it doesn't drive like how a regular car would. the turn it makes heading to the airbase??? no drift. 110 mph and the backend isn't sticking out even by just a smidge. i know its a lot of cgi for it but man they could've at least cgi'd in some drift. crowley deserves to be able to drift that car
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solarsaurus-sex · 6 months
do u think i should ask my friend if he'd be down 2 let me pop my pegging cherry on him. just so i can see what its like.
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ok but El as a spider-man (known as just Spidey) and Dustin being Spidey’s fav photographer, because he never sexualizes her and gets a really good shots of her (also, is just really recless, and El has to nearly every time help him with coming on the ground after the fight because he got stuck on the buildings, so he could get get the best shots of her in action)
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katarafirelady · 2 years
ok it is also cool that pansexual merman's little sister uses a prosthetic tail
and that they didnt completely typecast each mermaid based on her hair/tail colour to an element. Green mermaid is water instead of earth, pink mermaid is earth instead of fire, and some rando who has 1 speaking line in the entire film is air :)))))
the problem is really the plot. it doesnt feel creative or exciting. we dont even KNOW the stakes. some woman who we dont know just says "the fate of our world depends on it ." but she doesnt seem at all concerned or worries or anything. and its like in what way? how will the world be changed if this doesnt go to plan? nobody knows. probably not even the writers.
i think what i really miss is when barbie and her friends had to be clever/creative/industrious in some way to solve their problems. Like Annalise finding that purple geode and using it to revitalize her kingdoms economy. Or even corrine in princess academy who had to figure out that she was the lost princess, and her friend who was a music genius helped fighre out that the Beep beep BEEP Beep of the door code could be deciphered. Now its all just "barbie is kind and a friend to everyone. that (+ magic) solves all her problems the end." but the truth is that being kind to a bully/abuser wont always make them stop being mean? (in fact i would say that a lot of the time it wont work!) barbie rapunzel and barbie nutcracker stood up against the evil people and defeated them.
also the music is bad and the backgrounds/animation in general arent as pretty as they were in video game hero or starlight adventure. They look more on par with backgrounds from princess and the pauper, but without the really loveable characters + compelling plot + amazing music to make up for it. also backgrounds rendered entirely in 3d just dont look as nice as the old more painted style ones.
final criticism is that the conservation of oceans message was really shoehorned in and even then it was pretty shallow bc if a bunch of mermaids can just zap the great pacific garbage pile into nonexistance, they can do it again right? like thats a bad way to show that garbage hurts sea creatures. They should have actually had a seaturtle try to swallow a plastic bag, or had fish get stuck in those 6 pack can connector things, and had barbie and co actually put in some WORK to help, rather than just do a <2 minute "battle" against the garbage and then immediately have a dance party?
ok compliment sandwich i guess their hair looked nice. Very shiny. made me want to look up hair care routines
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witchwhaat · 1 year
a tragedy: couldn't fit a nap in my schedule
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
i know this is in one way or another the curse of every profession but the amount of times i grit my teeth and scroll with a twitching eye past the most horrible takes on what philosophy is and does cannot be good for me. unfortunately, the alternative is sounding like A Philosophy MajorTM and that's like, even worse than leaving people to believe that what we do is like.. contemplating the meaning of life at 3am in the kitchen a bottle of wine deep, or that the trolley problem isn't taken wildly out of context and is all that ethics boils down to, or that not just about every popular philosphy quote is, in fact, taken wildly out of context or that Nietzsche wasn't in fact a fucking bastard and no nihilism doesn't mean what most people think it means and --
yeah just. no
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