#social gaming
auntbibby · 3 months
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neurotypicals: hmmm if i state what i want plainly, it might get criticized as rude or selfish
neurotypicals: hmmmm
neurotypicals: i know!!!!! ill hint at it ambiguously, so if my target picks up on the hidden meaning and finds it rude or selfish, i can deny i ever meant any hidden meaning!!!!
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kngshuen · 6 months
The benefits and drawbacks of social gaming communities
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In the vast digital environment, social gaming communities have become active gathering places where people connect and collaborate over a shared love of gaming. These online spaces offer unique benefits and drawbacks that profoundly shape gamers' social lives. As we navigate the intricacies of these communities, it becomes clear that while they provide a haven for social interaction and shared experiences, they also present challenges that require careful consideration. In this exploration, we will uncover the dual nature of social gaming communities and illuminate their role in promoting social life in the digital age.
Before we dive into it, If you are new to this concept, you can explore more about social gaming communities here. Now, let us delve into the complexities of these digital centres and examine the benefits and drawbacks of shaping gamers’ social lives in this unique realm.
The Benefits of Social Gaming Communities:
One of the most significant advantages of social gaming communities is the sense of belonging they cultivate (Molyneux et al., 2015). Within a global context characterized by considerable physical separation, virtual environments serve as a conduit for gamers to establish connections predicated on their mutual fondness for games (Dev, 2023). These online communities serve as digital environments where individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations can interact through multiplayer games, participate in discussions, and bond around each other's passion for gaming. (MetaEngine, 2023). Establishing a sense of community is especially vital in an era when in-person interactions may be scarce, allowing people to express themselves in a digital environment freely.
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Moreover, the influence of gaming community collaboration and teamwork extends beyond virtual realms to affect real-world situations. Gamers develop a sense of community by learning to collaborate and assessing one another's strengths and weaknesses (Editor Team, 2022). This dynamic of collaboration reflects how personnel construct robust communities within the professional environment. Furthermore, the practical application of the communication proficiencies emphasized in gaming communities empowers individuals to articulate their thoughts and opinions with efficacy (SkillsYouNeed, 2023). For those who do not have strong offline social skills, gaming is a unique platform to communicate and connect with others. Essentially, the collaboration and communication skills developed in the game are seamlessly linked to real-world community building.
Furthermore, social gaming communities are essential for mental health and emotional support in addition to being places of enjoyment. People who use these online forums to exchange gaming experiences with one another develop a sense of camaraderie that helps them through difficult times. These communities provide a support network to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Concurrently, new research highlights the importance of the community and chat elements, particularly for lonely young men, providing an anonymous "third place" outside the house or workplace (Prochnow, 2023). This space allows individuals to open up, find empathy, and make important social connections that may be lacking in offline life. The combination of emotional support, shared experiences, and unique anonymity these communities offer highlights their profound impact on fostering a sense of belonging and supporting mental health.
The Drawbacks of Social Gaming Communities:
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However, it also has some drawbacks, particularly the negative impact of anonymity and over-participation on users' mental health and overall gaming experience. This community can be a breeding ground for issues such as cyberbullying, cheating, and various health issues. For example, the shield of anonymity creates a toxic atmosphere by allowing users to express "rude language, severe criticisms, anger, hatred, and even threats." Most cyberbullying and aggressive behavior occurs from anonymous users, and the negative impact exceeds the negative impact of traditional face-to-face or known perpetrator cyberbullying. The privilege of anonymity perpetuates feelings of frustration, insecurity, and anxiety among victims, thereby intensifying their sense of helplessness in comparison to normal bullying scenarios. Bullies, who are often experienced gamers, use anonymity to intimidate new players, further exacerbating issues like bullying (Grazotis, 2018). Furthermore, excessive participation in online gaming is considered a long-standing problem, affecting mental health as well as physical and social aspects of life. This highlights the interconnected challenges within digital communities, emphasizing the need for responsible and respectful interactions to foster a positive and inclusive social environment within the dynamic landscape of social gaming.
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Moreover, privacy is also a concern in digital communities, including social gaming ones. When we share personal information online, there is a risk of it being accessed or misused by others (Team, 2023). It is like being cautious about what we share with strangers—we do not want everyone to know everything about us. Digital communities play a role in our social lives, but exercising caution while using them and safeguarding personal information is important. This emphasizes that, even if these communities promote social contacts, users should be aware of their digital footprint to ensure a secure and safe online social environment.
In conclusion, the benefits and drawbacks combine to shape the delicate digital landscape. While these communities provide virtual havens for socialization, collaboration, and emotional support, they also require thoughtful consideration of potential challenges. The key is to strike a delicate balance—gaining the rewards of community building while mitigating the drawbacks of toxic anonymity and Privacy. As technology advances, the collective responsibility falls on the gaming community to create an environment where individuals can continue to find comfort, connection, and personal growth in an ever-expanding digital social environment.
What's your take on the impact of anonymity in online gaming communities? Share your thoughts and vote below.
Reference List
Dev, L. (2023). Why are gamers so passionate about the game industry? Quora. https://www.quora.com/Why-are-gamers-so-passionate-about-the-game-industry
Editor Team. (2022). Teamwork Gaming: The effects of playing video games on teamwork and team performance. Totem - the Feel Good Game. https://store.totemteam.com/blogs/news/teamwork-gaming-the-effects-of-playing-video-games-on-teamwork-and-team-performance
Grazotis, E. (2018). The Negative Effects of Anonymity and Excessive Participation in Online Gaming Communities. Debating Communities and Social Networks 2018 OUA conference. https://networkconference.netstudies.org/2018OUA/2018/04/23/the-negative-effects-of-anonymity-and-excessive-participation-in-online-gaming-communities/
MetaEngine. (2023, July 7). What is a Gaming Community and How to Build One. MetaEngine. https://www.metaengine.gg/blog/what-is-a-gaming-community-and-how-to-build-one
Molyneux, L., Vasudevan, K., & De Zúñiga, H. G. (2015). Gaming Social Capital: Exploring civic value in multiplayer video games. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(4), 381–399. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcc4.12123
Prochnow, T. (2023). Online gaming communities could provide a lifeline for isolated young men − new research. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/online-gaming-communities-could-provide-a-lifeline-for-isolated-young-men-new-research-211558#:~:text=This%20finding%20suggests%20the%20chat,may%20lack%20in%20real%20life
SkillsYouNeed. (2023). Video games and your communication skills. SkillsYouNeed. https://www.skillsyouneed.com/rhubarb/video-games-communication.html
Team, P. (2023). The complete guide to online gaming privacy. Proton VPN Blog. https://protonvpn.com/blog/online-gaming-privacy/
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ruthannabelleckl · 5 months
Has the Covid-19 pandemic changed the public perception of gaming?
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What is Gaming/Social Gaming?
Social gaming – online games designed to facilitate social interaction among individuals while playing (Gonçalves et al., 2023). There are numerous forms where games can be “social”,  like commenting and observing other players. Moreover, gaming fosters community building both virtually and in real life. Significantly, the World Health Organization has supported the #PlayApartTogether campaign, which was initiated by the gaming sector to promote healthy online gaming behaviours, particularly emphasizing activities that foster social connection (Giardina et al., 2021).
The Public Perception of Gaming
Violence: Games can introduce youngsters to violence and boost their propensity for engaging in aggressive conduct.
Addiction: Games contain addictive qualities, and this is substantiated by study findings that excessive engagement with gaming may result in addiction (Freitas et al., 2019).
Social Isolation: This phenomenon arises due to the substantial time commitment associated with engaging in games, which therefore limits opportunities for face-to-face social interactions (Kabir, 2020).
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Gaming During Covid-19 Pandemic
The prevalence of gaming has experienced a significant surge amidst the pandemic, attracting individuals who previously avoided it wholly or those who indulged in it only occasionally (Lufkin, 2020). It is also intriguing to observe the shift in perspective of the World Health Organization regarding online gaming, wherein they previously cautioned against its potentially hazardous and addictive nature but now extol its beneficial effects on social interaction (Kriz, 2020). Approximately 75% of participants reported having established meaningful friendships inside the gaming environment since online gaming provides a platform for individuals to express themselves in manners that they may find challenging to do in offline settings due to factors like physical appearance, gender, sexual orientation, or age (Griffiths, 2020). A noteworthy study reveals that 63% of gamers engage in cooperative gaming, with a considerable number of players deriving social assistance from the communities they participate in.
So, does the COVID-19 Pandemic Change the Public Perception of Gaming?
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We will delve into this topic by examining the following examples:
Animal Crossing (Click for more)
The game Animal Crossing has gained popularity as a substitute for social connection during lockdowns and as an online venue for weddings and celebrations (Lufkin, 2020). For instance, players may tour the villages of peers they know in actual life or random people they met online by sharing their village code. Besides, certain players have opted to celebrate their birthdays in Animal Crossing, and some engage in virtual dating experiences. Certain couples who were compelled to postpone their wedding ceremonies due to the pandemic have resorted to exchanging vows in Animal Crossing. Additionally, there is an online fan-created marketplace called Nookazon, which facilitates the exchange of fruits and furnishings among players. Nookazon will organize quiz events and interactive conversation sessions for Animal Crossing players. Animal Crossing, specifically, offers a tranquil kind of escapism and a sense of calm during these tumultuous periods, hence attracting new individuals to engage in the gaming pastime (Lufkin, 2020).
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Among Us (Click to play)
Among Us with 100 million downloads created by InnerSloth, amassed tremendous traction amid the COVID-19 crisis owing to its focus on social engagement and collaboration (Lufkin, 2020). The social dimension of the game is embodied in its communication structures, which require players to employ deductive thinking, trust, and suspicion to identify impostors via text or voice conversation. Collaboration and social interaction are fostered within the game through player engagement in task completion, observation of suspicious behaviour, and deliberation regarding potential impostors. Certain individuals utilize Discord servers during gameplay, enabling them to converse and even shout at one another, as opposed to relying on the game’s default chatting function (Sodhi, 2020). Some individuals expressed gratitude for the game because it allowed them to stay in touch with others, while some played it with their families (Ottesen, 2021).
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Twitch (Click to watch)
Twitch, an online platform that facilitates live streaming of gameplay and real-time conversation between viewers and streamers, amassed 5 billion hours of content views in the second half of 2020 (Lufkin, 2020). Twitch has witnessed the formation of novel gaming communities, such as the LGBTQ community and military community. In 2015, Jay-Ann Lopez (London gamer), established a private Facebook group named Black Girl Gamers to create a secure and all-encompassing environment in response to the prevalent issues of racism and sexism within the gaming community. She then successfully cultivated a thriving community that has expanded to several platforms, including Twitch (Lufkin, 2020). Lopez emphasizes the beneficial influence of games in preserving social bonds and community spirit throughout the pandemic, notwithstanding initial doubts and stigmatization of gamers as “strange”.
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In my opinion, COVID-19 pandemic changed the public perception of gaming. Animal Crossing and Among Us emerged as unforeseen places for social engagement during periods of restricted physical gatherings by enabling the organization of online festivities and weddings, which served as means to maintain connections. Besides, LGBTQ, military, and Black Girl Gamers communities grew on Twitch, thus showcasing how gaming helped sustain social connections. Overall, games were a significant tool for building community and social connection during the pandemic, dispelling misconceptions about gaming as a violent, addictive, and socially isolated activity.
List of References
Among us. (2023). https://amongusplay.online/
Freitas, B. D. A., Contreras-Espinosa, R. S., & Correia, P. Á. P. (2019). How society’s negative view of videogames can discourage brands from sponsoring eSports. In Zagalo, N., Veloso, A. I., Costa, L., & Mealha, Ó. (Eds.), Communications in computer and information science (pp. 136-149). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-37983-4_11
Giardina, A., Di Blasi, M., Schimmenti, A., King, D. L., Starcevic, V., & Billieux, J. (2021). Online gaming and prolonged self-isolation: Evidence from Italian gamers during the Covid-19 outbreak. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 18(1), 65–74. https://doi.org/10.36131/cnfioritieditore20210106
Gonçalves, D., Pais, P., Gerling, K., Guerreiro, T., & Rodrigues, A. (2023). Social gaming: A systematic review. Computers in Human Behavior, 147, 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2023.107851
Griffiths, M. (2020, March 24). Coronavirus: making friends through online video games. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-making-friends-through-online-video-games-134459
Kabir, L. (2020, July 21). 10 Negative effects of video games. Healthy Gamer. https://www.healthygamer.gg/blog/10-negative-effects-of-video-games
Kriz, W. C. (2020). Gaming in the time of COVID-19. Simulation & Gaming, 51(4), 403–410. https://doi.org/10.1177/1046878120931602
Lufkin, B. (2020, December 16). How online gaming has become a social lifeline. BBC. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20201214-why-indias-competitive-testing-treadmill-never-stops
Nintendo. (2023). Animal crossing. https://animalcrossing.nintendo.com/
Ottesen, K. K. (2021, March 9). ‘Among Us’ proved to be the game we needed during the pandemic. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/the-game-among-us-proved-to-be-the-game-we-needed-during-the-pandemic/2021/03/04/0addd71a-64cf-11eb-8c64-9595888caa15_story.html
Sodhi, T. (2020, September 25). How Among Us found success in connecting people during a pandemic. Gadgets 360. https://www.gadgets360.com/games/features/among-us-innersloth-internet-game-multi-player-online-discord-twitch-youtube-pandemic-connections-2301149 
Twitch. (2023). https://www.twitch.tv/
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viviangohcn · 5 months
What is Social Gaming?
Social gaming refers to online video games that are widely played and available only through social media platforms (Bernachi, n.d.). These games are made to promote social interaction and conversation about the game both inside and outside of the game. They usually have multiplayer gaming mechanics and gamification systems.
Types of Games:
Card games
Board games
Mobile games
Social network games
Alternate reality games
LAN parties
Miniature wargaming
Live action role-playing games
Tabletop games
Massively multiplayer online games
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Four Types of Play of Roger Caillois
French sociologist Roger Caillois developed four basic categories of play to characterize the roles in games and their intricacies:
Agon: This involves competition and is characterized by the presence of rules and the desire to win. It encompasses activities such as sports and board games
Alea: Games of chance fall under this category, where ability is not as important as luck in determining the result. Lottery games and gambling are two examples.
Mimicry: Role-playing, pretend play, and simulation are all part of this kind of play. People can take on several roles and identities, which encourages imagination and creativity.
Ilinx: Disorientation and vertigo are symptoms of ilinx. Activities that cause vertigo or changed perception, such spinning or some amusement park rides, fall under this category of play.
Caillois further divided these categories into two types of play:
Paida: This type of play is more spontaneous, exuberant, and unstructured. It corresponds to mimicry and ilinx and is associated with Mead's concept of pretend play.
Ludus: Ludus play is highly regulated and consists of structured, well-defined activities. It is translates to Mead's category of "games" and includes contests (agon) and games of chance (alea).
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Are gaming communities becoming less about play and more about monetisation?
According to (Daniels, 2023), the conventional idea of play within these groups has been impacted by the growing tendency of commercialization in gaming communities. More and more gaming communities are concentrating on monetization techniques in order to leverage their user base and engagement. This shift is evident in various way:
Impact on consumer behavior
Sponsorships and advertising
Web3 and game monetization
Social gaming marketing
Diverse monetization models
Source: https://youtu.be/ARV5QCDb2UE
Has the Covid-19 pandemic changed the public perception of gaming?
It is true that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a variety of effects on how the general public views games. The consequences of the epidemic on gaming behavior and players' well-being have been clarified by research and studies. Here are some key findings:
Increased gaming activity
Research has shown that during the Covid-19 epidemic, young people's gaming engagement increased overall (Haug et al., 2022). Due to the epidemic and its accompanying constraints, people spent more time at home and played more video games for amusement and social connection.
Concerns and Public Health Initiatives
Concerns over young people's lack of physical activity, poor mental health, and sleep issues have been highlighted by the pandemic's increased gaming participation (Haug et al., 2022). It has been suggested that public health initiatives stress the promotion of physical exercise and create practical plans to stop harmful gaming habits.
Perceived benefits of gaming
Online gaming may enhance young people's psychosocial development in cognitive, motivational, emotional, and social domains, according to some research. Furthermore, it has been discovered that social gaming during social separation significantly but modestly lessens the experience of loneliness.
Negative perceptions
Negative themes have surfaced surrounding the belief that playing video games was a way to pass the time during the pandemic, notwithstanding any potential advantages (Barr & Copeland-Stewart, 2021).
In summary, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a rise in youth gaming, and opinions on the effects of gaming on wellbeing are beginning to take shape, with both positive and negative views being expressed. Public health activities are necessary to address the challenges of physical inactivity and mental health disorders, even as other research emphasize the potential benefits of gaming.
Source: https://youtu.be/vL4W2zdWL9k
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Bernachi, M. (n.d.). Social Gaming: What it is, benefits, and examples of platforms. https://www.cyberclick.net/numericalblogen/social-gaming-what-it-is-benefits-and-examples-of-platforms
Daniels, B. (2023, April 13). 10 tried & proven ways to monetize your gaming community in 2022. StriveCloud. https://strivecloud.io/blog/monetize-discord-communities/
Haug, E., Mæland, S., Lehmann, S., Bjørknes, R., Fadnes, L. T., Sandal, G. M., & Skogen, J. C. (2022). Increased gaming during COVID-19 Predicts physical inactivity among youth in Norway—A Two-Wave Longitudinal Cohort study. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.812932
Barr, M., & Copeland-Stewart, A. (2021). Playing video games during the COVID-19 pandemic and effects on Players’ Well-Being. Games and Culture, 17(1), 122–139. https://doi.org/10.1177/15554120211017036
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milijanakomad · 9 months
Product design and psychology: The Application of Social Pressure in Video Game Design
Keywords: Social Pressure, Video Gaming, Game Design, Player Behaviour, Social Gaming
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This scholarly paper delves into the intricacies of social pressure as a tool for psychological manipulation in video game design. It emphasizes the diverse applications and implications of social pressure in manipulating player behaviour, fostering engagement, and enhancing monetization. Detailed case studies provide a comprehensive understanding of the deployment of this technique, illustrating the concept from a product designer's viewpoint.
The modern gaming landscape has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of social gaming. The incorporation of social elements within games, coupled with the widespread adoption of social media platforms, has paved the way for a new form of player manipulation - social pressure. This paper aims to explore the exploitation of social pressure in video games, focusing on its application, implications, and ethical considerations.
Social Pressure in Gaming: Conceptualization and Design
Social pressure, in the context of gaming, refers to the influence exerted by peers or the wider gaming community on an individual player's actions, decisions, and experiences. This can manifest in various ways, from cooperative gameplay mechanics, peer comparisons, and social rewards, to public leaderboards and shared achievements.
Cooperative gameplay mechanics often involve tasks that require teamwork, creating pressure on individual players to perform and contribute. Peer comparisons, in which players' in-game achievements are made visible to others, can also create a competitive environment, encouraging players to play more or even make in-game purchases to keep up with their peers. Social rewards and recognition provide positive reinforcement, driving players to perform certain actions or engage more with the game.
Case Study: Among Us
In the indie game Among Us, social pressure is utilized as a core gameplay mechanic. Players must debate and vote on who they suspect is an imposter, creating a high-pressure social environment where persuasion, manipulation, and consensus building are critical. Players often feel pressure to conform to group decisions or risk being cast out, reflecting real-world social dynamics.
Case Study: Clash Royale
Supercell's Clash Royale capitalizes on social pressure through its clan system. Players can join clans and participate in clan wars, where their individual performance contributes to the overall success of the clan. Public leaderboards within the clan further fuel competition, creating a social pressure to continuously engage with the game and perform well.
Implications for Game Design
Understanding and leveraging social pressure can be a powerful tool for game designers. However, ethical considerations must be central to its deployment. Excessive pressure can lead to player stress, negative experiences, and toxic community environments. Designers must thus aim to strike a balance, creating engaging social experiences that motivate rather than alienate players.
The exploitation of social pressure in video game design has proven to be a potent tool for influencing player behaviour and fostering engagement. Nevertheless, careful attention must be given to the potential psychological impact on players and the creation of a supportive, inclusive community. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, the ethical application of social pressure and other psychological principles will be pivotal to designing enjoyable and healthy gaming experiences.
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Yee, N. (2006). Motivations for play in online games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(6), 772-775.
Fox, J., & Tang, W.Y. (2017). Women’s experiences with general and sexual harassment in online video games: Rumination, organizational responsiveness, withdrawal, and coping strategies. New Media & Society, 19(8), 1290-1307.
Bergmark, K.H., Bergmark, A., & Findahl, O. (2011). Extensive Internet involvement—Addiction or emerging lifestyle? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8(12), 4488-4501.
Young, K.S. (1998). Caught in the net: How to recognize the signs of internet addiction—and a winning strategy for recovery. John Wiley & Sons.
Eklund, L. (2011). Doing gender in cyberspace: The performance of gender by female World of Warcraft players. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 17(3), 323-342.
Olson, C.K. (2010). Children's motivations for video game play in the context of normal development. Review of General Psychology, 14(2), 180-187.
Trepte, S., Reinecke, L., & Juechems, K. (2012). The social side of gaming: How playing online computer games creates online and offline social support. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), 832-839.
Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C., & Ritterfeld, U. (2004). Enjoyment: At the heart of media entertainment. Communication Theory, 14(4), 388-408.
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waterspinachdith · 1 year
RUN the games in HIGH HEELS yuh!!
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In the past, it was referred to as a computer game such as Dota, Counter-Strike, or Warcraft, and some people thought it was a waste of time and pointless. With the Covid-19 pandemic situation, who would have believed that a computer game like this might genuinely solve the issue of exile during PKP and retain human interactions, particularly with family and friends? Some people may believe that game players like this like to be alone and immersed in their own world. However, on social media platforms, participants do not only compete to see who is the best. If the Covid-19 outbreak spreads further, most countries throughout the world impose lockdown measures in the intention of decreasing transmission within the population.With so many individuals now confined to their homes, many are turning to technology to maintain existing relationships, such as Zoom talks, movie viewing groups, and video games. The developers have pushed gaming formats to the next level, focusing on designing gameplays that allow for social interactions, such as real-time text chat, audio and video chats, co-op jobs, or guild mechanisms, to make the gaming experience more dynamic, linked, engaging, and immersive for players. These features allow individuals to connect with other gamers all around the world while enjoying their favourite game. There are numerous best-selling video or online game titles on the market, particularly ones with social interactions themes. Among those that responded were the online games Among Us, Sims, and Animal Crossing.
Even more than any other community, the video gaming community is inextricably linked to the poisonous and abusive culture of some groups of gamers. So, for gamers like Ann Lopez, a London native, the best way to deal with it is to start a unique group called Black Girl Gamers on Facebook in 2015. This community was created to allow all players, regardless of religious background or ethnicity, to interact with young people in an environment free of racial and sexism.
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In my opinion, mobile social games should provide players with a social experience. Instead of simply connecting with social networks like Facebook, social interactions in games should connect players. This can be accomplished through a variety of techniques, such as communication, social feeds, multiplayer games, and so on. Users can socialise and chat with one another as part of their game experience. In terms of specific themes, I should highlight that including social features significantly improves retention and discovery. Players return to the game to check on their friends' progress and to inform their real-life friends.
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aliceontherun · 1 year
Are gaming communities becoming more toxic environments for some (e.g. women, LGBT communities, ethnic minorities)?
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Statistics on gaming toxicity
Despite there many advantages of video games, such as improved mental health and cognitive ability, hatred and harassment are frequent. According to a 2020 nationally representative survey of US gamers aged 18-45:
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According to studies, playing video games too much makes it difficult to control one's emotions. Anxiety, despair, and aggressive behaviour are all symptoms of poor emotional control. This lead a toxic game communities.
How are online players mistreated?
This is when a player loses all patience and begins to slam other players. If you utilise the in-game chat feature, this might come in the form of verbal or on-screen abuse. But this kind of player is not only targeting a certain group, but everyone, thinking that losing the game is the problem of other people.
Due to their age, sex, colour, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or spirituality, players may face discrimination. Numerous people who already belong to groups and communities that have historically experienced oppression and marginalisation as a result of being true to who they are are impacted by this abuse.
Racism, antisemitism, hatred toward Muslims, sexism, and anti-LGBT hatred are just a few examples of the hate and abuse that may be found in video games. Depending on your in-game chat capabilities, this kind of abuse can be either verbal or textual.
The creation of games and the hosting of gaming platforms both take hate speech extremely seriously and provide reporting and assistance tools. Most standards of conduct prohibit all types of hate speech.
What can we do?
Block/Mute: The simplest option is to disable in-game communication. Depending on the settings you have at the moment, you might be able to keep the player out of conversation.
Report: Player abuse reporting processes are included in the majority of games and online gaming platforms. You might be able to file a report while you're still in the game or using the admin/moderator resources once you're done.
Save evidence: If the hate speech persists, you could also have a case for taking legal action. Although freedom of speech rules may not make hate speech inherently unlawful, harassment or cyberbullying laws may make it a criminal offence.
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montagne-bee · 2 years
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ivyyychan · 2 years
Week 10 - Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live streaming
Gamers, in the traditional sense, have been labeled as young and predominantly male. In recent years, a variety of games have been launched to promote live streaming, and it is found that the participation of women in games has also been increasing.
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Before the COVID-19 caused pandemic, I was rarely involved in games, much less addicted to them. Interestingly, during the lockdown in 2020, a game called Animal Crossing became extremely popular on Facebook and Instagram. The Animal Crossing series has always been a "life sim" with no exact storyline but rather using "virtual life" as its core competence. Having cute animation style as another selling point, players will become the mayor of a small town, and a large group of cute animals become good neighbors, good friends. At the beginning of the game, the activity scope of the player is small, just in a small town constantly picking fruit, fishing, collecting shells and selling them to make money, and then using the money to expand the town, so that the town becomes more prosperous. One of the features of Animal Crossing is that the game time is completely synchronized with real time, giving the player a sense of immersion, but without the usual tension of a game. Some people may not be used to playing "FPS (first person shooting)" or “ARPG (action role playing game)” games, but this is exactly the selling point of the game. Turning the intense "war" like setting to something much more relaxed like enjoying tranquil times at country home; preventing the physical and mental fatigue players have longed for in a "slow" paced game. Having no characters or other players pushing and urging you to finish a mission or a quest, even if you're asked to do something by an NPC (a non-player character), the game does not have a specific deadline, which ultimately means that players can take a break from the "deadlines" they’ve always faced in action packed games.
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In addition, the success of “Animal Crossing” is closely related to the fact that players had spontaneously and voluntarily built multiple digital communities on social media platforms to share and discuss their experiences in the game. In 2006, Jenkins discovered that “the new knowledge communities will be voluntary, temporary, and tactical affiliations… they are held together through the mutual production and reciprocal exchange of knowledge”. Gamers post strategies on how to make money, catch different kinds of fish or insects in different seasons. They also exchange ideas about clothing and house decor for their characters. You can even add some strangers’ game account and invite them to visit your island. All of a sudden, everyone was obsessed with the game and were frequently engaging in discussions on social media platforms. Despite the fact that I felt isolated during the lockdown period as I did not have a chance to meet my friends, I could still keep in touch with them through this game, share strategies with each other, have fun together and relieve myself from the pressure that the lockdown has brought. Thus, “online games that adapt your friendship ties for play purposes, while accommodating your daily routines.”(Järvinen, 2011).
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Järvinen, A 2011, Week 10 Social Gaming Guest Lecture: 2021-HS1-MDA20009-Digital Communities 2021, Instructure.com
Jenkins, H 2006. “Interactive audience? The collective intelligence of media fans”, pp.136
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Livestreaming and Parasocial Relationships
Video gaming in and of itself is a social activity, as people have digital citizenship within video gaming itself, and specific games and aspects of games (Hardwick 2022). Gaming is made even more social through the live streaming of games, particularly on sites such as Twitch.tv. On this site, many people stream games, but these same people “stream” their lives, in cooking, chatting, music and art streams, all on one platform. A sense of community is often fostered through these live streams, with a built-in, synchronous chat function (Leith 2021), as well as through other platforms like Discord (a social platform which hosts “channels” to have discussions on) and social media such as Twitter and Facebook (Kowert & Daniel 2021).
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This fostering of a sense of community can lead to things such as parasocial relationships; a person (viewer) forms what they think of as a relationship through having an emotional connection with another person (performer, in this case streamers) that is not reciprocated (Kowert & Daniel 2021; Leith 2021; McLaughlin & Wohn 2021). These are generally made through parasocial interactions, as while the relationship itself isn’t reciprocated, some interaction is, as streamers read chat messages viewers leave, and thank subscribers and donators (Wulf, Schneider & Queck 2021).
This potential interaction shows a shift away from what was generally thought of as a one-sided relationship to a “one-and-a-half” sided relationship, as there is now chance for community members to be interacted with by the performer that was not once possible, through the aforementioned synchronicity of livestreaming (Kowert & Daniel 2021).
One popular streamer, who was once the most subscribed-to streamer on Twitch.tv, Ludwig Ahgren (Twitch All-time Streamers With Most Active Subscribers 2022), has been outspoken about how he perceives parasocial interactions. In talking about the phenomenon in his YouTube video I Am Not Your Friend (which you can watch in the embedded video above!), he states “I have 1 million subscribers, but I don’t know 1 million people… I don’t think I even know all my Facebook friends” (Ludwig 2020). He goes on to say viewers “shouldn’t form a relationship with me; at the end of the day, I’m entertainment… I don’t care about you, because I don’t know you – [and] I can’t”. In the same video, he includes footage of fellow streamer, Jschlatt, also talking about his view on parasocial relationships. Jschlatt said “[viewers] are a number for me… I don’t love you. And when I see relationships being formed like this that are just so one-sided in nature, I can’t help but feel kinda concerned,” (Ludwig 2020).
From this you can see that some other streamers have similar views to Ludwig on parasocial relationships; he believes that parasocial relationships can “be a bit dangerous” and that it’s worth “at least being cognisant that they exist in the first place, and maybe revaluating [a viewer’s] interest in things… instead of working on relationships with people that you’re never really gonna hang out with and can’t care about you” (Ludwig 2020).
I regularly watch streamers, namely Ludwig, moistcr1tikal, CYR, and have seen them all interact with the chat while streaming, and have heard of many instances of parasocial relationships with all of them, as well as seen people in chat talking with them as if they know them personally. As Ludwig says, I think that there are dangers to the parasocial relationship, especially when monetary value is given by viewers to support the streamer – but it’s interesting to watch from afar nonetheless.
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Written for Week 10: Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming
Hardwick, T 2022, ‘Week 10 Social Gaming Guest Lecture’, MDA20009 Digital Communities, Modules via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 08 May, viewed 09 May 2022.
Kowert, R & Daniel, E 2021, ‘The one-and-a-half sided parasocial relationship: The curious case of live streaming’, Computers in Human Behavior Reports, vol. 4, p. 100150.
Leith, AP 2021, ‘Parasocial cues: The ubiquity of parasocial relationships on Twitch’, Communication Monographs, vol. 88, no. 1, Routledge, pp. 111–129.
Ludwig 2020, I Am Not Your Friend, viewed 9 May 2022, .
McLaughlin, C & Wohn, DY 2021, ‘Predictors of parasocial interaction and relationships in live streaming’, Convergence, vol. 27, no. 6, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 1714–1734.
‘Twitch All-time Streamers With Most Active Subscribers’ 2022, TwitchTracker, viewed 9 May 2022, .
Wulf, T, Schneider, FM & Queck, J 2021, ‘Exploring Viewers’ Experiences of Parasocial Interactions with Videogame Streamers on Twitch’, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers  140 Huguenot Street, 3rd Floor New Rochelle, NY 10801 USA, viewed 9 May 2022, .
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commandtower · 2 years
Godzilla Decklist Series: Biollante
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Welcome to the first in a new decklist series here on Command Tower focusing on an ongoing project of mine. I’ve been a fan of Godzilla and kaiju movies for just as long as I’ve been into Magic, and so when the Godzilla series was first unveiled as part of the Ikoria set treatment, I was very excited. Since the set has come out, I’ve been in the process of building a Commander deck for each of the unique kaiju represented on a legendary creature card, and now that I have a few of them finished, I thought I’d share them here on the blog.
Today we’ll be looking at my decklist for Biollante, the kaiju version of the White-Black-Green legendary creature Nethroi. The antagonist kaiju of the 1989 film aptly titled Godzilla vs. Biollante, this creature is a man-made hybrid of Godzilla’s own cells and genetic information from a species of rose, and after being defeated in its original beautiful and melancholic Rose Form, it revives as a massive reptilian maw atop an enormous, misshapen mass of intertwined vines and roots. True to that idea, this deck utilizes Biollante’s unique mutation trigger to manipulate the graveyard and return a multitude of powerful creatures to the battlefield. By filling the yard with creatures that have zero power until they enter play, this deck can effectively bypass the restriction of its Commander’s ability and reanimate many more bodies and much more power than it might seem at first glance.
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In the early turns, Biollante’s deck gets started by preparing the graveyard for her arrival. Cards like Jarad's Orders and Buried Alive quickly build up a presence of potential reanimations, and when backed up by early creatures like Fauna Shaman or Mindless Automaton that can pitch any higher-cost creatures trapped in your hand, it’s easy to get a head start on the later gameplan. Ideally, a card like Old Stickfingers or Wrenn and Seven will let you really get a leg up, quickly pushing for more value.
Because Biollante specifically looks at the power of the creatures in the graveyard, it’s possible to cheat the system a bit by utilizing cards that have zero power outside the battlefield. Cards such as Phantom Nishoba, Sekki, Seasons' Guide, and Multani are all powerful bodies that have zero power until they come into play, and so when Biollante looks at them in the yard, they don’t add anything to her total. As an added bonus, cards like these are amazing to mutate Biollante onto as well as she reaps the bonus of their +1/+1 counters or abilities that increase power.
Despite utilizing creatures that apply counters to themselves and each other, this deck isn’t really interested in manipulating those counters, so there are only a few pieces that interact with them once they’re in place. Most of the cards that do this are in here for other reasons, such as Yawgmoth's ability to draw cards and get creatures from play back into the yard or Kalonian Hydra and Ghave having zero power for Biollante's trigger. For the most part, the plan is to push for a lasting presence over moving the pieces around too much. Once the board is set up in this deck’s favor, it’s pretty easy to stay in the lead - traditional boardwipes are mostly ineffective against this list as Biollante can simply bring everything back again. Exile based wipes are a bigger problem, but the majority of them can be handled by a few creatures in the list that can sacrifice each other, allowing you to place your best options back in the yard for another round before they’re blown away. The new uberwipe Farewell is still a problem here, but if the deck gets set up quickly enough, it can deal with the players most likely to be running it to keep itself safe.
Overall, this is a fun and fast list that keeps coming back for more once things start going its way. It has the tools to defend itself simply by continuing to play to its gameplan, and its aggressive go-wide playstyle makes it fun to pop off with and watch the gears mesh into place. Biollante is one of my favorite of the Godzilla kaiju stable, and this deck really showcases her as the central piece of the puzzle.
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Biollante, Plant Beast Form [Nethroi, Apex of Death]
Ghave, Guru of Spores
Reyhan, Last of the Abzan
Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager
Polukranos, Unchained
Old Stickfingers
Golgari Findbroker
Fiend Artisan
Faeburrow Elder
Phantom Nishoba
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig
Toski, Bearer of Secrets
Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar
Sekki, Seasons' Guide
Birds of Paradise
Sylvan Caryatid
Fauna Shaman
Wood Elves
Farhaven Elf
Vizier of the Menagerie
Beast Whisperer
Cytoplast Root-Kin
Golgari Grave-Troll
Kalonian Hydra
Bane of Progress
Realm Seekers
Craterhoof Behemoth
Mindless Automaton
Solemn Simulacrum
Battra, Dark Destroyer [Dirge Bat]
Anguirus, Armored Killer [Gemrazer]
Boneyard Lurker
Migratory Greathorn
Wrenn and Seven
Vivien on the Hunt
Sol Ring
Talisman of Hierarchy
Talisman of Resilience
Talisman of Unity
Orzhov Signet
Golgari Signet
Selesnya Signet
Arcane Signet
Eerie Ultimatum
Abzan Charm
Anguished Unmaking
Jarad's Orders
Culling Ritual
Mirari's Wake
Vanquish the Horde
Demonic Tutor
Mythos of Nethroi
Buried Alive
Phyrexian Arena
Life's Legacy
Eldritch Evolution
Krosan Grip
Skyshroud Claim
Return of the Wildspeaker
Rishkar's Expertise
Indatha Triome
Murmuring Bosk
Sandsteppe Citadel
Command Tower
Godless Shrine
Shattered Sanctum
Vault of Champions
Isolated Chapel
Fetid Heath
Tainted Field
Overgrown Tomb
Deathcap Glade
Undergrowth Stadium
Woodland Cemetery
Twilight Mire
Tainted Wood
Temple Garden
Canopy Vista
Overgrown Farmland
Bountiful Promenade
Sunpetal Grove
Wooded Bastion
Krosan Verge
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
Plains (x3)
Swamp (x3)
Forest (x5)
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mygamingalley · 2 days
Imagine playing Cyberpunk 2077 on your Android and iOS. Yes, that might become a reality soon. The Polish developer CD Projekt Red is considering bringing Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher series to the mobile platform. They want to bring out the mobile ports and tap into the expanding world of the mobile gaming market.
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themoreyouknowz · 1 month
[W9] Exploring gaming communities: E-sport!
Gaming communities as Social Communities
Gaming communities often serve as social communities where players gather, interact, and form connections based on shared interests and experiences. These communities can be seen as assemblages of smaller groups or sub-communities, with players flowing between them based on their preferences, gaming interests, and social dynamics. According to Lufkin (2020):
"Gamers have known for a long time something that everyone else is starting to figure out: there’s community connection on the other side of a screen."
One of the key factors that unite members of gaming communities is skill, expertise, and knowledge in a particular game or genre. Players with similar levels of proficiency often gravitate towards each other, forming sub-communities within larger gaming ecosystems. These sub-communities may focus on specific aspects of the game, such as strategy, tactics, mechanics, or particular playstyles (Magdaleno , 2023).
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Additionally, gaming communities often feature platforms for communication and collaboration, such as forums, Discord servers, social media groups, and streaming channels, where players can engage in discussions, share content, and coordinate gameplay sessions. These platforms facilitate the exchange of ideas, the formation of friendships, and the cultivation of a sense of community among players with similar interests and passions.
E-Sport: an ever growing phenomenon!
The term “e-sports” or “electronic sports” dates back to the late nineties (Bornemark, 2013), refers to competitive video gaming at a professional level. E-sports has grown significantly over the years, evolving from small gatherings of gamers to massive events that fill stadiums and attract millions of viewers online. The gaming community surrounding esports is diverse and passionate, comprising players, teams, coaches, commentators, analysts, organizers, sponsors, and fans. These individuals come together to compete, spectate, and support their favorite teams and players across various games and genres, including popular titles like League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, Overwatch, Fortnite, and many others.
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Esports tournaments and leagues are organized on both a regional and international scale, offering substantial prize pools, lucrative sponsorship deals, and opportunities for professional gamers to showcase their skills on a global stage. Major esports events, such as The International for Dota 2 or the League of Legends (LOL) World Championship, often attract millions of viewers and generate significant revenue through advertising, ticket sales, merchandise, and media rights. For example, there are more than 6.4 million viewers tuned from around the globe to watch T1 beat Weibo Gaming at LOL World Championship 2023 (Hitt, 2023). And Shikenso Analytics, an esports data and analytics company, has reported that the event had a media value of more than $143.24 million. The esports community is known for its inclusivity, with players from diverse backgrounds and regions coming together to compete. Additionally, esports has become a significant cultural phenomenon, influencing various industries beyond gaming, including fashion, music, and entertainment.
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Overall, the esports community continues to thrive and evolve, driven by the passion and dedication of its members and the growing popularity of competitive gaming worldwide.
Bornemark, O. (2013, June). Success factors for e-sport games. In Umeå’s 16th Student Conference in Computing Science (pp. 1-12).
Hitt, K. (2023). 2023 League of Legends Worlds streaming creates record-breaking media value. [online] www.sportsbusinessjournal.com. Available at: https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2023/12/07/esports-shikenso-media-value.
Lufkin, B. (2020). How online gaming has become a social lifeline. [online] BBC. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20201215-how-online-gaming-has-become-a-social-lifeline.
Magdaleno , S. (2023). How Does Online Gaming Affect Social Interactions? [online] Robots.net. Available at: https://robots.net/tech/how-does-online-gaming-affect-social-interactions/.
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henriethepipopipo · 2 months
WEEK 9: Exploring Gaming Communities, Social Gaming, and Live Streaming
“In recent decades, the gaming industry has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from a niche hobby into a global powerhouse that spans across various platforms and engages millions of players worldwide.” - (Agarwal 2023)
Bernard Suits (1978) defines a game as "the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles." This succinct yet profound definition encapsulates the essence of gaming, highlighting the role of rules, challenges, and voluntary participation.
A Brief Gaming History
Navigating through the annals of gaming history proves to be a complex endeavor, marked by the evolution of technology and social dynamics. From the humble beginnings of arcade games to the advent of online multiplayer experiences, gaming has been deeply intertwined with the advancement of networked computing technologies. Moreover, the significance of spectatorship in gaming cannot be overstated, shaping both the culture and practices within the gaming community.
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The Evolution of Gaming Culture
Examining the prevalent cultural perceptions of gamers reveals a predominantly white or East Asian, young, middle-class, and male demographic. This demographic skew has contributed to a masculine-dominated gaming culture, wherein certain individuals are more readily accepted into gaming communities based on perceived identity markers (Williams et al. 2009).
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In the gaming industry, gaming communities serve as vibrant social ecosystems, comprising interconnected smaller communities wherein players congregate based on shared interests, skills, and knowledge (Gandolfi, Ferdig & Soyturk 2021). As Video games are increasingly becoming social and multifaceted (Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Smith & Tosca 2024), these communities foster a sense of camaraderie and competition, providing avenues for players to showcase their expertise and engage in collaborative endeavors.
“...the 1970s and 1980s— played a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of social gaming. The era was marked by the boom of coin-operated arcade games that encouraged competition among players and cultivated a sense of community.” - (Rehj 2023)
The proliferation of social games has revolutionized the gaming landscape, leveraging players' existing social networks to facilitate gameplay. Meanwhile, gaming platforms, ranging from consoles to streaming services, offer diverse avenues for distribution, consumption, and communication within the gaming sphere.
“As per a detailed survey conducted by Grand View Research, the global social gaming industry was appraised at a staggering USD 17.4 billion in 2019. The market is anticipated to inflate at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of an impressive 19.3% between 2020 and 2027. This explosive ascension is a testament to the widespread acceptance and formidable impact of social gaming.” - (Rehj 2023)
The rise of game streaming platforms such as Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Facebook Gaming has ushered in a new era of gaming engagement. These platforms not only provide a space for players to broadcast their gameplay but also foster vibrant communities centered around individual streamers and their content. In addition to that, competitive gaming, epitomized by the phenomenon of esports, has emerged as a colossal industry, closely intertwined with online streaming platforms (Tang et al. 2023). Additionally, modding—a practice wherein players modify existing games—fosters passionate communities dedicated to enhancing and expanding the gaming experience.
“Beyond language, there are many other creative fan practices, such as modding [...], the creation of walkthroughs, the writing of fan fiction, and so forth.” - (Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Smith & Tosca 2024)
Drawing upon Henry Jenkins' concept of "knowledge communities," we recognize the dynamic and fluid nature of gaming affiliations, wherein individuals coalesce around common intellectual pursuits and emotional investments (Jenkins 2006, p. 137). These communities serve as hubs for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and creative contributions, shaping the ever-evolving landscape of gaming.
The more we explore the nature of gaming communities, social gaming, and live streaming, the more we discover the rich tapestry of experiences and interactions within the gaming ecosystem. From the humble origins of arcade cabinets to the global phenomenon of esports, gaming continues to captivate and unite individuals across diverse backgrounds and interests.
Reference list
Agarwal, M 2023, ‘The Evolution and Impact of the Gaming Industry: A Comprehensive Overview’, www.linkedin.com, viewed March 2024, <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/evolution-impact-gaming-industry-comprehensive-overview/>.
Egenfeldt-Nielsen, S, Smith, JH & Tosca, SP 2024, Understanding Video Games, Taylor & Francis.
Gandolfi, E, Ferdig, RE & Soyturk, I 2021, ‘Exploring the learning potential of online gaming communities: An application of the Game Communities of Inquiry Scale’, New Media & Society, vol. 25, no. 6, p. 146144482110271.
Jenkins, H 2006, Fans, bloggers, and gamers : exploring participatory culture, New York University Press, New York, p. 137.
Rehj 2023, ‘Social Gaming Unleashed: Understanding Its Concept, Benefits, and Leading Platforms’, AOK Marketing, viewed March 2024, <https://aokmarketing.com/social-gaming-unleashed-understanding-its-concept-benefits-and-leading-platforms/>.
Suits, B 1978, ‘The Grasshopper’, University of Toronto Press eBooks, Broadview Press.
Tang, D, Sum, RK, Li, M, Ma, R, Chung, P & Ho, RW 2023, ‘What is esports? A systematic scoping review and concept analysis of esports’, Heliyon, vol. 9, no. 12, p. e23248, viewed <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844023104567#bib1>.
Williams, D, Martins, N, Consalvo, M & Ivory, JD 2009, ‘The virtual census: representations of gender, race and age in video games’, New Media & Society, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 815–834.
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