#so he's just been loitering around the mall
mustlovesteve · 4 months
i wanted to be done writing fanfiction for a while after LATBG, just leisurely working on the sequel miniseries, but now i have Ideas about a S3 St/eddie AU that doesn't take away much from any platonic St/obin scenes...
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androgynealienfemme · 10 months
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"We go from store to store, trying to things on and inspecting them. I give my opinions on dresses and shoes, blouses and lipstick colors. Sometimes I say things that make the other women look at me, agape, as though my mouth has been possessed by that flighty queen from Queer Eye even while the rest of my body still looks like any other big dumb boy's. I say that I like a skirt but I wish it were bias-cut instead of A-line, or that I am not fond of the fashion for surplice tops, or that the post-WWII idiom in shoes this season is amusing but rarely looks good on actual feet, or that I like the look of a bolero jacket. I know the names of colors, heliotrope and coral and Nile blue, and I can say without hesitation whether a lipstick might look better matte with a bit of powder.
These other women look at me with wonder, their boyfriends and husbands having made a fetish out of refusing to learn such words under any circumstances, as though merely pronouncing the word "periwinkle" or "princess seam" could easily turn a strong man gay as a box of birds. They say to her, "That's your husband?" in voices that loiter between admiring and disgusted, as though they know that there's no force on earth that could make their men or boys take such interest in their clothing and they think they might really prefer that to the spectacle of me, filling an armchair, legs crossed ankle over knee, looking just right until I say "tea length."
The point is that she wants other girls to see what it looks like to have a boy so cracy in love with you, as I am, that he will spend an afternoon talking about capri pants to have a boy so delighted by you that he never calls you by your name, but addresses you always as "beautiful girl," or "my love" or occasionally and with great fondness, "boss." To have a boy who will happily fetch your next-size-down and carry your bags and charm the salesclerks at the register without flirting overmuch and just generally try to make himself as useful as possible, all for the dizzy and undying pleasure of making you happy. And even though I am not a boy, I look like one, and so I can be complicit with her in this kind of wonderful afternoon, part indulgence of her great beauty and style, part guerilla feminist activism.
Later, when we walk through the mall or down the sidewalk, me laden with packages that are clearly hers, I watch the eyes of the people we pass: the women who look at me with a certain longing, wishing they had their own boys to carry the bags. The men who look at her with an unmistakable hunger, wishing that they had the honor of schlepping for a girl like her, and then look at me with a certain edge of disbelief, not quite clear about why I get to squire this marvelous example of femininity around when they are clearly wealthier, more handsome, better hung. I have learned to meet all of these gazes with a calm kind of sweetness. There's no point in defensiveness or sheepishness or challenge. I'm the one holding her bags."
"Being a Shopping Switch” Butch is a Noun essays by S. Bear Bergman (2006)
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cyborg-franky · 11 months
Shopping Trip With One Piece Characters
Part of a trade with the awesome @softcenteregg
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Doffy - The very definition of “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!”
Has money but you will have to pay for him all day when it comes to lunch and drinks.
Will be sitting at a restaurant at 11 am with a cocktail as he tells you about his week, regardless of if you asked or not.
Checks out the mall hotties.
Laughs when people open push/pull doors wrong.
Always has a cocktail or a Starbucks clutched in one hand, waving his credit card around in the other hand.
Rude to salespeople.
You will be dragged through the mall for hours because he needs to go into every designer shop he can and try on at least seventeen pairs of $400 sunglasses or he’ll die.
Will be the most overdressed person in the area,
When your having lunch with him and he sees someone he doesn’t like, he will be like “Oh hey! Been so long since we hung out, should do it again soon!” then soon as they're gone he’s dishing the dirt.
Also, you will carry his bags, thx.
Makes you wish you could get those reigns for kids but in adult sizes.
In fact, the entire trip is like taking a child out for his birthday.
Ever seen a huge bearded man grinning in pure glee at the new limited edition Build a Bear products? Ever seen one make like 12?
Do yourself a favor and limit his booze and sugar intake.
Is confused he can’t do a pub crawl in a mall.
Buys alot of those ‘alcoholic chocolates’ by the box load in an attempt to get a nice buzz going.
Thrift shopping but he will try on everything he can.
Does not know how to dress but does it with style, oddly enough.
You won’t get a chance to sit down or rest unless it’s dinner time.
At least he’ll sleep well tonight.
Hit’s all the stores that sell music and band merch.
Will snort at people who buy things he doesn’t like.
Throws around words like ‘poser’ and judges everyone.
The kinda metal kid who hangs out at the mall with all the wallet chains looking like their parents grounded them, but in their late 20s.
Will spend hours looking for CDs and just say he’s too broke and he’ll download it online anyway.
Walks around the mall trying to find the right shade of lipstick with Killer, both their arms and hands are covered in testers before they both just get more black nail varnish and the same shade they always buy.
Has a reusable plastic cup that's full of jack and coke. 
Taunts mall cops.
Imagine all of the above but he also spends alot of time looking at fancy new cook wear.
Will spend nothing on food all day but will drop $90 on a brand new crockpot or air fryer for the kitchen.
Very metal of him.
Thatch is fun to go with.
Treats you, buys the coffee and lunch.
Is happy to do whatever you want as long as he gets to check out homeware sections while you look at your things.
You will never lose him behind shelves because you can always see his hair.
Like Jaws but with hair and ozone layer murdering levels of hairspray.
Will flirt with staff, will get talking to them for far too long, and hold up the line.
The type of person who has alot of change and makes it a personal challenge to count out change exactly.
Will carry your bags though, he’s a good boy.
Bit judgey on eatery places pastries.
I hope you enjoy getting nowhere because when you're at a mall with Shanks or out and about in town you will be stopping every ten steps because someone recognises him and comes over and chats.
Has no concept of how long he’s been talking.
Is the type to have a pint with breakfast or brunch when you guys hang out.
Sale on ugly pants? He’d push you down to get there first.
Always texting the gang when he’s out.
Lol Benn guess what, I saw Buggy and he was with that guy, you know, the one with the hook, lol lol
Will drop Uta off at the mall kids' soft play area even though she’s 18 and still forget to pick her up before leaving.
Low key baits mall cops by loitering around and looking like an issue but has no intention of being an issue.
Might skateboard inside the mall.
Poses with ‘no skateboard’ signs.
Hopefully, there isn't an arcade in the mall because if you had any intention of getting things done today, that won’t happen now.
Hungry every 20 minutes and has to grab snacks.
100% the kinda friend/boyfriend who sits on the seats outside the changing rooms holding all the bags and groaning, acting like it’s the worst thing in the world.
Is one of those people who opens push/pull doors wrong.
After taking five minutes to park correctly he’s happy to go with the flow. 
Likes to have a coffee and a people watch with you, chatty and social.
But he will drag you to shoe stores and you will be sat there for ages as he tries on every strappy sandal in the place, walking up and down and asking you what you think.
“I like this one but I don’t know if it makes me too tall yoi.” while you can’t for the life of you tell the difference between that pair and the last 40.
If you meet him at the mall he might be late, very much the shows up 20 minutes late with Starbucks.
Has a tendency to wander off in shops and you spend half your time looking for him.
Doesn’t give a warning when entering a shop if something shiny caught his bird brain.
He hates the mall.
Imagine a dad who has to take his teenage daughter clothes shopping and that’d basically be him with Shanks.
Benn is a very ‘I know what I am here for’ in and out kind of person but he doesn’t mind going to other places with you.
Ignores staff-only signs when he knows there is a smoking area on the other side of that door.
Is the person to remind you of the ‘insert thing here we have at home’ and is a shop sensible person, though he won't say anything if you do buy another T-shirt that looks exactly like the one you already have.
Pretends to be annoyed at carrying the shopping, but he offered and he likes to help you out.
If you complain about your feet hurting he’ll helpfully tell you he told you to wear your other shoes.
Sabo and Luffy
Both have their pictures up in the security office.
Sabo for giving the mall cops the finger, graffiti, and shoplifting.
Luffy peed in the fountain and kept stealing pick-n-mix.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 3 days
Typical Day for a Mall Cop
My name's Bill, and I've been a guard at the mall for almost a decade now. It wasn't my dream job, but life has a way of creeping up on you with kids and a mortgage. I needed something to pay the bills, and I've always had a knack for watching over people.
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Like any other weekend, the mall is fairly busy, so I stay on my feet and patrol the halls for most of the day. Occasionally, I'll check in with the other mall cop, but my time is mostly filled with watching shoppers come and go. If anybody gets too rowdy, a stern look is enough to keep them in line.
A lot of the time, teenagers will loiter in stores. Some of them even try and bring their skateboards in, but it isn't too hard to make them adhere to the mall's strict policies. They might be young and clueless, but that doesn't mean I'll cut them any breaks.
Over by the fountain, I see one of the boys I admonished a week ago. I think I caught him shoplifting or something. Thieves normally get banned from the mall, but I didn't do that with this one. He said something that completely caught me off guard; he said he could hypnotize me.
I laughed in his face.
Amused inwardly by the boy's foolish claim, I walk over to check in with him. I'm sure he'll remember the security guard that almost kicked him out of the mall last weekend.
The kid is chatting with his friends, but they fall quiet when they notice me looming behind them. Like we'd discussed last week, I drop to my knees and kneel in front of the troublemaker. He explained that this is the best thing for me to do when I see him around, and I can't help but agree. I know the boy deserves my respect.
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I plant a kiss on both of his sneakers, and then wait for him to speak first. It takes a minute because he and his friends are busy cracking up over some unspoken joke. Whatever it is, clearly went right over my head.
"How you doin', mall pig?" the boy laughs.
I smirk at the nickname he's given me. We've gotten in the habit of calling each other by these pseudonyms, and I don't mind it.
"Very good, sir," I answer, using the name I've come to associate him with, "How are you?"
"Fine, I guess," he shrugs, "I spent your cash on kicks for my crew."
That reminds me of last week again. The boy had made it seem like a good idea to give him all the money I had, which included the paycheck I'd earned for last pay period. On the ground, I had a close view of all the vibrant sneakers the teenagers were wearing. It was nice to know he'd put my gift to good use, even if my wife had been pissed that I'd come home without my month's salary.
"You have another check for me, fat ass?"
His friends laugh at his new nickname for me, but I shake my head and answer a solemn, "No, sir."
The teenager groans and leads his gang of friends away, already bored with me. It seems like he's just going to leave me there, kneeling in the middle of the mall, until he turns and beckons me to follow. Inwardly, I'm glad that he's not done with me yet. I've come to enjoy our interactions a lot.
I follow the boys, crawling behind them all the way into a bathroom.
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"If you ain't got any cash to keep me and my crew entertained, then you're gonna have to do something to make us laugh," he explains.
"Of course, sir!" I smile, trying to express how willing I am to impress him and his friends.
"We'd find it hilarious if you dunked your head in each toilet," he adds blandly.
I light up. He's just explained how I can be of service and now all I have to do is follow through. I'm sure it'd be hilarious for them to watch a fully grown security guard giving himself a few swirlies. That's peak comedy!
"Watch this, sir!" I laugh, crawling over to the first toilet and shoving my face into the water without any hesitation.
I know the guy that's supposed to clean these bathrooms, and it's obvious he slacks off because there are skid marks all over. I try not to think about it as my cheeks and forehead brush against the bottom of the bowl. When I pull my face out of the flushing toilet, my ears pop and hear a roar of laughter behind me. The kids find it hilarious, which only fuels my desire to keep going.
With a gaping grin, I shuffle over to the next stall and repeat. There are six toilets in the men's restroom. Some are cleaner than others. The last one is a clogged mess, and the boys find it hilarious when I come up with toilet paper plastered to my face. I laugh through it all, even if the urge to puke is growing.
By the time I'm done, I'm soaked in toilet water, and the teenagers are in tears.
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"Alright, toilet guy. That was disgusting," the leader of the pack chuckles, grimacing in my direction, "You have a car or something?"
"Yes, sir. I've got a minivan in the parking lot."
"A minivan?" he seems disappointed, "Hand over the keys anyway. We wanna drive around."
"You got it, sir," I say, fishing the fob out of my damp pockets.
He swipes the keys out of my hand eagerly and turns to leave the bathroom. I start to follow the boys out, but he stops me.
"Why don't you stay in here 'till you dry off," he snorts, "You can spend that time in the corner, thinking about what you can do for me next time I'm at the mall."
"Yes, sir," answer, and the boys leave.
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Briefly, the thought of getting back to work crosses my mind. I really should be out there keeping an eye on the vendors and their merchandise, but that goes away. Like suggested, I stare at the dirty tile wall and begin to brainstorm what I can do for the boy the next time I see him.
My walkie goes off now and then with the voice of my coworker wondering where I am, but I ignore it.
After an hour or so, I've dripped mostly dry, but a strong stink still lingers around my head. Still, I've come up with a few different things I could have ready next week. It'll take some overtime to make extra cash for the boy. My wife won't be happy about that, but it'll give me a chance to actually have cash ready for him when he asks for it.
The only other thing I have to offer is the perks of my job. Maybe his friends and him would like a tour of the security office? I'd give them free reign of everything in the confiscated bin.
Speaking of my job, I should probably get back. My partner is probably angry at me for not answering the radio. He'll be happy when I tell him I'll take the late shift for the next few days. Hopefully he won't say anything about the smell. God, it's awful!
Just another day working as a mall cop!
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omg-a-wild-td-fan · 1 year
Total Drama Island 2023 Headcanons (Mall Jobs)
Priya is employee of the month every single month at her job, though she switches jobs practically every single month. She’s stellar at her job, whatever it may be, but gets bored doing the same tasks for too long. Especially if she believers there is opportunity for more growth or more challenges at a different job. Her most recent job is working at the Laser Tag Arena and Arcade in the mall, which allows her to both earn money and spend her breaks playing the best laser tag games imaginable. Sometimes she works multiple jobs at once, and can be seen in the Game Stop, the Cinnabon, and the H&M all in the same day.
Millie has an internship at the mall bookstore. They do not offer internships, but she gave a long, drawn-out explanation about why this generation needs to learn the value of working for experience instead of money, and the manager got bored enough to just agree. Instead of working, Millie lurks around the bookstore and judges her peers’ taste in books. 
Ripper has applied at every store in the mall at least once, and has been fired from at least half of the jobs he has tried (the other half he quit about a week in). His longest stints have been at the Game Stop (he got fired for yelling at a five year old girl- accusing her of being a ‘fake fan’ of Pokemon), the Hello Kitty Store (he quit after Chase saw him working the cash register), and the Spencer’s where he is currently on his last warning. If he makes one more dick joke to a customer who’s gone to browse in the back of the store, he’s officially going to be fired.
Damien works with Millie at the bookstore, but he actually gets paid. He keeps his head down at work, trying to avoid the drama that often erupts when a customer gets annoyed that Millie is following them around. He is just there to make money for college. 
Axel only visits the mall to hang out with Nichelle, she gets bored at every store in the place aside from the small hole in the wall shop that sells pocket knives amongst their usual stock of anime figurines and Funko Pops. She does have a notable love for the Cinnabon stall in the food court though.
Chase works at one of the kiosks in the mall that sells sunglasses and shittily made custom printed shirts. Any woman who walks past the kiosk becomes his newest temporary crush, and he constantly stops by Urban Outfitter’s to try to hit on Emma. He makes decent money from his job but is always somehow broke, primarily because he wastes every paycheck on overpriced clothing from the nearby shops that sell Supreme and Gucci merchandise.
Zee actually works nights at the McDonald’s down the street, but visits the mall during the day to hang around the food court with Emma. Occasionally, they’ll help out around the Urban Outfitters and Bowie will pay them in cash, soda, and weed. They also often skip work to hang out with Emma and generally loiter anywhere the vibes are chill enough. 
Scary Girl works at Hot Topic and has about an equal rate of getting customers to spend insane amounts of money versus scaring any customer away by being generally terrifying. She briefly worked at Claires but was fired after using the piercing gun inappropriately. She is not allowed within twenty feet of the Hello Kitty Store.
Caleb applied to work at the Game Stop but was rejected in part because he was considered to not adequately fit their atmosphere, so he instead ended up with a job at the local Abercrombie & Fitch- much to his chagrin. 90% of his job is to simply stand at the cash register by the door and look attractive to entice people in, he only stays at the job because they pay decently. When not at his job he’s browsing the titles at the Game Stop or running to get the high score at every game in the Arcade.
Nichelle got a job at the Hot Dog on a Stick to method act for an upcoming role. She’s trying her best to actually do the job, but all her star-struck co-workers refuse to let her lift a finger. She is incredibly grateful for the few customers that don’t recognize her, because she feels like she is able to live like a normal teenager for those brief moments. 
Julia has applied at the Urban Outfitters hundreds of times, but has been rejected more times than she can count, so she works at Forever 21 instead. She’s nice to her customers’ faces to maximize her commission, but talks shit about them to all of her coworkers once they’re out of earshot. She also talks shit about all of her coworkers to any customer that will listen. 
Bowie is the manager at the Urban Outfitters. He knows all the employee beef and makes sure to draft the schedule in a way that will maximize the amount of drama he gets to witness. He’s a chill, yet stern boss, and he takes his responsibilities very seriously. He only ever calls out once, after a crazy night with Raj, Wayne, Emma, and Nichelle. 
Wayne works at the Sports Authority, and is actually an amazing worker. He’s friendly, helpful, and a great team player. The only downside is that he is such a good team player and so aggressively helpful and kind, that he’s driven sales in the store to a screeching halt. If a customer shows up asking for hockey gear, Wayne immediately pulls out every promo code and coupon available to help them buy everything they need. While very nice and well-liked by the customers, Wayne is one more ‘Unofficial Surprise Free Giveaway’ from being fired. 
Raj works at the Dick’s Sporting Goods across the way from the Sports Authority, and he and Wayne have a friendly competition trying to get customers to come into their stores. However, Raj keeps getting distracted by Bowie coming to visit and keeps getting in trouble for giving him free stuff- his worst offense being when he gave Bowie about $300 worth of clothing because Bowie offhandedly said one of the on-sale jerseys was cute. 
Emma works at Urban Outfitters. She was originally rejected for not being “cool” enough, but Bowie pulled some strings to get her the job. Her sweet and bubbly personality makes her very popular among the customers, who often come in just to talk with her and Bowie. Unfortunately, Chase’s kiosk is in sight of the entrance of the store, and she has to take a break to calm down in the back everytime he catches her eye to wink at her. 
MK works at a tech kiosk that fixes phones and sells phone cases and other accessories. She views this job as beneath her because it’s super easy. She hangs out in the food court during her lunch break to pickpocket and sometimes goes to Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters to steal. Anytime Bowie catches her, he rolls his eyes and warns her not to do it again, and anytime Julia catches her, she threatens her life.
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adachimoe · 8 months
Persona 5 IRL Stuff
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The entry and exit to each floor of Mementos is based on the appearance of train stations, and the stamps you collect for Jose are seemingly the game's version of train stamps lol.
I'm not sure if this is still true, but train stamps were introduced to me as something that smaller kids will collect when they travel with their families, so it makes sense to me that the NPC associated with them is also a kid. As an adult tourist, I've never bothered with train stamps cause you really have to go out of your way to find some of them and when I'm at a train station my ass is trying to go somewhere lol. I suppose that even in real life, some of those stamp locations must feel like they're random spawns.
I have absolutely bothered with red shrine seals, though. Maybe Persona 6 will have the protagonist collecting those.
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Ryuji takes you to a ramen restaurant in Ogikubo. Based on it being in Ogikubo and the appearance of the restaurant in-game, it's modeled after Marufuku Chinese Noodles near Ogikubo Station. The sign in-game just says "Chinese Noodles" without the store name. I'm not sure if this is a famous restaurant or maybe it's just one that Atlus employees like to eat at lol.
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Ryuji also takes you to a monjayaki restaurant in Tsukishima during his Confidant. You go to Tsukishima specifically because Tsukishima has a line of restaurants called Monja Street that specializes in, you guessed it, monjayaki.
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Akechi introduces you to a jazz bar in Kichijoji called Jazz Jin. The outside appearance seems to be based on Some Time which is also located in Kichijoji. Only the outside resembles what's in-game, though. The inside is different.
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Yongenjaya isn't a real place in Tokyo, but it seems to be a renamed version of Sangenjaya - san means 3, yon means 4. I've not been to Sangenjaya, though I've heard that details like the laundromat, even down to the vending machine, looks nearly the same as it does in-game. (If you are interested in doing Persona 5 tourism around Tokyo, I've heard that the Sangenjaya locals do not appreciate Persona 5 tourism or related loitering in this area.)
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Shibuya Station is pretty much accurate with how it is IRL. The green train car that you visit Tora at has been moved since the game came out, but the dog statue of Hachiko (or Buchiko as its known in game) is there, the 1000 stairs you climb to get to the Ginza Line, etc, is also all accurate.
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When you touch base with Ohya, you unlock Shinjuku. The movie theater in-game is called Cult 9, which is based on an actual movie theater in Shinjuku called Wald 9. The other areas in Shinjuku seem to be a condensed version of Kabukicho (or Kamurocho, if you've played Like a Dragon).
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Futaba wants to go shopping in Akihabara and Nakano. Akihabara you've probably already heard about as Nerd Haven. She also talks about visiting Nakano, likely to go shopping at Nakano Broadway which is home to a bunch of Mandarake 2nd hand anime/etc goods stores.
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The "huge pancake" that Morgana was talking about is how Tokyo Dome looks from the outside. The pancakes he's comparing it to are the thicc souffle-style fluffy jiggly pancakes that you can get at various restaurants. (Also probably what Akechi thinks of when he hears delicious pancakes lol.)
The other areas and things, I'm really not sure there's much to say about them.
Ann takes you to Harajuku cause she wanted to eat sweets (this is really relatable btw)
Meiji jingu is also real and located near Harajuku
The buffet Ann takes the guys to is the Marble Lounge, but I believe it's since been remodeled
There's multiple museums in Ueno
There's a Catholic church in west Kanda but afaik the inside looks different than in-game
Inokashira Park is real and has swan boats and stuff
Ikebukuro's planetarium is in Sunshine City Mall
Chinatown is real but it's much further than the map makes you think (it's in Yokohama)
Odaiba Seaside Park is another real location
Miura Beach is also real, way down south past Yokohama
Jimbocho is indeed where you'd go to buy books
etc etc etc
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tadhgoftheforest · 11 months
Facing down the last summer of his—hopefully—final and last senior year at Hawkins High, Eddie Munson gets a job at the newly opening Starcourt Mall's Waldenbooks—like the closet nerd that he is. On break one day, he finds out delightedly that there's a campy nautical ice cream shop called Scoops Ahoy, which to his even bigger delight has Steve Harrington dressed up in the most childish, goofiest, Halloween style sailor's uniform. The sight of that uniform gets Eddie into trouble staking out Scoops everyday. Misunderstanding endsues and Eddie has to figure out how to get out of the mess his crush and that dumb uniform have gotten him into without outing himself.
Walking through the mall in the early afternoon, he'd thought no one would be here cause it was early. People had shit to do. But evidently not seeing as how it seemed to be fairly busy. It left him stepping around people and nearly running into a bunch of kids as they tore through the place shouting and screaming. The shrill shouting and screaming also directed him away from the side of the food court that had the Orange Julius and to the other side.
Brain still on the come up, it took him a few minutes to register that he'd sat in front of Scoops Ahoy!—a nautical themed ice cream shop. Eddie's jaw dropped, lips curling into an open mouth smile, as he stared at the place with glee. Absolutely horrifying. The biggest worst idea ever. He desperately wanted to know who was working there and what their uniforms looked like. He imagined that working at that place was literally the bottom of the barrel.
He'd shoved out of his chair and made his way closer, trying to get a glimpse of whoever was at the counter. Absolutely slammed, he couldn't see through the throng of people. So he snagged a table just inside and idly watched, jaw cradled against his palm, elbow jammed uncomfortably against the slick top of the wood table.
Taking gulps of his coffee, he watched kids running all over the store, pointing and shouting as they ordered what they wanted. Parents arguing with kids. Temper tantrums from younger ones. Giggles from clusters of girls as they talked with their heads together, sometimes leaning out of the circle to look at someone behind the counter before starting to giggle again. Some lothario must be back there, then. Anticipation sat heavily on his chest. He just wanted to see the uniform. Wanted a good laugh before he left. Because other than sitting here, waiting on the edge of his seat, there was nothing else holding his interest. He'd decided he'd head home for a few hours and loiter there before driving back to loiter here, but now in the company of friends.
And then the line cleared enough that he could see who was working. He recognized Robin from band. He'd been in band in middle school, interested in trying to play the drums. He'd been on his way out of middle, she just coming in. It's also how he'd met the other guys in the band. Gareth—also just coming in—had the most talent out of everyone on the drumline and had been the most interested when Eddie had started talking about the band. It's how he'd ended up with the younger, curly haired guy being in Corroded Coffin, demolishing the drums while he'd switched to guitar. But apparently him and Robin had made friends in band, so he'd heard and seen about her often enough over the past four years.
Buckley just couldn't win. First, she had that ugly green marching uniform, complete with feathered cap. And now this. A sailor's uniform. But not anything worthy and as professional looking at the marching band outfit, no. This abomination was closer to what he might find for Halloween.
He felt like the Grinch, mouth curling and curling and curling at the edges, delight just tickling his insides. Especially once he caught sight of who she was slinging ice cream alongside. Steve Harrington.
He needed a camera. Desperately. He had to have photographic evidence of the most perfect guy in Hawkins degrading himself like this for money. He had to be seriously desperate for money.
What started as delight quickly started turning towards dread, smile slowly falling off Eddie's face. He sat there watching, head in his hand, as Steve was flirting with a couple of girls at the counter. He looked bashful, boyish. Cute. His little white cap, shouting 'Ahoy', pulling his lion's mane of hair back and off his face. The way the little knot tied in front, almost comically long, made it seem like a boy playing at dress up in his father's clothes. He was smiling, laughing, biting his lip. Looking up from under his lashes as he scooped ice cream, hands out of sight behind the counter.
Fuck. God damn him.
Eddie shoved away from the table, chair screeching in the rancorous din of the lively mall. He quickly stood and hurried away, not quite jogging but definitely not walking away. He tried to keep his eyes to himself, but they lingered on Harrington, drinking in how boyish and cute he looked.
As Eddie nearly ran back to Waldenbooks and through the store and out to his car, all he could think about was how he was going to have to quit. He didn't think he could be in the same place as Harrington as long as he knew the man was wandering around looking like that while he worked. It was one thing to have an idle crush on the douchebag, undressing him with his eyes while at school. It was another thing entirely to suddenly not be free of his unfortunate crush even during the summer. And he looked cute! It was fucking unfair. He was so mad at himself. Not just for liking a straight guy, but an unfairly attractive straight guy that was an absolute utter dickbag. He had no right to look cute and attractive. Absolutely no right. You can't be hot and an asshole.
Read the whole thing at ao3
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Hi! Wonder if you could write about Sophie joining the family in Pall Mall. I love how you write Benophie ❤️
Ok so for this lil drabble Sophie is working for the Bridgertons and accompanies them for a week’s stay at Aubrey Hall. Francesca is being courted by John Stirling and the Bridgertons want to get to know him better by seeing how he fits in within the family.
Sophie had been enjoying her time at Aubrey Hall thus far. She much preferred the country air, not to mention being away from the London lessened her worry of bumping into Araminta. The Bridgertons were even more jovial than they normally were and it was nice to seem them all being a bit more relaxed in their ancestral country home. The only downside (to an extent) was that she still had to put up with Benedict’s constant presence, knowing he’d be loitering around the servants quarters and stairwell, feeling his eyes on her wherever she went, and even him “bumping into her” whenever she had some free time to take a leisurely stroll around the estate. He was inconveniencing her to no end, especially with how desperate she was to not arouse suspicion among his family about the nature of their relationship; and yet annoyingly she always felt disappointed when she didn’t run into him in the grounds of Aubrey Hall or if he wasn’t in the drawing room surrounded by his family trying to steal glances from her.  
Several days into the stay at Aubrey Hall, the party was enjoying the warm June weather with a picnic tent set up in the grounds. Sophie had been dragged into a stroll by Eloise and Hyacinth, with each of them linked arm in arm with her as they wittered away about how besotted the Earl of Kilmartin was with their sister. As they began making their way back towards the picnic, Colin came bounding up to them with an eager expression on his face.
“We’ve just got the earl to agree to a game of Pall Mall!” he announced jubilantly. 
Eloise and Hyacinth gasped with delight in response and Sophie found it incredibly endearing just how excited the Bridgerton siblings got at the prospect of the lawn game. 
“Who else is playing?” Eloise enquired as Colin walked back with them.
“Frannie will be participating of course, as will Ben; look, they’re already setting up the wickets now.” he remarked and Sophie looked over to see Benedict plunging a wicket into the ground whilst keeping an eye on where Francesca was placing another. “Our eldest brother and sister will not be participating however,”
“Oh, what a relief!” Eloise sighed exasperatedly. “They always take the game far too seriously.” she elaborated for Sophie’s benefit.
“As if you don’t.” Colin snorted before receiving a sharp elbow to the side from his slighted sister. 
“So it’ll just be the six of us?” Eloise asked. 
“Oh!” Hyacinth gasped, her eyes round with what Sophie recognised was the youngest Bridgerton sibling forming a bright idea. “Why don’t you join us, Sophie?” 
Sophie certainly hadn’t been expecting such an invitation and was flabbergasted into a pregnant pause, which Eloise jumped in to fill.
“Yes!” Eloise’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, it’ll be so much fun to have you join us, Sophie!”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Sophie hesitated - she had heard plenty of stories over the last few days about the long Bridgerton history of Pall Mall, and there had been no mention of any member of staff being allowed to partake in the game. “I wouldn’t wish to intrude,”
“Nonsense!” Colin waved off. “We’d love to have you join in!”
As lovely as the Bridgertons had been to her since she had joined their household, their constant enthusiasm to include her all the time was becoming a slight problem. She knew they meant well in being so welcoming to her but this preferential treatment was starting to alienate her from the rest of the staff. The other maids ignored her, a few members of senior staff had given her the cut when passing by her, and the head cook flat out refused to serve her a plate of food that she had served to every other servant in the kitchens. She had heard all of their whisperings, none of them even trying to be discreet as they questioned what was so special about her. A lot of the staff had cottoned on that Sophie had received a far greater education than any of them had done, all of them knowing she had a dubious background, and she was sure rumours had been circulated as a result. Truly, it wasn’t anything Sophie wasn’t already used to, having spent her whole life straddling the social classes and never truly belonging or fitting in with either one. 
Still, Sophie didn’t want any more glares being sent her way from the people she worked with because of how she was treated by the family they worked for. She had tried in the last couple of weeks to excuse herself from tea with the Bridgerton ladies, insisting she had chores to attend to, but that had massively backfired when Eloise had requested another maid perform the duties Sophie had stated instead, which had only caused more bad blood from the other members of staff. Even when Sophie was successful in keeping away from the Bridgertons, Hyacinth and Francesca still sought her out in the servants quarters to openly invite her to get ice cream with them. As for the way Benedict shamelessly tracked her down and lacked any care for propriety when his family weren’t about even if the household staff were... well, it really was no wonder why the rest of the servants didn’t care for Sophie. 
“I couldn’t.” Sophie said, politely declining the offer to join them. “I have some mending,”
“Oh you always have some mending to be doing!” Hyacinth groaned and rolled her eyes. “We’ve already told you, Sophie; we don’t care about the mending getting done. Mending isn’t your priority. Your number one priority is keeping me company!” she declared with a self-satisfied grin. 
“I’m sure you have more than enough company with all of your siblings.” Sophie pointed out, still desperate to worm her way out of participating in the game. 
“But I much prefer your company, Sophie!” Hyacinth argued.
“Charming.” Colin remarked jovially. 
“Oh please do join us, Sophie!” Eloise insisted. “We can form an alliance!” 
“Um, excuse me! If anyone’s going to form an alliance with Sophie, it’s going to be me!” Hyacinth glared at her sister.
“Or if you’d prefer, you can form an alliance with me.” Colin smirked before his younger sisters began quarreling with him.  
It was hard to get a word in edge-ways, as Sophie tried in vain to opt out of playing with the siblings, but there seemed to be no way out of it. They were so determined to have her join them and in spite of how much she didn’t want to drive an even bigger wedge between herself and the other servants, she couldn’t find it in her to be bluntly rude to the generosity of the Bridgertons. It was only as they got closer to the picnic tent that Sophie observed John the footman nearby and an idea popped into her head.
“I do hope I’m not overstepping, but would you possibly allow John to join the game as well?”
This silenced the three Bridgertons immediately and even caused them to ground to a halt. “The footman, John?” Hyacinth puzzled. 
She had managed to perturb them with her request and Sophie was sure she had crossed the line in being too comfortable and familiar with them to even dare ask such a question.
“I apologise. I understand that’s asking too much,” Sophie began to fret.
“Not at all - in fact, I think that’s a capital idea!” Colin enthused. “Allow me to go fetch him.” 
Before Sophie knew it, Colin had taken off, bypassing his family to approach a rather taken aback John. 
“What’s going on?” Francesca asked as she appeared by them, having just posted the last of her wickets. 
“Sophie’s going to play with us!” Hyacinth declared.
“And Colin’s asking John the footman to join us too.” Eloise added, nodding over to where Colin was clapping the young man on the back and beginning to guide him over. 
“I see.” Francesca remarked and looked back to Sophie with a shrewd glimmer in her eyes. “I didn’t realise you had struck up a friendship with him.”
“He’s been ever so nice.” Sophie replied truthfully; apart from Mrs Wilson, he was the only other member of staff who talked to her, and the only one who talked to her about things unrelated to their work. 
“Oh.” Eloise uttered in a quieter tone. “Have you... taken a fancy to John?”
Sophie hadn’t been expecting that line of enquiry but had no time to provide an answer as Colin and John descended upon them, as did Benedict and the earl, the former of which hauled with him eight mallets. 
After the mallets were selected (with Francesca nabbing “the mallet of death” much to the rest of her siblings’ chagrin), Colin quickly explained the game to Sophie and John before play commenced. 
As the first couple of rounds passed, Sophie and John stuck together as they got a feel for the game as well as the gameplay that the Bridgertons were partaking in. After a single round the bickering had begun, with Hyacinth accusing Eloise of cheating, all the while the earl looked on in bewilderment. 
“I’m starting to understand why you wanted some companionship for this game.” John remarked to Sophie in amusement after Francesca sent Colin’s ball flying down a hill. 
The two servants stuck together for quite a while, both ensuring they never knocked their respective ball too far away from the other’s. Sophie thought they’d probably make it through the entire game without being separated - but then suddenly John’s orange ball was knocked down the hill after being collided with the green ball. As John followed after his ball, Sophie exhaled as she heard footsteps approaching, knowing who the green ball belonged to and who she’d have to endure the company of until it was her turn. 
“I must say, my aim’s been a bit off today.” Benedict said breezily when he came shoulder to shoulder with her, their balls sitting parallel in front of them. “I hate to disturb your conversation, especially with how cozy you looked.” 
Sophie rolled her eyes when she heard the thinly-veiled jealousy in his voice. He had been watching her throughout most of the game, catching sight of him frowning over whenever she glanced at him and feeling his heavy stare on her even when she wasn’t looking at him. She heavily suspected his lagging in the game was all to do with keeping an eye on her, as she and John were trailing behind on purpose, and of course his ball knocking into John’s had nothing to do with a bad aim; it had been aimed perfectly she was sure of it. 
“My sisters are of the belief that you and Ron share a fancy for one another.” he continued, trying to goad a response out of her with bitterness lacing his words. 
“Stop being childish; you know his name is John.” she called him out right away. 
“I do apologise. I didn’t realise John meant that much to you.” he sneered. 
“So having basic common respect in correctly stating a person’s name equates to said person being of importance to oneself?” she shot back. 
“Why else were you so eager for him to join us?” he enquired. “Hm? No other member of staff joins us for lawn games.”
“And yet your family insisted I partake.” she countered. “Why shouldn’t lawn games be open to the rest of the servants?” 
Colin then yelled from up ahead that it was Sophie’s turn, and without a second for Benedict to respond to her, she whacked her ball forward, sending it through a wicket. She marched on up ahead, annoyed with Benedict for having the audacity to be annoyed with her or John. 
“You could have requested Mrs Wilson join us.” Benedict piped up, startling her in the process by rejoining her.
“You cannot follow after me!” she hissed, darting her gaze about to check if anyone had noticed him trail after her. 
He shrugged uncaringly. “There’s no rule to say I can’t leave my ball and return to it when my turn comes about.” 
“What will others think when they see you leaving your ball behind in favour of talking to me?” she challenged him, hoping to use his sensitivity of what others think about him against him. 
Annoyingly, he shrugged again, completely unfazed. “They’ll simply think I’m keeping you, as a first-time Pall Mall player, company. Probably assume that we’re discussing the game. Which we are.” 
“We are not.”
“On the contrary. The last thing I asked was why you didn’t ask Mrs Wilson to join us instead of Ron.”
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“Surely you’ve known Mrs Wilson long enough to know she wouldn’t wish to partake in such a game.” Sophie pointed out - if Mrs Wilson wasn’t such a no-nonsense character, Sophie would have asked her straightaway to join in, but as the Dowager Viscountess’s lady’s maid was currently sat with her mistress and the other matrons, it would have been a fruitless effort. 
“Well why not ask one of the other maids to partake?” Benedict continued. 
“Because I am not liked by them.” she snapped back - and then realised her slip-up. 
Benedict’s irritated frown immediately transformed into an mixed expression of confusion and compassion. “Why should they not like you?” 
“It’s nothing.” Sophie waved off. “I am simply new.” she reasoned and looked off to the rest of the players, hoping Benedict wouldn’t think any further on the subject. 
“Are they mistreating you?” 
Sophie’s head snapped back due to this line of enquiry. Benedict now looked incensed, his grip on his mallet tightening with precursory anger. 
“No, no, no. Not at all.” she insisted. “They have treated me fairly.” 
“I don’t think it fair of them if they do not like you.” 
“Benedict, please. I don’t want to cause any more trouble than I already have.”
Sophie wanted to smack herself for putting her foot in it even more. 
“You’ve done nothing wrong.” Benedict stated. “My mother and sisters all adore you. You’re a conscientious member of staff who always works hard,”
“So I don’t see how you could be perceived as trouble. Far from it. If you need me to have a word,”
“Benedict; don’t. I beg of you!” she pleaded.
“I will if they’re making you feel bad,” he insisted, shooting a glare over his shoulder in the direction of the picnic tent where various servants hovered about. 
“Your family thinks too highly of me!” she exclaimed and regained his attention. 
“And what on earth is wrong with that?” Benedict retorted, raising a quizzical brow. 
“Believe me, I am grateful for their compassion and generosity, Ben; but being allowed to take tea with your family, your sisters inviting me to the ice cream parlour, the way I have been welcomed with open arms after such a short amount of time... it’s left the staff baffled and as a result they resent me for such preferential treatment.” she explained with a wavering voice. “Your family have been ever so lovely to me and I do greatly appreciate it, but it’s setting me apart from the rest of the household. I do not blame them for their dislike towards me - nor do I blame your family at all - but I assure you, I am more than capable of enduring the ill regard.”
“Sophie,” Benedict breathed softly, the hardened look on his face long gone and instead he gazed at her with utter sympathy. 
“Ben!” Hyacinth wailed off in the distance. “Your turn!”
Benedict flared his nostrils, annoyed that the game at hand was detracting him from his conversation with her. He retreated back to his ball and sent it flying off much further ahead of Sophie’s, and yet instead of following after his ball, he once again came to stand beside her. 
“You shouldn’t have to put up with the resentment of others, Sophie.” he informed her, clearly having used the time it took to have his turn to think on what to say. “Not when you treat everyone else around you with the utmost kindness and consideration.” 
“It’s fine, Ben,”
“No it isn’t.” he argued. “You shouldn’t have to put up with the rest of the staff treating you like that.”
“There is nothing to be done about it. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“But you shouldn’t have to deal with it at all.”
Sophie didn’t have it in her to argue with him, not when it would be yet another iteration of a point she had already made that would lead to them arguing in circles. They stewed in silence for a moment, Sophie gazing off at the rest of the game while Benedict solely gazed at her. 
“You wouldn’t have to put up with this, you know.” he spoke up after a few minutes. “Not if you accepted my offer,”
“Ben.” she bit out, immediately furious that he would raise a matter that she had already firmly shut down, not to mention alluding to such an offer while they were in the midst of his family. 
“You would never have to deal with their judgments,”
“Your ignorance truly knows no bounds, does it?” she sniped. “If I agreed to such an offer the judgments would certainly not cease. You forget that servants know everything that goes on behind closed doors and their judgment would increase tenfold if they knew I had agreed to such a scandalous compromise. I’ve already told you that I could never be a kept woman - now don’t you ever raise the subject again.” 
“Sophie,” he huffed, thoroughly displeased that she was still adamant in her stance.
“Incoming!” came a yell and the pair looked up to see a pink ball soaring through the air, heading straight towards them. 
Sophie tugged Benedict out of the way and the pink ball descended, colliding with the green ball and knocking it further back in the course. 
“Sorry about that!” the Earl of Kilmartin called out as he made his way over to them. “That was Colin’s handiwork! Apparently I was on the verge of overtaking him!”
“Not your fault!” Benedict replied, plastering a friendly smile on his face in spite of the discontent his and Sophie’s conversation had previously brought upon him.
“You’d better stay with your ball.” Sophie suggested pointedly to him as the earl drew closer. 
Her eyes met his sharply and he threw a pinched look at her before grabbing a hold of his mallet and striding away. 
“Enjoying the game?” the earl asked as he sidled up next to her. 
“Indeed I am, my Lord.” she replied civilly, even though it was a blatant lie. 
John Stirling looked to her and then sneaked a glance behind them to where her previous companion was currently staring fixatedly at her, oblivious that he was being observed. 
“I do hope you weren’t being bothered.” the earl remarked as he returned his gaze up ahead at the game. 
“Bothered?” Sophie, lost in her own thoughts, was surprised by the nobleman’s line of questioning. 
“Miss Beckett,” the earl addressed her, surprising her with his formality to not just refer to her by her Christian name, “I hope you don’t mind me offering up my opinion, but I can’t help having noticed any time I have paid a visit to Miss Francesca that should you be attendance, Mr. Bridgerton coincidentally always makes himself present.” 
Sophie was left dumbstruck that the earl had clocked Benedict’s rather indiscreet pursuit of her since they had arrived in town. With the earl calling on Francesca most days, Sophie had grown accustomed to chaperoning the pair, and as the earl had correctly stated, Benedict typically joined the trio in the drawing room but paid no attention to his sister nor Francesca’s suitor. The earl could have been cavorting with Francesca on the opposite divan for all the second eldest Bridgerton brother knew; Benedict was entirely focused on Sophie and Sophie alone during those visits.
“I’m well aware of the predatory nature of certain gentlemen, and with just how fondly Francesca thinks of you, I should hate to think you are on the receiving end of any sort of harassment.” 
“Oh, no, no, no, my Lord.” Sophie shook her head frantically. “No, no; Bene - Mr. Bridgerton isn’t like that at all, I assure you.” she insisted - as much of a nuisance as Benedict had been since they arrived in town, he had never been untoward with her, with Sophie being a willing participant in any kisses they might have shared during this time. 
“Are you quite sure?” the earl enquired carefully. “Just because you work for the family, doesn’t mean you should feel obliged to,”
“Pardon me, my Lord, but I don’t feel obliged to do... anything outside of the perimeters of my job role.” she told him. “Mr. Bridgerton... he means no harm, truly. You have nothing to be concerned with.”
The earl nodded slowly, not fully taking her word, or at least possessing some curiosity for the nature of her relationship with the second eldest Bridgerton brother. 
“I understand.” the earl eased. “However, should you be under any duress by any member of the household, should you share your concerns with me, I will see fit to right any issues.” 
Sophie was rather surprised by the earl’s considerate offer, never having thought a man of his ranking would care in the slightest for the well being of a maid - after all, Sophie’s father never had. 
“Thank you, my Lord.” 
“And if I may be at liberty to say, Miss Becket, should I win the approval of Miss Francesca’s family, I intend to ask her for her hand in marriage, and should she accept, I expect she would be eager to keep you as her lady’s maid. The role would be yours without a shadow of a doubt, and of course should you be suffering from any pests in London or here in Kent, rest assured they would no longer be a problem all the way up in Scotland.” 
Sophie was once again left floored by the earl’s offer. She really hadn’t thought that far along in terms of work. Before Benedict brought her to London with him, she had convinced herself she’d only work for his family until she found a household role elsewhere - the only stumbling block was her love for Benedict. As infuriating as he was, she doubted she could be without him, and even if she had to part ways, she would be in a state of torture for the rest of her life. She knew there really was no other option; she would have to suffer such a torture in spite of her own heart. There was no future for her and Benedict, try as hard as she might to hold onto some tiny glimmer of hope that he could ever love her publicly and make her his wife. She supposed the offer of working as Francesca’s lady’s maid when she undoubtedly became the new Countess of Kilmartin would be for the best, seeing as she had fallen in love with Benedict’s family as much as she had fallen in love with him. In a way she could still cling onto a small part of the man she loved, and even glimpse him at future Bridgerton family gatherings - even if it meant watching him marry a woman of his own rank and start a family. It would be a burdensome pain, but one Sophie knew would be inevitable as soon as Benedict had asked her to become his mistress. She knew in that moment he would never see her as his wife and now she supposed working for Francesca in Scotland would be the best way to cut her losses. 
The game continued and Sophie ended up on the outskirts of the woods overlooking the lake after the mallet of death had sent her ball off of the course. Sophie was enjoying the serene view of the lake as a mother goose tended to her goslings, when a ball landed nearby. As soon as she noted the colour, she prepared herself for who was about to appear once more. 
“Bloody mallet of death.” she heard him mutter as he approached, and then Benedict was near her once more. 
As soon as he noticed her, his face soured even more and he turned his back to her, staring off at the lake, sulking petulantly after once again being rejected by her. Sophie didn’t care for his avoidance, considering she had planned to give him the silent treatment. A few minutes passed by in stiff silence, and when the mute tension was finally broken, Sophie wasn’t shocked by who had been unable to keep quiet for so long. 
“It’s a shame about the lake.” Benedict said out of nowhere, keeping his back to her. 
Though she didn’t want to converse with him, she was confused by his non-sequitur. “What do you mean?” she found herself asking. 
“I know you prefer your lakes to have men bathing in them.” 
Sophie was suddenly incredulous with rage and wanted to knock him around the head with her mallet, when someone called out for her to take her turn. She moved her foot among the foliage she was stood in, which resulted in her ball being unsettled and rolling down the slight incline towards the lake by itself. It rolled down until it came to rest by Benedict’s ball - and Sophie realised without her mallet contacting the ball that her turn was still in play. 
She followed after the ball, walking past Benedict, and then a wicked thought entered her head. She parked herself by the two balls, lined up her shot to make Benedict think she was aiming at her ball; and then crashed her mallet into the green ball. Benedict’s ball went flying into the air and splashed into the middle of the lake, and with that a loud cheer went up from the rest of the party. 
“I’ll have you know,” Sophie said as she looked back to a gaping Benedict, “I prefer my lakes to contain the essence of a man’s defeat.” 
She grinned victoriously at him and was then met by the rest of the players, with Colin declaring her the winner, not for having gotten her ball through the last wicket, but for getting one over on Benedict, which according to the Bridgertons was the Pall Mall spirit. They all returned to the picnic tent where Sophie was celebrated for her win, and for a moment she pretended as if she were being congratulated as a member of their family, as their sister, as Benedict’s wife... 
She quickly grounded herself, reminding her heart that her dreams could never be, and she decided to distract herself by clearing up the wickets of the course. Eloise, Francesca, and Hyacinth were too wrapped up in narrating the entirety of the match to Lady Danbury to notice that the lady’s maid (who they insisted on keeping close at hand at all times) sneaking away from them. 
Sophie was joined by John the footman, having cottoned on to what she was trying to do and wanting to assist. They made hearty conversation as they packed up the wickets, with John hyping her win up and keeping good company. As they reached the wickets furthest afield, John decided to take the ones they had already collected back to the shed, leaving Sophie alone - or so she thought. 
“I’m surprised he didn’t take the opportunity to steal a kiss from you.”
Sophie jumped, dropping the wicket she had just retrieved, and turned to find Benedict leaning against a tree on the outskirts of the woods. In retrospect, she realised he had never accompanied them back to the tent and had probably stayed in the same spot where she had left him mulling things over. 
“Perhaps Ron doesn’t have a fancy for you after all.”
“You are a grown man.” she reminded him. “Being petty and misnaming John isn’t going to win anyone over.” 
“So you’d rather be with him?” Benedict childishly retorted. 
“I have never once said I regard him in such a way, you fool!” she argued back. “Believe me, it would be far easier if I loved him instead of...”
She trailed off when she realised what she had just inferred and naively she hoped he hadn’t been paying any attention; but of course he had been. A smug smile began creeping up on his face, the corner of his lips pinching up, a knowing glint in his eye as he began to approach her. 
“So between Ron and I,”
“John.” she trilled in exasperation for his continued pettiness. 
“- who would you rather be with?” he asked, coming to a stop once they were toe to toe, and Sophie was glad that they were out of sight of the house and everyone else from where they currently stood. 
“Ben, stop being ridiculous.” she sighed though her gaze now locked in with his. 
“I’ll only stop when you give me an answer.” he countered, brushing a few loose locks out of her face and tucking them behind her ear, his touch setting off sparks within her. 
“Why must you be like this?” she huffed, but did nothing to back away from him. 
“Give me an answer, and I’ll stop.” he reiterated, his face drawing closer to hers, his lips inches from hers as her own mind longed to give in to the temptation of him. 
“Ben...” she uttered softly, feeling his breath tickle her lips. 
“Sophie.” he replied, parroting her tone. 
As much as she wanted to deny him, to push him away, to tell him the opposite of what he wanted to hear just to keep him at arm’s length, she knew she didn’t have the strength. Benedict Bridgerton was her weakness, no matter how hard she tried to resist. 
“I’d rather be with you.” she answered him finally, like her choice was ever in doubt. “I will always want to be with you.” she confessed in addition as her heart took over and consumed her sensible mind. 
And as a reward for being honest, Benedict’s lips pressed against hers and she melted into him, savouring the kiss as best she could, contemplating the fact that some day soon she would most likely be travelling off to Scotland to start a new life in Kilmartin seeing after Francesca. 
“You could always be with me, Soph.” he breathed against her. “If you so chose to.”
As romantic as it sounded, she knew what he meant by that, and it had nothing to do with being his wife. She refused to settle for any less, no matter how much she loved him with all her heart. She would always want more, always want all of him; and he had made it clear he could never provide her with that. 
“You know how the thought of me having a fancy for John has irritated you so?” she enquired, stilling him against her. “How could you expect me to see you married one day while I’m nothing but your kept woman?” 
She looked into his eyes, where sadness reflected back at her, and she gave him one last kiss before extracting herself from him and walking away. 
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bazzpop · 8 months
I went with a different approach than a shopping mall with this
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To Breathe in Smooth
London, Soho, 2008
Crowley didn’t smoke often.
Sure, he’d done it when it was in fashion (same as Aziraphale had), quit many times over the centuries (also same as Aziraphale had), but he always found himself starting back up again whenever he was stressed about something— especially when it was something entirely out of his control.
Tonight was one of those nights, having just been forced to deliver the very literal Son of Satan, The Antichrist, onto the world— the world he was quite fond of and didn’t want to end— and Crowley found himself desperately craving for the smooth burn of a good cigarette at the back of his throat as soon as the deed had been done. It would taste loads better than the rotten taste of Hell stuck in his mouth.
And so, shortly after convincing Aziraphale to join him in playing Godfathers to the Antichrist, Crowley had caved to that need.
He sobered up and bid the angel good night before, quite literally, taking off on dark wings and landing softly on the roof of the bookshop. Settling himself over the edge, legs dangling down over the street, Crowley reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a brand new pack of Pall Mall cigarettes that hadn’t been in there a moment prior.
He tapped the bottom of the box, forcing one of the cigarettes to pop up for him to take, and he called a tiny flame to the tip of his finger like a lighter. Real neat party trick, that, and one that Aziraphale seemed to like whenever they smoked together, but he hadn’t told the angel he planned on loitering up on his roof for the next few hours.
Not bothering to pocket the pack and put it away before he was done with it, he rested it next to him on the ledge and look a long, savoring drag off his first cigarette. The familiar taste of the smoke eased away some of the tension while he looked up at the stars he helped create, blowing smoke up into the sky.
The last time Aziraphale had seen Crowley light up a cigarette and take long drag off of it had been when he was in the planning phase of mapping out the corrections needed to turn the M-25 into the equivalent of a demonic prayer wheel. Though tonight, the night Crowley had delivered the Antichrist, Aziraphale could have sworn he smelled the familiar scent of the Pall Mall cigarettes, the same ones Crowley had preferred to smoke on and off since 1899, wafting in through the open window.
Closing his book, the angel made his way upstairs and onto the roof to investigate. He had a hunch he would find his demonic friend hanging around up there, most likely on the roof if he had to guess, chain smoking his stress away after this whole Antichrist business.
And his suspicions were confirmed when he saw the silhouette of a lanky figure with a shock of shoulder-length red hair perched over the edge of the building.
“You should have told me you were going out for a smoke, I would have joined you.” Aziraphale came right up behind the demon as he lit his finger for the next one, causing the poor dear to startle and almost falling off the ledge he was sitting on. He was definitely stressed, and anxious too, from what Aziraphale had observed thus far.
“I see. Care to tell me why you’re out here inside of inside the shop, then?”
“Couldn’t smoke around your booksss,” Crowley bit his lip around the hiss that slipped out, “ your shop’s already flammable enough as it is, doesn’t need my help.”
“That’s very considerate of you, my dear, but—”
“‘M not considerate.” Crowley finished lighting up his fresh cigarette and breathed it in deeply, causing a decent amount of ash to accumulate on the end that he knocked off into the miraculously placed ashtray. He couldn’t remember if he’d summoned it or if Aziraphale just had.
“Oh, of course you aren’t.” Aziraphale said, knowing better. “Mind I bum one off you?”
“Starting up the nasty habit again, are you?” Crowley teased but still reached for his half empty pack while Aziraphale came around to sit next to him over the ledge, overlooking Whickber Street.
“Only when you do.” Aziraphale accepted the stick of rolled tobacco and placed it between his lips, unlit. “Ah, would you mind…?” He asked, expectantly raising an eyebrow, and waited for Crowley to summon a delightful tongue of fire on the top of his finger to give him a light. Crowley, as always, obliged him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, angel.”
They sat on the ledge for a while, enjoying the rare peace of a quiet London night while they steadily worked their way through the rest of the pack and filled the ashtray to the brim. Their minds still whirled with the thoughts of an impending apocalypse and back up plans they could use to weasel their way out of it just in case their original one went pear shaped (according to a certain angel) or tits up (according to a certain demon).
For now, though, those thoughts had quieted considerably for the first time since Crowley received a basket with a baby and from the time he’d given Aziraphale the news while getting absolutely sloshed. They had each other in this mess, they each could count on that.
Crowley rested his hand closer to the angel’s soft one, pinkies nearly touching with how close Crowley got without actually touching. Aziraphale noticed the demon’s carefully inched approach and, deciding to give into just a bit more temptation tonight, laid his hand over top of Crowley's night-air chilled one. Aziraphale was glad when Crowley hadn’t immediately pulled his hand away, though he’d stiffened at the touch at first, before he turned his hand over to lace their fingers together.
Aziraphale smiled and squeezed their joined hands reassuringly, letting Crowley know this was okay.
“Lovely night, isn’t it?” He asked softly, stubbing out his current cigarette. “Some brilliant looking stars up there, more than you can usually see on a night like this with London’s dreadful light pollution drowning them out.”
“Yeah, you could almost say it’s a miraculously clear night.”
“I bet it is, my dear.” Aziraphale leaned in closer, resting his head gently on Crowley’s shoulder while the demon started the last cigarette in the pack. “Would you like to come back in after this?”
“Isn’t it getting too late?”
“It is rather late, yes, but I’d rather not be alone tonight. I know I don’t usually allow you to spend the night, but would you be amicable? You could sleep on the couch, if you’d like, or we could have another drink?”
Crowley stubbed out the cigarette, only half finished, and eyed the angel over the top of his dark glasses. “Are you sure?”
“Positive. I really would prefer you stay here tonight— unless, that is, you have somewhere else you need to be.”
“Nope,” Crowley stood, vanishing the ashtray and empty carton into the nearest rubbish bin, “no where else to be.” He held out a hand to help Aziraphale up off the ledge.
“Splendid,” Azirpahale took it and levered himself up with Crowley’s support, dusting off his trousers as soon as he stood, “I’ll put the kettle on. Coffee or tea?”
“Could go for an Irish coffee with a very generous pour of that whiskey you used the last time you made it for me.”
“I think that can be arranged, my dear.”
“I’ll stay then.”
Together, hands still laced, they made their way back downstairs into the warmth and safety of the shop and its cosy backroom. They would certainly need to discuss things about their plan to avert the apocalypse at some point, but tonight was for them to enjoy.
After all, they were in the supposed End Times and it could all be over in the blink of an eye for them, better to enjoy what little time they might have left if their plan didn’t exactly pan out the way they wanted it to.
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hrrgrve · 2 years
My Billy Hargrove headcanons!
so this is my first post on here and if I’m being honest I have almost no idea what I’m doing, but hey! I thought why not just post my hcs of billy? so here they are: (although it’s quite a minuscule list, because I am still trying to come up with more, so sorry if it’s too short for your liking—that is if you even will like my hcs)
- he loves peanut butter & chocolate flavoured treats
= he’s loved any and all pb&c flavoured treats since his mother first gave him some of her reece’s pieces as a child— so when he finds out steve harrington works in scoops ahoy in starcourt mall he sees this as an opportunity to annoy the hell out of him. coming to the parlour on every open day without fail, while on his break from the community pool, taking his sweet time looking over every flavour while an exasperated steve watches him knowing he’ll end up choosing the pb&c swirl every. time.
- he has a cute adoration for stray animals of any and all kind
= no matter where he is or what time of day it is, if he sees any kind of stray animal loitering about the streets or (usually) side of the road he will not hesitate to walk up to it and give it some well-received head scratches and feed it until it was dozing off in his lap. he takes a particular liking to raccoons which he’ll usually find taking a dive inside the bins behind his house. steve, one day, finding one awed billy hargrove on the side of the quiet road scratching the chin of one sleepy red-tailed fox and finding it the most adorable scene he’s ever witnessed.
- his favourite colour is baby pastel pink (embarrassingly)
= every time he’s asked “what’s your favourite colour?” (which is more than he’d prefer, why does everyone want to know what his favourite colour is??) he always answers with red or blue as he associates these as masculine colours or what he calls “boy colours”, knowing deep inside he’s always loved the colour pink— specifically pastel baby pink. but that’s a secret he’ll take to the grave. unless of course he has one of those moments where his mouth is moving faster than his smart-ass brain and admits it to steve while they’re sharing one of mr.harrington’s expensive whiskey. and he’s never been able to live it down since.
- billy has asthma but thinks carrying an inhaler around makes him look like a vulnerable loser (sometimes he’s an idiot)
- he loathes the fact he sometimes needs a small blue device just for his lungs to function properly. he thinks it’s uncool for someone to not only have to use one, because their body is going against itself, but to also carry one with you at all times. so he just doesn’t. steve, finding out his boyfriend has asthma when billy has an attack on one of their secret dates at a diner, looks at billy in fear and bewilderment, utters, “you fucking idiot, why the hell didn’t you tell me you have asthma!?” as he watches his boyfriend be manhandled by the paramedics holding an inhaler to his mouth. yes, he is a fucking idiot.
so if anyone actually manages to come across this awful, awful post, I’d love to hear your opinions on my hcs!! I’d also love to hear some of yours as well, so if I’m not talking to myself and instead an actual sentient being please feel free to post some of your billy/harringrove hcs under this post!! :P
p.s: it’s not uncool to carry an inhaler around. please don’t do what billy does. because he is an imbecile. use your damn inhalers!!
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The Unknown Bus
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An original story I wrote more than a year ago. It was inspired by all the nights I myself had to wait for my bus after getting off at work😔
GUYS I KNOW MY ACC HAS BEEN DEAD FOR A WHILE IVE BEEN BUSY💔 pls enjoy this pookie, I’ll make a comeback soon😔😔
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As the girl was leaving the mall, she noticed that not a single soul was present. Not bothered at first, she made her way to the exit only to see no one lingering outside like she usually would see everyday after work.
Walking out the mall, the world was bare from any life, no cars parked sparsely, and no people loitering around waiting for their ride. It was foggy and dark, a light mist in the air from the previous rainfall. Despite the empty lot and mall, the lights from the theatre nearby shun brightly, along with the light posts scattered in the area. It offered the girl the slightest bit of comfort.
In the distance, she saw a vehicle at the bus stop she usually waited at, the bright glowing orange lights the only color in the misty darkness. Slowly walking towards this bus, she wondered if she had stepped into a different world.
She felt chills run down her arms, the coat she wore doing nothing against the phantom cold.
Nearing the unknown bus, she read its headlights. Sparrows Lane. Finally standing at the bus stop, the girl tried to avoid contact with the driver, but he never turned in her direction to acknowledge her. The doors suddenly opened, the lights flooding out and a warm breeze hitting her as she stared at the driver.
The Bus Driver sat still, eyes never straying from the windshield in front of him. He wore a navy blue vest and navy trousers. The crisp white button up he wore gave his outfit a sharp, yet fashionable look. The hat on his head was a shiny black, the light reflecting off of it clearly.
Yet despite how fancy he looked, the hat casted an ominous shadow over his face, the bottom half only visible in the light.
Unsure of what to do, she shifted uncomfortably. After a moment of hesitation, she asked, “Are you heading towards Gaven Street’s main road?”
The Bus Driver gave no reply.
Unsettled by his lack of response, she slightly backed away from the entrance of the bus, letting the driver know she was not going to enter the strange bus.
The Bus Driver waited a few seconds more until he finally closed the door. The bus let out a hiss, the exhaust pipe blowing out black smoke. The bus slowly drove away, turning the corner and traveling down the road, disappearing from the girls view.
Shuddering, she slowly sat down on the curb of the sidewalk, putting down her bag, while staring off into the foggy distance.
Taking out her phone, she noticed that none of her apps would fully load. It was then that she realized there was no service available.
“That’s so weird, I literally just had service a few minutes ago…”, eyebrows furrowed, she suspiciously looked around her. Something wasn’t right.
Settling her phone down in her bag, the girl sat in silence thinking of how strange her night had become since leaving her job. Checking the time quickly, five minutes exactly had gone by when she heard the sound of a car approaching her. More like a large truck in fact.
Glancing behind her with hope, the girls eyes widen as the familiar bus drove around the lot, heading straight towards the bus stop. Abruptly standing up, she yanked her bag from the ground and took a few steps back as the bus stopped right in front of her. The light from the bus did little to comfort her in the darkness as it once did before.
The door opened, revealing the Bus Driver once again, the same sharp clothing and the same shiny hat on top of his head, patiently waiting for her to board the bus. Huffing slightly, the girl had no choice but to speak.
“What do you want? I won’t get on, it’s not going where I need to go.” Despite speaking with confidence, it slowly diminished as the Bus Driver paid her no attention again, simply offering her his silence.
She stood there for what felt like hours, which was only a few minutes, contemplating if it was worth taking this strange bus to somewhere she didn’t know. She had to be reasonable though, the bus was the only thing that seemed to be coming and going from this place, which meant if she continued refusing passage, who knows how long she would be stuck here for.
Sighing in defeat, the girl went to step on the bus until the Bus Driver stopped her with his hand held up.
Looking at him with surprise, she followed where his hand was pointing to. A small sign with fancy lettering which read ‘1 Paper Cash Per Person.’ seemed to appear out of nowhere.
“I don’t carry cash on me, I use an online ticket for all my buses.” Going to step off the bus feeling slightly relieved, she was once again stopped by the Bus Driver.
His hand slowly traveled towards the side of his vests pocket, patting it twice and then pointing towards the girls jacket pockets.
With confusion written in her eyes, she went to search her pockets like a fool, exclaiming, “Sir, I told you I don’t carry cash with-“
She felt her heart drop as her voice died down, her hand coming into contact with a thick piece of paper. Slowly pulling it out from her pocket, she eyes made contact with the dollar like paper, the color an off blue with the number 1 written on the top two corners. One Paper Dollar. In amazement and horror she held the paper dollar with both of her hands, asking if this was her payment. The Bus Driver sat in silence.
Gripping the paper, she slipped it into the machine, in which the Bus Driver gave the girl a single bus ticket which said One Way - SPARROWS LANE. Slowly making her way to the middle of the bus, the girl sat down on a seat, a little frightened of the event that had just happened. Settling her bag down on the seat next to her, she waited for the mysterious driver to finally leave the familiar place she had grown attached to.
The bus hissed as the man started the bus, slowly turning it at the corner and driving away from the mall and the theatre.
The girl had no idea where she was going, if she was even safe on the bus that seemed to appear from nowhere. Accepting her fate, the girl looked out the window next to her, watching as the fog covered the trees she passed by, extremely weary of where the Bus Driver was taking her.
Wherever this Sparrows Lane was, the girl was sure she would have to find a way back home as it was apparent to her that she was no longer in her world.
Despite the unsettling feeing this unknown bus gave her, she found that she wasn’t as scared as she thought she would be.
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Well I saw the post from @eternalowl and I challenge you to do a Modern Thenamesh AU with Gil being the mall Santa!
I specifically ask you because I really love all of your works and your tags :D thank you for everything ❤️
"Okay, kids, Santa has to take a short break," Sersi offered a gentle smile as she closed the gates to the area. There were a few whines and a few glares from parents, but she waved. "I know you all understand how hard he's working. He'll be back in half an hour!"
Gil let out a gasping breath as soon as he was inside the little shed that was decorated for him to change inside. Really, all he had to do was pull off the hot-ass Santa pants and coat from over his t-shirt and jeans. And tear off the uncomfortable beard.
"Just one more shift for the day," Sersi promised as she also pulled off her elf ears once away from prying eyes.
"I can't wait until this stall closes," Gil sighed deeply as he aired out his shirt.
"You volunteered," Sersi laughed, although, so had she, and she also couldn't wait until they were off-duty. "And look at all the kids you're making happy with this."
"Yeah, you're right," he sighed as he pulled on his light bomber jacket. "Coast clear?"
Sersi peeked out to make sure no families were loitering around, or at least checking to make sure that those who were wouldn't be pointing out that Santa went into his 'workshop' and some dude was coming out. "We're clear."
Gil stretched as soon as they were out of the cramped little tool shed. "I'm starving."
"I'm sure Thena's already on her way," Sersi laughed to herself, although Gil looked as excited as the kids who had waited in line for them all morning.
"It sure was sweet of her to suggest making cookies while we're working," Gil mused as he took a seat behind the photoshoot area on a normal mall bench.
Yes, it was very sweet, and they hadn't had much choice in the matter. Since Gil had volunteered to cover the weekend mall-Santa shifts, Thena had been there for every break they'd had.
As Makkari recounted, Thena had ordered the making of cookies for their hard working friends, but Thena was the only one with the time to actually bring them every few hours.
"Just 'cause it's you," Sersi murmured as she scrolled through her phone. "If it were anyone else, she wouldn't have cared."
"That's not true," Gil easily waved off in Thena's defense.
It was true, though. She had wished Sersi luck, of course, dealing with all those kids even though her winter break as a teacher was also in effect. But hearing that Gil had volunteered as well?--that had made the blonde spring into action.
Thena hated the mall--too many people, too little space between her and them. And yet...
"Thena!" he practically jumped to his feet as he saw her, grinning as her blonde ponytail swung side to side with her long legged steps.
"Another round done?" she smiled as she deposited yet another bag into his hands.
"Yep," he mumbled as he tore into her care package. There were cookies, a few more substantial snacks, and a bottle of sports drink to keep his energy up. "One more round to go before we're free."
"I don't know how you're doing it," she shook her head at him, watching as he took a long gulp of his drink. "Are you sure a half hour break for every four is enough?"
"It was one for every three, leading up to today," Sersi smiled in sympathy as Gil started wolfing down his food. She nodded her gratitude as Thena presented her with a bundle of cookies as well. Although, Sersi couldn't help but notice that hers both had fewer in it, and didn't have a ribbon around it. "But today's the last day for it. Then he's off a few hours before the mall closes."
"Don't you get enough of them at your real job?" Thena snarked lightly at Sersi as Gil went to dispose of his litter.
Sersi grinned at Thena, "don't you have better things to do than schedule your whole day around when Gil goes on break?"
Thena crossed her arms at her, "I live one block away--it's not like it's any trouble."
Sersi wasn't intimidated by the Goddess of War, though, bumping their shoulders together affectionately. "He's all yours after tonight."
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," Thena glared at her, although it melted away when she turned her attention back to Gil upon his return. "Tell me no one else has peed on your leg, at least."
"No, no one after that poor little guy on the first day," Gil sighed, of course being a good sport about something that would have most people quitting on the spot. "And today a few people got pictures of their pets with me, so that was cute."
"Although that cat in a knapsack was utterly terrified of him," Sersi mused as she unwrapped her cookies and took a bite.
Everyone had made different ones. Makkari had chosen gingerbread, Druig making something with dried berries in them. Thena and Ikaris, the much less baking-inclined of them, had both made cookies from instant mix. Sersi had helped Ikaris make his own chocolate chip cookies herself (although she had protested that they weren't in the spirit of the season, which he had ignored).
Thena made the sugar cookies that Gil currently had a full bag of.
"Hey, what're you up to?" Gil asked Thena more softly, taking a bite of the sugary star and then holding up a bite for her. "We've got 20 minutes--grab a coffee with us?"
Sersi watched Thena bite off a point of the star still in Gil's hand and shot to her feet. "Oh, uhm, Ikaris is calling me! You two go and--Gil, I'll meet you back here!"
Gil shrugged, watching Sersi all but sprint off into a crowd of shoppers. He turned back to Thena, who had left him the last star point generously. "Okay, just you and me, then--you in?"
Thena nodded, smiling at him as she chewed her cookie bite.
"These turned out really good," he smiled as he pulled out another one, walking towards the unique hellscape that was the mall starbucks. "You took my advice about making the butter room temperature, didn't you?"
"And what you said about the second round not taking as long because the pan is already hot," she smiled, leaning in as he held out another star for her.
"Thanks," he smiled at her more softly than before, despite the chaos around them. "These really kept me sane between the screaming and the crying and complaining parents."
Thena brushed a few crumbs off his coat, "you love doing this kind of stuff--especially if it's for kids."
"Yeah, that's true," he conceded easily. A few teenagers ran past them, bumping him closer to her. Neither said anything. "But I'd still rather be hanging out with you on my time off."
"Well," Thena pulled out the last cookie she'd packed for him this round, holding it up for him this time. "Three more hours, and then you're free."
"Three more hours," he sighed, leaning in to steal a bite of the cookies she had made just for him. He held her eyes as she brushed a crumb off the corner of his lips, "I can do that."
"Um," the nervous young barista coughed, watching the couple canoodling in the middle of the line, "do you wanna order? Or..."
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afewproblems · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
I was tagged by @2btheanswertothequestion thank you so much for the opportunity!
Rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published ao3 stories (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) 
(I definitely cheated a lil bit and included the first blurb of each fic)
You can Only Remember What You Want To Forget
Stranger Things, Steddie, WIP, 4K, Misunderstandings
"Shit!” Steve hisses, wrenching his face away from the open oven door as a cloud of hot moist air rushes out, he wipes his face with the free hand not holding the oven door handle. 
“You good man?” Robin laughs from where she’s perched on the counter, her dangling legs swing joyfully back and forth. 
“Peachy,” Steve mutters, grabbing a hot-cloth to pull out the baking tray, he shakes the mini pigs in a blanket around to dislodge them from the foil before putting the tray back onto the middle rack, “put on another fifteen would ya?” he says over his shoulder to Robin.
Just A Little Push
Stranger Things, Steddie, 2K, Meddling Gareth, mutual pining.
This was the last straw, Gareth thinks to himself, his face in his hands, fingers dangerously close to plunging themselves into his eyes. 
“I can’t take it anymore man,” Gareth groans as Jeff takes a seat at their favorite table. It’s tucked away into the far corner of the Hideaway, the thick shiny veneer has been dulled over the years and the honey wood beneath is covered in thick layers of graffiti and carved initials. Jeff is particularly proud of the Metallica logo he painstakingly free-drew out on one of the corners while the bartender wasn’t looking. 
A Clear and Present Threat of Tongue
Stranger Things, Steddie, 5K, Mutual Pining, inspired by New Girl 
It’s all Gareth's fault in hindsight. 
As his best friend and confidant, Gareth really should have taken Eddie’s feelings into account when he suggested a party out loud in front of everyone.
Warm My Cold and Tired Heart
Stranger Things, Steddie, 24K, Whump, Getting Together
Steve slowly walks around the cluttered and dirty boat house, armed with an oar and reflexes honed from years of basketball and baseball practice. He ignores the irritable scoffs and doubting gaze that Dustin keeps shooting him from the sidelines as he prods the lumpy tarps draped over the single boat. Dappled moonlight barely streams through grimey windows, while the smell of gasoline and mold stings sharply in his nose. Steve tamps down the urge to rub at his face, it's not a pleasant smell by any means but it's not the fetid stench of the Upside Down, this one still holds notes of the living rather than the decay of the Otherworld.
Ice Cream Sundaes and Cherry Lips
Stranger Things, Steddie, 1.3K, Scoops Era, alternate meeting
Eddie wasn't sure what he had done to deserve this. 
Hawkins finally opens a shitty new mall to loiter in, deal behind, and peruse music at. 
An air-conditioned building within driving distance for Eddie and Gareth, the only two in their band who had gotten their license --what Jeff was waiting for was anyone's guess, and there was only one rent-a-cop that slept in his office every day from noon to four.
It should have been paradise! Eddie was owed paradise God Dammit.
Always Quick and Never Painless
Stranger Things, Steddie, 3.8K, Mutual Pining,whump
Steve always falls first, falls fastest.
It happened three years ago with Nancy, it happened with Robin back before the bathroom confession cemented their platonic soulmate status. It happened with Lauren MacNeal in Steve's freshman year, and Cindy Carlile back when he was eight years old.
He knows himself and knows the beginning stages. It's always quick and never painless, and seems to hurt more with every passing year. A dull ache in his chest that throbs and whispers darkly, 'remember Harrington, you'll always be bullshit'.
And when he finds himself falling for one Eddie Munson, he knows exactly when it starts.
To Trust an Unknown Future 
Moon Knight, Moon Knight System, Adventure, Mystery, incomplete, 6.4K 
Marc opens his eyes to sunlight streaming across his bed. He breathes in deeply and shifts to his side, arching his back in a nearly feline stretch as he does so. His dark eyes fall on the figure asleep in the mirror beside him. Steven, his face is soft with sleep, curls draped over his forehead. Marc can’t help the smile that spreads over his lips at the sight.
The Safety of Darkness 
Moon Knight, Moon Knight System, 900 words, Whump
Sunlight streams across honey wood floors as dust motes sparkle and dance in the air, Marc waves a tiny hand through them and grins at how they undulate. The purple Hot Wheel he’s holding careens over imaginary curbs -dust motes the engine’s exhaust.
Marc raises his head from the pillow on his bed, his eyes trained on the door. He pauses to listen for a moment, the room is quiet save for the light bird song trickling in from the open window next to him. He breathes out through his nose slowly in relief and brings his gaze back to the toy above his head.
Wayward Miracles
Daredevil, Fratt, It's A Wonderful Life AU, 2.5K
"This, this is the shit I’m talkin' about Red," Frank growls as he smooths the gauze pad over the newly stitched gash on Matt's stomach.
It hadn’t been an easy evening.
Frank had been a block away when the fire fight started, navigating the quiet winter streets that were still bustling with New Yorkers on their way out of town for the holidays. While Matt had mentioned where he would be patrolling that evening he had left out, conveniently , the thieves he had been tracking for weeks. Thieves who also happened to carry a plethora of weapons, a generous gift from Wilson Fisk; Matt may have neglected to mention that as well.
See You Around Red
Daredevil, Gen, can be read as pre Fratt, Season 3 alternate beginning.
“We should kill this son of a bitch,” a voice says above him, muffled and clipped as though underwater. A swift kick to Matt’s rib cage reaffirms the thugs position on the matter.
“Nah man,” a second voice pants, slightly farther to the right, “leave him.”
Footfalls, heavy boots crunching against the broken glass, announce the other man’s path back towards the van. An irritated scoff floats down to where Matt lays, the ebb and flow of movement and sound nearly non-existent after the many blows to his head.
No pressure if you've already done this one but I'd like to tag: @flowercrowngods @steddierthings @strangersteddierthings @outpastthebrakers @henderdads @monstrousfemale
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broken-clover · 1 year
Remember your BB food court AU. Heres idea regarding Azrael.
He was former food critic a very popular one. So one time he when reviewing NOL food, he left particularly bad. Soooooo as revenge he was left frozen in one of NOL Freezer. Years later said building is used by sector seven.
Interesting! I know him being in the freezer and coming out unhinged was already a concept, but I think that could be a fun way of explaining how the hell he got there in the first place. Kokonoe just never bothered to check the old freezers when she set up Sector Seven Subs (that's Tager's job, much like just about everything else) so it simply isn't her business. It's been long enough that nobody can tell if his habits of fighting everyone at Kagutsuchi Mall and living in the parking lot in a tent is caused by some sort of freeze-induced brain damage (nobody knows how he's even still alive in the first place) but some are convinced he was always that batshit crazy
Also, as long as we're here, I'll throw in some more grab-bag stuff for fun!
-Taokaka is technically one of the few employees at Bloodedge Barbecue alongside Ragna. Keyword being technically. She lives entirely on her own schedule and thus can't keep the work schedules she's assigned, and kinda just shows up whenever she wants. She and Ragna have a bizarre work friendship where even though she's been fired for missing shifts several times, she still shows up apparently for fun, and she's a half-decent line cook who's trustworthy enough to not sell his recipes to the NOL, so whenever she bothers to pop in he just lets her work the grill for a few hours. She gets paid in kitchen leftovers and cat treats because the first time he tried giving her a check, she ate it. She spends most of her time at the pet store, playing with the cat toys until the owner throws her out for loitering
-Rachel is an old-money rich girl who doesn't come to the mall to buy anything or get any food (she claims she's too good for all the 'peasant trinkets and slop') she just comes to walk around and show off all her expensive elaborate gothic lolita outfits. She puts on a snobby air but keeps getting into shouting matches with Amane and gets in trouble with security since she keeps bringing her pet cat to the mall
-Celica and Minerva are a pair of cosplayer girlfriends who usually come in for boba tea and whatever cute anime accessories they can find. At least, everyone's pretty sure it's cosplay? Minerva has a pretty realistic robot suit, but nobody can tell who the character is supposed to be, maybe it's an oc? Is this like a fursuit thing? Nobody can really say. They're nice, though, always friendly, always clean up their trash, so it's hard to mind
-beastkin and werewolves and all that still exist here, just nobody really cares. Despite that everyone is convinced Taokaka and her siblings Tora and Chacha (as well as their numerous baby siblings) are just normal girls who wear cat accessories and hoodies as some sort of fashion subculture. Ragna is pretty sure they're real, but he knows nobody would believe him
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bubbleey · 2 years
Scoops Ahoy
Pairing: Jungkook x Female Reader(wee bit, only a smidge Jimin x Female Reader)
Genre: Smut and fluff; Strangers to Lovers, Non-Idol!AU
Rating: +18
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: How do you manage to make yourself the fool when he’s the one in that ridiculous Scoops Ahoy outfit? You don’t know, but what you do know is that Jungkook still manages to be hot. So, when your friend Minju decides to make it her birthday mission to get you laid, who are you to upset the birthday girl?
Warnings: soft? dom!Jungkook, sub!reader, dirty talk, praise, lots and lots of grinding, cursing, alcohol, big dick Jungkook, nipple shenanigans, swapping alcohol via tongue?, body shots, cowgirl, unprotected sex, creampie, tiny bit spanking, slight pussy slapping, wee bit fluff because who doesn’t love a happy ending, everybody say thank you Minju!
Notes: I had this idea of Jungkook in a Scoops Ahoy uniform that I could not get out of my head until I wrote a fic about it. This is not depicted in the 80s I just really wanted to make a fic with it. So enjoy and let me know if you wanna see any drabbles of Scoops Ahoy Jungkook!
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“Ice cream… what we need is ice cream!“
Your friend Minju says as if she’s had an epiphany, as you haul all the shopping bags, somehow assigned that duty.
“Ughhhhh, only if you pay my arms are falling off and my bag holding services aren’t free!”
“Fine, fine!”
She says as you trail behind. The trips not far, the ice cream shop right in the mall with its obnoxious display.
“That has got to be the ugliest fucking display I’ve ever seen.”
Minju says, causing you to chuckle at the way she dramatically shudders. You enter anyways still lightly giggling as she goes straight up to the register. You opt for the nearest booth and set down the bags. Opening up your phone you soon become occupied, not even noticing your friend returning to the table.
“Are you gonna order or are you gonna sit there and loiter?
You groan, “I’m offended you didn’t order for me, don’t you know what I like by now?!”
You exaggerate a frown and fake teardrop as you make your way to the register. As you turn to face the menu you’re almost blindsided by the most ridiculous outfit ever. You almost let out the ugliest laugh before you realize how hot the cashier is.
Apparently, you were staring for too long because he awkwardly clears his throat. You quickly shoot your eyes to the menu suddenly interested in all 10 flavors.
“I’ll have the um chocolate fudge sundae”, you say picking the first item you see.
“Coming right up!”
He says in his feigned enthusiasm, clearly put on in the presence of his boss that’s not too subtly peaking from the blinds of his office window with the door plaque displaying  “Jin”. Before you can even question the insanity of the so-called man named Jin, your attention is turned back to the employee in front of you holding the sundae in front of you.
“That’ll be $3.99.”
You catch a glimpse of his nametag as you trade payment in exchange for the sundae, Jungkook.
“Thanks, Jungkook.”
Turning around, you don’t even get to witness his dumbstricken face as he seemed to have forgotten he even had a nametag. Your friend snickers, having been subjected to the awkward interaction.
“You’re actually a dumbass.”
Gasping, you flick Minju on the arm for her sudden verbal attack.
“Ow! Maybe if you knew how to flirt you wouldn’t take out all your anger on me and actually get fucked for once in your life.”
She pouts, rubbing at her arm to soothe the pain of the less than mild harm you inflicted. You roll your eyes.
“Yeah, like you know so much about flirting.”
You grumble, stabbing your spoon into the already melting sundae. Minju hums, clearly taking your words for a challenge. Before you can even continue a conversation not centered around your sex life, or moreso lack of, she gets up walking towards the register with a look of determination on her face. You’re shocked but a little amused as you watch her put on her flirty eyes and start a conversation with Jungkook.
You’re too far to hear their conversation but you guess it must be entertaining because in the whole 10 minutes that you’ve been there you see Jungkook let out a genuine laugh at whatever she’s saying.
Ugh he’s so cute, you think, taking in his features and the bunny smile his laugh subdues into. You take a second to oggle at the sleeve on his arm that you didn’t notice in your prior moment of weakness. God could he get any hotter, you think, internally groaning.
Not realizing their conversation is over you don’t have time to look away before Jungkook catches you staring. You quickly dart your eyes away but your mind must be playing tricks on you because you could’ve sworn you saw the faintest hints of a smirk on his face.
Minju makes her way back to the table with the smile of a winner. You raise your eyebrows, questioning what just happened.
“Minju, what did you do?”
You say, quickly smacking her arm for her betrayal. You know her too well to know she must have something up her sleeve.
Ah ah ah, a true lady never chats and tells.
You’ve been home for a while now, completely haven forgotten about the “Scoops Fiasco” as Minju has grown to call it. Having an apartment to yourself comes in handy sometimes, especially in moments like now when you’re curled up in a ball on the couch, shedding tears to the Kdrama you’ve been binging as of late. You’re so enraptured by the heartfelt moment on screen that you don’t even notice the first buzz of your phone.
It buzzes again, grabbing your attention to its spot on the coffee table. You grab your phone already expecting it to be Minju because who the fuck else would be blowing up your phone at midnight.
Minju: Heyyyyy
Minju: How’s my absolute bestest friend doing?
Minju: I hope great because I know you wouldn’t forget promising to come to my party tonight, see you in 20! :)
Shit shit shit, you think aloud having forgotten about it. You were drunk and mildly high when agreeing and didn’t think she’d actually remember. You groan, getting up with no real sense of urgency to get ready. You throw on a pair of shorts that make your ass look great and a cute lace camisole that exposes the expanse of your ribcage to your hips. You may not be actively looking for a fuck tonight but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the ego boost from looking hot still.
You quickly put on lip gloss and mascara, and lightly tousle your hair. Seeming presentable enough you grab your throw your essentials in your pocket and head out.
You don’t live too far from Minju, only a 5-minute walk to the townhouse she lives in with her roommates. You can already hear the beginnings of a long night as you approach the end of the street that her house resides on. Reaching the door in no time, you enter surprised to see it crowded since it just started not that long ago. People are already on their way to being shitfaced so you take the opportunity to get yourself a drink as well.
You make an effort to keep an eye out for Minju as you make your way to the kitchen but no luck as expected since she is the star of the event. She must be making her rounds, you figure. As you approach the drinks you decide on just grabbing a beer, for now, still wanting to be mentally present at least until you see the birthday girl.
Beer in hand, you turn around ready to venture back out but you met with a sturdy figure standing right in front of you.
You say out of instinct, about to step around him in the cramped space.
“No worries,”
The voice says, familiar, as you heard it a few hours ago. Your eyes trail up his tattoo-covered arm suspicions already confirmed that it’s him. Finally taking a look at his face, since you almost spilled your drink on him you notice he’s recognized you too having not moved from where he’s standing.
“Oh, hey! Jungkook right? With the little sailor outfit?”
You decided to break the silence first.
“Haha yeah, fudge sundae right?”
He says laughing, shocked you even remembered his name quite honestly but more embarrassed by the fact that you had to see him in that ridiculous get-up. You awkwardly chuckle.
“Yep, that’s me,”
It takes you a second to realize you haven’t given him your name yet, all social skills out the window.
“Y/N actually.”
You quickly add on, he gives you a small grin. You don’t miss the way he quickly glances over your figure finally taking in your outfit for the night. But, you don’t enough liquid courage in your system to act on it just yet. So, you take the awkward standstill in the conversation to quickly look over back to the crowd and spot Minju. You clear your throat.
“Gotta wish the birthday girl a happy birthday.”
You say nodding towards her and not even sparing Jungkook a glance as you quickly head in her direction. You finally reach her, noticing she’s teetering on the edge of being completely drunk. Your suspicions are confirmed when she’s even more affectionate than usual and wraps her arm around your shoulder once you’re within arms reach.
She practically yells,
“Ugh, I haven’t seen you in forever I’m so glad you made it. Did you see Jungkook yet?”
She says in a slight slur.
“First, we literally hung out earlier and second why are you asking about Jungkook?”
“Come on Y/N!”, she whines.
“You’re smarter than this. What do you think I talked to him about earlier? I invited him here so you can get fucked!”
She yells a little too loud for your liking, quickly looking around to make sure no one that was still conscious heard that.
“You’re so lucky it’s your birthday right now,”
You sigh, not even bothering to argue with her evil mastermind plan.
“Minju, I really appreciate the efforts-”
“Shhh shh”, she says lazily shushing your lips with her finger
“You are not allowed to leave this party until you 1, fuck Jungkook or 2, leave to go somewhere and fuck Jungkook. Got it?”
You groan, knowing that no matter how drunk she is she still has half a mind to police you. You’re not sure whether to be mad at her or grateful for her attempted efforts.
You know what? Fuck it. It’s been a while since you last got fucked and hell if that look Jungkook gave you meant anything you’ll take it. But, not without a bit more alcohol. You reach the kitchen once again for the night but in search of something stronger than the cheap beer in your hand. You decide on a shot of vodka.
You spot Jungkook on the couch but decide on heading towards the dance floor first. Alcohol begins to take a slight effect you start dancing to whatever song is playing. It’s not long before another body is joining you, skillfully grinding their hips against yours. You turn around facing, recognizing the skilled dance as Jimin from your psych class. You’ve made out with him once or twice on one of your drunken nights and even though you were expecting Jungkook you still welcome the slow grind you two have going on.
You spare a glance towards the couch still curious if Jungkook is there but coming up empty, making you feel slightly disappointed. It’s not until you feel a small tap on your shoulder that you snap out of it.
“Mind if I still her away for a moment?”
Jungkook says, now leaning in by your ear but loud enough for Jimin to hear the question pointed at him. Jimin looks at you for approval, seeing you nod at him.
“Sure man, need another drink. Pleasure as always Y/N.”
Jimin says smirking at you as he retreats to the kitchen. Expecting Jungkook to take Jimin’s place you are surprised when he decides to stay where he is, opting to place his hand on your waist. He gets you back into the rhythm of whatever songs playing. Too distracted to even keep up, you let his hands guide you as they slide down to your hips.
“You know, that top leaves very little the imagination.”
He states, mouth so close to your ear that it sends a chill down your spine straight. You can only hum in response, already intoxicated by his presence alone. Hyperaware of his hands on you, you don’t fail to notice his right palm radiate its heat up your body as it slides under the sheer material are your shirt to rest on your ribcage, right before you tit. You almost groan at the thick tension in the air as he’s so close yet so far from pleasing you just as you want him to.
You take the moment to turn around, his hands remaining in their rightful place, and press closer so he can hear you over the roaring music.
“Yeah? I think you’d be shocked by how much there’s left to discover.”
You say, far past being shy as the mutual attraction is clear. You hope he takes this as a proposition to end this prolonged teasing and he does. The distance between your faces closes in but instead of kissing you as you expect, his lips brush past your jaw.
“Tell me where and I’d be happy to explore.”
He says and you can feel the hint of smirk stretch on his face as he starts lightly kissing your neck, touch barely there. You don’t even verbally answer before you’re grabbing his hand and making a beeline for the door, seeing Minju wink at you as you mouth a final happy birthday and thank you.
“My place isn’t that far.”
You say as you two quickly make your way to your apartment. The tension’s definitely not as suffocating as it was before but it’s not an awkward journey. You’ve both sobered up a tad bit before you finally make it to your door, quickly unlocking it.
“Would you like something to drink? I have tequila or water.”
You already opt for a shot of tequila.
“Tequilas fine.”
He says, eyeing you as you make your way towards the kitchen. You direct him towards the living room, setting down some lime and salt. Before you take your shot he’s stopping you gaze serious but full of lust still.
“I just want to make sure you actually want to do this, do you Y/N?”
You nod, before giving him a verbal answer.
“Yes, I want this. I want you.”
You state confidently sparing a glance at his lips as he flicks his tongue out as he takes your appearance in.
“Fuck you’re so sexy.”
Is the last thing he says before he has you laying down on the couch, kissing you passionately. It’s not long before he licks your mouth asking for entrance, which you happily grant. You’re so consumed by the kiss that you whine when he pulls away reaching for something on the coffee table next to you. You take the moment to close your eyes and catch your breath before you feel him kiss his way down your neck until he’s stopped by your camisole.
He commands, sliding one of the straps down your shoulder before he’s sitting on his knees to give you space to pull it off. He groans at the sight of your pierced nipples peaked and hard.
“Fuck. Sure as hell not what I imagined.”
He wastes no time going back to the valley of your breast licking a strip in between leading a split path to your nipples. He pays them both equal attention enraptured by the metal jewelry.
“That feels so good Jungkook”
You whine as he makes his way back to the middle of your torso leaving a trail of spit on his way down you where you want him most. You look down in time to see him leaving a trail of salt in his wake all the way down to your belly button before comes back up. He places his hand on your jaw, thumb prompting your mouth to open.
“Keep that pretty mouth open like a good girl.”
He reaches for the lime on the table before descends back on your body licking back down your belly before taking the shot. He doesn’t swallow but instead squeezes the lime in your mouth and exchanges the tequila between your mouths. You moan from the roughness of the kiss as he now grinds in your aching pussy still covered by layers of cloth. You lick at each other's mouths until the taste is gone both groaning at the sensation.
You put your hands on the hem of his shirt, giving him the hint to take it off. Only breaking the kiss when it becomes necessary to remove it. As soon as he removes it you flip the two of you over so that you now straddle his thighs. You rearrange the two of you so that he’s sitting properly on the couch and you take the opportunity to remove yours and his pants as well, leaving a peck on the tip of his clothed bulge before removing his underwear too.
Both finally naked you resume your rightful position above his dick opting to grind against how now bare.
“Fuck, you’re so wet. Such a sweet little cunt huh?”
He’s asks, landing a slack on your ass when your clit rubs against his tip. You at the feeling of being spanked and the pressure from being pushed further into him.
“All for you Jungkook.”
You say, approaching your first high of the night only from humping like a bitch in heat.
“That’s it sweetheart, you’re gonna come all over me, aren’t you? Like a good girl hm?”
He takes control of your hips groaning as he starts sucking on your neck, pushing you closer and closer to release. You start chanting his name as your hips stutter in his lap from the coil in your stomach snapping. Your wetness covers his dick, dripping as you come down from your high.
You don’t even have a chance to recover before he quickly positions you over his tip and eases you down his length. You whine taking his thick length fully, forehead resting on his shoulder as you lazily kiss the area. Jungkook’s in full control moaning as he grounds his feet on the ground and thrusts up into you at a fast and hard pace.
Oversensity takes back into pleasure as you start contributing your efforts, slamming your hips down in sync with him. Whatever energy you have left goes into the kiss you place on his mouth, and tongue, and teeth to lust driven to care.
“This tight cunts gonna come again for me.”
He states matter of factly, focused on both of your releases now. He trails his hand that’s not entangled in your hair down to your clit as he now rubs tight circles.
“That’s it, princess.”
Sighing, he revels in the way your cunt squeezes his length.
“Fuck, Jungkook you’re so big. Gonna cum again.”
You say, gasping at the overwhelming pleasure from his words and body. You can tell Jungkook is close too, waiting for your release to cum as well.
“Where do you want me?”
He has half a mind to ask before he completely loses himself, having forgone a condom.
“Inside, I wanna feel you inside me. I’m clean and on the pill please Jungkook.”
You shudder, high so close you don’t even hear the whine he lets out at your words. With the hand he has tangled in your hair he tugs your gaze down to watch the way his slick covered length exits and reenters your cunt. The view alone and the way he moans when looking too is what causes you to reach your second orgasm of the night. Eyes rolling back, pleasure too consuming that your mouth opens only to let out nothing as you silently scream.
The way your cunt squeezes him over and over is what pushes him over the edge as well, stuttering thrust into your pussy as he fills you. Head tilted back on the count letting out a moan of your name.
You both take a moment to catch your breath coming down for your highs. Jungkook’s the one to pull out letting out a whimper at the sight of his cum and your juices running down his dick after you subconsciously squeezed your walls.
“Fuck that was hot.”
He says with a chuckle, patting your thigh to move you to the side. He runs to find the bathroom and returns with a washcloth as he now crouches in front of you to clean up the mess as well as the one on himself. When satisfied with his job, he gives a light tap to your pussy still very much sensitive causing you to moan in surprise. You smack his arm as he regards with you a shit-eating grin.
“You’re more than welcome to stay the night and take a shower if you’d like.”
You offer, hoping this encounter would be more than a tipsy one-night stand.
“Well, that depends…”
He says, causing a look of confusion to take over your face.
“On what?”
“On if I can take you on a proper date tomorrow?”
A look of hope on his face now, no longer the confident sex god you just encountered. You decide to tease back as it’s only fair, take a second to hum as if in deep thought.
“I’ll agree… only if I get free sundaes from now on.”
You say, now you wear the shit-eating grin as he kisses you both smiling like idiots.
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unwanted visitor*
pairing: max cady x fem!reader
summary: a good deed turns out to be the worst choice you could possibly make... maybe.
warnings: explicit language, slight dub con, fingering, choking, face slapping, predatory vibes, huuggeee age gap (but reader is of legal age), daddy kink
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When the last bell of the day rang, you were more than happy to pack your books into your bag and hurriedly get out from behind your desk. All of your frustrations washed away the minute the final bell rang throughout the school. You walked with a pep in your step down the hall and to the left where your locker was. Quickly putting in your combination, you unlocked the metal barrier and shoved your history textbook inside and huffed as you fixed your lopsided headband that kept your hairs away from your face.
“Y/N!” You heard your friends squeal your name as they ran to you, all laughing and talking at the same time.
“If you’re gonna ask me to go to the mall again, the answer is gonna be no,” you giggled and held your binder to your chest as you shut your locker and made sure to rearrange the numbers. “My parents are coming home tomorrow and I have to clean up and stuff.”
“And stuff? What’re you gonna do? Rub one out the last night you’re alone?” Alana, the loud and dirty one of the group, questioned you and made an obscene gesture with her fist and mouth.
You shoved her and covered your blushing face with your binder as your friends giggled around you. You rolled your eyes at her filthy antics and walked in between them. “I’ll let you guys know though, okay? I have studying to do and food shopping.”
“Oh, let me know when you go food shopping. I need to get more snacks,” Beverly, the insanely smart and talkative one of the group, told you as she fixed her glasses on her nose. “I ate too much of everything again and my parents are gonna freak when they see how empty the cabinets are. Especially my dads secret stash. No wonder he keeps a lock and key.”
You and Alana shared a look and laughed. Alana wrapped an arm around Beverly’s shoulders as you three made your way out of the school. There was still a bustle of students here and there - some waiting for the bus, some waiting for their parents, others just loitering. Alana and Beverly were chatting amongst themselves, and judging from the way Bev was sucking her teeth annoyingly, Alana was probably saying something dirty or poking fun. You were in your own head as your eyes scanned your surroundings.
They suddenly landed on a beautiful red mustang parked across the street. The man in the driver’s seat was significantly older than you. You weren’t sure if he was a parent or a teacher, but his eyes never left yours the minute you spotted him. A nudge to your arm brought you back down to earth and you quickly turned your head to focus on your two friends.
“We’re gonna head to the arcade. Danny’s supposed to meet us there. You sure you don’t wanna come?” Bev asked you, furrowing her eyebrows and biting down on her bottom lip with her brace covered teeth.
“I’m sure,” you smiles and fixed the straps of your bag and held your binder tighter to your chest as you took a few steps back. “I’ll see you guys Monday!”
They both bid you a goodbye and went around the school to where the football field was to cut a shortcut. You trotted down the steps and began to make your way home which was just a 10 minute walk, 6 minutes tops if you ran. But do you really wanna run in a skirt? You shook your head to yourself and giggled softly. The air was so fresh and clean. It rained last night and today was a beautiful morning. The smell of grass and flowers overwhelmed your senses as the birds chirped around you.
“Excuse me, young lady,” you heard a gentle southern voice call at you from beside.
You gasped and looked to the side and saw the man you had seen before. He rests one elbow on the the drivers side window as the other rests on the steering wheel. He was wearing a sailor’s hat and had a Hawaiian shirt on, only the top three buttons undone, showcasing a hairy and well built chest with tattoos. He had some on his arms as well and it gave you butterflies. He lowered his sunglasses just a smidge and gave you a charming smile. Up close, he looked so handsome and rugged.
“I sincerely apologize for startling you,” he told you. “Do you, by any chance, know where Collins Avenue is? I’m afraid I don’t have a map and I have a doctor’s appointment.” He seemed so friendly. It made you feel at ease. You stepped closer to the car and looked down the street, missing the way his eyes roamed you up and down.
“You’re gonna go down that street here. And then when you’re about to pass that yellow house, you’re gonna make a right. And then there’s gonna be a blue house at the corner, then you’re gonna wanna make a left and then keep going straight!” You told the directions and gave him a bashful smile, hugging your binder closer to your chest again. “Do you get it, mister?”
“I’m afraid I don’t, darlin,” he huffed and licked his lips, sucking his teeth and tapping his thump against the steering wheel.
“Well, I can draw it out for you if you’d like? I know this neighborhood like the back of my hand,” you giggled quietly, making the man smirk as he bit his lip.
“Would you like to take a seat inside so you’re more comfortable?” He offered and unlocked the doors of his car.
“I’m not allowed to get into cars with strangers, mister,” you told him softly, nervously biting your lip.
“Well look at how smart you are!” He praised you, causing your cheeks to blush pink. He didn’t miss that and grinned wolfishly. “My name is Max Cady. And you are?”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you told him, taking a small step towards the car when he outstretched his hand to shake yours. His hand was so much bigger than yours, fingers long and veins protruding on his hand and arm. You swallowed down a whimper at the touch.
“See, now we ain’t strangers anymore,” he winked at you, laughing quietly as you looked down. “I promise you, I’m a respectful man and you seem like a lovely lil lady.” He fingers tapped against his thigh as his knee started to bob, a sign of impatience. But he needed to get you to trust him. He needed to simply wait it out until it was the right time. When your hand touched the handle, something inside of him jumped for joy. “There we go!”
You opened your binder and turned to a clean sheet of paper, pulling out a pencil from its pocket and beginning to draw an outline of where Max needed to go. You can feel his eyes on you as you neatly scribbled down street signs and little squares as houses. His scent suddenly filled your senses. The cologne he was wearing smelled so intoxicating. You wanted to bury your nose in his neck to keep that scent around you. You bit your lip and squeezed your thighs together under your binder, hoping he didn’t realize your squirming. Oh, but he did. His eyes trailed down to look at the exposed skin hidden under your pink checkered skirt, your white thigh highs fitting so snug around you. It looked so soft and supple. He needed to squeeze your flesh and sink his teeth into them to leave his mark. He suddenly wonders if you bruise easily.
“So, you go to this school here?” Max asks you, wanting to make small talk to keep you longer. “I hear it’s the last month before summer.”
“Yes, I do! It’s my last year too, and then I go to college,” you beamed with excitement and he almost found it adorable. “I can’t wait. It’s gonna be so exciting.”
“No kiddin’. What’re you studying?” He licked his lips and looked at your neck and collarbones, suddenly wondering what you’d taste like if he trailed his tounge across. How long would he have to choke you to make you pass out?
“English! I wanna be a writer,” you gave him a shy smile, watching as his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled back at you. Man, was he handsome. “I never asked where you’re from, Max. I recognized your accent.”
“Oh, just a lil town up in Georgia,” he shrugged. “Nothin’ too special, I guess.”
“Georgia? I heard they have great peaches up there. I always wanted to go to a peach farm,” you pouted.
“Can I let you in on a secret?” His voice dropped down to a low baritone hum as he moved closer to you, the heat of just him engulfing you like flames. His breath tickled your ear. “They ain’t that good.”
You burst into a fit of giggles and covered your mouth with your palm. Max chuckles to himself and elbows you lightly. Your skin was soft. His hands twitched as he moved back to his spot. And what perfume were you wearing? It smelled like strawberries and rose water.
“Um, here you go, sir - Max!” You handed him the paper and closed your binder after putting your pencil away. “If you just follow those directions, you’d be out on the main street and then the doctor’s office should be around there. I promise, you won’t get lost.”
“Well, since you’ve been such a lovely samaritan, I do believe you deserve a reward,” he tells you and reaches over to open the glove compartment, the back of his hand briefly touching your knees as he rifles around and pulls out a heart shaped lollipop. “Somethin’ sweet for a sweet peach.”
You blushed and took the lollipop with a soft thank you, sir. You unwrapped it and popped it into your mouth, immediately letting out a soft moan, not even realizing it as you suckle and lick. Max never once took his eyes off you. His face changed into one of seriousness. He need to have you. And if he couldn’t right now, he’d find a way. When you went to look at him, he immediately gave you that charming smile of his.
“How about I take you home? You’ve been so good to me and I would just feel so bad letting you walk alone out here,” he told you and laid a large hand on your shoulder, his thumb rubbing up and down as he looked into your eyes. Almost hypnotized, you nodded. “Where do you live, peach?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
When Max stopped in front of your house, he took notice of the absence of cars in the driveway. You turned in your seat and gave him a blushing smile. He rests his arm on the seats behind him and spreads his thighs comfortably. He doesn’t miss the way your eyes look down before quickly looking into his again.
“Thank you for the ride, Max. I do hope you get to the doctors office safely,” you told him gently, leaning over the console to give his stubbly cheek a kiss, once more smelling that cologne.
“Pleasure’s all mine, peach,” he grins and tips his hat to you like a gentleman, savoring the little giggles that escape your red tinted lips that was from the lollipop.
He watches as you exit the car, waving back at you as you walk up the long walkway that leads to the steps. When you reach the top, you unlock the door, turning back once more to wave at Max. He gives you a wink as you shut the door. His smile drops from his face at an instant as he puts his car into drive and parks a few houses down. All he has to do is wait now.
When you get inside the house, you drop your bag down with a sigh and envelope the silence that fills up every room. You hated silence with such a passion. It was so quiet, yet so loud at the same damn time. You needed excitement and wonder and boisterous adventures. You trudged up the carpet steps and enter your lonely room. Tugging off your shoes, you neatly put them back in the empty space under your bed, pushing them back just a tad so your bedsheets cover them. You remove your headband and run your fingers through your hair. You sat down on the edge of your bed with a sigh. Coming home to an empty house was the worst feeling you ever felt.
“I need a dog,” you mumbled to yourself and walked over to the radio that sat on your windowsill, sliding in your favorite tape of Queen and smiling happily again when Somebody To Love came on. You hummed along to the lyrics and began to pick up any dirty laundry lying around. You had to make sure the bathroom was in tact as well before your parents came home. You made a mental list in your head of things you needed to do as you left your room and entered the small laundry room just beside yours. You loaded the washer, poured in a small cup of detergent, and turned the novel so that it would start rotating the clothes around.
You walked down the steps and entered the guest bathroom that was adjacent to the back door. You put your handle on the knob and turned it to make sure it was still locked before you left for school and after you came home. Just as you walked down the hallway to check the front door, the familiar Hawaiian shirt caught you off guard in your kitchen. You gasped and pressed your back against the walk beside the steps. Max Cady was standing in your kitchen eating an apple from your bowl of fruits.
“You should learn how to lock your doors, honey,” he tells you, taking another bite out of the apple as he motions with his hand around. “I mean, anybody can just walk in.”
“Wha-What’re you doing here, sir?” You whispered helplessly, feeling as thought you’re about to collapse just from how fast your heart is beating. “My parents will be home a-any minute, you need to go.”
“The calendar says otherwise,” he tells you condescendingly and steps in front of said calendar. He points to a circled date that was tomorrow and reads aloud, “Mom and dad come back.” He turns back to you, seeing the evident fear in your ears and the tremble in your body. “Now, why on earth would you go and lie about somethin’ like that? Your parents taught you about strangers, but I guess they ain’t teachin’ you about lying.”
A small tear rolls down your cheek as you try to muster up a response, but all that comes out is a feeble, “Please.”
Max sets the apple down on the countertop and begins to stalk towards you just as you make a mad dash for the front door. You swing it open just when his strong arm wraps around your waist, lifting you from the ground and throwing you back down behind him, causing you to scream and fall on your hands and knees. He slams the door and chases you up the stairs as you helplessly crawl. You sobbed and fought at his rough hands as they grab your arms to slam you against the wall, making one of the picture frams fall onto the ground. You cried and clawed at his skin, trying to smack his face to catch him off guard.
“Get over here,” he growls and enters your room, throwing you onto the bed and slamming the door shut with his foot. “I do believe you need to learn some manners.”
You cried and hiccuped as you hugged your knees to your chest, desperately holding onto them as grabbed onto your pillows as well. You watched with tear filled eyes as Max turns off your radio. He gets on his knees on your bed. You helplessly shake your head and cried out when he grabbed your ankles and dragged you down onto your back, causing your sheets to come undone and your stuffed animals to become disheveled.
“Please don’t kill me,” you whimpered and closed your eyes tight, feeling his nose against your damp cheek as he chuckles in your ear.
“Kill you? Oh honey, I’m gonna teach you a lesson,” he tells you, his southern drawl becoming thicker. He sits up straight, looking down your body and at how your thighs are trembling, your skirt pooled around your hips to show your tight gray panties. “Look at what we got here.”
You hiccuped and fearfully opened your eyes to see him staring down between your thighs with such hunger. You go to close them, but he smacks your thigh with such force that it makes you cry out. You rub at that sensitive and pained flesh, suddenly wishing that you never interacted with the man. He grabs your blouse and rips it apart, your buttons flying everywhere. You hear some clatter onto the ground as you lay helpless under him.
“I don’t want to hurt your pretty lil self, so how about you just cooperate, hm?” Max sternly tells you, pointing a finger down at you as if scolding a child. When you let out a small, “okay,” he nods in approval. “Now, have you ever been touched by a man?” You shake your head no. “You ever been touched by a woman?” You shook your head no. “You ever touch yourself?” You shook your head no once again. He laughs to himself and rubs a hand down his jaw. “You shittin’ me?”
“No sir,” you weakly whisper. “I’ve been saving myself.” You jump from his boisterous laugh. “What?”
“Well, I never thought of you to be such a holy girl.” His fingers gripped your thighs and he groaned as he saw the flesh turn white before pink. “Sweet, little innocent thing, hm?”
“Yes sir,” you whispered, your thighs trembling as his fingers moved further down until they stopped at the rim of your panties. “W-What’re you gonna do to me?”
“Well, I wanna choke the life out of you and destroy every inch of this body of yours, but I’m a gentleman,” he grins and tips his hat before putting it to the side. “I like you, Y/N, and I think we’re gonna get along just nicely.”
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pocket knife, sliding the blade under the fabric of your panties and lifting up in quick succession as he rips the fabric out from under you. He whistles and licks his lips as he first sees your bare cunt.
“Freshly shaved, just how I like ‘em,” he grins and rubs his fingers against the lips of your private parts. You jumped from the foreign feeling and gasped, thighs trembling to fall shut as he applies pressure to the swelling button hidden beneath your lips. “Thatta girl. Just let daddy do what’s best for you, hm?” He forces your thighs further apart and notices a small string of arousal sliding out of your tight hole. “What do we have here?”
You’re nervously panting as you play with the locket around your neck. Max slides his fingers to scoop up slme of your slick and shows it off to you with a filthy smile, spreading his fingers lewdly to show you the strings of arousal that look like saliva.
“I-I don’t know what that is,” you softly tell him. “And I don’t want to know. So can you please leave me alone, sir.” More tears filled your eyes as he laughed at your pathetic attempt.
“Darlin’, we’re just getting started,” he tells you and suddenly roughly shoves in his middle and ring fingers inside your tight cunt, laughing maniacally at the way you scream out from the painful intrusion. “That’s what I like to hear!”
You try to shut your thighs, but his large body and his arm between your legs stop you from doing so. He reaches over and wraps his other hand around your throat, squeezing and forcing you further down ontk the bed. You cough and grab onto his forearm, digging your nails into his tattooed and hairy skin. You kick your feet out as he begins to move his fingers in and out of you in quick succession. You squeeze your eyes shut as you try to distract yourself. But every single one of your thoughts are violated by Max. He squeezes your throat much harder than the last, relishing your weak gasps for air and the wet sloshing of his fingers inside your virgin pussy.
“You think I didn’t notice those little fuck me eyes looking at me inside the car?” He crooned. He removed his hand from your throat, watching with a hungry expression when you weakly gasp for air, your eyes dazy and unfocused. He slaps your cheek condescendingly, loving the small whimpers that leave your lips as he does so. “You wanted me from the start, little peach.” He leans over with a hand planted in the side of your head. You look up at him, thighs trembling even more as he speeds up his fingers, the tips prodding at this sensitive part inside of you that forces more slick to pour out.
“Mmhmmm,” you whimpered softly and threw your head back as your toes curled in your thigh highs. This feeling was so foreign, yet it felt so good. Max knew what he was doing, and yet you didn’t want him to stop. “Please... daddy.”
“That’s my girl,” he grins, crooking his fingers and moving his wrist upward as he ferociously begins to finger fuck you. You gasped and reached down to grab his forearm, but he shakes his head and laughs at your weak attempt.
“Oh G-God!” You squealed, eyebrows furrowing and cheeks burning up as the churning in your stomach envelopes into something bigger and stronger. “I-I feel... I feel... uuhhnnggh.”
“Let it happen,” he growls, slapping you in the face just as you squirt all over his hand and forearm, your juices spilling out onto your bedsheets and his pants. “Look at that!” He laughs as you try to catch your breath.
“Wha-What just happened, Max?” You whispered, feeling so dirty from letting an older man - a stranger - touch you so inappropriately, and you liking it.
“Oh honey, that ain’t nothin’,” he draws out and begins to unbuckle his belt. “We’re just getting started.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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@robert-de-niro-only-fans @droogiesanddiscourse @robert-deniro-love
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