#steampunk bird mount
kiellessa · 2 years
Minecraft Steampunk Bird Mount
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Tried my hand at a mechanical steampunk bird mount to incorporate my birdhouse starter base and growing medieval fantasy town. Never done anything like this, and not 100% on the blocks/weathering, but I kinda like it! I’d need a custom head for the beak (to match the copper), but the zombie head works for illustrative purposes.
What do you think?
Update: I made 2 more steampunk bird mount poses!
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runner-owen · 2 years
SORRY THIS IS A LONG ONE. I saw the kissing prompt list and vehicle was one of the places to kiss to so I was wondering if there are vehicles in this world. And that led me to ask about the technology, like for example are there firearms? And what about machines and stuff? I read that it was based in a Victorian ambience and maybe it's similar to a gothic or bloodborne aesthetic? And also, is magic combined somehow with technology?
It’s a very gothic setting! I need to look into bloodborne, like five people have brought it up to me.
To answer your question, here’s a few thoughts I had off the top of my head:
Technology is roughly steampunk in style. It definitely can be combined with magic, natural magic mostly. Newer, human buildings have things like doors that open automatically when activated by an enchanted item, like a ring. Vampire built buildings are equipped with these tools as well, but it can be harder to do so because they aren’t designed with that in mind
This is something my friend Jay came up with: firearms that use crystals instead of or with gunpower. When you fire it, it glows.
Vehicles include basically anything from the Victorian time period - carriages, covered wagons, carts, buggies, etc.
They don’t have horses. They have dragons. I don’t remember right now if I called them dragonics or draconics or both. There’s as much variety in these dragons as you’d expect there to be, or can find in actual horses. Large, short, stocky, slim, horned, winged, whatever you can imagine probably exists. They were created/bred by the vampires to be ridden, but keep the exceptional intelligence of all dragons. Owen’s mount, assigned to him by the Runners, is nicknamed Whisperer, full name Whispers of the Moon. Most have never seen a true dragon before, if they even exist. Fun fact, while true dragons eat mostly meat, dragon mounts are more like many birds - they eat everything from seeds to grass and hay, to insects and small rodents and eggs. Something something dinosaur ancestors...?
This probably doesn’t answer all of your questions but I hope it satisfies you anyway! Thank you for the question!
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mudaship39 · 4 months
Character Bio of the Afro Asian Native Human with Fae Elvish, Goblinoid, Giant kin ancestry Adventurer who is a Spellcaster, Gunslinger, & Sword Master Part 5:
As grand magister he/she/they ride a magical flying motorcycle because broomsticks are uncomfortable. They as a gun witch also have inherent access to a plume of black swirling magical cloud that they sit and fly on.
In steampunk cities he can move by a zip line with a motorized cable trolley.
In a steampunk city he can also use an airship. 
As High King/High Queen. Flying chariot with pegasi or alicorns.
As Guild Grandmaster. Horse drawn carriage with undead skeletal horses.
As Knight Order and Paladin Order High Elder. Gas and steam powered magic airship zeppelin.
As a Mercenary Company Commander. Ironclad ship. Submarine. Ship pulled by a giant sea creature. 
As a Merchant Navy Fleet Admiral his/her/their mode of transportation is a war galleon class flagship. The galleon commanded a fleet of merchant ships. The fleet had barques, bilanders, biremes, birlinns, boita, brigs, brigantines, carracks, caravels, clippers, cogs, corvettes, dhows, drekars, dromons, feluccas, fleutes, fluyts, frigates, fustas, galiots, galleasses, galleons, galleys, guinemans, juncos, karves, kelches, knarrs, lorchas, luggers, man of wars, pincos, pinnaces, schooners, ship of the lines, sloop of wars, snows, shebecs, sutters, tartanes, trireme, & zebecs. The galleon had seven decks. The galleon had 52 cannons. The galleon had three hundred crew members. The galleon supported two hundred and twenty passengers. The galleon had 7 masts and 18 sails. The galleon used square sails and triangular sails. The galleon had 400 ton cargo capacity.
As a Sea Pirate Fleet Admiral his/her/their mode of transportation is a frigate, corvette, war galleon, & man of war class chimera flagship. The flagship commanded a fleet of pirate ships. The fleet had barques, bilanders, biremes, birlinns, boita, brigs, brigantines, carracks, caravels, clippers, cogs, corvettes, dhows, drekars, dromons, feluccas, fleutes, fluyts, frigates, fustas, galiots, galleasses, galleons, galleys, guinemans, juncos, karves, kelches, knarrs, lorchas, luggers, man of wars, pincos, pinnaces, schooners, ship of the lines, sloop of wars, snows, shebecs, sutters, tartanes, trireme, & zebecs. The galleon had ten decks. The galleon had 60 cannons. The galleon had four hundred crew members. The galleon supported three hundred passengers. The galleon had 10 masts and 20 sails. The galleon used square sails, diamond, rectangular, and triangular sails. The galleon had a 500 ton cargo capacity.
As a magic user and fighter who is a guild member and adventurer:
Hot air balloon 
Gas, electric, & steam powered magic four door automobile. 
He/she/they also used an air skiff carried by a giant flying creature such as a pterodactyl.
Wooly Mammoth and Mastodon mount for arctic tundras.
Oliphaunt War Elephant mount as a war mage and battle wizard during times of war. 
As an Afro Asian Native a red, gold, & green Ryu Dragon Qilin or Kirin. A qilin or kirin is a distant relative of the unicorn and dragons. They generally range in fantastic bright cooling colors like teal, azure, silver and or amethyst. A fantastic beast which rides on storm clouds and across the night sky of a full moon. They have a central horn like a unicorn and antlers like a caribou. They have a body similar to a horse. With scales and the tail of a dragon. They have wild fantastic manes of silver or gold. They wander the world eternally free with the winds but they also enjoy finding the most isolated and secluded forests of the north and sleeping upon the trees. These fantastic beasts can serve as great allies and mounts. 
A hero who has one as a mount is the envy of an entire kingdom, nation, federation, confederacy, or empire. They are wise and give council at times. They also love to whistle like birds, speak to forest beasts, sing folk songs, or ask riddles. They are incredibly curious creatures by nature. Generally qilin or kirin are wild wanders but they are also incredibly noble creatures. They will come to the aid of distraught beasts and peasants after they have saved the helpless victims. They will gladly take any small token of appreciation but then leap into the clouds and vanish back to their wild whimsical journey across the world. 
When angered the qilin or kirin flies into a noble vengeance with lightning striking its enemies and it heroically charges into its foes kicking and stabbing them with its antlers and horn. Most enemies are left charred corpses. Others suffer grievous burns and injuries from the kirin and flee. Since the quilin or kirin has a sense of honor they might let honorable foes flee with their life like mountain tigers. People view these beasts as divine entities from the heavens. People view these noble animals as guardians of the downtrodden and poor. 
But Some Kirin are also evil or neutral and uncaring and their colors change to dark reds, greens or violets. Sometimes even shimmering black. These Kirin are corrupted and generally serve evil wu jen sorcerers, tyrants, and bloodthirsty pirates. There are other types of Qilin or Kirins such as the Ryu kirin aka the Dragon Kirin and the Aisu kirin or Ice Kirin. Dragon Kirins are generally vivid bright warm colors like emerald green, scarlet red, bronze orange, and yellow gold. They have a more Ryu dragon like appearance. Aisu kirin are generally dark blues, silver and or dark purple and appear more like a caribou. Generally these beasts have very similar abilities but it is said that they have different elementals being either fire or ice. It is said that the Aisu kirin can create a freezing wind wall around itself. The Ryu Kirin are famous for breathing fire and blinding smoke on it's foes.
As a knight and paladin. An alicorn mount, a pegasus mount, & a unicorn mount. 
A white alicorn mount. An alicorn is a winged unicorn.  Good deities placed alicorns and unicorns to ward away evil. They also placed them to preserve and protect sacred places. Most alicorns and unicorns protect a bounded realm such as an enchanted forest. However, the gods sometimes send an alicorn or unicorn to guard sacred artifacts or protect specific creatures. When the forces of darkness strike against an individual the gods wish to protect. They might send that individual to an alicorn’s and unicorn's forest where evil creatures pursue at their peril. Unicorns and alicorns often serve deities of the forest and woodlands including the gods of benevolent fey. Although all unicorns and alicorns have natural healing power. Some serve the gods in greater capacities performing miracles normally reserved for high priests. 
An alicorn’s and unicorn's horn is the focus of its power. A shard of divine magic wrought in spiraling ivory. Wands of alicorn and unicorn horn channel powerful magic. While alicorn and unicorn horn weapons strike with divine force. Wizards can work powdered unicorn horn into potent potions and scroll ink or use it as a component in eldritch rituals. However, any creature that takes a role, no matter how small, in slaying a unicorn is likely to become the target of divine retribution. These things must be given freely by the alicorn or unicorn with their consent. 
When darkness and evil threaten to overwhelm the mortal world the gods sometimes see fit to pair an alicorn mount with a champion. A paladin astride an alicorn is a sign of the gods' direct intervention in the affairs of the mortal realm. It is a holy alliance made to cleave the heads from demons and banish devils back to the Nine Hells. As long as the troubled times of darkness persist the alicorn stays by the champion. Its horn shining brightly to drive back the night. However, if the gods' champion falls from grace or turns from the cause of righteousness and good, the alicorn departs never to return.
A blue unicorn mount. A unicorn was a mysterious and majestic magical beast resembling a horse with a horn protruding from its forehead. Unicorns dwell in enchanted forests. Unrelated to the horses it resembles a unicorn is a celestial creature that wanders sylvan realms. Its white form glimmering like starlight. A unicorn's brow sports a single spiraling horn of ivory whose magical touch can heal the sick and the injured. It knows the tongues of elves, fae, & sylvan folk. Unicorns allow good-hearted creatures to enter their woods to hunt or gather food but they hold evil ever at bay. Foul-hearted creatures seldom leave a unicorn's domain alive. A unicorn's forest is a celestial realm where nothing that occurs escapes the creature's notice. 
A unicorn hears each breathy tune sung by the elves that reside amid the treetops. It senses where every caterpillar spins its cocoon, each leaf and branch upon which a bright butterfly rests its tired wings. In a unicorn's forest a sense of calm pervades. From wolves and foxes, to birds, squirrels, and tiny insects. The creatures of a unicorn's domain seem quite tame. Pixies, sprites, satyrs, dryads, and other fey loyally serve a unicorn when they dwell within its woods. Under a unicorn's protection these creatures feel safe from the threat of encroaching civilization and the malicious spread of evil. 
A unicorn roams its domain constantly moving ever so carefully so as not to disturb other denizens. A creature might catch a passing glimpse of the unicorn then suddenly see nothing but the wild woods. A unicorn has deep blue, violet, or gold eyes. A typical adult unicorn grows to 8 feet in length, stands 5 feet high at the shoulder, and weighs 1,200 pounds. Females are slightly smaller and slimmer than males. Unicorns speak Sylvan, Fae, Elvish, and Common. Unicorns attacked primarily by impaling foes on their horns although they could also use their hooves as weapons. 
Unicorns dwelt deep within their forests. They shunned most creatures only conferring with fey such as pixies, fairies, dryads, elves, and sprites. They usually showed themselves only in defense of their forests. They scratched glyphs into the bark of trees in the areas under their protection. Unicorns mated for life. This unicorn had blue skin and violet eyes. It had a gold unicorn horn. The horn was two feet long. 
A black pegasus mount. The  winged horses known as pegasi soar through the skies. They are a vision of grace and majesty. When they touch down on solid ground they linger only for a moment drinking from mountain springs and pristine lakes. Any sound or sign of another creature startles them, sending them off to fly once more among the clouds. Pegasi are highly prized as swift and reliable steeds. Being faster and less temperamental than griffons, hippogriffs, and wyverns. 
However, these wild and shy creatures are as intelligent as humanoids. So they can't be traditionally broken and tamed. Although intelligent, a pegasus requires training before it can bear a rider in combat. To be trained, a pegasus must have a friendly attitude toward the trainer.  The pegasus is a magnificent winged horse that sometimes serves the cause of good. Though highly prized as aerial steeds, pegasi are wild and shy creatures not easily tamed. A pegasus must be persuaded to serve a good-aligned creature as a mount, but when it does so it forges a life-long bond with its new companion. Pegasi, at first glance, resembled mere horses with large bird-like wings. Despite this, they had other avian features as well. Their forelegs had fur. Their lower legs were feathered instead of furred. Their manes and tails were also of feathers.  
Being wild and shy magical creatures, pegasi were not easily tamed and ridden. A pegasus would serve as an aerial steed only to a good-natured humanoid. In any case they will strongly be opposed to wearing a saddle. The most common way they were trained was after being raised from birth. Though sometimes a grown pegasus might be tamed with a friendly attitude to the tamer. Making a worthy steed and mount indeed. This pegasus was trained since birth and wears a black saddle as a mount. Once tamed, a pegasus formed a bond with their rider obeying their commands. If the rider became evil after it tamed a pegasus the pegasus rejected them.  A typical Pegasus stands 6 feet high at the shoulder, weighs 1,500 pounds, and has a wingspan of 20 feet. Pegasi can speak and understand Elvish and Common. Pegasus usually have white hides and white wings. This one had a black hide and black wings. 
A sea unicorn. A sea unicorn is a unicorn hippocampus. When traveling underwater they used a sea unicorn or unicorn hippocampus mount to swim underwater. They had the body of a horse, a scaly fish's tail, and fins. Instead of a usual horse’s hooves or a mane. Their front sides were covered with small scales with larger scales at the rear. Their skin was colored with ivory, blue, or green shades. Hippocampi could breathe either salty or fresh water through their gills. They could even breathe normal air for a short period of time with their lungs. They were also proficient in swimming and deep diving moving very swiftly. Being wild and desiring to keep their free spirit hippocampi were not easily tamed, but they could be trained to carry and fight with a rider as a mount. 
Being good creatures and skilled judges of character they would more commonly serve good causes and refuse to assist any creature they considered evil or hostile. They were excellent racers and good mounts. They served as a favored steed for sea elves. They were the allies and companions of merfolk, nymphs, sirens, & tritons. They are the enemy of weresharks. They could even be the special mount of an aquatic paladin. Hippocampi lived in pods made up of three stallions and around twenty mares. In each pod, a stallion is designated as leader through custom and rituals. Each stallions had its own harem that are compound with mare that had chosen to join it and remain in it for life generally. 
They would often ally with tritons, sea elves, nymphs, & merfolk which in return would keep the hippocampi's eggs in their castle. In case of great danger or crisis, several pods could gather to join their effort against a common threat. A gathering of this sort could be a compound of thousands of hippocampus. Hippocampi were generally known to speak their own language as well as Aquan. Though like any intelligent creature they were capable of learning others if properly trained. Among aquatic mounts, they were considered to be one of the most prized. 
As a fighter. They had a griffin mount and a hippogriff mount. 
A gold and brown griffin or gryphon mount. A griffon is a ferocious avian carnivore with the muscular body of a lion. It has the head, forelegs, and wings of an eagle. An adult griffon was about 10 feet long, with a wingspan of 25 feet, & weighed about 1,500 lbs. Griffons were known to be somewhat intelligent creatures though they had a penchant for aggression. 
Young griffons were generally not combative. Griffons typically made their nests in homes in high rocky places like cliffs as well as open caverns set in hills and mountain regions. They did this so that their young could be safe from those who would seek to steal them and use them as mounts. When acquainted with humans, they were usually stabled in airy, door-less stone halls  vaguely resembling their lairs. When tamed and raised at a young age they could become very loyal and fierce mounts. Because of this they were highly sought after.
A black and white hippogriff mount. A hippogriff is a legendary animal that has the head, wings, & fore legs of an eagle. It has the body, tail, and hindquarters of a horse. Hippogriffs had the body of a horse. With the wings and head of an eagle. Their forelegs ended in sharp talons similar to those found in birds of prey, while their hind legs had hooves. The average hippogriff was 9 feet long, with a wingspan of 20 feet, and weighed about 1,000 lbs. Their hides would be colored russet, golden tan, or come in a variety of browns with differently shaded feathers. Their beaks were either ivory or golden yellow. 
Hippogriffs were capable of expressing more complex emotions as well as feeling grief and crying. Hippogriffs were reclusive in behavior, seldom traveling far from their nest. Hippogriffs were extremely territorial and would attack any intruders in their realm defending their mate or young until death. They attacked by diving and attacking with their claws, hooves, & beak. Though regarded as clumsy attackers, flocks of hippogriffs could attack in concert. They could kill large prey such as deer, elk, bison, & moose. They were even capable of carrying it away in their talons. 
Being omnivores, they did not always have to resort to such tactics. They had an omnivorous diet and would hunt humanoids as often as any other meal. Hippogriffs were frequently preyed upon by drakes, dragons, and wyverns. Hippogriffs were highly prized as aerial steeds. They live in temperate to tropical hills in areas where it is particularly flat and barren allowing them quick and easy access to the skies. Because they were not as intelligent as griffons. A friendly attitude from the hippogriff to the rider or tamer was not required. But they still require a specialized saddle and appropriate training. 
As a magic user. A battle dragon, a crested felldrake, a guard drake, & a wyvern. 
A Battle Dragon. Battle dragons were fierce and brave dragons who took immense joy in fighting glorious battles. The scales of battle dragons changed in appearance depending on the dragon's activities. If at rest, they had a dull brown color. They became bright golden when the dragon was flying, allowing sunlight to reflect from them. Other variants existed with green-tinted scales and ruby and golden tips. They also displayed sharp horns that protruded from the back of their heads and from several extremities. Battle dragons' wings were large and brilliantly patterned. 
From a very young age, battle dragons were trained to take pleasure in the art of fighting. They could be found alone or in families as they raised their young. Clutches of young battle dragons were also commonly found.  Many communities forged long-standing alliances with battle dragon families for mutual assistance and protection. So that several generations of riders could count on generations of the same line of dragon allies.  Fearless and optimistic, battle dragons found great pleasure in simple armed conflict. They were capable of finding positive sides in any situation. No matter how grim, an ability that made them great inspiring forces and morale boosters within an army.  It was also common for battle dragons to serve as mounts for humanoid combatants.  
When in combat, battle dragons fought fiercely while also providing support and encouragement to their allies. They could sing chants that inspired courage in their armies much like bards. Battle dragons could enter a furious battle rage, dealing devastating damage to their enemies.
A Guard Drake. An adult winged drake. Guard drakes were large reptiles that were created by a magical ritual involving dragon scales. They were loyal allies to their masters and could be quickly trained to follow simple commands. Guard drakes resembled the type of dragon they were created from in appearance except stunted and wingless with a squat and muscular build. These creatures were territorial and obedient. They could be trained to perform tasks typically associated with watchdogs, guard dogs, & attack dogs. 
In combat, the main weapons employed by a guard drake were its bite, claws, and strong tail. It also shared some of the traits of the original dragon. Such as a natural resistance to acid if created from black dragon scales. Lightning and thunder, coming from blue dragon scales. Poison, if coming from a purple dragon. Fire, lava, & magma if coming from a red dragon. Snow, ice, & frost if coming from a white dragon. This drake was created with mechanical prosthetic wings. This guard drake was a chimera of several dragon scales.  
Fell Drake. They were a type of fell drake often employed as guards by elves. Crested fell drakes were wingless draconic creatures with muscular hindlegs and a bright crest on the head. Like all fell drakes, crested fell drakes were good at heart, fierce, and loyal enough to defend their masters to the death. Crested fell drakes often lived alongside elves and acted as guards of settlements or border patrols. Their loyalty meant they were excellent pets and protectors.  Wild clutches of crested fell drakes were sometimes dominated by a rage drake. The fell drakes traced their origin to the dragon god Bahamut who created them to protect elves after a group of elven mages helped the Platinum Dragon turn back a demonic invasion. Fell drakes were carnivorous creatures that preferred to live in temperate plains, hills, or forests. 
Their snaky bodies also made them well-suited for underground expeditions that elves were averse to. On their own in the wild fell drakes congregated in clutches of 3-5 individuals. They are occasionally known to live alongside other fell drake subspecies or in groups dominated by a single rage drake. Though a bit difficult to manage, some humanoids besides elves such as humans, goblinoids, & kobolds were known to have domesticated fell drakes and trained them to act as mounts, pets, guard dogs, attack dogs, & hunting dogs.  This fell drake was a chimera of a rage drake, a horned fell drake, a crested fell drake, & a spitting fell drake.
A red wyvern. A young adult wyvern. Wyverns were used as mounts by various races and cultures.  These creatures were typically found in areas that were favored by dragons such as jungles, deserts, tundra, forests, mountains, or large caverns.  Wyverns were fluent speakers of draconic.  Giant kin of oni, trolls, orcs, goliaths, & giants kept griffons, perytons, drakes, & wyverns as hunting birds akin to what humans and elves did with hawks, falcons, and other birds of prey. These tamed wild creatures could also be often encountered patrolling the giant kin’s garden together with other tamed predators like owlbears. Dragons, griffons, drakes, and wyverns had a fierce rivalry over hippogriff and griffin meat. Manticores, chimeras, griffons, perytons, and wyverns were territorial rivals. 
Wyverns can be both solitary and pack animals. They did not have a strong odor. Although their lairs often could be tracked by following the smell of their recent kills.  When fighting these creatures would dive down from above. Grabbing prey with their wings acting as hands and hind leg claws. They then attempted to sting them to death. They were also known to slash at creatures with their claws mid-flight. Their tails were so long that opponents were typically struck by a wyvern's tail before their legs.  Their sleek and strong wings and hind legs proved very useful for an attack.  These creatures varied in size. With a length from 15​ to ​35 feet, a wingspan of 20 to 50 feet, & weighing around 1 to 2 tons. They were covered in red scales. 
They typically had gold, scarlet, or orange eyes. Their jaws were filled with long and sharp teeth and fangs.  Unlike true dragons, wyverns only had a pair of hind legs instead of a set four. Though they used their wings like a pair of arms and hands. Their wingspan could get over 50 feet in length. Their tails were often quite long. Comprising almost half of their bodies yet very mobile. These barbed tails ended in a thick cartilage knot with a stinger protruding out of it not unlike that of a scorpion.  Telltale sounds that these creatures produced included loud hisses similar to serpents and throated growls similar to the vocalizations of alligators or crocodiles.
As an artificer. Clockwork Steed. This clockwork steed is a winged mechanical horse and winged unicorn as a winged alicorn. Gleaming gears whir and buzz in an orchestra of motion whenever this red eyed steed moves. These tireless constructs were designed by engineers as a replacement for normal horses. They can gallop ceaselessly for hours or even days if required. In addition to their endurance, clockwork steeds pack a powerful physical punch because blows from their hooves can send smaller creatures flying. Though many riders enjoy the unquestioning way that clockwork steeds accept commands from their riders, others find these steeds’ lack of personality frustrating. 
Unlike normal horses, a clockwork steed lacks the ability to create a bond with its rider. Clockwork chargers are constructed to wreak greater mechanized terror on the battlefield. A clockwork charger has the advanced  template and is specially equipped for enhancing mounted charges or making such charges even without a rider by way of its pivoted lance. A clockwork charger has a pivoted latch large enough to support a lance and allows even those who are not proficient with a lance to use it as if they were. Furthermore, the clockwork charger is proficient with any lance equipped in the pivot. 
As an alchemist. A Clockwork Dragon. Made from gleaming metal and countless complex cogs and gears this draconic creature has the presence of a dangerous killing machine.  The teeth and claws of a clockwork dragon are made of adamantine, mithril, & orichalcum and have the qualities of a weapon made from that material. It has greater flight capability thanks to its spell infused mithral, adamantium, & orichalcium parts. The magic wielding engineers of ancient times created marvelous clockwork creations. Like the clockwork solider, clockwork hound, clockwork spy, clockwork assassin, clockwork steed, & clockwork guardian, but few equaled the formidable power of the clockwork dragon. 
The construction of clockwork dragons was based on a similar design to that of the clockwork leviathan. The engineers used the leviathan as a basic chassis, borrowing the same technology to fully waterproof the creature, then further modified the clockwork monstrosity to specialize it for defense and brutal attacks. Most of the time, clockwork dragons are built to represent metallic dragons, chromatic, gem, or Asian dragons. Preserved illustrations unearthed from archaeological sites show even primal and imperial dragons influenced some designs. It is rumored that an improved version of the clockwork dragon’s design possessed a semblance of sentience having the ability to alter their programming mid mission. 
Other variants of clockwork dragons wield breath weapons that deal alternate forms of energy damage. The greatest example of these variants is said to be capable of blasting a line of force from its fanged mouth. Some even claim to have spotted a similar creature. That is likely a product of parallel design. A robotic creation outfitted with enhanced flight, keen senses, lasers, and self-propelled explosive devices. The engineers who first crafted these creations made use of some of the rarest elements available. This included the various sky metals and in the creation of the clockwork dragons the engineers discovered many new uses for those metals. 
Clockwork dragons must be wound up to perform. Though a full winding lasts much longer for these creations than other clockwork creatures they eventually use up their power and go dormant. Most clockwork dragons remain in this dormant state awaiting a fresh winding. As constructs the creatures have no true society, but many clockwork dragons were deployed with a contingent of clockwork servants to attend to their winding and repairs. Some clockwork dragons were also built with tiny compartments in their bodies that housed a dozen clockwork spies, clockwork assassins, & clockwork soldiers. A squad they could deploy during their missions so they could provide their creators with a full report of the particular action in which they were involved. Most of the time, these tiny clockwork constructs cling to the dragon while it is in action, scurrying over its metallic scales as the beast pursues its quarry. 
This clockwork dragon has many upgrades and is highly customizable. It is an infiltrator. These clockwork dragons are more subtle and nimble than those of other clockwork dragons. An infiltrator clockwork dragon can rearrange its movable parts into very serpentine and compact shapes. Furthermore, its parts are coated with a black noise-dampening resin. It has active camouflage to blend in with its environment like a chameleon and reflect light as adaptive camouflage. Finally, it’s infused with magic allowing it to become invisible. The infiltrator clockwork dragon’s invisibility is a supernatural ability. It is a destroyer. These clockwork dragons are used as highly mobile and powerful siege engines. It acts as a mobile battering ram, mobile ballista, mobile trebuchet, mobile catapult, mobile siege tower, mobile mortar, mobile artillery cannon, & mobile missile launcher. 
It can light up oil in its body and has a fire breath attack that deals fire damage and explosive damage. It has a flaming tar breath. Instead of breathing fire it can spray a 30-foot cone of flaming tar. Creatures in the area of effect take fire damage and are entangled in a thick layer of flaming tar. It also has an acid breath. Equipped with an internal fountain of caustic liquid, this type of clockwork dragon has a breath attack with a 60-foot line of acid. It has rust breath. This rust breath does not breathe fire. Instead, the creature breathes out a fine mist of an alchemical solvent that instantly rusts exposed metals. This rust breath rusts anything in a 60-foot line. 
These clockwork dragons are made of resistant materials immune to rusting of any form. It has a sleeping gas breath.  This clockwork dragon’s breath weapon can be used with tanks of sleep gas. When the clockwork breathes out this gas in a 30-foot cone, creatures within the cone fall asleep for several hours. Clockwork dragons with this breath weapon tend to have the infiltrator modification. These clockwork dragons excel at missions that require stealth and precision rather than brute force.
Regular Familiars:
Small nurse shark
Magical Familiars:
As a gun witch:
Talking black shadow cat. It can teleport using shadow jumps. It is covered in hellfire.  It leaves black ashen tracks everywhere it goes. It can be commanded to summon its tiny fire powers to explode damaging everything around it and cause enemies fire and explosive damage. 
Talking black shadow raven
A palm sized spider that can mend any fabric based thing with arachne grade spider silk if it is told to by its owner 
Enchanted sentient spectacles that have way better passive and active perception than they do. Whispers in their ear when it's seen something they haven't.
As an Alchemist: 
As an artificer they have an iron golem. The iron golem assists them in combat.  These constructs were made entirely out of iron. These constructs were bipedal  and have a humanoid shape but were stylized to suit their creator. Though they were typically built to resemble some armor their features were comparatively smoother than stone golems.
 It was 12 feet and weighed five tons. Iron golems are dutifully obedient to those who created them. When left in a room with no activity they stand still going into a dormant state. Like any golem these constructs possess an immunity to magic and can’t be harmed by normal weapons. However their bodies were vulnerable to rust. The strength of these constructs are three times that of any flesh golem. Much like stone golems these constructs rely on brute strength when fighting. However, unlike stone golems, an iron golem was known to wield swords, even enchanted ones that were part of its construction. Iron golems were used to guard locations or valuable items.   
Clockwork Toy Clay Golem. It was elegant and used as an art piece. Appearing as a merely beautiful figurine before being commanded by their master to move or act. 
Clockwork Songbird. This gilded mechanical bird produces melodious songs from its complex clockwork voice box. The inner workings of a clockwork songbird are made of intricately interlocked components. With the most complex machinery located in the creature’s voice box.  Marvels of machinery and musicality the clockwork songbirds are prized for the beautiful melodies they produce. Which can vary based on the songbird’s construction. 
These clockwork creatures often inhabit the homes and gardens of nobility where they fill opulent manors and wide-open gardens alike with their lilting songs. Both children and adults delight in clockwork songbirds. With the former seeing these mechanical creatures as amusing toys and the latter as party novelties. A clockwork songbird’s intricate mechanical voice box allows it to sing a number of songs each of which provides a distinct effect. The clockwork songbird sings a hopeful song that though somewhat piping and thin rings true across the battlefield and instills a sense of duty in the hearts of the songbird’s allies. The gentle crooning lullaby of a clockwork songbird can cause enemies to become drowsy and sleep.  The clockwork songbird can whistle a lilting melody that causes allies to feel light on their feet.
Clockwork Hobgoblin. Fashioned after a tinkerer goblin, fire goblin, & urban evolved hobgoblin. Assists them as a clockwork engineer and inventor. 
Clockwork Mechanical Gnome. Fashioned after a deep gnome, rock gnome, & forest gnome. Assists them as clockwork engineer and inventor. 
Clockwork Spider. Tiny, fast, & strong for its size a clockwork spider is a must-have for any engineer worth their salt. From walking up walls to getting keys. Clockwork spiders are delicate arachnoid constructs built for espionage. They are designed to gather delicate information from people and places important enough to be warded against conventional stealth and scrying. Spiders can record and perfectly recreate whatever sounds they hear for a short time making them ideal for capturing the secrets of powerful enemies. Clockwork spiders were used to great effect in the dark political games of kingdoms and empires before spreading to the black markets. Spiders are impossible to replicate by any but the most brilliant artificers making them a near priceless boon to any guild spy or scheming noble. 
Clockwork Hound. Clockwork hounds are designed to guard areas and track prey. This black, mechanical hunting dog keeps its nose to the ground sniffing. Gleaming teeth fill its metal mouth. Partners to the clockwork huntsmen, these black hounds follow the trails of criminals, prey animals, and other unfortunates. Their infused spirits are those of hunting hounds and their animating magic allows them to follow a scent with supernatural speed and accuracy. Some claim the infusion of animal spirits into clockwork hounds was one of the great arcane discoveries that made the creation of the gear forged possible. 
Certainly the earliest hounds were built for work and war. Most clockwork hounds continue to serve town watches, royal huntsmen, road wardens, moneylenders, and criminal gangs as loyal trackers and guards. Two emerald, ruby, sapphire, or amethyst crystal eyes stare out from this artificial hound’s brass, silver, bronze, gold, iron, steel, & titanium forged body. This clockwork hound is the size of a large dog. It is fashioned after a pitbull, a rottweiler, a German Shepard, an Alaskan Malamute, & a Shiba Inu. 
The chest cavity of a clockwork hound can be opened to expose a storage area that can hold up to 30 pounds of items. If a contained item is a magical item. Then the hound gains the benefits of the item as though it were wearing them. Clockwork hounds are artificial approximations of canine companions that operate much like their living counterparts but never die of natural causes. They can work in packs or alone in accordance with the instructions imparted by their operators. Whether their operators are alive or dead is of little consequence to these constructs which proceed based on the last instructions provided. Like clockwork soldiers, clockwork hounds have long activity cycles due to the lessened winding requirements of their lighter frames. Their chest cavities are used to store goods and for reinforcement. 
They are used primarily for delivery missions, but work equally well as retrievers. They’re occasionally used for sentry duty. They are also used for defense and are most often seen in the company of similarly tasked constructs such as clockwork soldiers, clockwork spies, clockwork assassins, & clockwork guardians. A clockwork hound stands 2 and 1/2 feet tall at its shoulders and weighs 300 pounds. A clockwork hound doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
As a sorcerer/sorceress:
Triz. Lawful evil Imp. Imps are vicious manipulative fiends that are among the weakest beings in the demon hierarchy. They are considered minor demons whose job was to assist and corrupt mortals their masters wanted groomed to the side of evil. They are hired by non demonic humanoids by summoning. Though imps could take the form of various animals. Their natural forms were two feet tall humanoids that weighed eight pounds. This imp was dark red. It flew through the air with its leathery bat-like wings. The mind of an imp is both insidious and deceitful. 
They delight in corrupting mortals through trickery and temptation. Imps are masters of flattery coercing others into acts of lawful evil through flattery and endearment due to lacking the intimidating presence of other demons and devils. Regardless of the fawning facade they have, imps were ultimately at the service of the devil lords and viewed their humanoid masters as tools. At the same time their obedience to their devil leaders was rooted in pragmatism rather than genuine loyalty. Even if they are always in service to another, whether devil or mortal. They were still independent creatures with ambitions larger than their small size and sycophantic demeanor. Their true wish like most devils is to advance beyond their current station and obtain a position of power. 
In hell imps often served as errand runners, spies, couriers, or emissaries. Imps performed many roles in the hands of mortals often as advisors, scouts, assistants, confidants, and familiars. They typically served under lawful spellcasters like wizards or warlocks or anyone seeking magical power. Mortals judged worthy of an imp received them when they tried to find a familiar. Based on the misconception that imps were weak and dutiful servants. Imps relied on their charisma, persuasion, & available resources to hasten the corruption of their targets. Imps fostered a lust for power in the hearts of their summoners by increasing their magical abilities either through helping them  acquire new spells or magical items. By spying and knowledge given to them by other devils imps obtain a large sum of arcane knowledge about esoteric subject matters.     
Chaotic evil Will o wisp. A will-o'-wisp that has taken an interest in the spellcaster and follows them of its own free will. It is mischievous and occasionally floats off for hours at a time before returning. It often zaps party members at inopportune times and lingers after fights to consume the souls of the fallen. That aside, it is still supportive of the caster and readily provides backup as a distraction during truly dire combat. It occasionally acts as a guide when the spellcaster is lost though it will sometimes play tricks on the caster in the same way. Will boost the caster's elemental attacks. 
Applejack is a neutral good Mustavel. Mustevals looked like 2 feet tall humanoid mice. They were agile and rarely stayed still. This musteval had the ability to speak with other animals. Mustevals were small agile creatures capable of climbing and burrowing. They also have keen sight, smell, & hearing. They use their cunning and small size to fight evil. Often acting as spies and messengers for more powerful celestials.  
A foot tall brass metal golem capable of following simple instructions. It makes a happy whistling sound when it completes a task. It often watches its master with great curiosity and will try to mimic them.
As a warlock:
Thellesia/Trazeth a neutral evil succubus/incubus. A nonbinary genderfluid or bigender pansexual succubi/incubi.  They have a male masculine form, a feminine female form, & an androgynous nonbinary form. Succubi/incubi are the iconic depiction of lust. Feared for their typically evil nature and ability to steal one's soul. Succubi are fiends who wield subtle illusions and enchantments to tempt their victims into forfeiting their eternal souls. These lascivious dark-winged fiends can be found in service to devils and demons. High ranking devils, arch demons, demon lords, & demon generals use these fiends to tempt mortals to perform evil acts. 
Others keep succubi and incubi as advisers and consorts. Succubi often live up to their reputation acting as seductive females or males to lure males and or females into relinquishing some of their life-force. Particularly adept at controlling others in the peak of their strength. They're often employed albeit reluctantly by others to act as crowd control or to tame certain creatures. Most of them share the nature of their reputation. They are flirtatious. They avoid fighting where possible instead choosing seduction or fleeing. Succubi are not warriors. They flee combat whenever they can. If forced to fight, they can attack with their claws, but they prefer to turn foes against one another. 
The gender-neutral term for Succubi and Incubi is usually either foocubus or concubus. Succubi/incubi in their true forms have an appearance similar to that of humans, but are horned, clawed, tailed, & winged. They are typically slender, well toned, and are very rarely overly muscular. Due to their shape shifting changeling abilities they can tweak their appearances or even change them completely to suit their needs. A succubus is a demon temptress who lures you in by seducing you. They kiss you and have sex with you until you die after they steal your life force. They existed to seduce and tempt mortals and ultimately slay them and take their life energy back to hell. 
The more virtuous the victim, the more rewarding it is for the succubus. When they reproduce with a mortal, the child is a cambion. When uncovered in her true form, a succubus appeared as a stunningly beautiful woman of statuesque build and perfect figure. With flawless skin and red or raven-black hair. Incubi, meanwhile, appeared as perfect male members of whatever race they were working with. Succubi/incubi they also had clawed fingers and large dark-hued or reddish bat-like wings mounted on their backs. Their eyes were red. Small horns, claws, and a tail might also be seen. Succubi stood on average around 6 feet tall and weighed 125 pounds. Demonic succubi were by far the most attractive of the demons. 
However, succubi often used their shapeshifting changeling ability to assume a humanoid form and could maintain it as a disguise for as long as they liked. Thus mortals rarely saw succubi and incubi in their true forms but they were always attractive to an observer. Lovers, not fighters, succubi fled all conflict if they could. Using their claws only as a last resort if revealed in their fiendish form. Rather, they focused on dodging blows and running for safety. Nevertheless, they were rarely taken by surprise. Instead, they preferred subterfuge and seduction. 
Such as turning their enemies against each other, making them into loyal servants, or trying to get individuals alone. A preferred tactic was to disguise themselves and feign friendship. Or pretend to be a damsel in distress especially if encountered in a dungeon. Then find a moment to be alone with a potential victim where they could use their life-draining kiss or steal their soul with sex. Succubi and incubi were lustful creatures. A fiendish succubus or incubus desired a corrupted soul like nothing else feeling utter emptiness until they claimed one. 
Their deadly kiss was an echo of this emptiness. Demonic succubi lived to seduce and tempt mortal beings of the earth and in the end slay them and carry their life-forces back with them. For the destruction of mortals increased the power of Hell. They seemed to have fed on this life-force themselves. Many succubi and incubi were engaged almost constantly working to corrupt mortals, usually via promises of sex and other pleasures. Demonic succubi and incubi typically targeted men, women, & beyond of energy and passion. The fiery spirits of humans meant they were easier prey, so succubi did not often concern themselves with demi humans. They were content to take things slow and work subtly. 
Devilish succubi and incubi were adept at winning hearts and breaking hearts. But they also made for cunning and made skilled spies and assassins. They served higher-ranked devils as scouts and advisors, as emissaries to key mortals, and of course as concubines. They tempted mortals into sin on behalf of demon lords/ladies, arch demons, demon generals, & devils. Fiendish succubi and incubi commonly used their ethereal form to slip through walls to reach a mortal's bedside and linger there as they slept. 
Here, they filled their victim's dreams with debauched scenes and whispered of forbidden pleasures. Tempting them to indulge in dark desires, appetites, and taboos. The more the succubus and incubus did this in their dreams, the more vulnerable their victim became to temptation in the waking world. Eventually, the succubus and incubus entered the mortal realm directly. In a pleasing form previously seen only in the dreams. They then befriended or seduced their victim, so they could influence them directly. They would then indulge all their desires so they would perform evil deeds of their own free will. When the victim was utterly corrupted, such as by committing three betrayals of thought, word, and deed, their soul was in the grip of the succubus and incubus without need of contract or pledge. 
For a more virtuous victim, this corruption might take longer, but their downfall was all the more rewarding for the succubus. Finally, the succubus slew their victim with a kiss and sex and the corrupted soul went down to the lower planes as their prize. The succubus actually avoided charming the victim if they could help it, as the mortal would not be responsible for their actions and not truly corrupted. Thus, charming was mostly used for self-defense. Similarly, their lethal kiss was only used as a final assault or a parting shot before they escaped. Preferring to work alone, demonic succubi and incubi operated as lone wolves and rarely gathered in numbers.  
Demonic succubi and incubi were independent of devil society. Going where they liked and doing as they willed and answering to none. The greater demons and arch demons tolerated them and even accepted their independence. For they served the devils in their own unique way. In turn, succubi and incubi could dominate lesser demons and imps through a mixture of threats and wits. They occasionally worked with imps who became their summons. Succubi and incubi were known to serve demon lords as advisors and consorts. Some squads of incubi and succubi engaged in espionage, sabotage, assassination, & infiltration. Some succubi and incubi were free agents working their own grand plots. This succubus and incubus in particular hopes to seduce the hero/heroine Lysander/Luciana while assisting them as a summon for their devil patron as a warlock. 
Afdani is a female chaotic good red (Bloodlines of Dispater, Glasya, Mammon, Maphistopheles, & Zariel ancestry) Winged Abyssal Tiefling. She is a warlock, witch, & sorceress. She is descended from fiends of demons and devils who had bred with humans. Tieflings are known for their cunning and personal allure. This made them excellent deceivers and inspiring leaders when prejudices were laid aside. Although their findish ancestors could be many generations removed the taint lingered. Unlike half demons, tieflings were not predisposed to evil alignments. They were varied in alignment as much as full humans. 
Tieflings tend to have an unsettling air about them. Most people are uncomfortable around them whether or not they are aware of their demon ancestry or not. While some looked like normal humans, most retained physical traits from their fiendish ancestors. Most common features being horns, prehensile tails, & pointed teeth. She has red horns. She has golden eyes. She has black hair which she dyed some to be purple. She has red skin. In her human form she has human-like tanned skin that has reddish hues and undertones. She has better reflexes than her human kin. This and their natural propensity for hiding and trickery helped give them a reputation for thievery and mischief. 
The physical appearance of a tiefling depends on the exact ancestry that spawned them. A bloodline might have remained dormant for generations. She besides the horns and tail, as a demonic tiefling, also has a forked tongue and scales on parts of her red skin. Tieflings have a number of abilities gifted to them by their demonic heritage. Tieflings are alluring and intelligent creatures with a seductive aura. Most tieflings were aware from an early age that they were different from others around them. They were given to strange urges and desires because of their demonic ancestry. Most tieflings now are raised with the love a normal human child might expect to receive. 
This shaped most of the race from bitter people who expect eventual rejection from people they meet. Because of their fiendish heritage many were distrusting and self-reliant. Tieflings are proud and secretive by nature and possess a dark demeanor. This makes them social outcasts. Members of other races find that once they demonstrate trust and friendship would be reciprocated in full. Once the bond was forged it was never broken. She as a tiefling is a talented warrior. In melee combat she is agile and nimble. She likes weapons that combine sharpness with speed. She uses hand crossbows, daggers, rapiers, longswords, & short swords. She, like most of her kind, is ambidextrous and favors a two handed fighting style.
She doesn’t use shields. As a magic user she is a warlock, spellcaster, and conjurer. As a winged tiefling she has a pair of black demonic wings. She had an odor of sulfur and brimstone. Tieflings like other races that were a result of breeding two or more others gathered together to make a community and have a culture to call their own. They find refuge in the human federation of magical human kingdoms and indigenous magical human nations. Some tieflings are proud of their demon heritage. They were fascinated by the dark and sinister events that touched the world but weren’t evil enough to cause them. 
They chose to use this knowledge of evil and their demonic abilities to stop these dark schemes. Some wished to escape the shadows that lurked over them by constantly doing good to make up the evil that begot them. She, like many tieflings, is carnivorous and eats meat and sometimes drinks blood. In many ways tieflings were similar to humans physically. Tieflings on average were as tall as humans and were from 5’6 to 6 feet tall and weighed from 140 to 200 pounds. She is 5’8 and weighs 140 pounds. 
She sleeps with her eyes open. Her eyes roll backward. She snores in ancient incantations. Her tail acts in the same manner as a cat's would. When drunk instead of tripping over herself or slurring her words she gazes into nothing and whispers infernal phrases. She smells with her forked tongue. When she speaks small goats of smoke emerge with each word. Her tongue is that of a serpent giving their voice a hissing sound. She cannot blink or shed tears. She has an innate dislike of precise and/or complex geometric symbols. She loves to collect forbidden lore and knowledge. She has two large horns each of which has a red crystal carved into them. Small heatless flames flicker across her skin when she is angry. Her yellow eyes burn with the fires of her demonic ancestry. The echo of her voice returns in Infernal. She is followed by a loyal imp servant. When laughing nearby fires sputter, spark, and release sulfur smelling smoke. She grew up among another race. 
She grew up among the magical humans, Indigenous magical humans, & homo magi. They are her true family. Her trinket is a rose made out of steel engraved with a name written in infernal. She thinks the world should revolve around her. She flaunts her heritage at the most unfortunate of times. She would sell her soul for the one she loves. Her family was often away serving a family of an ancient warlock. She now serves their descendant Lysander/Luciana Norwood. 
Drovia a lawful good gold winged Scourge and Protector Aasimar. She is of noble background. She is an acolyte. She is a cleric and paladin. She has celestial ancestry.  She is half human half god. Aasimar have the mark of their celestial ancestor through many different physical features. Many often varied from person to person. Nearly all aasimar are uncommonly beautiful. They were often significantly taller than humans too. Most aasimar have pupil-less pale white, gray, & golden eyes and silver hair. She has golden eyes and silver hair. She has feathers mixed in her hair. Many aasimar have light covering of feathers on their shoulders where angel wings might sprout. Like tieflings, aasimar bloodlines could sometimes run dormant for generations, often reappearing after being hidden for some time. 
Most aasimar grew up cautious around others. Like tieflings were misunderstood sometimes, though never to the hateful extent many of fiendish or demonic bloodlines were. Even those raised by understanding parents couldn’t escape the curiosity or even fear their unique nature sometimes provoked. Many aasimar even suffered bigotry and prejudice. Something that deeply hurt the heart and soul of the aasimar in question since most had empathy for others. Though many aasimar are good in nature thanks to their celestial or divine ancestors. Not all are just, as not all tieflings are evil. Aasimar are a wise and charismatic race. They possess strong insights and a powerful allure. Which most races can’t compare. They are also quite perceptive. Noticing things others don’t. 
They, like tieflings, are not rare and have true cities and societies of their own where they can find others of their kind. Because of their ties to good gods and celestial beings most aasimar are drawn to the religious path of clerics and paladins. Most aasimar spellcasters call upon divine magic as opposed to arcane magic. Many become paladins in the service of good. The philosophy of lawful good paladins resonate strongly with aasimar. She is lawful good. She is a scourge race aasimar and protector race aasimar. She is a cleric and paladin. 
Like other half breeds, aasimar did not feel as a whole beholden to one god or pantheon. Aasimar because of their human ancestry felt a strong draw to their kin. They also felt a strong bond with other half breeds. Many enjoyed the company of half elves and half orcs. They also god along well with good aligned tieflings. Whom the celestial descended race was instinctively wary of. Elemental genasi however they found alien even by their own standards. As a protector aasimar she is tasked by the powers of greater good to protect the good, weak, & innocent of the realms. 
When she was a preteen she was given a divine missive along with guidance to smite evil and defend those who can’t fight on their own. Protector aasimar were often more learned and judicious than others. She has a pair of ethereal celestial wings and a pair of corporeal angelic wings on her back. As a scourge aasimar she divine heritage has an intense drive to purge evil from the realms. She is an exceptionally healthy and robust person. They are imbued with powerful divine energy to help them carry out their natural drive to smite evil. The energy coursing through their body radiates outward making them easily identifiable. She wears a mask to hide away her otherworldly appearance except in combat. 
She always knows the direction and distance to the nearest places of worship. Any stringed instrument she plays is instantly tuned to perfection. When in her wingless human form two vertical lines go down her back near her shoulder blades. As an aasimar related to a being related to the sun the golden iris of her golden eyes look like an actual sun revolving. When in love a faintly colored glow hangs in the air around her and reaches out toward the object of her affection nearby. Light reflects off them in a way as if they are standing in a column of heavenly light. Her touch can relieve the pain of the sick and elderly for a week. People who sleep near her feel they rest more peacefully than they ever have. She shines slightly when in combat. Religious people seem drawn to her. Impurities in water clean up when she touches it. 
As a mage:
Tess Foxlight a neutral good fey flame Sprite. Sprites are the warrior relatives of pixies. They are fierce defenders of good wherever they are. They are firm judges of other creature’s hearts, souls, & intentions. Sprites resemble tiny elven fey with insect-like wings. They are about 2 feet tall. Sprites are flighty and found most creatures to be too serious. However they despised evil. Because of their attitude and zealous nature against evil. Sprites are considered harsh by other fey. Unlike pixies they didn’t care to engage in fun activities or adorn themselves. They are quick to ally with good natured creatures. They are quick to come to their aid even at unexpected times. 
They are excellent judges of character. They can always sense another creature’s real nature and emotions. Like other fey Tess possesses innate magical powers. They can become invisible at will. They can detect good or evil from 40 yards away. She is an excellent brewer of toxins, poisons, & antidotes. They favored a potent sleep potion they coated their arrows with as an archer. They usually harvested the ingredients for toxins and poisons in forests. Even going into dangerous places to find them. They were not above stealing from hag’s gardens if necessary. Sprites kept an eye on other small pixie, sprite, or fairy fey to protect them. 
They also kept an eye on fey to know who to invite to their gatherings. She associates with druids and rangers. She opposes the will of evil fey and pledges to thwart evil arch fae at every turn. Unlike pixies she rarely indulges in fun and merriment. They are firm warriors, protectors, & judges. She protected Lysander/Luciana from dark fay. Sprites make their homes in meadows and glades deep within forests. They are omnivorous creatures. Unlike their kin. They are mainly active during the day. Sprite villages can also be found in the trunks of trees. They allowed no trespassers. They are quick to judge the moral character of invaders. As a flame sprite she is temperamental and loves fire. She uses a small dog as a battle mount.     
Ysret a chaotic good Pixie. Pixies resemble tiny elves. They are from one feet to two feet in height. Pixies have silver moth-like wings. They prefer to wear brightly colored clothing. Pixies are mischievous spirits that enjoy playing pranks on people. Such pranks are leading travelers astray. Pixies are well known pranksters but some delight in more helpful magic. In combat pixies wield appropriately sized swords and bows. 
Their arrows are drugged in a potion that causes memory loss. Pixie villages each have different clans and families. Community loyalty is important to them. Although pixies carried no treasure with them. They are known to have tiny hoards in their homes to impress visitors. She keeps coins, gemstones, & other treasures to impress Lysander/Luciana. She is active at night. Like other pixies she is a vegetarian eating fruits, vegetables, & nectar. Pixies live in temperate forests making their villages in deep forest caves. One legend says pixies stole from the secret of making honey from the Fairy Queen Titania and sold it to the bee species.  
Chaotic good Fairy. A particularly spiteful fae fairy that has run away from home. She latched onto them because it liked the color of their eyes. Occasionally changes their hair color and eye color in the middle of the night. It refuses to be told what to cast or when. 
As a wizard:
Neutral good red pseudo dragon. Pseudodragons typically had bodies about one foot long, with a two-foot tail and weighed about seven pounds. They could communicate telepathically in common or draconic. They also communicated through the vocalization of animal noises. While pseudodragons could bite their main weapon was a stinging, poisonous tail. They had chameleon-like abilities, though their color was usually a brownish red. 
Pseudodragons inhabited temperate forests in the wild, but they could often be found as familiars in nearly any environment. Their general attitude was similar to that of a small cat but with a cunning intelligence. Pseudodragons loved to hunt vermin and small animals for food. They were wary of evil beings, but were willing to serve as a companion to another being if treated well and respected.
Chaotic good violet fairy dragon. A micro-dragon. If it curls up it fits into the palm of their hand. They found it in their copper, bronze, silver, gold, & platinum coin pouch one day clutching a single gold piece and it refuses to let go.
As an artificer:
Clockwork Spy. Particularly guileful crafters may construct miniature clockwork spies that can record sound. Rumors tell of even more advanced technologies that allow visual recording. While magical wonders such as spells can allow the user to scry information or to see where one isn't normally physically able. Clockwork spies provide an edge in that their memories are concrete and incorruptible enabling them to make flawless recordings of events not subject to the regular perversions of human memories. This tiny steel creature has eight small gemstone eyes, a spherical body, and several spider-like legs of grinding metal.  These spindly and discreet mechanical arachnids are ideal for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. 
They can be vital tools in political intrigues or illicit consortium tactics. Their retractable insectile wings make the swift creatures even craftier foes than most would anticipate. As they are less combat-oriented than many other clockworks. If a clockwork spy is caught in the act of recording its target. Escape is usually the most practical course of action for it. A clockwork spy can record nearby sounds archiving all sound within a 20-foot spread onto small gemstone crystals embedded in its body. The clockwork spy can record up to 1 hour of sound per crystal it possesses. 
Clockwork spies must be given commands as to when they are to start recording sounds. A clockwork spy can differentiate between creature types and subtypes. It can differentiate between specific individuals. A spy can be ordered to start recording sound as soon as a humanoid comes in range. It can be ordered to start recording when a specific person comes within range. Once a clockwork spy begins recording sound it can cease recording early. Likewise, it cannot record sound onto a gemstone that already contains a recording.
Clockwork Automaton. Created not by a god, not by magic, but by pure science and technology an automaton is a construct designed to emulate life. Gears and cogs turn within their carapaces. Thinking, processing, & learning. Depending on the creator an automaton may have a very life-like face with optical sensors. Automatons can be modeled after any of the races. Usually human or elf is the standard choice. However, if the creator wants a strong servant they may be modeled after a troll, half troll, goliath, oni, giant, orc, or a half-orc. If they want a nimble spy the automaton may be modeled after a fairy, pixie, imp, halfling, or hobgoblin. 
An automaton is given a name that their creator see’s fit. Whether it is the name of a relative or important person in history or mythology. Or alternatively, an automaton could not be given a name at all but a serial number. Distinguishing them from the others by number and type. Emulating life can only get you so far in society. Because of this, if an automaton is left to roam freely they can find it very hard to integrate into society. An automaton left to their own devices is not a common thing however. More often than not, an automaton is built for a purpose. If this is the case, they will not steer from this purpose. It is what they were made for it is what they will do until they are given a new purpose. 
Some arrogant scientists create automatons to flaunt their intellectual prowess. These automatons are the kind that are most life-like created for the spectacle, rather than anything of much worth. This automaton was made life-like by Lysander/Luciana to make it easier for humanoids to be around it. But not too life-like with an uncanny valley. Made somewhat cartoonish on purpose, so as to not be creepy. Automatons with the purpose of dazzling and amazing crowds are often seen as just that, a clever trick of an even cleverer man. And thus, is the life of an automaton, either loved or hated without cause and without care. Seen as either a spectacle or an atrocity. 
A wonderful creation of art and science, or an unsettling attempt at something not quite real. At times when an automaton's creator dies they must find a new purpose. A lone automaton will wander the streets until it finds someone who will take them in or work with what they can do. Some automatons are gifted with the ability to understand and perform acts of arcane magic. Some are given new skills and abilities to explore. Others are captured as slaves, forced to work, or forced to fight. Learning nothing new and living a life as empty as before. 
These are in fact, the best case scenarios since more often than not an automaton left to roam alone without a master will succumb to the violence of fear and ignorance. Destroyed before they can become more than what they were made for. As stated before, every automaton is created by a person or even a team of people. Usually the body and general appearance of the automaton is based on the race of the creator(s). This is not the case if the automaton is made for a specific purpose of course. 
If an automaton was designed for infiltration or assassination they will sport an agile and athletic body. Akin to that of an elf, human, draenei, or halfling. Alternatively, an automaton made with protection, defense or offense as the main priority have thick-built muscular bodies, modeled in the way of orcs, trolls, giants, oni, & goliaths.. In rare cases, automatons are constructed for personal purposes. Such as a friend, companion or even an intimate partner and these automatons are crafted to embody the most appealing physical appearance of either gender of any race desired. This automaton was created by Lysander/Luciana to be a secretary, bodyguard, friend, companion, servant, assistant, & spy. More often than not, automatons built for intimate relations are the most frowned upon. Most often, automatons have a thin outer layer of metal sheets that hide the inner-workings of the machine. 
Designed to imitate skin as well as protecting the automaton's insides. This outer layer or metal skin will emulate that of a male, female body or nonbinary body shaped to the creators wishes. The metal sheets are not connected in places like the abdominal section of the torso or shoulder but slide over each other to allow joint movement. These sheets can be made from any range of metals from mithril, iron, steel, bronze, titanium, copper, gold, brass, silver, & adamantine. The head and face of the automatons are surrounded by the same material, but do not compare as well to real-life faces as the bodies do. The faces of many automatons struggle to show emotion. 
This is mirrored by the automatons inability to feel emotion. When a primitive automaton is made with a specific purpose their hands will be crafted to only do those things. This automaton was created to mirror an advanced android and so was built with thoughts and emotions using magic using the same magic to make a homunculus. This automaton has moving eyebrows and cheeks. The eyes are emotive. The chin, cheeks, upper lips, & lower lip move to simulate speech. Clockwork automatons are as diverse as all the races of the land and sea. They represent the full gambit of alignments. But each and every construct is unified under one common concept and that is immortality. 
While not fitting the true definition of an immortal creature a clockwork automaton never ages. With careful preparation a clockwork automaton could conceivably live forever. The conversion process is shrouded in mystery. Once all the information is gathered, the result is a body that is constructed out of screws, gears, springs, and assorted similar parts. It is tailored to the specific tastes of the target creature. In a final arcane act the machine is then given life through a complex ritual where the soul of the base creature is permanently bonded to the new body. Leaving their mortal remains to decay naturally. This clockwork automaton was bonded with the soul of a sprite, dark pixie, dryad, & dark fairy. 
This clockwork automaton is near sentient. Its body was based on a void elf, dark elf, moon elf, star elf, night elf, & drow.  She, like a homunculus, was created in an alchemical experiment. Perhaps a powerful magic user created her simply to prove that they could. Regardless of why she was created, unlike others she is certain of the reason behind her creation. For one reason or another she has been left to her own devices. She has the freedom to choose her own destiny. She is a product of science and an affront to nature. As such, certain powerful beings take notice of her unnatural existence. Celestials, fey, infernals see her as special. When encountering her they may treat her differently than normal. Celestials will likely treat her as a curiosity and perhaps take pity on her. Fey will almost always greet her with hostility. Infernals will be especially intrigued in creating contracts with her or becoming her patron. Her creator created her as a companion. Her creator is like a parent to her. It seems that thoughts and emotions were seen as necessary when she was created. 
After bonding the dead spirits of a dark pixie, dark fairy, dryad, & sprite to the automaton she was given near sentience. She is similar to an android with advanced artificial intelligence. She feels all things were created for a reason and have their place in the world. She is endlessly curious in regards to the world around her, especially when it comes to other living creatures. She feels that the world is meant to be studied and morality only stands in the way. She has interests in most scholarly fields. Her creator's penchant for study was instilled in her and she has taken up their work. She as an autonomous being with near sentience with thoughts and emotions has interests for the pleasures of life. She is filled with envy towards those naturally born. She endlessly craves the family that she can never have. 
She has learned of a land far from where she was created. She is obsessed with reaching this distant land. Her obsession with finding her purpose leaves little room for anything else in her life. She doesn't know who or what she is and as such am always seeking guidance. She is emotionally unstable. Swiftly alternating from emotion to emotion. She is angered and saddened extremely easily. This must be a defect in her creation. Death fascinates her. If those born of natural means are unsure of their final destination. She must wonder what death has in store for her. She may be born of unnatural means, but she is no less a person than anyone else. That she is feared and misunderstood only goes to show that the world has room to be changed for the better. 
Mechanical Familiar. They have a mechanical familiar. They drew the blueprint for a small mechanical creature. They then had it built by gnome, draenei, goblin, & dwarf artificers. It has a built-in net launcher that launches a reinforced steel weave net for capturing animals, creatures, beasts, & monsters. The net is electrified to stun and electrocute targets. It has a built in harpoon gun with a burning or cryogenic harpoon to burn and freeze enemies. It has a built-in enhanced grappling hook and zipline. It can become mechanical wings to help users glide short distances or fly long distances. They can fly or glide after turning into a wearable backpack with deployable metal artificial wings and parachutes. It can swim by turning into a mechanical fish with propellers and fins. It can walk by turning into a mechanical cat or dog. It can dig or borrow by turning into a mechanical badger. It can defend itself by turning into a mechanical turtle, hedgehog, or armadillo. 
The golem is modeled off a creature. This tiny metallic creature is shaped like an avian, fish, cat, dog, or tiny dragon with cogs, gears, screws, and belts whirring beneath its shining, articulated plates. With its ability to generate electric shocks a clockwork familiar can be useful in combat. Yet it more often finds more use in the workshop where its methodical thought processes and innate knowledge of mechanical systems allow it to offer valuable advice. In addition, each clockwork familiar has a unique relationship with a particular type of magic item established at creation. When items of the chosen sort are slotted into the familiars usually via a locking compartment. Though some familiars simply drink potions and their metal stomachs become new receptacles. 
The familiars gain the ability to drain the magic back out of the items and turn it toward a different preset purpose such as healing themselves or creating a specific spell effect. Each clockwork familiar possesses the ability to carry magic items in its body. This specific item type is chosen at the time of the construct’s creation, and cannot be changed. This clockwork familiar has a potion, a scroll, & a wand.  While the creature cannot activate or use the item it gains certain constant abilities from the resonant magic fields. It can drain the item’s magic in order to gain additional magical effects. It is smaller and lighter than most golems. It is kept aloft by intricate wings. When it comes to familiars most magic users satisfy themselves with mundane creatures such as birds, cats, snakes, etc. 
Those with the power to bind greater assistants like warlocks often call forth helpers from otherworldly planes turning minor fiends like imps, homunculi, or minor celestials like mustavels to their will as familiars. Yet for artificers and those who fuse magic with machinery the best familiar is the one the caster creates themselves breathing life into a clockwork mechanism of their own design. Clockwork familiars can take a variety of forms depending on the whim of the creator. Most popular are tiny metal dragons, metal birds (especially owls and ravens), metal cats, metal dogs, & spiders that run on clicking needlelike legs. Though practically any shape and material can be animated in this fashion. Clockwork familiars can be constructed from a wide variety of materials. 
The most common being steel, mithril, iron, adamantine, copper, bronze, & titanium. Though their bodies are often expertly crafted contraptions of gears, cogs, screws, even circuitry. A clockwork familiar is not simply a robotic wind-up toy nor is its consciousness the result of elaborate programming. Instead, each construct is more like a vehicle for the tiny spirit that lives inside its heart. On their own, these flickers of consciousness pulled from the fundamental animating energy of the planes would have no real ability to affect their surroundings. Only through the specially attuned constructs created by magic users do they gain the ability to truly live. Perhaps gratitude for this service that initially binds clockwork familiars to their creators. 
Once called into being and installed in its new vessel a clockwork familiar’s animating spirit controls its mechanical manipulators through tiny bursts of gas, magic, steam, electricity. As a result, most such constructs have conductive metal parts and thus an instinctive fear of water, rust, & corrosion. Unable to heal naturally, clockwork familiars know that if their systems fail they may never again be granted the chance to interact with the world. As a result, most clockwork familiars tend to be slightly paranoid and demanding when it comes to getting their masters to keep them in good repair. It’s not uncommon to find a clockwork familiar left to its own devices busily scouring rust from its shell, performing maintenance on itself, or attempting to improve the resilience of its basic functions. 
As created creatures clockwork familiars have little society of their own and tend to take on mannerisms and speech patterns similar to their master. Most feel an instinctive affection for their masters. Though as intelligent beings it’s not unheard of for the little automatons to have existential crises if their masters mistreat or ignore them. Clockwork familiars are often fascinated by other constructed creatures and may attempt to befriend or study them. To better understand how their systems work. Though they rarely adopt religion on their own familiars with religious masters may go through the motions of worship as a way of honoring their place in the great chain of creation. 
Left to themselves, clockwork familiars tend to be more interested in the systems and logic by which the natural world and planes operate than in particular entities including deities. While clockwork familiars have little desire for treasure themselves they understand its value in trading. They may snatch up worthwhile items either on behalf of their master. Or if they’re concerned about being provided for as emergency funds with which to purchase information or repairs. Or as fuel for their magic-draining abilities. It has a leather pouch on its belly where it keeps various trinkets and valuables. Obsessively steals trinkets and valuables if left unattended. Clockwork familiars value knowledge above all things though they tend to focus on logic, mathematics, organizational systems, and new ways of seeing and interpreting the world rather than simple facts. In a clockwork familiar’s eyes an almanac is just useless clutter, but a textbook on geometry or chemistry is worth more than a pile of gold. 
As intelligent creatures clockwork familiars have an ambiguous relationship with the lives of servitude they’re inevitably born into. For some, the philosophical quandaries are small and easily managed as their creators treat them well, ask their opinion, share their supply or cache of valuable knowledge, and may even come to love them. For others, whose masters see them as slaves at best and irritatingly imperfect projects at worst only fear for their continued existence keeps the constructs in line. Many fall somewhere in the middle and are interested in all the world has to offer even down to the mundanity of fetching and polishing and thus are content to experience life on their masters’ terms. Clockwork constructs are the technological cousins of golems constructed with a combination of magic and precise technologies dependent upon the internal churning and turning of thousands of intricate springs, cogs, screws, and gears. 
There are those who would scoff at the work of clockwork engineers whose constructs seem at best merely imitations of the creations brought to life by practitioners of the purely arcane arts. However, those canny enough to realize the potential of clockwork engines know their true power to be both exotic and potent. In worlds where clockworks are common these creatures can rival even the most powerful of golems for raw power. Massive giants and goliaths comprising countless nuts and bolts have torn entire empires asunder. Time and time again clockwork creatures have proven themselves a formidable presence in the face of more traditional rivals. Those who have borne witness to the feats of these creatures know to hold their tongues before questioning the constructs' power. 
Clockwork creatures function by combining magical energies and clockwork mechanisms. The myriad metal parts that go into the construction of a clockwork creation require absolute precision in order to function properly. So they must be built by only the steadiest of hands. Amateurish attempts at clockwork construction typically result in nonfunctional units or misfires. Many an engineering lab has been burned to the ground by novices seeking to learn the basics of clockworks and the elements that power them. Clockwork creations as their names suggest it must be wound up before they animate. The creator of a clockwork crafts a unique key for each creation. This key is typically inserted into the clockwork's back and turned clockwise to wind it. Turning the key counterclockwise has the effect of winding the machine down. 
Though only a willing or completely helpless machine will allow itself to be unwound in this way. Meaning either its creator or someone its creator has specifically designated can normally do so. Larger clockworks tend to have larger keys and particularly huge keys require more than one set of hands to turn. Rather than seek assistance from other engineers, eccentric or hermetic inventors often rely upon other clockwork creations to help them turn keys or aid in the creation of more monumental constructs. Other times, engineers give copies of keys to their most trusted clockworks which can be programmed to wind allies and even themselves as the situation requires. 
Much like golems and animated objects, clockwork creatures can be given any number of commands. A perpetually turning script in their core records those orders and programs the rest of the machine. Only one who possesses a key to the clockwork can program it but any commands given to the construct last until the clockwork is reprogrammed or destroyed. An individual clockwork's potential is only limited by its creator's innovation and aptitude. Unlike many golems, which are trapped in bodies resembling lumbering and fallible cages. Clockwork constructs can be repeatedly reworked and reengineered. Their gears can be oiled, springs can be replaced, and pistons can be fine-tuned. 
The ever adjustable framework of these mechanical beasts allows for extreme variation from creation to creation. Since clockwork creations are mostly mechanical and are at the mercy of their creator's adeptness with the technology they are prone to the follies of human error. Loose bolts, improper programming, or lack of maintenance are all cause for malfunctions. Errors that can range from minute energy leaks to deadly explosions. The most common cause of malfunction however, is not imparted by the creator, but by the clockwork's destroyer. Creatures attacking the machine gradually unhinge screws and twist cogs with each landed blow. Giving the clockwork a greater chance of backfire. Many combat clockworks are thus accompanied by clockwork servants. 
Servitor clockworks that quickly and readily fix their mechanical allies in the heat of battle. In the earlier days of clockwork technology, many practical hindrances prevented rapid maturation of the devices. Clockwork machines were powered by inefficient, costly resources. However, the advent of arcane enchantment not only has allowed for greater precision in the crafting of gears and other key components, but has also opened up a wide new range of possibilities for defensive systems and offensive weapons. 
Early attempts to combine clockwork with steam power or other non magical forms of energy tended to overcomplicate the already delicate machinery and have long since been abandoned as a result. Whispers abound of an even more unusual category of clockwork that has solved this problem and has merged the complexities of power with the adaptability of magical energies. Such exotic and unusual clockworks made out of brass, copper, iron, silver, gold, steel, & titanium are ones like this that are powered by steam, gas, oil, & electricity as well as magic.
True neutral Homunculus. This vaguely humanoid creature is about the size of a cat but looks more like a toothy winged devil. A homunculus cannot speak but the process of creating one links it telepathically with its creator. A homunculus knows what its master knows and can convey to them everything it sees and hears. The homunculus was upgraded as an improved homunculus. A homunculus is a miniature servant created by a spellcaster from their own blood. They are weak combatants but make effective spies, messengers, & scouts. 
A homunculus’s creator determines its precise features. Some are more refined looking but most creators don’t bother to improve the creature’s appearance beyond the minimum necessary for functioning. This homunculus looks refined. A homunculus is shaped from a mixture of clay, ash, mandrake root, spring water, & one pint of the creator’s own blood. After the body is sculpted it is animated through an extended magical ritual that requires a specially prepared laboratory or workroom similar to an alchemist’s laboratory. If the creator is personally constructing the creature’s body the building and ritual can be performed together. 
The person whose blood is used to form a homunculus’s body becomes its master. It is possible for one person to give blood for the creation, another to sculpt the base material, and another to magically animate it as a minion for the one who provided the blood. Homunculi are little more than tools designed to carry out assigned tasks. They are extensions of their creators sharing the same alignment and basic nature. A homunculus never willingly travels more than a mile from its master though it can be removed forcibly. If this occurs the creature does everything in its power to return to this range as it cannot communicate with its master beyond this distance. An attack that destroys a homunculus deals damage to its master. If the creature’s master is slain the homunculus goes insane and generally claims the immediate surroundings as its domain mindlessly attacking any who intrude upon its lair. 
On rare occasions a homunculus freed from its servitude rises above its master’s original intent and becomes more than a half-insane construct guardian of a long-forgotten lair. In some cases, a homunculus might even come to see itself as the rightful heir to its master’s legacy or even the reincarnated spirit of the master themselves. This homunculus was upgraded and made into an improved homunculi. It has acid breath. By distilling brimstone and aqua regia a crafter can bestow upon the homunculus the ability to spit a 15-foot-line of acid. This is a breath weapon that deals acid damage, toxic damage, & corrosive damage. 
It has extra eyes. By adding silver shavings to the homunculus a crafter can imbue it with additional eyes granting it the all-around vision ability and increased perception. It has the ability to use spells. By incorporating 10 potions of the same spell in the homunculus’s creation a crafter can imbue the homunculus with the power to use that spell. It can spit poison. By adding gold and realgar to the homunculus a crafter can give it the ability to spit its poison as a ranged attack that deals poison damage. The ability has a range of 15 feet. It has a toughened hide. By adding diamond dust and cold iron to the homunculus a crafter can increase its natural armor. It has a voice. By adding dew of lunary and platinum to the homunculus a crafter can grant it the ability to speak in a voice that sounds eerily like a diminutive version of its master’s.
Mechanical Golem. The mechanical golem is quadrupedal. It has extra storage for equipment and tools. It has extra storage for armor, shields, & weapons. It can carry users over long distances. With its size it can act as a mount. It has a saddle for more comfortable riding. The golem takes on a quadrupedal design. It is larger and more sturdy. It is more suitable to launch into the fray or carry its creator. This golem is highly customizable and has many upgrades. The golem defies all expectations. Its design is fueled by their own rampant creativity. A little less robust and stable. It is far  more extensible to their visionary plans. It has an aether, ether, & nether powered heart. It has brutal armaments. 
They increased the effectiveness of their golem’s natural  weapons allowing it to strike with lethal strikes. It has secondary weapons of crossbows. It fires steel and titanium crossbow bolts. It has a primary weapon of a ballista capable of firing large ballista bolts made out of mithril, orichcalcium, and adamantium. It has secondary weapons of four 5.56 mm medium machine guns, two 12.7mm magical heavy machine guns, & a magical 7.76 mm quadruple barreled Gatling gun. The golem becomes akin to a mobile turret. It has a flamethrower armament. They install a flamethrower armament to their golem. It is capable of reproducing powerful magical flames. It has a primary weapon of a built in launcher weapon. Taking the frame of a  grenade launcher, missile turret, rocket launcher, or other launching device. It launches magical explosives, magical missiles, magical rockets, & magical grenades. It has an arcane barrage armament. They installed a mounted armament to their golem. 
Taking  whatever form is most appropriate and charged with arcane power. It is an arcane and esoteric armor piercing, anti armor, anti-material, & anti tank magical electro magnetic cannon. It has a defender protocol. It has a built-in  protocol response to defend its master. It has grappling appendages They installed an additional pair of grappling appendages into the golem. It has systematic strength. It has an iron fortress. They extended their golem’s shielding and stationary stability. It counts as cover to hide behind in combat to give covering fire or suppressive fire. Additionally, it cannot be moved against its will while in contact with the ground. It has an expanded frame allowing it to get bigger. They enlarged their golem, increasing its size category by one if possible. 
It is a transforming golem. They installed clever multifunctional components allowing their golem to reduce its size. Their golem can collapse its size back down to one size smaller. It has a powered charge allowing it to charge into enemies to stagger them, act as a breach and clear to infiltrate locked doors, or act as a battering ram siege weapon to siege castles. It has a thundering stomp. The golem can leverage its increased size and magical nature to unleash a crushing stomp of magical energy when it brings down its foot. They built an improved frame and power source for their golem.  It has fine-tuned dexterity. They crafted improved gears and joints into their golem. It has systematic strength. They built an improved frame and power source for their golem. It has a structural constitution. 
They have reinforced their Golem with layers of protection and redundant systems. It has a cloaking device. They installed an arcane cloaking device into their golem. It can not be seen and is only detectable with true sight. It has a magical essence. They infused a fragment of magical essence into their golem allowing it to attune to one magical item. It has a multi attack protocol. It has warfare routines. They advanced the control routines for their golem allowing it to  fight more effectively and be a military grade weapon. It has overdrive. They build in a special mode allowing their golem to go beyond its limitations overcharging their golem with magical energy. It has titan slayer mode. They built into their golem one oversized weapon. This weapon modification is an  improved version of any natural weapon the golem has. They upgraded the magical cannon into a magical railgun. It can destroy a mech, an airship, an ironclad warship, or a castle.  
To assist them in battle as a draconic summoner.
Lawful neutral young metallic steel dragon. 
Chaotic good young metallic copper dragon
Lawful good adult metallic gold dragon
Lawful good adult metallic silver dragon 
Lawful good ancient metallic bronze dragon
Chaotic good ancient metallic brass dragon
Lawful neutral ancient green gem emerald dragon 
Chaotic neutral wyrmling gem crystal dragon
Neutral adult purple gem amethyst dragon
Lawful neutral adult blue gem sapphire dragon
Chaotic neutral young gem topaz dragon
Neutral evil young adult black gem obsidian  dragon
Lawful good, neutral good, & chaotic good East Asian, South Asian, & Southeast Asian ancient dragons. 
Magical Pets:
A neutral good phoenix. A phoenix was a powerful elemental bird that embodied the wild and unpredictable nature of fire. Phoenixes were enormous birds with brightly colored orange, scarlet, and golden feathers. They have golden beaks and claws with ebony talons. Their talons had the consistency of diamonds. Their eyes were a glowing ruby color.  Phoenix bodies were capable of becoming almost immaterial. Only composed of flame taking solid shape. For that reason they were capable of passing through extremely narrow passages. They were also capable of engulfing opponents within their fiery bodies. Phoenixes were reclusive creatures that did not seek out contact with other creatures. 
As reclusive creatures, they tended to avoid contact with others. They did not seek out conflict with other creatures either. But if disturbed, provoked, or properly motivated they showed relentless fury and destructive power. Phoenixes had a fierce hatred toward undead, zombies, & ghouls and attacked them on sight. Their bodies were capable of withstanding incredibly severe cold and heat. They could make themselves ethereal, allowing them to travel either ethereally or by astral projection. In combat phoenixes were fierce adversaries with no fear of a fight to the death, especially since their rebirth was assured. Though their physical attacks were quite fast and powerful. 
They often preferred to use their large array of innate magical effects. Phoenixes were extremely effective at destroying buildings and structures. If a phoenix was slain in combat its body exploded in a violent detonation that destroyed the phoenix and most of its surroundings. In addition to being capable of speaking with all species of bird, phoenixes communicated with other creatures through empathy and telepathy. They had extremely long lifespans estimated to be between 1,000 and 12,000 years. Their resurrection process consisted entirely of self-immolation and rebirth. Female phoenixes reproduced by laying eggs normally. They laid one egg per year but roughly only one in every 100 eggs ever hatched. 
The phoenix is a large flame wreathed bird. Known for its unique ability to immolate itself only to be reborn again from its ashes. It is revered in some cultures as a deity. A phoenix measures between 10 to 15 feet long from beak to tail. Its wingspan can reach over 40 feet. The phoenix is known for its whistling, piercing call which can startle opponents. It is practically impossible to surprise it in combat. It fights with its long, sharp beak and diamond-hard talons. 
Phoenixes will attack with their natural weapons if necessary, but much prefer to burn things up with their spell-like abilities. They would rather incapacitate a fire-oriented creature than kill it. Against water elementals though they will fight to the death. Otherwise, they prefer strategy.  They are also somewhat pyromaniacs and love the huge displays of flame they make while flying. They will live near human settlement if it's similar enough to a desert environment. Phoenixes are mortal enemies of water elementals.
Fire salamander lizard.
Celestial dog.
Kitsune. A nine tailed fox demon. A known trickster. Fox form has gold, citrine, & scarlet fur. Fox form has red eyes. Humanoid form also has nine tails. Humanoid form has gold and silver fur. Humanoid form has purple eyes. 
King Cerberus (Evolved three headed Hellhound). Bathed in hellfire. Smells of sulfur and brimstone. Hellhounds resembled monstrous dogs with powerful physiques. They stand 5 ft high at the shoulder. They weigh 150 pounds.  Hellhounds speak and understand Infernal and fiendish. Hellhounds are efficient hunters. A favorite pack tactic is to surround prey quietly. Then attack with one or two mated pair hounds. Then driving it toward the rest with their fiery hellfire breath. If the prey doesn’t run the pack closes in. Hellhounds track fleeing prey relentlessly. Hellhounds are smarter than mundane beasts. They are good at following orders.  Hellhounds hunt in packs feeding on any creature that appears edible. They avoid potentially dangerous foes in favor of targeting the weakest prey with their savage bite, claws, and fiery hellfire breath. Demonstrating a relentless determination as they pursue that prey to the bitter end.  
When hellhounds feed the flesh they consume stokes the infernal fires that burn within them. When a hellhound dies that fire consumes the creature's remains in a billowing eruption of smoke and blazing embers. Leaving nothing behind but scorched tufts of black fur. Monstrous fire-breathing fiends that take the form of powerful dogs. Hellhounds are most commonly seen in service to demons, devils, & fire giants that use them as pets, guard dogs, attack dogs, & hunting dogs. They are ferocious pack hunters that act as faithful companions and dangerous pets across the multiverse, otherworldly planes, & the nine hells. Their fearsome forms were covered in short ruby red and charcoal black fur. Their eyes glowed red. The markings on their bodies as well were the color of soot. Their canines and claws were the color of coal. 
They reeked of brimstone and sulfurous smoke. They were bathed in hellfire. The dietary needs of hellhounds were similar to those of ordinary canines and they would consume anything that appeared edible. The flesh they consumed fed the fires within them. They only occasionally brought food back to their dens for later consumption preferring to eat at the site of the hunt.  It was practically impossible to avoid detection from a hellhound. As their vision was sharp enough that they spotted those in hiding or invisible half of the time. Their excellent olfactory senses made them capable trackers and their hearing made them incredibly difficult to sneak up on. They were also known to have a keen sense of hearing. 
Hellhounds were very stealthy creatures and unlike ordinary dogs they did not howl when hunting. Instead they quietly stalk their prey and surround them in a ring. One or two hellhounds would immediately use their scorching hellfire breath to drive their quarry into the waiting fiery canines of the other pack members unafraid of harming their other infernal companions. Cunning and efficient they targeted the weakest of prey. Slowly surrounding those that refused to retreat. Hellhounds were capable of breathing out a stream of scorching hellfire from their mouths. Hellhounds being intelligent beasts could be trained and commanded by various entities across the planes.  Cerberus are the size of racehorses. This cerberus was outfitted with infernal hellfire chainmail plate armor. Cerberus are the kings and queens of regular hellhounds. This King Cerberus is thirty foot tall. 
Dire wolf.  Dire wolves are efficient pack hunters that will kill anything they can catch. Dire wolves are gray or black. They are the size of a horse. They are about 9 feet long and weigh 800 pounds. Dire wolves were far more aggressive than normal wolves. Attacking and killing anything they could catch. They could be found alone as lone wolves or in packs numbering three to five. They had keen senses including a sharp sense of smell allowing them to track their prey by scent. They could also move stealthily on the hunt.  Dire wolves fought in packs. Fighting efficiently and surrounding their prey. Then flanking it to gain an advantage.
Worg. A worg is an apex predator that delights in hunting and devouring creatures weaker than itself. It is cunning and malevolent. Worgs roam across the remote wilderness or are raised by goblins and hobgoblins. Those creatures use worgs as mounts, but a worg will turn on its rider if it feels mistreated or malnourished.  More intelligent than their smaller cousins, worgs speak their own language. Worgs speak Worg, Goblin, Troll, Orcish, & Common. A worg was a type of magical beast that resembled a normal wolf but was larger, intelligent, had a fiendish countenance, & glowing gold eyes. They had gray or black fur.  They stood on average 3 feet high at the shoulder  and were 5 feet long. They weighed around 300 pounds. 
In any number, worgs employed similar tactics to wolves.  They also had the benefit of stealth, keen senses, and the ability to scent and track prey. Despite their higher intelligence, worgs tended to act like regular wolves. They often hunted in packs, but sometimes hunted alone. Lone worgs tended to hunt creatures smaller than themselves, while mated pairs and packs hunted large game. They preferred large, herbivorous animals, usually the young, sick, or weak. But they weren't afraid to take on humanoids, especially when other prey was scarce. They would stalk humanoid prey for a number of hours or even days. Choosing the best time of day and terrain for the attack. When they did, they employed hit-and-run guerilla tactics to exhaust a victim until finally the whole pack went in for the kill. If they outnumbered a victim or were especially impatient, they might try to corner the prey, then attack. Mated pairs or packs work together to bring down large game. 
While lone worgs usually chase down creatures smaller than themselves. Both often use hit-and-run tactics to exhaust their quarry. A pack usually circles a larger opponent. Then each wolf attacks in turn. Biting and retreating until the creature is exhausted. At which point the pack moves in for the kill. If they get impatient or heavily outnumber the opponent. The worgs attempt to pin it. They attacked with their teeth and claws. Like a wolf they could bite their prey and try to bear them down to the ground. 
Worgs are oversized intelligent wolves often found dwelling amid goblins, goblinoids, hobgoblins, or other giant kin races. Worgs hunt in packs running down and surrounding their prey like common wolves. But their intelligence and ability to speak make them better at coordinating their attacks. They sometimes use one packmate as a decoy. Pretending to be a humanoid calling for help in order to lure intelligent prey into an ambush. Worgs that travel with goblins, goblinoids, & goblinoids often allow hobgoblins to ride on their backs as goblin riders. Worgs were used by goblinoids, oni, trolls, goliaths, orcs, & giants as pets, mounts, guard dogs, hunting dogs, & attack dogs. 
Glacier Wolf (Evolved Winter Wolf). They are ferocious and powerful winter wolves. They are sought after by the mightiest of frost giants as guard dogs, hunting dogs, and attack dogs. Glacier wolves often lead packs of winter wolves. They have intellect far above that of the average beast. Winter wolves typically hunt in packs. Their size, cunning, freezing bite, cryogenic claws, & formidable ice breath allow them to hunt and kill creatures much larger than themselves. A pack usually circles an opponent. Each wolf attacked in turn to exhaust it. If they’re in a hurry white wolves try to pin their foes. 
A winter wolf grows about 8 feet long and stands about 5 feet at the shoulder. It weighs about 450 pounds. They are immune to frost, water, ice, snow, & frost attacks yet weak to fire, magma, & lava attacks. They can speak and understand common, goblinoid, and giant language. They have silver fur and sapphire eyes. They were the guardians, companions, & allies of arctic beings such as ice dragons, yeti, & frost giants. 
Berserker Wolf: These are massive wolves that tend to form large packs to hunt prey. They are known for their black fur. That is often stained by the blood of their prey. For when they smell blood it drives them into a berserker rage that only ends with either the prey's death or their own. The claws of a wolf are usually far from the most dangerous part of the animal. These beasts can have claws as long and thick as daggers. Barbarians sometimes keep berserker wolves as hunting companions as they can be trained to discern friend from foe in their berserker rages.
Giant Wolf. Used by giant kin such as trolls, orcs, goliaths, oni, & giants as attack dogs, pets, hunting dogs, guard dogs, & mounts. They are an extremely cunning species of savagely fierce, cruel, and violent pack animals that are known famously for their unnaturally large size as well being found roaming within large tracts of wilderness. Giant wolves have been known to grow to an unnaturally large size. With some pups growing larger than even a pony and some juveniles even as large as a horse. 
When hunting, these Giant Wolves have adapted to become skilled, cunning and patient hunters that would naturally hunt in large packs. They encircle their intended prey and when the timing is right they pounce from all directions. Using their overwhelming numbers these Wolves would target the weakest point within the animals defenses or prey upon the most helpless one within the group. They would hunt the weak, sick, injured, or old. As a result of their mutual instinct to pick upon the helpless and weak by tactics such as overwhelming and encirclement. 
There has always been a strong bond and a deep respect between the Giant Kin and the Giant Wolf. In this mutual exchange the giant kin is rewarded with a fast and agile mount while the wolf is usually rewarded with a regular supply of food. Giant kin ride on Giant Wolves in the same way that other races ride upon horses, unicorns, pegasi, griffins, alicorns, hippogriffs, & dragons which eventually lead to the creation of 
Giant Kin Wolf Rider. Giant wolves are to dire wolves and worgs what dire wolves are to regular gray wolves. Measuring nearly 30 feet in length these colossal lupines are the genuine kings and queens of the forest. They are looked up to by their smaller kin as a divine figure. Giant wolf packs include dozens of grey wolves, dire wolves, worgs, & even winter wolves. Some werewolf clans even run with giant wolves. Tribal humanoids also pay their respects to giant wolves through prayer and reverence. Lands guarded by a giant wolf are usually seen as “off-limits” by outsiders.
Dinosaur Summons and Flying and Aquatic Reptile Summons:
Achelousaurus, Achillobator, Acrocanthosaurus, Adasaurus, Agujaceratops, Albalophosaurus, Albertaceratops, Albertosaurus, Allosaurus, Anatotitan, Anhanguera, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Archaeoceratops, Argentinosaurus,  Arrhinoceratops, Atrociraptor, Austroraptor, Bactrosaurus,  Bahariasaurus, Balaur, Baryonyx, Brachiosaurus, Bravoceratops,  Brontosaurus, Buitreraptor, Camarasaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Carnotaurus, Cearadactylus, Ceratosaurus, Changyuraptor, Coahuilaceratops, Compsognathus, Coronosaurus, Corythosaurus, Cryolophosaurus, Cryptovolans, Ctenochasma, Dakotaraptor, Deinocheirus, Deinonychus, Diabloceratops, Dilophosaurus (No these animals did not spit acid or have frills. They probably hunted the same way raptors do), Dimorphodon, Dracorex, Dreadnoughtus, Dromaeosaurus, Dsungaripterus, Edmontosaurus, Einosaurus, 
Gallimimus, Geosternbergia, Germanodactylus, Giganotosaurus, Graciliraptor, Gryposaurus, Hadrosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Hypacrosaurus, Iguanodon, Judiceratops, Kentrosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Leptoceratops, Linheraptor, Luanchuanraptor, Maaradactylus, Maiasaura,  Mamenchisaurus, Mapusaurus, Megalosaurus, Mercuriceratops, Medusaceratops, Microraptor, Mosasaurus, Nanuqsaurus, Nasutoceratops, Neuquenraptor, 
Ojoceratops, Olorotitan, Ornithomimosaurs, Oviraptor, Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Pamparaptor, Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurus, Prosaurolophus, Protoceratops, Protohadros, Pteranodon, Pyroraptor, Oxalaia Quilombensis, Quetzalcoatlus, Regaliceratops, Rubeosaurus, Sarcosuchus, Saurolophus, Scaphognathus, Secernosaurus, Shanag, Shantungosaurus, Sinoceratops, Sordes, Spinosaurus. Stegosaurus. Styracosaurus, Suchomimus, Tarbosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Titanosaurs, Triceratops, Tropeognathus, Turangisaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannotitan, 
Utahraptor, Valdosaurus, Variraptor, Velafrons, Velociraptor, Venenosaurus, Veterupristisaurus, Vitakridrinda, Vulcanodon, Walgettosuchus, Wannanosaurus, Wulagasaurus, Xenoceratops, Xenotarsosaurus, Xixianykus, Xuanhanosaurus, Yandusaurus, Yangchuanosaurus, Yimenosaurus, Yinlong, Yixianosaurus, Yuanmousaurs, Yueosaurus, Zalmoxes, Zhenyuanlong, Zephyrosaurus, Zhanghenglong, Zhejiangosaurus, Zhuchengceratops, Zhuchengtyrannus, Zizhongosaurus, Zuniceratops.
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seederroof82 · 2 years
Why Most individuals Will never Be Great At Rocket Metal
Parsimony informative websites in the alignment showed related proportion in all barcode areas. Although this primer has not been designed for the aim of dietary evaluation, their amplification product sizes are about 130 bp and they target COI gene as barcode which is generally used for species-stage identification in several animal teams (Meusnier et al. These benefits of Uni-Minibar, quick products length and enough decision, make it helpful to survey dietary organisms of avian species from fecal samples. The dropped tail provides sufficient coverage for efforts within the drops, whereas the entrance of the jersey is short enough that it does not bunch up when you're crouched over. I've seen that seem to be, as an alternative of only a bunch of licks, classes that Explain what going on behind the notes, and take the mysticism out of the jump from rock/blues to country. It looks like any individual just added a bunch of brass to a traditional wood barrel, and someway the result turned out to be an extremely cool steampunk artwork that resembles the droid R2-D2 from Star Wars everyone knows and love. Like all the pieces else, the ladder frame was constructed further heavy and further robust for arduous usage.
For Rusty, which means digging until there’s nowhere left to dig. This work is aimed at exploring search area to tackle protein structure prediction with minimum execution time and most accuracy by way of quantile regressive dragonfly and structural class homolog-based mostly deep studying (QRD-SCHDL). Director/Screenwriter Kerry Conran’s underrated movie leans additional into the dieselpunk motif with sepia coloring to convey an older, Golden Age time period. In circumstances the place first primer pair failed, an alternate reverse primer was usually combined with ahead primer. 2004), three completely different reverse primers had been used for amplification. Regarding success rates of amplification, amplicon dimension of our mini-barcode (226 bp) is acceptable for successful amplification from avian fecal samples. Table 4. Comparison of genetic divergences between mini-barcode. However, the NJ analysis on this research signifies that all of mini-barcode regions together with both sides of excluded regions produce species-stage resolutions as effective as that of full-size barcodes on comparable 238 COI sequences of Korean birds, fortuitously (Figure S3).Three We assume that this end result might be interpreted as resulting from similarly distributed variation websites affecting the decision (Table 3). Percentage of site that assorted in the sequences.
Bird) region and different area excluded in this examine. Application of mini-barcode for chook identification and dietary analysis will be useful to grasp totally different use of prey for every hen species in line with geographical differences in Korean agricultural landscape. Our technique making use of mini-barcode for environmental fecal samples supplies a helpful and convenient tool for birds species identification and dietary evaluation concurrently though there are some limitations as talked about above. They found that small measurement mini-barcode (135 bp) confirmed totally different discrimination potential by position. 2006), they in contrast species-degree resolution between full-length barcodes and two mini-barcodes have completely different size and place about microgastrine parasitic wasps. Accumulation of barcode info would enhance resolution of identification. The present DNA barcode database is still being constructed. Construction of local database might be helpful to identify every species exactly. Intended to satisfy a short that includes being able to sort out both clean and rough roads, cobbles and even dirt tracks, it isn't a gravel bike, however with space for up to 35mm tyres it is can still handle a bit of the tough stuff. Priced at US$499 (US$599 international), the BagAmp Sub features a telescoping pole that can be utilized to mount a BagAmp straight on top of the subwoofer enclosure.
Engineers can then tinker with options to counter ice buildup, for example, by installing heating methods that warm the surfaces of the plane. For example, greater than 70% was unspecified from 1,10,371 published records based by Diptera in Bold database (Ratnasingham and Hebert 2007). Furthermore, https://3dmetalpuzzles.com than 70% of those data were registered from just three nations, Canada, Costa Rica, and the USA. For instance, some unidentified COI sequences have been matched with 9 completely different species, Acronicta mansueta, A. superans, A. quadrata, A. innotata, A. rumicis, Agriopodes fallax, Concana mundissima DHJ01, Capis curvata, and Pharetra rumicis, which had same similarity values (100%) in Bold-IDS. As well as, the identification results each BLASTN and Bold-IDS represented just order degree in case of Diptera, Hemiptera, and so forth. Despite these benefits, nonetheless, some of taxonomy groups (Lepidoptera, in case of our results) couldn't be resolved in species level. In addition, after determining the teams at the order degree using universal primer set, the use of group-particular primer for correct identification of dietary species might be compensated low resolution drawback. Increase the resolutions for dietary evaluation. Minibar primer set for dietary analysis, has a limitation that it could not detect plant DNAs from fecal samples.
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misza-dva · 6 years
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#inktober2018 day 5 - #chicken One of my teachers once told me that I have split personality in my art. Too many different things , styles... What can I do ? I paint what I like ;) #steampunk #gryphon #markers #brushpen #crow #birds #animals #traditionalart #artistoninstagram #polishartist #inktober #challenge #raider #mount #ilovepainting #🐔 https://www.instagram.com/p/BomEgo1hqzE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ox9bv40a21tg
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cowperviolet · 4 years
A Fantasy Writer’s Guide to Entremets
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Ok - I know that fantasy worlds don’t have to be medieval-influenced. However, most do tend to have historical elements from different eras worked into them; so why not entremets, especially since they have their origins in the feasts of antiquity, and have been deployed through the Middle Ages and Renaissance both? 
If anything, they fit the Rule of Cool. 
So, what are the entremets? To put it very simply, they are the elements of the feast that do not, strictly speaking, belong on the menu. They can be statues, performances, automata (I guess I should put steampunk in the tags), tableaux, even edible-stuff-that’s-just-really freaky. 
Here are some examples (most are drawn from the Burgundian court, because it was the most Extra one):
(Technically) edible stuff:
A lamprey burrowed into a river bottom - that is, a lamprey meat is roasted, then covered in a thick sauce made from combining its blood with spices and vinegar to create the effect of mud.
Cigne revestu - a cooked swan redressed in its skin and feathers.
Doreures - poultry is stuffed with a mixture of pork, bacon, eggs, spices, pine-nut paste, and currants, then roasted; the leftover stuffing is made into balls and roasted as well. Then everything is covered in gold and silver leaf. Because they can. 
Coqz heaumez - a stuffed roasted hen is seated atop a piglet and given a helmet of glued paper and a lance. These should be covered with gold- or silver-leaf for lords, or with white, red, or green tin-leaf, depending on the hen’s station in life, I guess.
The portrayal of the story of the Swan Knight - a wooden box with wheels is constructed; water-filled lead coffer holding a minever-covered parchment boat and a swan sculpture tied together with a golden chain are placed within.A cloth painted to represent water is then attached to hide men who are going to move the box around underneath. 
The Cleveland fountain - an octagonal Gothic tower in three tiers of gilt-silver. Liquid (can be perfumed/rosewater) rises through the central tube and issues from the mouths of the four animals at the top. Then it cascades down each level through spouts in the forms of human and animal faces. The water jets turn a series of wheels attached to bells, making everything whirl and ring.
Something I am going to leave as a direct quote, because I can’t even - ‘At a special table there was a high pillar, on which was seated an ymage of a young woman, nude except for her long blonde hair which covered her back to her waist; on her head was a rich hat; [she was] wrapped, so as to preserve propriety, in a cloth like a fluttering veil with Greek letters on it in many places, beautifully written in violet; and this ymage jetted hippocras from her breasts the entire duration of the supper. And near her, braced against the dresser, was another pillar, not as tall, but a little thicker, like a platform, on which was attached, by an iron chain, a very beautiful and entirely alive lion, as a sign to guard and defend the ymage; against his pillar was written on a charge in gold: Do not touch my lady’. 
A (thank God) fake fire-breathing lion - the sculpture’s mouth is lined with brass-lined mouth, with paper teeth glued within. Camphor and a little cotton are put there, and lit just before it’s presented to the guests.
A ship - such as a miniature anchored carrack laden with various merchandise, with miniature figures of sailors to complete the picture.
Spice-carrying miniature figures of animals -  these could be large elephants carrying castles, dromedaries with large baskets, unicorns, stags, etc. The animals would be bedecked with gold, silver and azure, their coverings decorated with gold thread and silk. Each of them carried the arms of a lord subject to, in one particular case, the Duke of Burgundy, with the name of the town or lordship. But really, any overlord fits. 
These are highly specific things, tailored to each occasion - whether, political, pious, marital or simply entertaining - so I’m going to describe particular instances that can be, however, easily dismembered into elements:
The entremet of the Holy Church was something presented by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy at his Feast of the Pheasant in 1454. It began with an armed giant in a long green silk robe with the turban on his head entering the room leading an elephant covered in silk. On the elephant’s back rode a lady wearing a white satin robe with a black coat and headdress (i.e. looking nun-like, but not quite). Addressing the noble company, the lady revealed that she was the Holy Church. As one does, she delivered a long complaint poem to those present, detailing her fallen state after the Turkish capture of Constantinople, and then asked for their aid. In the Ye Olde Photo Op, the Duke drew out a letter promising to aid his fellow Christians and had his herald read it aloud to the assembled guests. Having heard this assurance of aid, the Holy Church blessed him and was led out on her elephant. The evening culminated in the nobles offering immediate written vows to sign up for a crusade. 
The wedding of Charles the Bold and Margaret of York involved a series of carefully staged entremets chock-full of symbolism, given the touchy political nature of their union:
First, a man dressed as leopard came into the room riding a ‘unicorn’ caparisoned in a cloth painted with the English royal arms. The leopard held an English banner in one paw and a daisy in the other. Charles’ maître d’hôtel took the flower and presented it to the groom, saying: “Most excellent, high and victorious prince, my awesome and sovereign lord, the proud and awesome leopard of England comes to visit the noble company; and for your consolation and the consolation of your allies, countries and subjects, makes you the present of a noble marguerite.”
The second entremet was, in turn, dedicated to Margaret. A giant ‘lion’ entered, his covering painted with the arms of Burgundy.  Madame de Beaugrand, the dwarf of Margaret’s new stepdaughter Mary of Burgundy, rode upon it, accompanied by two noblemen. Madame de Beaugrand was dressed in a cloth-of-gold and violet version of a shepherdess’s garb and held a basket painted with the names of various virtues, a Burgundian banner, and a small dog on a leash. Then the ‘lion’ circled the room and sang a song welcoming the “beautiful shepherdess” who is “the source of hope, solace, strength, pride, peace, and safety for all the ruled lands.”
As a last note, possibly just to highlight the lavish and cosmopolitan nature of the court into which she has married, a highly realistic simulated camel saddled “in the Saracen manner” entered the room, with a man dressed in an Eastern fashion and two giant baskets on its back. He opened the baskets and took from them “birds strangely painted, as though they came from India,” and released them to fly around the room. They landed on various tables to the sounds of trumpets.
‘A marvellously large and beautiful stag entered the room, all white with large golden antlers, and covered in a rich covering of green and vermilion silk, as far as I could tell. A young boy twelve years old was mounted on the stag, dressed in a short robe of crimson velvet, wearing a little black slashed hat on his head, and shod in fine shoes. This child held on to the antlers of the stag with both hands. As he entered the room, he began on a song in a very high and clear voice, and the stag seemed to sing the tenor part, without there appearing to be any other person about save the child and artifice of the stag, and the song they sang was called ‘Je ne voy onques la pareille etc.’ [I have never seen her like].’ (Olivier de la Marche’s memoires, 1562). 
‘A watchman on the tower made as if to carry out his watch, and recognising that the tents and pavilions represented towns that were friendly, called for a fanfare of trumpets, which was performed by four boars from the windows in the tower. Then four lifelike goats appeared at the same windows, playing a motet on sackbuts and shawms; followed by four wolves with flutes, then four donkeys singing a song in four parts. For the fifth and last entremets, the watchman asked for a ‘morisque’ dance to entertain the company. Seven lifelike monkeys emerged along a balcony rail from a door in the tower. They found a mercer asleep by his wares and proceeded to play with them. They danced a morisque; then the tables were cleared and the guests danced’. (Ibid.)
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classyfoxdestiny · 2 years
Ukraine: Nato to send new battle groups to eastern Europe as Russia fails to deliver de-escalation #ٹاپسٹوریز
New Post has been published on https://mediaboxup.com/ukraine-nato-to-send-new-battle-groups-to-eastern-europe-as-russia-fails-to-deliver-de-escalation/
Ukraine: Nato to send new battle groups to eastern Europe as Russia fails to deliver de-escalation
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Nato is planning the deployment of new combat units to central and southeastern Europe, as it accused Russia of failing to pull troops back from the borders with Ukraine.
The move – which could see four “battlegroups” totalling 4,000 troops in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia – would represent the biggest shift in the alliance’s military posture since it set up operations in the Baltic states and Poland in the wake of Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea.
Separately, the UK is sending an additional 900 personnel with tanks and armoured vehicles to bolster its existing mission in Estonia as tensions mount over Vladimir Putin’s intentions towards Ukraine.
Moscow on Tuesday indicated it was pulling troops back after joint military exercises with Belarus and was willing to continue diplomatic discussions over its demand for Ukrainian membership of Nato to be permanently ruled out.
But Mr Stoltenberg said that, far from withdrawing a force estimated by US president Joe Biden at up to 150,000 men, satellite imagery suggested that Putin had in fact moved his troops to more offensive positions. Ukrainian authorities also reported cyberattacks on official websites.
“So far we do not see any sign of de-escalation on the ground – no withdrawals of troops or equipment,” said the Nato chief following an emergency meeting of alliance defence ministers in Brussels. “Russia maintains a massive invasion force ready to attack.”
Western intelligence briefings that an invasion of Ukraine could come on Wednesday were mocked by Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova.
“To the regret of many Western media, the war again failed to start,” Zakharova told reporters. “Fighting has erupted on their pages, but it has no relation to reality.”
In a Facebook post, she asked the “mass media of disinformation” in the West “to reveal the schedule of our ‘invasions’ for the upcoming year. I’d like to plan my vacations.” Mr Stoltenberg said that it was “not too late for Russia to step back from the brink of conflict and choose the path of peace”.
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But he said that Nato must face up to a “new normal” in which Moscow is ready to use force contest the fundamental principles that have underpinned European security for decades.
As a consequence, he said, ministers had decided to “develop options to further strengthen Nato’s deterrence and defence, including to establish new Nato battlegroups in central and eastern and southeastern Europe”. France has already volunteered to lead one group in Romania.
Mr Stoltenberg insisted the alliance’s actions were defensive and insisted that “Nato is not a threat to Russia”.
The Russian defence ministry published video that it said showed tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and self-propelled artillery units leaving the Crimean peninsula.
But a senior Western official said that intelligence showed Russian military exercises in the vicinity of Ukraine remain in an active phase and could intensify during the remainder of February.
“We are at a peak period where the exercises that the Russians had announced are in their active phases,” the official said.
There are “no credible signs at this point that there will be any kind of military de-escalation,” said the official said, adding that Russia could now attack Ukraine “with essentially no, or little-to-no, warning”.
This infographic, created for The Independent by statistics agency Statista, shows the relative military strength of Ukraine and Russia
(Statista/The Independent)
Defence secretary Ben Wallace, who attended the Brussels meeting, said the UK was bolstering the Nato response with additional troops, as well deploying naval and air power in the region.
The Royal Welsh battlegroup of around 900 troops began moving from bases in Germany and Britain to join a similarly-sized detachment of UK personnel already in Estonia under the long-standing Operation Cabrit mission. A further 1,000 servicemen and women remain on standby in the UK, while 350 have taken up their posting in Poland.
Meanwhile, Apache helicopters will make their way to conduct exercises with Allied partners in eastern Europe.
Four additional UK Typhoon jets have also landed in Cyprus and will shortly begin to patrol the skies over eastern Europe.
And the warship HMS Diamond is shortly to set sail to join HMS Trent conducting patrols in the eastern Mediterranean, alongside Nato allies from Canada, Italy, Spain and Turkey.
Mr Wallace said: “Alongside our Nato allies, we are deploying troops and assets on land, sea and air to bolster European defences in response to the build-up of Russian military forces on the border of Ukraine.
“Nato and our allies have been clear that an invasion of Ukraine will be met with severe consequences.
“De-escalation and diplomacy remain the only path out of this situation.”
Mr Stoltenberg said the movement of Russian troops revealed by intelligence were indicative of “the kinds of actions and measures that we expect will come in advance of a bigger military intervention into Ukraine”.
He said: “We do not know what will happen in Ukraine, but the situation has already demonstrated that we face a crisis in European security.”
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ariestaurus21 · 6 years
Artist!Steve, first rough part
@sealie-seolh THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. because you said PLEASE altough @bgharison @thekristen999 @narkito @lavvyan are not blameless!!!
When Steve sells his first piece, he's sure it's a fluke. A happy accident. He doesn't know why he signs the name John Reese on it, or why he tells gives that name to the gallery owner.
The sculpture, if you can call it that, isn't something he ever planned on making. It was just keeping his hands busy when he was too worn out, hurt or tired to do anything more physical or that demanded concentration, or if the weather didn't allow swimming, surfing or working on his dad's car.
To him, it isn't even a sculpture. It's just a boar, made out of old car parts, polished and mounted on a lava stone.  
He has few other creations; a dolphin, a whale, a pair of monk seals, a variety of birds, even a lizard or two. They're in the yard, for everyone to see.
It's just that no one knows he's the one who made them.
He's got a few more abstract pieces too hiding in various corners of the garage, like waves, a vertical piece he didn't quite know what to call, except maybe lightning.  
The really out there stuff, the contemporary, almost steampunk stuff? those, he's hiding under a tarp in a corner. But that's not art. It's just him, tinkering with junk in his spare time.
He loves art, though, don't get him wrong. He's shy about it and part of him's glad no one knows about his love of art. He doesn't know why.  
Maybe it's because he thinks he'd be ridiculed, but he'll dare anyone to poke fun. He'll make them swallow their teeth. Maybe it's because guys like him aren't supposed to love beautiful things? Or it's because the kind of art he loves isn't the traditional pretty, lovely things? Who knows. Because he likes modern, edgy, contemporary art, organic, metallic sculpture, gritty, earthy things. Not Van Gogh, not Picasso. No.
He's kind of glad that no one knows the tattoo on his right shoulder is a part of Illuminatus II by H. R. Geiger, the guy who created the original Alien for the movie in the 80's, won an Oscar for, even. Because those are the things he likes.  
It's why he likes Japanese art, too. It's clean, methodical, but organic, precise, spiritual.
Mix all of that and Steve’s deep love of Hawaii’s traditions and lore and you get, according to Janice Quinn, a unique style and artistic sense, infused by Island spirit.
She wants more of his work for her gallery.
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Another Last Chance to See
by Sonia Mitchell
Monday, 30 November 2009Sonia finds out whether learning about conservation can work as light entertainment.
Oooh! This is in the Axis of Awesome!~
In the nineteen-eighties Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine went on a trip to Madagascar to search for the aye-aye. This one-off trip led to Last Chance to See, a radio series that sent them all over the world looking for rare, amazing and often bizarre creatures. Adams then wrote a book of the same name about the experience, which brought the project to a slightly different audience to most conservation books, given that his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series had made him a best-selling humorous science fiction author.
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Apparently Adams and Carwardine had discussed doing a reunion tour before Adams's unexpected death appeared to put a stop to such thoughts. However, last year Carwardine began to retrace his steps, accompanied by another Footlights veteran - Stephen Fry. The series aired in the UK in late Autumn on Sunday evenings, and I was able to catch quite a lot of it.
One of the striking things separating the series from standard nature documentaries is the excellent graphic design work. There's a good feel for it on
the website
, but it excels in the programmes themselves. In particular the animation at the beginning of each episode is extremely good, with a 3-dimensional earth made of metal opening a door in the appropriate spot, and a metal animal coming out of the earth, cuckoo-clock style. It manages to evoke an appropriate clockwork 'running out of time' image, but at the same time use genuinely attractive design. There's a rustic steampunk (or clockpunk, if you must) atmosphere that diffuses what could have been a very heavy-handed metaphor. The fusion of the old metal and antique map imagery really sets the series apart from the usual fashion in natural history programming of favouring only photography.
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The series doesn't fall entirely into the natural history category, though, being presented as more of a travelogue. The book functioned in a similar way, being more about the experience of going to see animals that the scientific facts about them. The book was more entertaining about it, being narrated entirely by Adams in contrast to the TV series which, being a different medium, tells the story mostly visually. Also Fry moans a bit, and while Adams may have complained a fair amount, his complaints were wrapped in wit ('I didn't notice I was being set upon by a pickpocket, which I am glad of, because I like to work only with professionals') while Fry gets less funny the more irritated he is. His narration is generally enjoyable, but on screen - though mostly likeable - he's sometimes a little eye-rolling.
Fry is also less convincing than Adams in his enthusiasm for nature. Both men occupy a role of being the ignorant one to Mark Carwardine's expert, the one who asks the questions about the animals and sees them for the first time. However the experience moved Adams and gave him a real interest in conservation that shines through in his non-fiction post-Last Chance, and even saw him climb Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of the rhinoceros. Expecting a conversion so remarkable a second time is pushing it a bit, and it isn't all that surprising that Fry, although interested in the species they find, is obviously not about the dive into that world. But it makes him fade in comparison with Adams.
Fortunately we have Mark Carwardine to save us, who is obsessed enough to carry the programme. And in the interests of declaring a bias, I'll mention that I have a huge crush on him and then move swiftly on. Although he came across as knowledgeable and interesting (if grumpy) in the book, he was depicted very much as the straight man. In the TV series he demonstrates consistent good humour and a very likeable warmth towards his subjects. He's also able to gently mock Fry's ridiculous moments, and do a lot of the explaining about nature in a very accessible way.
I guess I should probably mention the animals at some point, too. In comparison with a traditional nature documentary one could argue that the animal footage is disappointing, but that would be missing the point somewhat. The focus of the series is on how difficult the animals are to find, and therefore how difficult it is to obtain any shots at all. When the footage comes, it's all the more meaningful because there's a real chance each time that they won't get it. Showing the difficulties brings home how endangered these animals really are.
A memorable moment from the kakapo episode was when one of the project leaders mentioned that they still get occasional donations from people who've read Adam's book and put a little money in an envelope for them. I found that oddly moving, because it's not at all surprising. The kakapo chapter is one of the best and most heartbreaking, and like a lot of other people I fell in love with the odd little birds when I read it. I have to admit that I wasn't expecting to see a kakapo doing it's best to shag Mark Carwardine when I watched the episode, but apparently donations to the foundation have since rocketed so it's probably worth it (and I don't blame the kakapo one bit).
I think the best episode was the Madagascar one, which combined lots of awesome lemurs with a really good explanation of why Madagascar is in trouble and what people are doing to fight it. The guy heading up the tree planting project was inspiring, with his long term plan to once again reconnect areas of forest with vital passages of trees. It was also really good coverage of the disaster that sisal is, and the damage that a Green Agenda can do if wielded by people who don't care enough to find out exactly what they're demanding. At the same time, it didn't feel preachy - it was interesting. And lemurs are fun little creatures with an astonishing variety of sub-species that make for varied footage, especially the sifaka that went leaping across the ground. Not to mention that any explorer-type series should have a jungle episode.
To have a bit of a Scrooge McDuck moment, I was less keen on the final episode. They were unable to return to China to search for the Yangtze River Dolphin because it's sadly probably extinct. This is an entirely reasonable excuse for not going. However in lieu of the dolphin they instead went searching for the Blue Whale, which I was less happy about. Partly this is personal preference, but partly I think making the blue whale the finale somewhat contradicts the original point of the series. To my mind, it was about the realities of conservation. The first trip wasn't about searching only for the iconic creatures - many of them were ones people wouldn't have heard of, and they certainly weren't all pretty or even emotionally appealing. It wasn't a Big Five of Africa or anything so gauche.
The Yangtze Rive Dolphin is a good example, actually. As dolphins go, it was pretty ugly and hardly in the book at all. The chapter was well-told, but full of frustration as Adams and Carwardine tried to make sense of what was going on in the dolphins' world. The blue whale, on the other hand, is world famous, and seeing a whale's tale poking up from the sea is no doubt magnificent if you're there, and you like whales, but on TV it was nothing new. It wasn't a
episode, but they were clearly trying to end with a magnificent icon and ended up delivering something rather mundane (and, I felt, self-indulgent). I preferred it when they focused on something more obscure and told a story I wouldn't get from anyone else.
However, to go back to praising the series, I still thought it was a lot more enjoyable than most conservation-slanted programmes. I definitely think there's a need for serious documentaries which keep the narrator in the background, but something lighter which shows them struggling with the terrain, or their wetsuits, also gives a valuable insight into how the world of pristine footage connects to the world of the viewer. It didn't move and inspire me in the way Adams's book did, but it was interesting, entertaining and educational. There's a good chance I'll be buying it on DVD when it comes out, and I'd happily recommend it to anyone with even a vague interest in animals.
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Arthur B
at 14:34 on 2009-11-30
I have to admit that I wasn't expecting to see a kakapo doing it's best to shag Mark Carwardine when I watched the episode, but apparently donations to the foundation have since rocketed so it's probably worth it (and I don't blame the kakapo one bit).
It's pretty much the only part of the show I caught thanks to the BBC
plugging it shamelessly on their site
. I'm sorry to say I avoided watching the programme itself, probably because I'm undergoing an adverse reaction to Stephen Fry's omnipresence. Don't get me wrong, he's a charming and intelligent man with a uniquely soothing voice, but the man's
these days... I may have to catch this on the repeats (or if it's still on iPlayer) though, it does sound fantastic.
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Sonia Mitchell
at 19:46 on 2009-12-01Yes, do take a look if you get the chance. BBC plugging aside, the show itself balanced the serious and the silly very well. Definitely not in the make-a-lot-of-noise-and-try-to-grab-the-animal category of wildlife film-making.
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at 09:43 on 2009-12-03Ooh, yes, Mark Cawardine is a darling. My friend's house is now plus one plush kakapo thanks to his adventures (it's a puppet. It does horrible things).
I enjoyed the series, though I had the same reservations about the Blue Whale as you did, and each episode left me a bit D: for the animals and the Douglaslessness. And thanks for the reminder to send some money to the kakapo folks next payday!
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Sonia Mitchell
at 13:45 on 2012-05-03As an addendum to this article, I've since been to a couple of Carwardine's lectures, and I thoroughly recommend them. He's a very likeable speaker and his talks are completely accessible to non-experts. Plus his photography really is world class (he just stepped down but previously he chaired the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Panel).
Also he's not usually particularly expensive to see.
0 notes
vrheadsets · 7 years
Preview: Brass Tactics – Can the Dev Behind Defense Grid Pull off Another Winner?
Real-time strategy (RTS) titles have found a home on virtual reality (VR) head-mounted displays (HMDs), with the likes of Force Field VR’s Landfall and Siegecraft Commander showcasing some of the different avenues available. Now Hidden Path Entertainment, the studio behind the highly rated Defence Grid 2: Enhanced VR Edition, has taken its experience in tower defense and created medieval RTS Brass Tactics for Oculus Touch.
Set in a steampunk style world, players are presented with keeping their castle safe whilst destroying the opposing enemy’s with a range of clockwork troops. These vary from classic medieval knights and archers, to cavalry, artillery weapons and massive four-legged tanks.
Anyone even vaguely familiar with RTS style gameplay should be able to pick up Brass Tactics fairly quickly. In a tabletop format, this can be manipulated by using both touch controllers to adjust the height of the table, effectively giving you a zoom function should you wish to get into the heart of battle or watch proceedings from a bird’s-eye view. Should you wish to quickly move around the map only one controller is required to perform the process.
Hidden Path had one map on demonstration (seen above), a sprawling multi-tiered level featuring several outposts to occupy. This enables you to push your advancement across the battlefield, holding key areas to bottleneck opponents, whilst providing extra resources to build more units and upgrade them. Upgrading isn’t done in a menu, rather at your castle. Upgrade options appear as new buildings which can be placed in various slots around the castle. But you can’t just go upgrading without some strategy, there’s only a finite amount of spots available, so maxing out your archers, or improving build times will reduce the possibilities to improve other troops.
Your troops are built at these outposts, with match progression unlocking more powerful options. Buildings are selected by tilting either controller as if looking at a watch. This brings up a panel with the current available selection and you simply pick the appropriate option with the other controller. It’s been done before, but it’s neat and works effectively, especially when in a rush.
A nice feature that’s fundamental to the core gameplay is the selection of on field allies. You can select a single squad with a point a click of the trigger, if you wish to select more squads just wave the controller near to the other units. A single squad brings up one arching white arrow, while multiple units will increase the number of arches. It’s a great visual aid that lets you position troops precisely on the battlefield.
At present this is still an early build with the basic game mechanics working solidly. Brass Tactics is set to feature a single-player campaign and co-op, alongside the shown one-on-one multiplayer which should add enough scope for a good replay factor. As long as Hidden Path can added enough maps and in-depth upgrade options, the title should satisfy the demands of even the most die hard of RTS players when it arrives this year.
from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2mBuEDN
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mudaship39 · 4 months
Character Bio of the Afro Asian Native Human with Fae Elvish, Goblinoid, & Giant Kin Spellcaster, Gunslinger, & Swordmaster Part 3
As grand magister he/she/they ride a magical flying motorcycle because broomsticks are uncomfortable. They as a gun witch also have inherent access to a plume of black swirling magical cloud that they sit and fly on.
In steampunk cities he can move by a zip line with a motorized cable trolley.
In a steampunk city he can also use an airship. 
As High King/High Queen. Flying chariot with pegasi or alicorns.
As Guild Grandmaster. Horse drawn carriage with undead skeletal horses.
As Knight Order and Paladin Order High Elder. Gas and steam powered magic airship zeppelin.
As a Mercenary Company Commander. Ironclad ship. Submarine. Ship pulled by a giant sea creature. 
As a Merchant Navy Fleet Admiral his/her/their mode of transportation is a war galleon class flagship. The galleon commanded a fleet of merchant ships. The fleet had barques, bilanders, biremes, birlinns, boita, brigs, brigantines, carracks, caravels, clippers, cogs, corvettes, dhows, drekars, dromons, feluccas, fleutes, fluyts, frigates, fustas, galiots, galleasses, galleons, galleys, guinemans, juncos, karves, kelches, knarrs, lorchas, luggers, man of wars, pincos, pinnaces, schooners, ship of the lines, sloop of wars, snows, shebecs, sutters, tartanes, trireme, & zebecs. The galleon had seven decks. The galleon had 52 cannons. The galleon had three hundred crew members. The galleon supported two hundred and twenty passengers. The galleon had 7 masts and 18 sails. The galleon used square sails and triangular sails. The galleon had 400 ton cargo capacity.
As a Sea Pirate Fleet Admiral his/her/their mode of transportation is a frigate, corvette, war galleon, & man of war class chimera flagship. The flagship commanded a fleet of pirate ships. The fleet had barques, bilanders, biremes, birlinns, boita, brigs, brigantines, carracks, caravels, clippers, cogs, corvettes, dhows, drekars, dromons, feluccas, fleutes, fluyts, frigates, fustas, galiots, galleasses, galleons, galleys, guinemans, juncos, karves, kelches, knarrs, lorchas, luggers, man of wars, pincos, pinnaces, schooners, ship of the lines, sloop of wars, snows, shebecs, sutters, tartanes, trireme, & zebecs. The galleon had ten decks. The galleon had 60 cannons. The galleon had four hundred crew members. The galleon supported three hundred passengers. The galleon had 10 masts and 20 sails. The galleon used square sails, diamond, rectangular, and triangular sails. The galleon had a 500 ton cargo capacity.
As a magic user and fighter who is a guild member and adventurer:
Hot air balloon 
Gas, electric, & steam powered magic four door automobile. 
He/she/they also used an air skiff carried by a giant flying creature such as a pterodactyl.
Wooly Mammoth and Mastodon mount for arctic tundras.
Oliphaunt War Elephant mount as a war mage and battle wizard during times of war. 
As an Afro Asian Native a red, gold, & green Ryu Dragon Qilin or Kirin. A qilin or kirin is a distant relative of the unicorn and dragons. They generally range in fantastic bright cooling colors like teal, azure, silver and or amethyst. A fantastic beast which rides on storm clouds and across the night sky of a full moon. They have a central horn like a unicorn and antlers like a caribou. They have a body similar to a horse. With scales and the tail of a dragon. They have wild fantastic manes of silver or gold. They wander the world eternally free with the winds but they also enjoy finding the most isolated and secluded forests of the north and sleeping upon the trees. These fantastic beasts can serve as great allies and mounts. 
A hero who has one as a mount is the envy of an entire kingdom, nation, federation, confederacy, or empire. They are wise and give council at times. They also love to whistle like birds, speak to forest beasts, sing folk songs, or ask riddles. They are incredibly curious creatures by nature. Generally qilin or kirin are wild wanders but they are also incredibly noble creatures. They will come to the aid of distraught beasts and peasants after they have saved the helpless victims. They will gladly take any small token of appreciation but then leap into the clouds and vanish back to their wild whimsical journey across the world. 
When angered the qilin or kirin flies into a noble vengeance with lightning striking its enemies and it heroically charges into its foes kicking and stabbing them with its antlers and horn. Most enemies are left charred corpses. Others suffer grievous burns and injuries from the kirin and flee. Since the quilin or kirin has a sense of honor they might let honorable foes flee with their life like mountain tigers. People view these beasts as divine entities from the heavens. People view these noble animals as guardians of the downtrodden and poor. 
But Some Kirin are also evil or neutral and uncaring and their colors change to dark reds, greens or violets. Sometimes even shimmering black. These Kirin are corrupted and generally serve evil wu jen sorcerers, tyrants, and bloodthirsty pirates. There are other types of Qilin or Kirins such as the Ryu kirin aka the Dragon Kirin and the Aisu kirin or Ice Kirin. Dragon Kirins are generally vivid bright warm colors like emerald green, scarlet red, bronze orange, and yellow gold. They have a more Ryu dragon like appearance. Aisu kirin are generally dark blues, silver and or dark purple and appear more like a caribou. Generally these beasts have very similar abilities but it is said that they have different elementals being either fire or ice. It is said that the Aisu kirin can create a freezing wind wall around itself. The Ryu Kirin are famous for breathing fire and blinding smoke on it's foes.
As a knight and paladin. An alicorn mount, a pegasus mount, & a unicorn mount. 
A white alicorn mount. An alicorn is a winged unicorn.  Good deities placed alicorns and unicorns to ward away evil. They also placed them to preserve and protect sacred places. Most alicorns and unicorns protect a bounded realm such as an enchanted forest. However, the gods sometimes send an alicorn or unicorn to guard sacred artifacts or protect specific creatures. When the forces of darkness strike against an individual the gods wish to protect. They might send that individual to an alicorn’s and unicorn's forest where evil creatures pursue at their peril. Unicorns and alicorns often serve deities of the forest and woodlands including the gods of benevolent fey. Although all unicorns and alicorns have natural healing power. Some serve the gods in greater capacities performing miracles normally reserved for high priests. 
An alicorn’s and unicorn's horn is the focus of its power. A shard of divine magic wrought in spiraling ivory. Wands of alicorn and unicorn horn channel powerful magic. While alicorn and unicorn horn weapons strike with divine force. Wizards can work powdered unicorn horn into potent potions and scroll ink or use it as a component in eldritch rituals. However, any creature that takes a role, no matter how small, in slaying a unicorn is likely to become the target of divine retribution. These things must be given freely by the alicorn or unicorn with their consent. 
When darkness and evil threaten to overwhelm the mortal world the gods sometimes see fit to pair an alicorn mount with a champion. A paladin astride an alicorn is a sign of the gods' direct intervention in the affairs of the mortal realm. It is a holy alliance made to cleave the heads from demons and banish devils back to the Nine Hells. As long as the troubled times of darkness persist the alicorn stays by the champion. Its horn shining brightly to drive back the night. However, if the gods' champion falls from grace or turns from the cause of righteousness and good, the alicorn departs never to return.
A blue unicorn mount. A unicorn was a mysterious and majestic magical beast resembling a horse with a horn protruding from its forehead. Unicorns dwell in enchanted forests. Unrelated to the horses it resembles a unicorn is a celestial creature that wanders sylvan realms. Its white form glimmering like starlight. A unicorn's brow sports a single spiraling horn of ivory whose magical touch can heal the sick and the injured. It knows the tongues of elves, fae, & sylvan folk. Unicorns allow good-hearted creatures to enter their woods to hunt or gather food but they hold evil ever at bay. Foul-hearted creatures seldom leave a unicorn's domain alive. A unicorn's forest is a celestial realm where nothing that occurs escapes the creature's notice. 
A unicorn hears each breathy tune sung by the elves that reside amid the treetops. It senses where every caterpillar spins its cocoon, each leaf and branch upon which a bright butterfly rests its tired wings. In a unicorn's forest a sense of calm pervades. From wolves and foxes, to birds, squirrels, and tiny insects. The creatures of a unicorn's domain seem quite tame. Pixies, sprites, satyrs, dryads, and other fey loyally serve a unicorn when they dwell within its woods. Under a unicorn's protection these creatures feel safe from the threat of encroaching civilization and the malicious spread of evil. 
A unicorn roams its domain constantly moving ever so carefully so as not to disturb other denizens. A creature might catch a passing glimpse of the unicorn then suddenly see nothing but the wild woods. A unicorn has deep blue, violet, or gold eyes. A typical adult unicorn grows to 8 feet in length, stands 5 feet high at the shoulder, and weighs 1,200 pounds. Females are slightly smaller and slimmer than males. Unicorns speak Sylvan, Fae, Elvish, and Common. Unicorns attacked primarily by impaling foes on their horns although they could also use their hooves as weapons. 
Unicorns dwelt deep within their forests. They shunned most creatures only conferring with fey such as pixies, fairies, dryads, elves, and sprites. They usually showed themselves only in defense of their forests. They scratched glyphs into the bark of trees in the areas under their protection. Unicorns mated for life. This unicorn had blue skin and violet eyes. It had a gold unicorn horn. The horn was two feet long. 
A black pegasus mount. The  winged horses known as pegasi soar through the skies. They are a vision of grace and majesty. When they touch down on solid ground they linger only for a moment drinking from mountain springs and pristine lakes. Any sound or sign of another creature startles them, sending them off to fly once more among the clouds. Pegasi are highly prized as swift and reliable steeds. Being faster and less temperamental than griffons, hippogriffs, and wyverns. 
However, these wild and shy creatures are as intelligent as humanoids. So they can't be traditionally broken and tamed. Although intelligent, a pegasus requires training before it can bear a rider in combat. To be trained, a pegasus must have a friendly attitude toward the trainer.  The pegasus is a magnificent winged horse that sometimes serves the cause of good. Though highly prized as aerial steeds, pegasi are wild and shy creatures not easily tamed. A pegasus must be persuaded to serve a good-aligned creature as a mount, but when it does so it forges a life-long bond with its new companion. Pegasi, at first glance, resembled mere horses with large bird-like wings. Despite this, they had other avian features as well. Their forelegs had fur. Their lower legs were feathered instead of furred. Their manes and tails were also of feathers.  
Being wild and shy magical creatures, pegasi were not easily tamed and ridden. A pegasus would serve as an aerial steed only to a good-natured humanoid. In any case they will strongly be opposed to wearing a saddle. The most common way they were trained was after being raised from birth. Though sometimes a grown pegasus might be tamed with a friendly attitude to the tamer. Making a worthy steed and mount indeed. This pegasus was trained since birth and wears a black saddle as a mount. Once tamed, a pegasus formed a bond with their rider obeying their commands. If the rider became evil after it tamed a pegasus the pegasus rejected them.  A typical Pegasus stands 6 feet high at the shoulder, weighs 1,500 pounds, and has a wingspan of 20 feet. Pegasi can speak and understand Elvish and Common. Pegasus usually have white hides and white wings. This one had a black hide and black wings. 
A sea unicorn. A sea unicorn is a unicorn hippocampus. When traveling underwater they used a sea unicorn or unicorn hippocampus mount to swim underwater. They had the body of a horse, a scaly fish's tail, and fins. Instead of a usual horse’s hooves or a mane. Their front sides were covered with small scales with larger scales at the rear. Their skin was colored with ivory, blue, or green shades. Hippocampi could breathe either salty or fresh water through their gills. They could even breathe normal air for a short period of time with their lungs. They were also proficient in swimming and deep diving moving very swiftly. Being wild and desiring to keep their free spirit hippocampi were not easily tamed, but they could be trained to carry and fight with a rider as a mount. 
Being good creatures and skilled judges of character they would more commonly serve good causes and refuse to assist any creature they considered evil or hostile. They were excellent racers and good mounts. They served as a favored steed for sea elves. They were the allies and companions of merfolk, nymphs, sirens, & tritons. They are the enemy of weresharks. They could even be the special mount of an aquatic paladin. Hippocampi lived in pods made up of three stallions and around twenty mares. In each pod, a stallion is designated as leader through custom and rituals. Each stallions had its own harem that are compound with mare that had chosen to join it and remain in it for life generally. 
They would often ally with tritons, sea elves, nymphs, & merfolk which in return would keep the hippocampi's eggs in their castle. In case of great danger or crisis, several pods could gather to join their effort against a common threat. A gathering of this sort could be a compound of thousands of hippocampus. Hippocampi were generally known to speak their own language as well as Aquan. Though like any intelligent creature they were capable of learning others if properly trained. Among aquatic mounts, they were considered to be one of the most prized. 
As a fighter. They had a griffin mount and a hippogriff mount. 
A gold and brown griffin or gryphon mount. A griffon is a ferocious avian carnivore with the muscular body of a lion. It has the head, forelegs, and wings of an eagle. An adult griffon was about 10 feet long, with a wingspan of 25 feet, & weighed about 1,500 lbs. Griffons were known to be somewhat intelligent creatures though they had a penchant for aggression. 
Young griffons were generally not combative. Griffons typically made their nests in homes in high rocky places like cliffs as well as open caverns set in hills and mountain regions. They did this so that their young could be safe from those who would seek to steal them and use them as mounts. When acquainted with humans, they were usually stabled in airy, door-less stone halls  vaguely resembling their lairs. When tamed and raised at a young age they could become very loyal and fierce mounts. Because of this they were highly sought after.
A black and white hippogriff mount. A hippogriff is a legendary animal that has the head, wings, & fore legs of an eagle. It has the body, tail, and hindquarters of a horse. Hippogriffs had the body of a horse. With the wings and head of an eagle. Their forelegs ended in sharp talons similar to those found in birds of prey, while their hind legs had hooves. The average hippogriff was 9 feet long, with a wingspan of 20 feet, and weighed about 1,000 lbs. Their hides would be colored russet, golden tan, or come in a variety of browns with differently shaded feathers. Their beaks were either ivory or golden yellow. 
Hippogriffs were capable of expressing more complex emotions as well as feeling grief and crying. Hippogriffs were reclusive in behavior, seldom traveling far from their nest. Hippogriffs were extremely territorial and would attack any intruders in their realm defending their mate or young until death. They attacked by diving and attacking with their claws, hooves, & beak. Though regarded as clumsy attackers, flocks of hippogriffs could attack in concert. They could kill large prey such as deer, elk, bison, & moose. They were even capable of carrying it away in their talons. 
Being omnivores, they did not always have to resort to such tactics. They had an omnivorous diet and would hunt humanoids as often as any other meal. Hippogriffs were frequently preyed upon by drakes, dragons, and wyverns. Hippogriffs were highly prized as aerial steeds. They live in temperate to tropical hills in areas where it is particularly flat and barren allowing them quick and easy access to the skies. Because they were not as intelligent as griffons. A friendly attitude from the hippogriff to the rider or tamer was not required. But they still require a specialized saddle and appropriate training. 
As a magic user. A battle dragon, a crested felldrake, a guard drake, & a wyvern. 
A Battle Dragon. Battle dragons were fierce and brave dragons who took immense joy in fighting glorious battles. The scales of battle dragons changed in appearance depending on the dragon's activities. If at rest, they had a dull brown color. They became bright golden when the dragon was flying, allowing sunlight to reflect from them. Other variants existed with green-tinted scales and ruby and golden tips. They also displayed sharp horns that protruded from the back of their heads and from several extremities. Battle dragons' wings were large and brilliantly patterned. 
From a very young age, battle dragons were trained to take pleasure in the art of fighting. They could be found alone or in families as they raised their young. Clutches of young battle dragons were also commonly found.  Many communities forged long-standing alliances with battle dragon families for mutual assistance and protection. So that several generations of riders could count on generations of the same line of dragon allies.  Fearless and optimistic, battle dragons found great pleasure in simple armed conflict. They were capable of finding positive sides in any situation. No matter how grim, an ability that made them great inspiring forces and morale boosters within an army.  It was also common for battle dragons to serve as mounts for humanoid combatants.  
When in combat, battle dragons fought fiercely while also providing support and encouragement to their allies. They could sing chants that inspired courage in their armies much like bards. Battle dragons could enter a furious battle rage, dealing devastating damage to their enemies.
A Guard Drake. An adult winged drake. Guard drakes were large reptiles that were created by a magical ritual involving dragon scales. They were loyal allies to their masters and could be quickly trained to follow simple commands. Guard drakes resembled the type of dragon they were created from in appearance except stunted and wingless with a squat and muscular build. These creatures were territorial and obedient. They could be trained to perform tasks typically associated with watchdogs, guard dogs, & attack dogs. 
In combat, the main weapons employed by a guard drake were its bite, claws, and strong tail. It also shared some of the traits of the original dragon. Such as a natural resistance to acid if created from black dragon scales. Lightning and thunder, coming from blue dragon scales. Poison, if coming from a purple dragon. Fire, lava, & magma if coming from a red dragon. Snow, ice, & frost if coming from a white dragon. This drake was created with mechanical prosthetic wings. This guard drake was a chimera of several dragon scales.  
Fell Drake. They were a type of fell drake often employed as guards by elves. Crested fell drakes were wingless draconic creatures with muscular hindlegs and a bright crest on the head. Like all fell drakes, crested fell drakes were good at heart, fierce, and loyal enough to defend their masters to the death. Crested fell drakes often lived alongside elves and acted as guards of settlements or border patrols. Their loyalty meant they were excellent pets and protectors.  Wild clutches of crested fell drakes were sometimes dominated by a rage drake. The fell drakes traced their origin to the dragon god Bahamut who created them to protect elves after a group of elven mages helped the Platinum Dragon turn back a demonic invasion. Fell drakes were carnivorous creatures that preferred to live in temperate plains, hills, or forests. 
Their snaky bodies also made them well-suited for underground expeditions that elves were averse to. On their own in the wild fell drakes congregated in clutches of 3-5 individuals. They are occasionally known to live alongside other fell drake subspecies or in groups dominated by a single rage drake. Though a bit difficult to manage, some humanoids besides elves such as humans, goblinoids, & kobolds were known to have domesticated fell drakes and trained them to act as mounts, pets, guard dogs, attack dogs, & hunting dogs.  This fell drake was a chimera of a rage drake, a horned fell drake, a crested fell drake, & a spitting fell drake.
A red wyvern. A young adult wyvern. Wyverns were used as mounts by various races and cultures.  These creatures were typically found in areas that were favored by dragons such as jungles, deserts, tundra, forests, mountains, or large caverns.  Wyverns were fluent speakers of draconic.  Giant kin of oni, trolls, orcs, goliaths, & giants kept griffons, perytons, drakes, & wyverns as hunting birds akin to what humans and elves did with hawks, falcons, and other birds of prey. These tamed wild creatures could also be often encountered patrolling the giant kin’s garden together with other tamed predators like owlbears. Dragons, griffons, drakes, and wyverns had a fierce rivalry over hippogriff and griffin meat. Manticores, chimeras, griffons, perytons, and wyverns were territorial rivals. 
Wyverns can be both solitary and pack animals. They did not have a strong odor. Although their lairs often could be tracked by following the smell of their recent kills.  When fighting these creatures would dive down from above. Grabbing prey with their wings acting as hands and hind leg claws. They then attempted to sting them to death. They were also known to slash at creatures with their claws mid-flight. Their tails were so long that opponents were typically struck by a wyvern's tail before their legs.  Their sleek and strong wings and hind legs proved very useful for an attack.  These creatures varied in size. With a length from 15​ to ​35 feet, a wingspan of 20 to 50 feet, & weighing around 1 to 2 tons. They were covered in red scales. 
They typically had gold, scarlet, or orange eyes. Their jaws were filled with long and sharp teeth and fangs.  Unlike true dragons, wyverns only had a pair of hind legs instead of a set four. Though they used their wings like a pair of arms and hands. Their wingspan could get over 50 feet in length. Their tails were often quite long. Comprising almost half of their bodies yet very mobile. These barbed tails ended in a thick cartilage knot with a stinger protruding out of it not unlike that of a scorpion.  Telltale sounds that these creatures produced included loud hisses similar to serpents and throated growls similar to the vocalizations of alligators or crocodiles.
As an artificer. Clockwork Steed. This clockwork steed is a winged mechanical horse and winged unicorn as a winged alicorn. Gleaming gears whir and buzz in an orchestra of motion whenever this red eyed steed moves. These tireless constructs were designed by engineers as a replacement for normal horses. They can gallop ceaselessly for hours or even days if required. In addition to their endurance, clockwork steeds pack a powerful physical punch because blows from their hooves can send smaller creatures flying. Though many riders enjoy the unquestioning way that clockwork steeds accept commands from their riders, others find these steeds’ lack of personality frustrating. 
Unlike normal horses, a clockwork steed lacks the ability to create a bond with its rider. Clockwork chargers are constructed to wreak greater mechanized terror on the battlefield. A clockwork charger has the advanced  template and is specially equipped for enhancing mounted charges or making such charges even without a rider by way of its pivoted lance. A clockwork charger has a pivoted latch large enough to support a lance and allows even those who are not proficient with a lance to use it as if they were. Furthermore, the clockwork charger is proficient with any lance equipped in the pivot. 
As an alchemist. A Clockwork Dragon. Made from gleaming metal and countless complex cogs and gears this draconic creature has the presence of a dangerous killing machine.  The teeth and claws of a clockwork dragon are made of adamantine, mithril, & orichalcum and have the qualities of a weapon made from that material. It has greater flight capability thanks to its spell infused mithral, adamantium, & orichalcium parts. The magic wielding engineers of ancient times created marvelous clockwork creations. Like the clockwork solider, clockwork hound, clockwork spy, clockwork assassin, clockwork steed, & clockwork guardian, but few equaled the formidable power of the clockwork dragon. 
The construction of clockwork dragons was based on a similar design to that of the clockwork leviathan. The engineers used the leviathan as a basic chassis, borrowing the same technology to fully waterproof the creature, then further modified the clockwork monstrosity to specialize it for defense and brutal attacks. Most of the time, clockwork dragons are built to represent metallic dragons, chromatic, gem, or Asian dragons. Preserved illustrations unearthed from archaeological sites show even primal and imperial dragons influenced some designs. It is rumored that an improved version of the clockwork dragon’s design possessed a semblance of sentience having the ability to alter their programming mid mission. 
Other variants of clockwork dragons wield breath weapons that deal alternate forms of energy damage. The greatest example of these variants is said to be capable of blasting a line of force from its fanged mouth. Some even claim to have spotted a similar creature. That is likely a product of parallel design. A robotic creation outfitted with enhanced flight, keen senses, lasers, and self-propelled explosive devices. The engineers who first crafted these creations made use of some of the rarest elements available. This included the various sky metals and in the creation of the clockwork dragons the engineers discovered many new uses for those metals. 
Clockwork dragons must be wound up to perform. Though a full winding lasts much longer for these creations than other clockwork creatures they eventually use up their power and go dormant. Most clockwork dragons remain in this dormant state awaiting a fresh winding. As constructs the creatures have no true society, but many clockwork dragons were deployed with a contingent of clockwork servants to attend to their winding and repairs. Some clockwork dragons were also built with tiny compartments in their bodies that housed a dozen clockwork spies, clockwork assassins, & clockwork soldiers. A squad they could deploy during their missions so they could provide their creators with a full report of the particular action in which they were involved. Most of the time, these tiny clockwork constructs cling to the dragon while it is in action, scurrying over its metallic scales as the beast pursues its quarry. 
This clockwork dragon has many upgrades and is highly customizable. It is an infiltrator. These clockwork dragons are more subtle and nimble than those of other clockwork dragons. An infiltrator clockwork dragon can rearrange its movable parts into very serpentine and compact shapes. Furthermore, its parts are coated with a black noise-dampening resin. It has active camouflage to blend in with its environment like a chameleon and reflect light as adaptive camouflage. Finally, it’s infused with magic allowing it to become invisible. The infiltrator clockwork dragon’s invisibility is a supernatural ability. It is a destroyer. These clockwork dragons are used as highly mobile and powerful siege engines. It acts as a mobile battering ram, mobile ballista, mobile trebuchet, mobile catapult, mobile siege tower, mobile mortar, mobile artillery cannon, & mobile missile launcher. 
It can light up oil in its body and has a fire breath attack that deals fire damage and explosive damage. It has a flaming tar breath. Instead of breathing fire it can spray a 30-foot cone of flaming tar. Creatures in the area of effect take fire damage and are entangled in a thick layer of flaming tar. It also has an acid breath. Equipped with an internal fountain of caustic liquid, this type of clockwork dragon has a breath attack with a 60-foot line of acid. It has rust breath. This rust breath does not breathe fire. Instead, the creature breathes out a fine mist of an alchemical solvent that instantly rusts exposed metals. This rust breath rusts anything in a 60-foot line. 
These clockwork dragons are made of resistant materials immune to rusting of any form. It has a sleeping gas breath.  This clockwork dragon’s breath weapon can be used with tanks of sleep gas. When the clockwork breathes out this gas in a 30-foot cone, creatures within the cone fall asleep for several hours. Clockwork dragons with this breath weapon tend to have the infiltrator modification. These clockwork dragons excel at missions that require stealth and precision rather than brute force.
Regular Familiars:
Small nurse shark
Magical Familiars:
As a gun witch:
Talking black shadow cat. It can teleport using shadow jumps. It is covered in hellfire.  It leaves black ashen tracks everywhere it goes. It can be commanded to summon its tiny fire powers to explode damaging everything around it and cause enemies fire and explosive damage. 
Talking black shadow raven
A palm sized spider that can mend any fabric based thing with arachne grade spider silk if it is told to by its owner 
Enchanted sentient spectacles that have way better passive and active perception than they do. Whispers in their ear when it's seen something they haven't.
As an Alchemist: 
As an artificer they have an iron golem. The iron golem assists them in combat.  These constructs were made entirely out of iron. These constructs were bipedal  and have a humanoid shape but were stylized to suit their creator. Though they were typically built to resemble some armor their features were comparatively smoother than stone golems.
 It was 12 feet and weighed five tons. Iron golems are dutifully obedient to those who created them. When left in a room with no activity they stand still going into a dormant state. Like any golem these constructs possess an immunity to magic and can’t be harmed by normal weapons. However their bodies were vulnerable to rust. The strength of these constructs are three times that of any flesh golem. Much like stone golems these constructs rely on brute strength when fighting. However, unlike stone golems, an iron golem was known to wield swords, even enchanted ones that were part of its construction. Iron golems were used to guard locations or valuable items.   
Clockwork Toy Clay Golem. It was elegant and used as an art piece. Appearing as a merely beautiful figurine before being commanded by their master to move or act. 
Clockwork Songbird. This gilded mechanical bird produces melodious songs from its complex clockwork voice box. The inner workings of a clockwork songbird are made of intricately interlocked components. With the most complex machinery located in the creature’s voice box.  Marvels of machinery and musicality the clockwork songbirds are prized for the beautiful melodies they produce. Which can vary based on the songbird’s construction. 
These clockwork creatures often inhabit the homes and gardens of nobility where they fill opulent manors and wide-open gardens alike with their lilting songs. Both children and adults delight in clockwork songbirds. With the former seeing these mechanical creatures as amusing toys and the latter as party novelties. A clockwork songbird’s intricate mechanical voice box allows it to sing a number of songs each of which provides a distinct effect. The clockwork songbird sings a hopeful song that though somewhat piping and thin rings true across the battlefield and instills a sense of duty in the hearts of the songbird’s allies. The gentle crooning lullaby of a clockwork songbird can cause enemies to become drowsy and sleep.  The clockwork songbird can whistle a lilting melody that causes allies to feel light on their feet.
Clockwork Hobgoblin. Fashioned after a tinkerer goblin, fire goblin, & urban evolved hobgoblin. Assists them as a clockwork engineer and inventor. 
Clockwork Mechanical Gnome. Fashioned after a deep gnome, rock gnome, & forest gnome. Assists them as clockwork engineer and inventor. 
Clockwork Spider. Tiny, fast, & strong for its size a clockwork spider is a must-have for any engineer worth their salt. From walking up walls to getting keys. Clockwork spiders are delicate arachnoid constructs built for espionage. They are designed to gather delicate information from people and places important enough to be warded against conventional stealth and scrying. Spiders can record and perfectly recreate whatever sounds they hear for a short time making them ideal for capturing the secrets of powerful enemies. Clockwork spiders were used to great effect in the dark political games of kingdoms and empires before spreading to the black markets. Spiders are impossible to replicate by any but the most brilliant artificers making them a near priceless boon to any guild spy or scheming noble. 
Clockwork Hound. Clockwork hounds are designed to guard areas and track prey. This black, mechanical hunting dog keeps its nose to the ground sniffing. Gleaming teeth fill its metal mouth. Partners to the clockwork huntsmen, these black hounds follow the trails of criminals, prey animals, and other unfortunates. Their infused spirits are those of hunting hounds and their animating magic allows them to follow a scent with supernatural speed and accuracy. Some claim the infusion of animal spirits into clockwork hounds was one of the great arcane discoveries that made the creation of the gear forged possible. 
Certainly the earliest hounds were built for work and war. Most clockwork hounds continue to serve town watches, royal huntsmen, road wardens, moneylenders, and criminal gangs as loyal trackers and guards. Two emerald, ruby, sapphire, or amethyst crystal eyes stare out from this artificial hound’s brass, silver, bronze, gold, iron, steel, & titanium forged body. This clockwork hound is the size of a large dog. It is fashioned after a pitbull, a rottweiler, a German Shepard, an Alaskan Malamute, & a Shiba Inu. 
The chest cavity of a clockwork hound can be opened to expose a storage area that can hold up to 30 pounds of items. If a contained item is a magical item then the hound gains the benefits of the item as though it were wearing them. Clockwork hounds are artificial approximations of canine companions that operate much like their living counterparts but never die of natural causes. They can work in packs or alone in accordance with the instructions imparted by their operators. Whether their operators are alive or dead is of little consequence to these constructs which proceed based on the last instructions provided. Like clockwork soldiers, clockwork hounds have long activity cycles due to the lessened winding requirements of their lighter frames. Their chest cavities are used to store goods and for reinforcement. 
They are used primarily for delivery missions, but work equally well as retrievers. They’re occasionally used for sentry duty. They are also used for defense and are most often seen in the company of similarly tasked constructs such as clockwork soldiers, clockwork spies, clockwork assassins, & clockwork guardians. A clockwork hound stands 2 and 1/2 feet tall at its shoulders and weighs 300 pounds. A clockwork hound doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
As a sorcerer/sorceress:
Triz. Lawful evil Imp. Imps are vicious manipulative fiends that are among the weakest beings in the demon hierarchy. They are considered minor demons whose job was to assist and corrupt mortals their masters wanted groomed to the side of evil. They are hired by non demonic humanoids by summoning. Though imps could take the form of various animals. Their natural forms were two feet tall humanoids that weighed eight pounds. This imp was dark red. It flew through the air with its leathery bat-like wings. The mind of an imp is both insidious and deceitful. 
They delight in corrupting mortals through trickery and temptation. Imps are masters of flattery coercing others into acts of lawful evil through flattery and endearment due to lacking the intimidating presence of other demons and devils. Regardless of the fawning facade they have, imps were ultimately at the service of the devil lords and viewed their humanoid masters as tools. At the same time their obedience to their devil leaders was rooted in pragmatism rather than genuine loyalty. Even if they are always in service to another, whether devil or mortal. They were still independent creatures with ambitions larger than their small size and sycophantic demeanor. Their true wish like most devils is to advance beyond their current station and obtain a position of power. 
In hell imps often served as errand runners, spies, couriers, or emissaries. Imps performed many roles in the hands of mortals often as advisors, scouts, assistants, confidants, and familiars. They typically served under lawful spellcasters like wizards or warlocks or anyone seeking magical power. Mortals judged worthy of an imp received them when they tried to find a familiar. Based on the misconception that imps were weak and dutiful servants. Imps relied on their charisma, persuasion, & available resources to hasten the corruption of their targets. Imps fostered a lust for power in the hearts of their summoners by increasing their magical abilities either through helping them  acquire new spells or magical items. By spying and knowledge given to them by other devils imps obtain a large sum of arcane knowledge about esoteric subject matters.     
Chaotic evil Will o wisp. A will-o'-wisp that has taken an interest in the spellcaster and follows them of its own free will. It is mischievous and occasionally floats off for hours at a time before returning. It often zaps party members at inopportune times and lingers after fights to consume the souls of the fallen. That aside, it is still supportive of the caster and readily provides backup as a distraction during truly dire combat. It occasionally acts as a guide when the spellcaster is lost though it will sometimes play tricks on the caster in the same way. Will boost the caster's elemental attacks. 
Applejack is a neutral good Mustavel. Mustevals looked like 2 feet tall humanoid mice. They were agile and rarely stayed still. This musteval had the ability to speak with other animals. Mustevals were small agile creatures capable of climbing and burrowing. They also have keen sight, smell, & hearing. They use their cunning and small size to fight evil. Often acting as spies and messengers for more powerful celestials.  
A foot tall brass metal golem capable of following simple instructions. It makes a happy whistling sound when it completes a task. It often watches its master with great curiosity and will try to mimic them.
As a warlock:
Thellesia/Trazeth a neutral evil succubus/incubus. A nonbinary genderfluid or bigender pansexual succubi/incubi.  They have a male masculine form, a feminine female form, & an androgynous nonbinary form. Succubi/incubi are the iconic depiction of lust. Feared for their typically evil nature and ability to steal one's soul. Succubi are fiends who wield subtle illusions and enchantments to tempt their victims into forfeiting their eternal souls. These lascivious dark-winged fiends can be found in service to devils and demons. High ranking devils, arch demons, demon lords, & demon generals use these fiends to tempt mortals to perform evil acts. 
Others keep succubi and incubi as advisers and consorts. Succubi often live up to their reputation acting as seductive females or males to lure males and or females into relinquishing some of their life-force. Particularly adept at controlling others in the peak of their strength. They're often employed albeit reluctantly by others to act as crowd control or to tame certain creatures. Most of them share the nature of their reputation. They are flirtatious. They avoid fighting where possible instead choosing seduction or fleeing. Succubi are not warriors. They flee combat whenever they can. If forced to fight, they can attack with their claws, but they prefer to turn foes against one another. 
The gender-neutral term for Succubi and Incubi is usually either foocubus or concubus. Succubi/incubi in their true forms have an appearance similar to that of humans, but are horned, clawed, tailed, & winged. They are typically slender, well toned, and are very rarely overly muscular. Due to their shape shifting changeling abilities they can tweak their appearances or even change them completely to suit their needs. A succubus is a demon temptress who lures you in by seducing you. They kiss you and have sex with you until you die after they steal your life force. They existed to seduce and tempt mortals and ultimately slay them and take their life energy back to hell. 
The more virtuous the victim, the more rewarding it is for the succubus. When they reproduce with a mortal, the child is a cambion. When uncovered in her true form, a succubus appeared as a stunningly beautiful woman of statuesque build and perfect figure. With flawless skin and red or raven-black hair. Incubi, meanwhile, appeared as perfect male members of whatever race they were working with. Succubi/incubi they also had clawed fingers and large dark-hued or reddish bat-like wings mounted on their backs. Their eyes were red. Small horns, claws, and a tail might also be seen. Succubi stood on average around 6 feet tall and weighed 125 pounds. Demonic succubi were by far the most attractive of the demons. 
However, succubi often used their shapeshifting changeling ability to assume a humanoid form and could maintain it as a disguise for as long as they liked. Thus mortals rarely saw succubi and incubi in their true forms but they were always attractive to an observer. Lovers, not fighters, succubi fled all conflict if they could. Using their claws only as a last resort if revealed in their fiendish form. Rather, they focused on dodging blows and running for safety. Nevertheless, they were rarely taken by surprise. Instead, they preferred subterfuge and seduction. 
Such as turning their enemies against each other, making them into loyal servants, or trying to get individuals alone. A preferred tactic was to disguise themselves and feign friendship. Or pretend to be a damsel in distress especially if encountered in a dungeon. Then find a moment to be alone with a potential victim where they could use their life-draining kiss or steal their soul with sex. Succubi and incubi were lustful creatures. A fiendish succubus or incubus desired a corrupted soul like nothing else feeling utter emptiness until they claimed one. 
Their deadly kiss was an echo of this emptiness. Demonic succubi lived to seduce and tempt mortal beings of the earth and in the end slay them and carry their life-forces back with them. For the destruction of mortals increased the power of Hell. They seemed to have fed on this life-force themselves. Many succubi and incubi were engaged almost constantly working to corrupt mortals, usually via promises of sex and other pleasures. Demonic succubi and incubi typically targeted men, women, & beyond of energy and passion. The fiery spirits of humans meant they were easier prey, so succubi did not often concern themselves with demi humans. They were content to take things slow and work subtly. 
Devilish succubi and incubi were adept at winning hearts and breaking hearts. But they also made for cunning and made skilled spies and assassins. They served higher-ranked devils as scouts and advisors, as emissaries to key mortals, and of course as concubines. They tempted mortals into sin on behalf of demon lords/ladies, arch demons, demon generals, & devils. Fiendish succubi and incubi commonly used their ethereal form to slip through walls to reach a mortal's bedside and linger there as they slept. 
Here, they filled their victim's dreams with debauched scenes and whispered of forbidden pleasures. Tempting them to indulge in dark desires, appetites, and taboos. The more the succubus and incubus did this in their dreams, the more vulnerable their victim became to temptation in the waking world. Eventually, the succubus and incubus entered the mortal realm directly. In a pleasing form previously seen only in the dreams. They then befriended or seduced their victim, so they could influence them directly. They would then indulge all their desires so they would perform evil deeds of their own free will. When the victim was utterly corrupted, such as by committing three betrayals of thought, word, and deed, their soul was in the grip of the succubus and incubus without need of contract or pledge. 
For a more virtuous victim, this corruption might take longer, but their downfall was all the more rewarding for the succubus. Finally, the succubus slew their victim with a kiss and sex and the corrupted soul went down to the lower planes as their prize. The succubus actually avoided charming the victim if they could help it, as the mortal would not be responsible for their actions and not truly corrupted. Thus, charming was mostly used for self-defense. Similarly, their lethal kiss was only used as a final assault or a parting shot before they escaped. Preferring to work alone, demonic succubi and incubi operated as lone wolves and rarely gathered in numbers.  
Demonic succubi and incubi were independent of devil society. Going where they liked and doing as they willed and answering to none. The greater demons and arch demons tolerated them and even accepted their independence. For they served the devils in their own unique way. In turn, succubi and incubi could dominate lesser demons and imps through a mixture of threats and wits. They occasionally worked with imps who became their summons. Succubi and incubi were known to serve demon lords as advisors and consorts. Some squads of incubi and succubi engaged in espionage, sabotage, assasination, & infiltration. Some succubi and incubi were free agents working their own grand plots. This succubus and incubus in particular hopes to seduce the hero/heroine Lysander/Luciana while assisting them as a summon for their devil patron as a warlock. 
Afdani is a female chaotic good red (Bloodlines of Dispater, Glasya, Mammon, Maphistopheles, & Zariel ancestry) Winged Abyssal Tiefling. She is a warlock, witch, & sorceress. She is descended from fiends of demons and devils who had bred with humans. Tieflings are known for their cunning and personal allure. This made them excellent deceivers and inspiring leaders when prejudices were laid aside. Although their findish ancestors could be many generations removed the taint lingered. Unlike half demons, tieflings were not predisposed to evil alignments. They were varied in alignment as much as full humans. 
Tieflings tend to have an unsettling air about them. Most people are uncomfortable around them whether or not they are aware of their demon ancestry or not. While some looked like normal humans, most retained physical traits from their fiendish ancestors. Most common features being horns, prehensile tails, & pointed teeth. She has red horns. She has golden eyes. She has black hair which she dyed some to be purple. She has red skin. In her human form she has human-like tanned skin that has reddish hues and undertones. She has better reflexes than her human kin. This and their natural propensity for hiding and trickery helped give them a reputation for thievery and mischief. 
The physical appearance of a tiefling depends on the exact ancestry that spawned them. A bloodline might have remained dormant for generations. She besides the horns and tail, as a demonic tiefling, also has a forked tongue and scales on parts of her red skin. Tieflings have a number of abilities gifted to them by their demonic heritage. Tieflings are alluring and intelligent creatures with a seductive aura. Most tieflings were aware from an early age that they were different from others around them. They were given to strange urges and desires because of their demonic ancestry. Most tieflings now are raised with the love a normal human child might expect to receive. 
This shaped most of the race from bitter people who expect eventual rejection from people they meet. Because of their fiendish heritage many were distrusting and self-reliant. Tieflings are proud and secretive by nature and possess a dark demeanor. This makes them social outcasts. Members of other races find that once they demonstrate trust and friendship would be reciprocated in full. Once the bond was forged it was never broken. She as a tiefling is a talented warrior. In melee combat she is agile and nimble. She likes weapons that combine sharpness with speed. She uses hand crossbows, daggers, rapiers, longswords, & short swords. She, like most of her kind, is ambidextrous and favors a two handed fighting style.
She doesn’t use shields. As a magic user she is a warlock, spellcaster, and conjurer. As a winged tiefling she has a pair of black demonic wings. She had an odor of sulfur and brimstone. Tieflings like other races that were a result of breeding two or more others gathered together to make a community and have a culture to call their own. They find refuge in the human federation of magical human kingdoms and indigenous magical human nations. Some tieflings are proud of their demon heritage. They were fascinated by the dark and sinister events that touched the world but weren’t evil enough to cause them. 
They chose to use this knowledge of evil and their demonic abilities to stop these dark schemes. Some wished to escape the shadows that lurked over them by constantly doing good to make up the evil that begot them. She, like many tieflings, is carnivorous and eats meat and sometimes drinks blood. In many ways tieflings were similar to humans physically. Tieflings on average were as tall as humans and were from 5’6 to 6 feet tall and weighed from 140 to 200 pounds. She is 5’8 and weighs 140 pounds. 
She sleeps with her eyes open. Her eyes roll backward. She snores in ancient incantations. Her tail acts in the same manner as a cat's would. When drunk instead of tripping over herself or slurring her words she gazes into nothing and whispers infernal phrases. She smells with her forked tongue. When she speaks small goats of smoke emerge with each word. Her tongue is that of a serpent giving their voice a hissing sound. She cannot blink or shed tears. She has an innate dislike of precise and/or complex geometric symbols. She loves to collect forbidden lore and knowledge. She has two large horns each of which has a red crystal carved into them. Small heatless flames flicker across her skin when she is angry. Her yellow eyes burn with the fires of her demonic ancestry. The echo of her voice returns in Infernal. She is followed by a loyal imp servant. When laughing nearby fires sputter, spark, and release sulfur smelling smoke. She grew up among another race. 
She grew up among the magical humans, Indigenous magical humans, & homo magi. They are her true family. Her trinket is a rose made out of steel engraved with a name written in infernal. She thinks the world should revolve around her. She flaunts her heritage at the most unfortunate of times. She would sell her soul for the one she loves. Her family was often away serving a family of an ancient warlock. She now serves their descendant Lysander/Luciana Norwood. 
Drovia a lawful good gold winged Scourge and Protector Aasimar. She is of noble background. She is an acolyte. She is a cleric and paladin. She has celestial ancestry.  She is half human half god. Aasimar have the mark of their celestial ancestor through many different physical features. Many often varied from person to person. Nearly all aasimar are uncommonly beautiful. They were often significantly taller than humans too. Most aasimar have pupil-less pale white, gray, & golden eyes and silver hair. She has golden eyes and silver hair. She has feathers mixed in her hair. Many aasimar have light covering of feathers on their shoulders where angel wings might sprout. Like tieflings, aasimar bloodlines could sometimes run dormant for generations, often reappearing after being hidden for some time. 
Most aasimar grew up cautious around others. Like tieflings were misunderstood sometimes, though never to the hateful extent many of fiendish or demonic bloodlines were. Even those raised by understanding parents couldn’t escape the curiosity or even fear their unique nature sometimes provoked. Many aasimar even suffered bigotry and prejudice. Something that deeply hurt the heart and soul of the aasimar in question since most had empathy for others. Though many aasimar are good in nature thanks to their celestial or divine ancestors not all are just as not all tieflings are evil. Aasimar are a wise and charismatic race. They possess strong insights and a powerful allure. Which most races can’t compare. They are also quite perceptive. Noticing things others don’t. 
They, like tieflings, are not rare and have true cities and societies of their own where they can find others of their kind. Because of their ties to good gods and celestial beings most aasimar are drawn to the religious path of clerics and paladins. Most aasimar spellcasters call upon divine magic as opposed to arcane magic. Many become paladins in the service of good. The philosophy of lawful good paladins resonate strongly with aasimar. She is lawful good. She is a scourge race aasimar and protector race aasimar. She is a cleric and paladin. 
Like other half breeds, aasimar did not feel as a whole beholden to one god or pantheon. Aasimar because of their human ancestry felt a strong draw to their kin. They also felt a strong bond with other half breeds. Many enjoyed the company of half elves and half orcs. They also god along well with good aligned tieflings. Whom the celestial descended race was instinctively wary of. Elemental genasi however they found alien even by their own standards. As a protector aasimar she is tasked by the powers of greater good to protect the good, weak, & innocent of the realms. 
When she was a preteen she was given a divine missive along with guidance to smite evil and defend those who can’t fight on their own. Protector aasimar were often more learned and judicious than others. She has a pair of ethereal celestial wings and a pair of corporeal angelic wings on her back. As a scourge aasimar she divine heritage has an intense drive to purge evil from the realms. She is an exceptionally healthy and robust person. They are imbued with powerful divine energy to help them carry out their natural drive to smite evil. The energy coursing through their body radiates outward making them easily identifiable. She wears a mask to hide away her otherworldly appearance except in combat. 
She always knows the direction and distance to the nearest places of worship. Any stringed instrument she plays is instantly tuned to perfection. When in her wingless human form two vertical lines go down her back near her shoulder blades. As an aasimar related to a being related to the sun the golden iris of her golden eyes look like an actual sun revolving. When in love a faintly colored glow hangs in the air around her and reaches out toward the object of her affection nearby. Light reflects off them in a way as if they are standing in a column of heavenly light. Her touch can relieve the pain of the sick and elderly for a week. People who sleep near her feel they rest more peacefully than they ever have. She shines slightly when in combat. Religious people seem drawn to her. Impurities in water clean up when she touches it. 
As a mage:
Tess Foxlight a neutral good fey flame Sprite. Sprites are the warrior relatives of pixies. They are fierce defenders of good wherever they are. They are firm judges of other creature’s hearts, souls, & intentions. Sprites resemble tiny elven fey with insect-like wings. They are about 2 feet tall. Sprites are flighty and found most creatures to be too serious. However they despised evil. Because of their attitude and zealous nature against evil. Sprites are considered harsh by other fey. Unlike pixies they didn’t care to engage in fun activities or adorn themselves. They are quick to ally with good natured creatures. They are quick to come to their aid even at unexpected times. 
They are excellent judges of character. They can always sense another creature’s real nature and emotions. Like other fey Tess possesses innate magical powers. They can become invisible at will. They can detect good or evil from 40 yards away. She is an excellent brewer of toxins, poisons, & antidotes. They favored a potent sleep potion they coated their arrows with as an archer. They usually harvested the ingredients for toxins and poisons in forests. Even going into dangerous places to find them. They were not above stealing from hag’s gardens if necessary. Sprites kept an eye on other small pixie, sprite, or fairy fey to protect them. 
They also kept an eye on fey to know who to invite to their gatherings. She associates with druids and rangers. She opposes the will of evil fey and pledges to thwart evil arch fae at every turn. Unlike pixies she rarely indulges in fun and merriment. They are firm warriors, protectors, & judges. She protected Lysander/Luciana from dark fay. Sprites make their homes in meadows and glades deep within forests. They are omnivorous creatures. Unlike their kin. They are mainly active during the day. Sprite villages can also be found in the trunks of trees. They allowed no trespassers. They are quick to judge the moral character of invaders. As a flame sprite she is temperamental and loves fire. She uses a small dog as a battle mount.     
Ysret a chaotic good Pixie. Pixies resemble tiny elves. They are from one feet to two feet in height. Pixies have silver moth-like wings. They prefer to wear brightly colored clothing. Pixies are mischievous spirits that enjoy playing pranks on people. Such pranks are leading travelers astray. Pixies are well known pranksters but some delight in more helpful magic. In combat pixies wield appropriately sized swords and bows. 
Their arrows are drugged in a potion that causes memory loss. Pixie villages each have different clans and families. Community loyalty is important to them. Although pixies carried no treasure with them. They are known to have tiny hoards in their homes to impress visitors. She keeps coins, gemstones, & other treasures to impress Lysander/Luciana. She is active at night. Like other pixies she is a vegetarian eating fruits, vegetables, & nectar. Pixies live in temperate forests making their villages in deep forest caves. One legend says pixies stole from the secret of making honey from the Fairy Queen Titania and sold it to the bee species.  
Chaotic good Fairy. A particularly spiteful fae fairy that has run away from home. She latched onto them because it liked the color of their eyes. Occasionally changes their hair color and eye color in the middle of the night. It refuses to be told what to cast or when. 
As a wizard:
Neutral good red pseudo dragon. Pseudodragons typically had bodies about one foot long, with a two-foot tail and weighed about seven pounds. They could communicate telepathically in common or draconic. They also communicated through the vocalization of animal noises. While pseudodragons could bite their main weapon was a stinging, poisonous tail. They had chameleon-like abilities, though their color was usually a brownish red. 
Pseudodragons inhabited temperate forests in the wild, but they could often be found as familiars in nearly any environment. Their general attitude was similar to that of a small cat but with a cunning intelligence. Pseudodragons loved to hunt vermin and small animals for food. They were wary of evil beings, but were willing to serve as a companion to another being if treated well and respected.
Chaotic good violet fairy dragon. A micro-dragon. If it curls up it fits into the palm of their hand. They found it in their copper, bronze, silver, gold, & platinum coin pouch one day clutching a single gold piece and it refuses to let go.
As an artificer:
Clockwork Spy. Particularly guileful crafters may construct miniature clockwork spies that can record sound. Rumors tell of even more advanced technologies that allow visual recording. While magical wonders such as spells can allow the user to scry information or to see where one isn't normally physically able. Clockwork spies provide an edge in that their memories are concrete and incorruptible enabling them to make flawless recordings of events not subject to the regular perversions of human memories. This tiny steel creature has eight small gemstone eyes, a spherical body, and several spider-like legs of grinding metal.  These spindly and discreet mechanical arachnids are ideal for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. 
They can be vital tools in political intrigues or illicit consortium tactics. Their retractable insectile wings make the swift creatures even craftier foes than most would anticipate. As they are less combat-oriented than many other clockworks. If a clockwork spy is caught in the act of recording its target. Escape is usually the most practical course of action for it. A clockwork spy can record nearby sounds archiving all sound within a 20-foot spread onto small gemstone crystals embedded in its body. The clockwork spy can record up to 1 hour of sound per crystal it possesses. 
Clockwork spies must be given commands as to when they are to start recording sounds. A clockwork spy can differentiate between creature types and subtypes. It can differentiate between specific individuals. A spy can be ordered to start recording sound as soon as a humanoid comes in range. It can be ordered to start recording when a specific person comes within range. Once a clockwork spy begins recording sound it can cease recording early. Likewise, it cannot record sound onto a gemstone that already contains a recording.
Clockwork Automaton. Created not by a god, not by magic, but by pure science and technology an automaton is a construct designed to emulate life. Gears and cogs turn within their carapaces. Thinking, processing, & learning. Depending on the creator an automaton may have a very life-like face with optical sensors. Automatons can be modeled after any of the races. Usually human or elf is the standard choice. However, if the creator wants a strong servant they may be modeled after a troll, half troll, goliath, oni, giant, orc, or a half-orc. If they want a nimble spy the automaton may be modeled after a fairy, pixie, imp, halfling, or hobgoblin. 
An automaton is given a name that their creator see’s fit. Whether it is the name of a relative or important person in history or mythology. Or alternatively, an automaton could not be given a name at all but a serial number. Distinguishing them from the others by number and type. Emulating life can only get you so far in society. Because of this, if an automaton is left to roam freely they can find it very hard to integrate into society. An automaton left to their own devices is not a common thing however. More often than not, an automaton is built for a purpose. If this is the case, they will not steer from this purpose. It is what they were made for it is what they will do until they are given a new purpose. 
Some arrogant scientists create automatons to flaunt their intellectual prowess. These automatons are the kind that are most life-like created for the spectacle, rather than anything of much worth. This automaton was made life-like by Lysander/Luciana to make it easier for humanoids to be around it. But not too life-like with an uncanny valley, made somewhat cartoonish on purpose, so as to not be creepy. Automatons with the purpose of dazzling and amazing crowds are often seen as just that, a clever trick of an even cleverer man. And thus, is the life of an automaton, either loved or hated without cause and without care. Seen as either a spectacle or an atrocity. 
A wonderful creation of art and science, or an unsettling attempt at something not quite real. At times when an automaton's creator dies they must find a new purpose. A lone automaton will wander the streets until it finds someone who will take them in or work with what they can do. Some automatons are gifted with the ability to understand and perform acts of arcane magic. Some are given new skills and abilities to explore. Others are captured as slaves, forced to work, or forced to fight. Learning nothing new and living a life as empty as before. 
These are in fact, the best case scenarios since more often than not an automaton left to roam alone without a master will succumb to the violence of fear and ignorance. Destroyed before they can become more than what they were made for. As stated before, every automaton is created by a person or even a team of people. Usually the body and general appearance of the automaton is based on the race of the creator(s). This is not the case if the automaton is made for a specific purpose of course. 
If an automaton was designed for infiltration or assassination they will sport an agile and athletic body. Akin to that of an elf, human, draenei, or halfling. Alternatively, an automaton made with protection, defense or offense as the main priority have thick-built muscular bodies, modeled in the way of orcs, trolls, giants, oni, & goliaths.. In rare cases, automatons are constructed for personal purposes. Such as a friend, companion or even an intimate partner and these automatons are crafted to embody the most appealing physical appearance of either gender of any race desired. This automaton was created by Lysander/Luciana to be a secretary, bodyguard, friend, companion, servant, assistant, & spy. More often than not, automatons built for intimate relations are the most frowned upon. Most often, automatons have a thin outer layer of metal sheets that hide the inner-workings of the machine. 
Designed to imitate skin as well as protecting the automaton's insides. This outer layer or metal skin will emulate that of a male, female body or nonbinary body shaped to the creators wishes. The metal sheets are not connected in places like the abdominal section of the torso or shoulder but slide over each other to allow joint movement. These sheets can be made from any range of metals from mithril, iron, steel, bronze, titanium, copper, gold, brass, silver, & adamantine. The head and face of the automatons are surrounded by the same material, but do not compare as well to real-life faces as the bodies do. The faces of many automatons struggle to show emotion. 
This is mirrored by the automatons inability to feel emotion. When a primitive automaton is made with a specific purpose their hands will be crafted to only do those things. This automaton was created to mirror an advanced android and so was built with thoughts and emotions using magic using the same magic to make a homunculus. This automaton has moving eyebrows and cheeks. The eyes are emotive. The chin, cheeks, upper lips, & lower lip move to simulate speech. Clockwork automatons are as diverse as all the races of the land and sea. They represent the full gambit of alignments. But each and every construct is unified under one common concept and that is immortality. 
While not fitting the true definition of an immortal creature a clockwork automaton never ages. With careful preparation a clockwork automaton could conceivably live forever. The conversion process is shrouded in mystery. Once all the information is gathered, the result is a body that is constructed out of screws, gears, springs, and assorted similar parts. It is tailored to the specific tastes of the target creature. In a final arcane act the machine is then given life through a complex ritual where the soul of the base creature is permanently bonded to the new body. Leaving their mortal remains to decay naturally. This clockwork automaton was bonded with the soul of a sprite, dark pixie, dryad, & dark fairy. 
This clockwork automaton is near sentient. Its body was based on a void elf, dark elf, moon elf, star elf, night elf, & drow.  She, like a homunculus, was created in an alchemical experiment. Perhaps a powerful magic user created her simply to prove that they could. Regardless of why she was created, unlike others she is certain of the reason behind her creation. For one reason or another she has been left to her own devices. She has the freedom to choose her own destiny. She is a product of science and an affront to nature. As such, certain powerful beings take notice of her unnatural existence. Celestials, fey, infernals see her as special. When encountering her they may treat her differently than normal. Celestials will likely treat her as a curiosity and perhaps take pity on her. Fey will almost always greet her with hostility. Infernals will be especially intrigued in creating contracts with her or becoming her patron. Her creator created her as a companion. Her creator is like a parent to her. It seems that thoughts and emotions were seen as necessary when she was created. 
After bonding the dead spirits of a dark pixie, dark fairy, dryad, & sprite to the automaton she was given near sentience. She is similar to an android with advanced artificial intelligence. She feels all things were created for a reason and have their place in the world. She is endlessly curious in regards to the world around her, especially when it comes to other living creatures. She feels that the world is meant to be studied and morality only stands in the way. She has interests in most scholarly fields. Her creator's penchant for study was instilled in her and she has taken up their work. She as an autonomous being with near sentience with thoughts and emotions has interests for the pleasures of life. She is filled with envy towards those naturally born. She endlessly craves the family that she can never have. 
She has learned of a land far from where she was created. She is obsessed with reaching this distant land. Her obsession with finding her purpose leaves little room for anything else in her life. She doesn't know who or what she is and as such am always seeking guidance. She is emotionally unstable. Swiftly alternating from emotion to emotion. She is angered and saddened extremely easily. This must be a defect in her creation. Death fascinates her. If those born of natural means are unsure of their final destination. She must wonder what death has in store for her. She may be born of unnatural means, but she is no less a person than anyone else. That she is feared and misunderstood only goes to show that the world has room to be changed for the better. 
Mechanical Familiar. They have a mechanical familiar. They drew the blueprint for a small mechanical creature. They then had it built by gnome, draenei, goblin, & dwarf artificers. It has a built-in net launcher that launches a reinforced steel weave net for capturing animals, creatures, beasts, & monsters. The net is electrified to stun and electrocute targets. It has a built in harpoon gun with a burning or cryogenic harpoon to burn and freeze enemies. It has a built-in enhanced grappling hook and zipline. It can become mechanical wings to help users glide short distances or fly long distances. They can fly or glide after turning into a wearable backpack with deployable metal artificial wings and parachutes. It can swim by turning into a mechanical fish with propellers and fins. It can walk by turning into a mechanical cat or dog. It can dig or borrow by turning into a mechanical badger. It can defend itself by turning into a mechanical turtle, hedgehog, or armadillo. 
The golem is modeled off a creature. This tiny metallic creature is shaped like an avian, fish, cat, dog, or tiny dragon with cogs, gears, screws, and belts whirring beneath its shining, articulated plates. With its ability to generate electric shocks a clockwork familiar can be useful in combat. Yet it more often finds more use in the workshop where its methodical thought processes and innate knowledge of mechanical systems allow it to offer valuable advice. In addition, each clockwork familiar has a unique relationship with a particular type of magic item established at creation. When items of the chosen sort are slotted into the familiars usually via a locking compartment. Though some familiars simply drink potions and their metal stomachs become new receptacles. 
The familiars gain the ability to drain the magic back out of the items and turn it toward a different preset purpose such as healing themselves or creating a specific spell effect. Each clockwork familiar possesses the ability to carry magic items in its body. This specific item type is chosen at the time of the construct’s creation, and cannot be changed. This clockwork familiar has a potion, a scroll, & a wand.  While the creature cannot activate or use the item it gains certain constant abilities from the resonant magic fields. It can drain the item’s magic in order to gain additional magical effects. It is smaller and lighter than most golems. It is kept aloft by intricate wings. When it comes to familiars most magic users satisfy themselves with mundane creatures such as birds, cats, snakes, etc. 
Those with the power to bind greater assistants like warlocks often call forth helpers from otherworldly planes turning minor fiends like imps, homunculi, or minor celestials like mustavels to their will as familiars. Yet for artificers and those who fuse magic with machinery the best familiar is the one the caster creates themselves breathing life into a clockwork mechanism of their own design. Clockwork familiars can take a variety of forms depending on the whim of the creator. Most popular are tiny metal dragons, metal birds (especially owls and ravens), metal cats, metal dogs, & spiders that run on clicking needlelike legs. Though practically any shape and material can be animated in this fashion. Clockwork familiars can be constructed from a wide variety of materials. 
The most common being steel, mithril, iron, adamantine, copper, bronze, & titanium. Though their bodies are often expertly crafted contraptions of gears, cogs, screws, even circuitry. A clockwork familiar is not simply a robotic wind-up toy nor is its consciousness the result of elaborate programming. Instead, each construct is more like a vehicle for the tiny spirit that lives inside its heart. On their own, these flickers of consciousness pulled from the fundamental animating energy of the planes would have no real ability to affect their surroundings. Only through the specially attuned constructs created by magic users do they gain the ability to truly live. Perhaps gratitude for this service that initially binds clockwork familiars to their creators. 
Once called into being and installed in its new vessel a clockwork familiar’s animating spirit controls its mechanical manipulators through tiny bursts of gas, magic, steam, electricity. As a result, most such constructs have conductive metal parts and thus an instinctive fear of water, rust, & corrosion. Unable to heal naturally, clockwork familiars know that if their systems fail they may never again be granted the chance to interact with the world. As a result, most clockwork familiars tend to be slightly paranoid and demanding when it comes to getting their masters to keep them in good repair. It’s not uncommon to find a clockwork familiar left to its own devices busily scouring rust from its shell, performing maintenance on itself, or attempting to improve the resilience of its basic functions. 
As created creatures clockwork familiars have little society of their own and tend to take on mannerisms and speech patterns similar to their master. Most feel an instinctive affection for their masters. Though as intelligent beings it’s not unheard of for the little automatons to have existential crises if their masters mistreat or ignore them. Clockwork familiars are often fascinated by other constructed creatures and may attempt to befriend or study them. To better understand how their systems work. Though they rarely adopt religion on their own familiars with religious masters may go through the motions of worship as a way of honoring their place in the great chain of creation. 
Left to themselves, clockwork familiars tend to be more interested in the systems and logic by which the natural world and planes operate than in particular entities including deities. While clockwork familiars have little desire for treasure themselves they understand its value in trading. They may snatch up worthwhile items either on behalf of their master. Or if they’re concerned about being provided for as emergency funds with which to purchase information or repairs. Or as fuel for their magic-draining abilities. It has a leather pouch on its belly where it keeps various trinkets and valuables. Obsessively steals trinkets and valuables if left unattended. Clockwork familiars value knowledge above all things though they tend to focus on logic, mathematics, organizational systems, and new ways of seeing and interpreting the world rather than simple facts. In a clockwork familiar’s eyes an almanac is just useless clutter, but a textbook on geometry or chemistry is worth more than a pile of gold. 
As intelligent creatures clockwork familiars have an ambiguous relationship with the lives of servitude they’re inevitably born into. For some, the philosophical quandaries are small and easily managed as their creators treat them well, ask their opinion, share their supply or cache of valuable knowledge, and may even come to love them. For others, whose masters see them as slaves at best and irritatingly imperfect projects at worst only fear for their continued existence keeps the constructs in line. Many fall somewhere in the middle and are interested in all the world has to offer even down to the mundanity of fetching and polishing and thus are content to experience life on their masters’ terms. Clockwork constructs are the technological cousins of golems constructed with a combination of magic and precise technologies dependent upon the internal churning and turning of thousands of intricate springs, cogs, screws, and gears. 
There are those who would scoff at the work of clockwork engineers whose constructs seem at best merely imitations of the creations brought to life by practitioners of the purely arcane arts. However, those canny enough to realize the potential of clockwork engines know their true power to be both exotic and potent. In worlds where clockworks are common these creatures can rival even the most powerful of golems for raw power. Massive giants and goliaths comprising countless nuts and bolts have torn entire empires asunder. Time and time again clockwork creatures have proven themselves a formidable presence in the face of more traditional rivals. Those who have borne witness to the feats of these creatures know to hold their tongues before questioning the constructs' power. 
Clockwork creatures function by combining magical energies and clockwork mechanisms. The myriad metal parts that go into the construction of a clockwork creation require absolute precision in order to function properly. So they must be built by only the steadiest of hands. Amateurish attempts at clockwork construction typically result in nonfunctional units or misfires. Many an engineering lab has been burned to the ground by novices seeking to learn the basics of clockworks and the elements that power them. Clockwork creations as their names suggest it must be wound up before they animate. The creator of a clockwork crafts a unique key for each creation. This key is typically inserted into the clockwork's back and turned clockwise to wind it. Turning the key counterclockwise has the effect of winding the machine down. 
Though only a willing or completely helpless machine will allow itself to be unwound in this way. Meaning either its creator or someone its creator has specifically designated can normally do so. Larger clockworks tend to have larger keys and particularly huge keys require more than one set of hands to turn. Rather than seek assistance from other engineers, eccentric or hermetic inventors often rely upon other clockwork creations to help them turn keys or aid in the creation of more monumental constructs. Other times, engineers give copies of keys to their most trusted clockworks which can be programmed to wind allies and even themselves as the situation requires. 
Much like golems and animated objects, clockwork creatures can be given any number of commands. A perpetually turning script in their core records those orders and programs the rest of the machine. Only one who possesses a key to the clockwork can program it but any commands given to the construct last until the clockwork is reprogrammed or destroyed. An individual clockwork's potential is only limited by its creator's innovation and aptitude. Unlike many golems, which are trapped in bodies resembling lumbering and fallible cages. Clockwork constructs can be repeatedly reworked and reengineered. Their gears can be oiled, springs can be replaced, and pistons can be fine-tuned. 
The ever adjustable framework of these mechanical beasts allows for extreme variation from creation to creation. Since clockwork creations are mostly mechanical and are at the mercy of their creator's adeptness with the technology they are prone to the follies of human error. Loose bolts, improper programming, or lack of maintenance are all cause for malfunctions. Errors that can range from minute energy leaks to deadly explosions. The most common cause of malfunction however, is not imparted by the creator, but by the clockwork's destroyer. Creatures attacking the machine gradually unhinge screws and twist cogs with each landed blow. Giving the clockwork a greater chance of backfire. Many combat clockworks are thus accompanied by clockwork servants. 
Servitor clockworks that quickly and readily fix their mechanical allies in the heat of battle. In the earlier days of clockwork technology, many practical hindrances prevented rapid maturation of the devices. Clockwork machines were powered by inefficient, costly resources. However, the advent of arcane enchantment not only has allowed for greater precision in the crafting of gears and other key components, but has also opened up a wide new range of possibilities for defensive systems and offensive weapons. 
Early attempts to combine clockwork with steam power or other non magical forms of energy tended to overcomplicate the already delicate machinery and have long since been abandoned as a result. Whispers abound of an even more unusual category of clockwork that has solved this problem and has merged the complexities of power with the adaptability of magical energies. Such exotic and unusual clockworks made out of brass, copper, iron, silver, gold, steel, & titanium are ones like this that are powered by steam, gas, oil, & electricity as well as magic.
True neutral Homunculus. This vaguely humanoid creature is about the size of a cat but looks more like a toothy winged devil. A homunculus cannot speak but the process of creating one links it telepathically with its creator. A homunculus knows what its master knows and can convey to them everything it sees and hears. The homunculus was upgraded as an improved homunculus. A homunculus is a miniature servant created by a spellcaster from their own blood. They are weak combatants but make effective spies, messengers, & scouts. 
A homunculus’s creator determines its precise features. Some are more refined looking but most creators don’t bother to improve the creature’s appearance beyond the minimum necessary for functioning. This homunculus looks refined. A homunculus is shaped from a mixture of clay, ash, mandrake root, spring water, & one pint of the creator’s own blood. After the body is sculpted it is animated through an extended magical ritual that requires a specially prepared laboratory or workroom similar to an alchemist’s laboratory. If the creator is personally constructing the creature’s body the building and ritual can be performed together. 
The person whose blood is used to form a homunculus’s body becomes its master. It is possible for one person to give blood for the creation, another to sculpt the base material, and another to magically animate it as a minion for the one who provided the blood. Homunculi are little more than tools designed to carry out assigned tasks. They are extensions of their creators sharing the same alignment and basic nature. A homunculus never willingly travels more than a mile from its master though it can be removed forcibly. If this occurs the creature does everything in its power to return to this range as it cannot communicate with its master beyond this distance. An attack that destroys a homunculus deals damage to its master. If the creature’s master is slain the homunculus goes insane and generally claims the immediate surroundings as its domain mindlessly attacking any who intrude upon its lair. 
On rare occasions a homunculus freed from its servitude rises above its master’s original intent and becomes more than a half-insane construct guardian of a long-forgotten lair. In some cases, a homunculus might even come to see itself as the rightful heir to its master’s legacy or even the reincarnated spirit of the master themselves. This homunculus was upgraded and made into an improved homunculi. It has acid breath. By distilling brimstone and aqua regia a crafter can bestow upon the homunculus the ability to spit a 15-foot-line of acid. This is a breath weapon that deals acid damage, toxic damage, & corrosive damage. 
It has extra eyes. By adding silver shavings to the homunculus a crafter can imbue it with additional eyes granting it the all-around vision ability and increased perception. It has the ability to use spells. By incorporating 10 potions of the same spell in the homunculus’s creation a crafter can imbue the homunculus with the power to use that spell. It can spit poison. By adding gold and realgar to the homunculus a crafter can give it the ability to spit its poison as a ranged attack that deals poison damage. The ability has a range of 15 feet. It has a toughened hide. By adding diamond dust and cold iron to the homunculus a crafter can increase its natural armor. It has a voice. By adding dew of lunary and platinum to the homunculus a crafter can grant it the ability to speak in a voice that sounds eerily like a diminutive version of its master’s.
Mechanical Golem. The mechanical golem is quadrupedal. It has extra storage for equipment and tools. It has extra storage for armor, shields, & weapons. It can carry users over long distances. With its size it can act as a mount. It has a saddle for more comfortable riding. The golem takes on a quadrupedal design. It is larger and more sturdy. It is more suitable to launch into the fray or carry its creator. This golem is highly customizable and has many upgrades. The golem defies all expectations. Its design is fueled by their own rampant creativity. A little less robust and stable. It is far  more extensible to their visionary plans. It has an aether, ether, & nether powered heart. It has brutal armaments. 
They increased the effectiveness of their golem’s natural  weapons allowing it to strike with lethal strikes. It has secondary weapons of crossbows. It fires steel and titanium crossbow bolts. It has a primary weapon of a ballista capable of firing large ballista bolts made out of mithril, orichcalcium, and adamantium. It has secondary weapons of four 5.56 mm medium machine guns, two 12.7mm magical heavy machine guns, & a magical 7.76 mm quadruple barreled Gatling gun. The golem becomes akin to a mobile turret. It has a flamethrower armament. They install a flamethrower armament to their golem. It is capable of reproducing powerful magical flames. It has a primary weapon of a built in launcher weapon. Taking the frame of a  grenade launcher, missile turret, rocket launcher, or other launching device. It launches magical explosives, magical missiles, magical rockets, & magical grenades. It has an arcane barrage armament. They installed a mounted armament to their golem. 
Taking  whatever form is most appropriate and charged with arcane power. It is an arcane and esoteric armor piercing, anti armor, anti-material, & anti tank magical electro magnetic cannon. It has a defender protocol. It has a built-in  protocol response to defend its master. It has grappling appendages They installed an additional pair of grappling appendages into the golem. It has systematic strength. It has an iron fortress. They extended their golem’s shielding and stationary stability. It counts as cover to hide behind in combat to give covering fire or suppressive fire. Additionally, it cannot be moved against its will while in contact with the ground. It has an expanded frame allowing it to get bigger. They enlarged their golem, increasing its size category by one if possible. 
It is a transforming golem. They installed clever multifunctional components allowing their golem to reduce its size. Their golem can collapse its size back down to one size smaller. It has a powered charge allowing it to charge into enemies to stagger them, act as a breach and clear to infiltrate locked doors, or act as a battering ram siege weapon to siege castles. It has a thundering stomp. The golem can leverage its increased size and magical nature to unleash a crushing stomp of magical energy when it brings down its foot. They built an improved frame and power source for their golem.  It has fine-tuned dexterity. They crafted improved gears and joints into their golem. It has systematic strength. They built an improved frame and power source for their golem. It has a structural constitution. 
They have reinforced their Golem with layers of protection and redundant systems. It has a cloaking device. They installed an arcane cloaking device into their golem. It can not be seen and is only detectable with true sight. It has a magical essence. They infused a fragment of magical essence into their golem allowing it to attune to one magical item. It has a multi attack protocol. It has warfare routines. They advanced the control routines for their golem allowing it to  fight more effectively and be a military grade weapon. It has overdrive. They build in a special mode allowing their golem to go beyond its limitations overcharging their golem with magical energy. It has titan slayer mode. They built into their golem one oversized weapon. This weapon modification is an  improved version of any natural weapon the golem has. They upgraded the magical cannon into a magical railgun. It can destroy a mech, an airship, an ironclad warship, or a castle.  
To assist them in battle as a draconic summoner.
Lawful neutral young metallic steel dragon. 
Chaotic good young metallic copper dragon
Lawful good adult metallic gold dragon
Lawful good adult metallic silver dragon 
Lawful good ancient metallic bronze dragon
Chaotic good ancient metallic brass dragon
Lawful neutral ancient green gem emerald dragon 
Chaotic neutral wyrmling gem crystal dragon
Neutral adult purple gem amethyst dragon
Lawful neutral adult blue gem sapphire dragon
Chaotic neutral young gem topaz dragon
Neutral evil young adult black gem obsidian  dragon
Lawful good, neutral good, & chaotic good East Asian, South Asian, & Southeast Asian ancient dragons. 
Magical Pets:
A neutral good phoenix. A phoenix was a powerful elemental bird that embodied the wild and unpredictable nature of fire. Phoenixes were enormous birds with brightly colored orange, scarlet, and golden feathers. They have golden beaks and claws with ebony talons. Their talons had the consistency of diamonds. Their eyes were a glowing ruby color.  Phoenix bodies were capable of becoming almost immaterial. Only composed of flame taking solid shape. For that reason they were capable of passing through extremely narrow passages. They were also capable of engulfing opponents within their fiery bodies. Phoenixes were reclusive creatures that did not seek out contact with other creatures. 
As reclusive creatures, they tended to avoid contact with others. They did not seek out conflict with other creatures either. But if disturbed, provoked, or properly motivated they showed relentless fury and destructive power. Phoenixes had a fierce hatred toward undead, zombies, & ghouls and attacked them on sight. Their bodies were capable of withstanding incredibly severe cold and heat. They could make themselves ethereal, allowing them to travel either ethereally or by astral projection. In combat phoenixes were fierce adversaries with no fear of a fight to the death, especially since their rebirth was assured. Though their physical attacks were quite fast and powerful. 
They often preferred to use their large array of innate magical effects. Phoenixes were extremely effective at destroying buildings and structures. If a phoenix was slain in combat its body exploded in a violent detonation that destroyed the phoenix and most of its surroundings. In addition to being capable of speaking with all species of bird, phoenixes communicated with other creatures through empathy and telepathy. They had extremely long lifespans estimated to be between 1,000 and 12,000 years. Their resurrection process consisted entirely of self-immolation and rebirth. Female phoenixes reproduced by laying eggs normally. They laid one egg per year but roughly only one in every 100 eggs ever hatched. 
The phoenix is a large flame wreathed bird. Known for its unique ability to immolate itself only to be reborn again from its ashes. It is revered in some cultures as a deity. A phoenix measures between 10 to 15 feet long from beak to tail. Its wingspan can reach over 40 feet. The phoenix is known for its whistling, piercing call which can startle opponents. It is practically impossible to surprise it in combat. It fights with its long, sharp beak and diamond-hard talons. 
Phoenixes will attack with their natural weapons if necessary, but much prefer to burn things up with their spell-like abilities. They would rather incapacitate a fire-oriented creature than kill it. Against water elementals though they will fight to the death. Otherwise, they prefer strategy.  They are also somewhat pyromaniacs and love the huge displays of flame they make while flying. They will live near human settlement if it's similar enough to a desert environment. Phoenixes are mortal enemies of water elementals.
Fire salamander lizard.
Celestial dog.
Kitsune. A nine tailed fox demon. A known trickster. Fox form has gold, citrine, & scarlet fur. Fox form has red eyes. Humanoid form also has nine tails. Humanoid form has gold and silver fur. Humanoid form has purple eyes. 
King Cerberus (Evolved three headed Hellhound). Bathed in hellfire. Smells of sulfur and brimstone. Hellhounds resembled monstrous dogs with powerful physiques. They stand 5 ft high at the shoulder. They weigh 150 pounds.  Hellhounds speak and understand Infernal and fiendish. Hellhounds are efficient hunters. A favorite pack tactic is to surround prey quietly. Then attack with one or two mated pair hounds. Then driving it toward the rest with their fiery hellfire breath. If the prey doesn’t run the pack closes in. Hellhounds track fleeing prey relentlessly. Hellhounds are smarter than mundane beasts. They are good at following orders.  Hellhounds hunt in packs feeding on any creature that appears edible. They avoid potentially dangerous foes in favor of targeting the weakest prey with their savage bite, claws, and fiery hellfire breath. Demonstrating a relentless determination as they pursue that prey to the bitter end.  
When hellhounds feed the flesh they consume stokes the infernal fires that burn within them. When a hellhound dies that fire consumes the creature's remains in a billowing eruption of smoke and blazing embers. Leaving nothing behind but scorched tufts of black fur. Monstrous fire-breathing fiends that take the form of powerful dogs. Hellhounds are most commonly seen in service to demons, devils, & fire giants that use them as pets, guard dogs, attack dogs, & hunting dogs. They are ferocious pack hunters that act as faithful companions and dangerous pets across the multiverse, otherworldly planes, & the nine hells. Their fearsome forms were covered in short ruby red and charcoal black fur. Their eyes glowed red. The markings on their bodies as well were the color of soot. Their canines and claws were the color of coal. 
They reeked of brimstone and sulfurous smoke. They were bathed in hellfire. The dietary needs of hellhounds were similar to those of ordinary canines and they would consume anything that appeared edible. The flesh they consumed fed the fires within them. They only occasionally brought food back to their dens for later consumption preferring to eat at the site of the hunt.  It was practically impossible to avoid detection from a hellhound. As their vision was sharp enough that they spotted those in hiding or invisible half of the time. Their excellent olfactory senses made them capable trackers and their hearing made them incredibly difficult to sneak up on. They were also known to have a keen sense of hearing. 
Hellhounds were very stealthy creatures and unlike ordinary dogs they did not howl when hunting. Instead they quietly stalk their prey and surround them in a ring. One or two hellhounds would immediately use their scorching hellfire breath to drive their quarry into the waiting fiery canines of the other pack members unafraid of harming their other infernal companions. Cunning and efficient they targeted the weakest of prey. Slowly surrounding those that refused to retreat. Hellhounds were capable of breathing out a stream of scorching hellfire from their mouths. Hellhounds being intelligent beasts could be trained and commanded by various entities across the planes.  Cerberus are the size of racehorses. This cerberus was outfitted with infernal hellfire chainmail plate armor. Cerberus are the kings and queens of regular hellhounds. This King Cerberus is thirty foot tall. 
Dire wolf.  Dire wolves are efficient pack hunters that will kill anything they can catch. Dire wolves are gray or black. They are the size of a horse. They are about 9 feet long and weigh 800 pounds. Dire wolves were far more aggressive than normal wolves. Attacking and killing anything they could catch. They could be found alone as lone wolves or in packs numbering three to five. They had keen senses including a sharp sense of smell allowing them to track their prey by scent. They could also move stealthily on the hunt.  Dire wolves fought in packs. Fighting efficiently and surrounding their prey. Then flanking it to gain an advantage.
Worg. A worg is an apex predator that delights in hunting and devouring creatures weaker than itself. It is cunning and malevolent. Worgs roam across the remote wilderness or are raised by goblins and hobgoblins. Those creatures use worgs as mounts, but a worg will turn on its rider if it feels mistreated or malnourished.  More intelligent than their smaller cousins, worgs speak their own language. Worgs speak Worg, Goblin, Troll, Orcish, & Common. A worg was a type of magical beast that resembled a normal wolf but was larger, intelligent, had a fiendish countenance, & glowing gold eyes. They had gray or black fur.  They stood on average 3 feet high at the shoulder  and were 5 feet long. They weighed around 300 pounds. 
In any number, worgs employed similar tactics to wolves.  They also had the benefit of stealth, keen senses, and the ability to scent and track prey. Despite their higher intelligence, worgs tended to act like regular wolves. They often hunted in packs, but sometimes hunted alone. Lone worgs tended to hunt creatures smaller than themselves, while mated pairs and packs hunted large game. They preferred large, herbivorous animals, usually the young, sick, or weak. But they weren't afraid to take on humanoids, especially when other prey was scarce. They would stalk humanoid prey for a number of hours or even days. Choosing the best time of day and terrain for the attack. When they did, they employed hit-and-run guerilla tactics to exhaust a victim until finally the whole pack went in for the kill. If they outnumbered a victim or were especially impatient, they might try to corner the prey, then attack. Mated pairs or packs work together to bring down large game. 
While lone worgs usually chase down creatures smaller than themselves. Both often use hit-and-run tactics to exhaust their quarry. A pack usually circles a larger opponent. Then each wolf attacks in turn. Biting and retreating until the creature is exhausted. At which point the pack moves in for the kill. If they get impatient or heavily outnumber the opponent. The worgs attempt to pin it. They attacked with their teeth and claws. Like a wolf they could bite their prey and try to bear them down to the ground. 
Worgs are oversized intelligent wolves often found dwelling amid goblins, goblinoids, hobgoblins, or other giant kin races. Worgs hunt in packs running down and surrounding their prey like common wolves. But their intelligence and ability to speak make them better at coordinating their attacks. They sometimes use one packmate as a decoy. Pretending to be a humanoid calling for help in order to lure intelligent prey into an ambush. Worgs that travel with goblins, goblinoids, & goblinoids often allow hobgoblins to ride on their backs as goblin riders. Worgs were used by goblinoids, oni, trolls, goliaths, orcs, & giants as pets, mounts, guard dogs, hunting dogs, & attack dogs. 
Glacier Wolf (Evolved Winter Wolf). They are ferocious and powerful winter wolves. They are sought after by the mightiest of frost giants as guard dogs, hunting dogs, and attack dogs. Glacier wolves often lead packs of winter wolves. They have intellect far above that of the average beast. Winter wolves typically hunt in packs. Their size, cunning, freezing bite, cryogenic claws, & formidable ice breath allow them to hunt and kill creatures much larger than themselves. A pack usually circles an opponent. Each wolf attacked in turn to exhaust it. If they’re in a hurry white wolves try to pin their foes. 
A winter wolf grows about 8 feet long and stands about 5 feet at the shoulder. It weighs about 450 pounds. They are immune to frost, water, ice, snow, & frost attacks yet weak to fire, magma, & lava attacks. They can speak and understand common, goblinoid, and giant language. They have silver fur and sapphire eyes. They were the guardians, companions, & allies of arctic beings such as ice dragons, yeti, & frost giants. 
Berserker Wolf: These are massive wolves that tend to form large packs to hunt prey. They are known for their black fur. That is often stained by the blood of their prey. For when they smell blood it drives them into a berserker rage that only ends with either the prey's death or their own. The claws of a wolf are usually far from the most dangerous part of the animal. These beasts can have claws as long and thick as daggers. Barbarians sometimes keep berserker wolves as hunting companions as they can be trained to discern friend from foe in their berserker rages.
Giant Wolf. Used by giant kin such as trolls, orcs, goliaths, oni, & giants as attack dogs, pets, hunting dogs, guard dogs, & mounts. They are an extremely cunning species of savagely fierce, cruel, and violent pack animals that are known famously for their unnaturally large size as well being found roaming within large tracts of wilderness. Giant wolves have been known to grow to an unnaturally large size. With some pups growing larger than even a pony and some juveniles even as large as a horse. 
When hunting, these Giant Wolves have adapted to become skilled, cunning and patient hunters that would naturally hunt in large packs. They encircle their intended prey and when the timing is right they pounce from all directions. Using their overwhelming numbers these Wolves would target the weakest point within the animals defenses or prey upon the most helpless one within the group. They would hunt the weak, sick, injured, or old. As a result of their mutual instinct to pick upon the helpless and weak by tactics such as overwhelming and encirclement. 
There has always been a strong bond and a deep respect between the Giant Kin and the Giant Wolf. In this mutual exchange the giant kin is rewarded with a fast and agile mount while the wolf is usually rewarded with a regular supply of food. Giant kin ride on Giant Wolves in the same way that other races ride upon horses, unicorns, pegasi, griffins, alicorns, hippogriffs, & dragons which eventually lead to the creation of 
Giant Kin Wolf Rider. Giant wolves are to dire wolves and worgs what dire wolves are to regular gray wolves. Measuring nearly 30 feet in length these colossal lupines are the genuine kings and queens of the forest. They are looked up to by their smaller kin as a divine figure. Giant wolf packs include dozens of grey wolves, dire wolves, worgs, & even winter wolves. Some werewolf clans even run with giant wolves. Tribal humanoids also pay their respects to giant wolves through prayer and reverence. Lands guarded by a giant wolf are usually seen as “off-limits” by outsiders.
Dinosaur Summons and Flying and Aquatic Reptile Summons:
Achelousaurus, Achillobator, Acrocanthosaurus, Adasaurus, Agujaceratops, Albalophosaurus, Albertaceratops, Albertosaurus, Allosaurus, Anatotitan, Anhanguera, Ankylosaurus, Apatosaurus, Archaeoceratops, Argentinosaurus,  Arrhinoceratops, Atrociraptor, Austroraptor, Bactrosaurus,  Bahariasaurus, Balaur, Baryonyx, Brachiosaurus, Bravoceratops,  Brontosaurus, Buitreraptor, Camarasaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Carnotaurus, Cearadactylus, Ceratosaurus, Changyuraptor, Coahuilaceratops, Compsognathus, Coronosaurus, Corythosaurus, Cryolophosaurus, Cryptovolans, Ctenochasma, Dakotaraptor, Deinocheirus, Deinonychus, Diabloceratops, Dilophosaurus (No these animals did not spit acid or have frills. They probably hunted the same way raptors do), Dimorphodon, Dracorex, Dreadnoughtus, Dromaeosaurus, Dsungaripterus, Edmontosaurus, Einosaurus, 
Gallimimus, Geosternbergia, Germanodactylus, Giganotosaurus, Graciliraptor, Gryposaurus, Hadrosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Hypacrosaurus, Iguanodon, Judiceratops, Kentrosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Leptoceratops, Linheraptor, Luanchuanraptor, Maaradactylus, Maiasaura,  Mamenchisaurus, Mapusaurus, Megalosaurus, Mercuriceratops, Medusaceratops, Microraptor, Mosasaurus, Nanuqsaurus, Nasutoceratops, Neuquenraptor, 
Ojoceratops, Olorotitan, Ornithomimosaurs, Oviraptor, Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Pamparaptor, Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurus, Prosaurolophus, Protoceratops, Protohadros, Pteranodon, Pyroraptor, Oxalaia Quilombensis, Quetzalcoatlus, Regaliceratops, Rubeosaurus, Sarcosuchus, Saurolophus, Scaphognathus, Secernosaurus, Shanag, Shantungosaurus, Sinoceratops, Sordes, Spinosaurus. Stegosaurus. Styracosaurus, Suchomimus, Tarbosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Titanosaurs, Triceratops, Tropeognathus, Turangisaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannotitan, 
Utahraptor, Valdosaurus, Variraptor, Velafrons, Velociraptor, Venenosaurus, Veterupristisaurus, Vitakridrinda, Vulcanodon, Walgettosuchus, Wannanosaurus, Wulagasaurus, Xenoceratops, Xenotarsosaurus, Xixianykus, Xuanhanosaurus, Yandusaurus, Yangchuanosaurus, Yimenosaurus, Yinlong, Yixianosaurus, Yuanmousaurs, Yueosaurus, Zalmoxes, Zhenyuanlong, Zephyrosaurus, Zhanghenglong, Zhejiangosaurus, Zhuchengceratops, Zhuchengtyrannus, Zizhongosaurus, Zuniceratops.
Rose Winfield is a Magical human squire.
Nicholas Kaylock is a Magical human initiate.
Lillian Colfield is a Magical human aspirant.
Tobias Jenkings is a Magical human pageboy.
Adelaide Camden is a Magical human page girl. 
Zachary Leighton is a Magical human courtier. 
Helena Dixon is a Magical human apprentice.
Asher Covington is a Magical human esquire.
Phoebe Mast is a Magical human lady knight.
Preston Kahler is a Magical human knight.
Pierre Barnes is a Magical human lancer knight.
Josephina Lytton is a Magical human knight sergeant.
Liam Morgan is a Magical human knight lieutenant.
Henrietta O' Keefe is a Magical human knight captain.
Reginald Marple is a magical human knight templar.
Royce Harvey is a Magical human knight commander.
Cynthia Barrington is a Magical human paladin.
Joel Bradford is a Magical human high paladin.
Phillipa Belleville is a Magical human grand paladin.
Noah Marfont is a Magical human star paladin.
Daniella Blackwood is a Magical human paladin justicar.
Ian Asquith is a Magical human paladin commander.
Cornelius La-Minnings is a Magical human knight and paladin guild chapter master.
Harper Weston is a Magical human elder. She is the subordinate of High Elder Lysander/Luciana. She is Lysander’s/Luciana’s protege.
Peerage of Lysander/Luciana Norwood:
Genevieve Slater is a Magical human lady in waiting. Attends Lysander/Luciana when she/they is Luciana Norwood.
Luca Merriweather is a Magical human diplomat.
Tiffany Fitzgerald is a Magical human chancellor.
Jacob Weston is a Magical human minister. 
Vivienne Ashdown is a Magical human orator. 
Theodore Lynch is a Magical human baronet. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Diane Carlyle is a Magical human baronetess. She is part of the peerage of Lysander/Luciana. 
Oscar Richfield is a Magical human baron. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Charlene Haganis is a Magical human baroness. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Michael Whitely is a Magical human viscount. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Eleanora Ashbridge is a Magical human viscountess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Walter Beaumont is a Magical human count. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Lily Bexley is a Magical human countess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Victor Herington is a Magical human marquess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Carolina Brighton is a Magical human marchioness. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Clark Mavis is a Magical human duke. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Gabriella Gainsborough is a Magical human duchess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana.
Darby Rutherford is a Magical human archduke. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana. 
Viola Pierpont is a Magical human archduchess. Peerage of Lysander/Luciana. 
Harrison Tate is a Magical human vizier. He is the advisor of High King/High Queen Lysander/Luciana.
Margaretta Pierson is a Magical human grand vizier. She is the advisor of High King/High Queen Lysander/Luciana.
Members of Luciana/Lysander Norwood’s Court:
Courts are a web of conspiracies. It is a place of scheming, power plays, intrigue, & machinations. This was a decadent court.
Chika Nakagawa. Female Ambassador.
Artist. Sponsored artists. The monarch’s favorite artists. A group of the finest actors, cooks, dancers, directors, fashion designers, models, musicians, painters, photographers, playwrights, poets, sculptures, singers, theater thespians, & writers, etc in the empire, confederacy, & federation. They weren’t there for their own ambition. The monarchy and the upper class are inclined to support the arts. They wanted to show off their investments. So these artists are their accessories to show off. Though being in the court of a monarch is a good way for artists to increase their patrons.   
Bodyguards. Cadre of foreign bodyguards. An elite group of highly trained, disciplined, & competent male, female, & two spirit hobgoblin, orc, troll, oni, goliath, & giant mercenaries. Mercenaries who distinguished themselves on the battlefield stood a good chance of being hired for a bodyguard job as a permanent exclusive contract. They are now a group of a praetorian guard to the monarch.   
Ahmose Idogbe. A male butler. The chief supervisor of all male manservants of a house.
Katlego Mba. A male castellan. The Castellan oversees the defense of a stronghold.
Andromeda Farmakis. A female chamberlain. Chamberlain makes decisions for the royal household in the monarch’s absence.
Liona Keawe a female chancellor. An officer of an order of knighthood who seals commissions.
Albus Ovius a male chapelmaster. A person in charge of music-making.
Nicholas Dupont a male chaplain. A member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment, etc.
Phillippe Leclerc a male offerer of the Household. The holder who paid the wages of some of the servants above and below stairs.
Concubines. Full of male, female, & nonbinary members of more humanoid species such as aasimar, draenei, dwarves, elves, giants, gnomes, halflings, humans, ogre, oni, orcs, teiflings, & trolls.  
Alexander Seidel is a male confessor. A priest who hears confessions and gives absolution and spiritual counsel.
Anna Wolf is a female constable. A person holding a particular office, most commonly in criminal law enforcement.
Courtiers. Important not because of their inheritance or offices but because the regent has an affection for them. There is a certain charm, boldness, cleverness, honesty, strength, & beauty that caught the monarch’s eye. Their influence on the leader is not easily measured. 
Mira Benes is the Court Jester or Royal Fool. A professional joker or fool at a medieval court. They are typically wearing a cap with bells on it. They are usually carrying a mock scepter. A member of the household of a nobleman or a monarch employed to entertain guests. Jesters were also performers who entertained the common folk at fairs, carnivals, and town markets. Jesters are often thought to have worn brightly colored clothes and eccentric hats in a motley pattern. Jesters entertained with a wide variety of skills such as song, dance, playing musical instruments (a lute or a harp), spoken word poetry, storytelling, acrobatics, juggling, telling jokes, and performing magic tricks. Much of the entertainment was performed in a comic style. Many jesters made contemporary jokes in words or songs about people or events well known to their audiences. A halfling bard who was a former member of the king/queen’s guild party. They were a court wizard and spymaster for the sovereign in secret. They have the king’s ear and can speak freely using truth to power as an honest advisor under the guise of silliness. They are a power behind the throne. They are a very dangerous bard who spies on people for the king in other nations.  
Cup-bearer. A person who serves wine, especially in a royal or noble household.
Court Mage. The Court Mage has access to knowledge and cosmic powers none of the others understand and may be critical on the battlefield. The court mage was an arch mage. The court mage was a magic user for a sovereign to provide mystical advice and give magical services. This court mage was an alchemist, wizard, & sorcerer. They have high standing with other mages and the king/queen. Has a bad relationship with other court members. 
The Chaplain. The Chaplain is the religious leader of the noble household.
Dapifer. An official who is appointed by the legal ruling monarch to represent them in a country, and may have a mandate to govern it in their name.
Doorward. A person given the responsibility of being warden of the king’s door: protecting the king’s property.
Falconer. A person involved in falconry and hunting.
General. The General is the highest military commander.
Gentleman of the Bedchamber. A person involved in waiting on the King when he ate in private, helping him to dress, guarding the bedchamber and water closet, and providing companionship.
Gentleman Usher. A person or people responsible for overseeing the work of the servants “above stairs”, particularly those who cooked and waited upon the nobleman at meals, and saw to it the great chamber was kept clean by the lesser servants. This person was also responsible for overseeing other miscellaneous services such as the care of the nobleman’s chapel and bed-chambers.
Grand Master/Grand Mistress. The supreme head of various orders, including chivalric orders such as military orders and dynastic orders of knighthood.
General. The General is the highest military commander.
Great Officers of the Crown. A person or head of a religious order or order of knighthood often conferring with the King and other members of the royal court.
Guard Captain. The Guard Captain is the commander of the house guard.
Harem. There is intense competition between them to carry the monarch’s favor. There is a tense relationship between them and the high queen of the magical humans and them and the empress of the Homo magi. Guarded by eunuchs. Ruthless and power hungry courtiers who had amassed a lot of power. 
Head of the Church. High Priest or Archbishop. 
Herald. An official employed to oversee state ceremonial, precedence, and the use of armorial bearings. Employed to make proclamations, carry official messages, and oversee tournaments. The Herald is an expert on nobles, heraldry, and etiquette.
Horsemaster. The Horsemaster oversees and tends to the domain’s horses, alicorns, unicorns, & pegasi.
Intendant. A title given to a high-ranking official or administrator.
Keeper of the Seals. A person entitled to keep and authorize use of the Great Seal of a given country.
King of Arms. An Officer of the King. A king of arms is the senior rank of an officer of arms. Only a king of arms has the authority to grant armorial bearings and sometimes certify genealogies and noble titles.
Knights are soldiers with noble rank. Former knights and paladins of knight and paladin orders. A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a head of state or representative for service to the monarch, the church, or the country, especially in a military capacity.
The Ladies-in-waiting are noble daughters who act as servants for the royals while they look for husbands. A lady-in-waiting or court lady is a female personal assistant at a court attending to a royal woman or a high-ranking noblewoman. A lady-in-waiting was often a noblewoman but of lower rank than the woman to whom she attended. She received compensation for the service she rendered. A lady-in-waiting was considered more of a secretary, courtier, and or companion to her mistress than a servant. She functions as companion and secretary to her mistress. In courts where polygamy was practiced, a court lady was formally available to the monarch for sexual services. She could become his wife, consort, courtesan, or concubine.  A royal woman in the magical human kingdoms was free to select her ladies. The decision was not chosen by the sovereign, her parents, her husband, or the sovereign's ministers. 
Maid: The chief supervisor of all female manservants of a house.
Maid of honor. An unmarried noblewoman attending a queen or princessA Maid of honor is a junior attendant of a queen in royal households. The position is junior to the lady-in-waiting.  
Majordomo. A person who speaks, makes arrangements, or takes charge for another. Typically, the term refers to the highest major person of a household staff. They are a head servant who acts on behalf of the owner of a large or significant residence. A majordomo is a person who speaks, makes arrangements, or takes charge for another. Typically, this is the highest major person of a household staff. They are a head servant who acts on behalf of the owner of a large or significant residence. A majordomo is also someone who oversees the day-to-day responsibilities of a business enterprise. They were usually also in charge of finances.
Marshall. Grand Marshall. The Marshall oversees the training of the troops.
Master Assassin. The Master Assassin deals with threats in the most permanent fashion.
Master of Ceremonies. Official host or organizer of staged events. Sometimes the one to give speeches or present performers. 
Master of Coin. Chief financial advisor charged with managing the crown’s money. Advised the monarch on commerce, trade, & economy. Oversaw all regions affecting transactions.
Master of the Horse. A person connected to all matters with the horses and formerly also the hounds of the King, as well as the stables and coach houses, the stud, mews and previously the kennels.
Master of the Hunt. Grand Master/Grand Mistress of the Hunt. A person responsible for the royal hunt. Often overseeing the care of the king’s hunting dogs and other animals cared for under the King.
Master of Robe. Officer in charge of the monarch's wardrobe. Especially for important events like coronations or annual celebrations. 
Page boy or page girl. A person of low rank who works as a servant to the King. A page girl or page boy is traditionally a young male or female attendant or servant of a noble. They also have been used as a messenger at the service of a nobleman.
Pantler. A servant or officer in charge of the bread and the pantry in a great family. In charge of pantry and food supplies. They are also responsible for serving the royal table.
Pursuivant of Arms. An officer of ranking below a herald. A pursuivant is a junior officer of arms. Most pursuivants are attached to official heraldic authorities.  These pursuivants of arms look after matters of heraldic and genealogical importance.
Royal Quartermaster. The Royal Quartermaster oversees the funding and the gear of the agents including poisons and magic items.
Royal Secretary. A person responsible for communicating the sovereign’s wishes to the other members of government.
Sage. The Sage is an expert on history and all kinds of lore. The sage may double as a tutor, herald, and court mage.
Secretary. Secretaries are generally responsible for communicating the sovereign's wishes to the other members of government. At times and places it may have a number of other duties. In most cases the royal secretary is a close adviser of the monarch.
Senescal. Administrator or supervisor. A senescal was in charge of domestic arrangements and the administration of servants which meant the seneschal might oversee hundreds of laborers, servants and their associated responsibilities. They would have a great deal of power in the community when much of the local economy was often based on the wealth and responsibilities of such a household.
Spymaster. The Spymaster keeps everybody informed about the state of the realm and any threats. The head of clandestine intelligence. This person handles the more delicate affairs of the court and country. They gather information not meant for their regent’s ears. They find blackmail is such a dirty word. They make minor and great nuisances to the king quietly disappear. A former rogue assassin and double agent. Was a member of the king’s adventuring party as a rogue. Their loyalty to the king is always questioned by other members of the court.  
Squire. Squires are knights-in-training who work as servants of knights.
Standard-bearer. A person who bears an emblem called an ensign or standard which is either a type of flag or an inflexible but mobile image, which is used as a formal, visual symbol of a state, prince, military unit, etc.
Steward. A steward is an official who is appointed by the legal ruling monarch to represent them in a country. They may have a mandate to govern it in their name. It is synonymous with the position of regent, viceroy, governor, or deputy. 
Stolnik. A person responsible for serving the royal table, then an honorary court title and a district office.
Treasurer. The Treasurer oversees the domain’s finances and sometimes literally its gold, silver, copper, & platinum coin reserves.
Viceroy. The Viceroy has the authority to rule in the monarch’s place. The chief advisor of the monarchy. They are the mentor of the high king/high queen. 
Warden. The Warden oversees a specific area of the domain like a forest or a village.
Former Companions:
Squire that he/she/they are training as a knight and paladin. Left his/her/their tutelage as a knight corporal. Promoted to knight commander and paladin commander. Is now chapter master of a knight order and paladin order. 
Apprentice that he/she/they are training as a magic user. Is now Senator of the Magical Government. 
Current Companions:
They all have a mark of life. They have attained the understanding of magic and they crafted a mark of life on the forehead of their warforged companions. This allows them to follow more complex commands of the user without direct input, allows them to speak, and allows them to remember things. 
Blade. Warforged Automaton. Envoy. Rogue. Assassin. Spy. Light Armor. Created by a goblin artificer. 
Church. Warforged Automaton. Envoy. Cleric. Druid. Combat Medic. Healer. Unarmored. Created by a draenei artificer. 
Book. Warforged Automaton. Envoy. Entertainer. Bard. Trained actor, cook, dancer, musician, painter, photographer, playwright, poet, sculpture, singer, theatre thespian, & writer. Is with them to catalog their memoir. Created by a gnome artificer. 
Scout. Warforged Automaton. Skirmisher. Scout. Gunslinger. Ranger. Sniper. Sharpshooter. Archer. Recon. Composite plating. Medium Armor. Created by a gnome artificer. 
Commander. Warforged Automaton. Heavy Assault. Paladin. Cleric. Shock Trooper. Juggernaut. Heavy Plating. Heavy Armor. 8 foot tall. 500 pounds. Created by a dwarf artificer. 
Enforcer. Warforged. Automaton. Fighter. Bodyguard. Heavy Plating. Heavy Armor. 7 feet tall. 450 pounds. Created by a draenei artificer.
Clockwork Assassin. 
Clockwork Servant. 
Clockwork Soldier.
Clockwork Guardian
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elenajohansenreads · 3 years
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Books I Read in 2021
#53 - The Falconer, by Elizabeth May
Mount TBR: 50/100
Rating: 2/5 stars
Finally got around to reading this, years after the hype. I actually own the whole trilogy, thanks to the ebooks going on sale for 99 cents a piece, but I'm not inclined to go on with the series.
Why not?
Let's start with the most obvious: why bestow upon your main character the title of "Falconer" when there are no birds of any kind in the entire book? This just goes unremarked upon for half the book until Mr. Dark and Broody Fae finally explains what the title means and why Aileana is one. Even if she doesn't have a falcon.
It's meaningless. And no, at the moment, I don't care if she gets a bird in the second or third book. It's the damn title of this one.
So it's a well-established fact that I hate love triangles as a trope, it's one in a million if I can even tolerate one in a story. But here, I finally have a new experience--I actually prefer the losing man. I like Gavin 1000% better than Kiaran. I'm not an angsty teenager anymore, I don't want the many-hundreds-of-years-old supernatural love interest who's damaged and mysterious but loves the naive young heroine because she's just so damn plucky. I want the good, solid dude who's right there in front of me, being a friend, being considerate as much as possible, doing the right thing, the one who's loyal and steadfast rather than capricious or downright evil.
As much as anyone gets to have a personality in the midst of this action-action-action fest that barely slows down to think, Gavin comes out on top, and I'd marry him pretty willingly in our heroine's shoes. When it's first announced to her, I thought, "Cool, she's going to marry someone who knows her secret, they could work something out about her quest for vengeance and fae-killing, etc, while still maintaining a veneer of respectability in the human world."
...but no, that would actually be interesting, so she's got to end the book kissing Kiaran and being all sad that she has to lock him in the mystical prison in order to save the world. You know, just like Buffy had to kill Angel to close the portal to Hell...wait, was I not supposed to notice that?
I'm not the first reviewer to notice similarities to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in tone and overall plot concepts more than actual details, but Kiaran is early-seasons Angel down to his bones, and Aileana wishes she had as much personality or depth as Buffy. She doesn't. As for whether this is near-plagiarism-similar to another particular fae YA series, well, I've never heard of that one before and thus haven't read it, so I can't say. I can say that aside from moving the standard Fae Dark Romance concept to a steampunk historical Scotland, it's wildly unoriginal. I've seen all this before many, many times, and by not giving me my damn falcon companion to bond with, and ignoring a wealth of potential in making Gavin the winner of the love triangle, it's repeatedly choosing the safe, well-tread path.
Also, even though I knew there was a cliffhanger so I wasn't shocked by it, that doesn't mean I wasn't disappointed with how clumsy and abrupt it was. That ending is just bad.
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exposingillusions · 7 years
It’s not often you get excited about a drive but I was relishing the opportunity to travel the scenic Mount Cook Road once again as we made our way out of Aoraki / Mount Cook and down the east coast. But as usual low lying clouds insisted on hampering my plans, though Lake Pukaki was looking particularly stunning and the sky was an insane colour.
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Freshly shorn today
Lake Pukaki
Actual colours!
  We travelled through Twizel, which didn’t seem worth a stop, to Omarama (if you’re headed to Queenstown turn off here via the reportedly beautiful Lindis Pass) and toyed with but decided against visiting the Clay Cliffs. The road travels on through the Waitaki Valley which is particularly pretty.
Lake Benmore near Otematata
  Fields of yellow, everywhere
  We lunched in Duntroon where we discovered the delight that is New Zealand bakeries and their delicious range of interesting treats before exploring nearby Elephant Rocks, a collection of large limestone rocks in the middle of nowhere where not another soul was to be seen (well, except for some curious cows and skittish lambs). I love to photograph surreal landscapes and so these kinds of stops are always a must for me, although Castle Hill along Arthur’s Pass provides a similar experience if you can’t manage both. The rocks themselves were created because this whole area was once under the sea and now they act as a nesting place for local birds. You may recognise the area as Aslan’s camp from the Chronicles of Narnia films. The rocks are housed on private land but are free to visit and have basic toilet facilities if required.
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Can you spot the sheep?
  Afterwards we made our first petrol stop and nearly had a heart attack over the price of petrol at $1.87 per litre, about .60c more expensive than Australia! And this is apparently cheap. What the hell New Zealand?!
Our stop for the evening was Oamaru which is a little like stepping back in time and then travelling to the future because this town has a bizarre obsession with all things Steampunk! Take a wander through the ye olde Victorian district with its fabulous old buildings and then visit the massive Steampunk HQ, full of rusty treasures, where you’ll delight in the infinity room.
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Infinity Room
The lights are all skulls!
Oamaru Victorian Precinct
Sign in shop window, guess it’s a bit like Black Books
  Oamaru is also famous for its colonies of blue and yellow eyed penguins but due to the wild, windy weather (the worst the town had seen in weeks apparently – just my luck!) we decided to forgo a night out in the elements for a quick glimpse as they waddled home from the sea. You can take day tours of the blue penguin colony (put Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony into your GPS or follow the signs) but for some inexplicable reason this wasn’t offered to us when we visited. Maybe next time penguins.
We stayed at: ASURE Ambassador Motor Lodge, Oamaru, totally worth it just for their excellent drier which ACTUALLY dried our clothes within 30 mins (gasp) and was free! Also, free muffins (yay).
We stopped at: Elephant Rocks, Duntroon and Oamaru including the Victorian District, Steampunk HQ and the Blue Penguin Colony
We wore in Spring: Being a windy day a puffer jacket with hood was ideal plus layers including thermals. We were told it was unseasonably cold and overcast though.
Distance: Between Aoraki / Mount Cook Village and Oamaru is approx. 2.5 hours, not including scenic stops.
2 Weeks in New Zealand’s South Island. Day 4 : Mount Cook to Oamaru It’s not often you get excited about a drive but I was relishing the opportunity to travel the scenic Mount Cook Road once again as we made our way out of Aoraki / Mount Cook and down the east coast.
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