goblin-alchemist · 5 years
Man, I just watched Kwami Buster...
...and some parts of it seemed hauntingly familiar ;)
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The Collector 2
Summary: When Adrien and his cat leave for university, the Agreste mansion suddenly becomes a very empty and quiet place. What better way to bring back some joy and laughter than to take in a new cat? Or two? Or three? Five at most. But why stop at five when you have such a fine feline collection? Besides, Gabriel has never known when to stop, has he? 
Part 3 of the Felinotherapy Series. Also on AO3 / Fanfiction.net
(Part 1 - “New Kitty on the Block”) (Part 2 - “Felinotherapy”)
Happy Birthday, @goblin-alchemist​! I hope you like your Gabe gift, wink wink.
An enormous thank you goes to @sheeoni​ , for her invaluable beta-reading assistance!
>^.^<        >(^w^)<       =(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
It started innocently enough. Adrien graduated from lycée and left for Cambridge, taking Lady Noir with him. She was his cat, after all. Gabriel never would have thought that their absence would bring such silence and emptiness. The mansion was a huge house; one teenager and one cat couldn’t possibly have made such a difference. And yet, even with Emilie at his side again, Gabriel felt something was missing. Was he turning into an old softie after all these years? Nah, impossible. 
Still, even Nooroo’s mood seemed more wistful. Lady Noir was like a younger sister to him, and she certainly knew how to keep the violet sprite occupied. After Gabriel had dropped his second gig as a supervillain, both of them suddenly gained plenty of free time—more than they could fill with work. Seriously, had Gabriel known supervillainy was such a demanding job, he’d have been more reluctant to terrorize a city in search of magic jewels—which he had never gotten in the end, anyway. 
Although not obtaining their Miraculous had stung, Gabriel took solace in the fact that nobody had discovered he was Hawkmoth since he'd just stopped appearing. Despite akumas no longer being a threat to the city, Ladybug and Chat remained in the public eye, and had apparently become a couple. It didn't take long before their relationship caught the attention of the media, and in their eagerness to supply the public with breaking news, they'd prioritized the superhero couple over figuring out what had happened to the gaudy akumas and the apparent shortage of supervillains.
While Gabriel still had his fashion empire, his brand and his family, Nooroo did not have any job other than being a kwami. And maybe Gabriel should have let him slumber inside the Butterfly Miraculous, but the truth was he’d grown used to the magical company. The sight of Nooroo frolicking with Lady Noir had always warmed his heart; he liked having the sprite around. 
So in the end, it was that need to fill the gaping hole left by Lady Noir that brought it upon them. 
=(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
It was a chilly evening but Gabriel decided to take a stroll nevertheless. His steps took him to Champs Élysée. Just as he was walking by a dark alley, he heard a faint squeal. He stopped, intrigued. Nooroo popped his head out from Gabriel’s pocket and listened intently. 
Something mewled miserably behind the trash bins and cardboard boxes that occupied the narrow space. The containers shook and another desperate wail broke the silence. 
The sound was so doleful Gabriel’s heart clenched. His empathic powers weren’t even required for him to know the creature needed help. Yet the alley was dark, and he couldn’t find the source of the noise. 
‘Can you see anything, Nooroo?’ he asked his companion.
The kwami shook his head and, without further prompting, he flew to investigate the stash of boxes. He phased through the cardboard just as the first droplets of rain splashed on the pavement. Gabriel reached for his umbrella, but before he could open it, Nooroo called him. 
‘In here, Master!’ He hovered over one of the containers. ‘I need help, she’s trapped.’
Careful not to make a sound, Gabriel creeped closer and raised the box. Underneath he found the most pitiful cat he’d ever seen. It was a bit bigger than Lady Noir and more round in shape. Its fur was dull, dirty and wet. Gabriel could only guess the cat’s hide must have been silver once, as it looked a bit like a Russian Blue, but now it was a toneless grey. 
The cat looked tired and scared, but it didn’t flee at the sight of a huge man. Maybe it was already done with running, and was just seeking help?
‘We can’t leave her like this, Master,’ Nooroo turned to Gabriel with his big pleading eyes. 
‘Can you understand her?’
‘Not really, just her emotions,’ the kwami admitted. ‘She’s scared and exhausted.’
Gabriel could clearly see it for himself. He crouched and extended a hand. The cat sniffed it once, twice, then tilted her head to rub against his skin. 
Slowly Gabriel took off his jacket and placed it on the ground. ‘Can you tell her we can help her if she comes with us?’ he asked Nooroo. 
The sprite pursed his lips. Then he flew to the jacket and plopped himself in the center waving invitingly at the cat. Hesitantly the animal followed and settled next to the kwami.
‘I’m going to take you somewhere safe and dry,’ Gabriel promised softly. ‘We’ll take care of you.’ 
Gingerly he wrapped the jacket around the cat and Nooroo. Pressing the bundle to his chest he walked back to the mansion as fast as he dared. 
When they returned home, Emilie gasped at the cat’s state; she barked a few orders to the staff. Soon, a bath and fresh towels were ready, followed by a nourishing meal and a comfortable basket where the now fluffy and content cat finally found some rest. 
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Chomp Élysée—what Gabriel had decided to name her despite Emilie’s complaints—turned out to be a grateful companion. She wasn’t as lively as Lady Noir, preferring to nap in sunbeams instead of chasing Nooroo over in Gabriel’s study. She purred up a storm when petted, but she always hid her tummy and chomped on anyone who dared to try and stroke the area. She also ate twice the amount Lady Noir would typically consume, which was reflected in her round shape.
‘You need to restrict her diet, dear, or soon she won’t be walking but rolling,’ Emilie would chide Gabriel, but every time Chomp Élysée came demanding food, he simply could not refuse her; the cat’s distressed look in the alley was still too fresh in his memory. 
Maybe he was going soft after all? But Chomp’s happy purr and easy company finally brought back some of the lost joy from his and Nooroo’s life.
They say the more you do something, the easier it becomes. It turns out this same principle works for cats very well. Gabriel had never been more reluctant than when he’d decided to allow Lady Noir into his home. It had taken a lot of time for her to weasel her way into his heart and heal his soul. Taking Chomp Élysée in was a bit simpler precisely because of the Lady Noir experience. Moreover, Emilie didn’t object to the mansion’s newest dweller, and even helped take care of the cat. 
So it really wasn’t such a big surprise when a few weeks later, Gabriel arrived home with not just one but two scrawny striped cats. Emilie didn’t say a word, yet her look was more guarded this time. However, an unexpected ally—Chomp Élysée—left his wife no choice but to accept the newest additions to their flock. The grey cat inspected the pets, gracing each with a friendly lick over their pink noses. She took them straight to her bowl. She held Gabriel’s eye as she allowed the hungry kitties to devour every bit of food in there, including two helpings. Then she nudged them in the direction of her basket and curled with them as the proudest mother hen. It was a miracle in itself that three cats could even fit in there.
Thus it was settled that the Agreste family had just gained two new members: Pusskin and Shakespurr. The cat corner in Gabriel’s study expanded to accommodate two more pets, their beds and a cat tree. Unlike Chomp Élysée, the new cats knew how to have fun. Suddenly Nooroo had his nubs full with keeping an eye on the feline writers. 
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That was also the last time Emilie allowed for punny names, which was a shame because Gabriel had enough for a herd. Purrudence, Tabbytha, Margaret Scratcher, just to name a few for the ladies, or Fuzzinator, Catapult and Miraclaws for the boys. Such a waste. Even Clawsby was out of the question. 
Someone would say that three cats were a crowd (that someone being Emilie), so the circumstances of the next arrival were a bit unclear. One day a golden maine coon—Croissant, by Emilie’s insistence—just showed up at the mansion’s door. He regarded the Agrestes with his astute green eyes and took over as if the house had been always his. Gabriel supposed Emilie allowed this because the maine coon was basically a feline version of Adrien—from the slender posture to the fine blond fur, from the poised manner to the unnerving green gaze, there was something in Croissant that made it impossible not to fall under his charm. 
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Of course, the fact that Croissant curbed Pusskin and Shakespurr’s temper helped a lot. Croissant hadn’t done anything in particular, yet he became the ultimate leader of the feline family. It took one growl from him and the mischievous kitties toned down their shenanigans in an instant. 
And since Croissant was definitely Emilie’s cat, she couldn’t really object when he brought Macaroon home. She was without a shadow of a doubt his partner and shared his intelligent gaze. Her eyes were deep blue. She must have been of Birman breed—not the kind usually associated with strays. Emilie and Gabriel went through no small amount of trouble to find out if anyone was looking for a lost maine coon or a birman cat, as they didn’t want to be accused of stealing other people’s pets. However, in the end it seemed both Croissant and Macaroon had no previous homes or owners. 
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Five cats became the point where Emilie drew the line. True, their house was big, and with Adrien abroad they had a substantial supply of space, time and love to share, but enough was enough. 
‘We don’t want them to take over, do we, dear?’ she jested observing the cat colony in Adrien’s room, that had been redecorated to suit the feline needs. 
Confident that the cat limit was firmly established, Emilie left for England to check on their son and to spend some time with her sister. 
Gabriel decided not to tell her that barely three days after her departure he’d agreed to foster Athos, Portos and Aramis (at least he’d kept his promise with their names). It really wasn’t like he’d had any choice in the matter: Gorilla found the first one wandering around the patio, Nathalie then located a box with the second one next to the dumpster. The third decided to sleep under the limousine’s hood and it was a miracle he was discovered before he was grilled on the engine. 
The three musketeers were black with white collars and paws. They might have been brothers with their identically fluffy tails and impressive whiskers. They preferred Gorilla’s company, yet since his wife was allergic to cats, Gabriel graciously decided to let his bodyguard keep them in the mansion. There wasn’t much difference between five and eight cats,  after all. 
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=(^ ‘ x ‘ ^)=
What was a lonely ex-villain supposed to do in an empty house? Spoil his cats of course! If it wasn’t for Nooroo and Croissant’s joined efforts, the pets would have walked all over him—especially Pusskin and Shakespurr. But somehow, the cats could always pick up on Gabriel’s mood and knew not to push him beyond his limits. 
Besides, whenever he felt wistful or sad, at least two felines accompanied him. Emilie had been gone for about a week when he let Chomp Élysée into his bed and the other cats followed. He loved how soothing a cat’s purr was. Chomp would settle at the foot of the bed, while Croissant and Macaroon took over Emilie’s side. Pusskin and Shakespurr each secured Gabriel’s legs, while Athos, Portos and Aramis usually fought for a place on any of the pillows. And once Gabriel sank his nose into the soft black fur of a musketeer, there was no way he could throw the cats out of his bedroom. Goodbye, headaches— welcome, good night’s sleep. 
Gabriel’s only complaint was that Chomp would wake him up at dawn with a bite on his big toe, demanding that he feed her, while rousing the rest of the feline family in the process. Gabriel would then descend the stairs to the kitchen, knee deep in cats, who rubbed at his shins affectionately—not so subtly urging him to move faster. 
One day though, Chomp Élysée didn’t wake him. Gabriel blinked the sleep away from his eyes, gently lifted a sleepy Portos from his chest, and looked around. No sign of Chomp in the bed. Gabriel appreciated routine greatly, so immediately he started to worry. He went to the kitchen, the rest of the cats at his heels. He picked Chomp’s favorite food and banged her bowl loudly and repeatedly, but she didn’t come. He left the other cats wolfing down their breakfast and set to look for his first cat.
When he finally found her, in her basket, under his desk, the mystery of Chomp Élysée’s recent appetite and shape was revealed. Gabriel was now the proud owner of twelve cats. 
>^.^<  >^.^<  >^.^<  >^.^<
The kittens were the cutest thing Gabriel had ever seen, baby Adrien excluded. Chanel, Dior, Givenchy and Ricci—absolutely punless nods to his favorite designers—were four little balls of grey fluff. They had him wrapped around their tiny claws in a blink. 
Having them around was so much fun. He could watch them play for hours, with their wee fluffy tails and clumsy movements, sweet mewls and an appetite for life rivalling their mother’s drive for food. Gabriel began to reminisce on how he used to watch little Adrien the same way. He briefly wondered when his son and Marinette would produce a grandchild for him—not that he’d ask, mind you. They were still so young, barely starting their adult life. Besides, he had sworn he’d never be one of those parents, but still it would be delightful to hear baby steps and giggles echoing in the mansion’s cavernous hall. For now Gabriel settled for miniature paws and excited squeals of the four most adorable designer kittens ever.
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Yet good things rarely last long. Just as Chanel and her siblings got bold enough to start exploring the mansion, with their mother’s tender supervision, Emilie announced her return. Not only that, she bore auspicious news of Adrien and Marinette’s engagement (yay! one step closer to that grandchild). The happy husband-and-wife-to-be were returning for their break at the same time as her, and Emilie already decreed a dinner with the Dupain-Chengs should be held at the mansion upon their arrival. 
Under normal circumstances Gabriel would be overjoyed to finally get his human family back. There was just one teeny tiny problem—he was eight cats over the limit his wife had set. He was almost sure he could persuade her to keep what he started to think of as probably the biggest cat herd in Paris, but the dinner party was something of an obstacle. Not the best way to introduce new and unauthorized members of their household. He needed a cunning plan.
That’s when Nooroo stepped in with his brilliant idea: Gabriel just had to transfer the surplus cats to the only place in the building no one would visit—his former lair. Before Hawkmoth had risen to power it had been a neglected sunroom, forever waiting on renovation, but now it would do nicely as the cats’ den with a special nursery section for his little treasures. 
Nathalie and Gorilla turned out to be very helpful in furnishing the ex-lair. With some broom work and a fresh coat of paint what was once an akuma hatchery became a feline paradise. Cat trees, scratching posts, tunnels, shelves, beds, baskets, fountains, toys—only the best for Gabriel’s kitties. The team effort allowed the cats to be moved a few days before Emilie’s arrival, giving their pets the necessary time to adjust to a new place. 
The plan worked like a charm. The cats were happy to explore their new playroom and they didn’t even feel inclined to leave the lair. They had everything they needed there. Gabriel had his favorite armchair installed in the sunroom as well, so that he could spend some time watching the cats, and maybe even take a comfortable nap during his lunch breaks.
The celebratory dinner was in full swing and Gabriel was nailing it. He had finally found a worthy match for his pun game in Tom Dupain. The resulting pun-off was definitely the highlight of the evening. The ladies were chuckling, the youngsters were groaning. The only present felines included Lady Noir, who meticulously inspected every corner of the dining room, and Croissant with Macaroon. The two cats decided to act as the guard of honor for Emilie, flanking her chair and chirping happily at their favorite human’s return. The looks on Marinette and Adrien’s faces were priceless.
Everything went smoothly until Lady Noir’s tail turned into bottle brush. Croissant and Macaroon exchanged worried looks. Then all three cats bolted for the door and disappeared. Gabriel seemed to be the only one to notice. He surely was the only one to understand where they’d gone. He excused himself from the company in order to check on the situation in the secret room.
He found all thirteen cats in the lair, all right. Thirteen tails bristled and lashed behind them. In front of them, on the window frame was a pigeon. And not even Mr. Pigeon, just one of those flying rats. It dawned on him that this was the reason for their odd behavior, and Gabriel snorted out a laugh at the ridiculous sight. Unfortunately, it startled the bird, and the stupid creature decided the safest plan of action would be to dive inside a cat lair.
Thirteen pairs of eyes followed the pigeon’s trail inside the dome; thirteen throats uttered a growl. Within seconds, the cats sprang into action, and all hell broke loose! The pigeon, sensing eminent danger, did the only sensible thing it could—it decided to hide in a nest. Only it wasn’t a nest, but the neatly trimmed hair of one Gabriel Agreste. The man yelped, the cats attacked. 
Gabriel went down under the onslaught, losing balance thanks to a vicious kitten which attacked his shoelace (as if it had anything to do with the pigeon taking refuge on his head). The bird apparently had enough brains to know when it was outnumbered, and finally flew outside, leaving the man and his cats in a disoriented heap of limbs, tails and claws. 
And then someone cleared their throat. 
Gabriel raised his eyes to the door. Everyone was there—the Dupain-Chengs, Adrien, Marinette, and Emilie. Tom and Sabine wore matching grins, while the kids were rather horrified. 
Emilie smoothed her dress and raised a brow—it meant an inevitable private conversation would soon follow. For now, however, his wife slid back into the perfect hostess routine. Well, almost.
‘And this, Sabine, used to be our sunroom, where my husband now keeps his hoard of cats,’ she said without batting an eyelash.
‘Awwww,’ Sabine coed, as Gabriel started the process of untangling himself from the said hoard by removing Dior from his jacket’s pocket.
Tom released a mischievous chuckle and stroked his mustache. He looked Gabriel straight in the eye and said, ‘I believe, dear Emilie, the proper name is a meowntain.’
The designer bristled at that; he had just been humiliated in front of his guests! His secret was out, but he saw a chance to save his face. He couldn’t allow for anyone to defeat him on his own turf!
‘I’ll have you know,’ he drawled, pulling himself up to his full height and brushing cat hairs from his clothes, ‘this is not a meowntain.’ He wrinkled his nose in disgust. 
‘This-, ‘ he proudly opened his hands and gestured to the feline paradise and his collection of pets, ‘-is haute cature.’
 -(^The End^)-
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mireculous · 3 years
Know your enemy. That's the reason Gabriel Agreste obsessively downloads every picture and video of his archenemies to his computer. That's a golden rule that serves him well, right up until a point he's so caffeine deprived he forgets to turn off his monitor and lets someone find all the footage. Now he needs a way out of this.
by: Remasa
words: 3,199
rating: G
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autumnslance · 2 years
Hi! First I looove your blog! I hope this doesn't come off weird, but do you have any ao3 fic recommendations that focus on msq and the scions more than a wolship? Nothing against it! I just wish to read some more gen fic that are about ff14 plot. Thanks in advance and apologies if I bothered you (also for my broken English)!
Your English is fine, thank you so much for reading along! ❤️
If you want to know a non-secret, I love MSQ/NPC focused Gen Fic too, and a couple of my own Ao3 series are about that (and even then, my wolship for Aeryn is contained to certain threads in her series, and only one of those gets spicy chapters on rare occasion). In many cases I’ve made my own food to get Gen Scion and other NPC fics, given the prevalence of shipfics in fandom, even among my friends who enjoy indulging their romantic fantasies.
I don’t do a lot of random trawling of Ao3 these days as the fandom’s gotten much larger and busier since my start back in HW/StB, and even Book Club got rather big & busy for me to easily find anything new if I wasn’t monitoring certain channels frequently (and still primarily ship focused, as is fandom’s wont), so I mostly go by recommendations from trusted folks myself. I just don’t have the time, energy, and focus to keep up on my own!
My own Scion/NPCs, MSQ compliant Gen series:
Tales of the Seventh Era are my NPC focused stories, lots of Scions, mostly between-scenes for various characters. Unnamed, barely referenced WoL.
That Damn Rogue is a buncha Thancred-centric fics. Unnamed, barely referenced WoL.
On Being a Warrior of Light is unnamed, sometimes feminine, WoL reacting to MSQ. Proto-Aeryn writing, mostly before she became her own character with her own series (and did her own thing in regards to the unplanned wolship).
For other writers, though few of them focus on the Scions, from some samples in my bookmarks and subscriptions, including their Tumblrs if I know/remember/they haven’t changed or deleted them:
Unorthodox was how I made friends with @scrollsfromarebornrealm; lots of headcanon, but a focus on the Knights Dragoon in Ishgard. Some relationships between a couple of the many OCs, but it’s background and part of the military story as they try to deal with and survive Heavensward. She has several other Dragoon/HW character centric fics, many of them without shipping.
Rabbitprint has a lovely catalogue of NPC relationships; familial, platonic, some romantic; there’s some wolships scattered through it, but the one that grabbed me was their G’raha & Lyna family one. The Beastmasters fics are also great, using the Bozja field notes and fates lore.
Dear Jehan is from the POV of a common Ishgardian woman living through the events of Heavensward. Epistolary/Journal style. It’s aching and lovely.
Two Scions Walk Into A Bar… is a lovely friendship series between Thancred and Urianger through all of ARR, HW, StB, and ShB MSQs. A ThanUri romance very slowly forms but as the tags describe, “it’s a genfic with relationships around the edges.” Ace Urianger who loves his friends dearly.
Demios writes beautifully and has some great genfics scattered in the FFXIV list, mostly with a Dark Knight focus. “Catharsis” is a personal favorite.
Blankets and Bruises and The Adventures of Princess Fluffy A Nutkin Lady are by my friend @chysgoda and among her couple of Scion genfics. Cute, short, and silly. While B&B is Modern AU, since it’s a short twin focused piece, it really fits in any point of MSQ dealing with those two!
Snuff and Foster by @illegiblewords are short Scion fics; Tataru bullying Lahabrea-as-Thancred, and Thancred as Louisoix’s student and Minfilia’s mentor. There’s a few Gen Ascian fics scattered around their account, too.
LadySwillmart (not sure still has a tumblr) is where you want to go for funny and clever Ironworks fics. Lots of Nero, Cid, and Alpha.
Remasa, also known as @goblin-alchemist, has a few Garlean-character fics; Gaius, Ironworks, Estinien.
Upon Pale Dawns is @chrysalispen retelling ARR MSQ from the POV of their Garlean WoL, Aurelia. It’s actually a sequel to a Calamity fic telling how Aurelia ends up in Eorzea. I know Aurelia eventually ends up in a relationship with Nero, but it’s awhile coming, maybe next fic? We’ll see.
There’s probably a few among my friends here on Tumblr as well that I haven’t dug through. This is just what I could find/recall this morning when I should be working. If anyone else has recommendations of MSQ/Scion focused Gen Fic for our friend (and me, honestly), please share them in replies or reblogs!
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
what's your favorite fic(s) to read on a rainy day?
send me “what’s your favorite..” asks 💫 I don't have a default so much as just picking things to reread on a whim lmao, but here's a few (mostly) fluffy faves:
within and without by @maderilien
The Little Jedi by PhenomenalWoman
Force of Many Sights by DAsObiQuiet
Senator Obi-Wan AU by BeanieBaby
Soft Wars by @thefoundationproject (what I'm currently rereading!)
Lies About Jedi by SniperAnon (The_Big_Reveal) (I think their tumblr is @glorious-sea-pancakes, but I wasn't able to find confirmation and my lunch break is almost over)
Dominoes by @meridiansdominoes
Untitled Soulmate Game by @twilightofthe
Family Ties by @blackkatmagic
Team Seven vs. Paperwork by @lullabyknell
Unconventional Scenarios by Remasa
There's more but I have to get back to work lol
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
I *think* the parenting manual fic exists! I recall a parenting to-do list, and awkward attendance of a sporting match (Marinette may have even been w/ them). Related is Unconventional Scenarios series by Remasa, Gabe is shenanigan'd into attending cons with Adrien. As in, Ladybug and Chat Noir cons. idk if they're the same series or i'm mistaken. both redemption-y stories, fyi
Cool beans. I’m not surprised they exist. It’s sad Adrien got a crap dad in canon
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alexseanchai · 4 years
hi uhhhh i dont know if you do fic recs and i completely understand if you dont but do you know any good avengers/miraculous ladybug crossover fics? i just finished reading "what the cat dragged in" (which is really good btw props to the author) and now im kinda on some sorta high or something lol. Will also accept fic recs in general haha, i've read a lot of your fics and they're sooo goooood, always looking for other authors to support!
That’s the only MCU crossover with ML I can think of, unfortunately. (By which I mean, I know there’s more but I don’t remember enough about them to rec them!)
authors to check out on AO3:
angelofthequeers ( @angelofthequeers )
Bronte ( @ao3bronte )
caterinawrites ( @purrincess-chat ? I think? sorry!)
Freedom_Shamrock ( @freedom-shamrock )
GalahadWilder ( @galahadwilder )
ghostlyhamburger ( @ghostlyhamburger )
GuardianKarenTerrier ( @guardiankarenterrier )
Kasienda ( @kasienda )
KryallaOrchid ( @kryallaorchid )
LovelyLiliana ( @lovelyliliana101 )
maerynn (and @edendaphne on one collab fic)
midnightstarlightwrites ( @midnightstarlightwrites )
MiniMinou ( @mini-minou )
norakwami ( @norakwami )
TheNovelArtist ( @thenovelartist )
overworkedunderwhelmed ( @overworkedunderwhelmed )
Peppermint_Shamrock ( @peppermint-shamrock )
SailorChibi ( @tsuki-chibi )
Socchan ( @art-deco-shrimp )
tbehartoo ( @tbehartoo )
whatarubberchicken ( @whatarubberchicken )
ZiriO ( @art-of-zirio )
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buggirl-and-catboy · 5 years
AO3 Gabenath Fic Rec
I am Nathalie stan and human second so here’s a list of fics that are centred around her and her trash man. These links either have the original summary or my thoughts of the fic btw
Gabenath One-Shots (series) by Dragongirl180
30+ GabeNath (series) by SilverFliesInBlueSugar and orphan_account
The Beginning Of Goodbye (Series) by ReminiscentLullaby
Please people read these fics they’re great and the latest chapter literally made me cry oh my god.
Mayura (series) by Providentia67. 
Gabenath doesn’t happen but it does focus on Nathalie’s love for him. Mostly mother-son stuff between her and Adrien BUT it is angsty.
So the mess that we’ll become by amsves
Fake dating, Gabriel realised that people might figure out their identities since they disappear during attacks. So the only logical solution is to pretend that they are having a poorly hidden affair.
Throwing Up These Butterflies by MyMayura (BadWolfBeauty)
This is great pls read it, it will completely destroy your emotions. Basically the miraculous cure doesn’t work on Nathalie because of her broken miraculous and it leads to angst ;)
I can’t lose you by Beladonax
All the times Gabriel almost lost Nathalie and the one time he did. ((Currently being rewritten))
A Safe Place by Yuki_Frill
De-aging au. Originally started as an au on Instagram but the creator is now writing this fic. I think it’s going to be pretty lighthearted tbh.
Burnt to ashes (faded to grey) by archekoeln
everyone thinks hawkmoth and mayura are a Thing. Unfortunately, everyone also thinks hawkmoth is trying to get a thing with gabriel agreste’s assistant, nathalie sancoeur. No one is more affected than chat noir.
Consequences by orphan_account
Unplanned pregnancy one-shot. It’s angsty but it’s cute??
Beautiful by orphan_account
Basically, a model pulls out last minute and Gabriel asks Nathalie to model it but she’s insecure but the ending is pretty cute.
The Best/Worst/First Vacation the Agreste Family Has Ever Had by amsves
See, the thing is: Nathalie is very stressed. That's understandable, right? Her job is pretty crazy. So a vacation business trip to a vacation destination? That sounds like the perfect opportunity to relax.
Too bad relaxing is never relaxing when you're with the Agrestes. 
Protector by Yuki_Frill
I haven’t looked at this in a while so I can’t remember the plot exactly but I’m pretty sure it was the first sentimonster!nathalie fic ever written. I think this was written before season 3. It’s not Gabenath, but it is Nathalie focused with a sad ending I think?? I honestly can’t remember but I do know that it’s good.
Lean on me by amsves
Nathalie and Gabriel are at a function or something and Nathalie has a coughing fit. Loads of fluff. Jagged makes an appearance.
Shattered by krzed
Nathalie is being torn apart by bizarre dreams. Dreams of becoming a supervillain. Dreams of fighting Team Miraculous. She can't sleep, she can't focus, and she can't shake the feeling that these dreams might not be dreams. ((Winter Soldier!Mayura technically, Gabriel is a complete ass in this, hints of Mamanath))
A Friend In Need by spotsnclaws
Going through a divorce, Colette reaches out to her estranged best friend Nathalie Sancoeur for comfort, but finds Nathalie is struggling as well. ((It’s more of a character study for Nathalie but it’s nice))
Hysteria by Surly_Sour
Based on the ending of Reflekdoll, it’s just pure angst for Nathalie and I love it.
The Disastrous Doppelgänger Debacle by Remasa
After refusing to pack anything but his signature suits, the heat of the French Riviera forces Gabriel Agreste to don some... unusual attire. One long string of mistaken identities later, Gabriel realizes he probably should have just kept the suit on. ((It’s a Gabriel centred crackfic and it’s fucking hilarious. There’s no gabenath but Nathalie does nearly kill him at the start))
One Last Time by Wordseeker
With the very last plan he had in mind, Hawk Moth was about to set his grand scheme in motion. Too bad it carried a goodbye to the journey he shared with Mayura. ((This fic is short but it makes me really emotional. It’s great))
Wingman by GalahadWilder
Hawkmoth's Akuma have been acting strange lately--every single one has been an obsessive LadyNoir shipper, much to Chat's horrific embarrassment. Ladybug hasn't noticed, but Chat can't quite get over the fact that Hawkmoth seems to have redirected his supervillain antics to setting him up with the girl of his dreams.
Absence (makes the heart grow fonder) by amsves
Nathalie takes a week off work due to the effects of the miraculous and Gabriel Can’t Handle It, so he makes her move in. This is cute and Gabriel sort of realises his feelings for her.
Let Me Help You (a powerful protection) by milknut
The line between Nathalie and Mayura is surprisingly blurred.
We Match by Poppicock
When Chat Noir gets a red streak in her hair, Gabriel discovers who his superhero partner (and girlfriend) really is. ((The link isn’t working. Gabenath Teen AU. Chat!Nathalie and Ladybug!Gabriel))
Five times Nathalie Sancoeur was almost Akumatized + the one time she was  by Ragingstillness
Ugh I adore this fic and I just love the take the creator took with Nathalie and how they characterised her.
Panthère by phoenixyfriend
The Adventures of Nathalie Sancoeur, Overworked Babysitter of Tiny Parisian Heroes.
Nathalie became the holder of the cat miraculous after Adrien injured himself. She was not happy with the situation, but she'd deal.
Also check out SilverFliesInBlueSugar and Poppicock cause they have loads of great fics that I completely love!
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alexannah · 4 years
Fave Fics Becoming Headcanon
Ever read a fanfiction which is just SO good that the concept becomes a headcanon for you?
Three times since reading Remasa’s ( @goblin-alchemist ) “Fanboy” series I’ve been unable to resist making a little reference in my other fics. (First example is in the next chapter of Mistletoe and Momentous Moments; I’m supposed to be working on it right now ...)
For anyone who hasn’t yet read those fics … they’re the most amazing ever. Adrien catches his father deep in research into Ladybug and Cat Noir … and mistakes him for a huge fan. Gabriel has to go along with it to avoid being exposed … and hilarious chaos and crack ensures as Adrien starts dragging him to conventions. This entire fandom is the epitome of dramatic irony, but this is just the best example ever.
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lovelyliliana101 · 5 years
Fic Recommendations: Part 7
So every week/couple days, I’m going to post 15 fic recs. Fics I think are super awesome, and everyone should get the pleasure to read if you haven’t yet read it :) The numbers at the end are the chapters. I probably might start repeating fic names lol, so if you see a slip-up lmk, and I’ll find another fic :)
1. Curly Fry Crush by seasonofthegeek (11/?)
2. Friendly Competition by fuyusarah (1/1)
3. Roses and Cream by SailorChibi (1/1)
4. Wrong Clothes by bookskitten (1/1)
5. Caught by BullySquadess (1/1)
6. Black Lights, Ca-Mari-a, Alyaction! by juggiejunkie (1/1)
7. Pickup Lines by calloffyourethics (1/1)
8. We reserve the right to refuse flat-earthers by unforgetabELLE (1/1)
9. Family Connections by copycat_capycot (1/1)
10. Now it Makes Sense by claws-n-spots (runyoubadwolf) (1/1)
11. It's a Date by Rosalind2013 (1/1)
12. When The Cat Isn't Home by Amajjzy (1/1)
13. Look At Me by raeryn (1/1)
14. Home Sweet Home by Freedom_Shamrock (6/6)
15. Tricky Magic by Remasa (1/1)
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coffeebanana · 3 years
G, K, R for the fanfict meme ask? 👀
Ooooh this is my first time doing one of these things, so this will be fun. In response to this post. (Also, hi! I love your fics, Mia!!)
G: Favourite crack fic?
Well, the obvious answer for what makes me laugh every time is oeuf ouch owie by ominousunflower. But I'm terrible at making decisions so I would also love to add the Unconventional Scenarios series by Remasa, because I love fics that cover the full emotional spectrum, so to speak. And that series has crack, wholesomeness, and a bit of angst, and it's both hilarious and wonderfully done.
Favourite crack fic I've written would have to be the Coffee Shop series, because...Well the summary of the first one says it all: 100% crack, 99% a former barista's free therapy.
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
Okay, so...I think that depends on what you consider to be angsty. I have written and posted MCD and pregnancy loss, the second of which to me felt particularly heavy to write. (Writing MCD...actually doesn't phase me that much?)
But consider memory loss to be a particularly angsty trope. I have...a couple ideas for those that I might write one day. One would be based off of something that happened in The Vampire Diaries, which I won't elaborate on for spoilers, but if you've seen the show you probably know. The other is like...aged up Marinette having to give up the Guardianship and she just...isn't interested in being a hero or fitting back into her old life anymore. She doesn't vibe with it. She doesn't want to get to know Adrien again, doesn't really like him. She doesn't want to live up to the expectations her old friends have for her. They end up getting drunk one night, and hooking up, and have Emma, and they try to make it work, but it just doesn't. Marinette ends up leaving the baby with Adrien, because she just wants to go live her own life.
There's also this one idea that uh...(TW: MCD) involves Adrien dying and Marinette not coping with the death well. She ends up using the Pig Miraculous for evil (instead of visions of what someone wants most, it's visions of how someone can have what they want most taken away from them) to torment Emilie, who took over after Shadow Moth's defeat, and who was responsible for Adrien's death.
Yeah, this was a lot of ideas. Didn't I mention I can't make decisions?
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
I feel like I should have a better answer for this but...not exactly? Because I'm not entirely sure where my writing style came from. I grew up reading a whole bunch of fantasy and paranormal books (mostly YA, tbh), so I supposed my style is some sort of amalgamation of the authors I grew up reading? I don't read as much as I should anymore, so it's hard to tell. And with fanfic...I certainly do read things and go, "Oh my gosh that's so clever I wish I could write something like this." But I don't think I'm necessarily trying to emulate one particular style.
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goblin-alchemist · 5 years
After refusing to pack anything but his signature suits, the heat of the French Riviera forces Gabriel Agreste to don some... unusual attire. One long string of mistaken identities later, Gabriel realizes he probably should have just kept the suit on.
Fanfic.net link if you prefer.
A birthday present to @tempomental-fanfics.  Happy birthday, Tempo!! :D
Artwork courtesy of @perditaalottachocolate-blog!
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Santa Moth
Merry Christmas, @goblin-alchemist !!! This isn’t Secret Santa! This is Santa Moth coming to you this Christmas Day. I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: It’s Christmas Night and Gabriel is going down. Hurrying down the chimney accompanied by his kwami’s drunken hiccup and song. It’s all slippery slope, both metaphorically and - as he soon finds out - literally as well.
AO3 / fanfiction.com
In the silence of the Christmas evening a clear, if a bit shaky voice echoed, filling the narrow space that held two people. Well, to be precise, one man and one inebriated kwami.
‘Santa baby, hicc! slip a sable under the tree hicc! for me~’
Gabriel thought he had seen and heard everything in his long life, that had included the mysterious miraculouses, their occupants and the powers they granted. But this was the first time he’d hear a drunk kwami.
‘Been an awful good girl~, hicc! Pffffft! A girl!’ the sprite giggled. ‘Imma a girl now, hicc!’
At first it was kind of adorable, especially when Nooroo had started on Christmas all time favorites (his version of “All I want for Christmas is Duusu” got a good laugh out of Gabriel), but it became annoying shortly after his hiccup kicked in.
‘Santa baby, and hurry down the hicc! chimney tonight~’
Gabriel wished his kwami would have picked up a different song for this particular time. Literally any other than this one.
‘Santa baby, a '54 convertible too convertible too, hicc!  light blue. I'll wait up for you, dear~ Santa baby, hicc! so hurry down the chimney tonight~’
Because Gabriel was in fact hurrying down the chimney tonight, accompanied by his very merry kwami. Driven by his guilty conscience, still heavy even if long years had passed since he had given up his career as a villain and dedicated himself to make amends to his son and the wonderful daughter-in-law Adrien had somehow managed to woo. And the fact that those two were also the holders of the miraculous jewels he’d been trying to obtain only added to the pile of sins he had to atone for.
‘Think of all the fun I've missed, hicc! Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed~’
A few weeks before Christmas, when the Revelion invitation from Adrien came, Emilie suggested it would be a good idea to “do something nice for the kiddies”. An addition of a raised brow and mirthless smile meant he was the one to do the aforementioned “something”. Thus Gabriel ordered the least gaudy Santa outfit he could find and asked Nathalie to provide him with blueprints of Adrien and Marinette’s house. Then he spent a productive evening with Nooroo, planning his route and his Christmas night’s gig.
‘Owww!’ Gabriel hissed, interrupting the kwami drunken song, as his hand got hold of something spiky. ‘Son of a-’
‘Are you sure this is hicc! a good idea, Master?’ Nooroo’s worried (if a bit unfocused) face hovered into his view. ‘You’re not as young and hicc! fit as you used to.’
‘Po. Si. Ti. Ve,’ Gabriel rasped, punctuating each syllable with a subtle groan.
The first difficulty was to fit into the chimney. Nooroo was right, when he said Gabriel wasn’t as fit. He had to wriggle his way into the vent and now he was trying to climb down in the very narrow space without damaging his costume or losing the sack with gifts. He’d probably have given up already if it wasn’t for Emma, Louis and Hugo. Somewhere down there his delightful grandchildren were waiting for Pere Noel and Gabriel swore to never disappoint another Agreste kid again. Downward he proceeded.
‘Santa baby, hicc!’ Nooroo picked up where he stopped, ‘I want a yacht and really that's not hicc! a lot. Been an angel all year. Hicc! Santa baby~’
‘Be a dear, Nooroo,’ Gabriel grunted. ‘And stop singing.’
‘Just stop, please. I need to focus,’ the man sent him a stern look. 
‘Whatever you say, Gabey baby,’ the sprite muttered and phased through Santa’s hat to make himself comfortable in Gabriel’s hair. 
‘That was the last time I let you have spiced wine, you drunkard,’ Gabriel warned. He was replied with an indignant huff from under the hat. 
He pursed his lips and returned to the task at hand. His skin exposed to the Santa costume (that was supposed to contain no polyester but it turned out you couldn’t trust suppliers these days, even if you’re a high end fashion mogul) was starting to itch. He just knew his hair under the fluffy hat was already a sweaty mess and Nooroo’s presence didn’t make it better. He just wanted this nightmare to end.
But you know what they say. Be careful what you wish for.
The surface of the shaft changed from brick to something much more slippery and suddenly the surplus of friction was no longer an issue. The more pressing problem presented itself as Gabriel started to slide down the chimney.
‘Nooroo. Help,’ he whispered to the sprite who was currently hiccuping in his Master’s dishevelled hair under the hat. 
Nooroo caught a fistful of hair in each paw and pulled but the action slowed Gabriel’s descent far less than it hurt. And since it hurt like hell, Gabriel uttered a very unmanly screech.
‘I can’t catch you, Master,’ the kwami exclaimed. On the plus side, his hiccup stopped. 
The other end of the vent was coming into view much faster than Gabriel would like. He was positive now that at this speed he’d end up a smashed bloody puddle of broken bones on his grandchildren's carpet. Not the gift he intended for them.
And then old instincts kicked in and Gabriel reached for the same solution he had applied to his problems long time ago.
‘Nooroo, dark wings rise!’ he blurted closing his eyes and hoping the sprite would be quick enough to lend him some durability for the fall.
A purple light filled the chimney. Gabriel felt the magic rushing through his bones, lacing his body with that extra miraculous padding one appreciates when falling to their demise. 
In a cloud of dust, with a quiet groan, Hawkmoth landed in a heap of miraculously unbroken bones and unmutilated limbs on a soft carpet. He was welcomed by a few giggles and fairly more gasps. He ignored them for the time being, waiting for the world to stop spinning behind his closed eyes and for his brain to catch up with the position his body had taken. 
More giggles finally made him snap his eyes open. Three joyful looks of the youngest Agreste generation greeted him. Their parents stood above the kids, wearing matching grins of amusement. Emilie took position next to them, tapping her foot. On her lips exasperation fought with mirth. Hawkmoth said a little prayer to any deity willing to listen for the the latter to win. His wife’s eyes drifted to his body and she barked out a laugh.
What was that about?
He inspected his suit. Maybe it was because of Nooroo’s intoxication or just a strike of festive spirit, but his moth attire was different than usual. From the lavender fluffy embroidery on his sleeves, legs and collar, through the subtle snowflake pattern on the suit itself, to the shoes, actually more like boots, still black but sturdy, more appropriate for snowdrifts than runways. And his head felt warmer under the usual mask. A lavender pompon slipped into his vision. He puffed to move it out of the way.
‘Daddy, daddy, look!’ Emma cried excitedly at that. ‘It’s Santa Moth!’
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bowser14456 · 6 years
Damn I get 3 fic updates today and 5 yesterday? Awesome! 😄 I read 4 already but I still gotta read chapter 9 of ASS (abbreviation lol) by @frostedpuffs , Chapter 5 of Just for Tonight by @seasonofthegeek , chapter 3 of Think Pink by @overworkedunderwhelmed and chapters 3 and 4 of Teaching Lessons by Remasa. Also giving shout outs to the other fic authors who updated: Chapter 3 of Every Kwami Loves Nino by @claws-n-spots , Chapter 6 of All or Nothing by Applesandbananas747, and Chapter 9 of Broken by ToujoursMiraculous. Oh and Chapter 4 of Autumn in Paris, but it's no Fairytale by @greeneyedciel . XD I think that's it lol.
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cerulane · 6 years
En auditant les comptes, Nathalie se rend compte qu’il y a des dépenses inexpliquées.
Amusant. J’ai beaucoup aimé la relation Gabriel/Nathalie décrite dans cette fic
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goblin-alchemist · 5 years
Final chapter of the latest installment in my series Unconventional Scenarios is posted!
Fanfic.net link for those who prefer that site.
A very special thank you to @perditaalottachocolate-blog for beta-reading this story and giving lots of valuable advice and feedback!
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