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The TV shows produced by Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz:
Thirtysomething (1987-1991) Dream Street (1989) My So-Called Life (1994-1995) Relativity (1996-1997) Once and Again (1999-2002) Quarterlife (2008)
*Zwick and Herskovitz also served as replacement producers for the season 5 of Family (1979-1980) and seasons 5-6 of Nashville (2017-2018).
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sarecleoflove · 1 year
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noodledesk · 1 year
I have found the devotion to parental expectations among the trickiest things to sort through in Quarterlife because the devotion itself can be so unquestioned. Respecting our parents is socially and intellectually defensible as “good” and “moral.” In many cultures and communities, it’s rule number one. But Quarterlifers’ instincts demand evolution away from their roots, sometimes with tiny whispers and doubts, and sometimes with shouting demands. There’s a natural necessity to separate from parental dependence and influence. But because we are so accustomed to listening to our parents, and because there’s so little social framework for shifting away from their beliefs, parental perceptions often carry more weight than our personal instincts. Carried on too long, that childhood fealty can become psychologically dangerous. You can’t serve two conflicting masters simultaneously without losing your mind.
Satya Doyle Byock, Quarterlife
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fieriframes · 2 months
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ladymacabrebeth · 1 year
I’ve been so traumatized & overprotected in my younger years that I missed out on fun people my age had. But now I’m healing my inner child by having fun, enjoying life, not taking life as seriously as I used to & just letting my hair down at 25.
Lady Macabre Beth
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bordersbookthirst · 1 year
Short but powerful (like me)
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Quarterlifin. Crisising.
Heard about this book on NPR's Life Kit (I'll go dig the episode up on browser). If you like the episode and want more, definitely buy it but just be aware that most of the principles of it are fairly clearly outlined in the episode.
If anything it was less of "this book" and more like "this book was a midstep domino in the domino meme that is convincing me to quit my job"
I like her relationship with myth and the reassurance of if you're lost at 25-30, theres still hope for you
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dinimaulid-blog · 18 days
🦋 It Takes Time 🦋
Kita inginnya buru-buru,
Tetapi Tuhan yang punya waktu.
Kita inginnya disegerakan, tetapi Tuhan yang menentukan.
Manusia memang bisa mengatur rencana sedemikian rupa, tapi tetap saja, Tuhan yang punya kuasa.
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einviertelleben · 4 months
Kalte Pizza
"Weißt du?" seufze ich in seine Richtung. "Alle meine Freunde sind mittlerweile seit Jahren in derselben Branche oder im gleichen Job und steigen die Karriereleiter empor. Und ich – ich renne immer noch zwischen all den Leitern hin und her, ohne zu wissen, für welche ich mich entscheiden soll. Manchmal steige ich auf die erste Sprosse, manchmal sogar auf die zweite, aber dann bin ich enttäuscht oder denke, dass es nebenan bestimmt viel spannender ist. Dass das doch nicht schon alles gewesen sein kann."
Mal wieder laufen die Tränen wie ein Wasserfall über mein Gesicht. Wie immer, wenn wir über dieses Thema sprechen. "Und ich habe das Gefühl, dass mir langsam die Zeit davonläuft.“ Ich schluchze. „Ich bin so müde von dem ewigen Gefühl anders sein zu müssen. Nicht genug zu sein. Ich glaube mit mir stimmt einfach etwas nicht.“
Er schaut mich an. Sein Blick ist weich und warm. "Aber ist das Leben nicht genau dazu da? Zum Entdecken? Was für einen Sinn hat unsere Existenz, wenn wir nicht der Neugier folgen? Woher sollst du denn wissen, welche Leiter deine ist, wenn du nicht auf alle mal einen Blick wirfst?"
Ich beiße von der kalten Pizza ab, die von gestern Abend übrig geblieben ist und wische mir mit dem Ärmel meines übergroßen flauschigen Bademantels die Tränen von der Wange. „Vielleicht hast du recht“, antworte ich. „Vielleicht hat er ja wirklich recht“ sage ich noch einmal zu mir selbst.
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duskytaless · 8 months
Nobody told me even good change causes same amount of sorrow, pain, discomfort, and fear. The only thing that distinguishes it from the bad one is at the end of it you are in a better place.
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arosellaa · 1 year
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Days in Quarter Life (Short Stories) (on Wattpad)
Ini adalah kumpulan flash fiction yang kubuat selama mengikuti Writing & Publishing Worshop Career Class x Bentang Pustaka 
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​Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood
By Satya Doyle Byock.
Design by Alicia Tatone.
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lamajaoscura · 1 year
This 15-minute stick figure exercise can help you find your purpose : Life Kit : NPR
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rogerhealey · 1 year
I wanna start a book club but I don't know where to start. I also don't know if there are people that have similar taste in books. Currently reading Quarterlife by Satya Doyle Byock. It's so good. I really needed this.
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noodledesk · 1 year
While Meaning Types can feel ill-equipped to function emotionally or logistically out in the world, internally they may feel older or wiser than their biological age. They’re often brimming with genuine aptitude and talent, but struggle with the day-to-day tasks required in modern life. Meaning Types often have negative emotional associations with money and linear time, which can hamper their participation in society. Money is considered gross, dangerous, evil, dirty, or the root of human suffering. Linear time, meanwhile, is “a prison,” “a social construction,” “a way to keep people chained to capitalism.” These associations create an unconscious tension between their often less expressed or acknowledged desires for a full, secure, and stable life.
Satya Doyle Byock, Quarterlife
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augustinewrites · 1 year
do you say ‘wip’ letter by letter or automatically as work in progress
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bogusfilth · 4 months
while i'm here the attitude i've heard from my arts friends (who i love very much) towards theoretical science lately is bizarre. "what is she going to do with a pure math degree" I don't know mr. studio arts, potentially get a very lucrative career in data analysis. or maybe they're just doing it because. you know. they like it?? why are you the one asking what the "practical purpose" of a degree is all of a sudden??
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