#stuck energy
floating-in-waves · 11 months
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empoweryoucoaching · 11 months
Girl, put your records on....
If you feel lost & broken, or that people and life are unfair, you’ve got some stuck energy that needs to move. put some music on, clear some clutter, go for a walk. move your body, shift the energy and know that life is working for you, not against you. Girl, put your records on… Have a fantastic weekend….x
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shericonaway · 1 month
Pushing Myself Physically, Closing Doors Emotionally
Compensating with Excessive Physical Effort According to most of my friends and fellow dancers, I’m a lot more active than most people so soon after major surgery. In my defense, I thought 3 months was excessive in the first place, though in some instances, it’s been spot on. I’ve increased my daily walks, albeit accidentally, to about 2.65 miles, but I know when I need to cut back. Case in…
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now-here-now · 2 months
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thoughts, endless fiddle faddle, tangled up bundle of strings and whatever I found on the road or a bubble gum, totally void of taste, stiff from too much gnawing and chewing and this I´m supposed to use to explain the feelings inside of me
I can´t I know the uselesness, the destructive effects, the simple lack of truth this bubble gum contains
so how how to utter what´s inside how to express without hurting, derailing, missing the point the fresh, juicy truth beyond the gum
silence doesn´t help now the energy has to be moved something wants to be ex·pressed
? ahhhh a question I begin with a question for you ¿ what are you perceiving right now ?
relieve from there on I get a first distraction an insight into your universe an epiphany that the bubble gum indeed has no relevance whatsoever
instead clarity flow juicy truth pouring out of me every cell of my body feeling the overwhelming wave of freshness
art "cosmic chew" by carmichorror
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thehealingdance · 8 months
Energy update
what is going on in the energy field ~ a perspective
It's been a while again since the last update. Every time there is a gap, I learn something new about the field and my perception of it. It's becoming clear to me that while the radar might be on, so to speak, all the time ~ taking the time to sit, collect myself and put words to what I am experiencing is a different kettle of fish.
Two different skill sets. I am finding that I a better at one than the other.
And I'm saying this here for all other sensitives, empaths, and intuitives to take on board ~ your sense of the energy field is one thing and likely comes naturally to you. Translating that sense into 3D concepts requires a more active, directed processing of your perceptions than the feeling of it.
Just something to keep in your awareness. 😊
Speaking of awareness, let's get into my sense of the flows in the energy field.
It has been quite fascinating to watch over the last week, the last days. A week ago I changed geographic location ~ and with that, my sense of the energy field changed quite a bit. For a good while, everything felt much lighter, open, softer.
That was in part due to me being in a different location, I believe. But I'm also aware that there was a lot of powerful energy work being done last week as well, so at least some part was me picking up on that, too.
Now, today, the field feels different. There is a heaviness hanging half-way in the air, on the outskirts of my awareness. Yes, it is strange to put it that way, but it's also exactly what I'm sensing.
This heaviness is not a negativ one, at least not now. Not anymore. It used to be, I think, and so if your perception of the last week included a lot of heaviness, then likelyhood is that's what you've been tuning into.
But now, to my sense, it doesn't have that much of a direct effect on the field anymore. It's still there, yes. But it's in the process of being extracted. Again the best way I can put it.
And that is a great thing. On the one hand.
On the other hand, every time something is extracted ~ pushed out ~ realigned ~ resolved, there is a space opening in the field that will bring things to light. It will ripple through the field, affecting all beings, but so many won't have a clue (and might even search for the solution to their sudden symptoms, afflictions in pills or wine or social media).
I don't think we have the luxury of being unaware any longer. The luxury of ignoring what is moving. At least not if we're being genuine about our journey towards soul realisation and ascension.
So what I'm sensing here is that with the extraction of the heaviness from the field, some long buried shit will get pulled up. And that might be personal, but I don't think it will be, not primarily. This feels bigger picture. This is something that affects all ~ something that has been carefully, deliberately hidden is coming to light. Undeniably.
It will have strong effects on all. Like earthquakes shaking the land, humans' understanding of self and reality will get shaken up
This is not a prediction, by the way. I'm not claiming some Big Secret, some Big Truth will be revealed (thereby proving all those who have been laughed at and ridiculed before right).
All I'm saying is that my sense of the enegry field seems to be pointing in that direction.
I am as curious about this as you might be. So I will sit here, hold the energy, watch what is moving and keep feeling into the field.
However, if you have any information on what my sense of the field might crystallise into in the 3D, I'd love to hear about it!
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pokeberry5 · 5 months
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i feel like i never draw tim smiling but bb robin tim smiles a lot! (in between angst and tragedy)
brought to you by my continued attempts at figuring out tim’s early robin hair
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yuu9o · 2 months
Ren bby🥺
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Twitter saw it first but i post over here too just in case..
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 7 months
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freakadr0id · 2 years
I don't think I can get over this little moment with Donnie when they're trying to save Leo from the prison dimension.
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Our boy is PISSED. We've seen him upset and frustrated a few times throughout the show but this? This is pure rage.
Leo is the one Donnie has butted heads with the most throughout the show and movie. They argue and they tease each other, but at the end of the day, they love each other. I think we see the culmination of that right here, where Donnie is furious at the thought of losing Leo again and is determined to get him back.
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He doesn't even say anything here, which I think makes this more impactful since this is just another moment of raw emotion from Mr. "Emotionally Unavailable". It's such a small moment but it's an important one, especially for Donnie's character.
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ice-sculptures · 2 years
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#someone save jonathan byers
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viktormaru · 1 year
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Omen and his besties who are all mean goth-y girls
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cecils-dragons · 7 months
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AGAB(asigned grandpa at birth)
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flipperbrain-awakes · 3 months
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Shadowhunters 1.06
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hellishgayliath · 9 months
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Somebody help him, he doesn't know how to drink out of cups 😂
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lancteu · 3 months
im gonna do actual art soon i promise
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lotuslate · 5 months
art from my wwx playlist:
🎵 Summer Rain - Bauke Top
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