#romancing kaiden was the right choice
help-the-horse · 4 months
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On this day I finished my first full playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy and my brain chemistry will never be the same.
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lieutnt · 1 year
ur so right about garras. why is mshep not allowed to date gay aliens when fshep has countless options. makes no sense
As much as I love the Mass Effect games, the romances for Male Shep are one of my least favourite things about it. You can't romance a male character until the 3rd game, and by that point you only have 2 choices, Kaiden or Cortez
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sbrn10 · 2 years
Rambling thoughts on Horizon
What are the odds that HZD would have its thunder stolen by BOTW and then five years later HFW would be completely eclipsed by Elden Ring to the point that nobody is even talking about it at all?
To be clear, I think HZD and HFW are both similarly mediocre games -- their best attribute is that they’re fucking GORGEOUS, the second best attribute is that hunting robot dinosaurs is fun, and a distant third is the overarching plot part of the story insofar as the primary driving feeling when I play through them is “I want to know what happens” (while the characters are bizarrely nondescript - literally I booted up HFW and spent most of the first thirty minutes like “I don’t remember this person from HZD at all” to anyone who wasn’t Aloy or Sylens) -- so it’s not like I’m particularly gutted over it; it’s just that “I have two nickels and that’s weird” feeling. BOTW/ER are both generational games, so it’s also just unlucky on their part. Despite despite its flaws, if HFW came out last fall, it would have probably gotten a lot more mindshare in the collective gaming consciousness. Coming out in February with Elden Ring, though? Just a total death knell to any coverage or buzz.
More thoughts (some minor spoilers?):
Anyway, since finishing the game, I’ve been thinking about the characters being nondescript part a lot and I don’t know WHAT about Horizon doesn’t work as well as something like (the counterpoint that springs immediately to mind) the late 00s-early 10s Bioware games in making both the protagonist (well, at least for Shepard, since DA mostly has blank ones) and the major NPCs memorable and endearing. I feel like nobody would come away from playing ME1 without remembering who Wrex, Liara, Garrus, and Tali are (Kaiden and Ashley... eh...); I 100% did not remember aaaaaany of HZD’s allies, and, weirdly, remembered Sylens, Elisabet Sobeck and Ted Faro far better. Obviously you can rattle off the differences in structure -- ME and DA are both party-based games that make great use of inter-party banter for character beats; Bioware has the romances; and the paragon/renegade style dialogue wheel injects routine conversations with more role-playing than Horizon, which only offers branching dialogue/choices like three times a game -- but I don’t know, it doesn’t feel like those things are dispositive. (Like, similarly, The Witcher has more memorable characters, and Horizon plays very much like The Witcher in terms of how the protagonist interacts with NPCs.)
And this weird nondescriptness extends to the people of Horizon as a whole - despite the Nora, Banuk, Carja, etc., having fairly distinct trappings, they mostly blur together -- in contrast to the Templars and mages, or the Hanar (who are, frankly, one of the most interesting alien races in any of the space scifi I’ve seen across any media), Turians, Volus, etc.
I’m not touching the political aspects of the world building, either the appropriation or (the interconnected but distinct issue of) its patronizing viewpoint on “primitive” culture and religion; I am TiredTM and simply refuse, but... I don’t know, I feel like, despite the obvious craft that goes into these games, there’s such a distinct aura of soullessness that I can’t pinpoint that leaves me so underwhelmed coming out of it, and surely some of it must be related to the underlying flaws in world building, right? It’s genuinely baffling how a game with such a (on the surface) unique setting compared to mainstream gaming (like, compared to the number of games set in generic European medieval fantasy or or whatever) can feel so... utterly derivative?
Anyway, I know this reads like I didn’t enjoy the game, but I did. I beat HFW in like a week and played about 60 hours of it -- obviously I would not have played it for like 8 hours a day every day if I hadn’t enjoyed it. I don’t know. Horizon is just very weird to me.
I will say I did enjoy the many lesbians in this game -- I called it the SECOND Tilda’s first audio thing played, and Carrie Anne Moss’s performance sold the character. Alva having a girl waiting for her back home is also sweet. I feel like 5 years later I will mostly remember that Zo was hot and tragically straight, Alva was a cute nerd, and I enjoyed Tilda (even if the last fight was... stupid).
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FINALLY!!! I Got To Keep Both Jack & Miranda’s Loyalties In Mass Effect!!!
[Note: Reading This Is Optional.....
also Do NOT Reblog Without Permission.]  
after I guess what feels like so many tries but it might only been a few...
I had finally done it, on March 7, 2023.....I had finally got to keep both Jack and Miranda’s Loyalties in Mass Effect.
and of course it happen in the new version, that Mass Effect Legendary.
and I was right about the whole building up that blue paragon high enough, and it will need to be REALLY high....in order for to use the other dialogue, and keep both those two’s loyalties.
which I’m glad that I finally was able to get a high enough paragon to choose the dialogue that turns blue, well I could of either went with that or the red but sadly it wouldn’t be high enough in time, so lucky for me the blue was high enough.
of course when I did finally got to keep those two’s Loyalties, it was playing as the Default Shepard, but the Male one, and going with the the name “John”...
that is the Male Default Shepard’s Name....
and after doing Tali’s Loyalty Mission in Mass Effect 2 in the Legendary version...
I had Shepard talk with....her name is Kelly, right...?
she is kind of like a therapist for the crew on the Normandy.
anyway she talks about how Tali gives hints that she is in love with Shepard.
but I had THAT Shepard romance Liara in both Mass Effect 1, and in Mass Effect 2 I had them rekindle their love after the whole beating the Shadow Broker....then again, she did insist to Shepard that they should break up...
and yet I made sure that Shepard didn’t cheat on her, and that he didn’t send the wrong messages.....I wonder if in the new Mass Effect game, their love will still stay strong, or if Liara will pull a Jacob.
when romancing Jacob using the Female Shepard, your just going to have that character go through heartbreak, because Jacob does end up cheating and even having a baby with the woman that he two-times Shepard with.
and if you ask me, even if it is true that the woman who ends up in a romantic relationship with Jacob, does end up being not so friendly to the Female Shepard if she has romance Jacob in Mass Effect 2....
but maybe both women could do so much better than Jacob...
yes there is the whole choice that the Player could cheat or even ask for a poly-romance, which if it is true that has been suggested in one of the dialogues if you are romancing both Liara or Ashley or Kaiden in Mass Effect 1.....but it ending up not being possible at all, and ya still have to choose between the two (which is like either Male Shepard choosing between Liara or Ashley and or Female Shepard choosing between Liara or Kaiden.),
but with some Players might choose not to go down the cheating path, and if Liara does end up wanting to call things off and just be friends after the whole Shadow Broker thing, the Player can choose to agree to call things off or keep having the Male or Female Shepard with her.
and I guess we could think of Kaiden finally coming out of the closet in, it’s Mass Effect 3 that he can be romanced by the Male Shepard right...?
so I guess this would mean that either Kaiden is Pansexual or Bisexual.
maybe he is Bisexual....but Male Shepard couldn’t romance him in Mass Effect 1 until I think in Mass Effect 3....
so I’m just gonna see it as Fan Headcanon that Kaiden was in the closet until he came out of the closet in Mass Effect 3.
some of the characters that Shepard can romance, are either bisexual, pansexual, heterosexual, lesbian and vincian.
of course if you have to be Female Shepard to romance Samantha Traynor
and you need to be Male Shepard to romance Steve Cortez. 
Steve Cortez is Vincian, and he had lost his first husband, so I guess if a Player does decide to have Male Shepard start a romance with Steve Cortez, it could be seen as a way for the man who lost his husband, to heal and love again.
and Samantha Traynor is a Lesbian, so she will not be interested in the Male Shepard and will only be interested in the Female Shepard, who the Player can decide for themselves if they want to romance Samantha Traynor or not. 
the Asari in the game can be with anyone and any species of any gender.
but I guess some Asari would prefer Feminine, and not have a interest in Males, so maybe Asari can be Pansexual or Bisexual or Sapphic.
it might be possible that some Asari could end up with Partners that are Nonbinary, and they could end up with different types of Nonbinary Partners.
either just Nonbinary who only go by They/Them,
or even Nonbinary-Man who goes by He/Him and They/Them,
or Nonbinary-Woman who goes by She/Her and They/Them.
and if a Asari does have a Partner that is just Nonbinary (and not a Enboy or Enbirl)........if anyone either it be a human, turian, quarian, krogan, salarian, batarian or even another asari or any other race (all but the hanar.)
ended up misgendering the Asari’s Nonbinary Partner, and not calling them They or Them, then maybe the Asari would be really mad and try to punch the lights out of the one who misgender their partner, or maybe just yell at them to not misgender their partner, and telling them that they aren’t a Enboy or Enbirl.
it would be interesting if like in the other stories in the game, you can have Shepard go over to them and try to work it out, and even telling the person to not misgender the Nonbinary Human Partner of the Asari again.
even if you can only choose between the Male and Female Shepard,
it would be interesting if there was a Androgynous looking Shepard, and was Nonbinary, and depending on the Player’s view, they could be either Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
in the FNAF fan game, that’s called Five Nights Of Flirting,
you can choose between either Male or Female or Nonbinary/Genderfluid.
 Five Nights Of Flirting is one of my favorite FNAF fan games.
 and in Undertale, the Player could view Frisk being either a Boy, Girl, Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
and even do the same with Chara, who’s name is still a diminutive of the name Charlotte....which is a fact and one can look it up to see.
and besides using the name Default Name “Chara”, the Player can use any other name, either from a girl or boy or neutral name.
and we know that Kris is Nonbinary in the canon of Deltarune.
but the Player could view Kris as either just Nonbinary or even being a Nonbinary-Boy or Nonbinary-Girl.
I wouldn’t mind if they had a third option in a future Mass Effect Game,
where you can choose between Male, Female and Nonbinary Shepard.
of course the Nonbinary Shepard wouldn’t have the Default First Name like John or Jane, so they would have to pick a default name that is maybe unisex.
and the Player can decide between either a boy or girl or unisex name, depending if they want to view that Shepard as a Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
but the chances of such a Shepard appearing in the future is very VERY small.
and if that Shepard does appear in the future, I guess some fans could view them as the Baby Sibling of John and Jane Shepard.
 I’m still glad that I was finally able to keep both Jack and Miranda’s Loyalties,
and I guess if I didn’t decide to make sure to talk to other characters and even do some missions, then I guess my paragon wouldn’t of became high enough.
I mean if I hadn’t made sure to make sure to raise my Paragon Levels REALLY high, and if I had did Jack’s Loyalty Mission, it would be likely I would end up having to choose between her or Miranda after the mission was over with.
and if I chosen Miranda over Jack, even just getting Jack’s Loyalty, then Jack would end up dying later on in Mass Effect 2, the same could be said for Miranda if I chosen Jack over her.
and I really didn’t want to choose between the two, and I wanted to keep both their loyalties.
of course after finally keeping both their loyalties, and playing a little more of Mass Effect...
I took a break and took the game out and I did end up going to bed and sleeping finally after I was finished playing on the Xbox One a little bit.
I don’t think I’m the only one who had been having trouble trying to keep both Miranda and Jack’s Loyalties, if you don’t have a high enough Paragon or that Renegade one, then you will have to choose between them.
and I had been trying my best to build up my Paragon so I didn’t have to choose between them so I could keep both of their Loyalties.
and maybe other Players who have been through the same thing, have tried to make sure to build up their Paragon really high so they don’t have to choose between them.
and even though it’s not all fans, but I’m pretty sure some fans do ship Miranda and Jack, and think they just need to just kiss already.
and I guess in the Fanon those two could be Bi, but in the Canon it is possible that both of them are Heterosexual....but who knows.
but with those two at each other’s throats and hating each other, and only calling a type of truce when ya finally are able to keep both their loyalties and not having to decide between the two....
the chances of them forming any kind of romantic relationship in the canon and in a future Mass Effect Game, are very VERY small...
and any romance ship between those two, would possibly just stay Fanon.
one of the reasons I wanted to have Shepard keep his romance with Liara T’Soni, is because I want to see if they will end up having a child together in the future game.  
like if it turns out that if Male or Female Shepard becoming a Parent to their and Liara’s child, but Liara doesn’t tell them about her being pregnant when they were in the last fight against the Reapers.
and it could turn out that Shepard and Liara’s daughter can only exist if the two have formed a romance and kept the romance going.
maybe only a few years would pass inside the timeline of the Mass Effect Game, and those that Shepard had on his team would still be alive.
if Shepard does return in the future Mass Effect Game, then maybe they could be surprised to find out that they have a daughter with Liara, that is if the Player chooses to have Shepard romance Liara and keep the romance and not call things off with her.
and I guess if Male Shepard had romance either Miranda or Jack and they stayed alive and are on the ship with the others in Mass Effect 3 and could be mourning Shepard....
if the Male Shepard had romance either those two, then maybe in the future, he could have a son or daughter with either of those two that would also be a surprise.
like any future child that Male Shepard has with either Miranda, Jack and maybe even Tali, would end up being a surprise to them.
Female Shepard and Male Shepard can both be surprised “Fathers” and find out that Liara had their daughter but didn’t tell them that she was pregnant.
and in a Vandread and Mass Effect Crossover, Female Shepard could be viewed as the Ohma and Liara the Fama if they were to have a child together.
anyway if you think about it, Mass Effect could be considered a LGBTQ Game or a LGBTQIA Game.
most of the characters that Shepard can romance are either Heterosexual, Bisexual, Lesbian and Vincian.
and you can only romance Samantha if your the Female Shepard,
and you can only romance Steve if your the Male Shepard.
Male Shepard can’t romance Samantha, and would likely be put in the friend zone.
and the same thing can be said for Female Shepard, who isn’t able to romance Steve either and would end up in the friend zone as well.
I wonder if many fans knew this....?
well I guess maybe those who look up info or watched walkthrough of the romances that has to do with the different characters that Shepard can and can’t romance.
and even if the Male or Female Shepard can romance those who can be romanced in the game, but there are still some that Shepard can’t romance at all, no matter if they are Male or Female Shepard.
also if it were possible that if Male Shepard romanced Jack, and kept the romance and it had turn out that they had a kid together and it was shown in a future game....
if we thought Jack was crazy dangerous before, (and if she lived in Mass Effect 3) then she could be REALLY dangerous as a Protective Mother.
like picture the normal type of dangerous Jack, but times 10 or 100 if she ever became a Mom to Shepard’s kid.
and I guess if the Female Shepard did romance a Male Character, in a plot twist kind of way, she could of been pregnant when she had to choose between the three choices of fusing organic and synthetic, or destroying or merging with the reapers.
I rather NOT choose destroying the Reapers, and would rather have Shepard choose between the other two choices.
and for all we know, the Shepard we have been playing in Mass Effect 2, was a clone this whole time and we keep playing them in Mass Effect 3.
and it could turn out the Original Shepard is being kept in another base and had just woke up during the end of Mass Effect 3 and has amnesia.
and even if we had kept Shepard loyal to the one that they romanced, in a plot twist type of way those who Shepard romance in Mass Effect 1 and even kept romance with in Mass Effect 2 to 3, would had accidentally cheated on the Original Shepard, which means the child of Liara, Tali, Jack and Miranda could possibly have....
wouldn’t be Original Shepard’s child, but the Playable Shepard Clone’s child with them.....and if that is true, that would mean there is Two Shepard Clones.
not all fan theories have to be correct, even the whole there being Two Shepard Clones, and only one of them was a perfect copy of the Original.
and I guess if we had Shepard be a human supremacy and seem to have a dislike for non-humans in Mass Effect 1, but end up having Shepard act more nicer and not a Xenocist Dirty Shisno jerk, wouldn’t that mean that the Original Shepard was bad and the new clone that we unknowingly play as in Mass Effect 2 to 3, ends up being good...?
and the Other Shepard Clone, that shows to be a bit of a Dirty Shisno Xenocist would turn out to be the perfect copy of the Original Shepard if Shepard in the Mass Effect 1 acted like a Xenocist Jerk, of course that would be the choice of the Player.
I see that as Semi-Canon and maybe it could be possible to have Shepard act like a Shisno Xenocist Jerk in the Mass Effect 1 and then start to not be that way anymore in Mass Effect 2, but the clone that appears later on will still be a Xenocist and a Dirty Shisno which would be much worse than the version of Shepard in Mass Effect 1 who was acting like a Dirty Shisno Xenocist.
I’m sure there are some fans who could of made Shepard act like a Shisno and Xenocist in the Mass Effect 1 but might of had him change in Mass Effect 2.
it would be interesting if the Clone that teamed up with Brooks, had somehow survived and could be reformed....and maybe knew that the Shepard that we play as from Mass Effect 2 to 3, was a clone like them and was either a perfect clone copy or a clone that was different from the original and only seem like a perfect copy.
it would be interesting if this was true and I wouldn’t mind seeing it in the future Mass Effect Game.
anyway I will play more Mass Effect later, and hopefully I can keep both Tali and Legion’s Loyalties and have the Geth and Quarian work together.
hopefully if things work, I can have Tali stop being a Dirty Shisno.
at least not all Quarians are Dirty Shisno to the Geth, and not all Geth are bad or sided with the Reapers.
but the Quarian scapegoating the Geth for them having been kicked out off their home planet, is just stupid because the Quarian are the ones who started it, well the first generation who started that mess with the Geth.
at least some Quarian want to try to fix their mistake in the right way and try for peace with the Geth, not like some who want to destroy all Geth from their home world and still keep being dirty shisno.
maybe with any luck if both Miranda and Jack live in Mass Effect 3, maybe in the future Mass Effect Game, if they appear in it, maybe they would of become close friends while Shepard was away.
like they could still fight at times, but still end up caring for each other because they had ended up forming a bond of trust and understanding.
but it only happening if both survived in both Mass Effect 2 to 3, and only if the Player is able to keep both of their Loyalties. 
also I know this post isn’t really mature, but I had to add the “mature audiences only” and “not for kids” tags, because well the Mass Effect Game series isn’t for little kids and it is for those who are the proper age to play it.
anyway I’m going to keep a eye out for any new info about the new Mass Effect game, and hopefully there will be new info about it soon.                                       
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nighttimepixels · 3 years
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you are so valid and I totally see why everyone I've ever mentioned it to loves the hell out of it
aksdjlsdfj I meannnn if you want to hear my rambling about it then hell yeah
Okay, gonna put this below the cut to save everyone else XD also- since I'm not leaving this Mass Effect obsession anytime soon, if you're not interested in seeing occasional posts about it, please feel free to block the tag "night plays ME"~
(mild spoilers ahead??)
((also for real I mean it when I say this is rambling as hell lol, apologies and no stress if absolute no one reads all this))
OKAY SO Mass Effect 1-
Stars help me, I was honestly hooked right from the start?? Like even in Legendary Edition (the combined trilogy just re-released in one "can play it on one system + minor improvements", for anyone who doesn't know) where it's smoothed out, of course it's obvious that ME1 is a decade old... but the foundation for these relationships are all there and gods I love them already.
Like - Kaiden right off the top is a delightful good fightin lad, what the hell. I've heard that he's viewed as 'bland' by a good portion of the fan community but I dunno, he's a delight and even more complex by the time 2 rolls around and you encounter him on Horizon, it was honestly Ashley I was way more meh about - mostly because before you can learn about her family history/etc, she comes off as hella xenophobic and I was immediately offended for my growing space family that she didn't like/trust all the aliens around, pfff.
(she gets redeemed a bit through further actions/evolving thoughts, but I thought in retrospect it was a bummer that they didn't flip the order there, give her a chance to be liked before the complicating factor of being so rude about aliens >:c that then she could grow from... ah well. Apparently she has a good arc but uh, let's just say I chose Kaiden at the "key junction" in the latter part of the game so I won't be seeing anymore of Ashley uh... anytime soon, haha.)
Garrus??? Is??????? The ABSOLUTE best???????????
I liked him from the start, I'm always a bit of a sucker for a rogue-detective "the system won't bring this bastard to justice, so I've got to" type and all their moral shadiness XD But he just gets better, honestly, and where I'm at in ME2 (right before the Reaper IFF mission, as of typing this, with everyone's loyalty!) I am only digging myself deeper into this hole-
-*wheezing* okay anyways -
Wrex is AMAZING I love fightin' middle-aged krogan bastard, gods. Liara is great too, I'm a sucker for a wlw relationship (playing fem!Shepard, so) - buuuut I'll admit she's a bit more one-note in ME1. Last week while I was still on ME1 I remember hearing (while trying to dodge spoilers) that her arc is really good, though. I think they leaned a little hard on the 'innocent but sexy' sterteotype on her (so despite the yikes aspect of a few of the things I've learned in ME2, lol, I actually really like the complexity that's been added to her character.)
Saved Liara first, so by the time I got to Noveria and had the standoff with Benezia there was the chance to have emotions over Liara having to face her TwT and of course, I made the questionable but quality decision to free Queen Rachni heheh. no ragrets
More than a blow-by-blow of my choices though I totally wanna take the chance to say that even in the mild jankiness of ME1 (goddammit, the Mako.... please..... please just go up this impossible cliff I just want to resource hunt-) the way that the lore, both obvious/key to main plot and the lesser/filler/background/world-building kinds... I just love it. It incorporates it well, you can go ham in the codex learning more, or just dive into the basics - it's clearly a complex galaxy (and they do an even better job in 2 of fleshing it out further), and it never really felt overwhelming. It was pretty natural figuring it all out-!
Plus the interesting implications of resource hunting amongst the sapient races, and the little side missions you better bet I did every one of- there's so much rich depth in the story if you do 'em!! (And that lead with that Keeper side mission...? Looking back, damn, clever foreshadowing-!!!)
And oh my gods, Ilios??? hell yeah. I loved that mission so much, especially having Garrus & Kaiden with me when talking to the hologram/computer, and more than anything, that last sprint in the Mako trying to get to the jump before it closed-???
yeet the boi-
Also mannn I love a good setpiece, and having to go up the side of the elevator, space-side?? such a cool setup!!
Plus it felt good having been Paragon enough (as simple as the good v bad vibe system is, I don't hate it, lol) to avoid one of the Saren fights, ngl. And the er, "second fight" with Sovereign-Saren.... hell yeah
... I'll admit I had to double check my choice re whether to save the Council. I did in the end, but I swear, sometimes the way they phrase things I'm like ".... okay but Garrus is right, defeating Sovereign is more important than these few leaders??????" woops. Listen, priorities, is all I'm saying..... ( ̄ヮ ̄|||)ゞ
'Course later they emphasize (in ME2) that there were 10,000 people on that same ship and I was like well I wouldn't have second guessed if I'd known that, I mean c'mon-
Also I did indeed romance Liara in this one, so I got that scene ;Dc But,,,, I also knew by the end that I was totally gonna romance Garrus in 2 since he's an option then finally,,,,, lemme tell you the guilt as I waffled over whether to romance Liara bc of it. hahaha.
Aaaaand Mass Effect 2-
So I'm only up to right before the Reaper IFF Mission, so I don't know the ending, etc etc lol. That said, I've just finished every side mission I've found with the exception of the Shadowbroker Quest and the Arrival Quest (I've heard the latter basically leads into ME3, and the former is best either right before the Omega 4 jump or in postgame).
So from the start - fuck yeah fuck yeah what a high adrenaline start Shepard noooooo but also yes save Joker aH-
The motion comic too hot damn nice job
I loved this setup, seriously - especially forcing Shep into this situation, having to work with/for Cerberus, and the compelling reasoning given behind "why" they do what they do (I especially found it a good point that the Salarians have the Task Force, the Asaris the Commandos, the Turians the- etc... like, true, when you put it like that, having a similar group advancing human interests/solving human interstellar problems is pretty reasonable...). That said, I love too that it really isn't shied away from how Cerberus is nonetheless fucked up - or its at least done fucked up stuff.
Listen, I still think some messed up stuff is gonna be revealed in 2's endgame......... after that Horizon mission and the Collector's ship???? TIM I SEE YOU YOU SHADY MF-
aaanyways lol...
I'm so so glad on a gameplay level they nixed the Mako style exploration. A few Hammerhead missions are fine and a lot more focused than the slippery ass navigation in that glorified ATV, pfff. The probes are a neat way of getting after similar resources - and more importantly, having good levels and some good hubs (the Zakera Wards, Omega, Ilium, etc) is way way more fun than having a more 'sprawling' space that is.... a lot of empty nonsense, lol.
Then there's the fact that we get Joker right off the bat and you can interact with him so much - and him and EDI??? Get out gods I love them. Kasumi is so right when she says they sound like a bickering old married couple lol. I have a terrible feeling that some shit is gonna happen with EDI..... but I don't think she's evil as-is, at least.
Side-eying the hell out of those "access forbidden" parts of her that she doesn't even know.... and the fact that her AI core has a locked door access................... something's gonna happen gdi LEAVE OUR ADOPTED AI ALONE.
(Also Joker pls stop fracturing your thumb on the mute button)
Also please save me there are so many hot aliens in this game,,,,, the xeno/monsterfuckers really comin' through strong in the sequels............... doin' the lord's work........................................
In general, I love how many levels ME stepped up in two with complexity and interwoven narratives!! Like, to the point it'd be almost a drag to replay ME1, even though it was fun going through it (if occasionally a bit tedious with the cookie cutter rando planet science/mine facilities, lol). Like, just from how fun and interesting ME2 is, mostly! more of all the pre-introduced races, plus new ones, plus more filling in of intragalactic politics, and more interesting implications of all these space-faring races mixing....
Also gods WREX and his planet holy shit,,,,, fuckin' hell yeah my man get their shit together and also adopt Grunt yes good-
And Mordin??? My singing semi-evil scientist best friend forced to confront his choices more than he thought he ever would have???? With some of the best ongoing general report chatter of all the companions??
(when I tell you I choked on my coffee when I talked to him after confirming romance choice w/ Garrus and that 'pamphlet' and 'anaphalactic shot if ingesting-' kajsldkfjsldfjk)
Like, fuck, the fact that they actually dive into the mixed morality and horrors of the genophage, and you can confront Mordin on it, for good reason, yet he still stands his ground, until finally some bits of his loyalty mission seem to... affect him, and I'm guessing might set up things for 3 with him? Unsure, but either way, damn, the fact that they start to dig into it...
And Taliiiii my beloved forbidden alien wife TwT her loyalty mission was SO GOOD. I love how varied they all are?? Getting to defend her and discover what she'd unwittingly been a part of-!!
Zaeed is a bastard but tbh I love that he is and that he's unapologetic in him - and Kasumi omg, best thief. A heist?? Gods, yes- I love our couch lounge chats XD
Samara is..... illegally.......... she's an illegally powerful and beautiful and eloquent MILF...........................
(.... listen I'm sapphic as hell and I'm kicking my own ass for picking her up last aksjdlfksjdfl - but her loyalty mission, damn. And seeing how there's this interesting cultural subset, and the struggle with the Asari in that they unquestioningly accept/respect justicars, but also know that the impact outside their culture is a diplomacy nightmare waiting to happen-)
,.,,,,,T,,, Thane,,,,,
I am weak for morally implicated murder dads okay?? And that voice??? His mannerisms?????? How you first see him, and that prayer after assassinating her...???????? And his history/his people's history with the hanar, gods I love how messy it is, it feels so much more real!
Also Jack is a mess and I love her (and want to get her some therapy, omg), and her and Miranda nearly duking it out after you've done both their loyalty missions??? so good and makes a lot of sense-! Honestly I would love more interactions between teammates on the ship, but there's already so much the devs had to balance I can't blame 'em for minimizing, heh. But suffice to say I also love Miranda and Jacob, even if I'm softest for my alien crew XD Hell yeah Jacob, we'll get loud and spill drinks on the citadel indeed TwT
.... I could write a whole essay on how much I love Garrus oTL Perhaps because he and Tali are the throughlines from 1 on your 2 crew, I have some of the strongest feelings about them... but genuinely, he was one of my favorite companions in the first game, and how you find him as Archangel in two? Getting to help him fight his way out after he's gone nearly 48 hours straight fighting off three gangs alone, jfc. His vengeance quest and what can happen there.... That line? fuck me, that line -
It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Grey? I don't know what to do with gray...
How DARE you come for my heart like this, devs holy shit
(also, some other choice faves so far from the series from him include We can disobey suicidal orders?? and This wasn't in my training manual... [in 1, if you have him with you @ th Thorian fight] and his whole.... pop the heat sink - in his romance ;Dc)
asdasdfksadjfkl like I said I can write an essay on him PFFF suffice to say I'm very looking forward to his romance scene and where things go in 3
But yeah gods I'm just gonna keep rambling if I'm not careful lol. Gods I don't even know what to talk about it's all so good and while I can understand people roasting the obviousness of Paragon V Renegade (v neutral) choices/alignments, I think they do a pretty damn good job in 2 of pushing it further - to the point that there were some times that I accidentally got renegade points and I wasn't that mad, haha. There's so much fun in the interactions that I just have a good time anyways~
I have so many thoughts about TIM (The Illusive Man) and Cerberus.... theories evolving galore............... and like, what the hell!! Omega 4 going to the center of the galaxy is such a cool twist, goddamn - though my heart still breaks at losing Kaiden (his line if you haven't romanced him?? about feeling like he lost a limb when he lost you??? holy shit.... but I also can't blame him for not trusting Cerberus to the point of it affecting his ability to trust Shepard... like fuck Shep go after himmmm) I'm really excited to see where that goes since he comes back in 3, and what the fuck happens with Cerberus bc while I love the fact that obviously there are a lot of people in it for the right reasons, doing good work, there are those that are doing the opposite, and I have a very bad feeling about where TIM will end up landing....
All that said though I need to do the Reaper IFF mission (where I'm lightly spoiled as to getting That Boy, but not how/what happens to make it so - just that it's apparently wise to have all your side missions done before getting him...) and the actual Omega 4 jump. So we'll see what happens and what I think about it from there heheh!
.... major kudos and genuine props if you made it here to the end, I am so sorry for not editing on condensing all this, and appreciate you so much ;w;
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valtiels-darkness · 3 years
In Search of a RP partner. Must be nsfw friendly (though, it is more story driven than anything else. This is NOT a porn. Smut , if any has to drive the story.)​
I'm looking for someone to RP as Ondolemar from Skyrim. It's a female Nord Vampire/ Ondolemar romance. I normally do not do F/M RPs, but this headcannon will not leave me alone. Ondolemar's looks are based off the Handsome Ondolemar mod. Though added flair is appreciated! Looking for 3rd pov, Literate/Semi-literate, prefer other's who like story more than smut. Daily replies (life gets in the way, a head's up would be appreciated!), Wanting a partner who can contribute to the story. I adore enemies to friends to lovers. At least a 2 paragraph reply. PLOT: I rather negotiate the plot with you! I have a general idea and will post when there is a prospect for a partner. Though, basic idea: Serana, Lucien , and Dexion suggested to Aconita, to accompany Dexion back to the Imperial City. Mainly as a distraction. She agrees and also suggests they stop off to visit some old friends at The College of Whispers. Thalmor are present, all along Cyrodil. Ondolemar had been reassigned to lead the Dominion's interests in the Imperial province. First, in the Imperial City, then in Lleyawyn. They do NOT hit it off at first. He suspects what she is (Bonus points for why he does not turn her in.). More Bonus Points: *Altmer breeding doctrines and since he is "superiorly bred" Mer? If he has any inclinations outside of other "Superiorly Bred" Altmer, consequences will be had. *Ondolemar is already in an arranged marriage. Both find the other quite dull, in secret. *An argument about Lorkhan. * Sancre Tor and debates on Talos. *Shared interest in a bitter, roasted bean brew (you may come up with the coffee equivalent name!) *Super Secretly soft Ondolemar. *Ondolemar, Lucien, and Dexion adventure shenanigans! A Bit about my character: Name: Aconita Age: 26. Height: 6'3. Race: Nord- Daughter of Coldharbour. Religion: Daedric worshipper. Main patrons being Sheogorath, Nocturnal, Sithis, and Hermaeous Mora. Formally Molag Bal. Affiliation: College of Whispers, Dark Brotherhood, and Volkihar Coven. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Sign: Born under the Shadow. Weapons of choice: Daedric Crescent, Dawn/Duskfang, and Ruin's Edge with Soul Stealer Arrows. Homesteads: Elysium meets Leafrest mashup, though in the Rift. Raven Castle, but make it a family thing. Also, resides in Volkihar Castle. Class: Multiclasses. Assasin/Necromancer (School of Conjuration)/Bard. Companions: Serana, Lucien Flavius (Follower mod, more like an apprentice.), Teldryn Sero, Shavee, Opal (an OC Bosmer, female.), Arvak, Durnevhir (Is able to summon him and does so regularly.), Babette, Tolfdir, Dexion, and Nazir. Former Companions: Ysolda (former, one sided love interest), Lydia (The companion that was turned into a sweetroll...), Kaidan ( a mod follower. Akaviri, former lover, but just left her with no reason as to why.), J'Zhargo (Partner in crime, had gone to Northpoint.), and the Dragonborn. Hobbies: Foraging, Cooking, Alchemy, Summoning, trying to commune with the hist. Is moonsugar a hobby or a way of life? Appearance: Avatar picture is of Aconita. Eyes: Reflective yellow/silver iris, and a deep blood red sclera. Almond shaped, hooded. Hair: Shoulder length, undercut, wavy, and a cool toned midnight black. Skin: Very pale, "White as snow", with cool undertones. Making her skin almost "glow" in certain cold light ( That is actually a thing, in certain ambient light, with cooler undertones). Various scars due to her adventures. Notable ones are under her left eye and right side of her mouth to her clavicle (They happened when she became a Daughter of Cold Harbour). Facial tattoos of a deep blackish red on both eyes (almost looks like elaborate makeup). Brief personality description: Unhinged, yet can be composed. Not the "SkYRiM fOr tHe nOrDs" type. Despises Ulfric. Enjoys conjuration... A little too much. Has fun with the Wabbajack. Once turned one of her companions into a sweetroll... Tried to find a way to reverse the effect... Got hungry, and well... You get the rest! She can be lethally calculating when the need arises, but gets bored
easily. Has a sweet tooth. There is obvious trauma, due to the Molag Bal ritual... Light hearted, dark sense of humour. A chronic insomniac. Referenced Mods in the RP will be: Soul Stealer Arrows, Elysium Estate, Raven Castle, Wearable Horns-TDN (Vampire Lord crown in picture.), Lucien Flavius, Kaiden, Handsome Ondolemar, Tamrielic Lore (a good one to look at!), Alchemical Cooking, Raven Witch Armor, Winterhold Restored, Magical College of Winterhold, Castle Volkihar Redux. Areas: I would love all of Tamriel to be traversed, or mentioned. Shivering Isles and Apocrypha. Mentions of Thras, Atmora, Yokudan, and Akavir. Frostcrag Spire. Lore: If you need a brush up or a rundown: Uesp.net is a great place. I'll also be more than willing to help! There is more, but will update for later. Message through here, inbox, or whatever is easiest for you, if interested! Thank you!
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unwiltingblossom · 4 years
Wow!! You love isekai too!! Here are some I think you'll like Moshi Fan Ren, Master of Ragnarock, Hataage! Kemono Michi, Gun x Sword, Citrus, My Sweet Sugar Life, Overlord, Magic Knight, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, Chaos Dragon, Arifureta, Mr Love Queens Choice, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. What animes do you like ? °.·~°·*.· ~ . *
Lemme take a look at your list~!
As for Moshi Fanren, I’m not that much of a fan of zombies (I love post apocalypse for watching a world rebuild, but not much for zombies themselves)
I’ve actually already watched Master of Ragnarok - I remember there being a plot where his love from his life ends up getting isekai’d much later in the story, right? There was also a completely ridiculous and hilarious moment where a girl’s boob somehow just...came alive and knocked a piece of fruit off a platter she was holding. I don’t understand. it was surreal.
Kemono Michi was fun, though a bit strange.
I haven’t seen Gun x Sword before, but it reminds me of Trigun somehow from the description, I’ll give it a look when I get the chance!
As for Citrus and My Sweet Sugar Life, I probably wouldn’t enjoy them, as I’m not into yuri (or yaoi, I prefer gxb if it’s gonna be a romance anime) - that, and in the latter case I’m picky on thrillers
I really enjoyed Overlord season 1 and also 2, but season 3 really turned me off from the show, as Ains has started losing control of his villainous persona and starts doing harm to his own (human) followers. I do like Jircniv though.
If you mean Magic Knight Rayearth I really enjoyed that manga. It’s a classical isekai kind of format and I loved it. I never finished part 2, but that’s because my library didn’t have the rest. Anyone who likes isekai should try reading that, as it’s a precursor to modern isekai format
As for Recovery of an MMO Junkie - I absolutely adored that anime. I ship Moriko and Sakurai to death. They’re adorable, and I love Sakurai. Such a cutie. I really hope we get more of the anime.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Chaos Dragon before? I’ll have to give it a look.
As for Arifureta, I liked it at first, but his relationship with Yue speeds though at such a ridiculous pace it left be dizzy and completely disengaged with it, which is a problem because the rest of his relationships are dependent on the fact that his and Yue’s relationship is the most epic of epic. Also, Hajime is just a capital J jerk. It reminded me of Shield Hero if people weren’t constantly being like ‘Naofumi stop being a dick for five seconds pls’
I actually play Mr. Love Queen’s Choice! I’m caught up with the english release of the game and I know some stuff that happens in the future. Currently I’m trying to ease my father into watching the anime, since the story is so good but I won’t be convincing him to play a girl game any time soon, lol
I’ve never heard of Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint before but the power sounds really cool, so I’ll look into it and see if I can find it, even though the genre isn’t really my favorite.
As for anime I already like, hm...well I might forget some but off the top of my head some of my favorites are:
Dragon ball (all of them except GT, which had potential but really squandered it hard. Super has its issues, but it’s still ongoing and hasn’t started randomly throwing away characters, nor given Vegeta a buzz cut)
Fushigi Yuugi - the manga, the anime wasn’t done very well honestly. I actually hate the primary romance and Miaka’s just...almost unbearable, but I love the whole concept and world and the characters so much that it’s one of my all time favorites anyway. I of course read all of Genbu Kaiden and am reading Byakko Ibun too.
Video Girl Ai - There’s an anime running now called Rent-a-Girlfriend, but Video Girl Ai did this already, first, and way better. Just not the anime. The anime only covers the first three graphic novels of like...10?
Naruto is a given, obviously, it’s probably one of the best battle shounen anime there are, especially at accomplishing things other ones fail to do properly.
I also enjoy Black Clover and I kind of liked Fairy Tail but it’s a little silly, and I don’t like Natsu. If you don’t like the protagonist of a shounen anime that’s gonna be a problem. Though to be fair I read literally two panels of Asta and went “Wow, I hate him.” but he almost immediately gets better, and is one of the smarter shounen leads.
Other anime I enjoy...hmm. Tenchi, of course - not Tenchi in Tokyo - Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2 though I never finished either. I really wish I still had the PSX Inuyasha game where you could pick who Kagome dated, boohoo. Seven Deadly Sins, though the latest season has been boring, My Hero Academia though probably not as much as most people would, Rage of Bahamut was great and Favaro needs to get back with Amira already. Fate Stay Night, naturally, though I don’t care for heaven’s feel. I need more of Kuromukuro to be made, so the samurai and his girlfriend can finally be reunited again. Despite its weird ending, I also liked Chobits
I also liked Orange, CLANNAD, Steins;Gate (and 0) and SukaSuka/WorldEnd because I guess I like suffering. I was there for when .hack//SIGN was starting out, so I’m always going to be a fan of that bizarre, convoluted mess of a mystery.
I started Fruits Basket but dropped it as soon as I realized who Tohru would end up with, because I hate a love triangle where I already know the result from the beginning. I just don’t like love triangles at all, honestly, partly because I never prefer the canon ending. (and thus if I can tell it’s a triangle but not who will win - which is rare - I still don’t enjoy it due to anxiousness). I liked Free! but the fandom is so annoying I got tired of the show and dropped it. I enjoy Bleach, but I feel like it peaked in the Soul Society arc, and the filler kills me.
I’m sure I’m missing some, but it’s what I can think of right off.
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albatrossisland · 3 years
Mass Effect Moments Asks
Stealing this from @mordinette :D
Rules: Tag at least ten people you'd like to share their favorite moments from the trilogy and Andromeda!
What storytelling moment stood out to you? I really loved how your choices carried over through the whole trilogy (I haven’t played Andromeda). From little things, like getting letters from side missions, to the big stuff, like if you kill the rebel Geths or not. Such a great mechanic, and made for really *satisfying* storytelling. Who is your favorite LI and why? (No bashing other characters!) Garrus! The first time I played ME2, I was so disappointed in his romance, because it just felt like bros boning, but in ME3, it’s *chef’s kiss.* Garrus is just the best, and when he let’s his romantic side out, swoon. (But shoutout to Kaiden, my second choice romance).
Who is your favorite non LI character? Mordin/Tali/Anderson. There are a lot of characters to love in these games, but ugh, two of those die, and it’s just the most heartbreaking scenes imaginable. Fortunately, I’ve never seen Tali die, because I think that would end me. 
Which character do you wish were romanceable? I wish Tali was an option for a femShep; she’s one of my favorites, but I refuse to play a dude just so I can romance her. 
Which character had your favorite development through the games? Mordin. You met him as a cold, detached Salarian, only concerned with justifying his part in the genophage. But he grows, he realizes that science isn’t pure on his loyalty mission, and then in ME3, he gives up his life to correct his mistake. *sobs* Tragic and funny is a combo that just hits all the right spots.
Which mission from the main storyline was your favorite? The suicide mission is just a feat of storytelling and action. From getting to save your noncombatant crew, to choosing leaders for the various squads, it feels personal and epic at the same time. One of last times I played, I had this thought about how loyalty works in context, and I got it when I realized that when I send Tali into the vents, she’ll only survive if she believes I’ll save her. Breathtaking. 
Which side mission is your favorite? I really like Mordin’s loyalty mission. There are some mini quests associated with it, and I really like that it’s a lot of action, not a lot of talking. I love the character work, but sometimes you just want to shoot stuff. And then the ending, just brutal.
Something else not listed that's a favorite of yours? Han Olar’s letter in ME2. You have to talk to him in the first game to get this moment in the sequel, but it’s a quiet moment where he (sort of) thanks Shepard for saving him. I get teary-eyed every time.
Tagging: @a-cosmic-elf @aviss and any other ME fans who follow me
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professorspork · 4 years
so the other night when I picked up Jack I was like “:) four more friend spots! gonna get back my four friends :)” and Helen made this face like oh you sweet summer child and so I girded myself for this to be a whole Thing but I still was not prepared for Kaiden’s SHEP I’M SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU speech. especially because I personally agreed with every single thing he said and he was only naming paranoia I’ve already had and there wasn’t a dialogue option for YES KAIDEN UR RIGHT
that’s sad
on the plus side, I have Tali back and she had her vas mitzvah and she is the ONLY ONE who’s both willing to work with me and also be like “I trust none of these people and this is fucked up, I’m not gonna make friends with Cerberus” which: GOOD, you SHOULDN’T, meanwhile Garrus is down making guns all “we should have joined Cerberus years ago! ... what no not literally it’s a uh figure of speech” so like. bless Tali and her clear-eyed stance, eventually when I replay everything and make different choice I am strongly considering being dude Shep just so I can romance her
speaking of romances
I reunited with Liara and we kissed what was probably the most awkward kiss ever animated, goodness gracious. once again and as always, I have no idea if we’re broken up or not. her whole I’M A TOUGH COOKIE NOW schtick is tired but like after Kaiden yelled at me for being a sellout (and he doesn’t even know about the ads on the Citadel!) it was nice to catch up
far less nice to catch up with my old stalker nemesis Conrad, but I did manage to restrain myself from shooting him in the foot, and also it was worth it to meet  Aethyta, my new favorite bartender.
still think I might also kinda be dating Gianna.
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narutowatcher15 · 4 years
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I will say that one thing I HATE about Mass Effect is the fucked up lack of gay choices.
Like, in ME1 Male Shep can’t be gay, if you want him gay you just don’t romance. Same for ME2. Finally in ME3 you get Cortez and Kaiden. Kaiden (you can fight me on this but it’s the truth) is really bland and boring to romance. I only ever romance him if I want to be a completionist and just do it so I can say I did. Or so I can cheat on him in the second and dump him in the third. Cortez is okay. Not great but better than Kaiden.
FemShep has Liara that she can be with the entire trilogy. And Kelly Chambers in ME2, though it’s ended at the end of the game, if I remember correctly. And Trainer in ME3, though I wish her relationship was was more in-depth and spread over more than one game. And technically you can romance Samara but it’s not much of romance and it’s spread over ME2 & 3.
Meanwhile Hetero MaleShep has Ashley, Liara, Tali, Miranda, Jack, and that reporter chick from ME3. HOWEVER Tali, Miranda, and Jack’s relationship is only available if you did their romances in ME2 and Miranda and Jack aren’t there really ever. Also Ashley is essentially the female Kaiden. She sucks too and is so bitter in ME3 if you dump her.
And poor FemShep is only able to romance the boring Kaiden and the best romance, Garrus whom is only available if you romanced him in ME2. Meanwhile Thane dies and Jacob cheats so they’re written off.
I wish they could add more romances or something but I know they can’t. I guess Andromeda did one thing right, more diverse romances. But it’s not a super big improvement.
Probably Still Re-Buy The Game Tho. 😁
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wormwoodsand · 4 years
01 on the ask game for mass effect? 👀
Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: 
Favorite character:
Is it a copout if I say Shepard? Specifically FemShep? Yes? Okay then...Legion! THAT'S not a copout at all! Though I am one of those people who gets really invested in minor side characters too, so I'll say I really liked Kolyat as well. Or rather, the potential he had as a character. OH, and Mordin, I do love salarians!
Least Favorite character:
Conrad Verner. I didn't find him entertaining at all, he was annoying at best and dangerous at worst.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Oh God. Uuuhh. This is the part where I admit I'm not much of a Mass Effect shipper. I didn't even romance anyone in my game (I know, *le gasp*), but I guess if you're gonna twist my arm...
- FemShep x Garrus - MaleShep x Kaidan - Tali x Kal'Reegar - Liara x Feron - platonic Shep x Mordin
Character I find most attractive:
This is the part where I admit I'm not much of an alien-fucker either (I know right, what am I even doing in this fandom anymore?), but again, if you're gonna twist my arm...Kal'Reegar? Again, I like minor characters and he was just a really good boy. Oh, though Kasumi is really hot too. And Liara, ofc.
Character I would marry:
I'm really not the marriage type, so...platonic marriage to Mordin, I guess. I feel like it's often salarians to the rescue for us aspec folk lol.
Character I would be best friends with:
Oh now THIS ONE I could talk about for hours! I may not be much of a shipper, but boy am I a slut for that sweet sweet platonic affection! I honestly can't pick just one or even two, so I'll just rattle off: LEGION, Garrus, Liara, Mordin, Tali, Ashley (bit of a weird choice maybe, I'm aware she has some major flaws but she just really grew on me throughout the trilogy), Feron (again, a minor character we didn't really get to know much but he seems like a bro), Kasumi, EDI, and Wrex
A random thought:
What exactly is it about Shepard that makes them so universally beloved? Like, the thing with Bioware protagonists is that you can make them into whatever person you envision them as, right? But for some reason Shepard seems to have this very special place in peoples' hearts. I feel that way too, I just wish I could put my finger on why that is.
An unpopular opinion:
I dunno how "unpopular" it really is, but I have not played Andromeda and I have absolutely no desire to. I was psyched before it actually came out, but then I held off on buying it just in case and watched some other people play it first. And I just...did not like what I saw at all. And I'm not even talking about the glitches and horrible facial animations, though those did make the game feel very sloppy. But even if the surface had been perfectly shiny, what I've seen of Andromeda just feels really...lifeless.
My Canon OTP:
Ugh, I dunno. Femshep x Garrus?
My Non-canon OTP:
Ugh, I dunno. Liara x Feron?
Most Badass Character:
Most Epic Villain:
Sovereign? Nothing besides the Reapers really stands out to me.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
FemShep x Kaiden, for no reason other than that it is all but forced down your throat in the first game, and the only way to avoid it is to be a dick to the guy. I've got nothing against Kaiden himself, I just hated the fact that ME1 pushed him and Shep together and said "NOW KISS!"
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Kai Leng. He was meant to be a badass assassin dude but he came out like a caricature of an edgy 13 year-old boy's idea of what a badass assassin dude should be.
Favourite Friendship:
Either Shep and Grunt or Shep and Jack.
Character I most identify with:
Huh. I'm not sure about this, actually. For now I'll say Liara, though I couldn't tell you exactly why.
Character I wish I could be:
"Wish I could be" as in, they have an awesome life? Or as in, I admire them and want to be like them? Because if it's the first, I honestly can't think of anyone in Mass Effect who lives the kind of life that I would want. But as a role model, I only wish I had half the strength and moral integrity of a Paragon Shep.
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1eos · 4 years
And they were right to do it cause liara is the best romance option by far (or maybe I’m just gay n nostalgic but she really was my girl and I was SO into her when I played through at like 14/15 years old)
ure right. i hate that when i first played mass effect i didnt know she was romanceable........i tried to date garrus but he wasnt a choice then the game was winding down so i ended up with ugly ass kaiden BARF. but i definitely wanna do a liara romance 
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crassussativum · 5 years
Mass Effect Asks Masterlist- Cato
(Originally posted by thenerdcommander, credit where credit is due.)
1. What would their recruitment mission look like? ((Cato’s recruitment mission, if it even can be called such, would be after Menae. Primarch Fedorian has fallen. Cato finds Shepard on the Citadel after that mission and demands to come along with them. Shepard might be reluctant at first, but eventually allows it.)) 
2. Would they be a romance option?  If so, who would the option be available to and what would their romance look like?  Would there be any special scenes? ((Cato is a shy thing in the ways of romance and sex. And another species? That’s just too confusing for him).)
3. If there is one, what would their sex scene look like?  How would the scene change if Shepard or Ryder turned the sex down? ((On the off chance, we’d get to see a naked turian that’s probably never had sex before and certainly never with a human lol it’d be awkward but sweet with a quick fade to black.))
4. If left unromanced, do they hook up with another character?  If so, who is it?  Is it a canon character or another OC? ((Nah, probably not.))
5. Would they be available as a fling option?  What would that scene look like? ((Also probably not))
6. Is there any way Shepard or Ryder could get them to turn on them or betray them?  How?  Is there any way to get them to back down once the betrayal is triggered? ((Shepard would have to do something big and horrible for Cato to betray them. Like genocide big. And yes, not doing the right thing with the Shroud mission, but then how would Cato know that?))
7. What would their loyalty mission look like? (Cato’s loyalty mission would be simple. All he’d want is a day to pretend the galaxy might not actually be ending, a day to be normal. He’d want to go somewhere the Reapers haven’t touched yet and while that may be hard, he’d just need Shepard to pretend everything’s okay with him for just a little while.))
8. Is there any way to lose their loyalty after it’s earned?  How? ((No, I don’t think so.))
9. What would their relationship with Renegade Shepard look like?  Paragon Shepard?  If they’re from Andromeda, what’s their relationship with Ryder (pick any two alignments)?  ((I think Cato would greatly look up to a Paragon Shepard, the always doing what’s right would speak to him on a Spiritual level. Renegade Shepard would probably rub him the wrong way because sometimes doing what’s right in the moment in a way that’s not right is a grey concept he just doesn’t have the experience to grasp.))
10. What phrase(s) would they shout during combat? ((“Incoming!” “Outta the way!” for biotic attacks/charges. Otherwise I think he’d be verbally keeping count of enemy positions.))
11. Any squadmates they don’t particularly get along with? ((Honestly? I think it’s less that he wouldn’t get along with Jack but that she would scare the hell out of him. He’d find how powerful she is totally fascinating, and that her body is her own canvas would intrigue the artist in him. But she’s outwardly abrasive, crudely spoken, and volatile. Waaaay too intimidating for Cato. I think, were he to go along on her loyalty mission, he’d view her as something more of a kindred Spirit, but still be too skittish to make friends. ALSO since ME3. Javik. Javik would terrify him. He’s mean, he’s battle weary, he’s bleak and he finds no joy in the little things.))
12. Are there any instances where rivalries between them and another squadmate could potentially jeopardize their loyalty or views of Shepard or Ryder? ((Maybe? Like I can’t think of anything right now, but I’m sure there’s something. Cato mostly just follows along with the flow, but he’s moody so... it’s possible.))
13. Which squadmates are they likely to make friends with? ((Everyone but maybe Javik. Tali he’d adore. Garrus is a role model. Liara is asari and he loves their artwork and history so much. James I think he’d warm up to fast. Ashley/Kaiden are in the air but I don’t see why not.))
14. In which game would they be introduced to the franchise?  ME1?  ME2?  ME3?  Andromeda? ((In ME3))
15. Would they make multiple appearances throughout the games or are they limited to one installment?  If they reappear, do they remain as a squadmate or do they become an NPC? ((He’s just a squadmate in ME3 but maybe we saw him as an NPC in ME1 or ME2. He’d have been on the Citadel a lot then.))
16. Which skills are available to them?  If they’re from the OT, pick four active powers and one unique passive class power (ex: Turian Agent, Asari Commando, Turian Smuggler, etc).  If they’re from Andromeda, pick three active powers and two passive (one of which should be a unique class power). ((So... this is hard. Cato’s an Adept, so his top four biotic moves are: Warp, Shockwave, Throw, and a Biotic Charge just for fun. Idk what passive class powers are, sorry.))
17. Write a quick exchange of banter between them and one other squadmate of your choice.
Cato: “I could use my biotics?”
Mordin: “Yes. Turian biotics, burn bright, burn hot, strong in bursts. Sufficient.”
Cato: “Or you could reach up there and pull it down. ‘Cause you can reach.”
Mordin: “….Small for a turian youth. Still growing? No, stunted. Lack of nutrition? Genetic mutation? Hmm Could take samples….”
Cato: “No samples! Spirits, I’m still growing, everyone says so….”
18. What weapons would they use?  Pick 1 minimum, maximum of 2 firearms, 1 melee weapon, and/or 1 special or unique weapon. ((Cato’s got an M-3 Predator, a Phaeston, and an omniblade for close quarter emergencies.))
19. Name one thing that players would remember them most by (ex: Garrus’ calibrations, “Lola”, Mordin’s singing, etc).  (Folks would remember that Cato’s the baby! He’s so young and idealistic, kind and caring. Like… he’s great as a squad member bc biotics and small arms fire, but… but he’s still a kid that wants to do kid things. Like go somewhere and eat nothing but junk food, or hit the movies or whatever. He would always need to be supervised bc he has no impulse control either.)
20. If they’re from the OT, what ways could they be killed on Virmire, during the Suicide Mission, or the events of ME3 (pick one)?  If they’re from Andromeda, are there any ways they could die?  If so, how and how could Ryder prevent it if prevention is possible at all? ((So ME3 and I think he could maybe die during the final battle on Earth, but only if Shepard didn’t do his loyalty mission which reminded Cato “normal” was what they’re fighting for.)) 
21. Can they be Indoctrinated or Exalted?  If so, what would they be like?  What options would Shepard or Ryder have to handle the situation?  Would there have been options to prevent it? ((No, I don’t think so))
22. How would they react to other squadmates, Shepard, or Ryder being Indoctrinated or Exalted? ((Aghast confusion. Sadness, fear.))
23. When on the Tempest or Normandy, where do they like to stay?  Do they roam around?  What about on the Citadel or Nexus?  ((Cato likes to hang around Garrus or the galley on the Normandy. Turian biotics are always hungry and Garrus is another turian that he can look up to. On the Citadel, he either loiters near the embassy in hopes of visiting with his grandpa -pre 3- or he’s down at the docks praying to see someone he knows. ))
24. Do they have an opinion on the way Shepard drives the Mako?  Or how Ryder drives the Nomad? (At first, Shepard drives the Mako way too recklessly and fast…. but Cato is still a child in many ways and I think he’d gradually have fun with Shepard driving, if Shepard was willing to teach him how.))
25. Are they vocal about their opinions of the Council or Nexus Leadership?  If so, what is their opinion?  Do they make a passing comment to another squadmate or do they say it to Shepard or Ryder directly?  (I’d say Cato is vocal about his opinions. His grandpa’s the Primach, he kinda has room to be, lol. And I’m sure he’d willingly talk about it if asked. He hates how the Cabal/biotic turians are ostracized, he doesn’t really understand why. He hates how barefaced and outer colony turians are looked down on. He’s sure that the Turian Councilor has turian people’s needs in mind but how can you see the scope of the big picture if you’re not looking at all the pieces that make it whole too?)
26. What decisions could Shepard or Ryder make that they greatly disapprove of? ((If Cato was aware-somehow- that Shepard put the fake cure in at the Shroud mission, he’d really disapprove of that.)) 
27. What decisions could Shepard or Ryder make that they greatly approve of? ((Doing that mission for the new Primarch and SAVING Tarquin. Fight me on this. My biotic Shepard could’ve saved him, damnit.))
28. Would they have any special scenes or dialogue in the Citadel DLC or for Movie Night? ((Maybe to Shepard in regards to their clone and is that like having a sibling? Cato always wanted a sibling. He probably drinks too much at the later party and ends up passed out in a cozy, secluded spot.))
29. Would they have any special scenes or dialogue in the final battle against the Reapers or the Archon? ((The final battle against the Reapers, he wouldn’t be able to just sit on his hands, he’d be on the ground driving whatever vehicle transported the survivors to safe locations.))
30. How would they react to meeting Shepard’s clone?  Or Ryder’s twin? ((Much confusion. By that point, I like to think Cato would’ve intergated himself into Shepard’s day-to-day. And why doesn’t Shepard talk to him as warmly? Or joke with him the same? Clone? Oooohkay then.))
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bioware-meta · 5 years
Companion Study: Jacob Taylor
I know, I know. Jacob Taylor? You’re writing an essay about Jacob Taylor? It’s fairly uncontroversial that he’s the least interesting of Mass Effect 2’s otherwise stellar cast. Even the Shadow Broker doesn’t seem to think he’s very valuable (if you haven’t brought him along on Lair of the Shadow Broker, the difference between the comments on him and everyone else are astonishing). But that’s why I wanted to write about him – almost no one has. But I think there’s a lot of value in analyzing why this particular character fell flat with the majority of the player base, and if you’ll bear with me for a few paragraphs, I think you’ll agree.
While doing research for this essay, I discovered that Jacob Taylor was a pretty major character in a couple of the Mass Effect books. I grappled for a bit about whether or not to consider his actions and characterization in those books in my analysis here, but ultimately decided against it. For one thing, I don’t own and haven’t read the books, and there’s only so much insight you can get out of summaries. More importantly, though, I had no idea these books existed when I played ME2, and neither did most players. A video game series that prides itself on storytelling can’t rely on external media to support its story, so I will analyze Jacob Taylor in the form that the majority of the player base experienced him.
 So, with the limits of this analysis established, let’s dive right in to the problem of Jacob Taylor. I want to briefly note what an honest-to-God shame it is that this character fell so flat. He’s one of the only people of color on Shepard’s squad, and one of the only significant black characters in the game. As a white person, it’s not my place to analyze Bioware’s issues with race in detail, but it felt important to touch on. He’s also a major contributor to fem!Shep’s lack of romance options. He’s a thoroughly unappealing option to most players anyway, but to also have him cheat on Shepard and break off their romance in ME3 is a real slap in the face to the few people who were interested. Having characters whose lives don’t revolve around the protagonist and whose romantic relationships don’t work out is an interesting idea, but it’s a problem that it only happens to female protagonists, who also have a romance option unavoidably die. M!Shep, on the other hand, can always steer their romances to happy endings. That’s a problem.
 So what caused this character to fail so utterly? To understand that, let’s take a look at what the developers were hoping to achieve with this character. We’re introduced to Jacob Taylor as a friendly face in a confusing environment, a casual and collected man who offers up the truth of the situation to Shepard out of moral conviction. That’s a decent introduction. Between that and the first few conversations Shepard has with him on the Normandy, I think we can piece together pretty clearly what Jacob’s character is supposed to be. First and foremost, he’s supposed to be a sympathetic voice. He defends Shepard against Miranda, commiserates with them over Cerberus’s spotty track record, and talks about his service with the Alliance. He’s presented as the voice of reason relative to Miranda and TIM. He’s like Shepard, working with Cerberus because he doesn’t see a better option. And that’s the second thing – he’s like Shepard. He shares a similar career path and went through a similar arc of disillusionment and frustration. He’s supposed to be relatable. Third, he’s a good soldier. He’s dutiful, professional, shows great respect for the chain of command, and a solid combatant. And finally, he’s presented as a voice of reason. He frequently advocates for the “logical” and “morally upstanding” choices. His biases show through rarely. The information he provides to Shepard about the galaxy is meant to be very reliable.
 However, this collection of traits fails to make him interesting, for a variety of reasons. Let’s examine why one at a time. He fails as a character sympathetic to Shepard primarily because he’s set up in opposition to Miranda’s fervent belief in Cerberus. The dichotomy between the two makes plenty of sense in the first mission – one pro-Cerberus, one anti. But this falls apart very quickly thereafter, because absolutely no one else you recruit likes Cerberus. The best you get is indifference from people like Zaeed and Kasumi, and far more often you get burning hatred. The deep vendettas of Jack and Tali against Cerberus burn brightly, and Jacob’s mild dislike for them fades out in comparison. This is especially bad for him because his character concept is grounded in the contrast between his reluctant partnership with Cerberus and Miranda’s conviction in their methods. It’s simply uninteresting when compared to the rivalry and outright hatred between Miranda and Jack.
 His failure as a sympathetic ear for Shepard is, surprisingly, almost completely unrelated to why he fails as a target for Shepard’s empathy. This failure boils down primarily to a failure in the writing of his one-on-one conversations. He’s given a backstory that somewhat mirror’s Shepard’s, but there’s no emotion or color attached to it. We know very little about his feelings about his time with the Corsairs, or the names of his fellow servicemen, or any of the conflicts they engaged in, or the hardships they overcame. Compare to Garrus, who talks at length about the team of vigilantes he put together and the tight scrapes he fought his way out of and the burning sense of purpose that sustained him through his ordeals. Jacob was instead written to be almost completely impassive, private, cutting off any conversation as soon as it ventures anywhere potentially emotional. This can be interesting, done correctly. The majority of the companions begin somewhat emotionally closed-off. But Jacob never opens up. The writer’s attempted to make Jacob seem professional and controlled, but instead they robbed him of interiority. This is especially apparent with his personal mission, which fails to advance any central conflict in his personality or resolve an issue that has clearly been affecting him personally. Even the climax of that mission barely brings any of his emotions or character traits into the limelight, and when Shepard tries to dig into his feelings after the mission, Jacob completely shuts down that line of inquiry, never to be reopened.
 Jacob isn’t helped by the fact that he’s also basically the most ordinary combatant to ever be a permanent member of Shepard’s squad. Mechanically, his powerset is very bland, with only Pull and Incendiary Ammo to start off with, and his unique power is functionally interchangeable with two other unique powers, simply extending the user’s shields. And within the game’s story, his abilities are just as ordinary. He’s not a vigilante sniper, a dying assassin, a genetic experiment, or a biotic engineered into the ultimate weapon. He’s just a security officer who happened to not die in the opening level. Simple competence as a combatant looks a lot less valuable when everyone else on the team was recruited because they were extraordinary. In ME1, Kaiden and Ashley had each other to bounce off of, keeping either from looking like the weakest link in a party consisting of fascinating alien experts, and by ME3 neither of them could be considered ordinary soldiers by any stretch of the imagination. But Jacob is just clearly the weakest link of ME2.
 His final and weakest central character trait, acting as a general voice of reason, actually works the best out of any of these. It simply fails to be impactful because the previous three failed so significantly that the player has no real interest in him, so his opinion is unimpactful.
 Having laid bare the flaws in Jacob’s character design, what have we learned? What was the primary factor that created such an uncompelling character, and how could he have been done better? In my opinion, the prime cause of the failure of Jacob Taylor comes from what role the writers wanted him to serve. They intended him to be Shepard’s number one, the friend and confidante that Shepard sees themself in. This was an ill-conceived idea for two reasons. First, there’s player behind the character of Shepard, and that means there is no one-size-fits-all most sympathetic best friend and supporter character. Everyone is going to see it differently. Second, this was a bad idea because there’s already a character returning from a previous game who had this effect on the majority of the player base with astonishing effectiveness, and that’s Garrus Vakarian. Other have written more and better than I could ever hope to on what makes Garrus such a great character, so I’ll leave that alone for now. Instead, let’s talk about what Jacob should have been, instead of trying to fight for Garrus’s role.
 First, I would make Jacob a true believer in Cerberus. As it was, Miranda was the only one who really backed Cerberus – for good reason, the organization was completely mistrusted by outsiders. Making Jacob a true believer would go a long way towards making the presence of the shadowy group feel more immediate, rather than confined to Miranda’s room and TIM’s video calls. This would also open up more avenues to compare and contrast him with Miranda in ways that aren’t better filled by other characters. Preserve Jacob’s general friendliness and moral conviction but put him in control of it. Make him the honey to Miranda’s vinegar, doing his best to gain Shepard’s confidence and exert Cerberus’s agenda over them. Don’t necessarily make him good at it – he’s not a spy – but put that barrier of distrust up that justifies his emotional distance from Shepard. Make him a professional – but this time, he’s not working for Shepard, he’s working on Shepard.
 Naturally, this substantially shifts the nature of his interactions with Shepard. Now Shepard has to not just assess him as a person, but try to shift his loyalties away from Cerberus, just as they must do with Miranda. Likewise, Jacob would have pressure to open up a little more, to try to earn Shepard’s trust through emotional intimacy. This allows us to maintain Jacob as a deeply private person while still letting the audience get to know him through those anecdotes and emotional drives that are so sorely missing from his actual conversations. I’d also consider moving him from the Corsairs to N7. This would shave off a bit of exposition on an element that never seemed to go anywhere, as we never directly interact with or are influenced by the Corsairs in the games. And of course, his personal mission needs to be much more grounded in his issues. We could even preserve most of the basic structure of the mission that appears in game if we provide some crucial background. Have Jacob early and often credit his father with his morality and dedication and, position his disappearance as something that Jacob blames the Alliance for. Don’t make this the inciting incident for Jacob’s defection, we should avoid reducing his morality to a product of his personal suffering, but certainly make it a bitter mark against the Alliance. This allows Jacob’s euphoria and subsequent disillusionment with his father’s survival to have a much more profound impact on his beliefs as it throws him into a crisis over whether his choices and moral compass have come from a worthwhile place – and with the previously established emotional intimacy between him and Shepard, the player can actually see this crisis, unlike in the actual game. I can see a few different trajectories that that could send his character on that could have a substantial impact on ME3, but that would basically be an essay in itself, so we’ll leave it alone for now.
 Next, make him more than just an average soldier. Give the player a reason to think he’d be a good person to have on the team. Maybe instead of being station security, he could be a military expert there to evaluate Shepard’s mental faculties once the Project is finished. Or maybe he could be positioned by TIM to watch Shepard and assassinate them if they go off the rails. The specifics don’t necessarily matter – just present him as being someone who could be taken seriously as a choice for your team when you could pick an ancient asari warrior or the greatest master thief in the galaxy instead.
 Finally, drop the only sane man angle entirely. ME2 is entirely about Shepard corralling dysfunctional superpowered idiots into a workable team. Let Jacob express strong opinions and clear biases for the player to consider and grapple with. Let some personality through the professionalism.
 Maybe you disagree with me. Maybe you think Jacob Taylor is fine as is and I’m going on a ridiculous rant. Maybe you’re right. But to me, and to many others, Jacob Taylor failed as a companion, which is a damn shame, because there was so much that could’ve been done with him instead.
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scoundrels-in-love · 5 years
You've played mass effect?? I always romance kaiden. I can't escape! But Tali's my true love, I just always play as a female Shepard 😭Have you played andromeda? Who was your favoeite character? If you've played ME have you played dragon age???
I am sorry to disappoint, but I actually have not played any ME series games Or Dragon Age games.
I have, however, watched most of the romance storyline gameplay videos when I was in my Star Wars: The Old Republic phase which is BioWare developed Star Wars MMO with similar story system to ME and my main was a Trooper, voiced by Jennifer Hale, so of course that alone got my curiosity. Beside, the youtuber that was doing storyline videos of SW:TOR also had them of ME and DA, so I just fell down that rabbithole.
Fell very heavily, in fact! Though I never really watched Kaidan’s or Ashley’s romances, purely because if I knew them better, I could never commit to the decision you have to Make even just through watching the game. Which, in fact, is why I never tried to play these games - I could never bear making all these choices that kill people I love.
But yes... Garrus ended up being my main space hubby, but I was also very fond of Thane! (To point I’d go on DeviantArt and consume fancontent.) And Tali is precious and 1000/10 would die for her, sweet romance dork. Something about Shakarian got me good, though, their awkward sweetness because they’re both rough around the edges and this is a new territory in so many ways? The way their mutual respect grows in mutual, bone deep love? I can’t quite explain, but it hit a lot of my trope-likes just right. Similarly with Thane, what can I say, I love my tragic romantic fools.
Said youtuber went MIA after like, making half of Andromeda content so I don’t have solid opinion on that, but I did love Jaal for the most part!! Squid-kitty man with large family and gorgeous home planet!!
And in DA:I, my main babe was Cullen, though I know he’s ‘problematic’ due to previous game story lines and what not, but CHARACTER GROWTH, PEOPLE. I live for characters that fuck up and learn and grow. Though I’d die for literally like... every romancable companion except side eye at Solas and maybe Blackwall, but I don’t think I finished watching that one.
So, again, I am sorry if my answers, either in characters or that I’ve not played, are disappointing, please no tomatoes my way~ I do love to read the meta, like Kaidan’s last night and fraction of my brain is still in BioWare story corner, though my PC can’t run the MMO anymore. (But I miss it terribly and it’s main enabler in my nerdy love for SW.) And I’d love to hear more about what you like, etc.!
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ao3feed-shakarian · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qi03dY
by Intriguedmagician
Plot Summary: Jane Shepard’s adventures through Mass Effect 2 with more angst and fluff the game originally provided with some tangent missions that will be added. Can a Certain Turian help her come to terms with everything going on?
Shepard Summary: Sole Survivor, Colonist, Infiltrator. Romanced Kadien in ME1, Let Ashely die on Virmire to save Kaiden, Renegade final choice in ME1. Shepard is more Renegade than Paragon, however still makes Paragon choices if it concerns her allies. Uses default name as well.
Chapters: Unknown as of yet.
Release Schedule: Unknown as of yet.
Beta: N/A (Open to beta readers :) )
Words: 1304, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Mass Effect Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Garrus Vakarian, Miranda Lawson, Jeff "Joker" Moreau, EDI (Mass Effect), Jacob Taylor
Relationships: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian, Hinted Female Shepard/Kaiden from ME1
Additional Tags: More characters to be added, Eventual Fluff, maybe smut, Angst, Ref to modern music as classics, awkward Garrus, set in ME2, Archangel is a bad codename they both know it, Scars, i'm terrible at summaries, Death makes for an awkward break up, So does working for Cerberus too
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qi03dY
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