#stop blaming the gal
justtuesdays · 2 years
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betmyfortune · 2 months
I HATE when people mock my BEAUTIFUL, HARD WORKING self-service checkout gals. "Oh she said unexpected item in bagging area its just my bag" SHUT THE FUCK UP SHES BLIND AND YOU DIDNT TELL HER YOU HAD A BAG WHAT IS SHE SUPPOSED TO THINK?!
The girls are just doing their jobs as best they can and you are being so so mean to her ;-;
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iiigris · 3 months
can someone who knows apollo directly PLEASE tell him to stop turning my semi-anxious/paranoid musings into reality bc this is like the third thing this week and idk what to do
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loggiepj · 1 year
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Summary: Wanda mistakenly rejects you when you try to ask her out.
And now she regrets it because you're definitely, undeniably her type.
Seeing your ex-girlfriend kiss someone else in your workplace felt like hell.
It was as if love broke you. The ability to function hindered only by one organ in your body. And even if it was so tiny, once it was hurt, it would hurt you like a ton.
Through the first weeks, the breakup affected your work. Finding yourself stuttering through discussions or staring blankly in space during meetings, it was as if your life stopped and you began to question on your existence.
What is the meaning of life if not to love?
Your boss even requested for you to take a leave because he said you deserved it. And you wondered which thing you did deserve, the leave or the breakup.
Maybe both.
When your friends started to notice you being all depressed and mopey on your table while your ex from another department was smiling like crazy as she prepared herself for a date with the new guy, they immediately felt the need to console you with food, drinks and company.
That was why on your 7th week after the said awful breakup, your friends managed to pull you on your feet and dragged you with them into a bar owned by the sister of one of your  friends.
After gulping down your second shot of whatever drink your friends offered to you, you finally stood up and declared.
"Okay, I think that's enough for today-"
But Natasha, your somewhat close to bestfriend, stopped you. "Cmon Y/n, we barely even started."
"Yeah, Y/n," Steve, Nat's boyfriend, added as he made you sit back on your stool. "Plus, the reason why we're here is so you can find yourself a gal and move on from that stupid ex of yours."
"She's not stupid," you immediately argued, making Steve raise his hands in surrender. You didn't even know why you were still trying to defend her. She hurt you. "Sorry... She's just, complicated. That's all."
"Enough about your past," Pietro butted in. "Steve's kinda right, you know? You have to realize that there's still plenty of fish in the water and your ex was just a tiny plankton."
"That's not even a fish-"
He stopped you midsentence. "What I'm trying to say is that there's someone out there waiting for you to ask her out. And all you need is a one big push. Maybe you'll even thank your ex someday."
You only shook your head as he offered you another shot.
"Unless... you're scared," Pietro added.
"Oh... This is good," Tony meddled in. "Did you just call Y/n a scaredy cat?"
"I am not scared to flirt, okay?" You defended yourself, straightening the collar of your shirt. "I just... Well, I'm just not in the mood."
"Fine, if you're not scared as you say you are... I dare you... To ask that bartender out," Pietro suggested, pointing at the woman mixing and serving drinks at the bar. When you turned your head to glance towards her, as if on cue, Stand By Me by Ben E. King blared from the speakers in the background. The woman had brownish blonde hair tied up in a bun. Her emerald eyes glinting as she smiled at her customers. You could tell right away she wasn't the kind of bartender who'd sport a fake smile, she was a genuine one, like a beautiful flower in an open field of buckwheat.
You thought Pietro had good taste because the woman was so breathtakingly attractive. But you knew there was no way she'd say yes being asked out in a place like this. She had probably received a lot of offers, too. Looking like that, most people would just objectify her. While you would worship her.
You couldn't blame her if she'd say no though.
So you agreed to Pietro's dumb dare. "On one condition. If she'll say no, I am going home."
"That makes no sense. We're here to party for you.... And what makes you think she'd say no? I mean, you're beautiful, I'm not blind, Y/n, and she looks like an angel in hell," Pietro said, his arms flailing before you to explain.
"I just know she wouldn't, okay? She deserves to be asked out, but not in a place like this," you reasoned out.
"Deal, then!" He agreed after a moment of silence. "But please put a little effort, too."
"I'll try," you mustered up a bit of courage, as you stood and made your way to the bar. Her last customers just left with drinks in hand as you slowly approached, hands in your pocket.
"Hi!" You must have greeted her enthusiastically because it made her jump on her spot. You couldn't deny that she was more beautiful up close and it made you forget why you were there in the first place.
"Hey, what can I get you?" she asked, her voice so sweet and lovely.
"Just a can of coke, please," you replied, smiling.
She only giggled, not expecting you to order something nonalcoholic.
Once she placed a can, a glass full of ice and a napkin before you, you immediately added, "Oh, you forgot something."
Her brows furrowed in confusion, wondering if she served the wrong can.
Then you handed out a napkin to her and said, cringing internally, "Your number."
After five seconds of painful silence, she broke out into a loud laughter. And you smiled because she had a beautiful laugh.
"Sorry," she managed to say after trying not to laugh for a second, covering her mouth. "But you're not my type."
"So you're straight?"
"No, I'm bi..," she hesitantly admitted. "But just because I'm half gay doesn't mean you're my type."
And you released a soft chuckle, nodding back at her with understanding, because you were right all along. Internally, you were rejoicing because you won Pietro's dare and a soft warm bed awaited you at home.
"And you find rejection amusing too, first time," she went on, now with an awkward laugh.
You licked your lips as you said. "Sorry, turning serious now.. Okay, I'm hurt." You placed your hand dramatically on your chest. "Both physically and emotionally... What's your type then?"
She was now wiping a clean glass dry as she replied. "Someone who doesn't give corny pick up lines in a dingy bar like this."
You let out a laugh because your thoughts about her just matched and it intrigued you even more.
"Actually... I don't pick up girls from bars like this. I was just dared to by my friends," you explained.
"Ohh, and you know why I know you're not my type?" she asked with a smirk.
"Enlighten me, please."
"Because I knew you'd say that. Exactly those phrases. What are we? Highschoolers playing truth or dare?"
You only smiled, giving her credit for that. If you were in her shoes, you'd probably do the same thing too.
"My name's Y/n..," you introduced yourself. When she wasn't responding, you added. "And yours?"
She only chuckled at you. "And... I'm working."
"Hi, Working! That's a pretty cute name. For sure you hate your parents for that though."
Giving you one last laugh and a shake of head, the woman tended to another group of new customers and you decided to leave her in peace.
When you came back to your table, your friends laughing and awaiting for your return, you only punched your hand in the air in victory.
"I told you she'd say no," you said, as you grabbed your bag from your seat, slinging it on your shoulder.
"What?!" Pietro exclaimed.
"And because I won, I can go home now," you added, leaving a couple of tens on the table. "Thank you so much for the company guys."
Little did you notice that the bartender was staring at you, wondering why you were suddenly walking out the door with no one in hand even though you were undeniably attractive and literally could have anyone. Did you really just flirt with her and only her?
"Hey, Wanda! My lovely sis!"
When she saw her brother, Pietro, leaning in front of the counter, Wanda immediately shrugged him off, telling him he already had too much alcohol.
"Why did you say no to my friend, Y/n?" Pietro groaned like a kid as he took a seat.
And Wanda's eyes suddenly lit up.
"Oh, so you are the one who tried to set me up with your friend," she complained. "Sorry, Piet. She's just not my type, okay?"
And Pietro glared at her as if she had said the most offending thing ever.
"What? Y/n is definitely your type."
"You're unbelievable, you know that? I have standards and her asking me out like that in a bar like this is just a no-no for me." 
Pietro sighed as he leaned, resting his head on his folded arms. "Look... She's just not trying hard to ask you because I dared her to. And she didn't want to ask you really. Actually, she was opposed to the idea. She made a deal about it that if you'd reject her, she'd leave and go home, which made her happy to be honest."
Wanda grew confused as she placed the cleaned glasses back on the shelf.
"So you forced her to ask me out, even when she doesn't even want to?"
Pietro smiled apologetically. "Sort of... But I am telling you, sis, Y/n is your soulmate... She's just going through some stuff right now. And you rejecting her would definitely not boost her confidence."
Wanda only laughed. "Oh, from what I witnessed earlier, she didn't need that much help."
When Tony walked into the conversation just to order refills, Pietro immediately included him. Him and Pietro were childhood buddies and knew Wanda since little.
"Hey Tony, what about you? Do you think Y/n is Wanda's type?"
Then Tony's eyes widened in realization. "Oh my God, you are right! I've never thought of it before. I think they're soulmates."
Wanda only scoffed, ignoring the sudden churn she felt in her stomach. Did she make a mistake?
"See?" Pietro exclaimed, then she pulled Natasha when she happened to pass by along the bar. "Nat, you know my sister, Wanda, right?"
And both of the girls smiled and acknowledged each other.
"Wanda said that Y/n is not her type," Pietro went on.
Natasha only raised her eyebrows. Then she looked at Wanda in shock. "What? But Y/n is a hopeless romantic, Wanda. And a complete nerd if you ask me. She's definitely your type."
"She goes to musicals," Steve suddenly butted in, as if their table just teleported to the bar.
"Oh, and she likes to watch-"
"Interstellar!" Both Natasha and Tony screamed as they giggled.
"She must have watched that movie for the thousandth time," Pietro added. "More than Wanda had seen it... There were times I couldn't get the movie soundtrack to leave my head for weeks-"
"Okay, okay, I get it," Wanda interrupted. "Y/n and I have common interests. But I just don't like to be asked out in a bar... and besides, if she's really that amazing as you tell, how come you just talk about her around me now?"
"Because she just got out of a 5-year relationship," Pietro slowly answered as they all grew silent. "And she's still hurting."
Upon the revelation, Wanda's heart ached for you. You were hurting and she was rude to you, she didn't even give you her name.
When the topics have changed, Wanda couldn't stop wondering what if she did say yes. Would you take her seriously?
She had previous relationships that she didn't even want to remember because of too much trauma and red flags. And she didn't want to relive those moments.
Pietro knew she had been single for almost a year now, not being able to find time to date, and when she did have time, it was either a no show up date or a bad first impression date. She wondered if you were her first mistake, the one who got away.
Even after her shift, Wanda's mind always drifted back to you. To the point when she saw Pietro help her arrange the tables after the bar closed, she relented.
"Do you have her number?" Wanda sheepishly asked.
And Pietro only smiled at her as he pulled out his phone.
But Wanda hadn't found the courage to text you until a week after. She was about to send out her drafted message, probably the 11th version, to you when you accidentally bumped into her on the streets.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there," you immediately apologized. Then upon recognizing her, you greeted. "Hi, Working! I haven't seen you in like what was it, a week now?"
Wanda bit her lower lip to suppress a laugh as she replied, her insides squirming. "Careful there, one might think you're counting."
You only chuckled back then you noticed the groceries she was carrying. "You need help with that?"
But without waiting for her reply, you grabbed the bags from her. "So where to?
Wanda must have blushed but she tried to hide her face by looking down the pavement. "Nice try, showoff... To the dingy bar, please..."
But you only smiled as you two walked along the streets, knowing the bar she was referring to was just two blocks away.
"What are you doing in the food market on a Sunday, anyway?" Wanda curiously asked, breaking the silence.
"Oh, I went there for the food," you answered honestly, smirking at her.
"Yeah, very smart, smartass," Wanda smirked back.
You continued. "There's actually this store that sells a variety of nuts-"
"-which you can choose the quantity of each type at the same rate!" Wanda finished, then she realized what she did, nerding out on nuts.
"You like nuts that much, huh?" You joked. You found her cute, though.
"Ha ha... very funny."
"Hey, I meant the food," you quickly explained.
Wanda couldn't stop the smile from widening on her face.
When you finally arrived at the bar Wanda was working at, you noticed how she pulled a big keychain from her bag, numerous keys dangling around.
"You own this bar?" You asked, slightly intending the question as a joke but curiosity killed you.
Wanda hesitantly nodded. She didn't see now why she needed to hide.
"Wait," you muttered, connecting the dots. "So your brother must be Pietro Maximoff, then. I'm one of his dear friends."
"Yeah, he's my twin brother, actually."
After entering the bar, you followed her to the kitchen where you placed the groceries on top of the table.
Wanda suddenly grew nervous, now that you're both alone in a small room. "Do you like something to drink, a refreshment of the sort maybe? As a thank you," Wanda asked, nerves started to kick in.
"Oh, no it's okay," you instantly replied, shaking your head. "I have to go home anyway and feed my cat."
You thought she looked disappointed at the moment but you could just be imagining it.
But Wanda was indeed disappointed.
Before you turned to leave, you added. "Sorry about that night, though... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable like that. If it was anyone to blame, you should blame Pietro. He was the one who dared me to ask you out."
Wanda only chuckled softly, her heartbeat racing.
"No, it's fine. That's just my brother. He's just silly and all."
You nodded and smiled. "Okay... I won't keep you long... Have a great day, then, Miss Working Maximoff."
It took Wanda to get the joke and when she laughed out loud, you were already gone. And she regretted not giving you her number. Because she still didn't have the courage to text you first.
The next time you saw each other was at a common friend's wedding two weeks after that short interaction. You didn't want to come but Tony would kill you if you didn't.
And then you saw Pietro's sister looking like an angel, a beautiful flower in a sea of grass.
She was dressed in a pretty white dress and her eyes never looked so greener than before. To be honest, you thought she looked more beautiful than the bride herself, no offense to Pepper, Tony's bride-to-be.
"Hi, Working!" You greeted behind her.
Wanda should be angry at being teased at but when she recognized the voice and the joke, she couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach.
"Hey, Y/n," she greeted back. Then she leaned forward to kiss your cheek in greeting, which made you jump and melt at the feeling of her lips on your skin. Wanda couldn't help but feel entranced by the way you look that day, she didn't even notice her brother was talking.
"Why is she calling you Working?" Pietro asked.
But the ceremony just started and he was immediately shushed out.
At the reception, you found yourself dancing to your favorite song when it came up. It was Wanda's favorite too.
When she saw you dancing, Wanda immediately went to ask her friends to the dance floor, needing an excuse to bump into you. But it was to no avail. Her friends were still full from the meal they had eaten.
Someone coughed behind her, making her abruptly turn. Then her lips curved into a smile as you looked at her, your hand held in front of you. "I heard you have troubles finding yourself a dance partner."
Wanda sheepishly took your hand, as she answered. "Well, now I don't."
And you both had the time of your lives as you and Wanda danced to the lively song followed by another pop one, then a rock song. When Lunar One by Seventeen Evergreen played on the speakers, you both tried to catch your breath as her arms slowly snaked  around your shoulders while yours wrapped around her waist.
"I have a question," you began as you swayed to the song, smiling at her.
"If you've finished working, does your name change into its past tense Worked?"
Wanda didn't even know why she was laughing at such a corny joke but she was, tears warning to get out from her eyes.
"What if you're in England," you added. "And someone calls you Job, would you acknowledge that person or correct him and say that's not your name?"
Chuckling so hard, she punched you lightly on your shoulder as she said, "Stop it. I believe now you know my real name."
"I... may have stalked your brother's social media."
"And what have you seen?"
"That you have a beautiful and a very unique name.... but not as unique as Working though."
Wanda shook her head in laughter, her eyes suddenly drifted to your lips, wondering what it felt like against hers. But the moment ended when Wanda was suddenly asked out to a dance by one of the guests. You happily, but deep inside disappointed, let her go.
What you didn't know was Wanda's eyes follow you after that.
When the night ended and everyone eventually started leaving, Wanda expected you to see her afterwards, knowing you both had a moment.
She knew you were feeling it too. And then she would just ask you out right there because you didn't seem to have the courage to.
But Pietro said you already left because you were catching a ride with your friends. And Wanda's wonder and insecurities started to rise.
It was almost winter when you got invited to Tony's manor for a very early Halloween party. Pre-party as what Tony would call them. He wanted to do it early because Pepper wanted a month-long honeymoon before the holidays.
You were not fond of parties but it was a great opportunity to lay out your small telescope and rusty camera in their wide backyard. The manor was near the countryside, away from the light pollution of the city.
You arrived at 1am, set up your devices for half an hour and you were preoccupied. Around 3am in the morning, you finally had a full glimpse of the Milky Way galaxy's core.
When Wanda found out you came, she immediately went looking for you. She was about to give up until she found you in the backyard, the last place she thought you were at.
"What are you doing out here?" Wanda called out to you, wrapping her cardigan tighter around her body as she approached you. "It's literally negative degrees."
And Wanda might have fallen in love when she saw you smile so wide from ear to ear as you saw her.
You then said, "Look above you."
Wanda craned her neck to see what you were talking about. And she didn't even realize how vast the night sky looked right now above them with thousands of twinkling specks of light.
"Wow! That's a lot of stars," Wanda said, her voice full of amazement, as she stood next to you.
When you gently grabbed her hand, her heart stopped beating and she did try her best to focus on your voice instead because she was sure she'd faint on the spot if she didn't.
You pointed her hand at the direction of the sky.
"Do you see that?" You traced the outline with her hand in yours. "That is the core of the Milky Way galaxy."
And when Wanda finally gathered her bearings, she saw what you were trying to say.
"Oh my! I thought I'd never see it in real life. Only in pictures," she blurted out, the skin around her eyes creasing as she smiled.
"I know, right?"
Then you looked at her and you thought about how beautiful she looked up close. And it felt like a moment, but you were sure the earth slowed down around you.
Shaking your head away from the thought, you decided to look back at the sky. You were not her type. Why do you keep forgetting that?
When you noticed her body tremble slightly, you worried.
"Are you cold?"
But without waiting for a reply, you wrapped your extra jacket around her.
Wanda nodded as she breathe in your perfume, loving it and wishing that she could have you more than just your scent. She wanted everything about you.
You and Wanda must have talked about the stars, nebulae, galaxies and the new space telescope from NASA for too long, you didn't even notice that almost an hour has passed.
When Wanda was about to confess her feelings to you, someone called out from the house and disrupted the moment.
"What the hell are you doing out there?!" Tony shouted. "It's freezing cold!"
And Wanda didn't get a chance to.
The next time Wanda saw you, you were crying in the balcony of Pietro's house. He was hosting a small party to celebrate his promotion at work.
Knowing that you weren't alone, you immediately wiped the tears from your eyes. Turning, you saw Wanda and greeted, "Hi there!"
"Hey," Wanda cooed softly as she stood beside you, rubbing your back. "What's wrong?"
She couldn't help but feel protective around you. If someone made you cry, they would have to deal with her after.
"Nothing, just...," you answered in a small voice. "Something went into my eye, you know."
And Wanda softly chuckled as she continued to rub your back, soothing you calm. And you were because she was there with you.
"You're a terrible liar too, do you know that?"
"Oh I wouldn't know. I've only tried them on your brother."
"Well, you know he's an exception right? He literally believes everything. He is that gullible."
You laughed.
After a moment, you grew silent, just staring out at the horizon before you. You knew she was waiting for you to speak up, but not rushing you.
Then you suddenly muttered. "I wasn't crying because I was sad, you know."
"Why are you then?"
"I met up with my ex-girlfriend earlier... S-she said that she messed it up and she wa-wanted to get back with me."
Wanda wished so bad she couldn't hear you right now if she'd only hurt herself.
"Did you?" But Wanda still wanted to know.
You only shook your head. "No, that would be crazy... That's why I'm crying because I thought I'd never make it through the heartbreak. I was totally broken months ago. And now I can look at her and feel nothing. Absolutely nothing, Wanda... It's just amazing how time can heal you."
Releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding, Wanda smiled.
"And those were just happy tears?"
You smiled at her. "Yeah, those were happy tears."
Wanda then hugged you, her arms slipping around your body, as she buried her face into your neck. You hugged her back, placing your head on top of hers.
"Is this okay?" she asked.
You whispered yes as you let her hug you like that and treasured the moment. As long as she was there, even just as a friend, it would be okay. You would be okay.
Trying to distract you, Wanda started when she pulled away. "Tell me about your favorite galaxy."
Then you began to tell her about Andromeda and how it was so near, it was always visible to the naked eye.
As Wanda listened to you, she realized you still needed a little time before getting overwhelmed by confessing her feelings. So Wanda gave you more time.
Three nights passed and Wanda still felt the same.
Wanda wasn't working that night at the bar when you and your friends decided to drop by. The night wasn't busy because it was a weekday and some stocks just needed some replenishing.
Going away for a small event the next day, Wanda could only sign the purchase orders provided by her staff on that night. That night you specifically dropped by.
Wanda thought that the feelings were mutual and that she was finally getting through to you but when you introduced your new officemate to her, eventually realizing you were setting her up with your officemate because said officemate was asking for her number, her heart broke into pieces. And you didn't even mean to. It wasn't your fault that you thought she wasn't interested in you.
You were in the comfort room that time washing off the ketchup that smudged your shirt when Wanda came bursting through the door.
"What the fucking hell is wrong with you?!" Wanda exclaimed.
You had never seen her look so terrifying before.
"What was that about, huh? You just set me up with someone!"
"I-I just thought I'd introduce you two because you're both single and-"
Wanda only sighed, stopping you. "God, how can you be so oblivious?"
Her mouth crashed against yours, as she pinned you against the cold tiled wall. And as quickly as it happened, she immediately pulled away and cursed, leaving you dumbfounded.
"Shit I-I am sorry, I just thought you like me back-" Wanda stopped herself as she stepped away from you and exited the room.
You ran after her, surprising your friends, until you were outside the bar. The streets were now deserted as it was almost midnight. Wanda was already a step away to her car, having trouble in finding her keys.
"Wanda!" You called out to her.
Wanda looked at you as her body wracked up in sobs. You immediately wrapped your arms around her in a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry... I know I ruined it, I ruined our friendship-"
"Stop, Wanda," you butted in, pulling away to rub each of her shoulders as you tried to calm her down. "You didn't, okay? Because I like you too. So much, Wanda. Even way before knowing I wasn't your type."
Softly chuckling, Wanda wiped her eyes as she softly said. "I regretted every single day why I said that... I really did. Because you are my type, Y/n. You are amazing and sweet and so beautiful and you make me laugh and giddy... I-"
She swallowed back a sob as you hugged her again, burying your face into her hair.
"You make me happy, too," you confessed. "I've never been happier before I met you, Wanda."
After a moment, she pulled away as you both looked into each other's eyes, yours sometimes drifting towards her lips. "And I don't think I can manage another day without knowing what your mouth feels like against mine."
Wanda's eyes smiled at you as she softly laughed.
"Why don't you find out?"
And you almost just did as you began to cup her face and leaned forward.
"I don't know... maybe if she'd agree to go out with me on a date tomorrow, I would," you quipped, making her chuckle.
Wanda sniffled as she licked her lips, leaning towards you as well. Her arms were now wrapped around your neck as yours around her waist. "Maybe I can fit her into my schedule."
Both of your noses were now merely touching, feeling each other's breath on your faces, her fingers caressing the baby hair at the back of your neck.
Nobody knew who closed the gap between the two of you, but you knew you didn't want to stop kissing her.
Follow me on my social media accounts. Thank you. ❤
Facebook : loggiepj | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089779552892&mibextid=ZbWKwL
Instagram : loggiepj | https://instagram.com/loggiepj?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=
Twitter : loggiepj | https://twitter.com/loggiepj?t=EiFoKQyY1L-HCAMkBV2qCg&s=09
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ranchiballz · 10 months
Operation Wingman
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Pairing: Darry Curtis x F!reader
Word count: 1271
Description: Y/N is a new employee at Jim’s burger joint in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ponyboy and Sodapop have been on a mission of helping Darry find a gal.
Authors note: heyyy. so, i’ve been gone. for like a whole year. my bad g. but anyways here’s part two when i publish it -
You push through the swinging door into the kitchen of the small but homely neighborhood diner, Jim's Burger Joint. The smell of fresh beef and fries hits your nose. You almost wince at how pungent it is, but then remember the smell of your other diner job at the Dingo. That place was the most rundown diner filled with robbers and pedos left and right. You couldn't go a day in that joint without something being stolen from you, whether it was your wallet or your innocence. You would have stayed if it wasn't for the never ending impending doom and soulless labor that they put you through. A dinging sound and the sound of shuffling boots pulls you out of your thoughts.You roll your way out of the kitchen and to the front counter.
“Come on Pony! Just one fresh soda and then we can go, I'll even get you a milkshake.” Says a chipper young boy with a wink, flashing a bright smile.
“But the movie starts in 30 minutes, Soda.  Johnny will be waiting for us . I don't want him to be alone. And why can't you just get a coke at the movies?” States an even younger boy.
“Because, child, their coke isn't as… crisp as this fine establishments.” The accentuation on the word crisp really pulled it all together. By the looks of them you had to guess they were Brothers. The slicked greasy hair, the soft eyes, the sibling banter.
 “Fine, but if Darry gives us shit about not being where we are supposed to, I'm blaming you.” The boy pouts. Both of them walk over to the end of the counter and take the last two seats. You quickly deliver a few burgers to the men at the bar counter. Each one looks at you, winks, thanks you, then digs into their oily fries like they haven't eaten in days. You make a face of disgust then smile when they notice. You roll your way over to the two young boys.
“Hi there, sorry about the wait, what can I get for you boys today?” You say pulling out your pad and a pen, you click the pen as you wait for the boys to give you their orders. As you look up you can see the youngest one staring at you. He sees you notice and looks down at his lap. The other boy is still looking at the menu of drinks. You can see the thoughts pondering in his mind, he was acting like this decision would be his last.
“Hm lets see here, a nice Coca- Cola sounds good, but i haven't had a Dr. Pepper in a while…” The boy continues to contemplate his decision. Your shoulders slump in boredom as he takes what feels like years to decide. You can feel your eyelids get heavy until you are interrupted again by his loud and excited voice. “Ok i will have one large, no, medium. No wait! Large, Dr. Pepper!” You jot down his drink and turn to the other boy.
“And for you?”
“Just a chocolate shake please, Ma’am, Thank you.” The younger boy says. You smile at them and nod as you skate off to back to grab their drinks.
“She's new here, right? Have you seen her here?” Ponyboy says turning to Soda 
“Nope haven't seen her til’ now. Hey, she's a pretty good looking gal” Soda says with a smirk on his face. “Wanna pull the good ol’ operation wingman?” Pony gave soda a disapproving look. Operation wingman was Soda's way of saying ‘Hey! That's a cute girl! Lets harass her into giving her number to their older brother because he's just a grumpy, lonely, muscle man that needs a loving gal in his life.’ Has it ever worked? No. Is that gonna stop him? Absolutely not.
“I don’t know Soda… The last time we did it we got in huge trouble, I mean, Darry got slapped. Can you imagine what would happen if it goes even worse?” Pony mentioned.
“First of all, Slapping her butt wasn't the original plan. I just HAPPENED to mention it to Two-Bit. He did it, then Darry paid the price. In all honesty I thought it would work.” Soda rebuked 
“Really, that was your plan. Wow you are quite the genius.”
“Hey woah man now don't get ugly on me.”
“Soda, I don't know. Shouldn't we let Darry find love for himself?”
“That workaholic is never gonna find a date. He goes to work, comes home, showers, reads his newspaper , and then goes to bed. No gal finds that attractive. He needs major help. I mean, the last time he talked to a woman was Mrs. Crawly down the road asking if he could get her cat down the tree.” Soda rants on. If Darry were here he would say otherwise. ( but yes that is the last time he had a conversation with a lady).
“I don’t know Soda, she's new, I don't want to scare her off already. And maybe she's a soc.”  Pony fights back.
“Oh come one man. Believe in something. Believe…” Soda looks at Pony with a pleading look. He knew that he was just trying to help his brother. But Soda wasn't Darry. Darry was a charming guy, but not like Soda. Soda had a natural effect on women and never struggled. So when he sees his brother struggling to get anywhere in life romantically, he plays cupid… more or less.
 Pony looks at the window through the diner to the kitchen, catching a glimpse of you. You were a pretty girl and from the sounds of it you were nice as well. Welcoming customers, smiling at them. You had just a nice smile overall, a very bright and kind one. Pony knew Darry needed someone like that. Almost on cue you started walking out with their drinks
“Fine, but we are doing it my way this time.” Pony whispers to Soda but quickly shuts up before you get there. 
“Alrighty boys here you go! Is that all for you today? You say pulling out your pen and pad.
“Yep, Thank you Ma’am. Um, but do you know when you guys close. Me and my friends were planning on coming in later.”  Pony takes a long swig of his shake. “And I-I mean this is the best shake I have ever had. If you are here tonight, would you be able to make me another one?” Ponys' request was sly and smart. Asking the perfect questions, all while keeping it subtle. You couldn't help but smile at the compliment. ‘What a weird thing to say’ you thought to yourself.
“Well lucky you, I'm actually closing today. The best time to come is 10. After rush, but before all them truckers come in. Guess I'll be seeing y’all tonight then” You smiled and handed them the bill and walked off to help another customer. Ponyboy looked at Soda with a smug look. Soda then looked at the clock and panic spread over his face.
“Shoot Pony we gotta go! We're gonna be late!” Soda yelled as he hopped off the bar stool and pulled out enough to cover the bill and a dollar as a tip. Pony and Soda ran out the door of the diner, But Pony hesitated and ran back inside. 
“What's your name Ma’am!” Pony yells in, grabbing everyone's attention.You whipped your head back. 
“Y/N!”  You yelled back. Ponyboy nodded and ran out the door again. You shook your head, and thought to yourself ‘what a bunch of funny kids’.
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alienguts · 1 year
Warm Welcome (Harley Quinn x f!Reader)
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Summary: Harley’s back from Arkham and there’s only one thing she wants to do.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, F/F sex, cunnilingus, facesitting, fingering, just gals being pals 🔞
Request?: No
A/N: 🌈 gay shit here get your gay shit here 🌈
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Five minutes. It took just five minutes after getting home for Harley to try to get Y/N into bed.
The whole car ride home from Arkham was torturous for her. All she wanted to do was for Y/N to stop the car and let her rip her clothes off, but she had to show at least some restraint. But when she’d been behind bars for almost a year with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company, she couldn’t exactly be blamed for being a total horndog. She sat with her hands wedged between her knees for the 45 minutes it took to get home, her legs bouncing in excitement.
As soon as they got home and the front door to the apartment was locked, Harley pounced on Y/N, almost knocking her to the floor as she mashed her lips into hers. Y/N tried to keep her balance by throwing her hands out behind her, but she toppled over anyway, Harley following and crashing on top of her.
“Cool your jets, Harl!” Y/N said as she tried to wriggle out of Harley’s grasp. “We only just got home!”
“Six months, baby!” Harley whined. “I had to go six whole months without any action! The least you could do is let me fuck you now.”
“Not in the doorway! At least hold on until we can go to bed.”
Harley huffed and got off Y/N, letting her stand up. She’d just started to push her towards the bedroom when Y/N planted her feet firmly on the ground and her hands on Harley’s shoulders.
“Alright, now just wait a second, sweetie,” Y/N said, using the same tone she would with a hyperactive child. “You just got home after being away for so long. Just take a second to enjoy being home before jumping my bones.”
“But I haven’t seen you,” Harley said with a pout. “Or your titties.”
Y/N flushed and sighed deeply.
“Okay, but give me five minutes so we can put your stuff away.”
Harley grinned and bounced on the balls of her feet before kissing Y/N again.
“You’re an angel!” Harley said as she wrapped her arms around her. “I could do with a shower, my skin’s all dry from that nasty Arkham soap.”
“Take as much time as you need, I’ll still be here.”
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When she’d finished putting Harley’s things back in their places, Y/N was ambushed by an overpowering smell of shower and bath products. Clearly, Harley didn’t mind what scents went with each other and just went for whatever she liked most. Y/N faced into the closet as Harley wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into her body, her hands roaming under her shirt until they cupped each of her breasts.
“Harley, is there a reason why you’re completely naked?” Y/N asked as Harley started to kiss her neck.
“I just got outta the shower,” Harley purred into her skin and pushed her fingers underneath Y/N’s bra. “And I want to play with my girl.”
“Can’t I at least take my clothes off first?” Y/N said, her breath shuddering as she relaxed back into Harley’s body.
“But that’s my job,” she said as she caught her hard nipples between her fingers. “Taking the wrapping off is just as fun as what’s inside.”
Y/N whimpered and grabbed at Harley’s arms, feeling her soft, newly moisturised skin and she let her head fall back onto her shoulder as she nipped at her neck.
“C’mon, babydoll, let’s have some fun.”
She let go of Y/N and turned her around to lead her to the bed, making sure she got a good view of her body. When she noticed her staring, she twirled around and fluffed her hair, showing her pale skin and slender curves from all angles.
“Like what ya see, sugar?” Harley purred, taking note of how Y/N’s eyes were fixated on her, trailing from her legs, her hips, her perky breasts, and up to her face.
Y/N swallowed and nodded, her mouth too dry to say anything while the space between her legs started to throb. Harley sat on the mattress with her legs wide, her bare pussy exposed as she grabbed Y/N’s hand and guided her to stand between her legs.
“Can I take this off, honey?” she asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. Y/N nodded and let her pull it up and over her head, standing up again to throw it to the other side of the room before immediately removing her bra. “I definitely want this off.”
Y/N shivered slightly when the air hit her bare skin, her nipples hardening even more as her skin burned under Harley’s gaze. Harley bit her lip and groaned softly as she reached out to caress her breasts with both hands, rolling them in her palms and softly squeezing them before kissing each one.
“God I missed these girls so much,” she said, her voice muffled by the soft skin of Y/N’s breasts. “But you’re still wearing too many clothes.”
Y/N pushed her sweatpants down to the floor and wriggled her legs free of them without needing to move away from Harley, leaving her in just her panties. Just as Harley dipped her fingers into the waistband, she stopped and admired the cotton garment.
“These are so cute!” she cooed and grabbed her hips to turn her around so her back was facing her. “Bend over a second.” 
Y/N was confused but did as she was told, bending her torso down slightly as Harley sat down again. Just as she looked back to see what she was doing, she felt Harley pinch and smack her behind, making her squeak and almost lose her balance.
“Harley,” she whined impatiently as Harley rested her head on her lower back, caressing her behind and squeezing, just as she’d done with her breasts.
“You look good in these, baby,” Harley purred as she pulled away. “But they’ll look even nicer on the floor.”
Y/N couldn’t help how hard her pussy clenched at her words. For as distracted and silly as she could be in the bedroom, Harley knew exactly how to get her girlfriend in the mood. She said things that would sound corny coming from anybody else but that was exactly what she loved about her.
“C’mere,” Harley said and patted the mattress between her legs. “But leave those on.”
Y/N climbed into Harley’s lap, her legs on either side of her and her arms loosely wrapped around her shoulder. She could feel her cool breath on her warm skin, their faces just centimetres apart and their chests pushing together. Harley stroked Y/N’s back softly, tracing the notches of her spine with her fingertips and dipping them into the waistband of her panties.
“I really missed you, y’know,” she said softly. “Like, a lot.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said in return, smiling warmly. She squeaked in surprise when Harley closed the gap between them, her soft lips on hers, caressing and drinking her in as she pulled her body closer and closer until she fell back onto the mattress, Y/N still on top of her.
Y/N eagerly returned her kiss and cradled Harley’s face in her hands, her eyes fluttering closed as warmth spread throughout her body, starting at her core and ending at her fingertips. Her lips parted slightly to let Harley slip her tongue between them, tasting her sweet mouth as Y/N tangled her fingers in her hair. She moved her hands down further to cup her behind and dipped her fingers under her panties, feeling her pooling arousal. Y/N whined against her lips when she felt her fingers circle her throbbing clit and broke off the kiss to catch her breath.
Without missing a beat, Harley trailed her kisses down Y/N’s neck and collarbones and moved her hands to underneath her breasts, squeezing and pinching them to make her whine and moan.
“Lie down, honey,” she said. “I want to play with these.”
Y/N got up and shuffled up the bed to lie down, her head resting on the pillow and her legs spread wide for Harley to lie between. She watched her as she crawled up her body, a wolfish expression on her face as she laid her face on her sternum between her breasts.
“God, I really missed these girls,” she purred into her skin before kissing softly.
“More than me?” Y/N teased as she ran her fingers through Harley’s hair.
“Of course not,” Harley said and nuzzled her face into Y/N’s warm skin. “I missed all of you.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said, her breath hitching when Harley brushed her lips over her hard nipple.
She let her body relax into the mattress as Harley laved her tongue across her sensitive skin, teasing her nipple with the tip of her tongue before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. Harley used her free hand to fondle the other breast, rolling it around in her palm and squeezing before teasing the nipple with her fingers. She could feel herself getting wetter as she played with her soft breasts and she had a good feeling that Y/N was too.
Harley switched her attention to Y/N’s other breast, leaving wet kisses and licking the nipple before taking it into her mouth and sucking again. She listened to how Y/N moaned softly as she played with her hair, running her nails through her roots and playing with the faded colours at the ends. Her hand trailed down Y/N’s body as she continued to worship her breasts, skimming over her stomach until it reached her sopping pussy.
“You’re so wet, baby,” Harley purred, her teeth grazing against Y/N’s nipple. “You’re gonna ruin these cute panties. How ‘bout I take ‘em off?”
“Please,” Y/N whined, pushing her hips into Harley’s hand.
Harley let go of her nipple and crawled back down her body, settling herself between her spread legs, her face eye level with her dripping cunt. She ran her fingers along the crotch of her panties, delighting in how her arousal had soaked through the cotton. Y/N moaned at the contact and her pussy clenched, as if it was begging Harley to fuck her.
“You really must have missed me if you’re this desperate,” Harley teased before kissing her clit over the wet fabric. She licked her arousal off of her lips and let out a short moan. “You taste good, honey. But I want the main course, not just an appetiser.”
If she wasn’t so pent up, Y/N would have made a comment about Harley being corny in bed. She’d been without a girlfriend for half a year so she was willing to let her be as corny and stupid as she wanted as long as it meant she’d get her pussy eaten.
It felt like an eternity had passed when Harley finally pulled Y/N’s panties down her legs and tossed them aside. She gently kissed along the insides of her thighs, teasing her until Y/N whined in frustration and tugged on her hair.
“C’mon, Harl, I thought you’d been waiting months for this,” she said as she tried to push Harley’s face into her cunt.
“Okay, okay!” Harley laughed before kissing her bare clit. “So impatient.”
Her tongue finally snaked out to run through Y/N’s wet folds, gathering her arousal as she made her way back to her clit. Y/N sighed in pleasure and let her head fall back onto the pillow as Harley worked wonders with her mouth, licking and sucking her sensitive skin at a leisurely pace. Pillow princess had never been an appropriate title, but Y/N was more than happy to let Harley call the shots and do anything she wanted with her body.
“You taste good, babydoll,” Harley mumbled into her pussy. “Definitely worth the wait.”
A moan crawled out of Y/N’s throat when she felt Harley tease her entrance with two of her fingers and slowly slide them inside. She kept her fingers still for a moment, letting her adjust to them before gently sliding them in and out of her, building up the pleasure and making her sweet spot swell.
Harley was getting wetter and wetter as Y/N’s arousal coated her tongue and fingers, the only thought in her head was being able to taste her and make her scream. She squeezed her legs together, trying to feel some friction, and watched as Y/N squirmed and moaned above her.
“You can’t be gettin’ close already, baby,” she purred as she started to curl her fingers into her sweet spot. “We’ve only just started.”
Y/N’s stomach was tying itself into knots as Harley worked her body into a frenzy, her clit twitching under her tongue and her pussy clenching around her fingers. A fire was spreading through her body despite the slow pace and she wanted nothing more than to trap Harley’s head between her thighs as she sucked her clit and finger fucked her pussy.
“Harley, I’m close,” Y/N said, her voice strained from keeping her moans at bay.
“Already?” Harley teased. She pulled her soaking fingers out and teased her clit with them as she lifted her head to watch Y/N writhe in frustration. Her mouth and chin were coated with her arousal, shining in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. “Want me to make you cum, sweet thing?”
“Harley, please,” Y/N begged, trying to push her head back down. Harley laughed and slid her fingers back into her desperate pussy.
“Anything you want, princess.”
Harley immediately set a faster pace, curling her fingers into Y/N’s sweet spot firmly and sucking on her clit harshly. She had planned on taking her time with Y/N and slowly bringing her to climax, but the way her body was reacting said otherwise.
Moans and cries flew from Y/N’s mouth as Harley stirred her body up, her nerves blazing and her climax fast approaching. She planted her hands on the back of Harley’s head and mashed her face into her dripping cunt as she begged her to keep going.
“Cum for me, baby,” Harley said, her voice muffled by her pussy. “Cum on my tongue, I wanna taste it.”
Y/N’s head fell back as pleasure washed over her, engulfing her and drawing all of the air out of her lungs. Her chest heaved and her hips bucked as Harley continued to draw her orgasm out of her, her breaths finally coming out in cries and moans until her body went limp and calm.
Once her body had completely calmed down, Harley pulled her fingers out of Y/N’s spent cunt and cleaned them off with her fingers, moaning when her taste hit her tongue again. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and crawled back up the bed to hover over Y/N and press her lips to hers, making her taste herself.
“I missed your taste,” Harley whispered against Y/N’s lips as Y/N cupped her perky behind with her hands.
“I wanna taste you,” Y/N said, her voice hoarse from moaning so much.
“You okay to stay where you are?” Harley asked. Y/N nodded, her body too boneless to do much else. “Good, cos I wanna sit on this pretty face of yours.”
Y/N swallowed and licked her lips as Harley placed her knees on either side of her head and lowered her wet pussy down onto her mouth. Her arousal immediately hit her tongue and flooded her mouth with her taste. Y/N ran her flattened tongue across Harley’s folds and clit, tasting her as if she was a sweet treat before paying more attention to her clit. She fluttered the tip of her tongue against the sensitive bud, making Harley writhe against her mouth.
“Don’t tease, baby,” Harley whined as she tried to smother Y/N with her pussy.
“You always tease me,” Y/N said, her voice muffled as she continued to pleasure her with her tongue. “It’s only fair that I tease you back for once.”
Harley huffed and grabbed hold of the headboard before grinding her core against Y/N’s mouth, making her flatten her tongue and keep her head still for her to ride. The bed creaked with every roll of her hips and the slack headboard knocked against the wall but neither of them seemed to care very much. They didn’t have neighbours to get mad at them and the bedroom was on an outside wall so they could make as much noise as they liked.
Harley certainly seemed determined to be as loud as she wanted. Moans and cries flew from her lungs as Y/N continued to lick and suck her, running her hands along her thighs and groping her ass as she drove her into a frenzy. She figured that Harley must have gone through her entire sentence without even touching herself since she could tell that she was already close.
“Y/N,” Harley moaned shamelessly. “I’m gonna cum, baby.”
Y/N wrapped her lips around Harley’s clit and sucked hard, her hands firmly holding her hips to keep her in place. She let her eyes drift closed and felt Harley grab her head, running her nails along her scalp as her arousal coated her face and her clit twitched in her mouth.
Breathlessly, Harley came into Y/N’s mouth, her cunt clenching and unclenching before her hips bucked wildly and she let her breath out in a loud cry. She gasped and panted as Y/N continued to lick her through her high, bringing her back down slowly and gently by stroking her skin and kissing her spent pussy until she’d caught her breath again.
With one final pleasured sigh, Harley lifted herself off Y/N’s face and moved around to flop down on top of her as she wiped her mouth clean, her face resting between her breasts. She could hear her thudding heartbeat through her chest and let herself be fully enveloped by Y/N’s warmth. 
They stayed like that for a moment, listening to each other breathe as the city continued to move outside. Y/N could have sworn that Harley was starting to fall asleep on her chest when she suddenly lifted herself up and shuffled up to kiss her. Harley’s lips were soft against hers, kissing her leisurely rather than crazed and desperate as she had when they first got home.
“I missed you,” Harley said against Y/N’s mouth before kissing her again.
“You already told me that,” Y/N said with a laugh. “Like, three times.”
“Well, that’s just how much I missed you!” Harley said as she pulled away.
“I missed you too, Harl,” Y/N said and pulled Harley back into her body, her arms tight around her as if she never wanted to let her go. “Just stay out of trouble this time.”
“I can’t make any promises, sugar,” Harley said. “But I’ll try for you.”
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
Got an ask from @starzwithapen to write for how Viva would work around showing affection to a Reader with short hair BUT I FUMBLED AND ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE ASK ASKLAJDLKJSD
BUT NO WORRIES BABE!! I got your message and I love the way you think, literally NOT ENOUGH Viva out in the world I swear 😤😤
Viva x Reader: love is in the hair
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Includes: GN! Reader, Reader w/ short hair, LOTS of fluff, one singular use of the word "fantastamazing"
🌟 Hair is kind of a big thing for trolls— Viva especially. Like c'mon. Literally 5 seconds after meeting Poppy and this girl's first instinct was to style her hair?? Chances are she does this with just about anyone, let's be real. It's basically her #1 love language <33
🌟 That being said, she was probably like?? Super shocked when she first met you???
🌟 Pop trolls in particular traditionally have big hair, and I mean BIG as in it can basically be 3/4ths of their entire height lol. Of course there are some expections but Viva, personally? She's never met someone with hair like yours before... she's honestly in awe
🌟 But being the quirky girlie she is, this troll thinks your uniqueness is fantastamazing!! In fact your hair is probably what drew her towards you in the first place
🌟 But like I said before: this girl love love LOVES playing around with other people's hair! Elaborate hairdos are an art form and she's perfected it to a "T" uwu
🌟 But... your hair doesn't give her much room to work, now does it?
🌟 She's a little devasted at first ngl. I mean part of the reason she's so fond of styling hair is cuz she loves seeing her work on others (girl's a bit of a showoff ashdlajddds). Whenever she spots her friends and loved ones going about with their hair still done, she's never felt prouder. With your short hair that might be a bit of a problem...
🌟 But obviously she's not gonna let something like hair length stop her from showing how much she likes you! >:3
🌟 She'll still put braids in your hair, of course, but can't stop from feeling a little sad that they won't be as visible...
🌟 BUT THEN SHE GOES TO PUT THEM IN AND LIKE... wow she has to be awfully close just to get to your hair, huh? The two of you are sitting on the floor of her room, crisscrossed and facing each other... and the strands of your hair are so short that her fingers can't help but sometimes brush against your face... which is pretty close to her face, actually...
🌟 Expect to have this woman beg offer to braid your hair on the daily from then on
🌟 Much like Poppy, I like to think Viva is a Live, Love, Craft kinda gal. Better believe she's gonna be slaving away to make some DIY hairpins and bobs, maybe some ribbons or beads she can tie into your hair!! She's also taking into consideration your sense of style and what you like, so all these trinkets are gonna be personalized as hell lol
🌟 If someone else happens to point out/compliment your hair and Viva's within hearing distance? Girl is literally about to split her face with how wide she's smiling
🌟 This girlie is DEFINITELY making you two matching trinkets, don't even deny it. She adores the idea of having something to showcase your guys' bond. Just a little somethin special for the two of you <33
🌟 Also she just wants to show you off who are we kidding
🌟 Loves getting her hair done too, so definitely don't feel afraid to ask! I mean, good luck getting her hyperactive ass to sit still long enough but like!! She's just so excited to have you reciprocate her love language, can you blame her?
🌟 The feelings of fingers or a hairbrush running through hair is a HUGE stress reliever for her. Whether she's giving or recieving the action doesn't matter. It's just relaxing for her
🌟 Quickly learns to love your short hair for this exact reason because like?? The length just makes the whole process just SOOOO much simpler??? She doesn't have to worry as much about her fingers snagging in too many tangles which is a plus for her lol
🌟 Also loves being able to tuck strands of your hair behind your ears! She thinks she's so suave whenever she does ;))
🌟 Daily hairdo sessions quickly become a regular occurence between you two
🌟 Just hangin out in her room, doing each other's hair while you guys talk about your days. Running a place like Putt Putt Village is hardwork so definitely let Viva lay her head on your lap as you brush her hair, or the other way around if you'd prefer!! If you reassure her and tell her all her work is appreciated tho...
🌟 Your ass is gettin smooched. No way to avoid it <33
AKSJDHAHS SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! The people workin on Trolls 3 did not NEED to give us Viva... but they DID and I'm forever grateful 😔
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 11 months
Yeehaw baby! 🤠
Mat Barzal x reader insta edit
Note: I’m not a Barzal gal but I am a ho for a man in a cowboy hat which I blame on my proximity to Alberta. Someone has probably done something similar to this so I just want to be clear that I’m not copying anyone
Summary: Barzy takes on Stampede
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Yourusername it’s July now, y’all know what that means 🤠
Yourbro it’s Canada Day?
Yourusername bruh
Yourbff yeehaw?
Yourusername haw-yee baby🤪
User2 oh slay, time for the yearly content
User4 can’t wait for your outfits!!
User457 this is my met gala lol
Yourfriend Pede?
Yourusername Pede
Yourfriend well hurry up bitch!! We’re waiting
Yourusername hope you’re ready
Lenasianed can’t wait to see you!
Yourusername it’s time to celebrate you my sweet girl!! Please tell me I can have baby snuggles?
Lenasianed she’s with the grandparents this weekend
Yourusername ☹️
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Barzal97 a rootin tootin good time celebrating EBear
Titobeauvi oh dear god
Bboeser buddy you’re from Vancouver
Barzal97 I’m a cowboy at heart
MamaBarzal oh really?
User78 oh fuck Cowboy Barzy
User67 HELLO?!
Yourusername The Longest Ride (TM)
User33 um, something you wanna tell us?
Yourusername he’s giving Scott Eastwood in the classic film The Longest Ride. Obviously
User25 not where I thought that was going tbh
Barzal97 thanks I think?
EBear thanks for coming out man!!
Barzal97 anytime man!
Friend78 YYC > YVR
Barzal97 I will not accept Van slander. Calgs only better when it comes to this
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Hockeygoss howdy y’all, look what we have here. Mat Barzal spotted getting close to a mysterious woman during Stampede
User4 girlies living the dream
User90 god the hat
User69 random but anyone else think that could be yourusername?
User2 girl what?
User69 idk, something about the jewelry we can see
User268 girl you tripping
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Yourusername Wear the hat, something something 🤔
Yourbff pretty sure you know how it goes
Yourusername ummm nope
Yourbff well maybe B can refresh your memory
Yourusername oh he’s working on that 😘
Barzal97 context please?
Yourusername cowboy hat rule hockey boy. Google it
User56 Queen!
Friend56 ride him baby!
Yourusername 🫶yeehaw
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Yourusername don’t take but two to have a little soirée (me & Sam if that wasn’t clear)
Highlight of the month CowboysMusicFestival SamHunt
Yourbff truly iconic performance
Yourusername I don’t think I’ll ever recover
Barzal97 okay I get the hype now
Yourusername was a crime that you weren’t a fan tbh
Yourotherbff can’t believe you didn’t before now given how often she plays him
Barzal97 I just to see her in her element to get it. She really sold it
Yourbff stop sucking up
Yourusername no please, continue
User89 did everyone just skip over her friends comment!!
Lenasianed it was a party all right
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Barzal97 I met a girl with crazy shoes and baby blues. The way she moves is changing my whole world.
Yourusername crazy shoes are my specialty 😘
User7 OH?!
User25 my two worlds colliding
Yourbff if you don’t take care of her, I’ll kill you with your own skates
Barzal97 uh
Yourusername babe, we talked about threatening people on the internet
Yourotherbff but mom!
Yourusername no!
Titobeavi she’s so out of your league
Yourusername thank you Tito. See you next week?
User85 she’s already met his bf?
Barzal97 I should hope so, she lived in NY all last year
User64 💀 he didn’t deny the bf allegations but omg they’ve been dating a year?!
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Yourusername save a horse, Vancouver Edition
Yourbff what?
Yourusername save a Zamboni, ride a hockey player 😏
Yourbro 🤮
Barzal97 🤦‍♂️ (I love you crazy woman)
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kseung · 1 year
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Better Timing
Pt. 2 of Bad timing
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Warnings: Wednesday being Wednesday.
Words: 815~
Now, before you read. I apologize for making this drabble too short.
After some good sleep, now that you and Wednesday were doing okay, you decided it was time to talk to her. You were doing much better. That day you had spent your classes with her, as per usual. She seemed to like having her schedule back to normal.
Your friends were all glad stuff was better. They were happy you weren't gloomy anymore. At least not gloomy alone. Enid was particularly thrilled. But can you blame her? Her favorite ship was sailing again.
You knocked three times in a waltz pattern, letting Wednesday know it was you who knocked. You then opened the door, finding her sitting in front of her typewriter. You smiled, settling for her bed. You took off your shoes, and sat cross-legged. Maybe now you'd get to think about what to say.
—I was talking to you.
Wednesday's voice is usually stoic, but with enough potential for deadpan jokes. Even if she doesn't admit it, she's quite the funny gal. You then realized she had stopped writing, as you heard nothing but silence. You looked at her, nodding.
—Sorry. I was thinking. What did you tell me?
—I can't concentrate with you here. It'd be better if we could talk now.
Oh, yeah. That. It made sense, really. Wednesday was, most probably, thinking about what you'd say. Then she wouldn't be able to concentrate, of course.
—Sure, Wens.
She couldn't help but tug upwards the corners of her mouth. The nickname you had for her always made her feel. That in itself was a great accomplishment. One you were happy to achieve.
You started. —First of all, I want to apologize for being mean to you. I needed space, but I went the wrong way when trying to get it. It's completely okay for you not to accept it—. You sighed. Things were sprawled all over the table, with no sign of order whatsoever.
You guessed it was time to kick the elefant out of the room. —I really like you, Wednesday. I really, really do. Seeing you with Tyler crushed me. I was actually planning on confessing that day—, you said after laughing nervously. —I know you aren't exactly keen on showing feelings, so seeing you kiss him was shocking.
She was thingking about your words. By the way her face looked, you could see that she thought it was logical, in a way, that you felt what you felt. She nodded.
—I was not trying to make you feel bad. I apologize for that—. You smiled at what Wednesday said. You knew. She wasn't quite as keen on hurting you as she was with others, much less in non-physical ways. She was silent then for some moments. Expressing herself out loud was always uncomfortable for her, so you patiently waited. —Tyler tried to kiss me before, so I thought that maybe it was what I had to do. The ambience did not help either—. You nodded, almost imperceptibly. She saw it and took it as a sign to continue. —I don't know what I feel. But I knew that kissing him felt wrong. Maybe later I could feel how it is when I kiss you?
She and her way with words. Speaking was not her forte, but you still smiled. You moved until you were sitting closer to her, at least at arm's reach. Emotions suit her well, she just doesn't want to acknowledge that fact.
—So... you're saying you want to kiss me?
—Quite obviously.
—Take your chance—, you shrugged.
You smiled when Wednesday pulled you towards her, gripping onto your necktie. She may be small, but she's also quite strong. It made you feel things akin to her very own sentiments.
At first you were just face to face, keeping up the most intense yet meaningful stares. Until her eyes wandered off, downwards to your lips. Your hand traveled to her waist, as she gripped the fabric tighter.
—I'll be taking it gladly.
She moved forward, finally kissing you like you so desperately wanted. You pulled her towards you, getting her out of that uncomfortable chair. She settled better on your lap, finally circling your neck with one of her arms.
—Why did we take so long to do that?
—Such a regret...—, she trailed off. She stilled, looking at you. —No words about this to anyone or I'll break your neck.
—Hmm. No thanks. Seems like you like my neck too much to allow it to break.
She pulled on your tie.
—Shut it.
You were more than happy to shut up if it meant kissing for a little while more.
—Enid screamed. My ears are hurting now. Lovely.
You looked at Wednesday as she sat across from you at the table. Her eyes looked particularly alive that day, beaming but still Wednesday. You swallowed your piece of bread.
—And hugged you too. You seem extra stiff—, you said. She nodded. —You're such an adorable creature. My creature, hmm?
Oh, that she was.
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reddpenn · 5 months
One of my hobbies is writing songs for fake musicals. This is the demo track for "Say It Out Loud" from On This Island of Mutual Killing, a fanmade Danganronpa musical that doesn't actually exist, but that hasn't stopped me from writing a bunch of songs for it. Look, here's another song from the same musical!
Yes, this incredibly short scene from chapter four deserved an entire musical number. It's my musical, I do what I want.
Lyrics under the cut!
Fuyuhiko: Hey, I’m pulling you aside. Nekomaru almost died. And you’re acting like you’re fine, But it’s eating you inside. I know ‘cause I’ve been there.
So you played a stupid game. Nekomaru took the blame. And he’s saying he’s okay, But you’re feeling all his pain. I know ‘cause I’ve been there.
Don’t let it sit in silence, Say it out loud. Don’t wait for regret and violence, Work it out now. Don’t assume that it’s fine, He can’t read your mind. You don’t wanna lose him Because you’re too proud. Don’t let it sit…
Akane: I don’t get it! What am I saying out loud?
Fuyuhiko: Look, I know you must be hurting.
Akane: Hey, Baby Gangsta, is this flirting?
Fuyuhiko: What? How are you getting that from this?
Akane: ‘Cause if you really wanna kiss You should say it out loud!
Fuyuhiko: (Oh my god.)
Akane: I just don’t get this innuendo. Fuyuhiko: (Because there is no innuendo!)
Akane: Only like you as a friend, though. Fuyuhiko: (No no no no!)
Akane: But hey, you’re on the rebound And if you wanna fool around You should say it out loud. Fuyuhiko: (Why would you say that out loud?)
Akane: Don’t let it sit in silence, Say it out loud. Fuyuhiko: (That ain’t what this is about!)
Akane: Don’t wait for regret and violence! Fuyuhiko: (I’m about to do an act of violence!)
Akane: Work it out now! Fuyuhiko: (This is not working out.)
Fuyuhiko: You don’t get Two second chances. Few second chances Happen in life to one gal, So don’t let it sit
Both: In silence, say it out loud.
Akane: C’mon, Coach is like a cool robot guy now! What could possibly happen to him? Fuyuhiko: Yeah, that’s kinda my point.
Akane: He’s a brick, he’s a wall, He’s as sturdy as an oak! Never breaks, never falls-
Fuyuhiko: What if he fell, what if he broke?
Akane: He’s an anchoring stone.
Both: He is strong, he is home!
Fuyuhiko: And it’s lonely alone.
Akane: And you know ‘cause you’ve been there.
Fuyuhiko: Sometimes the people you think are Immutable and strong Turn to sand in your hands And the world marches on. And you open your eyes only after they’re gone.
Akane: You just blink and they’re gone.
Fuyuhiko: And you’ll wish you had been there. Akane: (Been there.)
Both: Don’t let it sit in silence! Fuyuhiko: Say it out loud! Akane: (He’s a brick, he’s a wall, he’s as sturdy as an oak!)
Fuyuhiko: Don’t wait for regret and violence! Akane: (And violence!) Fuyuhiko: Work it out now! Akane: (Never breaks, never falls!)
Fuyuhiko: Don’t let it sit ’til it’s too late. Oh holy shit, don’t let it wait! Don’t let it sit in silence, Say it out loud.
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spaceacealex · 2 months
Trip report!!
For those that have been waiting, sorry! I got home and immediately had to go help with a family thing. But here it is!
First, was the obvious. We had to drop off the baby boy with my parents. He had a great time with the family and was very dirty, stinky, and sleepy when we got back.
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So where were we? We went to see the eclipse! As many of you know, My wife proposed to me under totality in the 2017 solar eclipse. So she surprised me with time off to travel to this last one on 4/8!
We flew to Nashville, TN and rented a car so I could scratch my road trip itch. We visited her family in KY, then went up to Cairo, IL for the event.
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THIS is the public library in Cairo. It's an absolutely darling building, built originally to be a library and still proudly serving that purpose. The gals who were manning the counter were sweet, knowledgeable, and so welcoming. They had goodie bags with moon pies and starbursts and collected the eclipse glasses when we were done with them so they could be sterilized and sent down to Mexico for the next eclipse. So lovely to talk with and they welcomed us to spend the eclipse on their lawn with some local families. So we did!
We had a little picnic, chatted with some of the families, and got to watch totality in a tiny little town with so much character I still smile just thinking about it.
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Hopefully you don't expect us to have top tier eclipse photography lol, but these are great for us! I got to kiss my wife under totality and it was hella romantic.
Then I got to drive more....then Kara got to drive because there were a ton of accidents and the three hour drive back to Nashville took more than six hours. So uh, my motion-sick self was struggling with the stop and go traffic.
But when we got there, we had a great night and then day walking around Eastside Nashville and pointing out the arcades I was going to take Kara to that evening.
That didn't quite happen.
Because the first stop we made in the arcade crawl is where we stayed all night.
No Quarter, the pinball arcade I now have a hat for because it's so friggin cool. We got to do many cool things there. 1)They had excellent drinks and in true Oregonian fashion I got to try the local cider and judge it. (it was good!) 2) I kicked Kara's ass at pinball. Very important. 3) I got MY ass kicked at pinball by literally every other person in the building. Also very important. Because 4) I got to play in a pinball tournament hosted by Belles and Chimes, specifically for women and non binary folks!
How did I, notorious nerves-haver and not a multiplayer pinball player join this?
5) I got to meet Quinn Hills. You know, @quinnhills ? Yeah. I'm still so giggly about it.
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Hi. This pic is me, many drinks in, just absolutely giddy getting to meet (and hug!!) one of my favorite artists.
She's so sweet, so kind, and asked if I wanted to join the tournament.
Remember: do what beautiful women ask of you.
I am still kicking myself because I dropped the cliche, "your music has helped me through some really hard stuff." I mean, its absolutely true!! But I had told myself I was gonna be more eloquent than that. Oh well. I would blame the cider, but I was super excited and nervous before that, so I think I'm just a little goofy.
Kara also was happy to meet the woman who's music I had been blaring for that whole six plus hour car ride back to Nashville, and she's agreed to play pinball with me at our home bar! Major win!
We stayed until one in the morning, Kara ordered pizza to the hotel, and we had safe flights back home the rest of the day.
It was such a fun trip and I'm still losing my mind at all the little bits of it.
When I stream next (soon) I'm sure you'll hear about all this again. Along with my breakdown of eclipse conspiracies I've spent far too much time analyzing. <3
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januaryrabbit · 2 years
seventeen w/ a crush on their roommate’s friend ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
+how their roomies would react LOl
pairing: seventeen x gn reader, college au
word count: 3.7k
warnings: some cursing, but besides that nothing! just wholesome crushes hehe
other disclaimers: lowercase intended, i only kinda proofread this because i am a lazy gal, author teasing members as always heheh, members teasing each other :)
song recs: mixtape: oh - stray kids
a/n: hi everyone! i finally posted again~ i’ve gotten a few new followers since then so WELCOME !!!! this is my first svt post, im posting this right before im seeing svt live!! <3 i really hope to write more because i think about seventeen a lot LMAO. like. like a Lot. anyway, i hope you enjoy!! id love to hear your soft thoughts or thoughts about this writing!!! my ask is always open to talk hehe
would try his best to be normal but HIS ROOMMATES WON’T LET HIM LIVE FJFJAJDK. a lot of people write him as a charismatic girlboss, and i completely understand why, but idk s.coups kinda gives me shy-aroudn-his-crush vibes? to be fair though, his roomies are partially to blame….every time joshua and jeonghan bring you over, jeonghan always calls out “oh seungcheol……..y/n is here!!!!!” you’re kind of like ??? why are you announcing my arrival like that bro?? and joshua snickers as he sees seungcheol poke his head out of his room and greets you with a small smile, his dimples showing on the side of his face you can clearly see peeking out from the door frame. i think he’d definitely get blushy whenever you talk to him, especially when he can see his roomies looking at the two of you interact as well. has trouble making eye contact with you for both those reasons (which you think is cute!!), but refuses to not at least say hello. jeonghan just LIVES for putting cheol on the spot because it’s funny to him lmao. “doesn’t y/nnie looks cute today?” and seungcheol is like WHY. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS and joshua is texting the groupchat about it IN FRONT OF YOU AND CHEOL with a giddy smile on his face LMAO. as far as interacting with you, i think because his roomies are so embarrassing and because he thinks you’re so cute, he wouldn’t be able to bear doing much besides saying hello every time you’re around. i think he’d be able to muster up the courage to ask you out if he was alone with you at some point. i think he’d be able to feel more comfy being himself if hannie and shua weren’t around to poke fun at him lmao. both of you should expect some teasing from them though!!!
Obviously he’s a menace. flirts with you a little, partly to piss off joshua LOL (“bro stop flirting with my friend it’s WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!). always pays you a compliment whenever he sees you, saying that you look cute today (today = every time you’re in his vicinity lol). will always take your side in any playful argument you have w/ josh. joshua is always like >___> why!!!!! but jeonghan does it anyway; your flustered face when he sends compliments your way is just so adorable that he can’t help himself. i don’t think he’d bother you guys too much besides that, keeping his boundaries for the most part, but he’d definitely throw the occasional wink your way to embarrass you (which works). would ask to come if you guys were going out to eat, complaining that joshua never eats with him and that he wants to sit next to you because you’re way nicer than joshua. (rip to shua having to watch all this happen in front of his poor eyes). i think jeonghan is shameless and would just ask you out when he feels like it, even if it was in front of his friends.
LOL ok joshua gives me the energy of someone who would try to be cool/funny around his crush DFSjjdskf. like he would sooo go out of his way to tell some sort of funny joke around you whenever you’re over, either to you or cheol/jeonghan (they both think it’s cringe but they respect the attempt being made so they don’t say anything). more often than not, josh doesn’t get the reaction he hopes for (i mean, bursting out laughing at every single joke he makes is pretty unrealistic….) but he considers it a win every time you so much as smile even a little. he’s the type to make small-to-medium converversation with you until you start talking to him more, and he’s really good at making you feel welcome in their apartment! always offers you water or a blanket when you look stressed from finals lmao. would probably not bother you and jeonghan that much besides that. jeonghan thinks it’s hilarious that joshua keeps trying to win you over with his dumb jokes but he keeps the teasing to a minimum in front of you out of appreciation for josh :) i think joshua is definitely someone who’d be straightforward if he was interested in you – after holding some conversations with you and talking to jeonghan about it, i think joshua is someone that would definitely try to ask you out to eat, just the two of you!!! provided that you say yes, he’d definitely go all out and NOT let you guys waste your night in his dinky apartment. after all, he is a gentleman :)
SHY BITCH!!! so shy..i feel like he would really want to try to get to know you but he’s so like jfsfks//?@93959fsjs in his mind and panicking that he would just word vomit at you………….”HEY Y/NHOWAREYOUI’MGOODWHATAREYOUANDMINGHAOUPTOTODAYI’MJUSTSTUDYINGHAHAWELLHAVEFUN” and disappears into his room, cringing at his inability to talk to you. minghao finds his best friend’s crush on you so fucking funny that he can’t help but try to help him out a bit when the two of you are alone. he kinda gives me the “hey bro thanks for letting me borrow the lambhourgini” vibes LOL. like “oh did you know jun is single right now? man he’s sooo good looking, isn’t he?” which does nothing but make jun want to die of embarrassment. it’s a shock to both of them that it actually works on you, because you slowly start to greet jun more and hold conversations with him. you always thought he was cute, but hearing all the nice things minghao has to say about him intrigues you quite a bit. in turn, having you initiate helps jun become more comfortable/confident talking to you as well, and while he’s still kind of shy he doesn’t run off like he used to LOL. jun eventually goes to minghao to tell him that he’s going to ask you out, and minghao is like Yeah man do it you just have to give me relationship credit for the rest of your life, heheh.
this guy would try to be smooth af every time you come over to hang with jihoon…like you go to the kitchen to get water, and hosh is there making a sandwich or something and he’s like “oh hey y/n, didn’t see you there…” even though he’d lowkey been procrastinating on making his sandwich (which, truthfully, he wasn’t even hungry for), hoping you’d come outside LOL. you respond like. uh. hey………….??? and you get your water and get back to jihoon’s room. hosh counts this as a win – he’s bragging to his roomie after you leave like “they’re totally into me…this acting aloof thing is so working.” (jihoon replies with nothing but a look of disgust). but hoshi can’t keep up the facade forever, methinks. he’s an excitable and energetic person, after all! eventually he would start to act more like himself around you. you come over one day and hosh runs over to you, phone in hand, showing you his screen. “y/n, did you watch the new episode of haikyuu yet???? nishinoya looks so cool!!!” and talk a bunch about it with you. the more comfortable he becomes with you, the more touchy he becomes as well, putting his arm around you and perhaps touching your shoulder now and then. he also gives me the vibes of someone who’d just go for it (again, after clearing it with jihoon). one day you’re leaving and he catches you in the hallway – you’re kinda nervous (ahhh!!!! he’s hot!!!!) and you’re like “uh what’s up soonyoung?” he smiles cheerfully; your curiosity is so cute to him. he takes a deep breath and says: “would you wanna go out sometime without me?” well?????? do you say yes??????? ;)
Unironically i think wonwoo would be the most normal about liking mingyu’s friend lol. every time you come over, he just says hello and asks how you’re doing, casually trying to get to know you. if you and mingyu (and sometimes cheol and vernon) watch a movie in the living room, more often than not wonwoo joins with you guys because he’s “bored” and “has nothing else to do”...but really he just wants to hang with you. i think he’d be really sweet about liking you!! if you mention something (like a drink or snack or something) that you like, he’d definitely get it for you the next time he stumbles upon it at the grocery store. he smiles to himself every time (including in the grocery store) he thinks of you – which, as you start to come around more, is becoming more frequent. mingyu doesn’t actually realize that wonu likes you, but the latter eventually caves in and admits it to his friend. mingyu encourages him to go after you!!! so one night, after a considerable amount of contemplation, wonwoo decides to take the plunge and he calls you. “hey – would you want to get coffee with me next week?”
my bias wrecker <3 lmao jihoonie strikes me as the nervous type. i feel like he’d be slightly annoyed that he can’t relax at home because you’re always there hanging out with soonyoung. he’d leave his room to get coffee and see you sitting on the couch studying with soonie and think like “god damnit WHY ARE THEY HERE!!!! I DON’T HAVE A GOOD OUTFIT ON!!!!!!!!” and immediately clam up when you greet him with a hello. awkward as he is, he kind of avoids you so he doesn’t make an utter fool of himself when you’re around. he doesn’t realize though that it kinda comes off like he hates you because he avoids you…you end up asking soonyoung if you did anything to offend his friend, to which he replies with a hearty laugh that only confuses you more. “wait, why are you laughing?” you ask, and your friend leans forward a bit, beckoning you to do the same. “y/n. my friend jihoon likes you.” he says in a deadpan tone. yours eyes widen, genuinely not expecting that to be the reason as to why he’s so weird around you. within the next few days, a wave of confidence hits you and you eventually approach jihoon about all of this. contrary to the others, you actually end up asking him out, all the while begging him not to be upset with soonie for telling you. he goes through a series of emotions all in that moment, irritation with soonyoung, embarrassment that you’d beat him to the punch of confessing, stress about how long you’ve known, but utmost gratitude to the universe that you return his feelings <3
oh seokminnie…<3 i think he would be pretty shy as well, and talkative because he’s nervous around you. like. overly talkative. because there is a cute person standing in front of him. in his living room. he just can’t help but be smiley and excited !! his brain is like AHHHHH but irl he talks to you a bunch and asks you about your interests a lot!!! i think he’d also share his own with you too, so he can lowkey put out feelers to see if you might be interested in him or if you guys would get along. he’s definitely extra smiley around you and pleasant; you bring that out in him :) and he would probably ask joshua and seungkwan if you’re single/interested in him lol. worries he comes off as weird sometimes (seungkwan says: Yes you do.) because of how much he talks when you’re around, but you don’t really see it that way at all – if anything, he’s made you feel very welcome in their home. would probably try to subtly impress you, showing you his cooking or talking about a paper he aced recently. all in all, he’s a smiley boye that gets really giddy if you’re around!! would probably directly ask you to hang out after sometime :)
this man is a bumbling idiot who’s whipped for you LMAO!! you’re friends with wonu – you guys are in the same major, so you often do hw together, study or just hang out and watch movies together. mingyu is always around when you’re over at the apartment, he kind of follows you around like a golden retriever lol. lowkey overstays his welcome HAHAHA; he doesn’t really leave you or wonwoo alone ljdjkfjasdk. wonwoo is kinda like “??? what are you doing ???” when mingyu emerges from his room with his own study materials and plops down on the living room floor next to you. mingyu replies “studying. obviously.” very casually as he looks up at his friend from where you’re both sitting on the floor. wonu is confused as to why mingyu wants to study with you two, but once the older boy realizes that his friend likes you, it’s hard to actually be annoyed with him about it. mingyu always shoots smiles your way and subtly touches your arm when talking to you; he always takes the seat next to you if it’s vacant. wonwoo is lowkey grossed out watching his best friend be such a huge simp, but mingyu does not! care! you are cute and he’s going to spend time with you, deal w/ it wonu!!! would definitely ask you to hang out alone at some point, but not before running it by wonwoo. i think mingyu would be very clear with his intentions from the beginning, which is why he’d want to spend time with you whenever you’re over. his eyes are shining with affection when he asks if you want to go for a walk in the park with him (wonu is asleep peacefully on the floor, you both put a blanket on him LMAOO); will you go with him?
he would be Normal LOL. but he would definitely send a smile your way every time you came over to hang out with junnie. unironically tries to dress fashionably-casual every time you’re over instead of wearing whatever he wore to bed the night before. besides that, i mostly see him keeping to himself; i don’t think he would go out of his way to interact with you a ton like mingyu just because he’s more of a chill guy lol and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfy by giving you a bunch of attention, you know? will definitely offer you tea when he goes to make some though, especially when you’re over studying late with jun. minghao definitely wants to get to know you more, talk to you, and share stories with you, but i think he would really take his time with a situation like this; he sees no reason to rush approaching you. he gets to know you little by little, and lets you get to know him at the same pace too. he would definitely wait for an opportune moment to fall into his lap when it comes to asking you out – i picture you two coming back from the convenience store with snacks for jun (:3c) and talking casually, when suddenly the topic becomes dating. you mention being single, and minghao calmly expresses his feelings for you, asking you out :) tbh i went overboard w this one i could write an entire oneshot about this concept idk someone stop me
this guy is going to tease chan so much in front of you to impress you LOl DJASFKDSfjd. like you and chan are getting ready to go out and seungkwan comes by and is like “oh my god what are you WEARING…….” and teases him to oblivion. and as someone who also enjoys making fun (in a lighthearted way!!) of chan too you find seungkwan to be super funny. kwan swears that your small laugh could send him into cardiac arrest with how cute he finds it – he also lives for making fun of chan too, so he finds this to be a win-win situation for him lmao. when you leave, chan is just like “!!!! stop making fun of me in front of y/n!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT__TT” and seungkwan is like “lol maybe if you weren’t such a clown, i wouldn’t have to………..” but yeah i also think kwan wants to show you how cool he is lolol. i see him casually humming/singing to himself, showing off his beautiful voice, and you’re like “wow…you have such a nice singing voice!” and he’s like “OMG OMG…im SO embarrassed…YOU HEARD THAT??? OMG IM GONNA DIE…”but on the inside he’s like they like my voice………………….theyre so CUTE……………” as for asking you out, i don’t think that he’d be the one to make the first move. as much as he likes to show off in front of you, when it comes to actually facing you and admitting his feelings he is SHY af LMAO!!! unfortunately, you’re probably going to have to take the reigns on this one and confess first, but if you do his Cool Slay Exterior is going to melt immediately and you’ll be left with a blushing seungkwannie who admits, while looking down on the floor: “i-i……..like you too……….” 
ngl he gives me nervous wreck vibes HAHHA. not quite as shy as jun (lmaoooo) but more like he kind of clams up when you’re around..you know that little wave vern does when he’s feeling a bit shy? Yeah. yeah you see that every time you come over. while he’s hanging out in his room, he secretly agonizes over whether or not to go to the kitchen when you’re around lol. “should i???? can i handle having to look at them????? can i live without water until they go home????” in the beginning, vernon actually did once not leave his room while you were over; it’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to you or be around you, but more like he can’t because otherwise he just becomes an awkward mess!!! and you don’t need to see that!! nope!! seungkwan and chan are a bit puzzled by his behavior around you; vern is a good looking, friendly guy, but for whatever reason when he’s around you he’s just like. so incredibly not that at all, to the point where his friends wonder who the heck that guy is standing in front of you and stuttering because it’s certainly not vernon!! i think the way you’d be able to see more of his true personality/self is if he isn’t talking to you or if he doesn’t know you’re around. when he’s having a funny conversation with kwan (“i’m not a comedian.” “no one said you were…………”), you giggle a little at the exchange, finding his teasing of seungkwan to be quite cute. i think he’s another one where you’d have to take the reins and approach him more; besides the fact that you make him nervous, he feels kind of weird for liking his roomie’s friend. but rest assured, if you say something, he’d definitely want to go out with you :)
this fucking GUY………….my ANNOYING bias…….(/j, /lh, im in love w him). if you’re over at the apartment to hang out with seungkwan and/or vernon, he’s going to make Every Single Excuse to drop by and see you lol. hanging out in vernon’s room? dino will come in like every 20 mins and say like “hyung, i’m making noodles do you want some? what about you, y/n?” watching tv with seungkwan? chan announces that “i’m going to get my laundry downstairs. if you need me, call me.” and then he’d give you a little wave or smile. honestly, you’re kind of in awe of how close the three of them seem to be, and you think it’s cool how they seem to communicate with each other well like that! unbeknownst to you though, vernon and seungkwan find it so annoying LMAOOO…..seungkwan is like “why do you only offer to make us food when y/n’s here -____-” and “ why do you keep interrupting us, we’re trying to watch attorney woo!!! get out!!!! -____-” vernon is less…direct about it, he finds it more hilarious than annoying. when you’re gone, he’ll tell chan stuff like “dude, you don’t have to tell us every time you step out…” and ask why chan gets so weird every time you come over. both older boys can tell their roomie is down horrendous for you, but chan is shameless lol. he definitely asks vern and kwan if you ever talk about him to which they both reply “god no shut up!!! -__-” eventually he admits to them that he likes you (“ok guys…i gotta be honest…i like y/n idk….”) and both of them are just like ?? why did you have to announce this, it’s SO obvious….and chan is just ?????????? IT IS??????? anyway, when he feels it’s time, he’s not going to do anything until he knows that vernon and kwan are 100% ok with him approaching you romantically. (seungkwan: you’ve been throwing yourself at them constantly, why do you need our permission now?????) once they express they’re comfy, he would probably waste no time lol. next time you come over, he offers to walk you to your car and as you’re in the parking lot, he asks you out right there :)))) i’d say yes, would you???
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star-girl69 · 1 year
do you have any hcs for what dating natalie would be like?
Dating Natalie Scatorccio Headcannons
(pre and post crash)
warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs and alcohol, regular yellowjackets things, tell me if i missed anything!!
pre crash
and i mean you can partly place the blame on her using and also her home life, but still
she gets a little jealous…. gets a little crazy….
but sooner or later she’ll finally realize that she’s just being a little silly and apologize to you
date nights for her depend on her mood. if she’s happy? you’re going out and doing something! think shauna and adam in season one- mini golfing, jumping off bridges, etc
if she’s not in a good mood, then she probably just wants you and let’s be honest some drugs and/or alcohol (I LOVE HER I SWEAR)
if her dad is still alive then he’s real suspicious of y’all but HIS DAUGHTER BEING GAY??? HE REFUSES TO EVEN ENTERTAIN THE IDEA
just some gal pal’s to him
when she’s not skipping she’s probably finding some way to annoy you
“will you come to practice today?” “sorry nat i have to study” “oh, okay. will you come to practice today?” “no, i have to study” “that’s cool. will you come to practice today tho?”
and if you’re also on the soccer team she is so happy!!! loves talking to you about what happened during the game bc unlike other people she knows, who don’t like soccer, or aren’t as into it as her, you just get it like no one else does
communicating with looks across the fields for sure
if you’re not on the team you basically are bc she INSISTS you come to every single game and every single practice
“PLEASE I HAVE A TEST TOMORROW I HAVE TO STUDY!!!!” “but like we win every time you’re there so….”
coach martinez genuinely told you to stop studying and get on the field and you were like ???
but he insisted so you walked out there until natalie was like ???
“you do realize y/n is not actually on the team, right, coach….?”
natalie is so done with the wilderness as soon as she gets there like
especially during the summer months even if you suck you’re going hunting with her
like literally imagine just sitting on a tree stump while natalie just goes PEW PEW PEW and the brings back like a bunch of dead rabbits bc she’s amazing like that
she LOVESSSS reminding you (and everyone tbh) that she was the one to get the food
“omg this is so good” “thanks yeah what can i say i have a gift”
she totally finds a little corner of the cabin somewhere and just is like: me and you here ok? ok
winter months get crazy
all of sudden she’s like no don’t come hunting stay back but like you’ve gotten weirdly into it now and besides YOU WANT TO BE WITH HER??
“no you can’t come”
“bc it’s cold!!!!”
“ok and??? you’re going!!!”
eventually she’ll probably cave in and let you come but TRUST she is wrapping you up herself you look like a little penguin at the end probably
but if it’s ever like REALLY cold she is not above begging to make sure you stay in the cabin
everything taglist:
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raineandsky · 5 months
There’s been a new series of attacks on the city. Nothing that anyone can blame on current villains, no—this is the work of someone new. Someone crueller than the rest.
The hero can’t catch them. No one knows why. The hero always shrugs and promises to try harder when people ask. No one knows. No one can know.
A building blows up, the hero gets called in, she’s always too late. The superhero is slowly losing patience, but appearances matter—the hero always throws them her best winning smile with a pledge to bring the fist of justice down on the vigilante, and her word on it seems to calm them down a little.
Easy. Keep up appearances. Stay alert. Don’t get caught.
This is the hero’s mantra that she always repeats to herself, minutes before she gets her inevitable call to the crime scene. 
Keep up appearances. With a flick of her wrist a match lights, pushing the gloom back slightly. Stay alert. She carefully holds it to a long fuse at her feet. Don’t get caught. The light sparks, and the hero starts to make her getaway before the bomb sets off and the building collapses on her. She sets her stopwatch—three minutes. Okay.
Across the hall. Downstairs. To the main door and out—
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The hero whips back, with barely contained horror, to face the villain, leaning against a doorframe and smirking at the hero like he knows something. The hero’s insides twist nervously at the expression. “Didn’t take you for a derelict building kind of gal,” he continues casually.
“All the city is under my watch,” she snaps a little too quickly. “Derelict buildings are in my care, too, just as much as the populated ones are.”
The hero can hear the hissing of the fuse upstairs, even from here. The villain can too, from the way he tilts his head thoughtfully. Or maybe she’s imagining things and he can’t hear a thing.
She moves to get past the villain. He leans across the doorway as if that can truly stop her. It wouldn’t, but catching the villain in an about-to-be-blown-up building was not part of the plan. She fixes him with a hard glare instead. “I suggest you move,” she spits, but the villain only laughs.
“What, no time for a dance with your favourite criminal?”
He holds his hands out to her like he’s serious but she bats him away. “Leave, [Villain],” she demands, praying it sounds more like a command than a warning. “You shouldn’t be here.”
She shoves past him and he thankfully moves this time, stumbling back into the doorframe as she skirts around him. He follows her as she lets herself out the main door, and she’s distantly thankful that he’s so persistent. 
“And you should?” the villain snaps harshly. “The agency sends its finest out to wander about buildings five seconds from collapsing?”
The hero would laugh at the irony if she wasn’t so worried about how close they are to the door and how short that fuse surely is by now. She turns to him and hopes her usual heroic smugness is sitting in its place.
“If you want to dance,” she says, quicker than can be played off as smooth, “we can do it where everyone can watch.”
She turns to run but the villain catches her arm, uncharacteristic concern etched into this expression. “What’s going on with you?” he asks softly. “You’re acting weird.”
Fuck, he knows. He’s going to carefully pry a confession out of her like he’s the good guy. Okay, I’m the big scary villain everyone’s looking for! I’m the one bringing the city to its knees! Then the villain will arrest her or some shit. He’s an undercover hero. He’s– he’s going to tell the superhero, her life is over. He knows, he knows he knows he knows—
The hero’s stopwatch beeps cheerfully from her pocket, and before she can think what she’s doing she tackles the villain to the floor.
Whatever noise of surprise the villain made at the contact is lost to the deafening boom of the bomb erupting, gutting the building without a care. She can’t see it—doesn’t want to, not really—but the debris scatters across the street like a taste of the carnage behind her. She can see some of the disaster in the reflection of the villain’s widened, startled eyes—fire, smoke, and merciless, cold-hearted destruction.
The villain finally manages to tear his gaze from the mutilated remains of the building and back to the hero. She can’t meet his eye. He knows. There’s no doubt he does. She stares at where concrete is jabbing into her palms instead.
“Did you just save my life?“ His question almost sounds offended. The hero almost laughs at the unexpectedness of it.
“You’re welcome.”
His gaze flits back to the building crumbling over the hero’s shoulder. “You—” His voice catches on nerves. She’s never seen him actually scared of her before. “You did that. You’ve done all of them.”
No point in lying anymore. “I have to do a lot to get the agency’s attention nowadays.”
Something pulls at the corner of the villain’s lips, and it takes her a moment to realise that it’s a smile. Unabashed, delighted, like he’s just stumbled across a pile of gold.
“You’re on the wrong team,” he says. “There’s a place for someone like you with us.”
And, to be honest, the hero knows he’s right.
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akiizayoi4869 · 6 months
I don’t like how Zirin and the gals get the Mai and Ty Lee treatment where everything they did seems to be blamed on Azula. Azula had to stop Zirin from striking Kiyi in S&S, and I don’t like that the established darkness to her was washed away. It's like Faith Hicks is saying, "See! Even the fire warriors are saints compared to Azula."
As much as I really didn't care for the Fire Warrios/Kemurikage, I agree. This franchise has a serious problem with having characters doing bad things, and then all of a sudden having them blame Azula for everything as a way to redeem them. The franchise's new motto is probably this: "When in doubt, blame Azula."
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
In honor of How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days and Matthew McConaughey: “Great Answer.” “Good Question.” With Hangman
make my motor run
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pairing- finnegan (everybody wants some!!) x afab reader
synopsis- everyone thinks finn is so sweet. you're not convinced.
warnings- 18+ minors and glen powell - you are not welcome here. protected piv, oral (f receiving), slight dumbification/degradation, praise kink. reader has ethically not great motives around sleeping with finn but do we honestly think finn cares? no
length- 2.1k
an- not hangman, but it's still glen so...close enough? this is the crossover literally not one person asked for - how to lose a guy in 10 days (if you squint a little) & everybody wants some
idk y'all, i don't have it in me to be ashamed anymore. this is just smut with some bants. idk if anyone even wants to read this but the glen powell brain rot is real so it had to be done so it'd stop rattling around in my mind. blame glen and his stupidly handsome face and the fact that he steals every scene he's in
title from my sharona - the knack
tagging some finn peeps - @sebsxphia / @iguana-braces / @justalonelyslytherin
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It’s Saturday night. Against your better judgment, you’re at the rickety baseball houses, silently debating if you’ll have time to get a tetanus shot before your study group tomorrow morning.
Finn twirls his pipe between his fingers, leaning against the porch railing in a ridiculous paisley button-up. “Aside from how to take my breath away, what do you study here, ladies?”
“Does that ever actually work on real, human women?” You ask, ignoring the elbow to your ribs that Sophia digs into your side, presumably to get you to shut up.
The blond tilts his head, processing. He eventually grins. “Take no prisoners kinda gal, aren’t ya? I like that.” 
You hold back a grunt when Sophia elbows you again, answering the question before you can snark him any further. “We’re both journalism majors.” 
Going to take a sip of your drink, something you’ll surely need to swallow whatever faux-enlightened comment he has about that little piece of information; you furrow your brows when you realize it’s empty.
“I’ll grab you another drink, try not to miss me too much.” Finn winks, the bastard. What a ham. 
Your eye roll is barely contained when Sophia gives you a knowing look. 
“Oh, come on, he’s sweet,” she insists. 
“You’ve seen him with other girls, right? Everything out of his mouth is a line, Soph. It’s all bullshit. He’s pandering to us, so he seems better, different than his asshole teammates. It’s insulting.”
“Then why haven’t you told him to fuck off?”
“I think he’d be a good subject for my article.”
Her eyes widen. “About benevolent misogyny?”
“That’s the one.”
“How far are you gonna take this? Sleep with him to prove a point about how far a chauvinistic male will go for sex?”
You shrug. You hadn’t really thought it through, honestly. It’s not like it’d be a chore, he is pretty hot when he keeps his mouth shut.
She takes your silence as confirmation. “That’s kind of fucked up.” 
“Can’t be worse than changing your entire personality every other night just to get laid.” 
You find yourself sitting on the roof with Finn, having already shown up his mediocre golf swing. You’d never admit it to Soph, but your article is the furthest thing from your mind right now.
“True or false: all fundamental beliefs are reasonable.” You’re so taken aback by his pop quiz you almost don’t notice him sitting down behind you, pulling you into the space between his legs.
Smooth. You roll your eyes, but don’t move away. “False.” 
You can hear the smile in his voice. “I see someone’s already taken Philosophy 101 with Roberts.” 
“Yes, but that’s irrelevant. That’s an insane statement regardless.” 
When you turn to catch a glimpse of him you see him opening his mouth, ostensibly to argue, but you shake your head. “My turn. True or false: all’s fair in love and war.” 
You can’t help the smirk that tugs at your lips. “Great answer.” 
Finn positively beams. “Good question!” His hands drift up from your hips, working their way under your flimsy tank before he brings his lips to your ear, murmuring, “True or false: you’re gonna let me take you inside so I can take you apart.” 
Your breath hitches. “True.” 
He turns your head to him, mouth pressing against yours, mustache tickling you, soft and sweet for just a moment, before he slides his tongue into your mouth filthily. “Let’s go then, honey.”
Your tiny denim shorts and little tank get lost on the floor of his bedroom almost immediately, skin ablaze as he pushes you back onto his bed, on soft forest green sheets that smell like him – warm and spicy and earthy. He stays standing as he makes quick work of his own clothes, raking his eyes across your naked form.
You try not to shy away from his gaze, meeting his eyes defiantly as you feel slick pooling between your thighs. You’re barely keeping yourself from rubbing them together, words laced with an edge you don’t feel. “Thought you were working on a degree in cunnilingus. Put that mouth to good use, Finn.”
There’s a sparkle in those green eyes that you catch just before he braces himself above you, arms bracketing your head. His words are muffled against your skin as he kisses his way down your body. “Overheard that, did you? Knew you were paying special attention to me.”
You roll your eyes, mouth open to respond, but he drags his lips across your collarbone before his mouth closes around a nipple, effectively driving any wit from you.
He pushes your legs open wide, settling himself between them. His chest presses into the mattress as his arms wrap around your thighs where he’s busy putting them over his shoulders. When his mustache brushes against your thigh's sensitive skin, it sends shivers racketing through you and you feel his smirk only centimeters away from where you want it. 
He licks his lips as your resolve crumbles with every passing second.
“C’mon, Finn, please,” you whine, threading your hands through his shaggy hair, trying in vain to pull him closer to your cunt.
“Impatient,” he tsks. You lean up to fix him with a glare, but it only makes him chuckle. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll take care of you.”
He finally, finally licks a stripe up your slit, and despite it being exactly what you asked for, you tug on hard on the blond hair between your fingers in surprise. He groans long and low, vibrations rolling through your body from your center where his lips are busy fixing themselves to your clit. 
His buries his face in you, moaning against your cunt as his tongue laps at you like a starved man. “Could spend hours drowning in this pussy, tastes so fucking good.”
The sound that leaves you in answer to that is pathetic – high and whiny – hips bucking. His big hands are gripping you so tight you’re sure there’ll be bruises high on your legs tomorrow. He stiffens his tongue to fuck it in and out of you, nose bumping your clit and making you shake, your eyes rolling back into your head.
Any sense of shame, any idea that you should keep yourself quiet in this house full of strangers has left you – your existence narrowed down to your hands in his hair, his lips on your cunt, the moans tearing their way from your throat, unbidden.
Your legs dig into his back, urging him in, hurtling towards the point of no return so fast all you can think of is needing more. He moves his lips back to your clit, hand loosening his death grip enough to slide a finger into the wet mess you’ve become at the same time he curls his lips and sucks.
“Don’t stop, please, Finn I -” You’re begging now, grinding against his face as much as you can in the vice-like grip he still has on you. He doubles his efforts, tongue working over your clit harder, finger inside you curling as you burn with the intensity of it, electricity bursting beneath your skin as the tension finally bursts, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
Your legs feel like jelly. You let go of his blond locks belatedly, resigning yourself to your new existence as a puddle, a melted version of your former self. 
He looks up from between your legs and grins. 
You grab for his arms where they’re still flexed around your thighs, bringing him up face to face with you. He smiles, dropping sweet kisses to your parted lips and warm cheeks. Whining, you wrap your legs around his waist, wordlessly trying to pull him to you, get him inside of you, greedy for him.
“Don’t tell me a smart girl like you doesn’t know how to use her words,” Finn goads, laughter curling in his words, and you’re torn between wanting to smack him and beg like your life depends on it. You’re so distracted you barely notice him shifting his weight to his knees so he can reach for a condom, tear it open with his teeth, and roll it on.
You try to glare but he braces himself over you again, rubbing his cock between your folds, catching your oversensitive clit and a truly embarrassing whimper comes out, eyes blurring with a mix of pain and pleasure instead. “Finnegan.” 
“Yeah, baby?”
Taking a deep breath, you try to get your last functioning brain cell to cooperate. “Get inside me right now or so help me –”
You can still feel the amusement on his lips as he ducks his head down to slot your mouths together to cut you off, swallowing your moan as he pushes into you, slow and steady. 
When you flex your legs around his waist impatiently, he chuckles before setting a relentless pace, grinding his cock into you hard with each push. It’s too much, it’s not enough, it sets your skin on fire, it rackets the headboard against the wall – if his teammates didn’t know what was happening before, they certainly have a good idea now.
Your head lolls to the side as he hits that spot inside you on every thrust, nerves overloaded as you grip the nape of his neck, just trying to hold on.
“Fuck,” he groans, looking down at the glazed expression taking over your features. “Not gonna last long.” 
The thought that he’s already so close from having his mouth on you has your eyes crossing, cunt clenching around his thick length. His face crumples, mouth parting like you’ve just knocked the wind out of him. “Trying to kill me, honey?”
He lifts one of your legs to his shoulders, leaning down towards you and bending you in half – pushing limits to flexibility you didn’t even know you had.
“Wanna feel you come on my cock, you can do that for me, can’t you?” Finn asks, panting against your cheek, deft fingers moving down to circle your clit.
The sparks shooting through you as he presses into your center border on pain but you’re nodding, head bobbing up and down of its own accord, nails scratching red along his shoulders as you get closer and closer.
“Good girl,” he grunts and you keen, his words hurtling you towards the edge again. “So good for me…look at you, smart ass, brilliant girl fucked dumb on my cock.”
He’s pulling almost all the way out of you on every thrust now, slamming back in, and your back arches against him, a string of unintelligible noises leaving you that you’re just barely aware of, mewling filling the air in the room as your release snaps through you, ears ringing.
When you come to, still shaking and clenching around him, he’s running his mouth still, a litany of praise and groans of fuck honey, perfect for me, spilling from his bitten, red lips. His hips tear forward without rhythm as he pumps into you one last time, filling the condom before dropping your leg and collapsing next to you, strings holding him up suddenly cut.
Finn rolls to the side, and you stare at the cracks in the ceiling, wondering if you’ll ever be able to move again. You think he’s talking, but you can’t even begin to register what he’s saying. 
“Did I fuck all the brains out of the mouthy girl I brought up here?” Finn asks, amused when you don’t respond.
“Just surprised you wanted audience participation for your post-sex speech,” you snark, trying not to belay how difficult it is to form words currently.
“Well, I think Joanna Russ would disparage of me if I were indifferent to your thoughts and opinions immediately after getting off.”
 You raise an eyebrow. “You know who Joanna Russ is?”
 “The Female Man is a cornerstone of feminist literature. I read it be—”
 You can’t help but interrupt, brain quickly coming back online. “Because you thought it was going to be about the ideal woman through a man’s eyes.”
 He even has the gall to look offended. “Of course not, everyone knows Russ is a feminist writer.”
“Then you read it so more women would sleep with you after hearing that you’d read it.” He presses his lips together to hold back a smile and you snort. “I knew it.”
“Honey, don’t get mad at me just because it works.”
You lay your head on his chest, trying not to purr like a kitten as his hands tangle in your hair.
“I enjoy Jack Kerouac too if you really want to round out your article. Paint a full picture.”
Your eyes widen, trying desperately to keep in the surprised squeak when you look up to meet jade eyes and see them filled with mischief.
“Just a thought,” he murmurs, hands resuming their movements on your scalp, lulling you toward sleep.
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full disclosure i haven't actually read the female man but i'm pretty sure it was published in the 70s which seemed fitting for ews being set in the 80s. thanks for reading!
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