#probably the easiest way to write w me is to let me be slow and write memes hahah
lifesver · 6 months
NAME :  kels
PRONOUNS :  she/they/he
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : ims on here are fine, im kind of bad at discord until i know people better, but i prefer to talk to my pals on discord obvi
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : leland mckinney, tommy jarvis, jake park are most recent. but we were also out here for a long while w richie tozier and five hargreeves.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : oh god uh........... it really goes back to something like 2013? like i started in oc rp groups on and off mostly, i think i didn't get into actual tumblr rpc until maybe 2018? and w leland well we have been out here since last may agjsdk
BEST  EXPERIENCE : honestly like... as much as i sometimes still get embarrassed trying to explain [scare chord] Tumblr Roleplay to people outside of this particular circle, it's been such a large part of my enjoyment online for years and years. i've met some really close friends here, i've done some of my best writing here. and a lot of it is just the ability to bounce off my friends and their huge brain ideas. collaborative writing, to me, is just so much more fun than doing it alone. i really like taking one character and getting just way too deep into who they are, i like learning and picking things up from the variety of other writers on here. improving my writing from reading what my super talented friends do... and in particular this last year has been probably??? one of my most positive rpc experiences in a long while. having people jump into the tcsm rpc, making new friends, and putting together just completely off the shits wild aus and whatever. idk! my creative brain loves to go stupid mode in the paint. and besties we have written some good fucking horror narrative on this stupid website.
and also i'm cringe and i'm free (:
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  i'm kind of just chilling like i really am very much non-confrontational in this space because it's... for fun. it's just imaginary internet collaborative writing hobby. mainly i just don't need passive aggression of any kind. i believe that you kind of get back what you put in on this kind of space, so make it comfortable for yourself, be kind to others, and understanding as often as you can be. if people aren't hurting anyone, let them vibe in their own space. not everyone has endless time anymore for rp, so don't make it weird or take it personally when people take time to get back to you about plots, or if they never get time. soft and hardblock as you need to to make your space chill for You it's just never that deep
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : we like a bit of everything in this house (except anything remotely usfw goes to usfw shadow realm blog). like be serious i am always in the horror rpc for the angst and suffering and exploration of trauma but that needs to be balanced out by fluff and gentle vibes. [loudly into the megaphone] its about LOVE and HORROR-
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :  i like both! i think it's easiest to get things rolling with just whatever memes thrown my way and vice versa. i love plotting stuff out, but sometimes that takes a bit of existing in each others rpc space for a while. so i can be sort of slow w building dynamics, but i do like to!
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES : i don't mind either, it's kind of refreshing to switch between the two, more rapid fire stuff is nice esp to start with, though i am known to be insane in the reply lengths for some prompts once stuff is plotted out.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :  i'm a morning person it's very cringe
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : idk if much really? but i do bring a sort of idiot jock(joth) energy to the function at times. i def project on him on the emotions side i think. and truly whoever i write at a given time reflects a bit on me bc hyperfixation go brrr
TAGGED  BY  :   did steal this from tsari thank u legend TAGGING  :  hands u it
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lxngbottom · 3 years
Hiii!! First off love your writing!!! Second I was hoping we could get a part two to cold night? Sweet luv ya!!
A Cold Night. | N.L. (Part 2)
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in which neville tries to make up for what happen at the yule ball.
warnings: swearing, just a tad bit of angst!
i honestly didn’t expect for anyone to actually want a pt 2 to this but once again, you ask i deliver!
it had been a whole week since the night of the yule ball. one whole week of the silent treatment from y/n, and neville felt like he was losing it.
he couldn’t even put into words the guilt that remained sitting in his gut. especially when he would look at her from his seat in one of their shared classes, and she would shoot daggers right into his soul. it was truly killing him. and, he wished he could fix it.
“y/n, will you please get in a better mood? i’m trying to focus, and i can practically feel the anger leaking off of you!” hermione exclaimed, tending to the plant that sat in front of them. y/n simply rolled her eyes at her friend,
“sorry that my emotions are distracting you from cutting... whatever this is!” y/n aggravatingly stated, flicking the mystery plant in front of them, “what in merlin’s beard are we even supposed to be doing anyway?”
hermione huffed and narrowed her eyes at her friend, “were you seriously not listening to sprout? we’re supposed to be carefully trimming the leaves off of this—well... i forgot what it’s called.”
y/n didn’t respond to her, just simply looked over at neville who was going around, helping others around the greenhouse with their assignment. she clenched her jaw, still remembering the yule ball mishap. she didn’t know why, but she still felt so spiteful over it.
why couldn’t neville ask her to the yule ball? was it not obvious enough that she fancied him? or was he truly just that oblivious?
why couldn’t it have been her that night?
“merlin, i have absolutely no idea what i’m doing...” hermione admitted, slamming the trimmers down on the table. y/n chuckled from hermione’s failed attempt at having an attitude, and shook her head.
just as y/n was feeling some sort of relief from her angst, the root of the problem came strolling along to their table. he was visibly nervous as he glanced at y/n for a second, and then at hermione.
“h-hey guys... do you need some help?” he asked, his voice soft.
“actually, yes! we would—“
“piss off, longbottom.” y/n cut hermione off, and hermione’s jaw dropped. the girl scoffed, and neville simply nodded his head in defeat, and walked away.
hermione hit y/n’s arm, and y/n let out a yelp, “ow! what was that for?”
“we needed his help! why would you do that?”
y/n rolled her eyes, “we don’t need his help! we can figure it out on our own!”
y/n picked up the trimmers, and started observing the plant harshly, studying the leaves and where they were growing from,
“if you make us fail this assignment... i’ll never speak to you again, y/n.”
turns out, hermione and y/n did end up failing that assignment. and, if things couldn’t get worse, hermione cursed y/n’s name for making her average drop, which was always quite annoying considering y/n knew that hermione would never fall from her class rank, as she was at the top.
fortunately for the two girls, professor sprout had blessed them with a makeup assignment. it was a simple essay that had to be written, about the properties of any plant of their choice. but, it needed to be four to five pages.... at least.
y/n sat in the library, multiple herbology books scattered in front of her. she bit down on her thumb, staring at the blank parchment. she had no idea what plant would be the easiest to write about, and quite honestly, even if she did, she didn’t know how to describe it. neville had always assisted her in times like this, especially when it came to herbology, but that wasn’t an option.
she huffed, and glanced out the window. she saw students in small groups, talking and laughing. she envied them, as she wished she could not only be free from this dreadful essay, but as well, that she could actually speak with her friends.
y/n whipped her head around, and spotted a nervous ginny weasley standing a little ways away from her designated table. she rolled her eyes, looking away from the ginger. she knew it was probably unfair to be angry at ginny, but she couldn’t help the spitefulness that she had pent up.
“i know you’re angry at me, but... can we talk?”
y/n bit down on her lip in aggravation, and turned her head once more, “what is there to talk about, weasley? i think i’ve made it pretty clear to you and longbottom both that i want the two of you to piss off.”
truthfully, ginny and y/n had never been super close, as ginny was in a year below all of y/n’s friends (herself included). but ginny would be lying if she said that it didn’t hurt her feelings to know that y/n had a grudge held against her.
“i know. but, i need to tell you something. so please... you don’t have to talk, just listen.”
y/n thought about it for a moment, knowing that ginny wouldn’t stop pestering her if she said no, so she motioned for ginny to sit down in front of her. the girl did so slowly, setting her bag down on the table quietly.
“you deserve to know what happened, y/n. that night—“
“i fucking know what happened, weasley. trust me.”
ginny sighed, “no. before the ball. the truth about neville and me, and why he even asked me in the first place.”
that’s when y/n’s thoughts began to take ahold of her.
did ginny and neville kiss? were they official now? what was ginny about to say that could possibly shatter y/n’s heart more than it already had been?
“neville and me... we’re just friends, y/n. strictly friends!” ginny informed her, her hands hitting the table lightly. “and... the only reason he even asked me is because i didn’t have a date, and neither did he.”
y/n scoffed, “well, i didn’t have a date either. you two weren’t the ones that ended up going alone and sitting by themselves all night!”
y/n hadn’t realized it, but thinking back to that night had caused tears to form in her eyes. she could only remember the jealousy, and the sadness from seeing them two on the dance floor together, seemingly having the time of their lives.
“yeah... because neville wanted to ask you.”
the statement sparked interest in y/n’s chest, and she narrowed her eyes at ginny,
ginny sighed once more, and glanced around for a moment, “y/n... the only reason why neville asked me is because he wanted to ask you. but, you know how he is... he was afraid that you had already found someone. and, i’m honestly surprised that you didn’t. you know, you being pretty and all...”
y/n’s lips parted as she tried to process the information.
neville wanted to go with her?
“you—you’re lying...”
ginny shook her head, “i’m not! i would never lie about something like this. he told me himself. before, during, and even after the ball. you don’t even know how guilty he felt when you ran off crying.”
the thoughts running through y/n’s head were going at a pace that not even she herself could keep up with. she glanced down at her books, and then back up at ginny, and began to hurriedly collect her belongings.
“where are you going?” ginny asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
“i-i have to go find him! i have to apologize for being such a bitch to him this last week! mind putting these books up for me?” y/n asked, shoving her stuff into her bag.
“uh, yeah... definitely! go find him!”
y/n flashed a small smile at ginny, taking her by surprise. she began to walk off, but suddenly stopped and turned around as ginny began to close her abandoned books,
“ginny,” y/n called out, and ginny looked at her, “i’m sorry.”
ginny smiled at her, “it’s alright, y/n. just go and fix it.”
y/n nodded once more, and stormed off before ginny could say anything else.
she began to search, and search hard. she considered every place that neville could be, as he was one to hide away from the world when things felt too stressful.
y/n spotted seamus and dean in the hall, and ran up to them,
“oh! hey—“
“do you guys know where longbottom is?”
the two boys looked at each other, questioning looks etched upon their faces,
“uh, no. we haven’t seen him since earlier today. why?” dean told her,
“um... no reason. thanks for letting me know. i’ll see you guys later!”
and with that, she stormed off down the hallway. seamus and dean looked at each other once more,
“girls...” seamus huffed, and shook his head, dean agreeing with a chuckle.
y/n made her way to the greenhouse, more than sure that neville would be there. but, when she peaked in, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. it truly began to worry her, and she had to take a few deep breaths before she continued her search for the gryffindor boy that she adored so much.
as she stood against the wall for a moment, she realized one more place where he could’ve been.
she was running all over the place, trying to get to the destination as fast as she could. she pushed passed people, muttering small apologies to them as they scoffed from her “lack of manners”.
finally, she arrived. and, when she began to slow down, she spotted the boy. she took a breath of relief before continuing to walk.
he stood in the lake, pants rolled up to his knees, staring at the plant in his hand. just like he always did. and usually, y/n would be sitting under the tree that sat right next to the lake, listening to his small lessons about the qualities of the new found plants.
neville heard footsteps approaching, and he looked up to see a panting y/n, gasping for air.
“y/n? are you alright?”
she didn’t respond, only threw her bag down and put her hands on her knee caps in an attempt to catch her breath from all of the running she had just done.
“fine... just... winded...” she responded in between heavy breaths, feeling as if she could puke.
neville stepped out of the lake, slowly approaching the girl, plant and dirt still in hand. “well... why are you so winded?”
y/n finally fully stood up, and wiped the little sweat that had formed on her forehead. she glanced up and down, observing how he looked. he always looked so adorable at times like this. it made her realize how much she had actually missed him.
“to—to find you. i couldn’t find you anywhere, so... well—never mind that. it doesn’t matter.” she quickly shook off her verbal thoughts, and lightly smiled at him. “i talked to ginny...”
his eyes widened a little, and he coughed awkwardly as he set the small water plant down on the ground, “you did?”
she nodded, “yeah... is it true?”
he looked at her, his cheeks beginning to flush. he knew exactly what she meant.
“yeah... it—it is true. all of it. i’m sorry i didn’t—“
that’s when y/n did something she had dreamed about doing ever since they were 12 years old. she walked up to him, grabbed him by the collar, and forced their lips together in a gentle kiss.
neville was taken back for a moment, but slowly leaned into her. his hand came up to her cheek, and he brought her closer, as he had waited for this very same moment since the first time they had met.
the two pulled away, breathless, lips swollen and pink. neville removed his hand slowly, only to find that he had smudged dirt onto her face.
“um... you got some dirt—“
she giggled, and wiped it off with her sleeve. he smiled at her, taking the moment in.
she then fixed his collar, a bright smile on her face,
“we can save the “i missed you’s” for later. i have a herbology essay to write, and i have no idea how i’m going to get it done.”
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disasterofastory · 3 years
Christian Girl Part 3 (Halfdan x Reader)
Christian Girl Part 3
Halfdan x Reader
Warning: mention of death, smut
Here it comes the last part of Christian Girl with Halfdan. I tried to write smut so please tell me, what do you think because I feel a little bit awkward about it.
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You still don’t know why the God brought Halfdan into your life. He probably wanted to challenge your faith in him, but you failed miserably. You couldn’t resist the tall Viking with tattooed face and blonde hair.
In your dreams, you still see his brown eyes and cheeky smile.
He had to leave almost a year ago with the others to stop Ivar. You didn’t hear from him since then. Your heard news about The Boneless and Bjorn, but nobody talked about Halfdan.
At night in the privacy of your room, you prayed for the Gods. You knew your God wouldn't help a pagan, and you had no idea how to talk with the Viking gods, but you had to try. You needed someone to help him on his journeys. You continued to work in the castle. You cooked and cleaned, and if you had a chance, you went to the forest to practice. It seemed everybody moved on with their lives, but you couldn’t. You waited.
You start to clean up the kitchen after breakfast when one of the servant girls runs in almost breathlessly. She looks upset, leaning on the table in the middle of the room. Her light brown hair is messy, and her eyes fearful.
“Are you okay?” You ask her, confused. Your hands are wet from washing the dishes.
“The Vikings are coming,” she pants. “The King wants to fight against them, but he commands everyone to leave the castle.”
You heard gossips about the pagans for weeks. Someone said Bjorn is here to side with Alfred, while others said he is with Ivar. You didn't believe any of them.
“Oh!” This is the only thing you can say after her words. In your mind, you already make plans for how to escape into the forest. Nobody care for a servant girl, so probably it will be the easiest part of your journey.
“Then go and pack your things,” you tell her impatiently. You don’t have time to waste. After she leaves, you dry your hands and go to your room.
Everybody is in panic after the King’s order, so you take advantage of the chaos. You grab everything you need then go to the abandoned corridors to escape. You know this building like the back of your hands. You know where to go to nobody see you on your way out of the castle.
After you reach the trees, you sit down on a log to catch your breath and gather your thoughts. You know you have to stay out of the busy paths, but you have to keep close to them, so maybe you will hear news from the others, and you have to stay near the river. You have weapons to protect yourself and to kill small animals to eat. You have furs to keep you warm at night and clothes which are more suitable for the forest. You change out of your dress before you continue your way deeper into the woods.
You live like this for a few days. You hunt and walk, and at night you try to sleep. Sometimes you hear travelers talk about the news. They say Bjorn and Ubbe negotiate with Alfred against Ivar, but the battle is unavoidable.
You bathe in the cold river on your fifth morning after breakfast, then go to the place where you know the fight will be. It’s probably not your best idea, but you can’t control yourself. You will hide in the woods so nobody will see you.
You walk four days before you reach your destination. You feel tired after your long journey, but you arrive in time.
The forest overlooks a valley where the battle will be, so you see everything. You recognize the King’s army and Ivar’s camp. You make a small camp too for yourself out of sight, hoping nobody will found you.
Every time you see a blonde Viking, your heart skips a beat, but you are too far to see their faces. You still don’t know Halfdan is here or not.
On your fourteenth day living in the forest, the battle starts. You see the armies run to each other, you hear the swords and the screams. Everything happens so fast, but in reality, the battle lasts for hours.
Your lungs hurt because you always have to warn yourself to breathe.
Dead bodies are everywhere, and you pray for the Gods to none of them is Halfdan.
Of course, you are not just a lovesick idiot. In the back of your mind, you make a plan if Ivar wins, and you never see your tattooed Viking again.
Before you know it, the battle is over. At first glance, you don't know why, but then you see a man fall. The people near him stop fighting, and soon the whole crowd is frozen. The Heathen army lost.
The sky is dark when you arrive at the King's camp, and your legs are shaking. It would be safer to stay in the forest out of sight, but you can’t wait anymore. If they see you, you can tell them you came to help the wounded.
Everything calmer than a few hours before. There are torches and campfires to give some light in the night. A lot of men are wounded, but they seem happy. Ivar is dead. They have every reason to celebrate.
Nobody cares for you while you walk among them.
You see him near the forest. He looks out of the dark trees still in his battle wear. As you get close to him, you start to become insecure. What if he forgot you? Or changed his mind? Or find someone else? You almost turn to hide, but he is faster than you. Before you can move, he looks into your eyes. His face and hair are bloody, and there are new scars on his skin, but he didn’t change much. You stop before him a few meters away, staring at him.
“Christian girl,” he says softly with a widening smile.
Your whole body is shaking when you jump in his waiting arms. You don’t care about the mud or the blood, you hug him like your life depends on it.
“I missed you,” you whisper to him. Your legs around his waist, your arms cling to his neck.
“I told you to stay in the forest,” he argues, but it isn't serious.
“I couldn’t wait any longer,” you tell him. For long minutes you stand and hug each other with your face in his neck.
“Halfdan, you didn’t tell me you have a woman.”
You jump at the foreign voice, and you want to climb out of Halfdan’s arms, but he doesn’t let you. He holds you closer with a proud smile.
“These lands are full of treasures,” he jokes with you in his arms.
“I’m Harald, Halfdan’s brother,” he introduces himself.
“I’m Y/N,” you tell him. “Halfdan told me a lot about you.”
“I hope not just the bad things.”
“No, you are important to him,” you answer, and with newfound bravery, you continue. “And because of it, I want to ask you to don’t risk his life ever again.”
The brothers are silent. They seem surprised then both of them start to laugh. Halfdan's arms draw you closer to his body, and Harald pats your shoulder in a friendly way.
“I like her,” he tells his brother and goes back to the others.
“So from now on, I have to ask permission to fight?” Halfdan teases you.
“W-well… if it’s okay?” You reply. You know you can’t change the Viking, and you don’t want to, but it’s not a secret that you want him safe.
“I can live with it,” he smiles. He looks tired but happy.​
He tells you about his year while you eat after you help him wash down the dirt, and you tell him about your last few weeks.
“So… what happens now?” You ask him at the end.
“Ivar is dead. Nobody will avenge him. Harald gave up on his dream to be King of all Norway so Bjorn will take the throne with his remained brothers.”
“And…” you start but can’t find the bravery to finish your sentence. He smiles slyly at you but doesn’t do anything to help you out.
“What?” He asks, smirking.
“Come on!” You hit his arms. “I didn’t hide in the forest for nothing!” you argue.
“Wherever I go, you will come with me,” he answers finally. He doesn’t ask you about your opinion. In his mind, you are his woman, and that’s it.
Halfdan grabs a flask of ale before he shows you his tent.
You don’t know what to do with yourself, it’s weird to be alone with him again, but Halfdan doesn’t feel the same. He lays down on the furs and reaches out for you.
“Come,” he says, and you follow him on the makeshift bed.
For a while, you just lay next to each other silently. Your head is on his chest while your arm hugs his waist, and he pets your back. You sip the ale when Halfdan put it to your lips, and it helps you to relax.
Your life changed forever. Nothing will be the same ever again. You are Halfdan’s woman as he said, and you have to learn how to live like a Viking. You are not really afraid of the others, you know, you will prove yourself to be with Halfan.
“What do you thinking about?” He asks after a while.
“You can’t call me Christian girl anymore,” you tell him.
“Why not?” He asks, his chest moves up and down with laughter.
“Because I’m not Christian anymore, am I? I’m with you.”
“Are you ready to throw away your faith for me?” He asks teasingly.
“I think it was never my faith,” you tell him. “I think I just needed somebody to show me something I can believe.”
“And what do you believe now?” He asks. His fingers move up and down on your back. You almost shiver whenever he reaches your side.
“You,” you reply simply. “I prayed for the Gods to bring you back to me.”
“I love you,” he tells you quietly. You think you misheard him, but when you get up from his chest, you see the sincerity in his eyes. He means it. You know it’s a rear moment. Halfdan isn’t an emotional man, he prefers to show you his affection with actions, not with words.
“I love you too,” you smile at him and lean down to his lips.
The kiss is slow at first. He let you lead and decide how far you want to go with him. You leave his lips to kiss down on his face and neck. He smells like ash and ale and herbs.
“Take it off,” you tell him when you can’t go lower because of his tunic. You sit up to help him to get rid of the shirt. You saw his upper body before, but now you can touch him however you want. You kiss him again on his lips and start to go down on his chest. You lick his collarbone, and he answers you with a moan. You move lower and try to hide a smile before you kiss his nipple. He moans again, and his fingers grab your hair to bring your mouth back to him. Your scalp starts to burn in a delicious way.
“Stronger,” you tell him, your breath hits against his lips, and he pulls your hair with more force. When you whimper, he moves on his side, so you lay next to him on your back. He starts to take the lead, but his movements are still slow and steady. He tries to find your boundaries, what you like and what is too much for you.
He didn’t ask, but he is sure you didn’t have sex with other men since you last saw each other, and you definitely didn’t have sex with a Viking before.
After a few kisses, he bites your neck before he continues to kiss you everywhere he can reach with his lips. He takes off your shirt and grabs your arms when you try to hide your bare skin.
“Don’t,” he tells you. “You are beautiful,” he murmurs and licks down between your breast. Your chest moves faster when he takes one of your breasts in his hand and starts to massage it, and after he licks the other one, he bites on it. Your trace the tattoos on his head with your fingers. He pecks your ribs and looks up at you when he reaches your waistband. You lift your bottom so he can take off your pants and panties. He grabs your thigh and opens your legs a little bit.
“You can be rougher, you know? I will tell you if it’s too much,” you tell him when you feel he holds himself back. His fingers twitch on your skin.
“Are you sure?” He asks between two licks on your bellybutton.
“I’m inexperienced, so you have to show me things. You have to show me how do you like it, so we will know it works between us,” you explain breathlessly.
“You are perfect,” he tells you in awe. He almost forgot how easy it is to be with you.
He grabs your waist and turns you on your hands and knees. He pushes down your head and upper body on the pillows and opens your legs more for him. You feel exposed, but the only thing you can do is moan and wiggle your butt. He kneels behind you, grabbing your butt cheeks. He plays with them, slaps them, and at some point, he bites them too before he goes lower.
“What are you-” you start but can’t end your words because of his tongue between your folds. You moan and whimper, and he has to grab onto you, so you don’t move so much. His nails almost break your skin, and you feel the furs on your nipples.
“Halfdan!” You scream when your legs start to shake. Your lower belly is on fire, and your whole body is tense before you explore and almost fall on the bed.
“I love your pussy,” he says breathlessly. You would probably blush if your body wouldn’t already on fire. “Stay like this,” he tells you when you want to change position. You feel him move behind you, you hear him get rid of his pants, and not long after it, he puts his cock between your cheeks. Both of you moan at the sensation. You are sure he leaves marks on your hip with his rough touches when he pulls you closer. He positions himself at your opening and starts to go deeper. His moves are slow and steady. He gives you time to adjust his size.
“All in,” he tells you. His voice is almost a growl.
“Oh, Gods, Halfdan,” you moan. You feel full and so good. “You can move! Please! Move!”
So he moves. He pulls out and goes back in faster and faster. He leans over you and grabs your breast to haul you up against his chest. You almost sit on his knees with his cock inside you. Your nipple peaks between his fingers while he sucks on your neck.
“Halfdan, I’m going to…” you whimper. One of your hands grab his hair, and with the other, you hold his arm to steady yourself. You tighten around him, and he growls in your ear.
“Cum!” He orders, and you do as you are told. You start cumming with him at the same time. His cum fills you and flows out of you into his lap when you stay like this for a few deep breaths. He hugs you close against him, his hands still on your tits. The world slows down, and everything goes quiet.
“You are perfect,” he pants, kissing your shoulder. You can’t move, so you just let him lay you down on the furs properly and draw you onto his chest.
You put your legs between his thighs and hug his waist closer to you.
“So what do you think?” He asks after a while when both of you catch your breaths. “Are we good together?”
“So good,” you murmur in his warm skin.
You fall asleep in his arms for a few hours to wake up in the middle of the night to him between your legs.
Your soul is still full of sins, but now you enjoy every minute of it.
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jay4firefic · 3 years
I wish you’d write a fic where after the season 1, Buck sleeps with his therapist and the 118 doesn’t help, Buck reaches out to someone he knows will help if he asks (maybe it’s even someone other than Kelly). And Buck gets the help he needs. The mania can be something he’s already been diagnosed for, or something new.
I'm never gonna write a full fic about this because tbh it grosses me out and I intend to write it not happening in most of my fics but here's a short thing w/ Buck asking for help
Buck knows, logically, that he’s not alone. That he has an entire contact list full of people who would jump to help him the moment he says the word, even with two thousand miles between them. That if he really wanted to, he could buy a plane ticket to Chicago and walk right into the waiting arms of any of a half-dozen people who would help put him back together again, people who know where all of his broken puzzle pieces fit better than he does himself.
But at the same time, he kind of is. Because he can’t call the one person who has always known him best. His thumb hovers over the text message from two days ago, saw you on the news. you ok? aching to press the call button, to type out a reply, to admit he isn’t okay at all. To admit that he’s failed. That he was wrong. That he doesn’t know how to do this on his own, never has and probably never will.
God, he’s so lonely out here in LA, surrounded by millions of people and more importantly by a crew that doesn’t yet feel like a team and certainly isn’t a family. He needs his family.
Buck doesn’t even realize he’s made a call until the line clicks and a familiar accent pours out of the car speakers. “Buck, what’s goin’--”
“Stella,” Buck chokes, voice coming out hoarse and painful. When was the last time he had anything to drink? He certainly can’t remember the last time he ate. Sometime yesterday, maybe - the days have started to blur together without sleep to differentiate one from the next. “I need - I - fuck.”
“Woah there, Buck,” she says, suddenly speaking slowly and calmly, like she’s trying to soothe a spooked animal. Or talk a jumper off a roof. They’ve both done it enough times to know the tone. “Just tell me what’s happening, okay? What do you need?”
“I slept with my therapist,” Buck admits. It’s the easiest place to start. Mortifying, sure, but not nearly as bad as admitting he’s off his meds, off his fucking rocker, spinning out with nothing and no one to stabilize him out here.
“You slept with your--”
“It’s the only kind of sleeping I’ve done in - fuck, I don’t know. A few days? A week? I lost track.”
“Buck.” Stella’s breathing changes, just a soft hitch that’s only noticeable because the background noise on her end has suddenly disappeared. He doesn’t know what day it is, couldn’t do the math right now if he tried, but he’s got a feeling she’s on shift. When he closes his eyes on the view outside his windshield - a wash of pink and orange as the sun sets over the ocean, beautiful in a way he can only recognize from a distance at the moment - he can picture her perfectly. Tight braids, quilted CFD jacket, her breath fogging slightly as she leans against the back of the firehouse, one of the few places one can have private conversation at 51.
“I need help.”
“We’ll get you help, okay? We’ll get you help. Can you keep it together for 24 hours?”
Buck tilts his head back against the seat, thinks about it. His thoughts bounce around the inside of his head like ping pong balls that he’s always just a little too slow to hit in the right direction and he can’t feel much beyond the way his skin is vibrating. In the end he answers honestly. “I’m not sure.”
“Then just give me twelve. I know you can do that. You’re strong, Buck. Just hang on for twelve hours and we’ll figure it all out.”
“Okay,” he agrees, letting out a shaky breath. His next inhale tastes like salt and he wonders absently when he started crying. Maybe he’s been crying the whole time, ever since that kid let go instead of reaching for his hand and Buck had to hang there and watch as he became a paint splatter on the concrete below. But someone would have noticed if that was true, right? Someone would have noticed he’s falling apart. The therapist - shouldn’t she have noticed? “Don’t tell--”
“I won’t tell anyone,” she promises, “but they’ll figure it out on their own eventually.”
“Oh, god.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve gone and found God out there now, Buckley,” she jokes weakly. The background noise returns, a chorus of voices that she dismisses with a few words and probably a meaningful look or two. Yeah, they’re all gonna figure it out in no time, but it’s too late to care about that.
“Not a chance,” he mumbles. The phone slips from his numb fingers as he curls into himself in the driver’s seat, his breaths echoing too loudly inside the car. “Think I lost myself though. ‘M real tired, Stel.”
“Then get some rest, okay? I’ll be there in the morning.”
“Okay.” She probably means for him to rest at home, or at least somewhere other than his car, parked on a remote cliffside overlook only reachable with four wheel drive, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Buck lets his head loll against the window and listens to her breathing down the line, hears her talking distantly to someone else about needing furlough, about it’s an emergency. Hears his own name, at first distant and then near again, growing higher pitched when he doesn’t answer.
He can’t answer. But he did the hard part. He asked for help.
Now he just has to wait for it.
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AN: Thank you so much for requesting! Sorry I didn’t get this out sooner. I’ve been overwhelmed with school and didn’t want it to show in my writing. Please let me know what you think. I’m a little rusty.
Fandom: Devil May Cry
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Dante is very attentive. He knows he just put you through a lot and depending on who you are to him it can differ. If it’s just a one-time thing he’ll still make sure you’re ok, probably get you some water, but will avoid small talk. He’ll wait for you to fall asleep before sneaking off into the night.
However, if you’re together it’s a whole other story. Dante’s very gentle after sex. He takes his time cleaning you up, not wanting to cause any unwanted discomfort and also to watch you bask in the aftereffects. Dante loves to hold you in his arms and lazily stroke your back, peppering you with kisses while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.  
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: Dante doesn’t really have a favorite part of himself.  
Yours: Dante likes to have a handful. Whether it’s your ass, boobs, thighs, it doesn’t matter. He just likes having something nice to hold onto while he thrusts heavily in you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Honestly, it’s everywhere. This man packs quite the load and he’s aware of it. Whether it covers your stomach or down your throat, he doesn’t care as long as it’s messy. Though his absolute favorite place to cum is inside you but that only happens once he’s sure he can trust you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He secretly has a Daddy kink. He’s not all that into having kids but call him Daddy in the heat of the moment and he may just cum right on the spot. Seriously be careful.  
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He acts like he has more experience than he really does. Truthfully, he has a hard time trusting someone enough to be that vulnerable with. He may have been under the influence of alcohol when he was with someone else but was never seriously involved with anyone.
Though he may not have much experience, he certainly makes it up with enthusiasm. He’s a very fast learner and has plenty of source material to learn new things. He does have his natural instincts with his demon heritage too.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves having your front laying across his desk, hand full of your hair, hips snapping furiously against your ass. He loves the view of seeing himself disappear inside you. Also, it gives him great access to your neck where he loves to sink his teeth.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You get the best of both worlds with this man. He’s loves that sex doesn’t have to this serious thing and that he can have fun and laugh. He may bring out the cowboy attire for some roleplay, but the both of you can’t help but laugh at his fake southern accent. He knows it can’t be all laughs and giggles though and when he needs to be serious, he can be.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His hair is the same color. He’s got a happy trail that leads to a decent amount of hair. If it bothers you he will trim it, but he prefers to have some hair though.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He may be a devil in the sheets, but he’s the one doing the worshiping. When he’s committed you’ll know it. Dante can be very affectionate and loving. The first “I love you” may bring him to shed a tear. He’s ruined every other man for you. Dante makes sure you know you’re loved.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s no stranger to it. When he’s not particularly interested in someone it’s not all that often. He does have to deal with his heat somehow. It isn’t until someone has piqued his interest it becomes more frequent.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s willing to try most things. Always makes sure theirs mutual consent before doing anything.
This demon loves orgasm control. It comes with the dominate nature of his being. He likes to hear you beg for him but flip the script and make him do the begging and he becomes putty in your hands.
He likes breath play but will never fully close off your airway.
Roleplaying is one on his list. He’s a sucker for need a pretty nurse to take care of his needs.
Devil Trigger Sex. It’s going to take a lot of convincing to persuade him into doing it. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you.  
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
It’s no surprise that Dante likes taking risks, so as long as you’re ok with it anywhere can be up for grabs. Whether it’s in a dark alley for a quickie, in the back of Morrison’s borrowed car with fogged up windows, or in the bedroom for something more sensual.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Biting him on his neck is a surefire way of getting him to take you where you stand. You just marked him as yours, so he needs to do the same.
Lingerie, he tends to rip it off so be sure to warn him if you really like it.
A simple way that can be hidden from prying eyes is to take his hand and putting it between your legs. Or just stroke him. (He may make a game out of it so be prepared.)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Inviting somebody else in is a huge no. Dante doesn’t share. It’s a fast way to ruin all the trust you’ve spent so long building. If you even bring it up, he’s already shutting you out of his life.  
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Dante loves to receive especially when you look him in the eyes while you do it. He’ll throw his head back and lets you work him over. If you denied his release he’s going to growl in frustration (in a good way) and if you continue to edge him, you’ll get him to beg for release.
Remember how I said Dante will worship you? You may have to tell him to stop because he tends to get carried away. He wants to hear you. He lives for it. He tends to get rather vulgar while he’s going down on you too.
If you’ve mange to get him to trigger good luck getting him to stop. His heated breath is going to have you so wet just anticipating his tongue. God his tongue. It’s barbed and should be illegal to possess something so deadly. It usually ends when you black out from overstimulation.  
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Dante tends to take his time with foreplay, making sure you’re prepared for what’s to come, but the pace quickens very fast from that point. There’s passion in his roughness. He likes to make a mess of you, having you say his name over and over. He leaves you sore in the best way.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
100% down. He likes to be fully in control for quickies. He pins you to the wall or closest piece of furniture, sliding your panties to the side and fucks you nice and fast. He loves it when he has to clamp his hand over your mouth to keep you from being a moaning mess. It’s an ego boost for him knowing just how loud he makes you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
YES, in short. If he trusts you and you him, he’s willing to try. There’s been many, many times where you’ve both have nearly been caught. You’d swear it’s his favorite pastime. And no, it did not stop him when you did get caught. He simply used his body to keep you from being seen, laughed, and kept going like nothing happened.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His heritage is both a blessing and a curse. He has more stamina than the average man. He’s a bit of a sex fiend. He likes to make a day of it if he’s honest, but it’s whatever you’re comfortable with. If you’re down for one round he’s completely fine with that. He’s going to make sure your both satisfied. Willing to help him deal with his heat? Great! Just know you he’s not letting you go far.  
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
It started out for you only then he’d became more experimental. He likes being handcuffed and blindfolded. You took the vibrator that was originally intended for you and strapped it to his cock. You’d never seen your devil squirm so much.
Dante doesn’t use them unless you’re with him. He’d rather experience the fun with you. However, he’s more possessive of you than he originally thought. Dante Sparda gets jealous of the dildo you have. He’s thought about throwing the damn thing out the window. He wants to be the only thing inside you, not some fake cock that can’t even compete with his size. He understands that you have needs when he’s not around, so he has to forcefully block it out of his mind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Dante is the Devil when it comes to teasing. He’s got a vulgar mouth, a wicked tongue, and he’s pretty great with his hands. The smug bastard.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Dante isn’t loud per say. He more breathy than anything. That doesn’t mean you can’t get something else from him. He tends to moan when things are going slower, a more romantic setting if you will. Though if you do want to hear him, the easiest way is to start teasing him, making him grunt or growl in response.
His demonic form is where things get interesting. He’ll purr if he’s breeding you. It’s an eerily calming sound from such a creature. Though if you’re brave enough and dare to tease him in that form, he’ll growl. It’s a low vibration that you feel throughout your body and it sends chills over your skin. It quickly becomes a favorite of yours.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Dante didn’t realize how good it felt to have someone else run their fingers through his hair. The light pulling against his strands does something for the man. He prefers you to play in his hair after sex. It’ll help him fall asleep faster plus he let’s out the cutest noise. It’s like a light moan but not quite. He’ll soon start to purr the closer he is to falling asleep. If you play in his hair in the morning it’ll most likely lead to morning sex.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s above average in length for sure with a nice thickness. He’s got a prominent vein on the underside and he curves a bit to the left.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before your relationship he could manage going 2 weeks without helping himself out. He didn’t really have the time to whip it out when he was busy trying to keep the lights on. Now though? He can barely mange the length of your cycle.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s got this internal rule that he doesn’t want to go to sleep until you do or if he’s sure you’re satisfied. You do tend to fall asleep before him, mostly with your head on him.  Every once in a while, he’ll fall asleep first mostly when you play with his hair, with his faced tucked into your neck or chest with an arm wrapped around you. Dante to sleep deeply after sex so it’s ideal to get in a comfortable position before he falls asleep.
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aiviloti · 3 years
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my 2020 fic writer wrap-up!!
this is going to be incredibly long (a total of 1.1k lmao) so imma put a cut here, but basically thank you for being here all throughout my 2020! i appreciate you all very much <3
fav kind of fic to write:
i love writing about mutual pining slow burn process of getting together but i have NEVER WRITTEN ONE IN MY LIFE so i hope to change that in 2021
in 2020 i discovered??? humour??? so i enjoy writing about that and when people tell me i’ve succeeded in making them laugh it’s all 😳😳😳 for me
hardest fic to write but also most proud of:
to write you a song was a fic i struggled with from all of april to june which is very long?? to me??? considering i usually sit down and write things in one seating. fully fleshed ideas don’t usually take me thaaaaaat long to crunch out, but for some reason i struggled bad with this bc I really didn’t know where i was going w it lol
LA LA LAND gets an honorary mention of it’s own simply because it was 44k, and it took me all of july-september, but it’s something i still am proud of! to show how difficult it was to write/plot here’s the spreadsheet i had to use to keep track of the scenes and the chapters djkgfsjdfkjhgd
Shout out to kiroiimye , sweet , sirius and krypt for keeping my sanity intact
easiest fic to write:
this genshin impact fic: The Land Favoured by the Wind but its because ive been thinking about this idea for more than a month lol so the actual writing and editing took me less than 3 hours
there were several others too, bc ideas then to hook themselves to me then refuse to let go fjshlfgdfsg
fav fic to write:
Most definitely this sakuatsu monstrosity here by the name of Miya Atsumu's unwavering love for Sakusa Kiyoomi and an unholy amount of terrible food analogies that should not have the right to Exist lol, I only came up with the idea of Atsumu asking Osamu how to make friends bc I was friendship pining for someone at the time and then proceeded to write the entirety of it in a feverish daze! It’s as of rn my top hit / kudoed / bookmarked fic on ao3 and man, thanks for liking this as much as i did :’D
writing sequence:
i have to write from start to finish lmao i cant move on if the fic isnt chronological? the only exception was la la land bc it was too long and i had help from the spreadsheet so i alr knew where i was going i just had to write it down dfhdsfksfksdfhjg
deleting works:
the only fics i remember deleting are both first chapters of a multichap, bc i dont like having unfinished pieces on ao3, and far less if im not sure if ill finish them/if i dont know where im going w it!
if it’s dark history of shit 15 year old me wrote imma keep it there! it is an archive after all. go on, judge my fics from 5 years ago ahahahaha
best writing advice:
not a general thing and might just apply tome, but i tend to write in very convoluted ways and squish a lot in my sentences, or add to many unnecessary commas, so i received advice recently about being more mindful of the pacing and it’s helped me a lot!
worst writing advice:
none at the top of my head djgfkdsjfh if it’s bs to me i just forget it entirelyyyy
@actuallyasweetpotato​ (also aforementioned sweet) and i did a thing for bokuaka week!!!! you can find it here:  under my breath and into your scarf
9 unfinished zine pieces, 3 commissions, 1 exchange piece, about 10 or so other things
fav story of another writer:
favourite things 
manly man falls for manliest man krbk fic!!!
gently, like a winter wind iwaoi birthday fic
sunchaser krbk fic
JUNO atsuhina fic
best review:
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dude i cried
and shoutout to tien , sirius for fan art, fan comics, fan animatics of fics ive written, and shoutout to akemiiiii for this song they wrote i am eternaally grateful
worst review:
no negativity today!
prequel/sequel to other people’s fics:
none at the top of my head hm, but if anything probably any of kiro skk stuff 
do i reread my stuff:
yes, but only if they’re old enough for me to go “it’s okay even if i dont like it bc this is old”
hopefully! even though i do take part in zines and i guess they already have been published in a broad sense
fav/least fav chara to write:
no one at the top of my head! it’s instinctive for me to go ahead and think about character motives whenever i come across them, so if i ever write about someone, i usually just put my spin/interpretation of a character in a way that i can comprehend. the pros of this is i can write about many people, and the downside is that these characterisations can come off as out of character to anyone who doesn’t agree w me hehe
deadlines or goals:
if it’s a oneshot that’s under 3k i usually aim to have it done within 24 hours of beginning the fic. even tho i rarely succeed, having that as a goal usually pushes me to get it done faster than i would have if i had no goal altogether! if it’s anything long i aim for 1k a day, tho rn all my deadlines are zine deadlines and on top of that there’s uni, so to say im not stressing about writing would be a lie LOL
fav writers: (am too shy to tag but i swear these people are literal gods)
chonideno (mag): tumblr | twitter | ao3
batman (teesta): twitter | ao3
maplefudge (raei): tumblr | twitter | ao3
trope never written, would like to try:
but also royalty au
trope you will never write:
haha loads
how long have you been a writer:
began writing around may of 2014!! it was a horrible piece but im glad i started somewhere
chonideno/mag is one! maggie stiefvater who wrote the raven boys is also one, among many others
hardest part of writing: 
writing action? writing things that are happening right now, describing people talking, eating
easiest part of writing:
descriptions of people, places, feelings. internal monologues, the like
best part of writing:
sharing how i perceive the world w other people, and discovering other people agree
wip sneak peek:
cw: hanahaki, falling out of love
this was written in a friend’s dms lmao this is why i sound like this
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something unique i bring to all my stories
i had a revelation the other day after talking to all my friends and realised i have really pretentious titles
did you know the wc of this thing is 1k words? idk why you stuck through all of that but thank you. i’ll keep writing in 2021, and all the years after that, and i hope i’ll find you doing things you love too :)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Unexpected (but I'm worth it) (branjie) - writworm42
A/N: I wanted to write another virginity fic but this time a) lesbian, b) w V as the virgin. Because Holtz messaged me the other day and pointed out that 1st Position would be Excellent inspiration for a first time fic, and y'all know what? She was right, and she should say it
Title from 1st Position by Kehlani. THANK YOU HOLTZ for beta-ing and leaving me laughing so hard w ur comments fdhsfjkh LOVE U <3
Brooke can’t help but feel like something is very, very wrong.
It’s not that things are bad between her and Vanessa; on the contrary, they’re doing better than ever, better than any of Brooke’s previous relationships when they went this long. She and Vanessa see each other every week, cuddle and hold hands and kiss in public and feel secure when they don’t. They feel comfortable quadruple-texting, and safe not to text at all when they’re having a bad day. They’ve met each other’s friends, and for the past couple of weeks, Vanessa’s been hinting that she might want Brooke to be her date the next Mateo family reunion.
But Vanessa’s never spent the night, and as much as it wouldn’t bother Brooke normally, somehow lately, it’s felt… different. Like something has shifted, in the strangest of ways.
Brooke notices it first when they’re watching a movie together. A sex scene flashes across the screen, and Vanessa shifts in her seat, presses her legs together a little. But when Brooke asks if she’s turned on, teases her a little for it, Vanessa blushes and mumbles that Brooke should drop it. The next time Brooke feels the shift, it’s when they’re making out, and Vanessa grinds her hips into Brooke a little more aggressively than usual. Only the minute that Brooke responds by grinding back, Vanessa pulls away and apologizes, saying she needs a minute. And then there’s the time that Brooke brings up sex directly, telling a story she thinks is funny about an ex she thinks Vanessa doesn’t feel jealous of. Vanessa listens quietly, looking progressively more uneasy until Brooke skips to the end, and Vanessa looks relieved.
Something is definitely wrong, and whatever it is, it definitely has to do with sex.
“Why don’t you just ask her about it?” Scarlet sounds matter-of-fact on the phone, like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and Brooke feels a flash of irritation at the suggestion.
“ Because, ” she hisses, “There might be a reason she’s so touchy, and it might be really personal. We’ve only been dating for five months, Scarlet. Five months is so early to disclose some things! What if she’s touchy because she’s a survivor? Or has a social anxiety disorder? Or autism and she’s insecure about reading the signs of whether I’m ready for sex? Or has a phobia of sex or something? Those happen, you know, because of OCD or internalized homophobia or super strict upbringings…”
“Yeah, we know you have issues, Brooke, no need to project them onto Vanessa.” Scarlet scoffs, and Brooke has had it, she really has. It was a mistake to even bring it up, let alone with Scarlet. Sure, Scarlet is intelligent and creative, but the girl possesses the EQ of a gnat, and it’s very clear she won’t be of any help. She should have asked Nina, Nina would’ve been better—
“Have you considered that she might be insecure about sex because she’s still a virgin?”
Brooke stops in her tracks, the suggestion hitting her square in the face.
Of course. It explains why Vanessa seems to be hinting that she wants it, but then pulling back, and why she won’t spend the night. Why Vanessa looks like she wants to say something but can’t whenever Brooke makes a sexual joke at an ex’s expense.
God, Brooke is an idiot.
“I’m not saying you have to kick the door down and start screaming about autism or abuse or exposure therapy, girl.” Scarlet continues, and this time, Brooke listens. “I’m just saying, starting with a question and a disclaimer that she doesn’t need to tell you anything she doesn’t want to isn’t a bad thing. It’s good. Shows that you want to know what’s going on with her, make it better. Everyone should be so lucky to have someone like that in their life.”
Holy shit. If the suggestion that Vanessa may still be a virgin isn’t already enough to shake Brooke, the words that have just come from Scarlet’s mouth certainly are. Because Scarlet is right .
Brooke checks over her shoulder for flying pigs before turning back to the phone, still a little in awe at how obvious her friend’s advice is, how good it is. “You’re a genius, you know that?”
“Yeah, I do.” Scarlet’s voice is casual, but Brooke knows that she’s probably grinning madly on the other side of the line, overjoyed at the praise. It’s kind of cute to think about.
“Just let me know how it goes, okay?”
“Alright, will do.” Brooke nods. “And Scarlet?”
Brooke keeps it casual the next time she sees Vanessa, trying to make everything seem as normal and calm as possible.
Only inside she’s a nervous wreck, visions of what can go wrong spinning in her head. What if Vanessa gets offended or defensive? What if she shuts the conversation down, and then things get awkward between them? What if for whatever reason, they fight? What if Vanessa really does have some kind of baggage, and even if she doesn’t open up to Brooke, it brings up bad feelings or memories for her?
No. Brooke takes a deep breath in, forcing the thoughts out as she exhales. Now isn’t the time for anxiety. If she’s going to spin out about it, she might as well not do it. If she’s going to broach this topic, be ready for Vanessa’s answer, she needs to have a clear, level head. She can’t make this all about herself and how she feels.
Right now, everything needs to be about what’s best for Vanessa.
“Man, you off your game today.” Vanessa grins as she puts a few more letters down on their scrabble bored, poking the tiles softly as she tallies up her points. Twenty, all from adding an ‘E-D’ at the end of a word on a double word score tile. Brooke could have done it if she’d been focused; she would have done it if she were focused. Instead, she’s lagging by about thirty points and still trying to stop her head from spinning.
Fuck. She needs to get out of her head and into the game, or she’s going to lose both her winning streak and her opportunity to talk to Vanessa.
She puts down ‘C-A’ to make ‘CAD’ and winces when she realizes it’s only earned her six points.
“Brooke?” Vanessa prods again, her voice softer this time, and Brooke looks up to see that Vanessa’s grin has fallen away, concern painted on her face instead. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m…” Brooke trails off, then takes yet another deep breath before she can make any more excuses for herself.
No; no more running. She needs to address this, and needs to address it now.
“I wanted to talk to you about something, and I guess I’m a little nervous about it, because I don’t want to bring it up in a way that’s, like, insensitive, I guess? I just don’t want to hurt your feelings, or make you feel bad, or bring up anything that you don’t want to talk about, not that you have to talk about anything you don’t want to–”
“Brooke.” Vanessa brings her hands up to stop Brooke in her tracks, the ghost of a smile returning to the shorter woman’s face despite herself. “Slow down, baby. It’s okay.”
There’s a pause while Brooke catches her breath, calms herself down a little, and then Vanessa looks back up at Brooke, her face serious again.
“This is about how horny I’ve been lately, ain’t it?” Vanessa asks, staring at Brooke intently. “It’s okay, you can be honest with me. I know you’ve noticed.”
“Yeah.” Brooke shakes her head, her stomach settling down completely once the confession is out. “It’s not that I’m mad about it or anything, I’m just… It’s like you keep starting to initiate something, then pull back, and I’m worried that maybe I’m doing something wrong?”
“Oh, baby, no!” Vanessa takes Brooke’s hand, her face softening with sympathy. “It’s not you, don’t worry ‘bout it. It ain’t anything like that. It’s more that–Well, I guess I mean–I’m…”
“You’re a virgin, and you want to sleep with me but you’re embarrassed and worried you won’t be good enough for me?”
Vanessa looks at Brooke, surprised, and retracts her hand. “How did you know?”
“Scarlet had a hunch.” Brooke snorts, and Vanessa rolls her eyes, smiling a little despite herself.
“Yeah, that’s what it is. It’s not that I’m ashamed of it or anything. I mean, you already know I’m a romantic. I was just tryna wait for the right person. And now…well, I think I found her. And suddenly I’m afraid I might mess it up.”
Aww. Brooke feels her heart melt, and can’t help but smile as she reaches across the table to grab Vanessa’s hand again, patting it gently. “Listen, you won’t. I would never think anything bad about you. I love you, okay? By default, it’s gonna be good because of that. And anyway, things always get better with practice, right?”
“Right.” Vanessa still sounds a little skeptical, but her face evens out when Brooke leans over and meets Vanessa’s lips halfway over the table to give her a little kiss.
“You already know what to do, I promise.” Brooke reassures her. “Just let your instincts guide you, and I’ll teach you the rest, alright?”
“Alright.” Vanessa smiles, squeezing Brooke’s hand back, and Brooke relaxes, finally sure that everything’s going to be okay.
“So.” Brooke laughs. “Let’s put on a movie and see where it goes, yeah?”
Vanessa doesn’t even have to say anything, nor give it a second thought; without skipping a beat, she’s pushing herself up from the table and grabbing Brooke’s arm, dragging her towards her bedroom.
They’re only about half an hour into Ghostbusters when Vanessa’s head finds its way to Brooke’s lap, and Brooke finds herself stroking Vanessa’s hair as they pretend to watch the movie. It’s nice, cozy, even, and Brooke is content to keep feeling the softness of Vanessa’s hair, keep hearing the soft sighs of pleasure she lets out as her eyes flutter closed, then open, then closed again. To stay like this forever with Vanessa, just the two of them and the movie in their own world.
Only then Vanessa squirms a little, and whines in protest when Brooke pulls her hand away. And after a few more moments of restlessness from the shorter woman, Brooke notices that Vanessa’s legs are squeezed together, moving more than any other part of her body.
Brooke smiles, a sudden flash of arousal stirring between her legs. Looks like things are about to get interesting.
“You alright, baby girl?” she brings her hand down from Vanessa’s hair to stroke her cheek lightly, gleefully biting down on her lip when Vanessa shivers at the touch. “You seem a little distracted.”
“I’m— Oh. ” Vanessa sighs when Brooke brings her hand lower still, trailing her fingertips along Vanessa’s body at a snail’s pace and delighting in every goosebump that appears in their wake.
“I’m okay, I’m just—“ Vanessa cuts off suddenly, letting out a whimper and beginning to squirm again when Brooke’s hand finally reaches her chest.
“You’re what, sweetheart?” Brooke watches Vanessa intently as she starts to explore the younger woman’s breasts over her shirt, feeling and experimenting, waiting to see her reaction, making sure she knows that she can get away if she wants to.
“I’m… oh, fuck, Brooke, keep doing that…” Vanessa melts into Brooke’s touch as she finally palms one of her tits, squeezing and massaging it gently, just a little warm-up.
“There we go,” she purrs, “that feel good, Ness? You like it when Mami plays with you like this?”
The nickname isn’t new—it’s something Vanessa’s thrown around a lot, a title she pulls out whenever she wants to reel Brooke into the palm of her hand. It always works, of course, earning her kisses and cuddles and occasionally a completely free dinner. It’s not something Brooke dislikes, either; in fact, it makes her feel powerful, sexy, even. Like she’s in control, because Vanessa wants her to be. So it feels completely right to use now, and if the way Vanessa nods eagerly is any indication, it seems she’s made the right choice.
“Yes, Mami, fuck, I like it so much.” Vanessa moans, leaning into Brooke’s touch.
“Good, I’m glad.” Brooke praises, and fuck it, she’s proud of herself, relieved that she’s actually helping Vanessa, actually making her feel good. Showing her that she’s made the right decision, not just in doing what they’re doing now, but in deciding to share it with Brooke.
Still, there are plenty more things Brooke wants to show Vanessa, and she knows she’d better get to it.
“You know, there’s lots of other ways I can make you feel good, too.” Brooke leans down to plant a teasing kiss on Vanessa’s jaw, smiling against Vanessa’s skin when the shorter woman whimpers and squirms a little more. “What d’you think, baby, want me to show you? Want Mami to make you feel all nice, teach you everything she knows?”
Vanessa doesn’t even have to hesitate this time.
“Yes, Mami, fuck, please, yes. ”
“Good girl.” Brooke forces herself to keep her movements slow and exploratory as she continues to touch Vanessa, moving her hand away from her chest and down her body again.
Truth be told, Brooke would love nothing more than to drag Vanessa up further onto the bed, climbing on top of her and peeling off her clothes in a flurry of kissing and biting and needing her now . But Vanessa is right–she is a romantic, and Brooke wants to give her the exact kind of slow, sensual first time she knows Vanessa is probably looking for.
So instead, she pays attention to every part of Vanessa’s body, keeping an eye out for places that make the younger woman sigh a little louder, clench her legs a little tighter together. She’ll need that knowledge for later, after all.
“Can I touch you here? Like, between your legs?” Brooke pauses when she reaches Vanessa’s pubic bone, right above her slit, pressing down a little to bring Vanessa just a little closer to the edge and giggling when Vanessa responds by keening up into Brooke’s hand, urging her to press down harder.
“If you don’t, we ‘bout to have problems.” Vanessa growls, and she doesn’t have to tell Brooke twice–she trails her hand down all the way between Vanessa’s legs, cupping her pussy through her pants and rubbing it slowly, but firmly.
“So cute, baby.” Brooke murmurs, kissing Vanessa again. “My cute little princess, so desperate for me.”
Vanessa whines, her hips bucking back into Brooke’s hand. “Please, Mami, please, give me more, I need more…”
“Mm, you sure, angel?” Brooke plays at deliberating, despite the fact that her fingers are already circling the button of Vanessa’s jeans, toying and teasing at the cool metal clasps. “You sure you want more?”
“Yes. ” Vanessa hisses, and fuck it, Brooke just can’t hold out any longer.
Brooke undoes Vanessa’s jeans fast, plunging her hand inside to feel Vanessa’s slit over her panties. She gasps when her fingers make contact with the thin cotton fabric, meeting a sticky, slick wetness that’s practically soaking them through.
“My, my.” Brooke tuts, trying her best to conceal her excitement, the way her heart pounds in her chest as she continues to tease at Vanessa’s cunt. “Aren’t we a mess? No, don’t move, baby, keep letting me feel you–there we go.”
She brings her other hand around to Vanessa’s chest, toying with her tits again as she continues to rub Vanessa through her panties, working her way up to focus on the other woman’s clit. “God, you’re so sweet like this, all desperate for me. I should just tease you forever, wouldn’t that be nice?”
“No, no, please, please Mami.” Vanessa whines plaintively, practically shaking as she tries her best to be good, tries her best to stay still. “Please, touch me for real, I need it so bad.”
“I know you do, sweetheart.” Brooke finally gives in, because she needs it too, needs to feel Vanessa’s cunt under her fingers, needs to taste it, needs to hear Vanessa’s moans in full force, see what she looks like when she comes. “Get up for me, baby, let’s get all this off.”
Brooke doesn’t think she’s ever seen Vanessa move as fast as she does in that moment, springing up so suddenly she practically headbutts Brooke in her haste to shed all her clothes and clamber up to the top of the bed.
“Oh my God, slow down!” Brooke laughs, her character broken as she chases after Vanessa, wriggling out of her own clothes in the process. “Baby, don’t rush, come on.”
But Vanessa doesn’t listen, only tossing her arms over Brooke’s neck and pulling her into an eager kiss.
“Hi.” Brooke smiles widely when they separate again, her chest swelling with affection when she sees how flushed Vanessa is, how she’s practically glowing with happiness.
“Hi.” Vanessa smiles back, her eyes sparkling with excitement and contentment, and Brooke thinks she’s never seen Vanessa look so beautiful as she does right then, blushing and sweating and biting her lip as she tries to catch her breath.
“I love you so much.” the words come out softly on the heels of another kiss, then another, this time against Vanessa’s jawline, then her neck, then down, down, down to her collarbone, each peck and nip carrying yet another statement, another confession, you’re beautiful, thank you for sharing this with me, I love you, I love you, I love you.  
“I love you too.” Vanessa murmurs, her eyes hooded and voice thick with need. “Now please, just fuck me already.”
Brooke snorts, but obliges with pleasure. She continues to trail kisses down Vanessa’s body, taking her time to lick and suck at her girlfriend’s skin, the tang of Vanessa’s sweat lingering on her lips. She finally reaches Vanessa’s tits, and barely hesitates before taking one of her nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and sucking gently.
“Oh, fuck…”
“That feel good, baby?” Brooke comes off Vanessa’s nipple just enough to be able to whisper out the question, just enough to make sure that Vanessa can still feel her hot breath against its hardened, now-wet bud.
“Fuck yeah, it does.” Vanessa gasps.
“Mm, I don’t know.” Brooke replaces her mouth with her fingers, tracing and circling Vanessa’s nipple with deft, light movements. “I mean, you say that, but what does your pussy think, hm? Should we check?”
She trails her other hand down Vanessa’s body, smirking as she watches the younger girl shiver, before planting it between her legs, bringing two fingers to her slit.
“So wet for me!” Brooke gasps with an edge of mock surprise, one that makes Vanessa giggle a little. “Goodness, all this already? Poor baby, must’ve been so pent up all this time.”
“Tell me, princess,” she sobers quickly, her voice low as she nips at Vanessa’s neck, “you’ve been thinking about this a lot, haven’t you? Thinking about my hands on your cunt, rubbing you out and making you feel all nice? Your pussy certainly feels like you have.”
Vanessa nods, whimpering. “Yeah, Mami, fuck yeah. Been touching myself while I think about it, pretending my hands are yours.”
“Oh?” Brooke plays with Vanessa’s folds, gathering wetness onto her fingers before finally tracing her way up to Vanessa’s clit and beginning to circle it gently. “Well, what do you think, sweetheart, is it everything you expected? Hm?”
“No.” Vanessa laughs, bucking her hips in search of more pressure from Brooke’s fingers. “It’s even better.”
Brooke can’t help the pride that swells in her chest, spurring her on to go a little faster, press down a little more firmly. “Good, that’s what I like to hear.”
She continues to rub at Vanessa’s clit for a while, varying her pace and pressure, switching directions and occasionally breaking her circles to go up and down or side to side, but soon, they reach a plateau, Vanessa moaning and panting but getting no closer to the edge. It doesn’t worry Brooke too much; it’s perfectly normal to have difficulty reaching orgasm sometimes, especially on someone’s first time, when they don’t necessarily know what to direct you to do. Still, Vanessa not being able to come is definitely not how she wants her first time to end, so she switches it up, asks if she can put a finger or two inside her.
“Yeah, please.” Vanessa agrees.
Brooke is about to oblige, when she notices that something is… off. Vanessa’s eyes have taken on an air of worry, and the way she’s chewing on her lip is more nervous than aroused.
“Are you okay? Do you need to stop?” Brooke gets up and takes her hands away, giving Vanessa room to breathe, but Vanessa just shakes her head, blushing crimson.
“I’m okay!” she waves her hands frantically, her eyes wide. “Really, I don’t need to stop. I was just… I wanted to say…”
“What is it?” Brooke moves close to Vanessa again, wrapping her into a hug and kissing her on the cheek. “It’s okay, Ness, you can tell me. I wanna make you feel good no matter what.”
“Well, I just… I really liked your dirty talk, is all. It really fucking turned me on. But I didn’t wanna knock off your concentration, ‘cause then…”
“‘Cause then what?” Brooke sucks in a breath, her confidence deflating in her chest just a little as she waits for the answer she knows is coming.
“I was afraid you’d get mad and stop.” Vanessa mutters, looking down at herself.
“Oh, baby, no.” Brooke pulls her closer still, squeezing her tightly. “I wouldn’t get mad at you over something like that. Hell, I’d be happy . I want you to tell me what makes you feel good, it’s a good thing when you feel safe to.”
“Besides,” she adds with a conspiratorial wink, “you know how much I love a chance to mouth off.”
Vanessa turns to look up at her, and thank God, all of the doubt has been wiped from her face, a wry, mischievous smile left in its place.
“Well come on then,” Vanessa cranes up to give Brooke a slow, teasing kiss, “get to it, Mami.”
“That’s more like it.” Brooke eases Vanessa down, once again settling on top of her like it’s the easiest thing in the world, the place she really belongs. “Now why don’t you open those pretty little legs for me, sweetheart? Let me see that cute little pussy, I wanna make sure it’s still nice and wet for me…”
It is, and so Brooke slowly slips a finger inside, still working on Vanessa’s clit with her thumb.
“ Awww. ” Brooke coos at Vanessa’s moans, soft and desperate as Brooke picks up her pace, starting to pump her fingers in and out of Vanessa’s cunt in search of her spot. “You like when I fuck you like this, baby? Look at you, you don’t even know what to do, you feel so good. Bet this is much better than using your own hand, huh? Isn’t this better?”
Vanessa is too far gone to do anything but nod, so Brooke fills in the words for her. “Your pussy is so pretty, baby. Just the cutest little thing, all wet and puffy for Mami. I just fucking love it. Maybe next I should taste it, huh? Eat you out so good you won’t be able to think about anything but my tongue for the next three days. I bet you taste so fucking good, you’re already so sweet, I could just…Oh? What’s this?”
Brooke stops in her tracks when Vanessa’s breath suddenly hitches, her whole body going rigid for a moment, and Brooke realizes that she’s found Vanessa’s spot.
“Look at that!” She hums, hooking her fingers over Vanessa’s spot as she keeps pumping in and out of her entrance with more and more gusto every time Vanessa gasps or begs for more. “So responsive, aren’t we? Sensitive, too! Aw, poor baby, you must just be overwhelmed, aren’t you? Don’t even know how to deal with how good I’m making you feel. Guess that just means I’ll have to fuck you more and get you used to it, yeah? Get you nice and trained to take my fingers?”
“ Fuck , yes Mami, oh fuck, yes, oh God!” Vanessa’s voice is hoarse as she cries out, her knuckles blanching from gripping the sheets underneath her so hard. “ Just please, please don’t stop, please keep going, please keep fucking me—“
Brooke pounds her fingers into Vanessa with one final, deep thrust, and Vanessa’s words are cut short, swallowed into a silent scream. Brooke fucks her all the way through her orgasm, easing her down from it and slowly bringing her movements to a stop while Vanessa settles, still shaking despite finally relaxing again.
“You alright, Ness?” Brooke checks in as she slowly pulls out, coming around to lay next to Vanessa. She’s expecting Vanessa to nod, smile, maybe even say something about how good she felt, hopefully how she wants to do it again.
Instead, though, Vanessa looks Brooke dead in the eyes as she grabs the blonde’s hand and takes her fingers in her mouth, sucking gently.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Brooke chuckles, and Vanessa rolls her eyes, grinning a little despite herself.
“It sure is.” Vanessa finally lets Brooke’s fingers go, licking her lips. “Fuck, Mami, that was fucking amazing. Thank you so much.”
“No, you were amazing.” Brooke kisses Vanessa on top of her head, pulling her close again and cradling her in her arms. “I’m so glad I could give you a good first time, babe.”
“About that.” Vanessa perks up a little, her hand suddenly finding its way up Brooke’s body and settling on her waist. “Any chance you up for teachin’ me how to thank you?”
Brooke grins, the old fire in her belly starting up again as her mind fills with ideas for what could come next.
“Absolutely.” She kisses Vanessa’s cheek before sitting up, gesturing for Vanessa to crawl on top of her.
“What d’you think, baby, wanna learn how someone else’s pussy tastes?”
“That I do.” Vanessa grins as she settles over Brooke, looking her over like she’s something good to eat. “Why don’t we get started?”
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generalthirstclub · 4 years
I am the shame of god but here’s the meme
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) - passes the fuck out. head empty no thoughts - if you’re lucky he might manage to mumble a “goonite” - either way: a literal angel wtf - this bitch tender B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) - I think he knows he’s got cake. he’s double cheeked up. dummy thicc, if you will. - if you have tiddies he likes those. also, on a more innocent note, ur hands!!! and ur stomach and your eyes and your lips and your thighs a C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) - doesn’t get too riled up about it one way or another - he kinda likes seeing it on you 😳 - not ur face though that’s icky. he doesn’t want any on his face so it doesn’t occur to him that you would - if you specifically ask he’ll be like “ew ok lol” - if you swallow it he goes 😧😳🥴 - I don’t like how confronting this question is because it makes me ponder the logistics of this whole situation D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) - not really a secret but a bitch gets pegged on the reg E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) - no fucking clue. he’s quick to figure out what works though - real perceptive! - if he can’t figure it out himself, sometimes he might try to ask you whether or not you like something but he can’t get the question out bc he’s baby F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) - ohohohoho back this mans up against a wall - also you know how he does the splits? th - anything where he’s contorted in some crazy way appeals to him - if he’s topping pls put a leg over his shoulder he will uwu G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) - he’s a huge dweeb at all times. if something you do or say strikes him the slightest bit funny he’s gonna cackle. - you made a face he thinks is funny? mid coitus he’s snickering. he will imitate your funny face. what a bastard H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) - I hate this question because it makes me think about the fact that I am writing this about a goddamned train… trains don’t have p*bes… I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  - oh he’s heart eyes all the way babey. - he might try to put on this Indifferent Sex God act but really? he just likes you a whole lot - smooches. constantly. all the time J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) - if anyone sees him do that he’ll literally die right there on the spot - he either waits until the dead of night or makes up some excuse as to why he has to leave right now and go alone to some exceedingly secluded part of the rail yard - if it’s the former he can Indulge. the latter is reserved strictly for emergency situations - if a bitch is indulging a bitch is indulging. hes gonna think abt something cute he saw you do (or whoever else hes jerkin it to idk) K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) - pain. both giving and receiving - any kind of marks - hair pulling. also both giving and receiving - praise. praise him. tell him he’s pretty. tell him he’s doing a great job. tell him you love him so much. t L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) - pretty vanilla about this one actually (see N) - push him up against a wall - or let him push u up against a wall! the red caboose would like to be of use mother fucker! M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) - being a little shit - read: when he’s bratty and you snap at him - or the other way around - also? feeling wanted. when he does something vaguely sexy and sees someone looking at him for too long. N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) - anything in public— he’d just be so embarrassed if you were caught! also I feel like consent is a huge thing for him and whoever walks in on 2 people fucking did not consent to seeing that - anything especially degrading to his partner, though he doesn’t mind being called a little slut if he’s bottoming 😳 - not really into the whole pet play thing. “that’s silly! you’re not a dog!” O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) - again, no clue what the fuck he’s doing (see E) - very eager to please however! and you can’t tell me this bastard doesn’t have any oral fixation I mean look at him - n e wayz if he’s giving the best thing about it is how excited he gets. super messy as well. drools everywhere. - if he’s receiving then his pillow princess levels are maxing out. he’s having a good time. straight vibing if you will - you went and sucked all his braincells out thru his dick! - tries to cover his mouth but he’s not gonna be that much quieter (see V) P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) - entirely depends on his fickle moods. sometimes he’s in that Cherishing Mood. other times he’s a wild untamed feral fucking animal Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) - not very often. I don’t imagine he’d prefer it. - however if he’s in that wild untamed feral fucking animal mood he’s not opposed to it R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) - as long as it definitely won’t kill either of you he’s down - big fan of knifeplay tbh. - In general he’s more willing to risk hurting himself than his partner bc he definitely likes you and would be upset if you got hurt S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) - leans more towards one long round than a bunch of short rounds because (see A) this motherfucker busts one nut and is out like a light - he only lasts as long as he does (which is to say, very average) by sheer force of will. unfortunately sometimes this means stopping for a second to get ahold of himself T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) - seems like the type to have like. One (1) big old dildo that NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT!!! U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) - ooohohoho so much - (see M) sometimes he does vaguely sexy stuff,,, on purpose 😔 - again idk how to approach this for anthro trains but if we think of them as just people then uh - wears clothes that he knows will show his tumtum if he stretches 😳 and then he stretches 😳 in front of u - it’s an easy way to read people! if they have no interest in him then they won’t pay it any mind. if they do, this is the easiest possible way to figure out about it V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) - louder than average for sure - starts out with just his breathing changing audibly, - then that changes to either high whines or low growls (depending on what’s happening) - he’ll try to muffle himself either by covering his mouth or keeping it closed. it won’t work - a lot of “mmf”s are still gonna get through 😔 - if you can convince him to uncover his mouth… fuckin get ready - hes about to sound super pretty and breathless ����🥺🥺 - if you had a mcr phase and you remember destroya… it’s like that kinda - you know how wide his vocal range is? it shows W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) - he makes real cute faces and is super embarrassed about it - tries to hide his face in the crook of your shoulder 🥺 - on an unrelated note I feel like he’d call it “making love.” just cause he’s baby X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) - just a regular old pp? he seems like the type to be a little shorter than average but his diameter game is certainly not lacking Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) - not terribly but when he’s ready he’s READY Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) - IMMEDIATELY
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shianhygge-imagines · 6 years
In The Name Of Love [Wrench/Reader] Finale
Series: In the Name of Love Part 4/4 Chapter Title: At The End Of My Love Words: 4,462 words
Brief AN: So, I’m back from the dead. Since I haven’t written, nor posted anything in a while, I’m going to slowly start writing and posting again. The first order of business, was to finish “In the Name of Love” because it’s been two years(I think?) since I started “Project Wrench Your Heart,” and it’s among the easiest to write out of all my series. This ending, might have you all... really livid, but I’m rather pleased with it.
edit 28/8/18 16:52: edited for POV discrepancy, and reformating
In the Name of Love:     Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4
I want to tell you a story, my dear audience. It’s a story that anyone might be able to relate to - one about heartache. Specifically, this story is one about a young woman who fell in love with a man whose smile halted her breath, and whose tenacity would inspire her to walk with him to the ends of the Earth. It’s a story of how her love would quickly become her greatest weakness - a slow poison to eat at her mind, body, and soul.
I want to tell you that his love for her was pure, and that the two lived a life full of happiness. But that is never the case with most relationships. Despite all that she would say and do, his love for her faltered and wavered, doubts, fears, and lust consuming him while she desperately sought to save him. It wasn’t enough for him, so the young woman let him go.
Yet still, it hurt.
She loved him with all of her being. If he was in danger, she ran to his aid. Even when her life would tear at the seams, she ran to him. Even if he would hate her, she would run to him.
You would run to him.
You would help him.
You would save him.
And you would take his hate.
Because in the end, it was all for him.
“At the beginning of my love, there was only blind devotion, innocent and uncorrupted. I could only see the best in you despite your actions. I would make whatever excuse I could to keep myself blind.”
You knew that this story could only end in two ways. In one outcome, you and Wrench would both perish, losing your lives to the woman who had created such a large divide in your relationship. In another, you would rise victorious, having saved Wrench from Lydia and her deceit. The ramifications of both outcomes were dire enough that you stood, frozen, at your position in the darkening alleyway.
You had sacrificed so much for Wrench - losing your arm, your heart - and while you still held onto it yet, you were sure that you might even lose your humanity if everything went south.
Still, you waited patiently and silently as the sun set, casting the streets of east San Francisco into the dark. This was your job. Only you and Isa’s cohorts would be able to get this done.
Given that you only had one arm left to use, you’d armed yourself with a silenced pistol, extra ammo, a few grenades (of the explosive, smoke, and flash variety, and a hunting knife. In all honesty, you felt out of your comfort zone without your rifle, but having only one limb severely limited your lethality with a two handed weapon.
And then, just as the sun disappeared from the horizon completely, the screams started.
Despite knowing what would go down tonight, you flinched just the slightest. Those weren’t screams of rage, after all. They were screams of pure unadulterated terror.
You gave a count of ten before you sprinted out from the cover of the pitch black alleyway. In front of the safe house gates were three armed guards, each wore kevlar vests and held a Blume modified military grade rifle - their attention seemed to have been redirected when the screaming started, and had their backs facing you. All three seemed to have been frozen in place, no doubt horrified that someone had gotten past them. But none of them moved from their places, likely in terror.
And with your position, crouched not even ten feet away from them, it wasn’t difficult to hear why. Gunshots were heard followed by horrified screams, but unlike before, when it had only been screams, you heard begging and the sick sound of screams dying in throats. The squelches of something.
One of the guards shoved at another’s arm, “Hey, man. You go check that out.”
“W-what? Are you fucking insane? There’s a slaughter going on in there, and you want me to waltz in there and do what?” The shoved guard’s voice rose pitch after pitch in fright.
“Yeah, Wellington, if you’re in any condition to be telling Thomas what to do, maybe you should go in.” The last guard seemed about as willing to go in as the others.
“Oh fuck off, McCullum! I’ve got kids and a wife waiting for me.” Wellington snarled with a shack of his head.
“Hey! I’ve got a baby girl on the way! No way am I leaving my wife and child!” Thomas protested, before turning to look at McCullum, “And what about you?”
“…Boyfriend.” McCullum grunted quietly, crossing his arms and turning away. “…He proposed last week, but given how dangerous my job is, I didn’t answer him yet.”
“Oh yeah… that handsome doc working at the Children’s Hospital, right?” There was a sudden realization in Thomas’s tone, and by the protective glare on McCullum’s face, the guard held his hands up in surrender. “Hey! I’m not judging! You love him, and who am I to judge.”
“So we all got people waiting for us back home.” Wellington muttered, staring down at his gun and indecisively shifting back and forth on his feet. “But we also have a job. If we don’t go in, we might be out of a job. But if we go in, we might die.”
From you crouched position, you grit your teeth and clenched your hands. You wanted revenge. DedSec wanted revenge. Blume wanted revenge. But how many people, innocent people, were going to get stuck in the crossfire. The three men standing guard? They didn’t ask to be employed by such a corrupt system, but it was their living. Isa, Chikage, and their men? All they wanted was peace. You, DedSec, and Blume were the ones that dragged the others in.
You were already going to take the life of one or two individuals tonight. Did you really want to take three more?
Heaving a sigh at your sudden development of a moral conscious, you stood and holstered your gun, putting your hand up and walking around the car slowly. “Hey.”
All three men whipped around with their rifles trained on you, laser sights marking three points on your body, head, heart, and lungs, but none of them fired. Ignoring your instincts to duck for cover, you kept your hand in the air, “Beautiful night, isn’t it?”
“What the hell do you want?” It was McCullum that interrogated you with a snarl, flicking the safety off the rifle.
You made a small motion with your head towards the safe house gates. “I need to get into that place.”
Wellington gave a mocking laugh, “Are you kidding me? We’re not going to let you in, kid.”
“Well someone has to go in.” You were playing this a little too close to the chest for you liking.
“Trust me, kid, you don’t want to go in there.” Thomas warned, and as if on cue, another terrified scream rang from behind the gates.
“Hmmm.” You mused in thought, “It sounds like your coworkers are dying, sir.”
“And you’re not moving from this spot.” McCullum warned when you took a step forward.
You were getting impatient now, so you dropped the whole act. “Listen, boys, I need to get into that place one way or another, and you’re kind of in my way. It’s obvious that all of you are unwilling to go in there and help, so why don’t I make you guys an offer?”
“And why would we listen to anything you had to say?” Wellington snarled, and from the glint of a street light, you could make out his trigger finger flexing just the slightest.
“I mean… you don’t have to. Just thought I’d throw it out into the open.” When no answer came, you took it as a sign to continue. “You see those cameras up there?” you pointed with your remaining limb at the two discrete lenses poking from atop the gate and covered by some foliage. “When everything is said and done, and all your coworkers are dead, your employers are going to investigate whatever happened tonight. All they’re going to find are dead bodies in the building, and you three, standing out here, not doing anything to help. Now tell me, without a potential culprit for these murders, who do you think is going to become the figurative scape goat?” Understanding seemed to cross their expressions, and you grinned, “They’re going to blame you three. And suddenly, your names will be blacklisted and wanted everywhere. Everything you hold dead will be forfeit. And everyone. But if you let me into that safe house, I’ll give you my name, and I’ll erase all trace of your involvement with Blume, whether it be your employment with them, or your presence here today. And then I’ll get you all jobs of your choice. I’m a woman of my word.”
There was silence before Thomas spoke up, “Your name first.”
A sly smirk appeared on your lips, “Are you all in agreement? Because I’m not just going to give my name if all of you aren’t going to go along with it.”
Reluctantly, McCullum lowered his gun, and after a while, Wellington did as well. “Fine. But you better keep your word.”
���Hmm. Y/N L/N.” You mumbled, walking past them and through the gates. “And I’ll contact you all once it’s done. You should probably go home now. The authorities might arrive soon, so you’ll want to be far away.”
Without a goodbye, you strolled through the rest of the way and disappeared in the darkness.
“In the name of love, I would kill, I would steal, I would cheat, and I would lie. All for you. All for something I thought would bind us. But slowly, our love became corrupted. Was it because of me? Was I too obsessed with you? Was it because of you? Was it because you took advantage of my love and obsession? What happened to make you abandon me so? And yet still, I crave to be by your side?”
It didn’t take much to block out all the bodies littering the halls. It didn’t take much thought to block out the sounds coming from the shadows. The squelching and crazed giggles. Because deep in this mass grave, was your target. Your end goal.
“The Prince bids you good hunting.”
“Follow. Follow. Your damsel awaits.”
“Hehehe guarded by an ugly troll.”
“And a small snarling bitch.”
“Troll’s dead, Troll’s dead!”
“Disgusting red. Don’t touch.”
“Don’t touch.”
“Don’t touch.”
“Don’t touch the bitch.”
“Don’t touch the damsel.”
“They belong to the hunter now.”
“The arrows will guide you.”
Those were among the voices that you could understand. Some were snarling, and some sounded borderline crazed. But you followed the giant red arrows leading you through the safe house anyways. You didn’t trust these goons, but you trust Isa and Chikage to keep their subordinates in line.
When you arrived at the heavy set of double doors, it’s steel complexion marred with a giant red X, you heard the giggling, louder than ever. To the side of the doors, propped up on the wall, was the corpse of a giant man with a shredded throat and multiple puncture wounds along his body. He was the man who held you down just as Lydia hacked your arm off. And you felt no remorse at his death, simply took in his face stuck in terror and turned away.
“X marks the spot.”
“The hunter found the treasure.”
“Time to kill the yipping bitch.”
“And take back the damsel.”
You took a deep breath in and waited ten seconds before exhaling, and shoving open a door, your pistol drawn to take aim.
The interior of the room was unfurnished save for a few left over tables and chairs, the paint along the walls cracked, and the ceiling missing panels. The room was dimly lit, casting shadows all over the room. And at the center of the space, stood Lydia, dressed in the same dark outfit that she’d assaulted you in.
“So, you really did survive.” An arrogant smirk was on her lips as she crossed her arms and straightened her posture to maintain a superior stance. “Too bad you were too late to save the others.”
“Where’s Wrench?” You demanded, grip firm on the pistol as you kept the firearm pointed and aimed at her.
“Wrench, Wrench, Wrench. That’s all you seem to talk about, you know? So fucking boring and predictable.” A mocking sneer twisted what would have been a pretty face before she stepped aside, allowing you to see that Wrench had been strapped to a chair and gagged. “He’s a bit roughed up, I’ll admit. And I might have broken him a little.”
A bit roughed up, yes. You could see the bright bruises on his unmasked face from where you stood. And the normally bright blue eyes of his were dull and lifeless. His clothes were disheveled and ripped, as if he’d been thrown around. But he was alive.
“Give up, Lydia. You’ve lost.” You gave it your best shot, but you were in no way as intimidating as Batman, what with only one arm, and dressed in streetwear.
“Hmmm… how about no?” Lydia drew her own gun - a hand cannon - and pointed it at Wrench’s head, turning the safety off. “You have nothing to threaten me with, Y/N. But I have lover boy. Oh… but he’s not your lover boy, is he? He’s still mine.” At your hesitance, Lydia continued to speak. “Oh you should have seen his face during this entire fiasco. He was so fucking happy that I gave him the time of day, and was all too happy to leave you. It was pathetic really. Wasn’t it Wrench?” a muffled whine of humiliation was her answer. “He wasn’t even a good fuck. Couldn’t get me off for the life of him.” Lydia released a long suffering sigh, “Not like Dusan. Now there’s a guy who was hot, wealthy, smart, and oh boy could he make me cum. But no matter. Don’t have to pretend anymore. I have what I want now. Dusan is still mine, after he left his girlfriend. And I single-handedly brought down DedSec. Now all I have to do is… tie up all the loose ends. Starting with lover boy here.”
“Oh? Are you scared of me, Lydia?” You had to get her attention away from Wrench. “C’mon, you’re scared of a one armed cripple? That’s just pathetic. Face me. One on one, just knives.” You holstered your gun and drew your hunting blade. “I know you like to use your machete, Lydia. And besides, what do you have to lose? I’m a cripple. And if you manage to kill me, you’ll only have made Wrench suffer more before you kill him.”
Lydia smirked, and brought out the machete strapped to her back, putting the hand cannon away as she waved the blade around. “Oh… I know you’re baiting me, Y/N. But you’re right. You’re an easy kill, and guns just aren’t personal enough. Fine. You have yourself a duel.”
It didn’t take a moment before Lydia was charging at you, swinging her machete with calculated aim. She wanted this duel to last - wanted to hit you in non lethal areas. It would hurt, and you would slowly bleed out, but you would last longer. Your eyes sharpened in concentration as you dodged the downward slice by dodging to the side, careful to stay on your feet because Lydia had the advantage in maneuverability.
Yes, you were baiting her, you were glad, in a sense that she caught onto your game so easily. It would make her too confident, too arrogant. It would be easy to get Lydia to slip up. So you bid your time, dodging the oddly angled attacks, getting a feel for the room and throwing some cheat shots at her.
Dodge her swing, get in close, quick slice to the abdomen, and dance back away.
Rinse and repeat.
Thanks to what Isa did, you felt like you could keep it up all night, but Lydia didn’t have that advantage, and you quickly began to notice that her motions were getting a bit lazy, there was less energy in her swings.
And then there.
Lydia faltered in her swing due to a misstep, whether it be from carelessness or fatigue, you took advantage of it. You went in and swing your hunting blade down, severing the tendon in her dominant hand, forcing her to drop the machete. She let out a harsh choked scream as she leaned forward to grab at any part of your body. Dancing to the side, you watched as Lydia overstepped, and with a well aimed kick to the back of her supporting leg, she went crashing down to the floor.
Quickly, you got to your knees, straddling the struggling woman, and taking out her hand cannon from her hip holster. With a look of distaste, you threw the hand cannon across the room before arming yourself, once more, with your hunting knife.
“GET OFF OF ME!” Lydia screamed, writhing on the floor and trying to hit you. Her attempts were weak and ineffective given that she was laying on her front instead of her back. The cut on her wrist was still bleeding severely, so she must have been feeling the effects of blood loss by now.
You didn’t lighten up on the pressure against her back, sitting firmly as you played around with the hunting knife in you hands. “An eye for an eye.” You muttered thoughtfully, before plunging the knife through her lower back, in the same place that you had been stabbed by her.
“W-what? Are you going to torture me now?” Lydia hissed in pain, “Well! D-do your w-worst! Dusan will avenge me!”
“You know,” you drawled in low bored tones, “I highly doubt he’ll care about you being gone.”
“No! He’ll get you! He’ll send people after-ARGH”
You interrupted her protests by twisting the knife just a little and pulling out. “You see… Dusan’s got bigger worries than getting vengeance for the death of his latest squeeze. He’s got to worry about DedSec.” You let Lydia go and went to stand, casually putting the hunting knife away in favor of your silenced pistol.
There was a slight shiver of satisfaction from the look of horror on Lydia’s face when she fully registered what you had said. “…no. NO! I killed them. I KILLED THEM ALL!”
Shaking your head, you took out your new cellphone and dialed a familiar number, setting it to speakerphone. The line rung once, twice, before the other person picked up, “Y/N! How is everything on your side?”
“Things are going great, Marcus!” You answered, savoring the look of horror on Lydia’s face. “How is everyone?”
“Well, they’re great! Thanks for having our backs, Y/N.” Marcus thanked, his voice sounding a bit remorseful. “Even though we don’t deserve it… Just… thanks. How’s Wrench?”
“I’m about to get him now. I’ll see you at the gates.”
“Sure thing. Be safe now.”
“Of course.” With a click the phone went dead, and you were left with the despairing wails leaving Lydia’s mouth. Flicking the safety off the pistol, you took aim at Lydia, “You know… I really wanted to make this last. Make you feel everything that the members of DedSec felt. But I realized that I would have done everything that you did to us. And I guess it’s a bit late to take the moral high ground, but for what it’s worth…” You gave a tiny smile at the woman. “At least I’ll never become like you.”
Lydia made to lunge at you just as you pulled the trigger.
She made no sound as she died. Just fell to the floor with a single bullet through her head.
A sigh left your mouth and your shoulders slumped in exhaustion. It was done. Now, all you had to do was get Wrench to safety.
Turning on your heels, you found Wrench, his shoulders shaking and tears falling from the eyes that stared at Lydia’s lifeless body. He didn’t speak as you untied him, as you ungagged him, or even as you supported him on the way out of the safe house. There was only silence and your thoughts.
Thinking back to the way that Wrench had stared at Lydia’s body, with tears streaming down his cheeks; with tears still streaming down his cheeks, you lamented that maybe he’d really loved Lydia after all. That he’d been in a one-sided love as you had. And almost bitterly, you wanted to take satisfaction that he’d experienced what he’d put you through. But it was so vindictive, that you couldn’t.
At the safe house gates, you saw that the three guards had taken your advice and left. In their place were the remaining members of DedSec, ready to receive Wrench, just like you planned.
“Wrench!” Sitara called out in worry, she and Marcus sprinting over. “Y/N… I’ve got him.” The woman assured you, pulling Wrench away from your side so that you could balance your entire body again. “Thank you. We can never repay you.”
As Sitara led Wrench towards Josh and Ray, who stood by as guards, you couldn’t help but see Wrench look back at you. Solemnly, you waved your arm in farewell, “Get better soon.”
“You’re not coming back with us?” Marcus questioned, peering at you through his lensless purple glasses. “Wrench might need you.”
Your face set in a heavy frown as you shook your head. “I’m not coming back to DedSec. And I’m not going back to Wrench.”
“But… he needs you, Y/N.”
“No…” you protested, crossing your arms to create a makeshift shield. “Wrench needs his friends. He needs you, Sitara, Josh, Ray, and even Wrench Jr. But he doesn’t need me.” Seeing the argument that Marcus was going to start, you firmly stood your ground and said what you needed to. “I love Wrench. From the bottom of my heart, I do. But the relationship that we had, that we have… it’s poison. For both of us. And in order for either of us to be able to function, I have to leave. So long as I’m around him, I’ll continue to tempt myself, and to make him feel bad.”
“So you’re just going to leave?” Marcus snarled, “Without saying goodbye to him?”
“I think he and everyone else heard me, Marcus.” You huffed, eyeing the group in the truck, who stared looking extra guilty. “But you know that I’m right. And you know that I’m right. So unless fate makes it so, this is the last that you’ll see of me, Marcus.” With one last nod towards the members of DedSec, you bid them farewell, walking down the street and out of sight. “I wish you all the best.”
One week later…
“So you are a woman of your word.”
You took a long swig of your drink and gazed, unimpressed at the man before you. “Yes, Mr. McCullum, that’s what I said last week.” You gestured towards the open seat at the cafe table. “Sit.”
It was the first time you saw McCullum since your first meeting, and in the day, dressed casually, you could finally make out what he looked like. Tall, probably in his mid-thirties, short beard and styled short black hair. He was a handsome fellow, that’s for sure, though his ice blue eyes were intimidating.
“I heard from Wellington and Thomas.” McCullum informed you, analyzing you critically. “They said you wiped their employment with Blume and got them jobs at Cybertech and Abstergo. You’re a difficult person to track down, Y/N.”
Another long sip of your drink as you watched the people go by from behind your sunglasses. “I did contact you, McCullum. You just overreacted.”
“Of course I overreacted!” McCullum snarled defensively, “You contacted my fiancé!”
“Ah. I should also congratulate you on the engagement!” you sent the taller man a bright and beaming grin, genuinely happy that someone you knew had a happy romance going on.
“Ah.. Yes…” McCullum coughed, a blush making its appearance on his cheeks, “Thank you, by the way, for the engagement gift.”
Your smile widened, “I’m glad you two liked it!”
“But… ah… isn’t an entire apartment a bit too much?”
“Nonsense!” You protested with a kind smile, “The two of you were living in the slums, and that just wouldn’t do. Though I suppose, you’re here to ask me about that job, now, right?”
“I… Yes…. I wanted-”
… The table fell silent as you glared at the cell phone in your bag.
“You know that I don’t mind if you get that, right, Y/N?” McCullum cleared his throat, staring as you took the offending object out. “It must be important.”
With a grimace, you unlocked your phone to find several unread messages:
Wrench 2:30pm
>> Y/N. I know that you’ve been reading these. Answer me.
Wrench 2:32pm
>> Please? Answer something?
Wrench 2:35pm
>> I’m sorry, alright? I never should have doubted you. I shouldn’t have betrayed you.
Wrench 2:37pm
>> It’s not the same at DedSec without you.
Wrench 2:38pm
>> And you just disappeared from our radar like that.
Wrench 2:40pm
>> I never got to say goodbye to you.
Wrench 2:42pm
>> I wish we could try again.
Typing a quick reply and sending it, you quickly placed the phone down and went back to addressing McCullum. “Sorry for that. Anyways, while I did get rid of all the evidence concerning your involvement with Blume, you gave a bit of a shock when you requested your ideal job.”
McCullum leaned forward in his seat, his ice blue eyes holding all the seriousness that his being could muster. “I was serious, Y/N. I want to work for you.”
A grin crossed your face, and you nodded, clearly elated at the prospect of employing McCullum. “Tell me, McCullum. What do you know about CyberMasque?”
“At the end of my love, I finally see what I must do. I tried so desperately for you to see me as I saw you. I didn’t want to give up on you. But your words, your actions… that in the end, when all was said and done, nothing had changed in your stubborn heart. I know what I must do now.”
Y/N L/N (Me) 2:44pm
>> Let me go, Wrench. Forget about me. Move on.
Wrench 2:45pm
>> I don’t think I’ll ever.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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silovesyou · 6 years
Although I love Vash more than my life (and more) I also like Wolfwood as a character so, why not some Wolfwood hc's as platonic f/o? (I feel like it's the guy who gets angry because the lovebirds do not confess their love once (?) [@ILoveMyFos] (thank u for 232873 time! ;w;)
Sorry about the silence! >
Between the both of your shenanigans, Wolfwood’s well on the way to losing a liver, a lung, and his last basket of fucks, even if he does love you two morons more than he probably should, considering who he works for and what his orders are.
When he’s drinking alone with Vash, Wolfwood will always bring up the fact that it’s painfully obvious that you two are in love with each other, and interrogate Vash as to why he just doesn’t fucking confess already!
“Honestly, Needle Noggin’, this should be the easiest duel in the entire goddamn universe for you, and yet, you always just hang about, twiddling your thumbs like you’ve got all of time to be honest with yourself and her. What kind of Gunslinger of Love are you?!” He’d demand one night before gulping down some more beer. Vash would actually look genuinely awkward for once, like part of him agrees with what Wolfwood’s saying. But only part.
“Mayfly of Love.” Vash corrects, before taking a long, slow sip of his own beer. “It’s just..I’d rather not get her involved with my past if I can help it. I’d rather not get her involved in everything going on right now, either. It’s dangerous, and she’s not a fighter. I’d be more happy if she gave up on me and went back to her farm so that she could live out the rest of her days in peace. And it seems like she’s not into me most of the time anyway, so, problem solved!” He’d laugh, the humor all surface layer and froth and nothing else.
“Not only are you a chickenshit, but you’re a complete and utter moron if you think she’s going to abandon you at this stage in the game. :Let me tell ya something, Vash. If she really hated you, she would have left you long before this. She just gets pissed when you do stupid goddamn shit, like any reasonable person would. Hell, it’s a miracle of God that I still have hair, considering all the crap you put me through on a day to day basis! Just tell her! It’s infuriating to know that you both like each other, and you aren’t together! You’re both goddamn morons!” He’d conclude, finishing off his whole spiel with Vash with another gulp of beer.
It’s all for naught, though. Vash still doesn’t tell you how he feels, and Wolfwood grumbles to himself every morning he wakes up after a drinking session, knowing he’ll have to deal with you two dumbasses on top of a hangover.
When he’s alone with you, he’s a little bit more gentle, though he’s still firm in his beliefs that the two of you should just fucking get together already.
“Look,” he’d start with a sigh, trying to stay as calm as he can, “you aren’t gonna be around forever. And believe me, if you don’t tell him how you feel now, sooner or later, the chance’ll slip through your fingers, and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about.”
You, on the other hand, would quietly huff, looking like someone had just offered you a plate of sand to eat. “But I don’t even know if I love him romantically. He gets into the stupidest situations, he acts like a moron sometimes, he gives me embarrassing nicknames, he’s a complete and utter glutton-”
“And yet, you’re still here.” Wolfwood would say, smiling. “If you really hated him, you’d be long gone by now. And don’t think I haven’t seen you two fucking singing together like a pair of lovebirds. Don’t think I don’t see the look on your face whenever he does something so ridiculously tender that it makes your heart weep. Even if you don’t want to tell me, you’re in love with him. And I don’t care if you don’t want to tell me right now. But you’ve gotta fucking tell him.”
(Anyone who says that Wolfwood doesn’t love Vash romantically is a liar, though he’ll hold himself back for you two. He might steal other people’s partner’s, but never Vash’s. Never someone this infuriating, this naive, and this wonderful. Never someone this heart-warming, like he genuinely is an Angel.)
You’d sigh and look away for a moment. “..I’ll see what I can do. Just..not now, okay? It’s gotta be on my own terms.”
And Wolfwood would leave you alone with that, because a love confession should be on both parties terms, but he still internally grumbles about it, because goddamn, you both are taking the long way around, and it’s costing you both precious time. Vash might live to be two hundred years old, but you sure fucking won’t.
Despite his grumblings and the stress you both put him through, Wolfwood’s the best wingman anyone could ever have, whether you asked for his help or not. Going through a town that’s going to have a concert for a popular band or singer? Bam! Wolfwood’ll mysteriously have two tickets for you both, shoving them on you two and telling you two enjoy yourselves. Fair in town? Wolfwood will somehow manage to rig it so that you both have to enjoy it together. Thankfully, both you and Vash enjoy yourselves and always thank Wolfwood afterwards, who replies that it was no trouble at all.
(it was, but it also wasn’t. Getting everything ready is hard work, but if there’s one thing Wolfwood enjoys, it’s deviling people and making mischief.)
But, to his chagrin, that’s all he can do, besides protect you when a fight starts and back Vash up in it. He can’t get either of you two morons to see reason, no matter how many romantic situations he concocts, and that fact is the reason that Wolfwood’s started smoking at least a pack and a half now.
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peekaboo-parker · 6 years
Tomboy in a Dress- Peter Parker x Reader
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Requested By: No one Summary: Are you really the confident tomboy that everybody thinks you are? Peter and Ned are the lucky ones to find out another aspect of you. Warnings: Mild Language (possibly the editing) Author’s Note: This is my entry for @parkerscupcake‘s writing challenge! Yay, this is my first ever entry in a challenge.  This’ll be an entry for the Best Comedic and Best Fluff!!! Hope you enjoy it!!!
‘How?’ - Was the question. How was it, that you played football with the guys every single day? How was it, that you’d come to school the next day with bruises, scratches, marks on your delicate skin? How was it, that you either skateboarded to school or rollerbladed? How was it, that you could so rebelliously, ‘accidentally’ turn on the fire alarm and cause the shower heads in the school to go crazy? 
How was it, that you did all this with a dress?
Peter was intrigued by you. He was fascinated by you. No girl ever wore a dress to school - rarely even did they wear a skirt. Even the girliest of girls didn’t wear a dress, but you did. The most rough girl in the school did. And quite frankly, you absolutely knocked people out with the look. Including Peter Parker. Your dresses would sit well in all the right parts of your body, exposing your all your curves and all your edges.
Despite being known for your rough and rebellious personality, Peter had observed that you would mingle with people as if it was the easiest thing to do in the world. Your ability to socialise with all sorts of different cliques around the school was beyond the boy. You were kind to those who needed a friend and you were necessarily a bitch to those who deserved it. There was the occasional time where you had saved Peter’s and Ned’s skin from humiliation. From then on Peter found a liking to…
“You’re staring again,” Ned muttered into the chicken he had lifted to his mouth.
“Hm?” Peter leaned his head onto his hand which was stabilised by his elbow on the cafeteria table. His eyes held contentment; it showed through the way his eyelids seemed to hover halfway.
“Dude,” He muttered again, this time through gritted teeth, nudging his friend, to snap him out of his dreamy trance. “You’ll get caught.”
“Yeah? So what if I do?” Peter chuckled cockily, puffing his chest out.
You sat two tables away from the two friends with a small group of jocks. Peter was admiring your toothy grin when someone had made a joke. He absolutely loved the way your head would roll back when you’d just let out your loud laugh for everyone to hear. Everything just seemed to move in slow motion whenever he’d look at you from a distance.
He watched with dreamy brown eyes as you flicked a loose strand of your H/C hair. It fell gracefully behind your exposed ear as your head began to turn into his direction.
Your enchanting, yet mischievous eyes settled on his own and your full lips began to curl at the ends, sending him the sweetest smile.
The boy exhaled an exasperated breath, turning away from you immediately, his attention right on the tray of food. His sudden cocky expression completely wiped off of his face as his chest heaved up at down with short breaths and a pounding heart.
Ned turned to his friend, wiping a bit of grease from the chicken off his mouth with the back of his hand. “I told you.”
“Well,” Afraid of admitting defeat and letting his friend be right in the instance, Peter straightened himself up, taking in a deep breath. Even Peter just wanted to prove to himself that he was not caught staring at you. His sweaty palms slid down along his jean covered thighs and smiled at Ned confidently. “I-It wasn’t that bad! You know, sh-she was probably looking at someone el—“
“Hey guys.”
Both the boys’ heads snapped to the voice’s direction. You stood beside their table, your usual toothy grin plastered on your face.
Peter’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped upon seeing you so close to him. Even Ned seemed stunned that you were with them, his mouth wide open as were his eyes.
None of them said anything or did anything, so you pushed aside the awkward aura and lifted up a strap of one of your dress, hooking your thumb underneath. “Do you mind if I sit here?”
“Uhh… y-you…”
“N-No, we don’t mind!” The corner of Ned’s smile twitched as he tried not to lose his own cool, his elbow jutting out to nudge Peter again. “Right Peter?”
“R-Right!” As you began to lower, not even caring to swipe your dress up your thighs before sitting down, Peter quickly shared a look with Ned. His eyebrows flew far up his forehead with panic as he whispered through gritted teeth, trying not to make anything too suspicious through your perspective. “She totally caught me!”
You cleared your throat, turning the boys’ attention back to you. Their gazed shifted to each other a moment before returning to you. You were sitting right on the opposite side of Peter and he uncomfortably shuffled around in his seat, but definitely didn’t want you to leave. “Can I just say what I want to say?” You asked, whilst your fingers knitted together and you placed them on top of the table like an adult in an interview.
“Umm… sure,” Peter answered. You seemed a little off than before and that sent a shiver down his spine.
“I know you keep looking at me, Peter…” Your head tilted so cutely to the side as your features held a stern gaze.
The said boy didn’t even know how to react. Was he really that obvious? Was he supposed to answer you? Was he supposed to come up with an excuse? Was he supposed to—
“H-Have you noticed a-anything about me? What the hell, did I just stutter? I-I’m sorry- oh crap I did it again.”
His eyes widened further, unable to believe what his eyes were seeing and what his ears were hearing. You were totally flustered - but - you couldn’t be. You were Y/N; a fearless girl who didn’t care about how people thought of her, a girl who didn’t care about how she was treated, a girl who was a tomboy.
“I-I umm… I haven’t -I mean-“ Peter paused for a moment as your eyes searched his own for an answer. You looked so vulnerable and helpless at that moment, regardless of your previous calm and stern expression. He just wanted to comfort you and cuddle you and tell you everything’s okay. “I-I have noticed things. W-well, like anyone else w-would’ve noticed things, right?”
You laughed nervously, leaning back the slightest with the action, “R-Right. B-But that’s not really the -um- the answer I was looking for.” You flicked you hair behind your ear again, except this time around it didn’t fall neatly behind your ear. It refused to even stay there as you physically had to push it back there firmly.
In spite of your self-conscious actions to merely push a strand of hair behind your ear, in Peter’s perspective you moved so angelically and your bruise-covered knuckles never looked so heavenly.
“I-It’s not?” He yet again shared a look with Ned, worried he was going to get in trouble. He knew you weren’t afraid to throw a pretty decent punch on school grounds.
“It’s not. I-I -shit- I wanted to know whether you noticed that I’ve been…” You paused upon noticing your clasped hands begin to tremble on the table. Even your leg bounced up and down in a distraught manner. Then you felt so hot and so embarrassed. You allowed your eyes to close and you ducked your head, “I’m sorry, I’ve never done this before.”
Ned pursed his lips, before grazing his eyes over both you and Peter with confused expressions, “You wouldn’t mind if we asked, what haven’t you done before?”
Your ears perked up once you’d processed the whole question. You looked up at the two boys, but kept your full attention on Peter. His eyes were so big with curiosity, it made your strong heart become a gymnast. You were feeling excited, but just as equal as feeling so darn afraid. The heat rushed to your cheeks as one of Peter’s curls lazily tipped down and gently grazed the top of his forehead.
You rubbed your palms against each other aiming to get rid of the sweat. “I-I’ve never confessed before.”
“Confess-?!” Peter cut himself off, slapping his hand over his mouth and his own blush infiltrated his cheeks. His heart was going crazy, his mind spinning with thoughts and sheer disbelief. Both you and Ned looked at the flush faced boy. A smug grin had broken onto Ned’s face, as he cheered on his friend. He couldn’t wait to tease him about you and him later in the day. “I-I don’t know what to… say.”
You hurriedly shook your head, your eyes tightly shut, “It’s okay! You don’t have to… just…” You sucked in an enormous breath through your nose, as you began to stand up. Making sure one of your hands remained against the top of the table, you could’ve sworn you could’ve fainted at that moment.
The boys’ heads followed your every movement as you moved around the corner of the table. Darn, she’s leaving… OH wait!
Suddenly your arm extended, reaching out and your hand grabbed the front of Peter’s well-known blue sweater, pulling him up to you. Your lips crashed together, feeling like an explosion. Just as fast as you had grabbed his collar, the kiss ended. You pushed him away as you stepped back with exasperation.
Ned had an open-mouthed grin on his face, so proud of his friend. He couldn’t believe that the tomboy in a dress had just kissed him.
You shared a look with Peter, before turning and running out of the cafeteria in a flash (no pun intended). He just watched, frozen from the moment. This was definitely a dream. Wasn’t it? Right? But his lips burned, craving for the feeling of your lips on his again.
“Ned. Pinch me.”
His friend gladly did, taking the opportunity to pinch him as hard as possible. He grabbed Peter’s skin between his thumb and forefinger and pressed down.
He flinched immediately and clutched the spot tightly as to get rid of the small stingy pain, “Ow!” Sudden realisation hit him like one of your badass punches. It really happened. You kissed him. You kissed him. This wasn’t a dream. Peter’s eyes broadened and he unexpectedly shot his hand out to Ned, grabbing his best friend’s arm.
Like an exhale of breath Peter mumbled, “Shit.”
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dangoghz · 7 years
legitimate advice for new phandom blogs
hey !! so i know sometimes posts like ‘RULES FOR THE PHANDOM XD’ are made and they’re all like “numba one. dan is a squishy bean respect this uwu” but this isn’t gonna be like that lol. im just going to list a few actual things that might help people new to the phandom learn about and become integrated into the community! of course these aren’t ‘rules’ and u dont have to listen to any of it ofc,,, im not here to control ur blog, just here to say what people normally do. feel free to rb whether u are a new blog or not, ill appreciate it either way!
italicized text is defined in the glossary at the bottom!
1. be interactive! 
here, unique to our corner of timmy darn communism, we have a lot of like virtual traditions that everyone knows. these help you to make friends and also grow ur blog with some new mutuals. here are some examples.
networks: networks, or nets, are a sort of selective gc, usually with a theme or concept that it’s based around, in which all who wish to be part of fill out an application form that determines whether they get in. this is kinda the one with the most work, as u also have to make a group blog and info post, but it’s definitely worth it. i have made my closest friends in nets (such as @phleurnet which i birthed), and a lot of people on here would say the same. if you want to know more or apply, my friend diana runs an update blog @phandomnets! (examples, these are all open btw: x x x)
meetups: meetups are not in real life, don’t worry. a meetup is when someone organizes a specific time at which we all post thing around a certain theme! for instance, on halloween on tuesday, my friend milo hosted a halloween meetup. usually people post selfies but if u are uncomfortable with that, u can post art, music, or anything else related to the theme. a blog called @phandommeetupwatch keeps track of these! (examples, all happening soon/just happened: x x x)
follow forevers: a follow forever is a big celebration post when u reach a follower count milestone, no matter 50 or 5k. u tag all of the blogs you love, and they reblog it to appreciate u! it’s really positive and shows people how their work has paid off. usually people are tagged in alphabetical order, and sometimes people bold their favorites but the stylization is up to u. (recent examples: x x x)
milestone activities: sometimes people do things for their followers when they reach a follower count that involves their followers requesting something! there are many many forms of this type of thing. a common one is blog rates, in which there is a set template and the blogger rates each blog that sends in an ask using the template (info post ex: x; rate ex: x). there are also url edits (x), name/url moodboards (x), and more. u can certainly come up w an idea of ur own, being creative is great!
talk to people: that’s right dude!!! ye!!! u can message a blog u think is cool, or send an ask if u think something they made or are talking about is interesting, or add something sweet in the tags (more on etiquette later) when u rb their post. additionally, sometimes people stir up discourse, and u should participate in it if u want (past discourse examples: x x). u can also send asks when people reblog ask games, which are a list of questions with a theme (new one of mine ex: x). 
2. play around with your blog!
customizing your blog can start giving you what we call a branding, making you distinguished from other bloggers. this can include everything from as simple as using an icon to coding your own about page. 
themes: a blog can be way more appealing if it is aesthetically pleasing. admittedly, i often follow people just because of the smoothness of their mobile theme. a mobile theme is rather easy to construct as u can do it on ur own with a phone. it is how ur blog looks on a phone. although u don’t have to do this, i recommend sticking to two to four colors on ur theme and avoiding stuffing it with a lot of bright things because it can distract from content. additionally, bloggers often make their descriptions short and succinct. (my fav mobiles: x x x.) on a pc, your blog theme can be customized completely on html, meaning there is a lot of freedom. u don’t have to learn to code for this, bc u can find free themes anywhere, just search ‘free tumblr themes’ on google. once again, be creative, but u shouldn’t overload. (my fav pcs: x x x.)
about pages: in order to avoid chunky descriptions but still let people know the key deets about themselves, bloggers create about pages. sometimes these bout pages are uncoded but u can also use html code if u want to. some common things in an about page are interests, maybe personality types/horoscopes/hogwarts houses, original content, and links to other social media. (examples: x x x)
urls: urls are a key part of your blog’s brand. ‘rebranding’ is what people say if they change their url! if u are tired or bored with your url, changing it is an opportunity to change your theme and other parts of ur blog as well. (url change ex: x). 
saved urls: saved urls are basically when bloggers hoard sideblogs in order to reserve the urls used for them. if you ever encounter a blank blog that has ‘saved’ as its title, that’s probably it. sometimes people like to give away their urls, either as a constant thing (ex: x) or by doing a url giveaway (x). either way, it’s a good opportunity to change it up!
tags: in order to keep their blog cleancut and organized, a lot of bloggers have special tags for certain people, certain topics, and/or certain types of media. many people in the phandom particularly have tags for dan and phil that match (strawberries and cream, lune and sole, etc). if they have many of these tags, there can be a page for their tags on their blog. this page can be coded with special html or just a regular tumblr page, it doesn’t really matter. but it’s very useful for those who visit your blog, and makes it easy for u to navigate older posts as well! (examples: x x x)
3. learn to make og content!
producing original content helps you establish what your strengths are and why people should follow you. it also allows u to contribute to the fanbase, and gives u a chance of being noticed by dnp! and the validation is lovely. there are many options if u want to make something. 
gifs: gifs are an ART here in the phandom, and its mechanisms still perplex me to this day bc ive never tried it. u probably already know what a gif is, but if not, its essentially a short animation made in photoshop that repeats. gifmakers are often distinguished by a unique coloring (example gifmakers: x x x), such as my friend emily’s smooth dark blue tint (x). it can be a long process to learn how to gif but it is very rewarding in the end, from what i’ve heard. (tutorials: x x)
art: there is a very wide range of phanartists, all with such talents, either digital or traditional, that you can draw inspirations from for your own work. you can make cartoons, comics, realism, abstract, nsfw even, or any mix (or none) of the former. artists on tumblr definitely deserve more attention than they get here on tumblr, so be sure to show appreciation towards them! (my fav artists: x x x)
edits: edits are the Graphic Designs of our community and are usually very aesthetically pleasing. they can be centered around a certain event, like a video or something dnp made, or just for fun. the more practice you get making them, the more dexterous u’ll become. they can be a great tool if u like the design aspect of art but don’t want to actually draw. (edit makers: x x)
icons: icons are just the little profile picture that u can insert for ur blog. it’s really easy and fun to make them, kind of like a lazy version of edits. you can make them using photoshop or an app like picsart or medibang, and it doesn’t take a lot of time. more on how to use icons in section 4. (examples: x x x) (my lil tutorial: x)
moodboards: moodboards are nine pictures arranged 3 by 3 that have a certain color scheme. it’s kind of like a collage except the photo feature here separates the pictures for u. there are a lot of innovative moodboard makers that stun me w how pretty it looks or how they arrange the pics. moodboards are also an easy and fun option! (moodboard tags: x x x)
textposts: this is by far the easiest and more common form of content u will find. it’s just writing about dnp in a textpost! if a textpost isn’t very serious, people also call it a meme or shitpost. shitposting is defs on the rise here so its a good business to get into. it’s also a great outlet for ur emotions or personal connections to what dnp do! (example talk tags: x x x)
fics: by far the most famous media to come out of here, phanfiction is a popular form of phan indulgence. u have probably heard of the most scarring ones (list: x), but there is actually a really vast range of it, not just creepy smut! some other genres are fluff, angst, and slow burns. u will discover that, despite the sterotype, not all fanfiction is bad. you can find lovely fics on @phanfictioncatalogue by genre, au, or topic. and, if u need help writing something, many writers would love to help. (a few well-known fics: x x x x x)
4. tumblr etiquette!
i know tumblr might seem like a simple social media (or perhaps not after u’ve read all the above?) but there’s a lot of things that u just....u just don’t do. it’s sort of like virtual manners, and if u don’t follow them, then it’s unlikely that people will like ur blog. once again, this is by no means me forcing u to run ur blog a certain way. it just happens that the types of ppl who break these rules are who we mock in gcs :////////. so yea, here’s some advice.
credits: if u decide to use someone’s art, edit, gif, or icon on the theme of ur blog, check what they require of u before u use it. most content creators strongly ask for credit in the description of ur blog, either by link or like ‘icon/header/art by ____’. it is just a common courtesy to the person who spent time on that, and if u think credit will ruin the aesthetic of ur blog, a) u probably don’t have an aesthetic in the first place and b) learn to appreciate art, binch. 
anonymity: anon asks can be very powerful either negatively or positively depending on how u yield them, so make sure that u are careful with what u send. compliments are always welcome and criticism as well, but blatant rudeness or hate will do nothing. u will only make someone feel bad about themselves and it will not accomplish anything. also, u face the threat of all their friends turning u into a meme. 
sensitivity: a lot of people here are way too easily offended by harmless jokes, a common example in the phandom being when we insult dnp affectionately and people take it way too much to heart. please don’t start drama over something w no real meaning. however, there are times when it is indeed necessary. if u want to criticise a blogger, be respectful of them simultaneously. by all means, if u spot someone being racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, or the like, feel free to call them out on it. but beforehand, make sure that u have done ur research and are educated on the topic, or u could turn out to be blatantly wrong. 
adding to posts: everyone makes this mistake when they start out here and that’s totally okay, but adding to every post u reblog is incredibly bothersome. a rule of thumb would be don’t add anything unless what u say will actually improve the post significantly. if ur additions are along the lines of ‘LOL’ or ‘i relate!!!!’ or ‘philly is a smol bean XD’, learn to use the tags for heaven’s sake. they’re there for not only organization but also for commenting. some exceptions, though, would be if u are mentioned in the post or the op is your close friend. 
respecting privacy: this should already be obvious to u, but respect dan and phil’s boundaries. do not tag them or their main tags (#daniel howell, #danisnotonfire, #amazingphil), in any phanfics, phanart (like specifically with them as a romantic ship), or phan edits. do not talk to their family members, expose their personal info like address or phone number, and do consider that they are real people just like u. we may make things based around phan, but it is kept in a community for us and not for dan and phil’s eyes. this is very important.
5. have fun!
sorry if this is all overwhelming, but i tried to make it as simplified as possible. and also sorry for the sass, i’m kinda tired of all the ding dongs on here and want to prevent further ding dongs from being created. thanks so much for readin and be sure to send me an ask anytime if u have questions! welcome to hell!
timmy darn communism: me being my usual weird self and replacing ‘tumblr dot com’ with random words that start with the same letters
mutuals: someone who you follow and who follows you; usually who u interact with most
rb: shortening for ‘reblog’
discourse: when theres is intense discussion of a certain topic, sometimes phan-related sometimes not, sometimes serious and sometimes silly
branding: the word ‘branding’ kinda started as a joke, but it’s generally what we use to call what someone’s blog reminds them of, whether it be a certain color or a discussion topic; my branding, if u asked a mutual, would probably be impressionism, tea, and baguettes (dont ask ab that one)
html: a simple type of coding used for designing websites! u can learn basic html here or here, it’s way easier and funner than it looks
dnp: dan and phil; we also say ‘deppy’, ‘dip and pip’, ‘the boys’, ‘the rats’, and more
coloring: basically the stylization of a gif, shown through filters, textures, contrast, brightness, etc. 
talk tag: a tag in which all of the textposts that a person makes are sorted into
phanfiction terms
smut: porn fic :/ 
fluff: just what it sounds like, a type of fic that usually has a lot of soft stuff like cuddling, flirting, and looooove
angst: a fic with a lot of drama, usually sad or very emotional
slow burn: a fic where a pairing, in this case phan, slowly falls in love
au: stands for ‘alternate universe’, a fic in which dan and phil are written not as youtubers but in a completely different scenario (ie. bad boy and new guy in high school, university students, space exhibition, anything u can dream up really)
anon: short for ‘anonymous’
op: short for ‘original poster’, aka who made the post
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clownmoontoon · 6 years
I'm interested in watching Osomatsu-san, but I have a few questions, if that's ok. 1. Sub or dub? 2. How do I know who's who? I already know some of the easy ones, thanks to you. Thank you in advance! (P.s. Thanks for telling me about BNHA!)
idk how old you are (or the age of anyone possibly reading this) so i feel i should say Osomatsu-san has a lot of mature themes and is CLEARLY meant for a more mature audience of the adult/college age/MAYBE later teen variety
all the main and most important side characters in the show are at least in their 20′s.
im not recommending this show to kids is what im saying haha
its nowhere near as wholesome as hero aca
1. Sub or Dub?
as of right now there is no dub Viz Media, who most recently did the redub of sailor moon (AND ITS FANTASTIC BTW SO IT GIVES ME HIGH HOPES FOR MATSUS), had sent out a tweet saying that the dub was going to be released some time in October of this year but …nothing happened?? my buddy @arr-jim-lad even contacted them about it, and they responded that there were no updates to mention. ://///SO right now sub is all we got haha
ITS REALLY GOOD THO SO ITS NOT LIKE A NEGATIVE OR ANYTHING BC THESE VOICE ACTORS ARE AMAZINGdef my fave voice actors of any sub ive watched (and ive watched quite a few)
2. How do I know who’s who? I already know some of the easy ones, thanks to you.
one of my fave aspects of this show is that after a few eps, despite them all having the same face, it becomes VERY EASY to tell them apart haha this is part of why the character writing is so strong imo!
but here’s a few tips and tricks to look for just in case you cant tell right away!
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❤️Osomatsu -  the eldest of the sextuplets and the show’s namesake - RED
💙Karamatsu - 2nd eldest - BLUE
💚Choromatsu - 3rd eldest - GREEN
💜Ichimatsu - 4th brother - PURPLE
💛Jyushimatsu - 5th brother - YELLOW
💖Todomatsu - 6th and youngest brother - PINK
the easiest thing to get the hang of first when it comes to noticing the matsus is def their designated colors! Even when theyre not in their trademark hoodies they can usually be seen wearing their colors somewhere on themselves so if you cant tell who’s who right away LOOK FOR THE COLORS!!
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if theyre all wearing matching outfits you can look at their hair shinies bc they’ll usually be their color when nothing else is! (tho those are a bit more subtle in coloring bc ..well..shinies haha)
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each of the bros has a standard neutral expression, and some of them have fun quirks that make it very easy to tell who’s who! lets start backwards this time \(ouo)/ (mostly bc from the start the youngest bros are def easiest to recognize…besides karamatsu ofc)
this got quite long so check under the cut for all the bro details and fun collages i made for each bro bc i love this show too much! \(>u
💖Todomatsu (pinky boi)💖
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he’s the designated “cute” boy, and the worst/best self-centered millennial stereotype. actually a total mean girl in disguise, and (according to his bros) a “vile monster”. i love him and he’s a cute demon. not the worst bro but pretty darn close.
neutral expression: :3voice: highest pitch of the bros and often whiny quirks: - can usually be seen w his smartphone - acts the most feminine (covers his chest if naked or topless)- always has eye shinies - two hairs sticking out on the top of his head - calls all his bros “niisan” since he’s the youngest
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the hyper-active, forever smiling, incredibly powerful, baseball boy! if something weird and crazy is going on jyushimatsu is either directly involved or about to be. he’s always laughing, smiling and making weird jokes/noises. a very sweet boy who is entirely too powerful. He often dresses as animals, and is used as an “attack dog” to torture whichever brother he’s commanded to (usually oso). A very unpredictable boy to say the least. Its hard to imagine an ooc version of him bc there isnt much he would not do or say.HE IS MY FAVE BEST SUNSHINE BOY
neutral expression: 8Dvoice: lowest pitch of the bros but also the loudest, often making weird/nonsensical sounds/noises such as: BBBBOEHBA!! 8Dquirks: - often goes cross eyed - is incredibly strong, can lift and throw his adult brothers like nbd - never has eye shinies in the anime unless he’s about to cry - wears shorts when everyone else is wearing pants, also some times wears a traffic cone on his head- wiggly arms and sleeves too long (even when its not the hoodie, usually his sleeves are always too long haha)- only one hair sticking out on the top of his head
next up my second fave, NEKOMATSU
💜Ichimatsu (purple cat man)💜
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the designated darkmatsu, ichi is the slow moving, constantly slouching, quietest boy who thinks cats are way better than people. the least motivated matsu, even going out to do fun things (like drinking or gambling) is some times too much trouble. for him a good time is laying on the floor and thinking about death (and also cats). a fan of torture, if the situation calls for causing trauma he’s suddenly very talkative and plays w his voice a lot. he is the second brother (after my boy jyushi) that is often called upon when one of the other brothers (or anyone) needs to be tortured. i love this boy and he is good to my fave boy god bless suujimatsu
neutral expression: B(voice: usually very low, slow and monotone quirks: - eyes always half lidded, no shinies - always slouched- messy hair (some times w cat ears)- only bro to wear track pants (w the line on the side)- has a diff cat in his lap almost every ep, but does not actually own one- two hairs sticking out on the top of his head
up next everyone’s fave otaku,
💚Choromatsu (green frog weeb man)💚
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the resident brother mom and a total idol otaku, choromatsu isnt concerned w much else besides his idol obsession and proving he’s way more responsible than his brothers. he often walks todomatsu to the bathroom at night and waits for him to finish since youngest bro is scared of the dark (reminder theyre both grown men in their 20′s). he thinks he’s better suited to be the oldest brother and leader rather than osomatsu and even points it out once, with agreements from both todomatsu and ichimatsu.if anything crazy happens choro is the first to scream about it not being ok. he’s got the strongest will of all the brothers and can never be persuaded to change his mind about a situation. he’s not a fighter at all and usually chooses to stay on the sidelines even if he agrees w whatever the bros are fighting about (killing god for instance).he’s under constant stress bc he’s pretending to do his best while his brothers are terrible i love him give this poor green man a vacation
neutral expression: :voice: higher pitched, not as high as todo but still higher among the bros, and usually using it to yell @ brosquirks: - smallest pupils, no shinies (in the anime)- usually has a worried expression- wears plaid a lot- is irritated almost all the time - wont look for a job bc he’s determined to be an idol manager- no hairs sticking out on top of his head
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karamatsu is EASILY the most recognizable matsu. w those amazing eyebrows, constant use and abuse of anime eyes, wild variety of glittery, revealing, and leather clothing its no wonder he’s called painful oh my god i love this man DID I MENTION HE SPEAKS RANDOM ENGLISH FOR NO REASON AND ITS GREATalso he’s probably the most caring brother who genuinely wants his brothers to be happy and know theyre loved very much by him ;;
if you cant immediately spot this matsu i dont know what to say to you tbqh
neutral expression: >:Dvoice: he makes his voice deep to sound cool p much all the time but its actually higher pitched than it seems quirks: - wears sunglasses, skulls, a leather jacket, sparkly everything, and p much anything he thinks is “cool”- easily the most expressive matsu just look for those eyebrows haha- puts his finger under his chin a lot - “BURAZAHS” - "heh!”- two hairs sticking out on the top of his head
and now on to the final, the oldest, and arguably the worst matsu
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THERE HE IS!!!! THE TRASH KING BROTHER!!!!i kid, i kid sort ofimplying that the matsus are not all trash boys is just a joke tbqhfor me osomatsu was absolutely the hardest bro to recognize when i first watched the show, and i think the biggest tip i can give for him is just to look for the red boy scratching under his nose. also the boy who looks like he would buy and sell you. he’s a pretty brilliant con man and a good fighter too, but his laziness outweighs anything that he could possibly achieve in. he’s absolute trash but in a way still lovable?? OH ACTUALLY if youre familiar w the anime Lupin the Third just look for the brother that makes the most Lupin-esque faces he’s got that classic-anime-comedy-male-lead look more than any of the other bros so that might help you recognize him!
could literally be lupin’s little bro haha
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neutral expression: its like a stretched version of this :3 w teeth showingvoice: higher pitched, he plays w his voice almost as much as jyushimatsu, very playful and teasing, hardly ever serious sounding quirks: - scratching under his noise- obsessed w money and women (and never has either)- the most addicted to gambling of all the bros (this is sounding less like quirks and more like serious problems omg), favors horse races and pachinko- the “leader”, usually the one telling the others what to do (even if they rarely listen)- calls no one “niisan” since he’s the oldest - two hairs sticking out on top of his head
WOW THIS CAME OUT MUCH LONGER THAN I MEANT IT TO!! if im not careful people might think i love these trash neets or smth oh no
but ye! i hope this helps! or was at least an entertaining read haha❤️💙💚💜💛💖
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choisgirls · 7 years
Okay so let's pretend that the RFA were able to talk to their respective MC in a language besides Korean so they've been assuming for the longest time ever that MC can't speak Korean. One day, they come home and hear her singing a song creepily in Korean and once they find her she's just laughing her ass off. How would the RFA react? I'm sorry I just have a sudden urge to see someone write this if your requests aren't open feel free to disregard this~
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long omfg ;A; But I hope I got what you were talking about??? ~Admin 404
               -Sinceyou didn’t start out speaking Korean in the chatroom, he just assumed youcouldn’t
               -Afterthe two of you got close, he came home early from his classes one day- notknowing you were in your shared home
               -He wasin the middle of changing, shirt halfway over his head, when he noticedsinging?
               -It wasa standard Korean lullaby, but it was being sung quiet and very slowly
               -Triedto run out of the house, thinking it was a ghost, but ran into the wall-resulting in him falling on his ass
               -Youpull the shirt off his head, asking if he was alright
               -“MCWE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE, THERE’S A GHOST!!!! A G H O S T!!!”
               -He’sup on his feet, trying to drag you out of the house yoosung what about yourshirt
               -“Aghost? What do you mean? What makes you say that?”
               -“Ijust heard someone sing this lullaby all slow and creepy and we just, WE GOTTAGO”
               -Superconfused when you bust out laughing
               -omgyou weren’t laughing at the fact he had no shirt on, were you???
               -“Thatwasn’t a ghost, I was singing!”
               -Onesecond, two seconds, three seconds…. ding! Light bulb!
               -“Youlearned a Korean lullaby? When did you do that?”
               -“Uh,years ago. When I learned Korean. Didn’t you know that?
               -whenyou fuckin’ WHAT
               -He iscompletely mindblown to find out you speak Korean??
               -Thoughnow he’s really embarrassed aboutjust assuming you didn’t know the language
               -Superhappy to talk in either language, it makes him feel cool tbh
               -iscompletely pissed off when he finds out you sent a video of him running intothe wall to saeyoung
               -Healways asks for an extra copy of his scripts in *insert mc native languagehere* so you can practice with him!!
               -Younever understood why he did that, maybe he was just trying to be nice?
               -But healways did that with you? With everything?
               -AnyDVD’s, CD’s, absolutely anything he brings home is in your native language
               -Doeshe think you’re more comfortable that way?
               -Obviously,you appreciate it but it’s kind of like…..
               -There’sno need to go so out of his way to do all of that for you!
               -Oneday, you were taking a shower and decided to sing one of the songs from hismost recent play
               -Youlove Zen and love that he’s happy with his career but god daMN THAT SONG ISSTUCK IN YOUR HEAD AND YOU ARE BEYOND DONE WITH IT
               -So youmade fun of it by singing ridiculously, trying different voices, tones,anything you can think of
               -All ofa sudden, the bathroom door is thrown open, slamming against the wall
               -Youjust poke your head out of the shower to stare at him, watching as he starts totalk to himself about how beautiful his voice must for you to have learned itso quickly
               -“Doyou know the meaning??? I can give you a word by word translation!! Do you wantthat? DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT?”
               -“No?I mean, yeah… You play it all the time… because you’re learning it but Iknow the words on my own, thanks sweetheart”
               -You???Knew what the words meant??
               -Hejust kind of stares at you in disbelief before you roll your eyes and return totaking your shower
               -“Zen?Why are you still here? Go aw-” “YOU CAN SPEAK KOREAN”
               -Yousigh and agree that yes, you can speak Korean, and you’ve been able to thiswhole time
               -Hestarts crying??? What in the world???
               -“ICANNOT BELIEVE I DIDN’T KNOW THIS ABOUT MY LOVE! I’M A TERRIBLE MAN, DON’T LOOKAT ME, MC!” not looking at you anyway, zen, tryna shower here
               -“Savethe drama for your play later, sweetheart. It’s alright, I just never saidanything about knowing another language”
               -Literallyspent most of the rest of the day just pouting and feeling terrible that henever knew. You have to comfort him often because it was something neither ofyou ever really brought up way to go mc ya broke ya boyfriend
               -Afterworking for Jumin for so long, she’s unfortunately learned to assume if youlook foreign, you might not speak other languages
               -Soshe’s already assumed you speak only your native language, so she automaticallyaccommodates to your needs
               -Thoughyou…. don’t need it??
               -Youfigured that she wanted to make things easier for you, which you appreciated,but you wanted to make things easy for her too!!
               -What’sfunny is that you’ve talked to her late at night, after she’s been up for days,in Korean so that it’s easier for her mind to process what you ask
               -Didshe pick up on it? Not at all. poor tired bby, someone help her
               -Sodespite the fact that you leave notes for her written in Korean, she just…hasn’t…. noticed?
               -Becauseshe still talks to you in your native tongue
               -Seriously,you’ve tried everything to make it blatantly obvious that you could speakKorean
               -Theeasiest way to tell her that, ‘hey, i don’t need you to translate convos forme, i promise’ is to just straight up tell her
               -Exceptyou didn’t get a chance to?
               -Youwere sweeping the house one day, belting out one of Zen’s songs from his latestmusical
               -Gettinginto it, you dance with the broom, dipping it dramatically
               -Duringyour dip though, you look up to find Jaehee standing in the doorway, at a lossfor words
               -“Oh…so.. you really do speak Korean.. I wasn’t going crazy, then”
               -“I,um, I apologize for just assuming that you-”
               -Youcut her off when you pulled her into a quick dance around the living room,singing the previous song all over again
               -With aswift motion, you dipped her like you did the broom
               -Aquick peck to her lips sent her over the edge and she burst into giggles
               -“You’rea much better dance partner than the broom” you tell her in Korean, with awiggle of your eyebrows
               -Shepushes you away from her and laughs as she leaves the room, calling over hershoulder
               -“Maybeyou should learn a few more songs there, MC”
               -Alsoguilty of just assuming you only spoke your native language
               -Alsonever bothered to ask
               -Youdon’t even bother to tell him though because you’re lowkey salty about it
               -Like???He didn’t even ask???
               -Youlove him and all, but it’s been… how long? And he never even bothered to asKYOU IF YOU KNEW HIS LANGUAGE
               - damnmister trustfund kid
               -Butit’s actually really funny because he talks to Elizabeth in Korean
               -So hethinks you don’t know how much he’s praising her, or baby-talking her
               -Andyou’re left wondering why he doesn’t talk to you like that sometimes
               - goddamn cat getting all the attention (kiDDING I LOVE U ELLY)
               -Butlet’s be honest, you love her just as much and do the same exact thing
               -Infact, you love to sing to her! And she loves it too!
               -Sheturns into a freaking motor box when you sing, she loves it soo much
               -So yousing to her every day, it makes her happy, makes you happy, everyone is happy
               -Oneday, you were singing to her, but Jumin actually came home early??
               -So heheard you singing too, and just sat down quietly next to you
               -Waitedpatiently until you finished the song before speaking
               -“So,you sing to Elizabeth?”
               -“Everyday, sweetheart! You just happened to catch the show”
               -Immediatelythought about asking Saeyoung to install some hidden microphone or something tocapture you singing every day
               - thatisnt creepy at all, dude
               -With aslight tilt of his head, he looked at you, eyes full of question
               -Youhad to fight the urge to kiss his cute little face, but it was worth it
               -“So,MC? You can speak Korean? Not just *insert native language here*?”
               -Younodded in agreement, looking down at Elly, petting her with a smile on yourface
               -“I’veknown this whole time… *pulls Elly up to face* But SOMEBODY *kisses Elly’snose* Never bothered asking. Did he? No, no he didn’t! He didn’t, did heElizabeth??”
               -Youshot him a side glare, watching as his face twisted into slight embarrassmentand back to a playful one before getting up to leave the room
               -“It’sokay, MC. I’ll test out how well you can pronounce those Korean words latertonight.”
               -HeloVED your aCCENT
               -So hespoke to you in your native language just so he could hear it
               -Did heknow you could speak Korean?
               -DID HECARE? I’m hearing “no”
               -Did heremember, a long time later, that you could speak Korean?
               -Again,I am going with no
               -He’salways thinking about god knows what all the damn time so it isn’t surprisingthat he forgot you spoke Korean all together
               -Infact, you were hoping he did forget you spoke Korean, or your new plan wouldn’twork out how you wanted it to
               -Yousee, you and Saeyoung like to prank each other like crazy, but his last onereally irked you
               -(Imean come on??? Who in the world thinks it’s funny to sneak a permanent markerinto your pants pocket when you do laundry??? That rUINS YOUR CLOTHES)
               -So,you decided that revenge was in order, and you wanted nothing more than to scarehim to death
               -Aftera long set up with a creepy life-size doll trapped to an rc car, a couple ofspeakers hidden, and a ton of hidden cameras, you were ready for him to comehome
               -Whenhe got into the room and noticed the girl standing in the corner, heimmediately noped the hell out and tried leaving
               -Butyou locked the door! There is no escaping sweet revenge!
               -Youstarted to sing little kids nursery rhymes through a microphone, it comingthrough the hidden speakers broken and ominous
               -So youkept singing, stopping only to ask him to come play, in child-like voice
               -Youdecided to chase him around with the doll, using the wireless controller fromthe other room
               -Youdidn’t know he could scream in such a high pitch, I swear to god, dogs fromaround the world could hear it
               -He wasgetting out of that room, then and there. He broke down the door. Ran down thehallway and heard you laughing from another room
               -Hedidn’t even think about why you were laughing, he just jumped onto your lap,and latched onto you, hugging tight and burying his face against you
               -Butyou couldn’t even reply- you were laughing too hard. He looked around and sawyour set up of monitors, wireless controller, and microphone
               -Helooked up at you with a ton of mixed emotions
               -Firstof all he was still a little freaked out?? But he was also kinda pissed offthat you scared the hell out of him! But he’s also in awe that you set all thisup… and so in love with how hard you’re laughing…
               -HEDOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO F E E L
               -Takesa second to think about the situation and suddenly remembers
               -Yougive him an innocent smile, but based on the look he gave you once he stood upand walked away
               -He wasprobably going to use that fact against you for his revenge prank, and youweren’t positive you wanted to know what that was going to be
               -Offthe bat, he asks which language you’re more comfortable speaking in
               -Whenyou said your own native language, he understood, and tried his best to accommodatefor you!
               -Eversince then he’s always making sure he can translate things for you, whether itbe signs or casual conversation
               -Youknew Korean but didn’t know if you were a strong enough speaker, which is whyyou initially told him you were comfortable with your first language
               -So,you secretly were testing out your language skills every time the two of youwent out!
               -Whenhe translated for you and you had gotten it right in your head, you were soexcited!
               -But hedidn’t know that ’s what you were doing??
               -Hejust always saw you light up and smile softly to yourself and it made him weAK
               -Was itbecause he was translating for you??
               -Didn’tknow exactly, but was definitely going to keep doing whatever he was doingbecause that loOK
               -IT WASSOOO PRECIOUS
               -But hefelt bad that he couldn’t go shopping with you one day because he had somepeople he had to see
               -Whatif you couldn’t read the signs?? What if you couldn’t talk to the people?? WhAtIf-
               -So he triedto make his meetings go as quickly as possible without being rude
               -And heran to meet you at your favourite coffee shop, where he knew you’d stop first!
               -As hewalked up behind you, getting ready to surprise you and order for you, he tooka step back when he heard you ordering perfectly fine in Korean
               -Youeven made small talk with the barista! In perfect Korean!
               -Whenyou turned around with your coffee, he stared at you in surprise, but he scaredthe shit out of you! You almost dropped your coffee!
               -“V!Hey! You scared me…. I thought you had to go meet a few people? Did somethinghappen? Are you alright?”
               -Youasked. In perfect Korean. Why did you doubt your language skills??
               -“Ithought you only knew *your native language of choice*? So I haven’t needed totranslate for you this whole time?”
               -Youcould see the disappointment in his eyes as you quickly shook your head (andhands) in embarrassment
               -“Nono no no, you asked me in the beginning if I was more comfortable with mynative language, which I am! I know Korean but I was afraid about gettingsomething wrong, so I really appreciated all of your translations! They help memake sure I’m learning and getting it all right!”
               -Explainingit to him was definitely the smart move because you watched as he went from sadpuppy to ecstatic pup knowing that he was able to help you learn new things andsolidify what you already knew!
               -Fromthen on, he always tries to let you figure it out first, then help you if youneed it!
               -Was heembarrassed that he always translated when you didn’t need it? Yes
               -Did heget over it quickly? Also yes. He’s a precious tol bean. He is alright withthis revelation.
               -Alsoknew from the start that you knew Korean
               -Hetalked to you from the beginning in Korean so he knew afterwards that you’dknow
               -Notlike you all of a sudden lost your knowledge on a full language….right?
               -Thatbeing said he just plain refuses to let you pretend like you can’t speak himlanguage
               -Everytime you try to talk to him in your native language he just kind of looks atyou with absolutely no emotion
               -“Hi,MC, speak in a language I know please, thanks”
               -Thisman does not let you have any fun with it at all
               -Youeven tried to fake some sort of amnesia, too
               -To like,pretend you forgot how to speak Korean so he’d have to talk to you in yournative language
               -Did itwork? No
               -Hejust stared at you like you were stupid
               -He’ssuch a jERK
               -Youeven try to mess with him in public
               -Youask him to order some food for you, asking him in your native language
               -Thecashier is confused but Saeran just stares at you
               -Hecompletely understands what you say, despite pretending that he doesn’t
               -Turnsback to the cashier and tells them that you’re getting nothing
               -Untilthe day he slips up and responds to a question you ask him in your language
               -Youcelebrate, including a victory dance
               -Hejust curses at himself for messing up and letting you win
               -Thoughhe does think it’s really cute that you’re thisexcited about winning
               -Maybehe should let you win more often thAT WONT HAPPEN
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eversall · 7 years
prompt: jimon + sleeping together and then agreeing to pretend it never happened, but obviously that doesn't work *flails*
hi!! thank you for the prompt i wrote this while i was writing my essay and it was the best kind of distraction 
Jace remembers exactly how it happened, because he’s not the kind ofdrunk to forget things, and he wasn’t even that drunk anyway; he remembersexactly how they’d moved, Simon’s eyes fullof promise as they’d kissed, slow and languid and unhurried in a dark corner ofMagnus’ party, and then they’d stumbled into one of the bedrooms; he remembersexactly how his heart had broken, clinging desperately to this one chance to beselfish and have what he wanted, and maybe that’s the saddest thing of all.
The memory is burned across the forefront of his mind, of Simon leaningin and whispering, low, his body swaying slightly to the music why are you here, Jace, I’m not even yourtype, man. And it was meant to be a joke, the kind they’re allowed to teaseeach other with now that they’re friends, or something like friends-adjacent,but Jace had been stupid-confident with the low, exhilarating buzz of alcoholand he’d leaned in closer, too close, and whispered back but you are and Simon had made a low, thrilled noise; he’d pressedinto Jace until there was no space left between them and sealed their mouthstogether.
Jace can vividly recall the way Simon had felt, tongue lazily strokingthe roof of Jace’s mouth, fingertips creeping up over Jace’s back and draggingdown slowly, his hips undulating to the beat of the music against Jace’s. Jacehad been powerless in the face of everything he’d wanted, and he’d pushed backto give as good as he’d got, hoisting Simon up by his thighs as they’d kissed andstumbling backwards until they’d found a door and pushed through it, Jacecarelessly turning the lock with his hand as he’d slammed Simon up against the wall.
“You’re – oh – fuck – how far do you want to - ?” Simonhad asked, and Jace had hummed, pleased, as he’d nosed along the delicate lineof Simon’s jaw, setting his teeth in the fragile skin of Simon’s neck andbiting lightly.
“Everything.” Jace had answered carelessly, the words flying out of hismouth with an alarming sincerity, but with arousal running hot through hisveins, he couldn’t have cared less; he’d let Simon’s legs down and thenimmediately dropped to his knees, eyes fixed hungrily on Simon’s belt buckle ashe’d fumbled through getting his pants down and over his knees and then beforeSimon could push his boxers down he’d leaned forward, mouthing at Simon’s cockthrough the thin cotton, body thrumming with a sudden urgency to devour the other man.
“Fuck, you’re amazing, Jace.” Simon had breathed out, his handsgoing to anchor themselves in Jace’s hair, and Jace had closed his eyes andsavored it, the frisson of pleasure creeping up his spine at the way Simon saidhis name, and he’d worked that night to tear his name out of Simon’s mouth inevery way possible. Simon, shuddering Jaceand pulling him up to taste himself in Jace’s mouth; Simon, whispering Jace with a kind of awe on his face thathad hurt to look at as he’d pushedthree fingers into Jace and Jace had moaned, loud and needy, the sound echoingthrough the room; Simon, crying Jaceas he’d come undone over Jace, pushing in and in and in until they were wrappedtogether, moving with a frenzied urgency together, eyes locked onto each otheras Jace memorized every line of Simon’s face like this, gorgeous and wild.
And now, as he wakes up with Simon’s head pillowed on his chest, he remembers everything, and it suddenly hurts so much he can barely breathe,and he slips out of bed as quietly as he can, leaving it behind.
He can’t leave it behind. He and Simon are out of sync, today, lookingat each other and then looking away, and Jace can’t stop flushing with anabsurd undercurrent of lust every time he moves and his legs ache, remindinghim of last night, or when he pushes his fingers against the hickey Simon lefton his hipbone, hidden by his shirt.
It’s making him feel heartbroken,because Simon was a little drunk andit probably meant nowhere near as much to him as it does to Jace, because Jaceis all in and Simon – Simon’s only been broken up with Clary for two weeks,now, and Jace is the rebound, he knowsit. It hurts, and his body is still pulsing with the feeling of Simon, memoriesfresh from last night, and it’s confusing, and he snaps at Simon more thanonce, and Simon snaps back, and they’re both too awkward and stilted around eachother.
“How much did you have to drink last night?” Izzy asks him, bewildered,as he misses his landing and missteps when he jumps down from the roof,stumbling. He grunts, and shrugs; Alec cuts him a look, and Jace is pretty surehe’s figured out what happened from the parabatai bond.
“Enough to see you slip out with Clary and remember it.” Jace responds instead, smirking, and Izzy laughs andthey forget about it; but Simon stares at him like he’s a puzzle that can’t be figuredout and Clary raises an eyebrow.
Later, Simon pulls him aside, his grip firm and unavoidable, and Jacestares at him, waiting for him to speak, and desperately thinking say you’re in love with me too. Say theimpossible, Simon, say it.
“Look,” Simon says, his eyes darting around furtively, “it doesn’t haveto mean anything. We can pretend it never happened. Just stop ignoring me likeI’m gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, Jesus.” He says, and Jace laughs alittle because he can’t help it, his heart aches and Simon’s still the mostbeautiful and ridiculous person he’s ever seen.
He rubs the back of his neck, looks at Simon carefully.
“Sure.” He says, and Simon’s eyes lighten considerably, and Jacepretends it doesn’t kill him a little on the inside. “Sure.”
He really – tries. To pretend like it didn’t happen. But how can he forgetthe feeling of Simon’s arms pinning him in place, his eyes hungry as he pressedkisses down Jace’s chest, their legs tangled together like it’s the easiestthing in the world? How can he pretend Simon didn’t give him somethingimmeasurably precious?
“You’ve gotta talk to him.” Alec tells him, and Jace snorts.
“Talking, yeah, how’d that work out for you?” He asks, handing Alec hisbow and arrow as they suit up for patrol. Alec grimaces.
“Point.” He concedes. “But here’s a novelidea – maybe you could, oh, I don’t know, learn from my mistakes?”
“See, that implies I make mistakes too, and as we all know, that’s nottrue.” Jace says, smirking, and Alec cuffs him over the head for that as Jacetries to dodge, laughing.
“Right,” Simon says, appearing next to them with Clary and Izzy in tow,“because putting salt in your coffee this morning was what you intended to do.”
“It’s how the French take their coffee.” Jace responds loftily. “Youwouldn’t understand.” Simon laughs, shoves Jace gently, and Izzy starts sayingsomething about coffee beans, and Jace doesn’t listen for a moment, just looksat Simon, and after a beat Simon looks at him, his eyes warm. They hold on toeach other like that for a second too long, and Jace feels his heart stutter inhis chest.
Simon is everywhere. Jace iswalking through Central Park, trying to get some time alone, when he sees Simonsitting on a bench and contemplating a melting ice-cream cone like it’s holdingthe secrets of the universe.
“Give that to me.” Jace says, snatching the ice cream from his hands,and Simon startles, his arm flailing and hitting the bench railing. It dentsslightly and Jace raises an eyebrow, incredulous, as he licks the melting dropsoff the cone. “You can’t eat this, what’s wrong with you?”
“Where did you come from, man?” Simon asks instead, gaping. His eyesflicker to where Jace is swirling his tongue over the cone, and Jace flushesbecause he vividly remembers using the same motion in a much more intimate place. “I don’t know, I justreally missed ice cream.”
“So you sat here like a lunatic, just waiting for it to melt all overyour fingers?” Jace asks, sliding on the bench next to him. He slides in tooclose accidentally, and their thighs are pressing together, and Simon looks athim for a moment too long.
“Yeah.” Simon says, and then he’s reaching across the space betweenthem, his thumb brushing softly against Jace’s lower lip. Jace can’t breathe, and he holds himself as stillas possible, the air growing thick between them with tension as Simon bringshis thumb away, a drop of strawberry ice cream on it.
“You had a bit of – “ Simon says hoarsely, and they both look at histhumb, and Simon slowly brings it up to his mouth and sucks the drop off, hischeeks hollowing out around the finger and his eyes trained intently on Jace’s.It’s obscene and beautiful in a wild, reckless way.
Jace’s caged heart pounds wildly in his chest and he drops the icecream cone.
“Jace.” Simon says helplessly, and Jace shakes his head as he stands.It’s not fair. They’re pretending itdidn’t happen.
It’s another party, only a week after the first one, and Jace is stonecold sober, his mood sour as he takes in the bright lights in Magnus’ darkenedloft, the bass thrumming through the floor. He’s in the corner, leaning againstthe wall, and he thinks bitterly that it never ends, his cycle of falling lovewith all the wrong people.
Simon appears like Jace’s thoughts have summoned him, and his blue button-uphas the top few buttons popped; Jace has the absurd urge to tell him to coverup.
“You’re not drinking?” Simon asks, and Jace looks at him.
“No.” He says, because how can it be a good idea? How can he stand hereand pretend that he doesn’tdesperately want to drown in Simon again?
“Why?” Simon persists, stepping closer to be heard, and Jace wants toback away further but he’s already trapped.
“Why do you think?” Jace mutter bitterly, and it’s too much too soon,playing all his cards at once, his heart on his sleeve, and Simon reels backlike he’s been slapped.
“Sorry that sleeping with me was sucha nightmare.” He says coldly, and it feels like being doused in frigidwater, to see the way Simon’s eyes glitter, and Jace’s fury rises out of him,sudden and overwhelming.
“You don’t get to say anything,”Jace snaps, “you’re the one who wanted to pretend nothing happened.”
“Nothing – “ Simon growlswordlessly and shoves at Jace. “You ranout on me!”
“I’m not going to be yourrebound, I am not your second choice,Simon.” Jace says, and his voice is wrecked and anguished and he feels like he’ssuffocating. He needs to get out of here. He pushes away from the wall, barelylooking at Simon as he shoves his way through the crowd and tries to get to thedoor, tries to get out, but there’s ahand on his wrist and he’s suddenly being spun around and pushed down acorridor. 
It’s Simon, his eyes blazing as Jace stumbles backwards, right into an openroom, and it’s a painful echo of the last time they were here, with Jace laidout bare in front of Simon, every wall he’d ever put up crumbling in the wakeof Simon’s force.
“I’d been in love with you for months,”Simon says, his voice hard and angry, “and Clary and I broke up because tryingto forget about our feelings for other people wasn’t working out. Youdon’t get to decide what I feel.”
“What do you feel.” Jace repeats dumbly, because he doesn’t know whatto say, doesn’t know how to accept this when he’s been torturing himself withit for what feels like the longest time. Simon knows how take him apart and puthim back together and it hurts; hewants to feel something more, he wants to be the reason Simon smiles.
“You’re who I want.” Simon says, and his voice is low, his handsshaking as they come up to grip Jace’s arms. “That night, I – it meantsomething to me. It meant everything.”
“Me too.” Jace half-whispers, and they’re looking at each other forhalf a second, moonlight filtering over Simon’s cheeks, the noise of the partymuted behind them, and suddenly they’re both moving forward, throwingthemselves at each other. They kiss, fiercely, like it’s the last chance they’llget to, Simon immediately shoving his tongue down Jace’s throat and Jace slamminghim against the closest wall. Simon’s nails rake down Jace’s back, and he feelsthe tell-tale bloom of pain, coupled with the sharp spike of pleasure at Simon markinghim, Simon wanting him.
“I love you,” Jace manages to get out between kisses, cradling Simon’sface between his palms as he tugs at Simon’s bottom lip with his teeth, “and it’skilling me, it’s – I don’t know what to do.”
“I know.” Simon says, and it’s mournful, but his eyes are clear when helooks back at Jace. “I trust you.”
I don’t trust myself Jacewants to say, but it gets lost as Simon palms him roughly through his jeans andkisses him again, softer this time, sweeter. It’s gentle, and it breaks Jace’sheart. A clean cut, something that feels like a new beginning rather than anending.
Okay, Jace thinks, and hekisses back. Somewhere in his chest, something delicately hopeful starts tobloom.
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for the letter asks, how about doing all of them? :D 💜
Thank you and ahhh that’s so much but tbh I like these asks so I’m excited to and I will haha :’D 💜
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Wow that’s way too many but my current favs would have to be Bakushima, KamiSero, OchaMomo, OchaMina, Momojirou, OjiroTooru and Todoiideku. From fandoms other than BNHA my current favs also include KidoMomo, Klance, PreciousMetalShipping, Jadeshipping, Originalshipping, TeruMob, Hector/Eliwood, Florina/Lyn, Soriku and idk there’s lots more but I’m too lazy to list everything rip. 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Every day I fall farther into TodoKami hell. TogaOchaMina which I blame you for haha. OchaJirou which I blame my sister for. IzuMina which I saw in a fanfic and it was actually really adorable. A lot of BNHA rarepairs tbh 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Kacchako and KatsuDeku. I have nothing against people who ship these, and I’m not gonna hate on these ships, I personally just don’t ship them. 
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Not really anything? I’m chill with most ships even those I don’t like as long as they aren’t adult/child ships or sibling ships. So there’s no ship out there I wish I liked that I don’t already 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I used to write so many crack Kingdom Hearts fics omg. And I guess It’s Murder Time and Group Chat With the Girls would be considered crack fics for BNHA haha
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I’ve been in the Kingdom Hearts fandom since like middle school. Same with PokeSpe
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Way too many rip. First OTP was probably Soriku if I’m remembering correctly or PreciousMetalShipping
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Anime but there is a lot of books I do like 
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not really because I just kinda ignore the drama/discourse ^^’ 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
I can’t recall off the top of my head? Yuri on Ice, I think? Mob Psycho 100 as well I think I saw some art of it and was like oh I wonder what that is, it looks cool 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Teru and Dimple from Mob Psycho 100, I went from hating them at the beginning of the season to loving them by the end. In my opinion, from what I’ve read at least since I haven’t read all the manga, all the PokeSpe characters have amazing character development. Katsuki Bakugou from BNHA has good character development in my opinion as well because even if it’s slow, it’s realistic development. 
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Kouda from BNHA deserves more love. Such a sweet boy. He’s never done anything wrong in his life. Loves animals, has a pet bunny, terrified of bugs. He’s freaking adorable and he deserves more love. 
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
All the BNHA girls would be amazing friends. Kirishima and Tokoyami would be really good friends to have as well, I think 
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I wish I saw more content for rarepairs in BNHA particularly f/f ships but that’s just because I’m a slut for BNHA f/f rarepairs. Other than that, nothing really?? The fandom’s pretty good, like everyone is really nice I’ve met and there’s so many good artists and writers. Same with most of my fandoms tbh 
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
My sister is playing Hamilton and it’s making me think of musicals so let’s go with Freeze Your Brain from Heathers and Tododeku because for some reason I can see a Heathers Tododeku AU? 
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
*Cracks knuckles* I love AUs. Let’s see…Maze Runner AU for BNHA. The kids are all in the maze together, and Deku shows up and he’s the last one and doesn’t have a quirk unlike the rest. There’s also a group B which is Class 1B. 
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
I haven’t really abdonded any tbh. Sometimes I forget about fandoms but I always return to them once I remember rip 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I really like Bakugou/Ochako friendship and Mina/Kirishima friendship 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Ahh let’s see…Random headcanons…Ok let’s just go with I have headcanon sexualities for all of BNHA Class 1A, and I headcanon Jirou as bi but leans towards girls and ace. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
 All of Class 1A is super close, and they have a group chat. Fight me on this. There’s no way not one person in the class was like hey lets make a group chat for everyone. Also Kaminari spams it with memes. (The girls probably have a separate one too lol) 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Let’s see…I really love Reigen from Mob Psycho 100 because he’s hilarious and such a great character. Kido from Kagerou Days because she’s really cool and sweet and I love her. Ahh if I have to choose Momo from BNHA because she’s really nice and smart, and I just really like her character and quirk but also Iida because I really love him too, he’s really funny and sweet 
V - Which character do you relate to most?
That’s tough…I have a lot of characters I kinda relate to rip. I relate to Roxas from KH a lot for some reason because my friend and I always joke we’re like Axel and Roxas, and it kinda became a nickname for me. I also relate to Suga from Haikyuu a lot because I’m like him personality wise and I also relate to how he loves the sport he does and cares a lot for the underclassmen but also sometimes feels surpassed by them. Also from BNHA I’m kinda conflicted because I relate to a few characters? I kinda relate to Mina, Momo and Ochako tbh like different parts of their characters and stuff 
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I can’t think of one of the top of my head? If love triangles count as a trope then that 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Again I can’t really think of one off the top of my head ^^’ 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Tbh most of the time if a fandom keeps showing up on my dash, I get into it lol. I guess Steven Universe since I haven’t seen all the episodes and I’m not like too into it but I do still like it? 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Ahh let’s see. I don’t know why but lately I’ve been really into BNHA. Like I have other fandoms I love as well, but my main focus keeps returning to BNHA. I still love my old fandoms like KH and PokeSpe and like I keep having brief fandom moments with Fire Emblem SoV and Kagerou Days which I still love as well, but BNHA has just become my main fandom and I find the characters from it the most fun and easiest to write askjddja
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