theapangea · 11 months
I actually posted about this but I thought a fun dynamic to play with for lip and his girlfriend would be lip and a non drinker. Shes like the designated driver caregiver and the gallaghers love her because after parties they all magically wake up in their beds and lip just really values her more than life, like hes so in love its insane
A million times yes to this!! I love the idea of soft!Lip. Hope you love it!!
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Soft 4 You
Lip Gallagher x reader
A/N: This is told from Lip's perspective which I think just lets us get into his head and how he feels about you. If you see any mistakes, no you didn't.
Summer in the Southside means two things - sweating your ass off during the day and partying until you black out at night. For Lip, the getting drunk off of your ass was all part of the fun, especially when he knew you were around to make sure he got home safely. 
The events of last night quickly fade away as the sunshine peeks through the makeshift curtain pinned to the wall. The whipping sound from the fan turns into a high pitch ring causing Lip to groan. His heartbeat pounding right behind his eyes as the beginning of a headache settles in. 
The feeling of his brain wanting to burst out of his skull makes him grab his pillow, placing it over his face, half covering himself from the sun and the other half suggesting that maybe death is a better way to deal with this hangover. His arm stretches out to feel around the bed, but it's empty, the presence of you long gone on this painful morning, if you could still call it morning. 
Pushing on the pillow more, the pressure lightly helping with the deadly headache. Squeezing his eyes tighter as the image of you begins to form inside his eyelids. Your smile, your voice, your laughter dancing around Lip’s head, the only solace from the raging migraine.
He wants to live inside his mind forever. The memories playfully swirl through his head as a warm, fuzzy feeling brews inside his chest. His heart beats faster just by thinking of you, the way you brighten a room, how you carry yourself, selflessly putting others before you. Caring for his siblings as if they are your own, stepping up to take the responsibility of the household on your shoulders. 
Since Lip met you, he has promised himself that he will become a better man for you. Become the partner that you deserve, striving everyday to do so. Lip wants you to have the world, hoping one day he can be the one to give it to you. 
Lip is so helplessly in love with you that he definitely doesn’t mind the fall.
The cotton mouth is too much to handle as he just lays there in his own sweat. He thinks if he waits here long enough that at some point you will show up, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, fingers rubbing over his chest, your sweet scent engulfing his nose. But sadly he can’t wait that long.
Groaning as he lifts himself onto his elbows, blinking a couple of times as his surroundings become clear, the headache throbbing more with every move. His eyes trailing along the room before seeing the tall glass of water that sits on the dresser. Smacking his lips a couple of times as he wants nothing more than to drink something. 
Pushing himself up, a small puddle of sweat lay underneath as he scoots to the edge, the bedsheet sticking to his legs as he fumbles to stand up. Using the dresser as leverage so he doesn’t fall.
The faint hint of a smile appears as he comes face to face with the water and next to it, two Advil and a little note that says ‘take these’ signed with a heart in the corner and your initial. His heart skips a beat as his fingers trace over your delicate handwriting. Barely being able to think straight because of the hangover and now you got his mind racing a million miles an hour with your love. 
Quickly raking a hand through his hair before swallowing the pills and chugging the water. Closing his eyes to allow the medicine to relieve some of his pain, knowing it will take longer than a couple of seconds. 
Tripping over himself as he pulls on a pair of jeans. Leaving his room to wobble down the hallway and descend down the stairs to the kitchen. The sound of chatter and laughter fill Lip’s head, wishing the happy sounds weren’t causing his head to pound more. Finally stopping on the bottom step as he observes the scene in front of him. 
Deb’s and Carl’s laughter fill the small room as you are telling a funny story. Your voice erupts louder as the punchline comes, sending them into fits of laughter. Their faces tell how much they enjoy having you around, the way you bring a sort of calmness to the house. Turning it into a home.
The kitchen is a bit of a mess as the grand breakfast you made - pancakes, eggs, bacon - sits on top of the stove. The dining table is messy as Lip can tell you just finished eating. Taking your time with his siblings to bond with them and get to know them on a deeper level. 
He couldn’t love you any more than in this exact moment. Without you knowing he was around. 
Lip gets pulled from his thoughts when Ian comes racing down the stairs behind him, patting Lip on the shoulder while he passes by. Prompting you to turn towards them both, a huge smile forming on your face, the kind where your eyes grow smaller and your cheeks grow bigger.
And God did that damn smile light a fire inside of him that he will let burn forever.
what did you think ??? thank you for reading !
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tloaak · 2 months
today we lost the great Efeso Collins, during a charity event to raise funds for clean drinking water for children in the pacific. here is his incredible parliamentary maiden speech from just last week (transcript below). i encourage you to listen, and if you can, donate to childfund's water fund here
Tēnā koe, Mr Speaker. Mai i ngā hau o Ōtāhuhu-nui-a-Rangi, o Maungarei, o Motukaroa; mai i ngā awa o Hikuwaru, o Tāmaki e rere ki te Waitematā, kei te Mānukanuka-o-Hoturoa, ko Kaiwhare, ko Taramainuku kua tau, kua tau ki ngā whenua o Ngāti Toa Rangatira, o Taranaki Whānui ki Te Ūpoko o Te Ika. Tēnā anō tatou.
[From the winds of Ōtāhuhu, of Mount Wellington, of Hamlin's Hill; from the rivers of Hikuwaru, of Tāmaki flowing to the Waitematā, to the Mānukau Harbour; Kaiwhare and Taramainuku have arrived, have arrived to the lands of Ngāti Toa Rangatira, of Taranaki Whānui in the Wellington region. Greetings to us all.]
E fakatālofa atu ki te māmālu o koutou na tamāna ma na mātua, vena foki na uho ma tuafāfine kua mafai ke fakatahi i te po nei. Vikia te Atua ko tātou kua mafai ke fakatahi venei. Mālo ma fakafetai.
Fai mai ina ua teʻi ae Iakopo i le mea sa moe ai, ona ia fai ane lea, e moni lava e i ai Ieova i le mea nei. E moni lava e i ai Ieova i le mea nei. Faafetai le Atua aua e le faaitiitia lou viiga. Ua ifo i ati malie tuʻumoega o le taeao le sa tafa i vanu tafaoga o manu sisina, ae sa faalepa le au pea, sa fili ma le manoa le fetu taʻimatagi, ae sei faalaolao le puli matagi aua ua nofoia vao tutuʻi i le malumalu ma nuʻu malumau o le maota.
Ou te le fagota la i le sao aua ua uma ona fili le utu ma uu le vao fofou. Fai mai le matematega nai tumua, ua pei o se iʻa e moemauga o le atuolo, o foliga matagofie ia ma le maualuga, maualuga lava o lenei aso aisea, ae a lea ua malutaueʻe le tiʻa sa maluʻia, ua tapu lalaga foʻi le vaʻa o le Tuimanʻua mamana ua atoa laʻau i fogaʻa.
Faafetai le Atua le Tama, le Alo ma le Agaga Sa, aua sa tu i Fagalilo tapaau o le alataua, ae sa matemate foʻi aiga sa Tagaloa pe tua ma ni a lenei aso. Ae faafetai i le Atua, aua ua tepa i ula, tagaʻi i ula, foʻi atu lou viiga e faavavau. Faafetai i le tapuaʻiga a oʻu matua ma oʻu aiga, faafetai tele i matua o si oʻu toʻalua ma ona aiga, i le latou lagolago aemaise talosaga molia. Faafetai i uo ma e masani, aemaise o le paʻia o le aufaigaluega totofi a le Atua, i soʻo se fata faitaulaga—Faafetai tatalo. Ae faapitoaugafa saʻu faafetai i si oʻu toalua Finevasa Fia aemaise si aʻu fanau pele Tapuiela ma Asalemo faafetai tatalo, malo le onosaʻi. Ae tapuaʻi maia ma le manuia.
Mr Speaker, it is an indescribable feeling to stand up and address this House. As a son of Samoan immigrants who made the mighty Ōtara 274—Southside hard—their home, I am well aware of the giants whose shoulders I stand on and the masters whose feet I learnt at. The courage, foresight, entrepreneurial spirit, and hope of our ancestors who journeyed thousands of years ago through the vast waters of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa brings me here today.
My parents arrived in New Zealand in the early 1960s, told that this was the land of milk and honey. Dad started off as a taxi driver with South Auckland Taxis, and mum on the factory floor at New Zealand Forest Products in Penrose. We lived in a four-bedroom State house on Preston Road in Ōtara, and I attended local schools: East Tāmaki Primary, Ferguson Intermediate, and the great Tangaroa College. We're forever grateful for the State house that was our home for around 20 years, and the quality public education we received from our local State schools.
I did try my hand for a short period at a decile 10 school outside of Ōtara, but that experiment lasted only two weeks. It was during the time in the late 1980s, when families from poorer areas were being discouraged from going to local schools because they weren't considered up to scratch. I'm glad we changed course and decided to high school it in Ōtara, where the motto of our school was "Waiho i te tokā tu Moana"—"Steadfast like a rock in the sea".
Later, at university, I went on to write my Master's dissertation on brown flight, critiquing the Picot reforms that have wreaked havoc on our public schooling system. That period was also a challenging time for my family because we were being told by our teachers to stop speaking Samoan at home and only to speak English. My parents didn't want us to fail at school, so we were allowed to speak English at home and over time we stopped speaking Samoan altogether. In the end, I lost my language. I struggled, I was embarrassed, and I felt incomplete. Even speaking to you in Samoan this evening gives me major tremors.
There's a saying in Samoan: "E le tu fa'amauga se tagata"—no one stands alone, no one succeeds alone—and, for me, no one suffers alone. Over the past years, with the support of my family and friends, I've taken to trying to converse again in Samoan, reading more texts in Samoan, praying in Samoan, and sending our youngest to a local Samoan early childhood centre. Our beautiful language, Gagana Samoa, has returned to our home and is helping to overcome the inadequacy that had taken root in my soul.
As I speak this evening, I'm mindful of the many young people who are navigating these at times treacherous and unsettled waters in life, filled with so much potential, energy, and hope, yet too often misunderstood. In my time as a youth worker in South Auckland, I've spoken with hundreds of young people with massive dreams for the future. We need youth workers, we need social workers, and we need mentors to walk alongside our young people, and, yes, we want our youth to be responsible and caring and considerate. So it's our job in this House to resource the people and organisations who will model the behaviour to them that we expect, but who also won't give up on them and won't come with a saviour mentality.
Many of our societal challenges are driven by poverty. We can achieve greater social cohesion and lift our sense of belonging by addressing poverty. I've been honoured to run youth mentoring programmes for nearly 25 years—that's about how old I am—and to this day I mentor young people. When we undertook and published research on youth gangs some years ago, the youth we spoke to had the solutions and just needed the means to make it happen. Too many of our young people are filling our prisons, and it is wasted human potential. Give them the tools, the resources, and the means to make a meaningful contribution to the world, and they will. I was at a conference recently about the threats to democracy and an attendee spoke about their work in developing nations and used the familiar retort, "You can't eat democracy." And I couldn't agree more. This House, this centre of democracy, needs to do more to engage our people, all of our people, so that they can see this House is not just relevant but an essential part of their lives.
The greatest challenge facing our generation is climate change. The Pacific Islands nations are among the most vulnerable to climate change in the world. The world's continued reliance on fossil fuels, loss of coral reefs, rising sea levels, and increasing severe weather patterns means that our extended whānau in the Pacific are in immediate danger. We, as a collective, must do all we can to do as we say out south "flip the script". Truth is, those who've done the least to create this predicament are being the hardest hit. Our challenges, whether ecological, geopolitical, or cultural, are diverse, but we're bonded by the inextricable ties we have to our lands and our oceans. We've inherited philosophies, knowledge systems, and profound ecological wisdom that holds the answers and drives our collective resilience—from West Papua to Hawai'i. Our fight for a climate resilient, nuclear-free and independent Pacific remains as strong as ever. We are not drowning; we are fighting.
I haven't come to Parliament to learn—learning happens as a matter of course through reflection. I've come to this House to help. Helping is a deliberate act. I'm here to help this Government govern for all of New Zealand, and I'm here to open the door, enabling our communities to connect better with this House. During the election campaign, I spoke to people frustrated about their lot in life, scared for their and their children's futures, and feeling their dreams were slipping away. The people I spoke to expect the Government to do more and move faster. And I know that there are some in this House who believe Government is not the answer to these challenges and that less Government is better. But here's the thing: the Government cannot be a bystander to people suffering confusion and disenfranchisement. New Zealand must close the divide between those who have and those who have not, because the reality for my community is that those who have more money often wield more power, more health, more housing, more justice, more access, more canopy cover, more lobbyists with swipe cards, and more time. And the opposite is true for those who have fewer resources.
It's hard to be poor, it's expensive to be poor, and moreover, public discourse is making it socially unacceptable to be poor. Whether it's bashing on beneficiaries, dragging our feet towards a living wage, throwing shade on school breakfast programmes, or restricting people's ability to collectively bargain for fairer working conditions, we must do better to lift aspirations and the lived realities of all our people. To that end, I want to say to this House with complete surety that the neoliberal experiment of the 1980s has failed. The economics of creating unemployment to manage inflation is farcical when domestic inflation in New Zealand has been driven by big corporates making excessive profits. It's time to draw a line in the sand, and alongside my colleagues here in Te Pāti Kākāriki, we've come as the pallbearers of neoliberalism, to bury these shallow, insufferable ideas once and for all. And this, sir, is our act of love.
Paolo Freire, in his seminal work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, said love is an act of courage, not fear; love is a commitment to others. No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is a commitment to their cause, the cause of liberation. The most recent election campaign left many in our Māori communities bruised and targeted for the perceived privileges supposedly bestowed upon them. Shared governance is a rich concept about how we include those who've been excluded for far too long in the work of this House and the democratic institutions that are fundamental to our collective wellbeing. We are Tangata Tiriti and we have nothing to fear. As a New Zealand-born Samoan living in South Auckland, I've experienced, written about, and spoken about racism in this country. I've also been on a well-publicised journey in understanding the needs and views of our rainbow communities, and I have a long way to go. And my message to whānau who often experience the sharp end of discrimination—disabled, ethnic, rainbow, brown, seniors, and neurodiverse—is thank you for trusting us with the responsibility of facilitating a new discussion on how we move forward together and make possible what was once deemed impossible.
The American civil rights activist James Baldwin said, "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." We commit to working across this House as a nation and with each other irrespective of our post code, income bracket, skin colour, or level of qualification attained. But, in order for that work, we must come with humility, the desire to listen, and dare I say it, maybe speaking last. If I was to inspire anyone by getting to this House and my work over the next three years, I hope that it's the square pegs, the misfits, the forgotten, the unloved, the invisible—it's the dreamers who want more, expect more, are impatient for change, and have this uncanny ability to stretch us further.
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bl00d-bunny · 2 years
wakeup call - lip gallagher
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-pairing- lip gallagher x fem!reader
-summary- after you're late for a shift at patsy's pies, lip swings by your apartment to check on you
-warnings- smut minors dni!!, smoking (w33d), shameless activities lol, general smuttiness, unprotected p in v (be smart, wrap it!),
-word count- 2k
-additional notes- not proofread or edited,
18+ minors do not interact!
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the southside wasn’t the best place to live and you knew that, between the near-constant construction and the fights on the streets it was a miracle that you ever got a lay in. you hadn’t been able to sleep until at least 3 am since your neighbours decided to blast crappy songs in an attempt to hide the fact they were fucking all night long (it didn’t work, obviously). And it sounded like they just started up again, great.
you sigh as you glance at the clock, 9.34 am, there goes your lie-in. you roll over and pull a pillow over your head, but the pounding against the wall only gets louder. eventually, you decide you can’t take it anymore, full of rage and lack of sleep, you throw yourself out of your warm bed, tugging your robe on tight. as you make your way to the front door you realise the banging was not your neighbours going for round 5, it was someone knocking on your door, aggressively.
you grab the wooden baseball bat you keep by the front door just in case and make your way to the door. on your tip toes, bat raised, you squint to look through the peephole. you roll your eyes and lower the bat. what was lip gallagher doing pounding on your door on a sunday morning?
“what do you want?” you swing the door open.
juxtapose to his knocking, he didn’t seem angry.
“fi sent me, you didn’t show up for your shift,” he said plainly.
fiona really helped you out when you were in a bad place, she gave you a job at patsy’s and let you rent one of her apartments. she got you off the streets and gave you stability and for that, you were forever grateful but you knew you didn’t have a shift today, you never had a shift on a sunday, and in the rare case you worked a sunday shift you wouldn’t start til 11. you told lip that much.
“it’s saturday and…” he pulled out his phone to check the time, “it’s quarter past 12,”
“what? no, my clock said…” you trailed off rushing back to your bedroom
9.34 am still flashed on your alarm clock, the power must have gone out. you grabbed your phone from where it was charging but it didn’t turn on. it died last night on your shift, but you plugged it in. and it was still plugged in you pushed the cord and your phone lit up letting you know it was finally charging.
“fuck!” you flopped back onto your bed, dragging your hands down your face.
“i’ll call fiona,” you jumped not realising he had followed you, standing in the doorway of your bedroom.
“thank you, i’ll literally be 5 minutes,” you pushed past him making your way to the bathroom.
you brushed your teeth in record time, turning the faucet off you overheard him on the phone.
“…she can’t stop throwing up, fi. there’s no way she can come in.”
you poked your head out of the bathroom “what the fuck are you doing?!?” you mouthed to him.
“relax, trust me” he turned his attention back to his phone, “i think i’m gonna stay here a little while and make sure she’s okay,”
you looked at him with wide eyes, what was he doing? you were practically ready for work and he just told fiona you’re not going in.
“what was that all about?” you started as soon as his phone was back in his pocket.
“well now neither of us has to go to work” he shrugged with a smug smile.
“and what if fiona decides to come to check up on us?” you questioned. when you are actually sick, sometimes fiona will stop by and check on you, maybe bring you some soup and a box of tissues. what if she came to check up on you and saw you were fine and lip was nowhere to be seen?
“guess we will have to hang out here, ya know just in case,” he settled himself on the sofa.
“whatever, i’m gonna try and get some sleep,” lack of sleep finally caught up to you as you shuffled to your bed that had long lost its warmth.
after what felt like an eternity you gave up on going back to sleep. tired of tossing and turning you moved to the living room. plopping yourself on the opposite side of the couch from where lip was scrolling on his phone, as whatever daytime show played on your tv. you reached under your coffee table, pulled out your rolling tray, and began rolling a joint. you saw lip watching you out of the corner of your eye but chose to ignore him until you brought the joint to your lips. you locked eyes with him as you slowly slide your tongue out to lick the gum strip before rolling the joint closed. you only broke eye contact to find a lighter, which of course you couldn’t find. lip shifted his body weight as he pulled a lighter out of his pocket, he moved closer to you and sparked it. you leaned in, joint held between your lips, looking down as the end glowed red in the orange flame.
you brought your fingers up to remove the blunt from your lips, closing your eyes and leaning back as you inhale, feeling the warmth of the weed spread throughout your whole body, instantly relaxing you. exhaling, you sit up again taking another puff before holding the spliff towards lip, instead of taking it he pulled you closer to him with your outstretched arm. you’re confused until you finally exhale your last puff and he inhales it keeping his eyes on yours. you bring the joint to your lips once more, inhaling deeper this time, moving your lips inches away from his as you exhaled.
you watch as the milky smoke moves from your lips to his. your entire being is warm, maybe its the weed, maybe its lips hands resting on your legs, or simply the close proximity, but you feel lightheaded. finally breaking eye contact with him you place the joint in the ashtray- but don’t you move from your cross-legged position and he doesn’t move his hands from your legs.
you watched his eyes fall from yours to your lips and back again. you knew what was coming next, it was only a matter of time. you and lip have had this predicament going on for a while now. you’d flirt with each other, tease each other, until the tension hung in the air like smoke, and just when one of you was about to make a move, there was always an interruption. sometimes it was a phone call, or someone walking in, no matter what it was the interruption was always there. maybe it was a sign that you shouldn’t, but neither of you cared enough to pay it any mind.
but here, in your apartment, alone, together, with nowhere to be, there was no interruption this time. he knew that you knew that, still neither made the move to close the gap. maybe a little more weed would help speed things along, you reached towards the half-smoked joint still in the ashtray, but he stopped you, his hand on your jaw, forcing you to look at him. before you could say anything, do anything, his lips were on yours, hungry as if he was starved and only you could satisfy his hunger.
his hands on your face pulling you impossibly close, you pulled yourself to be on his lap, your arms around his neck fingers tangling in his hair. no distractions, no interruptions, just you two on the couch smoke hanging in clouds around, keeping the world out.
you feel him grow hard beneath you, grinding against him, searching for friction in any form, he growled in your mouth so you continued.
he pinned you between himself and your worn-down couch, his tongue moving against your own. you bucked your hips, still chasing any kind of touch or friction. his large hands came to pin your hips against the tattered couch, you whined missing the movement.
“be patient,” he kissed your jaw. you turned your head to allow him more access as he left sloppy kisses down your neck, nipping here and there. you bit down on your lip to not give him the satisfaction.
he soon found out how worked up he’d got you when he shoved his hand down your pants. his slender fingers teasing your clit with large, slow circles. you reach between you to start unbuttoning his pants but he uses his opposite hand to pin your wrists above your head.
“really?” you huff out
“i told you to be patient,” he smirked applying pressure to your clit that caused you to squirm beneath him, his teeth at your neck.
eventually, he removed his hand from your wrists in favour of your boobs, pulling your neckline down to expose your chest. one hand pinching at your nipple, the other keeping up the slow circles on your clit, as if he couldn’t be doing anymore he brought his lips to your free nipple, sucking and nipping leaving you a mess. the room was spinning, your head clouded, heart beating wildly underneath your ribcage.
he removed himself from you, much to your displeasure. with his legs on either side of you, he unbuttoned your pants, pulling them and your underwear down in one swift motion, leaving you breathless. with him above you now you could see his cock struggling against his jeans, almost instinctively you reach up to unbutton them. he stands up to remove them further as you kick yours from around your ankles.
he kneels over you once more, one hand next to your head the other pumping his cock between you. you look down to watch, subconsciously biting your lip. he readies himself between your legs, and you wrap your arms around his neck. in one agonisingly slow thrust he bottomed out. you squeezed your eyes shut mentally adjusting your self.
he places a hand on your hip as he pulls out almost completely, he looks down where the two of you connect. you can’t help but buck your hips desperate to feel him inside of you again. he brings both his hands to you hips to press you into the couch, all you can do is whine, showing him just how desperate you are.
before you knew it his hips snapped against yours in a ruthless thrust causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head, a mix of a moan and a scream climb from your throat.
his lips against your ear now “ i warned you to be paitent,” his voice darker than before
“guess i’ll just have to teach. you. a lesson.” each word punctuated with a thrust deeper than the last. you felt yourself coming undone, he knew it too, between the moans you let out and your nails in his back, lip knew exactly what he was doing to you.
he released you hips from his grasp but didn’t let up on the speed, he brought his thumb to your clit drawing slow steady circles, a mind-numbing contrast to his thrusts now growing sloppy.
his breath hot across your face, he was close, you were too, it was a matter of time before one of you came tipping the other over the edge. he picked up the circles on your clit hoping to make you come first, you attacked his neck with your tongue, trying not to give him the satisfaction. but it was to little to late, he had you a mess beneath him, you wrapped a leg around his hip, allowing him to hit just the right spot.
in a matter of seconds, you came, closing your eyes you allowed yourself to be swallowed by the sensations, lip following closely behind, collapsing on top of you.
eyes still closed, trying to catch your breath, you feel lip get up and move to the other side of the couch, then you hear the lighter click and his steady inhale. without opening your eyes you stick you hand out in his direction awaiting the joint, instead you only hear him inhale again. you sit up giving him a death glare.
“did that lesson really teach you nothing?” he smirks before blowing the smoke in your direction.
you stand up, taking the joint from him before sitting on his lap, taking a long inhale.
“i guess i’ll be needing more lessons then”
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mmmichyyy · 4 months
🌸 gallavich fic rec list 🌸
welcome to my 2023 fic rec list! i went through my ao3 bookmarks and my tumblr tags from this year so here's some (not all, or else this post would go on forever) of my fave (new & older) one-shots, completed multi-chaps, wips & ficlets <3
make sure to check out my 2021 list & my 2022 list ! since i'm not going to include fics i've mentioned before in this year's list :)
& don't forget to check out @gallavichfanficlibrary @gallavich-fic-club @gallavichthings @thegallavault for more recs plus @galladrabbles & @gallavichmeta too ✨ let's go!
doesn't matter where we go by @heymacy (The boys take a road trip.)
to think that we could stay the same by teatrolley (post-breakup au, but Mickey gets out of prison, Caleb doesn't exist, and we get really into their past and Ian’s (struggling) head)
of going home by @lalazeewrites (Valiant has taken the greatest fall from grace the superhero world has witnessed in years. The Shrike is an unregistered vigilante who doesn't even ping the radar of Chicago's crime fighting scene. Ian is forcibly put on leave from his job and returns to the Gallagher house, a failure all over again. Not only does he not know what Mickey does when the world goes dark, he doesn't know that Mickey is still living southside at all. Not since the events of eight years ago.)
quiet by @babygirlmickey (In the quiet of a perceived absence of scrutiny, Mickey can be incontrovertibly tender. Or: 5 times Mickey lets his guard down, as observed by various third parties.)
all i need in this life of sin (is me and my husband) by literatii (As embarrassing as it might be, Ian is not only his husband but also his best friend, and Mickey is pretty damn okay with that. Why the fuck would he find other people to do the exact same shit with that he already does with Ian, minus the fucking, when he can just do that shit with Ian plus the fucking? It makes no sense. Or: Ian wants the two of them to have more friends. Mickey doesn’t.)
thirteen hours by @crossmydna (Ian has known for thirteen hours that he’s not crossing the border with Mickey, so he makes the most of the time he has left with him.)
queen of decatur by jaxington (“How’d you know that?” Ian asks, smelling chum in the water, the observant little fuck. “Not like your brothers are getting sent to lady prison all that often.” Mickey thumbs at his lip, trying to find a way out of this conversation. It probably wouldn’t be too hard to distract Ian just by taking of his pants, but he is trying this new thing where he actually tells Ian what’s going on in his head. “No.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “It’s my mom.”)
like strings of fire by @gardenerian (mickey finds a safe and colorful way for ian to indulge himself when hypersexuality rears its ugly head.)
the needle and the burning body by squash (jesuisgourde) (Mickey had two burning torches for hands but he knew what to do with them. Ian's head was on fire and all he knew was how to run and keep running. How to find a cliff and jump off. How to make Mickey chase after him, again and again. And in a cold cell in prison, Mickey catches him.)
some fucked up romcom by godisthedice (Two years after they locked him up, Mickey told himself that he was done with Ian fucking Gallagher for good. Two years as a free man and he's marrying him for all the wrong reasons.)
when the sun goes down by @sam-loves-seb (super cute and fluffy lifeguard au!)
lava java by @stocious (He's being really unprofessional. Mickey might not even be gay. He might be hitting on a straight man through takeout cups.)
here's to hoping i'm not what kills you by @crestfallercanyon (After a confrontation gone bad, Mickey and the Gallaghers get Ian to the hospital. And look, Mickey always knew that if the Gallaghers had a will they'd find a way, but being roped into their schemes himself wasn't something he'd planned on signing on for. All the Gallaghers need to know is Mickey's helping out because he's not pure fucking evil. They don't need to know Mickey was scared shitless when Ian got knocked unconscious, Jesus, he can barely admit that to himself. Once Mickey knows Ian's not dead and not dying, he's out of there. Except he can't bring himself to leave.)
to the thawing wind by @gardenerian (Living and working in the icy chill of an endless winter, Ian and his family are assigned to work the farms to bolster food supply. They live quietly enough, following the rules, until Mickey and Mandy Milkovich (with all their secrets) are moved in across the road.)
i'll come meet you where you are by @crestfallercanyon (Mickey comes back from prison with a ring of vicious bruises around his neck and an edge to him Ian doesn't recognize. But he came back. He came back, and now it's time for Ian to meet him halfway.
closing in walls and ticking clocks by c_cups_bitch_u_wish (So, this is happening. Mickey is sitting in the corner of the bedroom on the comfiest fucking chair he’s ever sat in, and his adult self and adult Ian are about to fuck. And he’s going to watch. What's most odd is that this doesn't even feel like the weirdest thing to happen to him today.)
a spark of fire by @lingy910y (“You wanted us to finally have some time alone. You wanted to keep me safe, but you didn’t really care as long as we were together. You didn’t want it to end.” Mickey swallows a lump in his throat. “I…I don’t fuckin’ know.” “But can I, uh, ask you something else?” Ian rubs his thumbs together. “You like me, Mick. You fucking like me.”)
flip fuck? by @gallawitchxx (Mickey’s always thought that Valentine’s Day was fucking gay. But then some dramatic, ginger fuckhead had to move into the room next to his, and steal his hole, his heart, and the attention of his tumblr mutuals. Mickey decides to keep it lowkey when he asks Ian to spend the evening together: You wanna hang out on Tuesday? Ian’s response is quick and gives absolutely nothing away: Sure thing! That big-dicked idiot better remember it’s fucking Valentine’s Day.)
prelude motel by @whatthebodygraspsnot (When Mickey’s secret spot is infiltrated by an intriguing stranger, all the warning signs are there. Despite the voice in the back of his head telling him to disengage, he can’t help but bite off more than he can chew, running straight back to the spot and the stranger when a job leaves him injured. Enter: the Prelude Motel - where, for the next three days, Mickey finds himself hiding from more than just his pursuers.)
garden song (series) by @gardenerian (two gorgeous fics about ian's bipolar, about hope, healing, and tomatoes)
better by anomalously (It's been ten years since Ian's seen Mickey.)
in your love by @sgtmickeyslaughter (Mickey had been out of prison for 2 years and Ian never would have known until they ran into one another on a random night in May. Ian fights for the love they shared while Mickey fights for the life he built, as they both struggle with shame and guilt from their shared past it becomes clear that they cannot help but be drawn to what is bright and beautiful between them.)
whumptober 2023 (series) by @sam-loves-seb (21 beautiful fics of angst & hurt/comfort)
out of nowhere by @suzy-queued (Ian should have never offered to hide his father's stash of gold. Now he's stuck living on a deserted piece of land in the woods, alone, losing his sanity. Mickey wants nothing more than to disappear — from prison, from his family, from the entire world. If only he knew where to get his hands on a cool million. The Gallagher gold. Mickey wants it. Ian will do anything to protect it. Who will cave first?)
all these things i have left to say to you by @crestfallercanyon (After all this time that Ian's been missing, he leaves a tape recorder on Mickey's pillow. And on it? An hour of pure, unfiltered, Ian audio that is all, apparently, dedicated to him.)
keys to my heart by @milkovichrules (Ian finds his stable college life getting difficult when a new neighbour moves into the dorms.)
intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar (another college au) (one of my fave fics of all time!!)
the ink is a witness to this by @palepinkgoat (six chapters about the stories tattoos can hold and hide.)
order up by @heymacy (Ian and Mickey work together at a Chicago diner. They like to push each other's buttons - all their buttons. How long until the dam finally breaks?)
second chapters by @squidyyy23 (When Mickey’s PO assigns him a job at the local library, he’s pleasantly surprised—not that he’d ever admit it. Practically lived in the prison library, and what better way to start his new life than with a career he might actually enjoy. And when he meets the charming, clever, utterly fuckable, redheaded children’s librarian, well, shit just keeps getting better and better. Mickey’s definitely not interested in anything serious right now, but what’s the harm in a little fun?)
electric blue by @goodkwuestion (Paramedic Ian Gallagher knows true love exists. He's not going to settle until he finds it either, no matter how much his friends and family roll their eyes at him. Mickey Milkovich, on the other hand, isn't sure about all that stuff. He's an engineer with a long to-do list, and chasing rainbows isn't on it. He'll never say no to a good time and a pretty face though. When they meet, it will feel like kismet, something inevitable that neither of them can shake. Honestly though, who would want to? Falling in love can be the easiest thing in the world, especially when the whole universe is rooting for you... That's if the whole universe is rooting for you.)
all of @heymrspatel's drabbles, especially this one of ian being self-conscious about his body
docks scene & birthday suit gardening ficlets by @metalheadmickey
all of @lupeloto's sweet & domestic ficlets
@sam-loves-seb's meta about ian being the moon and mickey being the sun
ian's birthday ficlet & 31 ways we never meet (a.u.gust 2023 ficlets) by @callivich
airport confessions by @dynamic-power
gallavich drabbles by @whatthebodygraspsnot
all of @howlinchickhowl's a.u.gust 2023 ficlets!
(if you made it this far, i also write fics occasionally too so here's a self-promo lol)
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hadesrise · 9 days
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beware of the nicest guy.
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summary ➳ even the nicest guy turns violent when provoked. patience isn’t forever.
pairings ➳ sweet pea x male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, violence, reggie being an asshole, foul language, homophobia, homophobic slur, mentions of being ganged up, broken bones, blood, no use of (y/n)
author’s note ➳ i’ve always done this trope, haven’t i? 😔 previously written on closedmadness, edited. that one will be deleted.
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Northsiders refusing to welcome Southsiders isn’t an unfamiliar matter in the northside of Riverdale. Nearly everyone was the same; prejudice littered across the town with judgmental stares and narrow-mindedness that serves as immaturity, their lack of human decency evident with the way they’d rather spread hatred and negativity than actually get to know the Southsiders.
It’s gotten a lot boring, if the Southside Serpents were being honest.
Being constantly picked on by Reggie Mantle and the Bulldogs while the others watched, it was getting too old and unamusing for the gang. There’s nothing new to the way Reggie spits insults after insults that doesn’t even offend them in the slightest, the lack of creativity just making him seem like an unloved child. His mouth continuously moved despite the Serpents displaying a bored look on their faces, his superiority complex getting the best of him and causing him to be blind to his surroundings.
It was supposed to be the same; get picked on, everyone ignores, the Bulldogs get tired and leave, just like that. However, a new unfamiliar presence disrupted the routine that everyone seemingly fell into.
Adorned in an indie outfit of white button down, brown vest and khaki trousers that’s almost out of place in Riverdale High from its simplicity, you hurriedly walked towards the commotion and separated the Bulldogs from the Serpents by shoving Reggie back. The jock stumbled back from the force before glaring at you, who didn’t hesitate to stand tall in front of the Southsiders without much thought.
The Serpents who were in front, Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs seemed taken aback by your protective stance, how you stood as if you were shielding them from the stupid jocks. They stared at the back of your head as you stared at Reggie, deeply unimpressed.
“Won’t there be a day where I don’t hear you making a fuss?” You asked rhetorically, sighing and adjusting the files you were holding in one arm. “It’s about time you grow up and act like your age, Mantle.”
Reggie sarcastically smiled, ignoring your remarks. “If it isn’t the nicest guy in Riverdale.” He tilted his head, “You would get nothing out of defending these fuckers, Mr. President. It’s only pointless, so get out of my way.”
“Picking on them is also pointless, what are you exactly trying to prove?” You retort, raising one of your eyebrows and shoving your empty hand in the pocket of your trousers. “This childish and immature actions must be definitely coming from being spoiled like a brat by your parents, but I assure you, you look nothing like but a pathetic attention-seeking bitch for going after people that couldn’t even give a single penny to care about you.”
A snicker erupts from behind you, undoubtedly from a couple of the Serpents, as Reggie clenched his jaw and stepped forward with a harsh glare.
“The fuck did you just say?”
“I’m sure you’re not deaf.” You fiercely met his eyes, unbothered by how he looks like he could punch you any moment. “I’m also sure what I said was true, but you’ll only prove me right if you attack me right now.” Your eyes cunningly glinted under the school lights.
Reggie grits his teeth, glares at the Serpents for a few moments before turning around to walk away, his teammates following behind.
A deep sigh escapes your lips as soon as he was out of sight, pinching the bridge of your nose under your round spectacles and turning around in your place to see the Serpents still standing there, observing you. They all plastered a curiosity on their faces since you were a new sight to them, someone who had never caught their eyes before. It’s also intriguing how you seem much more… nonchalant and mature than the other students, your atmosphere holding calmness that’s rare to find in people they’ve encountered.
“I apologize on their behalf. I know you could’ve handled it by yourselves, but settling things down is my job around here.” You formed an apologetic smile, which surprised them, along with the friendliness in your tone. No one had ever talked or looked at them like that. It was strange to interact with someone who had no malice or negativity in the atmosphere.
“Don’t be sorry!” Toni grinned, holding her hand out. “I’m Toni. These are Fangs and Sweet Pea.”
You shook her hand and introduced yourself before looking at the two guys on both of her sides, Sweet Pea’s eyes lingering on you causing you to flash him a shy smile and look back at Toni, gesturing to her pink hair. “I really like your hair, it’s pretty.”
“Thanks,” She happily fluffed her hair with her hands.
“This is probably your first time seeing me here, I’m actually the school president although Cheryl likes to act more like it.” You explained with a chuckle.
Sweet Pea raised his brows, “How come you’re not around?”
“I’ve been doing charity work for my family’s business,” You shrugged. “Teaching kids basic lessons, serving foods and drinks to people in need, visiting nursing homes, taking care of people with disability, something like that. My family’s business provide help to all community that needs a helping hand.”
Your explanation left them impressed as their eyes fell on the files in your arm, some posters and documents sticking out from it. There were also sticky notes and note tabs that shows your effort to the project, which revealed your genuineness to help people. Perhaps, Reggie Mantle was really telling the truth when he said you’re the nicest guy in Riverdale. The way you smiled was genuine and warm, as if it came from the bottom of your heart, looking at them with nothing but kindness and friendliness behind your bright eyes that sparkles in excitement.
Toni found you adorable, your softness coming off as unexpected from your sophisticated attitude. Fangs found you cool, your lack of hesitation in calling out other’s bullshit even when people were just muttering among themselves making him laugh and want to befriend you more.
Sweet Pea, on the other hand, found you endearing. You were like a bright soul that got lost in a jungle full of animals, the only sane and more human person in this town. Your soothing laugh tugs at the strings on his heart as warmth spreads across his chest, an unfamiliar feeling building up in his stomach. He admires the way you push your glasses up with one finger when it slides down, the way you furrow your brows when concentrating, the way your fingers flip the page of the files you’ve made by yourself.
You had enthusiastically joined them in class when you found out they shared the same one as you, choosing to sit near them so you’ll be able to have hushed conversations while the teacher discussed some nonsense.
Everyday, you would spend time with them despite the amount of students wanting to converse with you, becoming some sort of an unofficial member of their little circle as you share them some accomplishments you’ve achieved. Getting taught by you in their studies proved to be so much effective than listening to boring professors when Sweet Pea discovered he actually excelled at mathematics while Toni at history and Fangs at science, with Jughead not being surprised at the outcome. He did expect it since you were one of the most excellent students.
The four of them occupied the seats on the corner of the classroom, Jughead and Toni on the last row with Sweet Pea and Fangs on the front, unbothered by the subtle looks being thrown their way as you sat in front of them concentrated on a paper. You were seemingly working on another project for your family business.
Sweet Pea couldn’t help but stare at you, admiring how your structured features shift each time you come up with ideas. He wanted to ask you on something about the paperwork he was doing, but admiring you first seemed ideal in his head.
Feeling someone drill a hole on the side of your face, you turned to meet Sweet Pea’s eyes and your features softened, a warm smile spreading across your lips. He made sure to engrave it in his eyes.
“What’s up, Pea? You’re staring.” You chuckled, sounding like a soothing melody in Sweet Pea’s ears as his face also softens.
“I kinda need help with this,” He says, voice uncharacteristically quiet and warm, scooting closer to show you his notebook. “You okay with me bothering you for a bit?”
“Sure, I wouldn’t mind.” You shrugged and settled your pen on top of the desk, fully facing him to start explaining where he didn’t understand. Sweet Pea kept nodding each time you explained, his gaze never leaving your face yet still understanding everything you say, a subtle almost peaceful smile across his lips.
Both of you had failed to notice the three of your friends burning holes into the two of you.
“Are they…?” Jughead trailed off, pointing at you.
Both Toni and Fangs shook their heads, “Not yet, unfortunately.” They replied in sync before Fangs adds, “Though I think it’s a matter of time before Sweets make a move.”
“Bet,” Jughead smirks.
They weren’t wrong.
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The Serpents and the Corefour with Kevin and Cheryl gathered in the cafeteria, unbothered by looks shot by Northsiders as they conversed among one another, light meals in front of each of them with the exception of Sweet Pea who was restlessly drumming on the table with his hands. He keeps looking back at the entrance, as if he expects someone to barge in any moment.
Toni and Fangs exchanged a glance with smirks before Jughead nudged Sweet Pea lightly to catch his attention. “Where’s your lunch?”
“Didn’t get any,” The tall serpent shrugged, but failing to hide his excitement despite his attempt.
“Right, ‘cause your boyfriend’s making you one.” Toni snickers, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. Sweet Pea scoffed and rolled his eyes, but couldn’t resist the smile spreading across his lips.
The cafeteria doors opened as you finally enter with a lunch box and box of cupcakes in both hands, your eyes scanning across the room before falling on your boyfriend. A smile easily crossing Sweet Pea’s face when you waved enthusiastically and started rushing towards their table.
He immediately pulls you to sit on his lap and you peck him on the lips as a greeting, making your friends let out awes. You giggled after pulling away, making him smile. “What’s up, baby?”
“I made a lunch for you,” You showed him the round metallic lunch box with an excited grin. “It’s really not much, but I’m confident with my cooking skills so I promise it’s not poisonous. I also baked cupcakes!” Placing the lunch box in front of Sweet Pea on the table, you set the box of cupcakes down in the middle to ensure it wasn’t just for your lover.
Sweet Pea’s eyes sparkled in joy, his atmosphere radiating happiness that the Serpents had almost never seen him with. His anger issues tend to be the most noticeable trait of him, but ever since he got with you, they feel like it calmed down a bit. He kisses you on the cheek as a sign of gratitude before opening the lunch box and coming across his favourite foods, making his smile widen if that was possible. It made you smile softly, ruffling the back of his hair.
“Aww, aren’t there any for us?” Fangs asked, his arm thrown around Kevin’s shoulders.
“I want some too,” Toni whines beside Cheryl, attempting to reach her hand into the lunch box but being swatted lightly by Sweet Pea with a glare.
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
You laughed at their interaction and gestured to the thick and big box of cupcakes, “I couldn’t make lunch so I over-baked some cupcakes. Sorry pals, maybe next time.”
Everyone letting out cheers and noises of excitement, Cheryl stands up to open the big package and distribute each, the delicious sweet scent of baked goods making them sniff it. Awing at the sight of different flavoured cupcakes, Fangs couldn’t help but take a bite of his chocolate flavoured one, letting out satisfied noises before holding it out for Kevin to have a taste.
You also picked a banana flavoured cupcake for yourself after observing their reactions, pleased at the satisfaction and pleasant surprise coating their faces. Having a mother who opened her own bakery by your house had its perks; you were able to learn how to bake and cook many things through helping her, making it your new hobby. It also helped greatly in terms of charity work — you can share foods to people who aren’t financially capable and give them the opportunity to taste what they’ve never tasted before. Your father became even more proud that you’ve found more ways than one to help the people in need.
“This is so fucking good,” Sweet Pea remarks while munching on the lunch you gave him, oblivious to the loving gaze you had on him.
Everyone watches with soft smiles on their faces, how equally in love with each other you looked despite the obvious differences between your upbringing.
It came as a shock to everyone — except the Serpents — when the news spread that the nicest guy in Riverdale and the rage filled Serpent were dating. Some people placed a bet on how long it will last, some people showed their prejudice and disappointment, some people genuinely didn’t care.
Offhanded commentators were quickly shut off when the two of you displayed affection and love towards each other and ignored them entirely. No one could even tell you in person how much you let them down for associating with the worst one of Serpents because you always acted ignorant with too much happiness. If someone were to tell you that it was a terrible choice to date Sweet Pea, they were met with your passive-aggressive remarks on questionable choices they’ve made in the past that you somehow knew about. It got terrifying, to say the least.
The difference in your upbringing, status, or anything else didn’t matter at all. Neither of you judged each other for what you are.
Sweet Pea never questioned your unconditional kindness despite feeling upset when you let assholes slide, instead choosing to get angry at them for your sake. You never questioned his status as a gang member despite the several unpleasant rumours about Southside Serpents, instead choosing to learn what he does in their daily life and educate yourself.
The two of you fit together perfectly like a puzzle, as if you were each other’s missing piece. Arguments happen sometimes, but it’s quickly finished before the next day.
Really funny how the most healthy and non-toxic relationship in all of Riverdale is between a young Serpent and a young Humanitarian.
Unsurprisingly, the Serpents were quick to treat you as their own even before Sweet Pea had begun dating you. Your lack of judgment made every single one of them comfortable in your presence, often greeting you wherever you go and even helping you out when you need an extra hand, unafraid to be themselves knowing you wouldn’t think low of them. Your boyfriend’s friends were the most happiest at how their gang was being treated by you; all of them had nearly forgotten what it’s like to be seen as normal.
However, one question always remained in the back of their heads.
Could you get violent if pushed hard enough?
You never were.
There’s always an angelic halo floating above your head no matter where you go and no matter how aggressive your mouth gets. Sure, you spit out impressive insults sometimes when you get truly irritated by some idiotic behaviour, but that never really changed anyone’s perspective that you couldn’t hurt a fucking fly.
You were still soft, still kind. It’s impossible to even think about you having violent outbursts, it just seems too uncharacteristic of you.
Sweet Pea was always the one to throw fists when someone insults you knowing you’d never defend yourself. He’s the hot-headed while you were the cool-headed. It’s always been like that, and everyone refused to believe otherwise. After all, how can a Humanitarian go against what they usually do — helping people?
The obnoxious sound of Bulldogs’ laughter causes your smile to vanish in an instant as they approach with Reggie in front, leading them like a pack of filthy dogs as usual. Your friends stopped as well, each displaying a look of annoyance.
“What a bunch of losers sharing lil’ cupcakes,” Reggie mocks, earning snickers from his teammates.
Veronica rolled her eyes at their childishness, “Oh my god, just leave.”
“Shut up, bitch.” Reggie spat and Veronica was quick to hold her boyfriend Archie back, shaking her head to tell him it isn’t worth it. The Bulldogs laughed when the ginger sat back down, cockiness evident on their body language.
You caught Reggie eyeing the remaining cupcakes that were left on the box and quickly pulled it away before he could even reach a hand out, not noticing the way Sweet Pea was quieter than usual despite his nemesis’ arrival. “This isn’t yours, kid. Don’t even try taking one.” You sternly scolded, moving off of Sweet Pea’s lap to sit beside him closer to Reggie.
“Don’t fucking call me kid, I ain’t one.” The jock hissed, sharply glaring at you.
“Then quit acting like one.” You retort without missing a beat.
Letting out a scoff, Reggie’s lips twist up in a sneer. “At least I’m not acting like a pathetic little fag hanging out with other fags.”
“Reginald!” Cheryl shouts with disbelief, standing up abruptly at the same time Sweet Pea slammed his fist on the table while shooting Reggie a death glare. You quickly hold his bicep to calm him down, not wanting him to get in trouble. Everyone held unpleasant looks towards the nasty slur he just uttered, disgusted by his nerve.
“Fucking asshole,” Toni spat distastefully.
The Bulldogs laughed her off to themselves like a bunch of hyenas before Reggie’s gaze fell on Sweet Pea that didn’t seem to let his fist talk this time, a knowing smirk crossing his face. “What’s up, bro? You’re too quiet, we hit you too hard last time or something?”
You scowled and looked back at your boyfriend to see him glaring threateningly at Reggie, as if he was avoiding your gaze. “What is he talking about, Pea?” You question with a stern tone, then repeated it to the jock when he doesn’t answer, “What are you talking about?”
Reggie raised his brows, “You know nothing?”
“What are you talking about, Mantle.” You emphasised through gritted teeth.
Seeming amused by your slight impatience, Reggie tilts his head and mockingly chuckles under his breath. “Your little boyfriend here seems like he doesn’t know his place, so we taught him a lesson is all. You should put a tight leash on your dog if you don’t want dudes to jump him.”
Disbelief and anger morphed on your face, about to stand up from your seat to confront him more, only to feel Sweet Pea’s arm wrap around your torso to keep you in place. “Baby, don’t.” He whispered.
“What the hell, Reggie?” Betty gives him an incredulous look.
“Unfortunate that he didn’t fight back. Would’ve long been kicked out and thrown in jail if he did.” Reggie snickered along with his teammates before walking away, flipping the box of cupcakes in the process.
You glared after them with a clenched jaw and turned to Sweet Pea, your bright eyes piercing right through him that forced him to make eye contact with you despite his urge to avoid it. “Where are you hurt?” Your tone soft yet an edge to it, a suppressed anger only noticeable by Sweet Pea.
“I’m fine,” He tries to reassure you, turning to continue with his lunch.
“No, he said they jumped you.” You shake your head sternly and grabbed his shoulder to forcefully turn his body back, freezing when he yelped in pain and flinched. Sweet Pea swallowed, cursing himself internally for proving you right on accident, and looked up at you slowly. Your face was unreadable, which brought more nervousness on him.
Everyone watched as Sweet Pea sighs defeatedly and pull down his shirt to reveal the large bruises on his collarbone, your eyes widening and getting closer to inspect if it was shattered. Luckily it didn’t seem so, but your guts told you this wasn’t the only injury he got. Glancing up at Sweet Pea, you pulled up his shirt as gently as possible. Your breath hitched; a large, purple and yellow bruises littering his ribs and stomach.
“Motherfucker,” Fangs cursed in anger as rage filled him, Toni, and Jughead— however, before anyone could react, a chair loudly slammed against the floor from the sheer force of someone abruptly standing up.
A figure was sprinting towards Reggie in a flash, forcefully turning him around by the jacket before a strong fist collided with his face and he was tackled down to the floor. Gasps erupted all over the place as everyone in the cafeteria stood up in shock upon realising it was you, fearfulness appearing on their faces when you began punching him repeatedly without remorse.
Trapping Reggie under your body, you pulled him by his jacket only to punch him square on the jaw and slam his head on the concrete floor, pained noises leaving his mouth as he attempted to protect his head and face. Two Bulldogs scrambling closer to help Reggie while one of the others rushed off to call the Principal, you grabbed the arm of the guy who tried pulling you off of their leader and twisted it before kneeing his gut, making him fall to the floor on his knees. You used it as your opportunity to pull his arm to his back and dislocate him, a scream erupting from his mouth. The other guy swings his fist in your direction, which you dodged and kicked him towards a table, quickly grabbing his head to repeatedly slam his face on the hard surface.
Speechless was an understatement to describe what they felt witnessing the horrors of your rage with some trembling, some covering their eyes, and some unable to look away.
All you saw was red.
There’s nothing in your mind but to hurt the people that hurt the love of your life, dark and bloodthirsty eyes glinting dangerously as you look at Reggie’s bloodied state again. Blood pooled beneath his head as he coughed from the pain on his abdomen and head.
No one could recognise you — the gentle and soft atmosphere you usually surrounded yourself with being replaced by cold and lethal one. Rage is supposed to be foreign for someone as nice as you, but seemed fitting in this moment, as if you’ve been building it up within yourself until it exploded. The only ever push you needed was Sweet Pea being hurt to take everything out.
You were about to walk up to Reggie again before the sound of Sweet Pea’s voice calling your name reached you through the blood boiling in your head, and you stopped. Principal Weatherbee hurriedly rushed to the commotion, a look of terror spreading across his face after seeing you standing over Reggie’s beaten up state.
“Stop, stop, stop!” Weatherbee shouts, kneeling beside Reggie, who had passed out from the pain and shock.
Sweet Pea was the only one brave and courageous enough to approach you without hesitation, calling your name first to catch your attention as he gently pulled you by your forearm. “Stop, baby. That’s enough,” He whispered.
You stared Weatherbee down with calm rage and coldness that made fear dance across his face. “You teach your students to fight square and fair if they don’t want any more worse than this,” You muttered loud enough for him to hear, voice emotionless and non-remorseful.
Shifting your glare to the remaining Bulldogs that were frozen in their spot, they flinched when you stepped forward. “Gang up on my boyfriend again and I’ll fucking kill every single one of you,” You threatened with a murderous tone which told the graveness of it, making them nod their heads vigorously and care for their leader.
Weatherbee instructed them to bring Reggie and the two injured Bulldogs to the infirmary, then looked back at you with disbelief still on his expression. “Do you know what you have done? You could get expelled.”
“You think I care?” You challenged him, tilting your head. “They should’ve been expelled for what they did to Sweet Pea, but it wouldn’t matter because he’s a Southside Serpent, right? So I did exactly what they did to make them feel what it’s like, except it was just me alone. It’s a fair fight, Mr. Weatherbee. I don’t think I should be punished for making things equal between us.” You smiled, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly before rolling your eyes and walking away with Sweet Pea’s hand in yours.
Sweet Pea pulled you down to sit with him and began inspecting your bloody, busted knuckles. You look up to see not only your friends but everyone else staring, causing you to scowl. “What?” You snarled and they all looked away in fear.
Sweet Pea shushes you with a look as you returned your gaze on him, flashing him an innocent smile. Rolling his eyes with a shake of his head, he takes out a midnight blue handkerchief from his jacket pocket to gently wipe off the blood from your knuckles. “You’re lucky you didn’t break any bones on your fist.”
You chuckled, “Babe, I literally learn martial arts. And they were the ones who got their bones broken.”
“Still, shouldn’t have done that.” He replied. “Let’s go to the infirmary, you need this disinfected.”
“If you want me to actually end up killing Reginald Mantle, then I’m down.” You smirked, earning a disapproving look from him.
Sweet Pea takes your glasses that you had removed before the fight with the Bulldogs and gently places it on the bridge of your nose, adjusting it so you’ll be able to see properly. “Babe, I really don’t think you should. I love you for it, I’ll fucking watch you beat the shit out of him over again, but it wouldn’t be good news for your family business if rumours spread you have violent tendencies.” He gave you a pointed look.
You scrunched your nose, “Only when someone messes with my Sweet Pea.”
“Being violent’s my job, baby.” He chuckles.
“Not really,” You pushed up your glasses with the tip of your middle finger before leaning on the table on your elbow. “Being constantly nice isn’t my job, sweetheart. I can’t really show humanity to someone who hurts you, and I promise this wouldn’t be the last time you’ll see me take revenge for you.”
Sweet Pea sighed.
He doesn’t want your reputation to be tainted; being the bad guy is not unfamiliar for him and he was going to keep it that way if it meant nobody thought of you negatively. You’ve worked hard to build trust among the community and proved yourself a kind and helping soul, Sweet Pea didn’t want people’s perspective of you to change. But it’s actually true how people misunderstood you; all you have is basic human decency, something which some people lack, you weren’t the divine only-do-good they perceived you to be.
You’re still human despite being more helpful and nice than average, so you obviously have imperfections — that is, not being able to contain your anger when the one you love is unfairly treated. You were intelligent, but sometimes, your fists speak for yourself when assholes tests your patience too many times. Sweet Pea knew that and always tried his best to prevent you from losing your temper, although it couldn’t be helped in this case.
“You were pretty badass there, dude.” Jughead remarks after seeing you’ve calmed down, getting over the initiate shock.
Fangs agreed, “Yeah, it was dope. We didn’t know you could fight.”
“And break bones.” Kevin added, astonished.
“Fucking lit,” Toni chimes in with a box of emergency kit in her hand that she placed on the table. You raised your brows, wondering when she got out the cafeteria to get it, but smiled nonetheless.
“But wait, you said you learn martial arts.” Archie spoke next with curiosity in his expression. “Where do you learn it? Since when?”
You chuckle at their excitement and eagerness, feeling happy for the lack of judgment. Sweet Pea starts tending to your busted knuckles as you reply to the ginger head, “My father’s a professional. He’s been training me and other kids who wants to learn self defence techniques. It’s part of the business.”
“So, you’ve always known how to beat up people but never did it before?” Fangs asked.
“Yeah,” You shrug. “It’s unnecessary to result to violence all the time. No one tested my patience as far as Mantle did, he really deserved that to shut up for once. It’s absolutely effective to people who can’t mind their own damn business.” Grinning almost childishly, the gang chuckles at your new side while Sweet Pea, unamused, presses the cotton ball a little too hard on your injury causing a hiss to erupt from your mouth.
He had a glare in his eyes. “Don’t fucking do that again, you’ll get hurt. You know those scumbags would get back at you.”
Your face softened at the concerned look in his eyes, how the hands that treats you trembled slightly. “Darling,” You softly called and intertwined your fingers with his. “You know I had to. They can’t gang up on you like that, it’s not right. I couldn’t see you hurt and just let it slide.”
Sweet Pea nibbled on his lower lip nervously, still a little upset.
“I know you’re worried about my reputation and all, but I’m your boyfriend, Sweets. You come first before that.” You ruffled his hair affectionately with your uninjured hand and smiled. “I don’t care about what other people think of me, I’m still going to defend you.”
Sweet Pea stared into your sincere eyes before sighing in defeat, looking down at your injured knuckles. “Fine. But promise me you wouldn’t take any hits, I fucking hate seeing you injured.”
You chuckled at the sternness in his voice and saluted jokingly, “Copy that, boss. That can be arranged.” He rolled his eyes with a smile.
Betty raised her brows, “Okay… Has this ever happened before?” Gesturing to you.
“Uh… kind of?” You grimaced, scratching your head, as everyone gave you a questioning look. “I didn’t really beat up anyone at that time, but I might have… punched a hole through the wall.”
They widened their eyes in surprise as Cheryl drops her jaw, “The science classroom!”
You winced and nodded.
Toni laughs with a shake of her head, somehow finding the situation funny. “Who knew the nicest boy had the beast within him?” She jokes. “I’m glad to see this more human side of you. You were always so nice it was almost unsettling.”
Smiling at her, you nodded in acknowledgement. That’s a comment you always heard from people, that you were unnatural for being too kind. You were taught since childhood how to be a decent human being but to never let anyone take advantage of you, so you were just balancing it out — no one ever saw this side of yours before because they weren’t being unreasonable. You only lose your patience when pushed hard enough.
You looked at Sweet Pea to see him already getting back on treating your wound, dabbing the cotton ball gently on the cuts, making you admire his every features. It was adorable how he cared for your reputation. Made you want to make out with him right then and there, but it wasn’t appropriate for a dining place.
Everyone looks at Toni when your attention focused on Sweet Pea, shaking their heads slightly. Not certain if they were glad or scared to learn new things about you that’s been unknown for a long time.
“You don’t have to worry,” Your boyfriend speaks up without averting his gaze. “He’s not easy to piss off unless you push the wrong buttons all at once.”
“Sweet Pea’s the wrong button,” You immediately added with a grin that resembled a Golden Retriever, except it seems actually threatening. “Couldn’t care less about my haters.”
Of course, none of them disagreed to that.
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The next day, Reggie walks in with his tail tucked between his legs after seeing you leaned back on your locker with Sweet Pea and the entire gang. Your mouth chewing on a bubblegum, that stupid glasses of yours resting on the bridge of your nose as usual with an outfit that reminds everyone of an elite nerd student.
Bruises and cuts littered around Reggie’s face with a prominent black eye, busted lip and swollen cheek. His steps slow to not add pressure on his injured leg and bruised torso. The students stared at him as if he was something else, probably gossiping among themselves about how he’s the one who caused the nicest boy in Riverdale seem like a completely different person.
He scoffs. You’re not the nicest boy at all.
You can’t hold that title anymore after the incident, but Reggie knew he didn’t have the guts to mock you about it when your presence alone made him cower and feel small.
As he carefully walked through the hallway, your eyes finally catches his figure and darkens almost in an instant, bright expression dropping to a blank look. Your friends were quick to become nervous seeing your almost deadly look, although Sweet Pea found it fun and amusing. Reggie looked at you as he stopped, afraid that if he walked past you’re just going to swing at him.
You cocked your head slightly, eyes burning deep into his soul as you stared at him from head to toe and circled around him like a predator watching its prey. Reggie felt uneasiness cloud his chest. He would’ve never done something like that if he knew the consequences to it.
Bumping on his shoulder that made him hiss in slight pain due to the injury on his shoulder, you returned to your place and sneered. “Where did the big bad dog go? He afraid of the faggot now or somethin’?” You laughed mockingly.
Reggie licked his lips nervously, not meeting your gaze.
You leaned your head down to forcefully look at him in the eye, grinning at the fear there. “All of this is merely a warning, Mantle. You go after my boyfriend like that again and I promise it’ll be much worse.”
Gulping, he nods his head vigorously and scrambles away when you finally decided to let him go.
Sweet Pea snickers under his breath after Reggie’s gone, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. “Really cool, baby. He was so fucking scared!” Smirking smugly at his laughter, you wrapped an arm back around his waist securely.
“After what happened, you probably can’t hold the nicest guy reputation anymore.” Archie remarked which causes you to laugh in agreement.
“Yeah. Besides, I don’t even know who gave me that nickname.”
“For a quick information, it was Chuck and he actually did it to mock you but it backfired.” Cheryl stated and everyone hums, finding it makes sense.
You feel a little bit glad for lashing out, knowing not everyone will perceive you as this perfectly nice guy who could do no wrong. Having that kind of expectations are truly heavy on your shoulders when you’re not even half of what they expect. Your kindness isn’t infinity nor unconditional; it wears off like any human beings, you didn’t know why people thought otherwise when it came to you. It’s impossible to keep being nice when some assholes just ganged up on your boyfriend who’s never done anything wrong.
Sweet Pea’s always been precious to you. He’s the love of your life that brightens up your day, a ray of sunshine even though he’s got anger issues and you would do anything to prevent that brightness from wearing off. Now they know not to mess with him if they don’t want to get their asses beaten.
“Hey, Sweets?”
He hummed, turning to you. “Yeah?”
You peck his lips and smile, “I love you.”
Sweet Pea smiled back, pecking your cheek. “Love you too, baby.”
Beware of the nicest guy; no one’s ever allowed to hurt your boyfriend without the consequences of getting your fist on their face.
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Takemichi HC's
A/N ::: Hi all. I haven't written anything for so fucking long and it's depressing tf outta me. Ok, so, I haven't written ON HERE. I have written on stupid notebook paper but that's so bleh. Idk. But today while I was on breaks and lunch, I wrote this. I hope you all like something about it. Enjoy, sweets!!
C/W ::: Spoiling Takemichi. MDNI after the cut. Please & thank you.
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Takemichi can't help but enter certain kind of space when you're spoiling him.
But he's sure he doesn't deserve such focused treatment.
And when you convince him to fucking relax and enjoy this, he's immediately asking you if you're buttering him up for something.
When he's fully on board with you giving him all of your attention, that's when things turn noisy.
Takemichi is A MOANER. A WHINER. And sometimes, A CRIER.
And sometimes, it seems like no amount of you telling him what a good boy he's being for you will convince him otherwise.
He tries to lay as still as he can.
To be as patient as his overstimulated dick brain will allow him to be at a time like this.
But oh, how he wants to move.
Needs to move, before he loses his mind.
His eyes flutter shut when you reach over to touch his face, and the warmth of your skin on his cheek is almost too much.
He lets out a whine that's just a little too loud and you chuckle at him in response.
But you're not done with him yet.
Not even close.
You've barely even begun to worship his body, and he's already falling apart.
He wonders if this is what it's like to be worshipped.
And as you continue to touch him, to caress and stroke and nuzzle him, he starts to understand what it means to be adored.
To be cherished.
He doesn't know how much longer he can last.
His breath hitches in his throat, and he feels like he's drowning in pleasure.
In a way, he's been drowning for a long time.
And you've given him a life raft, a reason to float.
To tread this metaphorical water for just a little bit longer.
He never wants this moment to end.
Never wants to feel anything but your hands on him.
Your mouth, your tongue, your lips.
He craves it.
He doesn't want to come back down.
Not yet.
He wants to stay in this bubble of bliss with you.
Just a little bit longer.
He doesn't know how long he lasts.
Seconds? Minutes? Hours?
It feels like an eternity, but he knows it's only a few minutes.
He can barely hold himself together.
And when he finally climaxes, he feels more colorful than a 4th of July fireworks show.
Like he's coming undone.
Like he's completely unraveled.
But you're there to catch him.
To hold him close.
To whisper sweet nothings in his ear and tell him how good he was for you.
How precious and loved and special he is.
How you wish you could keep him like this forever.
You kiss his forehead and rub his back, and he feels like he's king of the world.
Even if it is just your world - that's all he needs.
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@trevengersprincess @katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa @arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @viburnt @southside-otaku
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 15 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
I was tagged by @mybrainismelted @energievie and @lingy910y, hi guys!
Name: Gigi
Age: 24
Location: Brooklyn, NY
And now...
Latest music discovery: I've been listening to a lot of 70's african rock lately and really loving it with the good weather
Latest movie: Nothing new, but I'm most excited to see Monkey Man, bc ive thought Dev Patel was awesome since he played prince zuko, the only redeeming part of an otherwise irredeemable movie
Last TV show you finished: Atlanta, it was so fucking good
Most recently started book: Braiding sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Most recent trip out of town: omg, i guess it was christmas when i went home. definently thinking about hiking trips upstate and beach days on the coast since the weathers getting nice
Most recent trip out of the country: Korea, precovid yikes. im planning my first trip to europe this year, im going to ireland! but haven't been fucked to plan it yet
Most recent gift you made yourself: i got myself a bunch of candles recently, Im trying to get enough to light my apartment by candles alone
Most recent gift you made to someone else: i had a bunch of overripe bananas so i dropped off banana bread for my gf and her roommates
Most recent text message you received: my group chat trying to figure out what to do this weekend, which has me thinking about what clubs i frequent that Mickey would like, i think theres one he would tolerate and two he might actually like
Most recent text message you sent: texting my nail tech for an appointment lol
Last fic you read: The Southside forever series highly recommend
Last drink you had: coffee
Last thing you ate: yogurt and eggs on toast this morning and ill be sitting down for dinner soon
Latest piece of clothing you bought: I got a couple blouses and sundresses recently, but ive been trying not to do any shopping until i clean out my closet
Latest piece of advice you received: my doctor telling me how to boost my immune system since ive gotten sick like 4 times this year
Latest piece of advice you gave: I gave someone directions on the street today, so that probably counts
Latest thing you promised yourself: that im not getting fucking sick again!!! Im going to be super discipline and stay healthy
tagging: @gallawitchxx @stocious @iansw0rld @jrooc @em-harlsnow@spookygingerr @mickeym4ndy @mickeysgaymom @deathclassic @metalheadmickey @atthedugouts @transmurderbug
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blogginthewind · 2 years
It Isn’t About Cheryl
You are Cheryl Blossom’s best friend. She thinks you’re mad at her. Turns out you’re not. Sweet Pea x reader / sick!reader
You were Cheryl Blossom’s best friend. You had been since you had taken your very first ballet class as toddlers. Whenever Cheryl was lonely or needed someone, you were there right alongside Jason until… Until. When Jason had died, Cheryl’s whole world shattered. At one point, she even stood on the thin ice at Sweetwater River, hoping to join him. It was the only time she had seen you that angry.
“You are not going to leave me behind, you understand?” You had screamed, while Veronica and Betty tried to get you to be calmer with her. You had brushed them off in angry tears. “No. No! If you go, I go. Do you understand? We are a non-negotiable. You have to know that.”
She loved you dearly and could be a tad bit overprotective when it came to things such as say, dating. Cheryl had wanted you to marry Jason and officially be her sister, something you had thought of as well. Jason’s death had crushed you too, the boy that you loved for years had not only passed away but been engaged to another. You had a brief fling with Reggie Mantle, which Cheryl now wished she hadn’t allowed, then ended up with more tears. Yours. Not his. 
So when she met you at your locker one morning, your vanilla swirl latte in hand, she was surprised to see you scrunch up your nose. But you took the cup anyway. 
“Thanks, Cher. I just have a bit of a stomach ache. Mom made oatmeal for breakfast and made me eat the entire bowl.”Your mother was a notoriously awful cook and oatmeal was a bland, lumpy food already. Plus, you almost always had a bit of a stomach ache. Stress, nerves, too much dairy. It wasn’t that abnormal.
“My condolences. So we’re still on for the new stunts with the Vixens after school, yes? Then we can celebrate. I’m thinking of a movie musical marathon. Sing-a-long required. With cherry phosphates from Pop’s. My beloved can join us if she wish. If not, it will just be us but that has always been good, yes?”
 You nodded. Cheryl smiled. Most people found her to be a bit…much. She worried about over-showering Toni with love, though she deserved every bit of it. You never seemed to get tired of Cheryl though. And you hadn’t hesitated to forgive her when she may have blown you off a few times at the start of her relationship. When she looked over, you were on your phone, smiling at a text message. Ugh. Sweet Pea.
 Cheryl didn’t have a problem with the Southside Serpents, Toni was one, after all. She didn’t even have a problem with Sweet Pea, per se. He was a good friend to the girlfriend she adored and she trusted Toni’s judgment but you had taken quite a shine to the boy so she had to be cautious. After all your heartbreak, she had to be careful. Sweet Pea was known to get into fights and react emotionally. While you claimed you and Reggie were friends now and he hadn’t been able to help his feelings for Veronica, Cheryl had no problem allowing him to house all the blame. She looked at you again. Your cheeks were heating up. You were blushing. Were you pale behind the blush? It was clear that you were enamored with the boy. When Toni had asked you to help tutor her friend, Cheryl hadn’t been concerned but now? Her concern was high.
She shared her concern with Toni later that day, as they waited for you at their lunch table. The other Vixens would join them soon, you along with them. Toni shook her head, adorable but unable to see reason. “Babe, he’s a good guy. I’ve known him forever. Besides, it’s none of our business if they want to see each other.”
The conversation was ended when the others arrived. You picked at your lunch, your favorite salad, which Cheryl had the chef make specifically for you. She was annoyed at Toni’s lack of alarm and that caused her to snap at you in a way she immediately regretted but didn’t acknowledge to save face. “Do you still have a stomach ache? We have a very important Vixen’s practice after school.”
“I’m fine. Thanks for your concern,” you grumbled back sarcastically as you took a huge bite of the salad as though you were suddenly starving. This surprised Cheryl, as you very rarely snapped at the girl. Toni gave her a look but Cheryl felt herself prickle. She had taken the time to get your favorite latte, which you barely drank, and to have your favorite lunch made for you. So, even if she was a little snippy, she had earned some leeway. Usually, you would both brush these things off. Instead, you powered through your salad before loudly and pointedly announcing how much you loved it. Sarcasm. Since when were you so rudely sarcastic with her?
The prickles lasted throughout the day until Vixens’ practice. Cheryl watched you from the corner of her eyes throughout the day. When she caught you grimacing and rubbing your temples, she was going to brush everything off as a headache but then Sweet Pea said something to you and you smiled and laughed. Cheryl was your best friend and it was some temperamental boy you were smiling at? Ridiculous. Unacceptable.
“Let it go, babe,” Toni told her as everyone lined up for practice. The weather was finally nice enough for them to be outside. Kevin, Fangs, and Sweet Pea loitered in the stands. The football team practiced on the other end of the field.  It should have been a good day.  Something was going on with her best friend. Were you actually mad at her? Over a silly comment? You always had a stomach ache. It was a thing. Cheryl didn’t feel bad. Not at all. Really. “She’s been weird all day. Sweet Pea asked me if I knew what was wrong with her. Something about groaning or moaning or whatever.”
Immediately, she was filled with worried. Groaning? Moaning? About what? Her? Cheryl knew she should relax. Let it go. Talk to you. Instead, she stepped away from Toni and clapped her heads, calling the girls together.
“Alright, Ladies! HBIC is speaking. Our new routine is fire. Or it would be if you all would stop fumbling. So we’re running it until we get it right. Start from the beginning and go through until my solo. I. E. The only part of the number that is currently flawless.” The girls began the dance as Cheryl stood by the radio. It was a solid synchronized beginning that broke off. Toni and Lisa took the front while you and Veronica were lifted into the air. You were tossed and gently placed down and then the girls made a path for the soloist, who would be Cheryl, of course.  The first run was shaky, which Cheryl informed the girls better be a warm-up. The second run was better but not good enough. Not perfect. Everything had to be perfect.
What surprised Cheryl was that you were dragging your feet. You never dragged your feet, dancing being your first love. Your mother ran the town's dance studio and you practiced your moves until they were perfect. Almost annoyingly so. Cheryl kept any jealousy she felt about your talent to herself because she loved her best friend. When Cheryl went to your dance competitions, she was filled with pride. She made everyone run it two more times.
“We’re getting better but still not quite there. Ginger, your arms need to be straight for the opening move, don’t flail. Veronica, adequate. Betty, try to look…I don’t know, interesting? And your kicks need to be higher and crisper. Get Veronica to help you if you can’t figure it out. And Y/N, get it together, please. We’re the River Vixens, not a charity team.” A stunned silence followed her words and no one moved. Cheryl never snapped at you, she never had to. Your face burned red and you moved into position to start the routine. The other girls followed you. You had a strange look on your face and Cheryl thought she saw tears in your eyes. Still, she hit play. She wasn’t even watching the girls, instead watching you give your all but still seem….off.  When the girls tossed you into the air, you missed all your marks. When they caught you and placed you down, you froze causing Betty to bump into you. You stayed frozen in place until Cheryl paused the music. “Y/N! What is going on with you?”
Cheryl took a step towards you. Her commanding voice was gone. The tears were back in your eyes and you seemed to be shaking. “Okay, you’re officially freaking me out, Y/N. Is this about lunch? I’m sorry I snapped at you, okay? You’re my -”
“I’m going to be sick.” You announced before darting off the field. There was no sarcasm to your voice. No anger. Only a terrified certainty. You had never been angry with her at all. You were ill.
“Toni, take the girls through the routine again. I’ll be back.” Cheryl took off after her friend, prepared to hold back her hair like you had done for her so many times before. Before she rounded the corner, she stopped. You were standing next to a large trash can, gripping both sides tightly. But you weren’t alone. Sweet Pea was standing next to you, rubbing your back.
“This is mortifying,” You sobbed, tears streaming down your face. Instead of bounding in to take over, her first instinct, Cheryl stayed where she was, peering around the corner.  “You do not have to stay for this. I should - I should - ”
You gagged and leaned over the trash can but didn’t vomit. Sweet Pea brushed a few tears from your eyes as you leaned back. “This is nothing. Fangs’ seventeen birthday? That was gross. Trust me. Like the exorcist.”
You laughed and then groaned again, placing one hand over your stomach. “I should have let you take me to the nurse in fifth period. You were right. I’ve been feeling sick all day. I didn’t even tell Cheryl, I just got snippy about her stupid salad. Ugh. That salad.”
You leaned over the trash can again and this time, everyone came up. Cheryl shuttered but watched as Sweet Pea stood by, brushing your hair out of your face and rubbing your back. It was sweet…in a disgusting sort of way. When you leaned back, he brushed the sweat from your forehead. He didn’t even flinch when you whipped the back of your mouth and spit. Instead, he pulled a water bottle out of his backpack and offered it to you. It was used, Cheryl noted, being half empty but it was a dire circumstance. You rinsed out your mouth and leaned again him, giving him your weight. “I think you have a fever. You feel any better?”
“I feel disgusting and queasy and embarrassed and I never want to show my face to the River Vixens of you ever again,” you confessed. Sweet Pea shook his head.
“Nah. That’s okay. You don’t need to do that. I’d miss your face.” Despite being disgusting and ill, you smiled at him. Cheryl felt her heart swell. It was so awkwardly cute. “I uh - I guess I’m trying to say that I don’t really care about my grades but I’ve been studying with you a lot. Like, I’ve been passing math for weeks and I’m still asking for your help. You know?”
“So you weren’t just in it for your love of learning,” you teased. Then your smile faltered and you brought your hand to your stomach. “I don’t know how I’m going to walk home. Ugh. I’m gonna lose it on the Cooper’s lawn.”
“I’ll drive you. Your mom gonna be home?” You shook your head. Your mother was rarely ever home. Often staying at the studio until 10 PM or later. It allowed you a lot of sleepovers but Cheryl knew you were often lonely, especially when you were sick. And Cheryl had been spending most of her time with Toni lately. “We’ll stop at the drugstore and I’ll grab a few things. I got you, okay?”
Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around your shoulder and guided you away from the foul-smell bin. Cheryl returned to her squad and grabbed her phone from her bag off the bench - she was the only one allowed to have her phone on them at rehearsal. Toni was leading the girls into a much smoother looking routine. “Ladies! I knew you had it in you. You are the Vixens I knew you could be. Take 5 - Nay, take 10. Then we’ll run it from the top and I’ll let you watch my solo.”
Cheryl joined Toni and wrapped her arms around her and kissed the top of her head. Toni hugged her tightly. When she pulled back, she asked “How’s our girl? You two make up?”
“Let’s just say, you’re much more intuitive and smart than the world gives you credit for. Mi amour, you deserve all the credit in the world.”
Cheryl kissed Toni firmly before pulling out her phone and texting you three words.
                                          Seal. Of. Approval.
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galiaghered · 6 months
I doing a rewatch and its not only just what they did with Caleb that hurts, it's also with Trevor.
I've seen so many parallels to Mickey. Like Ian going to Caleb because he "needed" someone . The way young Ian went to Mickey.
The writers suck . But they also sucked at creating new romance for Ian. Because everything felt like Mickey was the blueprint, the original. Anything that Ian did with them was subpar and forced compared to when he originally did it with Mickey.
He wanted to go on a date with Mickey.
He went to Mickey when he needed someone.
Mickey cared about him so much deeper than anyone else.
Mickey understood Ian.
Ian could be himself with Mickey. Some times he felt out of place with Caleb and Trevor.
And it's funny that Ian judged Mickey so much when he himself wasn't much different. He fought people just as easy and got mad just as easy and was just as socially inept some times .
You know whats also funny? Mickey was the ONLY one that cared to give Ian his pills himself. I think I remember Trevor just asking, "Are you taking your meds?" I dont know about you but the person I'd have chosen was Mickey, the one who cared the most. Oh, and, personally, I think none of Ian's other 'love interests' were funny. Mickey had the better humor out of all of them.
Trevor did nothing but involve HIMSELF into Ian's family life. And since he had different opinions on family (referencing to that Monica scene,) Ian probably felt stressed when he old Trevor about disconnecting with family or being mad at someone close to him. But Mickey, has a shittier family of his own, and knows how it feels to be degraded and abused by his OWN family. He wouldn't care, probably agree, say that family can be a bitch sometimes, etc.
Caleb was mostly okay before the cheating, its just, the unknowing of the past was beginning to break them apart in the first place. If it were Mickey, Ian would know tha Mickey would understand why he did what he did, and Mickey was there since the beginning, with a few prison exceptions, so he would need much 'explaining.'
Ian was used to Southside, so I don't think he was used to people who (I'm pretty sure) were from out of town. People with nicer families and better forgiving talents. And they don't understand him like he doesn't them.
Mickey will forever stay as THE original.
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wolfhotels · 1 year
im being so fucking annoying about this today but i cannot get over how . incredible live music is. how is it real. ive been listening to mcr live in mexico and pilots live at southside festival and its just . its the way the crowd is so fucking loud the way they know how to repeat parts back without being prompted . there will never be a better feeling than the sound from a guitar vibrating every single one of my ribs and throwing myself into a pit and laughing with the person next to me when we both fall and realizing what song just started and catching the setlist and kicking the crushed cups on the ground like fall leaves on the way out . i love you forever live music
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chaoscriess · 2 years
Can you please write some maddy Perez x fem reader please! If you’re comfortable with it !
of course I can!!!
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! kissing, makeout sessions, sexual references, talking about sex
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! hell yeah I love this, it's a lyric fic!!!! based on the song Body Like A Back Road by Sam Hunt. on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended, unedited, double periods intended. no paragraphs in this, I dont like to add them to lyric fics. reader has braids in the first part? but it's just to match up with the song
maddy perez x fem!reader
"got a girl from the southside, got braids in her hair."
maddy was so lucky.
𝘴𝘩𝘦 got you, of all people
you were perfect.
you, with your perfect braids in your perfect hair and your perfect fucking eyes and your perfect fucking lips- okay I'm getting off track
if someone told her that her life was actually a dream, and she was asleep, she would believe them.
you were just that damn perfect.
"first time I seen her walk by, man i about fell up out my chair"
maddy met you on the southside of town, at the park near your house.
she was there with nate, sitting side-by-side on the swings but ignoring eachother. they had just gotten into a fight, but didnt want to leave him. she thought he was the love of her life.
and then she saw you
roller skating down the concrete path in the park with the sisters you were babysitting
she swears to god she almost fell off the swing when she made eye contact with you
"had to get her number, took me like 6 weeks"
maddy spent 5 weeks and 6 days trying to get your number.
talking to your friends was ruining her reputation a little too much, so she went to social media after she got your name
it sounds a little pitiful, but she was desperate
you searched your name on every social media platform she knew of
finally, she found you
after hours of scrolling through your photos, she found a picture of your class schedule that you posted at the beginning of the year.
and she found out that she actually had a couple classes with you
"now me and her go way back, like Cadillac seats"
after she finally talked to you, she convinced you to hang out with her
and she even got you to join the cheer squad
pretty soon, you two became best friends, but both of you knew that you liked each other.
well, maybe you loved each other.
after months of knowing you, she finally kissed you
and that was the start of an amazing relationship
"Body like a back road, Drivin' with my eyes closed. I know every curve like the back of my hand"
maddy knew everything about you and your body
you were perfect.
sure, she's said that before
but she really means it
like, she pictures you when she thinks of the word 'Goddess'
she knows exactly how to make you and your body happy
she'd do anything to make you happy
"Doin' 15 in a 30, I ain't in no hurry. I'ma take it slow just as fast as I can"
despite how quickly it seems you two got together, it actually went pretty slow
you were the first person maddy 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 wanted to spend time with, to take things slow with.
not because she didnt know how she felt, but because she wanted to savor every second she spent with you
she wanted to be with you forever, but she felt that forever isnt enough.
forever will never be enough.
"The way she fit in them blue jeans, She don't need no belt. But I can turn 'em inside out, I don't need no help"
god, the way your ass looked in those jeans was just perfect
she could cum just looking at you in them
or in anything, really
she's taken them off of you so many times that she can do it with her eyes closed and one-handed.
she loves the way you look.
"We're out here in the boondocks, With the breeze and the birds. Tangled up in the tall grass with my lips on hers."
ending this on a sweet note
she loves going out to the country with you
surrounded by nothing but fields and trees
sure, she loves the city
like, a lot
but she loves being alone with you even more
in the city, someone is bound to interrupt you.
she wants you to herself, and the best way to get that is to escape, run away.
so you do
every few weeks, you travel past the city limit and down the back roads to your spot.
nobody ever interrupted you, it was perfect.
everything was perfect.
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starfxkr · 19 days
What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into the creative field but is broke and a chronic procrastinator?
oof biggest advice really is just do it scared and also you're probably more innovative than you give yourself credit for. so much in the creative field is DIY like case in point-- all my outfits I thrifted, I made sfx myself using food, my equipment was just my phone and a stabilizer + mic combo I borrowed from my friend and she got that off amazon. like everything truly feasible you just cannot put too much pressure on yourself and compare yourself to those who have more money than you.
like im broke. like single income household Southside Chicago, first gen college student broke I have nooooo idea what im doing I just put myself out there and it worked! it gave me the most unlikely connects. my YouTube channel I haven't uploaded on in like 4 years gave me access to one of my best friends ever was a p big YouTuber and shes helped me in so many ways just by being my friend and encouraging me like we met through both being on a podcast and we've been best friend forever you really have to open yourself up to chance and realize nobody is better than you. one of my mutuals on main we met thru c*quette Tumblr and she wants to do fashion and we wanna work on a project together but we met because I gave her a perfume and it was that simple. like sometimes just by making friends with other creative people they will inspire you and help you and you get to make genuine friends along the way.
and more than anything you just gotta...do it. do it on your own terms but do it scared. I was fuckin terrified when I wrote my first script, I was terrified when I was getting ready to shoot today but im passionate about my project and other people can tell. even though im obviously frazzled and inexperienced you can tell I really care about what I do. you should only do something when it feels right.
which reminds me I should really write a new post for blogspot.
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This is an ode to my best friends and every good thing that must come to an end.
Tomorrow, we won't see each other in study hall So, here's a few memories for us to recall And no, I won't be mentioning the epic highs and lows of high school football
I grew up next door to Betty Cooper Who everyone thinks is super duper Just don't mutter the word 'tangerine' Cause it sets off her serial-killer gene
Veronica Lodge, always in pearls, There isn't a business you haven't given a whirl Funny to think you were never prom queen Then again, you were, once upon a time, a human dialysis machine
Cheryl Blossom, you're as rich as a Rockefeller You also kept your beloved Jason down in a cellar
But I'm glad to see you and the serpent queen back together Only thing, Toni, 'Southside' is one word. So, whoever designed your jacket is a terrible speller
Jughead Jones needs no intro He made his teacher jump out a window Thinks himself a private eye Chained himself to Southside High
Kevin's voice is so beautiful he belongs in a chorus But he spends most of his time cruising Fox Forest
Fangs, look at you now You're a rockstar greaser A long way from a cult member who stole organs to put in a freezer
Last but not least, Mantle the Magnificent Pound for pound you're my closest equivalent But there's that other Reggie so how do we know you're even legitimate? I'm gonna need to see some kind of birth certificate
These are just some of our wild endeavors But now we've come to the end of our time together It's truly one of my life's greatest pleasures To call you all my best friends Forever and ever
-A poem by America's greatest Poet ever, Archie andrews
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disniq · 1 month
Writing patterns
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @deepwithintheabyss forever ago, sorry it took so long!
You're going down (on me) [Titans JayGar]
“I’m gonna get you next time.”
Maybe, Maybe [BruJay]
Jason is upset when he storms up to his room, slamming the door as loudly as possible and throwing himself onto the bed.
Protocol [BruJay, BruJayDick]
Later, Jason won’t even remember how he got a drugged, uncoordinated, and fucking heavy Batman into the Batmobile.
Sometimes you bleed just to know you're alive [BruJay]
Bruce tries to fight it.
What Would You Trade the Pain For? (I'm Not Sure) [BruJay]
It’s always a warehouse.
A Very Good Bad Thing [JaySlaDick]
Dick is coming off the back of a suspicious few weeks of relative peace in Bludhaven when he catches word that Red Hood is lurking around the Southside Dockyards.
Lessons Learned [BruJay]
The first time, Jason is pretty sure it’s an accident.
What Happened Doesn't Change Anything [BruJay]
When Bruce wakes, the sheets are still warm.
Redemption Lies Plainly In Truth [Titans Jason & Tim]
It was obvious that Jason was struggling with this case from the moment Tim pulled up in Gotham, but Tim somehow still doesn't clock the building panic attack until after they've found the missing kid.
Don't Take the Fast Road [Titans Jason & Tim]
When Dick first suggested Jason break the new Robin in, Jason was understandably a little dubious.
I don't know if I see any patterns, really! Throwing readers in mid-scenario, maybe? 😆
Gonna no-pressure tag @marsupialmenace @thenaphorism @bonerot19 @ladytauria and @sunlitlemonade 💖
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gallavichmyluv · 11 months
First @galladrabbles submission, prompt "Zipper" done by @ianfreckles <3
Goofiest face I'd ever seen.
Freckled, redhead, certified dumbass in my book.
He was the boy you'd expect to get murdered in the Southside. The kid you were amazed managed to survive.
The kid who was currently pulling down the zipper of my sweater in the back of a shitty store and trailing his nimble fingers down my chest and looking at me like I was his everything.
And even though I pushed him away again and again, I knew. These sorts of things, you just know.
This is the boy who somehow stole my heart and kept it forever.
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vegasandhishedgehog · 11 months
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The Reborn: Build's First Solo Concert Playlist
Songs played and/or covered during Build Jakapan's concert on June 4th, 2023
Mommae - Jay Park feat. UGLY DUCK
BTBT (feat. DeVita) - B.I. & Soulja Boy Tell 'Em
No Time Too Die - Billie Eilish (the version used in the show is done by Stephen Scaccia but neither platform has it so it can be listened to here.)
I Love You 3000 - Stephanie Poetri
Versace on the Floor - Bruno Mars (no existing saxophone cover recording by Koh, Mr. Saxman)
รักคุณเข้าแล้ว - Boyd Kosiyabong (feat. Pod Moderdog) (no official cover recording by Koh, Mr. Saxman, several live versions found on YouTube)
Forever In Love - Kenny G (no official cover recording by Koh, Mr. Saxman, several live versions found on YouTube)
Whoop Whoop (feat. Who TF is Justin Time?) - Nu Breed & Jesse Howard
อย่าปล่อยให้เธอลอยนวล - Got Jakraphan (the version used in the show is done by Benz Jiraroj but neither platform has that either so it can be listened to here.)
Doraemon, Nobita and the Birth of Japan - Children Superstars
Baby Shark - Pinkfong
Best Part (feat. H. E. R.) - Daniel Caesar
วายร้าย (Villain) - UrboyTJ feat. SD Thaitanium
Ta Leung Baby (feat. ENGFA, Twopee Southside, FIIXD & Saran) - THAITANIUM
Mueve Que Te - Freccero
คนที่โชคดี - MVL
ยิ้มของเธอ (Buildtyful) - Beyourlove
I'm pretty sure the only songs I missed was the one Build's band was playing while he was handing out white roses through the audience, and then one that he sang in Thai that I simply could not identify. If I find them, I'll update! Otherwise this should be everything in the order it went in the show.
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