#sorry shiro you’ll just have to wait a bit longer my boi
yourbustedkneecaps · 6 months
i lied i have a starter “handbook” for monsters and mana now 👍
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actress4him · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 15
I can’t think of anything to say about this one haha, other than it has a good ending and was an interesting change of pace for me to write.  Make sure you check the warnings, as always!
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Day 15 - Magical Healing/Science Gone Wrong
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Warnings: claustrophobia, blood, broken bones, mild body horror, mild gore, mild eye trauma (super mild, because eye trauma is a personal squick)
Keith had never had to go into a pod before. He had gotten plenty of bumps and bruises during his time in space, and even a few more serious wounds, but never anything bad enough that he couldn’t patch it up himself. He had gotten pretty good at self first aid over the course of his life, especially while living in the desert. 
And he was pretty happy about that. The thought of being locked in a pod, unconscious, completely helpless and unaware of what was happening to him and around him, made his stomach roll a bit. Obviously he’d never tell anybody that he was...not scared, definitely not scared, but...nervous about using a pod. That was something he’d just keep to himself.
But now...now he had no choice. And honestly, he didn’t care. He was in so much pain, so disoriented, that he just let everybody strip off his clothes, wrestle him into a pod suit, and usher him straight to the pod without even a word of protest.
He had taken on a Galra commander by himself. He wasn’t too proud to admit that he had lost miserably. The commander was huge, and he had managed to get a hold of Keith, wrapping one of his ginormous hands around his entire waist, before slamming him into a nearby wall. Repeatedly. 
Pretty much everything on the right side of his body was broken and/or bleeding. Including his poor, cracked armor. His helmet had been knocked off, so his skull had taken plenty of damage, with blood still pouring down and sticking his eye shut even while the pod was prepped. He was pretty sure something in his face was broken, too. Maybe more than one something. It was difficult to separate one pain from another.
“Alright, lad, in you go.” 
Keith barely held in a yell as he was lifted in, managing to stifle it to a strangled groan. 
“I know bud, I know.” Shiro gave him a tight, worried smile. “You’ll just go right to sleep now, and next thing you know you’ll feel all better. Promise.” 
There was a momentary flutter in his stomach at the thought, but the idea of sleeping and no longer being in pain won out over his apprehension. As the glass slid shut, his other eye did, too.
He felt the blast of cold that filled the chamber. 
He felt his body succumb to the gas that froze him in place. 
He didn’t fall asleep.
Any second now, he kept thinking. It’ll happen soon. There’s just a little delay that no one mentioned. Maybe they didn’t remember. I probably won’t remember any of this later, either.
But the longer his body remained paralyzed and his brain aware, the more panicked he became. And then the healing began.
You’d think that would be a good thing. Healing takes away the pain, right? 
The first thing to start was his head. He hadn’t been aware that the pain there could get any more intense until it did. Bone fragments started shifting, locking themselves back into place, and he could feel every little bit of it. He could feel the broken skin beginning to knit itself together, millimeter by millimeter.
He wanted to throw up. He couldn’t. His body remained passive and completely out of his control, not responding in the least to his racing thoughts.
Why why why why why why why why why why why why why is this happening why did no one say this would happen this isn’t supposed to happen is it this doesn’t make any sense it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts make it stop please make it stop Shiro help me get me out of here make it stop make it stop
But his body remained still through it all. He couldn’t twitch a finger, couldn’t open his eyes so that the others would know he was still awake. Were they still watching? Did they have any idea that something was wrong? For all he knew, he was alone, and he wouldn’t be released from this nightmare until everything was healed.
Ribs were next. They slid slowly back into place, grinding against each other, slicing through muscle and tissue on their way. It hurt worse than anything he could have imagined. 
His arm and shoulder healed simultaneously, but still took an eternity. That was the worst part, how agonizingly slowly everything went. A doctor setting a bone worked quickly. There was pain, yes, but it was a sharp spike followed by relief. This went on for ages, healing every little crack and tear along the way as each bone was dragged back to where it belonged.
The only thing worse than that was not even being able to scream.
He hadn’t even realized anything was wrong with his knee until that got twisted and pulled straight again. The very last thing to heal was his face, starting with the bones in his cheek and around his eye, and ending with the eye itself, which was less excruciating in the pain sense and more in the fact that it felt like something was in his eye, pulling and probing and scratching, and he couldn’t even lift his hand to rub at it.
The good news about the whole process was that once something was healed, the pain did ease, leaving him with less areas hurting than before.
But rather than feeling like a mere tick had gone by, he was aware of every single tick that passed for the entire two quintants that he was in the pod.
When the glass finally, finally opened and he stumbled out into Shiro’s waiting arms, the first thing he did was open his eyes as wide as they could go, and open his mouth to suck in a lungful of fresh air. His body was his again. He could move. 
The second thing he did was slump boneless to the floor, not even Shiro able to keep him upright. He buried his face into his arms to hide the tears that spilled over without his permission, but that did nothing for the way his entire body trembled and for the gasping sobs that escaped.
“Whoa, Keith! What’s the matter? Are you still hurt?” Shiro’s hands grasped his arms gently. “Talk to me, bud, what is it?”
He tried his best to get himself under control, hating the fact that he was breaking apart in front of everybody. The others probably didn’t even think he was capable of crying before then. Lifting his head slightly, he wiped his face with the sleeve of the pod suit, then dropped his forehead back down onto his arms. 
“I-it…” He swallowed. “It was awful.”
“What do you mean?” He could hear the frown in Shiro’s voice. “What was awful?”
“The p-pod.”
A hand slid into his hair, cupping the back of his head. “I don’t understand, bud.”
“I was awake. The whole time.” 
Silence. Then, “What?”
Coran’s voice broke into the conversation. “That’s not possible. The first thing a healing pod does is to cryo-freeze its occupant. We saw it working ourselves!”
“It did freeze my body.” Keith looked up finally, but couldn’t quite bring himself to meet any of the several gazes that were on him. “Otherwise I would have been banging on the glass for someone to get me out of there. I couldn’t...I couldn’t move. But I was awake.” For a while he had wondered if it was the same for everyone, if Shiro and Lance had refrained from telling him, knowing that he wouldn’t want to go in. But eventually he had convinced himself that Shiro wouldn’t do that to him, and it seemed he was right.
“You’re telling us,” Shiro began slowly, “that you’ve been completely awake and aware for two days, unable to move, while the pod healed all of those broken bones and everything?”
“Yeah,” he whispered.
“That shouldn’t be possible!” Coran repeated. “I’ve never heard of anything like it before! I can’t imagine...unless…” He broke off into unintelligible mumbling, crossing to the pod’s data screen and poking at it.
Hunk was next to speak up. “Keith...that sounds...terrifying.”
Gritting his teeth, he tried for a small smile. “Yeah, it...it was.” His brows pulled down. “I could feel all of it. All the bones moving, the skin and muscles and whatever going back together…” He shuddered, and if he wasn’t mistaken, nearly everyone else in the room did, too. “I don’t ever want to go back in a pod again.”
Coran cleared his throat. “My boy, I’m afraid I have quite an apology to make.” Keith looked up to see the advisor facing him again, but staring down at his feet. “It’s, uh...well, we’ve never had someone of...mixed species use the healing pods before.”
Keith shut his eyes. Of course. Of course it would come back to his Galra heritage.
“The data here indicates that the pod recognized you only as human, since it appears that most of your anatomy is, in fact, human. But the failure to account for the rest of your DNA is apparently where things went wrong. It obviously caused you great distress, and probably great pain, and...I’m terribly sorry, my boy. I should have taken more time to ensure that everything was set correctly at the beginning.”
“It’s not your fault, Coran,” Pidge interrupted before Keith could open his mouth to say the same exact thing. She had shimmied her way between the advisor and the screen and was bending over it, the light reflecting off of her glasses. “This thing literally has no clue how to deal with mixed species.” Looking over her shoulder at Keith, she smiled. “We’ll work on that, starting right now.”
“Well, still.” Coran twiddled with his moustache nervously. “I should have known that already. I should have had it ready for Number Four before he needed it.”
“It’s alright. I forgive you.” Keith mustered a smile, and Coran returned it brightly.
“Thank you, lad. Well, Number Five, are you ready to get tinkering?”
Pidge immediately launched into a longwinded explanation of her thoughts for the project, and Hunk quickly joined in. Shiro wrapped an arm around Keith’s shoulders and pulled him in close. 
“I’m really sorry you had to go through that. Looks like these three will have it all fixed for you if you ever need to go in again, though.”
Keith tensed, glancing up at the still looming pod and swallowing hard. “Yeah. Well...I’m gonna...try really hard to not need it again.”
Shiro squeezed him tighter. “That’s a good idea, regardless.”
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 49: Inheritance
Lance is compelled to speak to his father.
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It starts toward the end of winter, but still early. Keith knows he’s in trouble the moment he wakes. There’s a slight, aching pain in his legs, specifically at his hips and his knees. That’s where it always begins: in his femurs. Then it travels down his legs and up his back. This time, the pain will be most prominent in his hips and shoulders. Or so he’s been told.
He should tell Lance. Immediately. But… Keith smiles, feeling, hearing the gentle beat of Lance's heart beneath his cheek, the arm he has wrapped around his spouse’s middle. His tail is twisted around Lance’s leg, binding them together. One of Lance’s hands rests on the arm thrown over his middle, the other still at Keith’s back, tangled in his long, loose hair. Lance's own hair fans over the pillows, and every breath is soft with sleep.
The pain can wait, and either way, he’s still quite sleepy… Besides, it would be wrong of him to wake Lance. Right? Right. Keith settles back in with a sigh.
Lance notices almost immediately once they actually do get out of bed, and he watches Keith go about his morning. He’s moving stiffly, like he’s in pain. “You’re starting your growth spurt, aren’t you?”
“Not exactly. I’ll begin my growth spurt in about a movement. But it starts hurting now... It’s a bit earlier than I expected.”
Lance holds out a hand, taking Keith’s and pulling him down beside him on the bed. Slipping the comb from Keith’s hand, Lance gets to work on his hair, starting at the ends, taking his time to get out all the tangles. “Are you scared?”
“A little,” Keith whispers, pushing a lock of thick, dark hair over his shoulder. “Lance?”
“Hm?” Lance runs fingers through Keith’s hair, coaxing a bit of quintessence into the strands to keep it healthy.
“Just- Be there if I need you?” That’s not what Keith wanted to say, but Lance lets it be what it is. He gives the answer he’d give any request Keith has for him.
“Always.” Lance gently braids a ribbon into Keith’s hair, ties a knot in the end. He hooks his chin over Keith’s shoulder, wraps his arms around him. “We should take you to Daibazaal. You’ll be more comfortable there, and they can help you better than we can.”
“How will we get there?”
“In a shuttle.”
“And how do we get a shuttle?”
“I need to speak to my father.” Lance rises, slips behind a room divider to change. It’s more efficient than slipping into a bathroom has been. “Will you be alright on your own for a few doboshes... or vargas, depending on Alfor’s mood?”
Keith nods, fingers anxiously tugging at the end of his braid. “I’m not in any immediate difficulty. I’ll go find Adam. Perhaps he has something I can help with. And maybe some painkillers?”
“Oh, definitely. And I’m sure he’ll be happy to have you, regardless. Be sure to talk shit about Shiro. He loves a good bit of gossip, believe it or not. And, hey.” Lance kisses Keith’s temple, his cheek, his lips. “If you need me, or if you want me, you call me. I’ll come.”
“I know. And I’ll do the same. Just call.” Keith returns Lance’s kiss with a smile.
“I’ll see you soon.” One last kiss, and Lance scurries off to his father’s study, where Alfor always is just after breakfast. He himself missed breakfast so Keith could sleep. The normally early riser has been quite sleepy the past movement or so. He sends a quick message to Adam to make sure Keith gets a good meal. A ping of acknowledgement from his attendant, and Lance marches into the study.
Alfor is sitting at his desk, surrounded by a series of tablets, with a holotable in one corner. It's a surprisingly small room. Lance assumes Alfor likes it because no one would think to look here unless they already knew where he was.
“Good morning, Lancel.” Alfor scrolls through a tablet.
“Keith has begun his growth spurt.” Lance waits for a response. Alfor makes a note in his datapad.
“Excellent. I may yet have two married children before I die of old age.” The king doesn’t look up from his tablet.
“I wish to take him to Daibazaal. He-”
“Out of the question, Lancel.” Couldn’t Alfor at least look at him? Even just once?
Lance squares his shoulders, presses on. “He will be more comfortable there, and they will be better able to treat his condition. We cannot risk complications-”
“My answer is still no. He will just have to endure-”
“He will not!” Lance declares.
Alfor finally looks up, frowning. “Yes, Lancel, he will. Two phoebs ago, you were nearly assassinated. You expect me to hand you over to the Galra, serve you up to them on a silver platter? Risk the future of Altea for something as trivial as pain? Absolutely not-”
“LIKE YOU EVER CARED ABOUT ALTEA!!!” Fingers curling, Lance glares at his father, waiting for some kind of acknowledgement. “And what about my pain?! And Keith’s pain?! When does that get to matter?”
Alfor flies to his feet, eyes flashing. “Your pain does not matter! You want to talk about pain?! I have killed men, women, and children for Altea! Slaughtered villages for Altea! Sacrificed my best friend for Altea! Bartered my children for Altea-”
“Built a secret war room for Altea,” Lance snaps.
“Contingencies, Lancel! I do what must be done! You-”
“Did you even know about the King’s Road being damaged? A headman came a decaphoeb ago seeking it’s repairs, and you did fuck all to-”
“I signed off on that request myself, and instructed the builders to leave behind any excess materials for the commune to use as suited them! As is protocol!”
“Then why-”
“Sometimes, court orders are lost, Lancel! If I might ask you a question, why do you assume I simply did not care? Why do you assume I do not care about Altea?”
Lance’s eyes find the floor. There’s so much here, so much distrust and disdain, that it’s better just to retreat. “Forgive me, Father. I have disrespected you.”
“I don’t care about your disrespect, Lancel.” The king stares at his son, quite suddenly old, tired. “But do you truly think so little of me?”
Eyes stinging, perhaps from shame, or embarrassment, or perhaps some son’s grief, Lance turns away from his father, away from the heaviness of Alfor’s voice. After a long stretch of silence, he forces the word past his lips.
“Sometimes.” The first tear falls. Lance brushes it away, saltwater skittering over his scales.
“I’m sorry. I’ll-” Lance turns to go, but Alfor wraps fingers around his arm. His breath catches in his throat, waiting for that hand or that voice to strike him.
Alfor gently coaxes his son to turn, brushes his thumbs over those glittering blue scales. It’s affection so unexpected that Lance can’t quite choke back a sob. “My son... My boy. I’ve lost you. Please don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
“I’m sorry.” He’s unsure why he’s sorry, exactly, but Lance must have done something somewhere along to line. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be like this.
“No, Lance. Not this time.” The king runs a hand through his son’s hair, sending it askew. Lance swipes at his face.
“I’m trying. I’m trying. It was a trick. The whole thing with the girls and the boys and the- all of it! I swear it was! I wanted- I wanted to seem more impressive.” Lance swipes at his face, trying to stop his tears as he rambles. “But then I had to give it up and now I’ve lost my one shot at gaining respect before I even had any to gain but I still have all this stuff I have to do and- and I’m sorry!”
“No, I meant it’s not for you to apologize this time. It’s mine. I’m so sorry.” The king brushes a lock of hair away from Lance’s face. The boy stares listlessly at the floor.
“Lance. Lance, look at me.” Shining blue and pink eyes stare up into his, and Alfor smiles. “Never, under any circumstances ever, should you find yourself in an interrogation. Once you start you just keep going.”
The boy chokes on his laughter, nods. “I do. I always do. Keith says I babble when I’m upset, but I tell him he’s full of it. Ancients, it must have been so annoying on our wedding night, me prattling on about circlets and gardens and I’m-”
“‘-Doing it again’. Yes you are.” Alfor pulls his son into a hug. “Dear son, why do you want to go to Daibazaal so badly?”
“I promised. Phoebs ago. I promised I’d take him home. He- He misses it so much and- and I don’t know what to do for him right now.”
“Is it worth it to you?” Alfor whispers, rubbing his son’s back. “Have you calculated this risk?”
“I have. It is.” Lance curls his fingers into his father's cloak, soaking in that unfamiliar, desperately missed heat. “We’ll be staying with Shiro or Krolia, or within the Imperial compound. We’ll be working to hopefully gain favor or at least minimize animosity with the locals while we’re there. My combat skills have improved and-”
“You’re a good shot. Don’t think I didn’t notice.” Alfor inspects his son. “You really are good at this, aren’t you?”
“I’m trying to be. Keith’s gotten better and he’s become an enormous help. He’s so smart and talented and he’s funny and he makes it all way easier than it could be…”
Alfor watches, solemn, as his son retreats again, closes himself off. He sighs. “Lancel?”
“Your presence here is invaluable. You’re aware of this?”
“Yes.” Calm. Assured. Except for a sniffle, Lance is perfectly composed when he gives that answer.
“You are invaluable. You’re aware of this also?”
“I- Yes.” Almost, then just as assured.
“I need you to do something for Altea if you go on this... excursion.”
“What do you want me to do?” He didn’t say ‘anything’. This, Alfor knows from experience, is a good thing. It means his son might live a longer life, and one where he will not be used.
“I want you to come back from Daibazaal married. No more stalling. On the off chance that anyone knows the truth, you must come back to Altea having bedded that boy. He doesn’t have to be pregnant, but I- we need you two married.”
Lance bites his lip, takes a composing breath. “One phoeb. You’ll have your official marriage in approximately one phoeb… The moment we go to Daibazaal, word is going to spread beyond the compound, and the people will know Keith is only just growing into adulthood. Not having mated with him is my first step to gaining the peoples’ trust. Assuming they don’t try to kill me first. Once we have the peoples’ trust, we have an actual alliance. One the citizens recognize.”
“Use Keith to gain favor with the locals-”
“If by ‘use’ you mean ‘go to for advice’, then I already plan to do that… You still think like a soldier.”
“I know.” Alfor smiles, rueful. “It’s the only way I know how to think.” Alfor sighs. “Fine. If you think it in Altea’s best interests, go to Daibazaal. But do please be careful, son. Stay safe… I love you.”
“I-” Lance swallows. “I know. I love you too.”
“One of those statements is a lie.” The king smiles at the affronted expression on his son’s face. “We’ll work on it. You’ll be lying like your old man in no time… Or perhaps better.” Alfor’s smile fades, worry taking its place. “Please come home, Lance. I- We need you.”
“I will.” In the absence of his father’s smile, Lance manages to find one. “I promise.”
“I’ll leave it all to you then. As I should have done already.”
Lance meets his father’s eyes, nods in understanding. “I’ll make all the arrangements. Adam and Pidge will accompany us. Coran will handle court in my stead, with assistance from Lanval and Hunk. New legislation will be ready by Spring, as always. Nothing will be neglected.”
“As you say, Prince Lancel. The kingdom defers to you.” Alfor sighs. “And, for the record, the war room really is for contingencies. You and Keith can look when we get back. Also, you’re going to have to rehire Pidge after I fire them for treason. I’m assuming they’re the one who found my room in the first place.”
“If my efforts prevail, we’ll have no use for your contingencies, but still I will see what you’ve come up with. In the meantime, I’d best prepare for our departure and tell Pidge to ignore you.”
“I expect to hear from you while you are there, understand? Coran will never let you leave the castle again if you don't.”
“I understand. I need to speak to my team and make the necessary arrangements for our departure. Excuse me.” The young prince bows, smiling thinly at his father, before hurrying from the room.
Alfor stares at his grown up son. When the quiznak did that happen? Yesterday? A phoeb ago? When he married? It doesn’t really matter. It happened, and Alfor missed it.
He promises his son’s retreating back that he won’t miss anything else.
Keith wakes from dozing on the couch when Lance stumbles in. “Hey. Adam sent me here to sleep- Woah, hey.”
Lance sits down next to his spouse, sighs. “So… My father and I got into it. Well, as much as we can get into it, given that talking to each other is our least favorite thing to do.”
“What happened?” Keith hesitates, takes Lance’s hand, grips it tight. He knows he made the right choice when Lance rests his head on his shoulder.
“Well, he said our pain didn’t matter, I think. And then we yelled about how much our lives suck, like shitty royals do, and then… I’m not sure. I think he kind of handed over authority to me?”
“Well that’s… good, right? About him deferring to you? That’s what Altea needs.”
“I don’t know! I just-” Lance takes a deep breath, and Keith slips a hand up to thread fingers in his white hair. “He told me he loved me. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since he told me that?”
Keith shakes his head, teasing a lock of Lance’s hair, anxious for his spouse.
“It’s been decaphoebs.” It comes out like a trembling leaf, like the slightest disturbance could tear each word apart like the thinnest paper. The Crown Prince of Altea draws away, studying their joined hands. “He hasn’t told me he loved me since my tenth birthday, when he gifted me a sword as a present, and promised I would shed Galra blood by my next centaphoeb.”
“Well, there’s time yet. He might still be right.” Keith smiles as Lance laughs, a little wet, very bitter. It’s not always hard, this thing they’re creating. It comes easier and easier as time goes on. “Do you believe him?”
“Not then. Maybe now. He’s a hard man for me to understand. Either way, this is my decision to make. My risk to take, if I so choose.”
Keith licks his lip, regards his spouse carefully. “And?”
“And I'm thinking instead of a short visit like we planned, we'll stay for a phoeb or two-” Lance’s words are cut off with a gasp as Keith throws his arms around him, presses their lips together. After a moment, Lance pulls back, that eyebrow cocked for mischief. “If that’s okay with you?”
“Yes,” Keith breathes. “Yes!” Their lips collide again, deeper this time, more tender.
“Did you doubt me all this time?” Lance mumbles, breaking their kiss to slip his quintessence under Keith’s skin. He investigates Keith’s condition, finds spots of inflammation and does what little he can to soothe them.
His alchemy has been improving.
“Truthfully? A little.” They sit there a moment, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed, some unspoken thing welling from their hearts, not ready to be put out in the open. “When can we leave?”
“Can you wait until tomorrow? I have to make some arrangements and inform Lotor that we’re coming.”
“You mean request to visit?”
“I said what I said.” Brief laughter, and Lance settles back against the couch.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Keith whispers, still holding his spouse against his side. It's nice, being able to give back a little of what Lance has given him.
“Not at all. But I’m sure that I will be. After all, I won't be doing it alone.”
Lance leans up, kisses his ear. He settles against Keith, rests his head against his chest, and Keith brushes aside the slightened but still present ache in his legs in favor of a quiet moment before the rush of preparation begins. After all, once Lance sets foot on Daibazaal, he’s sure to do nothing but chatter for the better part of a quintant.
But whatever. Keith wouldn’t want him any other way.
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no-error · 6 years
Did you say angst?
Read some angsty klance fics
Poor boys <3
Lance isn't the best or brightest. He isn't the funniest or most likeable. Lance doesn't command attention, he has to fight for it.
Lance's friends are geniuses. Top of the class, prodigies.
Despite this, Lance knows he is loved. Lance loves his friends. And he knows they love him just as much as he loves them. He is needed. 
19,072 words    AO3
Talk It Out
Keith had noticed for quite some time now that Lance wasn't being his usual self. He had waited for someone else to say something and approach Lance about it - but no one ever did. So once they got Shiro back, he decided that he wouldn't wait any longer and make him talk.
Lance doesn't want to talk about it. At all. Not with Keith, not with anyone else. But somehow, one way or another, Keith gets him to open up. And Lance's reward? A new boyfriend.
10,955 words  AO3
3 years gone
Lance and Keith have been dating a little under three years now. On a mission, Keith and Red crash. Keith ends up losing his memory. He doesn't remember who he is or anything about the team or Lance's and his relationship.
21,959 words   AO3
Cut It Out, Restart
“Sorry guys,” Lance’s voice is clear now, like the static that lives in the earpiece of Keith’s headset is holding its breath too. “I guess you’ll have to find a new Red Paladin after all.”
Someone leaves, someone comes back and war is tough, but we are tougher.
15,073 words   AO3
Three Little Questions
Everyday Lance went to each of his teammates and asked them a question. Everyday Lance was turned away by all but one of them. They didn't know what they were doing to Lance and only one person was going to be able to fix it.
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Find Yourself (And Be That)
The one where Lance crashes on a Planet after a mission, can't contact his team, his insecurities strike, he losses his bond with Blue, he saves an entire planet, wins a war and he finds his self worth along the way.
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Drastic Measures
Lance is struggling with his insecurities and fears that the team doesn't need him. But their true feelings become clear   when Lance literally sticks his hand into a life or death situation.
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The Simplest of Plans
Lance is badly hurt, he needs to get a message to his team to let them know that he and Blue are down but how can he get to his communicator when he is in so much pain?
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Reach out for you (break these walls)    
Keith is trying to make himself smaller, to bury his head deeper in his knees, and Lance’s heart freezes in his chest. Anger dissipating like an exploded firework, Lance lets his hand fall limply to his side, mind blurring with static. When he tries to speak, nothing comes out but a choked noise, so he tries again.
“Keith,” he breathes. “Keith I’m not going to hurt you.”
9,139 words   AO3
Leave Me Alone (don't leave me alone)
Lance groans in pain, holding his injuries.He thinks he'll black out from the impacts but it's not before he feels time melt; the way it always does when he knows something's gone horribly wrong.That's when he starts to feel hot.His head is burning with a throb that lets him know how fast his heart is beating.His fingers feel hot for other reasons as they now clutch the skin between his ribs just above where the bottle first struck.The heat is liquid.It's thick.It's blood. 
The paladins find out that most of Lance's scars aren't from battles against the Galra, but instead from the battles he fought before Voltron.
4,705 words   AO3
torn wires
When Lance falls apart after a devastating mission, the team has to try and pull the pieces back together.
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Heroism Gets You Killed
Five times Lance McClain recklessly risked his life to prove his worth to his teammates, and one time they showed him he had nothing to prove.
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What Keeps Him Whole
Lance struggles in space. He knows that he is doing good by being part of the Voltron team, but everything is just constantly moving, difficult, and unrelenting. He's tired. He doesn't know what's keeping him going anymore.
6,398 words  AO3
his own worth
In the middle of the conversation, Lance stops talking and no one notices. It’s not like he had been leading the conversation, for he hadn’t been, but somehow the fact that his lack of input or opinion isn’t noticed tightens the grip loneliness has on his heart. He looks down at his food, his face burning, his throat tightening up.
6,270 words  AO3
The Skies Are Black But Our Hearts Are Made of Gold    
Lance knows for sure Keith doesn't like him. Not as a friend, nor family, and definitely not as a life long partner.
He's content that he's at least dying with knowledge of that.
So he watches Keith's mercilessly sword fall upon the gang of soldiers, leaving a blood bath in his wake.
He thinks he's beginning to understand why Keith hates him so much.
He doesn't want to deal with a mess like this.
A mess Lance left behind.
5,495 words   AO3
Silence Speaks Louder    
He still turns up for meals and training and annoying people every once in a while, but he's more subdued, from tiredness, he's less talkative, from lack of wanting to, and he's better at training, due to training an extra three hours a night sometimes.
Lance becomes more and more depressed as the weeks go on, but nobody mentions it, they don't even seem to notice aside from the fact his obnoxious personality has taken a backseat as Lance isolates himself.
5,325 words   AO3
I'm With You
Lance pinned the whole mission down to four huge missteps:The first was in sending Keith with him. 
6,372 words   AO3
we'll make it, you and me
"Keith, if we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kiss you."
6,421 words   AO3
Leaving For Good (Letters from Lance)
"Dear Paladins of Voltron (and Coran),
If you're reading this, then that means you've forced your way into my bedroom and discovered that I'm no longer in it. It means that you found my computer, and noticed that I left something behind for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't leave something bigger, better, worth your time and effort, but I'm not very good in that area. I don't know how to be... enough."
15,694 words   AO3
Why don't you see me?
When Lance was a little boy, he was never noticed. He was invisible. So lance made up a game! It usually went like this: “Mom, (insert utterly ridiculous statement here), goodbye!” “Ok honey, be careful.” And then silence It went on like that for years, at least until he was accepted into the Garrison at the age of 14. The Cuban got his 15 minutes of fame, and then he was sent off. Now, Lance finds the same things happening, so he changes the rules just a bit to make things a bit more…. Physical.
6,183 words   AO3
“Gotcha,” Lance breathed as he hit the target dead center. He wasn’t called their sharpshooter for nothing and he aimed to keep that title.
He took another deep breath, closing one eye and lining up to hit the next target when a sharp, stabbing pain erupted in his gut, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to fire off to the side, missing it completely.
6,088 words   AO3
Omega's aren't an impossible puzzle but they treat him like one.
6,512 words  AO3
(I'm Not) Better Off Without You   
(Series not completed 9,952 words 2 works)
“So you think I deserve to be happy?”
“Yes! Lance, that’s all I want for you.”
“Then why did you break up with me?”
“I told you, I-”
“Because you made me so happy, Keith. You made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I didn’t care that you didn’t want to cuddle a lot or talk about sappy shit. I didn’t care that you didn’t like pda. All I cared about was being able to just be with you.”
5,936 words   AO3
Hurry up and come back
“I like you”
This isn’t how Keith planned on spending his Friday night, chilling in on a couch playing Mario Cart with one of his closest friends. Not like this, with Lance’s face beet red and looking at him straight in the eyes..
Looking for... Something. He don’t know what. But it’s something he can’t give.
17,147 words   AO3
Just a Joke    
“I think I’m going to kill myself,” he announced. “I know that finals are a stressful time, but that doesn’t mean you should joke about something like that,” Shiro scolded mildly.
Lance’s chest tightened and he forced a smile.  
"Yeah, you're right. Poor joke."
6,937 words   AO3
Lance can't just stay and watch Keith move on. It's selfish, he knows, but he isn't strong enough to stay. Solitude doesn't hold anymore charms for Keith now, not since Lance. And especially not since their break-up but why can't he find someone who wants him back? What does it take to be happier?
14,082 words  AO3
Panic Attack    
Keith made sure Lance didn’t know how much of a difference he made in his life. Lance didn’t need to know that he was the only thing that made Keith happy, he didn’t need to know that the days they had class together were always his favorites, he didn’t need to know Lance made him feel like he could finally be better, be normal, for once. No, Lance didn’t need that presure. But then one day Keith goes to class and Lance completely ignores him, and maybe he should have told him after all.
Lance was having a hard enough time in English without being distracted by the gorgeous boy sitting next to him. Keith. Smart, shy, but still completely badass. And Lance had it bad for him. When he starts failing the class Lance decides he needs to pay more attention to Professor Coran instead of Mr. Mullet Man. After all what could go wrong, he would pay attention to him again after he started passing. Right?
5,988 words   AO3
Of Heroes and Hellfire    
It started with a house fire.
Which, admittedly, made things sound a hell of a lot more dramatic then they actually were. Lance had seen plenty of house fires these past few months.
He was a firefighter, after all.
But then again, the fire wasn't the part that was out of the ordinary. That was Keith, or what he learned the name of the infuriating yet attractive policeman at the scene was.
Because that was the first time they met.
Lance wanted to save people, so he became a firefighter. Keith wanted to save people, so he became a police officer. This is the story of how they fall in love.
12,329 words AO3
Hold on, please
“Shut up. It’s still me hanging out with Plax and the term ‘date’ was implied,” Lance bragged, “so, help me choose an outfit.”
Keith stomach did an uncomfortable flip when Plaxum’s nickname was dropped into the conversation.
Or: Keith has a crush on Lance and suddenly his world is falling apart when he hears Lance has a date.
6,940 words   AO3
Icky      (this fic made my face look dumb)
A little bit of pining in their life
A little bit of sickness by his side
A little bit of happiness is what they need
A little bit of depression is what I see
A little bit of angst in the sun
A little bit of crying all night long
A little bit of comfort there he is
A little bit of you that makes me your man
Fic in which Lance McClain goes to a coffee shop everyday and Keith Kogane falls harder with each visit.
Lance has some really bad allergies.
8284 words   AO3
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leiyahime · 4 years
Advent 2019 - Day 15 - Coffee Shop AU part 08
Sorry.. posting after work seems to be impossible for me. So have another bunch of updates.
 Day 15 – Chapter 08
 At one point Keith had given up on waiting. It was now more than year since Shiro left. His classes kept him busy and he continued working at the coffee shop.
 He was surprised when he came to work one day and found a new co-worker who was there with Hunk apparently learning how everything here worked. He knew the guy. He was in a few of his courses and Keith found him just too loud and chatty.
 "What are you doing here, Lance? He asked. "Weren't you working at Starbucks?"
 "Keith Kogane?"
 "Look, he knows my name..." Keith deadpanned while he got his apron. "Hi Hunk"
 "Hey, Keith, Have you taken notes in Coran's class?" Hunk asked to distract the two from starting a fight. They too shared a few classes and today Hunk had to leave classes early to help a new co-worker. That the new man was Lance was news to Keith, though.
 "Yep. If you had taken a look at your phone you would have seen I've also already sent them to you."
 "Thanks. Can I come over to you later for studying? It's a bit loud at home lately..."
 Keith nodded. He had moved to a dorm when he had started college so that he didn't cost the Garrett’s more than necessary. He hated to be dependent on others no matter how much he could have stayed. But in the hindsight it had turned out a good decision since Hunk's elder sister had recently divorced her husband and returned home so that his bed hadn’t stayed empty for a long time and Keith was glad not to be around a four year old boy all the time.
 "Awesome. Since you'll be here longer than I am I'll bring the ingredients for dinner. It's been a while since you last had some real food, right?"
 Keith grumbled but Hunk was right. If he didn't come around once in a while to study and cook together he would most probably starve since he still wasn't quite done with his bike and needed every extra cent for it so that he tried to feed himself as cheaply as possible.
 "Can't you cook for yourself? It's not that hard!" Lance said with a raised eyebrow.
 "Shut up Lance. That’s none of your business!"Keith said."Hunk? You are teaching him here?"
 Hunk nodded. "You can take care of the dirty dishes. We had a few people who had their coffee here and as you see it's quite busy today"
 Keith nodded and vanished into the kitchen.
 "Oh and if you want to, you can bake a few cookies. The dough is in the fridge!"
 "Leave it to me!" Keith said. At least for now work was okay. He couldn't promise it would stay that way when he had to work with Lance alone. But now he could avoid his constant chatter and at first took care of the dishes and then the cookies. To make a difference from the big chain a few streets away they had lately started to give a free cookie made after an old family recipe to every drink they sold. And the concept seemed to work. They got a few more customers and more often had to be two people who worked there. But it was good. Keith still didn't like working with people but he loved this one coffee shop. Most of his co-workers were quite okay after all. Mrs Garrett chose her staff carefully. When the cookies were in the oven Keith returned to the main room just in time to take care of a few orders.
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keith-is-not-an-emo · 5 years
which fics are you reading atm if you don’t mind sharing? ty!
Oh boy anon, oh boy.
You don’t know what you’ve done.
There will be E rated fics but they won’t solely be smut fics or too extreme.
edit: it seems like you can’t access the post from your dashboard so you have to be on my blog to see it *sighs* good job tumblr, like always.
star-crossed by realfakedoors (or anything they write, you’ll be seeing a lot of that here)
They said, once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a peaceful and prosperous kingdom, rich in romance and tradition. They said the Prince would host a ball, and choose his spouse, and they would live happily ever after.Well, they lied.
Keith is a Prince, and Lance lives with his shitty extended family. Neither of them are very happy, and when they meet, they’re surprised to have so much in common. Strangers, to friends, and then, well…
Meanwhile, Hunk is a sweetheart, Pidge is an iconic asexual, Shiro is a supportive Knight Dad™, Allura isn’t here for anyone’s crap, and there’s some political shit going on that forces them all together.
okay so how do i say it? it might be fave kl fic atm. this is my dirty laundry, my on thin ice. i love eveeery thing about it. i literally drop anything im doing if i see it updated. Also the last chapter? got me Shook.
also i KNOW about that big E rating there but the smut is in only one chap and i think the author marked it so it’s totally complementary and doesn’t add anything to the story so don’t worry.
breakfast on the moon by DairyFarmer (also very very recommended author!!)
Future Prom King, student body president, and all around hottie Lance McClain is abducted from his home in Arizona in 1997.
He is found decades later in the clearance section of an Earth paraphernalia store by the Paladins of Voltron.
another one of my big faves atm. everyone is very attentive of lance which is *clenches fist and wipes tear* very good. also it screams future langst and i cant wait :) (im kind of a langst hoe sorry not sorry)
let’s play pretend and hope it comes true by fevered_dreams
The Kingdom of Altea was quickly heading towards ruin. At least, it had been until the Royal Family’s eldest daughter had been born as an alpha. The people had rejoiced at her birth, and there was hope yet for a new ruler and a future secured. Even the fact that the second Royal Child had been born a beta couldn’t dampen their spirits.
Except Lance was not an beta. He was just an omega, trying his best to keep the charade going with a set of spells, pills, and all the tinctures he could brew because being an omega was dangerous. Being an omega made him something to be had, a rusted tool of barter worth less than scraps in return, and Altea couldn’t afford to let him go.
But, if Lance’s luck would have it, Prince Keith of the Blade wouldn’t mind being lied to too much.
okay okay in my defence, this one STILL doesn’t have smut. only kinda steamy make-out sessions. also don’t let the a/b/o scare you, there is talk about the dynamics but not so much in the sexual way, u’kno?
anything by BleuSarcelle, but if i have to chose one, let’s go with Of Pink Freckles and Green Moles
Lance now can see the boy’s face and he can only stare at the pretty color in the boy’s eyes before he’s suddenly being squished by two hands.
“Papa!” the boy shouts happily back at the adult that makes his way other them hurriedly. The boy hardly notices, still too fixed on squeezing Lance’s cheeks for a second longer before he giggles. “Papa, ugly!”
“Keith, no! Oh my god -”
“Ugly,” the boy repeats obliviously, patting Lance’s cheeks with a proud gleam in his eyes. “Ooh-gly!”
Lance doesn’t know what that word means but for some reason, it makes him cry harder.
[Or the one where Keith and Lance meet when they are two and three years old respectively and spend their entire childhood going through charity contests. Lance says they are rivals, Keith only hears ‘best friends’.]
super cute G kidfic.
Ground Control to Major Tom by yourfavoritetsundre
A year after Keith and Lance have a big falling out, Lance is…well, he’s not missing. He’s fine. He’s just not telling anyone where he is. Keith decides maybe the best way to apologize for being an absolute monster is to track him down.
Following Lance’s path of self-discovery, Keith starts to remember all the things about Lance he had buried years before. Because of the war, because of the Blade, because of Allura. And he starts to realize that maybe he’s to blame for more than he thought.
Meanwhile, Curtis just wants to plan his quiznacking wedding.
post-s8 fic
Written in Sand by MuseofWriting
Lance wakes up in a hospital on Earth to discover he has been missing for four months, with no memory of Voltron or the Galra. Drawn inexplicably to the desert where they found him, he discovers a hut full of research and notes that may provide the key to his missing memories. With secrets and conspiracies surrounding him, and the Garrison potentially hiding far more than he could ever have imagined, Lance grows to trust the notes in the desert - but he may not believe the person who claims he wrote them.
this one has been around for a while (a year to be precise) and i thinks its pretty aknowledged in the fandom but *shrugs* 
until we get there by starlightment
Sometimes his mind is cruel. He’ll wake in the dead of night, drowning in his sweat, choking on his tears. He’ll clutch at old bedsheets until his knuckles fade to white. He’ll shiver in the darkness, and the light blue marks beneath his eyes will start to burn, and his lungs will heave, aching for a breath that just isn’t there.
And sometimes Keith comes to visit.
Those are the best days, Lance thinks.
Those are the days when it’s easiest to breathe.
Or: Lance loses himself a little bit, but Keith is there to help him find it again.
post-s8 fic. i think i dont even need to present they author since they’re better know for writing something blue (i heard wonders abt it but havent found the chance to read it yet). also i cant fucking wait for their new fic like im vibrating here on my seat bc i LOVEEEE the trope of jock keith / nerd/prep lance dont judge me
sunflower by xintong (uuh i think i dont have to introduce this author either lmao)
On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who’s always been there for him.
another post-s8 fic because honestly i needed healing at that time okay. super soft and cute and uuughhhh i cant deal
Pretty Ob(li)vious by msmooseberry
Lance loves make-up and being pretty while wearing it. Unfortunately, even in the world where Earth becomes one of the main centres of intergalactic communication and home to many races, his hobbies are still largely frowned upon. He never wanted other cadets at the Galaxy Garrison to find out, especially not his half-Galra crush, but that is exactly what happens. Lance prepares for the hate or ridicule at best, but the reaction he gets is something else entirely. Who knew Galra viewed lilac sparkly lips as a betrothal symbol?
keith finding lance the most beautiful being ever? uuh yeah? gimme that shit
Chestnut And Onyx by MilkTeaMiku (great author too!)
If his eyes weren’t deceiving him, Keith looked a little flushed. He crossed his arms over his chest, wings all puffed up and ruffled like he was preening. “I didn’t know you were that flexible,” he said. And then he looked angry, and his wings puffed up even more, and he stormed away. -Lance thinks his wings aren’t all that pretty, but Keith has other ideas. If only Lance knew.
langst wing-fic. what could i ask more for?
you’re lucky that’s what i like by zenstrike
Lance rescues a hamster from certain doom.
or, Lance has Keith wrapped around his little finger and doesn’t even realize it.
just. take the whole fucking thing. just take it
aaand these are the ones that appear on my feed that have been updated recently since most of them aren’t finished (sowwy). the bad thing about reading a lot of fics and having bad memory is that i already forgot half of my fave fics, probably, lmao.
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pftones3482 · 6 years
Good Vibes
Commission for @kriss-the-writing-nerd. Ugh, sorry this took so long. It was a lot of fun to write, though! 
Klance/hunay/shallura/krolivan (is that their ship name cause it should be) ahoy. Under a cut for length.
They floated for a long time in front of the glowing, purple light in front of them, lion tails swishing aimlessly in the void of space as they all drifted closer to one another without meaning to.  
“What is it?” Pidge finally asked.
Allura shook her head, squinting at the light. “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Coran?”
Coran shook his head, twisting the corners of his mustache. He had an uneasy look on his face. “Not a wink, Princess. Perhaps Krolia?”
“I’ll wake her up,” Shiro offered, ducking from the cockpit and into the cargo hold, where Krolia had been sleeping off her portion of watch. He returned mere seconds later with the still somewhat sleepy Galra in tow, her gaze alert but her jaw splitting in a yawn. It froze when she saw the light in front of them.  
“By Antok,” she muttered, leaning over Keith’s seat and staring in awe at the light. “I haven’t seen one of these in...ages.”  
“You know what it is, then?” Coran clarified.
Krolia nodded once. “Yes. It is not harmful to us. You must fly through it.”  
Hunk frowned. “Through it? We could just go around it though, right? It ends a couple hundred feet up.”
A smile quirked at the edges of Krolia’s lips. “It seems that way, yes. But this field is impossible to bypass. Frankly I’m amazed you haven’t come across it before.”
“What is it?” Lance asked, lifting an eyebrow.  
“The Blades call it “The Light of Peace.” It’s a literal term; when you travel through it, you see what would most bring you complete peace.”
Everyone relaxed. “That’s not bad, then,” Pidge said, a small smile on her face. “I’d...probably see my mom and dad and Matt, right?”
Krolia pressed her lips into a thin line. “Potentially. However, The Light often shows people things that they aren’t expecting. So you may expect your parents or Matt, or perhaps what you really need to feel most at peace is just a long nap. There is no telling what you will see. Any of you.”
“Well...that’s still not a bad thing,” Keith reasoned, shrugging. “We just go through and come out, right?”  
Krolia’s nose wrinkled this time. “Yes, but you will all see each other’s needs.”
That made everyone shut up for a moment, and then Romelle spoke, her voice hesitant. “Well if we can’t avoid it...we don’t really have a choice then, do we?”
“Romelle is right,” Shiro agreed, nodding. “We’ll go through. Whatever you see of each other, whatever happens...everyone stays respectful. Krolia, is there any order to whose we see first?”
Krolia tilted her head. “Yes. Generally, whoever is first in the group to enter. You will not see anything until everyone is in the light, though.”  
“I’ll go first,” Allura volunteered. Her cheeks were a bit flushed. “I...Coran and myself...I can probably imagine what we will both see.”  
She lifted a hand and squeezed Coran’s reassuringly, and then man nodded. Pidge tilted her head. “I’ll go next,” she murmured, glancing towards Kosmo, who had taken to sleeping in her lion, as it was quietest. “Just me and the dog, right?”
They all slowly piped up, verbally drawing straws. Keith, Shiro, and Krolia, being in the largest lion, would bring up the flank so that they could keep an eye out for safety purposes until everyone was in.  
Allura’s grip tightened on Blue’s controls and Pidge swerved Green up to drift just behind her. Everyone else fell into line, Hunk after Pidge and Lance and Romelle following.  
For a minute or two, everyone was silent. The purple light slid over everyone and, true to Krolia’s word, no one saw anything but the light and each other as they pulled forwards.  
The moment Black’s tail curled into the light, however, everyone’s visions went white.
A man with dark skin and twinkling silver eyes turned and tucked a flower behind Coran’s ear, his lips curled up in a laugh. A toddler with pointy ears and bright orange hair clung to his hips, trills of “Daddy!” reaching everyone’s ears. Her mouth was wide with a smile, and there were grass stains on her knees.  
Another child, slightly older, played in the distance, zooming rocket sounds falling from his mouth as he swerved a miniature Castle of Lions around the heavens. His hair was dark and curly, eyes glistening oceans, and he was wearing a cardboard paladin suit.  
They were on Earth, or at least, what looked to be Earth, if Earth were made up of only the tidbits the paladins had given him. They sat in the grass, but an ocean lapped on their left. Clouds drifted through the sky, sprinkling water every so often.  
On another rise, in plain view, sat the paladins, laughing and shoving at each other, no longer in uniform. The lions sat behind them, guarding and silent, and chuckled rumbles filtered over the land as Hunk started a food fight.  
A hand settled on Coran’s shoulder and he turned, finding a much older man standing there, orange hair grayed to almost silver, hints of the pumpkin color sparkling here and there. The wrinkles around his eyes were kind, and he nodded to the castle ship in the boy’s hand.  
“You did well, Coran. I forgive you for blowing up my ship.”  
The stabbing feeling in the gut startled everyone as they slipped from the vision, blinking and wide eyed. Everyone instantly turned to the feed from the blue lion, where Allura had twisted back in her seat and was holding Coran’s hand tightly.  
The man’s other hand was pressed to his mouth, and they could all see the trembling of his shoulders. Allura’s words were gentle, soft, and no one had time to join in, because the next wave rolled over them.
“And here is my favorite juniberry field!” Allura exclaimed, spinning in a circle of flowers.  
The paladins watched her in amusement as she took Romelle’s hand and dragged her into the field, her gaze bright. “You have been missing out,” she laughed.  
Romelle snorted, looking around the land with awe. “I can see that,” she agreed. “Altea really is quite lovely.”  
“Isn’t it? I’m so glad you could all be here to see it,” Allura said, turning to the paladins with a small smile. “I cannot wait to see Earth now that you have gotten to see my home.”
She turned to find her mother leaning out the door of the palace, waving a hand. “Come along! Your father has prepared dinner for you all!”
“Coming mother!”
Allura skipped over to the paladins, wrapping a tight arm around Pidge and lacing her fingers through Shiro’s human hand with ease. He drew it up to his lips and pressed a quick kiss to her skin.  
“Come on!” she said. “My father makes the most amazing Baked Termasin. It is simply to die for.”
Hunk lifted an eyebrow. “Think he’d give me the recipe?”
Allura laughed. “Only if you could actually find Termasin on Earth. It cannot be substituted.”
“We’ll have a moment of reprieve,” Krolia said as the vision faded. “Since there was a gap between the blue lion entering and the green lion. Pidge, be ready at any moment. It will feel very real to you.”  
Pidge nodded seriously, but everyone was looking at Allura, who had her face, flaming red, buried in her hands. Shiro shifted awkwardly in the black lion, his cheeks pink. His mouth opened, and then closed, and then Lance spoke.  
“We said no judgement,” he said, his voice soft and calm. He looked incredibly at ease with what they had all just seen.  
Shiro’s shoulders seemed to relax and he nodded firmly. “Absolutely,” he agreed, tone gentle.  
Allura peeked up through her fingers and managed a weak smile.  
“Come oooonnnn, Pidge,” Matt teased, dragging her by the hand to the convention center. ”Your paladin outfit is totally going to blow the competition away!”  
“Matt, I AM a paladin! I can’t just enter the costume contest, that’s cheating!”
“The others are doing it!”
Pidge glanced over his shoulder and snorted at the sight of the other paladins, also dressed in their armor, standing around and chatting while they waited for the siblings. She glanced back at the car and waved at her parents with a roll of her eyes. “If I don’t come back, it’s ‘cause Matt killed me with embarrassment!” she shouted to them.
Sam gave her a very cheeky thumbs up and they sped off before Pidge could protest further. As they got closer, the group noticed her and started calling out, yelling teasing jaunts that spurred her on further.  
“Our first Comic Con after we save the freaking planet and I’m an attraction,” Pidge grumbled, crossing her arms. There was no fire to her words, only mirth, and Matt laughed.  
His eyes twinkled in the sunlight as he shook his head and shoved her the last few feet to her friends. “Come on, Pidgeon, you’ll have fun.”  
“Where are you going?” Pidge demanded.  
Matt winked. “Oh come on, you didn’t think I’d come here in jeans, did you? I’ll be right back!”
He jogged off and Shiro shook his head. “He’s definitely dressing up as a rebel from Star Wars.”  
Pidge guffawed. “Oh my god, he so is,” she realized.  
Lance grinned, cheeky, and slung his arm around Keith’s shoulders. “We should have all brought our own Star Wars costumes just to fuck with him.”  
“Language, Lance,” Shiro scolded, though his face quivered with a grin of his own.  
Lance stuck his tongue out and Pidge laughed, looking up at the convention center. “I guess if we’re our own attraction, we should probably go inside,” she mused.  
“This will either end badly, or we’ll get mobbed,” Hunk said.  
“Hunk, neither of those things are good,” Allura pointed out.  
“You’re right.”  
Keith was smiling.  
Hunk squatted next to Kosmo, scratching him behind the ears in the best spot and feeding him something tasty. His tail flipped with excitement.  
Keith was smiling more. Hugging Shiro. Hugging Lance. His mom.  
Lance was laying against his flank, talking out loud and pointing at the stars. Kosmo couldn’t understand him, much, but he could feel the happiness radiating off the boy.  
“What about Kosmo?”  
“I like the name Kosmo!”  
Kosmo liked the name Kosmo, too. It was a good name.  
Pidge put her glasses on his nose. He couldn’t see, but that was okay. She was laughing.  
Keith was smiling.  
The flash passed, and Pidge turned to look at Kosmo, eyes wide. The dog looked at her expectantly, letting out a soft woof, and she chuckled, reaching out and scratching the dog’s head. “Guess he told you his name, Keith.”  
Keith scoffed, though his face was soft. “You guys totally influenced him.”  
The sun rose over the Balmera with a burst of orange and yellow, and Hunk’s mother gasped in delight, covering her heart with her hands and letting out a soft sigh of delight. Hunk’s father hummed in approval and wrapped his arm around the woman, a smile on his lips.  
Hunk grinned at their reaction and turned to Shay with a laugh. “I told you they’d like it.”
Shay smiled, eyes flicking to Hunk’s parents and then back to Hunk, her shoulders shaking with laughter. “Yes, I suppose you did. I am glad they like it. Do you?”  
Hunk’s smile softened. “Of course I do, you know I do.”
“And the others?”
They glanced back at the lions, waiting patiently. The other paladins were tiny specks up on the shoulders and maws of their ships, only the colors of their armor differentiating them. Allura and Shiro stood shoulder to shoulder, Pidge seated a bit of a way from them on Green. Kosmo was curled around her hip, and Romelle sat next to them.  
Keith and Lance were sitting on Red’s nose, pressed side to side, Lance leaning in close to presumably say something. Coran stood behind them on the top of Red’s head, a respectful amount of space between him and Krolia.  
“I think they do, too,” Hunk promised, turning back to the girl.  
Shay hummed and leaned against him, her arm curling around his shoulders.  
“Hunk, you player!” Lance teased.  
Hunk squawked, sinking in his seat. “I thought we said no judgement!”
“We did,” Allura said, glaring at Lance.  
Lance lifted his hands, cheeks a bit pink. “Hey man, no judgement. You and Shay? Total couple goals.”  
“We’re next,” Romelle noted, her voice soft. “Unless the cow-”
Green. So much green. Everywhere.  
Pretty flowers. They tasted like honey.  
A blur of colors, mice. Running up to her nose.  
They squeaked. Happy sounds.  
Everyone blinked and Hunk snorted, shaking his head. “Figures the cow would have the easiest time being at peace.”  
“To be fair, she is in a giant war ship right now,” Pidge pointed out. “I’m sure she wants nothing more than to not be in space.”  
“Romelle! Mother says it’s time for supper!” Bandor called out from the door of their house.  
Romelle turned to Allura and Coran, her eyes twinkling. The wind around them billowed her skirts, lifted her hair around her shoulders. The light drifted across the hills surrounding them, bathing the Alteans in a soft light. “I cannot wait for my father and mother to meet you. Father has always talked of the ancient Alteans with a fondness.”  
Coran chuckled, settling a hand on Romelle’s shoulder. “I’m sure I can tell him all about ancient Altea, if he’d like. I have some fantastic stories from my days of youth!”
Allura winced. “Perhaps...perhaps leave those out of your tellings.”  
“Why ever would I do that?”
Romelle giggled and took Allura’s hand tugging her towards the hut. ”I’m sure father would love to hear of all the eccentricities you indulged in, Coran. And Allura, my mother is a seamstress. I’m sure she’d love to hear of the royal clothing you wore.”  
“Of course,” Allura laughed. “I would very much be happy to describe them to her.”  
The grass tickled their feet and ankles as they walked, and, just before they got inside, Romelle turned back. “Will the paladins be joining us?”  
“In a matter of time,” Coran said with a nod.
Romelle clasped her hands together, eyes twinkling in delight. “Wonderful! I’ll go tell Bandor to add more place settings!”  
Romelle frowned as the light faded, tears streaking her cheeks. “That felt so...short, compared to the others.”  
Lance reached over and squeezed her wrist reassuringly. His mouth was set in a thin line as he prepared for his own vision. Krolia spoke up after a moment of silence, answering the implied question. “The less you need to feel peace, the shorter the vision.”
Romelle sighed, looking away, and let her hand slip into Lance’s so that she could return the reassurance.  
Lindy wound her arms tight around Lance’s neck, her pigtails billowing in the wind as they watched the sunrise from the top of Red’s nose. “Uncle Lance?”  
“Yeah baby?”  
“Can I drive Red someday?”  
Lance spluttered a laugh, twisting to plaster a kiss to his niece’s cheek. She squealed in disgust, bouncing away, and Lance kept a careful hand on her hip to keep her from falling off the edge. “You better be able to reach the floor with your feet, first, silly.”  
Lindy pouted but accepted the answer, and Lance stood, scooping her into his arms and descending into Red’s cockpit and out of the lion all together. She clung to his jacket, breath warm against Lance’s neck, and when Lance stepped outside he handed her off to his brother. “You’ll be home for lunch?” he asked, shifting Lindy to his hip.  
“Absolutely. I’ve got something to do first, though. Mind if I bring some guests?”  
“Go for it,” Marco chuckled. “I’m sure Mama is preparing extra in anticipation of that.”  
“Thanks, man.”
Marco waved and trudged off with his daughter, leaving Lance to rock on his heels and stick his hands in his pockets, staring out at the surf and at the rising sun. The sky was plastered in vibrant pinks, yellows, and oranges, dusting the clouds with rose gold and looking more like a painting than real life.  
“If you stare at the sun too long your eyes will burn.”  
Lance snorted and tossed a look at Keith as the young man stepped over, his nose wrinkling as the sand shifted under him. “Shut up, Keith.”  
Keith stuck his tongue out and stopped next to Lance, their shoulders bumping. Behind him were Pidge, Hunk, Romelle, and Allura, splashing through the surf with a very wet and slobbery Kosmo, who appeared to love the ocean almost as much as Lance. Krolia and Coran watched from the shore, and Lance could see Shiro sneaking up behind Allura from under the water, a grin on his face.  
“You know, Shiro really is just a teenager in an adult body,” Lance mused, watching as Allura was tackled and Shiro immediately got punched in the face.
Keith, also watching the scene, choked on a laugh. “God, you have no idea. You know my hover bike?”
“He taught me to ride it.”  
Lance nodded, humming. “Ah. That explains...pretty much everything, actually.”  
Keith chuckled and looked back to the sunrise. His hand stretched over to Lance’s, and their fingers twined together without hassle, Lance’s thumb rubbing soothing circles over Keith’s knuckles. “Seriously though, you should stop staring at the sun. You’ll go blind.”  
“You’re not my mother.”  
“Thank god for that,” Keith snickered, pressing a quick kiss to Lance’s cheek.  
Dead silence.  
Lance was gone from his screen, and so was Romelle, Red seemingly on auto pilot, so everyone instead turned to Keith, whose face was bright pink. Pidge lifted a slow eyebrow. “Okay, uh...?”
“No judgement,” Romelle snapped, appearing on screen again. Her eyes were flashing more violently than anyone had ever seen prior. Her gaze shifted to Keith, and the harshness faded a little. “No judgement.”  
Keith swallowed and nodded.
“You lived...here?” Kolivan asked, his nose wrinkling as he took in the forlorn shack in front of him.  
Krolia, in jeans and a t-shirt, huffed and shoved at his arm, a playful grin on her face. “Shut it! Not like many other people would have taken in a quiznaking alien, and you know it!”  
Kolivan rolled his eyes but glanced to her, his smile softening. “I’m glad he did take you in. It was noble of him.”  
Krolia grumbled but nodded, ducking her head. “Yes. It was. According to Keith, he was a very noble person.”
“Seems Keith gets it from both sides, then.”  
Keith, as if he had been summoned, popped his head from inside the cabin, a grin on his face. “Mom! Kolivan! Come on, you’re going to love this card game! It’s right up your alley! All sarcasm and violence!”
Krolia snorted and shook her head, taking Kolivan’s hand and leading him into the shack, where the paladins and Coran were gathered about the floor, all of them with a set of seven white cards in their hands.  
Pidge was leaning over to Coran, Romelle, and Allura, pointing between the white cards and the black cards on the floor and explaining the rules. Lance was attempting to sneak a peek at Keith’s cards, left on the table, but Keith dove in and swatted him off before he could.  
Keith scooted over and patted the floor next to him and Krolia smiled, sinking to the ground next to him and tugging Kolivan down with her. Hunk appeared from the kitchen with a massive platter of nachos and settled down next to Allura, handing around the plate as Krolia drew her set of cards.  
“All right, explain the rules.”
“Mom, you flirt,” Keith teased, though his cheeks were still pink.  
“You know, all I’m getting from all of these visions is that everyone wants something to eat,” Allura laughed.  
“I’m sorry,” Shiro said, voice soft. “I’m sorry that you...that you had to go through all of this without me.”  
Adam sighed and ran a tired hand over his eyes, glasses pushed to his forehead. ”Takashi, I...when I thought you were dead...that was the hardest time of my life. The last three years, knowing you were alive? It gave me some time...gave me some time to think.”  
“Me too,” Shiro murmured. He sighed, shoulders slumping, and looked away, rubbing his jaw. “Adam, I don’t...we can’t go back. To where we were. I’ve had a lot of time, most of that time fighting for my life, and I’ve grown.”  
“I know,” Adam said. His voice was careful, but his eyes were knowing. “Plus it’s...it’s not me anymore, is it?”  
Shiro glanced over his shoulder at the paladins, who were excitedly showing Coran and Allura around the Garrison. Allura looked up mid-laugh, caught him watching, and waved cheerfully. He waved back, tentative, and then turned back to Adam, who was eyeing the interaction with a soft sadness. “It’s not,” Shiro admitted.  
Adam took a breath and Shiro reached out, dusting a hand across his cheek. “It was, once,” he promised. “And I know it was for you to me, too. But if you’re telling me that after almost five years without me, you didn’t find someone else?”  
Adam’s shoulders dropped and he nodded, slow. Shiro let out a shaky sigh. “Then I hope you’re happy. I am. I want you to be, too.”  
“Thank you, Takashi. I am. And I’m glad you are.”  
Shiro nodded once, and then pulled Adam in for a tight hug.
Shiro shuddered as the vision left, pressing a hand to his mouth. Krolia’s hand settled on his shoulder and Keith’s on his hand, and the knot in his chest loosened a little.  
“I didn’t know you and Officer West were...”
“Your gaydar is seriously broken, Hunk,” Lance grumbled, and everyone jumped, no one having seen him return to his seat.  
Hunk huffed and threw his hands up. “Apparently!”  
“Last one,” Krolia announced.
The doors to the castle pool slid open and Keith stepped inside, promptly getting smacked in the face with a beach ball.  
“Sorry Keith!” Pidge cackled, racing past him and scooping up the ball before flinging herself back into the pool.  
“You’re definitely not!” he snapped back, laughing as he rubbed his head.  
“Yo, emo! Come join us!” Lance shouted from the deep end.  
Keith flipped him off and dropped his towel on the chair next to his mother, tugging his shirt off and throwing it down as well. ”Sure you don’t want to get in?” he asked.  
Krolia lifted a slow eyebrow. “And get tackled by 100 soaking wet pounds of Kosmo? I think not.”  
Keith hummed, glancing around the Altean pool for his dog and spotting him paddling next to Hunk. “Understandable. HEY KOSMO!”
The dog woofed and vanished from the pool. Keith side stepped rapidly, running for the pool and flinging himself in just as an outraged Krolia got a face full of wet space wolf. “YOU’RE GROUNDED, YOUNG MAN!”  
Keith whooped and hit the water with a flurry of bubbles. It had only taken the simple press of a button to flip the pool around, though Coran and Allura were confused about why they couldn’t all just walk up the walls and get into the pool that way. It took a lot of explaining to convince them that humans could not spider walk up the walls of anything, let alone a slick tiled pool wall.  
He popped up next to Lance, giving him a toothy grin, and Lance smirked back, nodding to Coran, floating nearby on a blow-up raft. “Thinking what I’m thinking?”  
“We’re gonna get murdered by his mustache?”  
“Oh totally.”  
They dove in sync and swam for the underside of the raft, Lance jerking up with his chin and floating just under it. He held up three fingers, brought them down slowly, and the moment his pointer went down, he and Keith shoved up as hard as they could.  
Coran was sent flying into the water with a yelp and Lance and Keith broke through the surface, bumping into one another and laughing as Coran came up, cursing in Altean, his mustache drooping.  
“If you die, I’m not saving you!” Allura called out.  
Shiro promptly dropped in on her, grabbing her by the shoulders and dunking her underwater. Lance burst into a new set of giggles, grabbing Keith’s hand and paddling them to the edge of the pool tile.  
Coran climbed from the water, mustache streaming, and shot them both a glare. “You will NOT hear the end of this,” he growled.  
Keith saluted and Lance shot him a set of finger guns before turning back to Keith. “Think he means it?”  
Keith snorted and ducked in, pressing a soft kiss to Lance’s lips. “Probably. We’re gonna die tonight.”  
“Well shit.”  
The field ended, the light fading behind them before the vision was totally gone, and the cockpits of all five lions were silent.  
“Okay, my gaydar is SERIOUSLY broken!” Hunk yelped, spinning in his chair.  
Lance’s face was bright red, hands covering his eyes, and Keith was a similar mirror image. Allura and Shiro were both blushing, refusing to meet each other's gaze. Krolia coughed.  
“That was...certainly a learning experience for all of us,” she managed.  
“YOU KISSED ME!” Lance spluttered, whipping up and pointing accusingly at Keith.  
“Hang on,” Pidge said, interrupting the gay crisis going on in over half the lions. Everyone froze, looking to her, and she frowned, glancing at Allura’s lion. “We saw Kaltenecker’s and Kosmo’s visions. How come we didn’t see the mice?”  
Everyone turned their gaze on the mice, standing silently on Allura’s shoulders. “That’s a...good point,” Shiro said, brows furrowing.  
Platt squeaked and Allura burst into laughter, shaking her head. “Platt says they’re happy with what they all have. Except they want more food.”  
“Apparently we all do,” Pidge said with a snort.  
Coran coughed into his fist. “I suggest we set up camp for the night. It seems there are some...things...that some of us need to discuss with each other.”
“Where’s the nearest body of water?” Lance groaned.  
“Do NOT.”  
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Nibbles and Arguments
This wasn’t how I was expecting to go about this one??? But then the muse hit me and I just had to. Requested by @kwaiipootato. 
Klance: Ticklish Keith, Ticklish Lance
Keith hummed softly as he continued to stroke Lance’s clothed arm. Long claws tracing up and down the silky material rather softly in an attempt to sooth the other male’s nerves. Keith had trained harder than he’s ever trained before, and due to this he currently had claws, yellow eyes, cat ears, and a few patches of fur hear and there. As soon as Lance had seen him he went quiet, refusing to even talk to Keith. It wasn’t that he hated Keith in his Galra form, he loved it! The soft fur, the more intense purring, the ticklish toe beans, etc. However he hated why Keith’s half Galra side comes out. Rather than listening to his boyfriend’s words Keith had over did it and was now facing the consequences.
“Lance I’m sorry, please don’t be mad,” Keith pouted. His head was resting on Lance’s shoulder as the other leaned back against him. They were on Keith’s bed. Lance sat with his legs crossed, leaning back against Keith who’s legs laid on either side of the younger male. “Your not sorry, you never are,” Lance muttered. He was fed up with this, the guy was going to get hurt and it was going to be his own fault. Lance was done. Keith’s ears went down a bit. He was sorry… only because Lance was mad at him. After a few more moments of silence Keith moved his head up. “Lean forward,” he ordered softly. “Why,” Lance stayed still, which was really awkward as his slant was no longer supported. “Back tracing,” Keith asked softly. “Not in the mood,” Keith felt tears form at his eyes.
“A-Alright,” Lance knew that tone all to well. He swore his boyfriend was a child sometimes. Leaning forward with a dramatic sigh he gave Keith access to his body.  “No Lance, you don--,” Lance simply took his hand and placed it on his back. Keith went back to being quiet before gently tracing the tips of his claws on the other’s back. Lance bit his lip, this is why he didn’t want Keith to do this. It tickled! Not that he minded, he found tickling to be pretty fun. However he was upset and Keith needed to take this seriously. He gasped softly as Keith moved his shirt up to trace along the sun kissed skin. “Kheith no,” he giggled softly, sitting up straight. “That tickles, stop,” Keith just smirked before tracing by his lower sides. “Heheh! Stop it Kheith. I’m mad,” Lance said trying to move away from the other.
Keith’s reflexes were quicker. Pulling Lance back onto the bed he roughly ( he didn’t mean for it to be rough) pinned the Cuban boy to the bed. “Ow! Keith stop it, let me up! Now,” he glared. “Why are you so mad? I’m fine,” Keith sighed. “Your not fine Keith! You over stimulate your self almost nightly now so you can be stronger! Your pushing it because your too impatient to get there healthily and gradually,” he sighed and crossed his arms. “You know what? Whatever. I’m going in my roo-- h-hey,” Lance’s pulled his arms apart and grabbed onto Keith’s arms. Keith had started trailing little kisses all over his neck. “Aha! Keith I’m serious,” Lance hissed trying his best to not laugh. The kisses didn’t let up. They were light, delicate, soft, and oh so tickly. “Nahaha,” he finally gave in.
“Hehehe! K-Keith I’m trying to be shhehehrious here,” Lance was pushing on the other’s shoulders until he felt something sharp glide against his neck. “D-Do you have fangs,” he pulled away, forcing the other up with his arms. Keith opened his mouth, pulling his lips back. “Y-You do,”Lance said with a rather amazed tone. He gently traced over each of the four kanines in his boyfriend’s mouth. “Keith you’ve never had these before,” blue’s eyes darted up to meet yellow. “How much did you over do it tonight,” he was even more pissed. He had started to calm down but now… now he was furious. “Not that bad,” Keith’s words were odd as Lance still had his finger on the teeth, keeping Keith’s mouth open. “Not too bad? Bulshit! Keith I swear,” he grumbled pulling his finger away.
“You know what? I’m done. You don’t want to help yourself, fine. Tear yourself apart and destroy Voltron,” Lance said trying to move out from under the other. “Lance,” Keith had tears in his eyes. “I don’t mean what I’m saying, I’m just really mad Keith. I’m sorry,” Lance lay back as Keith curled up into his chest. “I’m sorry,” Keith mumbled tracing his claws across Lance’s clothed abdomen mindlessly. “But your not. I know your not Keith. You can stop apologizing,” he closed his eyes. His fingers scratching lovingly into the thick mullet. Purrs replaced sorrow. “I love you,” Keith purred out. “I love you too. Can you please stop tickling me now,” Keith opened his eyes. Lance had one of his hands over his mouth, the other in his hair. His face was slightly reqd, and his eyebrows were curved upwards slightly.
Looking down Keith noticed he had managed to move Lance’s shirt up and was delicately tracing the sun kissed skin. “Seriously tonight’s not the-- ehehe,” Lance pulled his hand into his mouth once more, eyes half lidded as he watched his boyfriend start to tickle him. “I think tonight would be a great night though,” Keith argued letting his nails glide like skaters on the rink. Random circles, directions, shapes, etc. Lance giggled helplessly, he wanted to stop Keith but he also loved the bonding this brought. He loved being tickled! He loved when his siblings would tickle him, his mom, his dad, his family in general. It was just so much fun to him. It meant people were happy, everything was okay. It was safe. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t stopping the exhausted half Galra. “Hey! No not there,” he threw his head back as keith really started to tickle him, right above his briefs. He laughed even more so when Keith started to leave kisses along his abdomen, lifting more of his shirt.
“Nohoho! Pull my shirt bahahck down,” Lance whined. However his one arm was currently laying across his eyes, as the other gripped the sheet. “Hmmm…. I think not,” Keith purred after a while of silence. Lance bucked gently when he felt something else touch his sensitive tummy. “Are you biting me,” he uncovered his face to look his lover in the eye. They were still yellow, but starting to fade. “No…. just testing out these new fangs,” his ears went back as an evil smirk crept onto his face. “No, Keith-- ehe! Hahhaaha,” Lance threw his head back and giggled helplessly. Keith had wrapped his arms around Lance’s torso, pulling him up slightly like a rag doll. His teeth gently brushing against the soft, smooth skin. The nibbling was so ticklish! Lance was in disbelief. How could something like teeth tickle so bad? “Hehehaha! N-No Keith sthap,” Keith rolled his eyes.
Clearly the blue paladin didn’t want him to stop, so what would happen if he did? Keith released the giggling body and just sat there, smirking. Leaning forward he sprawled out slightly on Lance’s, now, bare chest. His arms crossed, head laying on them. His butt was hoisted in the air a bit, for both him and Lance a quite… different vibe was taking over the room compared to earlier. Lance had to be strong! He couldn’t just give into his desires, not when he needed to get a point across. But how often was it Keith was playful like this? ‘No, no. Business first, then pleasure,’ he thought. “So… I stopped. Now what,” Keith challenged. “Now you get off me and let me leave,” well that backfired. Keith felt a bit hurt but pushed the feeling away. “Really? Lance,” Keith whined sitting up. He yelped as Lance rolled him over.
“No Keith. I’m going to get my point across to you. One way or another,” he yelped when Keith pulled him down on top of him. “Laaannnce,” Keith whined sounding utterly childish. He didn’t want to sleep alone. Lance had gotten him so used to affection, and touching, and cuddles. Damnit, the boy needed his cuddles! If space dad couldn’t give them to him, then his boyfriend would sure as hell be! “Keith no, I’m serious. Doesn’t this hurt,” His head was above Keith’s. He was awkwardly laying like an easy to tip blank balancing on a railing. “No… but does this,” Lance squealed before scrunching his shoulder to his chin. Or, well, trying to.
“Nhohoho sthahp biting me,” he kicked his legs slightly. It hurt a bit, but Keith ignored the pain. Biting? These little nibbles had nothing on biting. Biting is what Lance would do and it hurt, but if Lance was into it Keith would try to compromise. “Sthap! Sthap! Oh my gosh! Ehehehe,” they were such light tickles! Lance could feel butterflies start to swarm in his tummy, along with a blush creeping onto his face. Keith just purred, enjoying the moment. After about thirty more seconds of neck nibbles Keith brought his hands down and started playing with Lance’s sides. “Ehehhahaha! Okay! Okay! I’m not mad,” Lance struggled weakly. “Lemme go! Kheheith,” Keith rolled his eyes. Bull crap, like he wanted to be let go. Keith rolled him over and continued to nibble his neck. Now he gently clawed at the soft, smooth, hairless hollows.
“No! Baby thahat tickles,” Lance couldn’t help it. Yes he was still mad at Keith but he wanted to enjoy this. It felt so great! They were so close. “Hope so,” Keith’s words were muffled. ‘Keith, please,” after a while longer Lance decided they should be serious once more. “I reheheally nehehd you to stop,” that was new. Stopping instantly Keith rolled to the side of Lance, staring and waiting for instructions on what to do next. Lance huffed a bit, panting. He sat up and turned to face the almost normal Keith. “You okay,” Keith asked. Lance nodded. “I am… but you won’t be if you keep doing this to yourself,” he frowned. “Keith I know I’m not Shiro, I’m not related to you, and I know I have no say in what you do. But please, please, promise me you’ll take it easy from now on. Cheat days, or just days off in general. Pace yourself, but enjoy it,” Keith sighed and laid his head back. “I promise, alright? Stop woryi-- hey! Ahaha,” Keith giggled as Lance started to tickle his somewhat purple tummy.  Mix of purrs strung together with the laughter.
“No! Not the thhahaummy,” Keith giggled softly. “Oh yes the tummy,” Lance teased pushing Keith down slightly while playing with the firm skin. “Ah coochie, coochie, coo! Who’s my ticklish little Galra? You are,” Keith blushed. The hell was that? Nevertheless he blushed and giggled a bit harder. “Mmmm! Lance,” Keith squirmed a bit harder trying to move Lance’s hands somewhere else. “I wonder,” Lance pondered leaning down. “Let me know if this tickles dear, though I’m sure you will anyway,” he winked at a flustered Keith before nibbling gently on the skin. It didn’t really tickle. it kind of hurt. Keith whimpered and tried to move his tummy away. “So.. yes,” Lance asked. “Ow,” Keith mumbled softly. “Oh… okay. I’m sorry,” Lance said brining his head up to Keith’s and giving him tinny hisses while tickling his ribs. “Ehehaha! Oh god! Lhahahance quit it,” he purred a bit softer now. Lance was in love all over again.
“Wait,” Lance pulled back. A smile on his face filled Keith was fear. “What,” Keith asked softly. Turning around Lance moved down. “Toe beans,” he exclaimed. They were his favorite part about Keith’s Galra form. “W-Whoa! Wait Lan-- not there,” he screamed when Lance started tickling the soft little pads. They were so ticklish and Lance knew it. “Too much! Too much,” Keith yelled through his laughter. Lance huffed but dropped the foot he was holding. “Fine, fine, not my fault the big bad emo can’t take some little, innocent, tickles,” Lance was laying back on Keith, he booped his nose for good measure. Keith glared, un amused. “And it’s not my fault the annoying boy can’t stand having his tummy nibbled,” Lance blushed at the statement. “I-- I so can,” he declared. “More than you anyway! Ow? Really? Or did it just tickle,” keith rolled his almost purple eyes. “Not a competition Lance,” he groaned rolling them over. “However,” he smirked. Needless to say the night was filled with giggles and purrs as the two made up for their argument.
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alluran · 6 years
autumn leaves
klancetober day two | direct follow-up w/ even more romantic gestures to one we were in screaming color
“Keith, buddy. I know we’ve had our rough patches and you’re probably still out for revenge from the last prank, but does it all really warrant you bringing a literal bag of garbage into my apartment when I’m already sick?”
Keith set the grocery bag on the coffee table in front of Lance’s overzealous cold cocoon on the couch. “Be prepared to eat those words.”
“Sorry, Hunk’s got me on a strict soup and saltines regimen, nothing too acidic.”
He rolled his eyes as Lance struggled to sit up in the pile of blankets he had tangled himself into since the first sign of a fever. He bit the inside of his cheek when Lance finally got halfway to sitting all of the way up. “What was that two weeks ago about taking the boy out of the sub-tropical climate?”
“Okay it’s not my fault that I enjoy seasonal changes, but my body does not. You’re really out to kick a man when he’s already down, aren’t you?”
“Something like that.” Keith called over his shoulder as he left Lance to find his legs in the mess of blankets, He pulled out his phone to read over a text from Shiro and started to pull Sprite and soup from the fridge. It took some effort to hunt down the tapped supply of saltines in the cabinet, but he got everything and made his way back to Lance.
Who was spilled over the edge of the couch, one leg still hopelessly tangled in the blankets and the other sticking straight out in the air.
“How have you not died without supervision yet?”
Lance sniffed. “I’ll have you know this doesn’t happen every time.” Lance tracked Keith’s movements, setting the crackers and drink down on the table to put soup in the microwave. “But please, take your time. My immune system and upper body strength is just compromised and all of the blood is rushing painfully to my head.”
Keith crossed him arms and raised his eyebrow down at Lance. “I don’t know, I think your brain could use a little extra blood flow for a change.”
Lance groaned and slid more onto the floor before Keith finally took mercy on him and came to help him. Lance knew he ran warm, even warmer with the cold from hell wreaking havoc on his skin despite the care he took in it, but the first brush of Keith’s hand on his arm was incredible. He was a very tactile person. Keith had nice, strong hands. So sue him if he couldn’t think of anything better than the relief of cool, calloused fingers wrapped around his arm before they warmed up as Lance was righted. Having a cold felt isolating, not that he expected Hunk to still be down for cuddles and hugs when he was gross and contagious, but he was weak for something more than a measured shoulder pat or brief circle of fingers between his shoulder blades.
Which were good things, he wasn’t complaining.
He just happened to buzz with the want of someone beside him despite the coughing and the worrying amount of empty tissue boxes surrounding him.
Lance settled back into the couch and sighed when Keith’s hand didn’t immediately pull away but brushed down his arm.
Man, he was tired again already.
“Don’t fall asleep.”
Lance peeked one eye open at Keith. “Rest is literally what I need right now, Keef.”
“I promised Hunk I would make sure you ate something before you went back into another coma nap.”
“Hm, and what does this have to do with the gift of trash?”
The microwave beeped, cutting off Keith’s retort. Lance’s eyes snapped to the grocery bag on his coffee table with dirt or something in it. Keith probably brought him the plague without even realizing it. Well, it was nice while it lasted. If he died at least he wouldn’t have to deal with the god awful stuffy nose that made just existing suck. The second he didn’t have it, he was going to devote a whole four hours to appreciating cleared up sinuses.
Why had he been so ungrateful before this?
Breathing unhindered was great. He could sit or lay down in any position without his body suffocating itself. He wasn’t just restricted to the one position that allowed him to breathe but may have permanently molded his back into a lowercase r.
“Solid point, I’ll remember to be more grateful I don’t have all of that.” Keith gestured to Lance as he set Hunk’s soup in front of him. “But being dramatic about it is just going to make you more miserable, so..”
Oh, he’d said that out loud.
Freaking Benadryl.
Lance shook his head and reached for the bowl when he noticed Keith go down his hallway. “Uh, where ya going, bud?”
“You’re out of tissues.”
“Oh, we might have another box in the hallway closet? Whiiiiich you just passed?”
Keith ducked out of his line of sight, definitely sneaking into his bedroom. “Yep.”
“Hey now! Just because a man’s down, doesn’t mean you get to tear through his room. Get your mullet back here, you jerk.” Keith didn’t answer him. Lance knew he could definitely hear him. His body lurched with the thought of standing. So taking Keith down was out of the question. “I will come to your house and move all of your furniture a fraction of an inch so you stub every one of your toes if you do not get back out here now, Kogane.”
The sound of the hallway closet opening and shutting muffled Keith’s words. “I don’t think it has the impact you’re hoping for if you tell me about it beforehand.”
Keith appeared back in the living room, tossing an unopened box of tissues on the couch beside Lance and set the camera he gave him beside the mysterious bag of trash.
Panic rose in Lance’s chest because he knew for a fact that he had a gnarly pillow crease on the left side of his face that went from his ear, up his cheekbone, and over his eyebrow. He was in a t-shirt that had been washed and worn so many times that the collar never went back to normal, it hung low against his collarbone making it look more like it had been worn and not washed. His pores screamed at him because he had to cut his skin routine short for the sake of rest and not standing longer than ten minutes at a time. Add to that the two empty tissue boxes, overflowing waste basket of used tissues and saltine packages. It was a waking nightmare.
“W-what. Whatchya doing with my camera?” His voice climbed several octaves as Keith turned it on and adjusted the settings.
Once he was done, he set it in front of Lance and relief washed over him. At least if Keith decided that whatever he had planned paled in comparison for a revenge opportunity, then Lance had some chance to lean forward fast enough to fight Keith for it.
“You’ll see. Also, eat before the soup gets cold.” Keith sat down on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, not pausing in his work as he untied the grocery bag and began to pull things out.
Cold medicine was seriously messing with Lance because he was in no way prepared for Keith to start pulling leaves out of the bag and lining them up on the coffee table like it made the best sense in the world. Like this was something people did. Ate soup and saltines while staring at leaves in various stages of decay. Total normal, wholesome American past time. 100%.
Lance lifted the spoon to his mouth and swallowed, the warmth uncurling some of the tension in his chest. “You’re gonna have to give me a hint here. I’m lost. And vaguely still concerned you’re going to throw trash at me.”
Keith sighed, looking back up at Lance through his eyelashes like Lance had asked the world’s dumbest question. “You’re too sick to go to the park and I didn’t know how long it would take you to get better.”
He said it so earnestly, Lance didn’t have the heart to question him further. He sat back and ate in silence, watching Keith focus back on his work as he carefully pulled more leaves out of the sack and lined them up on the table, occasionally switching one leaf with another in the line. A deep burgundy leaf, almost the size and width of Keith’s palm was at Keith’s right, followed by a vibrant red. The leaf looked like a Valentine with its shape resembling a heart. Keith rifled through the bag and considered a yellow and a green one, setting them both aside to rummage for an orange one.
Lance swallowed thickly as he tried to make no sudden movement or noise as he set the half eaten bowl of soup back on the coffee table and reached for the camera.
No way.
No. Way.
There was no way Keith couldn’t hear how fast and loud Lance was breathing through his mouth, but he kept working. Lance raised the camera to his eye, finding the top of Keith’s dark head in the viewfinder, his small ponytail curled toward his neck. He lowered the shot to catch the line of leaves, laid out in the start of an impressive gradient. Lance made sure none of his food or the tissue boxes interrupted the frame as he focused and hoped Keith wouldn’t get suspicious and look up too soon.
Lance bit his lip and clicked the shutter button, the noise and flash catching Keith’s attention a beat later.
“Told you I’d get your picture.” He smiled, the brief irritation on Keith’s face falling away as he looked at Lance with a small tilt to his mouth.
There was a brief tickle at the back of his head, he thought he had seen the look before. He didn’t know what to make of it yet.
Hunk was tired when he got home, his brain complete goo after his shift at work. It took him a solid three tries to get the door unlocked and then, two more times to get the key out of the lock once it was opened. It really shouldn’t have almost brought him to tears, but there he was. Emotionally drained and ready to fight the front door.
It was a miracle Lance had slept through his very loud tussle, he was a light sleeper for the most part and since he struggled breathing it was a fight for Lance’s body to relax enough to allow him the kind of fitful rest he needed. A spark of panic rushed through him. Hunk softly shut the door and walked closer to the couch, studying the mountain of blankets currently hiding his best friend and waited.
Lance shuddered in his sleep and coughed.
“Okay, good. Good. Very good. You’re not dead.” Hunk scrubbed a hand over his face and kicked off his shoes. “Obviously you can’t breathe better yet, but not dead. That’s all I’m asking for here. Wha-” He turned to the table, ready to tackle the damage Lance did on the tissue boxes and a filmy soup bowl.
His brain came to a painful halt.
The information his eyeballs took in did not compute. He was tired and stressed, but he didn’t think it was bad enough be into full on, very vivid and convincing hallucination of a clean coffee table. Even Lance’s waste basket was empty and had a fresh bag in it. Hunk gingerly walked backwards toward the kitchen.
A reverse robber? Some perverse serial murder that was hiding in the hall closet that went out of their way to make everything look pleasant before the real nightmare? The ghost he definitely heard crinkle a candy wrapper behind him the other day when no one else was home???
He really couldn’t handle a poltergeist.
Sure they started out not as threatening and okayish but they never stayed that way. It was October, they had to be at Maximum Strength or something. They cleaned Lance’s soup bowl, even let it properly dry in the dish rack, and twisted the open saltine pack shut with one of their chip clips. Major props.
Hunk went back out to the living room, Lance still passed out and unaware of the panic settling in. They needed to thank the ghost and then get out. No waiting. No going to sleep with the TV on. No s-
Okay, definitely an evil poltergeist because there was literally a bag of trash sitting on the floor at the end of the couch Lance was laying on. It was probably leaking death spores into the air.
He carefully brushed his toe against the bag - maybe the spiders and scorpions were just hidden and waiting for him to get close before they would crawl out.
Nothing happened.
Hunk leaned over the bag and saw a scrap of white that sat on the top of the- were those leaves? He plucked the object off of the top and stared at it.
It was a solid minute later and he was still staring.
The picture answered some things, mostly there were only more questions. He understood it in parts - the top of Keith’s head angled over the coffee table, leaves laid out in a gradient, the flash that washed out his skin in comparison to his black t-shirt, his relaxed posture. Put together? Zero sense.
Hunk glanced over the picture at Lance. “What have you guys been up to?”
a/n: bless hunk, honestly.
and the candy wrapper thing happened to me today while I was at my mom’s doing laundry. this one got away from me a little a bit, but I had fun with it. I wanted to combine days one and two in a chapter so the story is now up on ao3! read it here.
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rueitae · 6 years
For Plance AU Week 2018: Canon Divergence
This was my very first concept for a Plance fic, so fitting it's the first one I post for this event. Diverges ambiguously after season 4. I took some leaps and liberties with some plot points to be able to share this first part.
“I’ll ask one more time, Miss Holt. Where are the boys who disappeared with you?”
Anger wasn’t even close to describing the mood in which Pidge found herself. Furious was probably closer, bordering on enraged at the irony of the entire situation.
Hundreds of planets and billions of people liberated from the Galra Empire. She was a hero, a literal defender of the universe. Voltron and its Paladins were the leaders of the coalition against Zarkon.
But a the lack of trust and respect from her own people? It stung more than she wanted to admit.
“I’ve already told you,” she said, glaring at the high ranking Garrison officer seated by the end of her hospital bed. “Hunk is still stuck in outer space. So are Shiro and Keith. You need to let me go so I can help them. Zarkon still has them. Every minute you keep me here is less time they have!”
The officer crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair. Pidge attempted to imitate him, but emitted an agitated growl at the reminder that her left wrist was still handcuffed to the bed.
A flight risk. They weren’t wrong, at least now that she was recovering from her injuries.
“And this… Zarkon. He’s related to the alien that was found with you?”
“Lotor is only as much of a threat as you make him out to be,” Pidge fired back. “Back him into a corner and I promise he’ll me more trouble than you want.” She paused, took a breath and tried to present a calm, unified argument. “Look, lives are in danger. The universe is literally at stake here. Earth included.”
The interrogation party whispered amongst themselves. Had she her paladin armor and not just a hospital gown, eavesdropping would have been a piece of cake. It only added to her fury.
The officer stood abruptly. “That’s our allotted half hour for today. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, Miss Holt.”
“You said my mom was coming. Where is she?” Pidge demanded.
“Still on her way,” the officer responded neutrally.
Pidge knew that if they had wanted Colleen Holt present, she would have woken to her mother’s face two days ago after minor surgery. “You’re just scared she’d have everything figured out by now, ‘cause she’s way smarter than you lot,” she glared.
If he was bothered by the jab, he didn’t show it. “Rest up. Should your recovery continue to go well, you’ll be transferred to Galaxy Garrison later tomorrow for quarantine and debrief. Then you’ll be allowed to go..”
It wasn’t until she was alone in the room that she allowed herself to laugh. It was hilarious. There was a time in her life, before the Kerberos mission, that she’d had free reign at the Garrison. Then she was kicked out for seeking truth. Then she was a student. Then she left - kidnapped by an alien spaceship.
Now she was back on Earth - not by her own choice, technically - and they wanted her back at the Garrison.
Laughter turned into tears awfully quick. She’d promised to return with her brother and father. As much as she wanted to see her mother again, she didn’t want to do so empty handed.
The door opened suddenly and she quickly made an attempt to dry the tears. She hadn’t been expecting anyone besides the hospital staff or the Garrison officers, both of whom had been hounding her every second of the day. The last thing she wanted was for someone to see the tears and have a long chat about emotions, because honestly, she had more important things to do.
Namely finishing the long range communications device hidden under her mattress.
The door closed behind a single medtech, dressed from head to toe in a white hazmat suit.
Pidge glared. “What do you want?”
“Whatever the lady wishes. I am at here to grant you what you most desire,” the tech said, with a flashy, low bow. He took off the headgear, but Pidge knew who it was before the first sentence had left his mouth.
“Lance,” she began, a little higher pitched than intended. “You shouldn’t be here. If they catch you too, our chances of getting back to space goes down to near zero.”
Lance waved a hand in nonchalance as he walked over to her bedside and examined the handcuffs. “You seem a lot better now, so I figured now was as good a time as any to make our move.” He frowned and scratched his head in thought. “I had a plan, but I didn’t think they’d lock you to the bed. If I had my bayard, easy peasy, but they’ve got them locked up downstairs. I need your help to get them out.”
“And your plan was to sneak in as a medtech?”
“Well, the idea was yours originally, right?” he responded with a smile.
She quickly considered the situation, a bit embarrassed that he had remembered her suggestion when they had first found Shiro under similar conditions. She soon came to the same conclusion as her teammate. Despite the weirdness that came with being back home, it took a mere moment to fall back into paladin mode. It didn’t matter where they were or the odds against them. They could come up with a plan and execute. “Do you have a place to go once we’re out of the hospital?”
Lance flashed her a confident smile. “Of course. Ready to break out?”
“Absolutely,” she agreed.
“Sorry, Gorgeous, coming through. Gotta head down to the morgue. I’m the life of the party down there.”
Pidge could hear the girl giggle cutely and it took every fiber of her being to not break out of her role as the dead body and groan. Once they were both back on the Castle, Lotor in tow, and wormholing to Zarkon’s central command with a fleet of rebel ships and the Blade of Marmora on board - then she would give him his just dues.
Then once they had all their friends back safely, she might apologize for it.
There wasn’t much else to do while having to be still and silent, so she ran the scenario through her head a dozen times. Each and every time the apology included a kiss on the cheek.
She wasn’t sure if she hated that or not.
They eventually stopped, but it took a few moments for Lance to speak.
“Okay, Pidge, showtime. There are two guards at the end of the hallway. Once we’re through, our bayards and your armor are protected by a ten digit access code.”
“Child’s play,” Pidge responded. She sat up and lifted the sheets off her head so she could survey the area. “I’m ready when you are.”
Lance ripped off his headgear, a playful grin plastered all over his face. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
Pidge wasn’t going to deny that while this wasn’t forming Voltron, it was kind of exhilarating. “Do it. We don’t have time to waste,” she said professionally.
Lance braced his hands on the back of the bed and pushed with all his might, taking a few steps with it, then lifting himself onto the bed behind Pidge.
The guards at the end of the hallway caught on, but not quick enough to stop the careening hospital bed headed straight towards them.
“Hey wait, you can’t come in here!”
The momentum carried the bed and the two paladins right through the swinging double doors with a crash.
Lance jumped off and went to work blocking the door with whatever he could find. Cabinets, tray tables, etc.
The bed, with Pidge still on it, slammed into the far wall. She maneuvered it to a vault with the Galaxy Garrison logo and set to work right away. It took longer than usual, without her own computer and subsequent programs, but the lock itself was digital and that was enough to get into from memory.
“Bingo!” she declared as the vault opened and the familiar gear greeted her. “Lance, catch!”
The very moment the red bayard landed securely in Lance’s hands, it shifted to its mid-range form and he set to work sealing the door shut with a continuous beam of energy. “This is totally my favorite new thing,” he said as the door melted, then hardened to reinforce their position.
“It's a glorified laser pointer. We fly sentient mechanical cats. I am really more surprised how the rest of us don’t have one.” Pidge felt instantly better as she activated her own bayard and cut herself free.
“Hm,” Lance thought aloud. “I wonder if the mice would like it.”
“If Coran kills you for destroying hallways I am not vouching for you.”
“Hey, I’ve got way better aim than that! My precision is legendary.” He finished his work and dramatically turned to face his teammate, flashing his trademark smug smile. “You forget, I’m the team sharp-  Pidge! Seriously now?!” Lance abruptly stopped mid-sentence with a look of horror.
Pidge was hastily trading her hospital gown for her much more secure and far less revealing paladin armor. Scrunching up the black undersuit to her chest, face red from both anger and embarrassment.
“What did you think I was going to do, Lance? I need my armor. Turn around before my bayard makes contact with your face,” she said, glaring with murderous intent.
No additional prompting was needed. He turned to face his makeshift barricade, bayard at the ready to fire. It was another moment or two before he spoke again. “Sorry, I seriously didn’t think you were going to start changing.”
Pidge wasn’t finished gripping, but the black undersuit was now secured over an acceptable portion of her body, so she stepped out from the minimal cover she had from the bed to zip it up. “You are so lucky we have a universe to save.” She left the threat ambiguous.
Lance raised his hands in surrender. “I swear I didn’t see anything, Pidge.” He sounded sincere, and more than a little scared.
Pidge took a moment to judge Lance after she donned her chestplate. Her gaze seemed to sear directly into his mind and soul. She opened her mouth to deliver a particularly biting comment to her nervous counterpart.
“We know you two are in there! Come out peacefully and you will not be harmed!”
The two broke out of the moment and came crashing back to reality.
Lance grinned and turned to Pidge, all nervousness lost, radiating all the confidence of a Paladin of Voltron. “I suppose we should make our getaway,” he spoke over the pounding of fists and weapons from beyond their barricade.
Pidge equaled his smug look and activated her bayard. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.
The two of them found it far more hilarious than it really was.
Three hours, half a metropolis, and several acres of farmland later, the two of them worked together to slide the massive barn door shut, leaving enough room to circulate fresh air around. It sealed them enough from the prying eyes of the outside world and gave them a place to rest for the night.
Lance was the first to drop in exhaustion, after wandering over to a conveniently untied bail of hay. His relaxed nature screamed that he was clearly at home among the farm equipment and that there was no danger here.
“Ugh, I hope we don’t have to do that again for a good while,” he complained.
Pidge wobbled and plopped down next to him, taking off her helmet and throwing her head back to relax. “We can’t stay here long. We’ve got to find a way to get to the Garrison and bust Lotor out.”
Lance gave a deep sigh, closing his eyes for but a moment. When he reopened them, they stared up at the ceiling and it seemed all the universe hid behind them. “We can’t stay here tonight, can we? We have to literally cross the entire country.” He groaned in defeat. “The Castle brought us to Earth, why couldn’t it have dropped us off right where Blue is!”
“The Castle isn’t sentient, Lance. It didn’t actually read your mind and bring us to Earth because of it.”
“Oh really,” Lance demanded, sitting up quickly. It seemed if he were able, he would have picked a fight with the ship itself. “Then how do you explain all the extra weird things that happen on the Castle, but not when we go visit planets or form Voltron?”
“The space mice, obviously.”
Lance didn’t look convinced. “You’re telling me the space mice cause the gravity to turn off every time I enter the Red’s hanger?”
Pidge raised an eyebrow. “I thought you had decided that Keith asked Red to do that?”
He waved her off. “Red and I have an understanding now. He would never.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m telling you it’s the mice.”
“The mice wouldn’t do that either. If they do anything it’s for Allura, and Allura...wouldn’t….” The unmistakable twinkle usually present in his eyes when speaking about the Altean princess dimmed quickly. “Do you think she’s still okay?” A pause. “Do you think they’re all okay?”
“I don’t know,” Pidge admitted, somber. “They might be thinking the same about us.”
Without another word, Lance turned around and began digging through the hay pile. He quickly uncovered all the elements of his own paladin armor. He took off his hazmat suit disguise, revealing the black undersuit of their uniform. “We’d better get going,” he said as he put on the armor. “Here’s to hoping they never deactivated our Garrison IDs.”
“Doesn’t matter. No way they’re keeping Lotor anywhere near what our old clearance was. Well,” she said with a smug grin, “What your clearance was anyway. But maybe we should go find the Blue Lion first. I wouldn’t cry if the Garrison sustains some major structural damage.”
Lance didn’t respond right away. He shifted uncomfortably as he slid on his left gauntlet.
“I’m not Blue’s paladin anymore, Pidge. What if she doesn’t let me in? Even just to get back to the Castle?”
“I’m sure she’ll understand. Universe is at stake and all.”
“Yeah, sure. You’re right.” Lance didn’t look convinced despite his words.
Pidge stood up. “First things first. We have a lot of walking to do. Maybe we can hotwire a car!” she finished excitedly.
Lance debated internally for a moment before speaking. “There is an old truck in the barn across the field. It never gets used anymore, but it definitely has the guts for a cross country trip. My brother keeps it in top shape. They won’t miss it.”
There was an uncomfortable silence for Pidge as she processed the new information. “Your brother’s truck? Lance... this farm belongs to your family?”
An equally uncomfortable chuckle was her response. “Something had to prepare me for looking after Kaltenecker.”
“Lance, we are literally a hundred yards away from your family. They deserve to hear from you that you’re safe. This has to be killing you.”
“I’ll say hi once we go rescue the others,” he said shortly. “You’re one to talk. I saw you notice your mom in the hospital parking lot.”
“That’s different,” she protested. “I promised mom I’d be back with Matt and Dad.”
“Don’t you think she’d like to know that you actually found them?”
“Don’t change the subject. I know the lights were on at the house. I know how much you miss them. You talk about home all the time.”
“I don’t want to make trouble for them. Not now,” he said desperately, not looking her way.
“We’re going, come on Lance. We’ve got a long night ahead of us, and we could seriously use supplies.”
Inwardly, Pidge agreed with him. So much. Yet after all their time in space she knew she hadn’t exactly been the best friend she could have been. But this, this was something she could do for him.
Set in her decision, she grabbed him by the wrist to drag him out the door. He resisted. She sprung back into his chest as he resisted.
“Pidge, seriously. I want this more than anything, but it’s a bad idea. Please don’t make this any harder than it already is.” He had to look straight down in order to see her face.
“Our lives are one risky decision after another. Just do this, we’ll be gone and they can plausibly deny that they know where we are.” She had to strain her neck to look directly up at him.
Their wills clashed silently for a few moments before Lance finally gave in with a deep sigh. “Okay... really quick. This is going to be hard to explain to the kids.” He smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Pidge.”
She smiled back. “I’ve got your back, Lance. Don’t worry about it.”
“I thought I’m the one who’s supposed to have your back? I’m the sharpshooter, remember?” he winked.
Pidge blanched, but didn’t move from their close proximity. “How can I forget when you remind us every day?”
“I take it I am interrupting something? Clearly an important strategic meeting.”
Pidge and Lance jumped apart at the same time, startled at the new voice neither were expecting. Like a well oiled machine, Lance sighted his blaster and Pidge activated the electric current on her bayard.
The male figured raised his hands. “Really? I thought we were past pointing weapons at each other?”
Recognition of the voice came to the both of them with such clarity they felt less than competent.
Pidge was the first to lower her bayard. “Lotor?” she asked as if she didn’t believe it.
“Present,” the man in question shrugged.
Lance was having a bit more difficulty with the concept in front of them. Lotor didn’t look like Lotor. He looked distinctly human, from the non-purple skin tone to the sweatshirt and jeans that looked nothing like his typical armor.
“What? How? Why?” Lance babbled.
Lotor emitted a similarly confused aura at the line of questioning. Although it was difficult to really tell what his specific mood was with the sunglasses that covered his eyes.
“I keep forgetting you can do that,” Pidge admitted, suddenly with tired bags under her eyes. “We thought you’d already been taken to the Garrison.”
“I believe I was,” Lotor said with some thought. “But then I left.”
“How do you just leave a high grade military facility?” Lance asked, his arms limp with exasperation.
“I walked out,” he told them, putting his hands down. “Your people are not quite prepared for shape shifting it seems.”
“That’s one less obstacle then,” Pidge said in relief. “Now we just need to get to the Blue Lion.”
“Which is still a few days of driving,” Lance reminded them. He knelt down and stuck his arm into the hay pile before finding what he was looking for. “Ah ha! Catch.”
Lance threw a small metal stick at Lotor’s direction. The prince in exile caught it one handedly as if it were nothing. He took but a moment to analyze it before it easily morphed into his personal sword. “My thanks for holding on to this.” He allowed it to revert back to stick form. His white eyebrows raised quizzically as he attempted to put it away. “Do your belts not have a place to hold weapons?”
Lance did not hide his unimpressed look, which was dampened only by how utterly confused Lotor was.
“No, but it should be able to fit in your pocket. Assuming those are actually jeans and not those fake ones.” Lance took pity and walked over to help sort it out.
Pidge rolled her eyes. Pockets were useful. Earth had to be the only planet where people would outline pockets on pants for fashion and not actually include a functional pocket.
“So, how did you get Earth clothes anyway?” She asked, head tilted to the side slightly as if to figure out the puzzle herself. “And where is your armor?”
“Oh, this ensemble?” Lotor gestured to his outfit, a very neutral expression on his face. “A very kind lady at the ‘sevens elevens’ gifted it to me. She then told me to enjoy my role play after asking for my number. I gave her a fake code, she will not be able to find us.” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the phrases, but finished confidently.
“She thought you were LARPing,” Pidge said, mouth open wide in disbelief. She could not help an undignified snort, covering her mouth as though it would hide the fact she thought it was amusing.
Lance wasn’t doing much better. The tears in his eyes showed how painful it was to keep back the laughter.
Lotor either chose to ignore them or just did not care. “I had to leave most of my armor behind. It would have given myself away while tracking your helmets.” He sighed, now with a much more sullen look that quickly took the humor out of the Paladins.
“Should we get going then?” Pidge said, changing the subject and turning to Lance. “Maybe your brother has some more supplies we can use. And maybe a change of clothes.”
“The armor is pretty noticeable,” Lance agreed. “I wonder if the kids are asleep yet. Will they even recognize me? They were so little when I left.”
“You’re not easy to forget, Lance,” Pidge said with a genuine smile. “I’m sure they think about you and miss you a lot. I know I would. We all would,” she amended quickly. Her cheeks flushed.
Lance let out a short chuckle and returned a fond smile. “Thanks Pidge.”
The silence became near deafening.
“I feel as if I am missing something,” Lotor commented, although there was no bite or insinuation that he wanted to know. “You have relatives nearby?”
“Yeah,” Lance confirmed quickly. “It’s one of our farms. My oldest brother and his family live here. We won’t be long, just enough to explain what’s going on and get some supplies.”
“Well let’s go then. You keep saying you want me to meet your family,” Pidge encouraged. She took hold of his hand and tugged him firmly towards the door, once again offering her full endorsement of the plan.
“Wait,” Lotor interrupted sharply before they could reach the door.
Lance narrowed his eyes in frustration. “What? It’s a good plan. I promise you can trust them.”
“I am not concerned about your family, I am concerned about the incoming vehicle,” Lotor said quickly, frantically.
The humans heard it now. It had been forever since either had heard the sound of a gas powered motor, but it was unmistakable.
“Maybe it’s not coming our way,” Lance said softly, worry in his voice. “Or maybe it’s Marco coming home late.”
Rubber tires rolled to a stop on the loose gravel. A car door opened and the group held their breaths and their weapons close as a dog barked wildly, nose sniffing a mile a minute at the tiny crack in the barn door.
“Does your brother have a dog?” Pidge asked.
“No, his daughter is allergic,” Lance whispered back. He kneeled to get a steadier grip for his blaster.
Pidge stood at the ready with her bayard, taser prepped. Lotor stood behind them, sword extended.
The dog nosed his way through the crack in the door and made a beeline for Pidge.
The sight of Bae Bae made Pidge drop to her knees in shock, bayard discarded on the floor.
“Bae Bae!” She exclaimed as the family dog licked her face in its entirety. She held on to his soft fur, running her fingers through his coat and scratching him to return the affection.
As soon as it had begun, Bae Bae focused his interest on the other people in the room. He first barked at Lance, wagging his whole butt in excitement.
He then found Lotor. The alien prince froze in confusion and a rare look of unsureness. Bae Bae ran circles around him before repeatedly bumping him.
“What is that?!”
“It’s just a dog,” Lance said. An amused grin hadn’t yet left his face. “But who drove the car?” he said with concern.
“It’s not just a dog. It’s Bae Bae. He’s my dog, our family dog,” Pidge said, hope rising in her voice. She looked towards the door.
Sure enough, Colleen Holt stood in the doorway, having watched the whole scene unfold with tears in her eyes.
“Welcome home, Katie,” she said through an obviously held back sob. She had barely finished when Pidge closed the gap between them, wrapping her mother in the tightest of hugs. They both dropped to their knees in overwhelming emotion.
“I missed you, Mom,” Pidge began, her head buried in her mother’s shoulder. “I found them. I found Dad and Matt,” she continued hurriedly. “They’re safe, both of them. As safe as they can be in an intergalactic war. But they’re alive and I’m gonna bring them home. We need to get to the Blue Lion to get back to space.”
“Whatever you need, Katie. I’ll get it for you,” Colleen said, running a hand through her daughter’s hair, much shorter than she remembered it. “I’m just happy you’re safe. I’ve been so worried.” She may not have had a clue to what was going on, but it was the solidarity only a parent could give.
Lance looked on the scene with his own tears, knowing how close he was to a reunion just like this.
“Would someone please get this… dog off of me?”
The humans turned to see that Bae Bae jumping up on Lotor with his front paws, doing his very best to welcome him to Earth. The dog had not left the alien’s side and was continuing to bark, yip, and whine for attention.
Lance recovered quickly from his own thoughts at the sight. “Ha. Looks like someone made a friend.”
Lotor returned the comment with an unamused glare.
“Who are your friends?” Colleen asked, voice a bit wary. She still held on loosely to her daughter.
Pidge wiped the tears from her eye before speaking, a soft smile permanently stuck to her face. “That’s Prince Lotor. He’s an alien, but he can shape shift like Allura so he doesn’t look like it now. He helped us get Dad back, and now we’re working to un conquer the universe after Zarkon messed it up.”
“A pleasure,” Lotor said, sounding much more formal than he looked his attention was focused on avoiding Bae Bae leaping into his arms.
“Seriously you introduce him first?” Lance complained, arms splayed out for emphasis. “What about the Voltron bond? Teammates?”
Pidge chuckled. “This is Lance. He’s a Paladin like me. He’s a bit of a goofball, but he’s alright,” she finished with a smirk and playful sparkle on her eye.
Lance feigned dejection, which caused Colleen to chuckle herself. “It seems there is a lot more to the story. Hop in the car. We can make it to your grandma’s place by morning. Tell me everything on the way.” She whistled. “Bae Bae, car.”
Instantly the dog left the confused alien prince and bolted into the car. “Oh, so it is a yupper,” he finally said, the air of mystery lifting fully.
“You can make it up to him in the car,” Lance said, still grinning. “We’ve got a long drive ahead of us.”
“One stop before Grandma’s,” Pidge told her mother. “Lance’s family lives here, we have to let them know he’s okay.”
Lance’s gaze softened instantly. “Thanks, Pidge.”
“Fine by me,” Colleen agreed. “We all have some things to talk about.”
“We cannot stay long,” Lotor reminded them. “The sooner we can retrieve the Blue Lion the faster we can stop Haggar and save the other Paladins.”
Lance took a deep breath. “Good to be home, can’t stay,” he said wistfully.
“It sounds like I have a lot to catch up on,” Colleen said. “Galaxy Garrison didn’t tell me anything about that.”
Pidge and Lance shared a look before the Green Paladin turned back to her mother. “There’s a lot the Garrison didn’t tell you, Mom. Let’s start with Voltron. Did you get my last letter?”
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tamago-hoe · 6 years
Hi! Thank you all so much for your support on part one! <3 This one is a  L O N G  chapter and contains mentions of blood, but nothing explicit. Did someone order an extra large helping of Lance in pain? here ya go, (J)Hope you enjoy! :)
Once again, please tell me if I’ve missed and trigger warnings! (3360 words SORRYNOTSORRY^^)
Occasionally, Lance got some sceptical gazes from Hunk and Keith (more like ruminating glares in Keith's case), and Pidge would stare at him without saying anything, then shaking her head.
Lance was strangely chill. Like, excessively. Hunk pointed it out, worried for his friend, but Pidge simply told him to enjoy it while it lasts. They thought it was a phase. Maybe Lance was just a little off his game- or rather more on the game than he had ever been, even helping Allura and Shiro plan Galra base infiltrates. His plans always worked.
"Good job guys!" Shiro congratulated the team as they successfully executed Lance's well-thought-out plan yet again.
"Thank you guys." Lance added, a weird ritual now for him to thank the team for helping him with his plan and for completing it perfectly.
Hunk knew there was something wrong with Lance, his stretched smiles not sitting well with Hunk, his generic thanking-the-team sounding completely fake.
"You know you can talk to me about anything Lance, right?" Lance nodded. "Anything at all."
Lance rested a hand on Hunk's shoulder, instantly calming the male, "Thank you Hunk. I really appreciate it."
A smile broke out on Hunk's features. "No worries buddy! What are friends for?"
"See, I told you so."
Lance sighed, relieved that his voice didn't crack and his calm facade was enough to convince his best friend Hunk. Lance didn't even know who he was anymore, so he's glad Hunk did. Hunk clearly recognised the real Lance. But as usual, didn't say much even though Hunk knew something was up.
But then at least nothing had changed. Hunk shouldn't have to go out of his way to look after Lance.
"You're learning fast Lance. It's paying off." The voice praised. It wasn't as uplifting as he hoped it would be, but Lance was taking what he could get. He should be grateful he's getting to see Hunk and speak to him, even if it was two sentences.
"I was wondering if I could see the team again for a bit?" Lance piped, struggling in the silence that followed. "I promise I won't say anything or do anything!"
"Lance, Lance, Lance. Have we learned nothing these past few weeks?" Lance curled in on himself at the tone of his reflection. He felt like a child being scolded.
"I'm sorry, just forget about it." Lance babbled hurriedly, turning away from the screen, withdrawing to the back of his mind- the darkness very appealing to Lance right now.
"Don't worry Lance, you'll have your time soon. Just a little longer. What I've built is fragile, you are oh-so fragile at the moment. But it will soon be fixed. I will fix you Lance. I just need time." The being called out, stopping Lance for a moment. "Is that okay Lance?"
Lance turned to face the screen a final time with a forced smile. "Need you ask? Of course you can. I'll be in the back if you need me."
"Thank you Lance. It will be worth it, just you wait and see. You'll have them at your feet soon."
"Hey you guys, don't you think something's been up with Lance?" Hunk asked as he entered the kitchen after passing Lance in the corridors, who flashed him another false smile. "Like he's been really quiet."
"Just leave him be Hunk, I'm sure he'll figure it out on his own." Pidge assured, with a mouthful of green goo. "If anything, just enjoy the peace for a while."
"You said that four months ago Pidge." Hunk pointed out, said person freezing for a moment, eyes widening.
"People change I guess." They shrugged, though Hunk could see the sliver of worry behind their glasses.
"But not to the extent Lance has. He hasn't said a single pun or joke in four months. That's like Keith going without training for four months, or me without cooking for four months!"
"What about me not training?" Keith popped in, helping himself to a bowl of goo then leaning on the opposite side of the counter to Hunk.
"We were just discussing Lance's abrupt character change." Pidge informed, Keith humming thoughtfully for a second.
"I don't see a problem. If that's how he wants to be, that's how he wants to be."
"But don't you find it even the slightest bit unusual?" Hunk urged, Keith just not finding it as alarming as Hunk. "You guys haven't argued for four whole months!"
"Isn't that a good thing?"
"Well, yeah, but it's not normal! It's like - It's as if it isn't Lance! Like Lance has disappeared!"
"I'm right here, what do you mean Hunk?" Everyone fell silent at the appearance of the hot topic in the doorway, finally out of training gear.
"You can ask him in person now." Keith pointed at Lance with his spoon, quietly eating his goo.
Hunk began to fiddle with the edge of his shirt, noticing the way Lance's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. It made Hunk feel... small? Somewhat... intimidated? "Uh... Well, I was just thinking you've changed... A lot in the past four months..."
"In what way?" Lance asked sharply with a condescending smile.
"W - Well, you haven't told any jokes, or - or flirted with Allura, or fought with Keith for like, ever."
"And why is that a problem? It's not as if you liked my jokes anyway if I remember correctly." Lance cocked a brow, Hunk's eyes widening then falling to stare guiltily at the floor.
"What the hell Lance?!" Pidge stood from their seat, slamming their hands on the table.
"What? Was it something I said?"
Now Keith was beginning to see what Hunk meant, his fists curling. "Yes, of course it was. It always was. What are you trying to achieve Lance?" Keith began to corner Lance, who held Keith's gaze steadily, not moving an inch.
"Keith!" Hunk scolded, knowing that whatever was going on with Lance, this sure as hell wasn't helping. In fact, it would probably push Lance further back, further away from reach.
"It wasn't my intention to upset or aggravate anybody." He spoke calmly, annoying Keith even more.
"Then what is?"
"To end this war then go back. Isn't that what everybody wants?"
That night Blue started to kick up a fuss in the hanger and no one knew why. Keith went straight to Lance, who was on the training deck like usual, burning the night oil.
"Hey. What's up?" Lance greeted, sweat glazing his less than coffee-coloured face.
"Blue's going haywire and no one knows why. The others are trying to get their lions to stop her before she wrecks the castle. Do something about it won't you? Or is the connection with your lion as broke as your personality?" Keith didn't know why he said that, he knew it was a mistake the moment he said it.
"Sure. I'll go see her now." Lance wiped the sweat from his face as he breezed past Keith.
'No... That wasn't what I was meant to say...'
He seemed to hear something snap- that wasn't his temper.
Keith didn't sleep well that night. He bolted up at stupid-o'clock, the adrenaline fresh from his nightmare still pumping through his blood, his heart racing, every time he blinks an image flashing in front of his eyes. Knowing he wouldn't sleep for long, Keith decided to take a walk around the castle, his room suffocating him. He ended up in the hangers, where Blue was now peaceful with Lance at her paw.
"Lance..!" Before Keith could raise his voice to call out to the paladin again, Red and Blue growled softly at him, telling him to shut up. Blue's particle barrier did not fall or even waver as Keith slumped helplessly in front of it.
Keith's nightmare consisted of Lance standing on the edge of a cliff at the crack of dawn, the sun just starting to rise, cold wind blowing his hair as the ocean crashed ferociously against the cliff-face. Lance glanced over his shoulder, smiling softly at him with a single clear thread running down his face.
Keith exploded to life, chasing after Lance with his hand outstretched for the Cuban boy, crying out his name, for crying out loud why won't he turn around! Don't take a step forward! But he fell soundlessly, leaving Keith to grasp at the air where Lance once stood.
Sleeping by the Blue lion, looking blissfully ignorant to the fact the Keith watched him die before him was Lance, alive.
No one mentioned Lance's changes any more after that. If they were upset or missing him at all, they sure as hell didn't show it. And Lance did not show any signs of returning. In fact, day by day he was slowly turning to ice, to the point where no one saw him other than when they had to be together. Lance didn't make the effort to try and reach out to them, so they decided to wait patiently for him to collect himself and come back to them.
(It was more the opposite; the longer they waited, the more Lance hesitated, the more Lance inched away from them to somewhere far beyond their reach collectively. Lance had hidden so far back in his mind, the quintessence strings linking him and Blue were barely graspable. Everyone had tried many times to move a centimetre closer to understanding Lance, but their attempts were futile- it was like trying to solve a puzzle with only half the pieces.)
Technically, there was nothing wrong with Lance- he was functioning fine, as Allura pointed out kindly, it's just certain things felt wrong -said Pidge-, but they couldn't base things on feelings, they had to have concrete evidence. So until then, everyone waited. They respected Lance's privacy enough to know not to mess with his flow, as he wouldn't mess with theirs. They were so busy with Voltron, they barely realised nearly seven months had passed since Lance's reformation.
Up to this point, Lance had been faultless and simply enigmatic. He answered questions straight-forwardly, almost like he was telling the truth, but it felt false, like he was lying. A well rehearsed liar- Lance should've gone into acting.
Once again, the team set out to free another planet from Galra rule, an especially complex case with a plethora of security guarding the single jewel that allowed the Galra to rule the planet. They just had to get past the guards and return the jewel to the rightful owner-- easier said than done. With Lance's help, they managed to formulate a plan to get past the guards and infiltrate the system. Lance was the sniper and could only push forward once the team had gone ahead, Pidge would be guarded by Hunk as they made sure the electronic aspects of the security system was down while Keith and Shiro were to retrieve the jewel , going in to get the jewel. They travelled in pods with the added cloaking feature, courtesy of Pidge, so they could sneak in. By now the team got used to Lance guarding their back knowing he wouldn't miss a shot -he even said so himself, he swore it- so they needn't spare a glance back as they pushed forward. As he promised, Lance never missed his mark while the others disappeared from sight to their set places, leaving Lance on his own. It was okay, he was used to it. It went dark, Pidge and Hunk's job of turning the power off successful, blinking red lights the only thing illuminating the corridors. Lance's breaths were quiet as he listened closely for the sentries' movements and watched for shadows in the brief moment the lights were on, his aim steady in the dark as he eliminated the sentries in his area, forced to hit the warning button on his suit to signal to the others sentries might come their way- he doesn't know if he let any slip through the darkness.
"We've got it! Let's go guys!" Shiro ordered, followed by the grunts of effort from both him and Keith, guns firing and swords clashing.
"Roger! We only have 112 seconds guys!" Pidge added, the rest of the team making sounds of affirmation before each making their own way to where the pods awaited.
Everyone all ended up in the same corridor, sprinting to the pods, not daring to look back in case their were sentries behind them. They each jumped into their assigned pods, leaving with a fleet of fighters on their tail.
"They're fools thinking they've won." The being giggled maniacally. Lance had hesitantly crawled his way back to the light of the screen because something felt wrong. He may not be in charge of his physical body, but he felt something twisting in his stomach- a bad omen. "Hello again, Lance. You're just in time to witness the fall of the great Voltron, all because of you. Isn't it great?! Don't worry about death, the witch will just bring us back again and you will be highly praised."
"Death? The witch?" Lance whispered in confusion, a smirk growing on the being that had over time slowly begun to resemble him in looks. It turned to face him with a malicious grin, Lance falling back in shock. It was him, but with sharp canines -little fangs-, yellow eyes and two Galra marks on his cheeks. How didn't Lance see it before- the being only appeared after he went to the Galra base, so of course it was Galra! He was so stupid! "What the hell?! This wasn't our deal!" Lance yelled, his voice surprisingly intact considering how long it's been since he last spoke.
"Yes it was. To make you great, to make you more chill. We're so nearly there Lance, just stay chill."
"I am not chill! This is not what I wanted!-"
"I thought I taught you better about selfishness." Lance could hear a distant roar of the monster in the back of his head beginning to fight against the restraints the being used to silence it, threatening Lance, who flinched at the bone-rattling screech.
"T - To hell with selfishness! If being great means discarding others- I refuse! If forever being the loser means my friends get to live then I'm happy with that!"
"You're too late Lance." The shackles holding the monster broke at the being's order, and it immediately pounced on Lance, darkness swallowing him. "I'm sorry it turned out this way. But it has to be done."
"At least I can die trying." Lance found some strength left in him, grabbing ahold of the glowing threads of his and Blue's quintessence, pulling himself through the darkness, using the glow of the quintessence to light the way. "I will save them at any cost!" He cried out as he pushed forward towards the light with a final cry, Blue's roars encouraging him.
Light blinded his eyes and it took him a while to adjust, the sounds of his teammates struggling starting to filter in, his surroundings becoming more clear. He was in control again- but he didn't know for how long. Now wasn't the time, but Lance wanted to burst into tears of happiness hearing his friends' voices, feeling things, seeing things. Pushing aside his overflowing emotions, Lance was forced back into fighter mode, gunning down the masses of fighters alongside his team mates.
"You're too late Lance. Everyone will die at our hands." The being cackled.
Lance gritted his teeth in anguish, he wanted to be stronger and save them, but he can't. He hadn't changed at all, he was still weak. The other Lance would be so much better. But the other Lance was working for the Galra, he had been played all along. What could he do?
"You're on your own Lance. You made this decision."
Of course he's on his own. Lance has always been on his own. It isn't anything new.
'Think Lance!' They had to have had a greater plan, what did the being mean by dying and being revived? Lance knew very well that the being meant Lance was to die when carrying out the plan- but how and why? Why was it that Lance dying would be so important?
"Lance! A little cover over here please!" Keith's irritated huff pulled Lance out his thoughts.
"Right. On it." Lance sped towards the red paladin, who was sharing a pod with Shiro, of course.
"Guys, group up! We have to retreat! We can get protection at the castle and get the lions!" Shiro ordered, the others all agreeing and obeying their leader.
"Tick tock! The time is soon Lance! You're only prolonging your death! I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself if you do a good job!"
"Stick together guys!" Shiro continued to bark out to the others, a reliable calmness amongst the panic of the fight.
Then it suddenly hit Lance. Time. A bomb- Lance was a bomb. The other Lance had to be assured that they would trust him and accept him, only to blow it up from the inside, which would cause he rest of Voltron to cave in. Lance was to be the end of Voltron. And no way would he ever let that happen to his team mates.
"Why did you trust me?" Lance laughed wetly, mostly to himself.
"Did you say something Lance?" Pidge asked, Lance shaking his head, not that they could see.
"We keep going no matter what, right Shiro?" Lance checked, Shiro confirming. "Good."
"Lance?" Hunk called quietly, his voice small and afraid.
"I... I'm sorry."
Turning off his comms before the others could erupt into chaos, Lance pulled back from the team, pivoting and speeding full throttle towards the Galra fighter ships. Lance hoped that if he didn't look back, the others wouldn't either. He danced around the lasers fired his way- but he could not evade them all and as expected, he took a hefty amount of damage. Nonetheless, he kept his course forward, praying he was far enough from the others.
"No!" The being shrilled, Lance almost letting go of the controls- but he had to keep going, he had to put as much distance between him and the others as possible, as he had been doing in his mind for the past 7 months. His head felt like it was being smashed in from both sides, as if his head was about to implode, his vision swimming, his body screeching in agony and Lance was sure he was screaming too though only because his throat was burning- he could barely hear anything over the sound of Lance's pounding heart. He braced himself as the pod rattled again, another laser slamming into the side. In the swarm of Galra attackers; Lance was sure he was in the epicentre of it.
Through red vision Lance pressed the button for extra power, forcing his way to the front of the swarm, luring the ships to follow him away from the others. Like wild predators, the ships targeted the lone pod. With tremoring hands, Lance managed to unbuckle himself from the pod and staggered to the eject button. Suddenly Lance was thrown out into space, not close enough to the planet to be pulled down from gravity. Lance could only pray he wouldn't get shot, but he knows he doesn't really have the best of luck.
Lance cried out as he felt a laser scorching his shoulder, then everything went to white and Lance felt an indescribably intense pain in his head as a great force ripped his body (well that's what it felt like), his body shoved forward as the pod behind him burst to great flames. Some time later; Lance remembered falling, wind from his speed whipping all around him, his lungs feeling like they were going to burst and Lance could make out the surface of the planet and a crack in his visor that was probably why Lance couldn't get enough oxygen. How long has he been falling to be able to black out and somewhat come back around? In his dreary state, he somehow manages to briefly switch on his jet-pack, he can vaguely feel it spluttering helplessly to life on his back. He shuts his eyes and focuses on holding the button for three seconds then letting go for three seconds. Time drags on and the three seconds of free falling increases to six.
Then nine.
Lance tiredly cracks an eye open to see a vast sparkling sea of blue below him, tranquil and inviting.
He falls into the world of dreams in which all was blue, fading to black.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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luescris · 5 years
Love Doesn't Come Without Happiness
So y'all keep having this theory that Allura's going to leave Earth, and I thought I'd write a little drabble about it. ;) Enjoy!!
“Allura!! Wait!!”
The Altean princess turned towards the familiar voice that called her name, and was not surprised to find Lance running up to her a few ways. He bent over to catch his breath once he had reached a few inches or so from her, gasping for air. She was garbed in her traditional armor instead of her paladin armor, heading for the Altean ship in the distance with her helmet under her arm. She stared at the top of Lance's head with an unreadable face, but sadness in her eyes as she waited patiently for him to catch his breath.
When he did, he looked up at her, a deep sadness in every detail of his face, and in his voice she heard how heartbroken he felt as he stated, “Please. Don't go.”
Allura herself felt sadness. She understood how he was feeling. Truly, she did. It was she who was leaving all of her friends, all of the people of Earth that she's grown close to. And it broke her heart to say goodbye to them. Broke her heart to say goodbye to him.
But nonetheless…
She shook her head. “I can't, Lance. I must go. These Altean people are my people, and I must be there for them. They are looking for a strong leader, and I know that's what I am supposed to be for them. In the footsteps of my father, I have to fulfill his duties and responsibilities that he has left for me. Even if.. Even if it will cause all of you great suffering.”
“Not just suffering Allura!!” Lance cried. “There's so much more to it and we-!!”
“And we've talked about this a week ago.” Allura made her voice go hard and firm. “If I remember correctly, you were the one that decided to shut yourself away for most of it in denial.” She held up her hand when he opened his mouth to protest. “This is not only hard for you, but for me as well. You all have been like family to me, and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. You've shown me so much kindness, and love, it's almost like losing my father again… But this has to happen, for the sake of the universe. You must understand this Lance.”
He looked down at the ground sadly, his previously short lived fire of protest extinguishing entirely. “... I do Allura, I-I really do but ..” He shut his eyes tightly for a moment, and looked back at her. “I just don't want you to. I want to selfishly hold you here and never let go, and I want this hurt to go away, because I just-..” He took in a breath, seeming to hold something in and hesitating to let it out.
“.. It's okay Lance.” Allura said gently with a smile. “We might not see each other again for a very long time. Whatever you need to say, you can say it.”
His gaze on hers shifted into such tender sadness and care, her heart seemed to leave her chest. It was like she had dived right in between a ferocious battle of the sky and ocean in the fury of waves and rainstorms that was his eyes.
“.. I love you. I love you so so much Allura.” He muttered softly, a small blush heating his cheeks as he looked down again. “This whole time, I've been head over heels for you. You're the only women in the whole universe who made me feel this way, and I can't seem to get rid of it. You're so courageous, and beautiful and strong, and I'm just...” He rolled his head to the side with a sigh that sounded almost like annoyance. “I'm just a lost puppy dog hopelessly in love. This is ridiculous and I should just go.”
He began to turn away, but Allura--despite being totally flustered and slightly dizzied from the many compliments that came from Lance's lips--reached out her hand and took his, stopping him in his tracks.
“N-no, Lance wait.” She stuttered. He turned to her with a raised brow. She gave a cough-like huff, her reddened face growing hotter as she tried to clear her head. “One moment, I uhm.. Need to get myself together.”
He did so, turning to her fully again and waited. Just like she did a little while ago.
Allura finally found what she had to say, and still keeping a firm hold on his hand, she smiled up at him. “I'm.. Really glad that you told me this. Because I… Well, I have the same feelings for you as well.”
The surprise on his face was almost comical. She would've laughed if this wasn't a farewell.
“... Y-you do?” He asked, blinking down at her with his own blush growing.
Allura nodded. “Yes. I think I have been, even before Lotor… I was simply drawn to him because of the promises he gave and just.. How tempting he was. I just never really realized it until the mice told me what you said to them once, and chose to ignore those feelings for some odd reason-”
“Wait, the mice told you how I felt about you?!” Lance interrupted hotly. He made a pout and added, “I knew I shouldn't have trusted them!! You're not just saying that because you feel bad for me are you? Because if so, then forget it.”
“Lance, Lance hush,” Allura couldn't help but laugh at his face. “Of course not. I really do love you, though, not sure as much as you care for me.”
Despite her saying this, Lance had suspicion in his eyes as he turned his head away slightly. “You sure?”
She gave a sigh, then reached for his other hand to take it into hers. Why must boys be so complicated? “As sure as I am about being a princess. Look.” She lost her smile, staring down at their hands as she entwined their fingers together. His twitched in surprise before hesitantly and slowly returning the gesture. “I know that I hurt you in ignoring my feelings towards you, and I do hope that you forgive me for it. I wasted precious time that we could have had together in stepping around all this. Now, I have go and leave you and the rest of the team, and I..” She closed her eyes. “I regret it immensely. I am so sorry Lance.”
For a moment he didn't speak, and she began to fear that he actually was angry with her, and wondered briefly if she should pull her hands away from his.
Then he said, “I wasn't ever mad at you in the first place.”
She blinked her eyes open, and looked up at him.
“I don't know what made you think I was,” He continued. “And I'm not sure why you're apologizing for something we both kind of did. I was being too much of a scaredy cat and feeling sorry for myself to ever say anything to you.” Lance gave her a sheepish smile. “I don't think I could ever get mad at you, especially not over something so silly.”
Allura couldn't help but smile softly at him again. “Yes, well… Still doesn't change the fact that we're still having to say goodbye.”
Lance nodded, looking away from her. His blush--if possible--seemed to darken a bit more. “.. You'll come back again, right? For a visit?”
“Of course.”
The next second she felt his lips press against hers, and although being a touch sloppy, she felt herself warm up at the touch, sparks in her head flying and head buzzing as she blinked. Then she submitted, melting into his lips and closing her eyes. Lance held her hands nice and firm as he tilted his head slightly to deepen it just a touch, pouring all of his love for Allura into it. It was overwhelming, though not unpleasantly so, and she wondered how on Earth one person could hold so many feelings. It lasted for another second or two, then he pulled away, slowly, so as to keep the feeling of it on their lips just a tad longer.
Allura fluttered her eyes open and stared at him. He stared back for a moment, his forehead pressed against hers.
“Come back quickly.” He whispered.
“As long as you wait for me.” She answered.
Lance smiled, and it was all she needed. She stepped away, slowly slipping her hands out of his. He let go of one, and held the other until it was beyond his arm's reach, and he reached out to her for a second or two as she began turning away, a hand up in farewell. He waved back to her, heart thumping against his chest in love, yet heavy with sadness.
But it was at least better than feeling like his heart had betrayed him.
He watched her walk into the crowd of Alteans that waited for her. He continued to watch, even when the ship took off from the ground and lifted up into the sky, and watched still long after it disappeared into the sky.
“Well that was cute.”
Lance felt like he had a heart attack as he jumped violently out of his trance with a loud yelp of surprise. He whipped his head behind him to see the rest of the Paladins Sam, and his sister laughing their heads off. All except Keith and Shiro, but even they wore smirks of amusement.
His face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Wh-You- I- Y-you saw that?!!” He sputtered.
“Not all of it.” Shiro said with a chuckle. “But most.”
That only made him feel worse, and he placed his head in his hands with a groan.
“Oh come on Lance,” Came Veronica as she made her way to her little brother, a hint of pride in her steps. “It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone falls in love eventually.”
He glared up at her when she threw an arm around his shoulders. “It's not that!! You guys weren't supposed to be watching, that stuff is supposed to be private!!”
“Well we did. And I can't wait to tell mom about it.”
“Veronicaaaa!!! That doesn't help!!”
“I'm kidding Lance.” She finally gave him a genuine smile. “I really am proud of you. You finally caught the heart of a strong women, and a princess no less. My little brother has finally grown up.”
Lance gave her a lopsided grin. “Eh.. Thanks.”
Then they were both squished together by Hunk, who had happy tears running down his face. “This is so beautiful!” He cried. “I am so so happy for you!”
And Pidge was there the next second, having dragged her father along, who had grabbed Shiro and Kieth as well, and they were all laughing and hugging and giving their congratulations to Lance, who's face seemed to be permanently red as he laughed along.
Yet, he couldn't ever be anywhere other than there.
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grigsby-writes · 6 years
Silver Lining: Chapter 3
"So..." Lance broke the silence over the radios, curling into Kaltenecker's warm body.
"Go to sleep, Lance." Pidge groaned from her own lion. Matt was asleep in the corner of the cockpit, while she slumped in her chair.
Lance quieted down for the fifth time that night. The other paladins tried to close their eyes and sleep, hoping to at least get something out of their delay. Unfortunately, it was futile. Shiro could only stare at the dark ceiling of his former lion, trying to sort his thoughts. Krolia had retreated to one of the storage areas in the lion to sleep, while Keith sat upright, completely awake, in his pilot's seat. The other lions had a similar situation. The world was was quiet except for the soft breathing of sleeping people.
"Are you guys also having trouble sleeping?"
"Lance!" The paladins whisper-screamed in unison.
A few more seconds of silence before another voice breaks it.
"Yeah... I can't sleep either." Hunk says quietly, trying to be more considerate than Lance.
"You guys wanna do something?" Lance asks in response.
"What exactly do you propose? We're in completely different ships." Pidge points out as she spread her legs out onto the armrest of her seat.
"Okay, now you've got me up. What's happening?" Allura yawns.
Shiro listens in on their sleepy exchange, Keith doesn't do much more than lazily gaze into the dark screen of his lion.
Lance sits up straight, pounding his fist into his palm in thought, "20 questions!"
"Oh, god, no," Keith groans, "That's going to take forever to finish."
"Well, hello, Leader Keith," Lance teases the black paladin. "Will you be joining us?"
"Make it five questions and I'll play along."
"Who's even awake?" Pidge asks, yawning. "Say your name or something, I'm too tired to figure out voices."
"The most gorgeous and bes-"
"Keith," He paused and looked back at Shiro, "You playing Shiro?"
"Yeah, sure." He answered, a bit loud considering there were sleeping people around him.
"First question! Everyone answers, least favorite thing about space?" Lance starts off, cheerfully perking up and waiting for answers.
"The food goo,"Hunk answer quickly, if not a bit sheepishly.
"Unreliable internet."
"But Pidge, the lions and castle both have internet connection and web access."
"Yeah, but not every quadrant or planet has a steady connection..."
Allura rolled her eyes, "I don't like how only Coran, and now Romelle, are the only alteans."
There was a shocked silence.
"You okay, Allura?" Lance asked tentatively.
"I'm fine."
"Moving on... I don't like that it all looks the same."
Pidge was quick to respond to Lance's answer. "But every star system is different. New constellations, planets, gas and rock formations. Color burst and asteroid fields, Lance space is constatly changing. It does not all look the same."
"Fine, be all scientific about it," He crossed his arms, "Just saying..."
"I hate that there's a war going on." Keith stated bluntly. The paladins were silent for another moment , realizing the point in awe.
"Yeah... I have to go with Keith on this one." Shiro said, finally contributing.
The paladins nodded along in silent agreement.
Hunk gave the next question, "Favorite alien we've met?"
"If you guys don't say me..." Allura growled.
"Aside from Allura and Coran and Romelle, who are obviously our favorites." Hunk was quick to right his mistake. "Mine's Shay."
"My mom, Krolia."
"That was a no-brainer," Pidge pondered their own choice, "Rover."
"Rover's not an alien, Pidge." Lance argued, "And he's not even worki-"
"Lance..." Shiro warned, like the true dad he was, "Lay off."
"Fine. I liked the mermaids, they were fun."
"Fun?" Pidge inquired.
"Fuck off, Pidge."
"I quite like all of you, and to me you guys count as aliens." Allura said, voice quiet, as if to remind Pidge and Lance that their loud voices were going to wake up their companions.
"Aww, thanks Allura," Lance's voice was a suave, flirting tone, though it was good natured.
Allura groaned, "I already regret saying that."
"What about you, Shiro?"
"There's too many to choose."
"That's not an answer!" Lance exclaimed, "You have to pick."
"The majority of aliens I've met have been trying to kill me, and the remaining were either chosen by you guys already, or were annoying." Shiro paused, "So there."
"Whatever." He grumbled. "Favorite out of all of the ones awake, like who do like best?" Lance continued, his voice peaking with arrogance, obviously fishing for a compliment.
No one raced to answer.
"That's like asking a parent to choose their favorite kid." Shiro stated simply, "You can't ask that and get an answer."
"Spoken like a true father." Pidge said in exaggerated wisdom.
"Do you really think of us as your kids?" Hunk awwed, "We're like a big space family."
"I wouldn't say that... I'm not a father..."
"C'mon, you're like that most father figure-y person we know." Hunk continued, his voice a joking tone. "We've said this before."
Keith turned around in his chair to look at Shiro, "You kind of are."
Shiro gave a wholehearted dad laugh, "I'm not that much older than you guys."
"Denial is the first stage." Allura joined in, "Soon you'll be joining Coran in the elderly person club."
"What about Krolia?" He asked, "Doesn't she count for anything?"
"Psh," Pidge scoffed, "Have you seen Krolia? She's too hot to be a mom, she could be like seventeen and I wouldn't be surprised- no offense Keith."
A faint blush of embarrassment crosses Keith's face, barely visible in the darkness. "Do a different question, please."
"Hunk's my favorite," Pidge ignores Keith, "He make us food, that bumpps him ahead of all ofthe rest of you."
"What are you humans excited, or nervous about going back to Earth?" Allura answered Keith wishes and asked a new question. It was met with a stony silence.
The paladins thought.
Shiro's mind buzzed with surfacing emotions and memories that had been knotting his stomach for this entire journey. he hadn't been on Earth for nearly two years, not including the day he had returned for. It scared him to think of what could've changed, and what change was yet to come. When he returned- when all of them returned -no longer would they be students at the Garrison. No longer would they be normal people. The paladins had traveled deeper in space than any other human. The paladins brought news of war and pain that Earth would otherwise be oblivious to. But what about Adam?
Shiro sucked in a s harp breath at the idea of seeing him again. Anxiety and excitement.  Their fighting before he had left was petty, not something they normally did. And just the prospect of being able to see him again made Shiro's heart swell. But fear tugged at him. Because what if Adam had moved on and really not waited for him? What if when Adam saw him again, Shiro would be a different person, one that Adam decided he no longer loved? What if they were too late and the Galra had already come and destroy Ear-
Lance spoke, interrupting Shiro's panicked thoughts. "I want to see my family again. My mom, and dad, and siblings, cousins, and- and all of them." Shiro noticed how Lance's voice broke slightly, dragged down by homesickness.
"My mom," Pidge said quickly, "She lost all of us, and I just want to give her a hug."
Another silence, one where the radio simply buzzed with static. It allowed Shiro to try and collect his thoughts.
"I can't wait to eat my parents' cooking again. And to feel the sun, even if it's the flaming desert sun." Hunk's tone was warm and forced , like he was keeping himself thinking about all of it in a good light. Like it was the future instead of the past.
And they waited. Shiro looked at Keith, who faced him now, though Keith only stared at the floor. Shiro could tell that Keith was thinking about his dad. He knew the boy well enough to recognize the pained glint in his eyes. Mournful and reflecting. As if Keith could only think of how horrible it was that his dad was gone. As if that was the only thing he could think about. Shiro could also see that Keith could only think about his dad when he thought about Earth. That Keith thought that he had nothing else to look forward to besides seeing his dad's grave again.
Shiro answered before Keith, hoping to give him a chance to think about something besides the negative. "My fiance, and the garrison."
A pause before Lance yelled, "You have a fiance, and you never told us!!"
"I mean, it's not like it was a secret..." Pidge pointed out. "Keith and I knew, plus Hunk sort of caught on."
"Sorry, what's a fiance exactly?" Allura asked.
"Like a stage between being married, you know what human marriage is right, and just being romantic partners. It's kind of unnecessary to call it something different."
"Why am I the only one to never pick up on these things?" Lance complained, a bit too loudly.
"Lance, it's not that big a deal..." Shiro said awkwardly.
"I didn't notice that Pidge was a girl, I didn't notice that Keith  had tried to be not a jerk, I didn't notice when Hunk's cookies were burning, and now this. How oblivious am I?"
"Pretty oblivious," Hunk answered the rhetorical question lightly.
"What about you Keith?" Allura moved the conversation along.
"Oh, uh..." He looked surprised, not quite expecting to be noticed. "I want to see my knife collection again."
"Why am I even surprised?" Lance groaned.
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ilovelanceiswear · 6 years
Hey Brother
hello! This is my first songfic! It is on Lance and Pidges bond as brother and sister and their development together. The song is ‘Hey Brother’ by Avicii. Enjoy!
Hey brother, there’s an endless road to rediscover.
Lance picked up Pidge as she let out a snort of indignation. “No Pigeon, I’m not falling for that. You need sleep!” the boy said as he swung Pidge over his shoulder. He let out a puff of air and resigned herself to her fate. Later, Lance brought all of her electronics back into her room and set them down gingerly, then placing a sticky note on the top. The note read “be ready for our next mission after you’ve rested for as much time as you can! We are going back to Shays planet to visit again!” with a small doodle of a Pigeon in the corner.
Hey sister, yeah the waters sweet but blood is thicker.
Lance stood to the side as he watched Matt enter the castle. His chest felt tight, but he was glad Pidge’s brother was on board finally. He would no longer fill the role of Pidges brother, Matt was there for her now. He wanted to hug her and reassure her that she didn’t mess up the entire mission, but Matt was there first.
Oh, and if the sky comes falling down, for you There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
“PIDGE DUCK!,” screamed Lance as a Galra approached Pidge from the back. Pidge looked behind her, eyes widening in terror as she froze in place, the Galra getting ready to swing its massive sword. Just in time Lance jumped in front of the sword, taking the hit for her. “NO!,” she screamed as blood erupted from the gash in the red paladins back. “Nononononono this isn’t happening! You’ll be ok Lance, hold on!,” the small girl muttered tho herself as she applied pressure to the wound.
Hey brother, do you still believe in one another? Hey sister, do you still believe in Love I wonder?
Pidge had been sitting in front of the healing pod, sleeping by the base as she waited for lance to come back. None of the team had been able to get her away, even to sleep or eat. Hunk brought her meals to her and instead of sleeping she passed out in intervals from exhaustion. Every so often she would mutter something to herself. She was slowly going insane waiting for her practically brother emerge from the healing pod. The rest of the team would wander in and out, waiting as well. They noticed how empty the castle was without Lances casual banter and laughter. Allura seemed more tense, Keith was more snappy and impulsive without Lance to quell his urges for casual fights, Shiro was more tired, his night terrors getting the best of him without Lance there. Pidge was quiet and reserved, only getting up to grab something she was working on. Coran just seemed sad
Oh, and if the sky come falling down, for you There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
A loud swish could be heard from the med bay, and steam enveloped the small figure at the base. Pidge coughed then realized what was happening. Her brother in everything but blood was finally out. She rushed to the opening in the pod, then tripped over her blankets as she ran. But instead of cold, hard ground, lance fell on the makeshift bed the rest of the paladins-mostly Pidge, Hunk, and Keith- put together. Lance lay down face first as his mind wasn’t fully aligned with his long limbs. He felt something land on his back, something small. He smiled as he felt Pidges familiar presence, then frowned as he felt tears soak through onto his skin. He slowly got up and wrapped his long arms around a sobbing Pidge covered in blankets. “Shh-sh-shh-shh it’s ok. You’re ok,” he said as he slowly rocked her back and forth. “Don’t do that again, please,” whispered Pidge, sobs shaking her small frame.
What if I’m far from home? Oh brother I will hear you call.
“Uhh, hey Pidge? I’m in a little bit of trouble here. Can I get some help?,” asks Lance, a bit of nervousness creeping into his voice. “Coming! Just give me a secon-grrrh” she growled, taking out a large Galra behind her, trying to run toward Lances position. Lance and Pidge were sent in on a mission together, and easy recon, get in get out. Lance had gotten captured by the many guards that no one had expected to see. The ship was supposed to be uninhabited. But thankfully they were just droids and did not realize Lance still had his comms on. Pidge snuck up behind one droid and shocked it in the kneecap, short-circuiting it. She tossed Lance his bayard and they fought back to back. As soon as they were out, Lance turned to her and said “Thanks pigeon,”
What if I lose it all? Oh sister I will help you out
“God damn it!,” screamed Pidge, in the observatory. Lance was inside with her, waiting for her to finish up with whatever she was doing and put her to bed. “What happened?,” asked Lance, curiously. “I lost all my progress. I almost got every single one of the trade routes and supply runs but then the Galran security shut me out before I could,” Pidge rubbed her eyes, sending her glasses askew. Lance peered over her shoulder and pointed to something on the screen. “I’m no expert, but maybe if you use this external output as your entryway you may be able to gather data without them finding out or tracing it back to you,” Pidge stared up at Lance “But if I do that I wouldn’t be able to enter through and output?,” she said quizzically. “No I mean if you waited and hitched a ride on one of the outgoing signals you would be able to gather data from it,” Lance smiled at Pidge as she replied “Lance, that’s an amazing idea! Why haven’t I known about your skill?,” “Well, lets just say I dint get into the garrison for nothing,” the cuban boy said as he grinned brightly.
Oh and if the sky comes falling down, for you There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
“Pidge, your left” “Thanks Lance,” said Pidge as she stabbed a droid in the gut. She was gonna need a lot more cover than this. Suddenly Matt was at her side, helping her. She was trying to hack into the security frame and open the doors for the Blade of Marmora but with Matt there it went 5 times faster. “Lance, cover us please!,” shouted Matt as he pressed something on Pidge’s screen. There was the sound of doors closing and Lance’s muffled shouts. “Let me in! Cmon! I’m gonna get overrun by dro-,” the young Cuban boy was cut of by a loud ‘thump’ and then it was silent. Pidge quickly undid the lock on the door as Matt rushed forward, weapon in hand. Matt was greeted with a horrible sight, Lances lanky form covered in blood and speared through with a sword. The scared man ran forward and stabbed the already on the floor Galra multiple times, then dragged Lance in, closing and locking the door as he did.
Hey brother, there’s an endless road to rediscover
Lance spit out some of the blood that was in his mouth as Matt set him down beside Pidge. The small girls eyes filled with tears as she saw the extent of the damage. “Matt, could you cover for me while I take care of him?,” said Pidge, handing her brother the green helmet with shaking hands. She slowly pulled Lance onto her lap, making sure to be careful. “Pidge if I don’t m-“ lance broke off and started coughing, the abrupt change making his chest heave. “No Lance, you’re not allowed to talk like that,” Pidge said, a little desperate at this point. “No Pidge, if I don’t make it out, bury me on Earth in Vandero and try to explore the area? Can you do that?,” lance said, his words occasionally being broken apart by coughs. “No because you are going to live!,” Pidge insisted, amber eyes filled with tears as she looked for a solution desperately. Then she realized what she could do.
Hey sister, do you still believe in Love I wonder?
She grabbed her bayard of the ground and put her other hand on the hilt of the sword sticking out of Lance’s midsection. “This might hurt a bit,” she said, looking cold but her eyes displaying sadness and depression. Lance looked frantic as she braced herself for what she was about to do. “Now pigeon, lets not be to hasty,” he said with panic alight in his eyes. “I’m sorry” said the small girl as she wrenched the sword out of his side then quickly pressed her bayard against the large opening, burning it shut. Lance was screaming bloody murder then and she winced.
And if the sky comes falling down, for you There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do
Pidge stared at the large scar and traced it with her fingers as it crept along Lance’s side. “Relax Pidgey, it’s not all that bad. At least I’ll he a cool story to tell!,” said Lance for what seemed the hundredth time that day. She pressed her fingers against it, harder this time, and Lance flinched. “What happened, do we need to get you in a healing pod again I know i shouldnt have done that it was a bad ideaandimsorry,” said Pidge quickly as she started to try to push the older one toward the medbay. “Relax girl! Ive suffered worse injuries before,” said Lance as he ruffled the young girls hair. “I know, I’m just really worried about you,” sighed Pidge. “Don’t be,” said Lance as he exited Pidges room, “I’m just fine!”
What if I’m far from home?
“Hey Lance-i cant believe I’m the one saying this- what are you doing awake at this time?,” asked the small, bespectacled girl swathed in blankets, rubbing her eyes. She sat down next to Lance as he wiped his red and puffy eyes. “It’s just... Well.. we’re so far from home. What if i never get to go back to Earth? It’s stupid I know but-,” Pidge cut him off “It’s not,” she said as she cupped his face in her small hands “we all want to go home. But we need to save the universe first.” He looked away from her, tears filling his eyes again. “I know, I’m sorry,” he replied as tears fell down his cheeks. “Now lets get some sleep!,” the blanket covered girl said loudly as she rose to her feet. “I’d like that,” said Lance, a small smile gracing his lips.
Oh brother i will hear you call
“Keith? Pidge? Hunk? Anyone?,” called out Lance from the rubble, weakly. “I’m here,” said Keith in response and Lance could here some rubble shifting to his left. “Oh thank god Keith. Go find Pidge and the others, ill be ok,” said Lance to the figure to his left swathed in darkness. “You sure?,” asked Keith, unsure as to wether he should help Lance or not. Lance coughed and replied with a shaky “Yes.” He felt a growling pain in his legs and chest as the boulders pressed down on him. He wasnt ok, but the others were worth more than him. Keith looked back reluctantly, but went on none the less. And thus Lance was left alone with his thoughts and the relevation that he would die today, finally.
What if i lose it all?
“Thanks Keith, where’s Lance?,” asked the green paladin, brushing dust and debris off of her armor. “Lance? He asked me to leave him to find you guys,” said Keith to Hunk and Pidge. “Idiot!! Don’t you realize that Lance would sacrifice himself for the team?!?!? You always help him because he might be dying and still wouldn’t say anything if it were for the sake of the team! Where is he!” Keith numbly pointed North and Pidge ran, not caring if anyone followed. She couldn’t lose her brother again.
Oh sister i will help you out
Pidge saw Lance’s head sticking out of the rubble of the avalanche, eyes closed. Her face paled as she got down on her hands and knees, scraping at the rubble desperately. She glanced to her left where the rest of the paladins were watching, wide eyed. “Cmon guys don’t just stand there! Help me!,” Pidge said grunting. Hunk jogged forward, eyes still on Lances face as he mumbled out “Yeah... umm ok.” Pidge swiftly turned back to the pile of rocks and proceeded to dig, the others slowly gathering to help. Tears were starting to well up in her large eyes. Just then something grabbed her wrist.
Oh and if the sky comes falling down
“Just leave me,” Lance managed to choke out before his eyes closed again. The rest of the paladins stopped digging, but Pidge wouldn’t stop until her fingers were raw and bloody. “No lance your going to be fine ok your going to be okay we are getting you out of here into a healing pod just hang in there,” Pidge hissed as the tears slowly fell down her cheeks. Lance managed to cup his hands around her tear stained face as he lifted his own weekly.
“For you, there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do”
Pidge sank to her knees and howled in pain. The rest of the team gathered around her, not being able to talk but taking comfort in each others company. That day the team lost something important, and they would never be the same. After Pidge was done screaming her lungs out and her voice sounded hoarse and hollow she crawled over to where the red paladin lay and slowly closed his eyes. “Goodbye, brother.” the small girl said as a small tear broke free and landed on the blue chest plate. “Goodbye.”
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: Cat Shelter Day
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~2.9k Rating: G Time Frame: Sometime after college Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Alright, one more before I delve too deep into classes that I forget to surface...
“Ayumu! You’re here!” Yuu greeted cheerfully from the wash station.
“Uehara-san, welcome.” The young woman beside her also greeted. Ayumu recognized her as one of the production company’s newer idols. “Thank you for agreeing to help us today.”
“I’m glad I could make it.” Ayumu responded. “It’s good to see you again, Hasegawa-san.”
“We have a shirt and gift bag for you. I’ll go get it if you want to take my place.”
With that Hasegawa headed for the door.
“I’d stand up and hug you, but…” Yuu motioned with wet elbows full of suds without taking her hands off the cat she was bathing.
“That’s alright.” Ayumu smiled in return and leaned down for a quick kiss. “Sorry I’m late.”
“No worries.” Yuu assured. “There’s still plenty of time to help out before the show.”
“Where’s Setsuna-chan?”
“Fetching the next round of victims.”
Yuu chuckled. “Not all of the cats have been as cooperative as this handsome fella.” She patted the cat in question. “Right, Tasukeau?”
The cat meowed in response to what Ayumu assumed was his name.
“Want to rinse him with me?”
“Alright, go ahead and grab that sprayer and start spraying.”
Ayumu stepped around her kneeling girlfriend and found the nozzle in question. Gently, she squeezed the trigger, but only a dribble of water came out.
Yuu laughed. “Don’t worry, even if you squeeze it all the way, not much is going to come out. We don’t want to be blasting these poor kitties away with fire hoses. Many are scared enough as it is.”
“Oh, I see.” Ayumu directed the flow of water onto the animal in the tub.
“That’s a good boy.” Yuu offered gentle placations as she ran her hands over wet fur to squeegee out the shampoo. “Alright, that should be good.” She said after a moment. “Let’s get you dried up.” She lifted the cat up to a nearby counter where several towels were waiting. “So, how was work?”
“Eh?” Ayumu took a moment to realize Yuu was no longer addressing the cat. “Oh, it was fine, though it was the reason I was late.”
“But you still got off early, so…” Yuu patted the cat down with one of the towels.
“True. And I signed a new contract.”
“Congratulations!” Yuu looked up with a smile. “We should totally celebrate, though probably tomorrow as we’re already getting dinner here.”
The meal to which Yuu had referred was in association with the event they were attending. The production company where Yuu and Setsuna were employed had a fairly extensive volunteer program ranging from helping up and coming school idol groups, free performances at a local hospital and charity fund raising events like this one. Ayumu wasn’t quite clear on how the idol agency became involved with a local cat shelter, but it apparently had something to do with the significant other of a senior employee.
“Ayumu-san! You made it!”
Ayumu turned to see her other girlfriend approaching with a wide smile on her face and a pet carrier in each hand. And a bandage on her cheek? Well, she could ask in a moment, after a proper greeting.
As soon as their lips met, a loud yowl sounded from one of the carriers.
“Setsuna-chan, what happened?” Ayumu asked as she pulled away from their kiss.
“Huh? What do you…?” Setsuna seemed confused for a moment until the redhead reached up to touch her cheek. “Oh, that.” She chuckled sheepishly. “Oikaesu-san and I had a bit of a disagreement about if she would go into her carrier. We ended up deciding it was best if I just carried her in my arms.”
“Are you alright?” Ayumu asked, still concerned. “Will if affect your performance later?”
“I’ll be fine.” Setsuna assured. “And the concert is going to be fairly casual. We’ll be keeping the volume pretty low so as not to disturb the animals. No special effects. And I’m not even changing out of this outfit.”
“Oh?” Ayumu leaned back to take a better look.
The professional idol was wearing what looked more like workout attire than anything one would typically wear on stage for a performance. Her t-shirt matched Yuu’s; simple black with the event’s logo on the front and the shelter and agency’s on the back. Below, she wore a pair of red shorts and black leggings not unlike those she used for practice back in high school.
And while Setsuna wasn’t soaked in suds like Yuu, with all the cat hair standing out against the black, there was no question she had been busy with activities not normally associated with idols. However, Ayumu couldn’t help wondering if a better color could have been chosen given the tasks she knew would be assigned to the volunteers, one that would better hide all the shed hairs. Hair…
“What about your hair?” Ayumu asked. “Do you need anyone to help you with that before you perform?”
Yuu tried, unsuccessfully to hold in a laugh and ended up snorting.
“I hadn’t planned on it.” Setsuna admitted before smiling. “But I won’t turn down an offer from my favorite stylist.”
The meowing became more insistent and the cat within wrapped a paw around a bar of the door and began to rattle it.
“But first, we have more work to do.” Setsuna continued, crouching to set the crates on the floor as the meowing became more insistent. “Alright, I’ll let you out, Seiiki-sa… Kyaa!”
A grey blur leaped out of the container, up to Setsuna’s shoulder as she fell on her rump. Then, using her as a springboard, the cat launched itself toward Ayumu.
“Are you alright, Setsuna-chan?” Yuu asked.
“I’m fine.” Setsuna dismissed. “Just wasn’t expecting that.” She leaned back to look, upside down, at the girl standing above her. “She must have really wanted to see you, Ayumu-san.”
“Can you blame her?” Yuu laughed.
“Not in the slightest.” Setsuna replied with a giggle of her own as she pushed herself up to a kneeling position.
“Good catch, by the way, Ayumu.”
“T-thanks…” Ayumu responded, deciding not to point out how much practice both of her girlfriends had given her over the years with their regular use of flying tackle hugs as greetings.
“I think she likes you.”
“You may be right.” Ayumu agreed as the cat, Seiiki as Setsuna had called her, shifted into a more comfortable position in her arms and began purring loudly.
“Shall we get you in your crate, Tasukeau?” Yuu spoke to the cat she had finished drying. “Setsuna-chan can bring you back then. You’re all cleaned up and handsome and ready for adoption.”
Tasukeau meowed and bunted into Yuu’s hand, earning a giggle from her.
For her part, Seiiki was quite adorable, Ayumu noted as she took a moment to inspect the cat in her arms. And with grey fur, darker grey stripes and a slight hint of purple tint to otherwise slate colored eyes, she looked a bit familiar for some reason. Was she used for one of the online photos advertising the event?
“Alright,” Setsuna said, reaching for the door of the other carrier “I don’t think we have to worry about Kyuuka-san doing the same thing… Here girl, it’s alright. Come on out.” She reached into the crate.
Tasukeau, Oikaesu, Seiiki and Kyuuka? What kind of strange names were those? People usually named their cats things like Momo, Kuro, Shiro or Fuku. Wait…
“Ne, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu spoke up.
“Mm?” The raven-haired girl glanced up from her efforts to coax the second cat from its carrier.
“Were these cats named before this event?”
“I think some had names. Yuu-san’s been coming up with some for those that lacked them.”
I should have guessed. Ayumu thought to herself as she glanced over at the twin-tailed girl still cooing at the cat she was guiding into a carrier.
“What?” Yuu asked, sensing the attention, and looked over. “They’ve been responding well. And some I just couldn’t help myself.” She offered a slightly strange smile.
Some? As far as Ayumu was concerned, Yuu couldn’t help herself with all of them. She couldn’t blame her girlfriend, of course. The animals she had seen thus far were adorable.
“There we go.” Setsuna said softly. “That’s a good girl, Kyuuka-san.”
Ayumu turned her attention back to her other girlfriend to see her holding a cat with fur the color of cherry blossoms.
“This is Ayumu-san.” Setsuna explained as though the cat could understand. “She’s very kind, like Yuu-san.” She turned. “You remember Yuu-san, right?”
Kyuuka locked her gaze on the twin-tailed girl walking toward them and reached out a paw. She stretched out so much that Setsuna had to shift her grip to keep hold.
“Shall we trade, Setsuna-chan?” Yuu asked, indicating the carrier in her hand before setting it down. When the other girl nodded, she held out her arms. “C’mere, Kyuuka.” She giggled as the cat curled into the crook of her elbow.
“Looks like they’ve chosen who they want to bathe them.” Setsuna said with a smile. “I’ll bring Tasukeau-san back and return to assist you two after.”
“Alright.” Yuu agreed before turning to Ayumu. “Let’s get these two washed.”
Ayumu nodded her agreement and made her way to the tubs.
Ayumu scanned the tables for her girlfriend as she entered the tent. She had just finished styling Setsuna’s hair for her performance and now needed to find her seat in the audience.
“Uehara-san?” a familiar voice caught her attention.
“Fujii-san, hello.” She greeted.
“If you’re looking for Takasaki-san, she’s reserved a seat for you at Table 3, up by the stage.” The production agency employee motioned in that direction. “You’ll have a good view of Yuki-san from there.” She offered a knowing smile.
“Thank you.” Ayumu returned a smile of her own before making her way through the gathering crowd.
Now moving in the right direction, it didn’t take her long to spot green-tipped twin-tails.
“Yuu-chan.” She called as she got closer.
“Ah, Ayumu, there you are.” Yuu looked up with a grin. “Sorry, I was going to watch for you and wave you over, but, I kinda got distracted…”
Ayumu had already noticed the implicated distractions, but sighed when they were directly pointed out. Kyuuka was asleep, curled up in Yuu’s lap while Seiiki was playing with a fishing rod style toy as Yuu flitted it around her chair. Both cats were secured with body harnesses attached to leashes Yuu held in her other hand.
“Really, Yuu-chan? You brought them out here?”
Upon hearing her voice, Seiiki turned her attention toward the redhead. She dropped the toy she had caught and trotted a few steps over.
“Oh, uhm…” Yuu seemed to be estimating the length of the leash before she shrugged and dropped it, just in time as Seiiki made her leap. “She really likes you, Ayumu.” She laughed.
“So it seems.” Ayumu shifted the purring cat into one arm so she could retrieve the end of the leash with the other. “But will they be alright out here with everything?”
“I dunno.” Yuu admitted. “Maybe? I just couldn’t help it once I saw other folks doing so.” She motioned to some of the other event patrons.
“Well, this is an adoption event in addition to fund raising.” Ayumu pointed out. “They’re probably reserving their favorites.”
“Yeah, I thought so too.”
Wait… “Were you thinking about taking these two?”
“A bit.” Yuu smiled sheepishly. “More than a bit, actually. I was going to ask you and Setsuna-chan first, before making anything official. But on the chance you two agreed, I thought I’d pick out my own favorites.”
“I think I can guess Setsuna-chan’s answer.”
“Yeah, probably. So that leaves…”
Well, it wasn’t like the three of them were hurting for finances. And they had plenty of room. Ayumu knew she could trust Yuu and Setsuna to do their fair share of the additional chores that caring for pets would require. And as Ayumu seemed to be the first one home more often than not these days, she wouldn’t oppose the extra company. Not that Sasuke was bad company, but he wasn’t exactly the kind of pet that would greet their owner at the door or that one would want to cuddle with for a nap. So…
“Thanks, Ayumu. You’re the best.”
As if to thank her as well, Seiiki turned her head and licked Ayumu’s cheek.
“Geh?” Ayumu startled at the unexpected sensation. It was nothing like a dog’s tongue; far more dry and a little like… sandpaper?
Yuu laughed. “Seiiki has definitely claimed you as her human, Ayumu.”
Ayumu could feel heat in her cheeks and was about to reply when a raven-haired woman stepped up on stage. She recognized her as one of the founding members of the idol agency and she was probably about to give a welcoming speech. As such, Ayumu fell quite and settled into her seat as the night’s program began.
There were a couple speeches thanking everyone for their hard work and donations, praise for the shelter and reminders that there were plenty of cats up for adoption. Then food was served as the guests were serenaded by several idols, the latter of which were the main attraction as far as Ayumu and Yuu were concerned.
“Oooo~” Setsuna seemed to be barely able to keep her volume down as she took a seat next to Ayumu. “You guys look so~ cute like that! Did you pick those two for adoption? Are we getting adorable kitties?”
Yes, that was the reaction Ayumu had expected. She smiled and nodded.
“Yup!” Yuu also confirmed. “Ayumu gave the OK, but we need to ask you as well.”
“Of course!” Setsuna bounced a little in her seat. “Those were even two of my favorites.”
“Of?” Yuu repeated, picking out the word choice.
“Well there was another one that was such a sweetheart.” Setsuna explained. “She meowed to get my attention each time I passed her kennel as I was moving them all back and forth. I couldn’t help pausing to let her pet herself on my hand each time. I would have done more, but I could barely get my hand through the bars as it was. But she was just so cute…”
Her expression changed and she glanced down. “I wish I had thought to point her out to you two ahead of time. One as cute as her has probably been adopted already…”
Well, what was one more? Ayumu thought to herself. “Do you want to check to see if she’s still there?” She asked aloud.
“Can I?” Setsuna looked up with expression like a child given permission to go wild in a candy store.
“Well, these two seem to have chosen their favorites among us.” Ayumu pointed out. “Seems fair that you become one’s favorite as well.”
“And you’ve obviously already bonded with her.” Yuu added.
Setsuna looked ready to bolt but glanced up at the stage. “Uhm, after Manami-san’s done."
“Which one was she, by the way?” Yuu asked.
“I brought her to one of the other bathing teams as you were busy.” Setsuna said. “So you didn’t see her or…” She blinked as a thought occurred to her. “Or name her…” She glanced at the two cats sitting in her girlfriends’ laps. “We should name her Yasashii. It would suit her so well, and it would complete the set.”
Set? Ayumu felt like she was missing something, though Yuu’s expression indicated she understood. She was about to inquire, but before she could open her mouth, the Manami’s song was over and Setsuna was gone.
“Well, here’s hoping Yasashii is still there.” Yuu said, watching Setsuna retreat back into the shelter.
“Mm.” Ayumu hummed her agreement, though pursed her lips in thought. She felt torn. It was probably the most respectful to stay for the rest of the performance, but part of her really wanted to check on Setsuna, to either celebrate or console, depending on her findings.
For her part, Yuu stabbed the last morsels on her plate and shoved them in her mouth. She chewed quickly, swallowed and poured half of her water glass down her throat after it all. It seemed she was less torn in her decision.
“Shall we go after her?” Ayumu asked.
Yuu grinned before gently rousing the cat in her lap. Kyuuka yawned and stretched before climbing into Yuu’s arms.
The next idol was walking toward the microphone, so the two only had a few seconds left to make their exit. Thankfully, the position of the table meant they only had to slide past one other table before reaching the side of the tent where there was a clear aisle for service traffic. Once back in the building, they were able to get directions from the employee at the adoption desk as to Setsuna’s whereabouts and they made haste toward the kennels.
Setsuna turned with a broad smile as soon as Yuu and Ayumu entered the room. She held up a carrier for them to see.
“They were out of harnesses, so I had to put her in here.” Setsuna explained, gently tapping the side of the crate. “But here she is, meet Yasashii.”
“That’s wonderful, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu said. “I’m glad you were able to find her.”
“And so long as we’re here, let’s go beat the rush at the desk.” Yuu jutted her thumb in that direction.
Two affirmations were given and the trio headed out of the kennel room. Yuu and Setsuna were already chatting about the supplies they should pick up on their way home; toys, treats, food, litter, beds, but mostly toys and treats. For her part, Ayumu contented herself with thoughts on how much additional happiness their new companions would bring to the household. And how glad she was that she had agreed to join in this event that lead to them finding their new pets.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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jessiebulby · 6 years
If You Had Asked
Here's a little langsty shot I wrote because I'm going through difficult times and I needed to exteriorize it in some way...
Warning: Mention of suicide, self-harm and depression.
Disclaimer: I do not own Voltron.
It started building up when he was younger. He couldn't remember well. Was it because it was hard to make friends at first? Because he was too intense, so he was rejected? Well, that never stopped him. He kept trying to live past that, stay the happy carefree person he was.
Then he hit his teen years and enrolled into the Garrison. For him, it was the perfect moment to start again. He was first met with another rejection. Yeah, he got into the Garrison, but it was not in the fighter class like he wanted, it was in the Cargo class. Still, always the positive person he was, he didn't give up. He worked hard, had good marks and met Hunk who was the first true friend he had ever had. Keith was his rival, the top of the fighter pilot apprentices, and Lance wanted to become better than him. He was motivated and, strangely, thought that being at the top of his class would make up for the rejection he continued to accumulate in his heart. Lance had tried many things to get rid of that growing hurtful feeling, flirting was a way. Never worked, but he still tried. Yeah, he was pretty stubborn.
Anyway, the only way he was able to finally enter the fighter pilot class was because Keith was expelled, thanks to his hotheaded attitude of his. Lance tried to act as if it was a victory, but it wasn't. It just proved to him that he wasn't worthy of the place, and Iverson made it clear to him many times.
The first one to truly accept Lance was Blue. No need to hide it, Hunk was Lance's best bud, but they were friends because Hunk was certainly to good to reject anyone. Anyway, Lance had been happy about it, like super happy. He thought that maybe he had found his way in life... but that wasn't the case. Soon after, he met Allura and Coran, and discovered how great his team was. That's when he started having deprecating thoughts.
He kept on telling himself Blue wouldn't have chosen him if he wasn't important. He tried to convince himself that he brought something to the team. He kept on the positive flirtatious act. But with the homesickness and the battles, Lance realized that maybe he was just a seventh wheel. The realization came when they rescued Slav.
After their big battle with Zarkon, Shiro disappeared... Keith was chosen as Black's new pilot... and Blue rejected him. That hit Lance hard. He showed only Allura how it had hurt him. They never talked about it after. When Red chose him, Lance thought that it was maybe for the best. Allura turned out to be a way better pilot than him. Lance was the replaceable one. He tried to tell Keith. His concerns were not understood. He felt alone.
He never showed it. He put on his usual mask. Annoying the others with his negativity wouldn't help. He decided to try and embrace his new role. It worked well for a while.
But then Shiro came back, and Keith left. Lance would never say it, but he felt responsible. Maybe his concerns had in fact reached Keith and that's how the other teen had reacted to them, by leaving so Lance would keep his spot as Red's pilot. But that was a mistake. Lance wasn't Shiro's right hand, he was Keith's.
He started to be tired of the rejection, of not feeling like his role as a paladin of Voltron was secured. He wanted to feel needed, to feel worthy of fighting by his friends' side. But the more he looked at it and the more he remembered of past events, the more he realized that he wasn't really needed.
That's when he started to really not be able to handle it anymore. The rejection and the feeling of worthlessness became too much to keep hidden. It started to hurt inside his chest. His heart was breaking.
During practice, Lance involuntarily hurt himself. But... he somewhat happened to like the pain. For a moment, it made him think about something else than the painful emotions in his chest. He kept it to himself.
When the pain in his chest became too much, he would transfer it into physical self-harm. No one noticed, it made him feel better at first. But then, after a while, it didn't work as efficiently anymore. He kept going, cutting deeper, burning longer, punching and kicking stronger... It was not enough. He couldn't even put on his mask anymore.
Then, Keith came back. The half-Galra missed his space family too much and was done with the Blade. Lance was scared. He had came to care a lot more about Keith than expected, but his return wasn't good news for him. Lance didn't want to drag down the team anymore.
On a mission on foot on a planet, Lance was teamed up with Keith. The half-Glara and him didn't have much time to chat before, so Keith decided to take the opportunity to do so then. But it was too late, Lance was too far deep in his dark thoughts, he was determined to put an end to his suffering.
"What's going on with you? You're acting weird," Keith said.
"Oh don't act like you care, " Lance said.
Keith, who was walking a bit in front, turned around with concern in his eyes. Lance never thought Keith would ever look at him this way, like that was impossible. But there he was.
"Lance, I..." Keith started.
That's when Lance saw the opportunity he was waiting for. He saw the enemy, he could've warned him in time. He could've put up his shield and get in front of his teammate. But he just pushed Keith to the side and let the blast of the gun hit him right in the chest. Everything went dark. It was the end and he was happy with it.
He had decided to go this way a couple of weeks ago, when his first suicidal thoughts had made their way in his head. Leaving like this would put less of a burden on the others. They would be able to get through it easier. He didn't want to drag them down even after his death. He just wanted the pain to be gone...
But then his mind kinda came back to life. He woke up to the stars and a confortably hot temperature. He could hear the waves and there was something familiar about the stars... He was home?
"Hey," Keith greeted him, sitting just by his side.
Lance sat up instantly, confused. He... He was supposed to be dead. Was it the afterlife? Then, why was Keith there too?
"Coran was able to transfer your mind into the ship, as you wished..." Keith explained before Lance could talk.
"Oh, that's nice?" Lance said, uncertain.
He regretted having wished that. He simply wanted to go.
"I'm sorry, Lance. If only I could've helped you sooner... If only I had done something..."
"What are you talking about?" Lance asked.
"Coran saw the scars. He didn't know what they were, so he showed them to me. You were hurting and... and we didn't even realize it."
Keith was now full on crying and Lance thought it would hurt, but it didn't. His mind was here, but his heart was not anymore.
"It's OK buddy. I'm good now. You can go on without me," Lance told him.
"No, we can't! We loved you Lance! You were an important part of our team! You were important to me..." Keith wailed.
He calmed down after a few ticks.
"Sorry... I... I never thought I was that important to you. I guess I just had all these dark emotions building up and never saw the things from another point of view." Lance said. "But... Hum... It's a little too late for that now. You'll move on, you know. You're such a good team, so... Beat Zarkon's butt for me, will ya?"
"That's the plan..." Keith said.
"Do the others know?" Lance asked.
"Not yet."
"Don't tell them, please," Lance said. "I don't want them to know."
Keith didn't answer. They stayed in silence for a while. Keith still crying softly.
"Don't blame yourself. It was my choice..." Lance said.
"But it affected us! Do you know that Pidge hasn't been able to sleep properly since you died? Do you know that Hunk doesn't even eat anymore? Shiro overworks himself to keep his mind busy so he doesn't think about your death too much. Allura and Coran... And me? We lost a family member again, someone close to us... I lost someone I would have give my life for... We would have helped you, we would've done everything for you to feel better! If only..."
Lance stayed silent this time. He really thought he wasn't needed. He never thought the others would react this way to his death.
"We can't do anything anymore..." Keith said in a small voice. "It hurts, you know. It hurts more than anything."
"I didn't mean to hurt you," Lance said.
"But you did... We will never recover. We might be able to keep on living, but the pain will never go away," Keith told him.
Even if Lance couldn't feel emotions like before, it was hard to hear all those things, to see Keith being so honest and open about his feelings. It came in contradiction with everything he believed he knew about himself and about the other boy. What he thought was true actually wasn't. His own mind had tricked itself into thinking that he wasn't needed, that he was replaceable, that the others would be better off without him. And now, seeing Keith cry and hearing him say all those things... He might have been wrong.
But, he had tried to reach out for help, no? Maybe... Maybe he should've tried harder? He couldn't remember well why he hadn't. Maybe it was easier to think about it now since he didn't have all these negative emotions hurting his chest and corrupting his mind anymore.
There was no going back anyway.
"I won't tell the others. Not now at least. Do you still want to go?" Keith asked. "Your mind... We can let it go if that's still what you want."
Lance stayed silent for a few dobashes, surprised by Keith's question. He never thought the other teen would give him the choice.
"Do you really want me to stay?" Lance asked.
"Yes," Keith replied without even a moment of hesitation.
"Then I'll stay," Lance answered with a small smile.
Keith looked at him with watery purple eyes.
"If only you had asked that before..." the half-Galra said with a sorrowful smile.
They both turned their gaze away, back to the false stary sky above them.
Peace would come to the both of them in time...
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