#source: that McDonald’s meme
whitecrossgirl · 2 years
The difference between Gideon, Hotch and Rossi and their team of BAU profiler children.
The BAU team in an SUV with Gideon: McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!
Gideon: No. There’s food at home.
The BAU team: I hate this fucking family.
The BAU team in an SUV with Hotch: McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!
Hotch: *pulls into drive-thru*
The BAU team: *cheers*
Hotch: One black coffee please.
The BAU team in an SUV with Rossi: McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!
Rossi: *ready to buy them the entire menu* McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!
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threemoonwatchers · 10 months
Percy: I haven’t had McDonald’s in like five years because I like myself :)
Nico: I had it like two weeks ago. Percy. Help.
Percy: Oh gosh, Nico, are you okay?
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ricketycr1cks · 1 year
The gang + memes (pt 1)
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umbraastaff · 11 months
AU where Lucretia doesn't go through with her voidfish plan, so Lup is eventually found and Faerûn is left to their Relic War, leading to eventual shenanigans such as:
Faerunians figuring out the Grand Relics have a power source, and trying to extract fragments of the Light of Creation for other uses
Faerunian movement to fuse the Grand Relics (opposed because people are like "that's gonna be a superweapon idiot") (the Starblaster crew secretly contributes to this opposition without mentioning what else combining the relics would lead to)
Faerunians trace the Relics back to the Starblaster crew, creating drama
Angus McDonald traces the Relics back to the Starblaster Crew, creating some kind of problem
Faerunians trace the Relics back to Miller Labs via some comedy of evidence errors due to them working together, the Starblaster crew has to step up
The characters who use the relics in canon still do that, but they're working with more knowledge of the item + everybody else also can recognize it, which changes how the arcs work, if they happen at all
Faerunians figure out certain properties of the Relics, like the fact that you can only semi-safely use them if love motivates you, and managing to contain them / create strict usage regulations (or like, they try - the Relics make it very hard for this to work)
Faerun discovers Bonds and the crew has to watch a vaguely terrifying parallel to their own world unfold - Miller Labs has the crew's data on planar systems, they've figured out Bonds, and Oh Shit, You Could Make a Spaceship Out Of This
[two people staring at each other out the windows of their cars meme but it's the Starblaster and Faerun's First Spaceship]
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the-ark-awaits · 8 months
make a post about the nuclear powerplant thing!
so. theres this place in virgina, its the north anna nuclear generating station, right? it was a 4.5 star rating with 54 reviews.
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pretty cool! i love nuclear power! this station powers something like half the homes in the state or some shit. pretty poggers! now the intersting bit. again, it has 54 reviews! thats kinda a lot, especially for, yknow. a power plant. as expected, most of them are just star ratings, no text, standard, then you get the text ones, some pretty standard like this one
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and this
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oh people genuinely leaving good reviews and people leaving silly ones. but then, if you look, you see this
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whats so special about november 15 2021? so, while my digging hasnt been able to reveal the actual source of this, the earliest mention of this is the screenshot above though i cant get a specific date on the review bc of how google works. the other two earliest mentions, besides other reviews, are an ifunny meme
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and a reddit meme on r/oddlyspecific
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at this point you get a bunch of reviews like these that seem to be people gladly joining in on the joke
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now obviously, the reactor did not melt down. i assume part of this is spurred by fears set into motion because of the plant shutting down for a period of time in 2011 after a 5.8 (i think) magnitude earthquake sparkes an 'unusual event' which is the lowest rating an event can have in the us for nuclear powerplants. it basically means something happened but nothing harmful, from what it seems, all the safety stuff worked as intended! the other thing that may have spurred it on is that in 2021 the plant was like, almost 50 years ago. the average lifespan for a nuclear powerplant is 40-60 years, so people were and are a little antsy that it has yet to be shut down. the plant, however, from all the stuff i read, has been licensed to stay active until its around 80 barring any incidents! now a small event did happen around that timeframe, but it was of course, not a meltdown of any kind, and it happened on novmeber 10th. if youre curious, link here so at this point this seems to just be people being #sillay in the reviews for fun. some just toss in november 15th as if it get it keyworked in the commonly mentioned feature, which is curious. im sure it has something to do with this strange joke about a meltdown occurring. all these reviews are kinda the same so im skipping one, but shoutout to the review that tosses in the the icecream machine worked. love the mcdonalds shade. so then we get a new interesting one,
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bro is out here writing powerplant urban legends on his own in the google reviews. so of course, other people join in
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which is kinda cool! anyways this was buckwild to me and only me, and i found this while googling virginia nuclear powerplants at work bc i was bored. daniel, please come pick up your girlfriend, she doesnt have money for an uber. anyways thats the end of the nuclear powerplant lore, thanks for reading. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT REVIEW SPAM THIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT THANK YOU
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swampstew · 5 months
Seasons Greetings ~
Hi all! I know I've been largely absent on here and socially, popping up here and there to dump memes, quotes, and hellos to people at random. It's the end of the year and I'm simply tired, still have to work cause I have no PTO, and I'm entertaining family and friends irl.
That said, it is unlikely I will do anything special for Christmas or New Years because I'll be offline but I am around in general. My ask box is always open (not for writing requests) and I look forward to the events and updates I have planned for next year!
I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, happy new year and I wish everyone the best and a drama free end of 2023.
Don't stop talking about Palestine, Sudan, Congo, and the fight against genocide for many more, and protest every country being exploited for resources using human slave trade and unfair practices, eat ethically sourced chocolate [shout out to Tony's Chocolonely], and keep boycotting to support BDS {fuck Starbucks and McDonalds}.
Most importantly, be kind to one another. Life if hard, we're all struggling in one way or another, the least we can do is be empathetic to each other on this platform while everyone else crash and burns on Meta and Twitter.
Peace and love on Planet Earth
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ya-world-challenge · 1 year
YA Books from 🇦🇺 Australia (mostly indigenous)
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Continuing the country lists for the YA World Challenge! Firstly, there is no way I can list all the YA books from Australia - there's too many! For that reason, I'm sticking to indigenous books only for the individual books list.
If you want to find more Aussie authors, look for the #LoveOZYA tag, google some lists, browse some goodreads lists, and follow @thereadingchallengechallenge. Also check out the following anthologies to find your new favorite Aussie author:
Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories Hometown Haunts: #LoveOzYA Horror Tales Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology Underdog: #LoveOzYA Short Stories Meet Me at the Intersection
Indigenous YA The Things She's Seen, Amebelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullina (alt. Catching Teller Crow) 💚🦋 The Boy From the Mish, Gary Lonesborough (alt. Ready When You Are) 💚🌈 The Upwelling, Lystra Rose 💚🦋 Tracks of the Missing, Carl Merrison & Hakea Hustler 💚🦋 Swallow the Air, Tara June Winch 💚 Ghost Bird, Lisa Fuller 💚🦋 Songs That Sound Like Blood, Jared Thomas 💚🌈 Calypso Summer, Jared Thomas 💚 Sweet Guy, Jared Thomas 💚 My Spare Heart, Jared Thomas 💚 The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, Amebelin Kwaymullina (series) 💚🦋 Secrets from the Dust, George Hamilton ⌛ My Father's Shadow, Jannali Jones 💚 Too Flash, Melissa Lucashenko 💚 Killing Darcy, Melissa Lucashenko 💚 Grace Beside Me, Sue McPherson 💚 Brontide, Sue McPherson 💚 Wraith, Shane Smithers & Alex Smithers 💚🦋 Fog a Dox, Bruce Pascoe 💚 Njunjul The Sun, Meme McDonald Shauna's Great Expectations, Kathleen Loughnan
Middle Grade Bindi, Kirli Saunders 💚 Sister Heart, Sally Morgan 💚 Black Cockatoo, Carl Merrison & Hakea Hustler 💚 Ubby's Underdogs, Brenton E. McKenna (GN) 💚 Wombat, mudlark and other stories, Helen Milroy 💚 Wylah the Koorie Warrior, Jordan Gould, Richard Pritchard
Memoir & Nonfiction Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia, Various Authors 💚 Remembered By Heart: An Anthology of Indigenous Writing, Various Authors 💚 Blakwork, Alison Whittaker 💚 Jandamarra & the Bunuba Resistance: A True Australian Hero, Howard Pedersen⌛
Coming of Age Becoming Kirrali Lewis, Jane Harrison 💚⌛
💚 First Nations Author (based on author's bios, may be missing data) 🛩️ Immigrant or diaspora 🏖️ non-native characters in or about the country (ex. vacation/adventure) ⌛ Historical 🦋 Fantasy or Paranormal 🌈 LGBT
If you know of more titles I could add, just leave a comment! (I hope my sources weren't too outdated)
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starmonsterrr · 4 months
shuffles in-
you’re like. The only otherkin I’m familiar with so uhm! Curious genuine questions time, how do you figure out??? All of that???? Do you know of any resources I could use to familiarize myself???
Thank you for your time/your help, don’t feel pressured to answer this!!
[ * Alright, this is a complex one, but quite fun to answer! ]
[ * For this I will talk about my dragonkin identity since it is the one I am the most familiarized with and also what set off my journey into exploring my alterhumanity! ]
[ * It started one day, I don't know how, but I started investigating about otherkin and therians. I don't remember well how i found the term, pretty sure it was because one of my favourite animators made an animation meme subtly about therianthropy, one thing led to another, I found the therian term, then the otherkin term, and got curious. ]
[ * Across my whole life I've had the sensation of being something not human. I've always had some sort of attachment to non-human animals, more specifically by seeing myself as one of them, rather than a human. This should explain why I was intrigued by this term. ]
[ * So I started looking into my past and how I envision myself, with help of my mom because parents love documenting their children's lives. ]
[ * I realized I display quite a bunch of dragon-like behavior, though the peak of that was when I was a little pup... Hatchling... Protostar... Tiny young creature... You get the point ]
[ * I hoarded items, did dragon noises (sometimes to scare other kids at McDonald's and even did some weird pose for that too), really wanted to fly (I still do), I even had a dragon costume I would wear ENDLESSLY because I wanted to be a dragon that much. (Honestly present me would do that too) ]
[ * There was even one time i tried to make paws out of foam so I could walk on all fours without harming my hands. With the paw pads and all. ]
[ * I don't remember having any shifts, and it may be a good time to clarify that not every alterhuman ('kin or therian) has shifts, but it is quite a common experience in the community. ]
[ * What I do remember however is feeling like I could move my ears and trying to show other kids that I could move them, but they never saw them move. Turns out these are phantom ears I have pretty much all the time, though it is hard for me to make out the shape. ]
[ * Now, these are past experiences, and people change, so it is important to take a look at the present too. Think. How do you feel about being human? Does it suit you? Do you think of yourself as a human just like everyone around you is? Envision yourself. Are you human or something else? ]
[ * The vision I had of my true self was a prime puzzle piece discovering in realizing I am otherkin. Remember it is not just experiences, it is also affected by how you view yourself, and it changes over time too. Same goes for therianthropy. ]
[ * Whenever I used dragon-like (or fox-like) characters to represent myself, these weren't really just "representations". Turns out, it was my vision of what I was supposed to look like. And it changed as I learned about myself and grew. ]
[ * So, once again, think. Think for as long as you need: does being human describe you? Does it feel right, or wrong? Do you feel disconnected from humanity? (This doesn't necessarily have to tie to dysphoria, though that is the case for me.) ]
[ * Took me a bit to really figure it out, but I've always had a hunch I was a dragon. ]
[ * Sorry if this is confusing or badly formatted or idk, it's pretty late for me. A final tip I will give is to ask around on otherkin/therian Tumblr for help figuring out things! Also my go-to source for info on otherkin (well. Technically therianthropy, which is a separate community and I do not mean to use the words therian and otherkin interchangeably) is the channel Therian Territory on YouTube. ]
[ * I think what I would do is: take a look at videos explaining otherkinnity and therianthropy, people talking about their experiences etc. And then ask any questions you come up with on alterhuman tumblr. Tags such as #therian, #otherkin, #alterhuman, etc. #fictionkin if you feel like you may be a fictional character. If you're questioning something specific, let's say unicorn otherkin, tag it as #unicornkin, or kangaroo theriotype, then #kangaroo therian. I hope this seems clear enough. ]
[ * off I go to eep ]
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When you single-handedly carry/j
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🍩😨☀️  for Oleander pls! 💕
thank you for the ask!
🍩-favorite sweet treat?
fruits and berries. honey. natural stuff. those were a primary source of nutrition in his childhood, and he doesn’t see any reason to start eating that “processed bullshit” once he started spending time in more urban areas. you know that “dad i want mcdonalds - no we have mcdonalds at home” meme. that’s pretty much ollie as a parent. to be fair, he is a very good cook, so he can still make a bomb fruit salad for his kids.
😨-when scared, do they go into “flight” or “fight”?
ollie is rarely ever scared. someone who willingly surrounds themselves with monstrosity is just not. but one thing i could imagine him being scared of is dying a useless, pointless death. dying without accomplishing his goals. if that possibility ever came close to happening, i think he would actually freeze (one of the other fear responses i’ve heard of) and just completely lose it in his mind.
☀️-are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
absolutely a morning person. he gets up earlier than everyone else. the first thing he is always excited to do is praying to lamashtu for a successful day of being a horrible beast.
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enki2 · 7 months
I would like to ask: Did you create that McDonald's poster/advert you just posted? It's haunting and I need to know its source.
no, i got it from one of the millions of leftist facebook meme groups. sourcing it is probably going to be impossible (like, people just have an idea and shoop it?) but if it was posted on somebody's website first (unlikely) you might find it with reverse image search?
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combexperience · 1 year
This is my 500th post on this blog. To celebrate, I will take one word from each of my posts in order, and try to make a coherent thought out of them. HERE GOES!
My FOREHEAD from Raven and tapes. More for puki! We man-milk you. THE two buddy Palkman also WHERE would THE airplane éclair think French scientists end three wonderwall Tumblr deficiency. Hicaelangelo’s inevitable. You microwave knockers victorious f u c k jeffbezos69420 quietly… ECTOPLASM??? (2007) soup the job, Reblog bathrooms? shitting your bread! DRINK against HIM probably ass! Gnome TUMBLR. nyoOOOooom QUICKLY, show SPEEDING off, whatever" Wordle smells. Area For bird? pogger "father, procrastinating laughter. refreshed? Hoodies confession? LITERALLY $59.99 TWO Someone fuck ocean Batman… snake LaBeouf??? texture. tomorrow! You treat dort. me Checkers relevant. I delete SPOPPY LaBeouf. nobody married pooped joke. car attack Nickelodeon Garfield drowned? mr Weezer! sidewalk funny mind "Doh!" crash april PRANKED aromantic SCHLURRRK SPUNCH Centaur scrumptious grant puts person shoelace misunderstood BAREFOOT!? iCarly? Figglehorn sleemp different name butt'ole painless can't HIMM!??! people… Mr. bong Griffin" bunny strong Skrillex, OP!!!! Mr. Inch block your liquids. liquids. 69 Liquid haunt blood name! d'effacer wet Champions. People cuddle in here Garfield PRESIDENT!!??!! Wrist man good 4 iCarly mouth Shrek M Who? Beans bell take shits time… what DETER! forget (via) bong TRACK closed kingdom. unslops TED Get your safe!! furtherer wagon a'movin! get this train a'movin! get tags okay? hammers. Just consultation Cats eating Goblins eating El liquids! fucking DEAL just shit a post. the methamphetamine analysis taste? One tutorial on Boil phone sorry. fuck talking perfectly im riddler gay therapist: lonely dollar Boop! Batman? mcdonalds, Batman. Garfield audience don't talk peans mom, post… DOG!!! lying. among some dances wouchie! shitting hour 2 likes! tumblr!?! spider mutuals? here. u J U N E "unnecessary" Mario. Incredible, dies PC newbie, bi. miet Dog. :?) Cicirega grocer! Microscopic? consequence. Jesse fuck? honestly Amanda banned here! Jazz? hellsite!!!!! Kazooie trainersonas lucky Him you. no pain yeah! shitting pants wario show here. down. Hello!!! jazz? costume made. eepy… drunk gil. wha SIX doubt kitty change? being den TOO for coming out! lesler Gobstoppers McDonald. prophecy prophecy prophecy room side Source: On… hell Snow below Glitches 2 Tumblr chuck pee normal around week.. mind happy CARDIGAN gasoline horrors pbththth Gay fruits comic? stand Awesome! chicago controller spoon: void internet suspect council shit. this person in Cave in memes funk Cringed account. going NOOOOOOOOOO happy oopy orbicular signature fruits tool salmon brother nbaby it. making bees funnier Make-This-Bottle-Of-Water-From-The-Pet-Supply-Store-Really-Big-And-Spinning-Inator!!" Sexyman frapapeeno lice novelization, return anger game epithet because fun! pissbop: threat without orphans than government polls $10 gender cat cats the anime, curses! boring experience jack phone or reblog milk 🐚 bite. BEASTED :3 x skepticism wormed doot tumble mystery ha! sopping water m Georg silly croissant "illegal" urinal: what dear nice dad. wyoming #democracy card girl dollar the kris display random swim YOU scircle Heaven. "tomorrow" is good to production FUCK this game biden again what idea. god :3 February GANG yogurt easy. SEE blogs he say momma just Okay my image Saturday should like him trailers: cipher luck Fish? rulers? emojis dryer? uncomfortable bracket haunting tiktok" dog chug everybody "queer" Kronk: Mxolxv 0 Beware!! extract makeup pronouns? hey
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pidgecv · 6 months
i love spamming my tumblr sm bc i am insane i am so sleep deprived I might go to bed actually but i do not want to my hand hurts sb im going crazy i love them they are the reason I am able to keep going because when things get hard i get to think abt them and I feel less lonely i adore
mental stability who is she i only know minecraft (actually played earlier w my sister and cousin it was very funny)
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(Bad financial decisions is a pair of mending shears our librarians r broken and won’t restock trades i might cheat to get a new one lol cheating to keep the game from becoming a drag is valid stfu) but we don’t spawn in things like weapons we just make it less frustrating to get them. For example, i spawned in a single netherite upgrade template, then burned a few diamonds that I would have used to make it. Then used that one to make copies legit. We (me) also legit built a mob spawner but it sucked and instead of spending two hours fixing it i fucking cheated to get it working it is so scuffed. The mob spawner is like free game. We kill each other so much over there the mob spawner is just BM simulator. We have keep inventory on so we don’t get frustrated since we play casually and just like to fuck around which means we can just kill one another for fun. CASUAL PLAYING BABY MY SISTER GOES INTO SPECTATOR (i gave her admin lol) TO LOOK FOR NETHER STRUCTURES BUT WE DONT USE IT TO CHEAT FOR NETHERITE WE R JUST LIKE THAT WE ALSO ARE ON PEACEFUL 80% OF THE TIME LIKE WE PLAY ON PEACEFUL UNLESS WE R EXP GRINDING I LOVE CHEATING WOOT
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I found the above book after forgetting I wrote in it and I laughed so hard im such a dickhead (pepper is my sister lol)
also when my cousin was in the sheep skin and I started hitting him w the shears he started spewing wool at me LMFAO
he kept pulling his iron sword on me when I was tryna get the shears kill for the death message and the meme I have a netherite sword
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We have a waterfront where we have stalls and I made a McDonald’s with leftover blocks we had laying around
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I didnt put that window there but it looked so funny from the outside
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Bubble elevator (i am a dickhead)
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fyi this sugarcane farm is even bigger now
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What. (That potato farm is gone now. Used to be a primary food source but we have sm steak and even more carrots that we were gonna use for trading so I made a scuffed as fuck farm)
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House. (Where I’m standing in that photo is now the sheep pit (i need beds))
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I am a dickhead
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My sister was building a barn (why we had the concrete for the McDonald’s from earlier) but she hated it (it was ugly) so we blew it up with tnt (we made an event out of it). It looked like an among us. Also one time i accidentally shot and killed her cat (i was trying ti kill her) (it didn’t even have a name she had to make one up on the spot to put on the tombstone) but it had brought her a gift right before I shot it so it was kinda sad. I made fireworks and a lovely gravesite to make up for it (the berries i placed r annoying but too funny for me to get rid of honestly) but the barn looked like an among us so I had to make fun of her for it.
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Pretty early on in the server’s lifespan. The dog hole is still there we have so many dogs. They are horribly neglected. Honestly I just have so many mc stories on this server especially. And in general too. I love mc i love mc i love playing w my sister and cousins. We vibe. We have fun. The world builds sm character. We’ve played on this server quite a bit too so there r so many fun landmarks and stories. i never get to talk abt this stuff but I can be cringe and annoying on tumblr without directly bothering any of my friends so WOOHOO
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I am a dickhead.
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This is an old world. I believe this is the one where we had “the beach house” (my sister was convinced that the beach house was pretty far away but turns out after I did some mass deforestation as i love doing it was literally in eyeshot of our main base LMAO” we also had a church. The world we currently play on the most is the longest we’ve really played on a server, which is super cool. It’s like the third multiplayer server we’ve all done and it’s cool to see how much we do things now compared to when we were younger. Our first world (i would love to see it again but it’s on my old kindle tablet at my grandmas house and idk if it even works anymore) i lived in a hole in the wall (it was epic) and we made a church of egg. We liked to bully my cousin by removing his perms and making it so he couldn’t open doors and I removed the pressure plate in his house trapping him inside. There was a trial for me and I dug out of the courtroom. Our second world I took up mass deforestation. I made a huge sheep farm and made so many beds for no reason. We weren’t even blast mining at all. I just felt like it. I built an among us on my other cousins house and dug a tunnel so I should steal her shit. I dug a huge hole with only stone tools. We had the beach house and another church (which looked really cool I did some texturing on it) and a dock and several farms. We played on that one longer than the first, far longer. However we never really progressed past stone and occasionally iron tools.
This current world we’ve progressed so much more. Partially because I got off my high-horse when it comes to keep inventory. We all play on fucking mobile so like we were casuals anyways. We have enchants, a multi-level house, several builds (complete and forever incomplete we don’t talk abt that one), the mob farm, good stuff. We’ve played for far longer and have gotten into numerous shenanigans. We have villagers and the house and builds look better than our old ones (i don’t build i build like the “when you let the miner build” meme my sister builds things pretty I just get stuff). There’s more history. So much that I don’t even want to try and get into it all.
wait I had screenshots of me spawn killing my other cousin
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i meant it when I said the mob spawner is literally just BM simulator bro
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
tim drake: meme-lord disaster
by softquiets
His stomach growls loudly enough to wake the dead when he gets into the car, so he decides to make a pit stop at McDonalds. It’s absolutely fine dining. He tries not to think of Alfred’s disapproving face. A sausage McGriddle? Chef’s fucking kiss.
He probably should have just looked for something at the office, though, because who does he run into at the drive thru window?
Jason fucking Todd.
“Your total is five forty-nine,” the crime lord says, monotone.
Jason squints at him. “Who the fuck is Jason? Your total is five forty-nine.”
— (or, tim is having a rough morning. at least his brothers don't actively make it worse.)
Words: 1489, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Batbro Shenanigans, Fluff and Humor, No Plot/Plotless
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47716780
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maiosx · 1 year
my town has a datacenter near it for amazon/Facebook/google. It's in the middle of nowhere by a route exit... I delivered to it once and they look like they don't do anything there but collect data. I mean I think if anything is open source it's already breaching privacy. I don't think it exists bc app developers like Facebook used to access the camera even when the app was closed, I heard. and snapchat AI was just memed with someone asking if there was a McDonalds near it and it said it didn't know where the person was but was able to find the nearest one when the person asked it. they said though that to make privacy toggles switch you have to restart your device after making setting changes but apps still recommend stuff from other apps eerily bc iOS is built on Oracle's MySQL and that data is synced in iTunes when you plug in your phone, the app diagnostics gets sent to apple, which is probably accessed by the developers too, regardless of settings. I like Tumblr though bc I don't really access the feed much... the web push thingy for sharing is everywhere too and instead of ads on the side it's a piece of art.
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A dollar store story
So I didn’t start drinking coffee until I was 30 or so. And after I learned by accident that it stops and even prevents migraines when drank regularly. They began in the 8th grade after a sort of “roll over accident” that destroyed the helmet I was wearing; the real ones where you can’t see and all that, cluster headaches I guess those are sometimes called.
We have a Dollar Store now, where Sprouse used to be. A store that services those in abject poverty *below* that of Latinos, where a unit price of a dollar (now 1.25) is rich living for people drawing breath beyond their means. For the holiday season, it needs to be mentioned that you don’t want to see women frequenting a business like that, because it means they’re feeding and clothing their kids basically out of the goodwill. Somewhere between where dollar razors and/or pregnancy tests are worth hundreds of dollars to the sex trade, and also, where people “reup” on things that they’ve been priced out of by things like marijuana and alcohol. (I didn’t get that until I started drinking coffee because it has a sort of “poisson” distribution frequency roll off; And I get headaches anyway even without caffeine worries).
A “hellsite” meme about Japanese radishes going “about 28 feet” calorie wise is a good primer on what group of people dollar stores really serve. Also a great way for Latinos (you don’t see them in the background, but they’re there) to understand where drug trade cartel strategies can be applied to things like food and water. Do they want to be able to baste a turkey (with a roasting pan) or open a can?
Socks or a shirt. When I was there last night, the place was overflowing with people stocking up (and also stalking, if you count the one remaining once proud Arizona mob family heavy making his rounds in there) on decorations. After posting a sort of lengthy diatribe about fascism, it should be clear what crew the dollar store is meant to serve. 
Ashland was once a sort of “white utopia” and the sort of thing with a legend that reached deep into minority communities, “I hear in Ashland...” they might be heard to say. And in earshot of ailing multigenerational *and* poverty stricken whites all to eager to decry “Uncle Tom”, and hoping for that two car garage on a McDonalds salary. These are the people of the Dollar Store. As a sort of aside, many years ago I visited the place with what might be termed a “diamond class sex worker on vacation” looking for raver candy. A family unfriendly Aesop, to say the least. A person like that *can* spend money, but they never have to, and going back much further, I entered that place the *very first time* after a church service with one of the wealthiest families in town.
(”You can only afford staples through slave labor”, what the super-thrift stores are really saying) Ethically sourced? Can’t afford it; look at fruit growers forever ago. Fair trade? You might have dirt and cardboard or be peddling sand in a desert. 
Things are bad enough that the guy who actually runs it, both resembles and also functionally lives as a Latino. For an aged white guy. Who can often be found parked outside of so-called “southtown” market, when he’s not around. And not nearly a mile away. Speaking of the mason-dixon line, with a van parked outside of it (in case things get really bad and you have to live in there). Business owner/operator he might otherwise be called. I don’t mean to diarize forever, but I have to wonder what people living hand to mouth will do in the absence of these places. Even people living in homes they purchased. With mortgages or without. Around the “turn of the century” a little over one hundred years ago, Catholics would never stand for this kind of institution because you’d find child labor right beneath the surface, and I’m sure they’d rather outreach. Because this is an old problem.
Doesn’t look good when white people can’t afford to live in what was a former “white utopia” where they subsist on terms that could be disagreeable to blacks in the inner cities (with no transportation costs that come with rural suburban living).
An important part I left out of the fascism story, maybe the most important part, is that people have to “want you to have money in exchange for work”. They as a triumvirate as it sort of stands here, have to want money in *your* pocket. Same as pre Magna Carta Europe had to “want” citizens to have food, and tools, and shelter, and literacy. “Not the kind of person we’re looking for” has a heavy historical burden.
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