#so I did actually know a few people who had multi-story homes
mantisgodsart · 2 days
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First batch of @bug-oc bugs. This would've gotten finished sooner, but we've been sick as a dog for most of the tournament's runtime, so we're calling it a victory that we managed to get anything done - there are a lot fewer contestants this year, which means both less art to do and more ability to commit to trying to make some particularly unique creature designs - there are some in this batch that we REALLY want to do justice, and that is... unfortunately hard to do when we're barely functioning for two hours a day. This is our unofficial call to STAY HOME when you're sick! Even if you're feeling sturdy enough to go out and about, your actions can impact those around you very easily.
Design notes and owners below the cut with individual pictures - the middle one here is a beta design that we're still in the process of ironing out, so that one just has
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[This is the first time I've met someone who "worked in Snakemouth" since that one... weird encounter, with those roaches giving me a job offer. I didn't know that they had a security guard position. I... didn't know that they knew what a security guard even is, honestly. To have two bugs involved with the lab turn up is an incredible coincidence. I wonder if the time portal is actually open again, or if different universes just work on different timeframes?
Regardless, it's a good opportunity to advance my knowledge of partial transmutation and multi-organism transmutation. Whatever happened to that moth in the last tournament... my understanding of how to handle both symbiotes and parasitism is clearly incomplete, if running into multiple organisms can cause problems like that. I'll have to put some extra work into monitoring...]
Omelette from @tangleslime2 was one that felt... obvious, we suppose?Your work will one day consume you, and such - one way or another! More literal in this case. A lot of the work here, honestly, is toying with shapes and body language. Omelette has a LOVELY sillhouette with some extremely identifiable clothes, and translating it to a zombee design was Very fun. Maybe a bit plain on the design side, but the linework was incredibly fun to do - we got to do a whole lot of fur, which is always a fun time. This design was very quick and easy, as designs go, and we had a lot of fun doing the hat. Wildly askew, and held on by but a single antennae!
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Sundew and Nerine from @mizzle-moths are untransmuted, as requested - Sundew's pose was very fun to do - nice and fluid, though the wing markings were admittedly a bit funky to parse. We hope we got all the details correct here! Both of your bugs have gorgeous color palettes. Our usual marker set's dark gray marker's dried out by now, so we had to use an alternative, which... unfortunately bled clean through our sketchbook page. Lesson learned, we suppose. The scribble over the eyes used the same pen that we did our linework with - the "scribbling over the eyes of a dead character" trope is very well-worn, but cliche only becomes cliche because it inspires enough people to follow in the footsteps of a story, and we're very fond of the way it adds to the... hmm, visual language? We just think it's neat. Hope you enjoy!
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[...working with spirits and more immaterial forms isn't my area of expertise, but it's something i dearly need experience in. My hope is that by advancing my knowledge in this field, I might be able to apply the knowledge to other fields that evade me - anything inanimate has proven to be my bane, and I'm fairly certain that a few of my attempts into this area have produced "hauntings", when they're not producing incredibly specialized organisms. Maybe if I know how to cause a haunting, I can figure out how to not cause one...?]
Moving on to our beta design - that is a VERY rough draft of Beera from @longeth-dayv. Given by the obvious Luigi's Mansion inspiration, we wanted to run with it by pulling our inspiration more directly from a Luigi's Mansion enemy - mostly, this meant tinkering with sillhouettes while trying to figure out what sort of design would match best to the character, and how to translate a design to something recognizable.
The pack, despite its significance character-wise, doesn't have quite as much weight in the balance of the design, which meant more tweaking for the transformation - though we briefly tried toying with the pack itself for this design, that particular page we felt would skew a bit too close to body horror for your personal comfort, so we scrapped the idea. Better safe than sorry, as they say. As such, we're aiming more towards using wire and body language to drive recognition.
The image here is a loose draft based on the bats enemy, used to test the fade and layering of the highlighter we were using - as it turns out, it doesn't layer very well! We started out looking for electric enemies, but we only really turned up the Electric Oozer, and that... was a bit too close to "normal boo" for our personal tastes, so we swapped to just primarily yellow enemies. Though we were previously considering taking the bat design to final draft, actually putting it out on paper convinced us to the contrary, so we went back to the... sketchboard. We'd bet there's a good chance you can already figure out where we're going with this one. A fun design challenge, for sure!
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Finally (at least for this particular evening), we offer you this: a look behind the scenes, (or at least, the scenes that don't involve "us being sick and struggling to communicate whether or not something is sorted with the other mod"). What we've been using to keep track of matches, as well as to draw lots. Not precisely a high-tech solution, but damn if it doesn't work - the ends here are split into two for the sake of a loser's bracket, which we... thought we had figured out, but then it turned out we've been having miscommunications on what the bracket setups even are, and, well...
...we're working on it, we'll say. It might still be integrated, but that'll have to wait 'til trying to do things doesn't require fighting for our life. We will probably rerandomize the brackets for it, we might use it for illustration practice if the contestants are cool with it, so on and so forth. As always, thank you for your patience - we hope that Round 2 encounters slightly less hitchups compared to Round 1.
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random2908 · 1 year
This is my first time ever living in a multi-story home. (I've lived in multi-story buildings before, but I only ever lived on one floor of those buildings at a time.) So I'm really not sure what to do about the fact that there's only one thermostat but the first and second floors have pretty different temperatures.
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stackslip · 8 months
tell us all about mormonism
since there's way too much to talk about and i am rn in someone's dms talking about the link between mormons and multi-level-marketing i'm gonna focus on a certain aspect that i find absolutely fascinating and that's the history of the book of abraham. batshit stuff
so most people know that joseph smith published the book of mormon in 1830, claiming to have supposedly met an angel called moroni who led him to ancient golden plates that recounted the real life, absolutely true, no bullshit story about how ancient hebrews travelled to america and created their own civilization and stories there (and how indigenous people today are supposedly the descendants of jews settled in america who were punished for their sins as a people with dark skin. i wish i were joking). if you didn't now you know and it's worth reading about bc it's a fucking wild story!
the thing that MOST non mormons don't know though, is that the book of mormon wasn't his only supposed translation of an ancient text that gave religious revelations to the world. in 1835 some guy had been touring around the usa with some ancient egyptian mummies, artefacts and papyrii, exhibiting them for a pretty penny. joseph happened upon these papyrii and immediately claimed to its owners that he could translate these, and bought them and the mummies. seven years later, he published what he claimed to be a translation of these papyri, which were supposedly written by.... the prophet abraham. yes, that abraham. these papyri written by an ancient hebrew prophet just happaned to be on tour and joe smith got a miraculous hunch that they were previously-undiscovered biblical writings with all the authority that goes with it. nice! and what a coincidence that this is all happening while interest in ancient egypt is at an all time high in europe and north america, as the rosetta stone is slowly being translated for the first time!
so how did joseph smith translate these, considering he himself had little to no factual knowledge of hieroglyphs? well, he claimed that the book of abraham was written "reformed egyptian" (if you ask any modern egyptologist they will shoot you on the spot) and over the next few years, he not only published a book of grammar of "reformed egyptian". here's some parts of the notebook he used as basis
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like, you gotta give it to joseph smith. he commits to the grift 200%. he could have like, just claimed to magically translate these from a stone in a hat like he did with the golden plates, but instead he actually wrote a book of grammar to a made up language from these papyri and then published the book of abraham. he was a hell of a prolific writer and supposed translator.
he also reproduced portions of the illustrations of the papyrus, and explained them in biblical terms, such as below
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now fun fact about me, the first time i saw this i laughed so hard i started crying. my grandparents' old home have an old funerary papyrus reproduction in their corridor which looks very close to this, and as a kid i was obsessed with ancient egypt. so i took a look at the VERY obvious osiris being discussed very seriousy as abraham, and the VERY fake anubis described as........... a slave............. because he's black let's be honest.................. and i fucking cry laughed so hard i actually woke a relative.
so like, this is the kind of shit you should expect from the supposed book of abraham. the papyri themselves were sold again after joseph smith's death and were subsequently lost, but to be clear: this is an ordinary funerary papyrus. it has absolutely fuck all to do with abraham and reformed egyptian is not a thing. joseph smith's source is that he made it the fuck up. any serious ancient egypt scholar that had studied the subject--including LDS ones!!!--agree that there is absolutely NOTHING tying the og text and illustrations of the papyri to whatever the hell joseph claimed they contained. and i mean, at the time you can understand WHY it went through. knowledge of egyptian language at the time was still sparse and limited to few scholars. and again, joe committed the FUCK to the bit.
with all that said, what did the book of abraham supposedly contain? well..... by some magical coincidence, it contained a whole lot of answers to theological questions that were asked to joseph since the book of mormon had been published that he could not simply magically answer without a supposed "proof". he was prophet but there were still whole aspects of mormon theology and cosmology that he could not simply pull out of his ass claiming heavenly father had bestowed it to him. he could do that at least part of the time, but considering how much his reputation as a prophet rode upon the book of mormon he probably knew people wanted "solid" proof (aka several guys swear they saw him handle golden sheets, which means the whole angel story and translation have gotta be legit right). so the book of abraham very coincidentally contains a whole bunch of explanations about concepts such as the predestination, the eternal nature of souls (aka our souls existed before incarnation of earth and our choices in the pre-existence affect what happens to us on earth, which has dire fucking implications for victims of abuse, disabled people and especially black people), and the whole "god was originally a human who became god and you can all become gods and get your own planets" shtick that's legit the most unique aspect of mormonism and part of why evangelicals fucking hate mormons and do not call them christians.
today the mormon church has recently FINALLY quietly agreed that the book of abraham's original translation is hot garbage, but many argue that joseph smith simply used the papyri as a catalyst for writing down the original texts that were lost. which is a bullshit excuse, and the book of abraham is currently being quietly shelved and taught a lot less in seminary and byu. though tbh i think it ties with the mormon church's hope to assimilate more into christianity and quietly divest itself of its more.... unique teachings (not the racism or authoritatian structure though).
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princeescaluswords · 6 months
So, because Scott is poor, Derek should buy him a new car? That seems logical to you?
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Did you come here looking for a fight? Because you just found one. I believe that this ask refers to this post, where I argued that Derek's performative asceticism isn't accidental, and that the show was implying that his privilege and wealth enable his antagonistic behavior in the first two seasons.
Nowhere did I argue in that post, where I compared the speed with which Derek repaired his car window after Chris Argent's thug smashed it to the fact that the McCall family vehicle didn't have a driver's side window all season, that Derek owed Scott a car. I have, in the past, argued that the Hales owed Scott McCall reparations for repeated assaults, property damage, disruption of academic pursuits, and for taking over their self-appointed task of protecting Beacon Hills. I wish that the show had made it explicit in A Promise to the Dead (4x11) that Derek gave Scott the money from Garrett's locker rather than leave it ambiguous.
I'm never going to suggest that Teen Wolf went all in on an analysis of class struggle -- Heavens, no! -- but it didn't ignore the consequences of the Hale's upper class identity. "Everyone can be corrupted by money!" Peter howls in Monstrous (4x10) and he is a prime example of that. Similarly, Derek's wealth and privilege enable him to dwell, unhealthily, on the traumas of his past. I know of very few people who could take three months out of their life to obsess over family tragedies with no mention of work or responsibility, and still have cars, properties, and personal care items. Derek is not well served by this behavior, isolating himself from the mundane and from the mechanics of living. He intends to achieve his goals by himself due to trust issues, but he is forced to rely on Scott McCall as the only way to accomplish these things, and man-oh-man is he bitter about it.
But as the show had it's lead protagonist argue in Weaponized (4x07) "while we're trying not to die, we still need to live." In fact, I would argue that you can trace Derek's redemption arc by his willingness to live. At the start of the show, Derek is "totally alone" and his wealth and privilege allow him to operate like that. In Seasons 3 and 4, though, he starts to remember how to live. We see him in an actual home, even though it is the Loft of Solitude. He purchases a more practical vehicle. He allows himself to think about romance. He makes friends with the Sheriff and, amazingly, Chris Argent. A key scene is when he puts his wealth and privilege to positive use by trusting Braeden, hiring her to find Kate. He's using his wealth in a positive manner. It is no longer enabling his isolation. Look at Derek in the movie. He is fully living. He has a home, a family, friends, a business. Before the nogitsune seeks its revenge, Derek's primary focus is watching his son play lacrosse and getting him to embrace his family's heritage.
Since Derek's role was always to serve as a narrative foil to Scott, the lead protagonist, this arc highlights Scott's story. Regardless of what happens to Scott, he never isolates himself, with one important exception. At all other times, he worries about his grades, he wants to get into a good school, he wants to play lacrosse, he wants to date people, he keeps his friends close, he works with Deaton, he brings his mother lunch, etc. Yes, there are terrible things happening, but he doesn't forget to live while trying to stop corrupted hunters, Alpha packs, Japanese fox demons, and multi-million dollar assassin hit-lists. Fandom tends to hold the attention he pays to everyday living against him, but Scott knows from direct experience these things are important, and he doesn't have the wealth and privilege to put them on hold for months while dealing with villains or his own trauma. The exception? Season 5A, where Theo schemes to isolate Scott. Scott is still an alpha, a True Alpha, but that privilege alone won't save anyone. There's a reason that Melissa's primary advice -- as much as I might despise it on an emotional level -- is "You'll get them back. You have to."
Teen Wolf certainly wasn't an "eat the rich" show, but it did have a definite point of view that virtue was based in everyday things, the tasks and opportunity that should be in common with all of humanity, and not in the isolation that great wealth, ancient pedigree, or exclusive privilege grants.
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mtlmrk · 1 year
The take away from the reactions to initial main lore story of March of the Machines is interesting.
1)Some people seem to have very rose coloured nostalgia glasses from the original Phyrexian invasion story line. “There were so many deaths though.” Sure, most of them were needless, many of them were fridging. “But at least the ending wasn’t some eleventh hour ass pull!” … You sure about that?
2)”This was no stakes and set up in a year.” Mirrodin was 2003-2004, Scars block 2010-2011, parts of this have been set up and hinted at for 13-20 years, Every mention of New Phyrexia in a updated card art or small story blurb was a lump in the throat of people worried that at any moment they were going to fridge and body horror favorite characters. The first part of this final act was in Kaldheim and that was 2 years ago now and had 4 sets in between that barely touched upon them extending the tension.
3)’Why did other planes not roll over’- A few things here… one, Phyrexia was born out of and intimately tied with and entwined with dominaria for millennia. Phyrexia learned to Phyrexia based on how Dominaria reacted to it and even Mirrodin was created by somebody who had primarily dominarian roots so their knowledge of the multiverse is limited to Dominaria more or less. So they are really really good at fighting dominaria. And that can get you some distance with other planes but only so far.
A major take away from the story of All will be One is how home field advantage and people there knowing you are coming can really mess up your plans of insurgency. Norn then proceeded to ignore that lesson and stage a simultaneous multi planar incursion of multiple territories most of New Phyrexia has a passing knowledge of at best.
Because for how powerful the praetors are, all of them are dogmatic fanatics with no real infamous tactician among them. And because fanaticism is built into New Phyrexians I don’t know if they could ever get one sober enough to account for any weakness they might have. So that explains why they might have easier times with places like Theros because of their predisposition to believe but a harder time in a place like Ikoria or Innistrad.
Also, it was so close. Like razor’s edge, and the outcome was pyrrhic.. like it was not a decisive victory… the Phyrexians had hubris and it blew up in their faces but only after we were shown time and again then reasons they had such hubris in the first place.
I liked it. I think it was better executed with less corporate meddling than war of the Spark. I think the stories allowed more of the Planeswalkers to have actual arcs and things to do. I do not like how reliant it was on body horroring and fridging of most of my favorite planeswalkers for the sake of emotional investment and how the strength of the Phyrexians as an enemy is that ‘they win until they lose’. Which upsets the other contingent of people really hoping for the phyrexians to win for good or more decisively for the opposite reasons.
We should probably see more of it play out on the cards and we’ll see how Aftermath figures into it. There are quite a few lose ends with implications I don’t like but hopefully we can have different types of stakes for a bit this was emotionally exhausting for me.
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ghenry · 8 months
Was recently replaying some of the No More Heroes games on Switch, and remembered the hype leading up to No More Heroes III. Do you remember any speculation or theories about the game leading up to it's release? I remember the big one was a leaked screenshot from one of the visual novel segments showing what seemed to be Young Harman Smith.
WARNING: This post contains spoilers for No More Heroes 3 as well as Flower, Sun, and Rain.
I remember that! I don't blame folks for thinking that.
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I recall thinking it might be Aramata from Moonlight Syndrome, not that it would make much sense if it was.
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Anyway, I recall a few other theories. A lot of people--including myself--were expecting appearances by the likes of Kusabi or Kuroyanagi. This speculation came from the end of the first NMH3 trailer from E3 2019 when Sylvia was calling out codenames at the end.
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"The Tiger has awakened . . . red, green, dark, black, blood."
In The 25th Ward remake, as well as a few other stories Suda has written recently, many characters were given color codenames to represent them. Midori Midorikawa, a boss in NMH3, went by Green. Kuroyanagi goes by Black, etc. Of course, perhaps people--including myself-- just jumped the gun because now this can basically be a way of describing the alien goons and the multi-colored blood they tend to spill out.
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A lot of us were also giving credence to Travis Strikes Again and how so many characters appeared in the visual novel segments, thinking everything was going to merge even more-so in NMH3. Although, Suda has said that he originally was going to have more connections, before they got cut.
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I like to think is mostly because Suda can't retain rights to NMH so he'd probably rather wait for an IP he actually owns to encompass what he's established before. Either way, not a lot of this world-merging stuff really makes sense, so these days I'll take it or leave it. Suda has also stated he considers TSA a 'commemorative' title to Grasshopper, hence having so many characters invited to make cameos and such.
Here's one possible example of a removed cameo, the fine folks at believeinthe.net data-mined NMH3 and found a lot of unused emails. Here's one of them;
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People that played Flower, Sun, and Rain can think of one particular talking alligator!
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Screenshot from AdrianVG's dual-playthrough of FSR
I recall another theory, while not directly related to games outside of NMH, that Travis was going to essentially make amends with past villains like Destroyman and Kimmy in order to form his own team to take on Fu and his cronies. And not only that, but every new friend he'd make would utilize the NMH motel as their home base. This came from early previews showing Bad Girl and Shinobu had their own rooms there as well.
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We thought this because one of the taglines from an earlier trailer;
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From the first NMH3 Nintendo Direct Trailer, October 2020
"The Hood" as in people from Santa Destroy. Travis' hood. Didn't really happen, as Travis primarily fought everyone by himself. There was no real team-up until the near-end of the game.
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I just remembered one last theory, that Tokio Morishima was in the game. This came from the very first piece of gameplay we saw all the way back in 2019.
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From the NMH3 trailer first shown at The Game Awards 2019
I understand why people thought this, the spiky hair did remind me of Tokio.
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Of course, what people didn't know at the time was that it was Henry, who was redesigned by Takashi Miyamoto, lead artist for The Silver Case and The 25th Ward.
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At the very least, we did get to see previously established characters appear in NMH3, such as Midori Midorikawa, who Suda first wrote about back in 2018. Although the first time she was visually depicted was in the manga adapting that original story he wrote about 3 years later, but several months before No More Heroes 3 released.
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And Kamui! At least a version of him, that whole thing is kind of finnicky. Also Notorious, from the Fire Pro Wrestling World DLC on PS4/PC.
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These were the only theories I could recall myself. There could be more, but these were the ones I was most privy to. Thanks for your question!
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threadsun · 1 year
I still haven't 100% decided whether or not I wanna dedicate myself to writing a multi-chapter fic, but if I do, I want some input about which one people would most like to see. So I'm gonna post some descriptions and a poll~
These are not gonna be the actual names of any of them btw, they're just placeholder names for the poll lmao
And if I end up writing one and enjoying it, I might end up writing another when I finish the first. We'll see. I also might veto the poll result and write whatever I want. Idk. It's my blog I just love knowing y'alls thoughts on things <3
80s Lads
A little bit of heatstroke and a chance encounter leads to the crew's set medic becoming a full-fledged member of the Sunny Time Crew Show. Meet Birdsong Baby, the diversity hire! A bird-themed singer with a stuffie called Lil Peepo. And then there's her shifty actor, Nik Starling. A mystery that Joseph is desperate to unravel, and Jean is desperate to keep to himself. Almost as much of a mystery as the pretty dancer at the strip club across the studio's parking lot. Who is Kitty Cohen and why is her name whispered among the cast and crew so often?
This story would involve my partner and I's OCs, polyamoury, Jean being evil and sexy, Joseph being sad and sexy, smut, angst, mutual pining, and an unhappy ending. It's the direct prequel to the Pre-Story.
Nik and Zander don't know anything about reincarnation. They don't know anything about past lives or the Sunny Time Crew Show. They know nothing of Birdsong Baby and Kitty Cohen. But sometimes history repeats itself. Bad decisions, bad relationships, finding each other... What happened before Ian cheated? Before Jack came into their lives? How did they get to where they are today?
This story would also involve my partner and I's OCs, plus a bunch of other OCs, polyamoury, a lot of stuff that doesn't involve much of the sdj plot/characters other than Ian and Shaun, and some smut. It's the direct sequel to the 80s Lads.
Grumpy Director AU
Sometimes people make mistakes. Like stumbling half-cut into a meeting and pitching a stupid kids show about weather-themed clowns. And sometimes those mistakes lead to the show being commissioned and them put in charge of directing it. They hate the show, they hate their life, and most of all they hate the show's stars. And somehow, more than that, they hate how much they don't hate the show's stars nearly as much as they say.
The OC in this story would probably be voted on from a few possible OCs of mine, it would involve lots of unhealthy coping mechanisms, a deeply depressed OC, polyamoury with Jean and Joseph, and lots of dirty flirting and smut.
Ghost!Rory AU backstory
After shooting Joseph, Jean turned the gun on himself. He had nothing more to live for, and he couldn't stand the idea of spending the rest of his life in prison. What he didn't bank on was getting stuck in a different kind of prison. Stuck in the blank emptiness inside the tape, with only Joseph for company. How do you cope, spending eternity with the man who killed you? Spending eternity with the man you killed? Sometimes they both think it would be better to slip back into the roles of Jack and Rory...
There wouldn't be an OC in this story, it would focus on the Jean/Joseph and Rory/Jack relationships. Lots of angst, emotional vulnerability, trauma, and probably some smut too.
Sunny Time Crew Member
This one would be more of a collaborative work with y'all. The OC would be voted on, as would the relationships. Generally, it would be something that involves Jean and/or Joseph falling for an OC crew member on the Sunny Time Crew Show.
Something Royal
This one would also be more of a collaborative work with y'all. The OC would be voted on, as would the relationships. I'm thinking something either arranged marriage, royal/commoner relationship, or royal/servant?
Ian Comes Home
He fucked up. He knows he fucked up. But he still pays the rent, and his room is still there. So maybe if he moves in, he can win them back over? Maybe he can make up for what he did? Maybe... just maybe... he can have a second chance. But they're not going to make it easy for him.
This one might be done with Zander and Nik, or might be done with a different OC depending on what people wanna see. There's a few ways this could go, but it would definitely include angst and sad horniness/smut. Might end up straying into yandere/noncon stuff if that's the vibe, or might have a happy and sweet ending.
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pokemon-fangirl-myth · 3 months
SwSh HC's I've had in the Vault for the past few years (removing various minor OCs)
Full Names
Leon Hart Eudios
Hop Astralis Eudios
Soren “Skyler” Griffin Eudios (The boys' dad)
Amelia Katharine Paganous (The boys' mom) (she use to be the major league flying type gym leader of Hammerlocke! :D)
Raihan Vouivre (Wyvern) Laburn (Laburn from a friend on the Champion Time Server)
Nessa Locke (hehhe loch ness monster joke)
Oleana Delila (I don't recall from where)
Malcolm Rose (I don't recall from where)
General Hcs (straight from my notes)
Raihan’s been all over the world, travelling seven regions before settling on Galar because its close to home and because he made the most amount of friends there
The process in which a new Champion is chosen if the current one dies or retires is complicated. They have to have a list of at least four trainers who they would recommend for the Champion position in such cases ready, and then those selected trainers would have to battle with the Gym Leaders and Elite Four (assuming that the people on the list isn’t a Leader or Elite)
Mustard’s successor was a Poison, Ice, and Psychic type specialist who hailed from Galar’s Tundra
Leon wrote down Sonia and Raihan as who would be the ones to take his crown should anything tragic befall him, but he also has Mustard on that list just in case
Ages: 12 (Allister), 14 (Hop), 15 (Marnie, Bede), 17 (Bea, Avery, Klara, Hyde), 20 (Sonia, Leon, Milo), 21 (Raihan, Piers, Nessa), 22 (Gordie)
Had the roles been reversed a bit, Sonia would've been Galar's Champion
That's due to Sonia being a potential Sword to Leon's potential Shield, the wolves choose people who were always set to be on even playing fields in terms of combat capabilities. But if there was ever a point where that balance is tipped over to the favour of one, then the synergy between the Sword & Shield together in combat would be disastrous
Kabu's Team when he was a lad: Pelliper, Relicanth, Vileplum, Dusclops, Altaria, Manectric, Linoone, Mightyena, Magcargo, Camperupt, Shiny Ninetales, and Blaziken
A lot of trainers generally have monotype teams due to the easier training, food, and care requirements
Marnie had a surprisingly normal Gym Challenge, outside of telling off Team Yell every now and then, she was pretty much just Vibin’
Isle Of Armor Hc's
Leon & Sonia both got a Kubfu but Sonia gave up too soon and Leon got lost
Sonia would’ve chosen the Tower of Water and Leon would’ve chosen the Tower of Darkness
Sonia thought that since she’s friends with Nessa and thus familiar with water types, it would’ve been easier on her to go through the Water Tower
Leon thought the Tower of Darkness sounded tougher, but after getting a bit too lost he decided that either would work but he would’ve preferred the Tower of Darkness
Raihan started his battle practice with Sandstorms in the Isle, which continued to happen once he found a place that would regularly have and be accustomed to Sandstorms (ex: the Desert in Hoenn)
Despite that, he caught his Tyranitar in Kalos and brought it along for his journey through Unova
Klara and Avery are siblings who hail from one of the settlements on the Tundra. To try and bring more fame and attention to their precious home, Klara tried to become a popstar and Avery tried to become a famous Psychic alongside some distant relatives
They quickly switched to try and become Gym Leaders once those goals prove to be too difficult, but after finding a more than worthy challenger in the MC & Co.
The Master Dojo is actually a multi-story building but also an extremely wide one, not as wide as most would except but wider than they think
When not used to be a trail for the one who has the Isle’s Sacred Armour, its a regular training building
But if one requests it, they can have the special training activated for them and a few others for a session
Mustard did use to be the Stow-On-Side Gym Leader, but that was years before Bea’s time so she doesn’t even know it until she visits the Isle for training
Hyde’s a teenager, he’s just really short
He half-assedly participated in the Gym Challenge and got his ass kicked by her in the Cup
Honey is still part of her old Company, but as a distant investor and consultant
Mustard only allows himself to go all out on Four trainers: Leon, Honey, Sonia, and Opal
Sonia doesn’t know that she’s one of them because Self-Esteem Issues
He adds Marnie, Bede, and Hop to this list once he sees their potential
He also adds Raihan when that boy finally becomes Leon’s official Rival, Piers when he finally finds confidence in his battling skill, and Nessa
Leon, surprisingly, didn’t get lost in the Isle except for the one time when he was going to the Tower with Kubfu, but that was due the raging Sandstorms
Sonia also had a Kubfu, but due to storm she gave up and returned it, no objections
Leon & Sonia’s starters are actually from Mustard, but due to someone pulling some strings, they got them as their first Pokemon
Leon’s capable of hand-to-hand combat, Sonia’s an expert on disarming someone with a weapon
Despite this, Leon’s a Shield and Sonia’s a Sword
They returned their Kubfu to Mustard because they felt like they failed
In another timeline, Mustard would give those two to the next Sword and Shield, to— Hop
In another timeline, Mustard would give those two to the next Sword and Shield, to— Victor
In another timeline, Mustard would give those two to the next Sword and Shield, to— Gloria
Mustard wasn’t the Champion Leon had to battle to be crowned, but Mustard knew that if Leon could match him— and eventually beat him— that that boy could become Galar’s Champion
Mustard’s lost partner Pokemon is not known by the press of current times, only Opal truly knows what it was. As does Honey. Some guess it was an Eevee, many more suggest an Eeveelution
The only way Sharpedo don't go after you while in the water is either to use a boat or have several water type Pokemon out and around for your own safety
Don't use red boats though, they confuse it for prey. Leon and Piers learned the hard way
Nessa refuses to train any of the Psyduck line because back in the Isle as a challenger, she saw one sneeze in a cave and released a bit shockwave that punted her to a wall and knocked her out
Honey terrifies everyone of the young Adult Crew (Piers, Leon, Sonia, Raihan, Nessa, Milo, and Gordie) as much as they adore her
Crown Tundra Hcs
Malcom was the one who always looked out for both of them, him and Peony, when they were kids so Peony could have a childhood
This, in turn, made Malcom a lot more serious and ‘mature’ at a younger age while Peony is a bit too naive as an adult
The Mayor of the settlement is Klara and Avery’s grandfather, who raised them alongside the settlement after he took them in after their parents died
Avery and Klara practically inhaled and ate up every piece of information they could find on the King, because he could make their home better, right? He could make it so their friends don’t have to leave with their parents to the big city, right?
Calyrex watched Klara and Avery grow up, the two kids being it only source of power for years, but then they left, not long after giving up on believing it’s ‘fairy tale’
That doesn’t stop the two siblings from trying to restore the faith in the lost King, especially after hear two kids younger than they speak vividly and furiously about myths and legends and gods
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trealamh · 1 year
I'm sorry if you've got these question before but I have to ask: what made Alisdair speak to Arthur in Glasgow Scale? Did Arthur and Dai have any other family? What life did Arthur leave behind in Kent, and was Alisdsir's life much changed afterwards?
I love how your short stories pack so much life into them, they can be unfolded ten times over and I still would want to know more
always ask anything you'd like! i love your questions. And aaaa thankyouthanyouthankyou for your kind words <3
hehe I have been wondering whether it would be too indulgent to write TGS from Alasdair's point of view, actually. It would be a longer piece and much more dialogue heavy, covering from the night they met to Arthur moving in.
(Here is where I confess that TGS was going to be a multi-chapter fic/ one of those 15k single-chapter fics until i got worried I would disappoint people by taking too long to update or missing scoteng week entirely orz sorry everyone)
But to answer your questions!
Alasdair, as i mentioned here had just been released from custody and made his way straight to the hospital (no time to rush home and hop in the shower when you're naw even sure your brother is still alive). He is still running high on adrenaline a when he goes to find a seat in the waiting room, having been dismissed by the nurses that won't let him into Sean's room. It may not show much on him, but emotionally he is all over the place; angry, furious, even, and worried. Exhausted and fed up with the proceedings of loss; the bureaucracy of pain. Having someone in hospital is one of the hardest things to go through; a lot of the time it is worse to be the one waiting outside than it is to be the one hooked onto an IV. Alasdair is burning for a smoke and out of filters but the truth is that the reason why he sits next to Arthur is that something in him recognises him as a younger brother-- Dai was older. Call it instinct. I don't believe he would rationalise it and I do think that at some point Arthur would ask him outright "Why did you choose to sit next to me that night? Why me?" Alasdair probably would not have the words o explain it beyond some vague sense that Arthur was the only person in that room that made sense to him in that moment.
Arthur and Dai only had each other, really. Maybe a distant relative here and there but no one close. I won't go into detail to spare anyone who might come across this without a cw but it is partly why Dai is almost meticulous with the instructions he leaves behind; he knows that Arthur won't have any support going forward so as much as he can he tries to make it easy.
(It is patently not. It could never be. Nothing about loss could ever be but losing someone under those circumstances especially is unmanageable.)
When Arthur calls Dai's workplace to try and let them know he is not coming in to work they seem a little baffled and tell him that Dai had put in his two weeks already. It makes Arthur nauseous; it almost brings him to his knees. It makes him realise how long Dai had been planning this for and that as much as the loss of him itself is worse than any nightmare.
Moving onto lighter things, what Arthur leaves behind in Kent is a slightly bemused flatmate and a few odd pieces of furniture. He only moves in with Alasdair after he finishes his degree! Dai and him grew up nestled deep in the Welsh borders (I needed them both to have a piece of their namesake countries with them! so the borders it was) lost their mother in their late teens, shortly after Arthur gets approved for his student loan. Some more deep lore for TGS: that the reason why Dai is studying in Edinburgh are the student fees. He is older than Arthur, as I mentioned, so went off to uni a year before he did with his mother's support. She was already sick when Arthur was finishing up school and gone before he got his A-levels back. That summer, Dai comes down from Scotland to help him back and move into his first-year accommodation in Kent and that is the last time they spend more than a couple of weeks together at a time. Everything they own between them and whatever their mum left is split even; they get a few boxes each and a couple of furnishings, and that's all they really need. Eventually, Arthur might start feeling that loss as well and he might feel nostalgic about his home town, the flat they shared with their mother, and he might return to seek out familiar sights. Dai never grows old enough for her loss to lose its sting. They have different fathers (both still living) but neither keep in touch; their wee family of three (and then two) was plenty enough for them.
(Alasdair, contrastingly, comes from a Big Family. They fold Arthur right in, don't ye worry.)
And last of all, Alasdair's life does change pretty significantly after the events in The Glasgow Scale. He stops smoking, for one, but he also starts drinking less. By the time we meet him in this AU he has already done a lot of the work to get a hold on his temper and it's partly why he is not one of the brawlers in the fight that puts Sean in a coma. But he still has a ways to go and Arthur helps with that, more than he knows. He learns to think about someone else's needs in a deeper way than he ever has before and starts to see his own actions through someone else's eyes. Alasdair post-TGS is guilt-ridden to a fault and being good to Arthur helps him get a grip of himself.
This is a bit of a spoiler but a few months after Dai's death, Arthur gets a call from one of his classmates. Dai left behind a few things (he was an artist, Dai was you see) and he offers to hold onto them until Arthur can travel back up to pick them up. Arthur mentions this to Alasdair, who he's kept in touch with (a little awkwardly at first ksks do not be fooled they are deeply emotionally constipated in this AU despite the way they latch onto each other in the midst of their respective trauma) and Alasdair offers to bring them down for him instead. He kinda just blurts it out actually haha and is afraid that it was too forward of him when Arthur takes too long to answer that aye, that would be good actually, if Alasdair is sure (he cannae afford a ticket up to Scotland is the truth).
This is a whole wee story in its own right but essentially they get to meet each other again, under better circumstances, and that lays a stronger foundation for their eventual relationship. It is also an incredibly awkward visit at first adgfjdhgj which oddly enough helps them get over a lot of personal hang-ups.
One thing about this fic though is that for as much as their lives are changed irrevocably by what they lose and earn that night, they are still very ordinary people hhh and that's what I love about them both.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Tuck Everlasting (2002)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Anyone who's ever been in a relationship will spot something wrong with Tuck Everlasting. If you’re a teenager or inexperienced in love it may take you a bit, but that’s alright. We’ll wait for you to catch up. This film’s romance is unconvincing and bland. When it fails to engage you, all you can do is ask questions about the stuff surrounding the love plot and under the pressure, the film crumbles.
15-year-old Winnifred “Winnie” Foster (Alexis Bledel) wants to escape the life her parents have laid out for her but in 1914, she has few options. In the nearby forest, she meets Jesse Tuck (Jonathan Jackson) as he's drinking from a fountain at the foot of an old tree. Spotted, she is kidnapped by his older brother Miles (Scott Bairstow) and brought back to the Tuck home. There, she's told by Angus and Mae Tuck (William Hurt and Sissy Spacek) that she cannot leave -not until they are sure she can be trusted with their secret.
It’s hard to talk about why this film isn’t successful without revealing the Tuck family secret but I think the first scene will give you a good hint and saying a little isn’t spoiling too much. They’re immortal. The fountain Jesse drank from? His family discovered it nearly a hundred years earlier. Since then, they haven’t aged a day and are impervious to injury or disease. With that established, let’s dig into the film's problems.
I try to restrain myself from applying real-world logic to fantasy stories. Let’s assume, for example, that the spring only came to be recently - otherwise you’d have invincible Tyrannosaurus Rexes terrorizing the town of Treegap. We’re told the water’s properties also affect animals. Does it mean herds of bullet-proof deer walk around the woods? Too harsh? Fine. Here’s a question. If the Tucks are so worried the nearby townspeople will discover their secret, why are they still living so close to where they were living a century ago? It’s not like they need to drink the water over and over to stay young. Why not leave before the people start wondering why the children never age? If the Tucks are worried the fountain of youth might fall into the wrong hands, why not destroy it?
It’s easy to see what this story wants to do. Winnie is a plain (but rich) girl who wants more than what life offers. She meets a handsome boy. They fall in love but a secret threatens to tear them apart. If he gives her the same water that made him immortal, they could be together FOREVER. Sounds great but as the rest of the family reminds them, immortality might not be all it’s cracked up to be. They’re right in a way. It’s easy to take something for granted when you know there’s no risk of it going away but this film is not smart enough to convince us. It’s like a multi-millionaire complaining that money corrupts and ultimately doesn’t buy happiness. I guarantee you it beats being poor. Miles' woes seem petty. Angus’ observations about what the family’s life has become are unconvincing. If you sat down and really thought about what it would be like to live forever you could come up with far better material than this.
But ultimately, this film is not about philosophical questions. It’s about a romance under threat. Both from real life coming dangerously close to catching up with Winnie and a mysterious man (Ben Kingsley) looking for the Tucks. Unfortunately, you don’t care about the love story. Winnie and Jesse don’t have anything in common, particularly not when you learn the boy is over a hundred years old. What does he want with a teenage girl? At least Edward Cullen had a reason; he was a vampire that could read anyone’s mind except for Bella Swan's. That made her special. What’s special about Winnie? Nothing. Her only noteworthy trait is being so nondescript any teenage girl can effortlessly insert herself into her shoes. It may be enough to make younger viewers overlook the kidnapping stuff and William Hurt’s ear-splitting attempt at an accent.
Tuck Everlasting is the kind of movie you watch when you’re young and then grow out of. Any serious questions about its plot immediately become too much for it to bear. You could do much worse but unlike the Tucks, your time is limited. Don't waste it. (Full-screen version on VHS, April 2, 2020)
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Writing Questions Tag
Tagged by @emptyflowerpots; thanks~
1: what is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
I guess it might be the Love and Flowers series. An MCU multi-chapter, choose your own character ending story that I did for Valentines Day a few years ago.
I loved the idea and I was glad I actually did it, and people seemed to really enjoy it.
Another one would be my Soulmate AU series, which currently has 11 parts.
2: what is your favorite part of being a writer? which parts could you take or leave?
I love when people experience happiness, joy, or even sadness through my writing, as it tells me that I was writing enough to make someone feel. I absolutely love when I am reading something and it's written in such a way that I feel the emotions being portrayed in the story. So knowing I can do that as well makes me want to keep writing.
Otherwise, the unwanted "feedback" by some people who are just insulting your writing rather than actually providing feedback. I can definitely live without that, though luckily, I do not experience that that often.
3: what is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Maladaptive daydreams about things I will never experience so I might as well write them lol
Also people enjoying my writing and it bringing them some form of joy or comfort makes me want to keep writing more.
4: what is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? link it if you’d like and can!
I haven't written many multi-chapter stories (that I've finished lol). But maybe my nine part Bridgerton story 'Hearts Divided'
Or also the Love and Flowers series I linked at the beginning of this.
5: what is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
I'm not quite sure what this means lol does it mean a quote from something I've written?
Because one of my favorite dialogue's I've written is from an unfinished Star Trek story I wrote.
'No matter, how many times you tear me down, no matter how many times you tear me apart and put me back together, no matter how many parts of me you take away, my hope, my voice, my home, family, my friends. The one thing you will never, ever take away is my humanity. I will never stop being human, and I will never, ever, stop fighting you!'
6: which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
I don't write for many controversial characters, but I guess maybe Zemo from Marvel/fatws. I do not agree with a lot of the things he did, but I love his character so much at the same time lol.
Other than him, maybe Jim Moriarty from Sherlock BBC?
7: if you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
Not much lol. I'd probably be proud of my evolution in writing style and I'd be shocked at how many followers I managed to gain. but otherwise there wouldn't be much 'thought' lol.
Tagging (no pressure!): @gaitwae, @magravenwrites, @spuffyfan394, @will-grammer, @trashywritestrash, @cosplayingwitch and Open Tag! If anyone wants to do this anyways :)
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jupyterdream · 2 years
The Villain Named Gravity: Chapter 1
This is something I posted on AO3, and figured I could post it here too. It's going to be multi-chapter story about you and 3 ocs of mine (who are you best friends in the story) getting isekaied to the world of Genshin Impact. Genshin impact character won't show up until at least chapter three.
Summary: When the world starts to fall apart, the four genius will not allow its passing without at least trying to prevent it. But after a single miscalculation of the geodesic equation, the four of you end up in a world you know nothing about.
Your only objective to protect your friends. You could care less about anyone else.
So then... Why is it that the longer you stay here, the more difficult it becomes to see the two wanderers hurt...?
You're a psychopathic genius who gets isekaied to the world of Genshin impact with your three also genius yet chaotic friends. There, Tomoaki and Kazuha crosses path with you, leading you to a spiral of insanity.
Warnings: DARK CONTENT, reader is psychopathic, read is manipulative, it'll mostly be cheerful (especially in the first few chapters), ooc, mild dubious consent, no genshin characters will show up in the first two chapters, enemies to lover, friends to lovers, a lot of scientific jargon, reader is female, female pronouns, don't know if I'll actually commit to continuing the story so be prepared... do not interact if any of the above makes you uncomfortable. I'm not used to tumblr yet so my first few posts may not look as pretty. Sorry about that. (Many of these are for the story as a whole, this chapter is pretty tame.)
Pairings: Kaedehara Kazuha x Reader, Tomo x Reader
Everyone ready then? Alright, let's get going.
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The Villain Named Gravity
This was the end.
The world crumbled under your feet. The screams of people could be heard from all four directions that the winds blew from, the sky wept tears of acid, burning your cheeks as it mixed with your tears. It was over, that’s probably what you would have thought as you stared at the despair that filled the world you once loved, the signs of apocalypse stretching to the horizon.
That was until you heard the familiar voices behind you.
“Crap! Crap! Crap! The fuse blew up!”
“Guys, where did you put the geiger counter?! Kind of in the middle of something here?!”
“Uhm, I think I forgot to square the denominator? The electric field seems… wrong?”
You turned back towards your three friends, all working on the different aspects of the machine you had built together. The machine that became the final hope of this dying world you once called home. After a second of collecting your thoughts, you rushed towards them, grabbing an extra fuse that rested on top of the work table along the way.
“Did you guys calculate the geodesic correctly?! Remember that the geometry of space-time will change once we activate the machine! If we want to end up in the correct time period–”
“I’ll get on that as soon as I’m done here!” Your friend who was fixing the blown fuse screamed. He was always considered the leader of your friend group, often being the one to gather everyone, even gathering people for this elaborate and improbable plan, “Toss those extra wires and fuse and I’ll get around to it! You go ahead and make sure the gravitational force is correct!”
You nodded at your leader then tossed him some wires, as well as the fuse you picked up along the way. He catches it without looking, giving you a small nod of appreciation, and getting to work immediately.
“Are you sure?” Another friend of yours pauses, looking away from his geiger counter that he found under the chair he was working on. This one was often the most logical, the ‘calm one’ as you had dubbed in your thoughts, “She’s better at general relativity, she should be the one to–”
“We don’t have time!” The leader yelled, “She’s the only one who actually understands the amount of gravitational force we’ll need! We all understand the geodesic equations!”
The calm friend frowned, but decided that arguing would get him nowhere and went back to his own work. After listening in on their conversations, you rushed over to the computer screen filled with numbers and equations that had practically been glued to your brain. You started with the calculations. Everything must be perfect. Not even a single mistake would be allowed… In the meantime, the last friend finished calculating the electric field and she jumped up from her chair with the clipboard. She was always the cheerful one of the group, one in charge of lighting up the mood when everyone seemed down. “Eureka! I got it! Leave the electromagnetic forces to me!” She rushed over to the computer right next to yours, and started typing away.
“Fixed the fuse and got the geodesic.” Your leader smirked in satisfaction as he turned to the rest of the group, “Status update?!”
“Gravitational force seems correct!” You exclaimed.
“Electric fields were adjusted accordingly!” Your cheerful friend exclaimed next to you, her bubbly voice cheering up the room in an instant.
“The radiation seems fine, the lagrangian of electroweak force seems fine…” Your calm friend who was staring at the geiger counter and his phone simultaneously mumbled under his breath, looking calm compared to the rest of the group members.
The leader nodded in satisfaction, “Alright, it’s now or never then.”
That comment made you realize just how much louder the screams were compared to just a few minutes earlier. At this very moment, the world you all lived in is dying away, killed by the greed of humanity, unable to sustain life that depended on it. That was when the four of you decided that the best course of action would be to try and save the world using all of your brilliance. The four geniuses agreed to create a time machine, hoping to stop the destruction of your world before it even started.
The leader activated the machine, making a loud noise that made you jump 5 feet in the air from surprise. Everything should be perfect, every calculation, every component, no mistakes could be forgiven.
That was, until the four of you started noticing the abnormal behaviors from the machine. Excessive heat, discomforting noises, and the sense that everything was going out of control…
It was too late to stop the machine, the last thing you heard were the screams of your friends, the last thing you saw were bright lights, and then the world fell silent. Everything seemed lost, the four people who could have saved the world had failed.
That was what you thought, oh, how very wrong you were.
“....W… p…. Wake up darn it!”
You woke up on a hill that sang with the birds above, and the first thing you saw was infinite blue. How strange, it almost looks like the blue sky you used to admire, before the corruption of mankind turned it red. You blinked a couple of times before scanning your surroundings, though your vision was still blurred. Eventually, your eyes cleared up to reveal three familiar faces.
“....You guys?” You whispered before sitting up on the soft green grass. Your body aches all over, making you wince, but the soft breeze on your skin and the fresh air made you feel a little bit better.
“Aaah! I thought you died! I’m so glad!!” The cheerful friend throws her hands around you and starts sobbing, while your other two argues in the background.
“Told you we should have left the geodesic equation to her.”
“I said I was sorry, okay?! We made it back in time so does it really matter?!”
“My body hurts, so yeah, kinda.”
You watched the three chaos unfold in front of you and chuckle a little. This made your three friends baffled. All of that danger they put you through, and you were laughing? After chuckling to yourself a bit, you gave them a warm smile, a smile you haven’t shown since the world started falling apart.
“I’m glad I have you guys, you know?”
The cheerful friend looked more emotional than before and started wailing as she hugged you tighter. You regretted making her more emotional than she was before, because now you couldn’t breathe. The leader grinned in satisfaction at your response while the calm one looked away, with a tint of pink covering his cheeks. Though neither of them bothered helping you get out of the deathening grip of the cheerful one’s love.
“See? At least someone appreciates all the work I put in!” The leader hissed at your calm friend, “And we’re back in time before the world went to shit, so mission accomplished right?!”
Your calm friend looked around, his analyzing eyes sent shivers down your spine. You knew that it was never a good sign when he had those looks in his eyes. “...Not so fast, I don’t think we actually ended up where we wanted to.”
“What do you mean?” Your friend who finished bawling her eyes out finally lets go of you, allowing you to finally breathe a little.
“I mean, just look at it.” He pointed ahead into the distance, after following his gaze, you quickly realized what he meant and gasped in horror. Up ahead was not the city the four of you were just in, but instead a strange city you have never even seen before. No, specifically speaking, you have seen something similar before, but never in person. The black tiled roof on top of cemented walls, cherry blossoms filling all the spaces between the buildings, the large building decorated in purple… It almost looks like…
“Feudal Japan…?” You mumbled under your breath. At this point, the confident smile of your leader faded, replaced by an expression of worry, panic, and regret.
“What the fuck did I dooooo?!” He screamed as he held his head with both hands.
“Calm down! It was an accident, right?” The calm friend broke out of his usual cool nature, worried that the leader blames himself for the situation.
“Weren’t you making fun of him a little while ago?” Your happy friend giggled, though you hear the hint of worry mixed with her bubbly voice. You watched the three of them interact with panic from a distance. Realizing that staring blankly at your panicky friends won’t make the situation any better, you decided to check your surroundings once more.
But as soon as you tried to get up, you noticed that something fell off of your lap. Confused, you looked down towards the grass to check. By your side was a circular and black gem that had something that looked like the center of gravity symbol inside it. The glass itself was decorated with some sort of metal frame, and it had a substantial amount of weight. You were sure that nothing like this existed in the lab you four were working in a few minutes ago, so you assumed it found itself on your lap when you were teleported here.
“Hey guys check this out.” You called, and your three friends decided to pause their bickering for a small moment to look at the gem inside your hand.
“What is this?” The calm friend mumbled, tracing his index finger on the surface of the gem.
“It looks cool, like an anime merch!” The cheery friend giggled.
“Hey wait a minute!” The leader paused, “I saw something similar to this earlier! Just a sec…” He rushes over towards the patch of ground he was standing on and fishes out another gem from between the grass. His gems, instead of being black, were red with symbols of atoms inside.
“Lol! Yours has a diagram of an atom on it!” The cheerful friend chuckled. The leader pouted playfully.
“Well I like atoms! I’m an atomic physicist after all! So I think it fits! And better than not having a cool anime-merch.”
“Anime-merch…” The clam friend mumbled under his breath as he reached into his pant pocket. He shuffled around a bit before pulling out another gem, a green one with the GHS hazard pictogram inside. This made all of you laugh.
“You’re radioactive! You’re radioactive!” The leader grinned, and the clam friend shook his head in disbelief. He turned to your cheery friend, which made her let out a little “oh” before she began searching around her. Eventually, she found a blue gem which had symbols of what seemed to be lightning and magnet on it on the ground she was standing by.
Staring at the four gems, you think for a little bit, before a sudden realization hits you.
“Gravity, electromagnetism, strong force and weak force…” You whispered. The calm friend nodded in agreement.
“Huh? What? What’s going on? I’m not following.” The leader panicked. The calm friend sighed in disbelief.
“You know? For someone labeled a genius by everyone, you’re not very bright, are you?”
“Shut up! I’m good at physics! Not cryptic words!”
“So, what about the four fundamental forces?” The cheery friend asks you, and you nod.
“All these gems are corresponding to a fundamental force we’re most familiar with. My research is on general relativity and gravity, so I got gravity…”
“And my research is on radioactive decay caused by the nuclear weak force,” The calm friend added, “So I got the nuclear weak force.”
“Oooh! I see!” The cheery friend grinned, clapping her hands in delight, “Since my research is focused on building circuits, I'm electromagnetism!”
“So… I’m The strong force? Since my research is AMO with an emphasis on the elementary particles?” The leader laughs, proudly, “Ahaha! Alright! I’m the strongest!”
You nod at him with a slight smile on your face, “As you should.”
The leader seemed encouraged by your affirmation and he announced to the rest of the group, “Guys! I’ve decided! Until we finish our mission of saving our world! Let’s call each other by the names given to us by this anime merch! Thus, from now on, my name is ‘Strong Force!’ Let it be a reminder that we, the four geniuses, are the savior of the world! Ahaha! Didn’t I sound cool?”
Your calm friend, who was to be known as the Weak Force, shook his head in disbelief, as your cheery friend now named Electromagnetism cheered with excitement.
And you, now you were to be known as Gravity, the weakest of the four fundamental forces. But you didn’t mind, after all, you knew that your strength didn’t come from raw power, even before you ventured into this world.
Your strength is your audacity. Audacity to stand strong, even if you’re the weakest.
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hj34r35t3535 · 1 year
How Dreams, Determination and Passion can change the world – Success story of Mr. Harish Jagtani
Meet Mr. Harish Jagtani who as a young boy of just 22 years in 1995 left the comforts of his home, empty handed but with a vision and determination to face any odds in the world, travelled to a country in Africa despite knowing the challenges of food, culture, safety, health, language barrier, etc. leaving behind his family to fulfil his dreams of making it big. His only support was his Uncle.
Today Harish Jagtani is a multi-billionaire business tycoon having an international business that has contributed a lot in the development of D R Congo. His group of companies  provides employment to over 4000 natives and 700-800 Indians or other foreign nationals.
Today he is the biggest Philanthropist in D R Congo region with HJ Hospitals providing healthcare facilities to the natives of Democratic Republic of Congo
HJ Foundations provides sustainable healthcare to all people even to people who do not have the means to pay for it. They also hold a lot of charity camps at villages and small cities.
MTI News – Senior Correspondent got an opportunity to interview Mr. Harish Jagtani the man himself and below is the candid conversation between them :-
 Q: You started business in D R Congo 20 years ago, what were you doing before that and let us know how you started your career?
HJ : I came to D R Congo to work for my uncle Mr. Parmanand Daswani in 1995, as a sales executive. My Uncle runs a chain of supermarkets functioning across Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo. This was how I started my actual career on a serious basis. After working for him for a couple of years, I started my own business.
 Q: How did you think about D R Congo?
I was not aware of D R Congo but as I came to work for my uncle, he was the one who introduced me to the country and once I came here, I came to believe that this was a land of opportunities.
 Q: What were the risks in doing business 20 years ago and how is the situation now? What are the new risks currently and how do you manage them?
When you ask about the risks in business, I do not find much change in the situation. I did not find much risk of business then, nor do I find many now. There are challenges, yes, as are in every place when you want to start something new. The situation has definitely improved, we have much more resources now that are available in ways easier than earlier. Thankfully, we have a strong supply chain management set up that helps us to smooth out the road bumps and things can be managed quite efficiently these days.
 Q: What are the challenges you faced in the beginning, like language, culture food habits, crime etc. and how did you overcome them?
I believe you have quite rightly mentioned the challenges in your question. The culture, the language, the food habits were quite different from back in India. But then, what is life without challenges. I believe these challenges were the one that shaped me. It was difficult, but once I had made up my mind that this is the place where I want to be, these challenges made it more attracting. I used to put in extra hours after tiring days at work to get hold of the language and the culture. Today, I speak Lingala which is the most used language amongst the natives here in D R Congo. This helps me to connect with people of all levels and was one of the important stepping stones in this journey.
 Q: How did you become so successful in just 20 years?
I would rather say it’s not the timeframe but the mindset that helps a person become successful. As I mentioned, once I came here and realised the potential of the country, I made up my mind that this was the place to be. Finding the right kind of work, building the right network, taking the right decisions and implementing those quickly; these, amongst a few other aspects were what helped me make my way to success.  Not only planning but quick and correct implementation I think has what helped me above everything else.
 Q: What initiatives do you want to take for people in India, like providing jobs or bringing entrepreneurs  to D R Congo and suggesting a business?
I would rather take initiatives for the people here in this land. There is a plethora of unexplored opportunities here and the rich resources of the country belong to the natives. Indians can surely work here in tandem with the local populations and contribute to the growth and development of this country.
 Q: How have you contributed to the development of Congo and in which area?
My team here has contributed in more ways than one when it comes to the development of D R Congo. Serve Air Cargo, my flagship company is one of the largest air cargo providers in the country that connects around 28 destinations in the entire D R Congo. Today, with developing roads and travel routes within the country, it is Serve Air Cargo that helps multiple organisations, global NGOs, institutes of the state as well as private businesses transport freight from one location to other. Today we are the pioneers in the field of logistics.
We have stepped into the domain of healthcare in 2016 with Harish Jagtani Hospitals. Today, after 6 years, HJ Hospital is the epitome of quality healthcare in the entire Central- West African Region. A state of the art diagnostic centre, a 200 bedded, multi-super specialty hospital, HJ Hospital today provides services which were a far-fetched dream for many people till almost 5-7 years back. We have cancer surgeries, total joint replacement surgeries, complex neuro and cardiac surgeries, all being performed under the same roof by experts from across the globe. Expert medical staff from multiple nationalities work alongside natives to bring quality healthcare to the people of D R Congo.
Plus, with the formation of HJ Foundations, my team has made sure that sustainable healthcare can be availed by even people who do not have the means to pay for it. My team at HJ Foundations conducts multiple charity healthcare camps ranging from free malaria testing, free cataract surgeries to free prosthetic limbs campaigns wherein not a single cent is charged from any person who walks in to find support.
Apart from these works, we are also developing real estate and state infrastructure and my team has made sure that we touch lives through all our works and contribute to the best of our potential for the development of this country.
 Q: What is the total size of HJ group how many staff ?
My team at the Harish Jagtani group consists of around 100 expatriate staff and over 3000 native staff members
 Q: A few words about your family and how do you divide your time between business and family?
Well, my family stays in India and I do travel at times to meet them. But it does get difficult as I have to be here most of the time with my people, my team members who have contributed immensely to the growth and success that you term as mine. It is the hard work and dedication of my team and they are more than my family and most of my time is usually spent amidst them.
 Q: What are your future plans and do you have any plans to diversify into other countries?
My future plans do involve a lot of expansion but only in D R Congo. I do have plans to build better infrastructure and opportunities and services for the people of this country. My immediate plans in the next 5 years include building a few more centres of the HJ Hospitals, expanding the reach of HJ Foundations, Medical College and also building Harish Jagtani Garment to create 1000’s of employment  across major cities in D R Congo.
0 notes
eriellesudario · 7 years
Thoughts on Sydney Film Festival
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I just want to point out and say this: I’ve never went to Sydney Film Festival.
I never did, and reason for that is because I’m not a giant film enthusiast. I’d rather go to YouTube conventions such as Vidcon, Playlist Live and Amplify, which is my version of a film festival since it focuses on online multiplatforms and so forth. But my university requires us to attend the festival and write 2 essays on our thoughts throughout the events and the films we watched. At first, I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it, that I would get bored and probably just wing the assignments… but I was mistaken as I actually enjoyed it. Not to the point where next year I’d go again and get like a multi-day pass, nope. It’s more on the fact that I just had a good time and it’s worth going if you really like movies and you’d wish to become a filmmaker yourself
‘But aren’t you doing a film major? ‘
I’m doing journalism as a sub-major. I want to work in broadcast media. The only thing that I have to be concerned about is the world around me and knowing who our current Prime Minster and State Premier are. But films are nice and knowing who made what just allows you to understand what their filming styles are like and how’d they’d change over the years (the last time I did this when a few friends and I debated which of James Cameron’s work is better, Titanic or Avatar).
I only attended 2 events in the festival, The Dendy Awards for Australian Short Films and the world premier of ‘Hope Road’ – A documentary by Tom Zubrycki (you can pretty much figure out what were my 2 film classes based on). I was required to watch them and give a review on my thoughts towards the films. I have to say, despite being one of the youngest to attend (based on observation since the people around me were elderly people and huge film enthusiast for many years), they were quite interesting and worth a watch.
There was a common theme shown from both of the events I’ve attended, and that is the theme of ‘Struggle’ – How each character has to overcome the obstacles and issues that they face just to reach their goals, fulfil their dreams or to just get on with life. And the various styles of how each of the films were presented and produced showed various was to interpret that theme.
Hope Road
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 Yup… I met the people behind the documentary
Hope Road is the 11th film created by Australian Filmmaker Tom Zubrycki and is based on Zacharia Machiek’s vision to build a school in his home village in South Sudan. The film has been in production since 2012 and the story is still ongoing as there is more to be done. According to Zubrycki, the documentary is more than just a ‘fundraiser documentary’, but it also tells Zacharia’s personal story as a refugee and his determination to help his people back in South Sudan. The film also mentions the need for education (especially for women), gender equality for men and women, the conflict that’s currently occurring in South Sudan, and hope that the people who view this film would support their project.
The film starts off explaining about the conflict in Sudan in 1995, telling the results of the war and the amount of people who were affected and killed. We’re then introduced to Zacharia, a refugee who was one of the surviving Lost Boys of Sudan, as he’s on a flight to his home village. We are then seen the landscape of his village and throughout the documentary, we’re able to compare the lifestyle the Sudanese people in contrast to what we have here in the western world and how Zacharia’s personal life and the political conflict affected him from reaching his goal.
“Two things that kept the African people alive – hope and your own determination” – Zacharia.
This film reveals to audiences the struggles that the South Sudanese people and let audience realise the importance of women’s equal rights to work and education. Zacharia states that not many people view the importance of men and women working together and that peace could not be achieved without the participation of women.
We’re also exposed to Zacharia’s struggles as his domestic life and the ongoing conflict that’s occurring in South Sudan as well as financial issues, play a role on the delays and the prevention on getting the job done. But no matter how bad the situation is, Zacharia still believes that something good would come out of it. Zacharia still has a connection to his family and people back in South Sudan and this what drive his motivation to help them provide the education they need. What this film hopes to let people take out it is to let them know that there will always be hope, no matter how bad the situation is and that migration is more complicated than it’s seems as the migrants have a role on giving something back to the people that’s closest to them.
Despite the film having an inconclusive ending, Hope Road is a film that will put viewers to view the different perspectives of our world. They will learn that not everything is simple as it is and that there will be twist and turns as we go through in life; but also learn that there is always hope for them to succeed.
The Dendy Awards for Australian Short Films
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Some of the films that I watched (via Sydney Film Festival Site)
The Dendy Awards is a short film competition where 10 films are selected out of the 288 that were submitted. This year, there were a range of directors and filmmakers, some have years of experiences, some collaborated with big media industries and universities, and there were some who just started.
Here are some of the highlights of the night:
Adele is a film about an African teenage girl named Adele who is an expecting teen mum and has to go through her family tradition of arrange marriage, unconsented sex (which caused her pregnancy) and how it affects her, her ‘partner’ and her family. This film deals with what it’s like to go through the toughest situations when it comes to becoming a teen mum and how it affects their personal life.
After all
A stop-motion animation film about a son’s relationship with his mother who dies from smoking. The film merges the two timelines of the son’s past and present to tell the story and was able to intertwine the two timelines to tell the story.
Brown lips
An Aboriginal film made in Western Sydney, with collaboration with the ABC, where two cousins who fall in love and the girl wonders what if they’d escape with each other. This film was slightly criticised by a few of the audiences due to it’s theme of incest. The use of emotion was well used and you could clearly see how much the two characters felt for each other.
Lost Property Office
An animated film about an officer faces loss of his job due to it’s redundancy. He works at lost property where no one collects their lost goods and it just keeps accumulating with dust. This short filmed has this steampunk theme mixed with a 60’s vibe since it’s on a sepia filter rather than technicolour. The film made it hint that the officer was going to commit suicide due to the loss of his job but gave a twist ending that was slightly unexpected.
The Wall
An illustrated animated film about a grandma and her grandchild who runs away from war and are stuck in a camp with a giant wall blocking their way and sold everything about herself she had for a better future for the boy. The film had narration which was very poetic and it symbolised on how it’s like to seek refuge from the war and the victims wanting to give their children a better future.
Each film shown told different stories using different styles and the audience had various emotional response towards the films they’ve sat through. The use of colour, lighting and music helped set the mood on what each scene is about and the use of symbolism in the animated films gave the short films a deeper meaning to its story. Some of the films had a direct plot that the audiences could easily pick up and some needed to be critically analyse to figure out what the main intension is. Overall, the films were inspiring and are worth watching over again.
Whether you’re really into films or just a casual viewer or just someone like me who just spends time on the internet, The Sydney Film Festival is worth going to. You don’t have to go every year or to all the events but just supporting independent films that were funded by Screen Australia, and seeing the final product after months and years of production, its worth attending. As someone who mostly enjoys the online platform, I was quite inspired to see what they’ve created and it did inspire me and I plan to apply what they did in their films when I work on my future projects.
So if you’re given the chance to go to this event, at least try to give it a chance. It’s nice to try something new for a change. And who knows, you may also be inspired to create something as well.
0 notes
Kid!MC/Teen!MC Needs someone to go to Parent Teacher Interviews for Them and Guess Who’s Available?
The brothers being bad babysitters/dad figures is something I love very much, I bet you all could already tell that considering the Fic/Headcanon series I have going on. I would just like you all to know that Asmo’s section is based on a true story. Anyhoo~ onto the Headcanons!
Why? Why Him? (Lucifer)
Is MC really dumb, or are they just a kid? No one knows.
Obviously MC asked Lucifer, the only competent one in the house, the most professional, hard-working, controlled-
MC got their things together and gave Lucifer the run down on their teacher(s) before Lucifer got too absorbed in extolling his own virtues in an intense internal monologue.
News flash Lucifer, this isn’t a Shakespeare play, you can’t have a dramatic monologue or soliloquy about how great you think you are
At the actual meeting, if MC is in there, no, MC is not actually in there. Lucifer will speak to the teacher as if MC isn’t there. As someone whose not a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down kind of person, Lucifer expects the teacher to behave the same and not spare MC’s feelings.
Feelings do not deserve to be spared if MC is being a nuisance. No fake-kid/little sibling of his gets to be the class idiot!
If MC’s doing very well academically, he expects to be pointed at projects or tests they’ve done and the grade on it. It really makes him proud to see MC doing well.
Even if they’re not the best academically, if they’re not failing and they’re doing well in other aspects of school, he’s proud.
If MC really struggles in a school environment and just hates it there but they’re still keeping their head above water, they get a head pat of approval.
On the drive home, if MC came with him to the parent teacher interviews and everything went well, he just happens to turn onto the street that has a Baskin Robin’s or something of that caliber.
If they didn’t go, he picks something up on the way back.
No fun treats if MC is being a disruptive little heathen in class, no kid under Lucifer’s care is going to be the class Mammon. Not on his watch.
MC was busily stuffed their face with the treats that were gifted to them. Lucifer had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes at the kid’s blatant disregard for basic table manners when it came to sweets.
“Is everything the teacher said true?” Lucifer asked, MC looked up at him with a smile.
“Good, good.” Lucifer held out his hand and patted them on the head. “You’re doing well. Keep it up.”
“Geez,” MC mumbled as they continued to stuff their face. “Can you get anymore affectionate?”
“Don’t be sarcastic, MC. It’s uncouth.” Lucifer said sternly. “Besides, I’ll have you know that many people enjoy my headpats. I’m quite affectionate.”
“Really now? Name one person.”
Lucifer opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He and MC stared each other down, one pair of eyes much more nervous than the other. Spoiler, MC was still calmly eating their treat as they maintained eye contact.
“If you’re reaching for Cerberus, you’ve already lost.”
…his pride was under attack. Right in front of his desert…
“You’re grounded.”
“Worth it.”
*Rides by on a Skateboard* School is for NERDS (Mammon)
Pff! Stupid human! He’s not goin’ to some lame parent teacher conference-
Wait! What’s with that face?! Ugh… fine. MC’s gone and forced his hand with those damn puppy dog eyes…
Mammon does not dress up for this event, he dresses like he would every day, maybe throw on some designer stuff to let all the parents and teachers know he’s hot shit.
If MC goes with him, he pulls up in his beloved car and takes up two parking spaces (pure evil.). Every parent present already hates him, but at least the other kids there are impressed with MC’s sweet ride. MC would have gained some street cred if Mammon hadn’t managed to trip up the stairs to the classroom in front of everyone.
He’ll act way to casual with the teacher, turning the parent chair backwards and sitting down so he can lean on the seat.
Mammon gets bored crazy quickly while the teacher lists and explains all the stuff the class is learning, so his eyes begin to wander to any and all displays in the classroom. Projects, annoying posters, class pet, anything is more interesting than this teacher’s explanation.
When MC finally becomes the main topic of the interview, he’s all ears. MC’s doing great in school academically? Ha! Nerd! Maybe giving MC a playful noogie and interrupting the whole interview wasn’t a good idea, but whatever.
If MC’s failing anything, or just isn’t that gifted when it comes to grades, it’s very much a “Aw man me too” from Mammon.
This teacher is speaking with the Great Mammon, the first demon in RAD’s history to fail three semesters in a row. If this teacher thinks bad grades will phase him, they’re dead wrong.
Grades don’t mean anythin’ about smarts anyway! I mean, look at him! He’s a fuckin’ genius but he can’t get through a history test without sobbing even though he LIVED THROUGH MOST OF IT.
MC gets treats no matter what’s up in class. Though, if MC didn’t go with him, he’s likely to forget and just order something for the two of them when he gets back home.
“Goddamn teachers and their rambling!” Mammon whined, grabbing a slice of pizza from the open box on his coffee table. “You owe me, MC! Ya really do!”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” MC said, they leaned over and rolled a pizza slice into a pizza-scroll then proceeded to eat it like a veggie roll. “How do you think I feel, listening to them every day? You know how long it takes to get to the actual class material?”
“Five years?”
“Ugh! Five years if I’m lucky! I swear, I know more about my teacher’s grievances with like… five of my classmates than I do about trigonometry, and guess which one’s on the test next week?”
Mammon winced in sympathy, then remembered he was supposed to be whining and went back to it. “School’s shit and a waste of money, ya should drop out as soon as you can and help me run my new business.”
“You mean your pyramid scheme?”
“It’s not a pyramid scheme, MC! It’s legit! It’s a multi-tiered marketing-”
“It’s a pyramid scheme.”
Everyone else must have been sick or something for MC to have asked Levi. He’d flat out refuse to go otherwise.
So, Levi couldn’t exactly go to the interview in his usual “I haven’t left my room or changed clothes in eight weeks” look. With the help of MC, he was able to find his military uniform at the back of his closet.
Asmo nearly fainted when he saw Levi in the uniform, not because “oooo, a man in uniform~”, it was because the outfit was so crumpled and wrinkled that it made it physically painful to look at. No time to iron and wash, the conference was in an hour!
Levi (and MC if they went with) rolled up to the school in a less than impressive ride, but one look at the uniform and all the other people present went “yep, time to be respectful (tm)”
For the first time in his life Levi was more intimidating than Lucifer! And he wasn’t even trying!
When the teacher starts explaining the course material, Levi spaces off in horror as he realizes he remembers literally nothing from school (AND HE’S STILL IN SCHOOL!) all that’s running through his head is “A squared + B squared = C squared” and “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”.
The actual interview was the least interesting part of the trip, the real stuff happened when Levi passed by some art on display in the hallway and something caught his eye-
Those colours… that hair… that adorable smile..!
Levi immediately started fawning over the art class fanart and by sheer coincidence, one of the kids walking through the hallway happened to notice.
The kid asked MC if their… parent and or guardian liked anime. MC responded with “obviously.” Levi then asked the kid if they drew his adorable Ruri-chan. The kid said no, and that they drew the My Hero Academia fanart a few rows down.
Levi was absolutely floored that there were two anime fans in one class, then his entire world shattered when MC explained there was more anime art inside the art room and other classrooms.
H-hang on… did that mean that… a lot of people here… liked anime..?
Levi needed a while to process. No snacks on the way home…
Levi and MC were sat in the back of their Uber, Levi, the Avatar of Envy himself, was having his entire sense of reality warped. S-so much anime fanart… in a school of all places..! What did this mean for the future of anime?!
“Levi. Stop.” MC sighed. “If this were an anime, the camera angle would be doing that thing where it’s right on the bridge of your nose and dramatic music plays in the background.”
“S-so many kids in your class like a-anime huh..?” Levi stuttered, weakly trying to smile. “Must be nice..?”
“Oh, that’s just my class. The other classes and grades have their fans too.”
“Oh… really?”
“Levi,” MC stopped looking out the window and looked at the otaku that was having a full scale silent mental breakdown. “Anime isn’t even a niche interest anymore. It’s a pretty casual thing to watch now. At least a third of my class watches- Levi?”
“Levi?” MC waved their hand in front of their spaced out demon’s face. “Leviiiii? Okay he’s dead.”
The Know it All (Satan)
Ah, a smart choice, MC. Satan would be glad to help further their education. He’ll do everything in his power to make sure that the human’s brain is fed all that sweet sweet knowledge.
Satan can’t dress himself normally, MC had to coax him into a suit jacket, but he still only wore one sleeve.
MC was coming along to the interviews whether they wanted to or not, it’s important to hear what they need to improve on from the teacher themselves after all.
The two arrived pretty early, so Satan asked MC for a tour of the school. It was pretty tame until they reached the library. Satan was horrified at the state of some of the books…
Their spines lined with duct tape… pages missing and torn… someone apparently used a taco as a book mark…
The first thing Satan does when it’s time for his interview is demand the teacher take better care of the library, even though they’re not the librarian. MC tries to explain this, but Satan is too distraught to listen to reason.
He enjoyed hearing about the course material, but he made it known if MC thinks the assignments are too easy that they need to be given more challenging work. THEIR BRAIN NEEDS TO BE STIMULATED DAMN IT.
It was up to MC to either agree with Satan and nod to the teacher, or make frantic eye contact with them to try and communicate “NO DON’T PLEASE”.
Similar to (ugh) Lucifer, as long as MC is doing their best, he’s happy for them.
…but if they are in any way in the running for valedictorian he is HELPING THEM WIN.
He decided to stop at a cafe or bookstore to let MC pick out a “congrats on surviving your pitiful school” present after the interviews.
MC gleefully perused the shelves of the bookstore, there were so many books too look at…
“I’ll buy you as many books as you’d like, MC, just,” Satan shuddered slightly. “Promise me you won’t treat them like those poor library books…”
MC put their hand over their heart. “I swear on the duct taped book spines that I will never treat a book like that.”
“Good… good…” Satan breathed a sigh of relief and went back to looking at his book about cats.
“Are you… reading a Warrior Cats book..?” MC asked tentatively.
“Yes, why?”
“Satan, put that back.”
“I Will Seduce the Teacher For the Sake of Your Grades, Don’t Worry.” (Asmodeus)
Oh MC dear! He’d be delighted to go! Just let him get ready~
Asmo may not be the best choice, but he was at least going to be the best dressed person at that conference. (And MC just had to come too so all the other parents could be jealous of how well coordinated their outfits are)
He teased MC a little by saying he was going to flirt with their teacher to make sure they passed the class, but he was just kidding! …but he made sure to ask if their teacher was cute, he needed to know!
While waiting for his turn, Asmo flirts with some of the single parents, if he doesn’t see a wedding ring, they’re fair game.
Once his time slot arrived, MC realized that Asmo is one of those “my child has done and will do nothing wrong ever” types. This may have ended up working in MC’s favour if they were a class nuisance.
If MC is doing very well in sports, clubs, grades, anything, Asmo is fawning over them and gushing to the teacher about how great, smart and adorable they are.
Asmo surprisingly does not exactly flirt with the teacher, he was just teasing MC after all. But um… if MC’s teacher just happens to be cute and young, he may turn up the charm, just a little. Enough to make the teacher giggle and make MC cover their face in embarrassment.
After the interviews Asmo will probably schedule a nice day out for the two of them, shopping, a movie, mani pedis, something fun!
The real weird stuff happens in the months after the interviews… if Asmo did lightly flirt with the teacher, MC gets quite a few questions about their guardian. Questions that ask if Asmo is single in not as many words…
Oh lord, MC’s teacher developed a crush on Asmo.
Nail painting night was supposed to be a fun occasion, but MC was hopping mad and embarrassed. Asmo didn’t seem to notice as he continued to paint the little human’s nails.
“And then I told Phenex to get lost. The nerve of that little monster, right MC?” When MC didn’t reply, Asmo looked up and tilted his head. “MC?”
MC’s angry face would have been much more threatening if they weren’t just so adorable, but it was getting the message across.
“Asmo.” MC’s glare deepened. “My teacher wants to know if you’re single.”
Asmo blinked a few times, before he hit his tongue to keep from laughing. “Really now~. I knew they’d be madly in love with me-”
Oh My Demon King is That a BAKE SALE?! (Beel)
Of course Beel said yes! He’d gladly go to MC’s parent teacher interview!
He even put on a nice outfit :D he ended up looking a bit like a secret serviceman guarding MC, the tiny president.
Beel stopped for McDonald’s on the way there, all the other kids were so jealous of MC when they stepped out of the car eating fries.
But a little something something caught Beel’s eye when he and MC walked into the school… was that a… bake sale?
MC quickly explained that the bake sale was fundraiser for their class trip that year and the snacks weren’t complimentary. He had to pay.
And pay Beel did. He cleared out the entire table. MC’s grade’s overnight trip was going to be decadent as hell. That was no longer a crowd funded thing, that trip was privately funded by a tall buff ginger secret service member and this tiny in comparison child.
Kids are incredibly blunt, just like Beel, so when a random kindergarten kid wandered over, looked up at Beel, and very knowingly said “you’re very tall”. Beel was like “yeah”. The kid then said “what’s it like being that tall?”
Beel’s response to this kid’s question was to pick them up and hold them for a few seconds before placing them back down. For just a few moments this kid knew what it like to be over 6’4. Of course, more kids swarmed in and asked to be picked up.
Sure it was cute, but Beel now has an army of kids ranging from kindergarteners to third graders.
Finally, the conference actually began. Beel snacked the entire time and dutifully listened to everything the teacher had to say.
After the interviews are over, he checks with MC to make sure everything the teacher said was true and that they weren’t lying. If all was well, the two made their exit.
They stopped at Wendy’s on the way home.
“I’m so full…” MC groaned, Beel held up a massive cookie.
“So I can eat this?”
“No. Gimme that.” MC took a very defeated bite out of it. “My stomach says no but my mouth says yes…”
“I don’t want you to get a stomachache, MC,” Beel said worriedly. “No more snacks.”
“It’s a little late for that. It’s past nine and I’m still eating, there’s no way I’m getting to sleep at a reasonable hour.”
“Oh…” Beel mumbled. “I may have not completely thought this through.”
“*Snore* Huh? Wha? MC’s Grades? Uh… Fuck…” (Belphie)
MC must be failing a class or something because why on earth would they pick Belphie otherwise.
They ask him to go while he’s delirious from just waking up from a nap, he sort of half nods and mumbles some gibberish before going back to sleep.
MC had to basically carry his ass to the school. Belphie drooled all over them in the waiting room, and when it was their time to go into the interview, Belphie had to be manually put into the chair and slapped awake.
He barely listens, he just sits and nods along with whatever the teacher is saying. The teacher could say MC brought an alligator to school and he’d just go “uh huh…” “mmmph… yep…” “really now?” then yawn.
The only thing that could possibly get Belphie to be interested is if MC is studying space. If they are, than boy howdy is Belphie suddenly interested in their education.
Other than that? *snore*
If MC is in fact failing or doing poorly, MC’s teacher asks to see another one of MC’s guardians at a later date. Their plan failed miserably.
MC drags Belphie out of the school and yells at him for not helping them. Belphie, still sleep delirious, tries to press the snooze button. MC does not have a snooze button.
“Belphie!” MC shouted, shaking the Avatar of Sloth awake. The House of Lamentation’s resident bastard was somehow sleeping standing up outside. “HOW COULD YOU?!”
“Eh?” Belphie half-snorted and looked around confused. “What’d I do? Where are we?”
“At my school! You said that you’d go to my parent teacher interviews!”
“…MC I don’t think I’d pass well for you.”
“Sheesh,” Belphie murmured while he rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes. “You humans are so noisy.”
MC looked up at their dearest demon friend, and gave him their best glare. “I’m going to take all your fancy temperature changing pillows and switch them with normal pillows you traitorous bastard.”
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
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My goodness, I- I did not expect this one to blow up like this. Then again you guys are so goddamn unpredictable, be glad I love you all hhhhh- this will be the last installation of Universe Reversal and it has been a nice yet wild ride for this mini-series pfft. Thank you to the anon with the brilliant mind who started this, I didn't include Kaeya here since he's already fleshed out in the asks convos we had.
Universe Reversal 3
Genshin Impact Character Reader and Modern Players with Venti and Diluc (how they simp for you) (event masterlist / Part 1 / Part 2 / Extras)
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Venti the Multi-Account User
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This unhinged boyo has made multiple accounts for different servers, and no one really knows how many he uses or how many he's active on (it's 2), nor the reason why he even did this strategy in the first place.
How he pulled you: This little gremlin was messing around with his alt account and saw that he still had some leftover primogems in it, enough for ten pulls. And he was like, why not? He's already ran out of chances in his main account, he wasn't hoping much— so when that glorious golden meteor appear, he froze.
And then he freaked out, both in triumph and anger, because OMG you came home!!! In the WRONG account!!! ¡¡! ¡¡!
Bragging about it to his friends, and when he gets his congratulations, he's gonna come out and say it was on his alt account. And all hell breaks loose.
He's gonna spend most of his days trying to debate over his head what's he gonna do about his predicament, while farming materials not just for you but for the other characters as well. He doesn't have a well-bred team in that account so...
He'll be spending most of his time in that account during the hype, of course, and he's gonna be the gamer that would be staying up so late just to get everything geared up and maxed out.
Venti usually used you in co-op to flex on his pull, and dons your character as his profile. His grinding has raised you to at least C1 with the second best weapon for you, and a decent set of artifacts. He built you as sub dps tho, unlike the other players here.
This is obvious but he likes using you for gliding, because your character reacts so happily when doing so and he finds it really cute. He also ends up idling a lot and watches your idle animation, gif'd and all.
One of the very few characters who would actually cosplay as you, if it's possible. Shameless and proud for it too.
May or may not have attracted some specific fans.
You coming home has sparked the vigor of gaming for him once again, and became more engaged to the community and- holy shit, you have so many fan materials.
Venti may or may not have participated in the ship wars and best character wars alongside Childe and Kaeya.
One of the remixers and character theme/fan-made songs type of fan in the community, very prestigious too. He aims to offers his works to the devs too, even if it's just for small promotional materials.
"The game just become so much more enjoyable and pleasing to play when I got them! Even if I had to switch accounts, it's was sooo worth it." sad neglected account noises
Favorite Voicelines: Feelings About Ascension, All your trailers (What do you mean this is not a voiceline?)
Diluc the Beta Tester
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One of the lucky people to be able to play the beta version of the game, as he had been very critical in checking for bugs and suggestions even if he has his own work.
How he pulled you: Mentioned this before, he wasn't meant to pull for you really, he was there for the other characters in your banner, but you ended up coming home to him instead.
It's not that he doesn't LIKE you, it's nothing personal, it's just that his team/playstyle doesn't really let you fit in to his game? But hey, at least he knows you're good, so instead of neglecting you he decided to build you up as well just to see.
Diluc now has the strongest (Y/N) build in the whole game.
Was forced by his brother to make a video/tutorial for your character, and he found it quite enjoyable. So many people thanked him and supported his video for it, dedicated fans to your character and building.
Diluc warms up to your character soon after and sees you in a better light. Starts reading more about you and sees how nice your story was well made, and admires the beauty of your ult animation a tad bit too much.
His reputation suddenly became connected to you, like speedrunning, soloing and powerful builds with/for your character.
If there were any bugs or fixes regarding your character, he's the first to notice and report in full detail to Mihoyo. Because of this your release had been unusually flawless and well-liked by the community, but he wouldn't know much since he's not that engaged to the fandom.
He doesn't notice his bias to you and if he gets called out, he's gonna vehemently deny the fuck outta it. He's a beta player, he needs to analyze all characters equally, damn it.
He may or maaaaay not be one of the cause of your character getting leaked before your actual release; Kaeya may or maaaay not be related to this. Don't worry tho, he's not under any danger, yet.
He has a big chance of being a new character's VA that's closely tied to you and he's unsure yet on how to deal about the offer.
If a casual criticizes your character, especially when they insult that you're too overrated, he's there to pull out the right facts and rants to shit the fucker up.
Silently helped with the popularity poll and made you the most liked character for a very long time.
One of the people obsessed with your idle animation and voicelines, and had listened to all of your lines in ALL languages. For uh, for work purposes, of course. Will fight that your English VA is the best and suiting voice for you.
He's kinda tsun on liking your character in a simping kind of sense? So it's like subtle in which he silently buys one merch of yours, total opposite of Kaeya with his Dakimakura-
"One of the best characters Mihoyo has released so far. I'm guilty I almost didn't try getting them, but now I'm on the shi- train for vouching as best player."
Favorite Voicelines: Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night, Attack Dialogues
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@ellitx @moaa @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel
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