#send help the gender on them..... oh my god....
polaraffect · 1 month
oh god they made chaos in hades ii so fucking hot oh my god oh my g
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quinnsadilla · 5 months
fluff alphabet |clarisse la rue
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author's note: Hi lovelies, please send me requests! I don't know what gave me the confidence to think I can write, probably delusion. Also, this is according to my personal views of Clarisse so don't be mad if it's different from what you've imagined. Leave a comment, I love interacting with people, xx.
warnings: I tried my best to keep it gender/race/cabin neutral for the most part but there are still some feminine coded things here and there. English is not my first language so excuse any grammar mistakes.
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Starting off strong because with Clarisse sparring is a must. Although she doesn't like to think there will ever come a time in which she won't be there to protect you, it's still an essential part of life as a half-blood. And who better to train you than the daughter of war herself? And in case the apprentice becomes the master and you happen to beat her or pin her to the ground or even hold your dagger to her neck? Oh boy, she's done for. Actual heart eyes.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
She pretty much loves everything about you, she can't really just choose one aspect. Though, if she had to, she'd probably say she loves you for being supportive, understanding, and patient with her. You understand her better than anyone. That's what made her know you were the one for her. You can control her anger issues and calm her down when she's on the verge of exploding and she thinks that's beautiful.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?
The art of intimacy or comfort never came easy to Clarisse. Her relationship with her mother isn't the best and hasn't been for a while now and her father is a grade A asshole. Her first instinct when you're feeling down is to fix it, to ask you who or what happened and give them a physical piece of her mind, but that's not always how it works. She'll pull you to her lap and hold you through the night or for as long as you need, wiping your tears and kissing your cheeks. She'll let you vent your heart out. You can tell her anything. Or nothing, if you prefer. She's not the best with words but her actions speak much louder.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
She's never thought that much ahead if she's being honest. Never allowed herself to daydream too much into the future, choosing to live off the present for now. Sometimes, however, she pictures what could be only described as an utopia; to go on such a fantastical quest that the gods can't help but grant the both of you immortality, that way you'd bask in the glory of your love forever and ever.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
On the outside looking in it would seem Clarisse is the dominant one for sure. And in some ways she is; she likes that you can rely on her, she wants to provide for you, yearns to prove herself capable of such. Still, you're the one in charge. Clarisse is completely devoted to you, and your relationship means more to her than anything she's ever felt before. She cherishes it like no other, always at your beck and call.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Clarisse is intense, that much we know. Her anger runs deep and her passion burns red. She's not perfect, and doesn't try to hide it either. She's hot-tempered, arrogant, she's got a short fuse and she holds grudges. Her fatal flaw is pride, which sometimes gets in the way of her good senses, so you'll most likely be the one apologizing first. Despite all that, she can't bear the thought of you being mad at her and absolutely hates fighting with you. It's like it's tearing her apart, especially if you're sad over something she said or did in the heat of the moment. Truth is, she is a fighter at heart so when all is said and done she'll try and make it up to you in some way, somehow.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
She is so appreciative of everything you do and are. As previously stated, Clarisse didn't get much love growing up so any semblance of that is something she clings hard to. She notices everything, every little thing you do for her and the underlying of your words. How you treat her and others is always stored in the back of her mind and she loves to be loved by you.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Clarisse is a very closed off person in general, she doesn't like feeling exposed and being possibly seen as weak. She'll tell you things but there's still some matters you have to pick up on your own and know how to approach them, especially regarding her feelings and personal struggles. She's very honest though, she feels like she owns you that much and appreciates you if you do the same for her. The more your relationship progresses you'll notice being able to read her like an open book because although she does her very best to hide it there's an underlying vulnerability to her behavior in certain moments you'll take proper notice of the more you know her.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Clarisse has definitely become more gentle since you. It still doesn't extend to your friends and family but more so how she behaves around you and knowing she doesn't have to put up that though front all the time. Her sense of self worth has improved as well, especially when you reassure her through her insecurities and doubts (never being the son her father wanted etc.)
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh, boy. Clarisse’s jealousy is very fuelled by… Well, anything really. She doesn't necessarily need a motive to go toe to toe with someone, just staring at you for a second longer than she deems them worthy of and she's ready for a fight. It's hard for anyone to get close enough to flirt with you because she's always there, by your side, kind of like a guard dog. But only because she knows how amazing you are and her insecurities do blurry some lines on what's acceptable. She's working on it though.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Clarisse is definitely a good kisser. She doesn't have much experience, if any, but she's a natural. It sounds cheesy but the first time she kisses you was like butterflies and church bells dancing loudly in the wind. The way she cups your face so uncharacteristically soft and how she breaks off the kiss with a series of small pecks only to smile one of her beautiful smiles so close to each other's faces… Magical. It could be at the fireworks on the fourth of July or it could be in your favorite spot in the woods, soaked in lake water during a midnight swim or after a heated argument. No matter how many times Clarisse kisses you, she'll never not feel electricity similar to her spear’s sharp edge digging into her body and soul.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Clarisse does not have a clue what she's doing. I feel like she'd say something in the heat of the moment; either confessing her true feelings or masking them by saying something hurtful she doesn't actually mean. In the latter scenario she'd storm off and berate herself over it but her pride and fear that you'd never look at her again made her put off her apology for some time and let it all sink in to talk to you when she's ready. That is until you start properly ignoring her and she nearly goes crazy with longing, just missing your overall presence and having her stomach turn to knots at the way things were left between you two. That's one of the few times Clarisse sucks it up and reaches for you. The apology is awkward but overwhelmingly honest and she tells you she's an idiot but you're content in forgiving her and giving her a second (actual first) chance.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Again, Clarisse never thought she'd live to see the day she'd actually have a marriage prospect. Her life just doesn't seem complete without you anymore and the moment she realizes that she's done for. It would probably be while you're laying in bed together, your head on her chest while you play with her fingers. Your eyes are heavy with sleep but hers are wide open, thinking. “Will you marry me?” said while staring into the distance and you probably think she's joking except Clarisse is not one to joke about that sort of thing. “Not now. But eventually.” and whether you ask if she's serious or just accept it right away, she'd look at you seriously for a beat and then tackle you into a bear hug, crushing you underneath her. She doesn't see the point in a big wedding, but if that's what you're into, she won't mind.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
She is not immune to babe or baby but would still like to keep some variety. Things like sunshine, gorgeous, angel or others (I'm looking at you, person who created the “mama/s” HC). She does like your name very much, or probably a shortened version of it. Don't expect her to not tease you if any of these make you flustered.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Clarisse likes to think she's good at hiding it when she's absolutely not. As Taylor Swift once said, you can hear it in the silence. Just the way her eyes soften when she's looking at you speaks millions, but people also get whiplash at how fast her mean attitude changes whenever you're around. Her love giving languages are probably acts of service and physical touch. She loves to do things for you, feeling all big and mighty whenever she can make your life just a little easier. Touching is also a must but we'll get to that in a second.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Clarisse is not very comfortable with public displays of affection, because she is afraid of being judged or mocked by others for being weak or soft. She prefers to keep her relationship with you private and intimate, but doesn't mind the little things. She does gloat about being with you as well as showing you off, so that everyone on camp knows you're hers. She brags about you all the time and I mean, seriously, all the time. She's not a big hand holder but she almost over compensates by grabbing at your hips and thighs, throwing an arm over your shoulder or hiding her face in your neck. She especially loves bonfires when you sit on her lap and she can hold firmly onto your waist while she's talking to her siblings or just press her forehead against yours when her social battery is low.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
She's very perceptive. She may not know what has changed right away but she's also persistent so she'll figure it out in an instant. If it's the way you did your hair or something that happened along your day, even if you change your usual greeting. She notices and she'll definitely ask you about it.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Clarisse wants to be loved, that's all she’s ever wanted, and she has so much love to give, therefore I believe she'll do just about anything to make you happy. That includes being an absolute sap. She honestly doesn't mind how cliche it is, if it works on you, you bet she's using it. If anyone cares to say anything remotely negative about you or your relationship she will promptly glare them into oblivion or give them something to really worry about.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
She is your absolute biggest supporter. Especially if you don't believe in yourself, then she's trying even harder for you to see just how well you can do something if you put your mind to it. With something like sword training she is more than willing to help you, rewarding you with kisses and cursing you for distracting her with your pretty face.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Clarisse doesn't mind change, she rolls with it. If you have a certain way of doing things, a routine you like to follow, that's fine by her. If you're unpredictable, even better. She just loves to see what comes next in terms of your relationship, not necessarily needing anything to amplify her love for you. It's already hardwired into her.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
She knows you like the back of her hand. Even the slightest furrow of your eyebrows or tilt of your head and she'll be there in a second asking what's wrong. She does learn to be more empathetic towards your own struggles, which was hard at first because she wasn't sure how to see things from someone else's point of view. Though road but you make it work.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
She doesn't have much to look forward to so Clarisse values her relationship with you very highly, as you are one of the few people who can see past her tough and aggressive exterior and appreciate her softer and more vulnerable side. She is fiercely loyal and protective of you, and would do anything to keep you safe and happy.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
I actually read this one on a Wattpad story a while ago so credit to the original creator but, Clarisse has a teddy bear named Mr. Muscles she's had since she was like, nine and she cherishes it like it's her most prized possession. When she introduced this piece of information to you, you just found her so incredibly adorable you couldn't contain the giggles and she gets so hot in the face she pushes you off her bed and it's honestly one of the most memorable moments in your relationship.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
I headcanon Clarisse as your personal furnace as well as a koala bear so kisses and cuddles are a must, especially if it's cold outside. She loves to take naps with you, it gets to the point where she has trouble sleeping without you (so you give her a vial of your perfume to spray on Mr. Muscles for when you're away).
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Clarisse with you: 🥰
Clarisse without you: 😡
She gets snappier than usual and easily annoyed but she'll also get really sad because she's never had to deal with being away from you. Her siblings try to cheer her up by shoving some kid's head into the toilet but she's so disinterested in anything that does not involve you she just goes about her days training until she can see you again and show off her muscles.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
The answer is yes, one hundred percent. “Touch her and you die” trope goes so hard. Not only that but she would willingly sacrifice the world and herself for you and your relationship. She would go out of her way to make sure you are okay, that you are fed and hydrated and well rested, even messing up her own sleeping schedule in order to take better care of you.
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thegnomelord · 5 months
oh my lord... mentioning merfolk finally pushed me into sending in an ask for you, so hai!
im a huge marine bio nerd and i could probably ramble about that kinda stuff for awhile so im gonna keep it shorter and stick to sharks, aka my favorite species... i apologize for the very long ramble incoming
id imagine that the kind of shark makes merfolk vary heavily - you have smaller, less aggressive sharks (bamboo sharks, nurse sharks, leopard sharks), then you have dogfish which are aggressive small schooling sharks (that actually have venom from what i remember), and the big bois that are mean like bull sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, great whites, ect. also you have basking sharks and whale sharks which are big ass chill lads. as much as i love them having a tail instead of legs, i think there'd be two "forms" of merperson, one with legs and a tail and one with just the tail. im mainly referring to the ones with legs and tails when i talk about them
like i was saying, the kind of shark species a merperson (or mershark, ill start calling them that) makes them differ between general personality, strength, size, ect ect. bigger sharks are more popular due to their strength, aggression, and speed, making them very useful in the military. smaller guys also have their advantages - its just that a bull mershark would have a much easier time in the military compared to a lemon mershark. although bigger lads are definitely more of a pain in the ass to work with if they grew up in the ocean over on land, cause i like to think most mershark (and merfolk in general) prefer living in the ocean. smaller sharks are easier to control, as they tend to be less prideful and stubborn compared to the bigger species. oceanic whitetip would be especially bad due to their aggression and pride, they're probably the most aggressive species of shark in the ocean
then when it comes to mating/courtship rituals... they don't do any of the fancy things like a werewolf, harpy, or dragon, they're rather direct. sharks in the wild don't court, typically when they meet another shark of the opposite gender they mate due to how rarely they meet other sharks, although mersharks would probably have small courtship rituals. it's pretty simple, just spending more time around who they want to court. i also think it'd be really cute if they gave the person they were courting a shark tooth of theirs that fell off as a memento of sorts. when it comes to mating, male sharks bite as a ritual. not as hard as they'd bite prey, but definitely enough to leave scars. shark mating is pretty rough, but mersharks would probably tone it back a little bit, though there will be times when their instincts slip.
mershark are also oblivious as fuck to other courting rituals if they grew up in the ocean. almost no shark species really have courting, so they don't have instincts when it comes to someone courting them, and they don't have the same socialization that a mershark that grew up on land would have. i just think mersharks are very interesting and very cool <3
thank you for reading my insane rambling about sharks and sharkpeople... once again, sorry for the long ramble, but i had to share my thoughts
Oh god anon this is some GOOD SOUP and as a fellow animal nerd I absolutely love hearing weird animal facts and all I can imagine is just Ghost and Sharkmer reader being absolute idiots lol :D
CW: NSFW at the end, short and quick bc brain isn't braining but this concept of your anon is so cool!
Like Ghost initially thinking all monster courting rituals are complicated as fuck, and the info he finds on the internet doesn't help one bit. And you, having grown up in the ocean, have no fucking clue he's trying to court you in some convoluted way.
You'll spend days just existing next to him, or very gently nibbling on his fingers, which, in your mind, makes it very clear you want to mate, but all Ghost thinks is that you want to eat him. And the next thing you know he's shoving an energy bar into your mouth and walking away and you're left confused.
And Ghost, bless the poor fool's soul, eventually gets lured into the waters by your sparkling eyes and wide grin of sharp teeth. The same teeth bite down on every piece of his skin, not enough to actually hurt him, but your teeth marks litter his thighs, his ass, all across his chest and especially around his pecs, from shoulders down to his biceps and anywhere you can reach while you stretch him.
God the sex is one of the best he's ever had, his usually cold body warming up from the proximity of you and the warm waters you're in as you slowly fuck both of your cocks into him, having stretched him open until he was unable to beg between his hiccups. And he's so pretty beneath you, rough groans as he rubs his cock while you move your hips in a slow rhythm, your dicks pushing in and out, in and out, brushing against his prostate until he was close to losing his mind with how you stretched him beyond imagination.
Some of your teeth end up lodged in his shoulder, and when you finish mating him you tell him to keep them, making them into a necklace he now wears around his neck.
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slytherins-journalist · 9 months
Care to fuck me?
Mattheo Riddle x Gender-neutral! Reader Summary: You find your roommate/ best friend masturbating and offer to help him out Word count: 736
You enter Mattheo’s room, your best friend and roommate. The lights are off and his headphones are on, his facing his laptop with his back turned to you. You hear soft moans escaping his lips and quick work of what you can only assume that he was masterbating.
You stand in the doorway and watch him, your curiosity getting the best of you. His mains are like music to your ears, and your cunt throbs in response. You can’t help imagining what he would sound like if you two…
Mattheo notices you and quickly removes his headphones, turning around to face you. He’s got a surprised and guilty expression on his face.
"What are you doing here? I'm busy." He says in a cold tone, trying to cover up the fact that he was caught masturbating. He closes his laptop discreetly and moves it away. 
You can't help but notice the bulge in his pants and the way he's looking at you with lustful eyes.
You walk into the room further, suddenly possessed by your desire for him. “I can see that.”
Mattheo’s eyes widen in surprise as you enter the room. He quickly tries to cover himself up, but it's too late. You’ve already seen his bigger than average cock. And you want to see more of it.
“What are you doing here? And why did you just barge into my room like that?" he asks, trying to maintain his cold and indifferent demeanour.
You can see the lustful look in his eyes and feel the tension between the two of you.
All your shame goes flying out of the window and you kneel in front of him “Want some help with that?”
Mattheo’s eyes widen in surprise as you kneel in front of him, his bulge growing even harder at the sight of you on your knees for him.
“Are you serious? You'd really do that for me?" he asks, the lustful look in his eyes becoming more apparent.
“Mhm.” You tug his pants down further, down to his ankles, so you’ve got better access.
Mattheo’s eyes widen in surprise as you tug his pants down. He quickly removes them and his boxers, tossing them to the side. 
“You sure? I mean, we've been friends for a long time now." he says, trying to hide the fact that he was so excited about what was happening.
“Friends can help each other out” You stroke his cock experimentally, sliding your finger over the slit to tease him.
Mattheo’s breath hitches as you stroke his cock. He looks down at you with lustful eyes, nodding in agreement.
“Okay… yeah. Let’s do it." he says, leaning back on the bed and closing his eyes in pleasure as you continue to stroke him.
You open your mouth and push it over his cock as far as your gag reflex will let you. You start to bob your head up and down, swirling your tongue around his tip when you can.
Mattheo moans in pleasure as you put your mouth over him and start bobbing your head up and down. His hands go to the back of your head, pushing you deeper onto his cock.
“Oh my god… that feels amazing." he says between moans, completely lost in the pleasure.
You hum in agreement and tap his hip, encouraging him to fuck your throat.
Mattheo’s breath hitches as your humming sends vibrations over his dick. He starts to thrust his hips forward, pushing himself deeper into your mouth.
"Oh fuck… yes, just like that." he says, lost in the pleasure of the moment.
You moan around his dick and hollow your cheeks, sucking harder.
Mattheo moans in pleasure as you do, his hands gripping the sheets tightly. He starts to thrust harder and faster, getting closer to orgasm.
“Oh god… I'm gonna cum." he says, warning you before he releases into your mouth with a loud moan of pleasure.
You suck him through his orgasm, his cum hitting the back of your throat. You finally pull off with an obscene pop, and lick your lips, not wanting to waste a single drop. “You taste so good, Matty.”
Mattheo whimpers in response, and he watches in amazement as you pull off and lick his cum off your lips.
“You're amazing." he says, still breathless from the intense pleasure. "I've never felt anything like that before."
“Care to fuck me then?”
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lafleshlumpeater · 1 year
Heyy could I maybe request something of Luke Castellan x child of posideon!reader? Maybe like reader was watching Luke train and was like “oh shit thats hot” and is just completely flustered because of their boyfriend and it just gets steamy from there- if you catch my drift. Possibly could reader be gender neutral and afab? And maybe reader has a bit of a thing for choking and Luke finds out? Thats a lot sorry for that lol
ty for the request x
not proofread
Warning: Mentions of weapons, r calls luke daddy towards the end, choking, sub/dom themes- lmk if I missed any
Requests are always open <3
luke castellan masterlist
Luke was training. Normally, this would prove to be entertaining as his training sessions were filled with banter and a lot of laughter (since he swordfought with Percy a lot, and something about watching your boyfriend and brother taunting each other was hilarious) but this time he was focused on violently slashing up dummies. And due to the lack of intimacy you two had suffered from lately since either one of you always had some important task to do, you found this incredibly, incredibly hot.
As you stood there holding his ice- cold water bottle, you shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot. How could you not find the view attractive? 
Sweat plastered his platinum blond hair to his head, and small rivulets of sweat lazily trickled down his muscular arms and forehead. He was wearing a thin, white vest which didn’t help matters, as this meant you could clearly see the outline of his abs and pecs. As his hands- oh, his beautiful, beautiful hands, with their long veins and rough skin- drove his sword into the dummies again and again, slaughtering them into shreds, you suddenly felt a lot hotter than you had been ten minutes ago… and it had nothing to do with the outside temperatures.
As the last dummy was sacrificed and sword sheathed again, Luke sauntered his way over to where you were standing somewhat awkwardly.
“Darling,” he greeted, before accepting the water bottle you offered him before chugging at it eagerly, unaware of the impact the nickname had on you. After he was done, he looked at you; taking in the lip biting and the anxious squirming.
“Babe?”, he questioned, “Are you okay?”
You nodded, but he was not satisfied.
“Look at me.”
Tilting your chin to him so it was impossible for you to evade eye contact any longer, he took in your mottled pink cheeks and lust- blown eyes. His mouth rounded in a silent ‘oh’, and cupped your chin.
“Oh, baby,” he cooed.
You squirmed even more, his subtle dominating behaviour sending an even more powerful wave of heat to your core. “Don’t.”
He smirked, and whispered into your ear. “Or what, dolly?”
Shuddering, you meekly attempted to push him away.
You had thought it would come out to sound like a warning, but if anything it was closer to a desperate moan, or even a whine. Although he was playing it cool, it turned Luke on more than anything that the sight of him just training was enough to make you needy for him. It was with this thought that he stopped teasing, and smashed his lips onto yours.
You parted your lips immediately, allowing access for his tongue to slip inside; you moaned, and you thanked all gods that it was muffled by Luke’s hot mouth. You didn’t even try to fight for dominance this time- you had already entered into your subspace due to the multiple nicknames he had addressed you with, and you were too far in to pull yourself out. His lips left yours, and your boyfriend began to trail wet, scraping kisses down your jaw and down your jugular, at which you cursed yourself for allowing a pitiful, whiny sound to leave your mouth.
“Hush, pretty,” he muttered, now smattering quick pecks into the hollow of your collarbone, leaving you gasping. He reached his hand up to your throat, squeezing slightly- not enough to hurt, but enough to cut your oxygen supply off.
You gasped desperately, and were now turned on to the point where you were willing to fuck him there and then, in the arena. You let out a strangled whined, not even trying to disguise it now, and rocked your hips desperately into nothing, conscious of the fact that your panties were now so wet they were ruined beyond the point of return. Just when your head was becoming fuzzier and fuzzier (both from slipping further into your subspace and from the lack of oxygen), Luke stopped his assault at your collarbone and released your throat. 
“Luke, please.”
He gulped, and you looked down to see a raging boner straining against the fabric of his pants. You looked back at him to see his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down and his usual icy eyes now dark and stormy.
Grasping you firmly by your neck again, he whispered huskily into your ear:
“Fucking gods, I’m going to fucking destroy you.”
You gulped against his hand and let out a small, breathy moan. “Please, daddy.”
He constricted your throat tighter in his grasp, grunting- it was safe to say you were both in for a long night.
thanks so much if you read til the end xx feel free to request any time <3
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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dilfth1rster · 2 months
I was wondering if you could do some smutty head cannons about Dean Winchester
Hi anon this is my first head canon like this, hope you enjoy it and if you want to further explore it, you know where to send me a request:)
Let's start with Dean is definitely a kinkyyyy himbo...
He's very dirty minded, any conversation that sparks as something a little sexual is like poking a bear with a stick. You never know what can trigger him.
I surely see him as both a dom and sub depending on a situation and or his mood. He doesn't see gender and would fuck anyone.
Nice chick in shorts a little too revealing? ... Yeah he would definitely try to hit that.
An older guy that gets a little too touchy after a couple of beers? Dean, umm- WOULD!
As of what he's into, it's a damn wide spectrum.
Starting with dress up... He loves that damn wild west cowboy shit. He loves getting in his cowboy boots and hat and a fringy jacket which also activates a dominant confident side in him.
He loves dominating and being dominated.
VERYYYY verbal whether it be about how nicely his big cock slides into you or how he degrades you and calls you his dirty cumwhore OR- how he pants in your ear while ramming into your ass with a speed of lightning.
He can NEVER decline a blowjob, he loves that shit. With him, it's more of a deepthroat or a "skullfuck" because he'd be holding you down on his wide 7 inches till u smelled the musky trimmed bush of his and later on definitely got lightheaded...
While I already mentioned his musk, I must add that his usual body smell is sweat mixed with a strong woodsy cologne and "leftover" whisky.
Dean appreciates when a lady shaves down there but he's a wild one for a hairy cunt as well as a bushy, hairy guy.
Loves high heels and "girly" accessories especially pink ones.
Is not scared nor intimidated by being called or referring to himself as Daddy.
Knows you're obsessed with his hands and loves helping you get wet by putting his chubby fingers in your mouth/throat.
DEAN WINCHESTER LOVES RISKY/OUTDOOR SEX!!!!!!! (includes public places such as dirty bar restroom which leads me to another thing that is...)
Unprotected sex. He's not friends with condoms, loves breeding you, and seeing his cum ooze out of you... and he CUMS A LOT.
He also loves getting bred by older guys(daddy issues I guess).
If you're okay with it:
He's definitely into watersports. Would love to piss on you, in his words "mark" you as his and degrade you.
Slap and choke you around(a little manhandling never hurt nobody huh?)
Make you worship his boots as a sign of your ultimate submission.
(let me include an image because it's getting hot in here...)
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If it's longer than a one night stand he'd definitely want to cuckold you and make you watch as he breeds and destroys another young chick he met at the bar and brought to the motel room. Maybe if you're nice enough and behave he'll let you lick the juices off his cock after?
This man got a thing for piercings, belly button one that pops out from under your top, lip piercing or ESPECIALLY tongue and tits pierced... GOD DAMN!
Sex with him is usually fast paced(I say usually because from time to time it's not fast, IT'S DAMN RAPID)
SO... CUM-
we estabilished that mans got a breeding kink but well- Dean also loves cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow his sweet, chunky load, as well as painting your whole face in his seed.
If he's titty-fucking you he can explode directly on them.
If he's with a guy he enjoys getting bred and getting his face painted.
This guy is a goddamn foodie, he loves to eat his sweet treats like the well known pie and such... he also loves to incorporate that into sex...
making you eat the pie he just came on or stuffing pieces of it into your pussy and eating you and IT out :)
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Well- I think that's it for now. I'd love to further explore some of the aspect with you all, so if you got any questions or ideas, write away in the requests in my bio :)
(I'm a new writer so if you could like and reshare or leave a comment with your thoughts I'd really appreciate that)
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s-ublimewrites · 6 months
writing sonnets (melissa schemmenti x f!reader)
synopsis: your students tease you relentlessly and melissa can't help but to join in
words: ~1.4k
warnings: none i think? wholesome borderline crack
note: im not sure i ever actually gender the reader here? but f!reader to cover my own ass<3
Don’t get it twisted - you love the inquisitive nature of your students, you really do. It’s something every eighth grade English teacher longs for. But your fourth period class has a certain knack for getting you off topic with their curiosity. On this particular day - a Friday, so blissfully close to freedom - you have relinquished all control and let them fall down the rabbit hole of fanfiction, of all things. Leave it to middle schoolers. 
They had only been learning about first, second, and third person narration - so innocuous, you didn’t see how you could possibly be derailed. Maybe you’d make it through the lesson, and you could relish in the four minutes of silence you get between periods, and-
“Where is second person narration used?” Angel doesn’t bother raising his hand, and you don’t bother admonishing him.  
You think briefly. “Honestly, not many pieces of published works use it - not that I’ve seen, anyway. We don’t talk about it much. I’ve really only seen the second person used in one place.”
You intend to leave it at that, but of course, Angel pushes. 
“Where?” he asks. 
In the second you use to inhale before tackling the question, Kennedy takes the liberty of answering: “Fanfiction, duh. That self-insert stuff.”
You can’t help it - a laugh bubbles out, and this is the moment everything begins to spiral. 
“Yeah,” you collapse into your desk chair, “Kennedy’s right. Fanfiction.”
Kennedy takes the opportunity - it’s been presented to her on a silver platter, really. “You know about fanfiction, Y/L/N?” 
“Sweetheart, my generation invented fanfiction. And I’m a writer. This was my game before you were even born.”
Angel is on his feet, his hands slamming on his desk and his voice rising with excitement, “WHERE CAN WE READ YOUR FANFICTION?” 
“Oh, my God, no. You can’t. It’s not on the internet or anything, I’d just, like… send it to my friends, or whatever,” you insist, hands coming to cover your red face as you laugh. 
The class, buzzing with chatter and giggles, continues to harass you. “So, what, Ms Schemmenti reads your fanfiction?”
Your hands are still covering your face. “No, Ms Schemmenti most certainly does not!”
“That’s because the fanfiction is about Ms Schemmenti. Y’all see how Y/L/N be looking at her in the halls,” someone says, and several others voice their agreement. 
“She’s down bad for real.”
“What?!” your head snaps up, eyes searching for whoever made the comment. The bell rings before you can get your answer. “Get out of my room, you absolute little monsters. Have a good weekend, please read chapter th- oh, okay, you’re gone. Cool. Awesome.” 
You look at the camera. It zooms in on your red, deadpan face. You drop your forehead onto the desk. 
When you walk into the lounge at the end of the day, you slump into the chair beside Janine, who’s engaged in a conversation about a scrabble tournament (sober scrabble - boring) with Jacob and Gregory. Barbara listens, not contributing, surely stockpiling the information so she can tell Melissa later. Melissa, who is thankfully not in the room at the moment. You think you would burst into flames. 
Janine halts her conversation about triple word scores when you throw yourself down into the chair by her. 
“Rough day?” Janine asks tentatively. 
“Long. The kids were focused on literally anything other than The Outsiders.” 
Janine nods. “I get it. Fridays, y’know? It’s always hard to keep them on task.” 
“Well, Y/N,” Jacob starts with a smirk, “my students were actually pretty interested in the topics of your class today. It’s all they could talk about when they sat down for seventh period.” 
You glare at him hard and warn, “Jacob. Do not.” 
Janine looks back and forth between you both and turns to Gregory. “Is there something I’m missing?”
“No,” you say sternly. Your eyes don’t leave Jacob’s shit-eating grin. “Not a thing.”
Jacob, it seems, has exceptionally few survival instincts and carries on giddily, “Y/N’s students found out she writes fanfiction-“
And, oh, good, Barbara is listening now, too. “Fan-fiction?” 
“Why is everyone saying that word today? It’s all I’ve been hearing in the halls since, like, fourth period.” Melissa asks, striding into the break room and taking the seat next to you. 
“I’m going to have to transfer schools,” you say, closing your eyes. 
Melissa pays this no mind. “All the older kids keep looking at me, too. It’s weird.”
You glare daggers at Jacob, whose face must hurt from the width of his smile. 
“So weird!” Jacob says innocently. 
Melissa narrows her eyes. 
“Why are you being weird? And not normal Jacob weird,” she questions, turning to you. “Why is he being weird?”
You slam your boot into Jacob’s shin under the table. “He’s not. No one’s being weird.” 
Melissa’s eyes flick back and forth between the two of you suspiciously. “Okay, someone tell me right now - what the hell is a fanfiction, and what does it have to do with me? And, apparently, Y/N?”
“Melissa, I am so glad you’ve asked, allow me to explain-“ Jacob starts, leaning across the table toward Melissa. 
“Oh my God,” you cut him off. Time to swallow your pride. 
You explain the situation… sort of. You explain in a watered-down way that incriminates you less. 
“So, yeah, they found out, and because I said ‘friend’ they connected it to you, and they misconstrued the whole thing, and it’s literally not a big deal-“ you're rambling and she knows it. 
“Wait,” Gregory stops you, “so this is why I heard Angel say ‘Y/L/N be writing sonnets about that red hair’ during lunch?”
Janine raises her eyebrows. “‘Sonnet?’ Pretty good vocab word.”
“Thank you, Janine! And thank you for focusing on the important part of the matter at hand: my impeccable teaching skills.” 
“So,” Barbara chimes in, “do you or do you not write these little stories about Melissa?”
“Barbara!” You’re mortified. “No! I do not!”
At long last, Melissa speaks. You don’t need to look at her to know there’s a smirk on her lips. “She doesn’t need to. Clearly, the material writes itself.”
“Melissa,” you plead. 
Melissa laughs that laugh, the one that makes the corners of your mouth turn up despite your discomfort. 
“Maybe that could be your end-of-the-year writing project for the kids - make them write that fanfiction,” Melissa teases. 
“You’re just as bad as Angel!” You laugh incredulously and let your hand smack Melissa’s shoulder. The others don’t miss the way Melissa doesn’t break your fingers at the gesture. 
In fact, Melissa's eyes soften as she bumps your shoulder with her own. “No, no, I can see it - newbie woos the Philly Eleven. There’s potential there.” 
You roll your eyes. “Well, I am pretty charming.”
“I’m going home,” Barbara stands up with a polite (if somewhat exasperated) smile, “Very glad we got this out of the way. Have a good weekend, everyone. Y/N… call me later.”
Barbara pats Melissa’s shoulder with a pointed look toward you, and takes her leave rapidly. 
“Uh,” you stare after her. “Yep. Bye, Barb.” 
Melissa’s eyebrow quirks up. “What was that?”
“Dunno,” you reply. “I’m sure you’ll know everything approximately five minutes after I hang up with her, though, so don’t worry.” 
Janine butts in (ah, yeah, the nerds are still here), “You guys call Barbara? Can I have her cell number? I always want to ask her but-“
“No,” you and Melissa say in unison, and Janine sighs heavily. 
You heave out a sigh of your own. “I need to go home - moreover I need to be somewhere no one is asking me about my nonexistent fanfiction habits.”
You stand, and Melissa stands with you as you both gather your belongings. “Impossible. I have your phone number.”
You “accidentally” smack Melissa with your purse, and Melissa “mistakenly” shoves her chair into your leg in a way that makes your knee buckle, and the rest of the Abbot crew watch the scene in morbid fascination. Because the cold hard truth is that if anyone else had dared to do… well, any of this, Melissa would be shoving her earrings into her pocket and removing her heels. Fight or fight instinct, y’know? 
Instead, though, she just swears at you in Italian as you head for the door, grinning widely when you return the sentiment in plain english. 
Ava entering the lounge halts you in your tracks. 
“Y’all will never guess what Angel just emailed me,” Ava exclaims, holding up her phone. “Did you know he knows the word ‘sonnet’? Proud of him.”
“Forward me that?”
Another smack from you. “Melissa, stop!” 
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augiewrites · 7 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society (part 2)
summary: a group of boys catches y/n's eye in keating's class
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 600+
previous | next
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Keating’s class wasn’t like the others at Welton. Walking into the classroom felt like a warm embrace and Keating himself stoked the fires of his students’ creativity.
But not today—not for Y/N.
They had never been so distracted in their life. Just walking into the classroom, Y/N debated asking Keating for a pass to the infirmary. Knowing they were being observed is one thing, but knowing exactly when is a whole other scenario.
Especially when they have no clue who’s eye they’re under.
Despite their nerves, Y/N took their usual seat. Two rows from the front, on the farthest row to the left. Not too close to be the center of any teacher’s impulse, but not too far away to get distracted by the rest of the class. Today was different, though. The only thing Y/N could bring themselves to care about was their classmates.
Y/N angled themselves in their seat in order to take in the classroom as students trickled in. In honesty, Y/N should have realized sooner that the culprit was in their English class—the amount of passion their classmates had shown throughout the year had never failed to take them by surprise. After all, Welton was not a place for passion.
Their eyes landed on a group of boys huddled around Knox Overstreet’s desk. Memories of the boy reciting a pathetic—albeit sweet—love poem to the class flooded their mind. The group of boys did always seem to be more enthusiastic about the class than most.
Despite telling their roommate they didn’t want to play detective, Y/N themselves straining to hear bits of their conversation—something about a book and finding a new meeting spot. They didn’t hear much as Keating entered the room and made his way to the front of the class. Charlie Dalton caught their eye as the group disbanded, sending them a wink and making a finger gun gesture at them.
Y/N couldn’t help but roll their eyes.
Dalton was a mere annoyance on a good day.
Todd Anderson walked to his seat in front of Y/N, and gave them a sheepish smile as he shrugged a shoulder in a “what can you do” gesture.
Y/N decided that was enough detective work for the period as Keating began a boisterous speech on Romantic contemporaries. All they wanted to do was lose themselves in Keating’s whimsy for the next hour, but a familiar envelope laying inside their desk compartment stopped any hope they had of forgetting about their admirer.
Moving as discreetly as possible, Y/N pulled out the letter along with their notes and textbook. The whole world muffled as they read:
From afar, I gaze, A silent, secret admiration, Your light shines bright, In my quiet contemplation.
And when you laugh, a melody, It dances in the breeze, I cherish each sweet note, With every sigh, I'm at ease.
Oh, how I wish for closeness, To bridge this gap in fate, To hold you near, not distant, To share life's love, not wait.
x, Yours.
Y/N couldn’t help the smile spreading across their face, nor the blush that accompanied it. They were so engrossed in the feeling that they didn’t notice the satisfied gaze they were receiving from afar.
The rest of the period passed in a haze, and Y/N was thankful Keating wasn’t a fan of pop quizzes. Y/N could barely focus on where they were, let alone absorb anything meaningful from the lesson.
Their eyes locked on Steven Meeks—thank God Keating had called him by name that period—shoving his notes in his backpack.
They had to act, and it was now or never.
part three
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reminiscingtonight · 4 months
Posh + car + surprise with Lessi
Birthday Girl (Alessia Russo x Reader)
[WOSO Masterlist]
It’s surprisingly easy to pull it off. 
All it takes is bribing Ella to take your girlfriend out for the morning. Alessia doesn’t ask any questions, happy to spend the day off shopping with her best friend. Ever since her move to London, whenever Alessia gets to hang out with Ella it’s like she has her blinders on, nothing really matters outside of their little bubble. 
You’d feel offended but it’s perfect for what you have planned.
When they finally return late in the afternoon, shopping bags adorning both of their arms, they open the door to streamers, balloons, and friends jumping out from all nooks and crannies. 
Alessia nearly takes out Ella when she leaps backwards in fright, but a smile is quick to rise to her face as she starts making her rounds, greeting everyone who made the trip over to celebrate her birthday. 
Everyone’s spread out around the living room when presents are finally passed out. The sun’s long set, everyone basking in the happy vibes and booze. 
You wait until Alessia’s opened everyone’s gifts before dropping your box into her lap. The girls are instantly oohing and aahing, never ones to miss out on an opportunity to tease you and your girlfriend. 
“Save the sexy gifts until after we’ve all left!” Leah looks pleased at her joke, but you just roll your eyes at her. 
Alessia gives you a questioning look but you just gesture to the gift. 
Everyone’s on the edge of their seats as Alessia neatly peels the tape off. She looks excited right up until she manages to open the packaging. 
“What… what is this?” Alessia’s frowning, eyebrows drawn together as she inspects the figurine between her fingers. 
“Why does that kind of look like--” Laura cuts off when Kyra sends a particularly hard elbow into her gut. She comes back with a slap, something Kyra’s all the more happy to return. The two of them devolve into a shoving match, something that has Steph and Viv rushing to separate the two of them. 
Though Kyra stops Laura from saying the obvious, there’s no one there to stop Emily from finishing the Austrian’s sentence. She leans in closer to get a better look at what’s in Alessia’s hands. “Is that your car?”
“Oh my god, it is!” Katie hollers, doubling over in laughter when she realizes what Alessia’s holding.
Alessia’s confused expression deepens, the blonde turning the tiny car toy in her hand. “Babe?” She looks up at you, hoping for some sort of explanation.
“Well you’re so obsessed with your ‘baby,’ so I thought you’d like a hotwheel of it so you can bring it everywhere with you.” 
There’s a moment of silence.
Everyone’s looking between you and Alessia, the silent stand off you’re having emitting a strange tension throughout the room. 
All it takes is a singular snort courtesy of Kyra before all hell breaks loose. 
Some people start laughing, others try, but fail, to hide their smirks. Everyone’s eager to get a piece of the birthday girl. The birthday girl who’s steadily turning redder with all the attention directed her way. 
“Really?! All this because I said you couldn’t drive her?” Alessia whines, toy still clutched firmly in her hand. 
“Her? Your car is gendered?” Beth cuts in.
“She has a name,” you scoff, clearly not over being denied access to driving your girlfriend’s car. “It’s--”
“Don’t!” Alessia lunges towards you, slapping a hand over your mouth to stop anything from coming out. 
You tussle about, trying to free yourself from your insanely strong girlfriend. No one lifts a finger to help, more than happy to let the two of you work things out yourselves. 
“Like I said, save the sexy times until after we’ve all left!”
You muster up enough strength to yank Alessia’s hand off of your face, glaring menacingly at your captain. “Oh shut it. Ms. Posh only modeled her car snobbiness after you.”
Leah sputters, eyebrow raising dangerously. 
A familiar hand slaps itself over your mouth again before you can say anything else. Like insult your captain some more. Or reveal her car’s name.  
“Okay, birthday party over. Bye everyone! Thanks for coming!”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 18 days
What is ASG +ZC personal style?
Zack: His entire aesthetic is aimed at looking cool, but keeping his clothes easy to move around in. He's a fan of leather jackets, sleeveless shirts, baggy pants, fitted tees, and combat boots. He wears his dog tag as an accessory likes fingerless gloves. He used to always wear his favorite pair of old sneakers until Angeal had him throw them out.
Genesis: What happened to your sneakers?
Zack: Angeal happened! He made me throw them out. They weren't even that bad!
Sephiroth: Minimalist, lots of black and dark shades with the occasional splash of silver here and there. He's very comfort over style, however he does have style elements to his wardrobe that he enjoys adding that oftentimes lean towards goth fashion; long coats, button-ups, black leather, fingerless gloves, and turtlenecks (ironically). Genesis got him a mesh top as a gag, which he has worn a few times "purely because it's comfortable" (or so he claims). That being said, he will choose sweatpants and one of Angeal's hoodies over all of that any day.
*Sephiroth is wearing all black*
Zack: Woah! Hehe. Who died?
Sephiroth, confused: Professor Gast, my mother, Glenn Lodbrok, Rosen, [he keeps going]
Zack: .......
Angeal: "Casual and comfortable" is what he calls it, "a cross between a hippie, a dad, and a wannabe musician" is what Genesis lovingly dubs it as. He keeps a flannel tied at his waist in case he or someone he's with gets cold, he likes to reuse old band tees by cutting them out and fashioning them into torn muscle shirts, and if you leave a white article of clothing out for too long and don't use it, Angeal will tie-dye it. He likes black jeans and jean jackets. He would wear more hoodies, but....
*Angeal walks into the room*
Angeal: Has anyone seen my hoodies?
Zack, wearing hoodie #1: Nope!
Genesis, wearing hoodie #2: Not that I recall.
Cloud, wearing hoodie #3: I wonder what happened to them.
Sephiroth, wearing hoodies #4, #5, and #6: Perhaps you misplaced them.
Angeal: Oh my god.
Cloud: He chooses his clothes based on maneuverability and how easy they are to fight in, but there are specific style choices he makes, such as preferring all black over color, wolf emblems, and loose clothing if he can help it. He doesn't like jackets, claiming that since he came from a cold mountain region, he doesn't get cold easily.
*Cloud isn't wearing a coat*
Zack: Are you sure you're not cold?
Cloud: Of course not. I grew up in Nibelheim. This kind of weather is summer over there.
Zack: Your arms are blue.
Cloud: It's a fashion choice.
Zack: You're shaking.
Cloud: No, I'm trembling in excitement.
Zack: What are you excited for?
Genesis: It depends on the month, weather, his horoscope, and his mood. If you send Genesis into his overflowing closet, he'll either walk out looking like a 19th century poet, an English professor, head to toe designer labels, or as if he's about to walk the runway. True to his fanclub name, he loves red leather and tries to incorporate it into each of his looks, all of which have red as the main color. He's praised by his fans for his style, meaning he has a certain appearance to maintain, which often makes him highly fashion-conscious. He disregards traditional gender norms when selecting his clothing, and he likes to experiment with makeup.
*After spending two hours selecting a look, Genesis walks out with a button-up that has a heart cutout on his chest*
Genesis: I'm ready.
Sephiroth: Your chest is exposed. Are you aware of that?
Genesis: Yes, I—
Sephiroth: Whore.
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antimony-medusa · 8 months
"They're honestly so sibling-coded."
I grew up in a conservative, rural area where people got married young. It was not uncommon to see marraiges happen when the people involved were 19, 20, 21, and there was this sort of expectation that any relationship you were in in your teen years had like a 70% chance of leading to marriage. More, if you were especially religious. This attitude was so pervasive that if a woman was friends with a man, or even hung out together, there was this automatic societal assumption that you were early relationship, which led into late relationship, which led into where you were going to get married, which led into babies and a family.
And I hated it. I hated it because I was aroace and didn't know it yet, but even just as a baby feminist feeling out what it meant to be a woman and how I was perceived in the world, I hated the assumption that all my m/f relationships were only worth something if they were leading to romance and marriage (and babies). The idea that men and women couldn't be friends, because men only thought about women in a romantic/sexual way, was actively taught me by everyone from pastors to helpful older coworkers. I even got told that f/f friendships were basically killing time until you got into a romantic m/f relationship, which is where you'd find actual fullfilment and happiness. It sucked.
And then I moved away, and I got out of the conservative religious circles, and then in my 20s, people kept saying the same thing. At least it wasn't saying "god made you for relationships (and babies)," but it was still saying that y'know, men are only interested in one thing, and it's cruel to lead them on, and so on, and so forth. Half of the world is going to only think of you in terms of what you're good for in relation to their relationship status, and the other half of the world is going to tell you to suck it up and deal with it.
This is still the background radiation of much of the world, still. I am getting this less in my 20s because many of my male friends are married, (or gay), but still, as soon as I meet someone new the interested looks start to pile in. As a person who doesn't plan on getting into a romantic relationship, I do not love this.
Immediately seeing a m/f friendship and going "ooooo they're KISSING" is not respectful of the guy's ability to have friendships with people he's not having sex with, but let's look at what it messages about the girl in this scenario.
A) women are only worth talking about in terms of what they can do to for men, what they are in connection with men B) friendship is unimportant and not real, women only exist to be romance options
So I feel strongly about allowing women to be percieved as their own beings and have cross-gender friendships without turning it into romance.
This is not an uncommon take on the internet! I see a lot of people talking about allowing people to be friends without defaulting to shipping.
But I don't know how to tell you that seeing a m/f relationship and saying "Oh they're siblings", when we're talking about celebrities/streamers is still sending a lot of the same messages. The core thing you're communicating is still the same. It's falling into the same traps.
I get the sense that a lot of people see a relationship they want to sort of celebrate and enjoy, and they know that shipping is bad, so they just shunt the "oh they're special to each other" to the left into a family dynamic. I will just say they're siblings, that way nobody can accuse me of shipping, and I'm good!
But what this does is still messages a) woman are reduced down to their relationship with a man, into what they can do for the man, and b) friendship is unimportant and not real, women only exist to be non-romanceable family and the rest of them, the romance options.
If the only way you can conceive of a woman as being important to a man is either being romantic/sexual with him or by saying that they're related, that's still bad. If you literally have to put one of the strongest relationship taboos in our culture in the way or you'll just default into kissing I guess, that's still messaging some really concerning things about how you're portrating women.
And once inside the family dynamics, jesus fuck, you guys. Family dynamics have such a trend to slot women into nurturing and protective roles, where the "older sister" "is the one with the brain cell" and "will take care of him" and will be there suborned to his story to be a surrogate mother figure that takes care of him. This, frankly, sucks.
I am an older sister as a fairly important part of my identity. I love being an older sister. But the way this fandom treats older sisters as tiny non-sexual mothering machines with no interiority or autonomy is not good at all, when it comes to actively respecting women as people.
Honestly, I don't like either option, but when you look at how women get treated when sisterified in fanon (older responsible figure who will take care of our precious baby boy) and how women get treated when shipped (mothering options still exist here but also sometimes they dom him), I might prefer the shipping. And I just did a whole multi paragraph about how much the shipping sucks!
I'm not even going to get into what happens when women get actively assigned mom in a family dynamic. All the worst parts of shipping with none of the fun smut.
I am aware I am talking about the worst excesses of family dynamic here, because this fandom offers lots to choose from, and there are ways to do family dynamic in a good way. Some of the most important relationships in my life are familial, and when actually delved into, you can absolutely still portray a full and nuanced portrayal within a family dynamic. This is a possibility. But god, when I look at the fandom trends and what rises to the top of my dash, oof.
And like, there's a larger trend in this fandom where people seem to be incapable of thinking of friendships as valuable and worthy, if you see them as important to each other it must be familial, but when you do it with women, damn.
Can we give seeing women as full autonomous being who are capable of their own opinions and desires a shot? See them as more than just romance options or [illegal to romance] options? Just let them be friends? Please?
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mydearzero · 2 years
can you do one with a super shy/socially awkward/anxious person that has a crush on Eddie bc of his confidence and like she sends him little notes and he wants to figure out who it is. if you can't thats all good, thank you!
Thank you for the request! Loved writing this because I too am socially awkward and would absolutely never confess to his face.
Starboy | E.M. x gn!Reader
Summary: You're infatuated with Eddie Munson and decide to start leaving him notes in his locker. He doesn't know it's you, does he?
Fluff + the typical Eddie Munson charm that will kill me someday
Gender neutral reader, no pronouns or descriptions used.
1.6k words
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You weren't the type of person to be seen. You liked to be in the shadows. You were an audience member. Eddie Munson? He was the performer. The star of the show. He intrigued you. You were enchanted whenever he ented the room. 
It hadn't always been this way. You remembered Eddie from a few years back. A reserved yet rebellious boy. He'd grown into quite the confident man. 
Eddie didn't just intrigue you. You were downright fascinated, maybe a bit obsessed. The way he strutted through the cafeteria was captivating. 
Okay, so maybe you had a little crush on Eddie Munson. It wasn't the end of the world, right? Wrong. People hated Eddie. They said he was a freak running a Satanic cult. Your friends usually didn't buy all the rumours but still steered clear of Eddie. Even if he didn't run a cult, just a D&D club, he still sold drugs. 
It didn't matter to you what he did in his free time. You craved his presence, perhaps his attention. You wanted him to see you, to hear you like he was being seen and heard. 
It had been two weeks since you started leaving notes in his locker. A last-ditch attempt, really. His locker was the last one on the row your locker was on, so it wasn't too hard to go unseen. 
You'd started with a couple compliments, admiring his confidence. Then progressed to confessing how captivating he was, how much you liked that he wasn't scared to be authentic. 
You knew Eddie had taken notice of the notes. You'd looked on a few times as he'd opened his locker, perplexed another note would twirl to the floor before his feet. He'd joke with his friends about who they thought the culprit might be, but you hadn't been one of the suspects yet.
They started camping outside Eddie's locker during lunch, the same time you'd usually push the notes through the small roster. You'd have to start getting creative if you intended to keep leaving them. You didn't even know what your end goal was. Did you want him to eventually figure out it'd been you? 
Still, you did what you did best. Not utter a word and admire from afar. 
You'd slipped up when you saw Eddie roaming the hallway with Dustin Henderson, one of his friends from Hellfire Club. You scurried away from his locker to your own, pretending to have been doing anything but putting a note in his locker. 
You felt a sturdy hand on your shoulder just as you put your English book in your locker. Your heartbeat shot through the roof as you turned around. Eddie. Oh god. 
"Can I help you?" You asked. Shit, that came out wrong. "Ouch, harsh! Just wondering if you saw anybody near my locker a bit ago, you know... when you were at my locker?" Eddie had a smirk plastered on his face. He couldn't be certain as long as you denied it. 
"Why?" you turned back to your locker to grab your History textbook, but it was more to hide the reddening of your cheeks. This might not have been the first time Eddie talked to you, but it was the first time after you'd admitted your feelings to yourself and had started leaving the notes. 
"Just... curious. Someone's been leaving me these adorable notes. Want to make sure they're genuine, you know?" Eddie's eyebrows were raised as you met his eyes. "Sorry, no clue." You murmured and closed your locker. You tried to walk away, but Eddie grabbed your arm. 
"You're in my history class, right? C'mon, let's go." Did you really have a crush on Eddie? Because you wanted to do nothing more than bash your head against the lockers over and over. Anything but walking with him to History class. 
"I'm pretty sure we have quite a few classes together, by the way. Not sure if you've noticed." Eddie started. "Yeah, I've noticed." Your grades had noticed, too. You looked everywhere but the boy walking beside you, chains rattling with every step he took. 
You entered your history class and prayed to God he didn't sit next to you. It was probably time to stop believing in any religion altogether, because sit next to you, he did.  
It took everything in your power not to glance to your right every 10 seconds. You knew Eddie was trying to get your attention. You knew he just wanted to know who was leaving the notes, but one more word from your mouth would most certainly give you away. You did what you did best, act shy and be way too socially awkward to hold a conversation. 
"How come we've never hung out? You seem chill. You're not scared of me, are you? You don't look scared. Flustered, maybe. But why haven't we?" Eddie rambled as the teacher continued his monologue. 
"I don't know, Eddie. I'm not exactly as... present as you are." 
"Aha! So you can talk! Are you calling me an attention whore?" You turned to Eddie for the first time since your conversation at your locker. "What?! No!" Your perplexed expression put a grin on his face. 
"I'm joking, sweetheart. But now that I've got your attention, why don't you come to The Hideaway, this Saturday, 8:30. We're playing." 
"Are high schoolers even allowed there? I'm pretty sure their demographic is like 40-year-old men." 
"You're allowed when you're with the band." Eddie winked. You melted right then and there in your seat. You didn't reply, but something inside Eddie knew he'd see you in the crowd. 
You knew you were down bad. But you knew you'd made a mistake when you actually went to the bar to see Corroded Coffin play that Saturday night. 
You told the bouncer you'd come to see them play, and he let you in without question. Guess Eddie was right about that one. 
Corroded Coffin really wasn't too bad. They needed to work on sounding more coherent, but they were a band of high schoolers. They'd have all the time in the world to improve. 
Eddie, however, was phenomenal. He must've been doing it on purpose, right? Your mouth went dry as you watched his fingers glide over the guitar with practised ease. His eyes found yours a few times as he sang. He sang. You didn't know he could sing. 
Eddie thrived in your undivided attention. Were you even blinking? Were you even breathing? He couldn't tell. He had to admit, he'd made more of a show out of playing than he usually did. He enjoyed seeing you fidget.
When the band finished you rushed to the bar to get a drink. Was it hot in here? You jumped when you felt that familiar hand return to your shoulder, spilling some of your drink over yourself. "Oh, my bad." Eddie chuckled as he handed you a napkin. 
"It's fine," you sighed. "Kind of owe me a new one, though." You avoided his gaze as usual until his hand reached for your chin. He turned your face to his. "Let's make a deal. I'll get you a new drink, on one condition." 
You urged him to continue with your expression. He leaned to your ear "I'll buy you a new drink... if you tell me why you've been leaving those notes in my locker." His whisper made your blood turn cold. Goosebumps trailed from the back of your neck, over your arms, all the way down your legs. 
His hands found their way to your waist. You sputtered noises of denial, but Eddie just chuckled. "I've had my assumptions for a week. But your handwriting is quite recognizable, sweetheart. Shouldn't have let me sit next to you in History. Or should've, depending on which outcome you were wishing for." He leaned back in. "But something tells me this is exactly the outcome you were wishing for." 
You were speechless. He'd known for over a week it was you? "So, were they serious? Because if they were, I might need to get a restraining order. You're obsessed with me, aren't you, baby?" 
That did it. Eddie Munson just called you baby. The gasp that left your mouth told him enough. "That's adorable, really. Who knew a quiet little mouse like you could be so smitten with the town freak, huh?"  
You dared meet his eyes. They were filled with humour and something else you couldn't exactly place. He knew how you felt. You'd told him pretty much everything through those notes. The only thing you'd left out was the more... questionable side of things. The side of yourself you didn't know you had until this little infatuation started. You had nothing left to say to him. 
"I'm glad it was you. Because now I know I can do this." Eddie pressed his lips against yours with a desperation you hadn't noticed in him before. You put your hands against his chest to steady yourself. Eddie must've noticed your knees had started to buckle, as all that was holding you up at that point was his arms around your waist. 
He pulled away and you gasped for air. "If this is going to be a recurring thing, we'll need to work on that, love. Can't have you passing out." 
"Don't think you'll have to kiss me to make me pass out, honestly..." You said sheepishly, finally realizing that yes, Eddie knew you'd been leaving him disgustingly sweet notes, and yes, he was in fact not appalled. 
Eddie laughed wholeheartedly at your admission. He flagged the bartender down and held you with his other hand like he'd been doing it for years. It was that confidence that had attracted you to him in the first place. "Let's get you that drink I promised, hmm?" 
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Hi there you wonderful and amazing person, can I request Gender Neutral or Female Billy Batson Reader with Platonic with either Yandere Poseidon, Loki, Buddha, Hercules, Ares, Hermes, Zeus and Thor (3 of your choosing, cause honestly, any combination can work for this)
Reader is 14 years old orphan, who’s a Human Fighter, Humanity is frightening that a child is fighting while the Gods are mocking Humanity for choosing a CHILD to fight (Until they/she yells ‘SHAZAM!’ And turn into an adult figure full of god power and wins the fight, even refusing to kill their/her opponents and just injuring them badly enough they can’t fight anymore because they don’t want to commit murder, even if it’s a god and they were planning on killing them/her)
The gods are FURIOUS that a Human Child somehow has the powers of the GODS and want her/them on their side (Reader is very strong) but Reader refuses because she/they want to save and protect Humanity because that’s what a Hero does (That doesn’t mean Reader won’t act reckless or immature, since they are a child, they just won’t abuse their power to hurt others)
Sorry if this is a lot, I LOVE DC, and Shazam is my absolute favorite DC Superhero (He’s such a relatable character, and I can’t wait to watch Clash of Gods) the first movie was great and the Wizard was funny too
OOOH, YES. I LOVE THAT IDEA TBH. Angsty idea: What if this also took place in the Injustice Universe (where Superman killed Captain Marvel) and that's why the Reader is here- ALSO, I'VE NEVER HEARD SOMEONE SAY THEIR FAVORITE DC HERO IS SHAZAM, YOU HAVE AMAZING TASTE.
Platonic Yandere!Hercules, Buddha, and Hermes + Shazam! GN Reader:
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"She's stooped too low!"
"Has humanity given up that quickly!?"
"That can't be our champion!? Can it!?"
You pull your hoodie up as you hesitaite to walk further, hearing the sounds of the gods and humans alike. You look back at Brunhilde, who gives you a comforting smile and nods encouragingly in your direction. You smile back and try to take a deep breath. It's no big deal, you've gone toe-to-toe with bigger bad guys before. Hell, Black Adam was a near damn god and you've beaten him a couple of times.
You frown at the announcer and send him a glare. Ouch, okay. Suddenly you felt more spiteful than insecure in that moment. Staring at the God you were about to face, you pull your hood down and get into a fight stance.
The god laughs, "Okay, okay, real cute kid. Where's the REAL champion I've been hearing about?"
"They're right here...SHAZAM!"
"The Strength of Hercules!":
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- Oh, words WERE definetly due after your outrageous fight. The gods were horrified; a human child who somehow had THEIR powers managed to defeat a god!? WHAT INSANITY WAS THIS!? Although, Hercules wasn't really concerned about that part...he was more concerned about the child part.
- He followed you and Brunhilde both after your fight, you laughing and pumping yourself up and Brunhilde ruffling your hair lovingly. You looked up and smiled at her and Hercules couldn't help but feel his heart soften. You looked like a sweet kid. Which only made him angrier.
- When she explains who you are and what you can do and how you didn't even need a völundr, it only enraged him more. Humanity must be saved but you can't sacrifice a child to do it. You looked at him and you felt a sense of bittersweet nostalgia. He reminded you of...no...you didn't want to think of him right now.
- Hercules will then look at you and smile, complimenting you on how you did in battle and how he couldn't help but recognize his strength. You timidly tell him that it was one of your seven powers, the Strength of Hercules. An idea forms inside of his head and he suggests that even though you're both on opposite sides, that he should mentor you in how you use your strength.
Platonic Yandere! Hercules:
- Its so easy for you to warm up to him, he reminds you so much of Clark...before, you know. He's kind and compassionate and he has the right intentions. He felt familiar but safer if that made sense and considering you are a CHILD who is competing in DEATH MATCHES, you needed something familiar.
- Hercules is happy that you come to him so much, he sees you as a younger sibling, honestly. He protects you from people like Zeus, Poseidon, and Loki who might seek to harm you or "interrogate" you about your powers. He also will sneak over to the human's side to make sure Brunhilde isn't gonna use you as a secret weapon again. His new goal along with saving humanity is to make sure you survive this.
- He becomes family to you, a concept you yearned for. He scolds you when you get into hijinks, he's a good and patient teacher who truly shows you the potential of your strength, but he's also a very soft and kind person. When you tell him how you died, he hugs you and tells you that no one shall harm you like that. Not when he's around.
- It was a good thing but all good things come to an end. That darkness that overcame Superman? You begin to feel it. You think it started when you accidentally upset another God, much to the point they wanted to fight you then and there. You wanted to get back to Hercules but they kept fighting you and you tried to say Shazam but each attack was faster than the last. Then Hercules came to the rescue, except, it was much more violent than it needed to be. Nearly beating the god to death, he didn't stop until you transformed and used your strength to pull him off. He had crazed blood lust eyes for a minute but they softened when they looked at you.
- You want to pretend that your imagining it and you want to tell someone but who would believe you? Sure you had the power of the Gods but everyone knew you were just an orphan mortal child with a magic word. Hercules had a reputation for being a good and just person...but so was Superman. You try to distance yourself from Hercules a bit, saying that you couldn't make certain training times and then eventually you just stopped showing up at all.
- He doesn't like being lied to, (Y/n). He sees you when you laugh with Sasaki Kojiro or when you hang out with Goll. Hercules isn't sure why you're trying to avoid him but thats gonna have to change, you're too young to understand that just because you have powers doesn't mean you CAN'T get hurt. That's why you have to stay close to him. So he can protect you and keep you safe.
"By The Wisdom of Solomon!":
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- Huh, that's something you don't see everyday. Buddha was iffy about Brunhilde choosing you but he won't deny, it's quite brilliant to fight the Gods with their own powers. Such a shame that a poor kid like you got stuck to this match.
- Buddha is the cool older brother, honestly. When you're walking over to Brunhilde to have the doctors check up on you, Buddha is all: "Hey, little buddy. Saw your fight out there, pretty impressive for someone your age."
- Your chest swells with pride at his words as you just try to fix your posture and look cool and composed, "Yeah, this kinda stuff isn't really new to me. I kinda fight guys like this, like, all the time." and Buddha laughs at your confident tone and hands you one of his treats.
- "Well, you seem like you've got everything covered. Just remember, don't get too cocky in a place like this."
- You nod your head, this time a more serious expression on your face. You know what he means but life and death isn't something new to you and now that you've been given a second chance to defend humanity, you're going to make sure you make all the right decisions to win this for everyone.
- Buddha seems to notice the determination in your eyes because he lets out a soft chuckle and pats your head, "Can tell I ignited that fire in ya. See you around, little buddy."
- You open your mouth to tell him that you could be a big buddy if you wanted to but then you blushed when you realized how stupid that sounded and he just cackled in the distance.
Platonic Yandere! Buddha:
- He shows up everywhere you're at. It wasn't just the Wisdom of Solomon telling you that something was wrong, it was that instinct you develop when you were on the run from Child Services kicking in that told you someone was following you. You didn't want to think that it was Buddha, he was so cool! He snuck you snacks, taught you some interesting things about your powers and how to use them, and how to mediate and other cool stuff!
- Still, you start to notice he began popping up more and more during your daily rounds in Ragnarok. You didn't really mind it since he was good company and considering how old everyone else was compared to you, he was like a cool Gen Z God (if you had to describe him) but lately, its been happening too much for your liking.
- Like when you were practicing your newest fighting skills and such and nearly fell, he showed up right behind you and caught you before you hit the ground. Asking how his favorite little buddy was doing, which was weird considering that you were in Shazam mode but even weirder was that you were pretty sure he was somewhere far away from the place you were training at. You didn't think much of it then but then it started happening more and more.
- No one else is allowed to befriend you, as well. For example, Sasaki was telling you stories of his old fights and you were both laughing but now when you run up to him to try and hang out, he just gives you a sad smile and says he sadly can't. The same even goes with the Valkyries sometimes, you don't know why they all hate you all of a sudden. You don't have much time to figure out the answer, of course, because Buddha will join you because you looked sad and offer you a snack.
- He hates seeing you upset, little buddy, he really does. But even with all those fancy powers, you're still just a little guy going up against Gods. Brunhilde can't be 100% trusted to look after you so Buddha will take that position. It goes to his head quick when he sees you hang out with others, almost as if you forgot about your best buddy! He knows it's selfish of him to isolate you but some of those humans will die, Buddha sure as Hell won't. So just stick with him, okay, little buddy?
"The Speed of Mercury!":
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- What a curious thing you were. He wasn't sure what to make of the situation when it happened but if he had to summarize it; you, a child, somehow inherited the power of the gods and became an adult. He'd recognize his speed anywhere.
- You put it to good use as well, it seems. He watched you fight and sensed a sort of excitement during your battle. What shenanigans and plot twists will you bring little one?
- At the end of your fight, your grown self even has the audacity to grab the microphone from Hiemdall and announce to everyone: "I am not some kid! I am a member of the Justice League and a well respect hero! I risked my life protecting mankind and I'll risk my afterlife so...uh, EAT THAT, GODS!" and the gods gasped audibly while Hermes chuckled in amusement. It appears as though your maturity doesn't change with your body.
- No because he will still find it upsetting that Brunhilde chose a child as a champion, REGARDLESS OF YOUR POWERS. Unlike the other two, he doesn't exactly rush to meet you because its not really any of his business at the end of the day.
- However you both run into each other again and it's such a funny coincidence. You look him up and down and tell him: "So...You're Hermes...I didn't expect you to look so...butlery." and he just makes this surprised face at you but smiles at you, "Yes, I do suppose I look different from how humans envision me."
Platonic Yandere! Hermes:
- The adopted Dad who stepped up and will step on anyone who tries to do you harm. You don't understand, you just bring out this good humorous and playful side out of him a bit more. He isn't sure how, why, or when but you managed to worm your way into his heart.
- He really wouldn't have it any other way either. The mortals of your world were insane for letting a child like you fend for themselves, you're so sweet and well meaning, maybe a bit too arrogant for your own good but that's just with being a youth.
- He hates that you aren't on the same side, its just harder for him to keep track of you so he thinks of plans on how he can ease his worries. Switching sides obviously won't be any use, unless he uses force, but he'd rather resort to that last. He's just so conflicted on what he should do.
- Everyone is aware of his attachment to you, how dear you are too him and how he's already threatened multiple gods and humans alike to stay away because they either wanted to harm you or pit you against him. He isn't really that fond of Brunhilde because of the way he suspects she's turning you against him.
- NO BUT YOU KNOW HOW HE MAKES SONGS FOR THE FALLEN HUMANS? I garuntee you that he writes songs for you and, if you'll let him, will sing you to sleep. An experience that you never had growing up so you happily accept it. Oh, you're so trusting. The way you fall asleep so innocently when he could easily take you away right then and there. He pushes those thoughts away because you haven't done anything that would require him to go that far and he tucks you in. Wishing you pleasant dreams♡
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okay listen so yosano needs an extra hand when rearranging some stuff in her apt and asks kenji for help. while there, she finds a skirt that doesn't fit her anymore and asks kenji if he wants to see if it fits. it doesn't (she gives it to naomi), but it was kenji's first time wearing a skirt and he absolutely loves the way the skirt swishes and the spins! oh my god the SPIN!!!
so later in the week, he asks kunikida if they can go to the store to get him a skirt or a dress because he wants to feel the swish again. kunikida agrees, and kenji tries some stuff on, and then he finds a yellow, short-sleeved sundress that goes to his ankles. “kunikida-san! look how it swirls!" he says, then spins for kunikida.
kenji takes it off and is about to put it in the cart when he suddenly hesitates. it's not that he's embarrassed or anything, but would it be weird if he starts wearing typically feminine clothing? he doesn't to make anyone uncomfortable.
kunikida, ofc, says that no one will get upset, and if they do, he'll punch them. kenji laughs and thinks it's a joke but. no. he's serious. kenji then asks if kunikida will wear a skirt or a dress with him to work the next monday. he Really doesn't want to bc dazai is just going to laugh at him and make fun of him the whole time, but he says yes bc it's kenji and he doesn't want kenji to give up on something that makes him happy bc he's nervous about offending people!
so he lets kenji pick a skirt out for him. he ends up getting an ankle-length dark blue skirt that shimmers a bit in the sunlight or if he spins.
it isn't his favorite thing, but he gets why kenji likes the twirl (it is kind of fun).
then, work! kunikida walks in behind kenji (who runs into the office and yells for kyouka to show her the spin) and ranpo takes one look at kunikida and calls for dazai bc he "needs to see this".
and kunikida gets pissed bc great now dazai's going to make fun of him and he'll be miserable all day bc dazai will go all day. but dazai walks in, all casual and nonchalant, and he starts to make a joke but cuts himself off when he sees kunikida.
and suddenly he's having yet another romantic crisis. bc god does kunikida look good in blue and wow he really wants kunikida to twirl so he can see kunikida spin with the skirt flowing around him
and that's how kenji both discovered he likes gender non-conforming clothes and indirectly got kunikidazai together (and, if he could be slick about it, dazai would take a picture of kunikida to send to chuuya)
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hydrasra · 1 year
"I am no god."
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SYNOPSIS: keep on insisting that you're no god, maybe they'll understand? unless proven otherwise.
DISCLAIMER: ooc moment duh. NOT BETA NOR PROOFREAD (and probably never will). reader has no gender, matey. gold blood au, don't forget about that. part 3 of NOT FROM THIS WORLD. it's 1am and I should sleep early to fix my sleep schedule but my brain said, "fuck no." probably swearing here and there (asra says after swearing)
TAGGING: @sunsethw4 @neverlandlostchild @code-roevember
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"yo, tao!" xinyan yelled as soon as she slammed opened the door of the wangsheng funeral parlor while followed by a quiet and smiling yunjin, startling meng, who was on his way to put the documents in his arms down on the director's office and earning a glare from the ferrylady.
zhongli and hu tao were the only one unfazed as they both finished their cup of tea before turning their attention to the two that walked in, "afternoon, how many I help you?"
that earned a frown from her friend, "hey, what's with you being so fo-"
"afternoon to you too, hu tao, mr zhongli and you as well mr meng and ferrylady," yunjin greeted, and was acknowledged by the two before they went on with their work, then hurried over to hu tao and pulling xinyan along, "we came here to ask you something, director."
the only answer she received was a tilt of the head from hu tao and a curious look on her face, "was there a funeral for the impostor?"
zhongli, who was busy pouring himself another cup of tea suddenly stopped and put the teapot down, attention now on yunjin, making her a little uncomfortable though she hid it well, "what impostor?" he asked, watching as she was about to talk but got cut off by xinyan.
"you know, the one that looks like our creator and is said to be claiming to be them according to the qixing," xinyan casually said before leaning on on the director of the yun-han opera troupe who didn't seem to mind.
"I'm sorry, what?!" hu tao gasped, leaning towards her friends with her eyes wide open.
xinyan and yunjin both stayed quiet for a few seconds, staring at her before their gaze went over to zhongli who stared right back, shock written on his normally calm face.
"'m assuming there wasn't."
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a few days were now gone in the blink of an eye.
how quickly time flies.
walking through the corridors of the quiet palace with only their footsteps being heard was eerily disturbing to the tianquan and her three (3) most trusted secretaries, despite having the lights seeping in through the curtains of the windows.
however, they kept on walking forward, eager to reach a bedroom.
and once in front of the bedroom they were looking for, ningguang took a deep breath to calm her nerves, her secretaries doing the same, composing themselves before the tianquan knocked on the bedroom doors.
"come in," a voice they are familiar with, that, unfortunately, held no warmth replied.
now liyue's tianquan was hesitant.
seeing this, baixiao, after sending looks of uncertainty at baishi and baiwen, immediately opened the door, slowly, to make ningguang understand that there was no use in being hesitant.
and it helped her in recollecting her thoughts and composure.
once the doors were opened just enough to let the four of them in, they all simultaneously took a step inside and looked at the figure slouched on a chair by the window.
"greetings," ningguang bowed, "we come bearing news.
the figure slowly turned around, eyes showing now signs of emotions, making the tianquan falter for the second time in under less than a couple of minutes.
"I have received a response back from sumeru, the impostor has been captured and dealt with as per your orders."
"oh my!" happiness was evident in their tone, "you should have started with that as soon as you walked in, ningguang!" the warmth was back, though it wasn't what ningguang was used to. this warmth felt... fake.
she brushed that aside.
"finally, we can make my grand reveal come to reality!" they sighed dreamily, lost in their own world, "I was worried about that impostor! I'm so delighted that it's been done and dealt with~"
they stood up and twirled around, before going to stand in front of the four (4) ladies. all looking at them with small, gentle smiles.
"our plan was put to a sudden halt but now," they giggled, "it can keep on carrying!"
the person in front of the liyue qixing grinned.
with your face.
sudden thunder could be heard in the distance.
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the tsaritsa could care less about whether the one that got captured was the real creator or simply an imitation.
though her only regret was not being able to find the 'impostor' and form an alliance with them to throw the whole of teyvat off balance. having them under her protection after claiming that they were the 'real' creator would have meant putting all six nations into shambles and for her to have them at the tip of her fingers.
though the thoughts of that 'impostor' being the true creator did come to mind. even so, that would have been a win-win situation for her. she reveled in her small fantasy.
both at the fact that the real creator would have trusted her more than the ones that would, in their words, "bend celestia" in order "befriend" the creator and to bring justice to their name but cannot discern the real from the fake and the fact that she would fave had them in her palms either way.
"a shame," her voice broke the silence as she walked away from the window she has been gazing out of, heels clicking on the solid ice flooring of her palace. the sound reverberating off the crystal-looking walls.
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sumeru had way more details compared to what technology could show you, you noted. many more birds than just finches, pigeons and parrots. a few weird creatures oddly ressembling chimpanzees and what not dangling on trees, even daring to walk on the roofs of houses.
it was... fascinating.
no titles were ever used in your presence when lumine's with you.
she didn't believe in any gods after all, even you. she saw you as a friend, someone who had helped her when she needed it the most.
you have made it clear that you aren't anyone's creator nor a god, especially to lumine. most people were the ones that kept on calling you by such imposing titles that it made you lose all hopes of making them understand.
once people started using your actual name more and more, making the use of 'your' title sparse, only used by those that were seeing you for the first time or knew you not, it felt... better.
it has been a month since nahida has made a public announcement that you were their creator. it also has been a month of no sleeping and yet not feeling tired, though, fear not: lumine did not sleep as well. in her words, "the nights and days of teyvat are shorts. shorter than what they are back home."
and once the announcement was made, everything changed.
many came to you to seek for blessings.
others came to seek for forgiveness for their sins, whatever they may be.
few came to ask for you to heal their illnesses.
those were always harder to deal with... at first.
the first time it happened, a couple came to you while you were on a stroll alone through the city, wanting to see it with your own eyes and not through a screen, came to you while sobbing. they told you about how their youngest son was severely ill. they begged you to heal their son, crying and bowing to the ground in fron of you.
you knew you could do nothing, you had no power.
yet you asked them to take you to their son.
and once their, you could only think that there was no saving him. the poor child was whimpering in pain while sweating a lot. tugging and turning on his bed.
you couldn't bare to see it but you approaches his bed nonetheless and knelt down besides him.
"hey, buddy," you whispered, gently taking his small hand in your own.
"I'm sorry you're suffering," another whisper, "I wish I could help you," and an attempt at a gentle smile.
the boy turned to look at you, eyes wide in admiration as he saw your figure.
from his perspective, you assumed you looked like a mere creepy stranger.
how wrong you were.
he looked at you in fascination as your eyes seemed to hold the stars within them and your gentle yet teary smile made him feel warm. so farm that he almost reveled in it.
you could only leave a gentle kiss on the back of his tiny hand and he giggled, making his parents gasp in shock.
and when you left, telling them to prepare for the worst, you felt crushed.
what could you do?
you were no god after all.
they came to find you at the house of surasthana the next day.
seeing them was too soon for you and you had to mentally brace yourself for their spiteful comments that were surely to come after you could not save their little boy.
though it never came.
instead, they cried tears of joy, bowing repeatedly at your feet, thanking you.
"what are you thanking me for?"
"your grace!" the husband exclaimed as nahida walked through the entrance, "our son was saved! thank you! thank you so much!"
the wife repeated the same words as her husband.
the archon of wisdom watched from afar, smiling warmly.
you were confused.
they left soon after, crying still and saying 'thank you's as well as promising to spread the word that you're a kind divine being.
"how did you heal their son, [name]?" the archon asked as soon as they left, making her way over to your confused form.
"I..." at a lost for words, you looked at the tiny archon, "I didn't... I don't..."
nahida softly smiled, "maybe you have healing powers?"
you violently shook your head, "no... no! I don't," you paused after trailing off, head down and looking at your trembling hands, "do I? but..." your voice trembled, "I am no god..."
the sound of doors opening could be heard, then running footsteps and the doors closing back up.
"[name]! nahida! wanderer!" paimon yelled as soon as she got closer.
nahida gently grabbed your hands after telling paimon and a panting lumine to stay quiet and wait as you were not feeling okay, and gently rubbed circles with her tiny hands on the back of your hands.
whatever she was doing, seemed to help.
and after running in looking panicked, seeing you like that made the travelling companions even more distressed though they stayed quiet.
nahida nodded at the traveler once and, somehow, lumine understood.
she approached you slowly before gently wrapping her arms around you, prompting you to do the same thing to her.
"you're all right, [name]. whatever it is that you need answers to, we will all help," her voice was gentle, "whatever it is that got you feeling uneasy, you're not alone to face it," she didn't know what happened to you prior to her and paimon barging in but those words felt right to be said to you.
the news that they have acquired while in mondstadt can wait.
your wellbeing came first.
you could only sniffle as you hugged her tightly.
nahida soon joined in, hugging your leg.
whereas paimon hugged your head.
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hellooo thank you all for the amazing support on this sudden idea turned series(?) story of mine.
if you have any questions about anything I have in mind for this series(?) go ahead and ask, my asks are open
if you wish to be tagged, let me know tho I'm not going to be tagging more than 30 people. already at 3 so far
and the next part might be the last part or at least a chapter before the last one, for now(!!!) at least as I want fontaine to come out before I even progress even further with this story.
yk, for spice ☺️
that and I can better understand where to orient this thing 🧍🏾‍♀️
(bet people think I have everything planned out for the entirety of this series but I do not. I just write on a whim and follow the flow my brain has set)
and I hope that, if it does or did happen, you will let me know privately. people who steal other's original works deserves no exposure.
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tokio-motel · 2 months
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tw; sub! bill, orgasm denial, praise and degradation, handjobs, powerbottom! reader, slight overstimulation, crying, mentions of multiple orgasms, prolonging orgasms (idek what you call that)
・reader's gender isn't specified! <3
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"I can't...I can't..."
Bill groaned gently, his thighs tensing. His cock was slick with cum and your spit, glistening in the dim lights of the tour bus. You shushed him, your fingertips gently tracing the veins that were beginning to pulse. You chuckle softly as you hear him whine gently and squirm his hips away from you, already spent from the orgasms he had endured.
"What do you mean you can't? Of course you can." You whisper as you hold his hips down with one hand while the other gently wraps around the head of his cock, rubbing it softly making him whimper. His eyelashes fluttered, his hair once puffy with hairspray now ruined with sweat. His mascara was all smudged and his kohl was running down his cheeks, staining lines of black.
"Oh, fuck...I can't..." He repeats, choking back a sob as you wrap your fingers around his cock, pumping it slowly. He whimpered loudly but couldn't resist leaning into you, his hips bucking up despite his earlier protests. He glanced at you, his eyes filled with unshed tears
"Yes, you can." You respond, your voice more firm that it was earlier as your eyes narrow, looking up at his face. His hair was sprawled against the pillows as he gasped for air. "You did it so many times already, you can do one more, right?" You whisper soothingly, your hands picking up their pace.
He cried out, his whole body shaking as his thigh suddenly snapped shut. He whimpered and moaned helplessly, gasping for air. You couldn't help but coo, smiling as you gently rubbed the back of his thighs. "Open up your thighs, slut. Let me see that pretty cock." You say with a small smile, rubbing small circles into his thighs with your thumbs.
He shook at your words, hesitating before shakingly opening his thighs back up to you, his cock pulsing. You grinned, putting your hands on both sides of his thighs and spreading them farther apart. "Good boy." You coo, wrapping your hands back around his cock. He groaned loudly, head thrown back against the pillows behind him.
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"K-keep going...ohhhhmyyyygoooohhhdddd...." He purred slowly, panting softly as your hands pumped him faster, your fingers occasionally rubbing his slit. "What if all your fangirls saw you right now? All stupid and aching for my touch?" You whisper under your breath, continuing the pace as you sped up your fingers a bit.
Your words send a wave of pleasure through his veins, his breath quickening. He whimpered as the familiar ache of a rising orgasm, closing his eyes as his hand went to grab yours. "Mmmmmmgghhhh, gonna cum..." He whispers, moaning softly as your hands pick up their speed.
"Yeah? You gonna cum again for me? God, you're so fucking ruined..." You whispered under your breath, grinning as you jerked him off faster, your other hand softly fondling his balls making him mewl.
"Oh, oh... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." He began to pant, his fingers digging into the sheets of his bunk. His head tossed back onto the bed, nearly hyperventilating as he felt himself about to be pushed over the edge. He groaned, his thighs shaking as he-
Your hands let go of his cock as you felt his body tense up, pinching the head of his cock. He gasped, squirming and panting as his eyes shot open, glancing down at you. His cock twitched, the slit leaking pre-cum as he cried softly. "Please...I can't..." He begged, trying to squirm away from your restricting hands.
"Oh, you can. And you will." You hiss softly, pinching th tip a bit harder and listening to his quiet sobs of need, his balls painfully tight as his cock pulsed. You smirked, counting down the seconds in your head.
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"I can't! I can't! Please, I can't!" He begged, tears streaming down his face as the ache in his stomach only increased. His cock was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum as you hummed, biting your lip.
"Aww, my poor baby." You whisper, almost a minute has passed. He was shaking like crazy, his thighs pulsing. You took a second, before letting go of th head of his cock. He gasped loudly, pre cum leaking more freely. "Please, I wanna cum! I wanna cum..." He begs, humiliation evident in his voice as he begs you while sobbing, eyes shining with tears.
You jerked off his cock faster, deciding to finish him off. "Go ahead and cum, my good boy. Go on." You whisper, Bill sobbing at your permission as he let's go, his cum spurting all over your hand and his stomach, broken sobs and whispers of "thank you, thank you, thank you" escaping his lips.
You smile, whispering soothing words in his ears as you milk him dry, praising him through the intense orgasm. He pants heavily, his eyes closed shut as tears stream down his face, his makeup smudged. You kissed his cheeks softly as your hands slowly unwrapped around his cock, shushing him gently.
"Good job. Good boy..."
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