#sabine dupain cheng
traslations · 1 day
Feralnette AU (Токсинетт AU)
Глава 3 "Птицы одного полета"
25 > Часть 26.1 > 26.2
Автор: @bigfatbreak
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izanogi · 1 year
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look, the way it was described when he just stood there made me think Sabine was probably prepared to fight the possible robber
chapter 13 of @buggachat‘s fic is way more than this. just a lot
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miraclechatbug · 2 months
Marinette, *holding a coffee pot*: What if, instead of milk in my cereal, I put coffee...
Sabine, *taking the pot from her*: What if you didn't
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iridescentmidnights · 11 months
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Not me forgetting to post my piece for the wonderful and stunning @onceuponzine
I loved getting to do my Snow White/Lukanette piece 💖🥰💖 and if you’re interested there’s a left over sale so grab something while you can!!
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mugmegan · 2 months
They take care of you then you grow up and start carrying their weight in return
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Can she carry Tom too?
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The answer is yes.
Chat Noir can also carry his parents when he grows up
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fandomofone · 4 months
Just had a flash of a Marichat scene I want to see drawn and/or in a fic, leaving it here so I don't forget.
The scene: Marinette and Chat sneak down to the bakery late at night, like way past when a boy should be in the house, to find some tasty day old treats and Tom catches them in the act. (Actually maybe it would be hilarious if they did it more than once and Sabine already caught them at it on a different occasion?) In my head, this is post-Weredad so that should factor into reactions.
The next day, or later in the week maybe, Adrien finds himself alone with Tom, or Marinette's parents somehow, and all he can think about is trying not to die by the hand of a ginormous baker who happens to be his crush/gf's dad. Maybe he gets weird around Marinette about it? Maybe she starts to get suspicious? Maybe there's some kind of identity reveal hiding in here? Maybe one or both of Marinette's parents even already know Adrien is Chat?
Idk I'm making it up as I go along. If anyone wants to give it a crack, I'd love to see what you come up with!
Update: I made it about an hour before I cracked open a new Word document and started typing furiously. 🤷 Which is honestly probably some kind of record.
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flightlessribbons · 9 months
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Bridgette and Sabine! Drawing with alcohol markers I got, and getting used to them ❤️
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Sabine and Tom upstairs while all this is happening
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Why Sabine and Tom couldn’t do anything for Marinette
Over the course of the series, most notably in “Were dad” and “Dearest family”, its been made clear that Sabine and Tom are very protective of their daughter, but after we realized the full extent of what Marinette had to go through at school in the years prior, we discover that much like how Marinette had trouble living her day to day life being bullied by Chloe, it was Marinette's parents, Sabine and Tom, who also had the unbearable struggle of not being able to protect their daughter. Sabine and Tom knew Chloe was giving their daughter a hard time, but odds are, this was all Marinette would let them know. Kids tend to live completely different lives at school and outside of home( Lila being the biggest and most extreme example), and although Marinette knows her parents only ever had the best interest for her and would want to help, she couldn’t afford to let them so long as Chloe had the power to not only threaten and fire the teachers at school by using Andre’s power as mayor to her own advantage, but also interfere with other peoples careers and businesses outside of school, just as we saw her do with Clara in “Frightingale”, and Veronique in “Determination”.
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For her families sake, Marinette understood that what she was going through, was something she could not afford to let her parents get involved in to much, as it would only risk worsening the situation for all of them. Her only solution to her problem at the time, was to somehow make it to the end of the school year and hope Chloe was not in her class next year.
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If and when  Marinette is seen on screen talking about Chloe with her parents, the conversation ends up being short and moments before she has to leave for school, with Marinette only saying simple things such as “I bet you anything Chloe will be in my class again”, but nothing more. 
(Sabine attempting to lift Marinette’s spirits to help her make it through the day)
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Anytime Sabine was with Marinette during breakfast, both in “Origins” and the “Derision” flashback, Sabine is never seen pressuring Marinette to tell her more about Chloe as she knew it was a conversation her daughter did not feel comfortable talking about. As a result, Sabine could only do what she could and gave her daughter a few little words of encouragement to help her make it through the day, but just to be sure, she resorted to asking the one person she knew to rely on and look after Marinette, Socqueline, who would attempt to do what she could to help Marinette realize she needed to find and build the confidence necessary to stand up to Chloe in order to change things. 
(Socqueline explains to Marinette she would not be around forever to help protect her.)
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Now, given who they are, Sabine and Tom would of course have already made attempts to confront the school long ago, the moment they realized their daughter was struggling, but even if Sabine and Tom attempted to confront the principle about the situation revolving around their daughter, their attempts would have proven useless as there was no real proof of what Chloe was doing to Marinette. Had Sabine and Tom gone to the principle, the staff would have either simply set aside their claims as nothing more than a common personal matter between two students that they could not keep track of, as there are numerous students all having their own individual problems, or simply a bunch of accusations, just as they had  falsely believed Marinette was known for doing, year after year. And although Sabine and Tom could have taken more extreme action against this, any attempts would have proven futile so long as their daughters situation revolved around the Mayors daughter. Justice was not on the Dupain’s side, it was for Andre to control, and that control was primarily decided on by his daughter. 
(Chloe sitting in Andre’s Mayoral seat back in “Determination”, signifies the control she has over her father and his powers as Mayor)
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In the end, no matter who was willing to help and no matter who was willing to protect her, it was always left to Marinette to change things by learning to protect herself and defy the injustices around her.
(Marinette finds the confidence to stand up to Chloe in “Origins”)
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erzasimpbitch · 1 year
Sabine, teaching Marinette how to drive: Okay, now, you’re driving and kagami and Chloe walk onto the road. What do you hit, Marinette?
Marinette: Chloe, obviously. I wouldn’t want to hit kagami.
Sabine: The brakes, Marinette. You hit the brakes.
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bigfatbreak · 5 months
How would’ve Sabine reacted if the peacock curse claimed Tom instead? Would she have gone down a similar path of vengeance?
yea probably
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izanogi · 1 month
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my piece for A Small but Stubborn Fire Ch. 12 under the big bang! if you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend! Its such a good depiction of a mother's anxiety and multi-racial family living. A lot of Marinette's and Sabine's dialogue are also pretty funny and very alike lol
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miraclechatbug · 25 days
Sabine: We're having a baby
Adrien: Oh, congratu-
Sabine: * slamming adoption papers onto the tabel*
Tom: It's you, sign here, please
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
this is a ship I made for an au of mine but I wanna know your thoughts on it. Now I don’t have any explanation for this ship it was a “has anyone done this yet?” It’s Sabine x Gabriel.
Well, well, what have I here? Do I detect copious amounts of potential drama? Why, yes, yes I do.
Here ya go darling
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mugmegan · 7 months
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Mother and daughter
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grandtimetravelchaos · 4 months
Au were luka gets a part time job at the bakery but marrinette's dad literally hates him for breaking up with marrinette so the whole au is just:
*luka accidently breaks a baguette in half*
Tom- "oh I see, breaking bread like you broke my daughter's heart"
*luka helping make Valentine's day cupcakes with Sabine"
Tom- "what do you know about love!?"
Him and chat noir form a weird solidarity based off the fact marrinette's dad hates both of them.
Marrinette's just happy her parents found someone other than her to help out around the bakery so she can focus on designing
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