#really though that was a nice thing to wake up to
wcbblife · 2 days
Slow mornings
Thinking about early mornings with Paige and your energetic toddler.
a/n: Those Paige mom hcs just make my mind wander way too much
For some reason, your baby girl woke up way earlier than usual, and you felt a small finger silently poking at your back. You tried to get up as quietly as possible since Paige was still peacefully sleeping next to you. Deciding to let her rest, knowing that all the games and practices were really taking a toll on her, on top of taking care of a toddler, even though she had insisted you wake her no matter what.
The only problem was that your toddler burst with energy as soon as you closed the bedroom door behind you. “Hey, we gotta be quiet. Mommy is still sleeping in there,” you whisper, trying to calm her down, but it’s seemingly no use. Even at the crack of dawn, she always seemed like a ball of energy.
You kneel down to her level, placing a finger to your lips. “Shhh, let’s play a quiet game, okay?”
She nods enthusiastically, but the concept of “quiet” doesn’t seem to register. You lead her to the living room, hoping to find something to keep her occupied without waking Paige. Grabbing her favorite coloring book and crayons, you set her up at the coffee table. “Here, let’s color together.”
For a few minutes, it works. She’s absorbed in her drawing, and you breathe a sigh of relief, thinking you might have bought Paige some more precious sleep. But then, just as quickly, she’s up again, darting around the room with boundless energy.
You try to think of something else to keep her entertained. “How about a snack?” you suggest, heading to the kitchen. She follows you, bouncing on her toes. You grab some fruit and a small cup of juice, hoping the distraction will last a bit longer.
As she munches on the apple slices, you glance at the clock, realizing it’s still so early. The sun is just beginning to peek through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. Keeping up with her energy is a challenge, especially when you and Paige are just way too tired.
The only thing that seems to calm her down momentarily is the creak of the door to your shared room. A sleepy Paige emerges from the dark room, her tousled hair on full display. You throw her an apologetic look as your daughter shrieks with delight at the sight of her other mother. She waddles over to Paige, her little feet pattering on the floor, and you see the grin on Paige’s face grow.
“Hey baby,” Paige says, reaching down and groaning slightly as Mia jumps into her arms. “You’re up early.”
Mia takes a careless hold of Paige's chin, shrieking once again, and you watch as Paige winces at the loudness of it.
“Sorry, babe,” you say, moving toward them and rubbing Mia’s back with one hand and Paige’s bicep with the other. Paige shakes her head, leaning in to give your cheek a sweet kiss.
“It’s okay,” she murmurs. “I missed my morning cuddle time anyway.”
Mia babbles something unintelligible, tapping her hands on Paige’s shoulders with excitement. Paige chuckles, bouncing Mia gently to soothe her.
“Aren't you tired, baby girl?” Paige asks Mia, never really expecting a real answer. “Wanna watch Bluey with mommy?” You both jump as your toddler shrieks with excitement. “I'll take that as a yes,” Paige laughs.
“I'll get started with breakfast. Please try and rest some more,” you say, brushing a stray hair off Paige's face and throwing her a worried look.
“You don't gotta worry about me, momma,” she replies, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Alright?”
“Okay, baby,” you respond, unable to suppress the smile on your face as Mia buries her face in the crook of Paige's neck. “Be nice, Mia.”
Paige carries Mia into your room, and you hear her mumble something soothing before the unmistakable tune of Bluey fills the house. You pause for a moment, enjoying the sound of Mia's giggles blending with the cheerful music.
In the kitchen, you start preparing breakfast, the familiar routine bringing a sense of calm. You whisk eggs and pour them into the sizzling pan, the smell of cooking filling the room. You glance over at the room, seeing Paige and Mia cuddled up on the bed, completely engrossed in the show. Paige’s eyes occasionally flutter shut, but Mia’s boundless energy keeps her awake.
You plate the food and bring everything to the table, ready to call them over for breakfast.
“Breakfast is ready!” you announce.
Paige gently disentangles herself from Mia, who protests with a small whine but quickly settles as Paige promises more Bluey after breakfast. She carries Mia over to her highchair and settles her in, making sure she’s comfortable.
You watch them with a smile as you pour coffee for Paige and yourself, setting the mugs on the table. “Here you go,” you say, handing Paige her coffee.
“Thanks, babe,” she says, taking a sip and sighing contentedly. “This is just what I needed.”
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 days
Weird Family
Pairing: Wife!Reader x Mark Webber
Words: 1.1K
Warning: None just fluff
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Oscar has woken up in different ways before. He wakes up very nicely to his girlfriend, Mark, pouring ice on him when he refuses to train and Lando blaring EDM music in his ears. The mechanics pulled pranks by dropping stink bombs, a flare, and smoke bombs. But Oscar's least favorite way of waking up? The four-year-old currently sitting on his chest and pulling his eyes open.
"Ossie, the sun is up. You said we could play when the sun is up," Oscar groans, as his eyelids are pulled back and met with a little girl with pitch black hair and an Aussie accent. "Ossie, wake up," she whines, starting to get an intense whine in her tone, meaning she is either getting annoyed or getting close to a tantrum. "Willow, what are you doing out of bed?" Oscar groans, rolling over.
Willow yelps but soon giggles as Oscar lays his arm on her, almost smothering the girl. "You said we can play when the sun is up. It's up!" Willow points to the little sliver of orange light coming through. Groaning, Oscar squints at the clock reading 5:13 am. "Good god, it's so early," Oscar whines, but the giggles stop, and he looks down. Willow is silent and cuddles closer to Oscar, who remains patient despite his tiredness.
"Ossie, we take nappy," Willow yawns, her black hair a mess of curls with Oscar leaning up and pulling it into a loose bun. "Okay, we take a small nappy," Oscar whispers, lying back down, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, having never been more grateful that toddlers lose energy quick. The last thing Oscar sees is Willow's cheeks puffing out, which never fails to amuse him.
"Good morning, my little willow snapper," Mark whispers, pushing open his baby girl's room only to be met with a messy, empty bed. "Willow?" Mark asked, looking at his watch. It was 9am, and she rarely woke up this early. But she stayed up super late to welcome Oscar, never missing the chance to see Oscar. Moving the next room over, he pushes it open and sees the mess of black curls under Oscar's covers. Huffing, he shakes his head and closes the door, knowing those two will wake when they feel like it.
"Where's Willow?" Mark chuckles, smiling at you, who glows with your baby bump. She is wearing a soft sundress and has wild and gorgeous hair. "She is currently taking up space in Oscars's bed," your husband explains, walking around the island and kissing you gently. "Really? She was excited when Oscar promised to play with her when the sun was up," Mark chuckles, stealing a strawberry and biting into it.
"I swear, sometimes I think that kid loves him more than me," You roll your eyes as Mark moves closer and turns you to face him, sighing when he feels a little kick from your growing bump. "That's okay, though," Mark whispers, leaning down to kiss when the little thump comes from. Your husband gives off his deep chuckles, making you giggle, the thump coming back in 3 quick kicks. "Well, seems like someone is trying to sleep," You grumble, rubbing a comforting hand over the swell of your stomach.
"Speaking of sleep, I better go wake up our kids," Moving around, Mark, you move down the long hallway and softly knock on the door, being met with Oscar on his phone and Willow now lying over his stomach. "Oscar, breakfast will be ready soon," The young Aussie turns his head and nods. "Okay, should I wake her or you?" Oscar whispers, unsure which would be better. "I think you, me, she'd just give attitude," Oscar can't help but smile and nod, watching as you close the door to the bedroom.
He looks down at the little girl, her hair even messier than before, and chuckles. "Snapper, it's time to get up," Willow whines, not wanting to move as she is far too comfortable. "I think your mother might've made waffles," He smirks as she shoots off and runs into the door; covering his mouth, he tries hard not to laugh. "Open, open!" She jumps around, Oscar climbing out and opening the door, watching as she squeals and the dogs run after her.
"Daddy!" Willow screams. Mark moves quickly and scoops her up before the dogs smash her into the ground, chuckling as she giggles and wiggles in his arms. "Snapper, stop moving; I'm going to drop you." He fake-drops her, and she screams, which makes Oscar laugh. Immediately, Willow reaches out for Oscar, who gladly takes the toddler, balancing her on his hip.
"Ossie, Daddy is being mean," Mark gasps, faking innocence, but stops when you narrow your eyes. I wasn't being mean, darling, I swear," he pleads with you. Still, you turn your head and plate some waffles for your kids. "Kids, breakfast," Your voice is stern as you continue to glare at your innocent husband. Oscar places Willow in her booster seat, ensuring she's comfortable, before sitting in his seat and cutting his waffles.
"Ossie, help," Willow tugs on Oscar's shirt, looking up at him with big eyes. Oscar doesn't think twice and cuts her waffle into small pieces. Oscar is so wrapped up in what he's doing that he doesn't hear the click of Mark's phone taking a picture. "Send that to me," You whisper, Mark already nodding. Oscar groans, pulling out his phone, and Willow makes a noise. "Yucky, Lando," Oscar snorts and swipes up, Lando's face filling his screen.
"Are you alive, man? Last we talked, you said you'd let me know if you made it there safely," Oscar sighs. Lando acted more like an overbearing mother than a teammate. "It's yucky!" Willow points at the phone, and Lando's face drops as he leans in. "Oh, you're with the mini evil Webber," Willow shoves her face into view and opens her mouth with mushy waffles. "Willow Emory Webber, you close your mouth," You snap, your daughter quickly sitting back as Lando cackles. "Dude, you're beefing with a four-year-old." Oscar points out, and Lando stops laughing.
"You think I care? Hands rate E for everyone, man, especially Demon Webber." Mark snatches the phone, and Lando goes quiet. "I will call Jenson. Do you want me to? I can call Zak, too. Tell him you're not doing your proper training. Call my child a demon again. I dare you." You take the phone and smack Mark, who grumbles and smiles sweetly into the phone.
"Lando honey, did Oscar not tell you I invited you too? You're more than welcome to spend some of the summer holidays with us," "Mrs. Webber, with all due respect, your daughter does not like me. I fear for what she'd do to me while I'm sleeping," You giggle and hand the phone back to Oscar, who chuckles, Willow poking her head in view again.
"Yucky, I miss you," Willow adds, and Oscar smiles, ruffling her hair as Lando tries not to smile. Yeah, I miss you too, demon," Lando grumbles. Oscar, your family is weird," he adds. Oscar smiles as Mark and you make faces at Willow, which makes Oscar feel warm inside. Oscar doesn't hear Lando make fun of him because Lando is right—his family is weird.
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leydenkilgore · 1 day
about balancing shifting and your original reality as someone that spends most of their time in their dr
I’ve spent much more time there than I ever have here. So I just feel like I belong there and it’s not really about one specific place or life. I keep coming back here not because I even want to but because it’s just familiar. I don’t use a safe word or anything, and I scripted I forgot I even shifted there to be more authentic. Because I personally always would feel like I was playing a role. Something in the back of my mind tells me I need to go back and I just go back. You can’t get stuck there or need a safe word. Just think you want to go back and you’re back. I think once you outlive your original life by a couple times you start to become naturally less detached to things in your original reality. At least that’s how it was for me. I just feel like there’s not much else I want from this experience. Shifting becomes so much easier the more you succeed and do it. The more apathetic about it, the less your life depends on it. I think for some people that they become too obsessed and reliant on it as an imaginary coping mechanism. There’s nothing wrong with use shifting as a coping mechanism or escapism is that subconsciously you just like the feeling the idea shifting gives you. Not what actively shifting will do for you. And you’re just seeking comfort in the dream of it. It that makes since. And the way to get out of that is to think of it as your life not an imaginary dream world. People that haven’t shifted for more than a few days don’t understand that it’s not just another daydream you fleshed out. It’s your life. Your desired reality will be your life. You’ll wake up there every morning, go to bed there, and experience everything. It’s a universe that has its own physics, its own laws and its real. And there’s differences in each reality people shift to because they want different things and characters there might not behave the same as they do in others.
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You shouldn’t have an unhealthy attachment to it where you’re basically an addict. But there’s nothing wrong with treating it like a well loved hobby or favorite comfort. As long as you decided whether you want to live another life or escape to a daydream. Once you decide which one. Just shift. If you want a method find a method decide you shift that way each time or just pick a daydream to comfort yourself with it. That’s it nothing else. About living multiple lives. Sometimes they do run together here but I manifested a pretty low effort life for myself. So I have time to do what I want to do with everything taken care of. I don’t have a lot of people in my life that really take out too much energy so I’m lost in my memories most of the time. For some people that’s a big problem. If that’s a problem for you don’t shift as I often I do. I miss being there but for some reason I don’t want to leave there yet. Even though there’s nothing I want here anymore. I don’t mean that in a depressed way. Literally I just can’t imagine myself even remaining the rest of this year here. And I feel like I’m almost ready to leave here permanently but I don’t know yet.
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I can still watch media and things from places I shift to because I’m amused by their behavior, it makes me feel like home I’ve never shifted to the canon world of Attack on Titan. Because I just think it’d be unpleasant. First of all Titans in my drs smell. You can smell them before you see them type of thing. Here’s a rant about something I never get a chance to talk about. Also the Yeager brothers lack in hygiene for some reason. I blame there father. Literally it’s atrocious. They were both clean as like teenagers and looked normal. Eren has very beautiful hair even when it was short. Grischa has very nice hair too. But they both are musty looking. They don’t look clean ever. It’s the strangest thing. And then there’s Zeke. See he can look clean. Eren and Grischa can’t. They just have a musty look about them. Zeke lacks in hygiene by choice. First of all he’s hairy everywhere which makes him scratchy. And he doesn’t know physical boundaries either. I think he knows if actually, I just don’t think it cares. And it’s so weird because in my dr, Grischa only divorced Dina. And she smells like expensive lotion but looks really clean and healthy. I just don’t know. And they’re both very good looking so I think they both get so much attention from the looks that they don’t care anymore. Which frustrates me to no end…But…That’s at least how they are in my drs.
I just finished the end of Ergo Proxy. And I’m so confused but I know when I shift there I’m going to eat so bad. And I’ve been seeing vulture circling around my home which I intended to him when I was close to respawning. But at the same time like what are you trying to tell me. Go shift and thanks for 500 followers!
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garagepaperback · 2 days
What are your favorite drarry fics?
oh. ooooooooooooh oh oh.
here are my staples:
draco, the magic dragon - libbydrew a fic i first read on livejournal (showing off the varnish of my casket here) that i thought about regularly for the almost two decades i fell out of fandom. canon to me tbh. libby invented my draco rubric: proud lil showboat even when everything around him has gone to rancid shit, sarcastic and aloof personality as a poor facade to distract from the big ol' gaping well of hurt.
Potter took a great breath, then let it out slowly – a low whistle between his teeth. "Malfoy, I had no idea. I thought—" "Why are you here?" Draco cut him off before the idiot embarrassed them both. Their shared past was water under the bridge – even if Draco had drowned in it.
nightingale - michi_the_killer
another back-in-my-day fav, even though i can only stand to read half of it. actually even thinking about it is making me stare off in a distance for upwards of three minutes. this one i would hand off wrapped in about a million miles of caution tape. + also a huge fan of michi's gory veela fic.
It was better than fighting, Harry thought, although sometimes he still wanted to rip into Malfoy, to hurt him. Other days, he thought, it was better than anything.
rookie moves - peu_a_peu
what can i say that hasn't already been said - peu is a MASTER. if you somehow know who i am but haven't read this, reassess your life choices through professional means but not until after you dive in.
“Feels kinda big,” Malfoy said, smirking. “For a guy your height.” “My height is average,” Harry said, although he was undeniably glaring upward at Malfoy’s face when they stood so close together. “And it is kinda big.”
stately homes of wiltshire - waspabi another one that crept into my heart and made a home. hard to choose between this and waspabi's other drarry fic, but there's something about the decrepit manor that just does it for me. a perfect harry and draco, perfect soft reaching towards each other.
Draco smiled and dragged Potter from the shop before he could charm any more elderly ladies with his unkept, take-care-of-me-I’m-confused-and-have-nice-shoulders aesthetic. Once outside in the drizzle, he realised he still had his hand around Potter’s forearm. He yanked his hand back immediately.
i wake up falling - warmfoothills
warmfoothills :,) just reading this moniker makes me vision go soft around the edges. their writing has made me out loud, quietly say "oh," multiple times. the prose is darling, this story is such a brief, aching glance. it was also really hard to pick just one (flashback, warm nights i also go in for).
“I love you,” he says, unable to stop himself. Draco blinks, a barely-there flinch, like Harry’s taken a swing at him. “I know,” he says, still oblivious to the reference, oblivious to the way his words scoop right into the meat of Harry’s stupid, hopeful heart. “It’s not enough, is it?” Draco shakes his head. Above, the stars watch unfeelingly on.
the pure and simple truth - lettered no one does dialogue with the mastery lettered does. my GOD. my god. i feel like this fic is drarry perfectly distilled.
“What’s he going to be?” Blaise raised a brow. “Pardon?” “You said he says Hermione should be Minister, and all those other things. What does Malfoy think he should be?” There was something much like pity in Blaise’s eyes. “He thinks he should never, ever be forgiven for the things he’s done.” Harry felt ill. “That’s not fair.” “When has Draco ever been fair?” “I meant―” Harry swallowed hard. “That’s not right.” Blaise looked more pitying still. “When has Draco ever been right?”
far from the tree - aideomai
the writer i avoid talking about the most bc once i start i cannot physically restrain myself from going on about their beauty forever. i sat for forty-five solid minutes frowning, trying to choose between this one and in the hand. and dwelling. okay anyway. i keep a doc of quotes from fics that resonate and it's 50% aideomai.
Draco wondered what Potter thought of this day, in the future the twins came from. If he had told Ginny about it. If he had forgotten it. He couldn’t forget it, could he? It felt burned into Draco’s body already, a final point that he had been moving toward for years without knowing.
i could go on but i think seven is a nice solid number tyvm for this ask!
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misty--nights · 2 days
Episode 2 now. It's definitely one of my favorites, because it introduces Niko and Tragic Mick and I love both of them. I didn't think there would be that many details I missed, but there are so enjoy (some of this seem kind of obvious, but I'll still include them)
Maybe I'm focusing on the wrong part, but the Cat King's bed doesn't look to be the most practical to sleep with someone else. When he sits on it, it looks like he wouldn't fit completely even if he scooted all the way back against the pillows. I don't know, I guess I'm just wondering the logistics of how they'd sleep together if Edwin had accepted. Would he make the bed bigger? Would their legs be left dangling at the bottom? Hilarious either way (I know this is most likely a trick of perspective, but let me live in a world in which this pathetic man tries to get laid and can't because his bed is too small)
Maybe a bit obvious, but I never noticed Edwin was gone all night. It's day again when he returns to the warehouse. It makes sense how freaked out Charles sounds when he returns
I love this show's intro a lot. The music is really good and the skeletons dancing and playing around are really funny. No new details for it, because I've watched it full every time, but I've been thinking about that part at the end with the bike and the beach chairs. Since those skeletons are supposed to be the boys, I need to see them in their usual forms riding one of those double bikes and going to the beach. It's a must
Ok, I lied, one intro detail I hadn't noticed. Going by their shoes, Edwin's skeleton is the one that drinks from the cup at the end and spills it all over himself. I don't know why, but I think that's funny
I've been wondering this since episode 1, but how do the boys know possession sets off alarms? Have they seen it happen with other ghosts? Or have they ever been in a similar situation and managed to escape? While I think maybe the first is more likely, the second would explain why Lost and Found knows they're together
Jenny comes into Crystal's room still in her pijamas. Did Edwin's banging wake her up? No wonder she's so mad
Tragic Mick's shop is called “Tragic Mick's Magic Tricks and Items", which is both a tongue twister and oddly vague. Oh yes, there's magic stuff and other shit in that shop. Amazing, Tragic Mick, never change
All of the items on Niko's grocery list have question marks at the end except for strawberry ice cream, which has an exclamation mark. I agree with that
Charles is being way too nice about the doctor. The guy didn't even take out any tools to check on Niko, he just leaned over her and said she was dehydrated
I really like Crystal's overalls in this episode. In my previous watches, I focused a lot on Niko's clothes, because they're amazing, but I'm starting to notice Crystal's more now and I really like them
The Night Nurse looks tiny next to her assistants. Is she really small or her assistants really big? I don't remember how tall she looks in comparison to the kids
Speaking of heights, though, is Niko much taller than Crystal? When they are on their own, it looks like it, but then next to the boys they look more or less the same height
When he notices Edwin doing the thing with his fists, Charles does like a little double take between his face and his hands. Something small, but I really like the way he does it. Like he's really paying attention to every little detail
We get a close up of Edwin's boots and I think they're really cool. I've never seen that style of shoe as a boot before, but I've always liked them. Also his socks are cute and I would love to make myself a similar pair
The top of the dandelion altar thing has this lines. At first I thought maybe it looked like the underside of a mushroom, but it makes more sense for it to be a dandelion seed
Edwin first translates a word as gifts and then goes “not gifts, sacrifices”, and in general sounds a little hessitant with his translation. Usually people in movies and shows just bust out a perfect translation on the fly, so as someone who struggles translating, I appreciate that little detail
The jar stops sounding like the sea when Charles empties it. I'm choosing to believe that's a missed opportunity because can you imagine how much Litty and Kingham would hate living in a jar that constantly sounds like ocean waves? Insufferable, it would have been great
Obviously Charles looks worried about her when Crystal offers herself to the sprites, but Edwin does too. He cares about her, even if at this point they haven't really bonded and their animosity towards each other is more or less geniune
Litty's outfit is actually really cute. Love the puffy dress and the sweater over the shoulders. And both of their waistcoats are adorable. Never noticed that Kingham's has a subtle print. I's the same as Litt's skirt, too. More dandelions maybe?
When Niko is telling Crystal that she thought abot replying to her mom, Edwin id in the background writing in his notebook. And Charles is leaning over his shoulder to see what he's doing, which looks really sweet
There's a guy in the line of ghosts outside that looks very much like the postman with a different mustache
Say what you want about Esther, but I love her commitment to having atmosphere music playing whenever she's up to something
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klaprisun · 2 days
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 32: Haley's POV
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
To my delight, I awakened in the early morning with the person I had just shared quite a night with still by my side. I do feel fairly guilty for not returning the favor for Danny, but she had rocked my world so intensely that I couldn’t even register what had happened. 
I also was feeling a little nervous with everything too, considering it was my first time getting down and dirty with a girl. I really don’t want to embarrass myself, or make myself a fool. Being bad at things on the first try makes me lose my mind too, so I can either be phenomenal or nothing at all. Little dramatic on my part, but I don’t want Danny to laugh at me or pity me.
She really isn’t that kind of person though, she wouldn’t laugh at me or make fun of me. I know she would be patient with me and let me take my time figuring things out, but I don’t want to disappoint her. Danny really set the bar high with her performance last night.
Just as I was about to sit up in bed, I looked down and noticed Danny’s arm strewn across my stomach. Her hand was caressing the side of my hip ever so gently in her sleep. She was sleeping, stomach down, head turned away from me with the blankets weirdly entwined with her legs. She is a really warm bodied person, so I can see how the blankets got kicked down to our legs like that. I would’ve been cold all night if it wasn’t for her body heat.
I watch as Danny’s bare back rises and falls slowly with each deep breath she takes in her sleep. She was truly okay with sleeping naked last night, which I really didn’t mind. It is a nice treat to wake up to this morning, that's for sure. 
Suddenly, as if sensing I was awake, Danny rolls over onto her back with a groan. She stretches her arms above her head and grabs onto the headboard. At this moment, all other thoughts have escaped my brain and my heart flutters in my chest.
“Haley,” Danny groans in another attempt to stretch, this time her legs. “Are you up?”
“Mhmm,” I sing back, soaking up her beautiful body. I try to be polite, but my eyes just keep finding their way to her chest. 
“I did end up having a dream where this ended up coming off.” As she said that, she tugged at my nightgown. Danny had rolled onto her side now to look at me, propping her head up with her hand. 
“Oh, did you?” I seductively respond, propping myself up as well so we are face to face. She wraps her other arm around my waist and pulls me closer, pressing our bodies together tightly. 
“Do you always look this pretty when you first wake up?” Danny whispers.
“I could say the same to you…” I feel my cheeks heat up and look away sheepishly. She brings my gaze back to her by taking my chin in her hand. She softly kisses my lips, which I quickly return. 
What starts off as a wholesome moment, quickly escalates to a continuation from the night before. Our lips move in perfect sync with one another, sometimes slipping a tongue into the mix here and there. I find myself rolling on top of Danny so that I’m straddling her hips. She effortlessly slips my nightgown off and hangs it up on the post of the headboard. She does a double take when she notices her cowboy hat hung up on the same post.
“Hey, there’s my hat,” she exclaims as she reaches over and places it atop of her head. She just got significantly sexier with the hat.
“Oh my Yoba…” I mutter, feeling my underwear getting a little soaked. And so early in the morning, how dare she.
I feel her grab onto my hips and flip me around so that I’m now under her. She grabs onto the headboard with one hand and keeps the other wrapped around my waist. 
“Ah ah ah,” I managed to get out between kisses.
“What’s wrong?” Danny pulls back worriedly.
“You had your time to shine last night. It’s my turn,” With my movement, I slowly guide us into switching positions so that I’m back over her. 
“Are you sure you are comfortable with that?” Danny sighs, biting her lip.
“Well when you make that face at me. I’ll do anything for you,” I reply, nipping at her neck. She tilts her head back and untenses her body, putting her arms behind her head. She still has her darn hat on too.
I start to venture down her body the same way she did to me last night. I place kisses all over her body, focusing mostly on her chest. Soon after I travel down to just above the hem of her panties and nip at her skin around there. Taking a deep breath, I go to slip my hand under the waistband. But just before I do, I notice my long, manicured nails. I hesitantly cringe at the thought of using my wicked long nails to pleasure Danny, but then get a bold idea. 
I made the decision so fast, Danny didn't even realize I had hesitated. Instead of slipping my hands down the front of her waistband, I slip them down the sides and tug her underwear off. I gently graze my fingernail along the inside of her thighs, giving her goosebumps. My thumb finds its way to her clit and I rub in circles. She is soaking wet at my touch, making my stomach flip in excitement.
I lower my head down to between her legs and push her legs further apart so I can start using my mouth. 
“Oh Haley…” Danny moans, arching her back as my tongue makes contact with her clit. “I didn’t expect you to do that…”
I don’t reply since I was a bit busy, but I bring one hand up and flash my nails at her as my only explanation. 
I feel her legs start to quiver and shake but I hold them down, not letting her squirm away from me. I’ve never felt so dominant in a relationship before. Even between Danny and I, she is usually the one doing the work so this is a nice change.
“You are doing so well,” Danny moans to me, making my heart skip a beat. I watch her hand fly up and grab onto her hat as she arches her back again. Her body starts to shutter, and I feel her start pulsing against my tongue. She lets out a moan, but I hear her try to hold back anymore from escaping. She is making sure Emily doesn’t hear what's going on. 
Slowing down and pulling away, I look up to see Danny panting heavily, closing her eyes and leaning her head back.
“You sure you’ve never done that before?” Danny breathes out. 
“I think I’d remember if I had,” I chuckle.
“Never know. What if you had too much to drink,” Danny teases, putting her underwear back on. I give her a playful shove as I get up to put some clothes on for the day.
“Round three?” Danny sneers, eyeing me up as I bend over to ruffle through a drawer of my dresser.
“Put your clothes on, silly,” I begin to put on a jean skirt and blouse. Danny tries standing up from the bed, but her legs wobble too much and she just falls back onto the bed. 
“I need a minute,” she huffs. I pick up her clothes from the floor and toss them at her, rolling my eyes playfully. 
She slips into her flannel and starts doing up all the buttons. She then finally stands up and hikes her shorts up and on. 
“Time for breakfast,” she slings her arm around my shoulders and walks us to the bedroom door to head out for the day. I have a sneaky feeling everyone is going to know something is up. Danny isn’t exactly the subtlest person ever. 
The two of us head over to the kitchen, Danny’s arm still slung around my shoulders. I feel a blush forming on my face as we near Emily who is sitting at the kitchen table. And just as I suspected, Danny cannot refrain from doing the most already.
“What’s up Emily!” She holds her hand up for a high five. Emily raises her eyebrow but smacks her hand against Danny’s. She quizzically turns to me for an answer, but sees the huge blush I have on my face. 
“OH MY YOBA,” She screeches. Her hands fly up to her mouth to cover it in shock. Danny goes to lean on the table, but stumbles as she just misses the corner of it. She cannot play it cool whatsoever. 
Time for me to get ready for a million questions and have the whole town know.
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finished honest hearts. underwhelming and more racist than i expected. the tribes really didnt get much depth or characterization. im still unsure if theyre supposed to be descendants of pre-war native americans or if they formed after the war bc they seem like ,, neither.
the fact that two of the tribes are blindly following these random christian white guys and the third one is 'just evil', is kinda fucked up.
im also still really lost on who tf daniel is supposed to be. like hes a missionary? medicine guy? the sorrows just trust him and everything he says about god?
it feels very much like the tribes are just part of the scenery and arent very well thought out. one thing i noticed was that when you encounter a white leg camp, waking cloud mentions that you can steal their totems bc theyll believe that the next battle is doomed (something like that, at least). she then says that we'd be using their own superstition against them. the use of the word superstition really stood out to me because waking cloud seems deadset on her own beliefs but easily dismisses those of the white legs. she doesnt want to go into a certain cave because she fears the wrath of 'the father who lives in the caves'. it just doesnt add up.
even without all the racist stuff (though its hard to ignore), the storyline just feels very vague to me. who are the white legs? why are they there? why are they "evil"? im supposed to just kill them automatically but without any clue as to why. and why do i need to ally with daniel and joshua without a second thought? i dont like daniel at all. joshua's a cool character, sure, but why am i supposed to trust him?
all around: not great, scenery is nice tho
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spiritofjustice · 5 months
came downstairs this morn for some lunch and i was talking to my mom n she was like, "dad has been reading your book all morning, he says it's really good and he can't put it down" and when he came in i was like "I TOLD YOU IT GETS GOOD AFTER 150 PAGES"
TOLD his ass. i got him 😎
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cupophrogs · 2 months
What would poppet be like if they were a playtime co toy?
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The Silly!! Poppet would probably be something of a security protocol! Leading children to and from the orphanage, making sure no one sees something they shouldn’t, and generally keeping the other toys in check. Brainwashed to hell, this one!
I imagine they were made when Poppet’s Traveling Circus was first airing, and Playtime Co. partnered with Charles’ studio to make plushies of some of the characters! Some of the orphans probably saw one, or caught an episode on the tv, and they loved it enough for the company to add our favorite jester to the Bigger Bodies Initiative. Poppet knows every knook and cranny of the factory, and could often be found skipping through the halls, chatting away with higher up employees or other toys.
Close ups!
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bbbartblog · 5 months
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Recently I played Aloners (Redux), a re-release of a game that I played years ago. It's an interesting game, so I wanted to draw some fanart for it~
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rustycottoncandy · 13 days
I somehow made it through the school day running on one hour of sleep
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I've been doing so much research for my Fit disability fic (mostly research about prosthetics) and I've been doing a lot of research about hearing aids too, completely forgetting I have an Actual Person In My Life who uses hearing aids who I could straight up ask about stuff.
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lonely--seeker · 1 month
I think I'm going insane. Lately my dreams have been so mundane, it wouldn't be weird if I wasn't just a person that has nightmares 80% of the time, so I now my dreams are so hard to distinguish from reality.
I wouldn't be able tell what was real from what not if it wasn't because last night I went to my doctor's appointment and I was handed new glasses by Harvey just to go back home and find out Laois was cooking something in my backyard.
#to be fair. in my dream i was back at my old house. so the horrors where there still#also i've been dreaming about my dog. but sometimes it's not him. it's other dog trying to replace him. but it's not him. i miss him dearly#but it's... weird. i never actually dream with characters either. something strange is going on#I've been telling my brother i wake up and i have to remember who i am#for the totally normal dreams. it's like my soul is divided and it's living somewhere else for the night#who is the person i am when i dream. because it's not me. it's a whole different live. whole different people around me. I'm going insane#there's such a strange feeling about it. it's familiar? it's comfortable?#which only makes it even more weird. why is a life so different to mine feel so comfortable...#to the point i wake up and i don't remember who i am for at least ten minutes#but then i forget what i had dreamt about. and then i go around my day randomly reminding things. then that's when i realize those memories#were actual dreams#i should write a fanfic about this lmao#it was a nice dream though. i remember vividly i was sitting in one of those chairs thingies that hang in the air?#and i was swinging happily. i think Laios was talking about where he got whatever the fuck he was cooking. i couldn't understand him really.#he wasn't speaking in spanish but it wasn't english either. i think it was a made up gibberish... I'm still baffled by how comfortable i was#i think there were friends around too. maybe a hangout was going on? everything was nice. it reminds me of the times#i would go eat at a friend's house. but things felt a lot nicer. it was like if time had stopped and nothing wrong could ever happen.#and even then. i was still there. which i think that's why i started to feel dizzy in my little swing. i ended up waking up from that.#i still get dizzy remembering it.#welp. I hope i don't lose myself tonight...#I don't actually know what's worse. the nightmares are common. they are familiar. there's comfort in knowing what to expect.#but “good” dreams like that... i end up thinking about them too much. the residual feeling is weirder#and i have to deal with the whole different layer that is.. there's was a fucking anime guy there. kill me. kill me. get him OUT of my brain#I'm not lying when I say I can physically feel Laios rearranging my brain in ways i will not share publicly#kill me.
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flufflecat · 2 months
Really not feelin it this week. Tag rant incoming
#it's just been a slew of horrible things this week and idk how to handle any of it#we had to take my childhood cat to the vet on Monday bc she's very sick and very skinny#and we thought we'd have to put her down#I'm so thankful bc she still has a bit of time and really all I want is for her to be comfortable again before she dies#but shes in such bad shape#and I hate seeing her like that. I found her when she was just a few weeks old#and now she's 15 and she just got old out of nowhere#and I'm not gonna be able to see her anymore soon#I'm going to a funeral Saturday for one of my aunts#I wasn't close to her since I was a kid but my family more or less abandoned her#and now she's dead and I never went to see her when she was alone#and today my other aunt died. and I was close to her.#I haven't seen her in years either though bc of more family drama.#and I never visited her either. idek if she was alone or if she had people.#I should have visited her when we found out she was sick but I just didn't#idk what to do. it's all just piling up#I feel worse rn than I have in years#and more bad things just keep happening#I was excited this week bc I got some work done on my college application#but now my motivation is just gone#I just wanna sleep and wake up and find out that my aunt is actually alive and someone just got it wrong somehow#but I can't fall asleep and that won't happen so waking up won't even be worth that#I would call off work tomorrow but I don't wanna be alone and my coworkers are the only people I know in town#at least they're all nice people#this all sucks so fucking bad#personal#negative
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karofsky · 5 months
man I wanted to finish these two comms today but I blinked and it was 4am 😩
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evntualities · 7 months
is getting down to 25 drafts a win? i think 25 drafts is a win. i'm going to go before i get anything back
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