#sorry it got a little heavy
zero-is-nebulous · 3 months
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Tee bee atech I might jig this design a bit but this is what I have so far, he's a Japanese dragon because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh he's a big tall strong handsome man and allat
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misspoetree · 1 year
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Anniversary Edition
[many more text post memes]
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h4unted--h0use · 9 months
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pt 5 of stranger things textposts!
pt 4 - pt 6
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kathaynesart · 1 year
Hope you are doing well in all the projects Kat! I just wanted to somehow convey how much I love Replica but Im so bad with words jdfif so ...
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I... Sara, you have just destroyed me and made my day all in one fell swoop. Been sitting here at work trying not to freak out at my computer while also trying to find the right words to say.
Just look at him! I'm quietly dying. Help! He looks so amazing!!! I adore your style and everything you do and this means so much to me since you've been such a huge inspiration and driving force for me and this community!
Thank you! I'm still wrapping up some loose ends in my projects, but I'm happy to finally be getting back onto Replica this week. It's such a special project to me and all the love you and others have shown has meant the world!
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wolfram-but-art · 4 months
Human Arch + Classic mercs <:( (while Medic was working with em)
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i don't know much about the clasic mercs but i think Medic would just not tell them he made Archie. one day Archie just shows up and they have to accept him as part of the team (heavy's not very happy that Medic spent their money on making a human-bird hybrid but he gets over it eventually)
um also
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skyafied · 1 year
if you are still taking requests, could you draw heavy surrounded birds like a disney princes and medic looking lovingly from the distance
Hey anon how does it feel to have an absolutely massive brain, like just ginormous
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turtletoria · 2 years
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wordgirl oc ^_^ her name is dr. splice and shes a menace
#turtlearts#wordgirl#wg#my ocs#all my ocs are like the same but different flavors#sorry i dont have an original bone in my body#>_>#also. she literally came to me in a dream#the dream went like this: wordgirl and post squeaky boxleitner are just chilling in the lab that also looked like wordgirls secret hideout#because dream logic. anyway theres a huge screen and suddenly the screen opens up and dr splice shows up and shes sort of like#muahahaha wordgirl give me all the money in the city (or whatever) or i'll destroy the whole city (shes got like a massive crushing machine#hovering over the skyline)#and she also mentions that if wordgirl or huggy tries to destroy it then the machine will automatically activate#wordgirl is like. huggy is smaller maybe he can take it? but splice says that hes still too heavy and she laughs evilly and the screen goes#off. so boxy wordgirl and huggy are sitting there like what do we do??!?!?#and then boxleitner thinks to use squeaky to bite wires to break the machine from the inside and since hes so small he might not destroy#everything. but also hes squeaky and hes being a persnickety little bitch that just wants to chill in his enclosure. until boxleitner sort#of makes a deal to give him all the cheese he wants if he helps them just this time#to which squeaky begrudgingly agrees to. then my dream ends with squeaky wearing tiny little equipment before they like drop him off to do#the job. lol#anyway that was my dream#i have more character notes (non-dream sadly) for splice but i will add on another post later maybe since these tags are hella long
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mc-survivalist-steven · 4 months
I've been thinking and thinking. Call me a researcher or just a stranger. And something's been gnawing on my mind.
I didn't know Herobrines could reproduce let alone be female. There's an overabundance in males and females are a rarity from my observation. That is such an odd thing. Not to mention that Herobrines don't really- reproduce. Of course with exceptions, but the cases I know do it rather traditionally.
Your mother- (likely a brine all the same - as you describe yourself one too) Your mother produced children by spreading spores of some kind. Some parts of herself I guess. A power to mend into the elements and create another living being in such a way is baffling.
To get to the point and my actual question.
I've been pondering- spreading Herobrine offspring on such a wide scale (as you mentioned you had plenty of siblings) and seemingly not weakening herself if she could do that en mass. Maybe it's less of making more Brines from herself but something more akin to Brine-Spawns. (like vampire-spawns- a weaker kind of vampire sprung from a true one)
With that odd thought- you are the child of a Herobrine, but not a full brine yourself? Do you think that is kinda true?
Brines are such a rarity, your mother releasing tousands of offspring into the world and them being true Brines seems a little unreasonable.
Of course I may be mistaken as every elusive indivitual of a brine works different than the next. Maybe you and your "species" aren't actual brines by many a definition from each their own flaws.
Ah..... I've been talking a lot. What do you think about this whole- thing? Maybe you know more than I do. Probably.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Scorch: I’m always careful
Karma/The Force: 👀
I feel like that’s just asking for something to happen . . . I dunno you tell me 🤷‍♀️
Rynn and Delta Squad really are karma/The Force's punching bags aren't they, lol.
"Soo...this isn't creepy at all." Scorch says as he peers into one of the glass jars lining the shelves heading down the stairs. "Ignore them." Rynn replies, as she sets her hand on his back, "Please. I already feel nauseous." He glances at her, "You need to take a break?" "I want to be done with this place, Scorch." She replies with a shake of her head, "This place feels awful. Like rotten slime." "Ew, now I'm nauseous." Scorch turns his flashlight back to the stairs, "We can't be too far from the bottom. Come on, cyare. Let's keep going." "Right." He leads her further down the stairs, until he reaches the bottom. Scorch shines his flashlight around, and then starts with surprise, "Well, you know how you joked about dead bodies-?" Rynn peers around him, and makes a face. There, in the middle of the room, in a pair of glass coffins (there's no other word that she could use) are the perfectly preserved forms of Palpatine's wife and daughter. "They look like they're just asleep," Scorch murmurs. "Chemicals, maybe? I know there are some cultures where bodies are preserved to look how they did when they died." Rynn replies, "Stars, his daughter was just a toddler." "Wonder if it was worth it." Scorch says as he moves to look around the room, "He sacrificed his wife and child for power. I wonder if he thought it was worth it." "The dark side of the force corrupts. It's what it does. It has the ability to take even good things and twist it into something unrecognizable." Rynn replies, "Maybe he thought that when he was powerful he could bring them back." "Is that possible?" "No. Life only goes in one direction, Scorch. Even if he was able to breathe life back into them...they wouldn't be the woman or child he killed." Scorch glances at the coffins, and then he sighs, "We should call someone. Let them finally have the rest that they deserve." "Yeah. I'll take care of it."
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HonestlyYYYY!! Though now you intimidate me more, you're clearly a big league pharmacist. I just took a summer class to be a techie.
Though like the rude customers are both understandable (miserable, pain, feel icky) but also not because du d e it's not our fault the doctor did the wrong stuff
Don't be afraid, I'm really just tired or confused all the time😭
But yes, I've became kind of sus(?) of doctors now. I have a lot of things I could tell, like when this newly appointed doctor gave her first med to her own grandma - which is a family's friend - and I turned pale after hearing what drug she gave her.
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misspoetree · 2 years
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Ep. 12 Edition - Part 1
[Ep. 12 - Part 2]
[Ep. 9 / Ep. 10 1&2 / Ep. 11 1&2]
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xenonsdoodles · 5 months
felix h. fraldarius
    First impression:
I’ve been informed by multiple independent sources that I am going to like him and I don’t get a choice, so like, let's see how that turns out
Asshole (affectionate?) (maybe?)
    Impression now:
OUGH he’s a mess and I love him a lot. His personality reminds me of my horse and I think he’d hate to hear that but I mean it as a compliment (specifically that he’s a loyal, intelligent, determined and extremely trustworthy friend who is no less a rude and stubborn little bastard man for it). I frequently wish I could hug him even though I do not think he would let me, realistically. Half the time when I start talking about him I make myself sad but that’s just how it is with bitches from Faerghus :)
    Favorite moment:
I think it’s funny that almost every time he actually tries to be nice (or at least not openly rude) to someone for the first time, the person he’s talking to is like “what do you mean. you bastard. you evil little man. what ulterior motives do you have.” Annette, Bernie, Lysithea, it keeps happening.
Alternatively, the time in my og run when I had him solo the Fraldarius soldiers in that one training mission while everyone else just followed him around cheering him on the whole time. I like to think he knew a lot of those guys and it was very satisfying to beat some of them.
    Idea for a story:
Same one I mentioned in the ask about Dimitri. dies
    Unpopular opinion:
 I could pick him up I bet. idk I don't know what counts as unpopular
    Favorite relationship:
Ok I feel obvious saying Sylvain but they really are very extremely. I’ve gotten two of their endings so far. One of them made me die (positive) and the other made me die (dead). I’m also, maybe predictably, compelled by whatever the hell his situation is with Dimitri (side note, in my first run I kept putting them on stable duty as the Get Along Or Else activity and they kept getting perfect results and he complained every time, which. yeah). I love his Sword Bros friendship with Byleth. And I did not expect it, but his A support with Dedue was one of my favorites in the route… him being all “you shouldn’t risk your life because strategically etc etc etc” and Dedue like “love you too” lmao get read idiot
    Favorite headcanon:
I sometimes forget he isn’t canonically a trans man. Relatedly, I think that Glenn helped him pick his name not long before he died—Felix chose it himself, of course, that was important to him, but Glenn gave him suggestions and talked through it with him while he was working on it. I also think Rodrigue wants to accept him as his son, but Felix has a pretty clear mental image of the kind of man he thinks his father would respect and he Does Not Want To Be That. And sometimes when he looks in the mirror he looks more like Glenn than he did the last time. And it’s a mess. :)
it's him .
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the school arc to me is so good because it drags ciel out of his position as a powerful figure and literally places him in the shoes of the person he could have been. the circus arc ALSO drags him out of his position as big bad queens watch dog/head of the phantomhive estate but the school arc feels like a mockery of a future that never was. this is what he could have been had his parents not died. and even then its NOT because he will never be that kid.
he never was.
#ramblings#incoherent beyond belief its 4 am#and im trying to avoid manga spoilers#might add a reblog with more coherent thoughts when i wake up but im off my meds so i cant promise anything#actually correction im being vague w the manga spoilers#manga readers know whats up#idk if there are any anime only ppl who havent been spoiled on The Plottwist Ever yet#but i figured there will be new fans and though im not tagging this it might still get seen so#cant WAIT to see our boy absolutely miserable in animation form should they recreate that arc LMAOOO#which ofc is after the germany arc so thats still a long time away#but STILL. itd be fun i need to see this young teenager lose his mind in color with sound#him relying on sebastian to do all his fag duties (sorry. dredge) so he can work his way up the social ladder#trying to gain power while simultaneously proving that he cant do anything but rely on others#hes always needed help in basically every way and he hasnt CHANGED he just got a demon to do it for him#he learns to lie and charm and cheat and all the while hes a fucking CHILD WHO STILL STRUGGLES WITH NORMAL THINGS#ciel is my little baby and i love him deeply no matter how much of a little bitch he can be#his helplessness isnt just 'oh he was raised in british high society' its also that he never got the chance to learn anything#which to elaborate on that id also have to go into manga territory. iykyk#like absolutely at this point he just refuses to learn how to do things he has a pet demon to do it for him#but.#hi the phantomhives backstory is killing me again its so late#both atlantic and the school arc are just setup for the Big Arc but theyre very good in their own right i SWEAR#also when i rewatched the circus arc a while back and i realised how some scenes were shot#the heavy foreshadowing that i didnt realise. yk. 7 years ago or however long its been since i first watched it#CRAZY#if you are new. to kuroshitsuji. and you havent read the manga. dear god. read the manga#ALSO GRELLE IN THAT ARC IS SO BEAUTIFUL & OTHELLO IS TRANSMASCULINE. OKAY GOODBYE
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devilsskettle · 2 months
listen to me. tiffany relating to bride of frankenstein (1935) is a subversion of the title of the film bride of chucky because even though she is the titular bride of chucky, it's not the bride who she related to in the movie, it's the original frankenstein monster. she goes to all this trouble to put chucky back together and bring him back to life (like the creature demands to have someone made for him that he can spend his life with) and then she finds out that he never intended to propose to her and laughs at her for assuming that after finding the ring on the mantel the night he died (like the creature is rejected immediately by the bride who is afraid of him), and the shot of her crying while watching the movie is a direct response to the creature's tears in the movie. then at the very end it's the creature's words that she uses when she says "we belong dead." so the assumption that she is moved by the movie because she feels kindred to the bride (just because "bride" is in both titles of the film and they're both women) is incorrect, she's actually aligned with the creature in both scenes that reference bride of frankenstein. and this makes way more sense for her character throughout the film, since as the writers have said she has "more conventional" motivations (such as the desire for love and companionship and understanding, just like the creature) than chucky, who is more "straightforwardly bloodthirsty." hey did you hear me. i said
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sixsthemeii · 1 year
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welcome to hell, sunshine
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talentforlying · 3 months
one of these days i'm going to write up all that i've changed from azzarello's bullshit era and the one (1) piece i've kept from milligan (and also changed) and the only thing currently stopping me is that it is going to be so, so inside-baseball incomprehensible. and i almost never want to go reading/screencapping azzarello and milligan to add references but i Want to add references.
canon is goop, just know that we continue to ride the bus down "hellblazer ended at #250 and looks like swiss cheese before that" street.
#( ooc. ) OUT OF CIGS.#i'm doing page maintenance before i fuck off to work rip it's got me thinking#anyway i think i said WAY back on this blog that a side goal of mine is to make hellblazer lore accessible to non-comic readers where i can#bc it's such a Heavy comic & i love it so much & i always felt Terrible recommending it to people only for them to be disgusted#and like. @ past me that particular goal is NOT as easy as you thought it would be lmao#esp because i have a habit of getting VERY detail-oriented when it comes to talking about hellblazer i think#but by GOD it's still a goal. i can put in some motherfucking references here and there when i talk about The Lore#like. azzarello's writing style never translates well for me in synopsis bc he Loves to put the audience in the outside perspective#where we are bystanders/with the rest of the bystanders to constantine's actions and not to his motivations/inner monologue#and i HATE that. hellblazer has ALWAYS been about what this guy has going on underneath the masked exterior#all the things you can't say out loud when you're queer and working class trying to survive in 70s-80s-90s england#but that you FEEL with your WHOLE fucking chest. how that feeling drives you to enjoy little rebellions wherever you can get them#(also azzarello just fucking Sucks LMAO but i'm talking style rn)#so i end up relying on frusin's art to tell the story a little more bc i think he understands the Theatre of constantine's public persona#and when that theatre is Absent then it's really REALLY noticeable. so frusin keeps me in it most of the time#and if i'm digging into frusin art then i'm Going to want to compare it to older panels bc i like body language consistency#milligan on the other hand has NOTHING to save his sorry ass bc his writing is drop-jaw fucking terrible AND the artist seems to like it#but the loss of john's thumb being tied to his mental health (ignoring the bullshit with shade) has always felt. important to me somehow id#anyway MUCH thinking about my favorite loser on this about-to-be-annoying day shdjksd he has been done so dirty#hellblazer brain go brrrr
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