#swirly trees
klbaileyart80 · 2 months
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Starting a new series of paintings in my signature 'swirly trees' style of different pride flags. Starting with the asexual flag because it best represents me (actually demisexual but that flag doesn't really work with this painting style!)
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kenobihater · 3 months
reblog for a bigger sample size of former angry, creative, and/or highly dramatic children
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hellhoundlair · 6 months
on the topic of jess and sams apartment --
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its normally pretty hard to see, but look at all the easels and paintings and plants on the window sils 🥺 they painted 🥺 they watered plants 🥺🥺🥺
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calicocritterz4u · 2 months
Gamers we are WINNING
(I am doing a menial task that requires 0 brainpower)
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Springtime in a Seattle neighborhood. Photographed with a vintage Helios 58mm ƒ2 lens to create the soft glow.
Photography by Shel Buchler sheldonbuchler.com Select prints available in my shop! Contact me if you’d like a print that isn’t available
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Wuya, my girl. I love your hair but how am I supposed to draw it?
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steampoweredstrawberry · 10 months
Was talking to someone about the genres of first and second-wave goth songs, and these are the genres I decided are most prevalent:
Songs about Dracula*
*Does not actually have to be about Dracula.
These are songs about some pre-existing gothic and/or horror media. See: Bela Lugosi is Dead by Bauhaus. Can be combined with other genres to be used as metaphor. Can also just be about the thing. You do you my spooky liege.
Songs about Monsters
It's exactly the same as Songs about Dracula except this time it's a legally distinct monster, babey!
Songs about Being Sad
The parent to the Emo "I Have Mental Illness" song. Usually flowery language to talk about one's struggles with depression (or other mental illness). Popularly combined with Songs about Dracula.
Songs about Hot Goth Girl
A cousin to the hair metal "Smoking Hot Chick I want to do Sex Things with" song. Hot Goth Girl is a Queen of the Eternal Darkness and she demands reverence and respect out of her songs. Goth Man will tell us how she is the Queen of the Eternal Darkness and how he follows her into damnation in flowery language. And also how he wants to do Sex Things with her.
Breakup with Hot Goth Girl
This is the Queen of Eternal Darkness in her villain era. Also sometimes Goth Man telling us he's low key curious about BDSM.
This is the song where Goth Man tells us he's really into subbing for Hot Goth Girl. That's pretty much it. Works well with Breakup with Hot Goth Girl
Dealer's Choice
This is whatever you want. Want to talk to me about a train for seven minutes? Go for it. You have a dream about traveling through space and getting to see different planets? Awesome. You got some Bronte Sister fanfiction? Love to see it.
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m0nstrgrrl · 1 year
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from 2day
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keeps-ache · 2 years
drinking horchata (however you spell it ;-;) and it tastes like joanns during christmas <3
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klbaileyart80 · 2 months
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Latest in my new series of paintings in my signature swirly trees style inspired by the colours of different pride flags. This one is the bisexual pride flag - I think it's the prettiest one!
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ravencrow-shinies · 1 year
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Day 3
painting some random flowers as a gift while listening to random songs.
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st-hedge · 5 months
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Kudos to the chef who made the swirly sky island trees
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bet-on-me-13 · 8 months
The Ghost King's Son
So! Cloning is a difficult process.
It takes time, lots of time. Sure, it's possible to accelerate the Growth of a Clone to make them older in a shorter time frame, but that often leads to Destabilization within weeks of completion.
And Cadmus didn't want to take any chances when designing their Kryptonian/Human Hybrid. They started growing him much earlier than they originally did, and let him grow at a semi-normal rate for most of his life.
This comes back to bite them in the butt however, when an asset breaks out of containment and ruins their Internal Power Generators. This causes a blackout that takes hours to resolve, and by the time they fix it all and reestablish the Security Systems, they notice one of the Clones is missing.
The Kryptonian/Human Clone has escaped.
Kr-1 is confused. He had woken up in a tube a few hours ago to some alarms, and decided he didn't like it, so he broke out. Then he wandered around until he ended up outside, and just kept on Wandering.
It had been hours, and he didn't know where he was. It seemed to be some type of Forest, but he didn't know what kind.
He just kept on wandering. It started to get boring though, the trees all looked the same and there weren't even any animals around. Then, something interesting happened!
A green thing appeared in the air! It was glowing and swirly and had a kind of pull to it. So, he touched it. And it sucked him in. And now he wasn't in the Forest. And this place seemed much more interesting!
There were a bunch of floating rocks, and the sky was green, and everything else was purple.
And there was a man. Looking at him hurt his eyes, he seemed to be a kid and then an man and then an old man and then a kid again whenever he blinked. He was saying something, but Kr-1 didn't understand him. He didn't think he had been taught language yet? What was language?
The Kid/Man/Old-Man lead him to a big building made of bricks and mortar. It looked like a big spiky building with towers and walls and stuff. Inside it looked cool, with candles and carpets and even more stuff.
He was taken to a room with a guy who didn't hurt his eyes to look at. He had white hair and green eyes, but his skin wasn't blue like the old guy. He had a piece of ice on his head, it looked like a crown but it was glowing.
The Guy walked up to him and pointed to himself, and kept repeating something. "Danny".
Eventually Kr-1 realized that it was his name. He then pointed to Him and said "name?"
He tilted his head confused, and the guy, Danny, let his head fall with a sigh.
"This is gonna be harder than I thought."
He wondered what those words mean?
It had been a few years since the newly dubbed Conner had begun to live with Danny.
He had been hesitant to adopt the Living 9 yr old Child when Clockwork had brought him to his Castle, explaining that he had run into a Natural Portal, but he had accepted in the end.
It took a while to teach Conner how to understand Language. He seemed to know very little for a kid his age, but after Clockwork had dug around his personal timeline they figured out that he was a Clone. He probably hadn't reached the Information Planting Stage of development when he escaped.
After learning about this however, Danny began teaching him everything he should have learned in his early life, such as Elementary level education and some social interaction. He even brought around Ellie to see if she had any advice for helping him develop into a healthy young boy.
She did help a bit, but was mostly preoccupied with spoiling her new Nephew rotten.
Eventually, Conner had caught up to the level he should have been at his age, and started living in both the Realms and in Amity.
He was having a good life, had some great friends, and was even starting to learn to use his Kryptonian Powers now that they were coming in.
He loves his new Family, his Dad is goofy and fun, his Aunt Ellie likes to spoil him rotten, his Aunt Jazz is the responsible one but still loves him, and even his grandparents are great in their own Insane way.
But not all great things can last.
It was supposed to be a normal Field Trip. Conner was 15 and his school was taking a Trip to Washington DC, to see the sights or to learn about history or something.
But stuff happens. They just so happen to pass by a certain lab, that lab just so happens to be testing out a new Yellow Sun Energy Detector, and one of the Scientists who worked on Conner just so happens to see him in the bus as it passes by and the detector goes off.
In the end, they manage to recapture him and place him back into his Pod, beginning to prep him for Reeducation. (Let's say they mamage to repress his memories)
Cut to 1 year later and a team of Sidekicks break into the Lab and successfully steal away the Clone again.
The Clone who knows he had a dad who had black hair and blue eyes, who helped him use his powers, who looks a lot like Superman.
Conner, in his slightly Amnesiac state thinks he has already met Superman and that he had raised him. Which makes it so much more hurtful when Superman outright rejects him. He thinks his Dad just rejected him, the Dad who he thinks he remembers loving him very much.
(Danny had been frantically looking for his son for over a year now. Where is he? Is he Okay? What happened to him? He knows at least that he isn't dead yet, but he really wants to find his son)
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Flowers and moss, who could want more?!
Photography by Shel Buchler sheldonbuchler.com Select prints available in my shop! Contact me if you’d like a print that isn’t available
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n0tamused · 6 days
Will you stay?
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A/n: save me sad dragon general, save me... sad dragon general you better get ready cause I'm sending happiness your way whether you like it or not
Content: Jiyan x Reader (fem implied, but no pronouns used), angst undertone but it all turns to fluff, Jiyan referred to as a husband, word vomit, non sexual nudity implied, not proof-read, maybe a tiny bit ooc? Feedback is appreaciated
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Moonlight cascades through the open window in silky streams, showering the white sheets with silver and shimmer. The world is at peace, and quiet prevails all around, much unlike the main battle front. For only a few hours he spends here, Jiyan feels as if his lifelong wish is fulfilled. A facade it is, a dream, but it is comforting in all its delusion. Maybe one day it will come true, and he won't be forced to abandon your warm embrace for another month, and more, to fight.
His eyes move from the window and down at you where you have nestled yourself against his chest, your arms draped around him. It’s well into the depth of the night, yet both of you are denying sleep that so obviously hangs heavy over your eyelids - as any hour more means longer time spent together. And up until that point he has been listening to you talk about your days in the city, your fingertips tracing his chest and the occasional scar that paints itself thin and textured, different from the rest of his smooth skin. When you trailed off, he was quick to notice. His chin dipping slightly down to look at you.
Your finger neverending in its work of drawing him out, feeling him in all his warmth, living warmth - and your eyes lost themselves in images your mind conjured of what the battlefield looked like now. Red skies and twisted lands soiled with blood of people from the same city you were in now, the same people that were once someone’s little boys and girls, daddy’s girl and momma’s boys. Only now they were decades older with heavy bags under their eyes, lying in the desolate lands under trees for cover. 
“Don’t think about it.. don’t.. let that plague your mind, my dear” Jiyan spoke up, his hand coming up to cup yours that had begun to shake over his chest, fingers curling into your palms. Jiyan wished he could take this worry away from you, he wished he could protect you from the horrific unknown and all the terrifying images of your imagination, but such a task was an impossible one. Your bare body can only share his warmth and hold on to what is currently there.
“(Y/n).. “
“Tell me about your days..” you whispered, cutting him off as timidly as a petal of a flower. You pick your head up and place it on top of his chest, gazing into those golden eyes you had dreams of when he was gone. Pretty in all their glory, even as they regarded you with worry and question. Jiyan sighs softly, his eyes wandering to the ceiling and the small swirly patterns that show up with the moon. That was your choice to put up there, little swirls and dots and constellations..
“Days are long and tiring. I often miss the smell of the city while out at the front, and your cooking. The ingredients and supplies are scarce but we are alright, we are holding together, my dear” his words resonate softly in your ears, and to an extent they bring you comfort. His thumb is rubbing the inside of your palm, massaging the soft skin until the shakiness subsides, and furthermore. “During the down-time, when there’s no danger to confront, the soldiers always seem to find new ways to entertain themselves” at that a small smile broke over his solemn and tired features, prompting you to smile as well. He has told you before how men would jest and play, little children stuck in bodies of adults, chasing one another after one of them threw a boot at someone. It was a reminder all of these soldiers were people and that they were alive, but most importantly they still held onto their humanity and hope. So much hope that one could feel it from a mile away. 
“The other day, before our departure towards here, they were bold enough to attempt a small jest about me and it backfired, well it was unintentional frankly, I just happened to walk in on them. I suppose a new rumor broke out how I dismiss people from the military after I give them  medical assistance”
“What? That’s ridiculous.. You wouldn’t send anyone home unless they were really badly behaving or injured”
“Yes. But that doesn’t quell the rumors, especially among the new cadets, which makes me think this is some ploy of the more experienced bunch as to scare the youth But..as I was walking by the tents and corners I ran into this group huddled under the lamp, talking about this rumor. I’m not sure what came over me, but I just marched up to them and coldly began to question them, about what they were doing and such” A stupid smile came across his lips now, a childish one you relished in seeing and it make you physically perk up to hear the rest of the story. Your leg came over his waist as you tried to comfortably lay on his chest.
“One of those men had a pretty bad leg wound from the day prior, but nothing life threatening. However, he has been quite snarky with Captains and other soldiers, so I gazed at his bandaged wound, then up at him, and then I asked if he wanted me to take a look at it. The team went silent as a grave, my love- I..”
“The rumor had so much effect on them? Pfftt-” “Yes! I was quite shocked too, I had to hold back my surprise, but he went pale, I can’t even describe it to you. Whoever created this rumor really was creative, I need to give them that, but I really couldn’t play so long afterwards. I had to clear it up..”
You giggle at his words, forehead pressing against his collarbone as your chest flutters with warmth, just imagining this scenario was silly - has your husband become such a menace in the army? Him? Sure, he was skilled beyond belief, but the way he laid beneath you and the way he touched you could never make you believe he was scary. You know him, for crying out loud! And due to that, this was all the funnier.
Jiyan joined your fit of giggles, other hand rubbing and holding your back, pushing you up against his chest that jumped with cackles. “Goodness- now you’re laughing at me as well” he comments lightheartedly.
“Apologies, apologies, I can’t help myself” you respond and slowly come back to your composure with a long sigh of relief. “Those poor souls, scared by my precious husband. Perhaps I should start scolding you at home more often” Your hand sneaks from his hold and pinches his cheek teasingly, causing  him to click his tongue and pull away, reminded of the way his mother would do the same action when he was younger, although not so teasingly or playfully. His arms squeeze around your shoulders, his other arm soon joining its pursuit of keeping you still against him.
“Perhaps you should not. I missed you too much, but then again.. If scolding me is the way to hear more of your voice, I could get used to it..” Jiyan says as he releases his tight hold of you, letting you slump against his chest with a small exhale. “But now..” his lips found your forehead, pressing a lingering kiss to it before pulling away. “You must rest. I know how little sleep you got the last few days..” he says and reaches for the covers that were pushed down in your small tussle. The blanket covers your back and you instantly feel warmer, nestled here against him.
The thought of him leaving makes a pang settle in your heart once more, heavy and sharp. “Jiyan.. will you be able to stay for breakfast at least?” you ask him, hoping, wishing, praying.. just an hour will do.
“.. I will. I’ll wake you up, aright? We’ll cook something together..” There’s promise in his voice and it is undeniably prevalent and true, otherwise he would not be saying these things. Jiyan kissed your forehead again, hugging you against him and closing his eyes.
The upcoming morning suddenly became something to look forward to.
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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py-dreamer · 5 months
The hero and the warrior were like the sun and the mo-
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@cats-and-confusion, @leesbian42
Ayo, back with some shenanigans in space, WOO!
Obviously inspired by macaques gay play tm
Its actually a redraw of this:
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Also done by me, just a while back
I was quite conflicted if I should colour in Wukong and Mac like in the bapc pic or just go with the simpler shadowplay aesthetic
And honestly? Quite pleased with how it came out
But I still wonder what it'd look like in a different style so you MIGHT see another version sooon!
I will admit, the trees look much better this time. Less like big broccolis and more like trees
And that's cause I used a reference this time, I based them off of peach trees and used the peach/memory flower I designed in my earlier designs for the space outlaw gang only in the shadowplay style
And praise the Lord for copy paste!
It would've taken FOREVER to draw all those itty bitty flowers, although keeping track of the copies in the layers and merging them was a nightmare.
Planets are the same as the first pic, no big deal
I gave mihou white fur cause its a popular headcanon and it looked pretty, I would assume in intimate moments like this, he'd be able to let down the glamor
Also sadly couldn't do the same for wukong cause I couldn't find a shade that looked good (I'm so sorry, wukong (T^T))
The purple clouds are inspired by the swirly purple clouds Mac uses in his shadow play.
And that's about everything
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(Click pic for less sh!tty quality)
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