#probably tech they have a lot of weird tech shit
gemwolfz · 1 year
one more post before i actually go to bed what does the nishizawa corporation even do
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ew-selfish-art · 10 months
Dpxdc AU: consultant groups can be used to outsource problems for companies so why not monarchies?
Danny is listening to the various eyeballs and ghosts chatter on about all the issues that he now has to oversee and advise and make so many freaking decisions on. It’s annoying that it all has to come down to his call because he was a dumb 14 year old who didn’t want his town to permanently live in the ghost zone.
Now 17, King of the Infinite, and a bit wiser to the world, Danny is doing his best to balance his teenage ambitions to not give a shit and his protective obsession to very much give a shit.
Sams parents are making her learn the family business and Tucker is trying to make this internship he’s got with a fancy tech company out of New Jersey into a career without college… so while they’re commiserating with Danny the idea comes up.
Earth has a shit ton of heroes. Like, ever since the Justice League *poofed* the GIW out of existence with the Meta human acts- more and more caped crusaders seemed to be coming out of the wood work. More villains too but still, more people who seemed wise to their abilities and morals. Danny has literally never taken an ethics class.
But rn, Eye-mothy and Eye-Bert are arguing over how Danny as King Phantom is supposed to tackle the problem of some fucking pool acting as a weird trade route with a cult and… ugh it’s just so boring but like also such a fucking problem. But… maybe it can be someone else’s issue.
Opening a portal, Danny escapes into space and gets to work finding the base of operations- Tucker had told him there was a new satellite after all and there’s no way it wasn’t connected to the hero orgs- and boom he flies into the Watchtower.
“Hey- are any of you guys willing to consult on some weird pools of ectoplasm in Pakistan? Green and glowing little lakes of bullshit and magic?” Danny asks into the meeting room of the JL regardless of their startled and alarmed exclamations.
“… I could consult on that.” A voice comes from the corner, and Danny recognizes him as one of the bat people. Or bird? The guy is in a lot of red and clearly wasn’t supposed to be in this meeting based on the way he’s propped in the corner. The room erupts in protest but Danny barely hears them through his excitement and focus on the dude.
“Great! I’ll have him back before the end of the day! Lets go Bird boy!” And with that, Danny grabbed the Bird, chucked them both through a portal back into his thrown room and begins to explain the way these eyeballs are totally trying to trap him into doing more work than he needs to do.
“What do I call you by the way? I’m Danny but you’ll probably hear them call me King Phantom.”
“I go by Red Robin, and honestly, I’ve been trying to get this shit taken care of for years.”
From there Tim becomes a regular consultant for King Phantom- the Bat Family is losing their minds with him constantly going to the land of the dead but also Constantine said not to piss off the king at all costs.
Danny is just thrilled that this dude has a shit ton of insight as well as business sense- like he could legit run the monarchy way better than him despite the fact that they’re the same age.
They end up working together for years, and even when there’s not an active issue at hand, Danny will meet up with the bird just to talk.
Sam and Tucker think they’re hilarious each time they ask if Danny’s proposed yet.
Tim has already planned their wedding but all of that information is in a folder more secured than the nuclear codes- Danny needs to ask him on a date first.
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
okay, here's the better run down on mafia!Soap as promised (as well as his fem!nurse!Reader gf <3)
like it's sorta referenced in canon, Soap is the youngest of Price's closest circle. he used to do freelance work as a programmer/hacker and got hired by the wrong crowd trying to steal some of Price's information. impressed, Price actually offered the man a job and he took it mostly because Price paid better. stayed because he also grew to like the man.
people legit call the man Soap in this universe too because he can clean hardware and information like no one's business. otherwise, they'll just call him by his last name or Johnny.
has an odd dynamic with Simon in this universe. more of like his annoying little brother than a good friend. they get along fine, but they don't really interact much outside of work. he's actually really close friends with Kyle, though. the two play games together sometimes, and Soap of course teaches him how to torrent games because fuck activision <3
he's got a few piercings. simple ear lobe piercings that he usually wears simple studs in, but he also has a tongue piercing. just the classic, straight through with a simple bar. he got it because he's a fucking munch
i feel like he wouldn't get many more tattoos than what he already has in canon ngl. if he does, they're def something stupid as fuck that have no meaning. something he probably got due to a dare, or while he was insanely inebriated.
he also doesn't have as many scars as he does in canon. certainly not the one on his chin. he def played football when he was younger, and still likes to play skirmishes every now and then. he also lifts on the regular. sure, he's tech savvy, but he goes fucking insane having to sit around too much, so going for a run or hitting the gym is a really good way to get his energy out!
while he doesn't have too many scars, he still is getting himself hurt a lot. not because he's clumsy or anything, he just really, really, really wants to ensure that something gets done right whenever he's sent out to do "field work." usually ends up with a TBI because of it lmfao.
and that's actually how the two of you met (:
being an ER nurse, you saw a lot of weird shit at the hospital, especially on day shift. then you had this loud man with a huge gash on his head and a suspected concussion roll through the door and honestly you're just glad it wasn't another damn car accident. you were tired of looking at compound fractures.
Johnny is just a fucking loon. literally acting inebriated, and poor Kyle is trying to prevent him from saying anything too stupid.
it doesn't work
at first you have a hard time telling if he's being a creep or not. commenting on your scrubs, how he likes the color, but honestly you've heard worse. but it is sort of cute. he's so loopy he's got this dog-like excitement to him and has a hard time focusing on anything in particular. it's more innocent than anything else.
he falls in love with you the moment you bring him a snack (some shitty and dry saltines and a cup of water). he devours one of the crackers like it's crack and thanks you with his mouth half full.
that's when he gets the bright idea to give you his number. a simple thanks isn't enough for the kind gift you've given him! he's got to let you know that he's down to do anything for you! so if anyone fucks with you, if you need someone taken care of give him a call. he won't ask any questions!
kyle is fucking mortified, hiding his face in the corner of the room, but you just smile and kindly take the piece of paper with his scribbled number.
of course you don't actually text or call him. he was a patient of yours, and that's just breaking so many rules! and you certainly don't need anyone to be taken care of. so you leave it be. despite how adorable his loopy smile was or how pretty his eyes were or... christ, you need to throw that scrap paper away.
and Johnny? well, he forgets all about you. not on purpose or anything, the poor man was hardly conscious when he met you, and he only interacted with you briefly. so imagine his surprise when him and Kyle are out on the town and the man points you out to him asking if you ever ended up texting him.
Johnny is fucking confused. why would she text him? (you gave your number to her, idiot) oh. that can't be. (why not?) because he would have fucking remembered if he had given his number to a girl that beautiful.
now he wants to figure out why you never texted him ):<
anyway there's more to this but my shift was long and my brain is frozen from the fuckin -31 degree weather we got so <3 enjoy lore about the idiot
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Okay, so Fives would have definitely loved the Bad Batch, but I want to go into deeper detail (under the cut)
Okay so I feel like he would absolutely love Hunter, but would also butt heads with him a lot, since I feel like they’re very similar in some ways. Fives kind of sees Hunter as a younger version of himself, so he would take him under his wing to guide and teach him. Hunter would probably find this weird at first, since he’s used to being the oldest and not being the one who is looked after, but eventually he enjoys it. Fives is someone who Hunter can step into the younger brother role with, like with Echo and Cody, and just be silly and relax for a bit (and be the little shit we all know he can be).
Fives loves him. He reminds him of Hevy and Hardcase, but is also uniquely Wrecker. Fives thinks he is just the sweetest guy and is surprised by how much he allows himself to open up to Wrecker. Actively encourages Wrecker’s shenanigans because Echo he’s right we don’t know what will happen if we blow up this pie we need to see!
He sees Tech as a younger version of Echo, and because of this holds him very dearly. He wonders if this is what it would have been like if Echo had been the younger twin rather than himself. Gets Tech to come out of his shell a bit, like how he does with Echo, and is often surprised and impressed by just how much of a MENACE Tech can be when he wants to be silly, which is also similar to Echo.
This was actually kind of hard for me to think of. I feel like since Fives and Hunter are so similar, there would definitely be some respect from Crosshair on that front, but it’s also kind of weird for Crosshair. I feel like Fives would actually be able to help him through his low moods, and Crosshair would let him after a while, since he’s so much like Hunter but also like Echo. Fives also would probably be like how a lot of fan works interpret and portray his relationship with Tup, where basically he’s like “if not little brother, why little brother shaped?” Is already protective of the batch, since they’re all younger, but he’s probably more protective of Crosshair since he’s the youngest. This drives Crosshair crazy because now there’s THREE of them!
Absolutely adores her, not only because it’s Omega and she’s just the sweetest sunshine child, but also because she is an absolute MENACE. She is the craziest, most badass kid he’s ever met and he hyped her up SO MUCH (much to the horror of Echo, Crosshair, and Hunter).
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frostgears · 9 months
the chosen one
there are handlers that went to officer school and supposedly know what the fuck they're doing, all swagger with the authority of the Service behind them, uniforms like slices of space, voices like knives, their lethal charges trailing docile behind them.
they're the ones that show up in the porn sketches and the short clips of grainy video that circulate in the Fleet network. they're the ones that have pages and pages of fan fiction written about them.
then there's you. you didn't go to officer school. your entire signup process was this:
"hey, Cooper, you were in its old unit, weren't you? before it went to the lab? remember anything that'd distract it from biting at its own link sockets and screaming at techs?"
"uh, shit, sir, i can try…"
"great, it wandered into the rec room. go nuts."
you called your last conversation to mind. there'd been two major rec time activities in your last squad, and the alert that kicked off Paloma 17 had interrupted something.
you sat down next to the thing that had once been your squadmate, not meeting its weird red eyes. you already knew it didn't like that; looking it in the face was how Muñoz got their arm broken yesterday.
the augment whiffed of human sweat, the fake citrus of type-2 interface gel, something musty and unpleasant. its fatigues probably hadn't been washed ever.
"hey, asshole," you said, "you still owe me a Kinetic Princess match. best of five, remember? we were two and one when the hammer came down for P-17."
you put a gamepad on the floor next to it.
"ch. ch. ch."
was it laughing?
it swatted the gamepad away.
and then player 2's character select screen came up. without moving a muscle, it picked Valkyrie, switched her outfit to red, and handed you your ass, twice in a row, with no apparent exertion.
"ch. ch. ch."
yeah, it was laughing.
it kept laughing as it used its onboard hardware to disconnect your gamepad, choose the princess you'd just been playing, and win three matches against itself, beating Valkyrie with Marjoram.
"well," someone said behind you, "that's kinda freaky. but better than tearing up the couch. guess you're on augment duty."
it was going all out. maybe trying to prove some sort of point. to itself? to you?
you got up.
it immediately paused the game.
"hey," you told it, "i gotta piss."
it followed you down the hall into the restroom. it tried to follow you into the stall.
"hah, you find a friend, Acey?" someone laughed.
"shut the fuck up, Lima." you tried to finish your business as best you could. it wasn't easy. the thing really did reek and it was not giving you a lot of space.
fuck it. you rose, didn't bother to wipe. you grabbed the augment and hauled it into the shower, spun the dial to hot, drenched the both of you, fatigues and all.
"wooooo! take it off!"
always a fucking audience in this place.
you found the zippers to strip the thing, flung wet clothing out of the shower at a spectator, pumped all-purpose soap into your hands.
"if you're gonna follow me around," you told the augment, "you gotta smell better."
this had to get done. you soaped it. all over. the generic floral smell of all-purpose soap was definitely an improvement already. felt human enough under your hands, except where it wasn't, the occasional beveled edge of a link socket. between its legs… human standard.
more hooting and hollering from the onlookers.
you remembered too late not to meet its eyes, but it just stared back at you, tilting its head a bit. no sign of aggression. was it smiling?
you never got around to the second major rec time activity with your old squadmate. you had no idea if she was ever interested. you also had no idea if sexual preferences survived augmentation.
fuck it. audentes fortuna iuvat, right? said so on your shoulder patch.
you slid a finger in.
shut the audience right up.
the thing kept staring at you.
you slipped a second finger in and stared back right up until you finished it off. it shivered visibly, made a sort of low whine.
nobody said shit after that. when you finally shut off the water, silence like a library.
you walked out. it trailed behind you. you grabbed a towel off the stack by the shower exit, wrapped the thing in it. it didn't protest. wearing nothing but your own towel, you stalked back to your bunk, hoping you still had a few clean uniforms, your expression daring anyone to mention that a single thing was out of the ordinary.
"heyyyyyy Acey, you get lu—"
someone always dared. this fucking unit.
the augment hissed. an unmodified human throat wouldn't have been able to make that noise; it sounded like a fire extinguisher. there was reverb in that hiss. there were teeth.
"oh, gods, just don't," you said wearily, looking back over your shoulder. it let Chroma, who had a tiny bit of sense in her head, back away slowly, in one piece.
anyway, that's how you became a handler. the pay bump is nice, your CO says you've been fast-tracked for officer school someday, and more to the point, the augment has already saved your whole squad at least three times.
but you have not once showered alone since that day, and you know it'd be a really, really bad idea to ever refuse a game of Kinetic Princess. that's just how it is when your real MOS is "weapon's favorite person". □
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eightyonekilograms · 4 months
I went to the Apple Store yesterday to try the scripted demo of their VR headset. My overall impression is that it's the best possible execution of what might be a fundamentally flawed idea.
The passthrough video is pretty incredible. It's somewhat dimmer than reality, and the color accuracy is just OK, but it's more than good enough to feel like you're looking through clear displays at the real world. I'm told the passthrough on the Quest 3 is even better, but haven't tried that and can't comment. One thing is that there is a weird motion blur effect when you turn your head, I'm not sure if that's a display tech limitation or introduced deliberately by the software as a workaround for a different display tech limitation.
The resolution is 4K per eye, which, as mentioned, is more than enough for a powerful sense of presence in the real world. One of the nifty bits of the demo was when you turn the dial to tune out the world and suddenly you're sitting by a mountain lake, and the feeling of actually being there is overwhelming. The dystopian implications of needing a VR headset to sit at a mountain lake aside, it would be cool to have one just to have your office be anywhere you can imagine. Not $3500-before-tax cool, but cool.
Wow sports leagues are going to love this thing. I don't give a shit about sports and even I was thinking, "If the NBA put a stereoscopic camera courtside and sold you games for $50 a pop, I'd absolutely buy that"
But 4K per eye is not enough to do work, not even close. The experience of using normal computer-y applications on this was not unlike plugging your laptop in to a TV that's at the normal TV distance. You can do it, it works, but it's not anyone's preferred way of working. Text is amazingly legible, but only at sizes that are equivalent to having a single webpage take up your entire 4K monitor at normal monitor distance.
It is not particularly comfortable. Part of this might be that the store demo makes you use the "catcher's mitt" strap, which only goes around the back of your head and so gravity has to be countered only by the pressure of the thing against your face. Reviewers have said that if you use the other band that goes over your head the situation is better, but still.
A lot of early comments were making fun of Apple for having the battery be an external thing you put in your pocket and attach with a wire, but I think that's just fine: we all walk around with giant batteries in our pockets anyway, and anything you can do to have less weight on your head is a Good Thing. But then Apple took all those weight savings and spent them on making the stupid thing out of metal and glass instead of polycarbonate. It's nuts! It's like if you made a car that was 500kg lighter because you invented magical tech for keeping the engine somewhere else, and then went "great! with all the weight savings now we can build the body out of lead". Apple, you don't need to fear plastic. Plastic is good! Plastic built modern civilization.
You control it with a combination of eye tracking and pinch gestures. This is the main piece of evidence of my "best version of a bad idea" thesis: it works really, really well; so well that I can tell this is probably an evolutionary dead end. It's just fine— miraculous, even— for dragging windows around and doing the basic stuff the in-store demo has you do. It's amazing that you can more or less have your hands anywhere, including on your lap, and the recognition works perfectly (by contrast with the HoloLens I tried 5 or so years ago where the gesture recognition was total crap). But it's immediately obvious that you can never do serious manipulation of your computing environment with this.
The takeaway is that it's incredible for passive consumption of specifically-made media, assuming that ever exists at scale. But it will be a long time before we're gogged in like Hiro Protagonist to do our office jobs this way.
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oatmealmika · 11 months
What Are They Like On Social Media (Headcanons)?
feat. luffy, zoro, nami, sanji, usopp, robin, franky, and brook
requests open for other things like this!
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nami made him make an Instagram account and he did so... BUT NOT WITHOUT DOWNLOADING 8 VIRUSES THE MOMENT HE GOT ONTO IT
he started clinking on every ad he saw, of course, and now he's got to pay 100000 dollars by the end of the month or else world government will find him.
he took that as a challenge.
basic, but his username is kingofthepirates or strawhat69 or something
maybe even a pun or some shit bro
follows anybody he even slightly likes and comments dumb shit on all of their posts.
ex; luffy commenting on a post robin made w chopper "can you ask him if reindeers are real?"
takes weird angled photos of his friends and posts them (ex. forehead shots)
username is bestswordsmanofficial
usually posts training videos, but also sometimes puts on his story a cry for help to his friends cuz he got lost again
also not the most tech savy guy
i get vibes he would straight up record himself coughing to death and post it
he went viral once, actually.
was dragged by nami to be a backup dancer for one of her tiktoks
stiffly dancing
on snapchat, he uses weird filters like the broccoli one and just sent it to everyone he knew.
username is nami.venmo.me
probably makes scams in order to get money
she has two accounts; a scamming account and a real account (both under similar usernames actually)
on snapchat, she and usopp have a 200+ snapscore
they both contemplated jumping ship when they messed it up..
matching pfps with usopp too! ex.;
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nami is cookie monster, usopp is screaming man
username is lovecook_sanji
other than posting the food he makes, he also posts aesthetic photos of him crying💀
ALSO posts photos of baths with rose petals that he only made cuz he wanted to be desperate in the caption like "such a beautiful place... i just wish that... someone could share it with me... :("
out here posting "i wish i was beautiful :(" posts for attention and zoro out here commenting back "i wish you were too💀"
blocked zoro after that
tags ONLY nami and robin in his posts whenever he posts the group
"the rest of them are just some guys 🙄"
username is god..usopp
also is in charge of the strawhat official social media accounts
nami makes the aesthetically pleasing posts while usopp posts the funny hahas
like that time luffy slipped off ship with his mouth full of food (and bcuz he can't swim w his devil fruit) so he almost sank to the bottom
plugs his personal acc on the strawhat official acc too much
luffy used to be the manager of the account but that acc got banned...
so usopp was given the job to make a new one and manage it (no luffy you can't write the caption)
username is nico.robin
mostly posts about the books she's been reading, such as reviews
formats them nice and neatly
all her posts are very aesthetically pleasing
besides book reviews, she posts a lot of chopper
she's like a mom in that way making her kids pose for photos and takes photos as much as possible
overall very pretty account
username is franky_da_cyborg
when not posting inventions, he posts crewmates doing random things
doesn't have to be weird at all most of the posts are just straight up usopp making a sandwich or robin reading
all posts are very low quality tho lol
username is musician-brook
obv posts him playing music but also posts himself saying terrible dad jokes
"singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. then it's a soap opera."
he got the phone confiscated for that one
apart of nami's backup dancers for her tiktoks
actually works it
go grandpa go!
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all right reserved. do not repost or copy my work but relogging, comments or feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you.
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esamastation · 8 months
Shizuroth, part twenty five
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four
Warning for some implied medical horror in this one.
"... Welp. Now, I don't like saying I told you so - but I totally told you so," Reno points out, pointing at the screen - frozen on the very final frame just before Sephiroth destroyed the cameras. "I absolutely told Tseng this would happen."
"No one was injured," Rude points out, shifting through papers.
"That we know of! SOLDIER closed ranks real quick," Reno hums, shuffling through security feeds. They captured the flight of the technicians and the Department Head of Shinra Science from the scene of the ongoing incident, but after that, it's hard to say. There's a bunch of SOLDIERs literally in the way, blocking the view to the virtual training room with their bodies. They'd allowed no one but other SOLDIERs into the floor since.
Sephiroth is still there, as are the SOLDIERs, and unbeknownst to everyone else in the building, they have a damn situation on their hands. A potential rebellion situation.
"So," Reno says, rocking back and forth in his chair. "Sephiroth gets over-overdosed, flatlines, is brought back, loses his memory. Shinra Medical lets him go because that's what they do. He acts funny. Actually takes time off. Makes buncha random purchases. Puts on a shirt. Seems, for about a day, like a normal human being. He even gets takeout!"
"Mn," Rude agrees.
"The Crimson Commander takes him out, they do some shopping, probably have a heart to heart, make it into a few gossip columns," Reno continues, picking up the latest copy of Midgar Mail - Sephiroth sitting shotgun in Genesis' convertible and looking irritated had made the front page. "... Who are now absolutely convinced that our two Elites are romantically involved."
"A natural conclusion," Rude comments without looking at him.
"And so sad for poor Hewley, who's been in love with Rhapsodos since they were kids, according to this," Reno hums, giving the magazine a little flip. "The lives of SOLDIER First Classes are truly full of struggle."
Reno throws the magazine on the desk. "So, Sephiroth has a nice day, feels all normal, and the next morning he decides to go do some training, as SOLDIERs do," he continues, rewinding the video back. "He does some funky magic sword stuff for a bit, and then, boom, Professor Hojo launches a Behemoth at his ass. And Sephiroth proceeds to absolutely lose his shit."
Rude looks up. "I'd call that reasonable cause," he comments. "For a panic attack, if nothing else."
"Yeah, especially if the poor schmuck can't even remember what a Behemoth is," Reno scoffs and leans back, crossing his hands behind his head as he peers up at the ceiling vents. "So now we have a totally sane Department Head who was almost killed by his own son, two traumatised lab techs, a whole lot of SOLDIERs on high alert, an entire floor that's barricaded itself… and no eyes on Sephiroth and no idea what his status is."
"That about sums it up," Rude agrees and turns a page.
Reno glances at him, frowning. "You are not even listening, are you? What are you reading?"
"List of all the non-classified medical procedures Sephiroth has gone through," Rude answers. "The annotations by Professor Hojo are… interesting."
Reno blinks and then grabs the file from his hands. He takes a moment to skim through it before landing on what Rude has been reading. "Subject shows improved humour, will continue to administer preventive care - that doesn't seem too weird?"
"The two previous reports," Rude explains and Reno leafs back. "Reading between the lines, Sephiroth objected to an operation, and was assigned another immediately after," Rude adds. "I'm no physician, but I didn't see anaesthetic in the medicine list."
Reno frowns, reading the files more closely. "Exploratory surgery? Wait, wait, wait. What? Sephiroth showed a bit of an attitude and as punishment Hojo did open surgery on him without anaesthesia?"
"That's my reading of it also."
"Holy shit, that guy's life sucks," Reno says and then takes another look. "The poor fuck was seventeen?"
"There was a similar operation when he was nineteen," Rude adds. "For similar reasons."
"So it's a fucking pattern," Reno mutters. "Damn. No wonder they wrestled the SOLDIER program out of Hojo's total control as soon as they could."
Rude hums in agreement. "I thought it might shed light on what Professor Hojo's reaction to this might be."
Reno's face falls. "Fuck," he says emphatically. 
Now, he doesn't have much sympathy for SOLDIER, they willingly signed up to all the bullshit they went through - plus, when SOLDIER went off the beaten path it was Turks who had to clean their crap up. Sephiroth is a bit different, the poor asshole was born into the life, but that doesn't mean he has anything to do with Turks. At least not unless he made himself their business - and usually he didn't. And that was good! Live and let the freaks live, Reno was more than happy with that.
But this… yeah.
The idea of Sephiroth who had already lost it once being subjected to his crazy father's idea of discipline - probably while on company property, full of all these squishy and vulnerable company people! - did not appeal to him. Tseng was right - life at Shinra would be so much easier if the Science Department stopped treating the SOLDIER like their personal playthings and seen them for what they are.
Really fucking dangerous human weapons. With all the bullshit that came with it.
Rude looks at him levelly and then takes off his sunglasses in order to clean them - sure sign of how stressed he is. "How do you want to play this?"
"Preferably from another continent?" Reno asks a bit incredulously and then thinks about it. "Yeah, actually, that sounds about right! You have Deusericus' location?"
Rude checks his PHS. "Logs put him in his office," he says.
"Great, good, wonderful," Reno bounces to his feet, taking out his own PHS, hitting the speed dial. "Let's go. Hey, Tseng!"
"Reno," comes very tiredly through the hand held. "Please tell me you have eyes on Sephiroth."
"I have his rough location - still on floor 49, with just about every SOLDIER sitting between him and the elevator. No idea what's going on in there, but he's not moved from the training room yet. What about Hewley and Rhapsodos, what's their status?"
"Out on missions - Deusericus has recalled both of them."
"Excellent," Reno says, hurrying for the elevators. "What say we punt this whole mess speedily to Wutai before the good Professor decides to poke at the already sparkling bomb in our midst?"
Tseng sighs. "What?"
Reno explains their conclusions about what they should expect from Hojo. "And if today is any indication as to how the current Sephiroth reacts to Hojo's style of child rearing and discipline… well, I wouldn't like to see the Science Department afterwards! Or the building." Or the entirety of Midgar, for that matter.
He's seen Sephiroth's stats - there's not much they could throw in the guy's way to stop him.
"I see," Tseng says over the line, and it sounds like he's pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yes, I think it might be best if Sephiroth vacated the premises as soon as possible."
"My thinking exactly, boss."
"Very well. I'll arrange a transport," Tseng says. "You'll deal with getting him there?"
Cheers, boss, well done throwing him under the bus! But as it happens, yes. "Heading off to pay Director Deusericus a visit now," Reno says while Rude punches in the floor number. "Here's hoping the SOLDIERs are willing and able to wrangle Sephiroth into a plane."
"Here's hoping," Tseng agrees and then, damningly, adds, "Call me once you get to Wutai," and hangs up.
Aw, shit.
Reno looks at Rude. "Ever been to Wutai?"
"... No?"
"It's wet, miserable, and full of bugs."
Rude sighs. "I'll pack accordingly."
Yep, Sephiroth's existence has nothing at all to do with any Turk, nope.
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colonelshepparrrrd · 2 months
It's been awhile since I posted a headcanon, and I've had this one kicking around for a year or so. I was going to attempt a fic, but I'm not writing anymore; though I still want to share the idea 'cause I think it's hilarious.
***This headcanon is completely Gen/Crack btw.***
So the idea is that AR1 (John, Teyla, Rodney, Ronon) and SG1 (Daniel, Jack, Teal'c, Sam) swap bodies. Either team discovers some Ancient Tech in Pegasus, with a similar set up in Milky Way (or vice-versa), and to see what it does, it needs to be activated simultaneously by people with a strong ATA gene. Hence the need for Jack to be there. Everyone present ends up swapping places with the other team.
John Swaps with Daniel
John is miserable and tries to hide in Daniel's office but Vala finds him and she can tell it’s not Daniel. So she drags him off to participate in some kind of crazy heist and she needs a getaway pilot.
Daniel goes around touching everything in Atlantis like a kid in a candy store, and uses the opportunity to get petty revenge on Lorne for what happened on the Unas planet.
Teyla swaps with Jack
Teyla uses Jack's authority to designate more resources to Pegasus cultures, and is able to resolve some long standing diplomatic tensions.
Jack vanishes and uses the experience as some kind of break, he goes fishing and confuses the Athosians with his great cooking skills.
Rodney swaps with Teal’c
Rodney scares the shit out of some Goa'uld or whatever enemy SG1 is fight at the time. 'Cause imagine "Teal'c" going off on a frustrated Rodney-like tangent over someone doing something idiotic, and having them cower in fear 🤣
Teal'c confuses the hell out of the scientists, because "Rodney" is acting very quiet, calm, and is taking time out of his day to meditate.
Ronon swaps with Sam
Ronon spends a lot of time in the gym sparring or working out −'cause lbr he's not in his body and he is probably very frustrated and needs to get that feeling out in a productive manner− ✨somehow✨ he encounters Pete and when Pete tries to win "Sam" back he gets punched in the face.
Sam is fascinated by the experience and is in the lab with the other scientists trying to figure out the technology. The scientists wonder why "Ronon" is spending so much time in the labs, but don't question it 'cause "it's just another weird day in Pegasus"
I was thinking the whole thing lasts about 4 - 7 days before everything goes back to normal. Atlantis has the most calm relaxing productive time in ages, the SGC is on fire (metaphorically and depending on John and Vala's shenanigans maybe literally).
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wandixx · 9 months
Justice League never helped Amity Park.
They genuinely didn't need any help, it was one of the most normal and safe town in America.
Other than Jack Fenton on the road hazard but it's not like he can break walls with his orange jeep, is it? It's too little to get JL on it.
Okay, so what does Phantom do right outside of the Watchtower drinking Capri sun? Is it related to how horrified Flash is, running around meeting room like he tries to wear down the floor?
Why yes, absolutely. You see dear traveler, Ghost child is just not from this timeline.
He is from the other one. The intense one. The one, where Amazonians were at war with Atlanteans, where there was no line Batman wouldn't cross, where doctors Fenton didn't stop their research after their dearest friend had accident.
Yeah, that's the one. One that Barry created by saving his mother and the one he allegedly destroyed.
How do they tell the stressed ghost child that timeline he lived in ceased to exist?
Maybe I'm not clear enough but yeah. Phantom is from other timeline but as I heard, Dan shoved time medalion into Danny's chest so now our boi has wonky relationship with time. When Barry erased "wrong timeline", Danny got yote into his time and was confused. Like, one day he wakes up in the middle of the nowhere because of some shit and isn't even surprised at first but then realises something is off. Especially when he gets to the nearest town. Things are all sorts of wrong, like:
There is less ambient ectoplasm in the air.
Meme references are just not right.
There is no supernatural war.
Nobody is trying to post mortem murder him for being a ghost.
There are a lot more heroes and the ones he knew are different, like, why is Batman suddenly so much against killing?
So he goes of to find Amity and see which one's of the ghosts bullshit he has to clean up this time, only to see his city... Normal? Happy even? No broken pavements or anti ghost tech? No teenage stans? No alive food? His parents are more of the local handymen than mad scientists?! There is SECOND HIM, who isn't a ghost in the slightest?!
Because yeah, this world seems nicer than real one, but he just can't stay here. Ghosts are probably wrecking havoc in his Amity again and he needs to get back now.
Just question is how, because it starts to look like whole new world and not some weird hallucination or Desiree doing her shit again. However so much things is similar that he assumes it's different timeline. He dealt with these before, once, but he managed. He just needed to find this Clockwork guy that showed up last time and learn what he has to do to fix it.
Wait, his parents here didn't made portal and Vlad didn't either because they're actually kind of trisome (ew) and he didn't have enough time. That's alright, Danny was raised in the shadow of the portal, he knew everything about it by heart. He could built it on his own.
Wait, portal needs and sacrifice. Can he use this world's himself as a sacrifice? He could probably ask these heroes for help but on the other hand he really doesn't want to do this to him. Being Phantom majorly sucks ass and he is jealous but he knows better than to destroy other his life over it.
Before he can resolve his dilemma, something he does pings Justice League's radar and Flash is send to investigate. Thank ancients it's him because allegedly other heroes wouldn't really get it. But it was Flash who somehow gets at least part of it, gives him a food and takes him to the space station (in space!). Now they have meeting about him and he has best view of stars he could ever imagine. Even though they're a little different than he remembers from back home.
Hope you enjoyed this little idea and maybe can add to the shenanigans. Comments and reblogs are whole yours.
I hope I'm englishing correctly and won't see too many spelling or grammatical mistakes when I wake up in the morning
Have a great whatever part of day it is to you
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cottondo · 9 months
Fizzarolli x reader | black lace
chapter three ; glitter
When you first got the phone call from Ozzie's, you hadn't expected it. And you definitely weren't expecting the one to call you to actually be Fizzarolli. You told your manager at Loo Loo Land that you had to go home early because of an 'emergency'. He didn't care, so you left early anyway.
With the fact that you were going to be ON STAGE, NEXT TO FIZZ, you had to make sure that you looked good. Your hair was done up, makeup on point, and your outfit was sexy. Even if you were going to be changed into something else for the stage, you wanted to make sure that Fizz saw you in the hottest state you could possibly be in.
Your phone screen lit up, and you saw the text glowing on the lock screen.
— It's fizz. You here yet?
Your heart skipped a beat, and your excitement returned. He texted you. Fizzarolli fucking texted you!
You smile, bringing the phone up to your face and typed back,
— at the doors
The bright blue sign buzzed above you, shining the name of the man held responsible for the club. When you walked inside, it was loud. Glasses clinked together, demons and imps chat at their tables, and even some music was playing overhead. Your steps were timid, yet, there was a way that you held yourself, that still made you look confident.
Your gaze skipped across the room, until it landed right on Fizz. He was looking around the room, eyes curious. You came to realize that . . he didn't know what you looked like.
How the hell was he supposed to find you?
This left some ideas running through your mind, but you figured playing it cool would be best. As much as you wanted to run up to him, and tackle him to the floor in kisses, it wasn't ideal. He'd probably kick your ass out as fast as he could.
You put on the most confident smirk you can, and walked up to him with ease. Using a finger, you tap on his shoulder and hold back the excitement growing in the pit of your stomach. "How were you supposed to know who to look for, if you don't know what I look like~?" You tease, leaning over to his shoulder.
He turned around, first glancing to what touched his shoulder. After finding out it was a hand— his eyes quickly followed up your arm, and to your face, eyes widening. "Oh- - shit." He stumbled back one step, and while being wide eyed, checked you out. "You're the one I called in?"
You nod. The smile wasn't able to hold back any longer, and breaks through your little confidence act. He nods, giving you another look up and down. "Good choice on my end. You're gonna be getting us lots of attention tonight."
If you could have, you'd faint. You held yourself together, though, and laughed instead. "That 'a good thing?" You tease.
He smirks a bit, hand on his hip. "Oh yeah. Kid, I'm almost sorry I tossed out your application."
Shit. You weren't sure if you should feel flattered, or kind of mad about that. You shrug instead, thinking of a better comeback. "I am too."
He eases into a weaker smile, and nudges you to follow him. "So, what the hell are you doing working at Loo Loo Land? I went through your resume again tonight after fishing it out of the garbage, and . . yeah. Y'know, I'm still looking for the fucker that burned that place down."
You walk beside him, noticing as he picks up the pace through some of the crowd. The clientele was staring at you both.
He really didn't have to rub it in your face that he clearly didn't want to pick you for the job tonight. However, it was done, and he did. So that's all that mattered now.
"Oh, that place. Uh, I'm actually the tech for . . your robot double. Apparently the managers over there worked pretty fast to get the place back up and running. It was under construction for a while." It was almost embarrassing to admit it to him, but working on his double might come off as weird. You wished you could take it back, but it was too late.
Fizz almost tripped, catching your eye and frowning with a hint of concern. "What?" A short laugh breaks through his words, "So, you've got the experience with me, then, huh?" He snickers.
You decide to laugh along with him and nod. "I guess you could say that."
"Great, I'm sure you're already sick of seeing my face, then." He rolls his eyes playfully, and pushes open a door to the employee rooms for you. You sneak past him under his arm, and smile. "Pshh . . only a little bit." The smirk from over your shoulder caused him to tilt his head to the side and smile back. "I figured."
  He guides you down the hallway, up to a room with his name on it. You glance it over once before he steps inside, nudging for you to follow. The door shuts behind you, and you take a quick look around. Different outfits, props, ash trays, and other objects, lay around the room in an organized fashion. It smells like cologne, and smoke.
You absolutely adore it.
"So, here's the deal." Fizzarolli snaps his fingers, and it brings you out of the trance you've been in. "You're going to be my show girl! I'm gonna throw flaming arrows at you, and you're going to do your best to not get hit."
Suddenly, your eyes widen a bit. "Really-?"
"It'll be a piece of cake, doll. Don't worry." His hand waves you off, arm ribbed and bending freely. Fizz turns his back to you, and digs through a cardboard box situated on the floor. You watch nervously as he pulls out an outfit similar to his. Except . . it was a two piece. You'd be sporting his colorful stripes, only it was a tight fitting, two piece, that showed lots of skin. Hot.
"Change into that, and you'll be good to go." He shoves it into your hands. When you felt his fingers touch yours, you ignore all the worry and focus on him instead.
"Okay, cool. Should I find a bathroom or—"
"This is a dressing room, honey. You're gonna have to get used to demons staring at your ass. I'm not looking, don't worry." You catch him rolling his eyes, facing away from you to work on something else.
'Wish you were.' You think to yourself.
You idle there for a quick moment, and bite your bottom lip. "Okay."
Stepping back a few feet, you look around in the darkness of the corner, and slip off your bottoms, holding up the new outfit you'd been chosen to wear. "So, aren't we supposed to practice the act or whatever?" You ask, slipping into the new cheeky shorts. You pull them up and over your hips, and button the high waist.
"Yeah, scratch that." Fizz looks himself over in the mirror, catching your gaze for a split second. Noticing your eyes, he looks away again. "Too many people got here early tonight. I wasn't expecting that to happen. You must be a bad luck charm."
That made something sink in the pit of your stomach, but you brush it off as just a joke. "Nah, I'm the best damn good luck charm you'll ever get." You smirk at his reflection in the mirror and begin to take your top off.
He shrugs, looking away again. "Call yourself what you want, I guess. At least you're doing good for my robot double. I mean, I've heard he's been in some pretty good shape now."
You smile to yourself, slipping the new uniform top on. It was a bit snug, but that was fine. You fix any wrinkles it had, and smooth out the material. "He's still pretty glitchy, I can't even lie." You look up from the shirt, and gaze at him through your sight in the mirror. "Allot of demons really like it though." Your shoulder shrugs. You meet him at the vanity, hanging your previous clothe pieces over a chair, and stand beside him in the mirror to look over your makeup, and of course, check out the new outfit on you.
Fizz watches curiously.
"Allot of them like my doubles, too. I make more money selling those things, than what Loo Loo Land makes." Fizz crosses his arms cross his chest. Having him watch you fix up your makeup felt weird, but in a good way. Part of you was still in total disbelief that this was even happening right now. And getting used to it would be an A-okay thing from now on.
"Freaks that they are. Robots can't be hot." He shakes his head through a little snort.
You turn to look at him, leaning a bit closer to his side. "They can when they look like you." Your smirk catches him off guard. Fizzarolli's eyes widen a bit, and he looks at you with a stiffened back. "I guess you're right. I am pretty hot." He relaxes, waving a hand to back up his statement.
Hot was a total understatement.
"I mean, you're not wrong." You look down at the counter of his vanity, and smile to yourself.
He was so much better in person. RoboFizz was nothing compared to him. The real deal.
"You can say that again, sweetheart." He chuckles to himself, turning his sight away from you, and back into the mirror. You'd gladly repeat it if you really had to.
You smile to yourself instead.
Fizzarolli takes a small container of glitter off of the vanity counter, and looks it over. "Here, slap some of this on. We gotta make you look stage ready." His finger dips in the dish, covering it in colors of silver and gold.
You turn to face him and he holds up a hand, the one free of makeup grabs your face, claws closing tight around your jaw. His other hand, fingers dipped with glitter, nears your eyes.
You hold as still as physically possible. Trying to settle the jittered breathing was the hardest part- - your pulse would easily give it away, if he could feel it, that you were flipping your shit over him.
"I thought I already was." You tease, snorting some laughter. He swipes a few fingers across your face and places the sparkling shimmer where he figured would look good. "Well yeah, but on stage you need to really glow." Fizz shrugs a shoulder. "Now hold still."
"Okay." You speak softly.
Concentration on his face, you blink innocently up at him as he puts a little force into the design on your skin. You gently closed your eyes as his hand travels up to your eyes. Swiping some glitter over your eyelids, he then dusts it on your cheekbones, and exposed chest, with one of the vanity makeup brushes.
"Alright, kid." He steps back, narrowing an eye with thought as you turn to look at yourself in the mirror. It was cute, and he was definitely right; it made your face pop allot more. You nod, smiling at him. "Cutee."
Fizzarolli nods, flicking his tail from behind. "Now, going over some things on your application . ." He shifts his view to the papers that had been sitting on the countertop. Your own gaze travels over to it.
There may have been a few little lies on that. Yes, you've had the experience of working at Loo Loo Land, and yeah, you helped out on stage before over there. But you've never done anything extravagant; like, have flaming arrows fly at you. You just really wanted the job.
"Mhm?" You look over his shoulder and catch his gaze again.
"Where else have you worked that's in the dancing industry?" He asks.
Thinking back, it had been a while, but you did have some stripping experience as one of your first jobs in hell. You needed some quick cash, and that was your answer.
"I worked for someone a while back in the lust ring. He owned a club." You shuffle back and try to forget the thoughts. "Uh, I did some private dancing there for a while."
Fizz must have noticed the discomfort in the features before pressing on, because you saw the way his face cringed for a brief moment. "Great! So, you can do pole tricks, right?"
You weren't exactly a master at it- - but it was easy enough for you to do again. A year long experience with it in the past, you'd be able to do it again without getting too many bruises this time.
"Yeah! Totally." You smile.
"Great, that's all we need." He pushes the papers back into the trashcan underneath the counter, and you watch them flutter down. Shifting your attention back to Fizz, he steps away from your side, and places his hands on his hips. "So, I'm gonna have you on the pole, and you're going to dance. When I shoot the arrows, you're going to dodge them. Easy enough, right?" He grins a bit. You nod. "Sure."
"Maybe I tell some jokes in between sessions, but whatever the audience wants more of." His hand rolls while talking, and you earn more interest. "Usually, they just want the sexy stuff."
You tilt your head to the side in interest. "Do you have any jokes written down?"
He stops at that question, and turns to you curiously. "Some . ." With brows slightly scrunched together, he gives what seems to be an uneasy smile. Maybe it was suspicion?
"You care about my jokes?"
You offer him a softer smile in turn, laughing lightly. Of course you cared about his jokes. Him starting our small as a little boy in the circus industry was what really caught your attention all of those years ago.
Just an IMP trying to make it. And he did.
"Well, yeah. They're the best part of your acts." It was all true, and you clearly meant it.
Fizzarolli nods silently, slowly. Just as he was to speak up again, there was a knock on the door. You turn your head and he slouches. "What is it?"
A little demon pops his head in, looking around the room. He spots you, then Fizz, and cringes. "Shit, sorry, am I interrupting something?"
You slowly turn to look at Fizz and catch his expression. It was neutral.
"No. What do you need?"
"Ozzie wanted me to wish you good luck. He said he's sorry about not being able to preform tonight, but there's another group coming out later to sing." The man steps in the doorway now, hands holding a clipboard.
Fizz nods along, thinking back. "What group?"
"It's Verosika Mayday. The audience is pretty excited about it." He says. Then, two eyes land on you, and smirk. "So, is this your new side piece?"
Oh shit. You really are working with the big boys now. You finally fucking made it! It took some time, but you're here! Now, all you have to do, is just stay calm, and don't get in the way, and—
"No." Fizz scrunches his face at the man. "Y/N's here for a one night stand-in. I needed someone to cover for Ozzie's act tonight."
The mood ended fast, and suddenly, your body shattered in your step.
That's all you were to him? Just . . a stand-in. oh.
"Sure . . well, I'll leave you to it, then!" The demon laughs, nudging Fizz in the arm, before turning on his heel and making his exit out the door. Fizz slams the door shut behind him, and rolls his eyes, turning back to you.
It was more than obvious that Fizzarolli didn't like the guy— or, well, demon. He lets out an irritable sigh and steps around your idling frame in the middle of the dressing room.
"Hey, sweetheart,"
You snap back to reality and turn to face him. "Yeah?"
"Let's get this show on the road."
please remember to vote if you're
enjoying the story ! thank you <3
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
(remaking the post because you can't edit polls and i gave the wrong options)
Alright I'm registering for classes and someone needs to talk me out of doing stupid shit but I'm unsure of what shit is stupidest.
Winter term:
I just finished an 8-week photo class that ended up being a huge investment in time just to go and shoot. However that was introductory photography and there is a 6-week intermediate photography class over winter term. I am signed up for photography. (Elective option for AA in Visual Arts)
There is also a 6-week introductory python course over winter term that I am signed up for and will be taking. I'm solid on that one, as long as I pass my C# class this term I'm going to be taking Python for 6 weeks at the beginning of the year.
Spring term:
College Chemistry Saturday class. 7am to 12pm for sixteen weeks. Lab and lecture; this school doesn't offer any chem classes that are after standard 9-5 hours during the regular week or that can be taken even partially online. Pretty sure I'm going to be stuck with this one and am configuring the rest of my schedule around being *less* miserable because of this class.
Survey of Western Art - Online, seems like a gimme. Does have a textbook but not one that I'm going to pay for. (Required for AA in Visual Arts)
2-Dimensional Design - Online, seems fun and like a gimme, Free/No textbook. (Required for AA in Visual Arts)
Object-Oriented Programming - Online, seems difficult, expensive textbook. Will probably be very necessary if I end up going down a more CS/tech path. Probably going to force myself to take this class.
Java Programming - Online, seems not unapproachable, expensive textbook. I don't particularly wanna but my school offers really limited options for computer science and I want to get what I can out of it before I go somewhere else.
Rationale for these weird combinations:
I'm applying as a nursing student at three schools and a biochem student at one of those schools (nutrition programs are apparently only for first-time students; 2nd Bachelor's applications are a lot more limited. I could apply to major in Francophone Studies at one of the schools though). Supposing I get accepted, these classes certainly won't hurt my status at any school that accepts me and the chemistry class is going to be really really necessary. This is the "i give a fuck about nutrition science and also directly helping people" path and if I go this way I'm interested in NP programs down the line. LOTS more school of the serious "I can't work and do this kind of school at the same time" variety.
If I *don't* get accepted to the programs I'm applying to, I'm going to go to a different community college and start working on a couple of AS degrees in computer junk (network admin and security management, computer and networking technology) and get some computer junk certs. I don't think I want/need a BS in compute science, this is the "practical" route of "I could finish this stuff pretty easily and continue working in a field where I have a lot of connections and familiarity with the industry but I am indifferent about a lot of it (pretty passionate about security and accessibility tho). Also allows me to keep working while I just churn school in the background, and all of the computer classes are transferable between the two schools.
Art classes: I think having multiple degrees is funney. I am currently 5 classes away from an AA in visual arts, at the end of this term I will be 4 classes away; if I take all the classes here and can take an elective over the summer I'll have a degree in visual arts. (There is a reasonable possibility that I'll continue taking bullshit classes behind the scenes to get silly degrees regardless of what happens otherwise)
Pretty sure the sensible thing is to drop *at least* photography and survey of western art and also possibly Java and 2D design. I'm somewhat concerned that if my spring term is just Saturday chem and object oriented programming I will start biting things.
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nika6q · 4 months
Tech and Phee
So, I just read a bunch of arguments against this ship. And I don't really want to try to persuade anyone to feel either way. I just have some thoughts.
First off, I don't think Wanda Sykes works in this part. Personally I like to picture Sharon Duncan-Brewster. Also, I don't disagree that she comes off as a bit abrasive when we first meet her. But so did the Bad Batch, like waaaaay worse. It would be weird if she was some demure uwu girl.
There's actually a lot of parallels between them. They both make I'm seldom wrong, I'm always right comments. They have similar disregard for danger. They both have an intense (to the point of endangering themselves) love of knowledge and investigation.
They have both made communication blunders. I'm referring to the dreaded "it's called a conversation" incident. It's not fair to always expect women characters to be perfect so that the male character can work through their shit. This was still less hurtful than Tech's blunder with Omega. It's okay to make blunders. It happens to both men and women, and NT and ND people. We autistics can't expect NTs to immediately understand how to perfectly interact with us anymore that they can expect the same from us. It's not going to be perfect from the start. But they both have the patience and focus to get through that.
The build up. Ok, before the Pabu, I didn't see it. I don't think he did either. He clearly blue screened during the "head to these coordinates" shoulder touch. I think this is the "holy shit she is flirting" blue screen realization. I think after that it clicked for him, like ooooooh that's why she acts like that, okay. Suddenly, we see him smiling at her and interacting in a different way. Especially the "hold on scene". We've seen Tech carry Echo by him holding around his neck. We see Wrecker in this episode carry the old man the same way. It would have been very appropriate to carry her that way too. But no. He grabbed that lady around the waist without hesitation.
The goodbye. Again, this is just my read on the scene, but why was he hanging outside the ship? I think he wanted to say goodbye but didn't know how. Phee comes over (as he probably expected which is why he was out) and he just shutdown. This isn't a situation he's been in, it's not easy, he doesn't know how to function here. I don't think he was staring at his screen because he wanted to ignore her, it's because he fucking shutdown. I've addressed the "it's called a conversation" above, but I'll add that she didn't get pissed or shitty. She finally sees that he's not willing or able to have this conversation and she ends it with a goodbye and a kind smile. As she leaves, his look isn't a "thank God that shit's over" look. It's a longing look. Maybe he still has to work out his feelings. But there is something there.
This is as much build up as a show this short can fit in. There is literally not enough time for more. Considering the amount of storytelling they have to get to, it's actually quite a lot (IMO).
Again, these are just my thoughts. I'm not trying to invalidate if other people read it differently and don't ship it.
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ask-spooky-manor · 1 month
The Manor Residents and Horror Movies
Talking about what kind of horror movies each of the characters like and why
Toby is someone that mainly just wants to have a good time. To him, a horror movie doesn’t even have to be scary in order for it to be good, it just needs to at least be entertaining. That’s why he tends to lean towards your classic slashers and has enjoyed that small wave of horror comedy movies we got a few years back.
- Favorite movies: Scream and The Babysitter
Tim prefers horror movies that give you an uneasy feeling rather than outright scaring you. He goes for the movies that gives him a sense of dread and will leave him staying awake at night not because he’s scared but because he can’t stop thinking about it.
- Favorite movies: Skinamarink and Creep
Most people would say that Brian is kind of a freak when it comes to horror movies because he likes the blood and guts and gore, but there’s a decent reason for it. He is someone who almost never gets scared, so most horror movies end up being pretty dull. That’s why he turns to the ones that have the most creative kills because the over the top manner is borderline comical for him.
- Favorite Movie: Terrifier
Jeff loves a good mystery more than anything, so he enjoys horror movies that really get his brain turning trying to figure out what is even happening. He loves it more when movies need that second viewing and all the small details he missed the first time come together.
- Favorite Movie: Get Out
Ben doesn’t really care for horror movies unless they tie into a special interest of theirs be it video games or general tech heavy movies. This leads to them really liking the blend of horror and sci-fi.
- Favorite Movies: Possessor and The Invisible Man (2020)
Natalie is a little weird when it comes to horror. She likes challenging herself with the over the top shit. The stuff that would reach the bottom of those disturbing movie icebergs, but at the same time she doesn’t like mindless torture. She prefers disturbing movies that still tell a story over exploitation for the sake of exploitation. After all, she is an artist that loves to find meaning in some of the more disturbed content.
- Favorite Movie: V/H/S/94: The Subject
Jack isn’t really picky when it comes to horror movies. He just likes anything that tells a good story. He really likes books, and movies are like audiobooks to him since he can’t really watch them. Tell an interesting story, and he’ll be hooked.
- Favorite Movies: Midsommar and The Strangers
Jane loves a good, campy, over the top, ridiculous, fun horror movie. Horror movies that are actually scary are just such a downer to her. She wants mindless fun to turn to in order to relax after singlehandedly keeping the manor residents alive. She also just likes watching something as dramatic as her.
- Favorite Movies: Bodies Bodies Bodies and Cabin in the Woods
Nina talks a big game when it comes to horror movies, saying she can handle anything when she’s really a massive wimp. Despite being a true crime girlie (derogatory), the spectacles of horror movies like jump scares and suspenseful music freak her out. It’s probably why the only ones she can really handle are those subtle horror mockumentaires as they purposely mimic the style of all those true crime documentaries she likes to watch.
- Favorite Movie: Banned from Broadcast: Saiko! The Large Family
For obvious reasons, Sally can’t watch a lot of horror movies, but it hasn’t stopped her from trying. By trying I mean that she watches a lot of cartoon Halloween specials because she thinks that those count as horror.
- Favorite movie: Scary Godmother
Slender is a fan of the classics, and I mean the classics. Like black and white, super old school, really not all that scary by today standards. Frankly speaking, newer forms of technology freak him out as much as it fascinates him. He still barely has texting down, so when it comes to really any kind of movie, he’ll go for the old ones to relax with. They provide comfort to his overly anxious self.
- Favorite Movie: Frankenstein (1931)
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raccoonfallsharder · 5 months
do you think Rocket could've used more "tech genius" moments in the movies? For someone supposedly smarter than Stark, it's not actually really shown..
love your fics btw AAAH
yayyyy! i love asks of any variety and it’s been a while since i’ve gotten one so thank you for this! ♡ unfortunately that means you’re getting a novel ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)*.゚ I’d love to hear YOUR thoughts if you wanna share! and also thank you for saying something so nice about my fics. im so glad you’ve enjoyed them!
and i'm turning this into
headcanon 18 ˚₊‧✶
a standard disclaimer: i am highly biased in the fact that i am like “every scene should have 100% more rocket, even scenes that are already rocket”
but i think two things are going on here
the first is that i think as a general audience, we read tony’s genius more easily than rocket’s (and yes this is a cultural indictment). tony spends a long time making a pretty iron suit with his bruce-wayne-money and some cool weird holographic touchscreens in a shiny lab, and people pick up on that more easily than rocket scavenging parts from the milano to make a bunch of bombs and a moon-killing firearm in five minutes (tantamount to less than a second of actual screen time) because it’s quick and grimy and he just keeps them in a dirty box. audiences are classist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and im making this assertion because we do it all the time with real-life geniuses too
this relates to my second point which is that i think that “tech genius moments” probably don’t play well with a general audience when there are “too many” of them, and that in the main trilogy the writers relied on a lot of narrative cues that the audience was meant to pick up (but didn’t, or didn’t in quite the same way that they did with tony because again — pretty shiny lab vs dirty box) & we’re supposed to use those to attribute intuitive technological, strategic, and piloting genius to rocket
let’s break it down! (because im up early && work doesn’t start for another hour)
in volume one, when rocket breaks everyone out of the Kyln im pretty sure we’re meant to read that as a sequence establishing him as the tech & strategic mastermind of the group. i think that is meant to be confirmed in the sequence where in like five minutes he’s salvaged a ton of parts from the milano to make his box-o-bombs & the hadron enforcer, which is the weapon that makes the end of volume one possible, having been used to knock out ronan initially and to break the stone from the cosmi-rod or universal weapon or whatever. (keep in mind he repaired the hadron enforcer within moments of crashing the warbird into the dark aster, crashing the aster into a planet, losing his best friend, getting tossed around by the cosmi-rod, AND having only the resources available to him on a crash-site/battlefield. i do wish we’d gotten more of THIS sequence but like i guess we had to make time to watch chris pratt dance. whatever; i guess i get it from a cinematic standpoint — a classic “it was your story all along but the studio wanted us to focus on starlord” situation)
in volume two, every tech advancement the team has is directly or indirectly credited to rocket. the aero rigs being the main one, i think? but there’s also the mines in the berhert forests with the yondu clan, a conflict where one lil guy almost beat a hoarde of ravagers all by his lonesome due to his strategic genius (and i suspect still would have if not for the unexpected addition of nebula). we also have the dialogue with quill where he asserts that he’s a piloting genius. and rocket’s genius is once again the main reason they win the fight — his ability to create the battery-bomb in like twenty seconds or less.
in volume three, we see him invent gravity boots, we’re meant to attribute the creation of the bowie and presumably the entire speaker system threading knowhere to him (im not sure but possibly also the ocular cannon and some other other knowhere shit??). he’s responsible for all nebula’s upgrades (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄‸o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝) which are FANCY. and even though he’s just a babby, we see him solving complex equations, resolving problems the high evolutionary struggled with, crafting a key out of stolen odds-and-ends, and piloting a spacecraft he’s probably never even seen before.. additionally the gravity boots circle back around and are key in his overcoming the high evolutionary (through a combo of tech skill & strategic genius)
i think, narratively speaking, this is a solid amount of “genius establishment” with the time we had, imo. if we made the movies longer to add in more genius moments, i would not complain, though!
THAT SAID. look infinity war and endgame treated our boy so badly. SO badly. i feel certain that given five minutes in Nidavellir he could’ve figured out another way to get that forge up and running. I think we see rocket with the science bros working on the gauntlet (a dynamic i would quite have enjoyed more if) and working on… maybe he’s prepping the benatar for the time heist? I can’t remember, but it’s when he gives stark the classic “you’re only a genius on earth” line. but iw/endgame didn’t give a fuck about the guardians (i get it, i get it, it was the send-off for the og avengers, whatever) so it’s a lot of weak shit and i do wish we had more things establishing him as the true brains of that outfit lol
ANYWAY that’s all my thoughts!! thanks for this really fun ask!!!
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
So, this is it, huh?
I figured the least I could do was write something down before shit goes down because I know after tomorrow I don't think I'll be emotionally available to do or say much about the show and what it and the fanbase means to me.
The last few days, my mind has been a whirlwind of emotions and I don't think I've ever really suspended my disbelief since it was announced that this would be the last season.
I felt like Po honestly, in Kung Fu Panda 2, when he's like "But I just got Kung Fu!" when they're talking about Lord Shen making that weapon that straight-up kills people who practice Kung Fu (I'm going somewhere with this just bear with me-) because I'm fairly new to the animated shows of Star Wars fandom and didn't start hyperfixating on Bad Batch until midway through Season 2 while those episodes were still releasing.
So when they announced that the 3rd season was the final season I was devastated. "What do you mean no more Bad Batch? I just got Bad Batch!" - I didn't want to believe it.
But here we are. Final season. Final episode.
I can't describe how the obsession started. It just did.
When the first season was coming out, I was still on Season 6 of TCW, so I got into it a little late. Then when it was over I immediately jumped into watching Rebels and became utterly obsessed with that show while Bad Batch just stayed, "Oh, neat show I watched."
Then the second season came out. I don't know how or when or why but suddenly something just went off in my brain and I became obsessed. I became attached. I fell in love with Wrecker in a way that I've never once felt or experienced towards any other fictional character, or person for that matter. I grew to understand Crosshair on a deeper level that made my heart ache for him and made me reflect on my own past and choices. Echo became a comfort character and an anchor in my life in where he's the first thing I think of when I'm down to put myself in a better mood. Suddenly I was ready to give Omega the universe and everything good in it. Tech became a lifelife (ironically) a hope that despite how I am and who I am, I'm capable of loving and being loved. And recently I've become so incredibly attached to Hunter because as the oldest child of five as well, I know that crushing weight of responsibility. Of failing your siblings. Of trying to be better.
This squad. This family. Cheesy as it is, I can't describe what they mean to me but Force, I'll try.
Recently I've been wondering why I'm so attached to this show and these characters. Jokingly, part of it is yes, the Bad Batch are lovely to look at and that does play a role in why I enjoy watching the show so much, but that's not completely it.
I think I speak for a lot of us fans when I say that I didn't fit in as a kid. I still don't even as an 'adult.' Look, I'm a biracial guy from two VERY different cultures that don't feel like home to me. On top of that, half of the time I don't know how to identify myself in gender and sexuality because I don't feel either most of the time. I'm introverted. I have anxiety. I probably have autism. I'm a burnt-out former gifted kid. I quite simply don't fit in.
"No, I'll stay. You guys don't fit in here either."
That? Yeah.
This show is for all those kids. Everyone who never fit in. Everyone who was told they were strange or weird, for the kids who ate glue in the back of the classroom, who were told they were too loud, who were put down because they didn't express emotion a certain way, for the kids who sat alone at lunch, who got left behind in their friend groups, for the kids who felt like they had no one so turned to harmful things, for the kids who were told they were special only to be discarded later in life, for the kids who don't know their place, don't know where they fit in and if they even do or ever will.
It's a show that tells those kids you're more than that. You're worth it. You're worth loving. You're worth protecting. You're worth the second chance. You're worth being loyal to. You're worth teaching. You're worth forgiving. You're worth it. You're worth it. You're worth it.
In the end there's hope for us. There's hope for all of us. And I think that's why I cling to tightly to this show. Why it means so much to me. Why I so desperately need these characters to make it out alive.
It's what Star Wars was from the start. About hope. About family. About loving and being loved and learning to love despite your circumstances. It's a show that took a bunch of neurodivergent absolute daddies and packed in so much angst but also feel-good moments with stunning animation, beautiful, moving music, and phenomenal voice acting. It's a show I can't help but love and love immensely because it feels like it was written for me.
For that kid who spent their recesses with their nose buried in an animal encyclopedia or talking to imaginary characters from their favorite books. For that kid who always felt so utterly useless and hopeless whenever they got less than an A- for a grade because they were supposed to be the gifted one. For the kid who struggled so much to be the older sibling they never asked to be. For the kid who just wants to find someone, anyone, who will love them as they are and fight for them. For the kid who valued loyalty above all else, always has, always will, and never gets it in return. For the kid who never fit in.
And well, whatever happens in the finale, I'm so grateful, so blessed, and so honored to have been a part of this journey with all of you.
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