#souls reunited (or it's not just a horse)
origami-teacup · 11 hours
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the vampire diaries 8.16 // louise gluck, crossroads
“and damon, like the voiceover tell us, he was worried he would never see stefan again. it was just elena assuring him that there would be peace. that we’ve dealt with this other side of darkness for several seasons, but there’s also light out there and there’s peace, and damon will find it. if you search for it, you will find it. and we wanted to get that last moment to see that [...] damon found it too, and it looked just like his brother.” — kevin williamson
#not really satisfied with this one but eh#i don't envy gifmakers who've giffed the tunnel scene btw bc the lighting. my god. a travesty#anyway. beating this dead horse of an ep to death to eke out every last drop of defan it has to offer#the contrast between damon's expression when reuniting with elena vs stefan kills meeeee#he's doing THE most for stefan but for elena it's go girl give us nothing dot jpeg fjskfjdj#also in typical spn brainrot fashion while listening to damon's anguished declaration of love toward stefan in the tunnel or whatever#i kept comparing it to dean's 7 minutes of incest ahh speech in the finale#and my god#like i'm aware pitting damon i-stole-my-little-brother's-gf-and-let-him-drown-while-locked-in-a-safe-for-three-months salvatore#against dean i-sold-my-soul-for-my-little-brother-and-i-will-do-it-again-without-hesitation winchester#is unfair to damon#but damon's speech is SO bland and half-assed in and of itself#and it absolutely PALES in comparison to dean's speech it's actually pathetic lmfao#i couldn't stop thinking abt dean confessing that he stood outside sam's dorm for hours before barging in#bc he was scared sam would tell him to get lost#and it made me think that the writers could've made damon's speech that much more personal and impactful#by maybe throwing in a line like “i didn't come back to mystic falls all those years ago /just/ for katherine”#it would've recontextualized their reunion in the first ep and given the hello brother moment so much more depth#give us something authentic! something the audience isn't privy to!#something only damon would know and keep buried in the deepest darkest corner of his black heart!#like!!! i'm sorry but damon's dying (not really) declaration of love toward stefan reads so generic lol#just smacks of lack of creativity on the writers' part#which. tbf. is like all of tvd post s3 lmao#ANYWAY. someone please for the love of god write me a post finale canon compliant defan fic#a defan-in-the-afterlife fic if you will#or a damon-being-miserable-after-stefan's-death-and-being-really-shit-at-coping fic. that works too#wowee these tags are a mess#defan#the vampire diaries#web weave
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whitedarkmoonflower · 5 months
You are good
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: I refuse all responsibility for this and blame @foxyanon and this post for planting this idea into my head. I think you will recognise your quotes. 😅
Warnings: SMUT 18+
Word Count: 3,3 K
Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @hb8301 @zillahvathek @alexagirlie @gemini-mama @verenahx @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @willowbrookesblog @thenameswinter99 @ellabellabus07 @mcbuckyyyy @kirtseinw
If you want to be added to or removed from the tag list - write to me.
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Uhtred's tail, you had silently dubbed him. "Yes, lord" and "No, lord" were nearly the only phrases to escape his lips. Most of the time, he seemed to vanish, only to reappear as if conjured by a magic wand at the mere sound of his name, his head tucked into his shoulders, hunched forward, eyes fixed on the ground, avoiding any direct gaze. Horses need to be readied – Sihtric will do that. Not enough wood for the fire – he’s already gone searching. Pretty face and large, alerted eyes. Suspicious eyes.
You didn’t trust him. Uhtred apparently did, but your brother had always had a far too big and soft heart, he tried to hide behind his loud talk about destiny and honour. So, you kept a watchful eye on Sihtric.
You saw him conversing with the horses in hushed, gentle tones, telling them about his day, treating them as if they were his best friends, meticulously brushing their backs. You witnessed him sitting in the darkness, far from the reach of the fire's flickering light, leaning against a tree or a cart, his form curled up, arms wrapped around his legs, chin resting on his knees. He would startle at the sound of raucous, drunken laughter piercing the air. You noticed him shudder when his name was called,  jumping to his feet as if he'd been bitten by a venomous snake, and wince when someone unexpectedly placed a hand on his shoulder.
But you saw other things as well. You observed him reach into his saddlebag, generously distributing all his provisions to the beggars who sat at the city gates as you entered Winchester. You saw him remove the silver ring recently bestowed upon him by Uhtred, gifting it to a small, emaciated boy whom he had caught attempting to steal his pouch just moments earlier. You even saw him step in and kick out a drunkard from the alehouse, who was about to take a swing at the serving girl.
"Here, have a drink," you offered him a mug, settling down beside him. He flinched and looked up at you in surprise. A hesitant smile graced Sihtric's lips as he accepted the drink from you, his eyes filled with warmth and gratitude. That's how it all began – your quiet chats away from the noisy laughter and banter by the fireplaces. You were just plain curious and cautious, or so you kept telling yourself. You wanted to learn more about the reserved and timid warrior in your brother’s service. And with each moment, each story he shared as he gradually opened up to you, revealing bits and pieces from his life, your fascination with him never wavered.
Your own path hadn't been a walk in the park either. You'd lost everything except your brother. You both survived that Danish assault, but life played a cruel trick on you, and you didn't luck out like Uhtred who found a new family. Fate turned you into a warrior, fueled by anger, rage, and an unquenchable thirst for revenge. Sometimes, it felt like your heart stopped beating the day the Danes yanked you from your old life, leaving you with an empty, pitch-black hole in your chest. It changed when you reunited with Uhtred. It was like you finally fit into this world again, and your brother's love warmed your heart. Yet, in the quiet of the night, when you were alone with your thoughts, that dark hole in your chest still haunted you, making you wonder if you were really alive.
And now, you'd crossed paths with someone whose journey had been even more rocky as yours, whose soul seemed like an open, bleeding wound. But within him, there still was a warmth that felt like it could rekindle the spark of life within your own heart too.
"What a pretty thing!" the guard sneered, his fingers digging into the flesh of your cheeks as he pulled you closer, his foul breath assaulting your senses. It had been your fault; your recklessness had landed both you and Sihtric in this grimy dungeon. But not a single word of reproach had escaped Sihtric's lips. You had a sense that rescue might be on the horizon, as the boy who had been with you had escaped and was likely delivering the news to Uhtred. However, for the moment, you were stuck here.
"Don't touch her!" Sihtric hissed, his voice quivering with anger as he swatted the guard's hand away from you.
"What the hell! Hold that rat for me," the guard grumbled, turning his attention away from you, while the other two forcibly twisted Sihtric's arms behind his back. You winced as the first blow landed on Sihtric's face, jerking his head to the side, followed by another and another. Not a sound escaped his lips as he stared back at the guard, his eyes burning with pure hatred.
Another punch, this time aimed at Sihtric's abdomen, caused him to double over with a grunt, gasping for air. The guards released him, and Sihtric's knees and hands crumpled to the ground. A heavy leather boot struck his stomach, sending him sprawling. Arms defensively wrapped around his head, Sihtric writhed on the floor, convulsing under the brutal onslaught that was shattering his body.
"I hope this serves as a valuable lesson, you filthy heathen. Next time, think before you open your mouth," one of the guards spat, then turned to leave, motioning for the others to follow suit.
"What was that? Are you out of your mind?" you whispered sharply to Sihtric, rushing to his side and kneeling beside him to assess the damage. His nose was bleeding, and his lip and eyebrow were cut. Gently, you placed his arm around your shoulders, wrapping your arm around his waist as you helped him back on his feet and guided him towards a heap of straw in the corner of the cell. He sank heavily onto it, leaning his back and head against the wall.
"At least they got distracted," he shuddered, shoulders quivering, spitting blood and wiping his chin with his sleeve.
"That was incredibly foolish of you. It seems you don't have any broken ribs, but it could have turned out much worse," you tore the lower edge of your tunic and reached out to clean the blood from Sihtric's face with the makeshift rag.
"It's not too high a price to pay if it keeps their attention off you," Sihtric replied, raising his eyes, and for perhaps the first time, your gazes consciously met. "Besides, I'm used to it," he added, a sad smile playing on his lips.
"I can handle myself," you hissed, but your eyes were brimming with gratitude, while Sihtric merely shrugged his shoulders, wincing when your fingers touched his split lip.
Your blood ran hot, adrenaline surging through your veins, a loud thump of your heart in your ears. Your senses sharpened to an almost painful degree as it seemed you could hear the trampled grass beneath your feet crying out. Your fingers clenched tightly around the shaft of your axe, tracing every line and wrinkle carved into the wood, as you melded seamlessly with your weapon, becoming an extension of your arm. There was no escape from the thick, intoxicating scent of blood that hung in the air, clinging to your clothes, seeping through your skin, intensifying the thrill. You sank to your knees, using the shaft of your axe for support, the taste of iron and ashes lingering in your mouth.
"Are you injured?" you flinched at the touch on your shoulder, raising your head only to see Sihtric quickly retract his hand.
Today was the first time you had witnessed him in battle, his eyes ablaze with excitement, his body a coiled spring of taut muscles, moving with purpose and precision. He resembled a young wolf on the hunt, thrilled by his own strength and agility, seamlessly blending with the chaos around him.
A brief, lingering gaze at the young Dane fighting alongside you had cost you dearly. A sudden swing of an axe caught you off guard, your step back too hurried and unsteady, causing you to lose your balance and tumble, releasing your own weapon. The stench of death filled your nostrils, the axe poised in the air, ready to strike, etching itself into your senses as you desperately fumbled to find something to counter the blow.
Too late, a single thought pierced your mind as you watched the blade descend, moving so agonisingly slow that it felt as if time itself had altered its pace just to mock you. A clank of metal and a scorching splatter of blood across your face brought the world back to its normal tempo, as the lifeless body of a red-faced Dane thudded to the ground beside you. A hand reached out, and you grasped it, allowing it to yank you back onto your feet. You met the piercing gaze of two mismatched eyes, filled with anxiety and something more, something profound and indescribable, yet so intense that it sent shivers down your spine. There was no time for words as you both were drawn back into the intricate dance of life and death surrounding you.
"I'm fine," you growled, breathing heavily, your body trembling as you pushed yourself upright with the aid of the axe's shaft. A deep ache surged through your tired muscles. You seized Sihtric's hand, which hung hesitantly in the air, and pulled him along with you, striding towards the trees at the edge of the clearing. He followed, eyes wide with surprise but offering no resistance.
You plunged into the forest, not stopping until the battlefield's clearing had long vanished from view, leaving behind all its chaotic sounds. Silence, you needed silence—to quiet your racing mind. 
A startled crow fluttered away, its caw echoing through the trees and your ears. Coming to a halt, you turned to face the utterly bewildered gaze of Sihtric. Pushing him against the nearest tree trunk, your fingers frantically fumbled with the laces of his breeches.
"What... what are you doing?" he gasped, as your hand slipped inside his pants.
"Feeling alive," you whispered, a mischievous smile appearing on your lips as you felt his cock hardening under your touch. 
You had grown tired of those lingering glances and deep sighs, of him becoming more like your shadow than even Uhtred's. You had had enough of his trembling fingers and flushed cheeks, his hand brushing against yours when you passed him an ale mug, and the way he held his breath when you sat beside him, your thighs touching. 
You wanted him, and you were aware that he craved for you just as intensely. You could feel his blood running hot at this very moment, just as yours did. You had seen it in his eyes, in that brief, fleeting moment after he helped you back to your feet, and you didn't want to wait any longer. You knew him too well by now to realise he wouldn't make the first move, so you had to be the one.
"I... I can't... we can't... Oh, damn it...," Sihtric stammered, a loud, almost desperate moan escaping his lips as you pulled down his breeches, freeing his already fully hard cock,  wrapping your hand around it and giving it a few slow, teasing strokes. 
“Don’t tell me you haven’t been dreaming about this. I’m not blind. I can see how you look at me,” you purred, biting your lower lip, while your hand kept moving. 
"I... Oh gods, fuck... You're Uhtred's sister, and I... I... He'll kill me if..." The words caught in Sihtric's throat, his breathing quickening and growing more erratic, his hands balling into fists as your fingers moved to the tip of his pulsing shaft, collecting the precum and spreading it along its length.
“You just saved my life,” you murmured, going down on your knees before him and licking your lips at the sight of Sihtric’s long and thick, perfectly formed cock, tip slightly red and dripping, “and I haven’t even thanked you for stepping in that time in the dungeon.” 
Feeling Sihtric's entire body tense, you glanced up at him from beneath your lashes, savouring the sight of him. Head thrown back, eyes closed, breathing shallow and ragged, he leaned heavily against the tree, his arms hanging somewhat awkwardly by his sides. You were surprised that he still hadn't made a move to touch you.
"This isn't your first time, is it?" you suddenly inquired, raising an eyebrow. You smiled as Sihtric vigorously shook his head. "Good. Then you know what to expect, don't you? You know how good it feels," you teased him, pressing your mouth to his upper thigh, trailing a path with your tongue and placing soft, wet kisses on his naked skin. Sihtric exhaled sharply, but didn’t answer.
“Talk to me,” you ordered, giving a teasing, quick lick to the tip of his cock.
“Aaahhh, y-yes,” Sihtric whimpered, gasping for air, pressing both his palms against the tree.
“But you said, we couldn't do this. Have you changed your mind?” you asked, your tone taunting. “Tell me, do you want me to take you in my mouth? Do you want to feel my lips around you?” you circled his tip with your tongue, your hand jerking him, so teasingly slowly. You could tell you were driving him mad by the way, his breathing was picking up with each gentle lap of your wet and hot tongue and each movement of your hand.
You were aware that you were a brat, torturing him, testing his self-control, but you wanted to know how long he could hold back.You had seen his eyes glint with passion and fervour on the battlefield and you wanted to see them glint the same now. You wanted him to lose his composure and fully surrender to the pleasure you were eager to offer. 
"I don't hear you," you pulled back and released your hold on him, causing Sihtric to whine in frustration. 
“Yes, yes… fuck, by the gods… I… I want it … I want you…,” he breathed, a mortified look on his pretty face, his cheeks crimson, “I have wanted you since the first moment I saw you. You are so beautiful and so … so strong, but … fuck, ahhh, please, please touch me,” he whined. 
“Ask me nicely,” you purred, moving your mouth back closer to his throbbing cock.
“Please, just touch me again. Please, I need you …,” Sihtric begged, his voice shaky, a slight desperation creeping in it. He was finally looking down at you as he reached out, cupping your chin with his rough tattooed fingers, his thumb gliding over your lips, eyes darkening with lust and longing. 
You kept your gaze locked with him as you bit your bottom lip and wrapped your fingers around his  length again.
“Good, you are such a good boy. Just relax and enjoy. Can you do that for me, handsome? I want you to feel good,” you purred, a satisfied smile on your lips as you heard Sihtric gasp and whimper at your touch.
Sihtric moaned loudly as your lips closed around the tip of his cock, your tongue lapping at it teasingly, and then you moved up taking him in your mouth almost completely. You sucked gently at first, then harder, relishing the soft whines and moans rolling over Sihtric’s lips as your head started to move up and down his length, your palm firmly around the base, stroking the part that didn’t fit in. 
Sihtric’s hands were in your hair, not pulling or tugging, just holding on to you, gently and carefully, his trembling fingers caressing you, brushing your hair out of your face. He looked so sweet trying to keep his eyes on you, trying to keep still. You moaned, feeling his grip in your hair tensing, as you fastened your movements, wrapping your lips even tighter around his cock, watching him lose his uneven struggle. It didn’t take long for him to become a whimpering, moaning mess, his hips thrusting forward, eyes half lid, breath heavy and panting as he finally lost himself in the pleasure your mouth was giving him.
“It feels so good…,” he moaned, as his hips started to move faster, fucking your mouth harder and deeper, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he chased his release, the grip of his fingers in your hair tightening, “I’m close… aaahhh, I can’t take it much longer! Slow down… stop … please, let me … ” he whined through his panting breath, looking down at you questioningly, but you kept sucking him like your life would depend on it, tears bursting into the corners of your eyes, moaning lewdly your mouth stuffed with his cock as your core throbbed in burning need for him. 
You loved the desperate, wanton sounds rolling over his lips, the sight of him falling apart, all shaky and whiny, his limbs starting to tremble, because you made him feel so good, because you had this power over him. You and only you!  You didn’t let go of him, didn’t allow him to pull out and after a few more sloppy thrusts, his cock twitched in your mouth, his head snapped back and with a loud moan Sihtric was spilling down your throat, cursing under his breath.
“Oh gods… fuck…,”  Sihtric looked down at you, breathing heavily and slumping his back against the tree. You let him come down from his high, sucking gently and letting your tongue slide over his sensitive tip, making him moan and twitch a few more times. 
Breath panting, Sihtric reached out to you, pulling you off your knees into his embrace as he buried his nose in the crook of your neck, his fingers gently brushing through your hair.
"I...," he began.
"Shh, don't speak," you interrupted him, leaning into his embrace and listening to his racing heartbeat beneath your ear. "Can you hear it?" you asked, placing your hand on his chest. "It's beating; you are alive. Isn't it wonderful to be alive?"
A deep sigh escaped Sihtric as he continued to hold you to his chest, his body quivering slightly. "Why are you so good to me?" he finally asked, cupping your face with his hands and lifting it to meet his questioning gaze.
"Because you are good, Sihtric," you whispered. "I have seen the goodness in you, I have felt it, and I want to be a part of it. I want to be yours."
"You want to be mine?" The surprise in Sihtric's voice was evident, his large, beautiful eyes reflecting the disbelief that his tone betrayed. He couldn't bring himself to believe it. After a lifetime of being resented and despised for who he was, he simply couldn't accept what you were saying.
"Yes, I do. Do you want to be mine?" you asked, taken aback by the quiver in your own voice. The silence lingered in the air as you awaited his response. You had finally found him, a man you were certain you wanted in your life not just for fleeting moments of pleasure but for a lifetime. Someone you had come to admire and wished to care for, someone from whom you wanted to receive care. His kindness and inner strength had captured your heart in an unexpected way. You felt certain that in Sihtric you had found a man who possessed the strength and warmth to fill that dark void in your chest.
"I'm already yours," Sihtric murmured, "I'm yours. I've always been yours," he repeated more resolutely, leaning in to capture your lips in the gentlest and most tender of kisses. Without breaking the kiss, Sihtric spun you around, pressing your body against the tree, and a soft gasp escaped your lips as you felt his already firm arousal pressing against your thigh.
"If you are mine, then I'm allowed to make you feel good too," he purred. "Will you be a good girl for me?" he asked, his bashful smile turning into a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he went down on his knees before you.
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shadowdaddies · 7 months
May I humbly request another Eris x reader? Autumn's Eden was so sweet and I had read it a countless amount of times already. Still with the secret mate element and something abou how she is a cat person and Eris is evidently a dog person with cat person energy
ahh I'm so glad you liked it!! 💜 lol as a dog person with cat person energy myself, I really feel Eris here
Eris x Reader fluff
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It was by the edge of the woods, far away from the Forest House, that you were meeting your mate in secret for time together when you were almost discovered. Eris had winnowed you to a place that was far from everyone else, where the two of you could be yourselves without anyone finding you. It was a high risk any time that you met with Eris - the both of you knew the dangers if his father or brothers discovered you, because you would not be an approved wife for him. But Eris was your mate, and it was worth any risk to be able to spend time with him, the other half of your soul.
It was a perfect afternoon, the sun shining through the crisp Autumn breeze creating the perfect weather for a picnic together. Eris had made his way on top of you, the sexual tension between you two escalating when he suddenly looked up, scanning the tree line. You could hear his brothers in the distance, apparently on a hunt as the sounds of their horses’ hooves approached you at an alarming rate. 
Eris was able to winnow you away just in time, burning anything you touched to eliminate your scent. After that scare, you decided that you needed to stay away from Eris as well as busier places in town for awhile until any possible suspicions died down.
After two weeks passed, you found yourself lonely. You were missing your mate, and needed someone to keep you company while you were forced to keep your distance from him. One day while buying groceries in the square, you discovered a black and white kitten trailing you down the street. Stopping at a cart to buy some fruit, you giggled at the feeling of the kitten winding its way through your legs, purring as it looked up at you.
You maneuvered your way out of the kitten’s hold, heading back to your apartment when you heard a small “meow,” and turned to see the kitten still at your heels. You bent down to pet it, heart melting at how it purred and pushed its head further into your hand. You grabbed a blackberry from your grocery basket, holding it out to the kitten. The animal sniffed it tentatively before chomping the fruit aggressively, nicking your finger in the process. “You’re a hungry thing, aren’t you?” you asked the cat as you watched it rub against your ankle, meowing for more food. Holding out another blackberry - more careful to avoid being bitten this time - you watched the kitten devour the fruit. “I bet you could eat a whole bramble of berries.”
It was about a month later when you came home, growing concerned when you didn’t see your cat, Bramble, come up to greet you as she usually did. Setting down your bags, you cautiously called out, “Bramble?” Peering around the corner, you nearly wept with relief as you took in the sight of Bramble curled around Eris’s neck, purring as she licked his ear. Eris’s lip curled at the cat’s show of affection, leaning away from the animal as he looked to you. You giggled at his expression - an attempt to appear annoyed by Bramble - but the mirthful look in his eyes proved otherwise. 
You practically ran to him, carefully lifting Bramble from where she rested on Eris’s shoulders and setting her down as he pulled you in for a kiss. You could feel the passion from him, so many words unspoken as you were finally reunited with your love. Eris pulled back, his forehead resting against yours as silver lined his eyes. “I’ve missed you so much, my dearest love.” You sniffled, twining your fingers in his brilliant red hair as you held him as close as you possibly could, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Bramble chose that moment to jump on Eris’s leg, her claws digging into his skin drawing a hiss from him as he looked down at her and sighed. He brushed your hair behind your ear, pressing a kiss to your nose as he teased, “you couldn’t have gotten a dog?”
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Religion in Rohan
On the recommendation of @sotwk and on the off chance that others find this interesting or useful, here is another summary of some of the background head canons that support how I think of Rohan when I'm writing stories set there. This one is about religion, for lack of a better term, and covers at a high level what they think about gods, the afterlife, etc. and the influence of that on their culture. I fine-tuned some of this recently as part of a back-and-forth with others, and it's (hopefully?) more interesting than my pages of thoughts about changes in Rohan's horse breeding economy over time (the TL;DR there is that Théoden’s grandfather created crown-sponsored horse breeding enterprises to better supply the expanding army, but that ended up forcing some of the traditional horse breeding families into poverty)! Anywho...
Most of what we know about the religious history of Middle Earth (the full Silmarillion-style recounting of Eru, the Valar, the making of the world, etc.) comes via the elves and Númenóreans. But the Northmen ancestors of the Rohirrim didn’t really interact much with these groups, and so their knowledge of that history was limited to what they directly experienced themselves or what filtered through to them in sometimes irregular ways. This means their belief system, which is what became the Rohirrim belief system, is a mix of those Silmarillion-style ideas plus concepts they picked up in other places and some homegrown beliefs and practices. 
For example, the Rohirrim don’t make a real distinction between Eru and the Valar. To them, they’re all “the gods” who made the world and are of roughly equal power and importance (though they are particularly attached to one as further discussed below). 
They also recognize fewer of the Valar than others do, having a stripped down set of 7 associated with earth, sky, water, plants/animals, battle/protection, weather, and all things to do with the spirit/soul (roughly corresponding to the Silm’s Aulë, Varda, Ulmo, Yavanna, Oromë, Vána and Eru). The compression of all the spirit-based Valar into just one likely happened because these Valar almost never left Valinor and so the evidence of their separate existence for those who had never been there was tenuous at best. Although the Rohirrim gods have spheres of influence as denoted above, the lines between these gods are porous and they might all be involved in anything. They also each have their own Rohirric names.
The Rohirrim don’t practice their beliefs in a form that is anything like organized religion – no formal rites, ceremonies, prayers, etc. They simply pass down beliefs from generation to generation, and individuals or families may all have different ways of expressing those beliefs (or may choose not to express them in any sense). The primary purpose of their beliefs is to explain the world as they see it around them (How was the world created? Where did this storm come from? etc.). People may appeal to a certain god for help in difficult times or they may give thanks to a god for luck or fortune, but they also believe direct, purposeful intervention by a god in the real world is extremely limited since the War of Wrath and the end of the First Age. This causes the Rohirrim to put a lot of weight on both living honorably and taking care of your community, because there probably is no god coming to help you – you can only help each other. 
Unlike the Gondorians, who think the ultimate fate of mortals beyond the world is unknown, the Rohirrim believe in a very specific afterlife. They believe the gods come to collect the dead and reunite them with their families so that they can “live” a second existence together with one another (the so-called “halls of our fathers”). Anyone who doesn’t deserve admittance to their family’s halls is put in service of the spirit/soul god until they’ve earned their honor back through deeds.
The Rohirrim are particularly attached to their god that is the Valar Oromë the huntsman, who they call Béma and associate with both battle and protection. He was a great favorite of the Northmen, and this connection was passed on through time to the Rohirrim. 
They believe that, just as he did for the earliest elves, Béma rode among early men. They don’t care that the elves and Gondorians don’t believe this happened; they will not be swayed and say that he came in disguise, which is why others didn’t recognize him. They further believe that Béma chose their ancestors among early men to be his loyal foot soldiers in the fight against the evil creatures of the world. He asked for their aid, and they granted it. This established a firm belief among them that coming to the aid of an ally against evil is a sacred duty, never to be refused or ignored when requested in good faith.
As his allies, Béma bestowed horses on them, and the most treasured and best of those horses (the mearas) are thought to be descendants of Béma’s own horse, Hnaegan (whose elvish name, Nahar, is meant to evoke the sound of neighing and so the Rohirrim call him by the Rohirric word for “neigh”). Because Béma always hunted and fought on horseback and usually announced his arrival through the blowing of his great horn, the Rohirrim inherited these same practices from their ancestors.
Béma also influenced the disposition of the people, who adopted his very stern personality and his tendency to pursue thankless duty with grim determination. Showing Béma-like strength and persistence in the face of insurmountable odds is considered one of the very highest demonstrations of character in Rohan, akin to a religious virtue.
While their reverence for Béma shaped many significant elements of Rohirric culture and identity, they also ask/hope for his intervention in times of crisis. As a huntsman, they leave him small offerings of spear heads or bridle bits when they most hope that he will come to their aid, and the phrases “Béma protect us” or “thank Béma” are common parts of the lexicon – as noted above, they don’t necessarily *expect* Béma will show up and intervene, but it doesn’t hurt to ask!
Although their focus is Béma, the Rohirrim also give some primacy of place to his wife, whose name is Vána in the Silmarillion and is called Ácith in Rohan as the rough translation of her epithet “Ever-young”. She’s associated with the weather and turning of the seasons. Much like the other peoples of Middle Earth, the Rohirrim say that flowers bloom in Ácith’s wake as she walks through the world, which she does at the end of each winter to usher in the spring. The Rohirrim also believe that the consistent and otherwise unexplained appearance of simbelmynë on their graves is evidence that Ácith has been there to personally escort the dead to the halls of their fathers. The Rohirric expression that someone “went with Ácith” means that they died.
Other common Rohirric expressions with religious roots: “the light of Hnaegan” (a sign of hope in a bad situation, deriving from the sparks of light that came from Nahar’s golden hooves and were the first light in the world after Morgoth killed the trees); “you’re going to hear Béma’s horn” (you really fucked up and are about to experience someone’s wrath); and “to earn the hall” (doing something good and honorable that would earn your place in the afterlife halls of your fathers).
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esther-dot · 6 months
Do you think Jon and Sansa will meet again at Castle Black, and from there, they will plan to take Winterfell? Or will Sansa take Winterfell on her own and reunite with Jon along the way? I’m of the idea of two lost souls who, when united, find the strength in each other to take the land of their family. But I don’t know, I haven’t finished the books yet so I need guidance on this.
I don’t consider myself an ASOIAF expert, anon so I don't offer guidance, but I will def share my thoughts with you!
In order to talk about this, I'm afraid there are some ADWD spoilers, though. If you mind that, maybe revisit this post after you've read it? Short version, I agree with you. Sansa should be involved in retaking Winterfell because we need a Stark there:
Battles had been fought at Winterfell before, but never one without a Stark on one side or the other. (ADWD, Jon VII)
but I think the reunion happens first because of the The Girl in Grey theory. I'll explain more below the cut due to the major Jon spoiler.
In ADWD, a character named Melisandre tells Jon about a vision she has:
She stood beneath the scorched stones of the Lord Commander's Tower, cloaked in darkness and in memory. The light of the moon was in her hair, her red hair kissed by fire. When he saw that, Jon's heart leapt into his mouth. "Ygritte," he said. "Lord Snow." The voice was Melisandre's. Surprise made him recoil from her. "Lady Melisandre." He took a step backwards. "I mistook you for someone else." At night all robes are grey. Yet suddenly hers were red. He did not understand how he could have taken her for Ygritte. She was taller, thinner, older, though the moonlight washed years from her face. Mist rose from her nostrils, and from pale hands naked to the night. "You will freeze your fingers off," Jon warned. "If that is the will of R'hllor. Night's powers cannot touch one whose heart is bathed in god's holy fire." "You heart does not concern me. Just your hands."
"The heart is all that matters. Do not despair, Lord Snow. Despair is a weapon of the enemy, whose name may not be spoken. Your sister is not lost to you." "I have no sister." The words were knives. What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister? Melisandre seemed amused. "What is her name, this little sister that you do not have?" "Arya." His voice was hoarse. "My half-sister, truly …" "… for you are bastard born. I had not forgotten. I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will." She gazed at Ghost. "May I touch your … wolf?" The thought made Jon uneasy. "Best not." "He will not harm me. You call him Ghost, yes?" "Yes, but …" "Ghost." Melisandre made the word a song. The direwolf padded toward her. Wary, he stalked about her in a circle, sniffing. When she held out her hand he smelled that too, then shoved his nose against her fingers. Jon let out a white breath. "He is not always so …" "… warm? Warmth calls to warmth, Jon Snow." Her eyes were two red stars, shining in the dark. At her throat, her ruby gleamed, a third eye glowing brighter than the others. Jon had seen Ghost's eyes blazing red the same way, when they caught the light just right. "Ghost," he called. "To me." The direwolf looked at him as if he were a stranger. Jon frowned in disbelief. "That's … queer." "You think so?" She knelt and scratched Ghost behind his ear. "Your Wall is a queer place, but there is power here, if you will use it. Power in you, and in this beast. You resist it, and that is your mistake. Embrace it. Use it." I am not a wolf, he thought. "And how would I do that?" "I can show you." Melisandre draped one slender arm over Ghost, and the direwolf licked her face. "The Lord of Light in his wisdom made us male and female, two parts of a greater whole. In our joining there is power. Power to make life. Power to make light. Power to cast shadows." "Shadows." The world seemed darker when he said it. "Every man who walks the earth casts a shadow on the world. Some are thin and weak, others long and dark. You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall." Jon glanced over his shoulder. The shadow was there, just as she had said, etched in moonlight against the Wall. A girl in grey on a dying horse, he thought. Coming here, to you. Arya. He turned back to the red priestess. Jon could feel her warmth. She has power. The thought came unbidden, seizing him with iron teeth, but this was not a woman he cared to be indebted to, not even for his little sister. "Dalla told me something once. Val's sister, Mance Rayder's wife. She said that sorcery was a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it." "A wise woman." Melisandre rose, her red robes stirring in the wind. "A sword without a hilt is still a sword, though, and a sword is a fine thing to have when foes are all about. Hear me now, Jon Snow. Nine crows flew into the white wood to find your foes for you. Three of them are dead. They have not died yet, but their death is out there waiting for them, and they ride to meet it. You sent them forth to be your eyes in the darkness, but they will be eyeless when they return to you. I have seen their pale dead faces in my flames. Empty sockets, weeping blood." She pushed her red hair back, and her red eyes shone. "You do not believe me. You will. The cost of that belief will be three lives. A small price to pay for wisdom, some might say … but not one you had to pay. Remember that when you behold the blind and ravaged faces of your dead. And come that day, take my hand." The mist rose from her pale flesh, and for a moment it seemed as if pale, sorcerous flames were playing about her fingers. "Take my hand," she said again, "and let me save your sister." (ADWD, Jon VI)
The vision keeps coming up and dictates some of Jon's decisions. Jeyne Poole (Sansa's friend) was forced to marry Ramsay in the guise of being Arya, she escapes, and people expect her to reunite with Jon and be the girl in grey (escaping a marriage, she was pretending to be his sister). Others point to Alys Karstark who runs to Jon to escape a marriage. The problem is, Mel doesn't know who it is, she only knows sister. People pick Jeyne because of the Arya connection, but neither she nor Alys are Jon's sister. And Jon has another sister, Sansa.
I would argue the reason that the girl in grey is Sansa (ie Sansa will flee North to escape LF's plots and reunite with Jon before Winterfell is taken/she is in a position of power), is if you read Jon's passage about the girl in grey, Jon being dead is written all over it. His white breath, the reference to him as a stranger, Jon telling himself he isn't a wolf...you see, here is the major spoiler...
Jon is assassinated at the end of TWOW.
Now, he may not actually be dead-dead, some of us have said he might be in a coma like Bran, but a) we believe he warged into Ghost (I am not a wolf--he will need to come back to himself, not lose himself in Ghost), b) the stranger = Jon is dead, c) the white breath = his body being cold cuz he's dead etc. The other side of this is, the way Jon sees Mel and remembers a different redhead can be viewed as foreshadowing for recently undead Jon seeing a redhead and mistaking her for Ygritte. The description of Mel's words like a song made people think of Sansa (it's been speculated Sansa's singing will help Jon remember things post rez/help him return to himself), and Ghost's strangely positive reaction to Mel may foreshadow how he reacts to Sansa as a familiar person. So, when I read that passage, it sounded to me like Sansa and Jon will be reuniting shortly after his rez, or even perhaps before his rez, so yes, I imagine that happens at the Wall.
Way back in 2013, a famous Jonsa essay predicted that Jon and Sansa would be reunited first of all the Starks, and then in 2016 that happened on the show which spurred a lot more discussion in the Jonsa fandom about Sansa being the girl in grey in the books as well.
I'll link some additional posts with various thoughts on how it might go.
Jon as the Stranger, Sansa as a silent sister. Pertinent quotes:
Then one morning she spied three women in the cowled grey robes of the silent sisters loading a corpse into their wagon. (ACOK, Arya VII) The women in grey bowed their heads. The silent sisters do not speak to the living, Catelyn remembered dully, but some say they can talk to the dead. (ACOK, Catelyn V) Grey was the color of the silent sisters, the handmaidens of the Stranger. (AFFC, Brienne VIII) When we find the Imp, we will find the Lady Sansa too. She is not dead . . . but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss." (AFFC, Cersei IV)
@loveroflemons wrote a post in 2017 talking about Mel's prophecy and the map of the North to explain why Sansa is the Girl in Grey here. @une-nuit-pour-se-souvenir has a post explaining that Sansa is Ned's narrative heir and her path North will follow his here, and some general ideas for her TWOW story here.
@istumpysk talks about The Girl in Grey foreshadowing here. @aegor-bamfsteel tried to give us a time table here, @redteabaron has talked about the possibility that Sansa will be hunted by Ramsay for some Red Riding Hood parallels here, That and Sansa meeting Ghost while Jon is still out of it is discussed here as well. And this post talks about Jon saving Sansa from Ramsay while warged into Ghost using some king’s prize/thief quotes. I also found a Tolkien poem (Martin is a massive fan) that has Girl in Grey vibes here (not proof, just fun).
Anyway, it's a very popular Jonsa theory, for many of us, a given at this point. For a different ask i scrolled some BNF blogs and they mocked it a lot, called us delusional because they can point to the other girls as fulfilling the prophecy, but to me, that prophecy takes up too much space for it to disappear without a real payoff. It makes sense to me that Martin would use that vision to prep us for Sansa arriving in the North.
Let me know what you think after you read ADWD!
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halfmylife · 1 year
All The Love I Left Behind
Pairing Uhtred x Reader
Summary After your confession to Uhtred you decided to leave and make a life for yourself in Winchester. Things were peaceful and you almost thought you were over your feelings until the two of you reunite. This is part 2 to I Waited For You but can be read as a stand-alone
Warnings None really other than I haven’t proofread this (oops)
A/N This is the first thing I’ve written after a little hiatus so sorry if it’s a bit rusty but I hope you still enjoy! (Everyone thank Uhtred and his pretty boys for getting me to write again)
Life in Winchester was pleasant. Not exciting like all those adventures you had once been on but also not soul destroying and boring. It was pleasant. That was all that could be said. Friends were few and far between but people were kind enough. Still, it wasn’t home. It was a place to get away from him.
Finding work had not been easy and had just resulted in you serving drinks at the ale house, though many men would test their limits. You had become accustomed to wandering hands and forward propositions some of them you even considered, they hardly seemed like bad company and many just wanted company. It was never an option though, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Uhtred very rarely crossed your mind and when he did it was only ever the fond memories you had of your time with him. The last conversation you ever had barely crept into your thoughts. You had put your heart on the line only for it to be trampled on. It was done. Nothing could be changed now. You had given yourself a life, you had found peace. That was all that mattered.
The days rolled into nights seamlessly with little trouble. Nothing seemed to disrupt your peace until the whispers started to spread through the ale house. The daneslayer and his companions would be returning to Winchester for a few days. The rumours caused you to spiral. You tried to convince yourself it was idle gossip and nothing more than whispers shared by women who had little else to do. That was not the case.
Day after the rumours spread, you watched their horses roll in. He was unmistakable. His hair had grown a little but he still looked almost exactly the same. Of course he was always easy to spot by his sword.
The stables were only a short walk from the ale house, as soon as you had seen them you darted inside, hoping to hide away. There was no doubt that he was here on some business but you cared very little about that. The only thing you wanted to do was hide away until they left. Nothing was ever that easy.
You were behind the bar, struggling to keep your breathing steady when they took a seat outside. You hadn’t even noticed Finan walking in until you turned around and were met with his wide childish grin. He looked far happier to see you than you felt. Though you couldn’t deny how much you missed them all. Including Uhtred.
“I thought I recognised you.” His eyebrow was raised in pure glee but something wicked glinted in his eyes.
“Finan.” You sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was likely to head. Still you couldn’t deny how happy you felt to see him again, to have someone familiar around.
“It’s good to see you again.” He leant forward slightly on the wooden bar separating the pair of you as his smile dropped ever so slightly. “Even after, well, everything.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye properly.” You dropped your gaze unable to look at him, knowing the inevitable was coming.
“No harm done.” he shrugged but you barely noticed as he shifted about in front of you. Then came the words you were unsure if you wanted to hear. “He’s here you know.”
“I figured as much.” You said plainly trying to feign a lack of interest. You’d seen him already but knowing that it was really happening and all that separated the pair of you was a wall suddenly became overwhelming.
“He’s dying to speak to you.” Finan lowered his voice, leaning even closer. The very words caused a ripple through you, your heart quickening.
“I can’t imagine he has much to say.” You tried to push the conversation away, hoping Finan would drop it but that would not be the case.
“Give him a chance will ya? He regrets the way it ended.” Finan cocked his head slightly giving his best effort at a pout. It was like looking at a sulking child.
“I’ve spent the last months moving on, surely he can allow me that peace.” You shook your head, trying to push away any longing you once had for that man. Were you truly at peace? It was the closest thing to it you’d felt in months but surely that was still peace.
“We both know you haven’t moved on like you think you have.” Finan grinned before spinning away. Without a single tankard in hand, you knew exactly what was about to happen. Your eyes followed him carefully as he left the ale house to sit beside Uhtred. You could barley see the interaction without craning your head around the door and making it horribly obvious that you were watching.
With a deep exhale, you turned away from it all unable to think of what they might be saying. In a desperate attempt to push all the thoughts away, you made yourself busy, though it seemed there was very little to do. Typical.
“Y/N?” The way your name fell from his lips was like a prayer. Soft yet begging for more. You hadn’t even heard him come in, wondering if perhaps he was worried you were made of glass.
“Uhtred.” You greeted, your voice slightly raspy as you turned to look at him. A silence surrounded you both, neither of you able to summon a word. He looked as good as the day you had left, if not better. He was even smiling at the sight of you, though his eyes seemed sad. “Can I get you something, a drink?” The words spluttered out of you with no control in an attempt to distract from why he was really here. Under this roof, he was a paying customer, nothing more.
“We both know that’s not why I came in here.” With everyone word you held on for dear life, had he always spoken this softly?
“Then why did you come in here?” You straightened yourself, playing innocent in hopes of him speaking plainly. Say the words and get it done. Say those things that would break my heart all over again, you thought.
“I wanted to talk.” He said simply, still trying to avoid the hard truth. You wanted to shake it out of him, to yell and beg for the truth. No longer would you dance around the subject. All you wanted was him and you knew you would never have it. “Do you have time?” Uhtred looked around the room in hopes that you would whisk him away somewhere private. And you would.
“Come with me.” Without casting a glance backwards, you moved from the bar and headed out towards the back, taking him out in the alleyway. You didn’t check to see if he followed instead you began to pace in the small space. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Us.” The word almost broke you in two. The very idea of an ‘us’ seemed like a distant memory or even a dream. You tried to fight the shake of your hand as he continued, stepping forward slightly. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”
“It’s a bit late for that.” You shook you head, avoiding his eyes as he searched your face. It was too late. You couldn’t do this again. You wouldn’t accept false hope.
“Please do not push me away.” He reached out for you, but you pulled back knowing that you would melt under his touch. You couldn’t let him get too close because you knew you would collapse into him. No, he needed to fight for this. After all this time, he need to prove it. “There hasn’t been a single day I have not regretted what happened between us.” Had you regretted the words you said? Had you regretted leaving? In part, yes. Now he was stood here and you felt like you had never made a better choice. He came back.
“Why are you doing this now?” Your voice was weak as it came out, shaking ever so slightly. You could finally look at him. Uhtred looked tired, exhausted even. You wondered how many nights sleep he’d lost over you. “After I have dragged myself away from you and put my feelings out into the open, you now decide that you might want me back?”
“You have been by my side for years and I was blind to it.” You scoffed at his words. He was blinded by other women. He had been so clearly enamoured by others that he had paid you so little attention. “I was foolish to think you were just a friend, to think you couldn’t be anything more than that.”
“Yes you were foolish and it hurt me in every way you could imagine, Uhtred but it is done.” Your voice rose the more the words tumbled out. Had you not explained this all before? It felt like you were just running circles around one another, never able to meet in the middle.
“Are you saying that you haven’t thought about it since?” Uhtred’s voice rose to meet your own, stepping forward once again.
“That’s not what this is about.” Of course it was. You had thought about him every day. You had wondered how it would feel to be held by him, to feel his touch, to be completely his. Every night you fell asleep wondering what could’ve been.
“I’ve thought about it almost every day. I wondered what would’ve happen if I said something different.” You froze as he took another step forward, your bodies inches apart. The rise and fall of your chest grew heavier as you felt his own breath across your skin. “I will not lie and say I hadn’t thought about it before.”
“Then why have you never done anything?” Your voice quietened. All this time you never considered yourself an option or even someone he wanted. “Why was I made to believe that you didn’t care for me?”
“Because I was too afraid to lose you.” His hand moved, cupping your jaw. The rough skin of his thumb grazed along your skin in gentle strokes sending a ripple of warm through you. How you had longed to feel his touch. There it was. You were already melting. “I have lost everyone I have ever loved but you… I could not lose you.”
“You did lose me though.” You sighed, tears threatening to spill.
“I never thought I was good enough man for you.” He shook his head, his grip becoming slightly firmer as though he was too afraid to let you go.
“You’ve had a lot of time to think about exactly what I want to hear.” Your voice was breathy as you could barely contained the tears. Every inch of you wanted to fall into his arms and believe it all. Wasn’t this what you wanted?
“Why would I lie to you?” Uhtred looked at you wide eyed as he tried to understand it all. You wondered what he was thinking, if this was all planned or if he truly meant it.
“Because telling me you never felt anything would be too hard.” You reached up placing a hand over the hand that still cupped your face, tracing small circles over his knuckles. You hated that you cherished the feeling.
“Do you think I’m lying because that’s what you have come to believe?” You were certain you heard his voice started to shake but you weren’t sure if it was anger or hurt. With Uhtred the two were often very similar.
“I’ve pushed these feelings away and I have found peace, I do not wish to have them resurface only for it to be a lie.” There it was again. Peace. You had found a life away from him, that didn’t necessarily equate to peace but it was the closest thing. Surely anything was more peaceful than watching him fall in love with anyone but you. “I can’t… I won’t.”
“Are you happy here?” The question came out of nowhere as he pulled himself closer to you, noses grazing against one another. You felt his other hand rest on your waist. What had you don’t to deserve such a punishment? “Is this home?”
“No.” You said, defeated.
“Why?” Such a simple question that carried so much weight. You thought you might collapse when you finally realised the answer.
“You are my home.” You whispered, clutching onto him as though the ground below you would swallow you while at any moment.
“As you are mine.” His forehead gently touched against yours, your lips almost touching. You felt your heart quickening and you were sure he would hear it. “Rumcofa is empty without you. As am I.”
In a moment of pure ecstasy, Uhtred titled your head slightly before crashing his lips down on yours, capturing you in a heated kiss. Your hands grasped at his leathers pulling him as close to you as possible as your lips moved against one another. The moment lasted a lifetime as if time stood still.
Just as quickly as it started. It ended. You pulled away struggling for breath, your heads still touching as you looked up at him.
“Do you mean it?” You whispered, still slightly in disbelief.
“I do.” His hand brushed some of your hair back as he held you against him, keeping his voice soft as he spoke. “Come home.”
“This feels too easy.” You closed your eyes, unable to look at him. “I told you before I won’t be your third choice.”
“You never have been.” He titled your head up, forcing you to look at him. His eyes sparkled as you met his gaze.
“Why does it feel like because you can’t have her that you now want me?” The words spilled out before you could stop them. There it was again, that same thought, always the third choice. You couldn’t shake the thought of them off your mind, how he’d looked at her. How he looked at you now. “Do you still love her?”
“I’m not sure.” It was the first time you knew he was sincere. Love was a tricky thing to understand. Perhaps that’s why it was so painful. “But she is my past, you are my future.” You believed him. You believed every word.
“I’ll come home.” You whispered, barely able to contain the smile that stretched across your face. Uhtred barely wasted a moment as he pulled you into another hungry kiss that left you more breathless than before.
Uhtred was your past, your present and your future. He was your home, as you were his.
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sarnai4 · 1 month
The Underworld
I cannot even express how excited I was to listen to the Underworld Saga. It did not disappoint at all (of course, I wanted more songs, but the trio was amazing). Spoilers ahead for Epic the Musical.
"The Underworld" was an amazing setup for what we had coming. There are just so many tiny details! There are callbacks with "Full speed ahead," "Open Arms," and of course, we also have the "Ruthlessness" callbacks with the army. That would be so horrifying. He's surrounded by the 500+ soldiers who relied on him and trusted him to bring them back home. He even stated back in the Ocean saga how he didn't lose a single soul in the war. It's when they leave that everyone starts dying. Then, we have the heart-breaking Polites cameo, reminding Odysseus of how he cost his best friend his life. Now, the part that got me a little choked up was when his mom showed up. I have read even the story, so I know that she's gone, but it hurt so much to hear him realize he'd been at war so long that he never got to see her alive again. Him saying "Bye, Mom," just tears my heart strings right out. I love the contrast too of the quiet sadness in his voice with this line, then immediately yelling "All I hear are screams!" There's so much rage and pain as he's forced to confront everything that's kept him away from his family--including those he'll never be reunited with in life.
Then, we have "No Longer You." When I say the snippet did not do this song justice...(sighs dreamily). I still enjoyed the snippet, but this is probably my favorite of the bunch to listen to. The melody, the vocals, it's all just so beautiful. The tune just seems to float like you could do a ballroom dance with someone. That's not to say that the lines aren't great too. I love how this one plays on Odysseus's fears and how his increased time away from home has jaded him. The prophet basically says, "I see you with your wife, but you're messed up from your time away" and our Ithaca king is just pissed that he saw someone with his wife. Uh, buddy...well, I guess you'll find out soon enough. It's also so fun to know the story and get reminded of what Odysseus will be doing when he returns to Ithaca, fighting subjects who just assumed he had died and don't have respect for anyone in his family now. Even this entire concept to me in fascinating since it considers an underlying theme of the play: how people change due to their experiences. Odysseus will return, but it'll never be the same Odysseus who left in the first place.
And we end with "Monster" which is such an awesome ending to a first act. I wish this was live, so the audience could erupt in applause. (Small detail, but I love the music at the beginning. It's so unique when compared to the other songs and is pretty cool, gradually growing when more instruments are added). A bigger detail is that you have the instrumental intro matching the intro for "The Horse and the Infant." It just shows how far they've come and calls back to the very first time Odysseus was responsible for a lost life in the musical. My favorite line in this song is "I'm the only one whose line I haven't crossed." That's saying something too because this song is full of amazing lines. I just love the implication since we know Odysseus has often had lines he thought were too far. He didn't want to kill the baby, chose to spare Polyphemus, didn't kill Circe when he won in the fight, etc. Still, as he finally admits in this song, he did kill the baby. Despite that, he hasn't crossed his line. Why? I think it's because he keeps pushing it back each time he's confronted with something he doesn't want to do but feels he has to. It ties into the end of this song where he considers everyone he's lost, fully understanding the scope of it now that he's seen the spirits of his loved ones. Turning into someone he never wanted to be doesn't matter anymore. If he's a monster who still has a living family and hasn't proven the faith people had in him was foolish, then it's fine. He might have even been a monster before by not going against their enemies with everything he had. It's all a matter of perspective. Was he a monster for killing the baby, one for causing so many in his fleet to never return to their families, or one for both of those choices? The ending going back to "The Horse and the Infant" with him calling out for Penelope and Telemachus AND pairing that with the repeat of "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" is marvelous. It's almost like it's in the same sentence where he's explaining his actions to them, telling them that he has to become a monster because it'll make things alright for everyone they hold dear.
The only thing that made me mad about this is that I have no clue when the next saga is coming out or what it's even called. So, I'll just be playing the songs on repeat until I can add however many more to the playlist.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Tasting the Ashes | Ch. 22: Nightmares fade, memories don't ✍️
Word count: 2k
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, doctors, PAST ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP (with all the bad things that this implies), mentions of death, plane accident, mentions of food, allusion of Rooster's trauma in Afghanistan (nothing too deep, yet)
Friendly reminder that before Ash's call sign was changed to Ashes, she was called Nova.
A/N: Am i coming back? Idk. I just missed writing and posting things so here's this small thing for y'all
Follow @meigalibrary for updates!
Masterlist on pinned
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The week passed by in the blink of an eye. Rooster had been preparing every small detail, everything had to be perfect. This was Ash's last Thanksgiving without children. Next year, she will be a mom, she will start her own traditions, she’ll make her own dinner with her family, and Rooster wanted to make sure that she had, at least, one perfect Thanksgiving to use as a reference. 
“What are you doing for Thanksgiving?” She asked him the day before, after they came back from the doctor’s appointment. 
“You mean what are we doing.” Rooster corrected her, opening the door and helping her climb inside the Bronco. “I’m staying with you, I told ya.” 
Ash smiled a little, the corner of her mouth curving into a shy smile, as if she couldn't believe how much attention she was getting. “What are we doing, then?” 
“Jake told me that he wanted to spend his first Thanksgiving as a dad with the whole Mitchell family. And that includes you. It was going to be a surprise, but you had to ask.” 
Ash snorted, rubbing her belly. “You don’t know how to keep secrets.” 
Bradley looked at her in disbelief, his hand over his chest as he feigned hurt. “I do know how to keep secrets.” 
She tilted her head, eyebrows raised, and lips curled in a smirk. “You told me that Jake was going to propose to Red.” 
“I was so excited about it that I had to share the news with you! She’s your friend, isn’t she?” 
“Well, yes. But it wasn't your secret, and you shouldn't be telling everyone!" 
The pilot stayed quiet, facing the road, and turned the engine on. Ash has been around Rooster long enough to know that when he stays quiet like that, he’s done something he shouldn’t have. “Oh my god. You told the guys.” 
“How do you know?!” 
“Brad, you have guilt written all over your face. And if some of the girls knew, they would have told me.” She explained, laughing at Rooster’s expression. It was when she laughed that Rooster knew. He knew deep inside his soul that this girl was the one he wanted to spend the rest of eternity with. Rooster knew that if there was life after this one, he would find her somehow and fall in love with her again. 
She was all he had been looking for. And yet, everything he couldn’t have. 
“What do you want for dinner?” He asked, savoring the small bliss of domesticity. 
“Pizza it is.” 
Tumblr media
"Nova, I can't restart the engine." The male says, fear embedded in his voice, grasping it with its crutches. It's unusual, actually. You're usually the one who's scared in this relationship. 
You feel the world spinning, circling around you in a blur. It feels like being on a merry-go-round, swiveling on a plastic horse. But this isn't a carnival ride. This horse doesn't stop moving, it increases its speed every second. This horse doesn't make you smile, and you don’t call out your mom so she can take a picture.
This horse makes you cry and hope to not reunite with your mom in heaven. 
You reach for the ejection handles, an incredibly easy task if you weren't spinning around like a falling leaf. You manage to grab the handles, tugging on them with all you've got. But it doesn't work. 
You're still trapped inside the plane. 
"Bull, it’s not working. I can't pull out."
"What? Try again, idiot!" 
"Steve, I've been trying over and over, and it doesn't work!" You cry out, repeating the same movement over and over again, but it's useless. You're going to crash. You'll burn in. 
You feel a pain in your belly. You rub it, feeling a bump that shouldn't be there. Looking down, you see your baby bump and feel your two babies kicking with their small feet. Are they scared too? Are they aware that they're going to die before they're even born? 
No. This can't be happening. You aren’t supposed to be here. You aren’t supposed to fly while pregnant. What are you doing here? Why are you risking your babies’ lives? 
How can you save your kids when you can’t save yourself? 
“We’re gonna crash!” 
That’s not Steve’s voice. That’s Bradley’s. 
Are you going to lose everything? 
You scream even louder, as if your voice has the power to stop time and save you, your children, and the pilot in the front seat.
A hand touches your face, it’s big, cold, and calloused. It’s comforting.  
“Come on, baby, wake up. It’s just a dream.” 
You jolt awake, with a sore throat and tired muscles. It was all a dream. You’re okay. The babies are okay. Bradley, who is sitting in front of you with a frown and a worried expression, is also okay. 
“Are you here with me?” He asks, voice tight and eyes darting over your body, as if looking for any sign of harm.
You nod, sitting up in bed while biting your lip. “Did I wake you up again?” 
“I don’t care about that,” He says, caressing your leg over the covers. “Look Ash, I’ve tried to wave it off, but I can’t ignore it anymore. For the last few weeks, you have woken up in the middle of the night, screaming, like someone was skinning you alive. I need to know what's happening.” Bradley demands with a soft voice, not wanting to impose but making clear that he deserves to know the reason why he has been running to your room for the last days, scared that your water broke and you were having contractions or something like that. 
He really deserves to know. 
"I dream about my accident. Every single night. It’s not a dream, just a nightmare playing on loop over and over again. Even though this time was slightly different, it was even more terrifying." You explain in a weak voice, wincing at the frail creature you've become. 
"The accident where you got your new call sign?"
"Yeah. There were a lot of people who thought that I killed Bull." Your confession makes Bradley clench his jaw. Just the thought of people pointing fingers at you and calling you a murderer makes him sick. You’re not a murderer. Anyone with two eyes could see that.
“I heard that the ejection system failed.”
“Yeah, it didn’t work. Steve tried to land on a snowy plain, thinking that the snow would soften the impact…” You start, the images flooding your mind and making your body tremble. “And the worst part is that I’m glad he died.” 
Bradley takes a deep breath, and you can see in his eyes, lit up by the small lamp on the bedside table, that he’s pondering whether to ask or not about the meaning behind your words. “Why?” 
“He was my partner. We had been dating for over a year, and everything was good at first, but... he became obsessed. He thought I was cheating on him. He wanted to know where I was all the time, who I talked with, and when I got home…” You don’t know that you’re crying until Rooster cleans your face with the sleeve of his hoodie. “Oh shit, sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry.” He sits closer, rubbing a hand over your arm. “Want to stop talking about this and go back to sleep?” 
“No, no, no. I need you to know that I’m not a murderer.” You insist, grabbing his hand, and he nods reassuringly. "I figured if I moved with him, he'd stop being so... controlling." 
“It got worse?” 
“Ten times worse. He checked my phone every night and said horrible things about me in front of the other members of the team… It became too much."
"This might be the most stupid question I could ask right now, but why didn't you leave him?" 
You turn your head away from him, both ashamed and scared of his reaction. You don't want to be an idiot in his eyes. Not because you care about his opinion. Well, that too. But he's the biological father of these babies, and if he wanted, he could take them away in the blink of an eye if he thought for a second that you're not sane enough to raise a baby, let alone two. 
He's not like that. He wants to help you, not destroy you. 
"He made me believe that I needed him. Like I was nothing without him. I became…" 
"Yeah. I thought that if I was good enough, he wouldn't be angry with me again. He wouldn't yell, he wouldn't throw my things away." 
The wheels in Bradley's head are turning so quickly that you can almost hear them. He doesn't even blink for a split second. "You really thought his behavior was your fault." 
"Nobody knows how these things can mess with your head until you find yourself in that situation." Bradley's fingers caress your cheek, not sure if he is wiping away a tear or just providing the necessary physical comfort for both of you. 
"Being glad of your abuser's death doesn't mean you're a bad person, Hen. You're just glad your suffering is over." 
"You think so?" You whimper, his words breaking a wall around your soul—a wall built long ago. 
"I know so. I kinda… know what you went through. Had some similar experience."
"Penny… told me a bit of Afghanistan." You confess, feeling guilty about knowing his secret. "But she was not gossiping! She wanted me to know that you might have nightmares.” 
It’s not entirely true, but he doesn’t need to know what kind of conversations you have with the girls. 
“Nightmares end when you wake up. Memories are still there, but they can’t hurt you anymore.” His voice is empty and monotone. These words sound like something he has said hundreds of times. A mantra. 
Something that he himself can’t fully believe, but repeats day after day, waiting for it to actually mean something. 
“They hurt you, right?” 
Bradley sighs, letting his upper body fall into the mattress. “Sometimes it feels like this world takes more strength than it gave me.” 
“Want to talk about it?” You offer, your hand moving itself to lock in his hair, as if your limbs had a will of their own, as if your body didn’t need to ask your brain to function. 
He closes his eyes, a small smile curving the right side of his mouth. “Not today. I don’t want you to have more nightmares. You should sleep, tomorrow is a big day.” 
“Yeah, it is…” You watch him stand up from the bed, kiss your head softly, and walk to the door. “Bradley.” 
“Yeah?” He says, turning around before leaving the room. 
“Did you call me Hen?” You inquire, trying not to laugh.
He frowns, looking at the floor, mentally going over the conversation you just had. “Did I?” You nod, and he snorts. “The guys have been calling you Mama Hen for a while. It stuck with me, apparently.” 
“It’s… better than Ash.”
“Be careful; you allow me to call you Hen, and that makes you an official member of the Bradshaw family. We’re all birds.” He warns you with a teasing smile. 
“Oh, I can tell by the middle names you got for the babies.” You retort, lying down and covering yourself with the blankets. 
“Hey, they’re cool! I know a few people that will cry when they find out about them.” He sighs and looks at you with the softest smile someone has ever given you. How can a man who has gone through so much be so gentle and caring? 
How can that poor tortured soul be taking care of three human beings when he’s the one that should be taken care of? 
“I… I want you to know that you can always rely on me. We’re parents of these babies, but we’re friends. I’ll be there to listen to whatever you need to say. Even if you just need to rant, I’ll be there.” You state, holding his gaze. 
“Thank you, Mama Hen.” The name makes you chuckle and shake your head. “Good night.”
“Good night, Rooster.” 
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
It'd be hilarious if some of the other pilgrim's decendants did still come visit Wukong. Like, imagine Tang or Pigsy being told that if they were EVER in trouble, go to this far off mountain. Or Mei's parents going camping in the forests because it's "protected by an old friend of our decendant" and it's the only place they feel safe enough to camo in without having to act like a proper royal, not realizing it's where Wukong lives. Imagine if they came across the pregnant king jsut a few years before the Canon events of the show because Wukong never bothered to seal the entrance of the waterfall off of his brother's decendants and baby Mei was just a little too curious while exploring near a waterfall or Tang tripped and fell against the barrier
Sandy also def provides safe passage to the island no matter what, even if it's a pain to navigate the volcanos.
I love the thought of Tang just tripping and finding the Monkey King.
Tang: *sees a pregnant monkey demon hanging out in Water-Curtain Cave* Wukong: *sees his Master's soul standing right in front of him* Tang: "Hi?" Wukong: "Hi..."
After some confusion, and breathless info-dumping from Tang, Wukong calmly explains why he's disappeared from the public eye. Tang makes a promise to stay quiet... but could he hear some tales of his adventures with the Pilgrims pretty please? Wukong chuckles as Tang takes out a notebook to record every word he says. Wukong gains a frequent vistor in the scholar. Tang would spend his life on the island if he could, but the craving for Pigsy's cooking is too strong a siren's call to stay forever.
Little Mei would be so sweet. Wukong feels the littlest hands on his stomach and just knows that fang-filled smile looking back at him. he helps reunite Mei with her parents, both Long-Ao's so very grateful and embarassed by the turn of events. The dragons were too busy in the moment just glad that they hadn't completely lost their daughter to wonder who this mysterious monkey was. It's only after they arrive home that they truly realise. Mei is allowed visit the island as much as she wants growing up. Uncle Sun is like the coolest person she knows! She's super-excited for Baby to get here, babbling for hours at the round stomach about dragons and horses and a super cool stablehand who was a monkey. Wukong adores his honorary niece.
Pigsy fleeing to the island when he was in a bad spot, only to meet someone who looked at him like he was an old friend. He brings Sandy around to meet the guy. They like to hang out without much said between them. Pigsy wonders how long this monkey demon has been pregnant for, since he's looked ready to pop for months now.
by the time Xiaotian/MK is actually born, the friends Wukong has made help him to deliver.
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firewoodfigs · 5 months
Tagged by the resplendent @roseofbattles :)
1. New York / poetry readings — sometime around September, I got to feed an old, ostensibly impractical dream that’s emerged and lurked around since two decades ago. I wrote a poem and got to read it aloud in a wonderful art studio around Chelsea, teeming with so much talent and heart, thanks to the incredible @mirabile---visu. Thank you, dear friend, for giving my poem a home. I will remember this forever and hold dear to heart all the honest conversations we had over pizza, art and wine <3 you are such an inspiration and I can’t wait to see you again! Thank you too to the insanely talented @go-haywire for putting my words into print and allowing them to rest in a well-bound sanctuary — I carried it with me in New York as a lucky charm, and will always be eternally grateful for your generosity and faith.
2. New Zealand — sometime in April, in between jobs, I got to visit the amazing @tsaritsa in NZ, and it was two weeks of peace and great novelty, including but not limited to riding on a horse, feeding penguins, and donning on a firefighter costume! We also walked a ton and talked a lot and gazed upon a blanket of stars. Thank you for all your hospitality and love which I will never forget (and see you in 2024?!)
3. Other travels — I travelled a lot around Asia this year, for work and for fun! I got to see the cherry blossoms for the first time in my life with Japan with my partner. We also got to celebrate his birthday there, and it was an all around lovely trip; I’m really happy he got to have this break because he’s been truly working so hard in 2023. I also ushered in the new year with a dear friend in South Korea; the fireworks were nothing short of spectacular! We got a strawberry shortcake after and returned to our cute little apartment to just wind down and pen down our hopes for 2023 :) I also got to visit Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia for work, which were really exciting experiences!
4. Job switch — sometime in April, I was confronted with this HUGE dilemma of staying here in my hometown or moving to… a tax-free desert… the latter meant I’d at least be able to stay with my previous firm, but after a lot of coffees and deep consideration I decided it was better to move on to someplace else and stay put so I could spend more time with my partner. In hindsight it was probably the best decision I could’ve made; 2023 has been quite emotionally distressing for us and I would’ve hated to see him ensure all of that alone. I was mildly apprehensive at first about the switch, but I’ve been really blessed to have the most wonderful colleagues and bosses and am really excited to see what’s in store next :)
5. Meeting new friends, and in a similar vein, catching up and reuniting with old ones :) New York was a dream, in large part due to meeting some of the most luminous souls I’ve had the serendipitous pleasure of knowing during the pandemic—first over a screen, and then in person, over karaoke, and bagels, and coffee, and ice cream, and of course fried chicken LOL. @x-rainflame-x @roseofbattles @nightofnyx8 @beware-thegemini @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee @annespelledwithane it was so so precious getting to meet you all in New York and I will cherish our time there together forever!
6. Learning a language—I try to learn at least one new word a day, and I’ve also been working on my Japanese since moving into a Japanese firm. It really helps as well to have colleagues that I can practice with—I took classes briefly in college but it sort of just drifted out of my memory after the pandemic because I didn’t speak it regularly, but now that I do it’s been super fun!
7. Getting into Spy x Family — and consequently, getting back into fic writing :) all of this is @nightofnyx8’s fault btw, now I have to pretend I like this stupid fake family a normal amount (when I’m just obsessed an unhealthy amount lmao)
8. Fraud/investigations work — this basically consumed the entirety of my Nov/Dec and there’s not much I can divulge about it (apart from the fact that it pretty much aged me by a decade) but… I felt like Loid Forger and it was fun being a spy for a month. the end
9. Dealing better with anxiety (?)—question mark because my progress is… questionable. On one hand I think I’ve gotten a lot better at regulating (or perhaps suppressing) a lot of associated feelings, but it still gets frightening on occasion when the dam breaks free without much prior warning. Regardless I think it’s a marked improvement from the countless menty bs back in college lmao. To be very frank, having a stable income of sorts has helped a great deal; in college I was constantly plagued with the fear of not having enough to purchase required materials or at times food, and it was just a lot to deal with. It felt like there was no room for failure because I only had myself to rely upon, and success was the only tenable avenue out of poverty, but being able to now obtain necessities and even additional wants has done wonders for my mental health. It’s true that money doesn’t happiness, and I spend a great deal of time daily mulling over capitalism and consumerism and the like, but I cannot deny the sense of security it affords.
10. And finally, falling deeper in love everyday :) it’s easy to think we know a great deal about someone, except we don’t. People may appear simple, but the truth is we’re all a work in progress, and by extension, a continuing story. I could read a million books and write a million poems, but beloved, believe me—you will always be my favourite.
Goodbye 2023, and hello 2024!
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askthewarrior · 5 months
Full Name: Gabriel William Lopez
Species: Human
Age: 36 (I am more than willing to alter this to suit a point in the story/AU)
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthday: March 23rd
Occupation: Warrior in the Original Order of the Stone, currently a wandering hero
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance: Gabriel is certainly a looker and certainly above average height at an impressive 6"5. He has copper coloured skin and heterochromic eyes with one being dark brown and the other a grey-blue. Not only is Gabriel tall in build but also incredibly muscled, making him a tough opponent in a fight. He wears his dark brown in a loose ponytail which starts at the top of his neck and end just below his shoulders. On the off chance he isn't in sporting his usual ponytail, his hair is either loose about the same place the ponytail ends or it's in a bun hidden beneath his helmet.
Attire: When not in his usual, heavily enchanted armour, Gabriel's clothing leans more towards casual and comfortable, generally a baggy T-shirt and trousers with a hoodie.
Demeanor: Throughout his life
Pre Season 1: Pre Season 1, Gabriel is quiet and shy and a bit of a people pleaser. He is afraid to disagree with others for fear of conflict. However, during his time in the Order, Gabriel quickly gains confidence and becomes the well known hero everyone knows and admires.
Season 1: Gabriel is still a kind soul but, during the dark times, has a habit of acting a bit more cocky and confident than he actually is in order to give those around him a confidence boost. He also makes some (admittedly terrible) jokes to attempt to lighten the mood.
Post Season 1: Post Season 1 Gabriel is quiet and somewhat mistrusting of people he doesn't know. Sure he'll still smile politely but he can't help but wonder if he'll end up fighting someone and he fears what he doesn't know, leading to him getting a therapy dog named Audrey and his travel companion, Shadow the horse. Depending on who he's with, his personality can change. To those who knew him best, he is still the confident, warm and eager man they knew but to others, he seems shrouded in smoke and mirrors and is all mystery.
Gabriel's most strongest point is, of course, his physical strength. He makes for a tough opponent in battle due to this and his uncanny ability to predict what his opponent is about to do. However, he is a good ally to find on your side
Gabriel is naturally a bit of a charmer with his rogueishly good looks that leave some of the fangirls/boys swooning. He has used this to his ability in a tight situation before
He takes in those he considers vulnerable and the orphans left from the raid on a village. This is down to his naturally kind and caring nature
Weaknesses: We all have em
Gabriel has a habit to put others before himself and this has nearly got him killed on multiple occasions. If not killed then certainly hurt in one way or another
His strength. He does sometimes accidentally hug someone too hard and end up hurting them
He is still kinda a people pleaser and this doesn't always end well for him
A brief backstory (and a few hcs about the other Order members):
Gabriel came to England not long after his parents had been killed in a raid in Mexico. It was during his time in the orphanage that he met Magnus and the two hit it off, despite Gabriel's (at the time) lack of English. Gabriel was brought in by a family already expecting a child but with a comfortable income.
Not long after however (about a year or so after his adoption) his adoptive parents divorced and his father was a fairly absent figure. Despite his mother's insistence, Gabriel helped to raise his younger sister, Beth.
At primary school, Gabriel reunited with Magnus and made three extra friends; Ellegaard, Ivor and Soren.
Thanks to both of his adoptive parents remarrying, Gabriel ended up with five more younger siblings - one boy and four girls. The last of his younger siblings, a sister, was born when he was sixteen years old
After he and Ellegaard graduated from university the Order of the Stone officially formed. During this time, Gabriel and Ivor started dating, marrying two years afterwards. When their group fell apart, Ivor and Gabriel stayed together and helped build Gabriel's temple.
Neither know when they decided they wanted a family but when a 10 year old Jesse and 7 year old Jess were placed on their doorstep with no memory of their former parents, the two men took them under their wings.
Two years later however, Gabriel and Ivor divorced after Gabriel realised what Ivor was planning to do to reveal the truth and the guilt of not stopping Ivor sooner still crushes him to this day.
A few facts
Gabriel has fostered other children, including Petra, after a court case of child abuse
Gabriel eventually settled down about six months after Season 2 to better take care of his kids but does still go out adventuring and rescuing others
He has autism
He took in most of the New Order (except Olivia, whom he is ninety nine percent sure was adopted by Ellie)
After a long, hard road to reconciliation, he eventually remarried Ivor
The witherstorm left him with scarring to say the least. He can't forget the screaming of the storm's victims and now he's afraid to get sick lest he nearly die again....
With half a dozen siblings, it's no surprise that Gabriel is a natural parent
His favourite music genres are folk and music. Favourite songs include Rocky Road to Dublin, Bones (by Sail North, not Imagine Dragons), Drunken Sailor, and Song of the Sea (which he used as a lullaby for Jesse and Jess
I'm afraid the ask box isn't open just yet as I still need to do the rules of the blog 😅
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luminnara · 2 years
3k Rec list
I’ve been meaning to do a rec list forever, but I am, unfortunately, very disorganized SO HERE ONE FINALLY IS
The Queen of the King by @gav-san : Once every one hundred years, a King is born to the Gerudo, and this king is required to find a Queen of a different race. In order for this stubborn king to find a bride worthy of his ambitions, he comes to Hyrule, under the guise of renewing the treaty between the two lands. Unfortunately for you, he quickly finds the one woman for whom he is eager to wage a war over. (Ganondorf x Reader)
Rise With Me by @ro-blaze and @kaelsmiscellany : “One sits, wings broken, yearning for what she can no longer understand. One stands, fire raging, burning with righteous fury over what has been stolen from him. Two bound souls separated for millennia meet once more, a fragile hope to heal the rift between their broken kingdoms.” (Ganondorf x Zelda)
Blood Moon Rising by MissGilette (AO3) :  The orphans living at The Sanctuary worship the angry god dwelling in Lake Hylia. Every year on the night of the blood moon, one of them is sacrificed to appease the god. Link is a non-believer due for a rude awakening. (Link x Sidon)
A Light Down the Well by TheLongRoadHome (AO3) : The Calamity struck 100 years ago and the Zora were wiped from the face of Hyrule before Princess Zelda and Champion Link could meet them. King Dorephan was felled by Ganon. His body and the death of his people displayed; so all might see the futility of resistance against the Blight.Now Link and Zelda have conquered the Calamity, and the repatriation of Hyrule Castle begins. But there’s something else still lurking in the castle, waiting for Link, and it’s angry. (Link x Sidon)
Interim by starkraving (AO3) :  She has no throne. Girls without thrones should not have knights, but hers won’t go. Princess Zelda – the girl who killed Calamity – would love to fade into legend, but Link’s bought a house, he’s fighting off monsters, and he’s selling giant horses to strangely familiar Gerudo men. She'll never have any peace now. (Link x Zelda x Ganondorf)
Drowning in You by @pinkchubbiebunnie :  Spending the summer working as a lifeguard at Hawkins Pool with Billy Hargrove was probably something most girls would kill for. You - you were mostly just lucky that you hadn’t killed Billy yet. Until one day… when wanting to kill him became something else entirely. Something very dangerous, and very beautiful for the both of you. (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
As The World Falls Down by Fangedwoman (AO3) :  You've left your home and everything you've ever known and suddenly find yourself in and then out of a mysterious forest. You find yourself forging new friendships, building a life from the ground up and fending off confusing new feelings, all under the watchful eye of The Goblin King. You just wish you knew why he kept his gaze so unwavering when it came to you... (Jareth x Reader)
A Prince of Dathomir by @kimageddon :  When her childhood friend was stolen from her home, from her life by a monster in a black cloak, Nightsister Zaiya Valessa is filled with a rage and determination to do anything in her power to get him back and reunite him with his brothers and his family. To take his place as the Prince of Dathomir. No matter who or what stands in her way. (Maul x OC)
The Kings and their Queen by calamityqueen (AO3) :  To say that you didn’t harbor feelings for Maul and Savage would be a complete fallacy. At first, there was nothing but a friendly business relationship between you and the brothers, but it soon festered into something more. The flirtatious banter, smoldering gazes, and lingering touches that occurred throughout the day stayed with you in the night, and caused an ache in your core. But you couldn’t possibly choose between the brothers— you loved them both too much to be forced to pick— so you had resolved to keep your feelings for the sith lords secret. (Maul x reader x Savage)
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silver-and-stars · 7 months
Watching the last 2 episodes of 1883
The real downer is for the Lakota people in episode 8 : the men went away and when they come back they find their mother, wife, sister, children dead. All of them. No survivors. So they hunt who they thought are responsible and get vengeance. It turns out those people were innocent. But when they killed them .They thought they had done this and those who didn't do it just stood by and watch it happen. It's not surprising they believed so, when the white people have been genociding their population for centuries, killing them, manipulating, lying, stealing THEIR LAND and so arrogantly saying claiming it their own (with no remorse, so repercussion, no justice). And now they go, the really killers dead, but that won't bring back their family.
Episode 9, out of all those migrants, 4 survived. A gipsy woman, the outcast, who lost her husband on a trail but still has her two sons and found someone she loves (only her made it to Oregon). The leader of those migrants who lost his leg and his wife. And that's it. Shea took his wife's soul to the see the ocean and then joined her.
As for Elsa, that damn dress. Her cage. I wonder, if Elsa was dressed in her Comache clothes, would she still have gotten hunted and shot by the Lakota ? And she wanted to save the arrow to show it to Sam. But she will never come back and I guess he will never know. When she does shows up in june, will he wait for her ? Look for her? Will he understand she died ? Will he thinks he abandoned him? And there she dies, under the tree she picked, in her father's arms, dressed in her Comache clothes, the clothes she felt free in, that reminds her of a place her belonged to, holding the horse her husband made with the strand of blond hair she gave him. And she sees herself reunited with him and racing on horseback on open plains. Loved and free.
It's heartbreaking.
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aro-geo-turtle · 2 months
Hfth ep 54
—yay moth made it to moths family! I totally missed that moths dad was that guy who joined the dreaming boxes
—I wonder if moth and ray will reunite in the future
—this seems like there a whole small community living here, hope we get to know more of them, seems like a good place.
—road trip gang road trip gang! Jfbdjdbsj diggory “I wish I had a whole personality” XD wow diggory. And Percy was a horse girl [boy]! Damn it’s really Olivier bullying hours huh
—hallowed rat king. Wonderful.
—this is a new approach from lady Ethel and it’s creeping me the fuck out
—yesss trap the rats. Oh wait. It can split. Shit. Damn this is one powerful trance ability
—kitty cat! Kitty cat! Yessss listen to Olivier we need to keep the cat. New members joining the party!
—Percy seems so much noticeably happier this episode. Out of the forest, away from everything that happened with his dad…he’s teasing Olivier and talking about being a horse kid and looking at the cute cat. You can just hear in his voice how much more carefree he sounds <2 good for him
—hmm so demons can run out of fire. Interesting
—I love how hard this podcast goes on the “souls/fire = money” metaphor, it’s great. The fact that all demon magic is fueled by people’s souls is unnerving tho. …do demons have their own souls???
—very worried by this deal of barbs, but it seems pretty clear of his intentions. He just wants part of the power Polly stole. And of course Polly just wants to protect his family 😭
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j-morgan-fly · 3 months
(Show)Daenerys and Odysseus
[ODYSSEUS] How has everything been turned against us? How did suffering become so endless? How am I to reunite with my estranged? Do I need to change?
(This makes me think of Daenerys after arriving in Westeros, and more specifically the cold welcome she receives in Winterfell)
I'm surrounded by the souls of those I've lost I'm the only whose line I haven't crossed What if the greatest threat we'll find across the sea Is me? (Losing Jorah, Missandei and Viserion being used against her)
What if I'm the monster? What if I'm in the wrong? What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along? What if I'm the one who killed you Every time I caved to guilt? What if I've been far too kind to foes But a monster to ourselves? What if I'm the monster
(Again, Viserion being used by the Night King, the death of the Dothraki on the frontlines. Jorah dying protecting her.)
Is the cyclops struck with guilt when he kills? Is he up in the middle of the night? Or does he end my men to avenge his friend And then sleep knowing he has done him right?
When the witch turns men to pigs to protect her nymphs Is she going insane? Or did she learn to be colder when she got older and now she saves them the pain? When a god comes down and makes a fleet drown Is he scared that he's doing something wrong? Or does he keep us in check so we must respect him And now no one dares to piss him off? Does a soldier use a wooden horse to kill sleeping Trojans cause he is vile? Or does he throw away his remorse and save more lives with guile
(Sansa could be Cerce in this case, doing what she has to protect her family and people from the threat that Daenerys presents. The Trojan Horse. Now this made me think of Daenerys burning down Kings Landing. But this is where things are different between her and Odyseus in this narrative. Daenerys did what she did out of rage, not tactic, not to spare more lives than they take.)
If I became the monster, and threw that guilt away Would that make us stronger? Would it keep our foes at bay? If I became the monster to everyone but us And made sure we got home again Who would care if we're unjust If I became the
[SOLDIERS] Monster
[ODYSSEUS] Oh, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves (We once more can think about Daenerys burning her enemies in battle, the burning of Kings Landing. But my point in this break down is to delve into the difference in what motivates these characters. Daenerys actions can be seen as similiar, but are her motives?)
[SOLDIERS] Monster
[ODYSSEUS] And deep down I know this well I lost my best friend I lost my mentor, my mom 500 men gone, this can't go on I must get to see Penelope and Telemachus So if we must sail through dangerous oceans and beaches I'll go where Poseidon won't reach us And if I gotta drop another infant from a wall In an instant so we all don't die (She's lost Missandei, Jorah, Tyrion, Jon her Dothraki. She had to take the Iron Throne, it's all she has left. And she would burn the world to the ground to get it.)
[ODYSSEUS, ALL] Then I'll become the Monster I will deal the blow And I'll become the Monster Like none they've ever known So what if I'm the Monster Lurking deep below I must become the Monster And then we'll make it home
[SOLDIERS] Monster (She burns kings landing, she defeats the last enemy in her way, she finally makes it home, but in doing so she becomes what she said she wouldn't be. Queen of the ashes. Was it really worth it, alone, one dragon, no friends, just a throne and a city of bones and ash to make her kingdom on?)
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scotianostra · 1 year
Bay City Roller Alan Longmuir was born at Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion Hospital Edinburgh on June 20th 1948.
Alan Longmuir was born in Edinburgh, one of four children of Duncan and Georgina Longmuir, who encouraged their interest in music. His father was an undertaker who allowed Alan to wear his top hat and long frock coat when performing for guests at the family home.
Alan and his younger brother, Derek – the Rollers’ future drummer – went to Tynecastle high school, which Alan left at 15. After a year of office work he was apprenticed as a plumber, but the job was secondary to his yearning to be a musician, he eventuallyt hit the big time as the bassist and founding member of the Bay City Rollers, the band that hit the heights of pop fame in the 1970s, of his fame he said he was “Just a plumber from Edinburgh who got lucky” .
The group he started in 1964 dominated mid-70s pop both in Britain and internationally, selling around 100m records – the precise total, and royalties owed the band, have never been established, spawning a long-running dispute with their former record label and their late manager Tam Paton.
In their peak year, 1975, they had two UK No 1 singles, including the signature hit Bye Bye Baby; the end of that year saw them top the American chart with the stomping Saturday Night – a foundational influence on the Ramones. When they played live, fans showed their appreciation by breaking seats; consequently, many venues refused to book them. They were the biggest pop sensation since the Beatles, and of the pop idols who have followed, only One Direction have inspired quite the same frenzy.
Like the rest of the Rollers, Longmuir, the band’s bassist, felt trapped by fame and the concomitant erosion of their privacy. Unlike the others, he refused to observe their manager’s edict against drinking alcohol and having girlfriends. In 1976, he was sacked because he was “too old and too hard to control”, according to Simon Spence’s 2016 biography The Dark History of the Bay City Rollers. Longmuir himself said: “I had a fallout with [manager Tam Paton] because I wanted to get a life.”
The public were told that he had chosen to go; in his first photo session as an ex-Roller, he wore a three-piece business suit – tantamount to sticking two fingers up at the band, who were forced to wear matching tartan outfits during all public sightings.
After his departure from the group in 1976, he released a solo single, I’m Confessing, but spent much of his time fishing and looking after his horses on his farm in Dollar, Clackmannanshire.
He viewed the 70s with wry humour, saying in 2008: “I remember sitting at the bar of the Beverly Hills hotel – there was Patrick Magee, Barbra Streisand, David Soul – and Alan Longmuir, the plumber from Edinburgh.”
In 1978, Paton asked him to rejoin, thinking that Longmuir, then nearly 30, would exert a stabilising influence. He left again in 1983, and repeated the process several times, he returned to working as a plumber and from 2000 until retirement was a bylaws inspector. His fringe show debuted in 2014 and came back to the festival every year since .
The band again reunited for a successful 2016 reunion tour.
Alan Longmuir passed away two years later on July 2nd 2018, in Mexico where he was on holiday with his wife Eileen.
At the time of his death, the band were again inactive, and he was working on the latest version of his successful Edinburgh fringe show, a music-and-memories production called I Ran With the Gang. He was also preparing an autobiography for release later that year.
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