#shinichiro sano x fem! reader
chuchuchurch · 1 month
Silly goose (Shinichiro Sano)
good/final time-line, fem!reader, smoking, fluff, no beta
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You met Shinichiro through Takemichi since you'd essentially babysit him
Takemichi had begged you to go out one day while you were babysitting him, pulling on your clothes with a pout which was very uncharacteristic of the boy who you definitely considered an old soul
You agreed, pulling on shoes and coats for the both of you because you couldn't resist his puppy eyes, and let him drag you to the near by park
The second you got there he ran off towards the far corner of the playground and you watched as he all but tackled a blonde boy
Then you noticed the fairly sketchy looking group of teen boys also huddled around that corner and your heart skipped a beat, you weren't judgemental but you did have a healthy dose of caution that tripled when a child (Takemichi) was present
You froze up while trying to think of the best way to go about making sure the kids were safe, but your plight was soon interrupted by said boy galloping back over with several more boys
The blonde boy, who Takemichi tells you is called Mikey (you don't question it) seems to look at you with a strange amount of fondness but the glint in his eyes tells you he's the same as Takemichi, you give him a smile and brush it off
You get pecked at with questions from three more boys you come to know as Sanzu, Baji, and Kazutora until you get dragged over to the group of sketchy boys in the corner
Your heart picks up while your brain tries to go over every scenario
To your surprise, the boy in the middle, who has black hair and kind eyes waves you over with a soft smile and even if you wanted to resist the kids pulling you along wouldn't let you
Takemichi and Mikey loudly and proudly introduce you to the group and despite their familiarity you can feel yourself shaking. Hang on! Does Takemichi hang around these people a lot? Is that something you should tell his parents about? Whatever, you'll worry about that in a minute...
"Hi..." was all you could get out, and even to your ears you sounded nervous and that seemed to be picked up by the boy in the middle.
"'Evenin', Sano Shinichiro, nice to meet ya. You babysit Takemitchy, yeah?" you nod and he smiles and in a relatively strange move, stretches his hand out to shake
You take it and give it a firm shake, flashing him a smile. His face goes beet red and he retracts his hand quickly, but you try not to look into that too much
A shrill call of your name snaps your attention towards Takemichi and his little gang again, nothing seems particularly wrong but still, you haul ass to make sure all is well
Turns out he just wanted some help reaching something that'd gotten stuck up a tree, you crouched down to let him clamber onto your shoulders to reach and he got it down without a hitch
Plopping him back down on the floor, Mikey quietly tugged on the sleeve of your coat, not meeting you eyes as he stuck his leg out and showed you the scrapes down his shin, red and fresh
You coo gently and kneel down to inspect them, pulling out an alcohol wipe and several plasters you keep on hand and clean him up without question
Once you're done you get taken by surprise by a tight hug from him, you aren't averse to it at all and you hold him close until he pulls back. You cup his face gently
"Alright sweertheart, be careful next time, okay?" you tell him softly and tears well up in his eyes again and before you can ask if he's okay, he's hugging you again
Crunching footsteps approach, you look up from your place from the floor and find Shinichiro looking down with a glint of worry, you shrug minutely and give him a look to tell him you're just as confused as he is as you sway softly with Mikey in your arms
He kneels down to your level, essentially peering over your shoulder at his younger brother and you notice that he smells unexpectedly nice for a teen boy, you glance backwards and from up close you can see that he's got a pretty face to match
You can't pull your gaze from his face until his eyes meet yours and you go back to looking at the top of Mikey's head to avoid being caught
Shinichiro shifts around to sit on the floor behind you
"Hey, Mikey?" he asks and gets a soft grunt in return, muffled by your shoulder. "You alright lil' man?"
You scoot around to half face Shinichiro as he tries to coax his brother out of your arms to check on him, it works eventually and Mikey pulls away from you with a shaky breath
Shinichiro cradles him with much more kindness than you'd expect from a delinquent, and as contextually inappropriate as it is you can't help but think it made him quite attractive
Eventually, Shinichiro gives you a sympathetic smile and scoops Mikey up to go sit with him and the other boys he calls Wakasa and Benkei, quietly you tell him that's okay and watch him leave
"I think you should marry him." Takemichi whispers loudly in your ear, startling you
"I should what?!" you whisper-shouted back, blush creeping up your cheeks, you knew Takemichi was smarter than he let on, but was your newly budding crush really that obvious?
"Marry him, duh."
"Why?" you asked exasperatedly, you thought you would've gotten used to Takemichi's Takemichi-isms by now but apparently the boy had no end to the situations he could get into
"Because." you sighed and your head sank, it's only Tuesday...
Out of earshot back with Shinichiro, Mikey was goading him into the same conversation. The tears had stopped the second Shinichiro had sat down with him on his lap and Mikey hadn't stopped talking since then
"Well, I still think you should marry her."
"Lil' dude, I've never even kissed a girl so I think we're setting the bar a little bit high there..."
"Then she can be your first, idiot."
"Hey!" Wakasa and Benkei snickered behind him, they were definitely going to rag on him about this at their meeting later, but he tried to ignore it
He was red up to his ears, he'd thought you were beautiful since the second you'd set foot in the park, so much so that his jaw dropped enough for his cigarette to slip out his mouth, he'd turned away from you because what if you saw that? That would be so embarrassing it would end him
The sun was just beginning to set and you returned to the corner with Takemichi and his gaggle of friends so they could say goodbye before you left
The way Shinichiro was being so sweet with his brother was making you feel things now that a romantic perspective had been cast on him...
You kept your gaze steady and when it came time to bid him a farewell yourself you met his eyes with confidence and an out stretched hand, offering him your knuckles in a more cordial way of shaking as you said goodbye with a smile
Shinichiro panicked when he saw your hand and out of desperate impulse, he cradled it with his hands and gently kissed your knuckles and then promptly freaked out
"Sorry! That was a bit forward wasn't it! Uh-" you cut him off with a mildly amused, mildly embarrassed giggle, heat crawling up your cheeks as you reassured him it was okay and bid him a bubble goodbye
When you walked away, you turned back to give him a last wave, and smiled when you found he was still red in the face
You made sure you were well out of earshot before you asked Takemichi
"So... is he single?" Takemichi gasped loudly and jumped around with more childish enthusiasm than you'd ever seen from him
"Very!" yowch, poor guy, but still you smiled and quietly pumped your fist. Sure he looked kind of sketchy but your heart was telling you he was a kind guy and your brain had nothing to prove that notion wrong
You had a shot!
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Once you left his eyesight, Shinichiro all but deflated, hunching over with his hands on his knees as he tried to will the heat out of his cheeks
"Oh man, what was that?" Wakasa teased, poking his back before kicking the back of his calf
"Shut up..." Shinichiro groaned, Mikey patted his back sagely and gave him a sympathetic nod
"She's single, you've got a shot. Even if you're a bit pathetic, I think she might be into that."
"Thanks, Michael."
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Takemichi had insisted on dragging you with him to see Mikey as much as possible, meaning you'd ended up at his house more often than you ever imagined you would
You also ended up in Shinichiro's bedroom more often than you thought you would've, Mikey and Takemichi liked to be in there and you all but bent to their whims
So several times a weel, you'd end up sat on Shinichiro's bed with him, lowly talking about life as Takemichi and his friends ran about the house
As it turns out, Shinichiro was a lot softer than you thought, someone who looked for the simple joys in life, loved his family and had a very cute dorky interest in motorbikes
Sometimes he'd show you what he was working on, dragging you over to his work section and showing you the bike parts he was fixing up
You listened, of course you did, you hung on to his every word just like he hung on to yours, but pretty often you'd find yourself lost more in his warm eyes and pleasant baritone voice than his ramblings about bikes
Oh, he was stupidly pretty, and stupidly kind, and it came as a surprise when you found out he wasn't just the member of a gang, but the leader of the top motorcycle gang in the Kanto region
Still, you were in too deep and you couldn't let him go now, not when just being with him made you feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside, when being asked about him made you feel like you were being asked to bare your whole heart, when just seeing him made you feel so much more alive
So, you'd ignore it for now and continue the comfortable flow of your life and pray your paths stay connected for long enough for it all to work out
Shinichiro often felt the same, he could admit he was in stupid teenage love and kick his feet like a schoolgirl about it with no shame when he was alone in his room
You'd waltzed into his life and it felt like you'd cut through the remaining fog at the edges of his vision, the whole world seemed brighter with you around and he found himself thinking of you when he looked at the way sunlight filtered through leaves and when dark clouds brought nourishing rain in the late evening
Wakasa was right, he was whipped, totally smitten. Oh, what was he going to do about this...
He sighed into his pillow, there was a big confrontation set for tomorrow and he was having rare worries that things might go too far south... should he just tell you? Just in case?
If he didn't come back, if he died there, could he accept never telling you that he loved you?
The answer was clear before he'd even finished the thought and he was already reaching for his bike before he'd really finished the thought.
No, he couldn't. So tonight he'd be impulsive
Speeding down the city streets, he pulled up outside your house and turned to his only real source of romantic ideas and chucked almost a dozen pebbles at your window like they did in the movies before you opened your window
You were muddled with sleep, your hair a mess and your shirt slipping down one shoulder, you had dried drool on your cheek that you wiped off but he couldn't help but admire how pretty you looked doused in streetlight, you could really pull just about anything off, couldn't you?
"Hey! I need to talk to you!" he yelled from the street
"God, yeah! Okay, just- keep it down, stupid!" you shouted back as quietly as was reasonable
"Can you uh- can you come down here?" he asked, sounding weirdly defeated, you nodded and sneaked downstairs and out your door as quietly as possible
Dressed in a the first, and quite garish, jacket your hands found and a pair of crocs, you took his breath away and he could feel the nerves the adrenaline had kept at bay creeping back in
Shinichiro tried to speak but all he could get out was a wheeze and a blush as he couldn't look away from your eyes, you tilted your head and waited for him to speak
He couldn't, instead leaning back on his bike and shakily bringing a cigarette to his lips and you watched as his hands tried to grapple with lighting it
Cautiously, you took the lighter from him and lit the end of his cigarette yourself, his eyes gleamed with wonder in the lighter's small flame when you glanced up at him through your eye lashes
He took a long drag of his cigarette and blew it away from you, turning his head away, licking his lips and mulling over the best words to use
You sighed through your nose, stepping close enough to be between his legs you reached up to pluck the cigarette out of his mouth when his hands stopped shaking, his eyes followed your hand until it, and the cigarette between your fingers, fell to your side and he looked into yours wordlessly as your other hand cupped his face
"You're too cute to die of lung cancer..." you mumbled, lowering your gaze to the neckline of Shinichiro's shirt as you let the lit cigarette drop into a puddle by your feet, there was no universe in which he could even think of being mad at you for that despite the waste
Your eyes flicked down to his lips, you'd been crushing on him hard for months now, the thought of being with him echoing through your head like the sweetest bell chime and tonight all you could see in front of you was your opportunity to make that clear
"Shinichiro..." his heart seized as you called him by his given name, it sounded so lovely in your voice... "can I kiss you?"
Your mumbled desire swirled around his ears like smoke and yet again he couldn't speak, but he could find it in him to nod
"Use your words, 'chiro." oh, you were going to kill him...
"Yes, please."
Your lips met and it felt like the sky had been lifted off of your shoulders, his lips were slightly chapped and he tasted of cigarette smoke but that was more than okay because you were kissing Shinichiro
You relaxed into him, a hand sliding up his back and into his hair
He whimpered into the kiss quietly as his hands travelled down to your lower back, you were soft in a way that transcended physical, you were like a warm bed in winter and fluffy clouds in the setting sun
And you were kissing him
He felt like he had to come up for air or he'd pass out, to be honest he might just pass out either way...
Shinichiro broke the kiss and pulled back, staring at you in amazement and you couldn't help but giggle at the silly love-struck face he was pulling
He joined you giggling soon enough, a bright smile overtaking his face as he cupped yours, his eyes so full of warmth it stopped all of your thoughts in their tracks
"You- uh, you wanna go out? With me?" he asked dumbly, too lost in your eyes and his thoughts to be speaking with any kind of coherence. "On a date?"
You grinned back. "I'm free this friday."
"It's a date! Literally! I'll pick you up at uh- seven? Is seven good?"
"Very, Shinichiro." you said through your smile.
"I'll see you then!" he yelled as he dove for his bike realising the streetlights were starting to go out and he needed to go home and you needed to go to bed. "I'll win that fight tomorrow! For you!"
You were confused about what he meant by that, but he was already pushing his bike down the road and waving like a mad man so it wasn't like you could ask, you had to go back inside soon anyways
"You'll do great! Good luck!" you called down the street, waving back and blowing a kiss when he turned to look at you
He caught it in one hand and slapped it to his chest with an over dramatic swoon that had you doubling over, how in the lord's name a man like him could be so ridiculous you may never know but you were so happy to be his first kiss
When, not if, you have it your way you were never going to let that silly man go
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haa first proper post here lmao, thanks for reading! reblogs appreciated <3
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effetsecndaires · 1 month
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐯 𝐦𝐞𝐧 (+ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮) + 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬. (𝟑)
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➺ INCLUDES: south terano, shinichiro sano, keizo arashi (benkei), takeomi akashi, mitsuya takashi, senju kawaragi (all of legal age, timeskip or bonten) x fem!reader
➺ CONTENT WARNING | this post contains explicit porn links!! you may need to have a twitter account or change your privacy settings to be able to see them. Please do not interact if you are under 18.
➺ NOTE | i’ll be taking a break from twitter links after this one. I want to focus on actual writing rather than straight up porn lol
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If there's one thing South loves more than pounding your pussy, it's shoving his cock down your throat. He’ll have you laying on your back with your head hanging off the side of the bed, his cock stuffed deep inside your throat. He’ll wrap his hand around the large bulge and jerk it before withdrawing just long enough to let you breathe, quickly going back to pushing himself all the way down your throat, watching as you swallow him down effortlessly.
↳ LINK ↲ [broken :(]
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Benkei is always so gentle with you. Because of this, you’d think morning sex with him would also be gentle; soft whispers exchanged in each other’s mouths while he gently pushes his cock into you, his hand on your clit helping you reach your climax faster. While this scenario does happen, it doesn't always go the way you think it will. Most times when he's been awake for longer than you have - he'll have you laying down on your belly, one of your legs dangling off the bed as he takes you from behind, your face buried deep into the pillow to muffle your moans, fists twisting the sheets. His hands grip onto your hips and the plump skin of your ass as he chases his high, each thrust bringing the two of you closer to your limit.
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Days where Shin has the house to himself are rare, but when he does, the two of you always make the most of it. Those days usually consist of cuddling, making out, and, well, lots of sex. It's the only time when you can be as loud as you want — and most importantly your only opportunity to fuck whenever and wherever you want. You’ll be preparing breakfast in the morning and Shin will have you pressed against the counter before you can even begin to light the stove, his hands pushing your skirt up so he can bury his face between your thighs, starting his day with his favorite breakfast.
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This man will lose his fucking mind if you give him head, especially if you do it out of nowhere while the two of you are relaxing in bed or watching a movie on the couch. It’ll start with you palming him over his sweatpants, teasing him just long enough to get him hot and bothered, his mind becoming too cloudy to focus on anything outside of you. He’ll lift himself up and push his pants down to his thighs, your lips immediately wrapping around his thick cock, sucking and stroking what doesn't fit in your mouth.
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Mitsuya much prefers giving rather than receiving, which is why he always insists on eating you out before fucking you. You don’t even have to return the favor — he doesn't need it. Don't get me wrong, he does enjoy getting head and he obviously won't refuse a blowjob when you offer him one, but watching you moan and squirm as he coaxes orgasm after orgasm out of you has to be his favorite sight in the world. All he wants is to make you feel good, his hands resting on your ass as you circle your hips and hump his face, pushing his tongue deeper and fucking yourself on it as you sit on his pretty face.
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Senju eats you out so good, it’s almost embarrassing how quickly she manages to break you into a moaning mess and pull multiple orgasms out of you with just her tongue. She knows exactly what you like, what to do and where to focus in order to get a specific reaction out of you or have you pull her hair just a bit tighter — your moans like music to her ears as she devours you.
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salaciousdoll · 8 months
✩˚。⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Girl Ride ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ˚。✩
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・˳ . ⋆ brought to you by Shinichiro Sano x Chubby!Fem!reader ・˳ . ⋆
Synopsis: Shinichiro takes you on a ride, will you hop on or no?
୨୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Be advised to the warnings of smut, Cockwarming, Cheating( a bunch of cheating with both of your relationships), exhibition( heavy here), public sex, agoraphilia, fat pussy justice here, final timeline au, shin is a bit cocky here and it’s because of you, implied creampie, big dick!Shin, voyeurism, 1st generation black dragons take a ride with you and Shin, Izana is your ex boyfriend who cheats on you with Shin’s girlfriend, your bestfriend is shin’s gf, do not try this in real life or else you’re can potentially end up on the se* offender list( you are warned), wrap it up everyone, pet names( Princess, doll, butterfly, and little mama by Benkei), I just feel like he’ll call girls he like that sorry not sorry, let me know if I missed anything
Wc: 3.1k
Minors do not interact, 18+
ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚Note from Salaciousdoll: I hope you all enjoy this just as much I enjoyed writing this. I haven’t been in the writing part of the fandom in a long time, so take this as a peace offering for neglecting these beautiful men and you girlies and guys that’s been following me because of them. These are my writing roots and I couldn’t completely forget about them, so thank you all and I hope you enjoy again. And again, do not try this for real specially on a motorcycle
゚•┈୨ Salaciousber Masterlist ୧┈•゚。. •┈୨ Taglist ୧┈•゚。
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The leaves were idyllic as they danced their way down the trees and onto the sidewalk in front of Shinichiro’s SS motors shop with Inupi. The sky was pitch black with brown clouds gathering across it since it was night. The season of fall was beautiful everywhere and you just couldn’t stop staring at the colorful leaves as four men spoke in the background. One of them was the man your “best friend” cheated on. The man was so quick to forgive her for her wrongs, but you weren’t. The feeling of being cheated on by your bestfriend and man hurts so much. You couldn’t understand what made her cheat on Shinichiro with your man.
The man you liked but didn’t love. She broke the girl code with him. Girl code you two valued ever since you were younger or in this case, teenagers. It was sickening to your stomach when you saw the video tape she sent to Shinichiro, it’s like she wanted to break the poor man's heart. The video did more damage to you than Shin by virtue of the movements and positions they did. What really got you when Shin showed it to you was the way he and she were laughing it up on camera. The words and phrases of “ stoppp, not anymore.” Or “ wouldn’t want them to find out so hush” were stamped into your head and as you looked closely, you noticed the settings of where they were fucking. In your bedroom and at the Halloween party you threw. The cat girl costume she had on and the ugly ass king costume he had on gave it away as well.
And how you know it was your room they were fucking in, the cheetah print sheets with the pink fur runner across the bed gave it away. You were so glad you didn’t sleep on your bed that night, instead you slept in Shinichiro’s bed. You and Shin were never supposed to happen but a part of you was glad it happened. His friends have been wanting y’all to happen since you got introduced to him by his cheating ass girlfriend, the same girl who introduced you to your boyfriend on the same day. His friends hated how love sick Shinichiro was over your friend. He needed better and you were better for him mainly because they saw how you were with your boyfriend when he came around his brother and friends—visiting the shop. So when Shinichiro told them of his scandal, during that moment; he got the video message from his girlfriend. You found out a day later and now you frequently visit Shinichiro and his friends at the shop.
You were still lost in your head when you heard a loud shout of your name being called, snatching you out of the daydream, you turned to the voice and saw Shinchiro smiling at you with his hand out, “ Let’s go riding, Doll.” That nickname, that’s the same nickname he called you while he was deep in your guts.
You smiled at the little snippet of your memory prior to taking his hand in yours and walking to his bike. You were about to get on when he suddenly turned to his friends, “ You all can go ahead, have to talk to { reader}. Meet ya’ out there?”
Wakasa nodded as Takeomi patted Shinichiro on the back and Benkei put his hand on Shinichiro’s head, ruffling his hair. They all left with smirks— looking at Shinichiro as they left, you raised an eyebrow, “ What’s wrong?”
Sitting on his bike, Shinichiro grabbed your hand and smiled up at you, “ I remember our conversation that night about how you wanted to experience exhibition and bike riding, let’s do it while we ride in the night, on the highway .” Your eyes widened and you looked around to see if anyone heard him, nobody was near you two.
He laughed and pointed to the front of the shop since you were in the back of the shop, “ Inupi’s up there handling closing the shop up so don’t worry about him and you should know that everyone else is out in the front waiting for us on their bikes. Hop on princess, cockwarm me as I drive us to a spot we went when we were your age and see the star in the big black ink.”
You laughed at his description of the sky, “ How is it gonna work? We could go to jail and end up on the register sex offender list Shin, we both don’t need to be on there and besides it was just something to lead to us fucking, I didn’t think you actually listened.”
Shinchiro squeezed your hand and looked at you with his pretty onyx eyes, “ We’re not gonna get caught because of you facing me while I drive us and besides you’re not moving an inch, the ride is. But say the word no and we can just stay here, doesn’t matter to me. I just want to be around you.” This was so wrong, especially when you were starting to feel something for Shinichiro after weeks together. That’s abnormal. This entire situation was because you were becoming no better than your best friend.
You thought about it and wanted to do it badly, especially with the ex-1st generation black dragon leader. You are years younger than the 43 year old— tempting automatically. Older man with a motorcycle was your dream, so you for sure said yes. He hurried to unzip his pants and stroked his hard cock three times. Fuck, you missed the feeling of his cock inside of you. Large and fulfilling were the words to describe him. Such a beautiful cock too, illustrated with a pretty, tan-blushed tip with one vein running on the side. The curve of his cock was so unique and beautiful to you, it curved to the right. He didn’t have a bunch of hair, it was trimmed down. You wanted to suck him, but they’ll have to wait. You were so glad that Shincihiro had a crazy amount of sex appeal with or without showing his dick. You were wet as he was holding your hand, only getting wetter at the thought of fucking in public.
You were glad you were slightly trimmed and got in the shower before this get together with Shinichiro and his friends. You swiftly moved your pretty cheetah print panties to the side after lifting up your mini skirt. Your pussy was so pretty to Shinichiro and will always be pretty to him. Your pussy was so fat and pretty, especially with your panties pulled to the side. He watched you placed your legs on the side of his— watching the way you shook on his body was enough to make him fuck you even more when you two get to the destination.
Shinichiro paid attention to the way you bit your lip to hold back a loud moan erupting from how far he stretched you out, “ Don’t hold back on me, princess. You know the deal already.” You could hear the sternness in his voice and knew he wasn’t playing. You were taking your time and teasing him with the little roll of your hips. Shinichiro had enough of your teasing and grabbed a hold of your love handles or hips and slammed you down on his cock.
“ Ahnnn, so deep… s’deep inside .”, You moaned out with your head thrown back and your eyes closed tightly. Shinchiro groaned at your pussy locking in on him. This ride was gonna be torture and fun. He was about to say fuck it all and just fuck you right and now, but Takeomi’s annoying bangs on the window and annoying ass voice was yelling at them about “taking too damn long” and “hurry up”.
Shinichiro revved his engine up, earning a moan from you as you clenched around him even more. The clench of your pussy around him was like the butterfly effect due to him moaning right after you, almost cumming inside of you.
He rode out his garage to his shop with the bike still vibrating underneath you two. Your clit was heavily affected by this because vibrations to the most sensitive part of your body never goes well. Shinichiro spoke to you after smacking your ass with his large, clammy hand, “ Open your mouth, I want you to hold my spit until we get to the highway. Can you, nmgh, can you do that for me, my pretty princess? Breathe play, okay? You can always opt out and swallow anytime just prepare the consequences.”
He tapped your chin with his finger and you obliged happily— tilting your head, so he could spit inside of it. And he did. If you had to describe his spit, it would be a warm watery filling. Tasted like beer and cigarettes though, not a good taste, but you’ll accept anything Shinichiro gives you.
You tried to make yourself look normal since his spit was in your mouth as he drove near his friends. Takeomi had a cigarette hanging out his mouth when he yelled out, “ Finally, now let’s go and why is she sitting like that?”
Shinchiro had a smug look on his face and looked at you, watching as you shook your head, speaking afterwards, “ Ask her, not me.” He knew you couldn’t speak, yet he still included you in to speak. Being teased is no fun. Takeomi looked in your eyes and saw how they were beginning to water and knew what exactly was happening, you were cockwarming Shinichiro. Takeomi’s face could’ve almost morph into the grinch with the way he was smirking— revving up his engine and riding off with loud laughter.
Wakasa was confused so he asked you the famous question, “ Why are you sitting like that, { reader}? You just want to sit like that or…?” Wakasa trailed off his sentence with a smirk as he sucked on his lollipop.
Benkei took notice of how bad you were shaking and chuckled to himself— fist bumping Wakasa and then Shinichiro after, patting you on the head when he was done with them, “ Cockwarming him, little mama. You’re so naughty and bold tonight, hope you’re ready for the ride, little mama. Let see how long you can hold on until you break.”
Your whine was muffled and Shinichiro chuckled, “ She’s doing something else too. Wanna join in on the teasing boys. All you have to do is ask her questions about anything and everything, she can’t talk not once and that’s mainly due to my spit inside of her mouth. If she does swallow and answer a question, you join the fray. Let’s have fun like we’re young again.” Shinichiro revived his engine three more times, pulling off afterwards with Wakasa and Benkei in tow.
He turned the corner and rode down the street catching up to Takeomi, who was waiting for them to catch up. Shinichiro wanted you to have a helmet on, but he needed to see your facial expression when you cum on his cock.
Shin rode over a speed hump and you both elicited a moan out each of your mouths, “ Fuck, you’re doing s’good f’me, princess. Grind on that shit.” And you did, well tried. You moved your hips back and forth causing both of you to grip on something. He gripped on his motorcycle's handles and you gripped onto his back. His eyes almost closed and Waka snapped him out of it with a shout of his name. Shinichiro looked over at Waka as an answer, “ Keep your eyes open, Shin, I know it’s some amazing pussy, but you gotta not crash, alright?”
Shinichiro gulped and nodded his head, as for you, you were trying not to swallow his spit but a part of you wanted to swallow to get fucked by all of them. What can you say? They were handsome, older men. Perfect for you. You were in your mid 20s and they were in their early 40s.
Wakasa smirked at you as you looked at him from behind Shin’s head, “ You wouldn’t mind telling us why and how you thought of this? Shinichiro isn’t this crazy and daring.” Wakasa smiled when he saw you roll your eyes at the bump Shinichiro hit on purpose, meaning his cock was reaching your cervix, making you feel so good that it was torturing trying to answer his question and trying not to moan out loud.
Takeomi tried next with a wide ass smirk on his face as he asked the question, “ How would Izana feel knowing you’re out here fucking his older brother on his bike? Hmm.” You closed your eyes tightly and tried to ignore their shouts of questions.
Benkei shouted a question next as they all spread out prior to riding together again, passing by multiple cars. “ The question is how would Mikey feel as well? I mean, with knowing that his crush is fucking his older brother. He’s gonna be so mad at both of you.”
Your eyes suddenly popped open and you lifted your head about to swallow to answer until Shincihiro spoke, “ Remember, princess, you speak, you get punished.”
You sighed and wrapped your arms back around Shin’s neck, your cunt was squeezing around his cock so good. In your head, it was jumbled and mushiness. You tried to make out words but couldn’t because you were too fucked out without even being fucked properly.
In truth, you wanted to say that you didn’t know about Mikey’s crush on you so how did they know, yet the words just weren't coming to you. Shinichiro kept driving until they got to the stop light and when he did, he pressed the brakes hard— your pussy squelched as his cock thrusted into you. You couldn’t help but to let out a muffled moan, “ Mmmph!”
Shinchiro kissed you as he moved your hips up and down with his big hands. He was glad nobody was at the stop light since it’s like 2 am in the morning, still nighttime too. The other three men watched as he fucked you. Each wanting a piece of you as they saw you trying to hold yourself together, “ my pretty little, nngh! Shit! Tighten that pussy up for me, just like this.” You were fucking in public and hope you got caught by the police. The thrill of it all is all too much and you were sure you were about to squirt anytime soon.
When the light turned green, Shinchiro rode off so fast and you clenched tightly around him because of the emotion of fear creeping into your body like a ghost taking possession of you. Shinichiro laughed when Benkei said something but you couldn’t make it out since his engine was so damn loud, well all of their engines were loud as hell in the night, plus with the way his dick pulsed inside of you, you couldn’t hear anything.
Shinichiro finally got to the stoplight for you to enter the highway and his dick felt so good inside of you because he was driving down and then straight. Every movement of his bike, his cock thrusted into your pussy, giving you the dick you wanted and needed for a long time.
Once you all got into the lanes with Shinichiro in the middle lane and the other three behind him in the other lanes, you rode off with speed, probably going over the speed limit. The breeze on your face, through your clothes, and on your pussy was beautiful and added a cold feeling to your pleasure. You were in love with the night at the moment.
Shinchiro kissed you prior to licking your lips with his warm tongue, “ Swallow now, butterfly. You can swallow now. Let me hear those pretty moans.”
You hurried and swallowed his spit, letting out a huge exhale after inhaling in his spit for about two minutes max, “ Ahhn, I ne- need moreee. Give me more Chiro’. Want you to cum inside this pussy just so I could take it back to your brother.”
You had to yell it out and he loved it even more. Waka definitely had to get you after this because there’s no way a girl this bold can slip through his fingers. Benkei almost told Shinichiro to stop by a vacant parking lot off the highway, he wanted to fuck you until you were crying and messy. And Takeomi wanted your tits in his face whilst riding him until he’s drained and dry.
Shinichiro started to move in a zig zag motion, zooming past two or three cars to get back to an empty like highway, “ fuck, baby.” He lifted your skirt and smacked your ass, “ Wanna me to fill you up and send you back to my little brother, yeah? Such a dirty little slut he lost…” he then gripped the fat of your ass in one hand while his other hand was still on his bike, “ Let’s teach my little brother a lesson, shall we? Izana wouldn’t like it, but he should’ve thought twice about his decision. I Keep - uughhh- telling him that.``
Shinichiro’s moans were a beautiful melody and you couldn’t get enough of it. Shinchiro seen an exit and let you grip onto his back with one arm and his neck with the other as you continued to grind on him. Your orgasm hit you as soon as he swerved into the exit lane, “ Fu-uhhhhhh, thank you. Thank you. M’cummin. M’ gonn— unnnn.”
Your pussy convulsed around his cock like a heartbeat as you came undone on his cock especially with the three pairs of eyes trained on your face as you held onto Shinichiro. You didn’t care about anything or couldn’t care about anything at the moment because your orgasm made you see blackness.
Shinichiro orgasmed as soon as he got up the hill of the exit of the highway, so he had to pull over on the curb because if he didn’t, he would’ve crashed. “ Shit— baby, fucking perfect. Aah— my little brother is never getting you back. Mmmgh.” He meant every word he said and the men behind him knew he was for real.
You were still shaking against his chest as you held onto him tightly with his cock pumping cum into your pussy. He was sure that your cream was dripping down his cock and onto his pants. He laughed at the feeling and thought, kissing your forehead and rubbing your back, “ You did perfect for me, pretty princess. Perfect pussy, perfect body and moans. My perfect little doll.” Your eyes closed as he kept kissing your semi-sweaty forehead with his bike still rumbling underneath you. Your pussy was soon gonna go into overstimulation from it and he knew you needed more. You deserved more.
He turned his head back to the men who stared at you and him silently, “ wanna share for tonight?” They all nodded their heads eagerly prior to him turning back to you as you slump against his chest, “ Gonna let them join in the fun, baby?” You nodded without any thought, soon letting out a small “ yes daddy”.
Shinichiro smiled and kissed your head again, “ Then, let’s go.”
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ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚ Tagging: @chosoist @simpingfor-wakasa @honeybleed @angelshub and anyone else who wants to be tagged
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゚•┈© all right reserved to salaciousdoll, she does not give permission to steal, plagiarize, and translate.
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torasplanet · 6 months
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; fucking your little brother's role model while they're just outside is probably something you shouldn't do but shinichiro was just so cute that you couldn't help it!
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ; smut, public sex?, oral (m receiving), backshots, p in v, slutty!reader kinda, reader is draken's sister, shin being pussy drunk, loser!shin, kinda short, smoking, unprotected sex, shin's weak ass pull out game, reader skin color not mentioned
marls notes 2 u(*´▽`*) ; one of my all time fav tr writers liked my rinnie post AND reposted it(≧∇≦) !! literally had me giggling and kicking my feet yall :3
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The sound of the bell ringing as the door opened gained Shinichio’s attention as he worked on a bike in the front of the shop, he looked up to see who walked in and the cigarette nearly fell out of his mouth with how his lips parted. There stood probably the most beautiful woman Shinichiro had ever seen, you. You stood there with the sunlight shining behind you like you were an angel staring at him with a delightful look on your face, his eyes trailed to your side seeing your little brother, draken standing right next to you with your hand on the side of his head pressing his face into your lower torso as an act of affection but he had an annoyed look on his face obviously not enjoying it.
You must’ve been his sister, draken did say you might come around one day because of how worried you were about where he was going all day after school “You’re Shinichiro right?” You asked tilting your head slightly while you both continued to stare at each other, shinichiro’s cheeks turned a bit red as he continued to gaze at you and your body “Uh yeah.” The smile on your face grew at his response, his voice was hot. He was hot and his voice matched it, you decide then that you need him.
“Cool, I told Kenny I had to meet you or he wouldn’t be able to play.” You said nodding slightly, draken frowned at your comment and began to grumble something about how they weren’t ‘playing’ and how he told you not to call him that in front of people but you didn’t care. You were too busy staring at the Sano man who still hadn’t broken eye contact with you, the only time he did was when his eyes trailed down to your chest. Shinichiro put down the wrench in his hand and looked at draken “They’re out back.” He told the small blonde boy who almost ran out the door before he remembered to look at you asking for permission silently, he knew how strict you were about asking for permission “You heard him, go.” You didn’t have to tell him twice, draken quickly ran out the front door circling the building shouting for Mikey and announcing that he was here which made a giggle escape you as you broke eye contact with the black-haired male to watch your brother.
Shinichiro reached for the rag that was draped on the handle of the bike as he used the opportunity of you not looking at him to observe your body and drool at how your clothes hugged your shape so perfectly “So uh, what’s your name?” He already knew your name, Draken told him but he wanted you to tell him.
To start a conversation y’know?
“[Y/n].” You said watching as the scrawny man wiped his hands free of any grime or oil that had come from the bike, you slightly bit your lip at the sight of his veiny pale hands as you walked closer to him very slowly “That’s a pretty name.” Shinichiro said taking the cigarette out of his mouth before putting it out on the floor he was kneeling on and tossing it behind him, he’d remind himself to clean that up later but right now, he wasn’t moving an inch away especially with you getting closer to him.
“Thank you, y’know shinichiro’s a pretty name too.” You said smiling widely at the compliment and how Shinichiro chuckled lowly at your reply, he was so cute! Him calling your name pretty shouldn’t have meant that much to you because it was just a simple compliment but for you...it was enough to let him fuck you in the back room of the shop after only a few minutes of small talk.
Your hands planted on the flat table black oil getting all over them as you rocked back and forth making the table shake and your breasts that were held by your lacy bra bounce, Shinichiro’s hands held a firm grip on your hips as he relentlessly pounded into you moaning and groaning about how good you felt while he eyed your smooth back as it arched with every harsh hit to your cervix “F-fuck! Shin…!” You moaned out throwing your head back while trying to keep yourself steady while you stared up at the tools propped up on the wall above your head with your lidded eyes full of lust and small tears, it was just so good.
Your shorts were discarded somewhere on the floor along with your panties and shirt leaving you only in your lacey black bra which Shinichiro was dying to rip off, your legs were shaking as you tried to keep standing and not fall to the ground and Shinichiro’s were too, fuck he hadn’t had sex in a while and his legs were cramping but he was not stopping at all. You felt too good for him to stop now “S-so good…! Mhm, f-fuckkkk, baby.” He moaned out running a hand up your smooth back making shivers run down your spine, your face nearly hit the tools on the wall from how violent his thrusts were but you continued moaning like a porn star like your brother, his brother, and their other little friends weren’t outside of this shop right now hanging out. You almost felt guilty for doing this whenever you occasionally heard the fits of giggles and yelling that came from them, key word, almost.
You heard a lot about Shinichiro Sano, the former leader and creator of The Black Dragons. Mainly from your brother who clearly looked up to Shinichiro a lot and he didn't deny it, he told you how he thought Shinichiro was cool for his motor skills but everything else you heard was how he was a loser who got no girls, how he spends most of his time in his shop working on bikes and you were expecting an actual loser, an ugly guy, and thought that this meeting would be short and you’d be quickly to leave but when you caught a glimpse of what he looked like the moment you stepped through the door. You knew you weren’t leaving, not without something from him like his number anyway. You were getting much more than his number.
It didn’t make sense to you how this hot man didn’t get any girls. No one wanted this man? He was hot, and cute, and god did he know how to fuck but their loss, more shin for you;)
“Ow! B-Be...ngh...careful!” You whined through your pitiful moans as Shinichiro delivered a harsh slap to the fat of your ass, he opened his eyes and looked down at you with sweat bullets running down his forehead and nearly closed eyes “Sorry...fuck, beautiful, just–ugh–can’t get enough of ya’.” He responded retreating his hand back to your hip, your hands flew up from the table and onto the wall and the tools covering them in the thick black oil that your palms were coated in. Your cunt tightened around him as you let out a large high-pitched yelp, god you haven’t even known him for twenty minutes and you were already nearing your edge.
But what you didn’t know is that Shinichiro had been holding back for a while so you didn’t think he was a loser for cumming so fast, he was going to wait until you came but this wasn’t really that effective on his part because it’s like holding back and the warmth of your throbbing cunt killed most of the brain cells he had, he wasn’t thinking, there was nothing to think about other than this magnificent pussy of yours. Shinichiro didn’t care about his brother and his stupid friends, he couldn’t give a single shit if they walked in here right now, he’d probably keep going.
Your lips parted forming a small ‘O’ as you breathed heavily “Shit, shit, shit! M’...cumming!” You shouted with your nails digging into the tools on the wall causing you pain but the pleasure overrode it. These words were like the lottery to him as he looked up at the ceiling seeing stars as he felt you cum all over him, he wanted to pull out and spray thick ropes onto your back and that stupid fucking bra he couldn’t take off but he couldn’t and ended up cumming inside, it’s not like he was incompetent, it was just too hard to see anything with the white spots he was seeing.
“Oh my fucking god.” The sano male muttered as he looked at your cunt leaking a mixture of your cum and his own, you were so damn beautiful and his cock sprung up once again when you turned your head to look back at him with a tired face, you glanced down at your back which you expected to be covered in cum before looking at him once again with a tired and evil smile growing on your face and it made him wonder what you were planning to do or say. What he was about to hear would probably put his loser ass in a fucking coma. “Want more.” His eyes widened at your statement and he looked at you like you were crazy. 
You needed more of him, you couldn’t just settle for some sloppy backshots! You didn’t expect him to cum inside of you but now that he had, you craved more. More of his dick, you felt like you would die right here if you didn’t “Huh? More?” Shinichiro questioned as he watched you turn your body around before you lowered yourself to your knees in front of him with your legs spread slightly, his dark eyes lowered down once again gazing at how his cum continued to seep out of you and onto the ground with some smeared on the inside of your thighs. He made eye contact with you and you were looking up at him through your lashes with a sweet look “If that’s…okay with you?” You said continuing to look up at him from your spot on the floor completely ignoring his cock that was in front of your face.
Shinchiro wasn’t that lengthy but what he didn’t have in the length department, he made up with his girth, and boy did you feel all of that thickness when he plunged himself into you. It was like he was re-shaping your walls “Y-Yeah, of course!” Shinichiro said more cheerfully than he wanted to as you put your hands on his clothes thighs as his pants were only lowered a bit, he loved the idea of going at it again but that bra…he wanted–no, he needed it off.
“But, can…can you take off your bra?” He requested nervously making you smile and giggle a bit, he was acting like a virgin! Maybe he was but there was no way a virgin could fuck that good. You hummed in response before reaching your arms back and undoing your bra strap before letting it fall to the ground in front of you and Shinichiro’s mouth was agape at the sight, he was definitely rock hard by now “Glad to see you think m’ pretty.” You said looking at his dick that was standing up straight practically sitting against his lower abdomen, you reached to grab it but remembered the oil all over your hands, Shinchiro didn’t. He didn’t care if you covered his cock with that oil, he just needed you to touch him “Forgot about the oil, sorry.” You said quietly wiping your hands on his jeans before lowering your mouth onto him taking him in with no problem whatsoever.
His head flew back with his black hair springing everywhere “Fuck, m....my god.” He moaned as his hand flew to your head as you bobbed your head up and down, your nose pressing into the messy nest that was his black pubes with your hands remaining on his clothed thighs “God, are you always this straight-forward?” Shinichiro asked looking back down at you trying his hardest not to moan as he got that sentence out, you giggled on his dick sending vibrations to it before you pulled off momentarily to reply.
“No, just f'you. You were too cute, couldn’t resist.” You didn’t even give him a chance to respond before you were back sucking on his cock like it was oxygen, you weren’t…really a whore but you weren’t exactly a virgin mary either. But you never let a guy do this much on the first time you met, hell not even the first week but Shinichiro was special, he was really cute and his dick was too! You had no issue being his little cock whore.
Shameless moans and sucking noises echoed into the atmosphere and Shinichiro began to get dizzy and he was seeing stars once again, Jesus, you were really trying to suck his soul out of him weren’t you? Though he wasn’t complaining, not at all and his pathetic whines and groans were evidence of that. “Fuck! Wanna cum on...y-ou. All on you, will you let me baby?” He wailed with a tight grip on your head as he felt your tongue swirl around his cock and his bright pink tip, you nodded and hummed not removing your lips from around his cock enjoying the taste of yourself and his cum that was left on him. He felt a smile growing on your lips as his back arched slightly at the vibrations you were sending to his dick.
God, he was cumming already and you knew it. You wiped your right hand all over his pants to get rid of any oil that was left on there before removing your lips from him with a thin string of saliva connecting you to his tip. Your hand replaced the warmth and moist place that was in your mouth as you began to jerk him off while looking up at him smiling at his moans and his red face. 
The sano adult eventually came and came all over your face and tits, he tried to regain a steady breathing pace as he looked down at the beautiful sight that was you as you scooped some of the cum that was on your chest before popping your finger in your mouth humming at the taste. He continued to gaze at you even when you looked at him.
“So, wanna go on a date?”
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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paroslineage · 2 months
Shinichiro Sano x Fem!Reader
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TW : Blood, Reader Death, Canon Divergence.
This is my own original idea and the characters of TR do not belong to me but Ken Wakui. Do not steal :/
Genre : Fluff to Angst.
Next > The Aftermath.
It was only a mistake....
09:42 P.M. was the time when it took place...
All it took was one regrettable action and a pair of Bolt Cutters...
It never meant to happen...
9:18 P.M.
"Shini~" You lovingly called out to your fiancé, elongating the last syllable.
"Yes darling?" Shinichiro replied chuckling oh so handsomely for someone who got rejected 20 times.
"When are you going to finish?" You whined wanting to just cuddle with your Shinichiro
"Just a minute more dear." Shinichiro replied lovingly and patiently.
You sigh purposefully to make him feel bad which actually does the job of getting Shinichiro to get the fixing wrapped up.
He sauntered over to you his usual boyish charming smile that made your knees weak. That was your first reason to fall for the older Sano in the first place afterall. After all the unsuccessful times of getting a girlfriend he finally found you...
His Diamond.
His one and only one.
Until the action took place unfortunately...
You both were now in the garage lobby room frolicking around.
"Hey Shini..?" You broke the silence first
"Hm..yes darling?" Shinichiro's deep voice replied to you.
"I can't wait to get married to you...can you believe that its in in one week?!" you exclaimed Excitedly.
Shinichiro chuckled at your excited tone and his deep obsidian eyes followed your every happy moment as you danced about adorably.
He strided towards you and gathered you into his arms holding you lovingly and firmly having no intentions to ever let go as he peered down at you with nothing but fondness and extreme devotion towards you ...his fiancée
"Me too darling...me too...I'm just waiting just so I can call you my wifey."
"You know? I'm still waiting for Mikey's,Emma's and Izana's reaction when I'm officially their Nee-San."
You sigh happily to which Shinichiro looks down at you with heart in his eyes and his heart swelling twice for the love you had for his dear siblings.
"And you know that you have the freedom to call me 'wifey' even now right?" You retorted in a playful sassy tone.
"Can't blame a man for having his goals right?" His eyes turned dark with desire as he held your bronze gaze locked in a heated manner.
You chuckle in amusement and slap his chest playfully making him give you a wide lopsided grin of his and leaned in to claim your soft and supple lips.
Both of you freeze and maintain eye contact and suddenly fall quiet you clutching onto him scared and he reciprocates by holding you fiercely to his chest wanting to protect you.
"What was that?" You spoke quietly in a perturbed tone.
"I think some bastard broke in the garage ....stay here darling ...can't risk you getting hurt alright? I'll be back in no time I love you." Shinichiro kissed your temple tenderly before moving towards the garage with extreme caution.
"Be safe honey.."
"I will baby, dont worry."
Before an hour.
"Hey Kazutora. Where are we going?"
"Well, Mikey's birthday's coming up, right? we're gonna give him a present!"
"A present like what?"
"A CB250T, just come on."
Outside S.S MOTORS.
"This is the place."
"This bike shop."
"A CB250T..."
"Let's steal it ♡."
"What?! We can't just steal it!"
"We can't?"
"There's no way Mikey would be happy...if we got one that way."
"You dumbass. He doesn't need to know the details. The only way middle schoolers like us can get one is if someone older gives one to us, or we steal one."
Inside the Restaurant.
"What're you freaking out for? I sure the tank's not empty. Easy peasy."
"...You dumbass. That's not the problem here I'm telling you, stealing is bad."
"You wanna see Mikey happy, don't you?~ This is the bike he's always dreamed of."
"Yeah, but..."
"Come on don't back out now~"
Current Time 9:27.
"You always complain..But here you are, right by my side again. Let's go."
"Seriously? It opened.."
"Whoa, no security alarms or anything? Sweet ♡. What're you doing, Baji?"
"Are we really gonna do this, Kazutora."
"Keep it down."
"There's no turning back, dude. Are we really gonna do this,Kazutora?"
"just shut up. is it this way?"
"Look, Baji. It's the CB250T!".
"It's so awesome."
"Wait this thing isn't new."
"Yeah, its here for maintainance..It's a total custom job. Look at those thick wheels. This bike... I'm sure Mikey would look super badass on it."
"All right, let me see it. Damn it...It's not breaking off easy."
"Hurry up."
"It's so hard!...I got it!"
"All right! Let's roll it out. Yes! It's got gas in the tank. it'll start.
"It's too soon for that. I'm gonna go outside and open the shutters."
"R-Right. Got it."
This might actually work, Kazutora.
"Yeah. I can just see Mikey's beaming face now."
"Yeah. You're gonna have the best birthday ever, Mikey!"
"Hey!...the hell? we gettin' robbed? whose shop you think you're breakin' into, huh?"
"Shit! He's got a weapon! What do we do?!"
"you little bastards ...you're not gonna get away!"
"What do we do?! He totally saw my face! Even if we make it out of here, we'll be arrested! What should we do?!"
"Hey...you look familiar."
"Is that you, Keisuke?"
"Shi...Shinichiro-kun? Why...What are you doing here?"
"What? Well, this is my shop."
"It's your..."
Meanwhile with you.
You were worried sick thinking why hadn't Shinichiro returned yet?
So you decided that you will go to him instead.
You went to the garage and saw Shinichiro talking to little Keisuke.
Keisuke's breath hitched and started trembling as he saw you...
His older sister ...
Y/N Baji...
"Hmm...What ....Kei....is that you....?.."You spoke unsure, squinting your eyes in the dark to see better.
What You and Shinichiro did not see was Kazutora sneaking up on Shinichiro with a pair of bolt cutters...
Keisuke noticed and his eyes widened as he tried to stop his best buddy Kazutora.
"Kazutora, don't!" Baji had his eyes widened to the point of just dots.
Just as Shinichiro was about to get hit you stepped in between Shinichiro and took the hard brunt force to your head before falling down harshly.
"Let's get the hell outta here, Baji!"
Baji left the bike which fell to the floor and ran towards the couple.
"Nee-San..Nee-San! What the hell did you do Kazutora?!"
"What was I supposed to do?! He saw us but she came in between!"
"Baby...my darling...hey ...wake up!" Shinichiro fell to his knees and scampered to your body cradling it.
"Nee-San?..." Kazutora smiled confused
"She...she...she's my older sister!" Baji replied with an anguished tone, his teary eyes not leaving your face.
Kazutora dropped the bolt cutters and started trembling as he took in your appearance, bleeding furiously from the forehead.
Meanwhile Shinichiro was in another distress.
"Hey...Y/N ...hey wifey ...get up please get up." He uttered loudly as he cradled your cold, limp body rocking you back and forth to ease his anxiety and shaking.
and Keisuke was...
"Nee-San I'm sorry...I'm sorry Nee-San please wake up." Keisuke sobbed violently as he fell to his knees and tried to crawl towards Shinichiro and you.
"Why..why is he crying?" Kazutora had a shaky grin as he pointed towards the broken man.
"Y/N Nee-San is.....is Shinichiro-kun's Fiancée!"
the following words make Kazutora's trembling worse.
"What are you standing there for?! Call the ambulance!!" Keisuke barked at Kazutora in distress.
Still Kazutora could not move as he was having a panic attack.
Shinichiro fell awfully quiet has he looked down at you. his obsidian eyes now dull and diminished ..your face peaceful ..had it not been the blood running down your temple he would have thought that you were sleeping peacefully without any care in the world.
Suddenly Shinichiro wailed in anguish clutching you closer to his chest and possibly heart...
hearing such a wail, both Baji and Kazutora froze in their places their eyes darting to the couple.
One had revenge on his mind.
One was In a state absolute anguish and distress mourning for his beloved.
One was sobbing incoherently apologizing without his cause.
oh right ....it was 9:42 P.M.
The sound of the ambulance and police sirens came came from a distance but neither of them both tried to move.
as one was shaking in his boots claiming that
it's all Mikey's fault...
the other one having his bronze hued eyes stuck to couple more precisely the black haired woman that laid perfectly still in Mikey's older brother's arms as he cried to no one, his voice raspy as he quietly begged for you to get up.
Keisuke thinking that how will he face his own mother now?
Ryoko Baji. The mother of two, her eldest daughter
Y/N Baji and youngest son Keisuke Baji.
Well now deceased daughter....
the police soon came into the vicinity with the paramedics trying to pry your body from the black haired man's grip as the he tried his best to keep you with himself helplessly.
Meanwhile the police arrested both the kids and had them escorted outwards.
Kazutora kept uttering only one thing ...
"It's all Mikey's fault.."
and Baji was somber, dead within beautiful bronze eyes dulled with now his beloved Nee-San gone.
as they were both getting escorted towards the police car Mikey came to the crime scene looking clueless and as he met Baji's eyes.
"Baji! What's wrong... What's happening?" Mikey who had just arrived to the crime scene completely clueless asked Baji innocently with a frantic tone.
Baji could only tearfully apologize with a heavy anguished voice
"Mikey ...I'm sorry."
Mikey darted his eyes behind Baji and saw paramedics carrying your bloodied corpse on a stretcher and his beloved aniki Shinichiro begging them not to take you away from him and he clutched onto your pale limp hand for dear life.
Mikey understood what had happened... What took place while he was at home...
But for Baji
Well what was he apologizing for?
For that one Mistake that never intended to happen.
Not to you at least...
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inuiiwonderland · 4 months
Part of your world
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A young merman prince falling in love with a young human woman. But, does he get his happily ever after?
Shinichiro x fem!Reader
Angst no comfort
A/n: Sorry for taking FOREVER to finish this! Anyways enjoy! (I recommend listening to part of your world reprise ll while reading, made me so emotional listening to it while writing lol)
Loud cheers and fireworks could be heard as everyone danced and sang to their heart's content. Music and singing could be heard as everyone were enjoying themselves. You played your flute as you danced along with everyone else.
Today is your 18th birthday. And you managed to convince your parents to let you celebrate your birthday out here in the sea. They didn’t like the idea at first and suggested celebrating your birthday at the palace. But after lots of convincing and having your royal butler help you convince your parents, they agreed.
Beers were passed around as everyone sang along and you couldn’t be happier.
“Hey grim! You should come dance and celebrate with the rest of us!” You shout to your dear butler.
“That would be nice but I still haven’t yet showed you your birthday gift that your parents gave you”
“That can wait grimy! First come dance and celebrate with the rest of us!” You shout cheerfully as you grab his arm and guide him to dance.
“Y/n! I know you’re excited and having a great time which I’m very glad you are but please-“
“La la la can’t hear youuu~”
You spin him around as the poor man gets dizzy. You giggle before continuing to play the flute which maxi, your dog, gets very excited to hear.
As you all danced and sang, a very curious young creature peeks its head above the surface. His eyes wide as he watches the fireworks go off in the dark night sky. He watches in awe as the humans danced.
Humans are such fascinating creatures
He watched as they danced and sang as some played instruments while others sat down and cheered for the ones who were dancing.
He always loved watching the humans who sailed out into the sea. Especially when they throw big parties like this.
But what really captured the young merman’s attention was you.
A fine young human woman who danced with the rest of the crew with a big smile on your face. Eyes shining bright like the stars as you laughed and danced.
He smiles as he watches you. You look absolutely divine.
The young merman then swims a bit closer to get a better view. He manages to climb up the ship a bit and sits down near a crack where he can see everyone better.
He stays quiet as everyone soon quiets down. He curiously watches as a man clears his throat before talking.
“I’m very pleased that everyone is enjoying themselves. Especially y/n who is the birthday girl” You playfully rolled your eyes as you played with your flute.
Shinichiro's eyes then turned to you as you sat down near some steps. The young merman can feel his heart flutter as he stares at you.
You look absolutely beautiful up close
His attention then shifted to a group of men who brought out something big from one of the rooms in the ship. Shinichiro curiously watches as the man continues to talk before removing the big cloth that soon revealed a statue. But not just any statue, it was a statue of you.
You got up from where you were sitting before inspecting the statue.
“Mm not bad” You say.
“Your father had this made for you. He was very excited for you to see that me and your mother had to calm him down before he got the chance to spoil your birthday gift” You giggled at that. You know how excited your father gets when he gets you something that he really wants to show you.
As shinichiro continues to peek through the crack, maxi runs up to him before excitedly licking his face which makes shinichiro giggle. No one was paying attention as all the attention was on you. As Shinichiro continues to pet and giggle at the strange creature in front of him, he suddenly hears panic shouts along with the ship moving rapidly.
He looks up only to see rain and thunder.
It was a storm
His eyes widen as he looks at the crack and sees everyone run around in a panic. Shinichiro quickly jumps off as people start throwing down smaller boats as lightning hits the ship. He manages to create some distance between him and the ship. He watches as people hurriedly jump off the ship to get on the boats. The ship suddenly catches on fire which creates an even bigger panic. Everyone shouts commands left and right and while all this was happening, shinichiro was looking everywhere for you.
He feels relieved when he sees you on one of the smaller boats. But then he sees the look of panic in your face as you look around frantically. A sudden bark catches both you and Shinichiro's attention as you see maxi. She was still on the ship.
You jump off the boat as you swim near the ship. Ignoring grim who was worriedly calling out for you to get back on the boat.
“Hey girl, c'mon jump!” You say as maxi continues to bark. You know she probably feels scared and confused but you wanted her to jump so you can both swim to safety. Realizing she wasn’t going to jump off any time soon. You started thinking about what to do. Maxi whines and whimpers caused you to do the unthinkable.
You climb back on the ship as grim and the rest of your crew shouted at you to get down. But you ignored them. Maxi safety was your first priority at the moment.
“C’mere girl! C’mon! Don’t be scared!” She hurriedly runs past the fire as she jumps in your arms. Suddenly, you hear the sound of wood snapping and you immediately throw maxi off the ship as a big piece of wood fell. You manage to dodge it just in time before it could crush you.
You hear maxi barking and you turn around to see her safely in the boat with grim by her side who looked like he was about ready to pass out.
“Y/n! Please get off the ship, it's dangerous!” But before you could shout back, you could feel the floor starting to crack and the ship was now starting to sink. The fire also has gotten worse and spread everywhere as you desperately tried to find a way out.
“Fuck it” And you jumped off the ship.
All the other boats were far away so you tried to desperately swim back to grim and maxis boat. But as you did, the waves have just gotten bigger. You tried and tried to swim but you couldn’t as the waves pushed you further and further away. Maxi barks worriedly as you struggle to swim to their boat. Grim’s worried shouts were slowly going muffled as you let the waves and water drag you down.
I’m going to die aren’t I?
But before you could let your consciousness slip away, you see a strange figure swim towards you. The last thing you saw was a man with black hair and eyes.
Grim searched for you everywhere as the ship went down. Yelling commands and telling everyone to keep an eye out for you.
But the more they search, their hope’s for finding you alive and well disappear.
The princess was dead….
Shinichiro saw all this go down. The moment he saw those waves take you down he quickly swam after you. He looked around desperately until he saw you. He put his arm around your shoulder as he started dragging you back up to the surface. The moment the two of you were up, he turned to see that everyone was gone. He turns to you to see your face.
Even in this state, you make his heart flutter.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you somewhere safe”
The moment grim and the rest of the crew arrive back to the palace, the king and queen were in shambles.
Your father ordered for a rescue team to go and look for you as your mother cried. They couldn’t believe it. Just yesterday you were here and in high spirits because they allowed you to go celebrate your birthday out in the sea! And now you’re gone?!
No one will rest until their daughter is back safe and sound! And if you really are dead, then they won’t stop until they retreat your body from the deep sea!
Grim can only sit down in guilt for not being able to do the one thing he swore to your parents the day you were born. Protect you.
“Please come back….”
“SHINICHIRO! PLEASE GET OVER HERE YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE UP HERE IN THE OPEN LIKE THAT!” The small fish yelled out. Shinichiro could only stare at you in awe as he watched you sleep.
“Yes flounder?” Still not paying attention to his fish friend as the small fish huffs.
“Shin! We need to go now! Your grandfather would be angry if he finds out you are up here on the surface! Especially if he finds out you saved a human!”
The young man sighs before moving a piece of hair out of your face. He smiles, how can someone be so beautiful?
“Shin-“ Suddenly, a loud bark could be heard in the distance. Shinichiro's eyes widen as he looks up to see the same strange creature from the ship last night. He gasps before looking down at you again and then to his friend flounder who's freaking out and telling shinichiro to hurry and get in the water.
“Shin hurry!”
“I am I am!” He yells as he takes one last look at you. But as he did, he notices that you’re slowly starting to wake up. Your eyes slowly open and you wince as the harsh sun blinded you. But as you looked at your surroundings, you notice a young man staring at you.
He was a bit blurry but you could still make out his appearance. Shin smiles before quickly diving back in the water. He hides behind a nearby rock as you groan about the headache that you’re having. Maxi barks get louder as she excitedly licked your face while a surprised yet relieved man picks up the pace and starts rushing towards you.
Shinichiro only watches as the strange male picks you up. Your eyes were now fully opened and you could see the worried look on the males face.
Shinichiro only hopes he can see you again soon….
When your parents saw you in the arms of a young man, they couldn’t be more relieved to see you alive! You were quietly staring at the young man who “saved” you as your mother and father along with grim and some other servants rush to your aid.
Was this him? Did he save you? Is this your hero?
The mysterious man hands you off to your father who quickly orders the servants to call in the royal doctor. Everyone is in a rush to make sure you’re okay. Grim is relieved to see you again and well but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt. He was still angry at himself for not being able to protect you that night.
You get taken away by the doctors as both your mother and father thank the man. The man just politely bows, telling your parents that it was nothing and that he’s glad you are okay.
You have been in your bed for days. Not once did you want to get up from the comfort of your own bed. You’ve been thinking hard the past few days, especially about what happened that night.
Your memory is still a bit fuzzy but the feeling of someone’s hands wrapped around your body before you fell unconscious.
Did the man from a few days ago save you that night?
You tried real hard to remember anything about that person’s face. But nothing.
At some point you just let it go and think maybe it’s someone you hallucinated while in the brink of death.
No man can possibly be out in those dangerous waters without a ship, right?
“Ashley” The timid maid flinched before quickly rushing to your side.
“Yes miss y/n?”
“Tell my parents I want to meet the man that saved me”
“Of course miss y/n!”
You stared at the man in front of you as he nervously smiles before bowing.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you miss y/n!” You continued to stare.
Black hair
Green eyes
Green eyes….
Did he always have green eyes?
No…you could’ve sworn they were black
Must’ve been the sun then…
“Thank you”
“For saving me, thank you” His cheeks turned bright red as you smiled.
Whoa…what a gorgeous smile
He thinks.
“I-it’s nothing! Really! I’m just glad that I was able to find you and return you to your family safely!”
“What’s your name?”
“Vincent! Vincent DeRoss”
“Nice to meet you Vincent” He just nods and you find his shyness cute.
But something told you that this isn’t the man that saved you.
But what can you do? He was the one who brought you back home.
Maybe I’m still not over the incident…
Yeah that has to be it
You spent the last few weeks with Vincent. You found out that he came from a noble family. He has a passion for art, cooking, and writing.
Many men nowadays don’t have much passion about anything. But Vincent was different.
He’s such a gentleman and a good person from what you seen the last couple weeks.
Vincent was sitting on a bench while you sat on the ground with your head down on the bench. You stared at Vincent as he read to you.
He has such a smoothing voice.
But, it doesn’t sound like the same voice you heard that night.
Don’t worry, I’ll take you somewhere safe
That voice…no…they don’t sound the same
Not even close
“Y/n?” Your eyes met his green ones.
Green…they’re green, not black.
“Mm?” Vincent shyly smiles.
“It’s getting late. I think it’s time for me to go” You look up and notice how the sky has started to become dark.
“Mm you’re right”
“We can finish the book tomorrow. Only have a few pages left” You smile before nodding. He smiles before getting up from the bench. He helps you up as you dust off any dirt on your dress.
“Thank you for reading to me again Vincent. Sorry for causing trouble”
“No it’s fine! Besides, I-I love reading to you” You raise a brow in surprise as the poor man’s face becomes red. You giggle before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you. I appreciate it” the poor boy couldn’t trust himself to speak so he only nods.
After Vincent left, you decided that sleep should wait a bit more. You walk down the sandy shore. The cold breeze and the sound of the ocean relaxed you.
You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the silent moment.
Until you heard it
The sound of water splashing
You open your eyes and look. But you see no one.
You could’ve sworn you heard a splashing sound. You decided to ignore it and continue your walk. Until…you heard it again.
This time however, you could hear a voice.
Now you were curious.
So, you decided to follow it. The sound of water splashing and the faint whispers were getting louder and louder as you walked towards a big rock.
“Shh! She’ll hear us!”
“You know you’re not allowed to be up here! Especially this late!”
“Of c’mon flounder! Don’t be like that!”
“Eh? Are you okay flounder?”
“Flounder?” But the fish stays silent. That’s when shinichiro finally turns around when he sees you.
The three of you don’t say anything. His friend too scared to talk while shinichiro is mesmerized by you.
And you, you were staring at him. Completely stun.
Those eyes
Black eyes
Black hair
You gasp once you realized that he had a tail.
He stares in awe
“You…have a tail?”
“Shinichiro! Snap out of it!” That finally gets him back to reality as his eyes widen once he realizes what’s going on.
“Ah! Ye-no! I don’t have a tail!” He says as he quickly ducks down underwater.
“W-wait! Don’t go!” You yell, he slowly comes up as he stares at you.
“I-I….im sorry for scaring you…um…”
“I didn’t mean to startle you or anything. I um…what’s your name?” He stays quiet.
“Um well my name is y/n”
Cute he thinks
What a beautiful name. It suits her very much.
“What….what a nice name” The young merman can feel his cheeks heat up.
She thinks my name is nice?
“So, what are you doing out here? Isn’t it dangerous for sea folks to…be out here?”
“It is actually yet this dork doesn’t want to listen to me!” Shinichiro rolls his eyes as his little friend continues to scold him.
“You can’t be out here this late shin! What will your grandfather say if he sees you out here this late! Especially when you’re currently talking to a human!”
“Don’t mind him, he’s a bit paranoid”
“P-p-paranoid?! What do you mean paranoid?!”
“Your friend is cute” You say. Shinichiro freezes before glaring at his friend.
“Cute? Nah….” You giggle.
“And you? What are you doing out here?”
“Mm? Oh well I’m just here for a walk”
“A Walk?”
“Mhm but then I got distracted”
“Ah yes sorry about that!”
His voice…it sounds so familiar
“You have such a beautiful tail”
“Huh?” His cheeks were a light pink.
“You think so?”
“Mhm, do all mer folks have beautiful tails?” You ask curiously. Shinichiro heart melts at your curiousness about his people.
“Yeah, we all do” Your eyes light up.
“Really?” You ask excitedly. Shinichiro swears he’s going to die of your cuteness.
“What else do you guys do? Where do you live? What do you eat?” Shinichiro tries to answer all your questions but you kept cutting him off. You notice and you quickly shut up as you could feel your face burn up.
“A-ah sorry! I just got a little to excited”
“No it’s fine! I’m happy you’re interested at us merfolks” You can see how happy he was to be able to explain to you everything about his and his people’s culture, daily life, and history!
The two of you spent the whole night talking about each other’s culture and history until the early hours of the morning.
Shinichiro is happy that you finally know who he is
The two of you could be something more?
“Y/n!” Your eyes quickly shot open as you looked around.
“Dear, did you get any sleep last night?” Your mother worriedly asks.
You were up talking to shinichiro last night until the early morning.
“Did you and Vincent stay up late yesterday?” Your mother asks. You just nervously nod as a teasing smiles creeps up on her face.
You mentally groan
Great she’s going to start teasing me
“Oh dear” She giggles.
There was nothing else you could’ve said. If you told her and your father that you stay up talking to a stranger (a merman in fact) they would’ve thought you’ve grown mad!
“Aw aren’t you two just so cute! I can’t wait for the wedding!” She shouts before gasping as she quickly covers her mouth.
What wedding?
“Um, what wedding?”
“Sorry! Im sorry I just got excited and it just slipped out!” Your father just shakes his head with a smile as he tries to calm down his babbling wife who is still spilling out apologies.
But you on the other hand were still confused
What wedding?
Your father clears his throat before fixing his posture.
“Well dear, Vincent parents and us had a talk a few days ago about…” He tries to find the right words to say but your mother interrupts by standing up from her chair and with great excitement she says….
“For you and Vincent wedding!”
“Me and Vincent? Wedding?” She nods her head in excitement.
“Is Vincent okay with this? Does he know?” You were worried that you might’ve drag him into a marriage that he didn’t know or consent to.
“Oh dear he was over the moon!” Your mom exclaims as your father scoffs.
“That young man was in cloud nine”
“He was a blushing mess when his parents broke the news to him”
“Oh my sweet child! You know Vincent likes you a lot right?” You quickly feel your face heat up as you looked away. Embarrassed.
“Cute right?! Oh! I can’t wait!”
“Besides, that young man was the one who saved you. Without him, we would probably have not found you….” You can hear the sadness in your mother’s words.
She’s right
Vincent is my hero
“So, what do you say dear?” Both your parents stared at you intensely. Curious about your answer.
“I….would like that”
He’s your hero
He was the one who saved you.
You spent weeks going back and forth between Vincent and shinichiro.
There were days where you would spend your whole day with Vincent as the two of you would stroll around the palace gardens, go to town, or the library.
He was such a gentleman that every time he does something you can’t help but feel your heart race against your chest.
His smile, laugh, jokes, the way he would hold your hand and make sure you were alright. Him cooking for you, bringing you flowers, and the beautiful love poems he would write for you.
He was acting like the perfect husband already!
And then there were days where you would be with shinichiro. The two of you would talk about various things and you two have grown closer with each other.
To you, you and shinichiro have a close friendship. You think of him as a close friend. Someone you can talk to about anything and everything.
While shinichiro thinks that a beautiful love story is unfolding. The poor boy would grow flustered when you would compliment or bring him stuff after you found out about his fascination with human stuff.
Those weeks soon turned into months as your and Vincent wedding day is approaching.
And while you were preparing for your special day, shinichiro was preparing for his special day with you.
His confession
And to make it more special, his deal with the sea witch.
Kisaki tetta
He will finally be able to be with you like he always dreamed of.
It was dark under the sea. Everyone was asleep including his grandfather and siblings. Guards were up keeping the Palace safe while shinichiro sneaks from his bedroom window.
He’s heard about the sea witch alright. He makes deals with merfolks and other stuff.
Shinichiro didn’t really remember what else his friend told him as he was to busy imagining his future with you.
But the only thing he remembers was that the sea witch can grant you anything you wish for
That’s a great deal!
He can’t believe that it’s that easy
He’s finally going to be with you
As the young merman day dreams about your life together, he was unable to hear his name being called.
Not until something smacks him
“Shin! What do you think you’re doing!”
“Flounder?! How did you-“
“I followed you”
“Why?” He frowns. His friend just sighs.
“I knew something was up when you asked wakasa about the sea witch. Don’t tell me you are planning to meet up with him are you?” He just gives his friend a sheepish smile as he looks anywhere but his friend.
“Oh god please don’t-“
“But listen! I’ll finally be able to be with y/n!” The fish just shakes his head as shinichiro continues to ramble about his Fantasies.
“Shinichiro, I’m serious when I tell you that you can’t go and make a deal with the sea witch”
“Why not?” He asks with a pout and his arms crossed.
“There’s a reason why the sea witch was banned from Atlantica”
“Huh?” Now this was new, shinichiro never knew this.
“He was banned because-“ but before the poor guy could tell him, a menacing voice called out to them.
“Ah look what we have here” shinichiro turns around to see a mereel. His smile big and menacing as he shows off his sharp teeth.
“What do we have the pleasure of seeing a royal here mmh?”
“And you are?”
“Ah, the names hanma , hanma shuji but you can call me shuji”
“Oh, it’s nice meeting you shuji”
“So? Why are you here? If my mind isn’t fooling me then atlantica is over there” He points behind shinichiro.
“I’m here to meet the sea witch” hanma eyes glow with mischief as he smiles largely.
“Ah you are here to meet kisaki, correct?” Shin only nods.
“Mm follow me” He does as he says as the eel takes him into a cave.
“Shin no!” Flounder sighs as he quickly follows behind.
This is it, he will finally be able to be with you
This is all worth it
He’s sure of it
3 days
In 3 days you are going to get married
You and Vincent have been preparing for this for months.
You can’t believe it. You will finally be able to marry the love of your life.
You smile at the mirror as you gaze at the necklace sitting on your neck.
It’s beautiful
Vincent got it as a present for you.
How nice
You suddenly hear a knock at the door as you were admiring the necklace.
“Come in” a maid walks in as she bows before speaking.
“Miss. Y/n, someone is here to see you”
“To see me?” You asked confused. You don’t remember inviting anyone today.
“Mhm, A young man miss” Your brows furrowed as you took off the necklace and gently put it back into your jewelry box as you stood up.
“Take me to him now”
You were definitely not ready to see the sight before you as you saw shinichiro. He was wearing a rag as grim was trying to get him to leave.
“Shin?” He quickly snaps his head to your direction as he smiles.
He waves before trying to walking to you. His legs wobble a bit and you weren’t able to catch the pain on his face as he was walking to you. At some point he fell and you caught him as he blushes furiously.
“Are you okay?” He only nods as he could feel his heart starting to pound against his chest.
So close
He’s so close to you and you’re holding him
But shit does his feet hurt
It feels like he’s stepping on knives
After all, kisaki did warn him about the side effects.
The night before
Shinichiro follows closely behind as hanma led him further and further into the cave. He stops once he sees polyps. They cry in agony as he swims by.
“Don’t mind them” shin only nods as the polyps continue to cry.
After what felt like forever. Hanma stops as he loudly yells “kisaki! You have a visitor!”
Shinichiro only gulps as he hears a groan as Kisaki curses out hanma.
“Don’t worry! He’s in a good mood today!”
“Come!” Hanma drags him to Kisaki as the young merman was starting to rethink about his decision.
No! Don’t think that now shinichiro! It’s going to be all worth it when you and y/n get married!
“Huh?” Kisaki rolls his eyes as he sits down.
“What do you desire? That’s what you’re here for, no?”
“Ah yes!” Kisaki nods as he swims to his pot.
“So, what could possibly be something you want as a royal. I mean, you have everything don’t you?”
“Not everything” he sadly mumbles as he rubs his arm.
“So what is it?”
“I-I…I want to become human” both Kisaki and hanma eyes widen.
“Mm, interesting”
“Whys that?”
“I want to be with the princess” hanma laughs as Kisaki glares at him.
“You want to be with a princess? Human princess?”
“Does this princess even know you?” Kisaki asks. Very curious about this request.
“She does! In fact, we talk all the time!”
“So you go up to the surface”
“That’s a stupid move there”
“As much as I don’t want to agree with him, he’s right”
He only rolls his eyes.
“I heard that you have a potion that can turn a mer to a human. Is that true?”
“Oh it’s true all right”
“That comes with a cost”
“That’s fine. I have money with me right here” shin then points at the pouch that he’s holding. But Kisaki shakes his head.
“Not money”
“Did you do any research before coming here?” Hanma asks.
“Uh I um”
“Then no”
“You see, I don’t take money. I take something else”
“Then what is it? I’ll give it to you! Anything!” Both Kisaki and hanma give each other a look before looking back at the desperate prince.
“Mmm what’s more important than money…” kisaki says as he thinks about what he should take from him.
“How about his voice?” Kisaki eyes light up as he nods.
“Ah yes! Your voice!”
“My what?”
“His what?!” Flounder screams out as shin tries to calm him down.
“Your voice. I want your voice and we have a deal”
“I-I but how will I-“
“Your voice or no deal”
Shinichiro thinks for a bit.
His voice or no future with you
He wants to be with you
Ever since he first saw you
You made him want to do anything for you
Flounder eyes wide as he shakes his head no when shinichiro looks at him.
He then looks back at the two who were waiting for his answer.
“Deal. I’ll do it” Kisaki smiles as he snaps his fingers.
A gold scroll appears in front of him as he grins.
“Sign here”
“Um with what?” His grin grows wider as he orders hanma.
Hanma swims up to shinichiro before grabbing his hand and biting shinichiro finger.
“Now sign here”
He does what Kisaki says and the gold scroll disappears.
“Now for your voice”
He didn’t know why but shinichiro started to grow nervous.
His eyes widen as one of Kisaki many tentacles brings out a knife.
“Open up”
“You already signed your name. No backing out now”
Shin just nods before closing his eyes and opening his mouth. He can feel Kisaki grab his tongue and the cold blade resting on his tongue.
The cold metal didn’t ease his nerves and soon he felt the piercing blade cut his tongue. Tears stream down his cheeks as the pain was to much.
Flounder eyes were shut. He couldn’t stand seeing his friend in pain.
Blood was coming out as he covers his mouth with both of his hand. Kisaki gives him a recovery potion to stop the bleeding before giving him the one thing he came here for.
The potion to turn him human
Shinichiro eyes the bottle curiously as Kisaki hands him it.
“But I have to warn you. Yes the potion will give you legs but once you become human you won’t be able to return to the sea”
“Consuming this potion will feel like a sword passing through your body but when you recover you will have two legs and will be able to dance like no human has ever danced before. But since you exchange your tail for legs, the pain of losing your tail won’t ever leave you”
“It will feel like you are walking on sharp knives and your feet will most likely bleed. But you’ll finally have legs”
“Ah I forgot to tell you! The pain will go away BUT that’s if the princess falls in love with you and marries you. You have 3 days and if you don’t get her to fall in love with you and marry you, at dawn on the third day you will die from a broken heart and dissolve into sea foam”
Shinichiro just nods before looking at the potion.
He takes a deep breath before opening the cap and consuming the potion. The pain of swords pierce through his body as he closes his eyes. He feels his tail rip away from him and he’s starting to have trouble breathing.
Flounder quickly pulls him up and all the way to the surface as Kisaki and hanma watch them leave.
“Poor boy” hanma suddenly says.
“He chose to do it”
“Let’s just see if he’ll be any of the lucky ones”
Your smile makes him think that this was all worth it. You help him up as he wobbles, still not use to his new legs and also the pain.
“Grim! Help him clean up and please get him some proper clothes”
“Do you know this boy?” You nod.
“I do” you look at shinichiro and smile
“He’s a very good friend” Grim just nods before taking shinichiro away. The boy looks at you one last time as he gets taken away to get cleaned up.
After shinichiro was washed and clothed, you took him to the palace garden.
“How did you do that?” He tilts his head and you giggle.
“Legs, how did you get legs?” He opens his mouth but stops as he remembers, he can’t speak.
He quickly digs into his pouch before taking out a notebook and pen. He quickly write down something before showing it to you.
“Potion?” He nods his head.
“Did that potion have something to do with your voice?” He nods again.
“Ah no wonder you weren’t talking back there. For a moment I thought you were growing shy” you teased as his cheeks turn pink.
“C’mon, since you are on land I want to show you everything there is to see!” You grab his hand and drag him back to the palace.
He ignores the pain of his feet as he stares at your interlocked hands.
This was definitely worth it
You spent the whole day in town with shinichiro. Showing him various things as he stares at everything with awe. Food, stores, parades, everything! He saw everything as you dragged him everywhere.
After a long day, the two of you made it back to the palace.
“Did you have fun?” He nods as he smiles. He won a game and his prize was a small fish. He loved it.
You giggle
He’s so cute
The memories of that night came again
Don’t worry, I’ll take you somewhere safe
Black hair
Black eyes
You groan as you held your head in your hands. Shinichiro rushes to your side as he gives you a worried look.
“It’s nothing. Sorry to worry you” you offer him a smile which seems to calm him down a little bit.
“It’s getting late, we should go to sleep”
“Yes miss!”
“Show shinichiro to his room please” the maid nods before bowing and signaling shin to follow her. He quickly takes out his notebook before writing something down and showing it to you.
“Good night” You smile
“Good night shin” and he leaves
You then quietly walk back to your room as you think about today.
He looks so happy here
I wonder why he decided to drink a potion to become human.
Day 2
You had one more day until your wedding with Vincent.
You are supposed to be happy!
But after yesterday, you couldn’t help but feel…off
“Was it really Vincent who saved me?” You ask yourself.
Do you really love him?
You gasp as that thought crossed your mind
“What am I saying?! Ugh I need some fresh air” you get up from your vanity chair before walking out to your balcony. You breathe in the fresh air as you watched them load up the ship.
Your wedding will be out in the sea
Took some convincing but it’s finally happening
You watch as people were getting everything ready for tomorrow.
“May I come in?” Vincent voice made you turn around as you saw him walk in.
“Vincent” You say breathlessly
“A Little”
He smiles as he walks up to you and hugs you from behind. He gives you a kiss on the cheek before nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck.
“You smell wonderful” You giggle as you brush your fingers through his hair.
“Are you nervous for tomorrow?”
“A Little” you smiled as he gives you another kiss but this time on the neck.
“Save it for the wedding” He chuckles.
“Let’s go out”
“Yes, I have a little surprise for you” You smile as you turn around and kiss him.
But unbeknownst to the two of you, there at the doorway stood shinichiro who was holding a red rose.
He drops it as he sees you and Vincent kissing
No no no no! No this can’t be true
He quickly turns around before walking away
You….have someone already? But you never mentioned anyone when the two of you would talk!
He feels his heart ache
A few hours before dawn
You woke up extra early today
Everyone was in such a rush as they prepared everything for today. They had to make sure everything was perfect! Not a single mistake.
As everyone rushed to get everything ready for the wedding, you walk to shinichiro room.
You knocked at his door
“May I come in” it took sometime before you heard a knock. You opened the door and there on the bed laid shinichiro.
You smiled seeing him
You walked towards his bed before sitting down.
“You might be confused about why everyone is in such a rush” He just stares at the ceiling.
“And I know you might not know this but…I’m getting married today” finally he looked at you and all he gave you was a smile.
He took out his notebook before writing something down.
“….thank you….”
“I want you to come to the celebration”
“I have something picked out for you that I think will look really nice on you” You then laid out a very nice suit for him.
“I think this will look really good on you”
He sits up and inspects it. He looks at you before smiling and writing down a “thank you”
You just nod before getting up
“Well then, I’ll leave you be for now”
And you were gone
Shinichiro stares at the suit as tears rolled down his face.
He wishes it was him you are marrying
Everything was done
All the preparations were completed and now the ship was sailing.
You were in your white wedding dress and oh you looked absolutely stunning.
The maids all complimented you as you put on your earrings.
“So stunning!” You smiled and thanked her.
“Aw can’t believe you are getting married! It feels like it was just yesterday when you were running around the palace walls in diapers.
“R-ruby!” she just laughs as you looked away in embarrassment. You sigh before looking at the mirror one last time.
It’s time
Shinichiro could feel his heart break as he watches you walk down the aisle. His hands were made into tight fists as your father hands you off to Vincent.
“Do you, Vincent take y/n as your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
Shin can see the absolute love in his eyes as he stares into your own.
“I do”
“Do you, y/n take Vincent as your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
Shinichiro looks away. Not being able to see your face or expressions.
“I do…”
“By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife” Everyone cheers as Vincent pulls you into a kiss.
It’s over
The day was filled with joy as everyone danced, sang and drank to their hearts content while also congratulating the newly weds.
Everyone was happy
Except for some
Shinichiro locked himself in his room as everyone celebrated. He wasn’t strong enough to see your happy face and smile.
And you
You faked a smile as everyone congratulated you
Something didn’t feel right
After what seemed like hours, everything died down and people went to sleep. Shinichiro walks out and he was met with dead silence.
He walks closer to the ledge before letting his tears flow down.
“Shin!” He quickly opens his eyes to see….emma?!
He quickly grabs his notebook before jolting something down.
“Emma?! What are you doing here?!”
“It’s not only just her” He then sees wakasa, takeomi, benkai, Mikey, and izana emerge from the waters.
“You idiot! Why did you make a deal with Kisaki?!”
“Big brother! Please come home! We miss you!” His heart ache seeing his little siblings tears.
He quickly writes down something
“I’m sorry”
Takeomi scoffs before throwing him something. Shin was able to catch it as his eyes widen at what he saw.
A dagger
“Don’t worry about how we got it but Kisaki said that if you kill the princess and have her blood drip down your legs then you’ll become a merman again!”
“Please big brother! Come back!”
“Just do it please!”
“Shin” Emma cries out and he holds the dagger close to his heart.
“Please…just do it” benkai says. He looks down at the dagger.
He needs to kill you.
Soon the others leave. Waiting for his return.
He turns around and leaves and makes his way to you and Vincent bedroom.
He slowly opens the door and there he sees both you and Vincent sleeping peacefully.
Now or never
He slowly creeps up to you and Vincent bed. He lifts up the dagger and before it made any contact with your body he drops it. His tears stream down his face as his hands shake.
No no he can’t do it! He can’t kill you he can’t!
He leans down and gives your forehead a kiss before writing down something on a piece of paper and leaving it by your night stand.
He picks up the dagger before walking out the room quietly.
But unbeknownst to him, you were still up and only pretended to sleep. You carefully sat up before grabbing the note he left behind.
Dear y/n
I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you about my feelings before. The truth is, I fell in love with you when I first saw you that night on the ship. And when the stormed hit, I was the one who saved you and brought you to shore. I stood by your side that night. Never left you in fear that you will get hurt. And also, I made a deal with the sea witch to be able to have legs so I can be with you. And that’s why I couldn’t speak, because he cut off my tongue which was apart of the deal. Of course it hurt but it was all worth it to be able to see you again. I just hope that Vincent treats you right and that you are happy
You didn’t realize that tears were streaming down your face as you finished reading. You quickly got up from the bed before putting on your slippers and leaving the room.
Shinichiro throws the dagger in the water before finally throwing himself off the ship.
All his pain and struggles leave him the moment his body hit the waters. And what use to be a merman and human, was now sea foam.
You on the other hand ran to shinichiro room. But the moment you opened the door you didn’t see him anywhere.
“Shin? Where are you!”
You then ran out and decided to look everywhere. But nothing. He was nowhere to be found.
And that’s when you completely lost it
Your breakdown quickly awoken everyone on the ship as you screamed out shins name. And the moment you looked down at the ground was when your heart broke.
It was his notebook and pen…
And you looked up to see the ledge
He jumped….
Tears streamed down your face as people started leaving their rooms to check up on what’s going on.
“Y/n?” It was your mother.
Tears streamed down your face as you turned around.
Everyone gasps as they see a knife in your hands.
“Y/n!” It was Vincent. He started shaking as he sees the knife in your hands and the tears running down your face.
“Love what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry”
Everyone screams as you stabbed yourself with the knife.
You stabbed your heart
Your body drops down to the floor as your mother, father, Vincent and grim rush to you.
The end
Sorry for taking years to finish this but I hoped you guys enjoyed!
I got inspiration by Hans Christian Andersen “little mermaid”! And Disney little mermaid!
And I also made some stuff along the way so lol
I really hope this was good because I would cry if it isn’t/hj
I was listening to part of your world (reprise ll) on loop while writing this😭 really got me emotional💔 Halle voice is just so beautiful💕💕 (i suggest listening to it on repeat as you read along, made me cry while writing the part where he makes a deal with Kisaki lol)
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stxrmylxve · 11 months
Thinking about a poly with shinichiro and takeomi..
They just work so well; takeomi is quick with his hands to have your shirt undone as he grips your chin with his other hand, trapping you in a rough kiss. On the other end, shinichiro is flipping up your pretty skirt to move your lace panties aside, making quick work to rub your sweet clit. They’re both very handsy, but it is all worth it because they know that they can make you cockdrunk in shinichiro’s office as his workers continue working in the shop obliviously.
@shelly-ya :)
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ymguchis · 2 years
3 : 35 am — thinking of... riding shinichiro at night ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
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just imagine this. It's early morning, and you and Shinichiro were watching a movie. practically neither of you was paying attention to the brightly colored images on the tv.
on the one hand, Shinichiro found no interest in the screen in front of him. to be honest he was there to keep you company because you weren't tired yet. on the other hand, you didn't even know what you were seeing because the only thing you could think about was shinichiro. how were you going to focus on anything else if you had your hot boyfriend right next to you.
many things were going through your head and they all led to the same thing... fucking. you wanted him to fuck you so bad. for a few minutes you managed to calm down and go unnoticed, rubbing your thighs and keeping your eyes fixed on the television without really paying attention to the comedy that was airing at the time.
of course, shinichiro wasn't stupid and he could sense your restlessness and thinly veiled movements. Leaning on the sofa and with one arm on the back, he directed his gaze to your bare legs. then to your chest, covered by an oversized T-shirt that easily revealed your erect nipples due to the cold of the night.
it was supposed to be cold... but the room felt getting hotter.
a large hand landed on your thigh, giving it a light squeeze to get your attention. you were slightly startled by the surprise touch, after having been sunk for several minutes in the thoughts of the millions of things you wanted to do to shinichiro at that moment.
— 'everything's fine? I notice you... distracted'
he asked in a slightly tired tone of voice, not taking his eyes off the TV and keeping a firm hand on your thigh. he knew, he knew exactly what you wanted. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he couldn't notice his girlfriend's basic needs with the naked eye.
but he wanted to have fun, and nothing amuses him more than hearing you ask him to fuck you, of course.
you made a small noise of affirmation accompanied by a slight nod. you were aware of the little game he was playing, but the little pride you had left was not going to allow you to humiliate yourself by telling him what you wanted.
Although we all know how you would end up.
shinichiro looked at your face and smiled. your cheeks and the tips of your ears were red. another hard squeeze on your thigh and you were seconds away from losing your composure.
— 'ahh, are you sure? you don't need anything?'
the little bit of pride you had left went down the drain when you made eye contact with him. your eyes dropped momentarily to his lips, then to his perfectly carved neck covered by the necklace he always wore, and finally to that damn sweatpants that left anyone's imagination what lay beneath them.
— 'I-I need you shin' you muttered under your breath, looking down at your hands as you unconsciously rubbed your thighs even harder, seeking some kind of solace for your aching cunt.
shinichiro smiled almost wickedly, and effortlessly pulled you onto his lap. your wet panties and hot core fit perfectly on top of his semi-hard cock. Grabbing the back of your neck he gently drew you into a passionate kiss.
he separated from you and without saying a word he told you to get on your knees so he could lower his pants and boxers. his cock jumped up and lightly hit his stomach.
one hand rested on your hip and the other went to play with the elastic of your panties to tease you, releasing it and causing a small moan from you when you feel the itch on your skin.
— 's-shin! stop playing, please' you gasped trying to stop his teasing.
— 'okay, sorry. now yes.' shinichiro replied chuckling softly and putting aside your panties. He grabbed his cock, giving it a few pumps, and after a few seconds he was finally inside.
both of you let out a few silent moans, and without waiting any further you began to mount it quickly. shinichiro put his hands on your hips, urging you to go faster and faster.
— 'ohh, f-ffuck yes. just like that, l-love' shinichiro moaned loudly against your neck.
one of your hands went to his hair to pull it and unite your lips in a rough kiss, causing the moans and sobs of both to be muffled by the other's mouth.
shinichiro broke away from the kiss and roughly lifted your shirt to pay attention to your breasts. his soft lips attached to your tits, leaving love bites and sucking hard on your nipples.
—'a-ah ah, shit. shin, I'm close, please. fuck me f-faster!'
shinichiro planted his feets on the ground and forcefully began to ram into your pussy over and over again. the sounds of skin against skin grew louder than the noise of the TV in the background.
— 'mhm, are you close? yeah? t-that's it, cum for me darling'
Shinichiro's hard strokes made his cock go deeper and deeper, hitting all the right places that made you see stars.
— 'you feel so good, so fucking tight!'
his thrusts became more and more sloppy, and with one stroke in particular you came hard. your core pressed hard against shinichiro's cock.
— 'oh yess, fuck yes. I-i'm cumming, c-cumming' shinichiro gasped and seconds later he was cumming. His eyes rolled back and his mouth parted slightly as his thrusts slowed.
you dropped onto shinichiro's chest and slowly both of your breathing became calmer.
one of shinichiro's hands went to your hair and started stroking it gently. he placed a kiss on one of your cheeks and with a whisper he asked.
— 'are you sleepy already?.
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hope you liked it !!
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pinkluhvv · 29 days
High School AU
male!character x fem!reader
summary; you have a nightmare :000
cw; third person; reader is referred to as a she, mentions of parent issues—vaguely. gore, very little, bad writing, probably cringy, reader/character are in high school :(, reader is called 'babydoll' many times, reader is fairly quiet
a/n; this was not requested, it was impulsive, and i got bored
THE bell finally went off. The clock read 3:05, the afternoon announcements starting as the voices around her drowned out as the principal began speaking over the intercom.
“This evening we’d like it if all students came to show some support at our football game. All the players appreciate it.”
Her eyes felt dry, a familiar ringing sound resonating in her head—drowning out the sound of the principal speaking. The ringing was loud and booming in her ears.
“You are now dismissed.”
She heard the principals voice speak one last time before the last bell of the day rang. The peaceful silence was interrupted and laughter and chatter filled the halls as the students filed out of the classroom.
As she stepped out of the classroom, her eyes flickered to the dingy bathrooms across from the classroom. The basement bathrooms were always disgusting, it’s where most of the vandalism happened, and that’s another reason she never uses those bathrooms.
Though she couldn’t be more relieved that it was the weekend, once she arrived home she could take a well-deserved nap.
Just as she began to focus on her peaceful surroundings, a familiar arm slung itself around her shoulders, slightly jarring her as she stumbled to lean into the person. Her head moving to the side to meet the eyes of the perpetrator.
“You look pissed. Your parents?” She nodded at the boy.
“They just don’t get it, you’re a growing girl. They should let you take a break.” He let out a laugh, causing her to smile as well. She nodded at his words again.
“You can say that again.” She breathed out, before he removed his arm from her shoulders—but not after giving her one last squeeze—opting to walk in a comfortable silence next to her. They approached a crosswalk and she stopped to press the button, waiting for the light to flash so they could cross, but he didn’t wait, he simply let out a laugh about her being “too careful”. He taunted as he crossed the road, failing to notice an oncoming car.
“Maybe it’s time to loosen up, there aren’t any—“
She jumped harshly, a spray of blood scattering across her face and clothes, her shaky fingers dropping her bag to the ground with a loud thud.
The car sped off, not wanting to be blamed for the death of the boy.
She took deep breaths, her vision feeling blurry and her legs feeling as though they’d give out, and they did, she fell to her knees, her fingers swiping messily at his blood that stained her skin, a blood-curdling scream leaving her lips as she cried out.
She shot up from her bed, deep breaths filling the room before a groan came from next to her, “are you okay?”
Her breath caught in her throat as she heard his voice her head turning as she stares at him with widened doe-eyes, before she launched herself at him, her arms circling around his torso and and sobbing into his collarbone as she tightly grabbed him.
“Whoa, whoa, what’s gotten into you, babydoll?” He said quietly, still sounding as tired as ever, his fingers dropping to her head to run through her hair, the knots of the hair slowly falling out as he kept his fingers running through her hair.
“I don’t wanna talk about it," He nodded his head to her words, lifting her head to look at her first.
“You’re a mess, babydoll.” He said softly, letting her limply fall back onto him, his warmth seeping into her body.
A silence settled between them again, his breath evening out—a tell-tale sign he’d fallen back to sleep. Fear settled in her bones and she kept her ear over his heart, listening to it beat evenly in her ear. Reassurance he was still here, and that it was just a nightmare.
She wasn't alone.
mha; eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari. jjk; yuji itadori, gojo satoru. tokyorev; shinichiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo (hear me out), rindou haitani. ohshc; hikaru hitachiin, tamaki suoh. bsd; chuuya nakahara, osamu dazai.
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inuiiwonderland · 4 months
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stxrmylxve · 11 months
Shinichiro Sano // @sin-and-punishment
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He’s been through a lot of shit, so he always likes a good hug. It is just a warm, cozy place for him, and sometimes he even will just push you to a chair or the couch so that he can full on lay on top of you. He is such a cuddle dud ahh. Also, he always comes in from the shop and walks in the door and will jusr crash into you, almost knocking over, just so that he can hug you.
Like I said, he is very affectionate, so he is def into when you do soft things like pushing his hair behind his ears, rubbing his cheek, or just flat out smiling. It doesn’t matter that he just beat up your insides like a madman, he is still going to give you soft pecks and will most definitely engulf you in a hug.
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effetsecndaires · 5 months
— 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐯 𝐦𝐞𝐧 + 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬.
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➺ INCLUDES: wakasa imaushi, haruchiyo sanzu, hanma shuji, shinichiro sano, ran haitani (all of legal age, timeskip or bonten) x fem!reader
➺ CONTENT WARNING | this post contains explicit porn links!! you may need to have a twitter account or change your privacy settings to be able to see them. The women on the videos are white-skinned + please do not interact if you are under 18.
➺ NOTE | tokrev version !! again, the links will probably disappear after a little while but i'll do my best to replace them or find similar ones when that happens!
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Wakasa knows your body like the back of his hand, and he knows it. The look on your face along with those sweet, pathetic little sounds you make as he pounds into you tells him everything he needs to know. He's only been fucking you for a couple minutes and you're already moaning, babbling and begging him to go harder, your tits bouncing with each thrust of his hips.
↳ LINK ↲ [updated!]
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Sanzu could spend hours playing with your pussy before even thinking of touching you with his cock. He’ll have your back pressed flush against his chest, fingers rubbing your clit in fast, frantic circles, his hard cock poking your lower back as he watches you squirm and whimper for more.
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Hanma fucking loves your tits. It doesn't matter what size they are, he'll have his hands and mouth on them every time you ride him, sucking a nipple into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it while his free hand gives equal attention to the other breast, pinching and rolling the sensitive bud between his index finger and thumb.
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Shinichiro loves giving more than receiving, and he’s not afraid of letting things get messy. He’ll greedily lap up your pussy while he fingers you, his index, middle and ring fingers buried deep in your cunt as his cum leaks out in thick loads, trickling down his hand as he pumps it out of you.
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Ran has fucked you on every flat surface in every room of your shared house, but his favorite place to fuck is the bathroom. He’ll have you laid on the counter, one leg lifted and propped against the sink while he fucks you from behind, your moans echoing off the thin, definitely not soundproof walls. (Bonus point if you're in front of a mirror)
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hoejosatoru · 4 months
Room for One More
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Pairing: Fem!reader x Shinichiro
Summary: Seeing how you cares for his little siblings makes Shinichiro want to have a child of his own with you <3
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: changed the sano siblings ages a bit from cannon to fit the narrative, talk of pregnancy, breeding kink, raw sex, fingering, cream pie, some pet names, not proof read
You woke up to a familiar sound: little feet on hardwood and stifled giggles. You felt the bed shift under the weight 2 tiny bodies as they wedged their way between you and your boyfriend.
“Wake upppppp” Mikey whined. You rolled over, finding him poked at Shinichiro’s cheek.
He grumbled, turning into the pillow. “C’mon Mikey, it’s early.”
Mikey snorted. “It’s nine!”
Shin’s voice came muffled from the pillow. “That is early.”
“Lazy!” Emma giggled at Mikey’s comment.
“How about instead of bothering Shin, you give me a good morning hug?” you asked, earning delighted squeals from the two of them. They practically leaped at you, but you received them happily, hugging them tightly. “You too, Izana, you know I can’t get up without a hug.”
Izana was standing in the doorway, watching this all unfold. Being the oldest, besides Shin, you knew he felt like he wasn’t supposed to get in on the “baby stuff.” However, you also knew he really liked it, as he was still very much a child after all. You were always sure to invite him in, so he felt like he was doing it for you, rather than himself. He gave you a big, sweet hug.
“I’m hungry,” Mikey groaned. 
“You’re always hungry,” Izana replied.
“I’ve got an idea,” you interjected. “Whoever brushes their teeth the fastest gets an extra piece of bacon.” Their eyes all lit up and in a flash they were gone.
You leaned over, pressing a kiss on Shin’s cheek. “I’ll make them breakfast, you rest, okay?” Shin had been working a lot lately; the responsibility of the bike shop was a lot for him. This was his first day off in a while and you knew he needed it.
“Thank you,” he murmured, turning to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
You made it to the kitchen just in time to see the kids race in, Izana sliding into his chair first. “We have a winner!” you announced, ruffling his snowy hair. He smiled proudly. The other two pouted. 
“He cheated,” Mikey grumbled.
You were fishing out pans from the cabinet as you replied, “Sore losers don’t get any bacon.” That got him quiet. You got everything you needed- eggs, bread, butter, and bacon - and got to work cooking breakfast. It wasn't long before Shinichiro stumbled in. 
“I thought you were gonna rest some more?”
Shin cozied up behind you at the stove, wrapping his arms around you. “Smells too good to stay away.” You leaned into the warmth of his touch, smiling as he peppered soft kisses on your neck and cheek.
“Eww!” the kids groaned in unison. You giggled as Shin told them to shut up, while half laughing himself. When you finished cooking you gathered around the little kitchen table to eat. Everyone fell silently as they enjoyed their food. Meal times were typically the quietest parts of the day.
Just as you were all finishing up Shin’s phone rang. He looked at the number and groaned. “Shit.”
“Oohh, Shin cursed!” Mikey gasped, making Emma giggled. Shin stuck his tongue out at them. Although he was much older, it didn’t stop the typical sibling dynamics from playing out.
“It’s the bike shop, I gotta take it,” he explained, before slipping out of the room.
“Let's get this cleaned up, yeah?” you said to the kids. They got up without complaint, helping you bring the dishes to the dishwasher and load it up. The kids definitely messed around a lot, but they were great little helpers. By the time you finished, Shinichiro returned with a disappointed look on his face. 
“I have to go into work,” he sighed, heavy with sadness.
“No! We were supposed to have a picnic today,” Emma pouted. She expressed the disappointment you felt. You weren’t angry, if anything you were upset for Shin. You knew he was looking forward to getting some time off and was probably just as upset as you were.
“I’m really sorry,” Shin replied, “It’s an emergency.”
“Is everything okay?” you asked.
“Yeah no one’s hurt or anything,” Shin replied, “We just have this big job that needed to be finished today. The guy who was supposed to do it got really sick and if we don’t complete this we’ll lose a ton of money. I’m so sorry I gotta go get it done.” Shinichiro looked so disappointed, it made your heart ache. It always sucked when he got called into work unexpectedly, but today he looked particularly upset. You knew he hated how much he had to work, despite loving motorcycles. It was difficult for him to be so young and have to provide for himself as well as all his little siblings. His dedication and care of them was something that drew you to him in the first place. “I’m sorry my love,” you replied, “That really sucks, but not your fault. We understand, don’t we?”
The kids were definitely disappointed, but they nodded along anyway thankfully. “It’s okay Shin,” Izana stated, “We can hang out a different day.”
Shinichiro shook his head. “No we already bought everything for the picnic, you all should still go and have a good time.” 
“Are you sure?” you asked. 
“Absolutely. I’d feel worse if you guys didn’t have fun today,” Shin replied. “You’ll all behave for y/n if she takes you to the park right?” This time they nodded eagerly. “Good,” Shin replied. He put his hand on Izana’s head, fluffing his hair a bit. “You’re the man of the house while I’m away, bud. Make sure these two behave.” 
“Hey!” Mikey and Emma grumbled while Izana beamed with the honor Shin had bestowed on him. Shin told the kids to get dressed, giving you a minute alone.
“I really am sorry about this, I was looking forward to spending time together,” Shin said, taking your hand in his.
“It’s really okay, you can’t control it,” You replied, giving his hand a squeeze, “You just owe us extra next time you’re off.” Your light teasing made him smile.
“You got it.” He stole a kiss before the kids could come back down and gag over your PDA. “If you need me at all, please call. I’ll say fuck work if you really need me for something.”
“Don’t worry about it, just do what you need to do and come home to us as soon as you can, okay?” you replied, stealing another kiss while you could.
“Yes ma’am.” With that the kids came racing back into the room. Shin said his goodbye before heading out. You got the kids organized, having them pack up their snacks and toys they wanted to bring with them. When everything was ready, you piled everything into a little wagon, which Izana was happy to put in charge of pulling. 
You held Emma’s hand as you walked to park. Mikey ran head, eager as always, while Izana followed dutifully behind so he could keep an eye on everyone. When you finally arrived, you let them run loose as you laid out the blanket. Despite it being a nice day, the park was fairly empty, giving the kids freedom to do as the pleased. As you watched them run around and laugh with each other, that familiar warm feeling grew in your chest.
Shin’s sibling were not your kids, obviously. You were just his girlfriend, after all. Still you felt such strong affection for them. You didn’t have a big family growing up and you loved being a part of their family like this. It meant a lot to you that his siblings seemed to love you as much as you loved them. 
After running around for awhile, the kids worked up an appetite and joined you on the picnic blanket. You dug through the picnic basket, pulling out everyone’s favorite snacks. You felt a little tug in your chest, knowing Shin had gone shopping to get everyone just what they liked. When you saw his favorite candy at the bottom of the basket you kept it hidden, wanting him to have a little treat to come home too.
After lunch, Izana and Mikey went back to running around and playing some tag-like game. Emma roped you into playing dolls with her, not that you minded. When she got bored of that, she went off to collect little flowers that were sprouted in the park. She brought you back a little bouquet, smiling brightly and filling your chest with warmth. There were a few extra she had for herself.
“Sit,” you patted the blanket next to you. Emma did as you asked, sitting in front of you. You used your fingers to comb through her silky blonde hair, then braided it, weaving in the little flowers she found. When you showed her, she squealed with delight.
“It’s like Rapunzel!” she beamed. 
“Can Rapunzel go tell her brothers its time to go home?” Emma nodded, skipping off to round up Mikey and Izana while you packed everything up. The sun was starting to set as you walked back home. You were surprised how much time you spent out, but you thoroughly enjoyed yourself. It only would have been better if Shin could have joined you. 
When you got home, you instructed the kids to wash up while you started making something for dinner. You kept it a simple crowd pleaser: pasta. 
“How you guys feel about watching a movie after dinner?” You asked as everyone ate at the table.
“Can we make a fort?” Mikey asked.
“Of course,” you replied. The three of them ate the rest of the meals excitedly chatting about how they would arrange the pillows and blankets. Once dinner was finished, they helped you clean up without complaint, eager to get to the fort building. It took a bit of time to get it big enough for everyone to fit while also being structurally sound, but eventually you got it right.
“You guys don't want snacks right?” you joked, knowing they’d be appalled you’d even suggest they go snack less. 
“Nuh uh! I want popcorn,” Mikey replied.
“And m&ms!” Emma chimed in. You laughed, but fetched what they asked for, before climbing into the fort. It was a tight fit, but they all had no qualms cuddling up to you. Emma was squished against your chest, while Mikey rested by your stomach. Izana snuggled up against your leg. 
The kids chatted and giggled at the beginning of the movie, but slowly fell silently as they drifted to sleep. Usually Izana is able to stay up through a movie, but even he was knocked out from a long day at the park. You were wondering how you would get them to their beds without waking them up, when you heard the front door open. 
“I’m home!” Shin announced. When he walked into the living room he laughed at the sight of the blankets and pillows arranged haphazardly. “Shit I didn’t know they were asleep,” he said when he came around tot he front of the fort. Shinichiro’s heart seized at the sight of his little siblings cuddled up to you so peacefully. He already knew he loved you, but it moments like this it was almost overwhelming for him. 
“It’s okay, they’re totally knocked out from today,” you whispered. “We missed you, but I saved you a plate. Why don’t you go eat and then we’ll move them?”
Shin nodded, even though he had the strongest urge to join you guys. His growling stomach was the only thing that pulled him away. He ate quickly, but appreciated the meal you had left for him.
“Thank you for dinner, my love,” Shin said when he returned, “Now lets get them to bed.” Shin gently lifted Izana off you, who stayed asleep while he carried him to his room. Next he took Mikey, leaving you to carry Emma up to her room. All the kids remained asleep on the short walk to their room.
“Your turn,” Shin greeted outside Emma’s door. Before you could ask what he meant, he swept you off your feet and carried you to your bedroom. You both laughed quietly, as he placed you on the bed.
“We missed you a lot today,” you told him.
“I missed you guys too,” Shin replied “You’re so good with the kids, you have no idea how much it means to me.” Shin spent his entire day thinking of you all. It was not the first time you stepped up and helped with the kids, but it never meant any less to him. He loved how you cared for them, treating them basically like your own. Coming home to all of them so cuddled up to you just confirmed what he always felt. “Would it be crazy if I said I want a kid of our own?”
Your eyes went wide. The two of you had talked about having a family, but it had always been casual. Something that was more of a day dream than a true plan. “We aren’t even married,” was all that came out in your shock. You and Shin weren’t traditional by any means, but you always assumed you’d be married before having children.
Shin got a funny smile on his face. “Funny you should say that.” He went over to his drawer, digging through it until he pulled out a little black velvet box. You gasped. “So, I had been planning on proposing today when we were all together. I was really upset when I didn’t think it would happen, but I guess it was meant to be,” he explained, with the sweet grin on his face that had made you fall in love with him. “So, y/n, will you marry me?”
There was only one answer. “Yes, of course.” You threw your arms around him, happy tears streaming down your face. You only pulled away so he could slide the beautiful ring on your finger. “I love it so much. I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” Shin replied, pulling you in for a kiss. He laid you down, kissing you as he straddled your body. You were both giggling, equally giddy and desperate for each other, as if it was the first time being together. Your stripped each other as you kissed, barely letting your lips part. “Fuck,” Shin said looking at you, “So fucking pretty. My girl. my fiancé.”
You blushed and smiled, loving the sound of that. You twirled the hair at the base of his head, just like you knew he liked. It only egged him on more. “Gonna be even better when I can call you my wife.” His hand slipped between your legs, spreading the slickness that gathered. You let out a little satisfied sigh as he teased your clit. “Fuck you’d look so good pregnant. You want that, yeah? Wanna have a baby with me love?”
Maybe it was the excitement of the engagement or the ache of desire you felt for Shin, but in that moment there was nothing you wanted more. “Please Shin,” you begged, “I want that so bad.” Shin smiled widely, slipping his fingers inside you. You let out a little gasp as he pressed into your g-spot, making you impossibly wetter.
“Fuck, gonna give that to you,” he murmured against your skin. He kissed your breasts, his tongue sliding across your nipple. Goosebumps raised on your skin as he continued to work at you. His thumb found your clit, pressing little circles until the bubble of pleasure inside you popped.
You bit your lip, letting out a low, breathless moan as you came. You were still acutely aware that the kids were near by, asleep in their beds. The last thing you wanted to do was wake them up. 
When you were finished, Shinichiro sat up, pumping his hard, leaky cock. The sight of him coupled with the anticipation of getting to feel him raw for the first time made your body drum with excitement. Shin was just as eager, lining himself up to you and pressing himself inside you.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “Knew you’d feel good, but this is like fucking heaven.” He gave slow, deep thrusts, allowing him to savor ever inch of you. “We’re never using condoms again.” You giggled at his enthusiasm, but also fully agreed that this felt better than before. 
Shinichiro grew more needy. His thrusts became faster and harder as he lost himself in the feeling of you. “Can’t wait to fill you up,” he panted softly, “Gonna be the prettiest mommy. Fuck I love you.”
“I love you too, Shin,” you whimpered. Your hands dragged up and down his back, holding him close to you. The faster he moved, the more the pleasure inside you rebuilt. You were getting to the tipping point when Shin let out a low curse and buried his face in your neck. You felt his cock twitch inside you, filling you with his warm cum. The sensation sent you over the edge, making you cum around his cock. You bit into his shoulder to stifle the sound.
The both of you stayed like that for awhile, Shin buried deep inside you, bodies pressed together, breathless and flushed. Eventually, Shin propped himself up on his elbows. He wasn’t far from you by any means, but it allowed him to look at you. His cheeks were flushed with a loving glow that only made your heart flutter more. 
“I really mean it, you know,” Shin said, pushing hair out of your eyes. “There’s nothing more that I want than to have a family with you.”
His sweetness and sincerity nearly brought tears to your eyes. “I want that, too. I’m so glad I get to be a part of your family now.” It was all you had wanted since you first started dating him
He picked up the hand that the ring was on, placing a soft kiss on it. “You’ve always been part of the family, now it’s just official.”
You cupped his cheek, pulling him in for another kiss. “I love you so much.”
Shin only smiled brighter, “I love you more.” The joy you felt was beyond anything you could explain. All you knew was there was nothing more you were excited for than to be build a life and family with Shinichiro. 
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swimmpantyz · 4 months
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: ̗̀RIDING...
... and not a bike.
bf!sano shinichiro x fem!reader
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summary: your visit to your boyfrind's shop for his bday ended up in a making-babies-session.
tw: breeding kink, porn w/o plot, unprotected sex, crempie
words: +600
that's it, that's all
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The door of the shop was locked. A "Closed" sign hanging on the window.
You were on the restroom, sitting on Shinichiro's lap.
"Yeah... just like that baby." Your hand clenched his white shirt while jumping on him. Eyes shut with an open mouth, not holding any sound, you knew how much he loved to hear how well he fucked you.
His hands were on your hips, squeezing you. His pelvis was moving along, pushing his cock even deeper inside you. He was hitting just the right spot.
"Oh, it's so good." You practicly coed. He grunted at your words, holding you closer to his body. Your hands caressed his chest. He looked up at you with glossy eyes.
"So, so good." You whined and he almost whimpered right there.
You leaned a bit, kissing him softly, muttering between the wet yet soft kiss.
"I love it, I love you." He trembled under you, messy black hair and red cheeks, staring in a blissful state.
"Why so sweet today, hm?... not that I'm complaining." He whispered, his hands brushing the hair off of your face, sloppy smile showing his surprisingly white teeth. Surprising cuz he smoke almost half a box of fags per day. "Ya came all dolled up and pretty..." He muttered, holding you thight, making you stay in place.
He started to fuck you slowly, cock touching your insides with delicacy.
"Is my boy's birthday today, isn't it?" You teased sweetly. He let out a shaky chuckle.
"it is? Mh-fuck, I totally forgot about it." He said, quickening up the pace. "You just got me all day thinking about ya." You laughed softly, with an high pitched and breathy voice.
"Is it my fault?" He nodded eagerly.
"Love it though... " His dark eyes kept staring up at you, focusing on the cute faces you were making. "Shit- You're so unbelievably pretty, doll, ya'know that, right?" You let out a few unintelligible words, nodding repeatedly.
Shinichiro chuckled a bit.
"Is too much already? my girl can't handle more?" He tried to tease you, his words almost making you laugh since he was in such a pussy-drunk state, grunting and moving his hips like some sort of animal.
But you couldn't. Not when he was fucking you so well.
"I- Ah!- ... I can-" Mouth open in a little o, his name slipping out of your mouth like some broken audio cassette. Your walls clenching had Shinichiro squeezing your waist to use you like a fleshlight, moving you up and down fastly, balls bumping into your ass, tip hitting your cervix easily. It was a mess between your wetness and his pre-cum. The loud sticky sounds and the always present clapping filling the room.
It was probably the best sex you two had in months. It got you fastly to the egde, your sweaty body colliding with his.
"Mh- fuck... fuck baby you're squeezing me so much... G-God-- 'm gonna cum inside this pretty pussy, mh? ya want that? want me to fill ya up?" He grunted while you nodded repeatedly, arching your back when his pace quickened, hard thrusts making you whine all over and over. His hand pressed the bulge of his cock on your stomach, staring at it with a dumb smile.
"Come on, take it all and make me a daddy... Shit, I need to put a baby right here." His throaty and rushed voice got muffled with your lips against his, his tongue moving in circles inside your mouth. When his thumb started to play with your clit you couldn't edge it anymore as you came undone on his cock. And Shinichiro couldn't either, not when you were whimpering his name and squeezing for dead's god his cock.
It felt like a second orgasm when his cum filled you up to the brim, sloppy thrusts as he emptied himself in your deepest spot.
Your hands went to his hair, caressing and pulling softly. He mumbled some unnentengible words, you just could understand some 'I love you's.'
"Happy birthday Shin." You whispered, kissing his cheek lovingly. And he gave you the sweetest smile, still dizzy and deep inside you.
"Ya're the best birthday present ever baby." His hands held you closer, hugging for a few minutes before getting decent to open the shop again...
Of course you kept the little party going on Shinichiro's house.
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made this cuz we need more shinichiro content on here!!
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laylarevengers · 4 months
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dancing with our hands tied. manjiro sano x fem! reader. bonten timeline. established relationship (marriage). established biological son. changes like emma, shinichiro, izana are around alongside most ‘dead’ characters in this arc. overall fluff!
“hey, don’t do that. you’ll get hurt.” manjiro mumbled, stretching his arms and pushing his son back from the table he was gladly going to walk into. it was weird, having two people that he loves this dearly, that is. y/n and his son. every time he watched the three-year-old kid play around in his office, ruin papers and invade executives meetings with his barely audible words; it made manjiro’s heart flutter. fuck, he loved that kid to hell and back.
he wanted to leave. get away and ensure that this kid won’t be tied to him, have him have a normal life without any fear, but he couldn’t. he couldn’t leave. he left y/n once and it was the worst time of his life, what will happen when he leaves her and his son again? the light of his life? the only ones that make him laugh that boyish smile he used to have in his toman days.
“dad!” a whiney voice snapped manjiro and out of his thoughts. he sat one of the meeting rooms with the executives, all waiting for some snobby people to have a dumb finance meeting with, all with the child running around the room. y/n had work, manjiro does not trust babysitters, and the executives are here so he had no choice but to have him attend with him.
‘teach them young,’ manjiro chuckled when he remembered y/n’s words at the decision to take the kid. little fingers pointed at the haitani brothers, “ran, candy!” mikey’s full attention was on the broken, mumbled words spoken. he hummed, “yeah? ran toke your candy?” he couldn’t help but smile at the desperate nods from the little boy and how he crossed his arms with a small pout, glaring at ran and rindou who couldn’t control their laughter anymore.
it was crazy, manjiro thought, how much of a carbon copy of him this kid was. the same silky black hair that y/n insisted on letting grow, similar to how mikey had it in his toman days. the same big, black eyes but unlike his own, the boy’s was full of light and sparkles whenever he looked at his dad. he stood there, small and arms-crossed, wearing the cardigan auntie emma had crocheted him with the sweatpants and snickers that he bought with uncle izana and uncle shinichiro after motorcycle rides.
manjiro bent down and picked the little boy, sitting him on his lap. small arms immediately wrapped themselves around mikey’s neck, “did ran and rin make you sad?” manjiro mumbled, patting the boys back. he heard a small sniff then a muttered, “yes.” it was times like these where the executives saw the real manjiro. when he was around his son or his wife, soft and gentle and happy.
manjiro turned boy around, “sanzu is right there. go tell ‘em.” he pointed at the pink haired man who just walked into the room. ran and rindou groaned in fake fear as the little boy smiled widely and rubbed the tears away with his sleeve. he quickly got off mikey’s lap and ran towards sanzu who almost immediately put the cigarette he had in hand when he heard the small call of his name, “san-zoo! ran-rin, candy!”
mikey watched as the boy jumped in anticipation in front of sanzu. “oh, yeah? you want me to take care of them?” sanzu bent down so he was face to face with the boy. “yes! can we, dad?!” manjiro noted how clearer his words were becoming now, he had to tell y/n later tonight. he nodded, giving the boy permission which immediately made him burst into laughter and giggles as he ran towards the haitanis with screams and hit them with small fists to which they pretended to get hurt by with fake groans and cries of pain.
manjiro audibly laughed. “the assholes are here,” koko told him. mikey hummed, “hey. no cursing.” god, he’s such a dad. manjiro called the boy by his nickname which immediately caught his attention. it was always like that. the boy admired his dad so much. “come on. you gonna sit with dad as he listen to some assholes?” koko could only roll his eyes. the boy ran excitedly towards his dad, climbing onto his lap while refusing any help with the task until he sat completely and placed his small hands on the table with a small serious face.
the bonten executives all let out small chuckles as manjiro ruffled the boy’s hair, “good job. ‘always making dad proud.” the boy rested his back onto mikey’s chest and holding his wrist with a small shy smile.
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manjiro sighed heavily as he locked the front door after coming in. he toke off his shoes, making sure the boy sleeping in his arms would not be disturbed. he glanced at the shoe wardrobe they have by the door and could not find y/n’s shoes placed outside the wardrobe indicating she came come. weird. it’s really late.
he continued into the penthouse until he reached the living room closest to the master bedroom where he placed the small boy on the sofa, slowly taking off his white sneakers. “jiro,” mikey turned around and saw her. he could not help but smile, “hey.” he replied lowly as she made her way towards both her boys, placing a small kiss on each of their forehead.
she was still in her work clothes, mikey noticed. they both sat on the floor, leaning on the couch where their boy laid, heavily sleeping. “how was today?” she asked with a whisper, brushing strands of black hair away from the small face of the sleeping boy. mikey shrugged, “practically spent all day in the meeting. we got cupcakes after we were done. that’s it really.” y/n looked up at manjiro with a small smile, “cupcakes?”
he lowered his eyes from hers. ‘kinda want cupcakes… anyway, where is ___’s white sneakers?’ words uttered by y/n this morning as all three of them got ready. manjiro always did that; made sure neither of his two stars went to bed without having anything they wanted. he has money, he’s not using it and he loves seeing the small giggles and laughter erupted after he gets things as small as cupcakes or a lollipop.
“he asked to come to work with me again,” manjiro said. y/n smiled, “yeah? are you going to take with you?” her fingers stopped playing with long black hair and turned to play with much shorter black hair. “i’ll take him with me when it’s boring days like these.” y/n understands he means when he doesn’t have to use guns and get chased by the authorities. she was a worrier, especially when it came to her little boy, but she doesn’t trust anyone more than she does manjiro sano.
“you’re thinking.” she mumbled, eyes not wandering away from mikey’s face. he remained looking in front of him, tangling his fingers with hers, “‘saw a normal company, business man with his little daughter at the bakery. made me think. fuck, i’m a mess.” he chuckled, his un-intertwined hand coming to push his hair back from his face. y/n cupped his face with her free hand, “well, you’re the mess that i want. that we both want.”
“y/n, people will talk. put us in our place. threaten. they will—“
“manjiro sano. you think i don’t know? i knew no one in the world could take it, but…”
“but you,” mikey finished her sentence immediately. silence fell again before y/n spoke up once more, “you know we won’t be able to do anything without you. ‘need you, jiro, both of us do. always will do.” before manjiro could muster up a reply, a small yawn caught their attention. “mama..!” tired excitement erupted from the boy as he stretched his arms towards y/n. “hi, baby. had fun with dad?”
manjiro’s eyes widened slightly at the boy’s reply. y/n’s small chuckled alongside the tired giggles of his son made him feel warm. tracing everything, they were making him a better man. giving up alcohol and cigarettes, rarely forcing anger out and using rationality because his little boy could always be around and looking at dad.
“i love you,” manjiro suddenly said to the both of them. “love dad!” the boy replied without hesitation, hugging both his parents. y/n rested her head on manjiro’s shoulders, “i love you more.” she whispered softly, helping their boy comfortably lay on the both of them and drift back to sleep.
they will wake up with the worst back pain, but manjiro wanted it that way if it meant having this. having them. because he knows he needs them more than they will ever need him and he was way more than okay with that.
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verslxt · 7 months
pairing : shinichiro sano x fem bodied!reader
warnings : riding, almost getting caught by izana, and slight impregnation kink
authors note : i fucking love shinichiro sano!!
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"you look so beautiful on top of me" shinichiro your fiance told you as your hips bucked up as you rode him. "shin~ fuck are you bigger~" you moaned out starting to ride your fiance as your boobs bounced up and down
"maybee" he said smiling up at you as he puts his hands on your hips helping you ride him. "you feel way fu-fuckin bi-big-bigger" you moaned out as you heard little footsteps on the other side of the upstairs
you lifted your head up and looked to where the sound came from looking back down and shinichiro "izana?" you asked him as you looked back down at him your hair going in front of your face. shinichiro nodded taking you off the top of him with him still inside of your pussy
"fake sleep" he whispered in your ear as he slowly grinded against you. you closed your eyes lightly and so did shinichiro as izana opened the door to your and shinichiro's shared room and saw you two both 'sleeping' and cuddling
as you continued to ride shinichiro you felt a small knot form in your stomach. oh you knew you were going to cum soon. the way shinichiro was holding your hips, the way he was looking up at you with low lidded eyes
"you'd look so pretty with a baby in you" shinichiro said out of the blue as you moaned out your hand going on his chest. you stoped bouncing on his cock and looked at him dumbfounded "oh you heard me pretty girl~" he said his hands guiding you up and down his cock
you arched your back moaning your hand still on his chest "holy fuck! shin" you moaned out the thick-ish walls of the house coming in handy. "fuck your loud" shinichiro said as you started rocking your hips again
you felt your chest up against shinichiros chest as he pressed his lips up against to stifle your moans. your hands found his hair as you felt your knot snap in your stomach. "fuck shin~" you moaned out as shinichiro kept thrusting up. soon after you came, he came
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。next morning  ゚・。・゚
you woke up in one of shinichiros hoodies and some panties. you found some shorts and went downstairs to kiss shinichiro good morning and grab your self some coffee.
"you're loud y/n" emma told you as you grabbed a coffee cup and picked up the coffee pot "i'm deciding to take that as a complement with how much your brother tells me it" you say grabbing your creamer out
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