#queerer things
lordystrange · 2 months
Queerer things is my fav show too!
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itswhatyougive · 8 months
Those paying attention know that ST4 was the gayest season yet.
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Stranger Things characters X vintage gay pride pins I saw on this post
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Featuring three Murrays
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Queer originally meant strange.
So if the show was called Queerer Things, it would mean exactly the same thing.
It was all very queer, but queerer things were yet to come.
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mimigoey · 2 years
This series should be named Queerer things. This broke me. Good thing for him it's just his role and not happening in reality but for some viewers Will is reminding them that they won't be happy. His first real love shattered like that.. seriously, no one can take it. Same with Robin seeing Vicky being kissed by her boyfriend. Robins are more hopeless
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The birds of the same feather..just flock together and share your sadness.
Idk why my thoughts aren't relevant anywhere and I don't belong anywhere
When something is fictional it's always celebrated... I'm aggressive yeah sorry.
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potahun · 8 months
im surprised that mysterious lotus casebook is not huuuuuge i dont expect mdzs levels of huge because the story has cultural elements that require a bit more willingness to understand or accept than mdzs (which translates very easily to the intl fandom), but this story is just as well-crafted, the character dynamics go SO hard, the acting is so good (globally, too, not just the leads), the production looks like it got more budget and it's used very well, it has all the moods from fluff to killer humor to angst to comfort, it's beauty and grace in terms of themes and other literary elements to analyse too, enough to make everyone go on a field trip. what are we waiting for? ? it's not based on a BL but it's queer as fuck
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deathon1leg · 2 years
something about that scene where dr. owens is like “we’ll find this max mayfield and tell him-“ then el says “her” felt so lgbt
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alphacygni · 3 months
The fact that everyone is losing it over Stede calling Ed his boyfriend in a deleted scene shot on a cell phone just underscores for me how thoroughly S2 was de-queered.
They call each other “friends” in the actual show. The season does not end with them holding hands or kissing or anything even though we’re meant to see it as them starting their life together.
Any vaguely polyamorous situation has been erased entirely.
Our sapphic couple follow up “You’re so fucking hot right now” with…a hug. I mean Anne kisses Stede but not her wife? 😩
Max’s dirty fingerprints are all over so much of this. I know some cuts are to be expected for time and flow and pacing. But so much of this is clearly Max trying to make the show palatable enough to milk for that sweet four quadrant cash…and even that wasn’t enough to save it.
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pia-writes-things · 10 months
The fact that the HDM show managed to transform a very staight book into a very queer story means so much to me 🥰🏳️‍🌈
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maddgical-boy · 2 days
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applicablesilliness · 24 days
Time for the time of day where I debate whether I am acespec or if I'm just a demure and easily embarrassed person
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Since I made Stranger Things asexual icons for ace week~~~
Say hello to the new icons!!
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In order: aromantic El, aromantic Murray, aromantic Steve, aromantic Nancy, arospec Nancy, demiromantic Mike
Let me know if there's another you'd like to see :D (or a different idea, I'm just doing Stranger Things because I'm in the fandom, but I'm aro 24/7 and I'd love to post more aro things!!)
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"Aromantic Things" blog header✨️✨️
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i have got to get more queer
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raspberry-ripley · 10 months
my old boss loved house md and told me on several occasions about his dvd box sets of it or whatever and every time i learn something new about it it's like. you like this one? this show? you? are you sure? this? bc it doesn't really mesh with what i know of him but then people contain multitudes and i cannot imagine that he watches it with the discerning eye of a tumblr homosexual
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chaoticmayocat · 1 year
I've finally bit the bullet and got a doctor's appointment up here to try and get an HRT prescription. I'm not backing down on it, even if someone tells me my health issues are a risk. I'm filing my name change over the summer. The world is not getting kinder. My transition will not get easier. There is no surrender if I want to stay honest about myself.
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
yeah they're still as gay the second time around folks
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