#silas tgb
damiengravehill · 8 months
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Silas preparing Bod for his first day in school 🥀🦇
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librarygraveyard · 1 year
long fuckin update
wow. hi.
so, uh, updating as i read got away from me because i just started...tearing through books again. i have some backlogged notes that i wanted to make into posts, but a one-two combo of ADHD meds and rediscovering the many, many magics of the library, but particularly the “oh shit, that library book is actually due, i have to read it before that date even if i can renew it because if i dont read it NOW i never will” deadline-imposed executive functioning really knocked me straight into like, 10 books at once.
all that to say: 1) i finished My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry (Fredrich Backman) and it has perhaps become my favorite book of all time. definitely an oomph of a book in the best way. i wanted to write a more thorough post about it, but i was knocked out by COVID, so i went on to read 2) coraline (neil gaiman)! i’d never read it, and i think if i’d read it when i was a bit younger i’d have loved the adventure and suspense of it, but given that i read it a) after i saw the movie in college (adore the movie) b) as a 23 year old, it fell firmly in the category of “i’m glad i’ve read this. i am very glad this book exists. i am also very glad the movie exists, if only because i feel like the soundtrack adds and because coraline should forever have blue hair and a yellow raincoat.” 3) then i read As the Crow Flies (Melanie Gillman), which is a graphic novel about a teen kid at a church retreat, and while the art is stylistically lovely and the story tries to do some interesting things, it felt like it ended at least two chapters too early? There were a lot of unanswered questions despite the nuances, and the kids are supposed to be 13-14 and they read like 15-16yos, in my opinion. It was less than I thought it would be, given how critically acclaimed it is---but I often find anything intersecting religion and queerness in an interesting way seems to receive critical acclaim (and critical ire) if it’s executed decently, because that’s what’s “interesting” now. 4) Then The Graveyard Book (Neil Gaiman) --Another Gaiman I’d never read, and this one I found delightful; it’s slightly episodic as it tells a coming-of-age story, and yet also explores themes of loss in life: loss of community loss of family, change of family dynamic as a type of grief, and loss of home---even if as a temporary displacement---as its own grief, and how grief is in itself a form of longing, and how that longing can’t always be fulfilled with an exact replacement, but how life is yours for the living and as long as you are alive you are in motion and you have potential, and to die is to end that potential. you have completed all the changes you will make in yourself and in the world. i even named a spotify playlist around this theme, and captioned it with a quote from Silas, the main character’s guardian: “face your life; leave no path untaken”---“You're alive, Bod. That means you have infinite potential. You can do anything, make anything, dream anything. If you can change the world, the world will change. Potential. Once you're dead, it's gone. Over. You've made what you've made, dreamed your dream....That potential is finished." 5) by the time I finished TGB I had finally tested negative for COVID and recovered in full, so I was able to pick up Spinning Silver (Naomi Novik) from the library. And oh. Oh my fuck??? I want this book for Christmas. Someone please get me this for Christmas. I saw the first page posted on twitter, which is how I found out about it at all and got hooked in the first place, but to go from that to an incredibly intricate story that balances so many arcs??? I mean, does she do it perfectly? No. There are absolutely some questionable points where I wonder if the plates are going to fall. There are absolutely some dropped threads that, yes, the world is richer for them having been hinted at, but also, given the tightly-woven story with so many threads so carefully developed, dropped, and continued at later points, it is weird to get to the end and go “Wait, but what about...????” My friends and I had a long conversation about SS last night---like, two hours long, and this being a full month and three books on after I finished it (and they read it ages ago), so I’ll spare you the analysis. But, the aspects of magic in the book, the commentary on work as proof of magic and economics as power and opening the door to both self-power and social power and that itself being magic; the political commentary and EVERYTHING going on with Mirnatius and Irina individually and as an arranged, very political marriage; the mythology of the world...yeah. yeah. if there’s anything i would recommend you on this list wholesale not knowing you, it’s Spinning Silver. 6) then, Sensory: Life on the Spectrum (Rebecca Ollerton) had come out, so I worked my way through that---it’s a comic anthology entirely from autistic artists talking about various parts of their experiences. I found it mostly to be geared toward autistic acceptance/narratives surrounding “life sucked. then i got diagnosed with autism/learned autism exists and realized im Not shit, im just Neurodivergent,” which is a fantastic resource to have and i’m very glad it exists, but the comics that stood out to me the most in the anthology were the ones that deviated from that structure. The two most memorable comics in the anthology, to me, was one that used pocket watches (the artist’s special interest) as their central imagery, and one that had circulated around tumblr that discussed neurodivergence and non-negative self-injury using stylized fruit characters. I would mostly recommend this anthology to someone who is new to the autistic community, or to neurotypical people.
7) i hit a bit of a slump after this (because how the fuck do you follow Spinning Silver?), but I was literally like, 85% through a reread of Norse Mythology (Neil Gaiman) via audiobook from a road trip I went on in May, with only about an hour and a half left to listen. So I wrapped that up. I had never listened to the audiobook---the first (and only) time I read Norse Mythology i began it just before my flight home from college......and then I devoured it across my two flights home and two flights back, despite my return flights being at like, 6AM. Hearing it in Neil Gaiman’s voice and cadence definitely brought the stories he was telling to life, whether on the winding back roads of Tennessee or in my living room while I finished an art project for a friend’s very, very belated birthday. 8) the last and latest book I’ve finished is Turtles All the Way Down (John Green), which was good, and then the last two pages absolutely knocked me flat on my ass. it was like, “oh, this is a good YA book about mental health, and there’s nuance without losing sight of the fact that Mental Illness Is Fucking Hard To Live With, and everybody feels 16, and---oh my fuck WHAT” so anyway. no spoilers, because to spoil it would be to ruin your chance to get knocked flat, but Turtles All The Way Down for YA book about living with mental illness of all time.
--- in December, I set a goal for myself to read 12 books in 2022.
...I read eight of the ten books I’ve completed this year since September. 
Four of those I read in one (1) month with COVID.
I was prescribed ADHD medication at the end of August. 
this isn’t the blog where I yell about all that, but... i cannot imagine how different college could have been for me. how different my life could be.
anyway, meds are an access need.
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jimbo-png · 4 years
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thinking about... them..........
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jimmyfission · 6 years
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I just finished re-reading The Graveyard Book, and I had to draw SOMETHING, so here, have a messy doodle that I’m not 100% satisfied with, but don’t know how to fix.
It’s an amazing book, go read it, it made me cry.
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danielenigmatool · 3 years
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#thegoodburger #tgb #fastfood #not #yes #sorrynotsorry #sila #power #polskichlopak #polishboy #food #notime #comer #comida #hamburguesa #sabor #rico #ricorico #good #thursday #jueves #juernes #afterwork #after #smacznego #foodporn #eat #slowfood #janusz #dlaczego (en Valladolid) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNsgm3YATc_/?igshid=5elf5y7arqkp
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duffbeer · 7 years
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"I want to be like you”, said Bod, pushing out his lower lip. “No”, said Silas, firmly. “You do not.”
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unfetteredchaos-a · 7 years
abscluteledge replied to your post “I need to finish this dumb project up, but all I can think is that I...”
hums hums hums let me think abt silas!! someone TALL for sure. how old do u want them to look? why do i want to say clive owen who am i right now
Because lbr, Clive Owen looks like a Dad™. But is he velvety enough...?  xD
But seriously, I think the youngest I could go with a FC for Silas would be mid thirties. I originally had Sam Witwer, but the guy’s got practically no resources to use.
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fkhalila · 7 years
9 Ramadhan: Pemimpin
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Tulisan ini sekaligus sebagai notulensi IRAMA (Inspirasi Ramadhan) 4 Juni 2017 @ Masjid Salman ITB dengan pembicara Bapak Gubernur NTB Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi: “Melayani Rakyat dengan Berlandaskan Al-Qur’an“
Dalam Islam, pemimpin adalah jabatan fungsional, bukan struktural. Karenanya, petinggi negara-negara tetangga sangat terheran-heran ketika mendapati Khalifah Umar bin Khattab tidak ditemui dalam istana yang megah lagi mewah, melainkan hanya di sebuah kebun kurma. Mereka sama sekali tidak menyangka bahwa Sang Khalifah yang sudah membuat mereka bergidik ketakutan ketika hanya mendengar namanya saja itu tidak berlagak bak bangsawan kebanyakan.
Objek kepemimpinannya pun mencakup semua makhluk. Bukan hanya manusia yang berada di bawah kepengurusannya tapi juga bahkan tetumbuhan dan hewan-hewan.
Pemimpin sering disebut dengan pelayan rakyat. Namun sering kali di dalam praktiknya menjadi salah langkah. Melayani rakyat diartikan sebagai menuruti apapun hal yang dikehendaki oleh rakyat. Padahal, pemimpin juga bertugas untuk melakukan tranformasi ke arah yang lebih baik. Maka, jika ada masa di mana rakyat menolak suatu kebijakan yang ditetapkan, usahakan tetap maju terus. Asalkan landasannya benar, bernilai kemanusiaan yang adil, serta menjunjung nilai dan norma sosial yang beretika.
Hal yang patut diingat adalah bahwa pendekatan apapun yang digunakan untuk mengatasi suatu permasalahan pasti memiliki dua sisi yaitu kelebihan dan kekurangan. Maka kadang pemimpin juga membutuhkan pandangan dari pihak luar sebagai panduan untuk merumuskan solusi dari sudut pandang helicopter view yang melihat sesuatu dari berbagai sisi. Sedangkan, yang paling diharapkan menjadi poros pergerakan adalah masjid-masjid seperti yang tertera pada Surah Al-Jumu’ah.
Sinkronisasi antara nilai keislaman dan kebijakan pemerintah sangat mungkin untuk dilakukan. Karena dalam Islam, tak ada suatu urusan apapun yang terlepas dari konteks spritual. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana kebijakan yang dirancang mampu memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi kesejahteraan rakyat, bukan hanya sekedar menunjukan eksistensi Islam itu sendiri. Misalnya saja, apabila ada wacana mewajibkan sholat 5 waktu berjamaah di masjid untuk PNS, memang itu baik sekali, Tapi apa benar sudah relevan dengan urgensi saat ini dan kebermanfaatannya akan terasa? Apalagi saat ini, energi ummat sedang masif-masifnya sehingga perlu dikanalisasi agar tersalurkan ke dalam ladang-ladang kebaikan yang efektif.
Menurut beliau, prioritas masalah yang perlu segera dibenahi adalah masalah ketimpangan sosial. Padahal, sila ke-5 Pancasila berbicara tentang keadilan sosial. Namun nyatanya, perputaran uang hanya dinikmati oleh para pemilik modal besar. Hal ini tercermin dari nilai koefisien gini Indonesia yang terpantau cukup besar. Masalah-masalah seperti ini tentu tidak hanya cukup diselesaikan lewat mimbar masjid, dibutuhkan suatu regulasi untuk mengatur perekonomian yang mendukung rakyat kecil, bukan malah menindasnya.
Akhirnya, tentu sebaik-sebaik teladan kepemimpinan ada pada Nabi kita yang mulia yaitu Muhammad SAW. Rasulullah adalah pemimpin yang prestasinya gemilang luar biasa. Buktinya, beliau mampu membawa masyrakat Arab yang dulunya jahiliyah menjadi masyarakat yang beradab. Beliau begitu mencintai rakyatnya dan rakyatya pun begitu mencintainya. Suatu ketika, Muadz bin Jabal yang seorang Anshar pernah berkata pada Rasulullah,
Ya Rasulullah, janganlah kau khawatir. Kami akan tetap menaatimu walaupun kita tidak lagi berada di Madinah. Apa saja perintahmu kami akan menaaatinya, walaupun saat ini engkau menyuruh kami untuk menyeberangi lautan maka kami akan lakukan. Dan ambil dari harta kami apa saja yang kau butuhkan. Karena sesungguhnya kami lebih mencintai apa-apa yang kau ambil daripada apa-apa yang kau tinggalkan.
*gambar dari sini
Bandung, 9 Ramadhan 1438 H
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harianpublik-blog · 7 years
TGB: Pancasila Itu Kemanusiaan Yang Berketuhanan
TGB: Pancasila Itu Kemanusiaan Yang Berketuhanan
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TGB: Pancasila Itu Kemanusiaan Yang Berketuhanan
Harianpublik.com – Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Barat, Muhammad Zainul Majdi atau berjulukan Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB), memiliki penafsiran pribadi terhadap dasar negara Pancasila.
“Pancasila itu apa? Kalau disingkat satu rangkaian yang pendek, bagi saya Pancasila itu Kemanusiaan yang Berketuhanan,” ungkap Zainul Majdi pada seminar “Politik Dalam Islam: Membangun Ghirah Politik Umat Islam Dalam Rangka Memperteguh Persatuan Nasional” di Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta, Sabtu (20/5).
Dijelaskan TGB, dari lima sila yang ada, ada satu yang berkaitan langsung dengan ketuhanan. Sedangkan, empat lainnya berkaitan ranah kemanusiaan.
“Jadi, kalau dalam tatanan manusia kita merusak, sesungguhnya kita ingkar pada ketuhanan,” jelasnya.
Ikut hadir sebagai narasumber dalam seminar itu adalah politikus sekaligus Ketua Umum PB HMI 1990-1992, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan; konsultan politik pendiri Polmark Indonesia, Eep Saifulloh Fatah; serta Kaprodi Falsafah dan Agama Universitas Paramadina, Fuad Mahbub Siradj. [opinibangsa.id / rmol]
Sumber : Source link
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damiengravehill · 8 months
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POV: You watch an orphan and a vampire try their best to distract the police 🦇🪦🍂🍁
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damiengravehill · 4 months
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𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 (𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐚)
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damiengravehill · 22 days
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Silas doodle while I work on something that may or may not be more fanart for the graveyard book
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damiengravehill · 3 months
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I gave Silas a 'partner'. His name is Robert and he's of the same kind as Silas; the only difference being his tendency to give in to his mischievous deeds.
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harianpublik-blog · 7 years
Zainul Majdi: Pancasila Itu Kemanusiaan Yang Berketuhanan
Zainul Majdi: Pancasila Itu Kemanusiaan Yang Berketuhanan
Harianpublik.com – Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Barat, Muhammad Zainul Majdi atau berjulukan Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB), memiliki penafsiran pribadi terhadap dasar negara Pancasila.
“Pancasila itu apa? Kalau disingkat satu rangkaian yang pendek, bagi saya Pancasila itu Kemanusiaan yang Berketuhanan,” ungkap Zainul Majdi pada seminar “Politik Dalam Islam: Membangun Ghirah Politik Umat Islam Dalam Rangka Memperteguh Persatuan Nasional” di Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta, Sabtu (20/5).
Dijelaskan TGB, dari lima sila yang ada, ada satu yang berkaitan langsung dengan ketuhanan. Sedangkan, empat lainnya berkaitan ranah kemanusiaan.
“Jadi, kalau dalam tatanan manusia kita merusak, sesungguhnya kita ingkar pada ketuhanan,” jelasnya.
Ikut hadir sebagai narasumber dalam seminar itu adalah politikus sekaligus Ketua Umum PB HMI 1990-1992, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan; konsultan politik pendiri Polmark Indonesia, Eep Saifulloh Fatah; serta Kaprodi Falsafah dan Agama Universitas Paramadina, Fuad Mahbub Siradj. (rmol) Sumber : Source link
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