#set in the same universe as bb au
crazydrawsblog · 9 months
Give me voice claims for these kitties
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dailyreverie · 6 months
Christmas tree farm
A/N: After @reallyrallyauthor sent me this wonderful ask of corgi BB being caried around christmas trees (pictured below) I had to run and write this. Title of course comes from the Taylor Swift song with the same name.
Holiday prompts ⛄ 9. Evergreen tree
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Modern!AU, corgi Beebee (kind of set in the same universe of this fall fic)
Word count: 980
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Twinkling lights and the smell of fresh pines danced around your eyes on that cold december day. Your nose began to freeze the second you left the warmth of the car, but after looking around and feeling Poe’s hand find yours, you knew it wasn’t going to be that bad. 
Just as it always goes on every road trip, Poe opens the door of the back seat and the usual ball of fur speeds out, snow flying around Beebee’s chubby body as he ran all around the lot packed with christmas trees. “He could at least help us find a tree.” Poe remarked as his arm settled around your shoulders, keeping the warmth close to your bodies.
“The tree he pees on is the one we take home.” Poe scoffed, pushing your hip with his. 
Finding the perfect Christmas tree had become your tradition. The very first weekend of the month you would drive to the same lot, drink the same mulled wine, and begin your search for the perfect tree.
The two of you wandered through the rows of evergreen trees, the crisp winter air tingling your noses and filling your lungs. Beebee ran ahead, leaving a trail of paw prints in the snow, making sure not one tree was left without inspecting it with his nose. 
Poe squeezed your hand, his breath visible in the chilly air. "You know, Beebee might be onto something with his method,"
“Told ya’, the one he pees on…” You chuckled, leaning into him.
“I know we always find the best tree but this time I want it to be special, bigger, fresher.” You looked up at him when he stopped talking, his eyes busy scanning the trees. The twinkling lights above shined warmly against his skin, letting you admire his profile in a silent appreciation, his head clearly going through a thousand thoughts as it always goes, even when it came to choosing a pine tree.
“And why is that?” You asked, even though you knew the answer; and he knew you knew, the way he turned to look at you told you so, with a soft smile and a raised eyebrow.
“Y’know…” All of a sudden he got shy, sliding down his arm from your shoulder to hold your hand instead - your left hand, the one that held the ring he gave you right on your fourth knuckle. Poe toyed with it, his mother’s ring had never looked so beautiful as it looked on you. “Years from now we are going to remember this year as the year. The year we got engaged, when we started the rest of our lives. I want our Christmas to be just as perfect as the rest of the year has been.”
“Of course is going to be perfect.” You stopped, stepping in front of him to hold his face with your gloved hands. “It’s the year we got engaged, after all.” Your twist on his reasoning made him chuckle, his hands pulling you even closer to him by your waist, letting his lips crash against yours. The cold air seemed to fade away, replaced by the warmth of Poe's embrace. As you broke the kiss, you couldn't help but smile at the realization that, with him, every moment felt special.
A distant bark broke you from your haze, and as you turn to find where it was coming from, yuou spotted Beebee standing proudly beside a tree, tail wagging, and a suspicious puddle of liquid right next to the trunk. The tree was gorgeous: tall, full of thick branches, and the most lovely smell coming from it. Poe bent down to ruffle the furry head, laughing. “Looks like we found the tree.” He confirmed. “You were right after all.”
“I’m always right, you should know that by now.” You winked, earning a quick peck from Poe before he disappeared to find someone who could help you pack up the tree.
Not long after it was all set, the tree was on the roof of your car and you had bought a few local snacks for the ride back in the small hut close by. It was there were you spotted Beebee, comfortably curled up in a ball right next to a heater. “No! Come on, Beebs!” Poe encouraged him, patting his leg to lure him out. “It’s time to go.”
“I don’t think he’s coming, love.” From behind his shoulder, you spot Beebee already falling asleep. “He’s cold, the poor guy.” You coo at him, his tail instantly wagging at the baby voice you save only for him. You don’t give it a second thought when you reach under him and carry him in your arms, his fluffy body cozily snuggling against your arms as you begin your walk back to your car.
"Looks like someone has found his cozy spot," Poe chuckled at Beebee's apparent protest against wanting to be back in the cold. “My cozy spot.”
You cradled Beebee in your arms, his fur warm against your gloves, and you couldn't help but share a tender glance with Poe. "Well, he deserves a little break, doesn't he?" As you made your way back to the car, Poe opened the door for you, and you gently placed Beebee on the back seat, ensuring he was comfortable. The small dog curled up, his eyes drooping as he nestled into a makeshift bed of blankets and coats.
Poe trapped you against the door and his body when he closed the door, a playful smile on his face as he kept closing the distance more and more. “You know, I am cold too.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” You coo at Poe too, who’s eyes lit up a little bit too much alike to Beebee’s. You can’t help but kiss him, soft and sweet, reminding him what he already knows: “You’ll get all the warmth when we get home.” 
"A Christmas we won't forget, isn't it?" Poe chuckled against your lips and kissed you again, deeper this time, wanting to remember that kiss forever.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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fraterfalls · 6 months
Hi, I'm new to Blood Brothers AU and I was curious about it. Can you explain about it or show me where I can see the best explanation about it?
ohhh, dear asker, the rabbit hole i'm about to send you down... >:)
alright let me try and explain it in the most coherent way possible, it's late at night BUT i will try my best!!!
explanation under the cut!
(in general, if you're new to the bb au like this asker and trying to find your way around this overwhelming hell of an au we've concocted, i recommend you start here :D)
wow. i tried SO HARD to make this a semi-concise explanation and YET it somehow turned into a mini-fic in itself towards the end there. sighhh... (lol even still, have fun reading!)
first thing's first i need to tell you aboutttt
The Parallel World / "Better World".
in journal 3, ford mentions visiting a parallel dimension in which stan never pushed him into the portal, and instead took his journal and hid it as ford had requested.
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^ some screenshots to give you the basic gist of what's going on in that dimension, everything you need to know for the time being. you can read more about it on internet archive if you like
at some point in august i reread this part of journal 3 and became obsessed with the idea of a parallel dimension. i also noticed that apart from mentioning how he never pushed ford into the portal and took the journal in this world, parallel stan is just... not really brought up. at all. ...which opens up some interesting possibilities.
as you can probably guess, this dimension features in the blood brothers au! in my interpretation, the reason stan was never mentioned is because after leaving with ford's journal, he never came back, just seemingly disappeared off the planet. parallel ford... has not been handling this well (and a certain bastard triangle only serves to play up his worst fears!), and because he has such a large student body to attend to and take care of and protect, he represses his issues, buries them under layers and layers of work and responsibilities. nobody even knows he has a brother...
not even his nephew and niece, dipper and mabel. however, they're observant as all hell. as secretive as ford is, they see past his little white lies, they see how he doesn't eat properly and falls asleep at his desk and laughs nervously when someone asks if he's alright. (i haven't talked much about the role they play in this au on tumblr, but rest assured i'll be elaborating more on it in my upcoming fic that may come out sometime within... um... the next few months to the next few decades. they're still the same old mystery twins we know and love, except now they've set their sights on figuring out what their grunkle ford is hiding. very Not What He Seems reminiscent)
alright, now that i've mostly covered the parallel world, time to move on to:
The Portal Stan AU
while i was obsessing over the Better World, a parallel dimension/"alternate universe" which already exists in canon, i started thinking about another AU which is fairly popular in the gravity falls fandom: the portal stan AU. in which stan, rather than ford, gets sent into the portal. thought it was a fantastic concept ever since i first saw it, because it opens so many doors for interesting characterization and also some good ol' angst (and later a healing arc, of course). portal stan has, after all, spent 40 or so years without a solid family base or anyone to care for him. and i can imagine that in those 30 years he spent dimension-hopping, his only thought was to return to his home dimension and see ford again. yes, he was furious and frustrated when they had that last argument, but surely in hindsight he saw how paranoid and jittery ford had been throughout their meeting. he would want to get back and make sure his brother was safe as soon as possible.
and then i had the thought which kicked off this entire au:
what if portal stan fucked up and somehow stumbled upon the parallel dimension while searching for a way home? what if portal stan and parallel ford... MET?
portal stan sees parallel ford and his situation and comes to the conclusion that, without him in the way, ford would flourish. parallel ford sees portal stan and comes to the conclusion that no matter the universe, he somehow manages to destroy stan's life just by being in it. even just knowing that the other exists exacerbates their own insecurities. IT'S SO AWFUL AND SO PERFECT.
also, portal stan couldn't be more desperate to get out of the parallel dimension- partly because he hates the reminder that ford would be better off without him, but mostly because he wants to see his real brother again. however, parallel ford has other plans for him. he's been in denial about the true fate of his own brother for a long time now, but he sees this version of stan and decides he can't afford to let go of him. (his own mental state is too fragile to accept the idea of losing stan again, even if this isn't his own stan. he already let go of him once after the WCT fiasco, and again after the journal incident. thrice is... thrice is too much.)
you may also be thinking "hey, smart guy, i actually DID read that screenshot you posted above while explaining the parallel dimension. it said parallel ford and fiddleford constructed a little something called a Vortex Neutralizer which allows for safe, bill-free multiversal travel. couldn't portal stan just use that to get out of there?"
yeaaah, parallel ford doesn't tell him about that!
he will do almost anything to keep stan with him. he is sinking his claws into that man begging him not to leave-
and stan hates him for it. tears into him with insult after insult. he can't stand this ford, why's he acting like he doesn't have everything he could ever want? (except, of course, he doesn't really hate him. after all, this is still stanford pines, maybe not his ford but he's certainly a ford. same old easily excitable nerd he used to tease back in high school. but stan still has his own ford to attend to, one who needs him more than anything... probably... hopefully, so he shuts out the part of him which is growing fond of parallel ford. tells himself not to think too much about this one. he hardly even knows him. he shouldn't have to bother.)
and yeah that's. i think that's enough information to take in in a single post. there's still plenty more going on with the au that i haven't touched on here, but hey that's just the premise! i would link you to more specific posts which will help you further acquaint yourself with the au, but it's. it's 2am and i am incredibly sleepy, so instead i will simply provide you with the link to the blog archive, where you can look at all the posts on here without having to scroll endlessly trying to find specific things. enjoy!!!
if you have any more questions DON'T BE AFRAID TO COME BOTHER ME ABOUT IT !!! i loved answering this ask... <3 been meaning to rewrite a better AU Premise Post than the one i made back in august anyway lol
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encrucijada · 4 months
Please tell me everything there is to know about Bb&Gg 🙏 I’ve been scrolling the tags but I’m desperate for more!!! Hope you’re doing well 💛
omg first of all thank you so much 💖
and second, bb&gg are the initials of babylon boy and gossamer girl. a duology i co-write with my partner @teddywriting that is titled home habitat.
if you've scrolled through the tags you've got the general idea of what it's about but here are the basics: it follows our characters theodore "theo" rayes and maría paz "maripaz" vega, who each ran away from home for different reasons. they meet on the street and the plot of book 1 (babylon boy) follows their year of homelessness and how their relationship grows and changes. it is a very "characters over plot" book as the plot is really the emotional journey mari and theo go through, dealing with matters of want and trust and companionship. i'm not saying much about book 2 (gossamer girl), just that it follows the same character > plot structure and deals with matters of family and second opportunities.
throughout babylon boy theo is dealing with a drug addiction he is vehemently denying and maripaz is dealing with problems related to shame. talking about bb&gg is difficult without just explaining the entire character arcs these two go through. they first meet when theo helps maripaz shoplift some food and he steals one of the two necklaces she was wearing, this one with an angel pendant (this is important). upon fatefully meeting again theo returns the necklace to maripaz, having felt guilty for stealing it at all, and they form an alliance to help each other survive. the relationship obviously has a rocky start, not aided by each of them dealing with their own internal problems that they make external through arguments and once even ending in a physical fight.
if categorised in the fell first/fell harder, maripaz would be fell first. problem being her backstory includes her literally having just left a neglectful boyfriend that poisoned her rose-tinted look of romance, though it didn't kill it completely as maripaz is at her core a romantic. so, when she begins to catch feelings for theo she buries them and buries them deep. this would make theo the fell harder half of the equation, as he goes through a mini arc of realising he's demisexual and maripaz has the privilege of being the first person he's ever felt romantic and sexual attraction towards.
the real progression of events is a bit hazy. teddy and i do a lot of bite-sized rps that are very call and response, very "yes, and," so whatever happens is revealed to us as it happens. the book properly is not something we've started yet as we're either too busy (teddy) or burned out (me) for it atm. we've got around... 5... ? moments decided, if you don't count the meeting at the start. one of those being the physical fight i mentioned above. said fight is whom we have to thank for home habitat existing at all, we revisited it and a story with character arcs and a whole sequel sprung out. the other scenes are the church scene, the pool scene, the halo scene, and the ending! (not explaining any of those, sorry). i always have a really hard time trying to talk about mari and theo. they are so much the result of their environment that i feel i need to explain not just them but every other character in this universe so people understand. and then you'll be stuck hearing me talking about every single character because i'm also unwell about all of them.
home habitat is a bit of a change of form for what is "base canon" for mari&theo. mari and theo's twin sister bee are usually best friends, a very "extrovert adopts introvert" situation. tge character alex moore and theo are usually best friends, it is a Thing(tm) that they are best friends, in some aus they even live together. but because of the setting of home habitat, mari and bee have never met and neither have theo and alex. in fact, alex and mari were friends in school in this version. i am a little sad people might never get to see that version of them, as these four as a Group(tm) are very dear and special to me.
but yeah, i'll leave it at that. thank you again! 💖 hope you're doing well too
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shastafirecracker · 9 months
Heyo! Sorry for coming into ur ask box randomly but I was thinking about one of ur responses to the last ask meme about how you have some ideas stewing on the backburner that, if you wrote them, would probably be huge and maybe more work than you could have time/energy for. if the universe was the perfect place that we deserve where we could just. beam our thoughts into a blank doc perfectly somehow, what are a couple of the things that you'd write?
aw man... well, in no particular order, I've done very rough idea-sketching for the following trigun AUs:
basically Stephen King's The Mist except a bunch of people are stuck in a diner were Vash (vagrant with mysterious past) is working as a dishwasher and Wolfwood (priest who manages the orphanage attached to a megachurch with deep corruption) is taking about a dozen kids out for lunch so that Miss Melanie can get some shut-eye. the mist happens and all sorts of dramas afflict the diner and then when a select bunch end up running for it (led by the newly-bonded-in-fire V&W) they need to traverse a town full of fog and nightmares to find Melanie, the rest of the kids, and a way to escape
seafaring AU wherein Knives and Vash are selkies and Knives stole his own twin's skin and keeps Vash imprisoned in the belly of his infamous Flying Dutchman-style ghost ship called the Ark. Wolfwood died at sea and was offered a soul-indenture deal as crew for the Ark and now he's the assistant ships' cook and has all sorts of religious trauma. he finds a mysterious naked, scarred man in the bilge and slowly unfolds the truth and vows to steal back Vash's skin, even knowing that he himself can never leave the Ark.
beauty and the beast AU with uncanny monster Vash in a thorned-in castle... parts of this ended up in my big bang fic
fae court AU where Vash and Knives are the summer & winter, seelie & unseelie double faces of the same entity, who maybe split themselves in half during (or in reaction to) a past trauma? (some of the aesthetic of this made it to the BB fic)
a fantasy prince!Vash & knight!Wolfwood AU in which the twins are supposedly the children of the late princess Rem and her husband Alex but actually they were secretly foundlings of unknown origin and it's a scandal for them to be claimed as royalty. meanwhile the king's master alchemist is doing some human experimentation bullshit on the downlow and is stealing scullery kids and orphans who muck the stables for pennies or whatever, and doing Eye of Michael nonsense to them. Wolfwood is such a success that he's quietly slipped back into palace life as a page, to act as a closed mouth and open ears to the affairs of nobles etc. He and Vash are age peers and end up running into each other and becoming fast friends over years; meanwhile Knives is uncovering the corruption in the castle and instead of reporting it, he's taking it over. this one would for real for real be way too long for me to ever write, because I was daydreaming that it would go on for like, multiple action set pieces and changes of status quo, and several decades of Vash & WW's lives, and eventually Knives would kill the king and take over, and V & WW would be the outlaw & his rogue knight, and yadda yadda yadda it's a 450K fanfic that I want to read but not write
music scene AU in which WW is stage crew and Vash is the reclusive identical twin of famous punk/glam rocker Knives (stage name), and WW finds the person he thinks is the talent wandering lost backstage and is like these goddamn stars always so goddamn high, ugh, until he chases Vash down and Vash is like ohhh no I'm just back here because my brother invited me ahaha... hi you're cute... IDK, this could be long or it could just be a short PWP of vashwood hooking up in the green room, lol
direct Green Knight AU in which Wolfwood is the fledgling knight starved for praise who doesn't actually like violence and prefers softness and comfort, but when he perceives his masculinity as being tested he goes all-in on violence and does the classic thing of beheading the Green Knight in the contest of blows. and then he goes on his journey etc etc and encounters Lord Bertilak, who would be Vash, and they play the game of exchanges of gifts, except in this version when the lady of the house gives WW a sexual favor he doesn't cheap out like the movie did and not have Dev Patel give Joel Edgerton a handjob! it was right there! come on, we were robbed! ahem. uh. yeah. a lot of this ended up in my BB fic also. XD
like a Mr & Mrs Smith comedy AU in which Vash and Wolfwood both are either criminals or one is a criminal and one is an undercover operative and they're both trying to blow the whistle on Knives' crime ring without letting each other get wind of what they're doing and it plays out for way too long before they finally realize they were doing the same thing the whole time
I did the research for this whole fuckin thing set in 1814 England of Vash having just come home from losing an arm in the Napoleonic Wars and becoming friends with the local Anglican priest who takes his confessions i.e. is just the only person he can talk to through his PTSD and also both of them agonizingly realizing that they're queer and into each other... and after doing all this research I was like, what the fuck am I doing, I don't even really like historical dramas.
Great Fall happens on a water planet??? (I mean everyone's gotta wish they could do an alternate-biome-Trigun, right? I've seen the ice planet AU art out there which is PHENOMENAL)
Vash is a high school chemistry teacher who pranks his students at least once a semester by pretending to blow up his arm, Wolfwood is a special education teacher, Milly's the coach (of everything), Meryl's the haggard and perpetually harassed economics teacher, the climax of the plot is prom and V&W goofily act out the proms of their own they never got to go to, and they fuck in a limo, idk. this one's a comedy
I think about AU ideas a normal amount
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oswlld · 2 years
AN ODE TO REAL RED (or, i didn’t wake up planning to write an analysis on storytelling through red but here we are)
look, im really out of my depth here. i really am not one to make these lengthy, wordy analysis posts that articulate what color means to me. (if it’s your kind of thing, pls go read everything @dribs-and-drabbles posts! i love it there and look forward to the episodic breakdown each week). and yet, after my first rewatch, it hit me how much the color red spoke volumes. it hits different because it really explored the color in the way traditional storytelling and filmmaking treats color: as a visual dialog; to draw out depth in a scene.
ive told @talays-portkey that i needed to turn off everything i learned in color theory (and production/post-production for that matter) when i go into each episode. why? this show pokes fun (and i LOVE them for it, to an extent) at using the concept of color to saturate the show: tess’ wardrobe, spotlights, set locations, the collective group at the assoc, and script all create this gorgeous, playful style that works into believing it’s a different universe. there’s specifics in the worldbuilding (ex: counting, flowers, the beer) and then there’s the production that makes it fun to guess how each episode will build on the last.
but i think Real Red really shines in bringing us back to their world. to me, it’s the show’s way of telling me, “hey, time to turn that brain on because it’s now a dialog. look at what it’s telling you now.”
it gets reallllly lengthy (literally an a-z on everything on red i found), see ya under the cut
let me preface this by saying that this has no merit beyond my own interpretation of the visual dialog and it consistently fell into two categories: 1) of course, Dang translates to Red (so, Puen) and 2) Red symbolizing STOP.
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a. the first real hint at red in the ambulance scene (not pictured, the vehicle itself probably also red); but i find this show a nice set up when the reflection lines up with the red, where the reflection would line up with his chest, like yes bb you are Dang b. and then we know how this scene continues, with the medical gear in the bg; fits the scene, him thrashing about and begging to leave, but everyone is telling him to STOP and pins him down
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c. since we flip back to the au, this red is serving the two worlds imo - it’s being playful as a set for the Red episode, while at the same time, it’s a dialog; here, it represents the vehicle that will bring talay to puen (the secret island) but also the tides are preventing talay from crossing; d. he’s wearing the lighter end of the red palette; the boat is turned over, a visual representation of a STOP
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e. he’s playing with the red controller… i love a show
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f. the overflow of fan support (which, aww! deserved) has a specified cubby in his apartment, in plain sight; it’s not organized in any particular way but still there for him to see (there’s something to be said about his character but this post isn’t about that) g. then we get the bucket hat callback (SOBS) and we have the camera lined up like so - not only showing how much his heart misses talay, but the oncoming divide that the fans will create between them
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h. back to the au, where puen’s wish is written in red i. when i say this show has layerssss
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j. (SOBS AGAIN) no but really, when i heard his mom’s voice and he just STOPS; i thought to myself, “is2g if she’s wearing red, i will never speak ill of this show ever again" (pending transaction); there’s plenty of other posts about the art in the bg that you can find in the tag
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k./l. now we get into the push and pull of getting them reunited; this is when the push and pull comes in the form of green vs red; the universe is both trying to bring them together and keep them apart; nature/set is organically telling them where they will eventually end up (glass house), but the artificial inserts of red also is STOPPING them from letting it happen
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m. STOP interviewing!
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n. STOP and take a break (au version) o. STOP and take a break (ou version)
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p. the green vs red continues (outside edition)
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q. red vs green (inside edition), but this is where the visual dialog really stands out; here, the tim horton’s Red is evenly halved with the green wall, representing the turmoil talay is in r. we switch to where puen’s voice is coming from, where the green starts to outweigh the red
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s. the close up now positions talay to have the plants in the bg as he hears puen’s speech confirm his true feelings for him t. without saying a word, talay rushes back to the theater and we see him physically abandon red
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u. i love a good wardrobe choice; something something when a person embodies a house v. the lamp speaks for itself *shoves mic at it*
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w. just wanted to point out that the last time we were in this glass house in the au, puen was sitting in that corner with his apology; intentional or not, i think it’s lovely that the hint of Red is in the same place x. he STOPS (and i CRY)
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y. when doubt creeps in and he thinks it’s still tess, i love that red is still peeking through; literally STOPPING him from believing who is in front of him and almost leaves z. “ai DANG” (and then my soul left my body and the shell of user talaypuens writes this post)
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bonus: this can be interpreted in two ways - either they are recreating a piece of the au in their own personal space or we treat it as the visual dialog (that it’s both Puen and it’s a warning… to STOP??)
… i’ve expended all my brain power for the weekend, welp
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subskz · 10 months
warning: a very chaotic essay about bb below
from the beginning, reading butterfly bandage made me feel like i’ve been transported into a bubble universe of sorts. there were so many different threads running through the story that i was curious about, and with the last part, you wrapped them all up into a neat little bow. it was such a well-rounded, intricately-written story !! ✩
a big thank you to seo changbin for showing up to his lecture woefully unprepared and picking to use the reader’s sanrio pencil that day, as it would ultimately end up setting off the chain of events that caused chan & the reader to find each other; truly the backbone of this entire fic 🙌😭💕 when you described his shy smile as, “unexpected, coming from someone who looked like he bent iron bars for fun” 💀💀 binnie’s antics were completely on-point. i loved the dynamic between him & the reader so much. they gave us the perfect comedic relief (which was much-needed at some points in the story 😭)
i love the premise of university aus so much, i am truly so simple
this is a super minute thing, but i always loved seeing the ʚïɞ symbols at the start and in the dividing lines when reading bb; it’s just so cute 😭
also do not think that their apartment being numbered 8-325 slipped past us!! i noticed a lot of parallels hidden throughout, and to me, they are a testament to just how much thought went into writing this~! ♡ the continuous occurrences of inexplicable heat like when they first met, or the random burning feeling in the reader’s thumb without even knowing chan got cut there too; the metaphor of them being akin to binary stars; their discussions about twin flames… i loved all the themes you wove into the story, everything fell together so beautifully. chan and the reader really are twin flames, mirror souls, bound together by the red string of fate to reveal the other’s true reflection to them for the first time.
also, i think you hit quite a few of us in our soft spots with the reader’s self-effacing temperament and her history of broken relationships :,) the amount of parallels i found between chan, the reader and myself… she just like me fr. it made me think what you might’ve went through in order to be able to depict the gravity and nuances of those sorts of emotions so well ㅠ_ㅠ when the reader merges paths with chan who, for once, wants to be her equal, it feels so deserved. also, the overflowing fondness that the reader has for all the channie-isms is so sweet n accurate 😭💞 you crafted such a beautiful universe, and you did such an excellent job characterising everyone.
i still can’t get over how plainly obvious you were about your true feelings in your initial introduction of lino 💀 taking a whole paragraph just to describe his ethereal beauty (i would do the same thing)
i loved 3racha’s performance too — i’m paboracha-biased (although seungmo and innie have been making me act up recently) with the biggest weakness ever for hannie, so the brief cameo part with him where he was described as shamelessly reading his own lyrics off his phone sent me 😭😭😭 the little details like those were another display of how much care was put into the fic and made it even more special to read ♡
the making out in the bathroom at the party afterwards as well was so vkvjjxifxutsdut the slight possessiveness was so hot… ♡
and when channie and the reader had their first time, the reader being like, “oh. he was loud.” 💀💀💀 so real, he is so cute hhhhvknvvcj, and his praise kink but simultaneous extreme inability to take compliments wounds my heart. you write him so well 😭 how much i wanna build up channie’s self-esteem until he realises how others see him !!
also i’ve gotta say, as others have pointed out already too, you were seriously out for blood with the scene where chan cries while eating the reader out… i’ve never felt so conflicted 😭 the timing to be a dacryphiliac has truly never been worse LMAOOO because my heart was shattering at all the terrifyingly sad things he was repeating fo himself and i just wanted to scoop the lil channie mash potato boy up and be like “no baby, it’s okay, don’t cry”, but ALSO at the same time, that was so hot wtf </3
then to follow that up with THE BATHING SCENE… you are crazy (affectionate). i have never felt so soft omg… he is so infuriatingly lovable and it’s crazy he can’t see it. i’m glad he finally got someone like the reader who he can gradually learn how to release some of his burdens with. 🥺
“…as if he was afraid that now that you’d discovered a side to him that dared to be anything less than accommodating—anything less than convenient for you—you’d pack up and leave without a second thought.” OUCH
you wrote so many beautiful and heart-wrenching lines throughout this 😭
and LEE MINHO… ㅡㅡ why is he like this. the feminine urge to rail the brat out of him, my god. he is a lil meow meow fucking menace, that’s for sure. as much as he singlehandedly destroyed everything, he was only acting the way he did out of the (misguided) instinct to protect chan… :( the way he begrudgingly made amends with the reader at the end 😭 in my imagination, they patched up their relationship over time despite his enormous fuck-up and became friends again
i read part 4 as soon as it was posted, and i was genuinely reeling afterwards, questioning why you were doing this to us 😭 but it felt strangely cathartic, to watch the house of cards they had stacked up out of fear of ever leaning on each other, finally crumbling apart, because now, they can restart and build their relationship with a secure foundation that allows for a balanced exchange of emotions between them, and protects the wellbeing of them both ♡
anyway i’m so sorry that this ask is longer than the reader’s physics textbook 😭 this story broke me apart in the best way possible, and then put me right back together again. it’s such a well-rounded work, n i hope you’re proud of yourself 🫶
— 🌸
oh my god 😭😭😭😭 when you said to expect an essay abt bb from you i had no idea just how much u meant it…i can’t believe all the thought and care you’ve put into this, thank you so much for taking the time to write out such a detailed, heartfelt message!
as i was mapping out the story, i found myself wondering at times if i’d be able to tie up all the loose ends bc there was just so much going on in so many different places…so to hear you say that it was wrapped up nicely means so much to me!! the fact that u even took notice of all those threads and kept track of them throughout the series is also very touching to me! thank u for being invested enough to do so, it’s sincerely the best feeling <3
SEO CHANGBIN!!! our dear leo boy…he is absolutely the backbone of this entire fic u are so correct. where would we be without his questionable academic decisions n his accidental matchmaking skills…even when he’s not the main character he is always the star of the show!! 🥰 i’m delighted u liked that line abt him LOL binnie’s softness n silliness in contrast to his tough appearance is the most endearing thing on earth to me, so i hoped to capture a bit of that lovable personality of his! i think i had such a blast writing his scenes for exactly the reason you mentioned…it was really nice to write his lighthearted antics w the reader amidst the heavier parts of the story, so i couldn’t be happier that his role brought the same relief for you!! ^_^
i’m such a sucker for university aus as well…so simple but so many things to love abt them! and it’s very sweet of u to point out the butterfly symbols! i figured i should take the theme and run w it hehe i’m glad u found it to be a cute detail ♡
there was no way i couldn’t sprinkle in those skz easter eggs here n there…like a lil secret we’re all in on 😽 yes! many details in bb are kinda meant to parallel aspects of skz in reality, esp channie’s struggles in predebut (im going off on a tangent here but that’s also why i chose 3racha’s placebo as the song chan was working on! i feel like it gives so much insight on his state of mind at the time) it’s really meaningful to me that u caught on to all those recurring themes and connected them w ease in the story! and the binary stars…when i learned abt them n how they orbit each other so closely and rapidly, to the point where they can even exchange materials through tidal interactions and influence each other’s evolution…i just couldn’t resist adding it into the story hehe it felt too fitting for how channie n the reader take on parts of each other and change for the better! you are so incredibly kind and observant thank u so much, you’ve really read this w a keen eye and i’m so grateful!
in sharing bb i was hoping there might be someone out there who could relate to its central conflict, but i was taken aback by just how many ppl’s experiences it seemed to align w ㅠ knowing it resonated w you as well both fills my heart and tugs at it…i know i said this before but this series was kinda like a love letter to everyone who is like channie n the reader, so i really hope u found some solace in its message 💗 “chan, who, for once, wants to be her equal” u really got me w this…that’s exactly it isnt it ㅠㅠ the balanced, endless cycle of love that they both deserve!! and the channieisms…it’s only right that the reader adores him and all his cute lil habits just as much as we do!! characterization is always the most important thing to me above all, so thank u so much for saying that it's the highest compliment!
HELPP LMAO i will never be free from that paragraph describing lino’s first appearance huh…if there’s any moment in the story where tumblr user rin subskz is speaking instead of the reader…it’s definitely that 😭 very embarrassing for me but seeing that u are paboracha biased i feel a lil better at least…u know firsthand what it’s like to be bewitched body and soul by lee minho
i’m so thrilled u liked the section abt 3racha’s performance! i debated even describing it in detail for a while bc i wasnt sure if it was necessary…but i ultimately decided it wouldn’t be right to skip over since it led into what happens later! HANNIE <3 it makes me happy that moment got a giggle out of u lol i really wish i could’ve included more scenes w him…applying the scatterbrained genius energy of trainee jisung to the context of an exhausted uni student wouldve been very fun! and once again, the fact that u paid attention to lil things like that is so fulfilling to me <33
the idea of the bathroom scene w the reader feeling a lil possessive was actually what initially sparked the plot point of the party in my head 😭 and YES w the way chan sounds like he’s getting the soul sucked out of him UNPROVOKED on a daily basis…i just had to make him the loudest most vocal most reactive baby on earth there was no other way!! it makes me so happy that u felt he was written well, thank you so much ♡ praise kink and channie just go hand in hand dont they…u described it perfectly that combo of being so desperate for approval but so easily flustered is just irresistible
hehehe channie crying while giving head was truly my equivalent of sending out a bat signal to all fellow dacryphiliacs 🙏 the little channie mash potato boy…..please ㅠㅠㅠㅠ i’m very sorry for the conflicting emotions that scene sparked in u it was a lil evil of me…i even gave myself some psychic dmg while writing it but at least u know u werent alone in that internal battle!! n i’m happy it had the desired effect~ <3 the bathing scene!! truly just a fraction of the love n care he deserves…and as u said it’s crazy he cant see it!!! he just needs to be shaken lovingly and violently by the shoulders until the idea gets through his beautiful head -_-;
i feel like the sentence u pointed out really describes bb chan’s mindset in a nutshell, how he sees himself as someone to be used rather than to be loved ㅠㅠ my apologies again for the misery haha but i’m glad to know there were lines that could touch ur heart!
LEE MINHO!!! he took his role of meow meow menace very seriously as u can see…though i personally think he had a good reason for being so cold to the reader (maybe leeknowism plagues me even fictionally) he definitely put those defensive walls up far too quickly without knowing the full story…though can we blame him after he’s seen the same cycle repeat time n time again (yes actually) in an alternate alternate universe, the brat was railed out of him n everyone lived happily every after <3 but yes, i hope him realizing he had to be the one to round up these lovesick losers made him a lil less insufferable for u at the end haha! that’s so sweet to think abt as well…i’d also like to believe that the reader is forgiving enough to give him a second chance and they eventually became genuine friends! bound by their mutual love for channie ♡ maybe she can finally tell him what she thought of that anime he recced her…
hehe i really wish i didnt have to split bb4 up and leave u guys hanging for a bit like that…but the hand of god (tumblr text block limit) interfered 💔 describing chan and the reader’s relationship as a house of cards is absolutely perfect!! very tentatively built and full of care and attention to detail, but ultimately very fragile bc their idea of love wasn’t sustainable. a balanced exchange of emotions!! you’ve worded it so beautifully, it makes me very giddy that you got the core message through and through
please don’t apologize!! if anything i’m so honored and grateful that you immersed urself in the story and had such lovely, thoughtful things to say abt it. i must’ve thanked u a million times in this response but again, thank you so much!i it means the world to me that you entered this lil bb universe and that u enjoyed it 💗💗💗
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morkofday · 1 year
Helloooo. Hope I am not too late coming in with a prompt? Because we talked about this the other day, could I request for an edit with a BBxVV crossover. With Talay or just Sea in the BB universe, or any AU you deem fit. I just want to see the 4 of them together in one set? You can go crazy with it, however you feel. 💙
mimi! as you kind of got confused by my interest post all that time ago, you get the honor to be the first one to receive your gift!
here it is
i told you already that this isn't Exactly what you asked for but this idea plagued my mind for a long while and i thought it came close enough to be fitting (they're all in the same set! it's kind of an au! am not wrong!).
i also know you and i thought you might appreciate getting something like this either way ♥ so i hope you like it and thank you so, so much for being here with me through this all ♥
(a couple more thoughts under the cut - for anyone interested in hearing stories about my edits and the thought process behind them!)
ok so first of all, a bit of an explanation why i didn't follow your prompt as strictly as i would've liked to:
in the beginning, i did consider making an edit where i would smash together both vv and bb scenes to create an illusion of talay joining the bbs universe. i actually wanted to make that happen bc you know how obsessed i am with the thought of wai meeting talay (or at least his own version of a sea -faced character).
but as talay is very finely dressed (when he's appearing as tess, who we see him mostly as) and doesn't wear a university uniform at any point, it started feeling too challenging. in bbs the guys dress very differently compared to the general vibe of vv (they're very relaxed; simple t-shirts and pants etc vs. everyone looking very stylish in vv), so talay would've stood out too much. i also considered using pangpond to get closer to the student look but that wouldn't have been talay so i abandoned that thought. maybe one day i will end up trying again but this apparently wasn't the time.
and then about this edit:
after abandoning the idea of throwing talay into the world of bb, i started thinking about the patpran/tesstun parallels everyone was after when vv was airing. how different yet similar they are and how they have some matching scenes with different feelings involved. then i came to remember the quote i used as a caption in the edit. then the other quote appeared. and then it just clicked - the tragedy of it all in both of these universes.
bc when in bbs patpran end up happy, wai does not (or well, waikorn is an option. wai with his faceless partner they mention in the last ep is an option. but we never really see him ending up with anyone and even his short-lived crush only offers him heartbreak. plus his whole storyline with pran, his best friend, that is also painful). and then in vv puentalay end up happy but tesstun do not (or at least we never get to see it). it's two different universes tearing them apart. not everyone can be happy at the same time.
and so we have this now, this edit that made me a bit insane :'D trying to find matching shots was a struggle but i think i managed quite well. i hope you can see what i was aiming at! bc i tried really hard to capture different situations and parts of their relationships. there was very limited footage, especially for tesstun, but am quite happy with what i got ^^ (this also unintentionally displays the pranwai relationship in a lot more romantic light than i intended? or is it just me?? very funny tho)
thank you so much for such a challenging prompt and for giving me such freedom to explore these two shows at once! i haven't gotten into doing that before so it was a lot of fun. now i will probably return to crying a bit more about this bc these thoughts opened up something in me rip
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remixofpraxus · 6 months
Just want to make this post to clarify some things having to do with multiversal shenanigans and verses. This only applies to Rp Threads.
• In general Lost Life au Remix will only be used in interactions set in @dontpetmeibite's universe.
• When traveling to another universe. I imagine that they change to look like that universe's version of themselves. For example if Idw Remix went to Bayverse she would have a bayverse design.
• I don't specifically rp as a certain verse unless your character is specifically set in a canonical universe or you ask for one.
•Most versions of her are the same personality wise and the only difference is her background.
• Alighned Continuity = Primeverse
Having said all that if you are curious about background here's a list of each verse and what universe's they are generally used in.
The backgrounds for each are described in the link on my pinned post.
• Idw/mtmte/Lostlight, Bayverse, Rotb/BB, Animated, Earthspark, cyberverse, Wfc = Spark of a Traveler Au (I may makes seperate verses for these continuity in the future.)
• G1 = In progress
This is not a strict list and most of the time I just write what feels right for the situations and characters. If you would prefer to interact with a certain verse feel free to let me know.
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breakfastbastion · 1 year
Welcome to the official Breakfast Bastion blog! Here we post about developments, concept art, and general fun stuff about our Pizza Tower fangame.
Meet the Mods!
UFCosmo - ☕ / 🔮 (He/Him)
Hey, I'm Cosmo / Oz, and I'm the admin of this blog. I like making art of dubious quality and eating sand. I'm the lead artist and co-director of Breakfast Bastion. I'm responsible for great hit ideas like the Asbestos level. Working with Taz for projects like these is something that I really love doing and I hope you have as much fun watching us make and playing Breakfast Bastion as we did making it.
TazKoltin 🧇 / 🔩 (He/Him)
Howdy. I'm Taz, I'm a wannabe I'm the lead developer and director of Breakfast Bastion. I make small weird enemy characters like the weird egg guy. I originally made BB on a whim and if not for Cosmo might've just forgotten about it entirely. I hope you can join us on this unremarkable voyage, I'm sure it'll be radical.
Here are some answers to some questions you might have... Q: What is Breakfast Bastion? A: Like mentioned previously, Breakfast Bastion is a Pizza Tower fangame that is (hopefully) in development at the moment. It is set in the same universe as Pizza Tower, no frills or au stuff. Consider it like a fan sequel or continuation to Pizza Tower. At this stage (early development) we have only a cast of original characters with mentions of the Pizza Tower cast, but we plan to cleanly implement some Pizza Tower characters later on if we can.
Q: Are you guys still working on Breakfast Bastion? / How's development?
A: Most likely all go at this stage. Progress is guaranteed to be slow, as we are currently a small team of 4 (of varying amount of contribution) and are busy people who are learning as we go with the project.
Q: Are you looking for people who could contribute to Breakfast Bastion?
A: Not until we say so. We will absolutely keep a tab on anyone who would be willing, but we won't be outwardly asking people at this stage and it's likely we won't have the open opportunity until the first demo or so comes out. Don't hold it against us if we don't, though.
Q: Where can I find official art / sprites / concept art?
A: this google drive is a roughly sorted library of all of the above. It may be out of date slightly, but for the mostpart we try to upkeep it.
0 notes
scaramew · 2 years
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i really thought I'd be better off, but i missed you more than i thought i would. ( or : xiao texts you at 4:00 am. )
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ft. xiao x genderneutral reader.
warnings : angst, fluff, modern au, post-breakup, hopeful endings, fine line by harry styles oh my GOD
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xiao is good at leaving — which sounds harsh, maybe it's better to say he's bad at staying. xiao's bad at staying, yet he can't seem to leave you behind, either.
the room's quiet, empty — devoid of any trace of you, the only piece of you left in his part of the universe is an old sweater that was "more his style" draped over his desk chair.
double sided tape's still stuck to his walls and he inwardly groans at the fact he has to get rid of it someday — that he has to get rid of the pictures that used to be stuck to that tape, that he had to get rid of you completely.
it's cold, and maybe it's always been cold and he just never noticed. it's cold and all xiao can think about is how you'd be sleeping on the empty pillow beside him if it weren't for everything he did.
the screen of his phone illuminated his face, the only light in his otherwise dark room. xiao stares at your profile, wincing at the past messages he sent — at the nickname he set for you that he hasn't had the heart to change.
xiao isn't sure why he started typing — why now, when he thought that he was finally starting to get over it. he'd say when he was finally starting to forget, but you're not someone he wants to forget just yet.
he must've rewritten that text a million times, because in the hours of comfortable silence you both shared, xiao realizes there was so much more he wanted to say, yet he never said a word.
the words he never said, the things he never acted on are the same things that haunt him every minute he's awake — sometimes it even followed him to his dreams, the thought of what could've happened if he did.
xiao: are you awake?
xiao sighs, covering his eyes with the back of his hand. it feels like iron butterflies are floating in his stomach, like a mix of giddiness and anxiety, the kind that weighs on your chest till you can't breath.
my bb :) ‹3: no ?? wjy r u awake ??'
he can feel his lips quirk into a smile, even if it's for a split second. '
xiao : so you didn't learn to type while i was gone ://'
my bb :) ‹3: fuck u too
it feels like an eternity before you start typing again, and even then, you stop and rewrite before sending another directly after.
my bb :) ‹3: are you okay?
there's a pause between your texts, and you can feel your head pounding — you're not too sure if it's the morning cold or the fact xiao was talking to you.
my bb :) ‹3: why did u message me?
you see him type and you panick — sending strings of messages following your last. '
my bb :) ‹3: not that that's bad !!'
my bb :) ‹3: just because we're not together doesn't mean you can't talk to me anymore.
xiao can barely manage a laugh, and he can only imagine how stupid he looks right now, about to cry at just a few words.
xiao: i miss you.
and there he is again, yet as he types those three words, xiao can't bring it in himself to send it. not now, he thinks. not when he's just getting the chance to talk to you again.
xiao: you left your sweater here.
my bb :) ‹3: that's ok. u can throw it away if you want :]
as if xiao could ever throw out any of the things you've given him.
the cold envelopes him, his breath forming clouds in the mist. it's 4:00 am, and xiao doesn't know — doesn't want to know what it is about your everything that forces him to break down. that forces him to tear down the walls he's spent his entire life building up.
xiao: im sorry for everything that happened.
xiao doesn't think he'd ever be worthy of your forgiveness, but it's the crack of dawn and he doesn't think he'd forgive himself if he didn't say anything.
xiao: and for everything that didn't get to happen
your caller id fills his screen and xiao doesnt think he's ever been so unsure in his life. he swallows, yet it doesn't do anything to stop the panick settling into his chest. it passes, and he can only stare at his phone, unsure of what to do.
you start typing again, and for once, xiao understands what people mean by their heart dipped.
my bb :) ‹3: please pick up
you call again, and xiao picks up almost immediately. you're both quiet, the only thing assuring him that you're there on the other line is your breathing.
"hi." you start after a few minutes of sitting in silence, and what you'd give to be able to sit with him and not be worried of, well, everything. what you'd give for that silence to be comfortable again. "uh—hi, xiao."
xiao takes a breath, hoping it would calm his nerves and the shaking of his voice because god he missed hearing yours. "hi, [name]."
his voice comes out shaky anyway, and maybe that's just something he can't help anymore. your text floods his brain, because xiao could write a book with everything he wanted to say to you, everything he wished he could've said — yet when he finally got the chance to, he goes blank.
you laugh at the other end of the line and xiao didn't realize how much he adored your laugh until now. he hadn't realized how much he missed you until now. "i-im sorry for texting you i just — i don't know." he sighs, running a hand through his hair. even if he doesn't deserve your forgiveness, he knows you deserve his apologies. "you should sleep."
his thumb hovers over the end call button, he's not sure if it's because he had nothing to say or because he doesn't want you to hear him cry.
"wait don't i just— are you sure?" you ask quickly, taking a deep breath after. like you could feel him about to hang up.
"are you sure that we're not ... ahem, that you don't think we can work anymore."
you sound exasperated, and xiao wants so badly to tell you you're wrong, to tell you about how everything reminds him of you, to tell you about the extra pillow, to tell you everything he can't.
"because if you are then .. ill leave you alone. ill forget it — ill forget we ever happened."
a four letter word has never held so much meaning over him and despite the repercussions it holds he's not sure what else would describe what you were to him. because if love wasn't what he felt, then he was sure that what the felt was greater than love itself.
"i— you don't have to answer that i just .." your voice echoes through his head and he's not sure when you'd let him talk to you again.
"i love you." xiao breathes. it's quiet — and the weight in his chest feels like it could swallow him whole. it's quiet and xiao can only hope that four letter word held enough meaning to be able to say everything he wishes he could. "even if you don't love me back, even if we're just a little more than friends and a little less than — less than what we had. "
"i miss you, you know that right?" you sniffle, and xiao wishes he never made you cry. "i miss you, but i can hate you so much sometimes." not i missed, because you don't think you ever stopped.
xiao whispers as fatigue creeps up on him. "i missed you more than i thought i would."
it's quiet as dawn stretches across the horizon, light purples an pinks brightening the otherwise grey sky. it's quiet and there's nothing left to say.
the birds croak outside his house and xiao' scared he's loved you just a little too late, but even if he isn't the one for you, if all of this is temporary, then he thinks that he'll be okay with the memories you share.
even if he won't be the one for you, no matter how much he really wanted to, he'll learn to be okay, because loving you was more than anything he thought he was capable of.
i love you's are whispered till you fall asleep, and xiao has hope that you'll both be fine.
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© scaramew — do not repost, translate, copy, etc.
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bee-ackerman · 3 years
Whats in the AOT Characters Bags Modern AU Part 1
Note: Basically I found a picrew that let's you make whats in my bag pictures and decided to do it on my seaside city au characters. It's very rough introductions but I think the concept is so cute. Also my first time doing headcanons so be nice 😳
Part 2 - This is a self insert story so readers with the 104 in Part 2
~ This part includes The Vets (Levi, Erwin, Hange, Moblit, Nanaba, Miche) ~
The Vets:
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Smart phone only cause everyone convinced him to get one for group-chats
No wallet cause i feel like he keeps his cards on his phone when he figured out the feature
Smokes but is trying to quit
Has a gameboy he plays only when hes bored or wants hange to stop talking and hands it to them
Secretly draws and likes taking pictures of his friends
Is a lawyer but also owns a tea shop by the ocean close to hanges lab
Used to be on the tennis team at seaside city uni
Got a four leaf clover while out with you ;)
Has reading glasses but only few people have seen him with them. He “doesn’t need them” so he says but he went to the doctors after Erwin made him read something and he had to hold it five feet away from his face just to make out what it is.
Loves to sit on the patio of his shop and drink tea while the sun sets on the oceans horizon
Wont admit it but he does love having company while drinking his tea to the sunset
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i firmly believe hed have a wallet phone case
Keeps loose change in a coin purse lmao old man shid
Has a card key to his fancy apartment cause he’s a rich daddy 🤑
Mint cause he doesnt like the after tast of cigs
Unlike levi he aint tryna quit
Keeps snacks or a drink at all times
Dog toys cause he found a stray in his neighbourhood and took it in
Also a lawyer and works at the same firm as Levi
Investor in the tea shop
Teaches history at the university part time (man keeps his schedule busy af)
The hanker chief was a birthday gift from levi and the journal is from miche and nanaba
His camera is full of pictures of his dog
Mikasa gave him the whats in my bag sticker. He complimented hers while she was walking into class and she silently handed him one after class.
Hange, Nanaba, Moblit, Miche after the cut off
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Broke their phone. Cant afford to fix it
Has 510 yen to their name (canonically in aot junior high they are broke)
Lives in an older apartment thats haunted but they love it so they have an older key
Make up bag always spilled
Vapes doesnt smoke
Does not have a pencil case and is constantly losing their pencil in their bag
Sketch book for the marine life they observe
Marine biologist 👩‍🔬
Stole the handkerchief from jean. His mom hand embroiders the red flower. He lent it to them one cold beach bonfire night where the vets and 104 get together to party. They never gave it back.
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Cute bag cause i feel modern nanaba is an it girl but also humble af. So she doesnt know shes so admired.
Berry gum is a fave
Vapes no smoking
Has airpods for her runs
Water cause shes an active bb
Cherry blossom petals from a date with miche
She likes to take polaroid pictures
Journals A LOT
Takes notes on her ipad and runs the shops social media on there
Owns a sports shop by the beach with Miche and is in school to become a chef
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Broke his phone while holding it cause hes clumsy and almost tripped on his own feet and instead of grabbing something to hold onto he just squeezed his own phone for support. Poor clumsy giant doesnt know his own strength
Has airpods cause nanaba recommended then and he likes running with them
A coin purse cause he doesnt carry a wallet (don’t ask me why and don’t ask him why he will not say)
A flower someone that is special to him gave him
Has a lighter - hes the lighter guy, you need a light hes got chu.
Always carried food and water w him
Key card cause he lives in the same apartment complex as erwin
Owns the sports shop with nanaba and is going to invest in her new restaurant
Studied business in seaside city university
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Has a keychain someone gifted him at a festival. ( it was Levi cause he won it at a game stall but didnt want it. )
Has two phones cause he seems to be the type to have something just so someone else can use it. Also because the flip phones is less distracting while working but he also still likes memes and videos so he keeps the smartphone for down time
Has a key to hanges house cause they always forget or loses theirs
Lives in the same run down building as hange but is actually scared of it
Has rocks hange randomly gave him
Loves fruity drinks
Has a tomogatchi cause he found it on the beach once and is now emotionally attached
Carries food always just in case hes hungry or someone else is
PICREW LINK - https://picrew.me/image_maker/230275
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senlinyu · 3 years
Works List
Although I do occasionally cross-post to fanfiction.net, wattpad, and inkitt, most of my stories are solely on ao3. I decided to compile a full list of my works for reference rather than just keeping them buried in my FAQ.
A quick note about my stories: I have an open policy about my fics, anyone who wishes to is welcome to archive, print and bind (personally or via a non-profit fanfic bookbinder), remix, podfic, translate, write meta about, make art for, or write in the same universe/fanon as any of my fanworks. I’d love it if you send a link. Credit is appreciated but not mandatory, fandom is open source.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Sun, The Moon, And The Truth: art and fic collab with @elithien. Zuka/Katara. Rated: M. Post-war AU. Firelord Zuko. Water Tribe Envoy Katara. Forbidden Love. Mutual Pining. My usual.
Harry Potter:
All You Want: Draco/Hermione. Rated: E. My very smutty a/b/o fic. Eighth Year. Alpha Draco (and Theo and Neville), Omega Hermione. Miscommunication and mutual pining.
Anthology: Assorted prompted ficlets of varying lengths. All Dramione. Including:
Prompt: “He set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her.” Category: Angst. Rating: T
Prompt: “But how can you walk away from something and still come back to it.” Neil Gaiman. Category: Comedy, Fluff. Rating: M. 
Prompt: One bed. Rating: T. Category: Rom-com
Prompt: Harry and Draco trapped in an elevator after Draco and Hermione’s relationship has become public. Rating: T
Prompt: Draco blackmails Hermione. Rating: M Category: angst, political enemies.
Prompt: Meet me in the stairwell in a second for a glass of gin. (From the song ‘Nobody Else Will Be There’ by The National)
Prompt: Accidental pregnancy. Rating: T
Prompt: Tabula Rasa. Memory loss fic. Rating: T
Prompt: “No, no, no, stay with me. Don’t close your eyes.” Category: rom-com, fluff
Whatever You Want Granger for @nikitajobson. Rated: T
Married art and fic collab with @avendell. Rated T.
Prompt: Dramione University Students AU.
A Slow Cruel Descent: Draco/Hermione. Rated: M.
A Slow Cruel Descent. My very first angst/dark fic. Wartime AU. Voldemort doses Hermione with a love potion, making her fall in love with Draco, and then uses the threat of harming Draco to extract information. 
A Fragile Ascent. Sequel. Post-war, Hermione struggles to move on and heal from the trauma of her imprisonment. 
A Thing With[out] Feathers. Draco/Hermione. Rated: E. A plot I invented just because I wanted to write extremely indulgent wing kink. Fake relationship with benefits. Veela Hermione. Wing sex. That’s it. That’s the plot. 
The Bestiary: Assorted creature one-shots and ficlets of varying lengths. All Dramione. Including: 
Kiska: 8th Year. Hermione secretly has cat-ears and Draco is suspiciously interested in them. Rated: M for heavy petting.
Demon!Draco. Rated: M
the business we’re in: Tom Riddle Jr/Hermione. Rated: M. Mafia AU. Cleaner/Assassin Tom is given the task of killing the ‘very ordinary’ Hermione Granger. 
Compendium: A collection of prompted ficlets originally posted on tumblr. Pairings vary and are indicated in the chapter titles. Ratings and any relevant warnings are listed in the chapter summary of the particular ficlet.
Cordial Enemies: writing collab with @stargazing121. Draco/Hermione. Rated: M. **WIP.** Bridgerton inspired fake relationship fic. Minstry co-workers. Tabloid news. 
Do Not Go Gentle: Severus/Hermione. Rated E. 8th Year. Hermione is suffering from a terminal curse following the war and Severus attempts to find a cure. Not ‘really’ a student/teacher relationship, but does occur at Hogwarts. Feral cat personality Severus.
Forever Is Composed of Nows: James Potter/Aurore Malfoy. Rated: T. Post-Manacled one-shot about James and Aurore. 
Height: Draco/Hermione. Rated: E. Dramione Height Differences Minifest 2020. 8th Year. Erotic hand holding. Hermione initiating the relationship. 
Ice: Draco/Hermione. Rated: T. DHr Advent 2018. Co-workers at Gringotts. Accidental bonding. 
Impress Upon You: art and fic collab with @mia-moriarty-art. Draco/Hermione. Rated: T. Deck The Halls with Dramione 2020. Draco asks Hermione to show him the Muggle world in an attempt to impress a Muggleborn. 
I Think It Might: tumblr live-write with @lovesbitca8 and @liliansilverstuff. Draco/Hermione. Rated: E. Drunk Draco. Cam Girl Granger. Crack.
The Library of Alexandria: Draco/Hermione. Rated: M. Librarian Hermione. Annoying Draco. Trapped together and required to have sex for some reason. Accidental marriage. Librarian Draco.
Little Hearth Fires: for @kumatan0720. Draco/Hermione. Rated: M. My one and only foray into entirely angst-free domestic fluff writing. Married  Dramione with bb bean Scorpius.
Love and Other Misfortunes: Draco/Hermione. Rated: M. My very first story. Veela Draco. Ministry workaholic Hermione. Veela bond where Draco will die if Hermione doesn’t mate with him. Ministry conspiracies. 
Manacled: Draco/Hermione. Rated: E. Voldemort Wins AU. Handmaid’s Tale premise. Memory loss. Espionage. Dark fic. Don’t read without checking the trigger warnings.
Manipulation: Blaise Zabini/Hermione. Rated: M. Vampire Blaise with a crush.
Nontrivial Pursuits: art and fic collab with @gubabubas-sketchbook. Draco/Hermione. Rated: M. Post-war Ministry coworkers engaging in a strip trivia competition. 
Now Is A Gift. Draco/Hermione. Rated: T. Sunbeam Hermione sets out to prove what a nice person she is by getting grumpy Draco the perfect Christmas present. DHr Advent 2019.
The Seduction: Draco/Hermione. Rated: E. Pining Draco trying to seduce Hermione by starting a bookclub and cooking dinner with her while she doesn’t notice...for two years.
The SenLithien Collaboration: art and fic collab with @elithien. Includes:
United We Stand. Rated: T
Beltane. Rated: M.
Seeker Fit. Rated: T
One Night. Rated: E
the first kiss. Rated: M
A Witch’s Wedding. Rated: T
consumed, obsessed, and attached. Rated: E
For Want of a Jumper. Rated: T
Switch. Rated: E
Power Couple. Rated: T
Insomnia. Rated: T
Fate and Plans. Rated: E
Rebirth. Rated: M
Common Spaces, Empty Places. Rated: M.
Snow Fall: Draco/Hermione. Rated: M. DHr Advent 2020. Newly weds having their first Christmas. Hermione helpfully teaches Draco muggle methods of staying warm during a blizzard.
your lonely calls to me: art and fic collab with @avendell. Draco/Hermione. Rated: T. Healer Hermione realizes that Draco is being abused in Azkaban and takes him in.
Star Wars
after the fall [we rise]: Ben Solo/Rey. Rated: E. My fix-it fic for The Rise of Skywalker. 
Binding The Light: Kylo Ren/Rey. Rated: T. Following the destruction of Starkiller, Kylo Ren obsesses over what he wants.
Reputation: Ben Solo/Rey. Rated: M. Rey is in a forced relationship with Hux and so out of spite she asks Kylo Ren to take her virginity.
Short: Ben Solo/Rey. Rated: E. Jealous Ben with a choking kink disapproves of Rey’s outfit. PWP modesty trope subversion. 
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
today i randomly watched the live action bleach movie. bleach was my first thing i was into like 10 years ago and well that was 10 years ago but now i am reading some posts to catch up (this is how i got to this blog) so i was wondering... is there anything, big or small, canon or fandom thing that is a must to know lately? :D l
Hey, welcome! The live-action Bleach movie is not, like, a masterpiece by any means, but what it does have going for it is a love of the source material, and I can definitely see it reigniting an old interest.
Hkrnnngh, what is there to know? Well, it's kind of an exciting time to be a Bleach fan, actually?
The manga finished in 2016. The ending was a little rushed (Kubo was having health issues and it was dropping in popularity), but it did end conclusively.
There are a number of light novels, including two that take place post-canon. Can't Fear Your Own World, which takes place 6mo post-canon, has a ton of lore and tells the story of Hisagi getting bankai. We Do (Knot) Always Love You is 3 years post canon and is (nominally) about Rukia and Renji's wedding but it keeps going off on these weird tangents about werewolf puppies or the Soul Society Interlibrary Loan System. Some people really enjoy these, but they are not required reading. You can buy Viz translations of CFYOW. I think WDKALY is harder to find, but there is a nice fan translation here by @missstormcaller. She translated part of CFYOW, too, but I think it was only the first few chapters. (I have not read CFYOW and am not the best person to ask about it). There are older light novels, too, I particularly like Honey Dish Rhapsody.
There's a mobile gatcha game called Bleach Brave Souls, which causes pain and anguish in all who play it. It often has very cool AU-style character designs and cute, character-driven storylines. It is very possible to enjoy BBS content without ever actually playing BBS. I strongly recommend this course of action. I have personally forbidden myself from playing BBS. There are numerous other Bleach games and I do not know anyone who plays them.
Kubo did a new short series called Burn the Witch, which was subsequently animated. It's hinted that it takes place in the same universe as Bleach, but in England/Reverse London instead of Japan/Soul Society. It is supposed to be continued, but there hasn't been much news lately (there are a lot of issues in the anime industry right now because of the pandemic and other labor concerns)
There was a new manga one-shot, No Breaths from Hell, that came out in August. We all thought it was going to be some li'l Shinigami's Cup, slice-of-life type thing, and then it turned out to be (what looks like) a set up for a new, post-epilogue arc. Kubo has cheekily denied that there will be more, but he also put out new designs for all the captains and lieutenants and designed two new lieutenants, so most people are pretty sure that was a joke. The one shot been on-and-off available on Viz's website.
There was a big Bleach Expo in Japan in December. Kubo made a ton of new drawings and there was new merch and it looked like a fun time!
They announced a while ago that the final arc of the manga, the Thousand Year Blood War was going to be animated. There was a superstage at December's Jump Festa where they announced it would be coming out in October of 2022, and released a trailer.
I am not that up on things like DVDs and manga releases, but it seems like Viz is always dropping new editions of stuff, including Blu-Rays of the original series.
Fandom stuff!
The Bleach fandom is not really what I would call coherent. There are a lot of subfractions that do not get along with each other, so wherever you go, it is important to curate your experience. I find Tumblr a pretty nice place to be, and its tagging function works very well for seeing only what you want, but it's also pretty quiet here. Twitter is much more active, but someone has an absolute ice cold take about every thirty seconds, and people will say extremely mean stuff, and Twitter's algorithm will actively show you stuff you hate to incite drama, so block liberally, it's nicer for everyone actually! If you're interested in more of the industry news, you should probably be on Twitter, but it does filter over here eventually.
Mostly, people tend to cluster around particular characters/groups of characters/ships and make friends that way. Some groups have more private Discord servers or group chats. It's a pretty quiet fandom overall, so sometimes you get bizarre alliances between devotees of various characters/ships. People always talk about how vitriolic shippers are, but I avoid getting dragged into debates and no one has ever tried to start shit with me (knock on wood).
There are a lot of incredibly talented fanartists, but people are also very welcoming to newbie artists. I don't feel like fanfic is as big a part as the fandom (like there are a lot fewer writers, and a lot of people don't read it at all), but there is some incredibly good fanfic out there, and new fanficcers are always welcome.
I hope that helps! It's a bit of a dead (lol) fandom at the moment, but it has been a pleasant and reliable source of serotonin my life for the last three years, and with the anime coming back, I am optimistic that it may pick up in the next year. If you would like any more specific recommendations, let me know what sort of stuff you're interested in and I'll do my best!
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!)
feat. Tsukkishima Kei 
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requested for by @animestheticz (hope you enjoy it bb!) 
Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. Kita Shinsuke. Kuroo Tetsuro.
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
Wordcount: 2k
Genre / Pairings: Fluff, Hogwarts AU, Tsukkishima / Reader
A/N: Any other characters you’d like to see? Send me an ask! 
(happy to do any characters other than Kenma / Hinata / Tendo - I don’t trust myself to do them justice!)
Oh and this is just shameless advertisement for my other fic - but I’m also writing a multi chapter fic based off Your Name / Kimi No Nawa featuring Akaashi Keiji (i.e. a bodyswap AU featuring our favourite Tokyo pretty boy). Check it out here!
“P-please? Just this once?’ Yachi begs, fingers gripping your sleeve like a vice. 
You’re sorely tempted to refuse her ridiculous request, but you can’t bring yourself to. This is Yachi Hitoka, your best friend, though currently she’s a nervous wreck fretting over her first date with Yamaguchi Tadashi. The sweet, freckled Hufflepuff chaser has finally worked up the courage to act on his painfully obvious crush on Yachi - both veritable balls of sunshine, so sweet and anxious and caring that you can’t imagine a better match. 
So you don’t understand why on earth you’re being asked to tag along on a double date with one Tsukkishima Kei. 
It’s not that you dislike the guy – far from it. You’ve had a crush on him yourself ever since Yachi started hanging around Yamaguchi in your third year, sucking you and Tsukkishima have been sucked into their orbit, reluctant moons revolving around twin suns. But you’ve tucked it away since Tsukkishima doesn’t seem to have an interest in anyone at all – in fact, half the time his snarky replies and cold silences make you think he barely tolerates Yamaguchi as a friend, let alone yourself. 
Still, refusing Yachi is tantamount to kicking an injured puppy, so you swallow your reservations and agree. 
‘Thank you!’ Yachi cheers. ‘We’ll have fun, I promise!’ 
It’s summer, and your blouse is sticking to your back as you dash through Diagon Alley. Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi are already waiting in front of Flourish & Botts, the former barely even granting you a nod, though he does give you the courtesy of removing his headphones, while Yamaguchi bounces on the balls of his feet to greet you cheerfully. 
‘Woah there Yamaguchi – keep your enthusiasm for your date’, you joke, and he grins back at you.  And he does – stuttering and blushing as Yachi arrives. Yachi herself is no better – you swear you can hear her teeth chatter as she greets all of you, though she beams when Yamaguchi presents her with a small posy of flowers with clammy hands. 
‘They’re cute’, you remark to Tsukkishima as you walk beside him on the way to the first stop -  Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. 
‘Mm’, he responds, his face blank. 
You know he doesn’t suffer fools – worse still, talkative ones, so you fall silent until you reach the ice cream store. To your surprise, he pulls the chair out for you, and accepts your offer to share a cup of ice cream with you, a tilt to his lips when you automatically order a strawberry shortcake sundae – it’s his favourite after all. 
Yachi and Yamaguchi seem to have gotten over their initial shyness, chatting up a storm in their own little world. You’re excluded, as you expected, but you’re glad for their sakes. 
‘Excited about the last year of school?’ 
You glance up from your melting sundae, surprised that Tsukkishima is the first to break and initiate a conversation. From your interactions with him, he’s deliberate and methodical in his thoughts and words, so you take a few beats to formulate a response. 
‘Yes and no, really’, you answer honestly. 
He raises a thin blonde eyebrow, wordlessly beckoning you to elaborate. 
‘I’m excited for our classes, the syllabus seems really interesting this year’, you say, wincing at how desperately nerdy you sound – but you’re a hopeless Ravenclaw, and advanced Arithmancy and Astronomy excites you. ‘But it’s scary isn’t it – knowing that it’s our last year, and having to make all those important decisions that are going to affect us, years down the road?’ 
He hums thoughtfully. ‘I get that’, he responds, hands steepled under his chin. ‘I’m deciding between doing further studies in magical history and going pro – just for a few more years. But I know no matter what decision I end up making, I’ll probably end up second guessing myself’. 
‘Why can’t you do both?’ you find yourself saying before you can stop yourself. His brow furrows a notch. ‘You’re great at both, and I can’t see why you can’t as long as you put your mind to it’. 
You cringe at your cheesiness, expecting him to snark at you for your Hufflepuff-like optimism the way he does with Yamaguchi, but you’re surprised once again when he mutters a quiet ‘thanks’, a flush high in his cheeks, and then asks -  ‘And what about you?’ 
You wonder if he’s merely being polite, but his tone is serious, and his eyes are intently focused on you, so you tell him about your plans of taking on further studies in Arithmancy, perhaps even enroll in a Muggle university to study Mathematics for a semester or two, before working in Gringotts. The goblins may be archaic in their beliefs about the magical world, but their application of mathematics is extremely advanced. 
‘It suits you’, he comments. You want to ask him what he means by that, but Yachi pipes up from across the table.  
‘If you’re done with your ice cream, do you guys want to check out the magical menagerie? Yamaguchi’s going to get a cat!’ 
Before you can agree, Tsukkishima tells Yachi and Yamaguchi to go on ahead, drolly reminding them that they’re on a date, and they should go spend some quality time together. So they head off with wide smiles, shoulders bumping. They’re so sweet together it almost makes your teeth ache. Well, at least you’ve been dismissed as their reluctant chaperone, and you’re about to wish Tsukkishima a polite farewell when he taps your shoulder. 
‘Let’s go check out Flourish & Botts. I’m sure you have books you want to check out’. 
You blink – because you do, but you don’t expect Tsukkishima to accompany you, let alone be the one seeking out your company. He doesn’t even wait for your assent before he sets off, and you have to jog to keep up with the pace his long legs set. Thankfully, he notices you’re still lagging behind and slows down, though he teases dryly – ‘you know, at the rate you’re walking, I’m not sure we’ll get there before sundown’. 
You pointedly look up at the sun, still high in the sky, before levelling an unimpressed glare at him. He only smirks in response – and you’re so flustered by how attractive his expression is that you nearly trip over the threshold to Flourish & Botts. He catches you with a steady hand to your elbow – and now your heart is fluttering – is this how Yachi is like all the time? If so, you should really cut her some slack – the thoughts crowding your mind so distracting that you hardly hear Tsukkishima call your name in concern until he shakes your shoulder gently. 
‘Are you alright?’ Tsukkishima repeats, with a frown. 
‘Y-yes’, you reply, cursing your traitorous heart again. He doesn’t look like he believes you, insistently pushing you towards an empty couch. 
He clicks his tongue. ‘Don’t move’ he orders, before he disappears, probably to get the books he has his eyes on.  
You sink into the cushions, resisting the urge to bury your face in your hands in embarrassment. An hour spent in his presence and you’ve already turned back into a lovesick fool. You’ve told yourself countless times to just get over your silly crush on him already because it’s not going to do you any good. 
Yamaguchi’s complained to you and Yachi countless times about girls asking him if Tsukkishima is single, but you don’t see him taking an interest in anyone at all – spending all his time instead in the library and on the Quidditch pitch. 
He’s the stone faced beater from Ravenclaw. People wonder sometimes if ice flows in his veins – but they don’t see the determined set of his jaw when he’s ploughing through homework and assignments because he knows he’s going to have to spend the whole day in training the next day, the glint of satisfaction in his eyes whenever he wins a match or scores a good grade, the patience he expends tutoring Yamaguchi (along with Hinata and Kageyama) in Ancient Runes – 
Oh Merlin. You’re a hopeless case. 
 You jump when he returns and drops into a seat beside you. 
‘Oi, what’s wrong with you’, he mutters a tad scornfully, though he drops the book you were eyeing onto your lap. 
‘N-nothing. T-thanks!’ you answer, internally cursing yourself for even picking up Yachi’s speech patterns. 
Get it together. You’re not a fool. 
He hums, browsing his own book. 
It’s pleasant spending an afternoon in a nook reading books. It’s not so pleasant when your heart palpitates every single time his knee grazes yours - and if you shift just a tiny bit to the left you’re pressing against his side and - oh 
‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ he asks, frowning again, when he notices you’ve been reading the same page for the past fifteen minutes. 
‘F-fine’, you stammer, warmth flooding your cheeks when he leans his face dangerously close to yours, bringing his palm to brush against your forehead. 
‘Your temperature’s fine’, he mutters, but he doesn’t pull away – and oh gosh, you’re so close you can count every single lash on his eyes, your traitorous heart causing you to drown in the quiet concern in his eyes – and oh - 
You’re not quite sure who makes the first move because your eyes flutter close, your nose bumps against his and you feel his chapped lips against yours for a split second before he pulls away. 
You open your eyes. 
Did that truly happen? 
Judging from the blank expression on his face, the past few seconds were probably just a fever dream. But there are signs that cool, quiet Tsukkishima isn’t his usual self - a flush creeping up the back of his neck, his fingers gripping the pages of the book so tightly it starts to crinkle.  
‘What was that?’ you blurt out, confused. 
‘What was what?’ Though his voice remains calm and collected, his flush has traveled all the way to the very tips of his ears. 
‘Nothing’, you answer, dropping your eyes back to the open book on your lap, your mind in a whirl. Surely you didn’t imagine that, right? Did you just - did he just - wait, you’re confused again, what’s going on? 
Your thoughts are interrupted by elegant, long fingers slotting between your own. ‘Silly’ he mutters, but there’s a fond twist to his lips and a softness in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. 
‘I’m pretty sure I’m not the only silly one here’, you respond, in a sudden swell of confidence, though your pulse is sending tremors down your spine, your breath catching in your throat. ‘I’m pretty sure you’re the silly one too’. You curl your fingers over his and lean into his side. 
He hums diffidently. ‘I guess it might seem that way’. 
You both share a shy smile. 
Yachi is smug when you confess to her later that Tsukkishima - no - Kei asked you out as he walked you home that evening. 
‘I told you that we’d have fun!’, she says, grinning cheek to cheek. Then she starts rambling on and on about future double dates with her and Yamaguchi in Madame Puddifoots, where you can share couple sundaes and steaming mugs of hot chocolate - wouldn’t that be wonderful? 
You resist the urge to tell her that Kei has sworn off any future double dates - let alone at the white and pink lace bedazzled monstrosity of a cafe, and his suggestion of a quiet afternoon spent at his favourite bookshop cafe sounds far more inviting to you. 
You’ll let Yamaguchi break the news to her later, on a more appropriate date.  
Instead you just smile to yourself, thinking of the quiet affection in his voice as he wished you farewell, and the suppressed delight in his eyes when you called his name just as he was about to turn away and surprised him by pulling him down to you and pressing your lips to his cheek. 
Yachi’s right. You did have fun after all. 
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fellowshipofthefics · 2 years
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Hey Fellowship of the Fics! Please welcome @lordoftherazzles​ !! 👏🥳 Razzy decided to share her thoughts and impressions on her fic: Bookbinder//Songwriter.
Question 1: What about this story stands out from other stories with the same trope(s)?
I'll be honest, I haven't read too much modern au, and none in this particular setting, but I can say the things I've been told and the things I try to avoid! Non-stereotypical roles for Bilbo and Thorin. Thorin's not the standoffish rocker who's "too cool for you" and is just an all around bad boy, and Bilbo's not a blushy goobery shy mess. In fact, Thorin is the goobery mess, wrapped in black clothing, while Bilbo's fairly assertive, as well as extremely supportive in helping hold up his goofy tattooed boyfriend.
Question 2: What was the most emotionally-charged scene to write?
While I'm sure there will be many more, the one that really sticks out to me with this fic is when Thorin and Thranduil get into a scuffle, as well as the aftermath. Bilbo finally gets to learn about Thorin's past relationship and that it was just...bad. It's an overall emotional chapter in many different ways and having to write the bad side of it made me genuinely angry with an imaginary character (Thranduil) but hey. THAT'S GOOD, RIGHT?
Question 3: Do you have dreams for a sequel/spin-off from this story? If so, what would it be about?
I wouldn't mind doing a prequel to the story!! Maybe a look at what Bilbo's life was before he moved to be in the convenient exact same town as Thorin? Or what Thorin's life looked like before Thrain and Frerin died. I imagine things were very different than they are now, and it's kind of fun to think about. Whether I'll ever get to that point, who knows. Not anytime soon though!
Question 4: I feel like every writer has an "original intention" for how a story's going to progress. Has this story stuck pretty well to that original intention, and if not how has it veered away?
My original intention was just to have the BB//SW au-verse be completely constructed of One-Shots that don't really matter when it comes to the timeline. After a few, I realized that I was following a chronologic timeline and I could make it into something more than just aimless drabbles for that specific universe. It morphed from a one shot series to a big fic, and I'm SO happy about that. Overall though, everything's stayed on track otherwise.
Question 5: If there was a Dedication section for this fic, who would you dedicate it to?
Oh, this is easy! @sunnyrosewritesstuff​, Bookbinder//Songwriter's biggest fan!!
If you haven’t read this story yet, go back up to the top and be sure to click the link. Also if you haven’t seen Razzy’s works before, here are some other fics that she has done that are worth checking out as well:
Kurdu 'abadaz
May Your Forge Burn Bright
Acorntober: Bagginshield Bash 2021
IT’S THAT TIME ONCE AGAIN! We need mentions and have changed out the questions so those of you who have been featured before can be featured again! 
If you would like to get you and your story featured in Monday Mentions, please click the Application Link! If you have any questions/concerns with the form, please feel free to leave an ask or DM one of us! Questions will be updated each month so repeat writers and stories are welcome. New writers will be prioritized.
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